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- G" ' ~ ; ! ~ Braun Branly Boston Bostock Becquerel Baudot Batteries Barden Bain : Bright Brett Board Blake Billingsgate Battle Baily Atlantic Astatic " : Bright Bell t ) I Ayrton Automatic Automatic Aurora Atlantic ' ~ , ' .VI 0 P ' 0 G - : G cr ~ electrical . , Standard " : 1866 1858 1857 - . > ! < . . 0 ' ! . 1 . '

~ ,

cr 228 polarization 0 N ' G ~ of by Co ' - " 187 305 Bright . , \ t s

' Alexander , 210 telephone , Professor ClQ ~ on of ~ , of g ' . S P ~ automatic " oj ~( . NGClQt ' - , electric

. ." cathode failure successful short .

" " - > control : ) Hammond and

. Professor

. telegraph and borealis . '

' - , . , , Charles Mass s cable

' , , the

. Supply Trade - \ ~ r G " P-. cn ~ ~ ~' 0 P 8 G ~ 213 ' . . .

" early

- d > . > gloomy

0 1 . t s , Telegraph , 213 ' ~ telephone telegraph ~ G - ~ ~ ~' 0 P 8 G ~ standards W ~ - . I t ~ 142 Brattain

- Clark

: 213

: - " Perry - - : t ' t > Fish + s systems

J proposal

' . life ClQ .

" , , t 9 . G E ( ~I . P 8 G ~ : - O ~ ; ! ~ : , - . : : - - ; ' : . > current t ) j t ) s . 216 street \ . + form : ray

, . , , Nobili Walter ,

\ VI - Scheme 21 - 234 , , in , telegraph Graham 217 0 , Atlantic Market prediction cell 225 , coherer ClQ 220

. ' portable

- .~ 00_ 00 ~ I P ~ G " ~ . ~ p g g ~ 0 ( . : tube cells : 1881 : > il - ' - s + ) . , ' . . 25 ' ClQ by transistor , cars . ~ ,

< t~ G ~ ~ ( ~ . P 8 G ~ , 86 - .' 0 I ' G S " 0 ~ G 0 171 , " : - : ' . > 241

: ,

d 298 f saP . 3 ) . .

+ 50 ,

. Co ) 44 ~ 294 to ,

~ Pepys , rotating 26

No " . G t ~~ P ; g ; 0 G ~ , , . - : " . t > ) - 283 45

. , ' inaugurated ,

. 150 , , .

~ . lit , ,

~ . ~ I G ~ 185 . a 0 g ~ o : t - ' G ~ ~ r : . : : " . 268

: 302 : . ' Telegraph . . . ; 3 t . s early overcome

. - 1846 . , . ammeter

~ of N ~ ~' 0 P I

" : by

> : , t s Charles ,

. , ciQ 43

- ? future . . ' G ~ - ! t G ~ @ ~ . " . . 0 ( 0' G ~ P X G 288 . . . . . / " ii > - . J : . . . ) t > . 3 0 . . , . . " . field - ' . electricity life 0 . N 86 ~ . . \ . . u " ' . .G - (cr P ( P t P ~ > S" - p - ~ " .~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ , , ' : " - . , ) > ) : 3 > " < > . ' . ' - ' ClQ . ? - ~ w ~ . .0 00 " " . Gj - ' . . . " ' d - ( .\ ' . t . - ' ~ ' ~ ~ ( (. ~ ~ " ( 0 - g 0 I 0 ' ( t - ~ ~ . S - . / , - - . ) .) d ) - " ! ) t <- . . . " ' + - , . - 1 , . ~ ~ N ~t G G S - t

~ ~ ' . .P < ~ 0 - ( ~ ( G - .G 0 G ' 0 ~ ' ! G 0 - ; c . " " - >! ; ) ) - to ? t + j . . ' . " . - . " . ~ 00 ~ . - ' ( ~ ( '~ ( ~ ' \ ~ / " / ~ 1 ) t ) . ' l , ' . 0 0 .0 00 00 . 0 . . ~ ( - . (G cr ~ cn ~ ! cnG ~ - ~ \ ~ . . - - . / : . . P o ) I < \ .\ . + + ' . . . l ~ ~ 00 00 - P - ( ~ t 0 ~ ! ' \ ~ > - / - 3 ) t . - l ~ ~ . ( 8 cn ~ . . p . " , ~ ~ , , , ' : ' i ~ > Index

