International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-4, February 2020

Morphometric Analysis and Prioritization of Sub-Watersheds in Watershed of , of Basin using Remote Sensing and GIS as a Tool.

Gaurav Kumar, Pratibha Warwade, Gulab Mukund, Nitish Dhaked, Shailesh Suman

 Abstract: Hydrological analysis and for the integrated I. INTRODUCTION development of the watershed, it is essential to do geomorphometric analysis. A comprehensive study of drainage A naturally occurring hydrological unit which is generally pattern, topography, and most essential erosion status can be defined by its natural boundaries and designated by similar analyzed through morphometric analysis. Prioritization of climatic, physical and topographic conditions is known as a sub-watersheds according to the capacity of the water table of watershed. It is an area from which runoff from precipitation watershed was evaluated by linear, aerial and relief flows through a single outlet and ends in large rivers lakes and aspects. The morphometric analysis has been used for the prioritization of seven sub-watersheds of the Godavari river basin the ocean. It is generally classified based on its geographical in the Nashik district, Maharashtra. Using the Digital Elevation area. The Watershed Atlas, prepared by AIS LUS (1990), Model, the sub-watersheds were delineated in ArcMap 10.4 and which describes the area of the watershed as being less than also few extraction works were done in Erdas Imagine. Drains 500 km2 (±50%).The (National Remote Sensing Agency and their corresponding characteristics including stream length, (1995) has further categorized the watershed as stream order, stream frequency, circulatory ratio, texture ratio, compactness coefficient, elongation ratio, form factor, drainage sub-watershed (30–50 km2), mini-watershed (10–30 km2) density, bifurcation ratio is analyzed and their value has evaluated and micro-watershed (5–10 km2) [1]. for each sub-watershed by using the Remotely Sensed-data and Hence, the watershed is generally regarded as an ideal unit geospatial techniques. Finally based on morphometric behavior for the planning, management, and conservation of natural the priority has been given to each sub-watershed & rank has resources, i.e., land, water, forest, soil, etc. It is also used for assigned to them, the most sensitive sub-watershed is identified. the alleviation of the impact caused by natural disasters on The reveled analysis says stream order ranges from 1 to 6. The overall stream segments of all order are 1,115 in the watershed. achieving sustainable development. For the development of On the account of morphometric analysis prioritization of watershed some notable features required for its design such watershed is done. Resulting prioritization rank assigned to each physiography, geomorphology, drainage, land use/land cover, watershed based upon the evaluated compound parameter given soil and available water resources. Watershed management to them. Those Sub-watersheds having least compound parameter aims for the proper utilization of water, land, soil, forest value has assigned the highest priority. Further, sub watersheds accordingly categorized into three type i.e. high (3.4-3.8), medium resources of a watershed to meet the optimum production (4.0-4.2) and low (4.4) priority based on their maximum priority along with minimum hazard resources [2].The prioritization score (4.5) and minimum score (3.4). of sub-watershed is done based on morphometric analysis by using techniques of remote sensing and GIS. A lot of works Keywords: Geo-morphometric analysis, Prioritization, Remote has already been done on the prioritization using these sensing and GIS, Watershed techniques. Remote sensing & GIS are two of the essential tools that are widely used for the watershed management, development, and studies on prioritization of sub-watersheds.

Revised Manuscript Received on February 3, 2020. For prioritization of micro-watersheds, the morphometric Gaurav Kumar*, Department of Water engineering and management, analysis could potentially be used by studying various aerial Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, . and linear parameters of the watersheds even when soil maps Email: [email protected] Pratibha Warwade, Department of Water engineering and management, area unavailable [2]. GIS with remote sensing approach was Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India. used in morphological analysis of sub-watersheds for Email: [email protected] Pavagada region of Tumkur district, [3]. GIS based Gulab Mukund, Department of Water engineering and management, morphometric analysis was carried out in Hara Maja and Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India. Email: [email protected] Bhagra-Phungotri watersheds of Gurdaspur district of Punjab Nitish Dhaked, Department of Water engineering and management, [1]. Both remote sensing & GIS techniques used for Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India. watershed prioritization in the Guhiya basin, India [4]. Study Email: [email protected] Shailesh Suman, Department of Water engineering and management, based on morphometric analysis Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India. was done for check dam Email: [email protected] positioning using (SY1) model for

Published By: Retrieval Number: D1712029420/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1712.029420 1553 & Sciences Publication

