Commencement 2008

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Commencement 2008 MONDAY The GW May 12, 2008 ALWAYS ONLINE: WWW.GWHATCHET.COM Vol. 105 • Iss. 1 Hatchet @ AN INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER - SERVING THE GW COMMUNITY SINCE 1904 your guide to Commencement 2008 A pull-out section including: Everything you need Find things to do Read about some Get the scoop on to know about this weekend in intriguing members of keynote speaker Commencement day the District the senior class Julian Bond PAGES B8-B9 PAGE B2 PAGES B6-B7 PAGE B4 University warns APES not to reorganize by Alexa Millinger letter,l saying they were not involved in the Metro News Editor group. “We took their word for it as they were The University sent letters to former members notn names given to us by members this year,” of the Alpha Pi Epsilon fraternity last month, Pereira said. threatening disciplinary action if any members A former APES member, speaking under “reorganize, reconstitute or re-colonize” in any thet condition of anonymity because he fears form. retribution from the University, said he knew This action follows an unprecedented crack- several students unaffiliated with APES who down on the unrecognized fraternity this winter, received the letter. SJS has previously said after pledges reported hazing to the University. theyt use Facebook, among other tools, to iden- The investigation resulted in the expulsion of sev- tifyt members of unrecognized fraternities like eral APES leaders. APES.A The letter states that APES members engage in “SJS can’t just go around acting like big activities that violate the Code of Student Conduct, brother,”b the former member said. “The leash “including the use of illicit drugs and alcohol, acts needsn to be pulled.” of hazing, acts of violence, the manufacturing and He said other APES members have no distribution of fake IDs and other violations of the intentioni of reorganizing “because it’s not code.” worthw being expelled or suspended.” Tara Pereira, director of Student Judicial Pereira said the University expects no fur- Services, said they collected the names of thert efforts to reorganize APES, but sent the Ryder Haske/senior staff photographer “most” of the letter’s recipients from other letterl as a precaution. Students evacuated from Schenley Hall watch as fi refi ghters extinguish a fi re on the second fl oor APES members, as well as rosters SJS obtained “Based on the significant record of mis- of the residence hall May 2. No one was injured, but the fi re signifi cantly damaged one room. in past investigations. The letter was addressed to people identified as being a “leader, officer, member, pledge or identifiable spokesperson” A copycopy ofofth thee lettletter,er givengiven to The HatchetHatchet, warn-warn- of APES. Pereira said SJS received three phone ing APES members against reorganizing. To see Report: Fire cost $75,000 calls from students or their parents about the an enlarged version of the document, visit www. See APES, p. A12 temporarily displaced, every- fire alarm system will be com- Malfunctioning one has been able to return to pletely upgraded,” she said. the building except the two “Sprinklers will be installed in students in room 202, where each room.” Offi cials plan contest to air conditioner the fire began. GW has had several small “Both students were offered residence hall fires in the past cause blaze alternative housing options,” few years with the most signif- Sherrard said. icant occurring in March 2005, promote class bonding by Andrew Breza GW already has a sched- when a student was badly Hatchet Staff Writer ule in place burned in a two by Hadas Gold by mixing freshmen with upperclassmen in a for upgrad- alarm fire at Senior Staff Writer competitive setting. A malfunctioning air con- ing fire safety QUICKTAKES: SCHENLEY Thurston Hall. “(Olympathon) will try and achieve some ditioner erupted in flames in equipment According The University plans to launch a school- of the same goals as other freshman programs, Schenley Hall on May 2, caus- in residence to a 2007 wide competition this fall to encourage class except that instead of being a one hit won- ing about $75,000 in damages, halls includ- Built in 1920, the 8-floor study by the bonding and community building, officials der like (Colonial Inauguration), it will last according to fire reports. ing Schenley, building houses 172 People’s Burn said this week. throughout a student’s time at GW,” Chernak Faulty wiring ignited the air Sherrard said. sophomore residents Foundation – The program, dubbed GW Olympathon, is said. conditioner and no human fac- The University a non-profit being developed by members of Student and Peter Konwerski, assistant vice president tors contributed to the spread plans to add advocacy group Academic Support Services to encourage stu- for SASS, said GW does not