British Association , standards , 302 Central Electricity Board , 202 British Post Office , aid to Marcom , Central Electricity Generating Board, 269 output in 1960, 99 British Railway systems , 194 Central London ' tube' railway , 192 British Standards Institution , 327 CERN , 282

Brooks ' s system of under ground distribution Channel cable 1851, 211 . 255 Chappe semaphore telegraph, 1794, Brusharc lamp , installationin U.S.A. 66

c. 1875, 125 Charing Cross Electricity Supply Co . , BuckinghamPalace , lightningconductor 1883 , 149

disputewith Franklin, 26 Charing Cross and Strand Electricity Buckinghamtelegraph , 225 Supply Corporation , 1889 , 149

Bunsencell , 46 Chartered Electrical Engineer , 331

Chicago Edison Co . large storage

Cable, telegraph, submarine, 212 battery , 1900 , 156

Cable, telephone: Chinese explain magnetic effects in

dry core, 241 antiquity , 21 , 22 , 23

multi twin, 241 Christopher Columbus notices magnetic star quad, 241 deviation . 24 transatlantic. 213 Circuit breaker, 204 Cables, power: air blast, 205 cablesheaths . 257- 60 oil. 205 concentric, 258 City and Guilds of London Institute, gaspressure , 261 324 Hochstadter. 259 City and South London ' tube' railway impregnatedpaper , 257 , 192 oil-filled. Emanuel i. 262 Clarke, EdwardMit electricmachinest Oilostatic, 261 101 rubber, 262 Clarke--Saxtoncontroversy t 102 3-core, 258 Clarkt Latimert 221 varnishedcambric , 257 Clothiert H. W., short-circuit testing Callender, bitumencables , 256 station st 205 Calver ley and others, discussionof C.M. lettert 1753tearly suggestionfor tractionsvstems . 194 electrictelegrapht 68 CambridgeInstrument Co . : Coaxialtelephone cablest 249 cardiographs, 317 Cockcroft and Walton. 281 potentiometer, 300 Code, telegraph, five-unit, 225 Campbell, SwintonA ., scanning, 285 Coherer, Branly-Lodge, 268 CanadianNational Railway locomotiveColdcathode tube . 139 . 194 Commonbattery telephone system , Capacity effects in telegraph circuits , 239 86 Commutatordevised by Sturgeon , 103 Capital cost of power stations, 204 Commutatorproposed by Ampere Carbon arc demonstrated by Davy , andfitted by Pixii to a magneto 38 electricmachine , 101 Cardew hot-wire ammeter, 309 Compagniede I' Allianceformed to Cardiographs, 317 exploitNollet 's invention, 105 Carey. G. R.. television. 285 Compassneedle manufacturerin Carner systems in telephony t 248 1576. 24 Cathode ray tube, 283 Compoundwindingof field coils, Cat's whisker, 273 1882,113 Cavendish investigates electric conductionConcentric cable , 258 in sea water, 30 Conduction, electric, Stephen Gray Centimetric waves, 280 enunciates, 27 360


Continuous loading , telephone cables , Decomposition of water , George 246 Pearson , 34

Continuous vulcanization , 263 de Forest , Dr . Lee , triode , 273

Cooke , William Fother gill and Sir De Magnete , Gilbert , 1600 , 25

Charles Wheatstone bring electric Deprez , direct reading instruments , 305 telegraphs into daily use , 76

Coolidge introduces tungsten lamp Deptford station under steam , 1889 ,

filament , 1908 , 136 164

Cooper Hewitt , mercury vapour De Rerum Natura of Lucretius , 22

lamp , 137 Deutsches Museum , 268

Copper conductors , effect of im - Diode , Fleming , 272

purities , 218 Direct reading galvanometer , 305

Copper oxide rectifiers , 287 Direct reading telegraph , Wheatstone , 79 Costs of electricity for lighthouse use ,

106 Double - current working telegraph

Cotton industry , 337 circuits , 86

Coulomb , Charles Augustus de , torsion Dry cell , Hellesen , 1887 , 49

balance , 291 Dry cells , 48

Couronne des Tasses of Volta , 31 Dry - core telephone cable , 241

Crampton , T . R . , 211 Duddell , William du Bois :

