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Centreplace MANITOBA 1 1 MAIN FLOOR CentrePlace MANITOBA 1 1 MAIN FLOOR 4 4 INTRODUCTION CentrePlace Manitoba was commissioned by the Province of Manitoba, with a goal of creating a temporary 2 2 Olympic pavilion that represented the energy of the province and its people while reinforcing its MAIN FLOOR a rea commitment to sustainability. Designed as a dynamic, uniquely Manitoban architectural statement that re 0 3.05m (10ft) transcends the “white fabric tent”, the 232 m2 (2500 square foot) pavilion was initially showcased at the 1 Queuing Area 3 2010 Vancouver Olympic and Paralympic Games as both an interactive exhibit space and as a venue for 2 Exhibition Area 3 Exhibition A business and cultural receptions. 3 Storage Queuing A 4 Multi-Purpose Area 1 2 The design concept was initiated through a visioning session in June 2009 where Manitobans from diverse backgrounds came together to discuss what best represented the province they called home. The recurring themes drawn from this session gave the design team their starting point of creating an inviting space that SITE DEVELOPMENT & ECOLOGY drew upon the spirit and nature of the people of Manitoba. The simple contrast of wood and light became the basis for the creation of a pavilion that would become a beacon, welcoming visitors through a generous The pavilion stands 5.79 metres tall (19’) and features 7.32 metre spans front porch and an oversized pivoting door. (24’). One of six pavilions on the LiveCity site in Downtown Vancouver, CentrePlace Manitoba’s location encouraged pedestrian activity and The design team met client design objectives by making a number of strategic decisions to ensure that the the use of public transit eliminating the need for vehicular parking on project would showcase the province’s commitment to sustainability and provide a legacy building that the site. would serve beyond the pavilion’s initial five-week purpose. One of the key objectives was to ensure Universal Design and Access. To achieve all these design requirements, CentrePlace Manitoba had to: Since the post-games site in Manitoba was not known at the time of • utilize Manitoba labour and regional materials the design or construction, the structure had to be adaptable. There- • offer an interactive exhibit space showcasing Manitoba’s unique culture fore, the pavilion was conceived to sit lightly on its initial site, a surface • be efficient in material use and energy consumption parking lot. Designed to maximize the bearing capacity of the asphalt • be compact, transportable, and 100% reusable at a future site lot, the structure was spread out to eliminate • favour passive systems over dedicated ones TOP: Photo courtesy of the Province of Manitoba (Rob Kennedy) damage the site. BOTTOM: Photo courtesy of Dominion Construction (Gerry Harms) CentrePlace Manitoba is now located at the Red River Exhibition Park in Winnipeg, Manitoba where it was re-assembled in the summer of 2010. 1 2 1 CONTINUE TPO MEMBRANE OVER TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION GLULAM BEAM - TYP, TPO ROOF MEMBRANE (WHITE) GLULAM BEAM - REFER TO STRUCT. 