MEMBER OF THE AUSTRALASIAN CATHOLIC PRESS ASSOCIATION ISSN 1446-0041 CIRCULATION 6,200 Catholic VOL 22 - NO. 2 WINTER 2013 Viewpoin DIOCESE OF ARMIDALE Father Tuan Tran a priest forever WINTER 2013 - CATHOLIC VIEWPOINT - 1 A note from the Editor: CONTENTS Dear Reader, From a frosty and cold Armidale a warm welcome to you all. Page 4 Fabulous Discovery Once again thank you for your contributions to this Winter Edition of Viewpoint. A no- tably larger edition with the coming and goings of the diocese - the Ordination, school sport and Conferences. As always if your news items are ready before the closing date Page 5 Abbot visit from USA please forward them onto
[email protected] or drop them in the post. Page 7 Bishop at Danthonia I hope that you all have an enjoyable and safe school holiday break and look forward to seeing you in the Spring edition. Cheers, Julie Page 10 Cardinal Freeman Bishop’s Major Events Page 13 Meeting Pope June Page 16 Albies news 25th Diocesan Finance Council meeting Armidale 28th Confraternity Christian Doctrine Commission Armidale Page 17 Fr Tuan writes July Centre Photos from ordination 4th – 5th Wilcannia – Forbes Diocese 16th - 31st World Youth Day Pilgrimage Page 22 Vinnies celebrations August 1st Return from World youth Day Armidale Page 26 Fr John in Canada 6th St Alberts College Board Meeting Armidale 8th St Alberts College Founders Dinner Armidale Page28 MenAlive weekend 9th “An Evening on Vatican II” Talk Armidale Page 32 Parent Teacher tips 10th Confirmation Uralla 10th Bishops Commission for Catholic Schools Armidale Page 34 Reflection on Suffering 15th “An Evening on Vatican II” Talk Moree 15th St Philomena’s School Visit Moree Page36 Deb Balls 2013 16th Confirmation Mungindi 18th Confirmation Moree 20th Wilcannia – Forbes Diocese 21st – 22nd NSW Catholic Education Commission Sydney 23rd – 24th Australian Catholic Marriage & Families Conf.