Crompton , Rookes Evelyn : oscillatory arc , 272

Chelmsford factory , 114 oscillograph , 312

early life , 135 Duddell - Mather wattmeter , 297

electric supply , 147 Dufay , vitreous and resinous electricity

strip conductors , 255 , 27

Cruickshank of Woolwich , identifies Duplex telegraph , 223

gases in electrical decomposition Dust cores , 316

of water , 34 Dynamometer , electro :

Cunaeus , discoverer of Leyden jar , Frolich , 294 28 Weber , 294

Curbing condensers introduced by

Varley , 222 Eddy currents :

Cuthbertson anticipates voltaic current Arago ' s disc , 60

, 1796 , 30 Varley , 174 Edison , Thomas Alva : Cyclotron , Lawrence , 281 association with Swan , 128 Edison effect . 266 dal Negro , Salvatore :

first motor , 178 Edison Electric Illuminating Co " 144 oscillating magnetic engine , 99

Daniell , self - depolarizing cell , 45 electric pen , 181

Darwin , Sir Charles , International electrical inventor , 119

units , 303 Holborn Viaduct , 145

Davidson , Robert , electric car , 179 Pearl Street , 144

Davies , W . Langdon , , traction , 181 1R9 underground cable , 254

Davy , Humphry : Einthoven , string galvanometer , 316 Electric current no future , Bostock , appointed Royal Institution , 36 44 carbon arc , 38

decomposes alkalis , 40 Electric eel , 21

early life , 35 Electric Lighting Act :

De Civitate Dei of St . Augustine , and the first , 1882 , 145 the second , 1888 , 147 magnetism , 22

Deckert granular telephone transmitter Electric power , a civilizing influence , 342 , 235 361

Index Electricrailway , thefirst , 181 Faraday, Michael: Electrictraction in nationallife , 343 Diary, 91 Electricalattraction by rubbed amber , earlylife , 89 27 electrolysisnomenclature , 41 Electricalcoupling of machines, 190 introducedto RoyalInstitution , 90 Electricalmachine , Otto von Gue- appointedassistant , 91 ricke, 1660, 27 lighthouses, 106 ElectricalReview , The, 324 majordiscoveries , 92-7 Electricalstandards , 298 tour of Europe, 334 ElectricalTimes , The, 324 Farmer, multiplextelegraph , 225 Electrician, The, 142, 324 Faure, formedplate of storagebatteries Electricitygrid , 202 . 155 ElectricitySupply Acts ; 1919, 202; Ferrant i, SebastianZiani de : 1926, 202 , 173 Electrochemicalequivalents , 41 breakwith directors, 167 Electrochemistry, Davy's early experimentsDeptford, 162 , 38 Ferrant i effect, 167 Electrolysis, Faraday, anode, cathode, GrosvenorGallery , 143 etc., 41 mammothsets , 165 , first, William Sturgeonnoteon life , 160 , 61 10,000volt cable , 164 Electromagneticwaves , 267 transformer, 175-6 , Henryand Moll , 64 Ferrari, Galileo, rotatingfield , 188 Electronmicroscope , 282 Ferrites, 316 Electrophorus, Volta, 29 Field, CyrusJ ., Atlanticcable , 213 Electro-plating, about1851 , 104 Finsbury, City andGuilds , 324 Electroscope, Rev. AbrahamBennet , Five-unit telegraphcode , 225 290 Fixedalkalis decomposed , Davy, 39 Eliasmotor , 179 Flamearc , 128 Ellicott, John, measurespotential , 290 FleemingJenkin , electricalstandards , Emanuel i, Luigi, oil-filledcable , 261 301 Emitron. 286 Fleming, JohnAmbrose , 266 Enclosedarc , 128 diode, 272 Enclosedmotor . 184 U.S. SupremeCourt decision , 276 Energymeter , 310, 311 Fluorescenttube , 138 Engineer, The, 324 Foucault-Dubosqarc lamp , 124 Engineering, 324 Franklin, Benjamin, experimentswith En~Iish Channel Submarine Tele- lighting, 25 graph Company, 210 Franklin, C. S., generatesoscillations , Everett- Edgcumbe, electrostaticvoltmeter 277 , 294 Frequencymotors , 314 Evershed: Frog's legs, Galvani, 28 gravity ammeter, 307 Frolich, electro-dynamometer, 294 Megger, 314 Fromentpaddle -wheelmotor , 179 Ewing, Professor, tests on turbines, 199 GaietyTheatre , electriclight , 142 Exhibitions: Gall, D. C., sensitivityof galvanometer 1851London , 103 , 294 1873Vienna , 180 Galvani, observationsonfrog 'slegs , 28 1881Paris , 114, 121 Galvanometers, sensitivity, 294 1890Frankfurt , 188 Gasdischarge lamps , 137 1903St . Louis, 188 Gaulardand Gibbs system , 175 Gaussand Weberneedle telegraph , Faradaycable ship launched1874 , 109 Gottingen, 75 362


