Roll Call Teach Ng in the Commercial Department of Central High School at Tulsa, Has Been Appointed Registrar and Supervisor of the Night School in Tulsa

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Roll Call Teach Ng in the Commercial Department of Central High School at Tulsa, Has Been Appointed Registrar and Supervisor of the Night School in Tulsa were to be married in November at the home of the bride-elect's parents at Nash, near Enid . Miss Robinson is a graduate of Kansas State College, Manhattan, and has done graduate study at Colurn- bia University, New York. She is a member of Chi Omega sorority . Mr . Praeger, also a gradu- ate of Kansas State College, is in business in Claflin. Joyce Saunders, '29ba, who since 1936 has been Roll Call teach ng in the commercial department of Central High School at Tulsa, has been appointed registrar and supervisor of the night school in Tulsa. She was a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority and Phi Beta Kappa at the University. 1915 1930 Grace Fernandez, '15, consultant for the State De- John V. Early, '30, assistant superintendent of partment of Public Welfare, has been elected presi- the Anderson-Prichard Refinery in Cyril, has been dent of the Oklahoma State Economics Association . elected to the Cyril city council and is now serv- 1916 :ng as mayor. Mr. and Mrs. Early (Louise Pierce, Capt . Clark M. Cunningham, '166a, 45th Divis- '316a) have a daughter, Sharley Lou, two years old. ion postal officer, Camp Barkeley, Texas, was re- Bessie Mclvina Souders, '30nurse, formerly on lieved of active duty December 1 to return to his the staff of University Hospital in Oklahoma City, position as teacher of commercial subjects in Clas- is one of ten nurses in the nation awarded scholar- ses High School, Oklahoma City. Before his ap- ships to study ward teaching and supervision at pointment as postal officer, Captain Cunningham Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. The was assistant adjutant general. scholarships are presented through the nation's na- tonal defense program . 1917 1931 Freeman Galt, '17, and family plan to move from HENDRIX-CLARK : Announcement has been their home in Ardmore to San Antonio, Texas. made of the wedding October 10 of Miss Lenna Dec Harold Gimeno, '17fa, '216a, and Mrs. Gimeno Hendrix, Mansfield, Louisiana, and Almer B . Clark, (Ruth Lytal, '286a), are at home in Oklahoma City '31, in Tyler, Texas. Mrs. Clark attended Centenary at 3817 Classcn Boulevard . They were married in June University at Shreveport, Louisiana. The couple . are at home in Tyler where Mr . Clark is employed 1919 with the McCullough Oil Company . Mrs. William Pfeiffer, mother of William T. Kathleen DeGroot, '316a, '41lib .sci, formerly of Pfeiffer, '191aw, former Oklahoman now a con- Muskogee, is now librarian at Drurnright High gressman from New York, died of a heart ailment School . in New York City in October . W. H. Fenn, '31bus, Oklahoma City, has accept- 1920 ed a position as agent with the Traveler's Insurance Joe Looney, '206a, '221aw, Wewoka lawyer, was Company with headquarters in Toledo, Ohio . installed as Grand Master of the Independent Or- Dr. Beryl Freeman, '31ms, Des Moines, Iowa, der of Odd Fellows at the state convention held represented the University at the inauguration of in October at Guthrie . Three-year-old David Shannon Roys is President Harmon of Drake University, Des Moines, Ornar R. Lyon, '206s, '236a, is assistant super- the son of in October. Dr . Richard D. Roys, '39med, Mrs. Iris Butler Ryan, wife of James Ryan, '31m. intendent for the Prudential Insurance Company and Mrs. Roys (Ruth Shannon, '36ed) . in Wood River, Illinois. His address is 490 North ed, '37d .ed, of Juneau, Alaska, visited her father- Sixth Street. Their home is in Seattle, Washington. in-law, D. B . R. Johnson, dean of the School of 1921 Dr. Roys is serving with the Medical Re- Pharmacy, last month. Mrs . Ryan was accompanied serves at Fort Letvis, Washington. by her 4-year-old son, James Dennis . Mr. Ryan is Capt . John L. Coffey, '21ba, state co-ordinator commissioner of education in Alaska . for selective service and former member of the HURST-SNOW: Word has been Oklahoma Highway Commission, has been received of the called Helen Wilson of San Francisco, California, who marriage of Miss Minnie Lce Hurst, Chatom, Ala- to active duty and expects to be stationed at Fort bama, and Arthur Lawton, Seattle, Washington. were married October 1 at the Wee Kirk o' the Leland Snow, '31eng, September Heather Church in Glendale . Mr . Green is a mem- 13 in Montgomery, Alabama. Mrs. Snow did gradu- Capt . John Dell Hadsell, '216a, '24ma, is prin- ber of Sigma Nu fraternity . ate work at the University of Chicago after re- cipal of Ponca City Military Academy. ce.ving her bachelor's degree . Mr . Snow is con- 1922 1926 nected with the Petty Geophysical Engineering G. A. Krueger, '26, associated with the Bridges Company H. E. Wrinkle, '22ba, '31ms, superintendent of & Parry law firm in in San Antonio, Texas. schools in Oklahoma City, was Oklahoma repre- Tulsa for a number of years, 1932 sentative has been made a member of the firm, which will at the annual closed meeting for school continue the general practice of law under the Ralph T. Baker, '32rna, former Oklahoma news- superintendents from cities of more than 200,000 name of Bridges, Parry & Krueger . paperman, has purchased and become active pub- population held in October at Chicago, Illinois . Julian Evans, '266a, '32ms, has resigned as as- lisher of the Kingman Lender-Courier in Kansas . 