A paper of Marxist polemic and Marxist unity

World War II: breeding n CPGB aggregate n Biden and lesser-evilism ground for comforting myths, n Covid-19 Italian style both for bourgeoisie and left n CPGB 100 years No 1299 May 14 2020 Towards a mass Communist Party £1/€1.10

SWP and its off-on, off-on relationship with programme weekly 2 May 14 2020 1299 worker LETTERS

Letters may have been of wages and of hours, etc lose all political the case with the organisational model interests: 1905 or 1917? the Workers International League (better shortened because of purchase.) of top-table-dominated bureaucratic Alan Johnstone known as Socialist Appeal), the British space. Some names I will admit that it is a very long time centralism, which is promoted by the Socialist Party of Great Britain section of the International Marxist  may have been changed since I read the first three volumes of Labour and trade union bureaucracy and Tendency. Socialist Appeal currently sees Cliff’s Lenin (in the late 70s and early most of the left. To insist on “learning” Join CPGB? the 90,000 people who voted for Richard 80s), that I haven’t kept a hard copy of and “generalising experience” as the Ian Birchall marshals a well-argued Burgon in the Labour Party deputy Error of method it, and that I didn’t feel the need to revisit exclusive tasks of this minority is, in fact, defence of Tony Cliff and his emphasis on leadership contest as its target audience Ian Birchall’s reply to my article on the it online to write a journalistic squib to prevent ever overcoming that poison. recruiting new members to the Socialist for recruitment. treatment in the left press of the 150th about the left press’s treatments of the Mike Macnair Workers Party. At the same time, Ian’s If the CPGB through the same deep anniversary of the birth of Lenin (‘Lenin anniversary. Oxford criticism of the CPGB’s failure to recruit entryist tactic also sees these 90,000 avatars’, April 30) begins by condemning My point about the “concrete more than 30 members over the last 30 Labour Party members as its target my article as “supercilious” and as analysis” and the Independent Social Which soviets? years is well-founded. Whereas the SWP audience for recruitment, it should come arguing that “everyone’s out of step but Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) is Ian Birchall asks, “Who invented continuously call for people to ‘join the out and openly say so. Alternatively, if us [CPGB]” (Letters, May 7). Towards not particularly to praise the speeches. It is soviets?” and then answers: “Russian socialists’, it is many years now since the CPGB sees its task to organise the the end, he says that “The Weekly Worker to explain Lenin’s criticism of Béla Kun, workers, who had probably never heard the CPGB called for people to ‘join the left through its Labour Party Marxists spends its time lecturing the rest of the left György Lukács and their objections to of Lenin.” What I would like to know is communists’. and Labour Against the Witchhunt fronts, on its failings - it never imagines it has any sort of engagement with the USPD, what soviets is he talking about: 1905 or As a former member of Militant - it should also come out and openly say anything to learn.” on the ground that its character was to be 1917? and its successor, the Socialist Party in so. The problem, as far as I can see it, is This is a very basic error of method. inferred from the (Kautskyite) character In 1905 workers’ councils arose England and Wales - I can remember that these 90,000 Labour Party people The “everyone’s out of step but us” snark of its majority leadership. This inference spontaneously out of the January- being given a leaflet in 1978 asking are virtual members who can easily is a reference to the old joke about a from the character of the leadership February 1905 strike and were me to “become a Militant supporter”. disappear from Labour at a drop of a hat. mother watching a military drill, saying to the character of the base has been independent of any external initiatives. Since then, SPEW, just like the SWP, This can clearly be seen from widespread of her son: “Look at my Johnny - he’s characteristic of a large part of the far Their popularity derived largely from continuously asks people to ‘join the discussions on social media that, the only one in step.” But, while the point left’s response to the Corbyn movement the absence of political party agitators in Socialists’. Why does the CPGB not following the defeat of Jeremy Corbyn, of parades is to display unanimity, the - the other side of this response being their midst. They expressed the workers’ ask readers of its widely read Weekly the Labour Party never will be, nor ever point of discussion is to learn through merely to tail Corbyn as a good leftist, political and economic demands in a Worker to ‘join the communists’? All I has been, a vehicle for the building of disagreement. And it is perfectly possible without criticising his and his co-thinkers’ situation where trade unions were non- can conclude is that either the CPGB has socialism in Britain. for one person, or a minority, to be the substantive politics. existent and where the political parties something to hide (which I doubt) or it Lenin often remarked that “an ounce only ones who have got the right answer SWP canvassers for Respect claiming held little influence. It was all very wants to hide its modesty under a bushel. of experience is worth a tonne of theory”. - as Galileo was on the shape of the solar to be “left Labourites” - ie, former Labour different in 1917. In the same issue of the Weekly Lenin was also fond of the Russian system, Semmelweis on doctors washing voters disillusioned by Blair - was my The February strikes had been Worker, CPGB guru Jack Conrad proverb, “Life teaches”. Why should any their hands, or Wegener on continental personal experience of canvassing for spontaneous like those in 1905, but the explains that the mass Communist Party sane, right-thinking communist want to drift. Perhaps (as several left economists Respect, alongside SWP comrades, soviets had not arisen directly out of he envisages will be built from the top be in a party - ie, Labour - which treats argue) the Marxist minority should defer in East Oxford, and of arguments put them, as they had 12 years earlier. They down. The problem is that on the left its dissident members so badly? I know to the marginalist majority? forward at Respect meetings. I would be resulted from the combined efforts of there are few cadres still alive today. The this from bitter experience last year, In effect, Birchall is suggesting that perfectly willing to accept that this was politicians and workers’ leaders: the sad death of Neil Davidson, following when my local Corbynistas opposed my minorities ought to defer to majorities, not the invariable practice; but I rather politicians of the Duma Committee and the death of Colin Barker, has weakened application to rejoin. To put it bluntly, because this is to “learn from the doubt that it had no basis in SWP policy, the members of the Workers’ Group the left considerably. However, both why should we have to go through the movement”. Sharp polemics against given the point about the SWP putting on sitting on the Central Committee for Neil Davidson and Colin Barker were anguish and distress of being expelled majority views are thus to be taken as protective coloration more generally, as the War Industries, which installed members of Revolutionary Socialism in from the Labour Party as part of Sir Keir “supercilious” (and so on). in Globalise Resistance. itself in the Tauride Palace on February the 21st Century (RS21), a split from the Starmer’s purge of socialists? But, while it is certainly true that Who invented soviets? Trotsky, who 27 and set up a provisional executive SWP in 2013, which has had the good John Smithee the CPGB is a very small minority in was fairly centrally involved, claimed in committee of the council of workers’ sense to double its membership since the Cambridgeshire the left, the Socialist Workers Party 1905 (London 1971, pp104-05) that the delegates, to which committee several split by asking people to ‘join RS21’. tradition is also a very small minority in Petersburg Soviet was created because socialist leaders and members of Jack Conrad - and his close associate, Bizarre writer the larger workers’ movement, relative the factional struggles between the left parliament attached themselves. This Mike Macnair - are not getting any Daniel Lazare has been a recent (since to the Labour right - and even to the parties and their clandestinity meant explains why, when the first Provisional younger. If the CPGB fails to open itself November 2019) addition to the writing part of the labour and trade union left that non-party organisations had to be Soviet met, it contained no factory up to new members it will remain an team for the Weekly Worker, focusing on which, though no longer organised created (by the left) to engage the masses, delegates. irrelevant sect, albeit with a widely read politics in the United States. by the ‘official’ communists, remains and that the organisational form was What had changed from 1905 paper. Without new members, especially I found myself disagreeing with some politically influenced by their ideas. modelled on the February 1905 tsarist was the way the parties saw soviets from amongst the younger generation, points being made by Lazare and began And the Labour Party is (currently) a government’s ‘Shidlovsky Commission’ as a springboard to power, and they the CPGB will shrivel up and die, and reading his contributions more closely. minority in the society relative to public to enquire into workers’ grievances, manipulated and engaged in all kinds of take its much-loved Weekly Worker with I have found these articles increasingly support for capitalist parties. Indeed, it which was supposed to have included chicanery to gain influence. The soviet it to the grave. bizarre, in terms of analysis, logic and should follow from Birchall’s arguments workplace delegates (the workers’ became the scene of party factional I find it difficult to understand what the politics (and proscriptions). A common that the minorities which emerged in the parties boycotted the elections and the infighting. What took place reflected CPGB is trying to do in the Labour Party. theme is Russia, combined with an SWP over the ‘Delta affair’ should have commission failed). The anarchist, Voline Lenin’s own conclusions on the 1905 All I can conclude is that the CPGB’s appearance or veneer of Marxist or leftist deferred to the party majority … (Vsevolod Eikhenbaum), claimed that it soviets, when in 1907 he described the isolation from the British working class language and rhetoric, as well as plugs Of course we have things to learn. had an antecedent existence in January future approach to take: “... that Social has led it to copy the deep entryist tactic of for Lazare’s own books about the US But minorities have things to say which 1905, but was then repressed by the state Democratic Party organisations may, in are precisely about matters where they and reinvented later by the left groups case of necessity, participate in inter-party disagree with majorities. To refuse to say (but his narrative is actually internally Soviets of Workers’ Delegates, Soviets of these things in the name of deference is inconsistent). Workers’ Deputies, and in congresses of Online Communist Forum not only to silence ourselves, but also Trotsky’s narrative is, in fact, most representatives of these organisations, and to promote ‘group-think’ in the larger consistent with the resolutions of the may organise such institutions, provided movement of which we are part. In a left April 1905 Menshevik conference on this is done on strict party lines for the which as a whole is plainly in trouble, trade unions, which called (point 2) purpose of developing and strengthening but keeps on trying to do what it was for “the setting up of regular meetings the Social Democratic Labour Party …” trying to do in the 1960s-70s with clear of representatives of the various trade Never to give “all power to the soviets”. diminishing returns, that would actually unions or of representatives of industrial As Trotsky said, “Could the be a dereliction of duty. establishments … so as to establish Communist Party succeed, during the As to the more specific points, the continuous contact among them”. ‘On preparatory epoch, in pushing all other lesson comrade Ian claims Cliff learned informal organisations’ stated: “there parties out of the ranks of the workers by from the 1930s-40s is that “the best are arising various kinds of informal uniting under its banner the overwhelming programme in the world is useless if associations of workers” and that “the majority of workers, then there would be there is nobody to fight for it”. This is at conference recommends ... Assisting such no need whatever for soviets ...” In his one level obviously true, but at another associations to emerge and to multiply view, the soviets existed only to allow the level dodges the problem faced by the …” (both in R Elwood Resolutions and party to influence the workers. “The party 1940s Trotskyists - why there were decisions of the CPSU Vol 1, Toronto set the soviets in motion; the soviets set in no forces. There was, of course, also 1974, p76). This existing Menshevik motion the workers, soldiers and to some massive repression of the Trotskyists; policy - based on western European extent the peasantry.” but if repression could be guaranteed antecedents - is the best explanation The soviets were a dispensable means to suppress ideas, we should all give up of the notoriously predominant role of to an end for the Bolsheviks and, as Sunday May 17, 5pm altogether. The better explanation is that Mensheviks in the early stages of the early as December 1917, Maxim Gorky the course of events in 1941-45 produced Petersburg soviet. could write that the revolution was not Life after the Covid-19 pandemic a massive growth in political support for Of course, trade unions, trades councils attributable to the soviets, and that the Speaker: Mike Macnair ‘official’ communism, on the one hand, and workers’ associations of one sort or new republic was not one of councils, but from the CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee and, on the other, splits in the Trotskyist another - which the soviet in its initiation of people’s commissars. The meeting will be broadcast live on Facebook at: movement - both over Soviet defencism mimicked - were certainly created by the Another form of workers’ democracy https://www.facebook.com/events/233553914540543/ and over defeatism versus ‘proletarian workers themselves and long antedate had developed in 1917 and that was military policy’ more generally. Both . But in modern society the the factory committees (fabzavkomii.) Sunday May 24, 5pm resulted from the fact that the Trotskyists’ process is a dialogue between the They mushroomed and expanded, as the programme was not “the best programme spontaneous impulse of the working class soviets increasingly lost contact with the A week in politics in the world”, but rested on predictions to associate for the defence of common mass of workers. The Bolsheviks, while Political report and discussion about the likely course of the war, which interests and the input of minorities with playing lip-service to the idea of workers’ had been radically falsified. (I should particular ideas, such as that the working control, emasculated them of their power If you wish to take part in these Zoom meetings, email add that the immediate introduction of class should seek to take political by political decree and made them Stan Keable at [email protected]. rationing and directive planning by the power. The input of the permanently accountable to state ministries. Organised by CPGB: www.cpgb.org.uk and belligerents in 1939 made the famous organised activist minority can add to So I ask Ian, which soviets were Labour Party Marxists: www.labourpartymarxists.org.uk. ‘transitional demands’ of a sliding scale the creativity - or it can poison it, as is invented by the workers to represent their BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX l 07903 054393 l www.weeklyworker.co.uk l [email protected] weekly worker 1299 May 14 2020 3

