Abraham Lincoln Before 1860
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<0 > 3 v I Abraham Lincoln before 1 860 Birth and Astrological Predictions Excerpts from newspapers and other sources From the files of the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection 7-I.7A0*} OgS~02<eS'l Al 32 incotnlhore' Bulletin of The Lincoln National Life Foundation . Dr. It. Cerald McMurtry, Editor Published each month by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana Number 1433 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA July, 1957 ASTROLOGICAL PREDICTIONS THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF 1860 While shrewd politicians were studying election charts nent facts. and counting electorial votes in an effort to predict the Broughton did predict in the initial issue of his maga- winner in the presidential contest of 1860, an astrologer zine that "we shall drift into war unless due caution be in Philadelphia worked quietly and confidently foretelling taken by the government. Herschel in the ascendant future election results by the stars. shows much excitement among the people concerning the Dr. L. D. Broughton was so certain of the accuracy presidential nomination during the present month (April, of his astrological readings that he published a magazine I860)." The May 1860 number indicated that "the Presi- w bearing the impressive title of Broughton''s^Monthly dent (Buchanan) still keeps unpopular, and there is fA Planet Reader and Astrological Journal.~T3.is Volume much worryment of mind for him on that account." one, Number" one, bore the In ample time to meet date of April 1, 1860, a most his June 1, 1860 deadline, inopportune time to make ac- BROTJGHTON'S Broughton learned the date curate predictions regarding MONTHLY of John Bell's birth to be the fate of the nation, the PLANET READER February 18, 1798. Then from winner of election contests, certain scientific calculations the outcome of impending ASTROLOGICAL JOURNAL. it was decided that Bell "was battles, and the end of the Pol. 1. PHILADELPHIA, born in the early part of the SEPTEMBER 1 1860. No. 6. irrepressible Civil War. day, somewhere near about In the introductory issue half-past six o'clock in the the editor had a word "To morning." This placed Bell's The Reader" explaining that birth "under the planets the magazine "is intended to Jupiter and Saturn, "and like- be a Miscellany of Astrology, wise under the Sun." The as- Astronomy, Phrenology, As- trological expert would not tro-Phrenology, Physiogno- yet state whether or not Bell my, Zodiacal Physiognomy, would be elected president on Human and Comparative the Constitutional-U n i o n Anatomy and Physiology, ticket until he could compare Hygiene, Botany, Medical the Tennessean's "nativity" Botany, Chemistry, Geology, with the other candidates. Meterology, Astro-Meterol- Bell had the "Moon in trine ogy, and other branches of to Jupiter which was a very the Physical Sciences, and good secondary aspect" but the useful branches of the he also had "the evil planet Mathematics." All this could Saturn coming to an opposi- be had for 4-cents a single tion to Jupiter" and Saturn copy, while a year's subscrip- came to a "square of Mars tion would cost 50-cents in . ," all of which were very advance. Later issues were evil aspects. reduced to 2-cents per copy, Just as the June 1860 num- and subscriptions 25-cents a ber was going to press, year in advance. Forty-three Broughton learned that Ab- issues were published be- raham Lincoln, the Republi- tween April 1, 1860 and De- can candidate, was born on cember 1, 1869. February 12, 1809, "but not Broughton did not hesitate having time to make the cal- to make predictions concern- culations (he could not) find ing the outcome of the 1860 out the hour and minute that presidential campaign once he was born." Yet the scien- he got pertinent data con- tific editor could foresee that Born Feb. cerning the candidates, 12th, 1809, at 2 h O m A M in his nativity "the evil plan- namely; place, date, and et Saturn will come to an hour of birth. He would have treated the subject in his opposition of the Sun's place the next July, which will first issue, if sufficient data could have been compiled. cause him to be rather unpopular at that time." Much to Broughton's disappointment, even the head- It was in the July 1860 issue that Broughton an- quarters of the four political parties, once their candi- nounced the birthdays of Stephen A. Douglas and John dates were nominated, did not have accurate information C. Breckenridge. The nomination of Douglas by the about birth dates and no party leader knew the hour Democratic party was a surprise to the magazine editor their candidate was born. The editor was determined because, "he (Douglas) had several very evil aspects such information would eventually be compiled and he in his nativity during the months of