Germanium for transistors , 287 Hughes type-printing telegraph. 223

German power station practice , c . Hunnings ' telephone, 234

1890 , 153

Gilbert , William , of Colchester , De Iconoscope, Zworykin , 286

Magnete , 25 Immisch , , 183

Giorgi M . K . S . system , 304 Impregnated paper cable, 257

Gisborne , F . N . , Atlantic cable proposal Incandescent filament lamps, Swan , 213 and Crompton , 132

Glass , Elliott and Co . , 213 Induction motor , 187 , 189

Godalming , water power scheme , 145 Inductor , 173

Goliah , cable ship , 210 Institution of Civil Engineers, 320

Gordon , paralleling alternators , 169 Institution of Electrical Engineers. 319 - 32 Gramme , ring - wound , 112 Institution of Post Office Electrical Gray , Stephen , principles of conduction and insulation , 27 , 67 Engineers, 328

Great Eastern , Atlantic cable , 220 Insulation , electric, Stephen Gray . 27 Grid . SUDer . 275 . 000 volts . 208 Insulated wire, Henry , 62 International Conference of Electri - Grieve and - others , traction systems , 194 clans , 303 GrosvenorGallery : International Electrical Congress, 302 burneddown , 166 International Electrotechnical Commission supplyinstalled , 143 , 327 Grove cell, 1839, 45 Ion, termsproposed by Parady, 41 Guericke, Otto von, first electrical Iron filings attracted, Oersted, 55 machine, 27 Gutta percha: Jacobi , electric boat , 178 dielectric. 210 Jablochkoffcandle , 127 , 142 powercable , 254 Gutta PerchaCo ., 210 Kapp, Gisbert, 114 Kelvin Lord (see also Sir William Hachetteand Desormes, dry cell, 48 Thomson) : Hammond, Bright on scheme, 150 amperebalance , 297 Hartmann and Braun, hot-wire am- early life, 214 meters, 309 electricalstandards , 301 Hartmann, magneticdip , 24 electrostaticvoltmeter , 292 Heaviside, Oliver, 304, 306 Pres. RoyalSociety , 214 Hellesendry ceIl, 49 Kempand Sturgeon , amalgamation Henry, Professor Joseph, electro- ofzinc , 44 , 62 KennedyCommittee , 1927, 193 Hertz. Heinrich. 267 KensingtonCourt system , 1886, 148 High -frequency alternator , Alexand- KensingtonandKnightsbridge Electric erson , 272 LightingCo. , 1888, 148 Hochstadter , Martin , screened - core Kingdon, inductoralternator , 173 cable , 259 Kinnersley, Ebenezer, 30, 34 Holborn Viaduct station , 142 Klystron, 280 Holmes, Frederick Hale, lighthouse Kohlrausch, ironcore in lighting , 105, 125 instrument , 305 Hopkinson , Dr . John : Krarup , loading of telephone cables , climbing accident, 117 246 early life , 114 parallelingalternators , 168 Langmuir2 professor, King 's College, 117 gas - filled lamp , 137 ../ , 187 thermionic valve , 278 Wilde controversy , 111 Large battery , Van M ~ 1801 , 35 363


Latimer Clark: Matthiessen, Dr ., impurities in copper electricstandards , 301 conductors, 218 standardcell , 49 Maxwell , electromagnetic waves, 267 Lawrence, cyclotron, 281 McGhee and Tedham, photo -electric Lead-sheathedcable . 257 mosaic, 285