constitution. had some particularly pernicious aspects Social Democrats in 1903. The Russians capitalist ecocide becomes deeper and everything in their power to argue for an One of the early articles (November (other than just the plain spreading of - following Plekhanov’s draft programme pandemics are becoming more frequent. end to the lockdown. Every question by 28) was about Russia-bashing, and lies) and this included targeting black of the mid-1880s and not the Erfurt Meanwhile the left as a whole is tiny, every establishment journalist since the how this reflects an instinctive hatred communities with pseudo-revolutionary programme - declared that the party riven with sectarianism and is even more start of the lockdown is about when it will of Russia by the Democrats. He speaks and pseudo-black nationalist language. “takes as its most immediate political impotent than it was in the late 1930s. end. The Telegraph are desperately trying encouragingly about attorney general This use of such revolutionary-sounding task the overthrow of the tsarist autocracy Despite the odds, should we not strive for to rewrite the laws of nature in order to William Barr’s upcoming investigation language (including the expression, and its replacement by a democratic a new international, or just carry on as we get the lockdown ended! into this Russia-bashing (a recent “white monopoly capitalism”) for ulterior republic, the constitution of which would are? Where does Parker stand on these The problem for the elites is that most consequence, at the time of my writing aims was also developed by Cambridge ensure: 1. Sovereignty of the people: questions? people support the lockdown because this letter, being the pardoning of Michael Analytica for the Zuma regime in South that is, concentration of supreme state Clearly he doesn’t take any of this people only go out to be wage-slaves Flynn). ‘Russiagate’ again appears in Africa, to defend itself against charges of power wholly in the hands of a legislative seriously; hence he says I’m “a comedian to pay bills - it isn’t out of masochism. the December 12 article. In the January corruption. assembly, consisting of representatives who can’t deliver a punchline”. Then he If going to work can kill you, it kind of 24 article, Lazare tries to discredit the The only people who bristle at the of the people [elected by universal, equal delivers his coup de grâce: he accuses defeats the whole point! What really impeachment of Trump as being a result mention of Russian interference are and direct suffrage] and forming a single me of trying to drag the left back to a freaks out the ruling elite and its of Democrats following blindly an out- Trump and his friends, who see this chamber.” “dogmatic Trotskyist year zero”. What he hangers-on is the idea that people may of-date US constitution. precisely as a suggestion that his winning Lih doesn’t mention this foremost means is that those who have a balanced be developing a new consciousness: no There are a couple of strange articles is the responsibility of Russia rather than demand of the Russian programme in his view of Trotsky’s contribution to Marxist longer are they worried about the lazy in the February 23 and February 29 issues himself (among other things), and Putin book or his article and argues instead that theory and the history of the socialist neighbour who can’t be bothered to get a about Bernie Sanders (who Lazare refers and his cronies. the goal of the Russian Social Democrats struggle (which includes his mistakes) job and lives off welfare, but instead they to as a “self-proclaimed socialist”). This I see little connection between Lazare’s in overthrowing the autocracy was merely should shut up. But what is he afraid of? are concerned by the neighbour who is was a time when Sanders was in front writings and progressive politics, other to obtain the “freedom” that the Germans Why resort to supercilious contempt? going out to do non-essential work! This for the Democratic nomination. Included than his bandying around pseudo-Marxist had achieved under their constitutional If he really wants to be taken seriously, is the kind of qualitative leap that must in the first is that Sanders was ahead language. In one of his articles he suggests monarchy. This definition of freedom Parker should deal with the Transitional happen if communism is to supplant the because of the outdated US 18th century that the US left should make a central substitutes the goal of Russian liberalism programme in its Marxist context: ie, bourgeois system of rule. political system. Again Russia comes up point of their programme a revision or for that of the Russian Social Democrats. Trotsky’s political economy, in which The lockdown has actually reclaimed with the mention of the “2016 innocuous abolition of the US constitution, which The Russian Social Democrats’ aim the idea of decline and transition plays a humanity from the inhuman, consumerist meeting between Trump officials and makes zero political sense. The common in establishing the hegemony of the central role. If he thinks that is rubbish, agenda, from a system which makes the Russian lawyer” and how Sanders, themes echo, whether by accident or proletariat in the democratic revolution then so is Marx. humans subservient to the process of if he wins, will be under pressure to be design, the rhetoric coming from Putin: was not merely to obtain the freedom Rex Dunn accumulation. However imperfect, what tough on Russia and increase arms sales that the political system and values of to exist as an opposition party like the Bedford we are witnessing is the creeping of to Ukraine. The second article is entitled the USA (and Europe) are bankrupt, SPD, but for the workers and peasants to human need being put above bourgeois ‘Subordinate to the bourgeoisie’, with these countries are on the decline and seize political power themselves. For the Need above profit profit. In actual fact we are also an introduction that reads: “It is true that others, such as Russia, are there to fill the Russian Social Democrats, anything less Who to believe - the World Health witnessing a loosening of the control that Sanders mobilises the working class, gap. What kind of Russia? This has no than full democracy was not freedom, Organisation, which in the past eradicated the bourgeois have over the masses, and but for what?” One would expect some connection with socialism, whether on a but just a modified form of tyranny. Lih smallpox, or David Icke, ex-sports we have the lockdown to thank for that attempt at a class analysis, but in fact the national or international scale, but rather glosses over these different meanings of presenter, one-time messiah and now too. article is all about Russia, beginning with with a nationalism with explicit racist freedom. conspiracy theory fanatic? Why am I not The pandemic is, of course, real. the unforgivable statement by Sanders, content. Lastly, Lih is silent on the challenges surprised that Tony Clark comes down on Science is leading the way and the vested when there were claims that Russia was I would point the reader to an to Kautsky’s standing as the voice of the side of Icke?! “His view is that there is interests of one stripe or another don’t trying to help him, that Russia should stay interesting and heartening article in revolutionary Social Democracy in the no pandemic” (Letters, May 7). like it, and the noise we are seeing - from out of the US elections. The Guardian on May 8 (Victory Over years prior to World War I - particularly So let me get this straight: those in the Telegraph to the likes of Icke - is a John McClain and Jeff Bezos are Fascism Day) about other kinds of the dispute that broke out between power have decided that the best way reaction against real and fundamental quoted (in terms of statements they made traditions in Russia: ‘Europeans and Kautsky and Luxemburg about whether to control us is by shutting down entire change. about Russia) so as to discredit Sanders Russians should remember what bound to support the strikes and demonstrations industries and putting a huge spanner in Maren Clarke by some kind of association. The article them together: anti-fascism’. in 1910 demanding suffrage reform and the process of accumulation. As plans go, email includes the statements that Robert Anand Pillay a democratic republic in Germany. Jim it’s dumber than dumb. I have news for Mueller did not conclude there was any Indiana, USA Creegan defended Luxemburg’s position the more naive comrades out there: the Come on! “collusion” between Trump and Russia, in this dispute in a letter back in April elites have pretty much had us under total Lawrence Parker asks how long the suggesting again that this Russiagate was Not an Erfurtian 2018, so there is no need to repeat the control for nearly a century and have not Weekly Worker is going to put up with a hoax, as well as the bizarre statement Lars T Lih’s article marking the details of that argument here. I just want had to resort to extreme measures. In fact Rex Dunn. I’m asking how much longer that “Russia is one of the defining 150th anniversary of Lenin’s birth (‘The to say that this dispute pushed the issue mass consumption and debt is a far better is it going to subject the readers of its questions of the epoch”, whatever that centrality of hegemony’, May 7) includes of a democratic republic to the centre method of control than any crackpot letters column to the increasingly bizarre is supposed to mean. One asks oneself many of the same themes contained in of Social Democratic political debate in ideas David Icke can imagine. ruminations of Tony Clark? who such an article, supposedly about his Lenin rediscovered - themes that he Germany, just as Plekhanov and Lenin The truth is that this pandemic could UFOs? The Borg? Come on! Sanders, is supposed to serve? collectively labelled “Erfurtianism”. had pushed it to the centre of debate in not have come at a worse time for the Lee Gloster Lazare’s March 12 article was written While the anniversary article does not Russia earlier. bourgeoisie, which is why they are doing email when it was clear that in fact Joe Biden contain the term ‘Erfurtian’ itself or any I am writing from the United States, would be the Democratic nominee. mention of the Erfurt programme, the where we still don’t have a democratic Whose turn is it to be discredited? content is much the same: the German system of equal political representation. We hear from Lazare about Biden’s SPD as a model party to be emulated, Lenin is still relevant for us, because Fighting fund significant cognitive decline, and how he the necessity of bringing the light and he was the most dogged and consistent is a “brain-addled serial war criminal”. A air of political freedom to the working advocate for the democratic republic in the good comparison of Biden and Trump in class, the historical mission of merging Second International. Lih’s ‘Centrality of terms of US foreign policy appears in the socialism with the worker movement, hegemony’ touches glancingly on many The way forward letter by comrades Daum and Roberts in and Karl Kautsky as the principal theorist of these crucial issues, but in the end the May 7 issue, which is also a reply to and exponent of revolutionary social remains too wedded to the abstract ideal fter the excellent number of But that leaves us quite some way Lazare’s articles and to another bizarre democracy in the decades before World of a ‘model’ SPD and the vagaries of a Adonations received over recent behind the going rate, doesn’t it? (and politically illiterate) statement by War I. As Lih put it in Lenin rediscovered, general ‘merger formula’ that neglects the weeks, the last couple have been a bit We need another £1,508 in the next Lazare that Trump won the 2016 election on all of these points, “Lenin was a difficulties of tactics. disappointing, to put it mildly. 18 days, if we’re going to reach that because of opposing US interventions in passionate Erfurtian”. I see major flaws Gil Schaeffer It is, of course, that time of the £2,000 target. But I’m still optimistic. Syria and Ukraine (where “and Ukraine” in this conceptual framework. email month when standing orders are a bit After all, I know how much the is the most bizarre part). It is astonishing, first of all, that Lih few and far between - added to which, Weekly Worker is appreciated - just Recent articles (April 2 and 23) are on would write a more than 600-page book Supercilious most of those that do come our way are take a look at our letters pages to the coronavirus. The thrust is about the seeking to equate orthodox Marxism In his letter last week, Lawrence Parker for modest amounts. So, yes, I know grasp how much our readers value incompetence of the US in its handling with the Erfurt programme without substitutes a supercilious contempt for things will pick up, but, still, we’re having that forum for debate for such of the pandemic and how this is a sign of once mentioning Engels’ criticism of the serious criticism (May 7). That suggests a approaching the halfway mark in May, controversial issues of working class the decline of the US as a global power. (unchanged) draft of the political section sectarian attitude rather than an obligation yet we don’t even have a quarter of the politics. That despite all the problems Any mishandling of the epidemic in the of that programme for failing to call for to engage with the subject. £2,000 we need! To be more precise, posed by Covid-19 (including, of US is a result of Trump’s incompetence the overthrow of the Prusso-German He chooses to ignore the facts that as I reported last week, we had £276 course, the fact that we’re online-only and moronic nature, and the fact that any military state and the establishment of a brought the Transitional programme of after the first six days of May. But now, at the moment). action to actually help human beings is democratic republic. Lih doesn’t engage 1938 about: Stalinism was responsible as I write, 13 days have gone, but we But that’s the role of our paper, alien to him - as well as the background of with this simmering issue within German for the rise of fascism in Germany, as only have £492 - in other words, just isn’t it? We need to establish exactly extreme (including racial) inequality and Social Democracy because he defines an excrescence of a decaying capitalist another £216 this week. what our differences are before we the lack of a coordinated national health orthodoxy merely as allegiance to what system, which could only alleviate its But, amongst that, two can genuinely reach an agreement on system in the US. But instead Lazare tells Kautsky called the “merger formula”: contradictions by means of another contributions in particular stand out. the way forward. Central to the road us that it was the “Democratic attempts to ie, “Social Democracy is the merger of imperialist war. Comintern was on the First, a comrade in Ireland decided ahead is the establishment of a single, drive Trump from office because of being socialism and the worker movement”. side of the counterrevolution in Spain we could do with a boost and donated united Marxist party - one which, like overly cosy with Moscow” that was This general formula sets the standard and throughout the world. No wonder the a fantastic €100 (which translates into the Weekly Worker, recognises that responsible for Trump’s lack of attention for orthodoxy too low, because it capitalist media applauded the Moscow £86), Thanks very much, AM! Then the open expression of contending and incompetence in late January 2020. does not take into account Marx’s and show trials. Stalin was a man they could comrade RL came up with his usual views is a matter of principle! The last article ends up with how Russia, Engels’ equally important writings on do business with (as Roosevelt did). What monthly PayPal donation for £50 - We are a long way from that goal, China and Germany will jostle for control, the programmatic demands and political else were revolutionaries like Trotsky excellent! Also worth a mention was but one way of helping us move once the US disappears as a front-runner tactics needed to challenge and ultimately supposed to do, other than try and build MF, who made a bank transfer of £22 towards it is by making sure we in the world. break through the restrictive legal barriers a new international - even though he was - all he could afford, given his current get what we need for each month’s Nobody that I am aware of claims of an undemocratic political order. On the starting without a broad foundation? meagre income, he says. But we’re fighting fund. If you want to help us that Trump’s election in 2016 is the programmatic and agitational demand for But isn’t there a parallel with more than grateful for small mercies, do that, you know what to do! l responsibility of Russia (rather than what a democratic republic, Engels was the this today? We are living in a period comrade! Robbie Rix it was - the stupidity of large sections of voice of Marxist orthodoxy, not the Erfurt wherein capitalism is undermining itself Which brings us to those standing the electorate, who somehow thought that programme. through its dependence on new and orders, of which there were four Fill in a standing order form Trump would do something for them, in As for whether Lenin should be more reckless forms of finance capital. monthly ones: thanks go to NH (£30), (back page), donate via our addition to a backlash against the first black called an Erfurtian, that can be settled As Yanis Varoufakis has pointed out, GD and DV (£25 each) and SM website, or send cheques, president). However, the disinformation by comparing the Erfurt programme to another crash was coming before the (£10). payable to Weekly Worker by the Russian Internet Research Agency the programme adopted by the Russian pandemic erupted. At the same time, weekly 4 May 14 2020 1299 worker AGGREGATE Maintaining principle Peter Manson reports on last weekend’s discussions on the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing witch-hunt in the Labour Party

he May 9 online aggregate meeting of CPGB and Labour T Party Marxists comrades discussed two central questions: first, the likely economic and political impact of the Covid-19 pandemic; and, secondly, the ongoing Labour Party witch-hunt following the election of Keir Starmer as leader. First up was Mike Macnair of the CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee on Covid-19, who pointed to the “total inadequacy” of resources initially allocated to combat the pandemic, particularly in Britain. The government had at first attempted to “spread the deaths over a longer period” in the hope that this would help disguise that lack of resources to some extent. But the inadequacy of personal protective equipment and so on meant that hospitals had actually helped spread the virus, including into care homes. However, from the point of view of the bourgeoisie the high death rate amongst the elderly was beneficial: it would help ease the problem of funding social care and pensions. But overall, of course, the pandemic is having, Bell Ribeiro-Addy, Salma Yaqoob and Diane Abbott: not offering us solidarity and will continue to have, a hugely damaging impact. Several businesses - who said that the state will surely come “definite shafts of light”. were present, Labour Against the Comrade Rubin reminded comrades for example, airlines - are now “utterly under enormous pressure, as workers’ Gaby Rubin agreed: for a start she Witchhunt was completely wrong to that the BoD does not “speak for unsustainable” and whole sectors will discontent starts to rise. Europe had thought people would now see more call for “solidarity” with the MPs. They all Jews” - in fact a large number of be operating within “extremely narrow already faced huge problems as a result clearly how essential, for instance, the had, after all, defended themselves by Labour’s Jewish members support the margins”. We should expect to see of immigration and in addition the NHS is and hopefully this would have stating they did not know who was in anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Labour. unemployment soar still further. United States could now be described political repercussions. the meeting. A statement was issued Comrade Kamangar said that the Comrade Macnair said that the as a “sick hegemonic power” - in that Replying to the debate, comrade on their behalf making it clear that Labour left had also played along with economic crash will necessarily mean sense Covid-19 could turn out to be to Macnair made a clarification: he agreed they would not have taken part if they the right’s agenda by accusing the BoD a redistribution of assets: many firms China’s advantage. Comrade Kamangar that the crisis had not been pre-planned, had known the two expelled comrades of racism for its targeting of two black were facing bankruptcy and wide agreed that general anger amongst the but it was a case of “Don’t let a good were present. This is to bow before, to women MPs: this helped