Planning Committee
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Public Document Pack Date of meeting Tuesday, 4th June, 2013 Time 7.00 pm Venue Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Merrial Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 2AG Contact Nick Lamper 01782 742227 Planning Committee AGENDA PART 1 – OPEN AGENDA 1 Apologies 2 Declarations of Interest 3 MINUTES OF LAST MEET ING (Pages 1 - 6) Held on 7 May 2013 to be signed as a correct record. 4 Application for Minor Development - Old Springs Farm, (Page s 7 - 12) Stoneyford: HLW Farms: 13/00244/FUL 5 Application for Minor Development - Old Springs Farm, (Pages 13 - 18) Stoneyford: HLW Farms: 13/00245/FUL 6 Application for Minor Development - Slacken Lane, Kidsgrove: (Pages 19 - 30) Mr Paul Brooks: 13/00266/FUL 7 Application for Minor Development - Land South of Bignall Hill: (Pages 31 - 36) Mr Nicholas Trickett: 13/00274/FUL 8 Application for Minor Development - Alderhay Farm, 58 (Pages 37 - 42) Harriseahead Lane, Harriseahead: Mr Stephen Gallimore: 13/00232/FUL 9 Application for Other Development - Land to Rear of 17 and 19 (Pages 43 - 50) Biddulph Road, Harriseahead: Mrs A Barker on behalf of Mrs Chesworth: 13/00306/COU 10 Application for Other Development - Sherringham, Apedale (Pages 51 - 56) Road, Wood Lane: Mr and Mrs Johnson: 13/00315/FUL 11 Application for Other Development - 21 Rathbone Avenue, May (Pages 57 - 62) Bank: Miss C Horne: 13/00354/FUL 12 Five -Year Housing Supply Assessment for the Borough of (Pages 63 - 66) Newcastle-under-Lyme: 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2017 13 Revocation of the Regional Strategy for the West Midlands and (Pages 67 - 68) Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Structure Plan 1996-2011 Policies 14 Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 - Changing (Pages 69 - 70) Heritage Protection in England 15 Audley Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (Pages 71 - 74) Supplementary Planning Document 16 Applications for Exemptions from the Permitted Development (Pages 75 - 76) Rights for Change of Use from Offices to Residential Use 17 Amendments to the Town and Country Planning (General (Pages 77 - 80) Permitted Development) Order 1995 and the Introduction of New Permitted Development Rights and Associated Prior Notification Procedures 18 Application for Financial Assistance (Historic Buildings (Pages 81 - 82) Grants) from the Conservation and Heritage Fund - The Garden House at 21 Larchwood, Keele University: 13/14002/HBG 19 Application for Financial Assistance (Historic Buildings (Pages 83 - 84) Grants) from the Conservation and Heritage Fund - 1 The Old Vicarage, Mow Cop: 13/14003/HBG 20 Application for Financial Assistance (Historic Buildings (Pages 85 - 86) Grants) from the Conservation and Heritage Fund - Roche House, 5 Court Walk, Betley: 13/14004/HBG 21 Appeal by Mrs J Abbotts against the Decision of the Council to (Pages 87 - 88) Refuse Planning Permission for the Erection of a First Floor Extension above an Existing Garage at 62 Station Road, Keele, Newcastle-under-Lyme 22 Appeal by Aspire Housing Group against the Decision of the (Pages 89 - 90) Council to Refuse Outline Planning Permission for the Erection of Two Detached Dwellings with Improvements to Existing Site Access and Provision of On-site Turning Areas on Land at Rear of 11A - 19 Moorlands Road, Mow Cop 23 Urgent Business 24 EXCLUSION OF PRESS A ND PUBLIC To resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item, because it is likely that there will be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. 25 Enforcement Action - Archway House, The Drive, Alsagers (Pages 91 - 96) Bank, ST7 8BB Members: Councillors Miss Baker, Boden, Cairns, Clarke (Chair), Fear, Hambleton, Mrs Hambleton, Howells, Matthews, Miss Reddish, Stringer (Vice-Chair), Studd, Sweeney, Williams and Mrs Williams Members of the Council: If you identify any personal training/development requirements from any of the items included in this agenda or through issues raised during the meeting, please bring them to the attention of the Democratic Services Officer at the close of the meeting. Officers will be in attendance prior to the meeting for informal discussions on agenda items. Public Document Pack Agenda Item 3 Planning Committee - 07/05/13 PLANNING COMMITTEE 7.00 pm, Tuesday, 7 May, 2013 Present :- Councillor Clarke – in the Chair Councillors Miss Baker, Boden, Cairns, Hambleton, Mrs Hambleton, Howells, Jones, Matthews, Miss Reddish, Stringer, Studd, Williams and Mrs Williams In attendance:- Councillor Holland (for the consideration of item 5) Councillor Becket (for the consideration of item 8) Councillor Welsh (for the consideration of item 9) Elaine Moulton (Development Management Team Manager), Lisa Hall (Principal Solicitor), Nick Lamper (Senior Member Services Officer), Pete Rowley (Senior Planning Officer), Rebecca Allen (Landscape Manager), Darren Walters (Team Leader, Environmental Protection) and Andrea Baker (Environmental Health Officer) 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of the chair, Councillor Andrew Fear, and Councillor Stephen Sweeney. Councillor Nigel Jones was present from 7.12 pm, during the consideration of item 5. 2. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 April 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Ian Matthews declared a personal interest in item 9 as he knew the applicant, and left the meeting during the consideration of the matter. 4. APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - IMPERIAL WORKS, COALPIT HILL, TALKE AND ADJOINING LAND: MR AND MRS WEDGWOOD: 09/00599/EXTN Resolved: (1) That, subject to the applicant entering into Section 106 obligations by no later than 5 June 2013 to secure the following:- (a) In perpetuity, provision of 25% of the dwellings as affordable units (minimum 15% social rented) by a Registered Social Landlord (RSL); (b) A financial contribution of £2,943 per dwelling for open space enhancement/ improvements and maintenance; (c) A contribution of £10,000 towards the Newcastle (urban) Transport and Development Strategy (NTADS); and (d) An appropriate financial contribution towards the provision of education facilities taking into account that details of the development (number and type) are not yet know; 1 Page 1 Planning Committee - 07/05/13 permission be granted subject to conditions relating to the following:- (a) The timetable for submission of reserved matters and commencement of development; (b) Approved drawings; (c) Contaminated land; (d) Highway matters; (e) Surface water drainage scheme; (f) Recyclable materials and refuse storage; (g) No more than 32 dwellings; (h) Reserved matters submission to show trees to be retained; (i) Stand off of development in relation to trees on adjoining land; and (j) No approval granted for height of the development indicated on the draft layout; (2) That, should the matters referred to in (1) above not be secured in the specified period, the Head of Planning and Development be authorised to refuse the application on the grounds that without such matters being secured the development would fail to secure an appropriate level of affordable housing, the provision of adequate public open space, measures to ensure that the development achieves sustainable development outcomes and the provision for required education facilities or, if he considers it appropriate, to extend the period of time within which the obligations can be secured. 5. APPLICATION FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT - LAND AT MARKET DRAYTON ROAD, LOGGERHEADS: STOKE-ON-TRENT AND STAFFORDSHIRE FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE: 13/00272/OUT Resolved: That permission be granted subject to conditions relating to the following:- (a) No development hereby approved shall commence until the off-site highway works indicated on drawing no LOG (95) L- 001 rev 11 have been implemented in accordance with the scheme detailed on the specified drawing; and (b) All other conditions of 13/00028/OUT shall continue to apply other than condition 3 as varied by the grant of this permission. 6. APPLICATION FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT - 17 EDWARD AVENUE, NEWCASTLE: MR E COOK: 13/00226/OUT Resolved: (1) That permission be granted subject to conditions relating to the following:- (a) Standard time limits for submission of applications for approval of reserved matters and commencement of development; (b) Details of car parking arrangements, surfacing materials and surface water drainage; (c) Submission of Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Strategic Landscape Design; (d) Recyclable materials and refuse storage arrangements; (e) Surface water drainage scheme; (f) Contaminated land; and (g) Importation of soil; and (2) That any reserved matters application be placed before the Planning Committee for determination. Page 2 2 Planning Committee - 07/05/13 7. APPLICATION FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT - OLD PEEL FARM, NANTWICH ROAD, AUDLEY: MR P ADAMS: 13/00269/FUL Resolved: That permission be granted subject to conditions relating to the following:- (a) Commencement of the development; (b) Approved plans; (c) Prior approval of materials to be utilised (surfacing of ménage); (d) Prior approval of means of storing and disposing of stable wastes; (e) Prior approval of jumps and similar features; (f) Surfacing and maintenance of access; (g) Provision of parking and turning; and (h) Prior approval of levels of ménage. 8. APPLICATION FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT - BUDDILEIGH FARM, BACK LANE, BETLEY: MR A ALEXANDER: 13/00258/FUL It was reported that, since the publication of the main and supplementary reports, the views of Betley, Balterley and Wrinehill Parish Council had been received, indicating a wish for the use of the accommodation to remain ancillary to that of the main dwelling. This had been addressed in the original report by way of recommended condition. Resolved: That permission be granted subject to conditions relating to the following:- (a) Non-severance condition to ensure the accommodation remains ancillary to the main dwellinghouse known as Buddileigh Farm House; and (b) No alterations, extensions or erection of boundary treatment without prior express permission from the Local Planning Authority.