April and May, dispatched letters to the nominees requesting the perti- which made us half inclined to judge that they would LINCOLN LORE entirely throw him, or prevent him from being nominated or abrupt in his deportment and language, and to have at this time, as they did on the 23rd of April at Charles- a rather comical way of expressing himself. ton." "As the Moon first makes an aspect to the planet Mars, The news of John C. Breckenridge's nomination on the his wife is denoted by that planet; Mars in Libra de- National Democratic ticket came too late for Broughton scribes a person rather tall, well built, but not stout to learn the hour and minute of his birth. Why he did made, rather light in complexion, light brown hair, and face; disposition cheerful, not calculate the hour and minute is not explained. oval but rather fond of dress Nevertheless, some last minute figures indicated that and fine outside, of a quick temper but soon over, fond Breckenridge had a favorable nativity due to "the planet of company, and would be very much respected both Jupiter coming to a sextile to the Sun and Venus, but by male and female acquaintances and friends. But on at the same time (he could see) the evil planet Saturn account of the Moon making an evil aspect of Mars, not live in the coming to a conjunction of the Moon's place, which they would most happy manner in a mar- (he predicted) will be a great draw-back for him." ried life. And it would indicate that he would outlive his wife. Broughton thought it was "a pity that some political "This Nativity would not indicate a large family of parties could not have placed on nomination a man children, but we could not say for certain how many; with a fortunate nativity, and with fortunate aspects we should say that they would have some five or six coming on. Then they need not have any fears altogether, but there would be much danger of burying about him not being elected President." Saturn, it seems some of them when quite young. had a particular ominous import for all four of the "Mr. Lincoln has a rather fortunate Nativity for be- candidates. coming popular, and for rising in the world with care The August, 1860 number of Broughton's Journal and industry. But we are sorry to say, that he has some featured the Douglas candidacy, noting particularly that rather unfortunate aspects coming on, and that is the he was born at 11:50 a.m. on April 23, 1813. The edi- planet Saturn coming in square to his own place, and torial opinion of the Journal was that "if there is any in opposition to Mercury; and the planet Jupiter in oppo- one elected President by the people Douglas is the man." sition to the Sun's place; all of which aspects make us He was said to have the "strongest Nativity of the inclined to judge that he will be defeated this next com- whole four candidates." In the September 1860 number ing Presidential election, and we think that it will be Broughton reiterated his belief that Douglas would be caused by some intrigue or political manoeuvers." elected. The October, 1860 number featured the Breckenridge As to the accuracy of these predictions Broughton nativity with the assumption that he was born at 9:30 asserted that "if the correct hour and minute of birth a.m. on January 21, 1821. However, a letter to Brecken- of all the candidates could be had, and the science was ridge about his birth date brought no reply. The astrol- properly understood, then in ninety-nine cases out of oger chided Breckenridge for his prejudice against the every hundred, of any thing of that nature, .could be science of astrology, thinking it "a disgrace to answer told for certain just how it would turn out months: be- such letters," and being "afraid of the opposite party fore it took place." throwing it up to them." Broughton could not foresee Even at this late date in the campaign Broughton was "the least chance of Breckenridge being elected president unable to secure convincing evidence of Bell's correct this next November." date of birth, and he stated that Breckenridge's birth John Bell's nativity was the last of the four candi- date is given as that of the 16th and 21st of January, dates to appear in the Astrological Journal in Novem- 1821. This was a most exasperating factor to overcome ber of 1860> although he had analyzed this candidate's when attempting to make accurate predictions. This idea future before in the June, 1860 issue. Bell, according to was expressed this way: "The science is not to blame for the position of the moon, the sun, Jupiter, Saturn, those mistakes anymore than the science of arithmetic Herschel and Mars "would make the best President of would be to blame if a person had to state two numbers any of the four candidates, and one that would give the for you to multiply together and those figures were of most satisfaction to the bulk of the people of the United the wrong kind." States.