Ecology and Biogeography of India, Pp. Molenkampi, a Human Parathelphus Dugasti, by Eating Species-Wise Bibliographies)
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OdonatologicalAbstracts 1971 assmuthi, O. feae, O. obesus and O. parvidens. (9929) VAJRASTH1RA, S. & S. YAMPUT, 1971. The 1977 life cycle of Prosthodendrium molenkampi, a human intestinal fluke in family Lecilhodendriidae in Thai- (9931) BEDFORD, J.J., 1977. The carbohydrate levels land. SEast Asian J. Trap. Med. public HUH 2(4): 585- of insect haemolymph. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. -586. - (Authors’ current address unknown; c/o Dept (A)57: 83-86. - (Author’s current address unknown). Helrainthol., Fac. Trap. Med., Mahidol Univ., Bang- Data on the concentration of glucose and trechalose kok, Thailand). in the haemolymph are stated for several terrestrial first discovered in humans in and insect incl. carovei P. molenkampi was In- arthropod other spp., Uropetala donesia (cf, LIE, K.J., 1951, Documenla need, and Procordulia smithii. The patterns are discussed the the stud- indones. Morb. Imp. 3: 105) and was considered as in terms of phylogeneticposition of taxa an accidental infection. Its odon. associated life his- ied. - Cf. also OA 1243. described in the listed in OA 1089. - tory was paper In the the results of in 1981 present paper, an investigation the Pakplee distr, Nakomnayok, central Thailand,are reported. Metacercariae were found in the common (9932) KAPPES, E. & W. KAPPES, 1981. Naturkund- rice field crab,Parathelphus dugasti, and in adult and liche Studien in Jordaniens Wüsten: Nationalpark larval “Celithemis” his- spp. Epidemiologicalcase Azraq, 25. April bis 2, Mai 1980. MittBl. dt. Bund studies carried infected - tory out among the persons Vogelschutz Hamburg (Sonderh.) 9: 139-148. suggest the infection by eating either the raw crab (Eichenweg 27, D-22359 Hamburg). mest, orthe larvae. - an excellent ac- Lists 6 identified odon. from the dragonfly (For spp. Azraq Oasis, the cf. count on subject KOM1YA, Y., 1965, ca 100 km E ofAman, Jordan. A few additional taxa Metacercariae in and identified Japan adjacent territories, Pmgr. are to the genus only. med. Parasitol. Jpn 2: 1-328;Odon. pp. 225-234, with species-wise bibliographies). 1983 1974 (9933) STOUT, J., 1983. Megaloprepus and Mecisto- gaster(GallitoAzul, HelicopterDamselfly). In: D.H. (9930) SEN-SARMA, P.K., 1974. Ecology and bioge- Janzen, [Ed.], Costa Rican natural history, pp. 734- ography ofthe termites ofIndia. In: M.S. Mani, [Ed.], -735 (Engl.), 748-749 (Span,), Univ Chicago Press, and of - address Ecology biogeography India, pp. 421-472, Chicago. (Author's unknown). Junk, The Hague. - ISBN 90-6193-075-8. The biology of Megaloprepus coerulatus, Mecisto- Pantala flavescens is reportedto predateat Dehra Dun, gaster modestus and M. omatus in Costa Rica is India, on the swarming adults of Odontotermes briefly outlined. 250 OdonatologicalAbstracts 1984 (9938) MITRA, B. &P.K. MAIT1,1992. Biogeographi- cal analysis of entomofauna of the Great Nicobar Is- (9934) MATSUKI, K. & I. MAKIBAYASHI, 1984.The land, Indian Ocean. Proc. tool. Soc. Calcutta 45 types ofmoulting line appeared in final instar larvae (Suppl. A): 501-508. -(Zool. Surv. India, ‘M'Block, of Odonata. 1.Anisozygoptera, Anisoptera. Cho-cho 535 New Alipore, Calcutta-700053, India). 7(10): 20-32. (Jap., with Engl, title). - (First Author: 123 spp. and sspp. of7 orders (incl. 5 odon. spp.) ate fauna 3-1575-14, Hasama, Funabashi, Chiba, 274, JA). listed. The shows a strong affinity to the In- of 8 fam. dian the than the [Abstract not available]; 91 spp. were ex- subregion and Andamans rather to amined and the moulting line of all of them is also Indo-Malayan and Indo-Chinese subregions. - Cf. illustrated. - For pt 2 (Zygoptera)cf, OA 9888. OA 4293. 1990 (9939) PAL, T.K., 1992. Biological control ofmosquito with predators: some case studies and applicability (9935) LUDWIG, J„ H. BELTING, A.J. HELB1G & of the strategy. Proc. zool. Soc. Calcutta 45 (Suppl. H,A. BRUNS, 1990. Die Vögel des Dümmer-Gebiet- A): 527-537. - (Arunachal Pradesh Fid Stn, Zool. Surv. es. NatSchutz Landschaftspfl. Niedersachs. 21: 1-129. India, Itanagar-791 111, India). - (Authors’ current addresses unknown). Contains a passing reference to the odon., but deals In the Dümmer area, Lower Saxony, Germany, dur- mainly with Sphaerodema annulatum (Heteroptera) ing the early 1950s, dragonflies represented a major and Laccophilus anticatus (Coleoptera). in component the hooby (Falco subbuteo) diet, as evidenced by the published records. Since the late (9940) SCH1ESS, H„ 1992. Vielfalt und Verlust sind this is The alteration ofdiet liberal!. Dr. Friedrich Ris’ 1970s, not any more so. “Entomologisches Tage- im is ascribed to the decrease ofthe local odon. popula- buch” von 1917 bis 1930 Vergleich mit heute. tions, triggered by man-caused disappearance of Uni Zurich 23: 13-15. - (Homberg 325, CH-9925 aquatic vegetation. Brunnadem). Between 18 June 1917 and 17 Jan. 1931, the great 1991 Swiss F. Ris odonatologist, (1867-1931),kept a very detailed his in diary of field trips Switzerland, cov- (9936) WALDERT, R„ 1991. Auswirkungen von was- ering his visits to almost 200 localities and regions, serbaulichen Massnahmen am Lech auf die Insekten- with meticulously precise field notes, annotated lists fauna flusstypischer Biozönosen. Augsburg, ökol. ofcollected/sightedspp., descriptions ofhabitats, etc. Sehr. 2; 109-120. - (Abt. Landschaftsökol., Amt f. Here, somecomparisons are made between the fauna Grünordnung u. Naturschutz, Dr.