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING - REFER TO STRUCT. JOISTS - REFER TO STRUCT. TYP BUILT-UP CURB: PRE-FIN 4" HOLES THRU WEB FOR CONDUIT. REFER 3/4" x 5 1/2" RECLAIMED ELM SOFFIT SPACED TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION TYP. BUILT-UP CURB: PRE-FIN TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION GALV. CAP FLASHING ON 2 TO STRUCT. REFER TO ELECT. FOR 1/4" BTWN BOARDS c/w OSMO EXT. FINISH (ALL GALV. CAP FLASHING ON 2 SIDES) AND YELLOW ZINC COUNTER-SUNK LAYERS 2" x 4" PT WOOD. CONDUIT RUNS LAYERS 2" x 4" PT WOOD. SCREW FASTENERS LAP AND SEAL TPO ROOF AND EXTERIOR MEMBRANE BEAM C/W OSMO EXTERIOR FINISH WRAP TPO ROOFMEMBRANE BEAM C/W OSMO EXTERIOR FIGUREALONG 1 FACE OF BEAM PRIOR THE STRUCTURE FINISH. SEE STRUCT. TO INSTALL OF FASCIA BEAM U/S OF STRUCT. U/S OF STRUCT. U/S OF STRUCT. 16'-3/4" 16'-3/4" 16'-3/4" U/S BEAM TO ALIGN WITH 4" HOLES THRU WEB FOR CONDUIT. U/S OF SOFFIT DECKING - REFER TO STRUCT. The structural system was designed with two main considerations: TYP. 2" WIDE CPI ALUM. "F" RECEIVER - TYP. 1" GAP @ TOP OF PLYWOOD WOOD BLOCKING AS TYP. REQUIRED - SEE STRUCT. REFER TO 1/A5.2 FOR LOCATION TENSION CABLES ANCHOR. PROVIDE 1) to incorporate materials that showcased local resources and inge- Reclaimed Elm Soffit BLOCKING AS REQUIRED - REFER TO STRUCT nuity and 2) to employ prefabricated elements to allow for a short GLU-LAM GIRT - C/L OF GIRT construction period. The result is an entirely wood framed structure. SEE STRUCT. 14'-0" ELECTRICAL PANEL It consists of a simple 12.19m x 19.51m (40’ x 64’) roof ‘slab’ suspend- - SEE ELEC. E1 E2 T.O GUARDRAIL TO ALIGN C/L OF GIRT ed by two main beams on slender glulam columns above an equally WITH PLYWOOD EDGE 8'-0" BEYOND simple rectangular floor plate (see FIG. 1). 2"x"6" RAILING CAP 1 1/2" X 1 1/2" WOOD STOP. RADIUS TO PLYWOOD PANEL BEYOND - TYP. BE 1" LARGER THAN INSIDE OF GLULAM Polycarbonate Panels GIRT. REFER TO PLANS FOR LOCATIONS. GUARDRAIL CONSTRUCTION PURPOSE MADE ALUMINUM BRACKET - The floor and roof were prefabricated in Manitoba in 2.44m x 12.19m TYP. REFER TO STRUCT. 4" X 4" WOOD POSTS @ 48" O.C. 1/2" G1S BIRCH PLYWOOD C/W OSMO FINISH AND YELLOW ZINC COUNTER-SUNK SCREW 42" FASTENERS (8’x40’) panels. The floor panels were built with standard 2x8 joists MIN. GLU-LAM COLUMN (BEYOND) - SEE MEZZANINE CONSTRUCTION STRUCT. with blocking and openings positioned for columns and wire cross- 3/4" G1S BIRCH PLYWOOD SHEATHING c/w E2 OSMO EXTERIOR FINISH BASE BOARD 2" X 6" WOOD JOISTS @12" O.C. - REFER TO 5 YY.MM.DD - STRUCT. HEATER - SEE bracing tie-downs. Constructed with TJI joists, the roof system was a CONT. STL. ANGLE (PTD. 4 YY.MM.DD - MECH. 4 TRANSLUSCENT SCRIM c/w ALUMINUM BLK.) ABOVE OPENING - SEE PLATE FRAME. SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED A5.1 STRUCT. 3 YY.MM.DD - BY OTHERS - SEE EXHIBITION DESIGN 6" 2 YY.MM.DD - combination of oriented strand board (OSB) and microllam, which T.O. MEZZANINE FLR. STEEL BRACKET AND FASTENERS. GLU-LAM GIRT - SEE STRUCT. 8'-4" PROVIDE BLOCKING BELOW AS TENSION CABLES - REFER TO STRUCT. 