THE GEORGE WASHINGTON LAW REVIEW VOLUME 82 NUMBER 4 AUGUST 2014 ARTICLES Digital Market Manipulation 995 Ryan Calo The Commerce Power and 1052 Dan T. Coenen Congressional Mandates Customary International Law and 1118 Bart M.J. Szewczyk Statutory Interpretation: An Empirical Analysis of Federal Court Decisions NOTES A Delayed Blitz on the NFL's Blackout 1194 James Gross Policy: A New Approach to Eliminating Blackouts in Publicly Funded NFL Stadiums Proposing a Self-Help Privilege for 1229 Shane Huang Victims of Cyber Attacks The Transformation of Blight: Fixing the 1267 Carolyn Miller CERCLA Lessee Problem to Develop Renewable Energy Applying Lessons from the Golden Age of 1304 Gregory Morrison Piracy: How to Use Specialized U.S. Tribunals to Prosecute Pirates in the Modern Era Copyright @ 2014 by THE GEORGE WASHINGTON LAW REVIEW The George Washington Law Review, ISSN 0016-8076, is published monthly in November, February, April, June, July, and September by students of The George Washington University Law School, 720 20th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20052. Electronic mail:
[email protected]. Web site: Phone: (202) 994-4610. Facsimile: (202) 994-4609. Pub- lication Office: Joe Christensen, Inc., P.O. Box 81269, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501. Please send address changes to the Editorial Office. Subscriptions are $46.00 per year; foreign, $51.00 per year. District of Columbia residents please add 5.75% sales tax. Absent timely notice of termination, subscriptions are automatically renewed upon expiration. Periodicals postage is paid at Washington, D.C., and additional mail- ing offices. Single issues of the current volume are available from the Editorial Office.