A paper of Marxist polemic and Marxist unity

Grim warning from Canada: n Letters and debate n CPGB aggregate only global working class n Palestine solidarity offers a viable alternative n Donald Rumsfeld No 1355 July 8 2021 Towards a mass Communist Party £1/€1.10 GEORGE GALLOWAY’S LATEST BATCH OF LOYAL FOOT SOLDIERS weekly 2 July 8 2021 1355 worker LETTERS

hand (‘Threat of a new slump’, July them, in so far as the law exists at all. turn caused wages to be driven up. interest on actual consumption, the Letters may have been 1). He’s like a ship caught in a storm, For example, in Theories of surplus But he then agues that rising wages money going to industrial capital, shortened because of space. Some names which is blown in one direction then value, chapter 23, Marx writes, that as a result of inflation are a money not interest-bearing capital. Higher  may have been changed another, having lost its rudder. this fall is “a decline, incidentally, illusion, leaving workers worse off, interest rates, crashing the asset price Last year, he argued on his blog which is far smaller than it is said to as prices rise faster. The last statement bubbles, will slash the cost of shelter and in the Weekly Worker that we be”. And, in setting out why even this is undoubtedly true, but does not and of pension provision for workers, Oil strike would face a “post-Covid slump”. small fall, apparent only over very follow from the first observation. If reducing the value of labour-power Thank you for last week’s article The reason, we were told, was that long periods, is offset by falls in the wages rise due to a relative shortage and raising the rate of surplus value, regarding the Iranian oil workers’ the lockouts and lockdowns - which value of fixed capital, and rises in the of labour-power, this has nothing to even as living standards are raised strike (‘Workers unite in huge protest’, Roberts was all in favour of, as he rate of surplus value, he notes: “The do with inflation per se, any more by the same process. A collapse in July 1). The following comments swallowed all of the catastrophist cheapening of raw materials, and of than if the price of ice cream on property prices would slash rents, made by comrades in Tehran will claims about deaths rising auxiliary materials, etc, checks but a hot day rises, because supply is for example, which would also slash hopefully be useful to your readers. exponentially and so on - would result does not cancel the growth in the failing to meet demand. If wages rise the £30 billion a year housing benefit It should be noted that the strike in a collapse in profits, and, because value of this part of capital. It checks because of inflation, but real wages budget, which is a direct drain on the organisers have used the social media he argues economic growth depends it to the degree that it brings about a fall because prices rise faster, then surplus value produced by industrial application, Telegram, to coordinate upon profits as the driver of capital fall in profit.” it simply puts things back to where capital. the strike. This can be downloaded on accumulation, capital accumulation In other words, the law depended they were, but now at higher nominal But Roberts’ argument in relation most mobile phones and is cheaper to would collapse, leading to a slump. on the growth in the technical prices for commodities, including to rising interest costs for the big use than similar apps. Of course, the From a Marxist perspective, there composition of capital, which labour-power. The inadequate supply corporates makes no sense. They extensive use of social media has its are several things wrong with this increased the volume of processed of labour-power relative to demand borrow via the issuance of commercial advantages, but the workers are well argument. material by more than the fall in would remain, causing wages to bonds - as well as by issuing shares aware of the state’s ability to close Firstly, as Marx describes in its unit value; but even then, Marx rise further. In other words, it’s not and having lines of credit with banks - down the internet and of the risk of Capital Vol 3, chapter 27, capital does says, this increase is offset by the fall inflation causing wages to rise, but and those bonds have fixed coupons - using such devices, allowing the state not rely solely upon profits as the in the value of fixed capital and of the imbalance of supply and demand in other words, a fixed rate of interest. to access information about the users. foundation of capital accumulation. labour-power and the rise in the rate for labour-power, which would exist If inflation rises, the fixed rate of The strike has some outstanding It developed credit for that purpose. of surplus value. In economies today, whether there was inflation or not. interest means that the debt burden characteristics, some of which are Secondly, with a high rate of turnover, where 80% of new value and surplus Roberts’ argument here is essentially faced by the company falls. Suppose listed below: capital, once mobilised on the basis value production comes from service Keynesian, failing to separate it faces £1 million a year in interest (a) It is the first time in recent years of such credit, quickly generates industry, not from manufacturing different causes of rising wages, payments on its bonds. If inflation is that strikers are making non-defensive both the use-values required for and processing of raw material, that prices, etc. 10%, so that the prices it gets for all demands (calling for a pay rise and accumulation and the surplus value/ mechanism no longer applies, and Later he argues that rising wages the things it produces and the profits an end to contract employment, as profits required as their monetary/ the law is thereby an historical relic. act to squeeze profits, but that could it makes rise by 10% in money terms, opposed to, for instance, the payment value equivalent. The limitation here It explains the allocation of capital only be true if real wages rise. He the £1 million of interest falls to only of unpaid wages). is whether capital is so incentivised, across industries and economies, then wants to argue that this squeeze £0.9 million in real terms and, as each (b) It is posing political demands in the given conditions, to engage as it searches for the highest rate of on profits would be the cause of a year passes, it falls further and further. against repression, as well as in such accumulation. For example, profit, so it is the basis of prices of crisis. Indeed, at a certain point it Moreover, if it borrowed £50 million economic demands. in chapter 30, Marx discusses how, production, and nothing more. would, though again, this has nothing via 10-year bonds, when it comes (c) It is important to note that the following a crisis of overproduction Roberts’ argument last year was to do with the law of the tendency to redeem them, the £50 million start date was June 19 - immediately when workers have been laid off, that the cratering of profits due to the for the rate of profit to fall. But it’s will have fallen in real terms to only after the presidential elections, but capital has been depreciated, so lockdowns would then necessarily clear that a fall in the rate of profit £18.5 million. before the results were announced - to the rate of profit is high and capital lead to a post-pandemic slump. That resulting from such a squeeze does Roberts refers to the increased indicate they don’t care who the next accumulation is low – because there is argument was blown out of the water not necessarily mean a fall in the mass number of corporations that, last year, president will be. no basis in demand for a large rise in in short order, as economies began of profit itself. Rather the increase in had revenues that barely cover these (d) It demands democratic output. Firms introduce new labour- to expand at a frantic rate, as soon as economic activity, resulting from interest costs; but is that any surprise, decision-making using Telegram, saving machines to produce existing consumers were once again allowed increased demand for wage goods, given the effects of lockdowns? The allowing workers to spread the levels of output more cheaply, to spend. Marx’s argument came into as both more workers are employed fact is that from current absolute strike nationwide quickly, with no rather than seeking to expand output its own, as this sharp rise in demand and wages rise, means that a greater low rates of interest, even significant bureaucratic interference. However, significantly. Roberts’ argument, that led to the inevitable competition to volume of capital is employed and, proportional rises will not dent we should note the absence of profits are the determinant, is the grab a share of this rapidly growing even with a lower rate of profit, this the growing mass of profits being working class political organisation. argument of Ricardo, not Marx - as market. increased mass of capital generates generated, as economies grow rapidly. (e) On the negative side, this young Marx sets out in chapter 39: Businesses had essentially an increased mass of profit. As Marx But those rising rates will severely generation of workers has little or “The demand increases constantly mothballed fixed capital - where they described above, it is competition that impact the astronomical asset price no connection with the oil strikers of and, in anticipation of this, new had actually been forced to shut down drives capitals to continue to invest, bubbles that have been created. 1979. capital is continually invested in during the lockouts - and so only even where the rate of profit is falling, Arthur Bough (f) The government attempt to divide new land, although this varies with needed credit for working capital to as they try to grab market share and email and rule, separating permanent the circumstances for different restart. With capital turning over at to increase the mass of profit they workers from contract workers, has agricultural products. It is the rapid rates - in some spheres several appropriate. Dictatorship succeeded to a certain extent. formation of new capitals which in times a day - and with workers paid So in the last year not only has the Gerry Downing, in his reply to (g) The division between white-collar itself brings this about. But, so far as in arrears, capital was quickly able rate of profit fallen, but in some cases me, touches on the questions of and blue-collar oil workers presents a the individual capitalist is concerned, to accumulate to meet the rising profits have disappeared entirely. the dictatorship of the proletariat, challenge. While in 1979 that division he measures the volume of his demand. The constraints it faced were Contrary to Roberts’ theory, however, permanent revolution, socialism was overcome, this time it hasn’t yet. production by that of his available not those that Roberts had identified, once the economy was opened in one country, Dimitrov and the (h) Strike committees can evolve into capital, to the extent that he can resulting from falling profits, but again, businesses, seeing rampant “counterrevolutionary Stalinist workers’ councils, as the movement still control it himself. His aim is to those of supply bottlenecks, and rising demand, rushed to accumulate bureaucracy”. Comrade Downing progresses. capture as big a portion as possible input prices, as all of the liquidity put additional capital to grab a piece of is unable to criticise the mistakes of (i) This is the first time in recent of the market. Should there be any into circulation by central banks fed the action. In the 1950s and 1960s, our past leaders - unless, of course, years that the regime is particularly overproduction, he will not take the into sharply rising inflation. Again, wages and living standards also this leader is Stalin, who also made concerned about a strike. blame upon himself, but places it Roberts’ theory of inflation also has rose - by the 60s wage share was mistakes and committed crimes, as Representatives of the state have met upon his competitors.” nothing in common with Marx’s rising at the expense of profits. But, revealed by Khrushchev’s ‘secret’ with military and security leaders to In other words, contrary to the analysis of the phenomenon. far from resulting in a diminution speech in 1956. discuss how to deal with it, whereas Ricardo and Roberts argument that In my blog posts I have examined of investment, capital continued to First, let’s look at the term, in the past it was left to local and additional accumulation depends Roberts’ previous Weekly Worker expand, driven by competition to grab ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’. There regional authorities. upon rising profits, Marx says that articles, in which he seemed to have market share. Indeed, the more profits are different views about where the Finally the comrades in Iran it is an assumption of rising demand accepted the reality that, contrary were squeezed, but continued to be term came from, but we can be sure envisage three possible scenarios that leads to accumulation, which in to his prediction of a post-pandemic pressed to expand to grab that market that Marx wasn’t its originator. In (although they emphasise that the first turn creates the basis for that rising slump, the world was experiencing share, the more they had to rely on Marx’s own writings the term is two are unlikely): demand. The driver is competition, very rapid economic expansion. Now borrowing to do so, which also then rarely used, although he and Lenin (1) The government caves in and which forces each capital to seek to he has reverted to type, and argues that pushed up interest rates, further turned it into a principle. In State accepts the workers’ demands, grab market share. rising wages and interest rates will squeezing the profit of enterprise. But and revolution, Lenin explained although it knows that would Roberts fetishises the rate of profit, squeeze profits, and so bring about it was not that which led to crisis: it precisely what dictatorship meant: encourage other workers to strike. because he has nailed his colours to his long predicted next recession. Of was rather a continued accumulation rule untrammelled by any law. In (2) It rejects all negotiations and uses the mast of the law of the tendency for course, a squeeze on profits due to of capital, despite the squeezed other words, dictatorship is above the army and Revolutionary Guards the rate of profit to fall, as the basis of rising wages and interest rates has profits, and falling rate of profit, until the law, which means those who to suppress the strike, despite the crises of overproduction, even though nothing to do with the law of the capital was overproduced relative to are leading the dictatorship are likely political price it would have Marx himself never made any such tendency for the rate of profit to fall, the social working day and, instead also above the law. Dictatorship, if to pay at a time when the regime is claim, and rather describes crises of but he seems to be willing to use any of large masses of profits based upon we take Lenin’s correct definition, aware just how unpopular it is. overproduction of capital as arising cause of falling profits as the basis tiny profit margins on huge volumes, means lawless government, including (3) We will see a combination of due to an overaccumulation of capital of the law, despite Marx being quite it turned into large losses. under socialism. I am certainly not a compromise and the targeting of relative to the social working day, explicit in rejecting those other causes At some point we will reach that supporter of this Al Capone view as a strike leaders. This seems the most as set out in Capital Vol 3, chapter as contributory factors. Roberts’ stage again, but not yet. Wages are not principle of government, which Lenin likely. 15, as resulting from changes in the inclusion of interest rates as a factor rising to where they threaten the mass seemed to have had no problems with. Keyvan Bina value composition of capital, not the in determining the rate of profit is of profits. And, to take another point, If you want to find out how some email technical composition. Technological contrary to Marx’s analysis, in which many workers have survived despite of Stalin’s actions were possible, revolutions introduced to deal with he clearly deducts interest only after low wages, by relying on credit. The you need look no further. At no Lost a rudder such crises change the technological the calculation of the rate of profit. usurious interest they pay on that point in his ultra-left campaign Michael Roberts’ analysis is all over composition, the basis of changes in Roberts’ arguments here are debt goes to the money-lenders, not against the Stalinists did Trotsky, to the place, as he tries to defend his the organic composition, and thereby equally all at sea. He begins by to industrial capital. Higher wages, my knowledge, criticise Lenin’s or Sismondist/catastrophist argument, the basis of the law of the tendency recognising that the surge in which remove the need for such high- Marx’s one-sided, anti-dialectical proffered perennially over the last for the rate of profit to fall - not as the economic activity is really what has cost debt, means that workers can understanding of dictatorship in decade, that the next recession is at cause of crises, but the consequence of caused labour shortages, which in spend what they would have paid in regard to the socialist transformation BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX l 07379 532160 l www.weeklyworker.co.uk l [email protected] weekly worker 1355 July 8 2021 3