obscure what numbers of individual borrowers would population would lead to increased crisis go to waste”: the Tories had legitimise, the witch-hunt. the campaign is all about. now be unable to repay their debts. xenophobia. been attempting to manage the news Then there was the demand by the Comrade Macnair said that, while In the midst of this, predators would Phil Kent pointed to the “enormous and work out how to make gains. In Campaign Against Anti-Semitism for the false ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign continue to operate and it was clear that pressure” on capital to restart production that sense the government’s delay in action to be taken against Salma Yaqoob appeared to be the work of the likes of government action against them will be - something the state would be unable to implementing the lockdown had been - patron of the the BoD, in reality it was the British totally inadequate. Would it implement resist. Perhaps there would have to be a part of its “news management”: after and former leader of Respect, who is state itself which was behind it. He also rent control measures? Very unlikely. second ‘Marshall Plan’, he said - which all, it had not been in a position to now on the Labour Party career ladder questioned putting “resources” into the He described his conclusions about of necessity would be somewhat bigger implement the necessary measures. But - for having agreed to share a platform organisations likes of the Labour Left the probable long-term consequences than the original version. now the easing of the lockdown would with expelled member Tony Greenstein Alliance. The problem with the LLA is as a “dark, but realistic picture”, in He was followed by James Harvey, inevitably lead to a rise in deaths, which at an STWC local event. In its rush that it is a broad front. There is certainly which we could expect the working who also looked at the problems for would be spread over a longer period. to defend Yaqoob, the STWC issued the danger that comrades in the Labour class to be made “significantly worse capitalism. What would the crisis do in He concluded by agreeing that, yes, a statement which in effect joined in Party might be tempted to “keep off in advanced capitalist countries”. terms of finance capital? Would there there may be “daylight ahead” for the with the condemnation of comrade schtum” for the sake of maintaining Added to which, the tendency towards now be a return to productive capital? working class, but it was difficult to see Greenstein. unity instead of taking a principled overt nationalism has been exacerbated Looking overseas, he pointed to the at the moment what form a resurgence There is a huge pressure to keep stance. and we will see the breakdown of problems now faced by the European would actually take. heads down, to gag oneself, to turn James Harvey, however, gave the international relations in various forms Union. In Hungary, for example, Viktor the victims of the witch-hunt into non- example of an LPM comrade who had - this is already happening, he said, but Orbán was now ruling by decree, but Labour persons. The more people behave in recently spoken at an LLA meeting and that tendency will be intensified. In fact Hungary is still very much in the EU. Introducing the second session, comrade that way, the easier it is for the witch- had noted the lack of understanding of an increase in hostility and even war Can the EU still act as a coherent bloc? Jack Conrad began by stating that the hunt to target and intimidate. some when the comrade had referred to between major powers was entirely He referred to the possibility of another witch-hunt had always been far wider The attack on the two MPs happened the Labour Party as a “site for struggle” possible. This drive towards conflict “1945 moment” - with nostalgia not for than just getting rid of Jeremy Corbyn under ‘left’ general secretary Jennie and had opposed the automatic call for results in part from the business cycle the days of empire, but for the welfare as Labour leader. It was mainly related Formby, so, with the forthcoming a Labour government. We should argue itself, but it was undoubtedly being state. In a sense welfarism might be to the central role of Israel in the Middle appointment of her replacement, our case, he said: there was “room to exacerbated in current circumstances. linked to “popular patriotism”, he East from the US point of view and the we can expect the witch-hunt to be work there”, even though there were not There was no doubt that all this thought. need not only to rehabilitate Israel, but intensified under Starmer. Comrade huge numbers likely to be influenced by posed big challenges to the working Next to speak was another PCC to disarm the anti-war movement in the Conrad wondered whether John us. class, comrade Macnair concluded, and member, Jack Conrad, who was “not context of Donald Trump’s ‘deal of the McDonnell would now turn up at the In response to this Stan Keable made the need for political leadership a convinced” that the response to the century’, which is intended to legitimise June 27 online conference of the Labour of LPM pointed out that at the LLA hugely important question. crisis was in some way pre-planned, the annexation of Palestinian land. Representation Committee, of which he conference in February there had in as he believed comrade Macnair might Comrade Conrad reminded the is president. After all, expelled Labour fact been a large minority in favour of Debate be implying. After all, Boris Johnson meeting that all three candidates for members such as Jackie Walker will be the constitution drafted by LPM. So the First to speak from the floor was himself had been struck by the virus and the Labour leadership - including sure to attend. LLA should be considered as “fertile Sarah Stewart, who commented on the it was a case of a “huge cock-up” - the ‘leftwinger’ Rebecca Long-Bailey - had I was the first to speak in the ground” - but we must insist on putting increased jingoism comrade Macnair UK and US in particular had handled it signed up to the “10 commandments”: following discussion and pointed to the forward our own views, of course. had mentioned. This was all the more abominably. Clearly, though, the NHS ie, the ‘10 pledges’ which the Board of pathetic nature not only of the attack Responding to the debate, comrade apparent on VE Day, but she also noted has become a focus for national and Deputies of British Jews demanded the on the two MPs, but of their cowardly Conrad was totally in favour of LPM the different forms of nationalism being even class pride. People express their Labour Party accept to “begin healing its response. But this was typical of the “maintaining its intervention”. He saw promoted in Scotland and Wales. solidarity with NHS workers. That relationship with the Jewish community”. Labour soft left. For example, in the “no problem” in using any available She was followed by Bob Paul, makes it harder for the Tories to attack This included the outsourcing of the recent leaked report on the party’s platform. But, of course, comrades who pointed out how the initial or undermine it. There is also the role of party’s investigation into cases of alleged handling of anti-Semitism allegations must stand hard and fast on matters of policy of ‘herd immunity’ had meant state power, as opposed to the market. ‘anti-Semitism’ and the insistence that under previous general secretary Iain principle. a delay in the lockdown. But for this It is state power that has delivered tests, there must be no platform for members McNicol, the leftwing authors accepted He concluded by arguing that the incompetence contact tracing could extra hospitals, saved jobs, saved lives. expelled or even suspended following as a given the absurd claim that the likes of Stop the War were “scabbing have begun much earlier. But we had The market could have done none such allegations. This meant the targeting party is rife with anti-Semites and tried on all of us”, not just Tony Greenstein. seen “magnificent levels of cooperation of that. Coronasocialism shows that of anti-war figures. to turn the tables on the right by alleging We must fight back against the witch- amongst the working class”, although intractable problems such as rough However, following the attack on that under McNicol it had deliberately hunt and make no concessions to those that was being used by our rulers for sleeping and homelessness could be Diane Abbott and Bell Ribeiro-Addy not done enough to root it out, sitting driving it forward l their own purposes. solved at a stroke. So the picture is not for speaking at an online meeting on various cases in order to discredit Next up was Farzad Kamangar, completely bleak, he said: there are where two expelled Labour members Jeremy Corbyn. [email protected] weekly worker 1299 May 14 2020 5 VE DAY Their fables and ours World War II is a breeding ground for comforting myths, argues Paul Demarty - for both the bourgeoisie and the left

he 75th anniversary of the allied years, and now of the CPB. act - the cold war, which was fought victory in Europe comes at, let us Griffiths and the Star fly the flag for quietly amid the ruins of old Europe, T say, an interesting time, for many this history, without seriously confronting and rather louder in Asia, Africa and the reasons. it. They do not mention the disastrous Americas. The United States achieved Most obvious, perhaps, is the third-period line, which made it global leadership over the capitalist Covid-19 pandemic - one of whose impossible for the workers’ movement to world, and increasingly outstripped the effects has been to restore to public resist the rise of Hitler in any meaningful malfunctioning Stalinist economies, discourse a wartime grammar. And, way, and perhaps ought to stand above dividing them politically and ensnaring when we British talk about wartime forced collectivisation and the Moscow several of them in western debt. Its without qualification, it is World War II trials in the league table of Stalinist supremacy seemed unassailable after that is meant - and indeed specifically crimes, given what resulted from the 1991; but now we mark the signs of its European dimension. (Few British Nazi dictatorship. They do not mention its own decline, which was never more patriots would want to linger too either that the failure of social-patriotic obvious than today, with a crypto- long on the humiliations suffered by popular front governments aided the isolationist idiot for a president and undermanned and underequipped spread of fascism. The terms of the deal a wider political establishment in troops at the hands of the Japanese in with the bourgeois parties in Spain, for complete disarray. What there isn’t - yet south-east Asia.) example, meant that it was inadmissible - is an obvious successor. The main melody of this ideological They elected Labour, not the Tories to free the colonies during the civil war - The two world wars bookend the tune is bittersweet rather than nakedly that would have immediately set Franco death spiral of British global hegemony jingoistic. That Britain had a very bad German nature), activated by a satanic kind of patriotism. As opposed to the in a pincer between Republican Spain - a process that cost 130 million lives in war until 1942 is surely undeniable; tempter with a toothbrush moustache. chauvinism of a Churchill, there is and Morocco, but would also have fatally those two conflicts. While the first of and so ‘wartime’-speak in this country The fact that this is British national “another type of patriotism ... outlined compromised Soviet-French diplomacy. them ended with a lot of ‘never again’ focuses on home-front resilience propaganda, of course, smoothes over by Soviet revolutionary leader Lenin in In France itself, the popular-front solemnising, the path to the second (‘the spirit of the Blitz’) and heroic the brute fact that it was the USSR and his article, ‘On the national pride of the government of 1936 lasted barely two was laid out almost immediately with improvisation in the face of disaster USA who, between them, made the great Russians’, and echoed by Georgi years before Léon Blum was replaced the terms of the peace: the only real (‘the spirit of Dunkirk’), together with most serious contributions to the defeat Dimitrov”. This patriotism “celebrates by Édouard Daladier as premier. alternative, as the principled socialists a refusal to compromise with evil, even of Hitler: the Soviets paid the blood- the struggles and achievements of the Daladier’s role at Munich was quite of the time realised, was social when it seemed to triumph (‘the bulldog price and the Americans - apart from common people of one’s own nation as shameful as Chamberlain’s, even revolution, which - by doing away with spirit’). their battlefield contributions - provided against the forces of exploitation though he was a ‘Radical Socialist’ the corrosive logic of the inter-state But, of course, this rhetoric was not material support, without which none and oppression”. It is exemplified by rather than a conservative. The resulting competition endemic to capitalism - rotting in the back of a desk-drawer in of the Allied armies would have been the Soviet ‘great patriotic war’, the demoralisation contributed to the could euthanise British power, rather Whitehall for decades until some poor much use. tenacious partisans in Nazi-occupied success of the French right in essentially than waiting for it to bring forth a Chinese people got a little too close Europe and “the British, Welsh and sabotaging the war effort and bringing monster to tear it apart, as actually to the wrong bat. The role of national Morning Star Scottish [but not English ...?] patriotism into being the partition of France into happened. pageantry has advanced steadily in All of this makes WWII interesting which motivated and sustained ... occupied and Vichy-governed zones. This, in the end, is the problem with public life over a decade of Tory rule. territory for the left. A particular our own armed forces in their heroic That demoralisation was exacerbated Griffiths’ ‘patriotism’ - and, indeed, with Michael Gove’s attempt to reclaim the case is that of the Morning Star contribution to Victory in Europe”. by the other historical event that similar concoctions, from Billy Bragg memory of the 1914-18 bloodbath from and its Communist Party of Britain, Griffiths is also keen to denounce somehow escapes Griffiths’ notice - to Blue Labour. The Lenin article he leftie propaganda like Blackadder goes which covered the proceedings efforts at writing the USSR out of this the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, which mentions uses ‘patriotism’ to advance an forth and Oh! What a lovely war, though comprehensively. A Star editorial on history: “The Soviet armed forces who was naturally accompanied by another alternative canon of brave revolutionary unsuccessful, was typical of a period VE Day itself noted that, “for those liberated most of the extermination drastic reversal in Comintern politics to opponents of tsarism to the ‘Great in which we have enjoyed four solid who rule us, and for the well-paid tribes camps of central and eastern Europe ... third-periodism and denunciation of the Russians’ of the official histories. To years of WWI memorials, two royal of scribblers who serve them, it is an [are] therefore placed on the same level Allies’ imperialist war aims. Griffiths is call this patriotism is inexact, but then weddings, a Diamond Jubilee, epic opportunity to wallow in an ecstasy of as those who planned and carried out very concerned that Germany and the the trouble is that it is a rather inexact films by the leading British directors of hypocrisy festooned with the Union the holocaust.”3 USSR should not share the war guilt, word. In Griffiths’ hands, it is merely our day (Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk flag”. Although in 1945 “the British Comrade Griffiths writes as a and that is doubtless right - Stalin’s standard popular frontism: that is, it is and Sam Mendes’s 1917) - and now people were united in celebrating the end member of the CPB - that is, an explicit strategic aim was a buffer zone between an alternative general framework for Victory in Europe Day. WWII is the of fascist rule in Europe”, they began ‘official communist’ - and thus is freer himself and Hitler, whereas Hitler’s was our political interactions to explicit safest bet of them all - living royals have the war “disunited, with very many with his tongue than the editors of the a vast tract of Lebensraum for German advocacy of socialist transformation on feet of clay, and the Great War is too suspicious that the ruling class ... were Star, who must maintain a safe distance colonists stretching to the Urals, an international basis, which was still obviously a disaster. Most of all, there keen to find an accommodation with [the as custodians of a ‘broad paper of the forming the basis for a 1,000-year in theory the purpose of the Comintern is not a good enough villain in either fascist] regimes. These suspicions were labour movement’. Most telling is his Reich. If we are to air the bourgeoisie’s parties in 1935, but had devolved into of those. The kaiser may have been a not without solid foundations.” reference to Dimitrov, the leader of the dirty linen, however, we cannot pretend a hundred British, French, etc ‘roads to prickly militarist and autocrat, but he is The piece goes on to mention Communist International in the 1930s that our own used undies smell of roses. socialism’ (all of which were, ironically, no Adolf Hitler. some of the most egregious evidence and thus the architect of Comintern’s This is especially the case if we are a substantially equivalent). Though he Hitler, in the end, is the greatest - Edward VIII’s open fascist swerve from the catastrophic, sectarian down-the-line ‘official communist’ like does not mention Brexit, the CPB’s resource of the WWII memorial sympathies and admiration for Hitler, ‘third period’ line, in which the social Griffiths, and very keen on singing the Brexitism is one particularly egregious industry. The grandiose cruelty of his British complicity in the German democratic parties were characterised praises of the ‘Great Patriotic War’. outworking of this abandonment: war aims, his obscene philosophy of annexation of Czechoslovakia, etc. as equivalent to - or possibly worse than We cannot ignore the embarrassing it is assumed that this ‘progressive’ racial subjugation, the ranting oratory, Neville Chamberlain’s replacement - the fascists, to the popular front policy fact that, between the summer of 1939 patriotism is ultimately at work in the the pogroms, and - in the end - the by Churchill - succinctly called an of the later 1930s and after. and that of 1941, the arch-imperialist, vote to leave the European Union, deliberate, industrialised extermination “arch-imperialist, ardent capitalist Churchill, was committed to defeating and that therefore one must fight for of millions, all contribute to this. Hitler class warrior and inveterate racist” - Social patriotism Hitler (to defend the empire), and the leftwing governments to move towards was a calamity for the peoples of paved the way for alliance with the The substance of the popular front anti-imperialist Communist Parties socialism on this basis to prevent its Europe, but in memory is a gift to the USSR, and thereby a “measure of class was to characterise fascism as “the were not (to defend Soviet diplomacy). betrayal by the Tories - a strategy heirs of his opponents - not only evil in compromise”. open terrorist dictatorship of the most Despite the bitter legacy of Molotov- as subjectively implausible as it is the banal way famously imputed to his So, while the British establishment reactionary, most chauvinistic and most Ribbentrop, the Star and Griffiths are objectively fantastical. servant, Adolf Eichmann, by Hannah congratulates itself - a hypocrisy imperialist elements of finance capital”,4 right that the forces available in practice If we are to face a similar crisis in Arendt, but radically evil, and openly highlighted by the replacement of the and thus seek an alliance of the people - to the anti-fascist resistance in Europe, American power to that faced by Britain perverse with respect to the traditional usual May bank holiday, “a celebration that is, beyond the limits of the workers’ west and east, were overwhelmingly in 1914-45, we had better do a better ideologies of European or even German of workers’ unity”, with a special VE movement and parties - to defeat it. communist or communist-influenced. job, or the cost will be far greater, in superiority.1 Day holiday - in reality it “belongs not Though the backbone of popular-front (Bourgeois ideologues who make a this age of nuclear arsenals and drone Establishment memorialism is not to the ruling classes of Europe, which, projects was nearly always the relevant ‘totalitarian’ amalgam out of Nazism warfare. That means dispensing with really about memory, but forgetting; when they could, collaborated actively Communist Party, these parties could and communism simply brush this our own comforting myths and facing the radical evil of Nazism is got up, like with fascism, but to the mass of working not espouse their formal programmes reality out of existence, preferring up to the complications of our own a Guy Fawkes effigy, to be burned, in people of all lands who bore the burdens for revolution, since that would alienate to venerate the few noteworthy history. It is to be hoped that we have an act ultimately of misdirection. The of war and emerged triumphantly”. the bourgeois components of the ‘respectable’ martyrs of the struggle more success than the British ruling entente powers’ decision to impose The May 8 editorial concludes: alliance. In practice, they relied ever instead.) Though their propaganda was class, which is now entirely consumed ‘victor’s justice’ through the Treaty of more on ‘social patriotism’ of the sort frequently merely ‘patriotic’, and even by its own apologetics l Versailles, the catastrophic impact of In memory of our half-million dead espoused by Griffiths. chauvinist with regard to the Germans, the great depression in Germany (to fly the Union flag if you wish, but In substance this line outlasted it is rather difficult to blame them, given [email protected] the point of unemployment figures remember that on May 8 1945 it flew fascism, and indeed the Comintern; the exploits of the Wehrmacht and Notes reaching 40%), the ambiguity of British alongside the hammer and sickle, the it provided the fundamental strategic Waffen-SS in their countries. The result 1. Compare the notorious Manifesto of the Ninety- war aims in 1939 and after - all are French tricolour, the stars and stripes coordinates for the programmes of the was a transformed political landscape in Three of 1914 (a statement signed by leading German obscured from view by the mass graves and the flag of China in honour of post-war ‘official communist’ parties, Europe. The eastern European countries intellectuals, in which Germany’s military conduct was defended in the name of Goethe, Beethoven of Auschwitz and the smashed windows our common international triumph with ‘state monopoly capital’ taking that became Stalinist regimes could and Kant - that is, of liberal, humanist civilisation) to 2 of Kristallnacht. Nazism appears on over fascist barbarism. the place of fascism. Among those only do so because there existed some Hitler’s repudiation of such ideals and open support for the scene not as a result of a particular programmes, of course, is what was local support for the communists. In annexations, mass enslavement and murder. historical situation, in which the A further article by CPB general first of all called the British road to France and Italy, the communist parties 2. morningstaronline.co.uk/article/never-again-fascism- never-again-war. ‘victors’ are morally implicated, but as secretary Robert Griffiths hits many socialism, but today exists as Britain’s enjoyed mass support and enormous 3. morningstaronline.co.uk/article/rob-griffiths-fetaure. a return of something deeply irrational of the same notes, but - unlike the road to socialism - the programme of prestige. 4. marxists.org/reference/archive/dimitrov/ in human nature (or perhaps just in editorial - explicitly proposes it as a the CPGB in several versions over the So the stage was set for the next works/1935/08_02.htm. weekly 6 May 14 2020 1299 worker STRATEGY The importance of being programmed (part 2) The so-called transitional method relies on economism and spontaneity. Jack Conrad makes the case for Marxist politics

ony Cliff distinguished himself reformism was enjoying a second Socialists’ programme of the early ran to some 15,000 words. Far, far too from orthodox in spring.3 In the fourth volume of his Tony Cliff had an on-off, 1970s. Cliff, and industrial organiser long. Programmes should be precise, the aftermath of World War II Trotsky biography, Cliff argued Andreas Nagliatti, took the lead with succinct and easy to remember. More T on-off relationship with because he was able to recognise both that its demands, such as a sliding a giveaway article entitled: ‘Main like an extended presentation of the IS 5 Stalin’s palpable success in creating scale of wages, were adopted in Trotsky’s features of the programme we need’. credo, then. Originally it consisted of an empire in eastern Europe and the response to a “capitalism in deep Transitional Drafts were discussed over several 17 sections: (1) Introduction; (2) The palpable reality of the long economic slump” and therefore “did not fit programme: but, meetings of the IS national committee. crisis of British capitalism; (3) The boom in the west. Events had beached a non-revolutionary situation”. He The underlying motivation behind capitalist system; (4) Imperialism; (5) Trotsky’s 1930s expectations. concluded: throughout, the method the programme move seems twofold. Socialism, the working class and the Stalinism did not collapse with the and periodisation was First, induct the growing body of workers’ state; (6) Internationalism Nazi invasion. Nor was capitalism in The basic assumption behind recruits into the belief-system of the and the internationals; (7) The its “death agony”.1 In fact, it was the Trotsky’s transitional demands wrong organisation. Second, draw lines of Russian Revolution, Stalinism Trotskyites who were spiralling into was that the economic crisis was demarcation. The IS had just suffered and state capitalism; (8) Workers’ crisis. As Cliff wittily put it, guided so deep that the struggle for even two jarring faction fights. First with control; (9) The trade unions; (10) by Trotsky’s Transitional programme the smallest improvement in Sean Matgamna’s Workers Fight Unemployment; (11) Social welfare; they were like people trying to find workers’ conditions would bring group, then the Right Opposition (12) Education; (13) Women; (14) their way round the Paris metro using conflict with the capitalist system (the origins of today’s Fight Racism, Youth; (15) Racialism; (16) The a London tube map. itself. When life disproved the Fight Imperialism and the pro-Brexit revolutionary party; (17) Ireland. Cliff readily admits how assumption, the ground fell from Party Institute of Ideas and Spiked). Two other sections were added: (18) “excruciatingly painful” it was to beneath the programme.4 Both factions showed an unwelcome the Common Market and (19) The face up to the reality that Trotsky’s attachment to Trotsky’s Transitional international company. prognosis had not come true.2 In the 1950s at least, Cliff was no fool. programme. Submitted to the 1973 IS But come true it had not. Cliff, Nonetheless, his blasé attitude As Ian Birchall recounts, the draft conference, the draft was remitted therefore, reluctantly concluded towards programmes can be judged programme was mainly the work of to the NC for further consideration. that the Transitional programme by what might appear to be the glaring Chris Harman and Duncan Hallas, A job given over to a sub-committee had been refuted “by life” and that exception. Namely the International though others made contributions. It consisting of Cliff, Hallas and weekly worker 1299 May 14 2020 7

Birchall. “However, Cliff, without minimum-maximum programme standing army, the police and the again, it is surely doomed to muddle, ‘official’ communists and social consulting the sub-committee, let inevitably led to that fateful bureaucracy; (3 and 4) amending to flounder, to endlessly repeat the democrats: “The historical crisis alone the NC”, passed it on to the vote for war credits by the SDP what was out of date in the political same mistakes. of mankind is reduced to the crisis (new) industrial organiser, Roger Reichstag fraction in August 1914. programme; (5) Completely changing of the revolutionary leadership”.18 Rosewell, who “turned it into a The same minimum-maximum parts of the economic programme; (6) Productive forces But, whereas the parties of ‘official pamphlet” (The struggle for workers structure is blamed for the supposed Revising the agrarian programme; Let us now turn to Trotsky’s 1938 communism’ and social democracy power 1973). Incidentally, Rosewell, accommodation shown towards (7) Inserting a demand for the Transitional programme - otherwise each counted their ranks in the tens a pathetic figure, dropped out of the Russia’s provisional government and nationalisation of certain syndicates; known as The death agony of and hundreds of thousands, even the IS soon after and quickly moved the ‘defencists’ by Kamenev and (8) Adding an analysis of the main capitalism and the tasks of the millions, Trotsky’s forces were in to the right. He joined the Social Stalin when they took over editing trends in modern socialism.10 Fourth International. Trotsky became comparative terms isolated, untrained Democratic Party, serving on its Pravda in the spring of 1917 - in The programme was put on the convinced that capitalism was more and miniscule. Perhaps a couple industrial committee, worked for the Cliff’s account an accommodation cut agenda for the planned October than just decadent and moribund. of thousand worldwide. A problem free-market Aims for Industry outfit short by Lenin’s return from Swiss 1917 congress. Various Bolshevik Capitalism faced immediate extinction. Trotsky solved, at least in his own and wrote leaders for the Daily Mail. exile and his “complete break” with leaders produced drafts, counter- As a system, it could no longer mind, by falling back on what Marxists Anyhow, showing the importance the old programme.7 drafts, pamphlets and/or articles. develop the productive forces - an call the ‘theory of spontaneity’. attached to programme, the September An unsupportable narrative.8 All Naturally all openly published. For idea he took, of course, from Marx’s The class struggle is pictured as 1974 conference took just 30 minutes one needs do is read the volumes our purposes, the most informative well known preface to A contribution following its own elemental course. to debate and agree the whole thing of Lenin’s Collected works, from is Lenin’s ‘Revision of the party to the critique of political economy Beginning with narrow, trade union- … and then nothing more was heard the summer of 1905 onwards, to programme’ published in the journal (1859): type economics, moving without grand of it! appreciate that. As a matter of fact, Prosveshcheniye Nos 1-2. Here he plan or design, strikers are propelled, The unstated justification was Lenin pugnaciously defended and, writes opposing the “very radical” At a certain stage of development, through their own interests, their own presumably some vague, or garbled, of course, where necessary adjusted but “really very groundless” proposal the material productive forces of experience, their own creativity, to version of Marx’s “Every step of real the minimum programme. It mapped of Nicolai Bukharin and Vladimir society come into conflict with the the most revolutionary conclusions. movement is more important than out a road under conditions of tsarist Smirnov to “discard the minimum existing relations of production Central committees, editorial boards, a dozen programmes”. Needless to autocracy, which would culminate programme in toto”.11 or - this merely expresses the elected representatives, national say, the late 1960s-early 1970s was in a democratic republic, born of a These comrades claimed that same thing in legal terms - with congresses, agreed programmes - all a time of rapid forward movement. popular revolution. Economically the division of the programme into the property relations within the that shite can be bypassed: that is, There was Vietnam, student revolts, the minimum programme did not minimum and maximum sections framework of which they have if the masses are roused and kept in women’s liberation, black power envisage Russia going beyond was outdated, because Russia was operated hitherto. From forms motion through clear slogans and and a huge upsurge in trade union capitalist commodity production. now about to begin the transition to of development of the forces of easy-to-grasp demands. That was militancy. Then came the Portuguese Nevertheless, at the level of regime, socialism. The minimum programme production these relations turn the contention of Leon Trotsky in revolution. We appeared to be winning Russia was to be ruled by the working was therefore redundant. Lenin into their fetters. Then begins the Our political tasks (1904) and Rosa one thrilling victory after another. class in alliance with the peasant strongly objected: period of social revolution.16 Luxemburg in The mass strike (1906). That bred courage, determination masses. State power in the form of the By ‘spontaneous’ we mean not a and a brimming sense of confidence. revolutionary democratic (majority) [W]e must not discard the Marx’s preface might appear to run mass action that comes without an Obviously, overconfidence too. dictatorship (rule) of the proletariat minimum programme, for this against the grain of much of what he initiator, without thought, as if from IS membership shot from under and peasantry was the bridge which would be an empty boast: we do wrote elsewhere - it can, after all, be nowhere. That is simply impossible. a hundred to a few thousand. Most united the minimum and maximum not wish to ‘demand anything read in the sense that it is the means No, we mean a politically unaware recruits were students and young sections of the programme. from the bourgeoisie’, we wish of production, not the class struggle, mass action, a mass action not guided workers. Cliff must have thought The Bolsheviks were committed to realise everything ourselves, which constitute the locomotive of by the Communist Party and its he was about to meet his destiny. to using the salient of state power to we do not wish to work on petty history. Still, such an assessment, programme. Of course, no Marxist In 1977 the Socialist Workers help spark the socialist revolution in details within the framework of coming from Trotsky, that capitalism would decry a spontaneous strike Party was founded amidst much the countries of advanced capitalism. bourgeoisie society. had turned into an absolute fetter was wave over economic conditions. But exhortation about how it was “vital With the aid of the socialist west, This would be an empty boast, perfectly understandable - given the the historic task of the party is to to build the organisation quickly”.6 Russia could then embark on the because first of all we must win Wall Street crash, the great slump, overcome spontaneity, to raise what A revolutionary moment was just transition to socialism (the first power, which has not yet been soaring unemployment, the coming begins as a purely economic struggle around the corner and membership stage of communism) without the done. We must first carry out to power of Nazi gangsters and the between employees and employers would soon leap to the giddy tens of necessity of a second, specifically measures of transition to socialism, fragmentation of the world economy into a conscious political struggle. thousands. socialist, revolution. The workers’ we must continue our revolution into rival, antagonistic zones. Hence a problem arises when some With the advantage of hindsight, and peasants’ revolution against until the world socialist revolution Marx had already elaborated a on the left - even those claiming to it is plain to see that Cliff was badly tsarism would thereby - given the is victorious, and only then, crisis theory in Capital. Hilferding be Marxists - show no wish to lift mistaken. But then so was this right internal and external conditions “returning from battle”, may we and Lenin contributed with studies the struggle, want to restrict it, or are writer. I too thought that capitalism - be made permanent. The revolution discard the minimum programme of finance capital, imperialism and quite content to leave it at the level of was facing its final crisis. Not would then proceed uninterruptedly as of no further use.12 the “last stage of capitalism”. Rosa trade union-type economics. because of the declining rate of from the tasks of political democracy Luxemburg had argued that, with That amounts to economism or profit, but because of the rising tide to the maximum programme and the And there was always the