Leclanche cell , 46 Megger, Evershed, 314 Mercury arc rectifier , 193 Legal standards , Order in Council , Meriteus, A . de, distributed winding , 1894 , 50 106 Lenz , dynamo as motor , 180 Metal filament lamp, 136 Lesage telegraph , 1774 , 69 Microphone , 234 Leyden jar , Cunaeus , 27 Microwave telephony, 249 Lighthouses : in 1880 only ten in the Millward , William , sixteen bobbin world using electricity , 107 machine, 104 Lighting before electricity , 340 , 341

Lightning : Ministry of Transport Order, 1932, 193 Benjamin Franklin , 25

Solomon ' s Temple , 25 Mirror galvanometer, Poggendorff, 76 St . Paul ' s Cathedral , 26 M .K .S. system, 304 Litigation , Edison and Swan , 134

Local action in batteries , 44 Moigno and Raillard , electromagnet, 1838. 107 Locomotives : Canadian National Railways, 194 Montgomerie , gutta percha, 210 Pennsylvania Railroad , 194 Moore , gas discharge lamp, 137 Lodestone, 21 Mordey : explained by Lucretius , 22 alternator , 173 London urban ' underground ', 186 core stampings, 176 Long -distance telephone circuits, Morse, Samuel: U.S.A ., 247 telegraph sounder, 80 Lossev, semi-conductors, 287 inker , 82 Lubszynski , 286 Morse and Cornell , submarine cable, Lucretius , magnetic attraction , 22 210 Lunar Society, 319 Motor : enclosed, 184 Marcet , Mrs ., influence on Faraday, Immisch , 183 90 Sprague, 184 Marconi , Guglielmo : traction , 183 Atlantic transmission, 271 Moving coil instruments : early circuits , 270 d' Arsonval . 308 magnetic detector, 271 Weston. 308 Salisbury Plain tests, 269 Moullinvoltmeter , 316 signals transmitted 1 km, 269 Muirhead, artificiallines , 223 Wireless Telegraph Co., 272 Municipalsupply , first establishedat ' Marking ' current , 86 Bright on, 151 Magnetic blow-out, 205 Multiplecontrol electric trains , 186 Magnetic compass, Peter Peregrinus, Multiplextelegraphy , 224 24 Multiplextelephony , 248 Magnetic detector, Marconi , 271 Mumetal , 250 Magnetic deviation, Christopher Murray - Creed telegraph , 226 Columbus , 24 Murray telegraph , 225 MC'!gnetic dip, Hartmann , 24 Magneticfield , Ampere's analysis, 59 Nalder ammeter , 306 Magnetic lenses, Aston , Busch, 28 Napoleon , 333 Magnetic Telegraph Co., 212 National Certificate On electrical ron, 280 engineering , 328 364