of society. Dictatorship should be used On the question of Dimitrov, it this statement out, so as to, in Tony’s when it is necessary or unavoidable, is important to recognise that class words, “play the race card in order to Students for Palestine ACTION rather than as a principle of socialist struggle has both an offensive and win the white working class vote”. As Friday July 9, 4pm: Demonstration. Assemble Malet Street, transformation. If you want to see defensive character. The communist Eddie Ford says, “This might or might London WC1. Students and staff demand universities divest from people leading the country who are ultra-left and anarchism have a one- not be the case”. Personally, I thought companies complicit in Israeli violations of international law, sever above the law, you are welcome to sided view of class struggle, believing it was more likely a bit of early arse- links with complicit Israeli institutions and sign the apartheid-free support comrades Marx, Lenin and it is always on the offensive. In covering in case of defeat - too late and pledge. Downing on this. But count me out: I essence this is the real meaning of a bit esoteric to stir the white working Organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign Youth and Students: am never going to join the Al Capone ultra-leftism. Stopping fascism means class hordes to the voting booths. www.facebook.com/events/904408130119235. camp. Rome was ruled over for years uniting everyone opposed to fascism If Starmer was really playing the without a dictatorship, and they only in a defensive struggle. This is what race card, would this be a startling Boycott Puma day of action turned to it in emergency situations, Dimitrov was about. The defensive departure for a Labour leader? The Saturday July 10: Nationwide protests to demand Puma ends until Caesar put an end to the republic phase must not be confused with the ‘hostile environment’ was first referred sponsorship of the Israel Football Association. The IFA operates in in 49 BC. immediate struggle for socialism. to by a Labour minister, I believe, and illegal Israeli settlements on land stolen from Palestinian people. On the question of permanent The main reason for the defeat in Labour has a disgraceful voting record Puma’s sponsorship helps sustain the illegal Israeli settlements and revolution, Trotsky was able to Spain was lack of unity of the left, on the matter. And Ed Miliband’s Israel’s ongoing dispossession of the Palestinian population. pretend his theory came to pass for two while the fascists were disciplined ‘Immigration’ mug was perhaps the Bournemouth, 12 noon: Outside JD Sports, 70 Commercial Road, reasons: the revolution in 1917 was and united around Franco, who had most shameful Labour manifestation Bournemouth BH2. triggered by wartime conditions; and the support of Hitler and Mussolini. in the 2015 election. Has the Labour Birmingham, 1pm: Outside JD Sports, 1 New Street, Birmingham B2. Lenin had the good fortune of having Politically stupid attacks on the Party, in its long history, produced a Brighton, 12 noon: Clock Tower, North Street, Brighton BN1. Kerensky as an opponent. Without church by the left also strengthened line of anti-racist leaders? I think we Bristol, 2pm: Outside Sports Direct, 13-15 Broadmead, Bristol BS1. wartime conditions and Kerensky, the counterrevolution in Spain, a can agree that it has produced very Cardiff, 12 noon: Outside JD Sports, Queens Street, Cardiff CF10. it is hard to see how the Bolsheviks Catholic country. The Spanish left few socialists in leadership positions Darlington, 12 noon: High Row, Darlington DL3. could have come to power. In all would have been defeated even and not too many in parliament. Ealing, 11am: Outside Sports Direct, The Broadway, Ealing, probability socialism would have earlier, had Trotskyists been in the The other big bugbear in Tony’s London W5. remained the left opposition to the leadership pushing for socialism, letter brings us to what the Labour Edinburgh, 11am: Corner of Princes Street and North Castle Street, liberal bourgeoisie, or been defeated because Britain and France wouldn’t Party is. To quote Tony, “Eddie Edinburgh EH2. by a military dictatorship. The have remained neutral. Ford describes the Labour Party as Halifax, 12 noon: Outside Sports Direct, Charlestown Road, Russian Revolution was fortunate, On the question of bureaucracy, a united front of a special kind. My Halifax HX3. in that the enemy was politically Trotsky made an ultra-left call for own view is that such a formulation Hastings, 12 noon: Outside former Debenhams, Robertson Street, stupid. This stupidity was personified a political revolution to overthrow is just a rhetorical device to say that Hastings TN34. by the tsar himself, who could easily the “counterrevolutionary Stalinist you support a reformist Labour Party, Kilburn, 11am: Kilburn Square, Kilburn High Road, London NW6. have undermined the left by granting bureaucracy”. Unless you are an come hell or high water.” But Eddie Kingston Upon Thames, 11am: Outside Sports Direct, Fife Road, a democratic government and anarchist, you have to recognise that Ford wrote something quite different: Kingston Upon Thames KT1. becoming a constitutional monarch modern societies use bureaucracies. “No, we have a strategic perspective London, 2pm: Outside Puma, 52-55 Carnaby Street, London W1. as in Britain. Had he been marginally The aim is not to “overthrow” the of transforming the Labour Party into Manchester, 12 noon: Outside Puma offices, Canada House, more politically intelligent, there bureaucracy, but to bring it under the a united front of a special kind” (my Chepstow Street, Manchester M1. would have been no revolution democratic control of society. You emphasis). Newcastle, 11.30am: Outside Sports Direct, Northumberland Street, in Russia, neither democratic nor can denounce bureaucracy as much Ford says: “From that strategy, Newcastle NE1. socialist. as you like, but, as Stalin pointed out, tactics flow.” He goes on: “True, Newport, 12 noon: Outside Sports Direct, Commercial Street So, when Trotsky talks about “The surest remedy for bureaucracy the key question is building a mass (opposite the Westgate Hotel), Newport NP20. the democratic revolution growing is raising the cultural level of the Communist Party. Without that Northampton, 11am: By the Cobbler’s Last, Abington Street, over into the socialist revolution, workers and peasants” (Works Vol there is no possibility whatsoever of Northampton NN1. this is merely abstract theory, which 10). transforming Labour into a united Norwich, 11am: Outside HSBC, 18 London Street, Norwich NR2. wartime conditions and politically From Stalin’s perspective, Trotsky front of a special kind, a vehicle in Plymouth, 11am: Outside Sports Direct, 82-84 New George Street, stupid opponents made to appear true. was not only undermining communist the struggle for socialism.” In other Plymouth PL1. The growing over of the democratic control of society by preaching the words, the CPGB does not “support a Slough 2pm: Outside JD Sports, 190 High Street, Slough SL1. revolution into the socialist revolution rightwing view that socialism in one reformist Labour Party, come hell or Southampton, 11am: Outside JD Sports, Unit 8A West Quay Road, depends on factors which theory country was impossible: he was also high water”, and it would take quite a Southampton SO15. cannot foresee. It may or may not advocating the ultra-left view that strenuous leap of imagination to say Talbot Green (RCT) 11am: Outside Sports Direct, Talbot Green happen. For instance, India is a bureaucracy, which complex societies otherwise. Retail Park, Talbot Green CF72. negative example; nor did pulling the use, must be overthrown. As often described, as quoted from Walsall, 2pm: Outside Sports Direct, 24 Park Street, Walsall WS1. plug on the apartheid regime in South Stalin was wrong to make Trotsky Lenin, Labour is a bourgeois workers’ Wolverhampton, 11am: Queen Square, Wolverhampton WV1. Africa lead to socialism. and some of his followers pay party. The aim, as Ford says, is to Organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign: On the question of socialism in with their lives for having political build a mass Communist Party which www.facebook.com/events/930078910891897. one country, during World War I, the differences, which is a democratic can then carry the fight to get rid of March for health jobs right wing in the socialist movement right. Thus it wasn’t enough for the ‘bourgeois’ bit. In the meantime it Saturday July 10, 12.30pm: Assemble at the Bombed Out Church, sought to avoid making revolutions Khrushchev to criticise Stalin in his might be the case that the bourgeoisie Leece Street, Liverpool L1 for the march to Derby Square. Solidarity in their own countries, based on 1956 speech. We need to ask, what will totally destroy the ‘workers’ with strikes to defend jobs and stop ‘fire and rehire’. the argument that socialism in one type of regime made this possible? party’ bit, but that hasn’t happened Organised by University of Liverpool UCU: country wasn’t possible. Lenin Part of the answer can be found in yet - even with the expulsion of Tony www.facebook.com/events/593300601633153. exposed this opportunist argument Lenin explaining that dictatorship is Greenstein and many other valuable during 1915 in the following way: rule untrammelled by any law and comrades. Labour Party fightback “Uneven economic and political raising this to a principle. But Tony seems to think that the Saturday July 10, 6pm: Online meeting for LIEN members and development is an absolute law of Tony Clark bourgeoisie have got their way and supporters. Plan the next steps to advance the battle for democracy capitalism. Hence, the victory of Campaign For Democratic Socialism Labour is finished. So what to do? and free speech in the Labour Party. socialism is possible first in several Build another one, of course, without Organised by Labour In Exile Network: or even in one capitalist country taken Strategic aim the inherent impurities of the Labour www.facebook.com/events/301213595077055. singly” (Selected works Vol 5). Tony Greenstein sent a rather Party - but also without the union The impossibility of socialism surprising letter to the Weekly Worker links, the 400,000 or so members and Teach-in: Palestine in the park in one country is the foundation of attacking not just Eddie Ford, but the the long-time 10 million or so voters Sunday July 11, 3pm to 5pm: Free briefing session, Stone Circle, Trotsky’s opposition to Stalin. This whole of the CPGB on its “strategy as well. Bute Park, Cardiff CF10. Learn what is happening in Palestine and argument, which the opportunists had towards the Labour Party and its Bernard Mattson become empowered to take action. used to avoid revolution in individual understanding of racism” (Letters, email Organised by Cardiff : countries, was now imported into the July 1). www.facebook.com/events/599554207676343. communist movement by Trotsky. Eddie quotes the statement from Not so stupid? Debating the Spanish revolution 1918-39 Lenin’s position above wasn’t an a “senior Labour source”: “We’re “So those workers who voted for Thursday July 15, 6pm: Weekly online political education series. isolated comment, because in 1916 haemorrhaging votes among Muslim Brexit were not so stupid as many Organised by Labour Left Alliance: he returned to the same theme in voters, and the reason for that is what on the left first thought,” says John www.facebook.com/events/211467213892082. his struggle against the right wing Keir has been doing on anti-Semitism Smithee (Letters, July 1). But the in socialism: “The development ... He challenged Corbyn on it, and market will soon balance out and their Lift all Labour expulsions and suspensions of capitalism proceeds extremely there’s been a backlash among certain wages will fall again, and those who Tuesday July 20, 12 noon: Lobby the Labour Party’s NEC meeting, unevenly in the various countries. sections of the community” (‘Blue and rely on the iniquities of the market to Party HQ, 105 Victoria Street, London SW1. Restore the whip to It cannot be otherwise under the red walls crack’, June 24). Tony states: solve their ‘problems’ will ultimately Jeremy Corbyn; restore suspended CLPs; restore party democracy. commodity production system. “The implication is clear: Muslims are be shown to be as “stupid” as we first Organised by Labour In Exile Network: From this it follows irrefutably that anti-Semites.” thought. www.facebook.com/LabourInExileNetwork. socialism cannot achieve victory As a regular reader of Tony’s It might be that in a post-pandemic Online Communist University simultaneously in all countries. It blog, I must agree that Keir has world there are fewer jobs in the Saturday August 14 to Sunday August 22: Online school of will achieve victory first in one or been weaponising anti-Semitism: hospitality sector (we can only hope . The Weekly Worker goes live for a week, with lots of time several countries, while the others continuing the long-drawn-out witch- so). It should be noted that the current for debate and discussion. Timetable and registration available soon. will remain bourgeois or pre- hunt to attack socialists and supporters shortages in the hospitality sector Speakers this year include: Anne McShane, Jack Conrad, Kevin bourgeois for some time” (Collected of the Palestinian cause in the Labour are not all down to Brexit. The fact Bean, Lawrence Parker, Sandy McBurney, Paul Demarty, David works Vol 19). Party. Tony has been making this case that 1.3 million foreign people are Broder, Mike Macnair, Marc Mulholland, Chris Knight, Moshé Trotsky was wrong to oppose the forcefully and eloquently for some no longer working in the British Machover, Yassamine Mather, Hillel Ticktin, Tina Werkmann, Tony Stalinists with an argument which time. hospitality sector should indeed fill Greenstein, Daniel Lazare, Ian Wright and Lars T Lih. the opportunists had used to avoid The “source” may in fact have our communist hearts with joy, but Organised by Communist Party of Great Britain and Labour Party revolution in their own countries. been telling the truth: that Muslims we should weep for all the British Marxists: communistuniversity.uk. The Trotskyist movement was based may have noticed what Keir has been people that will end up in this servile on the suppression of Lenin’s view doing and feel that it’s a good enough existence, no matter how many CPGB wills regarding the possibility of socialism reason not to vote for his party. But pence they are being paid above the Remember the CPGB and keep the struggle going. Put our party’s in one country as part of the world Tony has decided that Muslims are too minimum wage. name and address, together with the amount you wish to leave, in revolutionary process. How did unsophisticated for such an analysis Maren Clarke your will. If you need further help, do not hesitate to contact us. Trotsky get away with it? and that Starmer feels he can slip email weekly 4 July 8 2021 1355 worker AGGREGATE Politics not as usual After Batley and Spen, Derek James reports on debates over Labour’s prospects and amending our programme omrades from the CPGB stronger, we cannot influence these about the impact of rising sea levels and Labour Party Marxists, currents, but if we focus unduly on on countries such as Bangladesh. Calong with invited guests, the Labour left and do not put work November’s Cop26 climate met online on Saturday July 3 to into establishing a Communist Party, change conference in Glasgow will discuss perspectives for Labour we will not be able to intervene be an occasion for pious speeches and the left following the Batley effectively in any arena. Building a and demonstrations by the left. But and Spen by-election, and consider Communist Party must remain our whatever governments promise to some amendments to the CPGB’s central, strategic aim and other work do, none of them will challenge the programme on nature and the must necessarily be subordinate to productionist logic of capitalism - environment. that. a society predicated on expansion The session on Labour was Andrew Kirkland of LPM said to realise surplus value. The opened by James Harvey of the that Galloway’s base in the by- dynamic and logic of capitalism - CPGB’s Provisional Central election consisted of two antagonistic “accumulation for accumulation’s Committee. He began by surveying sets of voters: namely Muslims sake” - will continue to dominate. the media coverage of the by- and so-called white working class Given the global nature of the election, and the mixture of relief Brexiteers. This was not a sustainable problem, ‘national’ targets, and and surprise felt by the Starmer coalition nor was it wide enough to ‘solutions’ instituted by individual leadership at Labour’s close win. pose a significant electoral threat and inevitably antagonistic states, Comrade Harvey stressed that we nationally. He argued that some are no way to deal with these serious are in an unusual political moment, supporters of the Labour left believed issues. We should not trust capitalist when there is an expectation that Rumours of a leadership challenge are probably unfounded the party was on the eve of a serous governments to successfully deal the main opposition party will fail split en route to its terminal decline with the issue, although, comrade to defeat a government in mid-term stressing that both of these responses would become an electoral force or Pasokification, from which would Conrad believed, the current Covid and not retain a seat Labour has held represented a dead end for the left, nationally. emerge a new trade union-based crisis showed that we should not since 1997. He outlined the factors before going on to reiterate the For Jack, the contemporary left party. To these comrades this would rule out the possibility of the state favouring the Johnson government, CPGB’s central aim of building a was characterised by a lack of theory, be a positive development and would acting decisively in the ‘wider social such as the ‘vaccine bounce’ and mass