No Man's Land
Image credit: Mathew Knight, Kenyon Shankie, and Jeff Avery NO MAN’S LAND Composer: John Psathas, Director: Jasmine Millet Cinematographer: Mathew Knight WITH SUPPORT FROM: Creative NZ and WWI00. Produced by Victoria University of Wellington. With support from: the Lottery Grants Board, Adrian Durham, the British High Commission, the Polish Embassy, the French Embassy, the New Zealand-France Friendship Fund, Radio New Zealand Concert, Park Road Post Production, Te Koki New Zealand School of Music, New Zealand India Research Institute, New Zealand Defence Force. When Friday 22, Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 April, 2016 Duration 20 minutes COMPOSER’S INTRODUCTION – JOHN PSATHAS Why musicians travelling in the footsteps of soldiers 100 years ago? If we could go back in time and say to those on the battlefields “guess what happens here in 100 years” – would they believe us? If we said the same thing to those fighting now, would they believe us? Would we believe ourselves? We now wage war on our own species. But even at our worst, humanity and empathy continue to survive. Our story culminates in acts of kindness: soldiers from opposing sides, ‘enemies’, offering each other water, a cigarette, a shoulder to lean on. Even – incredibly – in what is surely one of the most bizarre and dangerous inventions of the human mind: a place called no man’s land. ORIGINAL ARMENIAN LYRICS, FROM POSTLUDE (LAMENTOS) - SERJ TANKIAN (80-minute film version only) English Translation of the lyrics Gyanke mechernis voronoum e' Life is searching within us for a concert
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