National Physical Laboratory , 298 , Peter Peregrinus, magnetic-compass, 326 23 National Telephone Co ., 237 Phosphorus in fluorescent lamps, 138 Navigation by compass , 21 Photo - electric mosaic , McGhee and Needle telegraph : Tedham , 285 Gauss and Weber , 75 Pixii , Hy polite , magneto electric single needle , 78 machine , 100 Negative feed - back , 248 Plante's leadstorage battery, 1859, 155 New York , underground railway , 186 Playfair Committee, 146 New castle , Parsons ' turbine , 198 Pliny , lighting , 25 Niagara laying Atlantic cable , 216 Ploughing by electricity , 180 Nicholson and Carlisle , decomposition Poggendorff : of water , 34 mirror galvanometer, 76 Nollet ' s modification of Millward ' s potentiometer , 299 machine , 105 Polarization in batteries , 44 Norman , magnetic dip , 24 Polarized relay : , 85 Oersted , Hans Christian , discovers Wheatstone , 79 electro - magnetism , 1820 , 54 Polythene, 226, 264 Open - core dynamo : Polyvinyl chloride , 264 , 118 Poor Richards Almanac , 25 Thomson - Houston , 118 Portrush railway , 185, 191 Order in Council establish es legal Post Office trunk lines . 238 standards , 1894 , 50 Potential , measurement oft Ellicott , 290 Oscillograph , Duddell , 312 Oscillatory circuits , Hertz , 268 Potentiometer : Overhead Lines Association , 328 Cambridge Instrument Co., 300 Overhearing on telephone circuits , 240 Poggendorff, 299 Pouillettangentgalvanometer , 294 Pacinotti motor , 180 Poulsen, undamped oscillation , 272 Page , Professors Preece , Sir William , 242 , 266 adds coils to permanent magnet, Pre-spiralling of cable cores, 260 107 Prince of Wales, risky experiment, 166 reciprocating motor , 179 Pupin, Michael Idvorsky, loading twelve - ton locomotive , 179 coil , 245 Paralleling alternators , 168 Paralleling , effect of wave shapes , 170 Radio Society of Great Britain , 328 Parsons , Charles Algernon Radley, Sir Gordon , 242 Cambridge , 198 Railway Advisory Committee, 1920, Chicago set , 200 193 life and work , 196 Randall , J. T., cavity magnet ron, 281 London turbines , 199 Rectifiers , 287 New castle , 198 germanium, 195 recent sets , 201 , 203 on trains , 193 rotating field , 200 silicon , 195 Paul , R . W ., unipivot movement , 308 Relay invented by Wheatstone, 79 Pearl Street , New York , station , 1881 , Relay, polarized, 223 144 Rayleigh, Lord : Pearson , George , decomposition of standard cell , 50 water , 34 verification of standards , 302 Pennsylvania Railroad locomotive, Richmond , Virginia , street cars, 185 194 Righi , Volta 's discovery, 31 Pentode , 279 Romagno, electromagnetic action , S3 Pepys , early large batteries , 43 Ronalds, Francis, electric telegraph, 70 365

Index Rope-driven dynamos, 152 Societyof TelegraphEngineers , 321 Roschenschold, semi-conductors, 287 Sodiumlamp , 138 Rotating field: Solid-backtelephone transmitter , 235 Bailey, 187 'Solid' systemfor undergrounddistribution Ferrari, 188 . 257 Tesia, 188 Sommering's undergroundcable and Round, H. S., screengrid , 279 telegraph, 1812, 74 Royal Institution, Davy appointed, SouterPoint lighthouse , 1867, 106 Faraday's introduction. 36 SouthForeland lighthouse , commissioned Royal Society, 319 1858, 105 Rubbercables , 254 South-seeking carts, 21, 23 Ryan, cathoderay tube, 284 ' Spacing' current , 86 Sprague traction motor , 184 St.Augustine ,magnetic phenomenon , Sprengel air pumps, 130 22 Squirrel-cage motors , 189 St. Elmo's fire. 21. 26 Stampings for transformers, 176 St. LouisElectrical Co ., 327 Standard cell : St. Pat]l'~CHtn ~nrHl' Clark , 49 heating of lightning rod . 34 evaluation of , 49 lightning conductor . 1769 , 26 Rayleigh, 50 Street station , 152 temperature coefficient, 52 Saxton exhibits his magneto -electric Weston , 51 machine . 1833 . 101 Standards Committee , British Asso- Scanning . A . Campbell Swinton . 285 ciation , 302 Schilling . magnetic needle and multiplier Standards , co-ordination, 301 as telegraph . 75 Steel : Schuckert . ammeter , 305 high temperature, 203 Schweigger , two - wire telegraph , 75 permanent magnets , 316 Schweigger ' s multiplier , the first transformers , 176 galvanometer , 60 Stohrer multipolar magnetomachine, Scott connection for transformer , 172 103 Selenium cells . television , 285 Storagebattery , Chicago,,156 Selenium rectifiers , 287 Storagecell , Plante, 155 Semenza , Guido , criticized British Streetcar : power stations . 152 conduit, 185 Semi - conductors , 287 , 183 Severus . Bishop of Milevis . and magnetism stud, 185 , 23 trolley, 185 Siemens . family history , 107 String galvanometer, Einthoven, 316 Siemens . Werner von . shuttle arma - Strowgerautomatic telephone, 242 ture in tunnel, 107 Sturgeon, William: Siemens, William: electromagnet, 61 dynamo, 109 metalliccommutator , 103 electrodynamometer, 296 shuttlearmature , 103 laid basisfor SiemensBros ., 108 Subdividingthe electriclight , 128 polarizedrelay , 85 Submarinecable ~ visits Englandfor plating business, telegraph: 10~ cross-channel, 210 Silicon transistors, 287 1859enquiry , 217 Siphonrecorder , 222 Wheatstone, 209 Smeatonians, 319 telephone% Snow Harris, early electrostaticinstrument Atlantic, 251 , 292 cross-channel, 246 Societedes Electriciens , 328 repeater, 252 366