Communist Party, combined programme and historical memory, open up new opportunities for the interest’ if required. the continuing impact of Brexit on with a serious strategic orientation which produced either superficial left. However, for comrade Kirkland The basic issue was that climate electoral politics, although he also towards Labour - which means outrage or moralistic appeals. The the opposite would be true: such a change is linked to the nature of pointed out that the circumstances we campaign for ending bans and inability of the Corbyn movement to new party would simply be a Labour capitalism: we need a force that surrounding the resignation of Matt prescriptions, and the consequent challenge the Labour right’s grip on Party mark two, which was the last shifts ‘production for production’s Hancock as secretary of state for refounding of Labour as a united front the party machine and its failure to thing we needed! sake’ to a system of production to health had an effect on the Tory vote. of a special kind, open to all working deselect any MPs were illustrations meet our needs. Human beings and The main focus of the opening class and socialist organisations. of this pattern and the historic Programme their needs are at the centre of our was on Labour and the breathing decline of the cadre of the left. The second issue considered by programme, and this, rather than space that Keir Starmer was said to Debate Recent developments amongst the the aggregate was the CPGB’s ‘green utopianism’, informs our have gained as a result of the by- In the subsequent discussion Chatham House left simply pointed Draft programme, and in particular specific demands about nature and election victory. For weeks rumours comrades took up these arguments up these continuing weaknesses and amendments to the sections dealing the environment. The demands in had circulated that in the event of a and drew on their own experiences of the complete disorientation of the with nature and the environment. the programme are being tweaked, defeat at Batley and Spen, Starmer the politics of the Labour left. Mike contemporary Labour left. He argued Opening the discussion, Jack Conrad not fundamentally revised, and are would face a leadership challenge Macnair talked about the continued that, although it was an unpromising of the PCC began by describing clearly linked to the need for the from the likes of Angela Rayner, importance of campaigning around picture, communists should continue the current evidence about the working class globally to become Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham, the demand for Labour to become to fight for revolutionary politics in impact that human beings have had the ruling class, comrade Conrad but this ‘existential threat’ to the a united front of a special kind, groups like the LLA: it was better, on climate change. He cited the concluded. Starmer leadership has receded, for especially given the way that the mass comrade Conrad said, to be up close examples of the recent heatwaves in After a useful discussion we had the time being at least, and Starmer radicalisation of the Corbyn period rather than state our case from an the United States, Canada and, above a unanimous vote in favour of two is now free to continue with his had produced little of substance and Olympian height. By taking part in all, Pakistan, along with new research programmatic amendments l electoral project and strengthening had only contributed to the further the debates and discussions within Labour’s historical function as the decline of the left. He attributed the Labour left, we can learn and reliable second eleven of British much of this to the ways in which understand more about their politics, capitalism. What particular form this the shadow of Stalinism continues and hopefully some of them will Online Communist Forum will take remains uncertain, although to influence the labour movement, as learn from us, he concluded. things may become clearer by the seen in the influence of the Morning Other comrades offered their time of the Labour conference in Star’s politics on the Labour left, the experiences of the Labour left. September after a summer of new “people’s frontism” of the Socialist Bernard Mattson described how policy outlines and ‘engaging with Workers’ Party and the politics of many left comrades shaped their the electorate’. As Starmer continues bureaucratic control, which breeds politics as nostalgia: ‘We want our Labour’s move to the right, he disillusion and disorientation. Labour Party back!’ was how it was might breathe new life into Tony Comrade Macnair located the framed, he said. However, comrade Blair’s ‘delabourisation’ strategy current crisis of the left in what he Mattson questioned how useful this and break the party’s links with the saw as a fundamental turn in global approach was because in essence trade unions, or further intensify the politics as a result of the United it simply meant that even the best witch-hunt against the left, comrade States’ aggressive policy towards Labour left activists were going Harvey suggested. China and the ways in which this shift around in political circles, unable The response of Labour’s official is framed ideologically as a clash of to go beyond repeating the failed left, such as the Socialist Campaign civilisations - or a struggle between politics of Corbynism and continuing Group of MPs, to these developments ‘democracy’ and ‘authoritarianism’. to bind themselves to Labourism. revealed fundamental weaknesses This turn has also seen a political and Ollie Hughes agreed, especially in and strategic failures. Comrade cultural reaction against liberalism, relation to the Labour left’s demand Sunday July 11 5pm Harvey argued that the whole focus which is not confined to the far for Starmer to resign. Who do you of the official left was on the election right. He cited Galloway’s social put in his place, he asked? Where A week in politics of a Labour government, and that conservatism and the politics of is the Labour left’s strategy to Political report and discussion from these essentially electoralist politics some Lexiteers as symptoms of this transform the party and develop real, tied them symbiotically to the Labour trend, and how the left - many of independent, working class politics? CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee right and thus bound them to maintain whom are genetically rooted in the All he could see was confusion and Labour as a bourgeois workers’ civil rights and anti-discriminatory incoherence. Register in advance for this webinar: party. Broadening his argument, he politics of the 1960s-80s - are unsure Another important strand in the us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MA78RwDKQpSY4LmjI-0FBw said that this approach also typified how to respond to these threats of discussion was the significance Sunday July 18 5pm many on the Labour left beyond nationalism, war and traditionalism. of George Galloway’s vote at A week in politics parliament in groups such as the The uncertainties of our times Batley and Spen. Comrade Farzad Political report from CPGB’s Labour Representation Committee were also considered by Jack Conrad. Kamangar said we should not read Provisional Central Committee and discussion and the Labour Left Alliance. The In a wide-ranging contribution he too much into the Galloway vote, failure of the Corbyn project had talked about the continued impact of as it seemed impossible for this Previous OCFs can be viewed or heard at these places: disorientated and demoralised them, Brexit on politics and the bankruptcy specific electoral configuration to be YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/communistpartyofgreatbritain with many drifting away from of Labourism, exemplified by repeated throughout the country. The Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/cpgb-pcc party membership or moving into Starmer’s pathetic search for an left was always looking for short cuts Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/412z90d6iSHN3bqwxAaP8h purely protest politics and street electorally appealing ‘big idea’. to socialism, she argued, whether by Apple Podcasts: demonstrations, whilst others were Comrade Conrad reviewed the giving uncritical support to Jeremy podcasts.apple.com/nl/podcast/marxist-report/id1494068795 flirting with alternative left projects current state of the left and the Corbyn or by seeing the growing outside Labour, such as George impact of the experience of the power of China as a counterweight to Organised by CPGB: www.cpgb.org.uk and Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain Corbyn movement on its politics. He American imperialism. As far as the Labour Party Marxists: www.labourpartymarxists.org.uk or the Trade Unionist and Socialist was glad to be surprised by the size Labour left is concerned, comrade For further information, email Stan Keable at Coalition. of the vote for Galloway in the by- Kamangar suggested that we faced [email protected] Comrade Harvey concluded by election, but did not think the WPB a catch 22 situation: until we are weekly worker 1355 July 8 2021 5 WPB Loyal foot soldiers The CPGB-ML siding with George Galloway over voting for the Brexit Party laid the ground for founding the Workers Party of Britain in December 2019. But Lawrence Parker expects the romance to prove fleeting hrough his long and interesting CPGB members he knew and to career, George Galloway has ask them questions about this or Thad plenty of criticism hurled at that happening. This was usually him from left and right. This is how followed by some ribbing on his one splendid formation responded to part. He once told the CPGB national his record in 2004: organiser that he looked rather pale and, as his ‘Leninist’ doctor, We now hear from [the New recommended that he give up the Communist Party] words of “revisionist counterrevolutionary praise for Respect, the SWP-led ” that ailed him. He got anti-communist electoral alliance similar ‘medicine’ back in turn and fronted by George Galloway - a took it with good humour. Quite man who had to be thrown out a contrast to some of the snarling of the imperialist Labour Party specimens we encountered on the kicking and screaming (although Trotskyist left, who would generally anyone with anti-imperialist flounce off at the first sign of principles would have walked out criticism or ribbing. long ago) and who also supported I make these points to underline, forces dedicated to the violent what attentive readers have hopefully break-up of Yugoslavia as a state.1 picked up: that the CPGB‑ML, if it has inherited anything from its So Galloway, by virtue of his Labour patriarch, should not be dismissed Party membership, was deemed to be as a mere nothing. Even though the severely lacking in anti-imperialist formation of another pure Stalinist principles. sect in 2004 was of no significance These lines were penned by to the strategic woes of the the newly formed Communist revolutionary left, it was reasonably Party of Great Britain (Marxist- astute to form the CPGB‑ML in 2004 Leninist) in 2004. The CPGB‑ML, in order to mop up what remained of led by , was shortly to the old ‘anti-revisionist’ communist develop into a family dynasty (his milieu in the face of the terminal offspring, Ranjeet and Joti, now play decline of older organisations such leading roles in the organisation). as the New Communist Party, the Of course, the CPGB‑ML are loyal Revolutionary Communist Party foot soldiers of Galloway in the of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) and Workers Party of Britain (WPB), so the Communist Party of Britain it would be interesting to know what (Marxist-Leninist). the Brars now think of this 2004 CPGB-ML: how long till they fall out with George? Also, the Morning Star’s CPB characterisation of their new leader. had started to become more agnostic, This relationship is not being after time, on a whole range of Unfortunately, this narrative is London president and, for a time, at least in public, on issues such as squirrelled away. Joti Brar is deputy issues, the SWP have voted with substantively nonsense: Stalin Scargill’s hatchet man. Stalin’s legacy, which annoyed some leader of the WPB and, according to Galloway in defiance of their oversaw and approved the old Brar came to relative of its members. By contrast, the its website, professed principles.3 ‘official’ CPGB’s own slide into prominence inside the SLP in CPGB-ML is defiantly unambiguous social democracy in the form of the 1997, opportunistically reversing in praising Stalin’s , in The Communists [the new Brar added, truthfully enough: 1951 British road to socialism and an earlier critique of Scargill’s a manner that echoes the personality branding of the CPGB‑ML] have “Galloway can do without the SWP. the documentary materials proving social democratic proclivities, cults of the 1930s and 1940s. Allied a long history of working with The latter, on the other hand, are this were widely shared in 2007.5 although recognising, quite to this, the CPGB‑ML is clearly George on various issues. In 2019, nothing without Galloway.”4 This is (Laughably, the CPGB‑ML claims, correctly, the significance of his a well-disciplined, well-financed, the Communists stood alone with illuminating in the sense that during off the record and in conversation, leader’s defection from the Labour ‘cadre’ organisation that punches George on many questions, not the Batley and Spen by-election that these documents are forgeries Party. Brar’s ascension to the SLP beyond its weight in terms of the least the defence of the Brexit we also had CPGB‑ML members peddled by myself, the Weekly national executive and the rise of money and commitment it gets referendum result and opposition having to front a ‘law-and-order’ Worker and other bandits of his supporters to the status of trusted from its members. It has obviously to Labour’s treachery on this campaign for more bobbies on ‘counterrevolutionary Trotskyite courtiers of king Arthur coincided recruited younger members in some question … The Workers Party the beat, presumably in thrall to imperialism’. In fact, the documents with the removal or departure of all numbers, although there has recently wants communists to play an Galloway and in “defiance of their emanated from Indian comrades, other factions except those of Scargill been some internal controversy active role, and we’re appealing professed principles”. At least, the who are supporters of Stalin’s himself. Predictably, Scargill fell around the issues of identity politics to British workers - whether they CPGB‑ML has the consolation that political legacy. I only commented out with Brar’s faction in 2001‑02, and transsexual rights that I am not have formerly been in the Brexit communist parties campaigned on them subsequently.) partly over Scargill’s refusal to qualified to comment on. Party, Ukip, the Labour Party, a for similar patriotic, rightwing It was clearly the fact that support the 9/11 suicide bombers In the context of a Labour left that socialist organisation or none - to politics during the popular front era Galloway was not let back into the and to back the North Korean regime is an advanced state of collapse after get involved with and build this overseen by Stalin. (The pop-front Labour Party under Corbyn (he did in a sycophantic ‘Marxist-Leninist’ the Corbyn debacle, a revolutionary party.2 SWP had no such firm ideological not even get close) and gave up on manner. Brar’s supporters pointed, left in the throes of a deep existential fall-back with the Anti-Nazi League any such ambition that meant the with some justification (although crisis, and a Trade Unionist and Love blossoms or Respect; not that this made any CPGB‑ML could conceive of itself they never once complained when Socialist Coalition that puts a whole It is clear that the relationship difference.) as playing a similar role to that of the Scargill was axing ‘Trotskyites’), new spin on the word ‘useless’, it is between Galloway and the Brar However, despite hailing SWP in Respect. The CPGB-ML has to Scargill’s undemocratic and not beyond the realms of possibility dynasty began mellowing long Galloway’s election victory, there worked with Galloway for a number underhand methods. Scargill once that the WPB will at least establish ago. In fact, the CPGB‑ML ended was no way at this point that of years now and he was speaking again reverted to the status of an ‘old itself as the most significant force up by being heartened by events the CPGB‑ML could become on its platforms in 2009 during its Labour’ bogeyman in the Brarite in terms of Labour’s electoral in Respect, as Galloway began to Galloway’s foot soldiers in the ‘Hands off China’ campaign. (The runes. opponents on the left, even though fall out with another fantabulous manner that the SWP had. It still CPGB‑ML also has excellent links It is likely that the CPGB‑ML’s that might amount to pitiful numbers family dynasty in the form of the evinced suspicions of Galloway’s with the Chinese embassy in London, relationship with Galloway will run in terms of real forces and votes. Socialist Workers Party’s John loyalties to the Labour Party. Hard- whose personnel have appeared on the same course, given that these But, if history is any guide, Rees and Lindsey German. After baked into the CPGB‑ML’s ideology platforms with Galloway and party sudden reversals from extreme Galloway and the CPGB‑ML will Galloway’s victory in the Bethnal is auto-anti-Labourism and it has members, much to the annoyance of opportunism to extreme sectarianism not put up with each other for Green and Bow constituency in the been traditionally hostile to those the Morning Star’s Communist Party and denunciation are hard-wired awfully long l 2005 general election, Harpal Brar elements of the left that engage of Britain.) into ‘Leninist’ sects such as the could not quite contain his glee that with Labour. In 1995, Harpal Brar This is not the first time that CPGB‑ML, the SWP and the rest. This article originally appeared on Gorgeous George was giving the published a book entitled Social the Brars have played the role of Lawrence Parker’s blog6 Trot SWP and its gormless leaders a democracy: the enemy within, courtiers to movers and shakers in This charming man hard time inside Respect. which set out the Labour Party’s the labour movement. What became Whatever one makes of his bizarre Notes Obviously channelling Weekly counterrevolutionary betrayals in the core leadership group in the ideas, Harpal Brar was an effective 1. archive.thecommunists.org/index. Worker reports (of which Harpal was some detail. CPGB‑ML (then working factionally enough player in the little sectarian php?secName=proletarian&subName=display&art=10. an avid reader) of the time, he said: Twinned with this is a notion of through organisations such as the world of the and someone 2. workerspartybritain.org/frequently-asked- questions/#faq10. Stalin as the supreme revolutionary Indian Workers Association, the who knew how to manoeuvre and 3. thecommunists.org/2005/06/01/news/election- Although it is the icon and opponent of social Association of Communist Workers conduct himself in a generally analysis-social-democracy-exposed. counterrevolutionary Trots of the democracy, with the Brarites and the journal Lalkar), essentially charming and personable manner. 