MORE TheWinnipegTribune MILK-GL-O USE AUGUST 1955 MISSd BAR Prisoners I Moss Gather Obtain Wafer tine By GRAHAM N. SMITH Lawyers Job Stalled DONE WITH Promot- of 14 ers of a new show which will appear at Preliminary hearing Fort the Red River Exhibition can alleged ringleaders in the Garry May Get change a man into a woman or vice Jail riot Link versa Within There is no opened today in Provincial New With City no and no trapdoors Police Court before Magis- they claim nothing more than a new Fort Garry residents who for the last month have had kind of entertain trate Henri to haul water and watch lawns burn under the sun may ment done with A fifteenth get a new connecting link with The Trib- - Tho show has been a big hit south of the pleaded guilty to a une learned today but they'll have to wait at least two Someone from the audience is asked to sit on a chair behind charge of unlawful and willful a thick sheet of glass slanted at a Grad- damage before Magistrate Lacerte City Engineer W. D. Hurst early 1 and was remanded for next will coun ually he disappears and a gal takes his week present city an illusion of sime kind how done Thirteen of the prisoners have cil with a number of plans for It's but it's oper- a serious water ators of the show Gentleman from engaged Manly Israels as legal i ending shortage in the suburb since its main sup- 25 of and the Wi- j Ludwig developed it after nearly years lliam Gordon is ply line under the He thinks he be able to work into a Broad- represented may it by David River at Middlegate way One of the witnesses called at But no matter which project 1 council it will take at k the morning Session today was k k least two or three months to IN THE BEER Don't worry about being Provincial Architect Gilbert 1 And He estimated that total re- If your supper isn't bawl her if it And to cost needed to restore fixtures it's going lot of is don't eat pairs G. water damaged in the riot would cost some leis than the works and sewerage engineer SET For the first five boys or girls original estimate of to call a free cocker spaniel An attempt to repair the break by lowering a coffer dam over the SAFETY R. Horch of Edison North pipe and pumping out surrounding water proved Har-i- s takes an interest in people passing by the store Wants j Construction which was where he works as a doorman and his interest reached awarded a cost-plu- s heights after watching a man pacing nervously back and Girls' Home tract for the found it could the came over forth one day Finally pacing gent A delegation of West Kildonan not drive necessary piles into bed En meet i to Horch to explain that his wife was to him in school trustees and municipal rock struck just below the silt on front of the store two hours earlier and hadn't showed councillors will seek a meeting the bottom of the Then he asked you give me a receipt so I can prove with Premier Douglas Campbell Lorraine Denson said final cost of the that I've been here all the time and Attorney General M. N. Ritchie of Henderson attempt would not be known until with a view to the ar- kc retaining Highway smiles out of the Her Fifth Forecast the department has completed k Home for Girls property Right for materials STORM In answer to Moss reader's attractive rangements for the But it would not be anywhere near query on why hurricanes are named after another two of hundreds The province plans to build a DEATH RIDE Mr Catherine Moss ventures to everyone has heard of of Clad entries at the two-da- y reader say i new either in Portage or Housewife Emergency Action 3 of Lowe Farm and but who has ever heard of a combined Horticultural old Fort Garry has lost two-thir- ds her daughter The decision to Exhibition which i killed in a k approach the opened of its water since the both were Civic-Caledoni- pressure recent on was made at a the an accident ner Mom Saturday POTATO Regarding government joint today at Wins Football Prize main line The suburb's cr as the child wat being rushed to strange-lookin- g tomatoes on they meeting of West Kildonan council Lor- I on growing potato plants Curling with dry taps The car went Out of P. C. of 1101 Balmoral and school board is F. A flash of thought on the part of - turned out to be seed pods Cope raine secretary to second ineffective lawn- control at 10 a.m. about 2 a of Giroux St. won- - he planted some of the seed and No definite plans for use of the provincial