possibility the complete division of the world strikism - a form of politics that of working class combativity (well, tasks of leaving behind commodity of defeat, of having to conduct and the absence of an ‘external’ attaches no importance to the divisions that and what I called, as a callow production, the wages system and an organised retreat. Discarding market, capital accumulation becomes and disputes on the organised left, that youth, the socialist countries and the class divisions. the minimum programme would impossible. Eugen Varga linked the plays down or ignores constitutional movements for national liberation). The fall of the tsar in February be “equivalent to declaring, to underconsumption of the masses issues and demands, that shows no It is easy to scoff. By the late-1970s 1917 and the emergence of a dual- announcing (to bragging in simple with capitalist collapse. Henryk understanding of the necessity of the capitalist offensive was already power situation - a bourgeois language) that we have already won”.13 Grossmann developed a ‘declining forming the working class into a class in full swing. Yet what happened provisional government (class content Even after the October revolution rate of profit’ crisis theory. In Britain that can lead, or neutralise, the middle was not predetermined. There were being determined by politics, not Lenin repeated the same essential John Strachey gave the theory a classes and split, even envisage plenty of unrealised moments and personnel), alongside which stood argument. Against those who wanted ‘wages push’ spin. Suffice to say, buying off, sections of the capitalist strategic possibilities. Not proletarian the workers’ and peasants’ soviets - to write a programme purely based Marxists and semi-Marxists believed class. We, by contrast, emphasise revolutions in Germany, France or caused Lenin to adjust - not, as Cliff on soviet power and the transition to in an impending Zusammenbruch politics, overthrowing the existing Italy, that is for sure - objective and erroneously contended, carry out a full socialism, he warned that it is “a (collapse, breakdown, ruin). constitution and establishing a subjective circumstances entirely “complete break” with - the minimum utopia to think that we shall not be Bourgeois pessimism too was rife government. Needless to say, a CPGB ruled out any such outcome. But we programme.9 Eg, the revolutionary thrown back”.14 Hence the continued following World War I. Eg, Oswald government, including a coalition could have done better. A lot better. dictatorship (rule) of the workers relevance of the minimum programme Spengler - a German nationalist, government with CPGB participation, However, my purpose in criticising and peasants was concretised in the and the possibility of having to use Nietzschean and anti-democrat - would be committed to carrying out past efforts - and I trust that this is slogan, ‘All power to the workers’, “bourgeois parliamentarianism”, etc. authored the hugely influential The in full our minimum programme clear - is to learn from them. soldiers’ and peasants’ soviets`. Clearly, Lenin took programme decline of the west (1918-22). He … and then proceeding to the tasks Trotsky’s latter-day disciples very seriously. He took the minimum argued that western civilisation had of the maximum programme. If Bogus - Cliff included - have woefully section of the programme very entered its winter. Its soul was dead circumstances ruled that out, we Perhaps the best way to do this is to misrepresented the history of seriously too. It can certainly be and the age of Caesarism had begun. would bide our time as a party of show that the more recent past has Bolshevism. In so doing they stupidly argued that the Bolsheviks led the For Trotsky, capitalism was extreme opposition. So, the minimum forgotten the vital lessons of the less provide the excuse they need to reject, working class to victory in October disintegrating. Spain, Abyssinia, programme readies for the highest recent past. A less recent past when as a matter of supposed principle, 1917 not in spite of their minimum China were for him but heralds goals, and meanwhile draws tight it was seriously possible to envisage the minimum section of the party programme, but because they had a of a general conflagration. Nor boundaries. proletarian revolution in Germany, programme: ie, a logically presented minimum programme. Indeed, if, for did the large-scale introduction of France or Italy. We come back to series of demands fought for under some strange reason, the Bolsheviks new consumer goods, means of Consciousness programme. the socio-economic conditions of had refused to equip themselves with transport and technologies, such What the Trotsky of 1938 lacked For their own peculiar reasons, capitalism, which, in the course of the a minimum programme, they could as vacuum cleaners, telephones, in terms of organised forces in the the founders of the SWP - a new struggle for them, form the workers never have succeeded. Doubtless, that cars, aeroplanes and electronics, real world he made up for with a ‘party’, remember - rejected the into a class that is ready to seize state is why, Lenin said the following: change his assessment: “Mankind’s reliance on the elementary movement idea of adopting a programme. Not power. productive forces stagnate”.17 All that of the working class. Hence this only an updated version of Trotsky’s Undoubtedly it is true that “Every It is therefore ridiculous to discard got Germany, the US, Japan, Britain, formula: the nature of the epoch Transitional programme, but an step of real movement is more the minimum programme, which Italy and France - the main capitalist “permits” revolutionaries to carry updated version of the minimum- important than a dozen programmes”. is indispensable while we still live powers - moving economically in the out economic struggles in a way maximum programmes of classical Nonetheless, in the midst of the some within the framework of bourgeois late 1930s, putting the unemployed that is “indissolubly” linked with Marxism too: ie, the programmes of of biggest jumps and boldest leaps society, while we have not yet back to work. It was preparation for the “actual tasks of the revolution”.19 the German Social Democratic Party, in world history, the Bolsheviks destroyed that framework, not yet the slaughter of another world war, Catastrophism is combined with the French Workers’ Party and the gave over valuable time and effort to realised the basic prerequisites when 50 million were to die. economism. Russian Social Democratic Labour reconsider their programme. for a transition to socialism, Conditions for socialism, said The “existing consciousness” Party. Instead the SWP was to be built The April 1917 conference of not yet smashed the enemy (the Trotsky, were not only ripe, but of workers is not only the point of through hunch, a self-perpetuating the RSDLP agreed to revise the bourgeoisie), and even if we have overripe. Without a global socialist departure; it is now to all intents and central committee, a target-fulfilling programme in eight particular areas: smashed them we have not yet revolution all the gains of civilisation purposes regarded as unproblematic. regime of centrally appointed (1) Evaluating imperialism; (2) annihilated them.15 stood in danger. The main problem Though in ‘normal times’ most are organisers, chasing after recruits and Amending the clause on the state: ie, being not so much the consciousness not subjectively revolutionary - ie, a bogus history. a demand for a “proletarian-peasant Until the left learns to take the of the masses: rather the opportunism, educated in Marxism - workers are SWP members were told that the republic”, which does away with the minimum programme seriously once the cowardice, the treachery of the objectively revolutionary simply weekly 8 May 14 2020 1299 worker STRATEGY because of capitalist collapse. But down to the point of social gravel. Not The ‘Action programme’ consisted forward minimum programmes in the ‘end times’ no longer was it class parties. of little more than a trite list of left- which could serve to strengthen and necessary through the patient work reformist nostrums: stopping closures improve the tottering foundations of education, mobilisations and ever Action and the nationalisation of failed of capitalism. The communists` more powerful organisation to win No matter how we excuse Trotsky in concerns; a 35-hour week with no main aim is to destroy the capitalist the masses to see the need to “change terms of how things appeared on the eve loss of pay; a £4.61 minimum wage; system. But in order to achieve their forthwith the old conditions”. The of World War II, there is no escaping ending privatisation; repealing the aim the communist parties must put fight over wages and hours - putting in from the fact that he was wrong in anti-trade union laws; state control forward demands expressing the place safeguards against the corrosive method and periodisation. Trade over international trade in order immediate needs of the working effects of inflation, and state-funded union struggles are not hegemonic; to curb speculation; an increase in class. The communists must job creation - were painted in without communist leadership they welfare spending and slashing the organise mass campaigns to fight revolutionary colours. tend towards sectionalism: they do not arms bill; full employment, so as to for these demands, regardless of Trotsky reasoned that, in general, lead, in and of themselves, to socialist boost aggregate economic demand. In whether they are compatible with there can be no systematic social consciousness. Nor was the 1930s other words, a late-1990s version of the continuation of the capitalist reforms or raising of the masses’ living economic downturn final, terminal. early-1950s SRG economism. system. standards. Objective circumstances As Lenin repeatedly stressed, unless So, still no Cliffite strategy for The communist parties therefore propelled the masses - or so the working class acts to take power, achieving working class hegemony should be concerned not with he reasoned - to overthrow capitalism, capitalism will always find a way out. by fighting for extreme democracy, the viability and competitive simply because, every time the system What appeared to be the end point breaking the hold of the trade union capacity of capitalist industry made one concession, it was forced to was converted into a temporary phase. and labour bureaucracy, championing or the stability of the capitalist take back two. It was in an advanced World War II saw full employment, women’s, gay and youth rights, economy, but with proletarian state of putrefaction. Therefore, he rationing, central direction of winning over, or neutralising, the poverty, which cannot and must concluded, the simple defence of production and all manner of middle classes - above all, no game plan not be endured any longer ... In existing economic conditions, through scientific and technical innovations: for putting into power a revolutionary place of the minimum programme demanding a “sliding scale” of wages, the computer, the jet engine, splitting government and overthrowing the rule of centrism and reformists, the hours, etc, would provide the means the atom, etc. And after World War II, of capital on a global scale. Communist International offers a needed to launch a final, apocalyptic yes because of a gouging devaluation Chris Harman, John Rees struggle for the concrete demands collision with capitalism. of capital, there followed the long and Alex Callinicos were tasked of the proletariat which, in their Frankly, it does not surprise me to boom. There were substantive social with providing ‘theoretical’ totality, challenge the power of read Trotsky’s sympathetic biographer, reforms too: the NHS, a massive justification. In truth it amounted the bourgeoisie, organise the Isaac Deutscher, characterising the extension of council housing, social to intellectual prostitution. They proletariat and mark out the Transitional programme as “not so security, widespread nationalisation backed the ‘Action programme’ different stages of the struggle for much a statement of principles as an and a sustained growth in living with extraordinarily tenuous stories its dictatorship.27 instruction on tactics, designed for standards. Of course, it could not last. about rapidly mounting levels of a party up to its ears in trade union Capitalism and crisis go hand in hand. discontent. In any class society, Clearly the target of Comintern is not struggles and day-to-day politics and Nonetheless, especially in western it should be noted, discontent is a the minimum programme as such. striving to gain practical leadership Europe, reformism - in all its varieties - permanent feature of society. Then We have already discussed Lenin’s immediately”.20 But, no, it is more was given a new lease of life. ‘Official there was the ‘inventive’ fielding steadfast defence of the minimum than that: the trade unionism of communism’ too. of quotes culled from Comintern’s programme even after the October the American SWP is presented as Trotsky’s epigones either refused ‘Theses on tactics’ agreed at its 3rd Revolution. Rather what Comintern eschatology. to acknowledge the post-World War Congress in June 1921 and Trotsky’s had in its sights was the minimum Trotsky insisted that, if the II long boom, or, when they finally Trotsky, from a 1934 ‘A programme of action for programme of “socialisation or 22 defensive movement of the working did admit the truth, they dogmatically position of extreme France’. But the boldest claim was nationalisation” put forward by class was energetically promoted, stuck to what they talmudically that the SWP’s ‘Action programme’ centrists and reformists. Their freed from bureaucratic constraints call the transitional method. That organisational was premised on essentially the immediate programme was to be and after that nudged in the direction meant giving everyday trade union same conditions which prompted achieved peacefully in an attempt to of forming picket line defence guards, strikes and struggles a revolutionary weakness, reinvented Trotsky’s Transitional programme. ameliorate the conditions of workers, then, pushed towards demanding aura. Economism combined with Mikhail Bakunin’s A claim made by Cliff himself.23 boost demand and thereby stabilise nationalisation of key industries, it eschatology … but it just looked plain Despite working class organisation, society.28 As the resolution explicitly would, one step following another, dumb. To most they appeared little general strike ‘road confidence and self-activity being states, the understanding that capitalism take at least a minority of the class different to evangelical Christians to socialism’. This at an extraordinary low ebb and cannot bring about the “long-term towards forming soviets and then, declaring ‘the end is nigh.’ The object revolutionary consciousness being improvement of the proletariat” does finally, to the conquest of state power. of pity or humour. time though it is the almost non-existent, Cliff decreed not imply that the workers have to Or, as Trotsky put it, playing with The SWP might appear to be that the pursuit of even the most “renounce the fight for immediate both religion and Marx (on the Paris different. In some ways it was. It Trotskyite cadre who minimal demands is all that is needed practical demands until after it has Commune), they would “storm not boasted of being programmeless (that secretly control this, to see the back of capitalism. Cliff established its dictatorship”.29 Quite only heaven, but earth”. despite its Socialist Review Group and implied that Britain and other core the reverse l Organising the working class into International Socialist antecedents). that or the other front imperialist powers had entered a a political party and patiently winning The SWP did not try to navigate the operation; who use deep crisis, which made revolution Notes over the majority was dismissed as Paris metro using a London tube map - imminent: “Capitalism in the 1. L Trotsky The transitional programme New York NY 1997, p111. the gradualism that belonged to a maps were arrogantly discarded! That protest campaigns, advanced countries,” he wrote, “is no 2. T Cliff Trotskyism after Trotsky London 1999, previous, long-dead age: competitive left the leadership free to chase every longer expanding and so the words p14. capitalism. Now, with the final fad or fancy. Gaining the recruits demonstrations and of the 1938 Transitional programme 3. T Cliff Neither Washington nor Moscow London collapse of capitalism imminent, the needed to build the full-time apparatus that ‘there can be no discussion of 1982, p117. strikes to achieve the 4. T Cliff Trotsky Vol 4, London 1993, pp299-300. meagre, inexperienced, squabbling is what counted. And again and again, systematic social reforms and raising 5. Internal Bulletin January 1973. In those far-off forces of Trotskyism would lead the the SWP found itself promoting (hidden) aims of the the masses’ living standards’ fits days this publication came out all year round. It 24 masses, almost by stealth, in their popular fronts - although, because of Fourth International reality again.” As Cliff once said was not confined to the two months prior to the elemental movement, through a series the need to keep up the appearance of about the periodisation of Trotsky’s annual conference. Incidentally, my information here comes from a short article authored by Ian of preset transitional demands, which, Marxist orthodoxy, that could never be epigones - pure self-delusion. Birchall - ‘The programme of the International taken together, serve as a kind of publicly admitted. Leave aside “systematic social Socialists 1972-1974’ (May 2013). ascending stairway. Yet, two years before his death, reforms”. According to the Office of 6. T Cliff. ‘Why we need a socialist workers party’ After four or five years, maybe Tony Cliff suddenly decided that the National Statistics, “Unlike the 1970s January 8 1977. 7. T Cliff Lenin Vol 2, London 1976. p124. 10, they might flock to join the times were ripe to adopt a programme. and 1980s, real household disposable 8. See J Conrad, ‘Marxism versus holy script’ Fourth International in their millions. With much fanfare, in September income per head grew almost Weekly Worker January 10 2019 for my last Winning state power and ending 1998, the SWP’s ‘Action programme’ continuously through the 1990s and rejoinder to the bogus version of Bolshevik history. capitalism internationally will, appeared in Socialist Worker (like the 2000s, irrespective of recessions.”25 9. T Cliff Lenin Vol 2, London 1976. p124. 