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Mi Mm us SHOULD KNOW that there is no " bettei stall 01 life" lor themselves or their child- " " ALLINSON Wholemeal Bread. loaves sent in London lor 1/1 carr. paid, or in the country t/4 can D paid). D PDDDDDDnnnPDDDDDnDDDDDnDDnDDDDDDnDn A VALUABLE WORK ON HTGIENE A' - D DIET. Fifth Edition. 30th Thousand. a clear presentation of the principles relating to simple, wholesome so Revised, Enlarged, Improved, and brought Up to Date. Givingliving and the rational treatment of the sick which have proved successful at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. THE LIVING TEMPLE, A COMPREHENSIVE. . to Natural By Dr. J. H. KELLOQG. GUIDE-BOOK Hygiienic and Humane Diet. By SIDNEY H. BEARD Illustrated. Art Linen Covers. Price One Shilling Net. In Art Linen Boards, Eighteenpence Net. {American and Colonial Edition so Cents, post free). A book [or tliose who desire lo live a Hundred Years, which shows how to avoid Mistakes in Diet and the suffering which results from them. It is being freely purchased by doctors, teachers of physical culture, and leaders of thought in religious and food-reform circles in all pails of the world. Most persons who buy this book send for additional copies for their friends. Its artistic appearance commends it as a gift hook, apart from its being a useful radc mrcum to all housewives. CONTENTS. The True Ideal in Diet. Winter and Summer Drinks. A Plea for the Simple Life. How to Feed Invalids. A Plea for Moderation. What to do at Christmas. Artistic Cookery. Useful Domestic Information. What to do when Travelling. How to Cook Vegetables. Substitutes for Animal Food. Labour-saving Appliances. Soups. Medicinal and Dietetic Quali- Substitutes for Fish. ties of Foods. Substitutes for Flesh. How to Regulate our Diet. Simple Savoury Dishes. Table of Food Values. Cold Luncheon Dishes. Hygienic Information. Gravies and Sauces. How to Acquire Physical Puddings and Sweets. Vitality. Bread and Cakes. 568 Pages. A FEW PRESS OPINIONS. " One cannot scan its without admitting the utility Price 6/- post free. pages of the work."—Daily Telegraph. The book Is FULLY ILLUSTRATED, Including a number of fine coloured "A valuable practical manual of recipes and general directions a few of the plates. Following are very only subjects illustrated :— for readers who wish to try living upon the simple foods and Cell Glands, Structure of Liver and Blood Cells, Division, Salivary Kidneys, to give up being carnivorous."—Scotsman. Malarial Parasites, Different ForniB of Starch, Structure of a Grain of Wheat, "The author is Editor of the Golden and is Measly Pork. Beef Tape-worm, Illood Cells Destroying Germs, How to stop The Herald of Age, Hemorrhage, Bandaging, A Fashion-Deformed Woman, Effects of Tight Bands perfect master of his subject, and his aim is purely philanthropic, anil Skirts, Diagram showing Abnormal Position of Internal Organs, Heavy as the profits are devoted solely to the furtherance of the work Normal Nerve Cells, Abdominal CompreBS, Wet-Sheet Rub, A Healthy Stomach, of the Order of the Golden and the of its Fatty Heart, etc. Age, gratuitous supply humane and educative literature to public institutions and reading- The following Synopsis will afford some Idea of the helpful nature of the rooms throughout the English-speaking world. The book abounds contents. in useful, and even essential, information. It tells how to avoid The Miracle ol Digestion. dyspepsia, gives valuable dietetic advice to travellers, and ample The of —Five Food Five What Organs Digestion Elements, Digestive Organs— advice about both feeding and cooking."—Christian Commonwealth. the Saliva Does—The Work of the Gastric Juice—Other Uses of the Digestive " this Fluids. Every humanitarian ought to be acquainted with most Dietetic Sins. excellent cookery-book— the best work of its kind, in our opinion, that has been The book is much more than a com- Eating for Disease—The Selection of Food—Cereal Foods and Legumes, etc., yet published. —Erroneous Notions Fruits— Food Elements In of useful it as its a About Predlgested Fruits— Fruit pilation vegetarian recipes ; is, name implies, Juices Germs—The Medicinal Use of Fruits—Fruit Fruit Cure Destroy Soups— real guide to the humanities of diet, and it is written with such for Constipation— The Fruit Diet— Fruit a Cleansing Food— Diseases Due to and as to be— what few such works are— Milk— Milk and Cream from Nuts— Eggs. sympathy experience thoroughly readable and We beg all our readers who The Natural Way In Diet. interesting. do not know the book to get a without delay."— The Why Fats Render Food Indigestible— Objectionable Vegetable Fats— Chemical copy Bread Raisers— Condiments the Cause of Gin Liver— Dextrlnlsed Cereals—The Humanitarian, " Dally Ration— Balanced BlllB of Fare—Too Frequent Eating — The Purest A Gnide-Book that we heartily recommend to all who desire Water, etc. cleaner, more wholesome and simpler food. Many of our friends The Heart and the Blood. would fain abandon flesh meats but know not the value of fruits, How the Blood Is circulated—The Mystery of the Heart Beat—How the nuts and vegetables. The author comes to the assistance of the Blood Cells Combat Germs—How to Strengthen the Heart. food reformer and renders good service thereby. It is the best, What to do In case ol Sudden Illness or Accident. most attractive, and most suitable work on the subject we have Fainting— Hemorrhage of the Lungs— from the Stomach— A Hemorrhage seen."—New Bruise—The Dressing of Wounds—Sprains, etc. Age. "The introductory Chapters of this Guide-Book are quite en- Dangers In the Air, and How to Avoid Them. lightening. The bulk of the book, however, consists of practical Draughts Not Necessarily Dangerous— Sleeping In Cold Air— Diseases Due to Germs— How Germs Kill— Germs not a Direct Cause of Disease— How to recipes for a simple style of living which is not only rational but Combat Germs— Disinfection, etc. pleasant and appetising— besides being humane. The whole The Clothing of the Temple. deserves the attention of all who wish to make life worth living." The Properties of Different Clothing Materials—The Best Material for —Hereford Times. — " Underclothing Common Evils In the Customary Dress of Women—The There is not a dull chapter in the whole book."—Stirling of of Deformities Civilised Women ; Effect Waist Constriction upon the Kidneys; Displacement of Vital Organs Due to Wal6t Constriction— Woman journal. " Why correct is the Weaker Vessel." "The whole work is a valuable help in the under- of the It is written with The Brain and the Nerves. standing ol the dieting human body. a from 'faddism'—an evil that so often enters into and Feeling Cells and Working Cells—How Habits are Formed—The Proper freedom Function of the Sense of Taste—How to have a Good Memory—Recent checks, in parasitical fashion, the growth of a new movement. Cells—Insomnia—Nerve — Interesting Discoveries about Nerve Poisons A Common There is shrewd common sense, a practical grasp of the subject Cause of Nerve Exhaustion—How to Have a Clear Head—The Problem of and a choice of those endorsed by scientific Heredity— Rational Mind-cure. only arguments research."— Torquay Times. What Is Disease? " Food Reformers and those thinking of adopting a more The Rational Use of Cold Water—Cold Bathing—The Noutral Bath—Stomach do well to obtain this book. It is full of Disorders—The Hydropathic Treatment of Typhoid and other Fevers— Useful humane diet would Hiuts for the Application of Water. useful information."— Montreal Daily Herald. THE ORDER OF THE OOLDEN AOE, THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN AGE. 153, 155, Brompton Koad, London, S.W. 153, 155, Brompton Road, London. A Complete and Comprehensive Guide Book for the Treatment of fell HOW TO PREVENT CANCER. forms of Sickness and Disease. By ROBERT BELL, M.D., F.F.P.S., Lute Senior Physician to the Olasgow flospffu' for Women, Felloio of the Obstetrical Societies and THE HOME BOOK OF MODERN MEDICINE. of Lon

Also in two volumes, in superior binding, Edition. Fortieth Thousand. Price, £1 59. net. £1 6S. post free. Eighth IS Profusely Illustrated, and containing a detachable Atlas of the FLESH-EATING MORALLY DEFENSIBLE? Human Body and all its Organs. By SIDNEY H. BEARD.

This monumental work, consisting of 1676 pages of instructive matter, Price Threepence net. 2/6 per dozen, post free. will prove invaluable in the home of every fruitarian, as it teaches what The latest issue of this booklet is better than one is to do in every case of difficulty and anxiety arising from sickness popular printed any previous edition, and is much ministerial utterances which confirm in the house. strengthened by many and endorse the views of the author. is in Those who live a long distance from any medical man who Wherever it circulates, converts to food reform are made. sympathy with the fruitarian dietary will be glad of t.ie authoritative information and instruction it provides.

Those who are fortunate enough to be in a position to call in a FITth^ Thousand. sympathetic Physician, will be able to carry out his instructions more intelligently because of a better understanding of the ailment, its ERRORS IN EATING AND PHYSICAL causes, and its scientific treatment. DEGENERATION. Dr. Kellogg's exceptional qualifications as a teacher will be under- stood from the fact that at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, which is the By SIR WILLIAM E. COOPER, CLE. largest Institution of its sort in the world, he has 30 resident Doctors and 300 trained Nurses on his staff; and numerous Branch Establish- In Art Linen. Price Sixpence. Post free. ments, worked on similar lines, have been instituted in various parts of An book which reveals in a piquant and interesting manner the the world, in of the success gained at the parent Sanitarium. up-to-date consequence many Dietetic mistakes and transgressions that are being made by the in British public, and the cost in suffering which they have to pay consequence. Much useful information is contained in this book. A POPULAR WORK ON HYGIENE AND DIET.

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Giving clear instructions concerning the way to maintain and restore 1/3 per dozen, post free ; 7/6 per hundred, carriage paid. Health, and how to treat the sick. It is a concise book of advice to all who want to begin the daintier and humaoer method of living. It contains a large number ot well tried recipes, is in a manner. It warns the dangers that This book is well Illustrated, including a number of fine halftone and arranged simple against may be incurred by the careless, and shows how increased health and happi- showing many of the treatments, etc., described therein. plates, ness may come to those who are willing to adopt the Fruitarian Diet rich the scientifically. It is a little book which may be sent to the or to poor, and may be placed in the hands of the most bigoted flesh-eater without fear of offending him. Second Edition. Copies have been presented by Mr. George Cadbury and Mr. W. H. Lever and Port and Messrs. Nestle A BEAUTIFUL asp Instructive Gift-Book. to every inhabitant of Bournvil'le Sunlight, by and Idris to all their employees. THE TEMPLE OF ART. A Book for Enquirers and Beginners and for the Artistic Classes. A Plea for the Hlghor Realization of the Artistic Voeatlon. By ERNEST NEWLANDSMITH Ten th Thousand. (Associate of the Royal Academy of Music; and Director of the British Musical Society). THE TOILER AND HIS FOOD. CLE. Cro-.vn Svo, Art Linen. Price 3/6 net, post free. By SIR WILLIAM EARNSHAW COOPER, net. Contents : Price One Penny I.—The Artist's Calling V.—The Failure to Attain the Ideal A straight talk with the working classes, showing in a concise True Art II.—The Spirit of VI.—The Esteem of the World manner the superior food value of a well chosen non-flesh diet, as against III—The Source of True Art VI 1—The True Minstrel the conventional flesh dietary, for workers of every grade. lV.-The Soul of An VIII— Art in Daily Life

Few people realize what a tar reaching: and subtle influence the Art of the day inevitably exercises on their lives and characters— an influence that often effects Tenth Thousand. them for evil. quite unperccived— good or HOW TO AVOID APPENDICITIS. By DR. JOSIAH OLDFIELD, M.A., D.C.L., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Price Twopence net. this THE TEMPLE OF LOVE. This booklet gives much needed light upon present day malady ; and tells of means it shows how it is acquired by wrong diet, whereby ERNEST A.R.A.M. By NEWLANDSMITH, immunity may be obtained. Printed and bound in a most artistic manner.

Post Svo. Price 1/- net. 1/2 post free. IS MEAT-EATING SANCTIONED BY DIVINE CONTENTS, AUTHORITY? The Wicket Gate. The Light Within. E. CLE. The Trite Love. The Child Shrit. By Sir WILLIAM COOPER, A Mother's Love. Things Which Hinder. Price Threepence net. 2/- per dozen. Tub Love of God. The Kingdom of God. An artistic Booklet that is specially helpful in removing the prejudices and accustomed to think thai the Bible misconceptions of those who have been This is a Book which of the Sanctities 01 Life, the of and information speaks Supremacy justifies flesh eating. Much light upon the subject, Concerning and the True of the of God. the Author, and in I.ove, Principles Coming Kingdom correct interpretation of the Scriptures, is given by yel sucn a reverent and scholarly way M not to offend the ino-t orthodox.

S.W. The Order nf the Golden Age, 153, 155, Brompton Rd., London, S.W- The Order of the Golden Age, 153, 155, Brompton Rd., London, Fourth Edition. Forty-Fifth Thousand. PAMPHLETS FOR PROPAGANDA WORK. THE TESTIMONY OF SCIENCE in favour of NATURAL AND HUMANE DIET. Cecretaries of Food Reform Societies, and Workers for the Food Reformation, are invited to purchase for distribution at Public By SIDNEY H. BEARD. Meetings, Lectures, Debates, &c, some of the Instructive Pamphlets published (at cost price or under) by The Order of the Golden Age. Price One Penny net 6/- per hundred, post free. Those at in circulation list is being A handy up-to-date booklet, full of expert evidence by eminent authorities present (the frequently in the medical and scientific world, with references for the quotations. augmented) include the following: It contains also athletic evidence and personal testimony of a convincing character. Seventieth Thousand. Every Food Reformer and Lecturer will need this booklet. TEN REASONS WHY You are invited to induce your friends to purchase copies. The Use of Flesh-Food should be abandoned by all Humane, Cultured, and Persons. ESSAYS OF THE GOLDEN AGE. Philanthropic Religious By SIDNEY H. BEARD. By Dr. JOSIAH OLDFIELD, M.A.. D.C.L., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Published in English & Esperanto. Price 1/- per hundred, postfree. Art Linen Boards. A concise presentation of the most weighty and fundamenta Price Sixpence post free. arguments in favour of Dietetic Reform. Contents. —Aristophagy—Our Christian Leaders —The Festival of Peace—Tiger or Angel—A Tale of Shame. Hundred and Twentieth Thousand. OF FRUITARIAN DIET. BROTHER PAIN AND HIS CROWN. THE ADVANTAGES By SIDNEY H. BEARD. By Dr. JOSIAH OLDFIELD, M.A., D.C.L., LR.C.P., M.R.C.S. Price 1/- per hundred, 6/- per thousand, post free. In Art Linen Boards. Price Sixpence net. HUMANENESS PUT TO THE TEST. have been to understand the of and have Many helped mystery pain, By Dr. JOSIAH OLDFIELD, M.A.. D.C.L., L.R.C.P., M R.C.S. derived strength and comfort by reading the pages of this book. Price 1\- per hundred, post free. to be to An appeal to Humanitarians and Zoophilists consistent and THE FAILURE OF VIVISECTION, AND THE cease from in the Horrors of the Flesh-traffic. FUTURE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH. participation By Dr. A. KENEALY, L.R.C.P., L.M THE DRINK PROBLEM. Price Twopence net. Ptice 2/- per hundred, post free. An Essay which won the £$o Leigh-Browne prize. A Pamphlet which shows that Food Reform is the most practical means of combating the Drink Evil, and the only one which promises THE VOICE OF NATURE. complete success. By Dr. JOSIAH OLDFIELD, M.A., D.C.L., L R C.P., M.R.C.S. THE CHRISTIAN FESTIVAL. Price One Penny. By SIDNEY H. BEARD. A convincing booklet which clearly reveals the truth concerning Price 2/- per hundred, post free. Man's Natural Diet. Specially suitable for distribution and enclosure in letters before Christmas. THE BIBLE IN RELATION TO FLESH-EATING. By BERTRAM McCRIE. TWELVE REASONS WHY Price One Penny. The Ideals of The Order of the Golden Age should be exalted, and its work supported by Patriots, Humanitarians and Philanthropists. A booklet for those who have biblical difficulties concerning Food- Reform. By LABHSHANKAR LAXMIDAS. Price 1/- per hundred, post free. THE BLOOD TRIBUTE OF CHRISTENDOM. By SIDNEY H. BEARD. THE ADVANTAGES OF VEGETARIANISM. Price One Penny. By W. BRAMWELL BOOTH (Chief of the Staff of the Salvation Army). Some plain words about the nature and extent of the Holocaust of Price hundred, victims which are sacrificed at the altar of human perverted appetite. 2/- per post free. A concise presentation of many reasons why religious people should SHALL WE VIVISECT? adopt a Vegetarian Dietary. Dr. JOSIAH OLDFIELD, M.A.. D.C.L., By L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. DRESS LEAGUE Price One Penny. THE HUMANE OF A reasonable and well reasoned of the case presentation against of tbe Vivisection. Gbe Oroer ©olocn Bfle.

all who are interested in The Council of The Order invite persons THE COMING REVIVAL OF SPIRITUAL RELIGION. humane ideals to further the Humane Dress Movement by joining the above League, so as to build up a consensus of public opinion which By SIDNEY H. BEARD. of animals and birds in order deprecates the needless and cruel slaughter for use as dress materials. Price One Penny. to procure skins, furs, and feathers Imitation furs, including Astrachan, Broadtail, Caracal, Seal, Mole, booklet for those who look at from a A things Spiritual standpoint. and Beaver, are now available, which in appearance and warmth are quite equal to the natural fur. Tenth Thousand. Imitation reindeer and suede gloves are now made in considerable natural skin as to be indis- variety, which so nearly resemble gloves THE DIET FOR CULTURED PEOPLE. tinguishable. Imitation leathers of all colours and textures are also available for Dr. and shoes. By JOSIAH OLDFIELD, M.A., D.C.L., L.R.C.P., M.RC.S. covering furniture and books and even for making boots between the Price One Penny. Samples of these articles, etc., can be seen at any time hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., at the Offices ot The Order. for Food-Reform for A plea Aesthetic and Hygienic reasons. the Full particulars can be obtainedfrom the Hon. Secretary of League. The minimum subscription is Two Shillings and Sixpence per annum, edition- Second Tenth Thousand. which entitles Members to receive regularly the Official A TALE OF SHAME AND ORUELTY. Magazine of The Order. and others The following Leaflets for distribution are now ready willfolttw. Dr. JOSIAH OLDFIELD, M.A., D.C.L., L.R C P . M.R.C.S. By The Coat of a Skin. Prof. Howard Moore 1/- fer hundred Price One Penny. The Cruelties of 8cal-Huntingr. Sidney H. Beard 1/- „ „ I/- of the cruelties of the Flesh Traffic. A Humane Drese League. Some eye-witness revelations

of the Golden Age, 153, 155, Brompton Rd., London, S.W. The Order of the Golden Age, 153, 155, Brompton Rd., London, S.W. The Order The Order of the Golden Age. FOUNDED I89B.