-Ziegenspeck-Weg inventories noted by Ris and the present situation at 10, D(W)-8000 Augsburg). the same spot, but no reference is made to the odon. Contains checklist of 43 odon. that have - The title of another article this is listed a spp., ever on subject been recorded from the Lech R., Bavaria, Germany. in OA 8006. Recent evidence is available on the Occurrence of 36 1993 spp. 1992 (9941) ADAM, R„ P. S1THITHAWORN, V. PIP1T- GOOL, E. HINZ & V. STORCH, 1993. Studies on (9937) MALKMUS, R., 1992. Zur Verbreitung der metacercariae from naiads in northeast Thailand. Herpetofauna sowie einiger Libellenvorkommen in SEast Asian J. trap. Med. public Health 24(4): 701- den Ostalpen. Nachr. naturw. Mus. Aschaffenburg99: -705. - (First Author: FG Parasitol., Inst. Zool., Univ. 49-60. - (Schulstr. 4, D-97859 Wiesthal). Hohenheim, Emil-Wolff-Str. 34, D-70599 Stuttgart). From East- 2 localities in the Kreuzeckgmppe Range, Metacercariae are described and illustrated from lar- Austria, 3 odon. recorded, viz. val ern Alps, spp. are Ictinogomphus angulosus, Brachythemis conta- Bratleitenalm (lake, alt. 2350 m): larval Aeshna minata, Crocothemis servilia, Hydrobasileus croceus, caerulea; - Nassfeldtörl (pond, alt. 2110 m): Enallag- Orthetrum sabina and Trithemis pallidinervis. The ma cyathigerum,A. caerulea,Somatochlora alpestris. trematode sp./spp. is/are not identified. I, angulosus and H. croceus were not previously reported as hosts. Odonatological Abstracts 251 research the - For trematode hosts the outline of M.Sc. some other papers onthe odon. senting a project on cf. 04 343, 489, 622-624, 643, 1089, 1761, 2385, biology of C. microstigma. 3317,3715,5877,6550-6551,6687,8467. For a list cf. the reference HEINRICH, B., 1993. The hot-blooded insects. ofthe Japanese odon. host spp. given (9947) in 04 9930. Strategies and mechanisms of thermoregulation. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-London-Paris-Hong vi+601 3-540- (9942) ARNOLD, A., 1993. Libellen (Odonata) im Kong-Barcelona-Budapest. pp. ISBN - Kreis Schmölln. Mauriliana 14:234. - (Nordstr. 39/ -56302-4. - Price: NLG 250.- net, (Author: Zool. VT 551, D-04105 Leipzig). Dept, Univ. Vermont, Burlington, 05405, USA). commented list of 22 evidenced This is a definite overview of what is A spp., as during masterpiece 1981-1989; E Germany. known on thermoregulationin all of the majorinsect orders, offering newinsights onphysiology, ecology (9943) CLAUSNITZER, H.-J., 1993. Die Bedeutung and evolution. A chapter,titled “Dragonfliesnow and fur then” Ref. sum- temporarer Kleingewasser gefahrdete Arten. (pp. 117-142, pp. 535-537), not only Metelen SchrR. NatSchutz 4: 41-45. (With Engl. s.). marises in great detailthe situation in the odon. (with - (Eichenstr. 11, D-29348 Eschede). original interpretations of the published evidence, The importance ofman/made perennialand periodic from which various suggestions arederived) but also in conservation is Lestes list of 5 relative to odon. ponds programs emphasised. gives a remainingproblems L. and viz. Do color func- barbants, L. dryas, virens, Sympecma spp. thermoregulation, (1) changes tion as sensors in some dragonflies? - Sympetrum flaveolum are breeding facultatively or temperature Do modulate effort affect obligatorily in temporary ponds. (2) dragonflies flight to either heat production or rate of convective cooling? (9944) FALK, L„ G. MOHRBACH, S. OHLIGER & - (3) Why do so many perchers show no shivering W. STEIGNER, 1993. Geschiitzte Natur im Kreis response? - (4) Given that flyer dragonflies show ii+58 immediate heat transfer the abdomen before Kusel. Pollichia, Herschweiler-Pettersheim, pp. to long - (Publishers: Hohlstr. 20, D-66909 Herschweiler- lethal are reached, why do they not heat up the females -Pettersheim). abdomen during shivering warm-up? Do - the “breath- Brief of various nature reserves in the T for maturation? Do descriptions regulate >M egg (5) district of Kusel, Westpfälzer Bergland, Germany, ing” movements of dragonflies augment blood cir- odon. from Höcher- culation for listing some spp. Schwarzbach, thermoregulation? berg-Westrich and from Landstuhler Bruch in the Upper Glantal. (9948) KHALIQ, A., MX. ABBASI & K.F. AHMAD, 1993.