Dorothy watering restrictions and informa- miles west of Morns as Ruth was reports in The Tribune Football more than one strain of potato Three years later property were made but during her the first prize Forecast tion that some elderly people had being taken to Hospital discussions it was contest Bomber-Eskim- o of severe bites the potatoes were large enough to pointed out that for the game to haul their own Thursday for treatment the site could be used for a made out four night decided to demand on her face and throat by earlier in the a school or a public all in favor of attends most was from Winnipeg the family dog If he had all the I owe him he j league The Peter was In- money I 1 W. Scott Neal Officials in the municipality fear Freedman mide me helped by daughter in Mayor j wouldn't have to drive that old I jured m the that the property may be sold to feel a bit of a traitor but I marking the forecast to go after the city engineering k k k private interests for commercial thought I'd better make out the The are the city council and if PIGEON Mark Gordon of can if Garden fifth in favor of first three scora necessary get the help of Winnipeg get the government Is not coupon coupons his homing pigeon back by contacting George R.R. drawn in that ance underwriters to see normal is 1 Lakehead Cloy found the bird on his farm and noticed It was that fifth marked Tribune Football Forecast coup- pressure Not much can be done as a had a band name of its Show 13 Bombers which ons for game 2 appear in it bearing the Deison copped first today's temporary k ic Provincial Everything is superlative But everything possible Wharves Other DEFENCE Kind words for Winnipeg police about the two-da- y combined forms and rules would be done to end very pom come from C. L. who admits violating Aid horticultural exhibition Second winner for is George for the Winnipeg-Calgar- y traffic regulations two of them red lights while Bridge which opened today at the of and on 29 are on Winnipeg council will be Civic-Caledoni- the third Monday's to approve one of several addi a driving in Says police checked him up on two an m 1 a let with a Curling forecast went to J. H. of ivi s 1 norif cf them but Now 1 Official n tvS o King Edward St. j one inai win at Confirmation of A record entries are on the provincial an avid danger ot another Manitoba from getting full exhibitors government's aid offer more than er fan who takes in Bomber benefit of the St. Lawrence I Saw- - toward the Disraeli are for no less proposed competing tice sessions near her home seaway even if no further was received by Winnipeg than five major horticultural or- legal restrictions arc impos- THE LONG While waiting for a green light Mayor George Sharpe ganizations are and a New Hospital ed on the at a street crossing I SAW a woman passenger in a A letter from public works min- veteran judge of more than 40 seaway C. commission on coast- taxi cab put cream on her face and then start to pin curl ister Bell stated the cash years' experience to New Zoning For royal her would be forthcoming if and when the city from to judge Portage ing trade was told in Win- city approved the flower baskets and table Manitoba will receive a nipeg Martha million means of a In St. project by The record entries of James federal health grant to assist in Speaking on behalf of the Man w money by-la- this African nit i a new Plans to rewrite the St James construction oi ai toba Harold In breaking the news to civic violets and honey are split into Portage la Federal Health of the of h bov two ticket town planning first drawn Mayer University Chicago item MUi Strong receives by mall works committee 41 39 in one Minister Paul Martin announced in to Seven LIUI now at the public Mayor groups class up In were made at a meet- told the three man the bestat I SAW of the month Contribution not Sharpe said the and five in class r negotiating ing of the municipal council that general cargo facilities at nr SAW are property at column and may show up In committee at first was show Scheduled for In it hei t o watch for disap- The five sponsors of the completion Fort William and Port Arthur ai in the but con- the new pointed later are the Winnipeg Horticultural M. Lyons of who hospital and unsuit- ceded that the government had Gladiolus accommodate 90 patients as the Winnipeg until a ago was chairman of able for ocean-goin- g vessels c year