FOSTER's the Japanese Now' Have Been in W Alla Walla Base Commander, Re Car
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V ■' S TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1942 Uxst 7WEL7B Aan(I|rfltnr £ontittg 9mdi The Weather -------- — -----------^ Averggi Daily Circulation M r tlw Month of Jon«, IMS FotoeOag ort). 8. WenMMv Hnaaan old-fashioned' .Gospel hymn-sing ihw f gency Poc^tii LisLPrd^aiii will be oohduct^by Rev. O, Albtn Next Blackout Bullutd Issues Sugar Bonug 7,451 . IWgh4^y cooler tonlglrt than lest About Town tCo/. Dahlquist o f Esgt Greenwich. R. Dr. Alfred Sundqulat and I>r. Member of the Aodlt n*ght . J. A Segal era the pbysiciana I., who with Mrs. Dahlqudst is In J il^ l8 to 3 1 For Meetings Ig Confirmed Bnreon of Ctreolotlons it g f Ann* Laduc, d «u (lit«r of of the Manchester Medical as chargs o f music for th« wsek, and X and Mm. Arthur I^aduc of «1 sociation who will rsspond to V ' a special camp meeting 'wieck pro Honohester—^A Cky of VUlage Charm emergency call! tomorrow gram and entertainment U ached- mmd ■treat, Wiii ^ e a t o f honor Summer Assemkly ^ at afternoon. ManchMter , to Take uled for Saturday evening, July Local Rations Board Re* PRICE THREE CENTS J; »t A btrUuUy pwly, given by her Oolonel A. L. Bullard, oOmman-'^Army observers and it IS sighted, (OlneaMed Adverttsing en Page MANCHES CX)NN., W E D N E SD A Y , JU LY 1 5,1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) p IMther at the hom? o f her aunt, ^ ---- ---------- :----------- :----- — — 1 25, announcymenta regarding, TOL. LXI., NO. 243 Part vath G lastd^niy der of the local aotl-airqraft regi- i it Wlll be immediately fired upon ^illimantic to Open eeives News of an Ex< U m iJva Helrendt of Beat Hamp- which will bfTmads durug the ment, advised all fesidehts of this regardless of whether the alarm hea. Mr*. t«duc alao made the Mancheeter Is represented in the And East Hlrtford. On July l ^ h . ^ w eek.' arM to reWiain Indoen during-am has been sounded by the Civilian tra AllottmenU Wrthday cahe, aurmounted by, two State Health department'a week Sunday^ July, 16, the closing day Air raid. Lhst' n 'lg ^ many persons Defense organiZation or not. tapara, one for each year of ly report today, with four cases of o f the camp meeting, the love Task Forco Ktafts at Jap PlanM in Battle o f Midway Henry R. Mallory, chlaf of th# wc>c noticed outbids on the streets No Civilian has any business on Rev. Earl E. Story, formerly of Local W ar Price and Rationing More Heart [ Piatajr'a age. Monday afternoon reportable measles. No other dis feast St 9:50 a.m. 'will be followed Board 11-76 wras Informed today A ir Raid Warden Serviced, for duringxthe ten , and this practice the streets during an actual Air Manchester, DistH'Ct Superinten at 10:30 a.m. by a service by Rev. ^M^u Laduc gave a party at her eases have been reported during by the. Off ice of Price Admlhlstra- Manchester, announced that ths Should bAstopped at once. - raid. Even the wardens have been dent o f the Norwich Dis'trict, vrill Am ot A. Thornburg, D.D., pastor hama f<lr neighboring children. the week up to 11 a. m. yesterday. It. w u p ^ t e d out that there .is cautioned to seek shelter while the tton in Washington that W ar Ra Cases Seen Ilia little girl received nuineroua state of OonnecUcut has authoriZ be president of ths Summer A s o f the Mathewson Street church in tion Stamp No. 7 -can be exchanged great.^dang'er from falling steel battle is going on, after which they Providence, R. I., who comes to gtfta. Theodore Seitx, son o f Mr. and ed certain regulation blackouts to sembly snA Christian Service Insti for two pounds of sugar any time shrapnel during an air raid, and in go to work. nUs la even more Im the campground for the first time. Mrs. Theodore Sells of 84 Broad take place between July 18 and j^gland, it is reported that In portant should you hear the guns tute St the WllUmantic Camp between July 10th and August 22. War Result street jvas four years old yeatM- He will speak sgalh at a apecial This becomes a bonus o f two .Tha Sunday acbool teachers of July 31. Manchester will partici numerable persona, weiAInJured in in the area start booming, because ground, July 19 to 26. "Rev. Story layman’s service In the afternoon Halts German Drive; day, and celebrated the event by a pounds as No. 7 is exchangeable Ctecordia Luthem" church ^’111 pate in a black-out for the Hatt- this way. Tliere Is an sayirig you