Annual Report
SIXTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS, PRESENTED AT THE MEETING HELD AT BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, O CTO BER 4 -7 , 1870. CAMBRIDGE: $rintc& at tje 1870. A /E 6 A V 'i 0 0 " ANNUAL MEETING. The American Board of Commissioners for .Foreign Mis s io n s held its sixty-first Annual Meeting at Brooklyn, N . Y ., in the A c a d e m y of Music, commencing on Tuesday, October 4th, at 3 o ’c lo ck , p . m., and closing on Friday, October 7th, at half-past K )'o’clock, A. M. CORPORATE MEMBERS PRESENT. Ebenezer Alden, M. D., Randolph. Maine. Edward W . Hooker, D . D ., < New- William W . Thomas, Esq., Portland. , buryport. Benjamin Labaree, D. D., Wes}; Rox- New Hampshire. * bury. Zedekiah S. Barstow, D. D., Keene. Rev. Selah B. Treat, Boston. ' , John K. Young, D .D ., Hopkinton. Henry B. Hooker, D. D., Boston. *9 Asa D. Smith, D. D., Hanover. Hon. William T. EusKs, Boston. ^ Nathaniel Bouton, D. 1)., Concord. John W . Chickering, D. D., Wake ^ Hon. William Haile, Hinsdale. field. ^ Alvan Tobey, D. D., Durham. Seth Sweetser, D. D., Worcester. ^ Hon. John W . Noyes, Chester. Hon. Alpheus Hardy, Boston. Abner Kingman, Esq., Boston. Hon. William Hyde, Ware. ß ' Vermont. William A. Stearns, D. D., LL. D., Rev. Joseph Steele, Middlebury. Amherst. Harvey D. Kitchell, D. D., Middle Nathaniel George Clark, D. D., Bos bury. ton. William S. Southworth, Esq., Ben Langdon S. Ward, Esq., Boston. nington. Rev. John O. Means, Roxbury. Hon. John B. Page, Rutland. Richard Borden, Esq., Fall River.
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