Morphometric Analysis and Prioritization of Sub-Watersheds in Watershed of Nashik, Maharashtra of Godavari River Basin using Remote Sensing and GIS as a Tool. prioritization of micro-watersheds in Tarafeni watershed of topography whereas in eastern side land is open, fertile and Midnapur district [5]. In recent times many studies have good for agricultural activities. The average annual already been done on the priority of watersheds. precipitation of the district is 1029.6 mm. The main source of income is agriculture. Most of the agricultural lands grow II. SILENT FEATURES OF STUDY AREA grapes for the production of wine. Nashik district also is Godavari River is originating from Trimbakeshwar Range known as wine capital of India. District has three seasons within the watershed (study area) which exists in the Nashik mainly summer (April-June), monsoon (July-September) and District of Maharashtra State. Study area belongs to the winter (October-March). The rainy season occurs due the south-west monsoon (July-September). The average high rain-fed region of the country which lies between Northern 0 0 0 temperature of district is 37 C while the average low Latitude 19 35’6” to 20 10’46” and Eastern Longitude 0 73028’37” to 7407’38” while holding an area of 2615.17 km2. temperature is 10 C. The outlet of the watershed is at Nandu The almost overall area of watershed covers Nashik District. Madhyameshwar Dam. A. Slope The particular slope map portrays the digitized formulate slope from DEM data which is prepared using spatial analyst tool in ArcGIS toolbox and the slope has been taken in percentage moving from north to south in the map as shown in figure 2(c). During study we found moderate to the strong slope (10-30%) with a very gentle slope (3-9%) in the north and extremely steep (46-100%) in the south. Also, on moving from east to west in the particular map we observe very gently (3-9%) towards the east while moderate with a strong slope towards west. Termination, the range of slope varies from gentle slope (3-8%) to very gentle slope (2-9%) imitated by some flatlands. The morphometric parameters for devise watershed are calculated by the formulae given by scholars

Figure 2(a): - Location Map of study area

The district holds a population of about 61 lakhs (Registrar General, India 2011) in which 58.67% population is urban. The elevation of the study area varies from 529 to 1586m as shown in the figure. 2(b)

like [6], [7] and [5]. Figure 2(c): - Slope map

The slope of watershed delineates that major portion of the area and most of the landscape in the north and west parts come under lower altitudes while the southeast is characterized by higher altitude and gentle slope. The southeast land may be amenable for overspill. The following landscape flaunts a radial pattern of drainage in the northwest Figure 2(b): - Digital Elevation Model and somewhat trellised in the south-east. Slopes are classified based upon guidelines mention in “Integrated Mission for The topography of watershed is hilly in the south-western Sustainable Development” part while most of the part varies from nearly plain to moderate slope. The western part of the district is hilly and has intersections with ravines while the eastern part is plane in topography as shown in figure 2(b). Only a simple kind of agriculture is possible in the western part due to its hilly

Published By: Retrieval Number: D1712029420/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1712.029420 1554 & Sciences Publication

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-4, February 2020

SLOPE (%) CLASSIFICATION prepared using Maximum Livelihood Classification 0-2 Level to Nearly level Techniques in ArcGIS as shown in figure 2(e). 3-9 Very gentle to gentle 10-30 Moderate to strong 31-45 Strong to very strong 46-100 Extreme to steep >100 Very steep Table 1: Slope classification