X-ra- as could as and y gone far it the Manitoba Horticultural the St. James town laboratory when the planning It will the seaway is Aid the Manitoba Honey As- will be hired to make he replace Portage Further General which has been About the sociation and the Winnipeg African It that it will He pointed out that the grant js expected condemned for further use because Mayer called for Violets take two years to complete the w was made only toward the actual mm of age and thinking on the from as a judge new SUNNY river span in line with merit of lakehead and said of flower baskets and centres The revised Sun rises a.m. Sets p.m. the government's previous policy town planning no is is C. W. former botany pro- scheme will all present agency compete Moon rises p.m. Sets p.m. in connection with the Midtown incorporate to deal with the fessor at the University of Mani- to the original document of Tuesday's high Kathie is Coauthor of the Mani- toba who retired from that post In 1929 and will include new Overnight low Jacob Penner his zoning toba was repeated 1950 and immediately left for Van- and restrictions for the Mayer the Noon temperature 71 earlier contention that the building labor Committee couver where climate allows East Queen witness before the commission at Precipitation rial offer was not that the the scheduled one-da-y was the j He more lh Kathie conqueror of Thi day lait city should continue negotiations was follow ed Ezre U. of M. for 35 Lake be Labor by Solomon Maximum with the aim of at least 1 Day getting I FREEDMAN also of the University of Early Growth Rail Queen at a big swimming Plans Institute Minimum another million Crossing and employed the summer and inade- at Sioux by 1885 Mayor said means Intense heat Four briefs An Institute bv the Sharpe every The Labor will other have been 1886 had been exhausted in quate rainfall the flowers Asked Day rally feature committee for gaining the I for the and the Manitoba labor much earlier than usual Signals men's and women's marathon Winnipeg endorsed Normal mean temperature present offer on the third but along Manitoba commission firman was l Justice for 24 he would this show officials swim Kathie will not it to finance iu-prem- rv Labor August leave up After 2 Deaths W. F. Spence of the Ontario e Winnipeg the displays are for the She will be Introduced FORECAST committee to make the final de- recom- that a most outstanding despite the A coroner's jury Tuesday Still Leads by Lookout's lady Mayor 29 A few intervals this cision part second The rn an i cloudy torrid summer mended automatic traffic be Helen Winnipeg hearing will be w Clear held 8 and J fair employment sunny Judging of exhibits was complet- installed at a crossing half a meeting Is slated 1 and Winds west 20 to- which nas Tourist Hike Dr Mayer no immigration light ed this morning and entries are on a mile east of Lockport tonight with St Boniface special argued that rr on the Canadian and Low two ac- - strict mn other than those in its night display this and been the scene of Manitoba still leads the council committee and officials of and the New Cana-dL- - at high Thursday at Carman Delay Expected in 18 rest of in the in- - the Chamber ol should be placed on tt will be at the and W 50 and hi- - seaway This Winnipeg Entries came from as far away The at over of tourist Commerce and Optimists to plan es-- the bene fit of Later TEMPERATURES In as Gilbert the death of Pail P I Mcintosh which spread lower most of Winni- Reply ne I lists from and and oi mu beven u si will a costs entire nai n. for 34 houri to Almost non cars be held in that tn week peg s irrespective of Precipitation up Engineer W. D. Hurst said killed 11 when the Foi general at aty Manson and Aug entered the in a or 10 days time t h-d province together with Ameri- In Ottawa today that discussions c-a- Into his lakehead arr too narrow about 7 nine per cent increase over the can are expected to Vancouver between Winnipeg city officials the 10 fret wide 40 Victoria 85 81 car at same month New compared with and officials of Board of Trans- Health last 50 73 the inspection Melville to feet required for i Engineer Brunswick was closest to this fig- ig Edmonton 73 48 port In respect E. J. chief health he blew the required whistle Solomon St 45 to federal financial ure with an per cent 47 participation for the speaks on approaching the crossing Loading facilities are suited