International Offices : 153, 155, BROMPTON ROAD, LONDON, S.W.

Teletrams :~" REDEMPTIVE. LONDON." Telepkone - 1 34 1 KENSINGTON. President: Sidney H. Beard, Barcombe Hall. Paignton, Devon. General Council:

O. L. M. Abramowski, M.D., Coronet Hill, Sandringham, Melbourne. Rev. H. K. Hope. M.A., Ban's Park. Taunton. Percy K. Beard, 4. Layer Gardens. Acton Hill, W. Leon Hymans, Letchworth, Herts. Robert Bell. M.D., F.F.P.S., 15, Half Moon Street, Mayfair, London, W. Nin 1 Hutteman Hume. Loughtonhurit. Bournemouth. Francis S. Blizard. Handsworth. Birmingham. Labhshankar Laxmidas, Junagadh. India. Capt. Walter Carey, R.N., Bereweelce Road. Winchester. Lucy A. Mallory, Portland. Oregon. U.S.A. A. Burton Lancashire. H. LawS-m Coad, 3. New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Rev. M. Mitchell. M.A.. The Vicarage. Wood. Sir William Earnshaw Cooper, C.I.E.. Hume Towers. Bournemouth. Josiah Oldfteld, D.C.L.. M.A., L.R.C.P.. M.R.C.S., Bromley. Kent. Old N.B. Florence Helsby, 31, Sussex Arenue, Montreal. Canada. Rev H. J. Williams. The Manse. Earlsferry, Elie, John Wood, M.D. 64, St. Giles. Oxford. Hon. Auditor Hon. Solicitor: Edwin W. Collier, A.C.A., 16. Eldon Street, London, E.C. R. Lawson Coad, 3. New Square. Lincoln's Inn, London. Hon. Treasurer: Sidney H. Beard. Hon. Secretary: Percy E. Beard. AIMS AND OBJECTS:

To proclaim the coming- and hasten the advent of To affirm that the practice of eating the flesh ot a Golden Age, when Health, Humaneness, Peace, animals is : and Spirituality shall prevail upon Earth. 1st. —A violation of one of the most important physical Laws of Health which govern Man's 1*0 deprecate all social customs and ideas which being, and, consequently, the cause of a hinder its advance. large proportion of the Pain, Disease, Suffer- with which is 1"o promote Universal Kindness, Benevolence and ing and Depravity our race cursed. Philanthropy. 2nd. —A the Moral Law To teach that obedience to the Laws of God— transgression against of love because it involves the mas- — ; daily physical as well as moral is a practical remedy sacre of at least a million animals, and the for the disease and misery which afflict mankind. infliction of an appalling amount of cruelty, which are "To advocate the Fruitarian System of living, and to totally unnecessary. teach its advantages. To plead the cause of the weak, defenceless, and T° promote the adoption throughout Christendom oppressed, and to protest against inhumanity and of a bloodless and natural dietary, for Hygienic, injustice and all that is opposed to the true spirit Humane and Philanthropic reasons. of Christianity.

The Members of The Order are pledged to seek the attainment of these objects by daily example and personal influence. All are abstainers from the use of flesh and fowl as food.

All Services rendered by Members, whether literary, Editorial, administrative, or on the platform, are rendered gratuitously. The work of The Older is maintained by voluntary contributions from its Members and sympathetic Friends. The Minimum Annual subscription is Two Shillings and Sixpence, which entitles each Member to receive regularly a copy of the Official Journal, and also of all Pamphlets and Leaflets which arc published officially. of All financial profit derived from the sale of the Official Publications is devoted to the furtherance the Missionary work of The Order. A the and Kules, and a Form of Application fot Membership will be forwarded, if requested, together with Copy of Prospectus " any information that may be desired. Correct Forms for Bequests" will also be supplied.

The Annual Report of Income and Expenditure (duly audited) will also be supplied gratis upon application.


All Official Correspondence in connection with the general work of The Order of the Golden Age should be addressed to 'The Secretary." Ii letters are addressed to the President (marked 'Private') delay may occur in the acknowledgment, as he is sometimes away from Headquarters.

"The only official address of the Order of the G >lden Age is 153, 155, Brompton Rond, London, S.W., to which all communications should be sent.

Plieques and Postal Orders should be made payable to 'The Order of the Golden Age.' and should be crossed "Harrod's Ltd., a/C Payee only." THIS JOURNAL IS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY AND MAY BE ORDERED OF ANY NEWSAGENT OR BOOKSTALL.

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endeavours. But the question which will— concern Personal Magnetism. most of the readers of these words is: How may it be acquired? "^T} *"&l *-^> ne of the greatest factors of a useful and Personal Magnetism depends mainly upon four o prosperous life is a magnetic personality. — characteristics Health, Kindness and is Strength, Without it, our achievement not likely to Wisdom. The cultivation of these four be extensive nor our qualities, on all will a aura and influence in the world planes, produce magnetic ; will lead to Power, to a wider realm of to of much account. influence, a and fuller life. Those who have larger Without Health it is most difficult to made History, or won physical to be attractive. their way to power, magnetically Invalids, dyspeptics or become leaders in and unhealthy weaklings have a depressing aura that tends to rather than to attract. Instinct- social, political, or repel we feel that our own commercial spheres ively they may sap vitality, and ties of and have, in almost every notwithstanding relationship affection this sentiment exerts its influence over case, been character- us—whereas we feel it is to be in the ized by its possession good of those who radiate vital and —they have been company spiritual Therefore Health-Culture is a endowed with it from energy. matter of birth or have de- great importance for us all; and we should regard it as a as well as a means of veloped it by self- religious duty, true to culture. And all who expressing friendship, help all who are weak and to and want to participate sickly get stronger healthier, by known to them the truth of which in the great work of making hygienic promoting racial they stand in need. amelioration and improved conditions in this world, To take plenty of out-door exercise, to avoid unventilated to breathe of should cultivate this gift, so that their endeavour rooms, deeply the vital may be more fruitful and the harvest of their energy in the atmosphere (Prana) and to eat vital, effort more plenteous. simple and wisely chosen natural food, are effective means for vital People will always listen attentively to bright, increasing magnetism. There is stored in all the optimistic and sensible persons who are glowing life up kindly fruits of the earth which tends to increase our own store of with intense life; such recommend the Cause they vitality if we consume them uncooked whereas in cooked advocate; whereas the melancholy, inert, lifeless ; — foods and dead carcasses there is devitalised or eccentric individual is seldom taken seriously — only his words have no weight in consequence of his material for body-building and in the latter type of Disease is ever in various lack of magnetic vitality. food, lurking forms. The value of Personal Magnetism as an asset Men of business, bread-winners, and all who in life's affairs is so readily apparent that it is want to climb the ladder of achievement, cannot instinctively and universally recognized. The afford in these strenuous days to live in a haphazard dynamic potency of this vital force is realized and way, to ignore Hygienic Law, or to court sickness, felt by all who come within its reach, and ex- surgical operations and wasting illness by consuming perience teaches us that in most cases those who the bodies of tuberculous, cancerous and uric-acid possess it accomplish their ends—they induce others laden cattle. The struggle for existence is keen to embrace their view, to do what they wish, to enough already, without handicapping ourselves go their way, or to co-operate with them in their needlessly, by unwise living and irrationnl dietetic

" The surest way to attract the best it to give what you have of it to others." «* The Herald of the Golden age. -* habits, which are fast becoming obsolete in con- who habitually neglects to manifest affectionate sequence of the growth of medical knowledge, companionship by gentle soothing words, tender and the increase of our ethical perception. smiles, or the occasional touch of a sympathetic -^ *-^ >•&! hand; have only themselves to thank if the sacred Without Strength of Character we cannot fire dies out upon the altar of their homes and attract others or command confidence, respect, leaves them to a wintry old age. And unless we and allegiance. No one feels strongly drawn to- show some warmth of heart and comradeship to wards a person who lacks 'backbone' and loyalty those with whom we co-operate, we cannot be to Principle, who is ever shifting his position, and very influential as men and women of business, who only 'shouts with the crowd;' and no one or as workers for the furtherance of any great feels inclined to trust those who 'wobble' and Ideal. incessantly alter their minds. Weakness, whether The expression of Kindness and Love in the of mind, body or soul, is never an attractive force. case of individual friendships tends to develop into The men or women who 'make good' are those racial and universal benevolence—hence the im- who both dare and do, who are ever marching portance of training ourselves and our children to forward, and who are not afraid to stand alone; avoid coldness, lack of sympathy and consideration, who keep their eyes on the end in view and work and all uncharitableness. their way steadily towards it —no winds of cir- The attractive power of a kind and humane ' cumstance, or mountains of difficulty, being allowed heart is demonstrated every day by our lesser to turn them from their course. Such people are brethren' of the animal world, for they always recognised by the world as being 'stalwarts,' and respond to such sentiment and reciprocate real they attract by their courage and steadfastness. friendship. But they instinctively shrink— away In times of danger, difficulty or anxiety, Strength from hard-hearted, selfish or cruel people just as of Character always establishes its supremacy, and sensitive human beings always do. draws to its possessor those lesser souls who would be inclined to waver if they had not someone Without Wisdom—which includes sound judg- strong upon whom to lean. And in all trying ment, practical ability, and sanctified common- circumstances and situations the odds are always sense, the equipment of a magnetic personality in favour of the strong man or woman. cannot be rendered complete. For this quality for This quality, which, at its highest, is ever based establishes confidence, and is so needful the upon Spiritual Enlightenment and Understanding, prevention of serious mistakes in our life-affairs. can be cultivated by habitually placing Principle It also renders friendship much more valuable and and Justice before Expediency, by practising self- much less likely to become tedious. discipline and sacrifice, by following high ideals Wisdom is the fruit of Knowledge and Under- in scorn of consequence, and by daily endeavour standing, and its extent and depth depend upon to see clearly, to decide rightly, and to act up to the length of the journey that the soul has travelled, one's resolves with fortitude. the trials and labours that it has passed through in this present life or in preceding lives (either Without Kindness, which includes the mani- on this planet or elsewhere), and the use it has festation of sympathy, consideration, a disposition made of its opportunities for gaining enlightenment. to help, and a recognition of the universal need It is a spiritual quality of inestimable value, for human affection, we may lack the strongest and it transcends any mere academic— cerebral strand in the magnetic cable—and the one that is registration of ascertained physical facts for there ' most permanently effective. For Love is the is such a thing as learned ignorance.' The greatest of all attractive and holding forces on Scriptural record of the Divine commendation his account of its uplifting, redeeming and transforming being given to Solomon on account of choice power; and Kindness, in its fullest sense, is but of 'a wise and understanding heart' in preference Love made manifest. to all other gifts, was evidently intentionally made. Health, Strength and Wisdom can exercise It must be admitted that the size and quality great magnetic attraction, but without Love they, of our physical brain apparently determines approxi- even unitedly, will have difficulty in holding friend- mately our intellectual achievement on the physical ship permanently. For every normal human soul plane, and also to some extent the manifestation craves for real affection in some form. Just as of our innate illumination and capacity, but it is plants ever turn towards the warm sunshine and highly probable that this cerebral organ may be of a languish without it, so do spiritual beings instinct- the correspondence or counter-part super- ively turn towards those who reflect the genial physical brain which is the instrument by which warmth of God's Heaven—that sphere where Love the real Self evidences mentality on a higher so irradiates the atmosphere that the light of sun plane than this mundane. and moon are needless. In any case, our chief concern should be (i) Many are the friendships that wax cold, and to gain Illumination and Understanding, (2) to which many the marriages that end disastrously, because strengthen the intellectual instrument with of this human need being ignored. The hus- we are endowed, so that it may be more efficient band who, upon leaving home, is so absorbed for our use. The Art of thinking, of observing, in his business affairs or himself that he tells his and of drawing sound conclusions, can be developed wife to 'consider herself kissed'; and the wife —just like the art of lifting heavy weights or

"Goodncti consists in living oitunlly and loving rrcitly—not in pious ihibbolcths." -•> The Herald of the Golden Age. -» jumping over hurdles. The cult of Wisdom is and The Greatest Law in the World. really a matter of self-development, threefold harmonious—physical, mental, and spiritual. is the divine law of life. Love *) -'^ •"! somebody Lovehelp somebody; lift up somebody; bless Personal is and he who is Magnetism Life, somebody. This is the divine law. most alive on all of his being, will, as a planes Live not unto yourself alone. Forget your win most and rule, be most attractive, friendship, selfish schemes. Get out of the narrow shell of most this accomplish during earthly pilgrimage. your egotism. Brighten the lives of those around alive who cannot vibrate intensely Partially people you. Make sweeter the cup for some other of God's on any plane can only be partially magnetic ; children. the cold, 'undemonstrative' person is generally Love is spiritual sunshine. Make your soul a either in heart or brain. Full-volumed lacking sun that shall radiate light and warmth to ail life answers to full-volumed life, and unless only about you, we of our and affection give generously sympathy Life is dreary enough at times for all of us. we cannot to receive full measure in return. expect Then how much a kind word, a good deed, helps It is of no use if we like being 'gold' appear us! Our hearts yearn for sympathy as the flowers brass. yearn for the dew and the rain. Let us then fill ourselves with, and disseminate, Leave a plant without sunlight, and it withers and ideas and strong, kind, loving uplifting away and dies. Leave a heart without love, and and cause such to be made manifest in thoughts, it becomes stunted and dwarfed. words and deeds. corresponding A child needs Love as much as it needs food, Thus we to minister to the World's may help shelter and raiment. While the physical comforts need. And thus also we hasten the advent may are essential for its bodily growth, love is required of that better time which is coming when Health for its spiritual unfoldment. will be as striven for as ; when earnestly money With bonds of affection, of patriotism, and of mental and Adornment will be desired as spiritual brotherhood, Love unites the family, the nation, as beautiful frocks and when keenly millinery; and the race. It is the soul of the social system. consideration for our fellow creatures sympathetic It is the regenerating power of the world. (human and sub-human) will replace the heartless Love for God and man is the soul of religion. is so and when self-idolatry that now prevalent ; Take love out of it, and you have left a theological Wisdom and Understanding will be so much husk, a mere creed. It is a dead thing, for love more general that the joys of life, will be greatly gave it life. enhanced, while its sorrows are correspondingly Love for country, for the flag, for a principle, is lessened. what makes men heroes and martyrs. It is the This present Era of distressful ignorance, motive force that impels the true statesman. It bondage to custom, reckless physical transgression is the Light that illuminates all the great and good. and needless suffering is passing. The policies He loved much. That is the highest encomium of despair that are being advocated, the extension we can pay to a man. It is sufficient to cover a of armaments, the outrageous surgical operations, multitude of sins. the serum and other quackeries, the irrational Love is the of self. Perfect love is and nostrums, are destined to be losing religious political unselfishness. Greed cannot live in a heart swept by the besom of Enlightenment. perfect away is. who loves mankind will where love A man truly Sanity, Fraternity and Common-sense cannot cheat and overreach his neighbours. triumph and there will be a general return to a Love will banish war, caste, and all social more natural and law-abiding life, with the result It will drive out cruelty, inhumanity, that most of our social and individual troubles injustice. and uncharitableness. and maladies will be healed. The Upas tree of Genuine love can be told from the spurious Evil will then be smitten at its root and it will in this The thinks only of self, — that is not to be way. spurious w j t her a result likely brought and demands sacrifice from others. The genuine about by such ineffective palliatives as are now is ready to sacrifice self for the happiness of others. or by the mere pruning of twigs. being applied, Peace on Earth will never come until there is To us is given the privilege of helping to an incarnation of the spirit of love in the body of usher in the Age of Reason, the Humane Era, human society. and the Time of Spiritual Realization. Let us We are all brothers, with our faults and sorrows, we can, our hour of then do what during present and like with our weaknesses impotence ; wayward to hasten the dawning of that brighter opportunity, children, quarrelling and hurting each other. We Day! travel the same rough road, and finally each of us " Live for something, have a Purpose, in view falls by the wayside. And that Purpose keep ; asleep our lot would Drifting like a helpless vessel, How much sweeter and happier Thou can'st ne'er to life be true. be did we but hearken to the voice of the Half the wrecks that strew life's ocean, Nazarene: "A new commandment I give unto If some Star had been their guide, that love one as I loved Might have long been riding safely, you, ye another, you, But they drifted with the tide." that ye also love one another." Sidney H. Beird. Circle of Light.