4. Ibid. SWP who provide the foot soldiers rejecting even the essentially took control of the London area of He made no attempt to hide the 5. ‘In the middle of the road’ Weekly Worker March 6 2008: weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/711/in- for Respect, it is Galloway who conservative ‘official communist’ Arthur Scargill’s Socialist Labour fact that he read the Weekly Worker the-middle-of-the-road. takes the important policy and critique that Nikita Khrushchev Party (SLP) in the late 1990s, with regularly and would go out of his 6. communistpartyofgreatbritainhistory.wordpress. programmatic decisions. Time made of his former leader in 1956. Harpal Brar becoming the group’s way on demonstrations to greet com/2021/07/05/galloway-cpgb-ml. weekly 6 July 8 2021 1355 worker WPB A strange amalgam In light of George Galloway’s strong showing in Batley and Spen, Paul Demarty asks if his new organisation has any kind of serious future ast week, we considered the is hardly unique even today among fortunes of George Galloway left leaders globally: Galloway is a Land his Workers Party of painfully woke liberal, compared Britain, noting that they were by to Peru’s probable next president, some estimates on course for a strong Pedro Castillo), as well as providing showing in Batley and Spen, perhaps a pretext for dismissing criticism of capturing up to 6% of the vote.1 ‘actually-existing socialist’ countries That turned out, of course, to be on grounds of illiberal social policies. a radical underestimate. Their final The trouble with this approach is tally of over 21% - to the horror of a little different to the ‘raw’ Stalinism bourgeois media outlets who had discussed above: it simply renders us basically portrayed Galloway’s mute on questions that do, in fact, Batley campaign as if were carried exercise people at large in society. out at the point of Sturmabteilung Very well, someone on the doorstep guns - was a very comfortable third might ask, you do not think these place (not enough for George, who questions should divide us, but what has launched a legal challenge to do you believe? To which comes the the result). Labour’s narrow victory reply: we are “totally opposed to saved Kier Starmer’s bacon for now: discrimination on grounds of race, even the most idiotic Labour leftist sex or sexual proclivity”. This must must at least have known that this was be unsatisfactory to progressives and not a ‘normal’ mid-term by-election, reactionaries alike: the latter learn there to scold the government and that, after all, the WPB is just another little else, but a difficult poll in a bunch of woke leftie snowflakes, and bizarre historical moment. But, for the liberals can hardly be satisfied all the ‘Labour’s coming home’ with a “total” opposition that simply triumphalism, Galloway’s strong mutes itself when it is inconvenient. showing demonstrates that leaking We must evaluate this whole votes to the new-model ‘populist’ package on its own terms: that is, Tories is not Starmer’s only as an alternative to building a mass headache. democratic centralist Communist Exactly what weaknesses Party and a strategic intervention Galloway’s showing have exposed in the Labour Party - something remain to be seen. For much of the the CPGB‑ML and its predecessors bourgeois media, the accent seems to have always abjured; and a course fall on the supposed ‘thuggery’ of the denied to Galloway by default, as campaign - another sign of that great someone expelled from Labour modern evil, ‘polarisation’. Further under Blair and not readmitted under right, there are other concerns, let Brothers in Brexit Corbyn. Yet what is the problem that us say: the French right is obsessed apparently renders Starmer useless with a fantastical amalgam it enough to remember Galloway’s first organisations are local branches. presents a programme of intensely (and, of course, did for Corbyn in calls islamo-gauchisme - ‘Islamo- great third-party triumph - in Bethnal To be a branch secretary a statist, national-autarkic ‘socialism’. 2019)? That the coalition of those leftism’ - but if there is anyone to Green and Bow back in 2005 at the member must formally apply and “Free-market fundamentalism” is Labour voters in the great cities whom that label could plausibly head of the Respect coalition - it is be approved by the head office.3 “castrating our society”, which needs and those in the industrial and post- apply, it is surely not any Left Bank all very familiar. Galloway might not industrial towns (overwhelmingly intellectual, but Dundee’s most be able to fuse all these fragments Though there is also the caveat that the state to guide the economic working class, from the Marxist famous son. Galloway can talk a into a cohesive whole, but he can at “our party is in a period of growth life of the country in such a way point of view, on both sides, despite good social democratic game against least stuff them into a sock and give and development, and as such many as to promote work, to respect rightwing caricatures of middle-class Labour and the Conservatives, but a Labour candidate a good thwack of our structures and branches are in the dignity of labour, and to serve liberal types) is falling apart. It seems he is also exceptionally sensitive every once in a while. the process of formation”, this is in the working people. All adults impossible to rebuild either on the to the particular concerns of fact a fairly well-formed structure, have a duty to work in a useful basis of traditional left Labourism Muslims, thanks to his vigorous Bureaucratic sect and reminds us - alas! - of the SWP. fashion, according to their talents (Corbyn) or contemporary right anti-imperialism and support for The question must arise, therefore, The SWP’s conference elects a and abilities, and society has an Labourism (Starmer). A mixture of Palestine (run-of-the-mill Muslims, of whether this can ever be more central committee (equivalent to the equal duty to ensure that useful internet-edgelord ultra-Stalinism and and even Islamists, have one thing at than essentially a one-man show. ‘leadership team’ of the WPB) and a employment is available to all - quasi-leftist woke-baiting is hardly least in common with the left: their The other elected representatives of national committee (like the NMC). part-time or full-time, according likely to do better. being smeared as anti-Semites for Respect, with one or two exceptions, Crucially, both organisations appoint to the domestic, health and life At least the Labour Party has a sympathising with the Palestinians). tended to simply be petty bourgeois regional and district organisers constraints of the worker.4 historic importance as an institution Galloway, more controversially, localists; when the core political centrally (the WPB even does the of working class political action is willing to reject liberal social elements - to wit Galloway and his same for branch secretaries! SWP The WPB “positively embraces - an institution where such action policies when it suits him and defends supporters, on one side, and the branches can at least elect their own Britain’s withdrawal from the EU”; is diverted into bourgeois politics, the prerogatives of faith schools Socialist Workers Party, on the other local officers). The SWP provides it holds that “under a socialist infected with nationalism and when it comes to sex education. - fell out, they melted away quickly. ample evidence for how this works system, the control of our borders, countless other maladies. But it Galloway himself is professedly Can this alliance of Galloway’s with out in practice - a nearly immutable both physical and financial, will be is one with considerable breadth Roman Catholic (though rumours the rather spicier Communist Party separation between thinkers and a guarantee not only of the rights of and interpenetration with the trade have circulated for years that he has of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) doers; a relationship between rank our workers … but will restrict the union movement, one which is privately converted to Islam, which prove more enduring? and file and leadership wholly on the ability of capital to pack up and leave possible to transform into a space he denies). Add in his party’s fanatical Put another way, should someone model of the standing army. for greener pastures.” It defends its for strategic questions to be fought Brexitism, and one can interpret his decide to join the Workers Party That is hardly outside the tradition great forefathers, “all those countries out and class power to incubate. success in the ‘post-liberal’ terms of Britain, what exactly are they of the CPGB‑ML, at least, whose that have attempted to break free of Nothing less than a revolution in unfavourable to a supposedly out-of- joining? We can quote the section of inveterate Stalinophilia presumably imperialist domination and build a the Labour Party is needed to render touch cosmopolitan Labour Party. the website on the group’s structure extends to the characterisation of different kind of world”, including it useful to humanity in our corner An interesting article from in extenso: the party as the “general staff” of “the USSR, Cuba, China, etc”. We of the world; but the benefits such Novara Media’s Aaron Bastani, the revolution and so on. It also will not do more than restate the a revolution would yield make it recounting his visit to Batley and The Workers Party has a National allows the opportunist leaders of the truth that such national-autarkic worthwhile to try. Spen, and extensive conversations Members Council (NMC) that CPGB‑ML (and, in the Respect days, ‘socialism’ is barely plausible at The Workers Party of Britain, on with Galloway’s supporters was elected at our Founding the SWP) to suppress discomfort at the best of times, never mind in the other hand, solves none of the and campaigners, leaves the Congress in December 2019. This the political compromises involved a country - ahem - ‘castrated’ by problems of past Galloway vehicles, impression of a real motley crew. council is made up of 40-plus in bag-carrying for Galloway (See financialisation and extensively while at the same time introducing a Galloway’s backers include localist elected and coopted members and Lawrence Parker’s article in this issue dependent on the importation of few new ones l petty bourgeois types who want is our leadership body in between for ample evidence of the contortions food. someone to fix the roads instead of congresses. The council meets involved on the CPGB‑ML’s part). It None of this, to be sure, seems [email protected] diverting funds, as Kirklees council quarterly. The party congress does so at a price, however, which is to have been leaping unbidden from supposedly does, to Huddersfield; elected a leader, deputy leader preventing any other serious force the lips of the good campaigners Notes muftis; historic Labour/Tory swing and general secretary, who are emerging that could give political of Batley and Spen. But, when the 1. ‘George’s modest flutter’, July 1: weeklyworker. voters; young campaigners of an ex- the backbone of our leadership direction to the WPB beyond the WPB programme “declare[s] that co.uk/worker/1354/georges-modest-flutter. Corbynite mien.2 For Bastani - not team … The head office runs the opportunist deal at the heart of it. obsession with identity politics, 2. novaramedia.com/2021/06/25/its-only-the-start- less an opportunist in his own way day-to-day affairs of the party What we have then is a group including sexual politics, divides george-galloways-bid-for-batley-and-spen-could- leave-starmer-staring-into-the-abyss. than Galloway - this is all evidence of … National, regional and district with the internal structure of a the working class”, it at least 3. workerspartybritain.org/frequently-asked- the opportunities missed by Starmer’s secretaries are appointed by the bureaucratic sect and a political basis authorises silence on Galloway’s questions/#faq1. sterile Labour. For those of us old NMC or head office ... The base of … well, now. The group’s website open social conservatism (which 4. workerspartybritain.org/about. weekly worker 1355 July 8 2021 7 CLIMATE Grim warning from Canada Heat domes and devastating fires are ominous portents of runaway global warming. Eddie Ford warns that the future looks bleak - unless the working class organises to replace capitalist class rule at the global level n recent weeks a series of heatwaves have hit the western IUSA and Canada, sending people fleeing for their lives. Power lines have melted and roads have buckled. These devastating ‘heat domes’ have caused extensive wildfires, leaving many hundreds dead. Incredibly, on June 29 the temperature hit 49.6°C in the Canadian town of Lytton in British Columbia, smashing all records - it had to be totally evacuated because of a deadly fire that destroyed most of its buildings. By July 1, almost 500 wildfires were burning across British Columbia, turning it into an apocalyptic landscape. There was a similar picture in the US north-west. Showing the severity of things, between 1894 and June 2021, temperatures over 38°C in Washington were only recorded three times. However, at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport there were three consecutive days of temperatures above that figure - reaching a high of 42°C on June 28. California has been particularly battered by wildfires, spreading fast thanks to exceptionally dry weather and strong winds - which in some places were causing fire tornadoes. Many climate scientists had not anticipated such an extreme heatwave, some calling it “unprecedented”. This is down to the effect of heat domes. Yes, they do occur periodically in the The human contribution to global warming is no longer in serious dispute: it is the solutions on offer which matter Pacific north-west, meaning that the phenomenon is not entirely elevation on the Earth’s surface - the expect a qualitative shift. Therefore state and how it should purely be a high, neither sweating nor soaking new. But the sheer intensity of researchers predicted that by 2100, it is conceivable that the Gulf matter of ‘individual responsibility’ ourselves can cool us. Rather, what recent ones is what has made them with a one metre sea level rise and Stream, which keeps Britain with a - like social distancing rules and face matters is the ‘wet-bulb’ temperature unique. Underneath a heat dome, zero population growth, that number moderate climate, could be switched masks in the current Covid crisis. (given by a thermometer covered the air can become suffocatingly could increase to 410 million. off, while at the same time we could But the measures were introduced in a wet cloth) - which shows the still, leading to dangerous air quality If the present trend continues, see extremely rapid melting in the nevertheless. temperature at which evaporative levels - especially when heat-fuelled the Earth’s oceans will rise and, as a Arctic and Antarctic. The melting of Therefore, in the same fashion, cooling from sweat or water occurs. wildfires burn in a region. In some consequence, 410 million people will the permafrost in Siberia and Canada we should expect governments to Humans cannot survive prolonged ways, you could describe it as a be displaced. A survey released last would release all sorts of greenhouse transition away from coal-generated exposure to a wet-bulb temperature