10. VI Lenin CW Vol 24 Moscow 1977, pp280-81. though, be something they, the masses, 12-point transitional programme of the Well, till we reached the global 11. VI Lenin CW Vol 26 Moscow 1977, p169. become aware of only on the higher SRG and the 15,000 word programme financial crisis of 2007-08. After that 12. Ibid p171. of the transitionary steps - not quite, of IS, now almost totally forgotten).21 things really did change. 13. Ibid p171. but almost, socialism by conspiracy. A glossy brochure and attempts 14. VI Lenin CW Vol 27 Moscow 1977, p136. 15. VI Lenin CW Vol 26, Moscow 1977, p171-72. In essence, Trotsky, from a position to garner support and finance from Comintern 16. K Marx and F Engels CW Vol 29, London of extreme organisational weakness, local branches of trade unions, trades Undaunted by the realities of the 1987, p262. reinvented Mikhail Bakunin’s general councils, Labour Party wards, etc 1990s, Alex Callinicos, doing 17. L Trotsky The transitional programme New strike ‘road to socialism’. This time followed. Naturally, that fell flat. But his master’s bidding, quotes York NY 1997, p111. 18. Ibid p112. though it is the Trotskyite cadre who - and this is important - there was no Comintern’s ‘Theses on tactics’, 19. Ibid p114. secretly control this, that or the other serious debate within the SWP’s ranks, as if it was a repudiation of the 20. I Deutscher The prophet outcast Oxford 1979, front operation; who use protest culminating in a national conference minimum programme per se, while pp425-26. campaigns, demonstrations and vote, before the launch decision was simultaneously claiming it as a pretext 21. Socialist Worker September 12 1998. 22. See A Callinicos International Socialism No81, strikes to achieve the (hidden) aims of made. In fact, Cliff pre-empted the for the ‘Action programme’, which is winter 1998; and J Rees Socialist Review January the Fourth International. annual conference by a good three in actual fact nothing more than a 1999. Except that nowadays the Fourth months. Delegates were presented minimalist programme of the 23. See T Cliff Trotskyism after Trotsky London International comes in a bewildering with a fait accompli. Cliff’s reformist type - crucially 1999, p82. variety of splits and splinters. In hunch overrode any pretence not going beyond the 24. Ibid pp81-82. 26 25. The same source reports: “Between 1998 and Britain we have the Socialist Workers of democratic norms. Note existing constitution. 2009 earnings grew on average at a faster rate than Party, Counterfire, Revolutionary the fundamental difference The question of state inflation”; and that “Household net wealth more Socialism in the 21st Century, Socialist between the Bolsheviks in power is, of course, than doubled in real terms between 1987 and 2009, from £56,000 to £117,000 in 2008/09 prices” (J Party in England and Wales, Socialist 1917 and the SWP in 1998. entirely absent. Beaumont [ed] ‘Income and wealth’ Social Trends Alternative, Socialist Resistance, The Bolsheviks not only Anyway, let me No41, London 2010, p2). Red Flag, Alliance for Workers’ treated their programme reproduce Callinicos’s 26. See International Socialism No81. Liberty, Workers Revolutionary Party, with profound respect: quote from Comintern: 27. A Alder (ed) Theses, resolutions and manifestos of the first four congresses of the Third Socialist Appeal, Socialist Action … their conferences and International London 1980, pp285-86. and then there are the countless groups congresses were The communist 28. Ibid p285. of one. Sects produce yet more sects, sovereign. parties do not put 29. Ibid p285. weekly worker 1299 May 14 2020 9 USA Inconvenient memory Jim Creegan points to the hypocrisy of both those attacking Joe Biden over accusations of sexual abuse and those defending him

ara Reade’s accusations of her breasts, and of kissing and touching defender of female and minority rights. sexual assault against Joe Biden other women without permission. Sexual and racial oppression are Tare highly unlikely to cost him Perhaps not unmindful of becoming an - often horrific - reality, concerning the Democratic nomination. But it is his vice-president or a member of his which no socialist should be improbable that they will vanish from cabinet, Elizabeth Warren also chimed complacent. But it is also important to the news cycle between now and the in with her belief in Biden as the soul understand how these issues are used by November election - Donald Trump of integrity. bourgeois liberals to protect the existing is sure to make political hay of them, As media coverage of Reade’s order. Class struggle challenges the untroubled as usual by the blatant story went mainstream, Biden came foundations of capitalist society, while hypocrisy involved in attacking anyone under increasing pressure to answer demands for racial and gender equality, else for sexual misconduct. Reade’s charges directly. He did so which are not conjoined to a wider Reade alleges that, when she was on an MSNBC interview with Mika project of social emancipation, do not. on his staff in 1993 at the age of 28, Brzezinski (daughter of Zbigniew) on Accentuating these causes thus gives the senator from Delaware pushed May 1. While categorically denying the Democrats an easy means of appearing her against a wall and penetrated allegations, Biden rebuffed a suggestion ‘progressive’. It also allows the party to her digitally. This is more solidly that he open his sealed Senate papers, appeal to layers of middle class civil- corroborated than the allegations archived at the University of Delaware, rights leaders and feminists who have levelled at Trump’s Supreme Court to a search for a written complaint Reade no intention of questioning capitalism, nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, in 2018. says she filed for sexual harassment but rather desire a more equal place Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey (but not assault) years earlier. within it, and greater access to its upper Ford, claimed that he and another male The major media and some feminist echelons. high-school acquaintance attempted to Democrats have over the past couple Joe Biden may not have recognised rape her at a beer-sodden soirée in 1982. of weeks shifted their stance from the value of bourgeois feminism when Her story was denied by Kavanaugh avoidance and denial to calling for he voted for the Hyde amendment and his alleged accomplice, but further investigation, which the New banning federal funding for abortions corroborated by four affidavits, none York Times took the lead in urging. in 1976, or when, as head of the of them contemporaneous. She testified Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991, before a highly contentious televised Question of motive he refused to call witnesses that would Senate hearing, after which Kavanaugh A thoroughly bankrupt political method In assessing accusations of this kind - have backed up Anita Hill’s sexual was confirmed by the upper chamber’s sexual assault rarely being perpetrated in harassment charges against the far- Republican majority. Times and The Washington Post, cover a decent man that I’ve known for 15 the presence of witnesses - the motives right black Supreme Court nominee, Reade’s allegations, on the other the story. During that interval, the major years … without there being a thorough and reliability of the accuser are key. Clarence Thomas, thus ensuring his hand, are now corroborated by two television networks, in addition to the investigation.”1 Reade appears politically naive, but confirmation. Now, however, Biden witnesses, who say Reade told them Demoical crats’ cable-station stalwart, Then followed articles by liberal her biography gives no hint of mental recognises the importance of living about the incident at the time: a friend MSNBC, maintained an embarrassed Democratic feminists Michelle instability. In their predictable attempts down his past record on women’s rights. who was contacted by reporters, but silence. Only the station’s Republican Goldberg of the New York Times and to discredit her intentions, Biden’s He reacted to Blasey Ford’s accusation has chosen to remain anonymous; counterpart, Fox News, and Newsweek Amanda Marcotte of Salon magazine. defenders were quick to play the well- against Brett Kavanaugh by saying and Reade’s brother. Two additional magazine carried the story. By contrast, While not dismissing Reade’s worn Russia card. They dredged up she “should be given the benefit of the persons confirmed that Reade referred Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations allegations as necessarily untrue, admiring remarks about Putin from doubt”, and added: “... for a woman to to the episode a few years afterwards: against Brett Kavanaugh were reported both were emphatically undecided. Reade’s Twitter account in 2018. They come forward in the glaring lights of a neighbour, in addition to a co-worker in all major media the same day they They both asserted that Reade’s also highlighted the fact that Reade focus, nationally, you’ve got to start in the California state senator’s office, became public. story had “changed over time” - a supported Sanders in the Democratic off with the presumption that at least where Reade was later employed: this And what of female Democratic fact that Marcotte called a “red flag”. primaries. the essence of what she’s talking about employee recalled Reade telling her politicians, and the feminist They were referring to the fact that Alleged ulterior motives must have is real, whether or not she forgets the that she had been sexually harassed by organisations that are a mainstay of Reade had joined a complaint about at least a semblance of plausibility. facts.”2 He is now pledged to choose a a senator for whom she had previously the Democratic base - the ones whose “inappropriate touching” levelled by Are Reade’s doubters suggesting that woman for his vice-presidential running worked. support for victims of sexual assault has eight women against Biden in April of she was in the employ of the Kremlin mate. There are also two pieces of always been fervent and categorical; the 2019, without mentioning the assault, or of Trump? Or perhaps that she was The Reade case is therefore circumstantial evidence. Reade said that ones who shout from the rooftops that which Reade explained by her fear part of a last-ditch manoeuvre by the important because it exposes Biden’s her mother, now deceased, had made an women must be believed at all costs, and of the consequences - since including Sanders campaign to deprive Biden hypocrisy, and that of certain bourgeois on-air phone call to a television talk have called for the resignation or firing character assassination and death of the nomination - one that involved feminists, who have no intention of show, alluding to the accusation. And, of men accused of offences far less threats. Assault victims, according to concocting a lurid tale out of whole letting self-professed principles stand sure enough, a search of the archives serious and thoroughly substantiated? psychologists, quite commonly show cloth and exposing her fabrications to between them and proximity to power. of The Larry King show turned up a Would they stand by another woman an initial reluctance to divulge their the scrutiny (and obloquy) that would An honest position is nevertheless 1993 clip featuring a call from Reade’s with the courage to confront a powerful experiences fully. surely follow? Reade has, in fact, been open to women’s rights supporters who mother, who related that her daughter man, even the one they hoped to elect? Biden initially denied Reade’s very circumspect in matters of publicity, still intend to vote for Biden. They can had had problems with a “prominent Or would they join Biden and his charges through a campaign refusing an invitation to tell her story to argue that the single assault charge senator” she worked for, but could handlers in their inevitable resort to the spokesperson. But after it became Trump’s main television mouthpiece, made against their candidate pales not get anywhere with complaints to ploy feminists so despise: attacking the obvious that the story would not go away, Sean Hannity, on Fox News. She says in comparison to the open misogyny his staff, and had nowhere else to go motives and reputation of the accuser? his campaign went into full crisis mode. she is a fourth-generation Democrat, and 25 sexual misconduct complaints but to the press, which she declined to Their first response was to look the Its first line of defence was to call upon who wishes to avoid being used by the that have been lodged against Donald contact out of respect for the senator. other way and keep their mouths shut. female Democratic elected officials to Republican propaganda machine. Trump. Then there are all the other Furthermore, two interns from Biden’s In January of this year, Reade went to act as Biden’s surrogates. Nancy Pelosi, She finally allowed herself to horrors of the Trump presidency. office recollected that Reade suddenly Time’s Up, an organisation founded to the majority leader and speaker of the be interviewed by the mainstream A long-time feminist writer, Linda ceased to be their supervisor, adding help sexual-abuse survivors in the wake House of Representatives, went on television journalist, Megyn Kelly, who Hirschman, makes precisely such an weight to her claim that she lost her job of the #MeToo movement, for funding record as saying that, although women’s is famous for asking Donald Trump, in argument in a New York Times op ed: after filing an internal complaint. and legal counsel. She was denied accusations deserved a hearing, she a 2016 presidential debate, about his she exhorts women, on the basis of a There is also a supporting piece of funding on the grounds the acceptance could not believe such things of a having described women as “pigs and purely utilitarian calculus, to “suck it documentary evidence. A 1996 divorce of a case against a candidate for federal person as wonderful as Joe Biden. Stacy dogs”, and who also endured sexual up” and vote for Biden.3 filing by Reade’s ex-husband does not office would threaten the group’s non- Abrams, a failed black ‘progressive’ harassment at the hands of her employer, Beyond issues of sexual abuse, name Biden or mention sexual assault; profit status - a claim legal experts candidate for governor of Georgia, Roger Ailes, the late disgraced president this advice - “suck it up and vote for it does, however, say that Reade several have dismissed as false. It has been who has been aggressively angling to of Fox News. Reade told Kelly that she Biden” - could well serve as the slogan times spoke of sexual harassment suggested that the decision may have become Biden’s vice-presidential pick, would gladly consent to be examined of all those ‘progressives’ - from Bernie problems she was having when working had something to do with the fact that the asserted her belief in his rectitude and under oath, and take a lie-detector test Sanders, who has endorsed him, to the in Biden’s office and that they had a head of the public relations firm hired by credibility. She claimed that the New if Biden would do the same. She also 80 founders and veterans of Students traumatic effect on her. Time’s Up is a top advisor to the Biden York Times had exonerated him in its said she thought Biden should withdraw for a Democratic Society, who signed a campaign. Time’s Up did furnish Reade initial report - which the Times denied. from the presidential contest. letter urging the Democratic Socialists From silence to with a list of lawyers to contact, all of Abrams was joined in her declaration Readers may legitimately ask why of America to do likewise. A future cynicism whom refused to take her case. of credulity by Kamala Harris, who ran so many pixels are being expended article will examine the reasons why More politically significant than the Among the first feminist public for president in the Democratic primaries on a sex-abuse scandal during a time such a slogan represents lesser-evilism accusation itself was the response it reactions - also following an extended before rallying to Biden, and by Kirsten of worldwide pestilence and social in its most impoverished form l got from the major media. Reade’s silence - was that of Alyssa Milano, an Gillibrand, senator from New York disintegration. This writer does not story first broke on March 24 in The actress closely associated with #MeToo. and former tobacco industry lobbyist - share the belief that female accusers Jim Creegan can be reached at: Intercept, a leftwing online publication, Having instantly tweeted her solidarity also an early primary candidate. As a should always be taken at their word. [email protected] and Reade was interviewed shortly with Blasey Ford, and having appeared self-proclaimed champion of women’s Biden, moreover, is complicit in crimes thereafter on several ‘alternative at an anti-Kavanaugh rally draped with causes, Gillibrand had led the charge far graver than the one Reade alleges, Notes media’ outlets. But not until April a banner that read “Believe women”, for the resignation of Democratic and feminist demands for explicit verbal 1. Interview with Milano quoted in Reason 13 - fully 19 days later and well after Milano was now seized by a concern senator Al Franken from Minnesota, consent and notions of “male toxicity” magazine by Bobby Soave, April 7. Bernie Sanders had dropped out of 2. Quoted in ‘Biden gave Christine Blasey Ford the for due process. “I’ve been vocal about for posing in a gag photo of a sleeping are often over the top. The significance “benefit of the doubt”’ The Washington Post; ‘Why the Democratic primaries - did the Biden and my support for him. I don’t actress on an airplane flight, with his of Reade’s testimony, however, is that it not Tara Reade’, April 30. country’s leading dailies, The New York feel comfortable about throwing away hands covering, but not really touching, undermines the Democratic posture as 3. The New York Times May 6. weekly 10 May 14 2020 1299 worker ITALY All will not end well Despite the easing of the lockdown, there will be no quick economic bounce-back, warns Toby Abse