•' Cease your criticisms and foolish judgments. God understands." -* The Herald of the Golden Age. ->

Man cannot retain his healthy vigour and resist Natural Diet versus Disease. the invasion of disease so long as he persists in defying those dietetic laws which have been laid By ROBERT BELL, M.D., F.F.P.S., etc., K> down for his the Author of Cancer, its Cause and Treatment without Operation" ; "Health guidance, and benefit of obedience at its Rest versus Cancer'' ; "Cancer and its Remedy," to which we see exemplified in every division of the animal kingdom except his own. have frequently called attention to the fact that The most powerful antiseptic in the pharma- I Man is the only animal who habitually chooses copoeia will not prevent bacteria establishing to live on dead matter, and that he alone themselves in a wound, and it is only the inde- (together with those creatures pendent action of the vital energy of the cellular he has compelled to tissue which prevents infection and promotes depart from their healing. Man is engaged in a perpetual struggle natural mode of life) with the germs of disease, these finding access to is afflicted by the his body by various channels, and it is only the numerous diseases to healthy vitality of the cells opposed to these which it has been which enables him to withstand infectious disease. euphemistically, but Now this healthy vitality can only be assured by falsely, stated "flesh supplying the cellular tissues freely with pabulum is heir." derived from vital elements contained in the various of the The fact is, Man, products vegetable kingdom, fruit, nuts, seeds, ever wise in his own etc., to which may be added milk, eggs, and cheese. conceit, has by his ^Wi *~&l -"^i life absurd mode of per- The question naturally arises : What sistently courted disease, and given The Source does this wonderful vitalising agent it every encouragement to assert itself in its various of Vitality, consist of? Essentially it is Nuclein, shapes and forms. On the other hand, amongst what but it has recently been demonstrated " we are pleased to term the lower animals," when by actual experiment that all fruits, and seeds also, left to exercise their own judgment in their wild contain radio-active elements when in an uncooked state, and away from the influence of Man, disease of condition. Thus we perceive that the products of any description is almost unknown. Now there must the vegetable kingdom, when ripe —which means be a reason for this contrast in the life experience of that they are sufficiently cooked by the sun— men on the one hand, and animals in a state of should constitute our main food supply, seeing nature on the other. The physiological requirements that these, and these only, satisfy all our physio- of Man are identical with those of all vertebrate logical necessities, and moreover, are in complete animals, yet what the animals observe in relation- harmony with the functional arrangements of our ship to this subject Man treats with contempt. He digestive apparatus. loads his stomach with unsuitable food, unsuitable In this connection permit me to state that by both in its nature and in the condition in which he means of a recently constructed recording consumes it. In other words, he deprives it of instrument of acute sensitiveness, it has been it in its those vivifying properties which possesses proved that each section of an orange, e.g., is natural condition, and which are essential to the sufficiently charged with electricity to cause a of cell life also of at least to this maintenance healthy ; galvanometer record fact. Now, as all two-thirds of its nutritive value, and of its saline other fruits, including nuts and cereals, contain constituents, without which it is impossible for this vital, electric, radioactive, or call it what you the blood to be maintained in a healthy condition. choose, potentiality in their natural condition, and It becomes a necessity, therefore, to consume as we are aware, our nervous system is dependent a much larger quantity of this devitalised food upon a force, if not actually electrical, yet one than otherwise would be necessary. The stomach closely allied to it, and as Nuciein is essential is, in consequence, overloaded, and a great pro- to the healthy vigour of every cell in the animal portion of the ingested matter finds its way into organism, and moreover contains antiseptic proper- the colon, where it undergoes rapid decomposition ties, does it not appeal to one that our present of the most noxious description, in the process mode of feeding is in direct opposition to the giving rise to the developement of virulent toxins, laws of health ? which, being absorbed by the blood, exert a most The healthy vigour of each cell of the body pernicious influence upon every cell and organ of is dependent to a very large extent upon the the body, thereby reducing to a very appreciable ample supply of this vital principle. Why, then, extent their resisting power of disease. do we systematically overload the stomach with an Now, it is beyond dispute that it is the vital amount of dead matter which it was never intended energy of the cells, and that alone, which averts to receive, and which it is impossible for it to infection, and also the invasion of those diseases utilize with advantage, and, moreover, from which which are not of an infectious nature. How, the most important constituent has been removed? then, is the integrity of the cells to be upheld if Such a dietary can only tend to be provocative they are not supplied with suitable pabulum, of disease ? On the other hand, a much smaller which, to be suitable, must consist of nourishment quantity of natural food would prove sufficient for that has not been deprived of its vital principle ? our physical necessities, be much more in harmony

" You have the power to re-make yoursel', to create a superior personality." The Herald of the Golden Age. ** with the capabilities of the digestive organs, and whereas its consumption is not only unnecessary thus not only promote health, but also a healthy for the maintenance of the body, but on the longevity. contrary, as it daily becomes more and more Does it not seem strange that scientific men evident, it, in every sense of the word, constitutes should recognise the utility of Nuclein, obtained a serious menace to health, and, moreover, is a from the glands of dead animals, which in its most potent factor in predisposing to disease in turn was derived from living plants, and thus the various forms it assumes. adopt the most roundabout way of attacking dis- In support of this statement we have only to ease, when they would not only be able to treat take note of the splendid physique and uninter- it successfully, but actually prevent its advent by rupted health which are characteristic of those who following and recommending their clientele to exclude the flesh of animals from their dietary, follow the mode of life which Nature has from and to observe the healthy longevity they attain, not the beginning pointed out, and emphasized, in the to mention the happy countenances which are re- most unmistakable manner. flected from their mode of life. Moreover, not only The generality of medical men tacitly admit is the physical condition of such superior to flesh- the value of Nuclein, as of value in the treat- eaters, but their mental powers are equally benefited ment of disease, when they prescribe gland and their recuperative powers greatly augmented. extracts, and yet their voice is rarely lifted up *Gl *-^ *-&* in favour of a reformed diet, or against the sui- It is humiliating to think that cidal and disease-provoking dietary that obtains A Barbaric we have permitted ourselves— I throughout the civilised world, notwithstanding the Habit. speak for the community at large— amount of disease, and high mortality, for which to become slaves to a vile custom, it is directly responsible, not to mention the im- inaugurated by our barbarian ancestors, who, morality, drunkenness, insanity, and other evils for ignorant of the laws of Nature and too indifferent which it is indirectly answerable. Instead of to their own welfare to cultivate the soil, or supplying the pabulum, which is everywhere present probably too lazy to do so, took upon them- in its natural and abundantly available condition, selves the role of beasts of prey, and fell back and upon which healthy cell life and metabolism upon, for food, the spoils of the chase. Yet, are dependent, the custom is to encourage the notwithstanding the glaring effects of such a consumption of unsuitable food, and afterwards diet, we still adhere to the evil custom. Nay, endeavour by administering the very substance, more, the majority actually make themselves the destruction of which, by the process of cooking, believe that the corpses of animals are necessary the food has been deprived of, to restore health, accessories to the food of mankind, and this not- which has so wantonly been undermined by per- withstanding all the evidence that proves the con- sistent disregard of the dictates of common sense. trary to be the case. The chemical construction of Nuclein has been On many occasions, when discussing the subject placed beyond doubt, and its physiological action of Diet, I have been met with the assertion that thoroughly explained. As I have stated, it is a Man was never intended to confine his dietary to germicide. It also provides wholesome stimulus the fruits of the vegetable kingdom, "for, judging to the various cells by supplying them with suit- from the construction of his teeth, he should be able pabulum, thereby promoting those metabolic omnivorous." In support of this contention the changes which are essential to the preservation universal argument adduced is that we are provided of health. It is the agent by which dead with canine teeth. Certainly we have teeth which tissue is removed without impairing the healthy are called canine, because they occupy a similar surviving material. And the animal extracts, from position in the mouth of man to that of the whatever organs they are obtained, all depend, tearing teeth of the carnivora, but here the for their medicinal properties and efficacy upon similarity ceases. The same argument might be their containing Nuclein, which furnishes that applied to our nails, which, anatomically, bear an stimulus which is needed to assist the vis medicatrix intimate relationship to the claws of the carnivora; naturce in neutralising and destroying the various and surely, if we were intended by Nature to use morbific organisms which are constantly endeavour- these weapons, which are so formidable in the ing to assert their ascendancy. carnivora, they would not have been constructed on But why employ the glands of dead animals different lines. The only omnivorous animals that when Nuclein can be obtained in any quantity I know of are scavengers in every sense of the word, from the vegetable kingdom ? Or why wait for and if we are to compare ourselves to these, then disease to assert itself, when this may be obviated I beg to be excused from being included in the by obedience to those dietetic and hygienic laws, category. Of all the hideous, ugly, and filthy which in the beginning were enacted for our creatures in existence that omnivorous animal— which guidance and welfare, and which never hint at we may always have under observation viz., the eating dead meat of any description ? pig, is chief; and surely no one has any ambition It seems strange that the flesh of animals, to claim relationship with it or resemble it in its whose frames have been built up of material habits. Yet familiarity with it and its filthy habits identical in nature with that which constitutes does not prevent its flesh being utilised as an the natural food of man, should be deemed by article of diet, though it is well known to be the so many of the human race a dietetic necessity, most pernicious of all flesh food.

"It it infinitely better to live than merely to exist, even if 'life' bring failure and strife." -•> The Herald of the Golden Age. -*

I feel confident that every pure-minded indi- A surgeon has put forward the extraordinary vidual looks with abhorence upon cannibalism. suggestion that we should utilise the appendix by Yet if we come to look at it from a practical bringing it to the outside of the abdomen, and use point of view, when the soul has left Man's body, it as a means of irrigating the colon with an anti- the corpse that remains can only be classified septic, the sepsis of which would never be apparent as that of an animal, for, after all, Man, so far were our diet regulated in conformity to Nature's as his mortal part is concerned, is neither more laws, nor would Appendicitis ever exist. And, by nor less. How then can we permit ourselves to rob the way, I may state that this disease also has animals of the gift which God has conferred upon become more and more prevalent, pari passu, with them, just as He has bestowed it upon Man, so the increase in the consumption of flesh meat. It that we may utilise their carcasses to gratify a would appear that this wonderful would-be improver depraved appetite, and at the same time, have upon Nature had overlooked the fact, that if it were the assurance to ask the blessing of their, as necessary to introduce antiseptics into the colon, much as our, Creator upon such food ? And I this would readily be the " accomplished by employ- would ask, Does not the Almighty continually ment of an enema. show His abhorence of such conduct by visiting Another writer, dissatisfied with Nature's arrange- with disease and premature death those who ments, being cognisant of the offensive putrefaction repeat the daily practice of it ? that, following the ingestion of flesh meat, takes Just look around and note the amount of place in the colon, and also recognising the dire disease that pervades every class of society, and effects, due to absorption of the resulting toxic at the same time mark, that, with few exceptions, material by the blood, has advocated the removal Man enters the world with a body free from of this portion of the alimentary canal by operation disease, and which would never tend to depart (so as to get rid of the receptacle of the foul from the healthy standard under favourable cir- material which finds its way into it by instalments, cumstances. Disease, with only one exception, is preparatory to being expelled en masse). not hereditary. It is, however, readily acquired It is not difficult to comprehend what irreparable if one is surrounded by, and compelled to live in, inconvenience such a proceeding would lead to, when a vitiated atmosphere, while the tendency to disease we consider that there goes on a continuous will be accentuated if an unwholesome diet is emptying of the small intestine of the unutilised super-added. ingested matter. Would it not be more sensible, I am confident I am only stating the truth and in accordance with reason to adapt the food when I aver that it is from the ashes of that to our anatomical and physiological condition altar upon which one million of our fellow sentient rather than vainly endeavour to make these sub- beings are daily sacrificed to gratify a depraved servient to our vitiated appetite ? Such suggestions appetite that Disease in its varied forms, rises up are so preposterous that it is a marvel to me that in judgment against us, and tacitly proclaims God's men with any pretence to scientific knowledge can abhorence of the inhuman act. For has He not ever permit themselves even to hint at such ex- said, "I will have Mercy and not Sacrifice"? pedients, and thus render themselves objects of ridicule. To demonstrate how Diet bears a As all who have given sufficient thought to the Cancer and startling relationship to Disease let subject are fully aware, Man, if he rigidly obeys Appendicitis, me direct your attention to the dietetic, hygienic and sanitary laws, is quite following important fact : When I capable of so fortifying his system as to render it commenced my medical career, Cancer was not invulnerable to disease. Yet, as these are con- nearly so prevalent as it is to-day. Then, how- tantly being evaded, intentionally or unwittingly, ever, there was not nearly so much flesh meat disease does not fail at such times to assert itself, eaten as there is to-day. The refrigerating appar- and I will now endeavour to point out in what atus was at that period in its infancy, and the manner Diet supplemented by hygienic measures amount of meat imported was only about 5 lbs. or will assist in overcoming it. 6 lbs. per head per annum of the population. Now, though the population has increased I am quite convinced that the lives e materially since that date, the importation—im- J~ of a great number of invalids are Overfeeding dailv sacrificed to the absurd im . remember, of butchers' meat, which is ' portation, . . of Invalids. , , , .. additional to our own supply, has increased to pression, which exists both amongst 50 lbs. per head, and, in direct ratio, the increase uninformed medical men and the public, that the more can stuff into an invalid the better of Cancer has taken place. Moreover, so far as food you — my experience goes, and I have been in daily will be his chance of recovery notwithstanding contact with this disease for over thirty years, the fact that the poor, helpless sufferer rebels at it is only those who indulge in the carnivorous the very thought of food, while the digestive organs, habit that are attacked, while I am unable to in the circumstances, are quite unable to cope with recall a single instance where it has occurred in it. Moreover, the recuperative powers are, when those who are content to subsist upon food which such a course is pursued, seriously handicapped Nature has so amply provided, and which, more- in their efforts to overcome the disease. not over, is strictly in accord with our physiological The consequence is, the patient infrequently requirements. is sacrificed to the unscientific measures which are

" Ii we rise, wc lift up those itouoa us; if wc fall, we drag others down. The Herald of the Golden age. employed, with the object of forcing the recuper- abundant reserve in the body to enable it to ative efforts by food and drugs, instead of en- retain its healthy condition for a considerable couraging and coaxing them by the judicious ad- time without food, if a plentiful supply of water ministration of simple fluids, which are easily is at hand, so that no risk whatever is run, but assimilated, and thus encourage the action of the on the contrary, great benefit is derived from eliminatory organs to carry off the cause of the periodic judicious fasts. Nay, more, I can affirm mischief from the blood. that the absence of solids will invariably prove Among the first cases of typhoid fever which much more efficacious in restoring the healthy I had the opportunity of observing, and which was condition of the alimentary canal, and assist the of extreme virulence, and by which the patient healing power of Nature, and therefore recovery was reduced to a condition of skin and bones, from disease, than all the drugs of the pharma- recovery, I am convinced, was entirely due to the copoeia will ever accomplish. fact that for a period of three weeks the only When the stomach rebels at food, which it nourishment given consisted in the free adminis- invariably does in illness, no matter what its tration of weak barley water and to the complete nature may be, does this not indicate that it absence of drugs. wants a rest ? Certainly it does, and yet the Another case may still further illustrate the custom is to coerce the jaded organ by giving importance of withholding food in certain circum- bitter tonics, so that it may be stimulated to further efforts and to off effete stances, and may also prove interesting. Some ; purgatives carry years ago I was called in consultation to see a matter which ought never to have been present, gentleman over eighty years of age, who was for food in such circumstances can only be classi- apparently dying—and who certainly would have fied as a poison, and I have no hesitation in died very soon had the heroic methods of forcing pronouncing it to be such when these conditions his already overtaxed and debilitated stomach to obtain. It is by the adoption of such irrational receive food and stimulants been continued to the methods, instead of following the dictates of Nature extent this was being prosecuted at the time. that dyspepsia, and the various diseases which Much to the astonishment of the family doctor, are either directly or indirectly due to it, are and in direct opposition to his wishes, I put an brought into existence, and cause so much un- end to this poisoning process and insisted that the necessary suffering. *^i *4&i ^Wi patient's nourishment for some days should con- sist of barley water, and that alone. The con- Now, if fasting during disease proves sequence was that from that moment he began to Simplicity so valuable as an aid to recovery, surely it stands that a moderate rally, and not only regained his health but lived and to reason for several years afterwards. Moderation, dietary, and that composed of food Judicious fasting, as practised with such which Nature has so amply provided eminent success by Dr. O. L. Abramowski, medical for our use, and which is quite as satisfying as the — view superintendent at the District Hospital, Mildura, most tempting dishes prepared more with a Australia, I have carried out for many years past. to gratifying the palate than to supply the legitimate He designates his method the "No-Food Treatment." wants of the body—will also prove of more If a limited quantity of fruit or fruit juice is ad- lasting benefit, and promote a more healthy con- ministered he calls it a "fruit fast": "In acute dition of the individual than those abnormal cases the abstinence from food practically coincides products of the culinary art with which so many with the feverish stage. In chronic cases no food, nowadays overload their stomachs. or only a limited quantity of fresh fruit, is given As I have stated, it is ridiculous to attempt until after the disappearance of the 'habit hunger' to overule Nature's laws. Yet the world goes on (which usually takes place in from three to six days) in its wilful disregard of these laws, the obedience as ob- a strong desire for food sets in." This is really an to which is as essential to our well-being epitome of his treatment, and the results are most servance of the laws of a country is to the safety gratifying. By this scientific method he has been and welfare of its inhabitants. enabled to reduce the mortality of every acute Although, as we know, the cells of the body disease, to expedite the recovery from chronic affec- have the power to survive under adverse circum- tions, and accelerate the healing of surgical cases. stances and diverse environment, yet rebellion " The No-Food Treatment," as Dr. Abramowski sooner or later is sure to assert itself, when the " states, has reduced not only the death-rate but very adaptability of the cells to altered circum- also the sufferings of the patients and the work stances is liable to become a source of danger, as and anxiety of the nursing and medical staff." evidenced in the incidence of Cancer, which is the Moreover, he avers that "our teachings seem to direct outcome of neglecting to conform to those have left their imprint upon the mortality of our dietetic and hygienic laws which promote healthy whole community, for we find here almost the cell life and metabolism. In this case the cells same decline since 1903 as in our Hospital." still continue to maintain their vital activities, but For further details of this most satisfactory method unfortunately these are directed into a wrong of treating disease I would refer to the able article channel, and consequently cease to be under their written for, and published in, The Herald of the normal physiological control, therefore they assume Golden Age of April, 1909, by Dr. Abramowski. instead an independent pathological existence which We should always remember that there is an it is their tendency to perpetuate and extend.

