Proceedings of the 2011 Great Lakes Connections Conference—Full Papers Email: A History of Syntax Isaac Quinn DuPont Faculty of Information University of Toronto
[email protected] Abstract the arrangement of word tokens in an appropriate Email is important. Email has been and remains a (orderly) manner for processing by computers. Per- “killer app” for personal and corporate correspond- haps “computers” refers to syntactical processing, ence. To date, no academic or exhaustive history of making my definition circular. So be it, I will hide email exists, and likewise, very few authors have behind the engineer’s keystone of pragmatism. Email attempted to understand critical issues of email. This systems work (usually), because syntax is arranged paper explores the history of email syntax: from its such that messages can be passed. origins in time-sharing computers through Request This paper demonstrates the centrality of for Comments (RFCs) standardization. In this histori- syntax to the history of email, and investigates inter- cal capacity, this paper addresses several prevalent esting socio–technical issues that arise from the par- historical mistakes, but does not attempt an exhaus- ticular development of email syntax. Syntax is an tive historiography. Further, as part of the rejection important constraint for contemporary computers, of “mainstream” historiographical methodologies this perhaps even a definitional quality. Additionally, as paper explores a critical theory of email syntax. It is machines, computers are physically constructed. argued that the ontology of email syntax is material, Thus, email syntax is material. This is a radical view but contingent and obligatory—and in a techno– for the academy, but (I believe), unproblematic for social assemblage.