B. Soil map Soil map conceived by the National Bureau of soil survey and land use planning which comes under the Indian Council of Agriculture research. It has been prepared through geo-referencing of the obtained soil sheet and manually digitizing it for various soil groups. The study area comprises mostly of Entisols and Lithic ustrothents. Hydrological Figure 2(e): - Land use and land cover map responses for rainfall strongly depend upon local III. METHODOLOGY Necessary data used to delineate the watershed from a file called Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from ASTER Global DEM of USGS Earth Explorer which has spatial resolution of 30 meters. A plugin of name ArcSWAT was used in ArcMap 10.4 application and then data is projected on the WGS 1984 UTM of Zone 43 N co-ordinate system. Projected data is then rectified using various hydrology tools of the ArcMap application. Watershed was delineated using the ArcSWAT plugin after rectification of the DEM file. Formation of the basin along with boundary, sub-watersheds, elevation, slope, drainage network and common outlet was generated after delineating the rectified DEM file. Further conversion of data from raster to shape to get quantitative values of watershed parameters such as area, perimeter, length of streams, etc. Figure 2(d): - Soil map Table 2: - Empirical formulas Morphometric Formula used References characteristics of soil such as water retaining capacity and parameters infiltration rates. The second most founded soil classification Stream order (u) Hierarchical rank [6] is Inceptisols; Vertic Ustropepts followed by Vertisols; Udic Basin length (Lb) Lb = 1.312 x [5] 0.568 Chromusterts. The study area has mixed soil characteristics. A Undulating land with the narrow valley is majority filled with Bifurcation ratio Rb = Nu/Nu+1 [7] loamy soil with severe erosion and slightly stoniness. The (Rb) type of bedrock is not weakly fractured and weathered. Soil Stream length (L) Length of the [6] map as shown in figure 2(d). streams Length of overland Lo = ½ Dd [6] C. Land use and land cover flow (Lo) LULC stipulates the variation of geographical and Stream frequency Fu = Nu/A [6] topographical features of the watershed. LULC has conceived (Fu) from satellite data of Sentinel 2A. LULC terminates that most Drainage density Dd = Lu/a [6] of the area is Barren land/Mountainous region up to 41.2 % of (Dd) total area and a minimum of area engrossed by Short Texture ratio (T) T = Nu/P [6] 2 Vegetation includes shrubs and much more other vegetation. Circularity ratio Rc = 4πA/P [8] Dense vegetation and forest comprise 13.5% area and other (Rc) Elongation ratio Re = (2/Lb) x [7] land use and land cover types like built-up area, fallow land, 1/2 (Rc) (A/π) water bodies, and street/roads comprise of 18.7 %, 19.3%, 2 Form factor (Rf) Rf = A/ Lb [6] 3.17%, and 8.6 % respectively. The impounded image for 0.5 LULC has a resolution of 10 m x 10 m using ArcGIS, Compactness Cc = 0.2821P/A [6] coefficient (C ) appropriate color combination (FCC/RGB) was used to c identify different geographical features. The spectral signature was generated for each feature and the map was

Published By: Retrieval Number: D1712029420/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1712.029420 1555 & Sciences Publication

Morphometric Analysis and Prioritization of Sub-Watersheds in Watershed of Nashik, Maharashtra of Godavari River Basin using Remote Sensing and GIS as a Tool.

Different stream orders were recognized according to IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Strahler’s law of stream numbering. Manual correction in streams is done by the digitization technique. Morphometric A. Morphometric Analysis parameters such as bifurcation ratio, form factor, elongation Implementing watershed delineating layer basic ratio, circulatory ratio, drainage density, drainage frequency, morphometric parameters were calculated such as area (A), texture ratio, and compactness coefficient are calculated perimeter (P), length (L). Basin Length (Lb) was calculated separately of each sub-watershed using specific formulas from stream length. Also, elevation for relief parameters is given in Table 2. Where, A is the area of the basin; P is the extracted from DEM, while all the parameters were calculated perimeter of the basin; Lu is total stream length of all order; Nu using the ArcSWAT tool in ArcGIS. Erodibility of the is total no’ of stream of particular order; Nu+1 is total no’ of watershed has been directly related with linear parameters [5]. stream segment of next higher order. More the value of the linear parameter high the priority. The Finally, prioritization is done by using the average of watershed given rank 1 has a maximum value of the linear morphometric parameters of each sub-watershed i.e. by parameter and the watershed assigned the last rank having the compound parameter. Flow chart of the methodology of its least value of linear parameter. The shape parameter had various steps is shown in figure 3. lower value was ranked 1 and the second-lowest was ranked 2 similarly so on. The average of all linear parameters is termed as the compound parameter, watershed having the least compound parameter has been assigned the highest priority [9]. In our study, On analyzing the morphometric parameters, such as stream order, stream length, bifurcation ratio, drainage density, stream frequency, circulatory ratio, form factor, elongation ratio, texture ratio, compactness coefficient, length of overland flow and area, perimeter, elevation difference, basin length, total relief, number of stream and total stream length of the seven sub-watersheds has been done using the Empirical formulas given in Table 2 and their results are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. 1) Stream order and stream analysis The initial step of morphometric analysis is to calculate ‘Stream Order’ which has been calculated through delineated streams and classified off stream. In our study, there are seven watersheds out of these two watersheds SWS 6 and SWS 7 are of 6th order and three watershed SWS, SWS3, SWS4 is of 5th order and remaining one SWS 1 is of 4th order. In our study stream network shows dendritic to sub dendritic pattern as shown in figure 4(a). As per Second law of Horton (1945), characteristics of the streams length of the sub basin reaffirm the “SWS of stream length” according to which average stream length of each of different stream order in drainage basin slouch closely to approx. direct geometric ratio [6].