" Perfect health dependi largely upon perpetual harmony,'' 8 *+ The Herald of the Golden age. -*>

Notwithstanding all these unsavoury facts, there is still hope for the transgressor, if he will only Vivisection for ilje Table. endeavour to depart from his hitherto pernicious By L. Lind-af-Hageby. mode of life, for it is never too late to mend. A return to the simple food upon which man the gay dinner-table, with snow-white linen, subsist was, and is, evidently intended to and At flowers, colour, appetising dishes, and pleasant live to a healthy old age, has done wonders in talk, who thinks of the shambles, from numbers of instances, and proved eminently whence came the food that is eaten with so relish ? superior to medicine in eradicating disease. But much The parts of no reform of diet will prove a specific to disease dead animals that are with all unless it is accompanied by a superabundance of served up the fresh air and pure water, along with attention to aesthetic accessories of the the sanitary condition of the intestinal canal. The culinary art bring no latter, however, will not be difficult to secure if suggestions of the scenes the diet is regulated according to Nature's decree. of killing, of the bellowing Did time permit I could cite any number of and bleating and shrieking instances where a reformed diet has succeeded in of terrified animals, of streams of eradicating disease and re-establishing health blood, reeking where drugs had proved miserable failures, and I carcasses, or the repellent have had ample experience in both lines of treat- smells and sights of the ment. slaughter-house. I Permit me, in conclusion, once more to remind wish that the scenes you that the body is made up of countless cells. and the sights could be Treat them fairly and they will prove your brought before every- staunchest friends, but do the opposite and they one who eats meat. I will retaliate by becoming your most inveterate wish that in all its brutal foes, and this sentence contains the epitome of and revolting details the the foregoing remarks. whole process which ends in the roast, the cutlet, or the more deli- cate pate, could be For the New Year. stamped on their consciousness. The thousands who eat, do so in blissful will start anew this with a fairer I morning higher, ignorance of the horrors of the cattle traffic, of creed ; the prodding, the goading, the forced feeding I will cease to stand of ruthless neigh- complaining my and of the details of the final slaying. "Green bor's greed ; fields, peaceful waters, happy pasturage,'" wrote while call is " I will cease to sit repining my duty's clear, someone to me the other are not these shall day, I will waste no moment whining, and my heart and the simple delights of animal life sufficient know no fear. for the inevitable sacrifice of life compensation " the that I will look sometimes about me for things through a swift and painless death ? Were merit theoretical based real facts it praise ; the question upon beauties that elude the " I will search for hidden might be easy to answer a light-hearted Yes." grumbler's gaze ; For in discussing this question and the duties in the that I I will try to find contentment paths before us we need not enter upon the profounder must tread, ethical problems of the right or wrong in taking I will cease to have resentment when another moves life. The immediate question is: How do we ahead. take life? rival's vast multitudes of sentient I will not be swayed by envy when my strength The living, creatures, is "the cattle a thousand hills" that into shown ; upon pass I'll strive I will not deny his merit, but to prove my the slaughterhouses to return only as so many of do not meet with a swift own ; pounds flesh, or before rain I will try to see the beauty spread me, painless death. or shine— They are killed with the indifference of the and be more con- I will cease to preach your duty savage to pain in creatures little understood and cerned with mine. are killed in a less studied ; they blundering, S. E. Kiier. are killed a stupid, thoughtless way ; they with cruelty which would be fiendish were it not the will of a want of Go to sleep with a smile on your face. It result pitiful pity. this be and if it can be beautify the countenance and sweeten the All can remedied, is it not a fearful we disposition. remedied, responsibility We grow into the likeness of that which we are taking upon ourselves when we allow our think of the most. indifference and our dislike of an unpleasant sub- There are those who are tired of life who ject to stand in the way of the work which is to be ? have not as yet begun to live. C. D. Larson. crying to Heaven done

"Some of us dwell too long on our errors and misdemeanours." The Herald of the Golden Age. -*

The shame and scandal of the traffic in old The sight of the slaughter going on, the disem- horses are surpassed by the cruelties on a larger bowelling of the steaming carcasses, the crimson scale which go on day by day in the private colour of the floor, the odour of the carnage, slaughter-houses of England. Why are there no stirred the fine animal energy of the terrified beast of prosecutions for cruelty during the process into rebellion. He refused to be led in, and slaughter ? The man who cruelly beats his horse firmly planted his hoofs in the ground. Blindfolding in the street, or who ill-treats animals in any was tried in vain. Then beating with the same place open to the public or accessible to humane result. Then one man took up his position behind of vigilance, is punished, and the large number the animal, and the process of tail-twisting was convictions for offences of this kind shows the begun and varied in accordance with the increasing need of constant supervision of those who have impatience of the slaughtermen. Though the charge of draught-animals. How much greater exquisite pain inflicted was apparent, the animal must that need necessarily be within the precincts stood firm, and not until a strong rope had been of the slaughter-house, where the "rights of attached to the horns was he forcibly pulled in animals" are smothered by knife and pole-axe, by the windlass. Then some more minutes of and where men are employed in a work which mental torture were inflicted before the animal would need almost superhuman self-control, and had been fastened and the man was ready to an unusual amount of tenderness if its brutalising strike. I had time to walk round the large hall tendencies were to be kept in abeyance! and come in through another entrance, and found still his feet. There is no need and we have no right to anathe- the terrified bull on matize the roughness of the slaughterman. I have The first blow by the axe did not stun. The shaken the blood-stained hand of many a slaughter- bull merely bellowed and shook his head. The his sit on his hind man with greater faith in inherent humanity second blow made him down legs ; than I have in that of some of the gentle- but he got up again. The third blow stunned him, mouthed ladies who adore dogs or cats and who and he fell with a heavy thud. There was, as far leave the rest of living creatures to their ugly fate. as I could judge, no recovery of consciousness followed But no man's work should be more closely during the bleeding and kicking which the of the but who can defend the supervised than the one whose life is spent in opening arteries, resistance cruel and killing, and in subduing the natural stupid preparations. offered the animals who, smelling the fumes of It is obvious that in our slaughter reform work by " the slaughter, refuse to be driven into the place we must not only insist on stunning," but on the of death. When the methods of beating, prodding, institution of methods which are reliable, and other kicking, and tail-twisting have been exhausted which do not, like the neck stab and resorted of there are yet others, and worse which are fallacious methods, give a false appearance to. humaneness, and which make vivisection of the The private slaughter-house, with its crude killing. The best types of the shooting appar- its of methods of killing, its defective implements, atus are the only commendable instruments indefensible privacy, which prevents legal punish- death. Act ment, should be abolished and prohibited by "Animal protection" is not only consideration of Parliament. for dogs and cats. The blood of the millions of It would be well to forbid the use of the patient creatures cruelly sacrificed in the slaughter- pole-axe, for it is often, in the hands of an houses through our selfishness, our meanness, our incompetent, nervous, tired, or bad-tempered man brutal indifference, is calling for pity. torture. a means of horrible and unnecessary I write as an abstainer from meat, but as I Why should an ox or a cow be repeatedly cannot make all the world abjure the products of knocked on the head, have an eye or an ear split, the shambles, I can at least work to humanise before it is at last deprived of consciousness ? the slaughter. Who will help ? During my absence from England I have spent (The Anti-Vivisection Review.) some of my time in visiting slaughter-houses and public abattoirs. I have seen some of the most J "perfect" institutions for the killing of animals the on a gigantic scale. But I have come to THE POWER OF LOVE. conclusion that the really humane slaughter-house has yet to be built. The German abattoir is by I ove life. Hatred kills. Love sweetens and no means humane. In the large abattoir gives always *^ Hatred embitters. Love elevates. in Munich, where the economic and sanitary purifies. Hatred degrades. Love is the path to heaven. arrangements are excellent, little or no thought Hatred is the road to hell. seems to have been given to painless killing. I is but another name for brotherhood. It witnessed a scene there which I should have Love forth forbearance, tolerance, thought impossible in an abattoir which has cost brings charity, mercy, benevolence. 12 million marks, and which is the pride of the God is and Christ was divine because He city. love, was the most embodiment of love the A huge bull was being driven into one of the perfect world has ever known. slaughter-halls, and refused to pass the doors.

of it." 'Niture will ier lhat you K't 'higher work' it you prove yourself worthy 10 The Herald of the Golden age. -*

with strawberries, and prohibits their free use. The In Praise of Fruit. peculiar acidity of these latter fruits is occasionally

a source of trouble, which leads to their avoidance ; but this is far less liable to with constitutes a large proportion of the diet happen people on a low diet with its freedom Fruitprescribed for Man by his Creator, who said, living proteid greater " or uric I have herb from purin derivatives, acid antecedents. Behold, given you every bearing " there is a on the of seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and Further, tendency part some individuals to suffer from acid fermentation every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree with too liberal use of starches and but yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." "Of sugar, as a rule the of and every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat." advantages ordinary starchy natural cannot be over-esti- Here there is a food of which we are permitted by sugar-containing foods mated. It is wise to them a divine ordinance to eat freely. certainly give in the and to As we study the structure of Man's body, we conspicuous place daily dietary their children." find there is no mistake in this matter, for it is encourage use, especially by "&\ -"^i -"^h perfectly constructed to utilize a diet of fruits. Our common fruits are rich in As to teeth, length and conformation of intestine, sugar. Composition A pound of apples contain 12.5 per and many other details, Man's body very closely of Fruits- cent, of this food element, or resembles the bodies of the anthropoid apes, and nearly one-half the total nutriment in a they, as we all know, are great fruit-eaters. . . . of meat a of bananas with its pound ; pound Man and the monkey have one thing in common 25 cent, nutriment lacks 2 cent, of —a fruit diet. per only per equalling the nutriment in a of meat, of At the present time, fruits are coming more pound though, course, the latter contains much the and more into common use in all parts of the larger pro- of world. Through improved methods of trans- portion proteid. portation, the products of each land are more generally distributed to all other lands. Thus to- day in the great markets of the world, fruits from every clime are staple products. As a result, many fruits which but a few years ago were expensive luxuries, have been placed within the reach of all and may be freely used every day as foods. ""^i *-) ") Why fruit should be so often con- Tfae Food sidered simply a relish rather than Value of a food is very difficult to under- Fruit. stand, as even the juicy fruits have a fairly high value. On this point Chittenden says: " I would lay special stress upon the value to the body of the natural sugars as well as of starch. We are inclined to deprecate the wide-spread use of candy, especially among children, and there is no doubt that the too lavish use of sugar in such con- centrated form does at times do harm; but when eaten as an integral part of the many available fruits its use cannot be too highly lauded for both young and old. Oranges, grapes, prunes, dates, plums, and bananas are especially to be commended, and in lesser degree peaches, apricots, pears, apples, figs, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. " In all of these fruits, it is the sugar especially that gives food value to the article, while the mild acids and other extractives, together with the water of the fruit, help in other ways in the maintenance of good health. Where personal taste and inclination are favorably disposed, the first six fruits named can be partaken of freely, and the diet of the young, especially, can be advan- tageously modified by the liberal use of such articles of food. "Of the other fruits, apples when thoroughly ripe are above reproach if properly masticated. . . Peaches, apricots and strawberries as ripe fruits are likewise exceedingly valuable, but here idiosyn- crasy frequently comes to the fore, especially -* The Herald of the Golden Age. ii

The mineral constituents of fruits are of con- be siderable importance. They consist mainly of Why Bananas should Eaten. potash united with various vegetable acids, such as tartaric, citric, malic, etc. These have an ISananas should be eaten freely because they constitute a food. There is no agreeable acid flavour, but when burnt up inside perfect other - neither animal nor the bod} are converted into the corresponding food, vegetable, including the list of which carbonate, and so help to render the blood more long justly-esteemed cereals, equals the banana. are for all alkaline and the urine less acid. Thus, i fluid They good everybody at for and in sickness and in health. ounce of lemon juice contains 45 grains of citric times; young old, Bananas will All acid and saturates 45^ grains of bicarbonate of make people strong. the labourers in the countries where the banana soda. In some diseases, such as scurvy, this grows have property of the mineral constituents of fresh fruit practically no other food, and they are and for is turned to therapeutic account. notoriously strong healthy. Weight weight bananas beat beef-steak. As the fruit ripens, these vegetable acids diminish No other food is to be like the to some extent, and it is to this fact, coupled acknowledged "the food of the wise man." As is with an increase in the amount of sugar present, banana, proved that the the scientific name of the banana, which means sweetness of ripe as compared with un- "by food of the wise man." the ripe fruit is due. The earthy salts are but poorly Humboldt, great he remarked that the represented among the mineral ingredients of fruits, traveller, says intelligence of the natives was in to the cultiva- and for this reason the free use of fruit in place of proportion tion of the banana in the district. cereals has been recommended by some writers to This fruit is A banana tainted persons suffering from hardening of the arteries. always pure. by grubs is unknown, and the outer skin protects the '*#* *&i *&i fruit perfectly from all contamination. Among the most important mineral So be wise, and make bananas a staple part Important constituents of fruits are calcium or of your diet. Eat bananas, and be health}-, Mineral lime, sodium, potassium, magnesium, strong and wise. Constituents, phosphorus, and iron. These sub- If you are ailing do not be persuaded that a stances are absolutely necessary for remedy must be nasty to be efficacious. Eat less the upkeep of the normal composition and activity meat and more bananas, and banish rheumatism, of the body tissues. Animals fed on a diet de- and gout and liver troubles. prived of these salts die sooner than when given Give bananas to your children because they no food at all. Thus we can see how important form an ideal food for children. it is that they be supplied in the food, because A healthy child will eat them with delight, a the blood which is formed from abnormal food is sick child will eat them willingly when all other chemically of a poor quality and cannot furnish the food is regarded with aversion. There are cases proper material out of which to build a sound body. on record where children's lives have been saved Certain diseases are due to a deficiency of fruit by keeping them on a diet of bananas. salts and acids. Among these are scurvy, rickets, Always have bananas on the table at meal stunted and irregular teeth, certain nervous dis- times, because they are preferred to the many eases, scrofula, rheumatism and gout. unwholesome articles for which children acquire a and in which too often Green fruits are much like vegetables, consisting weakness, parents foolishly them. The banana enables to sub- largely of wood, water and starch. During the indulge you stitute a wholesome article for what is not whole- process of ripening, the starch is converted into and at the same time to afford fruit-sugar and vegetable acids—citric, malic, or some, great plea- sure to children. tartaric, according to the variety of the fruit. your Selected. Thus, in ripe fruits there is no starch, and but little fat and albumin. So ripe fruit consists practically of digested starch, or sugar, and fruit Your Religion. acids which require no digestion. In other words, ripe fruit is a natural food, the predigested process ^Hiat's the good of your religion, if it cannot make of been the digestion having completed by magic you smile, influence of the sun's the of rays during process What's the good of being pious, if you're gloomy ripening. all the while, The organic acids of fruits are in union with What's the good of a religion that will never help alkalies in the form of salts, and these salts are you be split up in the system and leave the alkalies free. A joyous, happy creature, full of love and sympathy ? These alkalies then combine with acids found in What's the good of your profession as a follower the body to form carbonates or phosphates. This of the Lord, is a of fact great practical importance. If you're not made sweeter, better, and your life Orange juice is an excellent remedy in rheu- with His accord, the a if no matism, and fruit juices, soups and purees are of What's good your being Christian, the greatest value as both food and medicine for one is helped thereby, the sick. Just as well be born a heathen, and a heathen live Good Health. and die. Jane Reed.

" If your morals make you dreary and srur depend upon it they are wrong. 12 The Herald of the golden age.

"What were the animals sent for if not for us " Wbat were Animals sent for ? to eat ? How does Nature deal with such people? By Captain Walter Carey, R.N. Nature does not go about insisting on atten- " tion being paid to her Laws. Think of steam is often asked If animals are not question or any of the forces we use, Nature is not to be eaten what is the of them, and " The good constantly after us saying Do not do that, that it is stated in the Bible that considering You will be hurt." Gunpowder does not give God man dominion gave warning when an ignorant person approaches with over the animals a light. This is not Nature's method, she teaches should not why the lessons of At first ' by experience. sight man kill and Nature seems very cruel: we see accidents, when eat' if he wishes? owing to neglect or Ignorance physical laws are One of the cruel but with the result contravened ; perhaps, first thoughts that after the accident people question—What occurs is that was the cause ? How may we avoid similar the following: accidents in the future? And presently after are liv- Animals thinking over the facts, it is recognised that some ing souls like ourselves, although not as highly Law had been overlooked, and so we get to the classified as evolved as yet. Man is scientifically discovery of a new Law, which, if acted on a primate of the anthropoid mammals (notwith- prevents the re-occurence of that particular standing his conceit). We must admit the possibility accident. state of that their being suggests a future higher Now in England to day it is noticed that in existence. spite of our great medical knowledge, diseases is that as the Creator And the next thought such as consumption, appendicitis, cancer, creature who bears no made Man a fruit-eating rheumatism, gout, indigestion, neurasthenia, etc., cannot have resemblance to the carnivora, He are rife among all classes, and we see numbers of to be Man's food. The first intended animals men rejected for the Navy and Army. command in the Bible (Gen. 7. 9.) confirms given Here is Nature telling us that we have broken teachers have this fact, and all great religious some Law. Let us think. What Law is it that endorsed it. we have overlooked ? And what facts have we to The word 'dominion' means and re- power help us ? We know that uric acid and germs of and if we look around we see that sponsibility, various sorts often cause disease if present in the educated man or woman has dominion nearly every human body: that the flesh of animals contain over some one, because this world is a obviously large quantities of uric acid, waste products, and of the training for human beings, and one disease flesh- ground frequently germs which cause ; that lessons we have to learn is the exercise of power eating has largely increased in England in the last for the good of others. few decades: that the dead bodies of animals, Now how does this work out in practice ? even when cooked, often decompose in the human of Educated people get many opportunities using intestines before elimination, thus poisoning the or abusing authority, but when you come to the consumer. uneducated, they as a rule have very little power Consideration of these facts inevitably bring over other men. A cowman for instance is not one to the conclusion that one of Nature's Laws and qualified to exercise authority over others, yet must be "Animals are not intended for human a to it would be good for him, as human being food," and another fact that points to the truth find that exercise power in a small way, and we of this Law is that the above-mentioned diseases this for him the the Creator arranges through are not common, if they occur at all, amongst animal not eat flesh kingdom. nations, in any climate, that do ; who works with It is the uneducated man nor do we find, except very rarely, these diseases animals, and has all to do with their comfort or among those of ourselves in England who have the better a man the opposite, and he finds that adopted a fleshless diet. And very many people is able to treats his beast, the more the animal who suffered from ill health have cured them- in and is learnt work for him return; so, slowly selves by simply taking to fruitarian or vegetarian the first lesson in authority, viz: Consideration diet. for others. — We thus arrive at the following conclusions : The educated come in contact with animals with 1. A reason why animals have been placed in perhaps much less, but have more to do our is that we the the that determines the power may practice right forming public opinion use of and learn to manifest treatment and conditions of existence of elementary power, general kindness and consideration. these creatures. Now let us consider the case of those, who, 2. We should not 'kill and eat' because if we on the side of a barbaric through lack of hygienic knowledge, daily devour do we put ourselves and flesh-food, and when it is pointed out to them, system that involves great unnecessary cruelty, at the that this is unnecessary, and causes very great and by breaking one of Nature's laws, we, same time ourselves to disease. cruelty, dismiss the subject with the remark, lay open

" A shining countenance is rarer than the most brilliant of gems.' -* The Herald of the golden age.