negative feedback loop of the very year by Climate and Atmospheric gases - not just CO2, but methane - electricity and take lots of other beyond 35°C, because there is no worst sort. Science suggested coastal cities which is far more dangerous, when it radical measures besides. As seen way to cool down our bodies, even Either way, 40°C is the sort of should prepare for rising sea levels comes to the climate. above, it can be done. with shade and water. Such a wet- temperature you would expect that could reach as high as five Anyway, please note it in your bulb temperature was once thought in the Sahara. There has been metres by 2300, which could engulf diary: in November we have got Sustainable impossible, but last year it was a similar heatwave in Pakistan, areas that are home to hundreds of the Cop26 climate conference in The real question, however, is this: reported that locations in the Persian temperatures rising to such levels millions of people.2 Glasgow. From the world leaders, do we think capitalism is compatible Gulf and Pakistan’s Indus River in many cities - a high of 48°C was Now, the authors of the Nature expect plenty of hot air - which is with achieving a balanced valley had already reached this recorded in Jacobabad, while people Communications study admit this is definitely not a pun. Will we get relationship with the environment? threshold, albeit only for an hour or in Punjab and Balochistan have a fairly crude, broad-brush approach, any real action? Given how real the Not likely. Capitalism uniquely two over small areas. also endured scorching heat. Even which does not take into account climate crisis is, we should certainly results in production for the sake We must, of course, support the Siberia experienced a staggeringly flood defences and other means expect some kind of response. of production, accumulation for the protests in Glasgow and elsewhere, protracted hot spell last year that of protection. But it could mean There are, for example, still plenty sake of accumulation. Production but it goes without saying that lasted several months, while goodbye to Denmark, Netherlands, of people who remember the Great is based on profit, not human need. protest politics are not enough. True, Oymyakon in far eastern Russia - a lot of East Anglia, Miami, New Smog of December 1952 in London. We know that there are a lot of most people in Extinction Rebellion considered the coldest permanently York, Alexandria, Venice, Bangkok, A period of unusually cold weather, needs not catered for in the world and other such campaign groups inhabited settlement on the planet - etc. Other low-lying places, such as combined with an anticyclone today. But we also know that there know that. What they are doing is reached a record 31.6°C in June. Indonesia, Nigeria and Bangladesh, and windless conditions, collected a lot of artificial needs driven by the highlighting an ever more urgent Normally, according to will also be threatened with airborne pollutants - mostly arising advertising, car, travel, fashion and problem, not actually delivering climatologists, this sort of inundation. from the use of coal heating in homes arms industries. answers. If we rely on the likes of temperature is to be expected in such No doubt if sea levels keep rising, - to form a thick layer of smog over From our programmatic Boris Johnson and Joe Biden, then places only once in thousands of you would expect the authorities in the entire city, which lies in a bowl. perspective, we want to go over the chances are that in 20 years time years. But the probability is rising fast the Netherlands to simply raise the It is estimated that between 10,000 to a system of production that is we could actually see a climate flip because of human activity - burning height of dykes - they have the money and 12,000 people died, and 100,000 sustainable in relationship to our and face all sorts of unpredictable huge quantities of fossil fuels, cattle and the technology. But that does not more were made ill - making the natural environment - which can and disastrous consequences - ranching on an enormous scale, apply to countries like Bangladesh Great Smog probably the worst best be done by switching over to possibly fatal. emissions from cars and planes, and and Nigeria, of course. Indeed, given air pollution event in the history of a system based on satisfying needs, This shows yet again that the so on and so forth, which are clearly their sheer size - and the smallness Britain. not endlessly chasing more and Marxist project of organising the adding to the global temperature. All of the Netherlands - you have to Though reluctant to do so, the more profits. working class into a party with a this runs the risk that more and more wonder if it is a practical project at Tory government of the day was What we are risking under the strategic sense of the way foreword of the world will soon become too all. What is clear is that rising sea pressured into passing the Clean Air current order is the breakdown is absolutely vital. That project hot for humans. levels would massively disrupt life Act in 1956, which was in effect until of civilisation and a descent into cannot be based on the idea of taking - destroying agriculture and large 1993.3 The act introduced a number barbarism. Will the human species power in one country, but on human Sea levels parts of whatever infrastructure is in of measures to reduce air pollution - survive such a catastrophe? It is emancipation across the entire In that context, it is important to place. Even more to the point, where primarily a mandated move towards quite reasonable to raise at least planet. The environment knows no mention the publication at the end of would these hundreds of millions of smokeless fuels, especially in high- the possibility of human extinction national borders or limits; nor do last month of a world sea map in the people go? They would be engaged population ‘smoke control areas’, under such circumstances. After we l Nature Communications journal.1 in a struggle for survival. to reduce smoke pollution and all, as the extreme heat events This study found that at the moment, When it comes to the prospect of sulphur dioxide from household terrifyingly show, we are seeing the [email protected] 267 million people worldwide live on global warming, it is vitally important fires. Basically, that meant the creation of unliveable temperatures. land less than two metres above sea to remember that we are precisely banning of coal fires, transitioning It is true that humans can survive level. Using a remote sensing method not dealing with a straight line or over to gas and electric heating. when they reach well over 50°C Notes 1. nature.com/articles/s41467-021-23810-9. called Lidar - which pulsates laser the steady continuation of present Doubtlessly there were a lot of if the humidity is low, but, when 2. nature.com/articles/s41612-020-0121-5. light across coastal areas to measure trends. At some point we should Tories complaining about the nanny both temperatures and humidity are 3. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_Air_Act_1956. weekly 8 July 8 2021 1355 worker PSC Poverty of solidarity The failure of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to oppose Zionism and the Jewish supremacist nature of the Israeli state renders it politically incoherent, argues Tony Greenstein n 1982, shortly before Israel’s excuse), but it reacts wildly to those Friends of Israel ‘annual dinner’ invasion of Lebanon, I was among who question its legitimacy. in November 2017, Thornberry Ia group of people who founded In 2010 in response to the declared: “Even today ... modern the Palestine Solidarity Campaign boycott, divestment and sanctions Israel stands out as a beacon of at a meeting held in the University (BDS) campaign, the Reut Institute freedom, equality and democracy, of London Union. It gives me no produced a report, entitled Building particularly in respect of women and pleasure to say that the organisation a political firewall against the LGBT communities.” we formed is today incapable of assault on Israel’s legitimacy.9 In the That must seem like a sick joke to building mass solidarity in the section, ‘London as a case study’, it those who are being evicted in Silwan same way as the Anti-Apartheid explained: and Sheikh Jarrah today as part of the Movement did a generation ago. ‘master plan’ to increase Jerusalem’s As Bob Dylan said, ‘The times The assault is increasingly Jewish majority;10 or those who are they are a-changing’. The old perceived to be a strategic confronting pogromists in Bat Yam. lies about Israel being ‘the only concern for Israel, with potentially The PSC says that it does not democracy in the Middle East’ or the existential implications. This support any single solution - two Israeli army being ‘the most moral understanding underlies the recent states or one. Its excuse is that it is army in the world’ do not have quite mobilisation by the government up to Palestinians to decide what the same ring to them when you see of Israel ... to offer a systemic they want. This is a problem, because police firing stun grenades inside a Official campaign wants to ‘mainstream’ Palestine response to this challenge. when people ask what we want to mosque or children being battered. see in Palestine the PSC has nothing Today there is a real possibility of state, but it never explains why Massad’s ‘Why the PA’s days are What the Zionist movement and to say. It has no vision to offer, building a mass movement in support Israel is or how it became one. numbered’, which describes the PA the Israeli state fear most of all is whereas the AAM had no hesitation of the Palestinians and engaging Still less does the PSC talk about as “a collaborating body” with the the questioning of the very concept in declaring that it wanted a unitary with the thousands of young people Israel as a Jewish supremacist state - Israeli apartheid regime “under US of a Jewish state. To them this is an South Africa. who demonstrated last summer for a conclusion that even B’Tselem (the sponsorship”. Massad describes how “existential” problem. But the PSC It is also disingenuous, since Black Lives Matter. The narrative Israeli Information Center for Human simply ignored this document. And Palestinians today have no around Israel is changing, however Rights in the Occupied Territories) The PA police arrangement in because there is no forum within it to representative organisations. The PA, many times robots like Keir Starmer came to, because of its fears of being fact replicated, and was perhaps discuss such issues, the organisation which the PSC supports, believes in claim that they are Zionists “without called anti-Semitic. inspired by, the South African continued to blunder along blindly. two states. Indeed it believes it has qualification”. The production of In practice, the PSC has always apartheid state’s use of the black The Zionist response to questioning already achieved a Palestinian state! two reports this year, by B’Tselem1 supported a two-state solution. In police to suppress black resistance ‘Israel’s right to exist’ as a racist state Yet all surveys of Palestinians show and then Human Rights Watch2, 1993 it supported the Oslo accords before 1994 - an arrangement that was to launch the campaign to paint that today a very clear majority - 66% describing Israel as an apartheid (which did not even promise a reduced the danger to the lives of Israel’s opponents as ‘anti-Semitic’. in the West Bank and 56% in Gaza state, is a game-changer. Couple this Palestinian state). As has become white policemen.7 It did not begin with Jeremy Corbyn, - support a unitary state, compared with Israel’s ethnic cleansing in East clear to most people, the two-state but his accession to the leadership of to 14% in the West Bank and 31% Jerusalem and its mass murder spree solution was never other than a If you compare Massad’s incisive the Labour Party lent a new urgency in Gaza supporting a two-state in Gaza, and it is no longer possible smokescreen, under cover of which analysis to the PSC’s statement, it is to the Zionist campaign. solution.11 But even if Palestinians to hide the reality of Israel, no matter Israel’s settlements expanded. It clear that the latter has no analysis. Corbyn himself is an example of still supported a two-state solution how many times false accusations of was always an illusion, because the The PSC is not only politically but the poverty of the PSC’s politics. a solidarity movement should reject ‘anti-Semitism’ are made. There is Zionist movement always claimed intellectually bankrupt. It treats what He had been extremely close to its it. The reason why some Palestinians no longer any stopping the process the entire ‘Land of Israel’ (Eretz is happening in Palestine as a ‘human leadership and had attended every still support two states is because of Israel’s ‘delegitimisation’. Yisrael). rights’, not a political, question. It AGM for a decade or so. He was the they are desperate for anything that But, as long as the PSC is It was Oslo which created the fails to understand that the PA is an PSC’s ‘human rights ambassador’, relieves their plight. controlled by two tiny, quasi- monstrosity that is the Palestinian adjunct to Israel’s occupation. It is its but he simply mouthed two-state A two-state solution is an apartheid Stalinist groups - Socialist Action Authority in October 1993. In a military subcontractor. platitudes. The PSC never provided solution, which leaves Israel in place and the Communist League - Israel debate with Julia Bard of the Jewish In 2014 I proposed a motion him with any explanation of Zionism. as a Jewish supremacist state. We will have little to fear. Both SA and Socialists Group I wrote: which said: “The PSC should sever I knew Jeremy well in the early speak to British supporters of the the CL fear, quite correctly, that if all relations with the Palestinian 1980s when I was chair of the Labour Palestinians, not the Palestinians a mass movement developed they The agreement provides for a Authority, which is a quisling Movement Campaign on Palestine themselves. Our job is to persuade would lose control. In short they Palestinian police force up to government, whose role is to police and he was a sponsor. Our motion to people here that Israel is illegitimate. have a vested interest in not building 30,000-strong. Their first duty will the Palestinians on behalf of Israel.” the Labour Party conference in 1982 Our end goal must be a state where a mass movement around Palestine. be to suppress Palestinian dissent Betty Hunter - then general secretary supporting a democratic secular state all people live together, not a You only have to ask what steps and any resistance to the accord. and now president of the PSC - blew in Palestine was passed and Jeremy continuation of apartheid by other did the PSC leadership take to Little wonder that this provision a gasket at my describing the PA as a chaired the Labour Movement means. link up with Black Lives Matter evokes such Israeli enthusiasm “quisling” organisation. In her view conference on Palestine, which called But the PSC leadership is or Extinction Rebellion? Or what ... This is an agreement built on and that of the PSC, the PA was a for the disaffiliation from Labour of dishonest. It is not concerned about steps did it take to support the shifting sands. It represents a legitimate representative body of the Poale Zion (today the Jewish Labour Palestinian opinion. Some 53% of demonstrations against the Police, massive victory for imperialism.4 Palestinians. Movement). Palestinians now support Hamas, Crime, Courts and Sentencing Bill? Compare this with what Ali When the right wing in Labour compared to 14% for Abbas and It is not interested in linking up with Virtually everything I predicted has Abunimah, the editor of The under Kinnock and Blair took over, Fatah. The real reason why it still other movements. come true. It did not need a crystal ball Electronic Intifada, wrote in the wake the LMCP disappeared. The PSC clings to a two-state solution is that to say that Oslo would be a disaster. of Abbas’s withdrawal of support took Corbyn under its wing and he the affiliation of trade unions to the Zionism All you needed to understand was the from the Goldstone Report following began spouting ‘two states’ nonsense. PSC has been obtained at a political What is the political basis of the nature of the Zionist settler-colonial ‘Operation Cast Lead’: Jeremy too treated Palestine as simply price. That price is not adopting a PSC’s failures? Quite simply it is movement. a human rights question. Hence when position which opposes Israel’s right that the PSC is not anti-Zionist. To be But the PSC never abandoned Naming collaboration - even he took part in the JLM leadership to exist as a ‘Jewish’ - ie, racist - pro-Palestinian and not anti-Zionist is Oslo. Instead it accepted the ‘peace treason - for what it is has always debate with Owen Smith, he praised state. The trade unions support two like opposing the oppression of black process’ and the legitimacy of the been a painful taboo among the independence of Israel’s judiciary states. So do Labour Friends of Israel people in South Africa without being Palestinian Authority. With the recent Palestinians, as for all occupied - the very judges who have legalised and the Jewish Labour Movement, anti-apartheid. Zionism is the cause murder of Nizar Banat by its thugs,5 peoples. It took the French the theft of Palestinian land since because they know it will not happen! of all the Palestinian ills. It cannot be the leadership has been forced to decades after World War II to 1948! The PSC depoliticised a young The trade union leaders support ignored just because it is tactically criticise the actions of the PA for the begin to speak openly about the and enthusiastic MP because it had two states because they want to convenient to do so. first time.6 But it has never questioned extent of collaboration that took no anti-Zionist politics. support both sides of the ‘conflict’. But the PSC refuses to allow its legitimacy. place with the Nazi-backed Vichy The PSC engages in routinism. It It is as if, 30 years ago, they had anything to get in the way of Even now its statement merely government.8 is happy for people to stand on street supported the white nationalists and subordinating its politics to the demands that “the PA should be corners, handing out leaflets and the black liberation movements. In trade union bureaucracy. In practice severing all security cooperation with Ideas-free zone lobbying MPs - all very worthwhile, situations of colonisation you cannot that means supporting the two-state the occupying state”. It says that the The internal publications of the PSC as we have to win public support, support both sides, but supporting solution, which is the antithesis PSC “has raised these issues in the make up an ideas-free zone. They do but it is not enough. We have to two states is exactly that. of anti-Zionism. By definition past with the PA and is doing so again nothing to educate or raise people’s transform support on the streets into The PSC - or rather Socialist supporting two states means in relation to the death of Nizar”. It consciousness. The PSC campaigns political support and on this the PSC Action - is happy to cuddle up to trade accepting a Zionist state of Israel. is as if the French resistance had on human rights abuses, but never has hopelessly failed. In fact it has union leaders and accept their money If you have a look at the PSC’s written a letter to Marshal Philippe connects them with the politics. not even tried. in return for silence. It is a Faustian 2020 annual report3 or any other Pétain, asking Vichy France to join There is no explanatory narrative. The PSC has a ‘strategy’ of bargain - a deal without principle or such document, you will search their ranks! The word ‘Zionism’ never crosses mainstreaming Palestine, which has any semblance of morality. in vain for the words, ‘Zionism’ Nowhere in its statement does the the lips of the leadership and the led it to putting Emily Thornberry - or ‘Zionist’. It must be a complete PSC demand that the PA disbands obvious conclusion is that Israel a patron of Labour Friends of Israel IHRA mystery to much of the PSC’s itself or even that its armed thugs be is a legitimate state which can be - on its platforms. Thornberry is a The International Holocaust membership why Israel behaves disarmed. Instead it treats the PA as reformed. This has major implications vitriolic Zionist, who declares that Remembrance Alliance ‘definition’ as it does. Perhaps the Israelis are a legitimate institution rather than the for the solidarity movement. Israel those who deny Israel’s right to exist of anti-Semitism was drawn up at particularly malevolent. True, the bastard fruit of Oslo. can withstand criticism of its human as a racist state should be expelled. the initiative of Dina Porat of the PSC refers to Israel as an apartheid Contrast this with Joseph rights record (using ‘security’ as its In a grovelling address at the Labour Stephen Roth Institute at Tel Aviv weekly worker 1355 July 8 2021 9