lthough the Italian government the southern European countries over decided to start ‘phase 2’ (a the last decade, has had far fewer A relaxation of the total lockdown Covid-19 deaths than Italy, Spain - in stages) on May 4, any idea that or France, and its government has the Covid-19 emergency is at an end pumped vast sums into its economy is absurd. The number of new cases is over the last three months: hence now definitely increasing at a slower its uncharacteristic willingness to rate, but there is a distinct possibility endorse the suspension of the EU rules that the greater amount of mobility, on state aid and balanced budgets. especially on public transport - as This gap between northern more factories are reopened and work and southern European countries on building sites resumes - will push explains why it would be wrong infection rates up again. In the week to see objections to Italy using the April 18-25, the death rate was still European Stability Mechanism around 400-500 a day, although by (EMS) - even in its new, allegedly May it was usually below 250. ‘unconditional’ form of very low However, the epidemic is still interest loans to help countries badly completely out of control in the largest, affected by Covid-19 with their direct most populous and most prosperous or indirect health-related expenditure region, Lombardy, which includes - as necessarily purely Europhobic Milan; the fact that the Milanese or ultra-nationalist, even if the prime infection rate seems to be rising is motives for the opposition of the hardly reassuring. It should be noted Lega and the neo-fascist Fratelli that, of the official nationwide total of d’Italia (FdI) to the EMS are precisely Covid-19 deaths by May 10 (30,560), Europhobic and ultra-nationalist. roughly half (14,986) had occurred in The fact of the matter is that the Lombardy. In other words, there had wording of the relevant EU treaties been more in Lombardy than in all the does suggest that, once the Covid-19 other 19 regions put together. emergency is over and the rigid rules Obviously, given Lombardy’s of the Stability Pact about the size of size, large population and openness national debts and national budget to international trading contacts, one Will Italy follow Greece? deficits are reinstated, the EMS could would expect it to have had more indeed become a Greek-style noose casualties than some of the smaller, on end (a macabre televised spectacle Matt Hancock. When Speranza Conte’s problem - indeed Italy’s around Italy’s neck. The European more remote, southern regions that that will be the most vivid memory of was appointed in September 2019, problem - is that the coronavirus crisis commissioners have tried to reassure are less tied in to the world economy. the impact of Covid-19 in the minds of nobody assumed this post would has led to a severe economic crisis. Italy about the unconditional nature After all, there is a general correlation many outside the region). have such importance. Giving the Italy was already in, or very close to, of the new EMS fund for direct and between the spread of Covid-19 and In this case, the explanation most ‘leftwing’ of Conte’s coalition recession in 2019, before Covid-19 indirect health expenditure related to a given locality’s links with global for the behaviour of Fontana and partners, Liberi e Uguali (LeU - hit. The lockdown has greatly Covid-19, but Conte is still having capitalism. For example, in Spain, Gallera is not primarily their own ‘Free and Equal’), its only cabinet aggravated the situation. According difficulty in persuading M5S to Barcelona and Madrid have been more undoubted incompetence and lack minister was probably considered to the Italian government’s own accept such a loan. affected by the virus than many rural of serious engagement with the a consolation prize to keep a small draft budget, drawn up on April 23, The EU ‘summit’ on April 23 - in areas, and in England, London and dynamics of the disease, but their social democratic party – necessary Italy’s gross domestic product will reality a four-hour video conference Manchester have been particularly obsequious subservience to the local for the government’s parliamentary fall by 8% in 2020 - a more dramatic - was presented as a triumph for Italy badly hit. However, the degree of representatives of Confindustria (the majority - on board. Speranza first drop than the one that followed the by Conte, whose domestic standing difference between Lombardy and Italian equivalent of the Confederation pushed for increased health spending 2007-08 financial crisis, and the most depended on a favourable outcome, the rest of Italy is in large measure a of British Industry). The industrialists in autumn 2019, albeit with limited abrupt since 1945. Italy’s budget given the attacks on him in relation direct consequence of the policies that of Bergamo and Brescia in particular success. One suspects from press deficit will rise from 2.4% to 10.4%. to the EMS from the Lega, the FdI have been pursued by its Lega regional were implacably opposed to the reports of the acrimonious cabinet As a result, Italy’s national debt as and the more extreme wing of the president, Attilio Fontana, and his creation of ‘red zones’ that would have meeting of April 26 that the ministers a proportion of GDP will rise from Movimento Cinque Stelle (M5S cabinet member in charge of health, automatically led to the total closure of from Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva - the 135.7% in 2019 to 155% in 2020. - Five Star Movement). Conte’s Giulio Gallera. their factories for an indefinite period. most rightwing force in the coalition The European Commission has presentation of his alleged triumph Whilst they have made dozens This is one of the clearest - are bitterly regretting that Speranza subsequently come up with a set of was somewhat misleading. Angela of errors over the last two months, indications that the coronavirus crisis got this key post and has proved figures for the fall in Italy’s GDP Merkel, as ever, made it clear that chronicled by the Lombard doctors’ cannot be detached from questions of a decisive influence on Conte in and the rise in both its budget deficit there were to be no eurobonds - not professional association, a couple class and class struggle. Any notion of slowing down the return to ‘normal’ and national debt that are still more even to mutualise the new Covid-19- stand out. The first was the decision national unity against the virus in either that Renzi and Confindustria were pessimistic. The loss of government related debts of the EU27 - as opposed on March 8 to send patients who were Italy or the UK is an illusion. For the constantly pushing for. revenue due to the Covid-19 crisis is to the existing national debts. There no longer showing symptoms, but capitalists, regardless of nationality, The whole period of the lockdown estimated in the draft budget at €26 was indeed an agreement in principle were, in many cases, still infectious, profit is always more important than has in fact been one in which the billion - to put it crudely, far less in on a ‘recovery fund’ linked to the EU into old-age care homes, in order to the lives of ordinary people - not only class struggle has been played terms of both VAT and income tax, budget for 2021-27. However, there create more room in the wards of those of frail pensioners no longer in out with some intensity, albeit at at a time when most shops are shut is no clarity on whether this fund will overcrowded hospitals. This has led the labour force, but even those of one or two removes. It would be and millions of workers are laid off - give countries grants or loans, and to hundreds - perhaps thousands - of their own workers, who can always wrong to claim that Speranza or or, in the case of the self-employed, whether any funds will be available avoidable deaths amongst the elderly be replaced from the ranks of the the trade union confederations have are not earning anything. On the to Italy before the end of 2020. and infirm, who are far more vulnerable unemployed. It is no accident that Carlo always got their way, since Conte other side of the balance sheet, tens In conclusion, there is little to to the disease than the general Bonomi, the ruthless president of the has often yielded to the demands of billions are being paid out in support the officially endorsed population. The families of these Lombard Confindustria, was elected of Confindustria, even if only to unemployment benefit, subsidies to slogan Tutto andrà bene (‘All will be victims have made official complaints head of the national organisation by some extent and rather reluctantly. the self-employed and government- well’), to which most of the Italian and embarked on legal action against an unexpectedly large majority in The point is that Conte is not a guaranteed loans to small businesses population are, very understandably, the management of the homes, a secret ballot in mid-April. He has reliable lieutenant of the capitalist (many of which will never be paid clinging at this time. Covid-19 is prompting enquiries by a number of subsequently criticised the government class, but an academic lawyer with back). The latest government plan not under control, particularly in Lombard investigating magistrates. for soldi a pioggia (‘handouts’ to some humanitarian instincts as far devised in early May involves the Lombardy and Piedmont, and the Predictably, Fontana and Gallera are the poor and unemployed), and has as ordinary Italians are concerned expenditure of €55 billion. The IMF Italian economy is about to go over trying to dodge responsibility and shift demanded that the government give (although probably not in relation to forecasts that Italy’s unemployment a precipice l the blame onto the directors of the care unconditional grants, not loans, to migrants) and a propensity to listen rate will reach 12.7% by the end of homes, but there is clear evidence that industry - a statement whose hypocrisy to serious medical and scientific this year, so this drain on government Notes the decision was made at a regional is blindingly obvious. advice in a way that Donald Trump funds will only get worse. 1. There has been a great deal of controversy level. and Boris Johnson do not.1 This is Whilst the European Union has over granting temporary residency to up to 600,000 people from outside the EU currently The second clear instance of Fontana Responsible why many columnists in the major suspended the so-called Stability Pact illegally or semi-legally employed as either and Gallera taking a decision that led Although a lot more could be said newspapers Corriere della Sera and (embedded in the Italian constitution agricultural labourers or carers. Whilst Conte has to hundreds more needless deaths was about Lombardy, a focus on the La Repubblica devote thousands of by Mario Monti in 2012) and its been less hostile than many of the anti-migrant their refusal in early March to create national situation seems more useful words to criticising Conte’s alleged draconian rules on state aid, there parliamentarians from M5S, he seems unwilling to let them stay for longer than six months. new ‘red zones’: ie, sealed-off areas in terms of drawing a contrast with weaknesses as a justification for is no guarantee that the ideological 2. Conte’s televised address to the nation about subjected to total quarantine, along the UK. calling for a government of ‘national commitment to neoliberalism and ‘phase 2’ on the evening of April 26 seemed to the lines of the one that had already It is not my contention that unity’ led by a more reliable figure - austerity has gone - particularly if the ignore much of their advice. Instead he based been set up in the Lombard province of Italian prime minister Giuseppe generally the banker, Mario Draghi, northern European bloc (Germany, his plan on a document drawn up by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Superior Institute of Health), Lodi. If similar drastic action had been Conte and his health minister, but sometimes others, such as former Austria, Netherlands, Finland, which pointed out that a total reopening of taken in key municipalities elsewhere, Roberto Speranza, have handled the Vodafone boss Vittorio Colau, whom Sweden, Denmark) emerges from industry, commerce, schools, churches, restaurants, there would not have been such a crisis perfectly, but I would argue Conte - reluctantly, one suspects - the Covid-19 crisis in a less battered etc would lead to 150,000 patients needing colossal death rate that the Italian army that they have adopted a much appointed as head of the committee state than Italy or Spain. Germany, intensive care by early June. Italy has nothing like this number of appropriate beds - there were only had to transfer lorry-loads of coffins more considered and responsible supposedly in charge of preparing a which did not cut expenditure on its 8,490 by April 30, so Conte’s caution is completely 2 to other regions every day for weeks approach than Boris Johnson and return to ‘normal’. health service to the same degree as correct. weekly 11 worker 1299 May 14 2020 What we CENTENARY fight for n Without organisation the working class is nothing; with the highest form of organisation Answerable to the party it is everything. fter an overwhelming vote yet internalised the organisational communities; to become a truly and control of communists elected n There exists no real Communist of 186 to 19 in support culture of a Communist Party: mass, principled party. to bodies like the UK parliament or Party today. There are many of parliamentary action, the combination of the highest The nature of the disagreement national positions in trade unions, so-called ‘parties’ on the left. In A reality they are confessional sects. the delegates to the 1st Congress degree of centralism, along with took a more distinct outline in the for example. of the CPGB/Communist Unity the possibilities - given the correct exchange between William Mellor However, the final amendment Members who disagree with the Convention (July 31-August 1 circumstances - for considerable (his second intervention) and Tom (moved by comrade J Fitton) left no prescribed ‘line’ are expected to 1920), reconvened to consider local autonomy and scope for Bell, as reported in the official room for ambiguity: “In the event gag themselves in public. Either amendments. initiative. In this genuinely account of the congress (extracts of any representative violating the that or face expulsion. The first two were trivial and democratic political model, below). Comrade Mellor asked if decisions of the party, as embodied n Communists operate according were lost. The third - despite being the party leadership (between the same levels of tight disciplinary in the mandate which he or she has to the principles of democratic confused in places - was of more congresses, of course) represents the scrutiny would be applied to local accepted or been instructed upon, centralism. Through ongoing debate interest. It provoked a debate on whole; a local branch or regional representatives as the “national” - he or she shall be called upon to we seek to achieve unity in action the crucial question of centralism organisation constitutes a part. presumably communist - MPs. resign his or her membership of and a common world outlook. As versus localism in the new party. It is clear that the discussion of The pithy summary of Tom Bell’s parliament or municipality and also long as they support agreed actions, The fact that there were this important issue by our 1920 seems a little incomplete, in that it of the party.” members should have the right to advocates of a looser form of comrades was primarily motivated concentrates on the local and does This unequivocal motion was speak openly and form temporary organisation illustrates that many on both sides by the shared aim to not mention the need - if anything - carried by 84 votes to 54 l or permanent factions. in the newly formed CPGB had not dig deep roots in local working class for a greater level of active scrutiny William Sarsfield n Communists oppose all impe- rialist wars and occupations but constantly strive to bring to the fore Parliament and accountability the fundamental question–ending war is bound up with ending capitalism. J Hamilton not have a revolutionary party, much “representatives”. Where the resolution n Communists are internationalists. (Liverpool Communist Group) said less a revolution. A revolution meant spoke of the “party” it meant the Everywhere we strive for the closest he considered altering the words, discipline and obedience. national executive, as appointed by the unity and agreement of working class “representatives of the party elected to JE Thomas (Aberdare Communist party in conference; provision would and progressive parties of all countries. parliament”, to “members of the party Unity Group) be made in the constitution to see that We oppose every manifestation contesting or elected to parliament” said, on this point of rigid discipline, that executive was elected in a properly of national sectionalism. It is an if it would help prevent careerism; he would like to know how far the constituted and democratic manner. internationalist duty to uphold the and the introduction of the word conference could tie the hands of a W Mellor principle, ‘One state, one party’. “contesting” was important, because member of a trade union who was also asked if there would be the same it made it explicit that the rule applied a member of this party if he was run as measure of control over local as over n The working class must be both before and after election. They a candidate. national representatives. organised globally. Without a global had another amendment: to delete FW Llewellyn (BSP Plymouth) T Bell Communist Party, a Communist the words, “according to national or said he supported the amendment. He replied that all the localities did not International, the struggle against local circumstances”, because they had been asked only last week to run as a have the same degree of civic and capital is weakened and lacks considered this phrase would give an Labour candidate for one of the wards in social development as each other. coordination. opportunity to evade the candidates Plymouth and had replied that he would There were variations of development n Communists have no interest being tied down by the resolution, so far only stand as a communist candidate. in municipalities and so forth, and these apart from the working class as tactics were concerned. Members of a trade union who were would very largely determine the policy as a whole. They differ only in W Mellor also members of the Communist and tactics that would be most efficient recognising the importance of opposed the amendment, and drew William Mellor Party must stand by their communist for our propaganda purposes. That was Marxism as a guide to practice. attention to what he considered a danger principles. There was too much local what the Joint Committee had in mind That theory is no dogma, but in the resolution as it stood. What was the country all items of policy for autonomy now. Elections were fought when they used the phrase, “according