or sluggish liver, find milk rather clogging. Both Tbe Dietetic Value of Milk. these troubles can, however, be overcome by the By Edwin C. Wilson. judicious use of acid fruits, if they are not taken at the same meal. time immemorial milk has been regarded One of the best forms of milk, and one that Fromas an article of diet, wholesome and is nourishing suitable for all, is buttermilk ; and there are also both for the and the weak, and there several strong preparations which are akin to it, although can be no doubt that abundant evidence is forth- artificially prepared, and which are known as in of this belief. As far back as coming support Koumis, Sourmilch and Yogurt. These modern the time of Moses we read of a land "flowing products are prepared with cultures of a bene- with milk and nutritive combina- honey" (a very ficent lactic acid germ, and according to many tion the and there is not a in by way), country eminent authorities the introduction of this germ, the world in which in one form or milk, another, and the acid which it creates, into the human body is not in use. every-day is a means of fortifying the system against many There is much difference of as to opinion bacterial diseases, of warding off premature old whether the milk of animals was intended really age, and of keeping the arteries free from any for human some authorities con- consumption ; undue deposit of osseous matter. tending that it was intended solely for the progeny How far this is true is as yet hardly known, of the animal, whilst others are of the opinion but certain it is that the Irish peasantry up to a that after the needs of the young are satisfied there quarter of a century ago were a very healthy and can be no harm in utilising the surplus. long-lived people, and their diet consisted largely Throughout the western world cow's milk is of buttermilk to, practically, the exclusion of meat almost universally used, as it is obtained much of all kinds. How these people have deteriorated more readily and in than other larger quantities is now well known, and their deterioration coin- varieties, but in some parts of the East both the cides with the rapidly growing habit of substitut- goat and the ass are requisitioned to this supply ing , white bread and meat for the far more nutritious commodity. These latter types of milk wholesome diet of potatoes and buttermilk of a are richer than that obtained from the cow. few decades ago. The same may be said of the The analysis of cow's milk gives a total of Bulgarian peasants of the present day, whose 14 per cent, nutriment (about 5 ozs. to the health, strength and longevity are attributed to quart) made up as follows: proteid 4.1, fat 3.9, their simple life, abstinence from flesh as food, sugar 5.2, salts 0.8, the balance being water, and and their liberal use of buttermilk. At any rate, it will be at once seen that, as a food, it has qualities sour milk of all kinds is far more easily digested possessed by few others. It contains all the than ordinary milk, and for this fact alone its use salts for the of the necessary proper upkeep body, is to be commended. combined with supplies of nitrogen and carbon in It is well to remember that the taking of milk such proportions as to make it clear that it is at night may produce headache and sleeplessness, essentially a body-building food of the first order. but in the majority of cases, and where For a long time, however, milk has been looked especially invalids and anaemic persons are concerned, and upon with grave suspicion by many members of even those suffering from insomnia, a glass of hot the medical faculty, and lengthy and numerous milk is often found to be very helpful and sooth have been the experiments to which it has been ing and likely to induce healthy sleep—but in this subjected with an idea of ascertaining if it really case it is wise to take a is a vehicle for the of disease only very light evening conveying germs and that some hours to unless elaborate are meal, prior retiring. precautions taken ; and also, There are now the market several why in some cases of weak digestion it apparently upon very good brands of dried milk, of a which brings about symptoms of dyspepsia. consisting powder The result of this research has been that milk only requires the addition of water to reconstruct the original article. It is stated that the milk is regarded as needing sterilization by boiling, to suffers at all as nutritive render it fit for human this nothing regards value by consumption ; being the of that it is necessary to kill the microbic germs of disease undergoing process drying, germ free, and more —but these must which are often found in it in large numbers. easily digested not be confused with the concentrated It is wise to continue the boiling for at least prepara- milk five minutes to make sure that the sterilization tions of proteid which are so largely advertised, the use of which of our scientists is complete. many leading as and often harmful. Its digestibility largely depends upon the quality regard injudicious very of the milk and the strength or weakness of the The use of freshly made milk cheese (what is person concerned. Many samples of milk sub known as cottage cheese) in which the curd is jected to analysis have been found to contain formed by using French red wine vinegar or is also a of boracic acid and other preservatives, which often lemon juice, most pleasant way taking ' accounts for a great deal of the so-called bilious- milk food. ness' that sometimes results from its use. Then It will thus be seen that milk, properly used, is it has been found that valuable food on which reliance can be it again, some people have a a placed ; difficulty in digesting casein (the proteid of milk), is one that can be readily obtained, easily prepared, while others, where there is a tendency to torpid and is, moreover, entirely free from uric acid.

"Nothing deepens a man so much as the habit of being charitable.'' H -» The Herald of the Golden Age. -*

In addition to the effect produced Editorial Notes. Oar upon contemporary thought and cus- Creative torn by our direct educative work, Ihe Report of the Work of the Order for the Work. most important results have been year 1909, which is now being printed, achieved through our influence and records a great advance of our Movement in suggestion in connection with the creation of even- direction, and contains facilities for providing the public with a hygienic so many encouraging and bloodless dietary. Following upon the facts as to completely establishment of a most successful Fruitarian eclipse any previous Restaurant in Glasgow (the opening of which has record that has been led to the establishment of others in that city), issued by the Council. much good work has been accomplished by the The transfer of our opening of the Fruitarian Restaurant at Harrods, ' Work to London and Ltd., as a great number of wealthy and influential the opening of our Inter- people have thus had the alternative dietary pre- national Bureau in the sented to them in such a way as to arrest attention metropolis have yielded results that or invite trial. have more than fulfilled our most sanguine I am also glad to be able to report another expectations. Our official influence has been important development. In consequence of my multiplied tenfold, our income has been very receiving a visit recently from the Chairman of largely increased, our output of literature has been the Aerated Bread Co., Ltd. (which has 128 more than doubled, a multitude of visitors and Depots and Restaurants established in London,) enquirers have been interviewed, and many hun- the Directorate were induced to commence cater- dreds of new Members or subscribers have been ing on fruitarian lines. A complete Menu of added to our Roll. Although our Secretarial Staff fruitarian cookery has been introduced at the has been augmented, and the Departmental Work Restaurant situate at 116, Fleet Street, London, has been more systematically organized, our Pro- E.C., under the name of Staminal Health Foods, paganda has grown to such an extent that we and an experienced cook has been engaged to have the greatest difficulty in keeping pace with superintend the production of fruitarian savouries the incessant demands that are forthcoming in prepared in a suitable manner. If the public connection with it, and are often regretfully obliged respond, this change will be extended to the other to forego the utilization of many opportunities Depots of this Company, and if the venture proves through lack of additional administrative and clerical as successful as I hope and anticipate, the ultimate workers. result will be the establishment of many Fruitarian It would be difficult to make our readers Restaurants in the metropolis. The significance of realize adequately the far-reaching influence which this prospect will be realized to some extent by goes forth from our Headquarters, or the full our readers when I state that the meat bill of the significance and value of the strategic campaign Aerated Bread Company has hitherto been some we are carrying on for the promotion of the Food £80,000 per annum. Reformation and the Humane Life. Strangers I invite all our London readers to give their from all parts of this and other lands are con- patronage to this venture and to make personal tinually calling—being attracted by our placards request at the Depots where these facilities have in the Tube Railways of the metropolis and by as yet been provided, for the fruitarian dishes invitations in literature a that are served in Fleet Street and else- the advertised our ; and being large percentage of these go away resolved either where — thus the demand will tend to create a to alter their lives (if they have not yet adopted supply. this Reform), or to dedicate henceforth some portion I am now negotiating with the Directors of of their time and strength to the task of enlighten- other large Companies, some of which control both ing their neighbours concerning the advantages of Hotels and Restaurants, to bring about similar natural and healthy living as a preventive of Disease changes, or to co-operate with us extensively in and Cruelty, and as a means of self-emancipation. our educative mission, and there is a good prospect During the past year many representatives of of success attending such efforts. our most important Newspapers and Magazines If our Headquarters had not been established have visited the Presidential Office, and have, in in London such results as these would not have consequence, made known the Truths we proclaim been achieved, for business men concerned in and the Ideals we exalt to the vast multitudes these matters have been impressed by what they read their it has been have seen and heard at our London Bureau. who respective journals ; and most encouraging to find that as a result of their Those who have contributed, therefore, to our recognition of the sanctified common sense which official expenditure will be glad to know that underlies our Propaganda, and of the disinterested something has not only been attempted but and philanthropic motives of the Council and actually done through their co-operation, and I Members of the Order (all of whom are voluntary trust that many of our friends will be induced to writers and workers), they have gladly extended support the Council generously next year, so that their sympathy to our Cause and have promised our heavy rent and other necessary expenses may to lend a helping hand. be forthcoming, together with a large margin of

"To Icliow we have done something worth doing will make our 'passing' easier.'' -» The Herald of the Golden Age. 15 income that will enable still further extension of means increased tendency to take things easily— our propaganda to be undertaken. At the present "facile descensus averni." The only hope for those moment our exchequer is not only empty, but who find themselves on this down grade is a rigid much overdrawn. determination to accomplish personal physical re- but If our provincial and foreign friends could generation by abstinence, exercise and reform, by see what is taking place day by day at our Offices recognition of the Laws of Health and by persistent fail be with the culture and those who wish to they could not to impressed utility physical ; escape and value of this Work. In corroboration of this the pathetic and unenviable fate of the arm-chair statement I may mention that one of our Members and liver brigade will do well to commence at offered to come and work at Headquarters in order once to put their physical house in order. to see personally what was actually happening, * * * our and after perusing the contents of postbag One of the greatest needs of London mis- and witnessing our daily routine of work and Tennis at the present time is Municipal sionary output, he gave a most substantial donation Courts provision of asphalte tennis courts in towards our campaign. Wanted. each district. The game is very * * * popular, and lawn tennis is a form of the our Printing During past year physical exercise which has a most beneficial Oar Department has been kept busy, and effect upon every part of the body. Such courts Publications, we have issued from the press 87,340 would be well patronised by large numbers of bound books and booklets, and 132,000 business men who recognise the necessity of keeping pamphlets, in addition to a considerable number of themselves fit, and plenty of vacant spaces could for exhibition in Public Institutions, Health placards be utilised; while the making of the courts would Food etc. Our Members Depots, railway trains, find winter work for some of the unemployed. will be able to appreciate the amount of labour Will our readers please agitate ! involved in such of literature dispatching quantities * * * through the post—each consignment involving the Those Chinese seem to answering of correspondence, book-keeping, packing purple pigs Not Eaten be still unburied and and registration. During the coming year I antici- decomposing, Yet. months have since pate the fruition of certain plans which will enable although elapsed their arrival. It is positively a scandal us to get our printed matter into the hands of the that are not seized the Sanitary public in greatly increased quantities; arrangements they yet by Authorities in order to their being interred are also being made for the translation of some of prevent in the stomachs of folk who our books, etc., into various foreign languages so thoughtless English habit of that is as to facilitate circulation abroad. are in the eating anything put before without The There is no limit now to our as the them questioning. following opportunity, ' ' — are to learn the truth con- remarks by John Bull are interesting : public everywhere glad " — What is this we hear about Chinese pork being now cerning Diet, Hygiene and the progressive life but served up by certain wholesale firms as bacon ? The carcasses, cannot take full of the tide we advantage flowing we are told, are being salted in London and sold to provision because of our financial limitation and our need of merchants in what the trade term a "Green" state, and the merchants then smoke them and them on the market as additional secretarial help. " put * * * bacon— which is sold as English cured," at about ten a under the Dutch or Swedish article the deterioration in shillings hundredweight Concerning rapid We understand that upwards of 500 bales— equal to 2,000' The Mistake health which is experienced by so sides—were sold in London last week. In addition to this, in market as of Middle- many men soon after they have passed the pork is being palmed off the Manchester both and Wiltshire cured. The worst of it is that age. middle-age, a writer in the Referee English the stuff is in no way branded, and consequently there is no makes the comment :— — following way of distinguishing h—before purchasing from the genuine in in which There is something pathetic the way wealthy article. Now, then, Mr. Burns." men spend the morning- and midday of life in exchanging health for money, only to find when afternoon has arrived * * * and that that the faculty for enjoyment has atrophied, nothing The nature of the influence which remains but to devote all the time they can spare to the pur- & is exerted the characters of suit of a "cure" as unattainable as youth itself. Slaughter upon Demorali- in the One of the most potent causes of lessened the men who are engaged sation. trade was evidenced vitality, ill-health and premature old age is lack slaughter-house in a and of abundant exercise in the open air, especially most convincing graphic an occurrence at in the form of games of skill, such as lawn tennis, manner by Somerville, Mass., etc. The jaded man of business upon his arrival U.S.A., recently. One of the butchers employed home is apt to feel too tired mentally to indulge in in the North Packing and Provision Co.'s abattoir, inch knife so games, and is tempted by his better half to take had been killing pigs with a 15 " for blood seized a good dinner to keep up his strength," The incessantly that a mania upon out to kill his fellow work- result is that he then feels too lazy to attempt him and he started that and anything more serious than arm-chair recreation, men, with the result he slew 5 terribly was — and the consequences of a continuation of this wounded 4 others before he overpowered disembowelled sort of life are soft muscles, obesity, fatty degenera- one of the victims being practically are not allowed to serve on a tion and a rapidly increasing double chin. Slaughtermen in of the United When once a man begins thus to deteriorate it jury in a trial for murder some effects of such a trade is difficult to amend, for every increase of weight States, and the baneful

Those who have made great achievement have overcome great difficulties." i6 - The Herald of the golden age. -*

the upon the human beings engaged in it, and upon Wallace P.R. Bakery, founded by Physical Nut their posterity, must be so obvious as to make all Regeneration Society, and the London Food thoughtful persons recognise the importance of Co. (both of 465, Battersea Park Road, London, terminating the present Era of wholesale butchery S.W.), which stand prominently and avowedly for for food purposes. absolute purity in diet. * * * No advertisements are allowed to appear in this Dr. Forbes Winslow, the eminent journal unless I have reason to believe, after enquiry The Evil mental specialist, has recently spoken or investigation, that the articles mentioned are Results of in no uncertain fashion concerning honestly prepared and free from noxious ingredients. Meat- the deleterious effects of flesh-eating * * * human to the Eating. upon beings. Writing At the commencement of a new year News in contradiction of the Evening Oar Press I should like to impress upon our Mr. G. R. Sims to the effect statements made by Campaign. Members and Workers throughout " subscribe to a that the way to get people to the world the importance of Press is to invite them to a dinner," this charity good correspondence as a means of furthering our great convictions : medical expert expresses the following Ideal. No is so influential or extensive " platform I would like to that in this case it is not the meat say as that of the newspaper, and such a large eaten at the dinner which a man in a good humour, it is puts of Editors are now in the alcohol which is taken at the feast. percentage journalistic " This, as is often seen, makes his actions sometimes overcome sympathy with the Reform which we advocate his and next he will see what the judgment, day indulgence, though that they are willing to insert any letters which in has led him and he will moderation, into, probably repent. are and instructive. An "Every carnivorous animal is a born criminal by instinct; picquant, interesting value of such every bird, like the eagle and vulture, who live upon meat, illustration of the importance and can be classed in the same category. It is a well-recognized correspondence as a means of combatting erroneous fact that those invalids who are sustained on raw meat, which statements, made medical or other writers who is the case with some, soon become very bad-tempered—in by not studied the diet at all fact, often lose all power of control over themselves. have question thoroughly, " Meat no doubt stimulates the animal passions, and often is afforded be a letter sent by a Member of our converts a human into a brute, and excessive being indulgence Council to the "Daily Mirror" on November gth, in the same is often the cause of serious crime." certain fallacious statements made * * * last, in reply to by Dr. Heydemann. Emanating from a well known Much has been thrown upon light physician and Cancer specialist who has had 40 Food and the of the manufacturers guileful ways years of experience, it is a valuable testimony Drink of adulterated foods the by proceed- concerning the beneficence of our Movement. Adaltera- of the Food in Paris ings Congress MAX'S NATURAL FOOD. Uon. a nd articles which have appeared by I trust, it it be not too late, you will permit me to take news- in in many of our most important exception to the assertions Dr. Heydemann recently made the of a papers. The Secretary of the National Pure your paper with regard to unsuitability vegetable diet for man. Food Association Praed Street, Paddington), (84, — Dr. Heydemann, doubtless, is an excellent authority on writes to us as follows : chemical science, but it should be borne in mind that practical " Although the National Pure Food Association has been chemistry and physiological chemistry are two very different of in existence only a few months the data already collected things, and it is upon the latter that the healthy vigour with regard to food frauds is of serious character. So deep- both mind and body depends for its maintenance and constant seated and pernicious are the evils revealed that they con- renewal. which manifest stitute a positive menace to the public." There are, as we know, chemical poisons their presence by rapidly fatal effects, but, on the other hand, It is distressing to realize that it is now very there are equally potent poisons contained in articles which difficult to manufactured food which has buy any by many are looked upon as food. These, however, are more ' ' not been faked in some way by the addition of insidious in their action, and this fact is constantly being and brought home to us by the amount of disease, suffering, and preservatives, chemicals, or cheap raw material; premature death which daily claim victims from those who until our is made more stringent and legislation have disregarded the fundamental principles which govern effective, the obvious moral to be drawn from these health. And of these Diet occupies a paramount position. life has me that revelations is that the nearer we get back to Nature Forty years of active professional taught disease, to an incalculable extent, is due to injudicious feeding. the better it will be for us all. and uncooked food I that And I know I am on absolute safe ground when affirm and other Apples, bananas, dates, figs, nuts, kindly there wonld be no dyspepsia, gout, rheumatism, or cancer, fruits of the earth, such as cereals and legumes, can- nor would there be so much susceptibility to other diseases, were people to diet themselves in a rational manner. not easily have their nutritive value and healthfulness What I mean this is that we should make our diet the introduction of chemical acids and by impaired by conformable to the appetite more than to the palate, and in the the formation of our teeth poisons, and there can be little doubt that confine ourselves to such food as canal indicates to be coming decades mankind as a whole will realize the and anatomy of our alimentary clearly suitable for our physiological necessities. This is, from my wisdom of the fruitarian system of living. adopting point of view, a fruitarian and vegetable diet, supplemented by- Meanwhile every one should be on the look- milk, cheese and eggs if you wish. Robert M.D. out for adulterated food, and should patronise as Bell, Half Moon-street, . far as possible those firms who guarantee and are who cannot write with such known to provide unsophisticated preparations. Those authority Most of the Health Food manufacturers who cater as qualified medical men, will find it a good plan for fruitarians and the Food-Reform world are to corroborate personal testimony by quotations and from eminent who have in entirely to be relied upon in this respect, experts spoken support of our amongst these I might specially mention the Movement.