Subscribers , multiple , 237 Three-phasetransmission : , 173 SV \ ' an , Joseph : Wood Lane, 172 early life , 129 Torsion balance. Coulomb. 291 famous I . E . E . paper , 132

bcandescent filament lamp , 113, Torsion dynamometer , Siemens , 296

131 Traction , multiple car control , 186

Sprengel pump , 130 Tramway electr ~fication , 183

Swinburne , James , collaboration with Transatlantic telephone cable , 1956 , 251 Crompton , 114

Swiss Federal Railways , 194 Transformers , modem high -efficiency , 204 Switchboard development , 205

Switch es , knife , 205 Transistor , Barden and Brattain , 287 Switch gear , 204 TransportCommission , 1956, 193 Synchronous motor , Hopkinson , 187 Triode, Lee de Forest, 274 Trolley wire, Portrush, 185 Tangent galvanometer , Pouillet , 294

Tantalum lamp filament , 136 Type-printing telegraph, 223

Telegraph , electric :

Baltimore - Washington , 81 Underground cable, Sommering, 1812, 74 by static charges , 69 C . M . letter , 68 Underground distribution, strips on

Lesage , 69 porcelainbridges , Latimer Clark and Muirhead, 255 Morse inker , 82

New York - San Francisco , 81 Unipivot, CambridgeInstrument Co ., 308 progress in U . K . to 1870 , 78

Siemens ' relay , 85 UnitedStates Supreme Court , Fleming

Telephone : patent, 276 Units first named Paris Exhibition, Alexander Graham Bell , 230

1881 , 114 automatic , 241

coaxial cable , 249 Urban underground traction , 186

first English exchange , 232

Vail , Alfred , assistant to Morse , 81 New Haven exchange , 232

Valenciennes - Thionville rail system , repeater , 250 19S

transmission theory , 244

Television : Valve - generated oscillations , 277

camera , 286 Valve production , Langmuir , 278

Varley , C . F . : Carey , 285

curbing condensers , 222 cathode ray tubes , 283

microwave transmission , 250 eddy currents , 174

Varnished cambric cable , 257 Teredo , 221

Tesia , A . C . motor , 188 Velocity modulation , 280

Vitreous and resinous electricity , Tetrode , 279

Thermionic valve : Duray , 27

characteristics , 275 Voice - frequency telegraphs , 226 , 249

jn communication , 247 Volk , Magnus , electric line Bright on ,

1883 , 191 Thompson , Silvanus P . :

Volta , Alessandro : analysis of D . C . / A . C . merits , 171

couronne des tasses , 31 Wilde controversy , 110

Thomson , Elihu , motor meters , 311 electrophorus , 29

Thomson , William ( later Lord Kelvin voltaic pile , 30 , 31

Voltmeter : ) :

Atlantic cable , 213 electromagnetic , 294

electrostatic , 294 mirror galvanometer , 219

Kelvin , 292 professor at , 214 367

- - Index

Wallace, William, first American direct reading telegraph , 79

dynamo, 119 polarized relay , 79

Ward-Leonardcontrol , 191 relay , 79

Watkins, Francis, motor, 179 telegraph ( with Cooke ) , 76

Watson, ' plus' and' minus' electricity, White , solid back transmitter , 235 28 Wilde , commercial dynamo , 110

Wattmeter, 294 Willans , direct - coupled engines , 148

Watts' engine, influenceof , 336 Wireless , early experiments Weber, electro-dynamometer, 295 , 269

Wehnelt, cathoderay tube, 283 Wollaston establish es similarity of West, Charles, of Silver and Co., 209 static and voltaic electricity , 35 Woolrich machine for electroplating ,

WesternUnion Co., 212 about 1851 , 104

Westonstandard cell , 51 Wright , Arthur :

Wheatstone, Sir Charles: Bright on system , 150

A.B.C. telegraph, 83 house service meter , 310 automatictransmitter , 87

bridge, 298 Zworykin , iconoscope , 286