do enough to of the blaze, according to a new remote The May 2 blaze started in – fires in uni- dents to attend campus events and program- build class affinity and several new initia- D.C. Fire Department report. smoke alarms in Room 202 around 9:30 p.m. versity dorms ming. tives including Olympathon will help improve No one was hurt in the fire, but Schenley, install are relatively Senior administrators from SASS said most those bonds. the report estimates $55,000 hoods above rare. During the of the specifics still need to be determined, “(Olympathon) is a way to build school worth of damages to the build- stoves in several Safety upgrades planned, last school year, such as whether competing teams will be spirit, tradition and class identity,” he said. ing and another $20,000 to the residence halls repairs to finish in July none of the 20 split by class year or include a mix of upper Another proposed aspect of the program “contents” of the room. and upgrade all student fire and underclassmen. They said groups would will be to combine smaller student organization All repairs to the damage smoke detectors fatalities nation- likely earn points by becoming involved in events into larger gatherings, Konwerski said. in the sophomore residence in the town- wide occurred student activities, attending events and show- He said if several organizations were planning hall will be finished by July, houses. in residence halls, according ing school spirit. on having barbecues in Kogan Plaza to raise said University spokesperson Fulbright Hall will see the to the foundation. They were Robert Chernak, senior vice president for money or awareness, they could combine it into Michelle Sherrard. Although most upgrades, Sherrard said. all in off-campus buildings or SASS, said they hope it will bring more com- some of the 172 residents were “This summer, Fulbright’s fraternity houses. munity spirit to GW and increase socialization See CONTEST, p. A12 The GW Hatchet | Monday, May 12, 2008 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FOUR DAY Page FORECAST 2 HIGH 53 | LOW 48 HIGH 70 | LOW 52 HIGH 76 | LOW 50 HIGH 79 | LOW 62 Sarah Scire – Campus News Editor ( Nathan Grossman – Campus News Editor ( Alexa Millinger – Metro News Editor ( Danielle Meister – Assistant News Editor ( CAMPUS CALENDAR Knapp names SNAPSHOT Thurston Haul Tuesday eight as fellows GW Hosts Tibetan Buddhist Artifacts Wind down from fi nals while by Husna Kazmir vember with a series of infor- exploring religious objects Hatchet Staff Writer mation sessions and outreach from Tibetan monasteries. meetings for interested se- 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. The University announced niors. Marvin Center second-fl oor late last week that eight gradu- The PAFs do not receive display cases ating seniors will receive full free housing, but the fellow- Sponsored by the Depart- tuition to pursue master’s de- ship does include a housing ment of Religion and the grees at GW as part of the Uni- stipend to help cover the cost Luther W. Brady Art Gallery versity’s Presidential Adminis- and they are paid according to trative Fellowship Program. wages set by their department, Wednesday Next year’s fellows will be Konwerski said. The PAFs usu- Christopher Brooks, Alyscia ally start work the August af- GW Toastmasters Meeting Eisen, Ryan Evans, Frederick ter they graduate. Come practice your public Jordan Evert, Gina Fernandes, Brooks, who is enrolled in a speaking skills and learn how Jacqueline Hackett, Sarah-Jo five-year program in the Grad- to catch your “umms” and Lawrence and Kelly S. Leon. uate School of Political Man- “uhhs.” All eight will serve in a differ- agement, said the decision to 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. ent GW administrative depart- apply was an easy one for him. Marvin Center room 404 ment for two years while they He will be working towards a Sponsored by GW Toastmas- work toward their graduate master’s in political manage- ters degrees. ment. Anne Wernikoff/assistant photo editor “They are a tremendous “I knew I wanted to stay Freshman Stephen Intrabartola Jr. battles the rain Sunday afternoon to move his Advanced Screening of "The group of student leaders which in Washington, D.C.,” Brooks clothes out of Thurston Hall with the help of his father, Stephen Intrabartola Sr. Foot Fist Way" represents the variety of di- said. “I also love GW, and I Enjoy a movie about a tae verse experiences, programs, thought PAF was a perfect way kwon do instructor who must and backgrounds which we to stay in D.C., do grad school have here at the University,” for free, and also be able to give battle his hero in order to Destruction transported to Georgetown Uni- resurrect his life. said Peter Konwerski, assistant back and contribute to GW.” CRIMELOG vice president for student and Ross D.
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