University in 2004. Kenneth Stern, and to avoid narratives that April 20 in what was a master class particular. Elbit has some 10 supports Zionism and Israel. It its principal drafter, has described its oversimplify the interlinks in complacency. He wrote: “I make factories in Britain and you will does so - as anyone who has any genesis and makes clear the intention between groups which oppose no apology for the fact that we do not have seen news of actions against awareness of the link between all along was to redefine hostility to actions in support of Palestinian engage in every debate some would it.22 The state has spent enormous British and Israeli political and Zionism as anti-Semitism.12 What rights, and Israeli state actors ... it wish to involve us in.”17 resources trying to criminalise military echelons knows - because Stern did not support was using it can risk drawing on anti-Semitic As activists were being picked off activists opposed to it. of shared interests between British to brand individuals as anti-Semites, tropes about Jewish power.14 for any mention of Israeli apartheid, Having done little itself, you imperialism and Israel. Israel is especially on campus, and thus chill many others were intimidated into might imagine that the PSC would the west’s strategic watchdog in free speech (whether he was naive or They did not even have the courage silence. The campaign against ‘anti- welcome a group campaigning the Middle East, where it conducts duped is an open question). to make these criticisms directly. Semitism’ in the Labour Party spread against Elbit. Wrong. In February joint exercises with Nato. That is The IHRA has been the main Instead the following weasel words into virtually every area of society. it circulated a bogus piece of what lies behind the support of the instrument by which anti-Semitism appeared: “Whilst some have The PSC still seems unable to come legal advice to branches, warning most reactionary sections of the has been weaponised. It has been criticised professor Miller for lacking out and say that the ‘anti-Semitism’ against supporting PA.23 It warned Tory Party - Eric Pickles et al - for the sword of defamation and has such depth and clarity in the way he campaign had nothing to do with that those who supported it Israel. been responsible for numerous (anti- has couched his remarks ...” anti-Semitism. financially could be prosecuted. Direct action that involves racist) anti-Zionists being traduced as The push by the Tories for the It has nothing to say about This was nothing more than scare- spraying blood-red paint on a racists. It is like an Orwellian world, adoption of the IHRA has gone hand Zionism, since it is afraid of being mongering. The real reason for factory goes against the PSC’s where words have lost all meaning. in hand with a campaign by various accused of anti-Semitism itself. It has its hostility was its opposition to ‘strategy’ of winning over the The PSC seems to have dropped Zionist organisations - the Board of never mentioned the links between direct action and confronting the establishment. It seems to have any opposition to the IHRA it might Deputies, the UJS and the CST to the Zionist movement and the far British state - in addition to fear difficulty understanding that have had. It is difficult to understand target anti-Zionist academics. right - people like Viktor Orbán, of competitors. The PSC contacted British imperialism has no what exactly it has done on the Compare the PSC’s response to the anti-Semitic Hungarian prime the Boycott National Committee principled objection to Israel’s matter, apart from funding a legal the forthright statement of the British minister and friend of Israel, or the and got it to warn PA not to use the human rights abuses. But the PSC’s opinion from Hugh Tomlinson QC13 Committee for the Universities of support of Germany’s neo-Nazi AfD term ‘BDS’! mainstreaming ‘strategy’ has been and writing a round-robin letter to Palestine (Bricup): party - or even Tommy Robinson’s Despite PA receiving massive a disaster. Apart from Corbyn, it local authorities. Perhaps the one recent appearance on a pro-Israel support, the PSC has not let up has no MPs as sponsors. It has not initiative it did take was when the Bricup is not qualified to demonstration.18 The PSC is unable on its hostility. When Brighton even tried to persuade MPs to form ‘Big Ride’ was banned from meeting comment on professor’s Miller’s to go onto the offensive against the and Hove PSC wanted to move an a BDS lobby. It lacks support from in a park in Tower Hamlets by the scholarly work, but affirms the Zionist lobby. It resembles David emergency motion supporting PA the establishment, yet it attacks council’s Blairite mayor. That was a responsibility of all academics, Low’s depiction of the TUC as a at the 2021 AGM in April, Socialist direct action. brief respite from doing nothing. irrespective of discipline or slow-witted “carthorse”.19 Action’s Louise Regan ruled it out Since May there have been However the PSC has not taken up political view, to defend his right But the campaign against Israel of order. Regan, who is vice-chair, two huge demonstrations in the IHRA question on campus. At the to teach and research without the is different in one crucial respect told the AGM that people had a support of the Palestinians - the end of last year Gavin Williamson, threat of external intervention. from that against apartheid in South choice - they could support either last one 200,000-strong. They the education secretary, threatened Africa. Whereas the latter had no PSC or Palestine Action, not both. were called by six organisations that universities who refused to adopt It seems the PSC has forgotten what domestic support base, apart from In reality the PSC should have including the Campaign for the IHRA would have their funding the word ‘solidarity’ means. the capitalists, rightwing Tories and welcomed Palestine Action - there Nuclear Disarmament, Stop the cut, but the PSC has been completely In 2010 it refused to support a fascists, the Israeli state has a lobby was absolutely no reason to try War Coalition and the Muslim inactive over this question. Yet the resolution to boycott Histadrut - that is strong and powerful. and destroy it. The PSC ended up Association of Britain. The MAB in IHRA ‘definition’ has been used to Israel’s apartheid trade union. From True, Israel has support within the objecting to the minor damage particular mobilised huge numbers. attack anti-Zionist academics at a its inception in 1920 Histadrut Jewish community. The last survey that PA caused to Elbit’s factories, It is doubtful, given its previous host of universities, including Bristol, supported a policy of Jewish Labour: by Yachad of British Jews in 2015 like breaking windows or painting record, that the PSC would have Sussex, Leeds and Warwick. At ie, a boycott of Arab labour. It took 39 found that 59% identify as Zionists. its buildings red! I wrote to Omar mobilised even a tenth of these Warwick at least four staff members years to admit its first Arab member, Meanwhile, 31% said that they were Barghouti of the BDS national numbers by itself. have been targeted by the Union of but even then Arabs were put into not Zionists - down 13% on a similar committee in March this year, But the PSC does have a number Jewish Students as ‘anti-Semites’. a separate section. Histadrut was, survey five years previously. suggesting that Palestinians in of active branches nationally. The university adopted the IHRA in with the Jewish National Fund, one Despite the attempt to label BDS Gaza were unlikely to protest at The question is whether there are October of last year, but the attack of the main organisations of Zionist as anti-Semitic, 24% of British Jews PA damaging Elbit Factories, given enough to be the kernel of a new on the staff prompted the Warwick colonisation. support some form of sanctions on the reign of terror they face from and healthier Palestine solidarity Assembly, which over 200 staff Whilst Unison voted to boycott Israel. Among secular Jews this rises its drones! movement, which can build on attended, to reject the IHRA by over Histadrut, the PSC and its trade to 40% and among the under-30s it is If the PSC prioritised Palestine the enormous support for the 93%! As a result the adoption of the union officer, Bernard Regan, 41%. Compare this with the Board of solidarity rather than empire Palestinians today. It will have to IHRA has been suspended. opposed such a move. The PSC, far Deputies, which purports to speak for building, it would have offered be a group that is not controlled The most egregious case of a from encouraging unions to take the “British Jews”, but never criticises legal help to PA. It could have by tiny sects - leftovers of the witch-hunt is at Bristol University. boycott of Israel seriously, is happy to Israel. Zionist organisations have publicised PA actions and begun International Marxist Group, who Four years ago the misnamed confine boycott to settlement goods hijacked the voice of “British Jews”. a campaign itself against Elbit - believe that China is a socialist Campaign Against Anti-Semitism only - which is a nonsense, since they In the words of Barnaby Raine, they which boasts that it is the backbone utopia. targeted a Jewish lecturer, Rachel are marketed as the produce of Israel are the establishment’s “favourite of Israel’s military. It could have The question for activists now Gould, over an article she had written. itself. pets: heroic colonists in the Middle supported the pickets of courts, is how to go about building such a They called for her dismissal. Tory The PSC has refused to raise East and successful citizens in the where defendants - myself included movement l cabinet minister Eric Pickles called the IHRA in the unions. When I west”.20 - have been arraigned to face trial. her a holocaust denier. The attack leafleted delegates at its trade union British Jews are, as David Miller Instead it has done nothing. Notes on her was described by Kenneth conference, I was told to leave by asserted, treated as pawns by Zionist During the recent attack on 1. www.btselem.org/publications/fulltext/202101_ Stern in testimony to Congress as Ben Jamal. The PSC refused to organisations. They fulfil the same Gaza, PA activists occupied the roof this_is_apartheid. 2. www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold- “egregious”, “chilling and McCarthy- include the IHRA on the agenda. If role in support of Israel as Algerian of the Elbit factory in Leicester. crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid- like”. it had campaigned for the unions to Jews did under French colonialism. The occupation received massive and-persecution. On February 13, David Miller, oppose the IHRA, then Labour would What is surprising is not that there publicity, both nationally and 3. mcusercontent. a professor at Bristol University, not have adopted it. The witch-hunt is anti-Semitism as a result of the internationally, and when the police com/39b479575f6b893766d815ffd/files/08b94ac7- 14cd-4d79-98b2-f64faffab658/PSC_annual_ called for an end to Zionism and of Palestinian supporters in Labour identification of British Jews with arrested those involved hundreds of report_2020_v4.pdf. described how Zionist organisations would have been halted in its tracks. Israel, but that there is so little of it. local people surrounded the police 4. drive.google.com/file/ were using Jewish students as pawns. I wrote on behalf of my union The PSC could, if it had any vans to prevent them being taken d/0B36f4b3OvRxKS1lRd29NQnNsUUE/view. Immediately the Zionists demanded branch to Len McCluskey, asking that internal democracy or discussion away. The Fire Brigades Union 5. See www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/ palestinians/.premium.HIGHLIGHT-confident-of- that Miller be dismissed. Two weeks Unite’s executive stop supporting the forums, take advantage of these refused to aid the police attempts support-from-the-west-the-pa-suppresses-protests- later 100 MPs and lords, including IHRA. On May 16 2021 McCluskey divisions amongst Jews to challenge to bring down the occupiers. When violently-1.9946744. Caroline Lucas MP, wrote an open wrote back indignantly, stating: “In British Zionist organisations. But, has the PSC ever gained such 6. www.palestinecampaign.org/the-arrest-and-death- letter to the vice-chancellor of Bristol the meantime Unite will continue to since there is no debate on strategy support of workers on the ground of-nizar-banat. 7. www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/palestine-nizar- University, demanding that Miller be support the PSC and I dismiss out within the campaign, there was no for its actions? banat-killing-why-pa-days-numbered. removed. of hand your suggestion that we are discussion about how to combat the The occupation of Elbit - like the 8. electronicintifada.net/content/after-goldstone- Caroline Lucas’s Tory friends betraying the PSC.”15 ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign - except refusal of dockers in Italy, South hamas-faces-fateful-choice/8483. on the Education Select Committee The strange thing is that I had not maybe inside Socialist Action or the Africa and California to unload 9. www.reut-institute.org/data/uploads/ PDFver/20101219%20London%20Case%20Study. then demanded that Miller be mentioned the PSC in my letter. What Communist League. ships belonging to the Israeli pdf. sacked. These McCarthyites called had triggered this response? Clearly There is a great deal of debate company, Zim - was a concrete act 10. See al-shabaka.org/briefs/jerusalem-israels- Bristol University a “hotbed of McCluskey believed that the PSC about Palestine in Britain, yet within of support for the people of Gaza. little-known-master-plans. anti-Semitism” that was fostering supported the IHRA ‘definition’. the PSC there is no attempt to debate But what was the PSC’s reaction? 11. Eg, www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy- analysis/palestinian-majority-rejects-two-state- a climate similar to “1930s Nazi This is understandable because it had strategic issues, such as how to Nothing except embarrassed solution-backs-tactical-compromises. Germany”. If anyone else made refused to campaign in the unions advance BDS. There is no internal silence. Not one word emanated 12. drive.google.com/file/d/12QLMZsCGaPjMnb2 comparisons with Nazi Germany against the IHRA. discussion bulletin or forum to debate from it nationally. The only emails RMb58NfSB1Ezp6hPv/view. they would be called anti-Semites! how to combat the pro-apartheid I got during the Gaza attacks were 13. freespeechonisrael.org.uk/ihra-opinion. 14. www.palestinecampaign.org/protectingpalrights. Jonathan Gullis MP went further in Anti-Semitism lobby. appeals for money. 15. drive.google.com/file/d/13avPVg3lamGupnPhb attacking Goldie Osuri at Warwick Throughout his leadership Corbyn Discussion about strategy or tactics But why the hostility to PA? The qiUXlnAkoPwOj87/view. University: “We need to start sacking and the Labour left were accused of is left either to individual branches or PSC wants to preserve Palestine 16. drive.google.com/file/d/10kozSY- people,” Gullis said. anti-Semitism. The purpose of the ad hoc groups like Palestine Action.21 as its own monopoly and therefore mGCVQfRma1Qq_T_3Po5wFBF_N/view. 17. drive.google.com/file/d/1WtJsr7zcWHFNAjygk I wrote to Ben Jamal demanding campaign was to brand anti-Zionism There was a strategic review some resents other groups trespassing THK9N4qH2M3ijr5/view. that the PSC issue a statement and support for the Palestinians as years ago by Ben Jamal, but it was on what it considers its territory. 