to laKe Saskatoon Tr Inspector signals Manitoba is also leading the Red Cross Plans Yorkton 79 96 in the Disraeli bridge were his work at the Lions but saw car too lite to vessels but not to the if 78 57 Thursday traffic Increase since the first of placing Dauphin avoid the cargo hatches of ocean Brandon 88 94 club Fort Garry the A total of vehic- through Clinic 78 ST together with Bridge Facilities for Downtown M les visited Manitoba The r 78 97 Engineer J. B. and Dep- during motor In a for Mood Churchill 79 44 01 trucks are also special appeal uty City Solicitor D. C. past seven per e s will i Red sH up Kenora 74 43 this morning placed full details increase over last year's traffic a clinic in the Tort William 74 48 Life Guard count tor the same of the project before the Spikes f Donald St. at Toronto 68 will con- Beach Councillor Ottawa 73 88 commission's director of The province probably Montreal 74 31 J. E. tinue to head the list for August v Halifax 70 i m s will be from 10 e m. M It is that It will be Rumor of 1920 Swim after all the can that Issues Minneapolis M expected Apology i aim p.m. to the for the conven- i Duluth 76 37 some time before the commis- Rumors Mcintosh was not the first to city have that Kathie tion are For Cabin Blast sion's officials vill complet- swim Lake because a Grand Beach life cuard had ed their study of the project George i Wise done in the were denied here the retiring g Leaves I Hurst said that Winnipeg it Tuesday by very Beach issued a TRIBUNE iOA I V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 believed it qualified for assistance man who was said to have crossed the U through his n t. t For Art Post JOB BULLETIN tinder the department of Trans- It has been rumored that a J to apologize for remarks nude it but r if land Wise of the port Grade Crossing that certain Dave a lite because I have followed the Record I oi i he did not any decision swam of Lake since Spree a month f MALI I expect guard on Grand history Winnipeg agn r School of Art is I ill Mi HI k from the commission for lS-mi- k ToUrist in Manitoba will ai that v to take some the stretch without any and right up to and I spending 2 Winnipeg Monday considerable reach a record this cabin at Beach were c.- - the would moat definitely have hoard professorship at Leather Leather and commerce min- DOUBLE An un- noi lit for human one-tim- e Grand it anyone had tried the I of New York at operators operators Dave Ron Turner some rented to personally never swam out ister predicted precedented two way swim r Hu work there begins calf Norwood Scout Leaves Beach life guard and swimming said new lies more than few and no one Turner of Lake in the School of Fine instructor to thousands of Manitoba's crossing Winnipeg In his nt I facilities in Jamboree for full-tim- e ever heard went out from Beach to j at the University of Junior office Hospital was employed by th beyond and the of the Winnipeg he wished to that e Robinson discovery dear the Marais then back to H la a has yet been appointed A Norwood Boy Scout had his Beach authorities then the province's varied holiday play- Grand remarks wei reeled at fun cut short Sunday at the World from to grounds by Americans and Can- Winnipeg will be sort-owne- r Walker or h f lm He said the Beach authorities I Ad Pitts Scout Jamboree at Niagara-on-the-- I Said asked me to adians are responsible tor the attempted Friday night by cabins and Mr Walker Pensions at one time thought It he made an Improved lot when he was rushed do it as a but I'd no time tourist Albert of provided ted to cross the it would W J and E. W. to for an emergency to attempt Fearn Kildonan i New crowds to Grand v i rpresent Manitoba at the attractive eb opportunities attract Beek Mr Black ne l j no one Med in those Garson Officiates The North native why - r. on Council lor the Blind every Harry is in satisfactory I worked a ind it- he he said no one would who been In i A conference next Monday to condition after his had no spare for Justice Minister Geran Winnipeg wai to Md in FOLLOW a o I W m Main item pital said He vill miss put up k now-- Win officially the new ests one Mr Walker s abir to t r will be improved TRIBUNE KEIP WANTED ADS the remainder of the one should think Kathie pes Unemployment Insurance toms and immigration building at at 9 p m weather it i i o M t for the was not the first to swim the Commission Boissevain at 11 a m