SFINKS: A Synchronous Stream Cipher for Restricted Hardware Environments ? An Braeken?? and Joseph Lano? ? ? and Nele Mentens and Bart Preneel and Ingrid Verbauwhede Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Dept. Elect. Eng.-ESAT/SCD-COSIC, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium fan.braeken,joseph.lano,nele.mentens,bart.preneel,
[email protected] Abstract. We present SFINKS, a low-cost synchronous stream cipher for hardware applications with an associated authentication mechanism. The stream cipher is based F on a Simple Filter generator, using the INverse function in 216 to generate the Key Stream. The design is based on simple and well-studied concepts, and its security is analyzed with respect to the portfolio of known cryptanalytic attacks for filter generators. 1 Introduction For efficient encryption of data, cryptography mainly uses two types of symmetric algorithms, block ciphers and stream ciphers. In the past decades, block ciphers have become the most widely used technology. This is mainly due to the block cipher standard DES [32] and its successor AES [33]. The current AES is a secure encryption algorithm that offers excellent performance on a variety of hardware and software environments. As block ciphers are often used in a stream cipher mode such as CTR and OFB, stream ciphers may offer equivalent security at a lower cost. The aim of this paper is to propose a low-cost synchronous stream cipher for hardware applications with an associated authentication mechanism. The design we propose is a simple synchronous stream cipher using a memoryless nonlinear filter. We will motivate our choices made for the building blocks in the following sections.