18. See www.middleeasteye.net/news/tommy- supporting David Miller. Well, they anti-Semitic. top-down. When it comes to internal This is a product of the political robinson-far-right-leader-attends-london-pro-israel- issued a statement - ‘Protecting Yet, as activists were being picked debate, the PSC is an arid desert. sectarianism of those who control rally. 19. www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/ Palestinian rights and academic off, the PSC kept silent. It never it. apr/25/past.politicsandthearts. freedom’ - but they offered not a defended Corbyn from allegations Palestine Action But it is more than this. The 20. novaramedia.com/2020/06/26/long-baileys- word of support or solidarity. Instead of anti-Semitism. It issued no leaflets Palestine Action was formed PSC’s whole strategy is what it calls sacking-shows-how-antisemitism-has-been- the PSC accused David Miller of explaining why anti-Zionism is not late last year with a focus on ‘mainstreaming’ Palestine. In other dangerously-redefined. 21. palestineaction.org. failing to anti-Semitism. I wrote to secretary campaigning against companies words, winning over the British 22. Eg, at palestineaction.org/news. Ben Soffa on April 11 2016, asking complicit in Israel’s colonisation establishment. The PSC does not 23. drive.google.com/file/d/1YgWHSS1PUSWaUA apply depth, context and clarity, why the silence.16 Ben responded on of Palestine - Elbit Systems in understand why the government Xlj0ClUbKZZaqpEHqL/view. weekly 10 July 8 2021 1355 worker USA Carrying the can The liberal establishment wants us to believe that the ‘war on terror’ was all Donald Rumsfeld’s fault. Daniel Lazare begs to disagree onald Rumsfeld’s death last Manhattan. At a National Security nowhere without a mea culpa. to turn up a single WMD: “I never week at the age of 88 has Council meeting the same day, I’m hoping that if Iraq turns out n Anne-Marie Slaughter - at the believed they had weapons of mass Dsparked an outpouring of Rumsfeld asked, “Why shouldn’t we well - and I would predict that time a Princeton University dean destruction,” he insisted in 2004.10 contempt for a former secretary of go against Iraq, not just al-Qaeda?”, over time it may well might - and and now president of New America, defence famous for prattling on about while his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, that that ought to be something an influential Washington think New heights “known unknowns” and “unknown chimed in that Iraq was a “brittle, that works against the growth of tank - who argued that the invasion That is what’s so great about a unknowns”, and breezily dismissing oppressive regime that might break terrorism. Also, if we’re able to was “illegal, but legitimate” - political culture in which last year chaos unleashed by US militarism easily - it was doable”.1 build on whatever it is we can meaning that world opinion would is ancient history: politicians get to with the words, “Stuff happens” and Since America’s post-Vietnam accomplish in Iraq, and promote come around to Washington’s point rewrite the past in whatever way they “Freedom’s untidy”. military was eminently good at political and economic and of view, once weapons of mass wish. It is particularly convenient for It is entirely deserved, given smashing stuff up, the gears were educational reforms throughout destruction were discovered - and the Democrats, since they would like Rumsfeld’s role as a top architect of set in motion for a pre-emptive the region, I also think that will then published an article saying Americans to believe that peddling America’s post-9/11 ‘war on terror’ assault that would overwhelm also go a long ways towards precisely the opposite, when no disinformation is something that - in reality a rampage of violence Iraqi defences, as it decapitated the dampening down terrorism.5 WMDs were to be found (without, of only Russia, China and Iran do - that led to hundreds of thousands of government. But Democrats insisted course, acknowledging her original along with their favourite punching deaths and would have consumed a that the administration make a show Al Qa’eda would be so impressed stance).8 bag, Donald Trump. But they are just half-dozen countries more if it had of going after Osama bin Laden in by the Anglo-American ability to n John Kerry, secretary of state as good at it (if not better). not come unstuck in Afghanistan and Afghanistan. So Rumsfeld first sent transform Iraq into a model US under Barack Obama and now In reality, Afghanistan and Iraq Iraq. But putting the blame on a single in a skeletal navy ‘sea, air and land’ client state, according to Haass, that Joe Biden’s point man on global were thoroughly bipartisan affairs person is a way of getting others off team, Green Berets, CIA agents and it would simply fold up its tents and warming, who also insisted that he that flowed inexorably from events the hook - not just individuals, but others in October 2001 to hook up go home. had never supported the invasion of the 1980s and 90s: ie, the 1980 an entire culture based on war and with local militias and topple the Finally, there is The Guardian, when in fact he certainly did.9 Carter doctrine declaring suzerainty imperialism. Taliban government before going whose US columnist, Richard n Last but not least, there’s Joe over the Persian Gulf; the 1980- Not that Rumsfeld was anything after the real enemy in Baghdad. Wolffe, also weighed in with an Biden, who spent years ratcheting 88 war between Iran and Iraq; the other than a far-right snake. As a article on the occasion of Rumsfeld’s up pressure on Saddam as chairman 1991 Gulf War. aimed at rolling young Republican congressman Hypocrisy death. “[A]longside his old friend of the Senate foreign relations back Iraqi power, when Saddam from Illinois, he attended economics The Middle East is still reeling from Dick Cheney,” he wrote, he “dragged committee. When UN weapons got too uppity, etc. The US imperial seminars at the University of the consequences, which is why the United States and its allies - inspector Scott Ritter appeared appetite deepened at every stage, Chicago, fell under the spell of free- the opprobrium now being heaped especially the UK - into an entirely before the committee after resigning until al Qa’eda’s assault on the World market advocate Milton Friedman on Rumsfeld is so richly deserved. avoidable quagmire that left tens in protest in 1998, the future Trade Center - a classic case of CIA and adopted the concept of an all- But in a political culture that is and probably hundreds of thousands president informed him that getting blowback - finally gave it an excuse volunteer army composed of fast- so duplicitous it cannot begin to dead and maimed.”6 rid of Saddam was the only way to for an even greater paroxysm of moving military specialists. This think straight, the goal, as ever, is But The Guardian was singing remove the threat of Iraqi WMDs: imperial violence. - in contrast to US troops bogged to conceal more than to reveal. The a very different tune back in early The process has continued ever down in Vietnam - would move in guiltier poor ‘Rummy’ gets, the more 2003, when London and Washington … all of us here really know, since. Barack Obama - hip, cool quickly, level everything in sight, other top players are let off the hook. were both rushing to war with little and it’s a thing we have to face, and attractive - backed military and then get out before the smoke Take a well-known US journalist dragging required. “It devalues that the only way, the only way intervention in 2011 that reduced had cleared. In 1971, Nixon called named George Packer, who debate to belittle Tony Blair as we’re going to get rid of Saddam Libya to anarchy, favoured an him “a ruthless little bastard” - he published a brutal obituary in a ‘president Bush’s poodle’,” it sniffed Hussein is [to] … start it alone - even more destructive proxy war meant it as a compliment! - and venerable old magazine known as in an editorial. “… It is similarly start it alone - and it’s going to on Syria, supported a Saudi-UAE two years later appointed him US The Atlantic and described Rumsfeld unilluminating when detractors require guys like you in uniform bombing campaign that spread death ambassador to Nato. In his first stint as “the worst secretary of defence in dismiss the Bush presidency as to be back on foot in the desert and destruction in Yemen, and also as secretary of defence, beginning American history”: ‘stupid’.” If “we find ourselves taking this son of a ..., taking backed a coup d’état in the Ukraine, in 1975, he joined the Strangelovian supporting the current commitment Saddam down. spearheaded by neo-Nazis. The ‘Team B’, the famous, ultra-hawkish Wherever the United States to a possible use of force,” it went isolationist Trump, ironically, tried coterie convinced that the US should government contemplated a on, that is “because we believe that, Referring to big shots in the state to rein in such adventurism and faced intensify its nuclear build-up in the wrong term, Rumsfeld was if Saddam does not yield, military department and White House, he a non-stop Democrat destabilisation face of a growing Soviet threat, there first with his hard smile - action may eventually be the least said: effort as a result. But, with Biden and helped undermine the ‘SALT squinting, mocking the cautious, awful necessity for Iraq, for the now at the controls, the process is II’ nuclear-arms talks that Henry shoving his country deeper into Middle East and for the world”.7 I respectfully suggest they have on again, as the US presses ahead Kissinger was attempting to see a hole. His fatal judgment was War is hell, but it is something a responsibility, slightly above against Moscow, against Tehran through to completion. equalled only by his absolute self- that imperial powers have to do from your pay grade, to decide whether and, most dangerously of all, against As Ronald Reagan’s special assurance. He lacked the courage time to time for the sake of humanity. or not to take the nation to war. Beijing in the Taiwan Strait and the Middle East envoy, Rumsfeld visited to doubt himself. He lacked the For every Packer or Haass, there That’s a real tough decision. South China Sea. Baghdad in 1983 and sat down with wisdom to change his mind.2 were countless others who applauded That’s why they get paid the big To be sure, the United States is Saddam Hussein - the same Iraqi the war of aggression as well and bucks. That’s why they get the facing a rout in Afghanistan, where dictator whose presence he would Quite true - except that Packer then denied doing any such thing, limos and you don’t. US intervention is coming to the later find so intolerable - for a never had a problem with Rumsfeld once their careers were at stake. For same disastrous end as suffered by friendly 90-minute chat about how to back in 2002-03, when he was instance, there is: It was up to VIPs in limos to decide the Soviet Union in 1979-89. It is a rein in neighbouring Syria and Iran. cheering the Iraqi invasion on in n Hillary Clinton, who refused to whether Afghan and Iraqi society devastating setback that could deprive He joined a neocon Washington think The New York Times and dismissing apologise for years for supporting should be destroyed and then up to America of a base of operations in tank known as the Project for a New anti-war protestors for advancing the war - only reversing course in working class grunts to go in and central Asia, just as the Vietnam American Century and signed on for such “unnuanced slogans” as ‘No 2014, when it became clear that her do the dirty work. But then Biden debacle for a time threatened to shut a second stint as defence secretary sanctions, no bombing’ and ‘No coming presidential bid would go pirouetted when US forces failed it out of south-east Asia. under George W Bush in 2001. blood for oil’. When it comes to Based on experience, however, This, of course, is when he “keep[ing] this mass murderer [ie, the obvious conclusion is that it will entered the war-crimes pantheon as a Saddam] and his weapons in check,” only drive US militarism to new member of ‘the Vulcans’ - the behind- Packer declared, “they have nothing heights. Volatility will rise, as the the-scenes Bush administration team to say at all”. He went on: “This is imperial crisis intensifies l that seized control of US foreign not a constructive, liberal, anti-war policy after 9/11 and steered it in movement”, meaning, evidently, an increasingly bellicose direction. that the only movement that would Notes 1. B Woodward Bush at war New York 2002, p49. Within hours of the attack on the be “constructive” would be one that 2. www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/06/how- World Trade Center, Rumsfeld was accepted a US invasion as a starting Never anything donald-rumsfeld-deserves-be-remembered/619334. barking orders that an aide summed point and then perhaps tried to soften 3. www.nytimes.com/2002/12/08/magazine/the- up in a series of cryptic notes: it around the edges.3 other than a liberal-quandary-over-iraq.html. “Often in the wrong, never in 4. twitter.com/RichardHaass/ far‑right Republican status/1410549345422745604. Best info fast. Judge whether doubt” was the equally one-sided 5. charlierose.com/videos/27893 (quote begins at good enough hit SH [Saddam judgment of Richard N Haass, 21.30). snake Hussein] at same time. Not only president of the semi-official 6. www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/ 4 jul/01/donald-rumsfeld-defense-secretary-lies- UBL [Osama bin Laden]. Need to Council on Foreign Relations. And crime-death. move swiftly - Near term target Rumsfeld’s capacity for denying 7. www.theguardian.com/news/2003/jan/19/leaders. needs - go massive - sweep it all the truth was indeed astonishing. politics. up. Things related and not. But as a top aide to secretary of 8. www.nytimes.com/2003/03/18/opinion/good- reasons-for-going-around-the-un.html.See also state Colin Powell, Haass played a A-M Slaughter, ‘The use of force in Iraq: illegal Formerly a US asset, Saddam was prominent role as well in promoting and illegitimate’ Proceedings of the annual meeting now a prime target, and, as the last the invasion, as it entered its final (American Society of International Law) No98, four words indicated, ‘the Vulcans’ countdown. Toppling Saddam was March 31 2004, p262. 9. www.factcheck.org/2013/09/kerry-spins-his- would be none too scrupulous about all about “liberation,” he told a TV record-on-iraq. gathering up evidence implicating audience less than two weeks before 10. www.cfr.org/event/conversation-joseph-r- him in the massacre in lower the advent of “shock and awe”: biden-jr. weekly 11 worker 1355 July 8 2021 What we TURKEY fight for n Without organisation the working class is nothing; with the highest form of organisation Accumulation of misery it is everything. n There exists no real Communist The economy is in deep trouble. Poverty, inequality and personal debt are increasing. Party today. There are many so-called ‘parties’ on the left. In Esen Uslu urges the left to do more than blame Erdoğan’s hapless government reality they are confessional sects. s the state of the Turkish Members who disagree with the economy worsens, there are prescribed ‘line’ are expected to many economists offering their gag themselves in public. Either A that or face expulsion. advice on how to cure its ills, but they are unable to find any politicians - in n Communists operate according government or in the opposition - to the principles of democratic ready to listen. This actually reflects centralism. Through ongoing debate the economic consensus reigning we seek to achieve unity in action amongst the mainstream politicians. and a common world outlook. As While government supporters attempt long as they support agreed actions, to whitewash all negative indicators, members should have the right to the critics focus exclusively on speak openly and form temporary attacking the government’s economic or permanent factions. policies. n Communists oppose all impe- For example, Mahfi Eğilmez - rialist wars and occupations but an economics lecturer and writer, constantly strive to bring to the fore who was previously a finance the fundamental question–ending war ministry bureaucrat serving in is bound up with ending capitalism. influential national and international n posts - reminds us about Jagdish Communists are internationalists. N Bhagwati’s mid-20th century Everywhere we strive for the closest thesis on ‘Immiserising growth’ Economy on the slide unity and agreement of working class by producing the graphic below and progressive parties of all countries. in an article, entitled ‘The growth 47.5% of the total income, while the now burdened with debt: “58.3% n Not a single citizen claims, ‘I am We oppose every manifestation that would enrich first and then poorest quintile got only about 6% of Turkey’s citizens are saddled better off’. of national sectionalism. It is an immiserate’, published on his blog.1 … the top 10% of the population with debt other than mortgage or n The country is working for the internationalist duty to uphold the This shows per capita income (US received 32.5% of the total income, housing costs, with 18.8% describing interest lobby. principle, ‘One state, one party’. dollar) and the dollar-lira (USD/TL) while the share of the bottom decile repayments as a ‘heavy burden’.” n While the dollar was at 4.55 liras n The working class must be exchange rate changes between 1998 was 2.2%.” He further deals with the rate three years ago, it is now at 8.70 liras. organised globally. Without a global and 2020. of inflation and imbalances within n Erdoğan claimed he would bring Communist Party, a Communist Eğilmez reminds us that the the economy, noting that the the Turkish economy into the