must be constantly added to and meant, he asked, by the phrase, “laid their local conduct. The resolution on local questions, but we wanted to to local circumstances” ... enriched. down by the party”? Did this refer to meant that the comrade elected to a have them fought on the principles of W Saltmarsh (Cardiff Communist n Capitalism in its ceaseless the party in delegate conference or to particular body would represent the the party, and our candidates must run Unity Group) search for profit puts the future the executive? It seemed to him that party, as against the electors, and that on a common platform. said it seemed to him wrong that of humanity at risk. Capitalism is the clause as drafted would lead to if he went from the policy of the party CL Gibbons (Ferndale Socialist the majority of the members took synonymous with war, pollution, centralisation of the worst possible he should no longer be regarded as Society) parliamentary and political action exploitation and crisis. As a global type, endangering local initiative one of its members. Mellor had read said that number one resolution had seriously. If they were to abide by what system capitalism can only be and setting up a bureaucracy, which into the resolution an entirely different been carried unanimously and the they had already decided, they were superseded globally. future conferences would be always meaning. A national party could not convention had thereby agreed to the going to treat it as a joke. He recognised n criticising. The convention did not lay down all the things that were to soviet or workers’ council system. A that the greatest part of the value of The capitalist class will never accept the idea that local circumstances guide the party throughout the country. part of that system was the right of local the work would be the educational willingly allow their wealth and did not count, or alternatively, that the The party locally must decide on local recall - not party recall. It was going too side of the constituency. If by chance power to be taken away by a people at head office understood all affairs, and nationally on national far in paternal government for the party a candidate was returned and took his parliamentary vote. local circumstances. From the head affairs, but its members would sit on to undertake to keep the representatives seat, he would be sitting on rotten eggs n We will use the most militant office manifestos, leaflets, speakers, etc public bodies as representing the party, in order. If the man was not elected in and nothing would come of it. methods objective circumstances could go out for ever; but unless there not their constituents. a communist constituency there was J Fitton allow to achieve a federal republic was a response inside the localities all J Grierson (BSP Openshaw) no point in the party controlling him, then moved to add to the resolution of England, Scotland and Wales, such efforts would be in vain. supported the amendment. They could because he would not get in unless he the words: “In the event of any a united, federal Ireland and a Neither the amendment nor the not have one thing in Essex and another compromised. representative violating the decisions of United States of Europe. resolution as it stood safeguarded local in Northumberland, but must have a T Bell the party, as embodied in the mandate n Communists favour industrial life, local initiative, local control, and Communist Party with rigid discipline. said there was no contradiction in which he or she has accepted or been unions. Bureaucracy and class he asked the delegates to consider In the British Socialist Party we had advocating the workers’ councils idea instructed upon, he or she shall be called compromise must be fought and seriously whether the last two sentences seen some branches supporting Labour and determining the tactics that would upon to resign his or her membership the trade unions transformed into of the resolution expressed what the candidates, while others opposed them, be adopted, once our representative was of parliament or municipality and also schools for communism. convention wanted. He thought the and on one occasion Henry Hyndman returned to the House of Commons. of the party.” He said those who talked n Communists are champions of amendment should be rejected because had come down to Openshaw and The soviet idea was our alternative about party discipline ought to support the oppressed. Women’s oppression, of the deletion of the words, “according supported the Labour candidate in to parliamentary institutions when the amendment. combating racism and chauvinism, to local or national circumstances”; but preference to a BSP candidate run by we had achieved our revolution. We and the struggle for peace and there was a more vital question before Resolution, as the local branch. Such things would participated in local and parliamentary ecological sustainability are just them than that. They were faced with happen again if we were not careful. elections for agitational purposes. amended as much working class questions the whole question of the relationship of The Communist Party repudiates the H Webb Different localities varied from each as pay, trade union rights and the local groups of the Communist Party reformist view that a social revolution said local autonomy would lead to other; in parliamentary constituencies demands for high-quality health, to the executive, and the resolution was can be achieved by the ordinary confusion. In the north they would have situations were continually arising housing and education. giving the executive an awful amount of half a dozen towns in close proximity that called for particular tactics to methods of parliamentary democracy, authority. He did not think it wise for the to each other, but all pursuing different be adopted, always with a view to but regards parliamentary and electoral n Socialism represents victory Communist Party at its birth to begin by policies. fomenting our revolutionary agitation. action generally as providing a means in the battle for democracy. It is bureaucratising its administration. Mrs Kennedy (BSP Erith) In the past members of parliament of propaganda and agitation towards the the rule of the working class. A MacManus, the chair, said that they said that if local autonomy was not had become divorced from the party revolution. The tactics to be employed Socialism is either democratic or, were only deciding the tactical policy of allowed more damage might be done that had sent them there. We wanted by representatives of the party elected as with Stalin’s , it the Communist Party for a few months. to the Communist Party than otherwise. to ensure that our representatives on to parliament or local bodies must be turns into its opposite. When the convention was finished, Miss E Wilkinson (Manchester Guild local and national bodies should keep laid down by the party itself, according n Socialism is the first stage the first obvious duty of the executive Communist Group) in close contact with the Communist to the national or local circumstances. of the worldwide transition to would be to issue a call for resolutions said if we were going in for a Party executive, and that the executive In all cases such representatives must be communism–a system which that would be embodied in a draft revolutionary party we must have a should have regard to the general considered as holding a mandate from knows neither wars, exploitation, constitution. That skeleton would be general staff and be willing to obey situation, whether industrial or political, the party, and not from the particular money, classes, states nor nations. sent out to every member of the party it. After the revolution we could have and should collaborate with those constituency for which they happen to Communism is general freedom in order to ascertain every point of view local decentralisation. The present representatives upon the tactics that sit. In the event of any representative and the real beginning of human as to what the constitution of the party discussion was important, because if were to be adopted in order to achieve violating the decisions of the party, as history. should be and a later draft would be the convention was laying down the the best values as far as revolutionary embodied in the mandate which he or The Weekly Worker is licensed by prepared for further examination and lines on which the Communist Party agitation was concerned. she has accepted or been instructed November Publications under a Creative criticism. was to be formed, and if it was put It seemed to him that the movers of upon, he or she shall be called upon Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence: AA Watts into the heads of the people who were the amendment had no case whatever. to resign his or her membership of creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ said he did not think the party could lay to draft the constitution that they were The Joint Committee would not quarrel parliament or municipality and also of legalcode. ISSN 1351-0150. down to the local branches throughout to go on the same old lines, we could about the words “members” and the party l No 1299 May 14 2020 Class inequalities are stark and apparent Protecting the bosses ‘Stay alert’ seems to mean ‘Go to work even if it is unsafe’, writes Eddie Ford he UK coronavirus death toll amongst professionals with spacious continues to make for grim accommodation and the highest among Treading. Once you take into men working in low-skilled and manual account the almost 10,000 care-home occupations - and often going home to residents who have died, and add the cramped living conditions. latest figures for Scotland and Northern Hence we discover that the highest Ireland, the total number of official UK death rate has been among security deaths actually stands at over 40,000 - guards with 45.7 fatalities per 100,000 twice the figure that was considered a (63 actual deaths) - followed by taxi “good result” only a few months ago.1 drivers and chauffeurs, bus and coach Of course, the week was dominated drivers, chefs, shop workers and, of by the government’s change in course, staff in care homes and home approach to Covid-19 - announced on carers. What will get people scratching May 10 by Boris Johnson from within their heads - especially after the endless the bowels of Downing Street. The headlines about NHS nurses and doctors endlessly repeated mantra of ‘Stay being like “lambs to the slaughter” and at home’ has been replaced by ‘Stay so on - is that they are no more likely to alert’, whilst ‘Protect the NHS’ has die of the virus on average than anyone been junked in favour of ‘Control the else. NHS healthcare workers, the virus’ - presumably on the basis that survey states, “were not found to have the prime minister believes that the higher rates of death involving Covid- national health service has now been 19, when compared with the rate among successfully shielded from any prospect those whose death involved Covid-19 of being overwhelmed by coronavirus of the same age and sex in the general cases. Mothball the Nightingale population”. The ONS study may not be hospitals and put the ventilators back worthy of a Nobel Prize, but it tells you in storage. Some on the right wing of a lot politically and socially. the Tory Party, and the libertarian right It’s no longer ‘Protect the NHS’ All this furthers emphasises that in general, had become increasingly socialists should stress the possible worried that the ‘Stay at home’ message a local basis. That seems a very tall guy in waiting - to explain that the Johnson’s “roadmap” is that there danger to workers returning to their had become too effective - making order, given that the testing regime is new government guidelines will in fact are no enforceable safety standards jobs without the necessary protection. people terrified to venture out and thus still woefully inadequate (the 100,000 apply from May 13, after the 50-page for workers - the unions have been Correctly, various unions and Labour crippling economic activity. target seems to have been forgotten, and “roadmap” and necessary statutory effectively bypassed. Nor is there any MPs have castigated the government for Anyway, Johnson requested - or currently it stands at fewer than 70,000 instruments had been published. That clarity about workers with childcare putting the welfare of businesses over instructed (it is not entirely clear which) tests a day). If all goes to plan, which it would put into law the “baby steps” responsibilities, who may now feel and above that of the working class. - all those unable to do their job from almost certainly will not, a triumphant announced by Boris Johnson on TV pressured to get back to work. More Jeremy Corbyn in parliament attacked home, which is the majority of workers, Boris Johnson will announce fairly at the weekend. Meanwhile, Scotland, or less everything is down to the good Boris Johnson for giving the bosses to return to work, but to keep adhering shortly that the Covid threat level has Wales and Northern Ireland are sticking will and discretion of the bosses, which “carte blanche to force people back to social distancing guidelines. Keep gone from level four to three - open the to the original ‘Stay at home’ message, is a road to disaster. Are returning to work without proper consideration two metres away and wash your hands. champagne. with a lot of liberalistic outrage about workers allowed to walk out if there is of their health and safety”. He urged For many this is asking the impossible, Newspaper headlines following how Boris Johnson did not properly not adequate PPE or a generally unsafe Johnson not to lift the lockdown “until whether due to thoughtless bosses, lack Johnson’s pronouncements indicate that consult the devolved governments - the working environment? Understandably, it’s absolutely clear that we have the of basic facilities and personal protective it was not exactly a stunning PR success union is in peril. The Lancet medical journal carried coronavirus crisis under control”, as equipment, or the very nature of the job - “divisive”, “confused”, “vague”, Inevitably, the published roadmap a plea for the eight million with it is “affecting the poorest and most itself. The prime minister also told these “dangerous”, “catastrophic”, etc. introduced new contradictions and underlying health conditions to be vulnerable people in our society the workers to “avoid” public transport, Ministers had to scuttle around media nonsense. For example, quite a big exempted from Boris Johnson’s plans worst”. In the same vein, John Phillips, which is a virtual impossibility too if outlets, explaining what ‘Stay alert’ surprise in the changes were steps to to get the country working again. It acting general secretary of the GMB you live in London - doubly unfortunate really means. Appearing on the BBC’s restart the housing market in England, warned that easing the lockdown too union, said the ONS figures were if you are not able to obtain a proper Andrew Marr show, a flustered housing with people now allowed to visit estate quickly could see the Covid-19 death “horrifying” and called for a pause on mask (as opposed to wrapping a scarf secretary, Robert Jenrick, attempted to or letting agents and view properties for toll climbing up to 100,000 this year. return to work until guidelines were in around your face). clear up the situation - actually, he said, sale or rent. This must now classify as place. Similarly, RMT general secretary The changes, it seems, include a ‘Stay alert’ means staying at home “as an “essential” business - a splash in The Exposed Mick Cash savaged the government for five-tier coronavirus warning system much as possible” - something later Times reckoned 450,000 house moves This suspicion seems amply confirmed still not having convened a coronavirus administered by a new “joint biosecurity repeated by the prime minister. Such had been frozen by the lockdown, and by a very recent, yet in some ways safety forum for the transport sector l centre”, modelled on the system used to ‘clarifications’, needless to say, only argued for a swift restart to sales, in the surprising, study by the Office for announce the threat level from terrorism added to the confusion. hope that it may limit the depth of the National Statistics, based on an analysis [email protected] - ranging from green at level one to There was also puzzlement about coming deep recession. Good luck with of the 2,494 registered deaths involving red at level five with the current status when the changes would start to kick that. But the new rules do not stipulate coronavirus among workers aged 20 Notes being four. That immediately suggests in. Everything Boris Johnson said from how many people will be permitted to to 64 in England and Wales, up to and 3 1. theguardian.com/world/2020/may/12/uk- that easing the lockdown at this stage Downing Street indicated that it would view a property, or how often, leading including April 20. As well as the coronavirus-death-toll-passes-40000-official- in time might not be entirely wise. be immediate, with workers returning to the potentially absurd situation finding that men are twice as likely to figures-say. Germany began easing restrictions two to factories and construction sites the where people can now visit the homes die of Covid-19 than women, it shatters 2. bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52632369. weeks ago after sustained pressure from following morning - understandably of complete strangers to consider a the myth that the virus is indiscriminate 3. ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/ healthandsocialcare/causesofdeath/bulletins/ leaders of the local states (Länder), inducing trepidation, if not panic, house purchase, but not those of family - killing everyone regardless of class or coronaviruscovid19relateddeathsbyoccupationeng resulting in the infamous ‘R’ value - amongst many. Yet it fell to the hapless members or close friends. occupation. Back in reality, the survey landandwales/deathsregistereduptoandincluding the average number of people each health secretary, Matt Hancock - fall But the biggest concern by far about shows that the lowest death toll has been 20april2020. person with the virus infects - quickly shooting up from 0.71 to 1.1, though Subscribe Name:______Standing order the federal authorities at present do 6m 1yr Inst. To ______Bank plc ______not seem unduly alarmed, as the actual Address:______UK £30/€35 £60/€70 £200/€220 Branch address ______scale of infections has dropped to less Europe £43/€50 £86/€100 £240/€264 2 ______than 1,000 infections a day. 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