" " This World is getting belter year by year. Let us help it along 1 * The Herald of the Golden Age. -»> 17

on a man when he to that. But after a our Judge Rentoul of the City of London gets meal temper- Life's ature went up to normal. People often said it was remark- Court, recently addressed the members Fourteen " able that we never caught colds in the Antartic or Polar of the Bartholomew Club on The The members of Mistakes. regions. my expedition never caught cold Fourteen Mistakes of Life." until they opened a bag of clothing that had been bottled " up in England. Then they all caught colds. Those who He said I think I have the pathetically, went out directly into the winter's night lost their cold at greatest fitness for speaking on this subject, because once, but those who remained in the hut kept theirs for two or three I have committed every one of them." This is days." * * * the list he gave : — To attempt to set up our own standard of right and The danger which threatens our wrong", and expect everybody to conform to it. England's country at the present time through To to measure the of others our own. try enjoyment by Need. the increased strenuousness of the To expect uniformity of opinion in this world. for To look for judgment and experience in youth. struggle existence, international To endeavour to mould all dispositions alike. rivalry, and increase of military armaments abroad, Not to in trifles. yield unimportant make it almost a patriotic duty for every Briton To look for perfection in our own actions. to advocate and such reforms as tend to To worry ourselves and others about what cannot be support remedied. combat physical deterioration and to increase the Not to alleviate if we can all that needs alleviation. fitness of our race. Only by our health, stamina, Not to make allowances for the weaknesses of others. and can we To consider anything impossible that we cannot industry, discipline enlightenment expect ourselves perform. to uphold our Empire and to maintain its great To believe what our finite minds can only grasp. traditions, responsibilities and opportunities. To live as if the moment, the time, the day, were As dietetic reform is admitted to be a basis of so important that it would live for ever. all and as a natural and To estimate people by some outside quality, for it is reform, hygienic dietary that within which makes the man. is now recognized as being fundamentally essential •£ * * to racial fitness, the Food Reformation becomes a It is time that tame-stag high hunting most important means of preparing the people of and similar brutal and Sporting cowardly this land for any increased strain or trouble that the Brutality- pastimes were suppressed by await them in the future and thus we may ; may Law. It is a criminal offence for regard our propaganda as being not only philan- a man to illtreat a horse or a in this poor donkey thropic and humanitarian, but also patriotic endeav- country, and it should be made equally criminal and our of a true sort. to such deeds as are described in punishable practise If War should come, moreover, England need the taken from the issue of following paragraph not, of necessity, fear starvation if her people are Bull dated November 6th last. Our Mem- John fruitarians, for it would be quite easy to store up bers are invited to make against such public protest vast quantities of nut foods, cereal products, dried which come within their observation. happenings fruits and But, in addition, the work " At near a hunted deer took dairy produce. Shelford, Cambridge, refuge of our home must be in a cottage yard Some of the huntsmen climbed on to a increasing agriculture resolutely shed and tried to drive out the deer with whips and poles. undertaken if the dangers that threaten us from Goaded, it turned again into the road, and the hounds were invasion are to be avoided. turned on. But instead of speeding from them, the deer faced them, rushed through hounds and huntsmen, and again in With and sought refuge the yard brooms, whips, and A most instructive and opportune it was driven out once more, when it cowered in the " poles Back to volume, entitled Britain for the doorway, its chest dripping with blood from wounds caused the Land. has by barbed wire. Two or three of the noble sportsmen then Briton," recently been issued round its neck and it tied their whip-thongs dragged into from the Press by my colleague, Sir the road. Still it refused to make the and fled into pace, William Earnshaw Cooper, CLE. (Smith, Elder the yard. Again it was brought out struggling, and this & Waterloo Place, which contains time it dropped from exhaustion. The huntsmen worried it Co., 15, London), to its feet for a moment or two it then ; stood, tottered, nearly 400 pages of weighty but alarming facts and, stretched out before them —a This finally, lay corpse. concerning the abandonment and partial destruction the end of the hunt, cut off its head, and we do being they of our the the not doubt that head and antlers now grace the hall of some agriculture during past 50 years, noble sportsman in thrilling memory of a glorious day. We pauperism and deterioration which have resulted, " " are a sporting race." the defects of our of * * * Party system government, and the present inefficiency of our educational, Very few persons realize that it is fiscal and landed systems. How to not cold fresh air which causes The author shows that it is high time for us avoid Colds, nasal catarrh, but the lack of it. to turn from the error of our ways, to combat Those who sleep with their windows Poverty by striking at its root-causes and by culti- open and who avoid sitting in stuffy and un- vating our land with wise husbandry, and also by ventilated rooms and buildings are not likely to giving our factorial workers that fair chance of contract colds except through infection from other which they have so long been denied. sufferers—and this can be prevented almost en- We spend £172,000,000 per annum upon foreign tirely by using a nasal douch of salt and water, grown food, while we have vast facilities for universal every night and morning. employment on our own land, which is often allowed Sir Ernest H. Shackleton, C.V.O., lecturing at to lie unproductive and almost useless. Sir William the Middlesex Hospital about his experiences in Cooper states that in 30 years our agricultural the South Polar Seas, said : — " wealth has decreased We are On the plateau the temperature went many degrees by £1,600,000,000. below zero, and I believe that usually a white sheet is put spending £135,000,000 in palliating the Poverty

" " Wt find ourselves refreshed by cheerful people. Let as also refresh others I i8 -» The Herald of the Golden Age. -* which arises from the destruction of our agriculture and from the intensification of industrial competi- tion under our present 'unfair' trade conditions. Denmark has set us an example in scientific farming and freehold husbandry that we may well emulate and it is ; to be hoped that we may soon find ourselves governed by 'business' men who understand political business, and who legislate impartially upon rational business lines. * * *

The following list of donations to- Oar wards the furtherance of the Work of Exchequer. The Order have been received since our last issue (irrespective of amounts received for books, etc.) The thanks of the President and the Council are tendered to all these friends of our Movement. The Herald of the Golden age. -*s 19

found to exist. It suppressed wherever they are How to make Children Kind. is thought that more good will be done by thus approaching the owners in a courteous and con- their half-civilized woman shrinks ciliatory manner, with a view to inviting every to-day Almostfrom the of a cruel driver a co-operation, than by stirring up public indignation sight beating or from the kicks and blows and creating hostile action of any sort. I am sure horse, seeing often to street and cats. our Members will appreciate this effort and that given dogs are to those who have influence with colliery owners will They ready such cases of co-operate and strengthen our hands. report * * * cruelty to the Society. The problem of making bread suc- But hundreds of good are Bread cessfully without yeast (to satisfy the women permitting without demands of strict hygienists) and of their children to grow Yeast. obtaining ordinary wholewheat bread up with cruel instincts; are in a light, well-cooked and hygienic and even teaching form, has presented serious difficulties to many their children cruelty in — —J, cradle. converts to the natural system of living for without J^r * \ ~\ the brown bread, food-reform cannot well Before you question really good L> < V#-" be The fact has been this statement, listen successful. recently brought f Jfrk ^ffi"K^~ to my notice that we have been neglecting an and think. Do you not excellent source of supply which has not been made often see a mother whip a hobby-horse to amuse not see her an inani- generally known. I refer to the Aerated Bread her child? Do you punish the has in Company, whose system of raising bread by a patent mate object over which baby fallen, of the from its aerating process, and without yeast or chemical order to distract the mind baby ingredients, produces a loaf that is both light and hurt? dolls over and over digestible. The solubility of this bread is demon- I have seen rag spanked, mothers to strated by the fact that it readily dissolves in any again, and Teddy Bears beaten by make liquid. a baby laugh. Many may be glad to know that Granulated What can you expect of that child when it Wheatmeal Bread is delivered in London by the grows up, save that it will revenge itself upon chastisement. Aerated Bread Company's own vans, and that sup- anybody who annoys it, by physical has been educated to beat his plies are dispatched by post or train. The boy who hobby-horse will beat his real horse when he drives The shadows gather one by one, one. break And all our pleasures and go ; The time to begin to teach a child kindness we believe what we have done But and sympathy is in the cradle. If your baby Is Are we downhearted? NO! good. stumbles and falls over a chair or rug, instil politeness and consideration into his plastic mind by teaching him to apologise. He will be quite as much amused and distracted if you say: "Excuse New Year Suggestions. me, Mr. Rug, or Madam Chair, for my awkwardness; I hope I have not seriously hurt you," as he will Talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person " be if : Naughty old rug or chair to hurt you meet. you say baby," and then proceed to rain blows on the poor Make all your friends feel that there is somethinginthem. inoffensive object. Look on the sunny side of everything and make your Teach your children to address their toy animals come true. optimism in a kind and well-modulated voice, instead of a Think of the work for the best, and only best, only loud screech. You will benefit both the people of expect only the best. to-day and the animal of to-morrow by this Be as enthusiastic about the success of others as just course. Tell them the truth ; that animals are are about own. you your very sensitive to noise; that a horse is a timid and the mistakes of the and on to the Forget past press loving creature, and that a loud, harsh voice achievements of the future. greater frightens it and hinders it from doing its duty or at all times and Wear a cheerful countenance give obeying its owner. creature meet a smile. every living you A low voice and a gentle hand will make any Give so much time to the improvement of yourself horse, if taken in time, faithful, willing, and safe. that you have no time to criticise others. A horse will do twice the work and live twice the Be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too time in good health, if it is treated with respect, for fear and too to the its this strong ; happy permit gratitude and love by owner. Teach to of trouble. presence your children while they are playing with their toys. Give your best to the world, and keep your mind open They will never forget it. to the best from all sources. Children should be taught consideration of the Think well of yourself and proclaim this fact to the rights of other creatures. That sentence includes world, not in loud words but in great deeds. all the needed preventives of crime. Eternal Progress. Ella V. Willcox.

" The real woman should be at least as beautiful as her gowns.' -•. The Herald of the Golden Age.

nothing causes dyspepsia more easily than badly- Dietetic Novelties. cooked porridge. The H-O Breakfast Oats are cooked extreme steam heat starch By THE EDITOR. previously by (the being thus transformed) so that ten minutes' boiling considerable number of dietetic novelties have in water with a pinch of salt produces a dish of oatmeal that is wholesome and for been brought to my notice during the past ready rapid assimilation. and amongst these the following quarter, The and malted wheat and are selected as being likely to super-cooked barley food so well known as dietetic prove interesting and useful to "Force," possesses our readers. advantages that many have not realized.' It consists of whole wheat flakes which contain the valuable Two nut-meats, phosphates as well as the gluten of the cereal, and into dextrine New Nat- named respectively the starch has been turned by heat, Meats. "Nuttoria" and thus accomplishing the first process of digestion. " F.R. Nut-Meat" Being blended with malted barley it constitutes a (London Nut Food Co.), seem food that is quickly transformed into vital energy, to resemble flesh-meat in taste without any appreciable tax upon the constitution. brain nervous strain and appearance more nearly In these days of heavy work, than any of the nut-meats and high pressure, it behoves many health seekers to foods. hitherto produced. When baked like a joint with avail themselves of these internal-labour-saving onions, vegetables and a rich gravy, they will be so of our friends appreciated by many flesh-eating A very superior malted bread has now the of such in fruitarian that difficulty entertaining— A Valuable been placed upon the market under households will be lessened and many will think Malt Bread, the title of "Malt wheat Bread" (R. they are actually eating flesh. Winter, Ltd., Birmingham). The of manufacture has recently been so A new and valuable substitute for process is now ' ' that this bread ' ' improved extremely light, A Substitute meat-extract called Vegeton will well cooked, tasty and nutritious, and it is, in my for Meat commend itself to many. It is made opinion, the best malt bread to be obtained at the Extract. exclusively from cereals, contains 86 present time. It will keep fresh for many weeks, per cent, of nutritive substance, is it makes unique toast, and as the starch has been declared to be free from all harmful ingredients, converted into malt sugar it is a most valuable food does not contain yeast (like so many of these vegetable for dyspeptics, anaemics and invalids. extracts) and is of an agreeable flavour. It will make tasty soups, gravies, sauces, stews, &c, and it A of includes plenty of albumen and phosphates. great variety thoroughly hygienic Physical an^ scientifically biscuits n ' prepared Now that are so and are now offered b the Wallace P. R. eggs expensive Biscuits >' Dried Eggs scarce, many housewives will be glad Bakery, which possess special advant- and Milk. to know of the dried egg product ages that will appeal to Food Reformers and called "Truegg" (Casein, Ltd., Culvert Hvgienists. All are made with pure nut fats, under Works, Battersea, S.W.), which is literally 'dried strict hygienic conditions; they are also guaranteed eggs.' In the preparation of this requisite the water to be free from deleterious chemical preservatives is evaporated from fresh eggs by a special process, or injurious ingredients. The variety is great, and no deleterious or chemical preservative being added. many will prove extremely helpful to those who An omelet, or a dish of scrambled eggs made with find it best to take their cereal food in such a readily this product is virtually indistinguishable from the assimilable form as this. I shall be much surprised same made from fresh eggs, while all risk of stale- if those who send for a sample assorted tin do not ness and breakage is avoided. find in it several kinds of novel biscuits which The same firm are offering a superior type of will appeal strongly to their taste. Even diabetic the this firm. dried milk entitled "Trumilk" which possesses patients can be catered for successfully by advantages of portability, purity, freedom from ' disease germs and chemical preservatives, and great Those who want to ' live a century whisked with water it keeping qualities. When up Sour-Milk have now great facilities for attempt- into solution and dissolved goes easily complete stays Bacteria, ing this feat, for capsules containing without sediment, and is thus practically restored to some ten millions of beneficent bacteria the same condition as before the water was evapor- can be easily purchased, and with these the special ated from the original Cheshire dairy milk from kind of sour-milk can be manufactured, which is which it is made. It is more economical than con- — supposed to add greatly to one's longevity as illus- densed milk and is recommended for the nursery. trated bv the Bulgarians who use this product. The Good Health Co., of The Sanitarium, Force Food have sent Supply " " The Company the Super- Caterham Valley, Surrey, supply Yogurt me an oat f00(j t h at w jij p rove very warm- Capsules above mentioned, and also a handy helpful to those who find it difficult Matted ing apparatus for making the sour-milk, particulars to et ord i nar Cereals. & y porridge properly—pre- of which can be obtained from the Manager. pared so as to be easily digested and

You will reach the height! of power more easily if you smile ai y«u go." -+ The Herald of the Golden Age. <+> 21

upon cloth or paper. Carry your principles into Towards tbe Humane Life. your baggage. Leather trunks, bags and the like need not be bought again. Tin boxes, canvas By Hughes Williams. trunks, waterproof canvas hold-alls, wicker baskets, " cane dressing cases and the like serve The end of a man is an action, not a thought."—Aristotle. compressed all the purposes of the old-fashioned luggage, and of the chief difficulties that besets those are cheaper and more durable. who set their faces resolutely towards the One In dealing with your furniture, resolve similarly is the of reducing their beliefs light process to uphold no longer by your patronage the butcher's to practice. trade. Give up morocco-covered chairs and sofas; Most readers of this I assume, made paper have, tapestry, cloth, silk and the artificial leather such minds that will do all that in them up their they as is used for upholstering some kinds of motor lies to nearer the of Heaven bring Kingdom upon cars (Pegamoid, etc.), will make a house beautiful and in of that resolve have Earth, pursuit given for anyone who is bound for the beautiful City. the unclean of flesh. up altogether practice eating As regards hand-gear, leather and kid gloves That is a matter. But comparatively simple they can be given up. Silk, cotton, and the imitation also I take to further the Cause desire, it, they suede gloves that are now obtainable are substi- in and the have at heart every way possible ; tutes which will serve for any who value Principle of what follows is to show them how purpose above appearance. But the latter kind of gloves can attack the horrors of the abattoir from they I have mentioned (made by Dent's) cannot be dis- another direction and so aid in a to putting stop tinguished from reindeer skin at the distance of that are a scandal to civilization. practices one yard. It is possible, also, touching wool, to a death The flesh of the animals that find cruel shear sheep without killing them, and to raise " in the slaughter-house is served up on so-called flocks for their clip," not for their meat. of the Christian dinner tables through the agency As regards boots and shoes, the conditions, social butcher. But the remaining products, the hide, and other, of modern life are such that it is not a com- horns, tallow, blood and bones, have high so easy to discard leather entirely for foot-gear as the for these I mercial value. If economic demand to carry out the other personal reforms have noted. of the products can be reduced, the trade slaughter- Still, the man or woman who is in earnest can make blow will have house will be impaired, and another a beginning. Canvas shoes, for instance, can be been struck in defence of the defenceless. All that substituted for many purposes for leather. is who is needed that every man and woman sym- But the point is this; make a beginning in your of the Order of pathises with the aims and objects own personal practice without delay. It will carry the Golden Age should put resolutely into practice the Cause further than you imagine, for this reason. the suggestions that I make. When an economic demand springs up for any Take the matter of tallow and animal fats article, then there is a tendency for the supply to all over generally first. One of the largest uses of animal appear to meet it. If numbers of people fats is found in the manufacture of soap. Let the country are inquiring for vegetable leathers and animal the every reader refuse to use, for any purpose, any refusing to use the old products, soap into whose composition any animal fat enters, chemists and manufacturers will soon address their and a beginning will have been made. iEstheti- minds to the problem of finding a good substitute cally speaking, I need hardly say a detergent for the slaughter-house goods. manufactured from vegetable oils should recom- Your shoemaker and saddler will try fast enough want if mend itself to any one with a sense of personal to get you and sell you what you you that has the taint delicacy or daintiness. steadily refuse to take anything it. For in India leather reins There is no difficulty in finding the pure sub- of cruelty upon polo the use a fine stitute. I know of at least two makers of pure are hardly seen nowadays ; players cotton substitute. soap, one in Ireland, the other in London. Let and handsome pleated written about furs and feathers, your candles be of mineral or vegetable, not animal I have nothing I taken it that readers of this have fats oil for motor cars a mineral oil ; and for have Journal ; your the barbarous of for greasing boots nothing can equal castor oil, long abandoned truly practice fur and similar and so on. A little thought, a little resolute con- wearing seal-skins, astrachan, boas, however scientiousness about seeming small things—nothing articles of attire. An inquiry, cursory, the conditions under which these of is really small—will help to hasten the Era of into products market would Humaneness upon Earth. the live creation are brought to the involved Now for leather—the main by-product of the convince any humane person of wrong them. slaughter yard. Make up your mind to do without in using I have I do not to exhaust leather in any form as far as you possibly can. A But, as said, pretend fields of reform. Bone manures, bone handled single exception may possibly presently exist in the another article of commerce the shape of boots and shoes, though I hope that knives, and many may before a refined conscience. exception will not last long; but remember that have to go public be done at but the fact that you have to cross a muddy road is Everything cannot once, every can at once to strike blows no reason compelling you to wallow in the mire. man and woman begin of the defenceless creatures Take the case of books; give up wholly lamb- for the emancipation Providence we are. skin or parchment bindings in any form and insist whose earthly