world’s International, the struggle against International Monetary Fund drew up unemployment rate officially stands top 10, but his mismanagement has capital is weakened and lacks policies after the 2001 crisis that were at 12.9%, but has actually reached brought it to the precipice of falling coordination. pursued until 2008, and per capita 28% if a broader, and therefore more out of the top 20. n Communists have no interest income grew as a result, but after accurate, definition is used. And in n Regional inequalities have apart from the working class 2008, when the stand-by agreement a recent article Sönmez deals with increased. as a whole. They differ only in with the IMF was terminated, and another indicative development in n Unemployment has risen by 1.2 recognising the importance of especially after the presidential Turkish-style capitalism. Some of the million. Marxism as a guide to practice. government was introduced, it went government’s cronies who have built n The rule of a single man means a That theory is no dogma, but on a steady downward slope. As a and operated so-called ‘city hospitals’ regime of price rises. must be constantly added to and result the exchange rate of the Turkish are now getting out. n The debt burden of all citizens is enriched. lira with the US dollar has been Rise and fall: upper line The ‘build-operate-transfer’ model ever increasing in a vicious circle. n Capitalism in its ceaseless steadily worsening and his proposal shows per capita income in was a favourite of the government n What we have to do is to break the search for profit puts the future is to return to the policies of the early dollars. Lower line shows the when it came to infrastructure. circle of taking from citizens in order of humanity at risk. Capitalism is 2000s. Turkish lira against the dollar Generous, hard-currency turnover to fatten the cronies. synonymous with war, pollution, To his left, Mustafa Sönmez, guarantees were awarded, together Many on the left are following exploitation and crisis. As a global with his impeccable background He goes on to demonstrate that, with accompanying fees to the a similar route, when it comes to system capitalism can only be in the trade union press as well as for all its rhetoric, the government private sector for decades to come. criticising the government’s handling superseded globally. independent economic work, points has failed to increase social welfare to Since 2019 there have been no new of the economy and financial to the widening gap between income the lower-income groups, despite the contracts awarded, but there are now matters. But it is very rare to hear n The capitalist class will never levels - according to official figures, urgent need created by the pandemic 13 city hospitals in operation and five them criticising the basic tenets of willingly allow their wealth and more than 700,000 people plunged lockdown. He indicates that 17.9 more under are construction. It has capitalism. However, when exposing power to be taken away by a into poverty in Turkey last year. In an million people are now classified as been a very profitable business, so the misery of the people, we must not parliamentary vote. article published on the Al Monitor poor according to the government’s why are the cronies departing? forget what Marx said: n We will use the most militant website he also emphasises Turkey’s own criteria and statistics. He points According to another article on the methods objective circumstances Gini coefficient, which indicates that out that the government provided Al Monitor website, The greater the social wealth, the allow to achieve a federal republic inequality has now sunk to the level only loan facilities instead of welfare functioning of capital, the extent of England, Scotland and Wales, of Brazil, Mexico and South Africa.2 payments, and consequently a Turkey’s Ronesans Holding - and energy of its growth, and, a united, federal Ireland and a He states: “The richest 20% received greater proportion of population is a company close to President therefore, the absolute mass of the United States of Europe. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the proletariat, and the productiveness n Communists favour industrial builder of his sumptuous palace of its labour, the greater is the unions. Bureaucracy and class - has moved to sell its lucrative industrial reserve-army … but compromise must be fought and Fighting fund hospital operation business to a the greater this reserve-army in the trade unions transformed into Danish company: a decision some proportion to the active labour- schools for communism. observers see as a sign of anxiety army, the greater is the mass of a n among government cronies over consolidated surplus population, Communists are champions of Help us out Erdoğan’s political prospects and whose misery is in inverse ratio the oppressed. Women’s oppression, he start of July has, as usual, days of July saw us £365 better the future of controversial public- to its torment of labour. The more combating racism and chauvinism, Tseen a large number of off. Of course, our monthly private investments.3 extensive, finally, the lazarus- and the struggle for peace and standing orders and other bank fighting fund target is £2,000, so layers of the working class, and ecological sustainability are just transfers arrive in the Weekly that’s a bit below the going rate, In other words, rats are leaving the the industrial reserve army, the as much working class questions Worker account. This time the but nevertheless it gets us off to sinking ship rather early, but the greater is official pauperism. as pay, trade union rights and first seven days have seen 19 a nice start. essence of the economic ills is not This is the absolute general demands for high-quality health, of them, varying from £5 to What all this shows is how addressed. Corrupt practices may law of capitalist accumulation housing and education. £50 (thanks for that last one to much we are appreciated by take a number of forms, including … It establishes an accumulation n Socialism represents victory comrade AC). our readers. As comrade FH the overcharging for contracts of misery, corresponding with in the battle for democracy. It is Other nice, handy donations writes, when taking out a new and increased public expenditure, accumulation of capital.4 the rule of the working class. were from FK (£35), CG (£30), subscription, “I’ve been reading together with fraud, embezzlement Socialism is either democratic or, GD and BO (£25), and finally the Weekly Worker online for a and misapplication of funds, the non- What is missing in contemporary as with Stalin’s Soviet Union, it MD, DL, SJ and II, who all couple of years now, but, now remittance or under-remittance of discussion on the left is such a critique turns into its opposite. came up with their usual £20. I’ve got a new job, I reckon I revenue. But these are not the core of capitalism, without which any n Socialism is the first stage The other 10, more modest, should start paying something!” reasons. opposition to economic ills becomes of the worldwide transition to contributions were not, of Well said, comrade! But we Meanwhile, Garo Paylan, the merely a critique of a particular communism - a system which course, to be sneered at, since need others to follow suit. Yes, economic spokesperson of the government or set of policies l knows neither wars, exploitation, between them they amounted to please take out a subscription opposition People’s Democratic Party money, classes, states nor nations. exactly £100! So thank you too, like FH, but feel free to add a (HDP), gave a press conference on Communism is general freedom comrades YM, DI, MT, TM, monthly bonus to help us out! l July 5 dealing with several of the Notes and the real beginning of human 1. www.mahfiegilmez.com/2021/06/once- PBS, BG, AN, MM, LW and Robbie Rix issues mentioned above, but its scope zenginlestiren-sonra-yoksullastran.html (in history. SM. was limited to the following headings: Turkish). The Weekly Worker is licensed by On top of that there were two Fill in a standing order form n The Turkish economy has collapsed 2. www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/06/official- November Publications under a Creative PayPal donations, both for £10, (back page), donate via our in a period of three years. data-lays-bare-deepening-poverty-turkey. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial n 3. www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/06/turkish- 4.0 International Licence: from MH and BH, which means website, or send cheques, Erdoğan’s claim, ‘I am an danish-hospital-deal-might-be-more-meets-eye. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ that altogether the first seven payable to Weekly Worker economist, I can manage better’, has 4. K Marx Capital Vol 1, chapter 25: www.marxists. legalcode. ISSN 1351-0150. failed. org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch25.htm. No 1355 July 8 2021 Boasting about Israel’s secret war against Iran Mossad’s people Yassamine Mather investigates the murky world of deep penetration, sabotage and assassination ast week ayatollah Ali Younessi ‘Dear friends: one, you have been made the amazing claim that infiltrated; two, we see you …; Lthe Israeli national intelligence three, the era of … lies is over.’4 agency, Mossad, has infiltrated many sections of Iran’s leadership and the However, Cohen’s claims have country’s security services. Younessi not been taken up by the press and was minister for intelligence during media. Had they been about any the presidency of Mohammad other country’s security services - Khatami from 1997 to 2005. especially one antagonistic to US and In an interview with the Iranian western global dictates - we would ‘reformist’ website, Jamaran, have heard endless condemnation. Younessi said: There would have been a United Nations investigation and ‘human The leaders of the country don’t rights’ groups would have been up show any interest in what’s best in arms. But, as always, there is one for the public and their lives, rule for the US and its allies - Saudi and Mossad has succeeded, with Arabia, Israel, etc - and another enticements of influence and for the rest. So here we have the money, to penetrate the regime’s admission of Israel that it interfered security bodies ... Now the in the affairs of another state, ordered regime is busy persecuting people assassinations, caused explosions, who are loyal to the country, etc, and no-one seems bothered. particularly from the reformist But in Iran’s Islamic Republic, of camp, instead of detecting and course, things are a little different. detaining the infiltrators working The regime has executed many of its on behalf of Israel. opponents - leftwingers, nationalists, The regime established environmental activists - accusing many intelligence agencies with them of ‘spying for Israel’. So overlapping tasks, for the purpose Israel seems to be running a whole army of agents and informers inside Iran many political prisoners have been of weakening the intelligence paraded on Iranian TV, admitting to ministry. Spy agencies can network has recruited significant targeting its underground enrichment was an “honest mistake” and he will having done so (and showing all the easily penetrate radical groups numbers of Iranians willing to install facilities, as well as unexplained fires be returning the money. signs of physical and mental torture). and organisations, because in explosives, attack state installations in other installations. However, when it comes to But quite clearly the accusations these groups only radicalism and provide information regarding Although Cohen did not clandestine activities against against them were ridiculous. How matters. Spy agencies pick the the movement of senior members admit Israeli responsibility for Iran, there is no limit to Cohen’s would opponents of the security- right radicals from among their of the Revolutionary Guards, these incidents, the Channel 12 boasting. Although he stopped short conscious, religious regime gain vital own ranks or elsewhere and have scientists, etc. ‘investigative’ reporter implied he of admitting Mossad’s role in the information about the well-guarded them infiltrate other intelligence These claims could have been had been given access to full details assassination of Fakhrizadeh, the secrets of its nuclear programme? agencies. The more radical they dismissed, had it not been for in a voiceover, where he described reporter identified Cohen as the The Younessi interview is significant are, the quicker they get promoted what appears as confirmation by how Israel managed to get explosives man who “personally signed off on in this respect, as it makes clear that and reach the top echelon of the the outgoing director of Mossad, into Natanz’s underground halls. The the entire campaign”, describing in the ‘spies’ are amongst those closest intelligence agencies.1 Yossi Cohen. He admitted in an reporter, Ilana Dayan, told viewers: some detail how a remotely operated to the ruling circles of the Shia state. interview on the Israeli TV station, machine gun, fixed to a pick-up The former intelligence minister’s Of course, the former intelligence Channel 12, that Israel was behind The man who was responsible truck, killed the Iranian scientist and warning that the lives of the country’s minister was adamant that all Israeli recent attacks against Iran’s nuclear for these explosions, it becomes later self-destructed. officials are in danger as a result of infiltration took place after he left programme and the assassination clear, made sure to supply to the In the interview they also talked the infiltration of Israeli spies might office in 2005. While it is difficult of Fakhrizadeh, who was one of Iranians the marble foundation on about Israel’s access to and seizing be true. However, it could also be to assess everything he said, he is the country’s top nuclear scientists. which the centrifuges are placed. of documents regarding Iran’s the parting shot of the ‘reformist’ probably right that “sycophants Cohen went further, issuing a threat As they installed this foundation nuclear and military activities, faction, now their influence has and radicals were the most likely to other Iranian nuclear experts within the Natanz facility, which were used in a number of been so greatly reduced following to be lured by foreign intelligence by claiming that their lives were they had no idea that it already Netanyahu’s interventions when he the presidential election. They are, agencies”. likewise in danger. The former includes an enormous amount of was trying to stop the nuclear deal. after all, unlikely to make a political It should be noted that such Mossad director conceded: “If the explosives.2 Again according to the reporter, as comeback in the near future l claims are not new. Throughout the scientist is willing to change career many as 20 non-Israeli agents (one last few months some of the people and will not hurt us any more, then, According to the Israeli newspaper presumes Iranians) were involved in Notes I know in Iran have been saying yes, sometimes we offer them a way Ha’aretz, Yossi Cohen is “arrogant stealing material from 32 locations. 1. tfiglobalnews.com/2021/07/04/all-iranian- exactly the same thing. Former out.” and corrupt - and wants to be prime The documents were scanned and officials-are-at-risk-of-being-killed-by-mossad-ex- president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad All this comes at a time when minister”.3 Accusations of corruption transmitted to Mossad. iranian-intelligence-minister-claims. 2. iranintl.com/en/world/ex-mossad-chief-strongly- is also claiming that officials within negotiations regarding Iran’s nuclear are to do with Cohen’s acceptance of In what appeared to be a blunt suggests-israel-was-behind-iran-nuclear-attacks. Iran’s intelligence agencies have programme are continuing in Vienna. a gift of thousands of dollars from the warning, Cohen said: 3. www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium. played an important role, covering In the last few years a number Australian billionaire, James Packer, HIGHLIGHT.MAGAZINE-ex-mossad-chief- the tracks of those involved in the of ‘incidents’ have affected Iran’s who happens to be a neighbour and It was important to us that the is-arrogant-and-corrupt-and-wants-to-be-prime- minister-1.9963193. assassination of Iran’s nuclear nuclear plants. Amongst them were supporter of former prime minister world will see this, but this thing 4. www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/11/ex- scientists - the latest victim being several explosions in the Natanz Binyamin Netanyahu. In the same should also resonate with the mossad-chief-yossi-cohen-signals-israel-culpability- Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. According to nuclear facility, including one TV programme Cohen claimed this Iranian leadership, to tell them, for-iran-attacks. Ahmadinejad, “A massive Israeli operation used a corrupt gang of Subscribe Name:______Standing order security personnel in the upper 6m 1yr Inst. To ______Bank plc ______echelons of the national intelligence Address:______UK £30/€35 £60/€70 £200/€220 apparatus.” Branch address ______Europe £43/€50 £86/€100 £240/€264 ______Iranian officials associated with Rest of £65/€75 £130/€150 £480/€528 Post code ______Account name ______various factions of the regime admit world ______Sort code ______Account No ______privately that a sizeable clandestine New UK subscribers offer: Israeli network is working inside 3 months for £10 ______Please pay to Weekly Worker, Lloyds A/C No 00744310 sort code 30-99-64, the sum of ______every month*/3 months* government agencies and in until further notice, commencing on ______This replaces any previous order from this account. 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