V ■' S TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1942 Uxst 7WEL7B Aan(I|rfltnr £ontittg 9mdi The Weather -------- — -----------^ Averggi Daily Circulation M r tlw Month of Jon«, IMS FotoeOag ort). 8. WenMMv Hnaaan old-fashioned' .Gospel hymn-sing ihw f gency Poc^tii LisLPrd^aiii will be oohduct^by Rev. O, Albtn Next Blackout Bullutd Issues Sugar Bonug 7,451 . IWgh4^y cooler tonlglrt than lest About Town tCo/. Dahlquist o f Esgt Greenwich. R. Dr. Alfred Sundqulat and I>r. Member of the Aodlt n*ght . J. A Segal era the pbysiciana I., who with Mrs. Dahlqudst is In J il^ l8 to 3 1 For Meetings Ig Confirmed Bnreon of Ctreolotlons it g f Ann* Laduc, d «u (lit«r of of the Manchester Medical as­ chargs o f music for th« wsek, and X and Mm. Arthur I^aduc of «1 sociation who will rsspond to V ' a special camp meeting 'wieck pro­ Honohester—^A Cky of VUlage Charm emergency call! tomorrow gram and entertainment U ached- mmd ■treat, Wiii ^ e a t o f honor Summer Assemkly ^ at afternoon. ManchMter , to Take uled for Saturday evening, July Local Rations Board Re* PRICE THREE CENTS J; »t A btrUuUy pwly, given by her Oolonel A. L. Bullard, oOmman-'^Army observers and it IS sighted, (OlneaMed Adverttsing en Page MANCHES CX)NN., W E D N E SD A Y , JU LY 1 5,1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) p IMther at the hom? o f her aunt, ^ ---- ---------- :----------- :----- — — 1 25, announcymenta regarding, TOL. LXI., NO. 243 Part vath G lastd^niy der of the local aotl-airqraft regi- i it Wlll be immediately fired upon ^illimantic to Open eeives News of an Ex< U m iJva Helrendt of Beat Hamp- which will bfTmads durug the ment, advised all fesidehts of this regardless of whether the alarm hea. Mr*. t«duc alao made the Mancheeter Is represented in the And East Hlrtford. On July l ^ h . ^ w eek.' arM to reWiain Indoen during-am has been sounded by the Civilian tra AllottmenU Wrthday cahe, aurmounted by, two State Health department'a week­ Sunday^ July, 16, the closing day Air raid. Lhst' n 'lg ^ many persons Defense organiZation or not. tapara, one for each year of ly report today, with four cases of o f the camp meeting, the love Task Forco Ktafts at Jap PlanM in Battle o f Midway Henry R. Mallory, chlaf of th# wc>c noticed outbids on the streets No Civilian has any business on Rev. Earl E. Story, formerly of Local W ar Price and Rationing More Heart [ Piatajr'a age. Monday afternoon reportable measles. No other dis­ feast St 9:50 a.m. 'will be followed Board 11-76 wras Informed today A ir Raid Warden Serviced, for duringxthe ten , and this practice the streets during an actual Air Manchester, DistH'Ct Superinten­ at 10:30 a.m. by a service by Rev. ^M^u Laduc gave a party at her eases have been reported during by the. Off ice of Price Admlhlstra- Manchester, announced that ths Should bAstopped at once. - raid. Even the wardens have been dent o f the Norwich Dis'trict, vrill Am ot A. Thornburg, D.D., pastor hama f<lr neighboring children. the week up to 11 a. m. yesterday. It. w u p ^ t e d out that there .is cautioned to seek shelter while the tton in Washington that W ar Ra­ Cases Seen Ilia little girl received nuineroua state of OonnecUcut has authoriZ­ be president of ths Summer A s­ o f the Mathewson Street church in tion Stamp No. 7 -can be exchanged great.^dang'er from falling steel battle is going on, after which they Providence, R. I., who comes to gtfta. Theodore Seitx, son o f Mr. and ed certain regulation blackouts to sembly snA Christian Service Insti­ for two pounds of sugar any time shrapnel during an air raid, and in go to work. nUs la even more Im­ the campground for the first time. Mrs. Theodore Sells of 84 Broad take place between July 18 and j^gland, it is reported that In­ portant should you hear the guns tute St the WllUmantic Camp­ between July 10th and August 22. War Result street jvas four years old yeatM- He will speak sgalh at a apecial This becomes a bonus o f two .Tha Sunday acbool teachers of July 31. Manchester will partici­ numerable persona, weiAInJured in in the area start booming, because ground, July 19 to 26. "Rev. Story layman’s service In the afternoon Halts German Drive; day, and celebrated the event by a pounds as No. 7 is exchangeable Ctecordia Luthem" church ^’111 pate in a black-out for the Hatt- this way. Tliere Is an sayirig you can be certain that it isn’t tar­ will preach the sermon on the at 2:30 p.m. preceding the meet­ hold