Figure 3: - Flow chart of methodology

Also for describing the various characteristics of study area, thematic maps such as land use/cover, slope, drainage network, drainage density, elevation, soil, and final priority maps has been prepared using various tools present in ArcMap software from satellite data obtained from USGS earth explorer for the satellite Sentinel 2A whose resolution is of 10 m x 10 m after certain rectification. Figure 4(a): - Drainage order

Published By: Retrieval Number: D1712029420/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1712.029420 1556 & Sciences Publication

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-4, February 2020

Table 3: Result obtained from Morphometric analysis of Watershed in Godavari River Basin

S. no. Sub-basin Area Area No. of Streams (km2) (in ha) Stream length in (km)

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 SWS-1 196 19600 76 16 4 1 - - 77.77 37.302 9.51 - - - 2 SWS-2 642.4 64240 262 47 10 2 1 - 241.27 104.43 52.04 54.74 9.25 - 3 SWS-3 467.02 46702 142 35 3 1 1 - 198.07 102.6 16.46 25.4 30.7 - 4 SWS-4 834.92 83492 268 45 12 3 1 - 322.59 107.88 111.05 80.14 37.63 - 5 SWS-5 264.14 26414 82 18 3 1 - - 117.73 56.29 43.27 8.7 - - 6 SWS-6 104.61 10461 33 7 2 - - 1 46.61 27.44 6.49 - - 12.59 7 SWS-7 106.08 10608 31 4 2 - - 1 54.92 26.64 - - - 12.36 TOTAL 2615.17 261517

Table 4: - Parameters obtained from morphometric Analysis

S. Sub- Area Perimeter Elevation(m) Basin Total No. of Total stream 2 No. basin (km ) (km) Max. Min. Length Relief Stream length (in km)

1 SWS-1 196 110.00 1586 559 36.03 1027 97 124.58 2 SWS-2 642.4 193.02 1489 559 61.91 930 322 461.73 3 SWS-3 467.02 213.93 1303 540 53.96 763 182 373.23 4 SWS-4 834.92 240.30 1311 540 69.75 771 329 659.29 5 SWS-5 264.14 150.61 1093 535 50.08 558 104 226.0 6 SWS-6 104.61 78.40 833 535 26.59 298 43 93.13 7 SWS-7 106.08 85.42 669 529 22.78 140 38 93.92

2) Drainage density Drainage density is the measure of the texture of the 3) Stream frequency drainage. In our study drainage density of seven watersheds In our study, SWS2 produces more runoff as compared to varies between 0.64 to 0.89. A high value of the drainage other watersheds. However, ranges vary from 0.390 to 0.501 density will often have a ‘flashier’ hydrograph with the steep 4) Bifurcation Ratio limb which indicates quick storm responses for longer duration having greater flood risk. In drainage basin analysis bifurcation ratio has fundamental importance as it is forecasting parameter to relate the hydrological regime of a sub basin under climatic and tropological conditions and it helps to get idea about shape of the basin as well as describing runoff behavior. The high-value bifurcation ratio indicates severe overland flow and low recharge for the sub-watersheds. In our study bifurcation ratio varies between 4.11 to 4.93 for sub-watersheds. 5) Form Factor Form factor can be defined as ratio of the area of the basin to the square of the basin length [6]. It is suggested by most of the researchers that the value of form factor should be less than 0.785 for the perfectly circular basin [10] ;[1]. The watershed which shows the smaller value of form has Figure 4(b): - Drainage density map maximum elongation in the basin. Shorter duration peak flow has been found in the basins which

Published By: Retrieval Number: D1712029420/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1712.029420 1557 & Sciences Publication

Morphometric Analysis and Prioritization of Sub-Watersheds in Watershed of Nashik, Maharashtra of Godavari River Basin using Remote Sensing and GIS as a Tool. have a high form factor and vice versa. In our study form V. CONCLUSION factor varies from 0.11 to 0.20. The prioritization of sub-watersheds was done for the 6) Elongation Ratio watershed in Nashik district Maharashtra India. Analysis of Elongation ratio is the ratio of the diameter of the circle prioritization has a great impact on the analysis of soil exactly having an equal area as that of a watershed to the conservation measures planning and development of water maximum stream length of the watershed. For a different harvesting structures. According to analysis SWS2, SWS1, variety of climatic conditions and geological conditions, the SWS5, SWS6, SWS3, SWS7, SWS4 has given ranked in the elongation ratio may vary between 0.6 to 1.0. [7]. The value priority ranging from 1 to 7 which are given below in table 5. very close to 1 is typical of regions with very low relief, while that of 0.6 to 0.8 is followed by high relief and steep slope of Table 5: Calculated compound parameters and the ground (Strahler 1964). Elongation ratio can be categories prioritized rank into three groups namely Circular Basin (Re>0.9), oval basin


area, the elongation ratio varies between 0.43 to 0.69 for

SWS2 and SWS3 respectively.