1 09.MM.DD - C.L. OF GIRT REQUIRED. - TYP. OF FOUR - REFER No. DATE REVISION / ISSUANCE TO STRUCT. 8'-0" uses two-thirds less wood than traditional dimensional lumber joists. Steel Cable & Aluminum Brackets Seal BEAM - REFER TO STRUCT. GLU-LAM COLUMN BEYOND - SEE STRUCT. SILENT GLISS 2191 1'-5 3/4" HEAVY-DUTY ALUM. 1 1/2" X 1 1/2" WOOD NAILER STRIP. CURTAIN TRACK C/W 0829 1" RADIUS TO BE 1" LARGER THAN INSIDE OF WALL BRACKET (OR EQUAL) The exterior structural fascia beams were constructed from parallam. GLULAM GIRT. REFER TO PLANS FOR FIXED LADDER - REFER TO DETAIL MOUNTED TO SIDE OF C/L OF GIRT LOCATIONS - SEE EXHIBITION DESIGN 4/A5.1 GLU-LAM GIRT - REFER TO 2'-0" EXHIBIT DESIGN CURVED GLU-LAM GIRT - SEE The glulam frame, manufactured locally, used simple beams and col- 2"x6" LEDGER-REFER TO STRUCT. STRUCT. TYP. OF THREE RETRACTABLE HEMP TENSION CABLES ANCHOR. PROVIDE CURTAIN (MANITOBA BLOCKING AS REQUIRED - REFER TO STRUCT MADE) (T.B.D.) - REFER umns with bolted connections that facilitated deconstruction and 2" WIDE CPI ALUM. "F" RECEIVER - TYP. TO EXHIBIT DESIGN REFER TO 1/A5.2 FOR LOCATION Architect TYPICAL FLOOR CONSTRUCTION future reassembly on a more permanent site. The glulam girts were T.O. MAIN FLR. incorporated into the media displays, providing the frames and lash- Glulam Columns & Beams 0'0" EDGE OF VERT. BEAM C/W OSMO EXTERIOR STRAPPING FINISH. CUT UNDERSIDE TO points for the fabric and projected content. Even the plywood strap- SUIT GRADE 1/2" TYP. 1" 1" WRAP MEMBRANE GRADE ping, used to transport the roof and deck structures, was re-used DOWN WOOD CANT 420 A STRADBROOK AVE. WINNIPEG. MB R3L 0J8 T. 204 989 8910 F. 204 989 8920 FLOOR PANEL SUPPORT BEYOND - TYP. REFER TO BASEPLATE - REFER TO STRUCT. for the exterior cladding. A low VOC sealant was used on various ex- STRUCT. Engineer GLU-LAM GIRT BEYOND - SEE SCREW PILE BEYOND - TYP.- STRUCT. posed wood areas. REFER TO STRUCT. TYP. - TYPICAL FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 1'-0" 3 WALL SECTION 5/4" x 5 1/2" RECLAIMED ELM DECKING SPACED The roof panels were framed with engineered wood I-joists, sheathed Over-sized Pivoting Door 1/4" BTWN BOARDS c/w OSMO EXTERIOR FINISH A5.1 Scale: 1" = 1'-0" (ALL SIDES) AND YELLOW ZINC SCREW FASTENERS MAX. T.O BEAM TO ALIGN WITH 2" X 6" WOOD JOISTS - REFER TO STRUCT. TYPICAL FLOOR CONSTRUCTION T.O. DECKING - TYP. STEEL BRACKET AND FASTENERS. with plywood on top and salvaged elm slats on the underside. The 1'-0" PROVIDE BLOCKING BELOW AS T.O. MAIN FLR. T.O. MAIN FLR. REQUIRED. TYP. OF 2. - REFER TO 0'0" STRUCT. 0'0" Project BEAM C/W OSMO EXTERIOR panels were suspended from two 2.13m x 5.79m (7’ x 19’) parallel- EDGE OF PLYWOOD FLOOR FINISH. CUT UNDERSIDE TO TYP. BEYOND CENTREPLACE MANITOBA SUIT GRADE. SEE STRUCT. - MAX 2" x 4" WOOD STUD RUNG strand lumber (PSL) beams with steel strap saddles on each joist. The structure is designed with simple connections to be 1'-4" 2" x 4" WOOD STUD GRADE GRADE Sheet Title During construction, the entire roof ‘slab’ was fastened to the beams completely demountable, enablingSTEEL BRACKET ANDthe material to be FASTENERS - REFER TO WALL SECTIONS STRUCT.

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