a "All life is opportunity. Each circumstance and incident may be made stepping-stone." 22 -•» The Herald of the Golden age. <•

they have entered upon a state of free response The of Heaven. to God and, thereby, are placed in the pathway Kingdom of endless which leads on and By Rev. A. M. Mitchell, M.A. progression on, up and to the vision of God. (Vicar- of Burton Wood, Lancashire.) up Our life here may be, and apparently is, just ' Kingdom of Heaven is an unmeaning a preparation for entrance into the endless progres- rhephrase to the greater number of nominal sion of the other side, an apprenticeship, which Christians. The words, indeed, faithfully served and completed, admits us to the full are very familiar and are experience of the workman's life on the farther shore. altogether Scriptural, but, -'^^ "^hi *"^i like Book the good itself, More nonsense has been spoken and written are shelved and left they about Heaven than concerning any other subject. unnoticed. But it is no We do not pass from the Earth side of the King- fanciful title in nor, any dom to a complete and perfected state on the an ex- wise, ambiguous Heavenly. How very absurd ! And yet this is a it has its ' ' pression; simple, common Christian belief. A man is here to-day, direct, obvious meaning, living it may be, an outwardly correct yet, withal, a which lies with- meaning coarse and selfish life: he is gone to-morrow to a in the of comprehension state of perfection, purity, and holiness, we are to the child. And this mean- believe, which can only be described as that of 'a is that the ing Kingdom bright angel of God in Heaven.' which is from above has This is a grossly irreverent and equally pre- reached down from the sumptuous conception of heavenly life. Since and has heavenly places the life of the Kingdom of Heaven is one life, been in this world the extension to man- planted by and there is no break in its continuity, it is quite kind of its life, its sovereignty, its laws, its bene- reasonable to conclude that our own transition will dictions.. introduce us to modes of life not wholly unlike those ' We need never hesitate to take the Kingdom we are now familiar with on the earth plane. ' of Heaven literally, as signifying the extension of It is not necessary, of course, to accept Sweden- ' Heaven to our own unheavenly sphere. Heaven borg's dictum to the effect, a newly discarnate ' on Earth is no mere dream, no mere assertion of man does not know at the outset, unless he reflects an ideal, it is the statement of a fact. It is just on the subject, that he is not still living in his this simple, direct, obvious meaning which is so physical body in the material world. Yet, it may generally missed. Few ever seem to realize the be so, that for a time the fact of having cast away existence of a Kingdom upon Earth which has the flesh may not dawn upon the newly passed. come forth from the Unseen and which is tending Wondering, bewildered possibly, in their new slowly, surely, and ever so unobtrusively to the environment they look around, not realizing what uplifting of the human race to the heavenly places. has happened until one commissioned to do so, an There is the Kingdom of Heaven in this world angel or some other, makes known to them— "You and the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven itself, yet have died; Death, dreaded Death, is past for ever; not two kingdoms but one —one Kingdom in two you have passed through Jordan, you have reached ' ' divisions— the other side,' and this.' How fruit- the further shore, you are on the other side." ' ful is the How much lies behind it! If our first thought! — Whatever experiences on the other the Kingdom is one, the life is one the Y\(e per se. side,' they are in strict accord with the continuity • ' The life here and over there is one and the and progression of the one Life common to all same life. citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. The laws This one life, of which the citizens of the King- which regulate the citizen's life on the Earth side dom of Heaven all are partakers, whether here of the Kingdom must bear a close resemblance to or over yonder, knows no break in its continuity. those which obtain in the heavenly places. The It, like the shining river, flows on for ever. Beatitudes are the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven, ' ' Death (so called) does not break in upon and modified to Earth conditions; when, therefore, our " interrupt the flow of eternal life. The tomb turn comes to join the great majority, taking with is not a blind alley, it is a thoroughfare. It us the heavenly character, so far as it has been closes in the twilight, it opens into the dawn." developed, we shall find ourselves subject to the 'Death' is an incident of life. 'Death' really same heavenly laws and conditions which we have is transition from life to life. 'Death' was no after known here, but no longer in their modified thought, but God's loving provision for the develop- and adapted forms. ment of life. The same one eternal life to the in- The same laws of meekness, mercy, humility, carnate and the discarnate, and yet how different ! purity, peaceableness, divine hunger and thirst, etc., How God's Life must pulse through the dis- will claim our loyal obedience there as here, in carnate soul ! How the fleshless soul must re- their original and highest forms. How close, then, spond to the quickening, pulsating life of God ! is the union between the departed and ourselves. ' ' Death,' says Fenelon, is entrance into true We are here for a little season to do battle happiness.' So it is indeed; 'the souls of the on the Earth-side for the Kingdom of Heaven, ' faithful are in joy and felicity if by passing hence and, through battle, to be familiarized with its life,

"A man's true wealth it the food he does in thi» world," -» The Herald of the Golden Age ** 23 laws and work in the vast beyond—it may be in near, so near that we could see its happy ones round if to see the regenerated Earth itself, for never more can and about us, only we had eyes them. Earth be unlinked from Heaven. Are they not seen in the room of the dying ? How impossible to cease caring about the Earth- Are they not, on occasions, unmistakably present in marks the at the bedside of 'the one. We are often world, or being interested that which passing' — scene of our birth into the Kingdom of Heaven ! heard to echo the well-known lines of Tennyson for the touch of a vanished hand, Earth interests, in so far as they are interests of the And, oh, And the sound of a voice that is still. Kingdom of Heaven, remain behind the veil. What Yet, even while we speak, the dear one is near, we do here must be of intense concern to the dis- ' is that we know it not. ' and, may be, disappointed carnate, that great cloud of witnesses with which --) -'S -"^ we are encompassed. ' ' be re-focussed seek an of branches Our views of the Dead need to ; They who eternity palm with the progress of the ages the orientation of the and psalm singing, of sanctified idleness and self- Kingdom has changed, and as a consequence we complacency, will not find it in the Kingdom of ' — have lost sight of the heavenly side. Our views of Heaven, on the other side,' they must seek it in ' ' the groat unseen are based upon a crude and heart- some other heaven than the Christian's. Heaven less materialism,—which proves an only too effective is the life of Service sanctified and glorified. barrier between this side of the Kingdom and the Let those who have the gift of sympathy, who other. are able to render loving service to others, who There is no reason, consonant with this doctrine, possess the power to console and cheer, be thankful ' ' in the use why we should think of the passed over as for their gift. Let them persevere and shadows, ghosts, or spectres, no reason why con- practice of it, for this gift, most blessed, will find verse about 'the Dead' should make us feel 'creepy,' sweet and full employ in the life of those who are ' cause us to tremble at every trifling noise, to start now with Christ, which is far better.' Are there the not to welcome to the other side affrighted at our own shadows. Converse about new comers ; Unseen, its inhabitants, their activities and such new comers to comfort, console and re-assure; like is much too infrequent, even with the better new comers to strengthen, guide, and direct on of their in their new and untried sort and more spiritual Christians. way surroundings ; Departed relations and friends should be spoken new comers, to whom must be made known the to of freely as those who are living bright realities, Father's Will concerning them ; new comers who are not lost, indeed, but gone before, who still whom is assigned a new day's work ? love us and are interested in us, who are full of When a terrible catastrophe overtakes a city, energy and activity for the Kingdom of Heaven ! such as overtook Messina last year, when thousands Silence, such as we are only too familiar with, is and thousands are suddenly hurled from this mun- very hurtful to spiritual health and human joy. dane sphere, do we give a thought to the scene on We know not how great, how serious is our spiritual 'the other side,' to the manifestation of sympathy loss through a mistaken reticence, a dogged silence which is so necessary there, to the work and labour ' as to those whose course on earth is o'er.' of love, thus suddenly increased to those whose We cannot tell to what extent these discarnate delight is in service, whose glory is to minister to ones are allowed to influence us and our affairs. the newly-born into that fuller life of which they Recent discoveries in telepathy, or thought transfer- themselves already are partakers ? — ence, justify the belief that they who have gone Intercessors, sympathizers, teachers such are away from our Earth-sphere can impress and in- they whose work is over there, whose activities are fluence us who remain. If one individual in the flesh now transferred to that wider and grander sphere is able to impress and influence another in the flesh, of action which opened out to them when they 1,000 miles away, is it not credible that a fleshless passed hence and were no more seen. And they soul, pulsating with the Divine Life, can transfer its have much to teach respecting God's providences thought, sympathetic affections, and influence to a here on Earth—their meaning, their eternal import. " spiritually minded incarnate soul on Earth? What I do thou knowest not now, but thou In such matters as these we are called upon to shalt know hereafter." Is there no new language exercise common sense, to use the reason God has to be learnt, no new song to sing ? The Angels bestowed upon us. It is abundantly clear, it is alto- have not all the teaching work to do in the great, gether beyond dispute to those who realize the great school of new-earth scholars. Nor have the Communion of Saints—the oneness of the Kingdom discarnate all the same ministry to fulfil. Each of Heaven, the oneness of its life—that we who one according to his gift ! each one according to tarry here are greatly influenced by those who have his power! been transferred to the other side. The Kingdom of Heaven is an ever increasing 'The Dead,' it has been said, rule the world. kingdom; on both sides there is constant growth, this is true the do rule It is its on And very ; departed by unceasing progression. winning way their follow their the Earth inch inch it is works which them, by writings, ; by gaining ground ; pre- by their examples, and, also, by the influences of sently the kingdom of evil shall be vanquished their freed spirits brought to bear upon the spirits and destroyed. still imprisoned in the flesh. Then will the veil be removed between Earth ' There is but a step between the living and the and the heavenly places, and the distinction between ' ' ' ' ' ' the other side is not far it is the other side and this will vanish dead,' far, away ; away.

"We cannot be truly spiritual beings and 'beaitf of prey' at the tame time." 24 -* The Herald of the Golden age. -•>

Noteworthy Facts. Announcements.

TPhe of deaths from Cancer during 'TMie Official Address of The Order of the * percentage * only the year 1908 was greater than in any previous Golden Age, and of this Journal, is 153 and 155,

most is : year. As usual the countries where meat Brompton Road, London, S.W. Telegrams Redemp- consumed suffered most from this affliction. tive, London. Telephone : 1341 Kensington.

nuts has increased so The demand for rapidly AJ1 general correspondence should be addressed to ' ' that prices are steadily advancing. English The Secretary (not to individuals). farmers would do well to plant nut bushes in large value of nuts into quantities. The imported Eng- personal letters for the President can be marked ' land last year was £1,328,861. private,' but a few days' delay may sometimes occur before such letters, or remittances contained in November 8th the On last, Light Weight Boxing same, are acknowledged. Interviews with the Presi- of was won Fred Championship England by dent can be arranged beforehand to prevent dis- boxer.' He 20 rounds Welsh, 'the vegetarian fought appointment (Wednesdays and Thursdays are the best a taller man with a against Johnnie Summers, great days). record, and triumphed easily by superior cleverness, and In the latter rounds quickness staying power. This Journal is regularly supplied (gratuitously) to attracted his wonderful freshness and agility great Public Institutions in this and other lands, such demonstrated his reserve-force and attention, and as Free Libraries, Institutes, University Colleges, stamina. etc.

Miss Florence Trusler, of Darlington, a fruitarian T"he President and Council of The Order of the of seven years experience, recently accomplished Golden Age invite the sympathetic and active a remarkable feat by swimming 10 miles in still co-operation of all philanthropic and humane souls fresh water in hours, minutes. She is only 7 43 in connection with their endeavour to humanize of but a wonderful physique 17 years age possesses Christendom, and to lessen the sum of Pain, Disease and development. and Suffering in the World. The fullest inquiries their methods and will be the hours' match of the Blackheath concerning plans, projects In 24 walking answered. Harriers at the Stadium, London, three fruit- gladly will endeavour to arrange for Lecturers to arian competitors accomplished the following dis- They address meetings on the subject of Food Reform, if tances: H. 114 miles, 1502 yards; F. G. Swabey, friends who desire to their L. Norwood evangelise neighbourhoods Downs, 101 miles, 1605 yards ; (aged will communicate with the Secretary. 66), 100 miles. " The new Colonial Edition of our Comprehensive Guide newly established magazine entitled The British A Book to Natural and Hygienic Diet (Price 2/-, Health Review" (21, Paternoster Square, Lon- bound in red cloth boards) contains a Supplement of don, E.C.), is work by proclaiming doing good additional recipes. It many hygienic truth and promoting hygienic education.^ advocates the fruitarian of as being system living gound volumes for 1908-9 (the copies for the two years and scientific for mankind. the only correct dietary bound together) containing well executed photo- graphs of our International Offices are now ready, is named F. J. Kellogg, who advertising for the A person Price 4/- post free. Volumes years 1906-7 certain remedies from an address at Battle (bound together and containing a photograph of the is not connected in Creek, Mich., U.S.A., any way Editor) are still to be had, Price 4/- post free. The Dr. H. the Medical with J. Kellogg, M.D., Super- volumes for 1900, 1901, 1902, and 1904-5 are all sold. Sanitarium and the intendent of the Battle Creek A few volumes for 1898, 1899 and 1903 can still be works on diet author of many valuable hygienic obtained. Price 3/- post free. and treatment of disease. Our readers are asked to it known. remember this fact and to make ^embers' Badges can be supplied upon application to the Secretary—but only to Members of the will be held at the A Pure Food Exhibition Order. Cavendish London in next and Rooms, April A new type of Badge of high-class design and The Order of the Golden will have a stall. of a Age appearance has now been prepared, consisting are needed. set Voluntary attendants crimson enamelled heart (to signify compassion), in and the letters O.G.A. It is in the jt j* J* gold bearing form of a button, half inch in width, and can easily Publications Received. be fastened to the coat. It can be supplied as a pendant or as a brooch for ladies. Price 3/-, silver E. R.E. ct. in ct. "Food and Health." By Lieut. A. Powell, (Methuen gilt; in solid 9 gold, £1 ; 15 gold, £1 5s. & Co. Price 3/6.) " Britain for the Briton." Bv Sir William Earnshaw Cooper, be obtained in India Publications of the O.G.A. can CLE. (Smith, Elder & Co. Price 10/6). " from Mr. L. K. Oza, Golden Age Villa, Veraval, The Animal Lover's Birthday Book." By Frances E. White. Kathiawar. (George Ball & Sons. Price 1/-)

" Recognize the good that is lyini at the heart of every human being." 73be Eugene Christian's NATURAL FOODS

€J represent the last words of Science on the way the materials that build the body Oat Wafer should be combined and proportioned.

These Foods were made Mr. There is an irresistible charm about this, the €J originally by " latest and best of all the P. R." Christian as prescriptions tor patients Specialities. Made from the finest Oats that Scotland pro- who were being treated in the course of duces and absolutely free from the harmful chemicals and fats so used his practice as a dietetic expert. cheap widely to-day in the manufacture of ordinary biscuits. The "P.R." Oat Wafer is unique In the unique— C| Being uncooked, they preserve pure delicacy of flavour, In digestibility, and In purity of elements of nourishment in their natural Ingredients. Delicious alone, or with cheese, nuts, honey, or fruit. form, while they are so combined as to PRICE : 50 Wafers In Carton, 6 provide each element in due proportion. id. Sold by all Health Food Stores, &c. The LANCET says; FREE SAMPLE

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-"two of the nicest Nutmeats ever made." Vital Nuttoria Health and from Vital P. R. Ntatmeot, Sources.

In' virtue of the pure and vital .^fcOE M^ fruitarian sources from which they are made, the VYTALLE SPECIALITIES

exert a vitalising- influence on all the life processes of the body. The following are widely used by dainty and aesthetic people.

? Vytalle Oil. Darlene. Orange Flower V*urc A white fat Rich, Savoury, A delicately pure Honey. made from the fruit flavoured blend of This is honey as it C Made from only the choicest Nuts and other of the Coconut pure fruit and vege- should be— rich, ripe valuable ingredients, these two unique products Palm su- table oils, easily di Entirely bouquet laden —and possess a special value for the Food Reformer, percedes lard, drip- gested & most bene- matured hy a special for they combine in a compact and digestible etc., and goes ficial in raising the ping, process which elim- form, both attractiveness of flavour and much farther. Ex- great tone of the system. inates all nutritive value. acidity. Fruitarians should cellent on hot toast. Fruitarians should take a desertspoon- take at least one

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Hart St., Bloomsbury Square, LONDON. Great Russell Street, LONDON.

"THESE large and well appointed Temperance Hotels have PASSENGER LIFTS and BATHROOMS on every floor. LOUNGES and spacious DINING, DRAWING, WRITING, READING, BILLIARD and SMOKING ROOMS.

PERFECT SANITATION. FIREPROOF FLOORS. TELEPHONE. NIGHT PORTERS. BEDROOMS, Including Attendance, Single, from 3/6; Double, from 6/6 Inclusive charge for Bedroom, Attendance, Table d'Hote Breakfast and Dinner, from 8/8 to 10/6 per day.