their monthly meeting thia birthday party which was attend­ that ’‘Curiosity Killed A Cat,'’, and get practice. "‘t. during the effective p e ri^ of Sharp Increase Is Ex­ ed by Judy and Ann Proas of Pine ford zone, which Includea^-'-East opening day, Sunday, at 10:30 and ing of lay leaders of which Stan­ evening at eight o’clock. Hartford, Glaatonbury and' Man­ today there is: every chance that T ^ s of shrapnel fall , from the ley Shaw Is district lay leader. Stamp No. 6. Acres, Betty Wamerj' of Broad the sarhe purioelty may kill hun­ Sky during an air raid, and the In the afternoon at 2:30, and eve­ Sugar certificates for Institu­ pected Both Among street and Edward ^tanton of chester. industries engaged In de­ 'Young people o f the district will- Mra. Clyde Howrlgan. and aon dreds of persons who insist on danger of getting hit on the head ning at 7:30 Rev. M. E. Barrett, tional Allotments for the Septem- New Britain. There was a birth­ fense . work are not Supposed to be special guests at the service Service Men and Ci­ Harold of BakerafteM. Vermont, watching the sky for planes. with a piece of steel is very great. D.D. of Manchester, N. H., w ill de­ b^r-October period may be Issued Nazis Cut black out and insuuctioru indicat­ day cake with Us four tapers, Sunday evening, July 26 at 7:30, starting August 15th, and will re­ n an t the week-end with her broth­ ing the type of yarning from the .May Start Any Tlnie'. Therefore, s ^ n you hear the air liver the addresses. He is Well favors for the children and good with Rev. R. H. Christie of North vilians vf • Nation. er and alater-ln-law, Mr. and. Mrs. report center tO'lndvstrUl wardens One of the dangers Involvsd is raid alarm sound again, make sure known to Methodists- here and j i ceive value of 75 per cent of nor­ things to eat and drink. Theodore Grosvenordale In charge. mal requirements Instead of 50 per Harria Dlcklnaon of 180 Summit to differentiate between a trial ths fact that the anti-aircraft guns that you are on the Inside looking other towns haying been superin­ Jr., received a <numb'er of ac­ ReV, J. M. Harrell o f Baltic will Germans Assert Axis' Nazis^ Stopped at Out" black-out, And a real black-out in this area may go Into'action at out, and thus help to leasen the tendent of "Norwich District in cent as now. ChlcagOj/duly 15— —A sharp Former Argentine Btreet lead thh chapel period each morn­ Sugar certificates for Industrial ceptable gifts. bava been lasued by'Chief A ir Raid any time without warning.'If an number of casualties in this area 1937-39. - In c re a s e ^ cases of heart diaeasa Forces Making Rapid skirts of Voronezh, At­ ing in the John Pearte chapel at Allotments for the September-Oc- Warden Thomas Weir. enemy plane is reported by the should enemy bombers strike here. Tesnpeeaiiee Dag President Is Dead Tbaodore Robbins, son of Mr. nine o'clock, and a t 11 o'clock each tober period may be Issued start­ •T-puhUc health’s No. 1 ^enertiy— Further black-out instructions Mdoday, July 20. will ba Ttm- Progress Along Their tempt to Encircle and M m Theodore Robbins, Sr., day open forum discussions will be ing Augu.st 15th, and will have cair'M expected both among ser­ of S85 School street w as tendered may be'issued, although no change persnca'ftey and Mrs. Ella T, Burr held on subjects of importance vice men and civilians as a result \\niole Line on Rus- . City But Are Repulsed Getting Ready is contemplated from the proced-. of South Windsor, formerly o f thls value of 80 per cent of normal re­ a farewell party A t hla home Sat­ and Interest, with able leaders In quirements instead o f 70 per cent the shock and strain of war. Dr. ure that has been used In the last town, jvill be in chkrge. Mrs. Burr. urday evening. Friends from Rock- Charge. as now. J. Leland Jones told the American shm Front; Intense North and Hurled vme, Hartford, East Hartford, black-out trials. Thirty Bikps for July Is l>resldent of ths SU ts W.C.T.U. Onrteopathlc Asaociation today. For Primaries Back -o n South to Warping and thle town were pres- N o W sm lngs as well as ths Manchester branch. Dr. Jonea, of thi. Kansas City Fireai^Set in Raid on aa t They presented him with an Sometlma between August 1 Ths forum dlseuasfqn w ill be-at 11 '^(Mo.) College of Osteopathy and Rostf^; Admit Red Point at Which Don a m y watch and numerous other and December 1 the state will A m.
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