7) Circulatory Ratio

It is the ratio of basin area (A) to the area of a circle having

Ratio the same circumference as the perimeter of the Basin (Miller

1953). It is also known as a hydraulic radius. It is affected by basin the frequency of stream, geological structure, land use and -

cover, climate, slope, relief of the watershed. In our study

Sub Bifurcationratio Drainage Density StreamFrequency Circulatory ratio Form Factor Elongation Texture ratio Compactness coefficient Relief Ratio Lengthof Overland Flow Compoundparameter Priority

circulatory ratio varies from 0.13 in SWS3 to 0.22 in SWS2.

Value of circulatory ratio 1 for two watersheds indicates 1


7 2 5 3 2 3 3 7 1 2

watershed having equal area. 5 3.8

8) Texture Ratio SWS

The texture ratio is the indicator degree of slope. The lower 2


6 1 7 5 1 1 1 6 2 1

value indicates that the basin is plain with a lower degree of 4 3.4

slope. It depends upon the property of the lithology of basin SWS relief aspects of terrain and infiltration of soil [11]. In our

study, texture ratio of SWS lies between 0.36 (SWS7) to 1.36


(SWS2). -

1 4 6 1 4 7 4 7 5 3 5 4.2

9) Compactness Coefficient SWS From a drainage standpoint a circular basin is most

hazardous because it will yield the shortest time of



5 5 4 6 3 3 5 4 4 7

concentration prior to peak flow occurs in the basin [5]; [12]. 6 4.5

The variation of compactness coefficient summarized in SWS

Table the lowest value of 2.15 was for SWS2 and the highest

value of 2.79 was for SWS3. 5


3 3 4 2 1 6 5 6 3 5 3

10) Relief Ratio 3.8 SWS Relief ratio indicates the intensity of erosion occurring in

the basin. It is the ratio between the basin relief and basin



2 3 6 2 4 6 2 2 6 4 length. Relief ratio may be represented in percentage. It can 7

be useful in estimating sediment yield if the appropriate 4.0 SWS

parameters for a given climatic condition are established. The

value of relief ratio is given in the table which ranges from 7


1 7 3 7 5 7 4 1 7 6

0.006 for SWS7 and 0.029 for SWS1. 2 4.4

11) Length of overland flow SWS The length of overland flows approximately equals half the reciprocal of drainage density [6]. The length of overland The necessity of proper soil conservation measure is there flow varies inversely to the average slope of the channel and is in SWS4, SWS7, SWS3, and SWS6 in order to prevent the same as the length of sheet flow. In our study length of erosion because high erosion occurred in sub-watershed overland flow for Sub watersheds lie between 0.56 (SWS6 highly prioritized. and SWS7) to 0.79 (SWS1).

Published By: Retrieval Number: D1712029420/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1712.029420 1558 & Sciences Publication

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-4, February 2020

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Gaurav Kumar belongs to Vaishali, Bihar, India. He Figure 5: - Final Prioritization of sub-watersheds is an experienced project researcher specialist in various aspects of water resources and geophysical exploration Significantly water harvesting structure can also be with a history of working in research industry and various developed on the basis of prioritization analysis. On the basis institutes as project trainee and currently he is in the final of the study, the sub-watersheds consigned lower value of year of Integrated M. Tech in Water Engineering and priority having better environmental quality and stable Management from Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi.

geomorphological conditions. The water harvesting structure can investigate the excessive flow of water inside the Dr. Pratibha Warwade is an Assistant Professor in

sub-watershed. Also, from the digital elevation map and map the Department of Water Engineering and Management, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi. showing streams; figure 2(b) and 4(a) it has been concluded She obtained her Master’s degree in Soil and Water that streams originate nearby the water divide of SWS-3 and engineering and was awarded Ph.D. from IIT Roorkee in SWS-4 which is also the point of higher elevation is the Water resource development and Management She has 6 years of experience in research and academics. She has published 8 source of river Godavari (as per google earth). Here river papers in International/National journals and 6 in publication Godavari originates from mountain of (Books/chapters). Trimbkeshwar, Nashik, Maharashtra. Also, as 6th order stream meets at the outlet having the lowest elevation of the Gulab Mukund was born in Ranchi. He secured whole watershed, construction of the dam is preferred which excellence marks in academia at school and university. At is realistic as per the Nandu Madyameshwar Dam at the present he is in the final year of Five-year Integrated M. confluence of Godavari and Kadava River. Tech in Water Engineering and Management in the Department of Water Engineering and Management, Central University of Jharkhand.

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Published By: Retrieval Number: D1712029420/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1712.029420 1559 & Sciences Publication