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nnnnnn: =nnnnnnn D n In Sunny South of France. How & Where to Dine. n Pure fruitarian food, cooked and served in an attrac- (MEDITERRANEAN SEA COA3T). skilfully RIVIERA. DOMAINE DE SAUNIER tive manner, in clean and artistic surroundings. Well-balanced afternoon teas. sustaining luncheons and dinners ; dainty A AT LA CROIX (VAR). striking object-lesson in the reform (or non-flesh) dietary. and women. NATURE CURE. VEGETARIAN RESIDENCE. Organised managed by At Homes, &c, Catered for. Beautiful Winter Station. Magnificent situation in up-country. amongst pine forests. Pure air laden with ozone. Sun and Air THE HOME RESTAURANT, Baths. Sea and Steam Baths, etc. Terms (including sun and cold water baths) from 4 ; - to 6/* daily. 31, Friday Street, London, B.C. Address ;-MH. MISS LALLA. n & (Between Cannon St. & Q. Vlotoria Street) nnnnnn nnnnnnn HARROGATE, "POMONA." LONDON. 31, HARLOW MOOR DRIVE. VEGETARIAN CENTRE. Home Comforts. Paying Guests, temporary or permanent. Ladies and Gentlemen. Full or partial Board. Convenient Situation. EFORM FOOD BOARDING HOUSE, situated in the healthiest R part of Harrogate, facing the Moors, within easy distance of MADAME VEIGELE, 63, Hereford Road, Pump Room, Baths, Kursaal, Valley Gardens, etc. Westbourne Grove, Bayswater, W. Special Diets, etc. Terms moderate. Manageress:—Mrs. WHITEAKER. ANSTEY COLLEGE SETTLEMENT. SURREY. Home Comforts. Billiards. Large Garden. "The Leasowes," Hales Owen*. Worcestershire, an English Beauty /-•HARMING SITUATION. Spot of world-wide repute, a place of poetic interest, now adapted as ^ One or two Ladies or Gentlemen received as temporary or permanent can I.—A Quest House for Food -Reformers, who enjoy Golf. Tennis, Paying Guests. Good Roads for Cyclists. Badminton, Swimming', Sun and Air Baths, &c. H,_ A Retreat for Rest and Healing:, with or without Swedish MADAME VEIGELE, Nalderswood, Massage and Remedial Movements. HI.—A School for Physical Culture, Handicrafts & Domestic Reigate, SURREY. for Science ( non-professional. Suitable those who need increased health and vigour, or brain rest. MANNA MEAD, THE GROVE, BLACKHEATH. Also suitable for girls after school life is over, for women before marriage, kind of or as a healthful preparation for any work, Established 1893. A special feature is made of the treatment of Spinal Curvature, Round INVALIDS; highly recommended for Skill, Comforts. Dietary and Shoulders, Flat Chest, Anaemia, Imperfect Digestion, and various physical FOR Management. Rest Cure a speciality. defects. Sec , by Swedish Movements and Massage, combined with hygienic to PRINCIPAL. conditions, and healthy occupations. Prospectus oil application Under the direction 0/ M1S5 RHODA ANSTEY. FROM BOURNEMOUTH. CHRONIC PATIENTS RECEIVED 21,- Louffhtonhurst, West Cliff Gardens. LONDON. seeking REST or CHANGE at this delightful Winter and Hvi!ela House, Vegetarian Boarding Establishment, 39, Warrington Crescent, FRUITARIANSSummer Resort, will find all the Comforts of Home, either as Boarders or Mai J j Vale, W. in Private The house is beautifully situated and the Terms are Apartments. Conveniently situated in the healthiest part of London. Liberal Table. Moderate moderate. House redecorated and enlarged. Spacious Recrpari-m Room. Terms. Late Dinners 7 p.m. Separate Tables, Mrs. WILKINSON. Mrs. HUME (nee HUTTEMAN). froprietress—

little GIRLS, under 12; Middle Class HEALTH HOME & BOARD RESIDENCE on Food Reform Lines. for Two ORPHAN care ; Fruit- VACANCIESHome School on South Coast ; healthy, happy home ; every Sea and Promenade. Three Best position. Close to minutes from Station arian Diet. Terms moderate. Large, airy rooms. Good Cooking. Late Dinner. Terms, from 25/- 1, Maze Hill Terrace, St. Leonards-os-S^a.

Address : -Proprietress, "EVANSTON," Cobham Road, WESTCLIFF-ON-SEA. VISITORS AND OTHERS. Superior, well furnished, light and airy Bath. HOME-SCHOOL, "ASHLETT." TO Bed-Sitting Rooms with Breakfast, or partial Board. Conveniently and close Tube and Met.; and pleasantly situated, one minute Park Zoo; five minutes Motor Bus Oxford Circus. „,»,,,. Fawley, Southampton. Park. N.\V. Misses Kern, 199, Albany Street, Gloucester Gate, Regents

Pinewood District Reformed Diet (Cows kept). Thorough Education. Healthy and : Careful Preparation for Public Schools Colleges Football Swim. VEGETARIAN COOK in a small Home for Little Girls, etc - minE ' Cookerv : For Propria!, apply: C. M. BAYLISS, B.A. REQUIRED,or one willing to learn Reform Food superior person appre- ciated, i. Maze Hill Terrace, St. Leonards-o.n-Sea. BREATHING. HEALTH EXERCISES. VOICE PRODUCTION. WASTE NOT. WANT NOT. WHITE SHIRTS RE- ED mth Best Quality FOUR • FOLD for ADY (Fruitarian) VISITS AND RECEIVES PUPILS for the above, which IRISH" LINEN CUFFS, FRONT and NECKBAND 19 - Paid on Two Shirts and over. are necessary Arts for all, and invaluable for Delicate Persons and Children. Carriage Testimonials from several Eminent Masters. 8. HARRIS, Shirt and Collar Manufacturer, AND BrCNSWICK ROAD, LIVERPOOL. B. HOLLIS, c o 6, Clement's Inn, Strand, W.C. 76 78, A Cereal Extract ton Free from Yeast. Start the Day with Is a pure albuminous food, highly digest- ible, and contains 86 per cent. NUTRIMENT (including 74 per cent. Albumen and 5 per cent. Phosphates I. Invaluable for delicate children and Granose mothers, and all who desire STRENGTH AND VI0.OUR. GRANOSE is simply wheat— the entire Forms a DELICIOUS FLAVOURING lor Soup$, wheat kernel in the form of crisp, dainty Stews, Vegetables, Pies, Sauces, etc. flakes. Thoroughly cooked. Ready to and TOST Explanatory pamphlet sample eat. Its regular use banishes constipa- FREE ON APPLICATION. The Food for tion and indigestion. The simplest and HEALTHY, A. safest food in existence. SICK, and The Sanum Company, CONVALESCENT. 59. Edgware Rd., Marble Arch, LONDON, W But remember— it's the everyday use that tells.

Granose Bisouits, 7 d. box. Granose Flakes, 7id. box. TRUE SATISFACTION. Toasted Wheat Flakes, 8d. box. and happiness in life can only be had by living in simplicity, and to unfold the banner of Truth and Purity drink Of all Health Food Stores and leading Grocers.

I. CRIPPS' FRUIT FEECOFF. Send name and address and 2d. stamps for three liberal It is the Best Substitute for Tea and Coffee, and makes a and leaflet with hints on how to use. delicious beverage. Guaranteed free from those deleterious samples substances which make ordinary beverages so harmful. A FOOD AS WELL AS A DRINK. Will be found beneficial to Nerves, Brain, Digestive Organs, &c. The International Health



(Cooked and Sterilised) now be obtained in six No Stirring. No Burning. No Waste. may varieties, packed in air-tight glass pots. Cream, 6£d. and 9d. Tomato, 3.}d., 6

The new varieties are : — PRICES: a malted the MALT, perfect food, containing nourishing properties ot the malt, combined with and tat in due 9d., 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 2/-, 2/3, 2/6 proteid proportions. Invaluable for Invalids and persons of weak digestion. Price, 6d. per pot. and upwards. CREAM-SAGE, Delicate in flavour. A pleasing variety of Green Fields Cheese-Cream. Price 6d. per pot. List on application to Complete SOUFFLE, a choice preparation of Cheese, Eggs, Butter, and Cream Delicious on Hot Toast. 6d. W.C. Price, per pot. GOURMET & Co., London, Ask your storekeeper for these unique preparations. If there is any difficulty in procuring them we will send direct six jwfs of Cheese (any size or sort of the six varieties), post free in U.K. at ordinary retail prices per pot, on receipt of P.O.

WORKS Addr. s , The LEysom HARAND By ALEXANDER HAIG, M.D. Co., Mental and Evolu- a, Cornbrook St., Old Trafford, MANCHESTER. Truth, Strength and Freedom ; or, Spiritual tion. Crewn 8vo, cloth, gilt, is. 6d. Life and Food. Demv 8vo. *> pp.. price 3J. ae 6d. net. Science : or the Rule of Mind, pp.. price The Parting of the Ways. Price6d.net. as. 60. net. Have tried is. ; VEGSAL Notes on Diet. Price, 12 copies, od.; ai, is.; 50, 6d. 100, you SOUPS? Acid Free Diet. Crown 8vo, Simple Cookery Pamphlet for the Uric If you hare they need no recommendation. If have 16 pp., price 3d. you not, you hav* yet to try LONDON :-JOHN BALE, SONS & DANIELSSON, Ltd. "The Beet of all Soups." 13-91, Great TltcMlcM St., Oxford St., W. More tasty and nutritious than meat soups, and unequalled for Economy of Time, Labour and Fuel. DESICCATED, CONCHNTRATED, CO.MI' LETT- THE WORLD'S ADVANCE-THOUGHT. For making the most delicious and nourishing Edited by LUCY A. MALLORY. Soups, white or Brown, Sauces, Gravies, Hashes, Stews, and other Savoury Dishes and to the Pre- A Journal devoted to the Advocacy of Spiritual Unfoldment, IN TWELVE VARIETIES. that is most sentation of the Higher Thought in a manner helpful, instructive, Asparagus. Brown Haricot, Green Pea, Ft stands for truth, purity, humanity, and spintu.il realization, Celery, and encouraging. Lentil, Mushroom, Nuto, Nuto Cream, and all who read its will experience benefit. Mulligatawny, pages Spinach, Nutmarto Vigar. 8IXTM STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON, U.8.A. 193, Per 2oz. tins, 3d. ; 1 doz assorted box, 3-; I lb. tins, 18; 7 lbs., 10,6. Ask your Stores for them, or (ample tin sent pott free i doz. 6*1. 4d., box 3s. , 3 boxes 6s., carriage paid, from The Sole Manufacturers BUY VECETARIAN BOOTS FOR WINTER FROM A VEGETARIAN. ; "PITMAN" HEALTH FOOD Co., 15,6 and 126. BOOTS, 16.6 and 13,- i SHOES, 137, Aston Brook St., BIRMINGHAM. Full .: .1. A ... fin Amplication NoRTiiAMrtoK. Slamfi /or tarticulun from L. DAWSON, 17, Wvcupfb Rd., WINTERS FIRST AID in Food Reform If you wish to adopt the ideal fruitarian dietary we (J-* can help you in two ways :

1J Our new 64-page Booklet tell? you all about Huts — the ideal substitute for meat— BREAD How to Use Them uncooked, and how to make them into simple savoury is made from the dishes. choicest a ingredients by fl We can supply you not only with the finest shelled hygienic process. The special ^ nuts, but also with chief outstanding feature is to be found in the fact that most of the in- soluble starch— the indigestible resi- Sun-Dried Fruits, due of white and ordinary brown — into bread ha* been converted dainty cereals, nourishing pulses and macaroni, life-giving soluble starch, or in other words olive oil, and all kinds of valuable and useful Health Maltose and Dextrine, the only form Foods. . . . We carriage to your door on orders in which it can be assimilated. pay value and live within the Maltweat is also unique in that 5s. upwards providing you United it contains 2.35 per cent, of Amylase, Kingdom. a substance which actually performs Simply send us your name and address on a post- of the digestion of carbo- {][ part al card and mention Golden and we will hydrates. Because of this, Maltweat Age, post you MEETS reduces to a minimum the possibility the above Booklet, together with one or two free of indigestion, and therefore meets the samples. THE NEED needs of the age. It ha* also a most delicious flavour, and hundreds of OF customers have hailed it as the finest GEORGE SAVAGE & SONS, and most delightful bread ever made. Nut Experts. To be obtained at all Health Food AGE. Class Grocers. THE Stores and High 53, Aldersgate Street, London, E.C. Write to-day for name of nearest London Wall). Agent and also for descriptive book- {Telephone 6?oS let sent hostfree .

Sole Man cfactu reus : R. WINTER, Ltd., Pare Food Factory, BIRMINGHAM.

A New An Old C Biscuit Friend CUNT0N'S That cannot fail to find new M friends, To many readers of this magazine, on account of its sterling quality, and a true and friend in purity and digestibility andjts very helpful moderate price is the health and sickness to many thousands in all parts i-

IXION Brand No animal fat is used in these soaps, but vegetable oils and ash of KORNULES is DIGESTIVE plants. A mildness produced not equalled by even the most expensive Biscuit. Prepared from the finest regd. soaps. A rich creamy lather is ingredients. Agreeable and deli- There is scarcely a limit to its uses. formed with remarkable soothing cate flavour. Most digestible and It is a break- and curative Users of highly nutritious. May be used in grand ready-cooked properties. these never suffer from place of ordinary bread with most fast food, and for savoury or sweet soaps chap- bands, skin, blemishes, beneficial results. dishes it s quite invaluable. Far ped rough or the various skin SCIENCE HAS PROVED that nicer and more nutritious than complaints in other a diseases so common caused by soda soaps. great many bread crumbs. L'sed daily it builds to mankind have their origin in a a healthy body. We have abun- FREE SAMPLES on receipt of 2d. disordered condition of the diges- dant testimony to its usefulness as to cover tive organ. The remedy lies not in postage. drugs, but in natural food that keeps a health restorer and maintainer. the system free from constipation. After trying it you will never be McCLINTONS, Donaghmore, Ireland. Such_ a food is the IXION without it. GUARANTEE D DIGESTIVE BISCUIT. We ABSOLUTELY PURE. An recommend you to try it. Try it Ideal read) -cooked food. and you will recommend it. Sold Health-Food Stores, Sold by all Health- Food Stores, by etc., io or 7 • etc., or 7 lb. tin 4 -, M-lb. tin 7 -, packets, perdozeo packets, "Mildest in "IT IS 28-lt>. tin 13 •, carriage paid direct. carriage paid. NATURE'S the World SAMPLES of our "IXION" and our other Health Food* tent free ' lor Toilet* for 4d. itamps. Mention Herald of Golden A*e." SOAP." vidr Prtf. Kirk SOAPS Shaving." Wright & Co. (Liverpool; Vulcan St. Mills, Liverpool. TRUMILK. Nothing Better A dried Milk Powder, which mixed with water gives a Rich, Pure Fluid in no way distinguish- for Breakfast able from fresh Cows' Milk. It is all soluble in cold water and will not separate in solution. than

Ifyour Grocer does not slock it, send direct to us. Post free at following prices :

TRUMILK FULL CREAM, ilb. tin, 1/9; small tin. 8d.

TRUMILK MACHINE SKIMMED/ilb. tin, 1/2; small tin, 6d

In lever-lid tins, carriage paid : TRUMILK FULL CREAM, 7 lb., 10/6 HYGIAMA MACHINE TRUMILK SKIMMED, 7 lb., 6/- FOOD-BEVERAGE. Represents the vital essence of wheat, barley, and milk; tastes like fine cocoa, TRUEGG. but contains six times more digestible nourishment, and is entirely free from the nnnnnn D harmful elements in tea, coffee, beef tea, &c. New Laid reduced to The egg nnnnnn nnnnnn Eggs, powder. A Complete Food. without the shell and moisture. The albumen, Ideal -for every-day use, and especially globulin and fat are all present in regular adapted for those needing speedy increase in health and strength. proportions, and the albumen is readily soluble. HYGIAMA TABLETS NO WASTE. NO BREAKAOE. are the same food in solid form ; the ideal food. In tins 12 ... „ pocket containing Eggs 1/3 \ free. ilb. tins of / °off eitherc her Beverage or (the product 48 Eggs) 4/6 SAMPLE J 'f Qd. Tablets, post free. Sample Tin, post free for" three stamps. Sold by all Health Food Storts. 6>r. THE LANCET-" We regard these Preparations with distinct favonr." n D n n n n THEINHARDT'S FOOD CO.,

N 8 6, Catherine Court, 5eetblng Lane, CASEIN, Ltd., c u°. vA w^Ss, BATTERSEA, LONDON, E.C. 8.W. n A New Year and a New Life.

HERE are thousands of folk all over the country who are beginning to feel vaguely that their usual diet T is not all it should be, and ihat it tends to produce discomfort and disease. Many of them would be glad to make a change if they knew how. Our booklet, "A GUIDE TO THINGS"

" a menu for a week will help them. It contains an interesting article on How to Start," and gives complete of the foods that supply the place of the less wholesome fish, bacon and meat. the table of There are also several pages of delightful recipes that will help to gladden any house- in is list of Health Food the market that wife in the kingdom ; and addition there a complete every upon can be recommended, and of the most up-to-date and novel appliances for cooking and preparing food. There is an all but endless array of foods suitable for every meal—Nuts, Nut Butters, Nutmeat, leavened and unleavened , Diabetic Foods, etc.—that are not only beneficial because of what they contain, but are free from the injurious chemical adulterants so largely used nowadays. But send for our booklet and see for yourself what it contains, and if you are near give us a call. You need for a may shop, lunch, dine, and take tea with us. Our Health Food Stores will supply everything you fruit on the most moderate and perfect health diet. Our Fruit Stores will supply you with the choicest terms, and can a in large quantities at wholesale prices. Our Fruit Luncheon Rooms are the talk of London, you get delightful fruit meal amid flowers and palms for 6d. with the If cannot call, send six stamps, and in return we will send you, together booklet, a you " penny " is as as it is sample of our Frunut (regd.), a preparation of selected nuts and fruit that delightful sustaining. You will be delighted with it. WRITE TO-DAY TO:— SHEARN'S, London's Largest Floral, Fruit, and Health Food Stores, 231-234, , and 42, STORE STREET, W. " Whan in the neighbourhood don't forget to Visit our Restaurant over the Fruit Shop. 6SS5-7I83 QERRARD." FREE DELIVERIES IN LONDON. n Hornby's Steam Cooked Oatmeal FOR BREAKFAST.

"H-O" is not ordinary Rolled Oats. There is a great difference between "H-O" and common Rolled Oats, which we consider have to be cooked for 16 hours before are fit to be eaten. " " they Besides, H-O contains more real nutrition. steam By our "H-O" cooking process, the edible part of the oat is directly acted on by dry heated to a much than water this steam, higher degree boiling ; renders the starch soluble, and provides a food ready for immediate digestion.

The flier and more delicate Of all flaTour, the geaeral stamp An Ideal Food for FRUITARIAN will Everyone of high quality, be SUPPLY STORES at the first trial apparent and of " H-O." Cooked in 10 Minutes! GROCERS.

I am the Herald of Good Health,

Contentment, and Great Happiness !




People who take "FORCE" as a regular article of diet know its beneficial, nutritive, feeding, and comforting qualities. " " FORCE contains more real nourishment than any other similar product, and there is no other product with such a delicate flavour, or so tempting an appearance. " " To the FORCE is made of the finest selected Wheat, which is thoroughly cooked and blended with and rolled into FORCE by steaming baking processes, Barley Malt, thin, delicate flakes. These thin flakes are easily subject to the digestive juices, FOOD and are quickly and completely assimilated. COMPANY, There is NO WASTE. "FORCE" is all food. IS >Q4 21, Market Balldlnfi, "FORCE" will completely feed you when other Foods fail. Hosier Line, LONDON. % Please lend me m % Urge sample ' •f "FORCE" fer which I encUie Two Penny Stmmfs for f*sttt e. Qd. per packet, of all Grocers and Fruitarian Stores. Name