1923 sistant professor of physics at Texas Christian Uni- Herbert L. Branan, '326a, '381aw, and Mrs. Bran- Helen Carr, '23ba, social service director at Uni- versity, Fort Worth, Texas, to accept a position nan (Elizabeth Trumbo, '296s), have moved from versity Hospital, Oklahoma City, has been elected in the research laboratory of the Stanolind Oil and Muskogee to Ardmore. Mr . Branan is an attorney a member of the board of directors of the Okla- Gas Company in Tulsa. His address is 2964 Cin- and is former state representative from Muskogee homa Social Welfare Association . cinnati Street. County . The Branans are at home at 318 K Street, George A. Heap, '23eng, '29m .eng, Muskogee, 1927 Southwest . A. O. Champlin, '326us, has joined the faculty is a special designing engineer for a magnesium Minnie Bidwell, '27ed, is a teacher in the Okla- plant at Boulder City, of Oklahoma City University as teacher of inter- Nevada. homa City schools and lives at 625 Northeast 13th mediate accounting . 1924 Street. Vernon T. Sanford, '32journ, secretary-manager Ethel Albright, '246s, is hostess at Shockley Hall, FOWLER-NELSON : Miss Hazel Fowler, '276a, of the Oklahoma Press Association, led a floor dis- dormitory at Northwestern State College, Alva . and Bowes Nelson, Miami, Florida, were married cussion on convention promotion at the annual Capt . George Hohl, '24bus, and Mrs. Hohl, Sand October 26 at Nashville, Tennessee . Mrs. Nelson is meeting of Newspaper Association Managers, Inc., Springs, are in the Philippine Islands where he is a member of Theta Sigma Phi, women's journal- held in October at Chicago, Illinois . stationed on army duty. istic fraternity . She has been employed on the edi- Capt torial staff of the CRIST-SCHAEFER : Miss Lucile Elizabeth Crist, . Tom Johnson, '246a, '261aw, Ardmore, Norman Transcript, and for the Eldorado, Kansas, and Henry Schaefer, '32eng, of former morale officer of the 45th Division at Camp last several years has been school page editor and Alvin, Texas, were married October 29 at Eldorado . Barkeley, Texas, has been ordered to the 4th Army feature writer on the Oklahoma City Times. The Corps couple are at home The couple will live in Alvin where Mr. Schaefer at Jacksonville, Florida. in Miami. is field superintendent for the Stanolind Oil and Edna Stuard Meacham, '24fa, '401ib .sci, has been Arthur Wood, '27bus, Oklahoma City, has been Gas Company . appointed district supervisor of the WPA library elected president of the Oklahoma City chapter of service and book repair project in the Oklahoma Certified Public Accountants . 1933 City district . Verna Benham Riddle, '33ed, 341ib.sci, has been 1929 appointed district supervisor of the WPA library 1925 Richard A. Norton, '29eng, formerly of Tulsa, service in the Hobart area. George F. Armor, '256s, is fanning near Canton, is on active duty at Vancouver Barracks, Washing- RANKIN-GAY : At home in Poteau are Harold Oklahoma. ton. Gay, '33eng, and Mrs . Gay (Dorothy Rankin, WILSON-GREEN: At home in Tulsa are Philip ROBINSON-PRAEGER : Miss Christine Robin- '39ma) . He is employed with the Oklahoma Gas H. Green, '25ba, and Mrs . Green, the former Miss son, '29, and Kenneth H. Praeger, Claflin, Kansas, and Electric Company. 20 SOONER MAGAZINE E. C. Sprague, '33m .ed, is superintendent of Donald J. Morrison, '36journ, has resigned as schools at Clayton, Oklahoma, and third district assistant in the publications division of the Con- commander of the American Legion . tinental Oil Company, Ponca City, to accept a po- Rex Taylor, '33cd, and Mrs. Taylor, Norman, sition with the Carpenter Paper Company at Dallas, announce the birth of a son, Clark Bendle, at the Texas. American Legion Hospital . Dorothy Gayle Robb, '36fa, '41ma, is a teacher of public school music in Kilgore Heights School 1934 at Kilgore, Texas. Her address is 931 Ross Street . the O. 1. Colwick, Jr., '34bus, active partner in Aubrey L. Steele, '36ba, '38ma, is head of the firm of Colwick and Son, Brokers, Sherman and history department at Painpa High School in Painpa, Vernon, Texas, has superv sed the installation of Texas. He lives at 1217 North Russell Street . a branch office in Ardmore in Room 203 of the Lt . John F. Taylor, '36ba, '391aw, is an instruc- Gilbert Building . tor in the Officers Candidate School at Fort Sill . Announcement has been HANNAII-HICKMAN : Frances Townsend, '36ha, has resigned as news Carrie Han- made of the wedding August 2 of Miss reporter on the Bartlesnille Examiner and Enterprise at Walters.
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