How a Is Chosen Don Clemmer, spokesman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic in Washington, D.C., said Wednesday that while the decision on choosing a bishop ultimately rests with the , the leader of the Roman gets lots of informed help. How does it start? Clemmer said the bishop selection process is generally launched when the bishop, leader of his diocese, submits a letter of resignation to the pope. That happened in Lafayette in 2015 when Most Rev. Michael Jarrell, bishop of Lafayette, reached the mandatory retirement age of 75. A retiring bishop may submit to the archbishop — in Lafayette’s case, that would be Archbishop Gregory Aymond of New Orleans — names of priests he believes would make good bishops. Prior to an annual meeting of the province, those names and curricula vitae of priests may be distributed to the bishops and voted upon. The archbishop may then submit the information from the meeting to the archbishop to the apostolic nuncio in Washington — in the U.S., that’s Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano ― and to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Tell me more about this apostolic nuncio The apostolic nuncio is a key figure in the process, Clemmer said. He gathers facts and information about candidates, interprets the information and then sends it to the Congregation for Bishops, a department of the composed of some 35 cardinals and archbishops from around the world. It is headed by Cardinal , a Canadian. In the case of diocesan bishops — that’s what the selection process for Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel was — the apostolic nuncio conducts his own investigation into suitable candidates, considering needs of the diocese. The apostolic nuncio may consult the retiring bishop, former bishops of the diocese and the president and vice president of the U.S.C.C.B. The apostolic nuncio may narrow the list of candidates, then send questionnaires to 20 or 30 people who know the candidates. Taking the short list to the pope The information is collected, put into the form of a report by the apostolic nuncio, and sent to the Congregation for Bishops. Included is the terna, in which the apostolic nuncio lists three candidates, with his own preference noted. The full congregation is generally involved when a priest is elevated to bishop; when a bishop is promoted or transferred, the U.S.C.C.B. says, the appointment might be handled by the prefect and staff. The congregation, which meets twice a month, hears a report, discusses the appointment and votes. The congregation may accept the apostolic nuncio’s recommendation, make another choice, or ask for a new terna. The congregation’s prefect may present the recommendation to the pope during a private audience, usually on a Saturday. The pope ordinarily makes a decision within days. The congregation notifies the apostolic nuncio, who asks the candidate if he will accept. If he does, the Vatican is notified and a date for the announcement is set.