Ayrdvu Vize SVXZ D Z ]`T\U`H
VRGR $"#(!#1')VCEBRS WWT!Pa!RT%&!$"#1$# 9. B # ! *(,-" ! ! & ,(,-" !- 4' $, 76 9 432 490 ># & 0(+8 /+7 6 2+70" )<@ A +? + 1) +A? + )1 + 1 1 ?+ + + ? !" / 5:3;! < 1,!"#"#=>4,6?6: $ %'( $) *+,-. /)0R2+34 arring some States which ! !"# " $ Bhave decided to extend the # #!& ! !"#"# lockdown, India will largely #&$%% open up on June 8 except in !" ! !## containment zones. The Union !" () !#" *# # *#"!"!& P Q Home Ministry on Saturday ! $ $'( M M "# issued guidelines to open up #$ malls, hotels, hospitality ser- +,!!! ! &#, %%& vices and religious places from !, # &,! ,,,!&! !,! * '())*'()(*'(+,*'(++ June 8 with strict social dis- """ "! ,!# ! '(-. tancing norms, like wearing of - --! !,!- ",- -& /0 mask, etc. !!. "! ,!# ! 1 * The decision to open *$*$$' schools and colleges will be $,#,!. (# '((2* 0 decided by the States in con- ,"& ,,! * sultation with stakeholders in * July. The lockdown guidelines !!,#,!&# ! 3 will be applicable in contain- "-., 0,0 , ment zones up to June 30 and /($!!, !! * only essential services will be 1# permitted in these areas. !#! ' # 5 * The MHA’s new guidelines !# #!,,!!# * 3* say after assessment of the sit- * & 6 7 uation, opening up of interna- '(-- tional airlines, metro rail, cin- "& ' % ( " )* tion on inter-State or intra-State '(
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