OF Volume XLVII VOICE ZION Number 11 November 2020
THE 279 N Medina St, Suite 150, Loretto, MN 55357 OF Volume XLVII VOICE ZION Number 11 November 2020 When my afflictions press me down and try me, through loving kindness You uplift and guide me, for You remember I am only dust. Your grace and mercy I can hold and trust, hold and trust. SHZ 328:3 Siblings and Forgiveness Read about siblings and forgiveness on pages 10–11. PHOTO: KATRIINA EDOH EDITORIAL Unity of the Spirit IN THE WORLD TODAY we hear many calls for unity – from educators, politicians and leaders of all sorts. Unity and agreement are needed to accomplish goals and mutual efforts. In God’s kingdom we speak of unity of the Spirit. 7KH7KLUG$UWLFOHRIWKH&UHHGFODULÀHVZKDWWKH+RO\6SLULW DIIHFWV2QHUHVXOWRIWKH+RO\6SLULW·VZRUNLV*RG·VFRQJUHJD- WLRQKHUHRQHDUWKZKLFKWKH+RO\6SLULWKDVFDOOHGJDWKHUHG DQGVDQFWLÀHGDQGZKLFKLWSURWHFWVLQPXWXDOIDLWK$SDOSDEOH HIIHFWRIWKH+RO\6SLULW·VZRUNLVWKHFRQQHFWLRQZHVKDUHWKH IHOORZVKLSRIVDLQWVLHEHOLHYHUV:HDUHQRWVDLQWO\RUKRO\ through our own goodness or innocence or a life well lived, Siblings and Forgiveness EXWEHFDXVHRXUVLQVDUHIRUJLYHQWKH+RO\6SLULWPDNHVXV holy, as Luther reminds us in the Large Catechism. Kevin Ruonavaara exact revenge on his brothers for what they had $SRVWOH-RKQLQKLVÀUVWOHWWHUFRQQHFWVWKHIHOORZVKLSRIWKH done – he had the authority to do so. Instead, he had saints with forgiveness: “If we walk in the light, as he is in the And he fell upon his brother Benjamin’s neck, and DIRUJLYLQJKHDUW:KHQKHÀQDOO\UHYHDOHGWRWKH light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of wept; and Benjamin wept upon his neck. Moreover unsuspecting brothers that he was their brother -HVXV&KULVWKLV6RQFOHDQVHWKXVIURPDOOVLQµ -RKQ he kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them: and -RVHSKKHZDVPRYHGWRWHDUV+HZDVJUDWHIXOWR 7KLVLVZKDWZHVLPSO\EHOLHYH,QWKLV%LEOHSRUWLRQ-RKQ after that his brethren talked with him.
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