can be certain that it isn’t tar will preach the sermon on the at 2:30 p.m. preceding the meet hold their monthly meeting thia birthday party which was attend that ’‘Curiosity Killed A Cat,'’, and get practice. "‘t. during the effective p e ri^ of Sharp Increase Is Ex ed by Judy and Ann Proas of Pine ford zone, which Includea^-'-East opening day, Sunday, at 10:30 and ing of lay leaders of which Stan evening at eight o’clock. Hartford, Glaatonbury and' Man today there is: every chance that T ^ s of shrapnel fall , from the ley Shaw Is district lay leader. Stamp No. 6. Acres, Betty Wamerj' of Broad the sarhe purioelty may kill hun Sky during an air raid, and the In the afternoon at 2:30, and eve Sugar certificates for Institu pected Both Among street and Edward ^tanton of chester. industries engaged In de 'Young people o f the district will- Mra. Clyde Howrlgan. and aon dreds of persons who insist on danger of getting hit on the head ning at 7:30 Rev. M. E. Barrett, tional Allotments for the Septem- New Britain. There was a birth fense . work are not Supposed to be special guests at the service Service Men and Ci Harold of BakerafteM. Vermont, watching the sky for planes. with a piece of steel is very great. D.D. of Manchester, N. H., w ill de b^r-October period may be Issued Nazis Cut black out and insuuctioru indicat day cake with Us four tapers, Sunday evening, July 26 at 7:30, starting August 15th, and will re n an t the week-end with her broth ing the type of yarning from the .May Start Any Tlnie'. Therefore, s ^ n you hear the air liver the addresses. He is Well favors for the children and good with Rev. R. H. Christie of North vilians vf • Nation. er and alater-ln-law, Mr. and. Mrs. report center tO'lndvstrUl wardens One of the dangers Involvsd is raid alarm sound again, make sure known to Methodists- here and j i ceive value of 75 per cent of nor things to eat and drink. Theodore Grosvenordale In charge. mal requirements Instead of 50 per Harria Dlcklnaon of 180 Summit to differentiate between a trial ths fact that the anti-aircraft guns that you are on the Inside looking other towns haying been superin Jr., received a <numb'er of ac ReV, J. M. Harrell o f Baltic will Germans Assert Axis' Nazis^ Stopped at Out" black-out, And a real black-out in this area may go Into'action at out, and thus help to leasen the tendent of "Norwich District in cent as now. ChlcagOj/duly 15— —A sharp Former Argentine Btreet lead thh chapel period each morn Sugar certificates for Industrial ceptable gifts. bava been lasued by'Chief A ir Raid any time without warning.'If an number of casualties in this area 1937-39. - In c re a s e ^ cases of heart diaeasa Forces Making Rapid skirts of Voronezh, At ing in the John Pearte chapel at Allotments for the September-Oc- Warden Thomas Weir. enemy plane is reported by the should enemy bombers strike here. Tesnpeeaiiee Dag President Is Dead Tbaodore Robbins, son of Mr. nine o'clock, and a t 11 o'clock each tober period may be Issued start •T-puhUc health’s No. 1 ^enertiy— Further black-out instructions Mdoday, July 20. will ba Ttm- Progress Along Their tempt to Encircle and M m Theodore Robbins, Sr., day open forum discussions will be ing 15th, and will have cair'M expected both among ser of S85 School street w as tendered may be'issued, although no change persnca'ftey and Mrs. Ella T, Burr held on subjects of importance vice men and civilians as a result \\niole Line on Rus- . City But Are Repulsed Getting Ready is contemplated from the proced-. of South Windsor, formerly o f thls value of 80 per cent of normal re a farewell party A t hla home Sat and Interest, with able leaders In quirements instead o f 70 per cent the shock and strain of war. Dr. ure that has been used In the last town, jvill be in chkrge. Mrs. Burr. urday evening. Friends from Rock- Charge. as now. J. Leland Jones told the American shm Front; Intense North and Hurled vme, Hartford, East Hartford, black-out trials. Thirty Bikps for July Is l>resldent of ths SU ts W.C.T.U. Onrteopathlc Asaociation today. For Primaries Back -o n South to Warping and thle town were pres- N o W sm lngs as well as ths Manchester branch. Dr. Jonea, of thi. Kansas City Fireai^Set in Raid on aa t They presented him with an Sometlma between August 1 Ths forum dlseuasfqn w ill be-at 11 '^(Mo.) College of Osteopathy and Rostf^; Admit Red Point at Which Don a m y watch and numerous other and December 1 the state will A m.