Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1972-1973
Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1972-1973 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1973 Eastern Progress - 12 Apr 1973 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1972-73/26 r » r r Elections To Be Held Wednesday Four Candidates Vie For Student Association Presidential Position there we can gel it up here," Kelley—Hughes in dormitories, Kelley and Peters—Clay He also feels that there should Slade—Rowland they planned lo use the Gray—Vaughn Gray continued. Hughes see a realistic fee for be open visitation during the Progress in a controlled students, payable at weekend with hours being,"say, Steve Slade, a junior from manner, Rowland was quick lo However, Miss Vaughn and The second set of candidates "Government is to listen to its Gray do not feel that everyone for office are Bob Kelley, a registration for (he ser- Cynthiana, and Steve Rowland, explain. Gary Gray, sophomore from constituency and do those "I would have no...uh not should live off campus. "Let senior broadcasting major from vice.' a junior from Louisville are the Royal Oak, Michigan, and Carla things which the constituency even try to have any influence freshmen live in the dorm one Cincinnati, Ohio, and Bill A "realistic policy of open fourth pair of candidates to seek Vaughn, sophomore from wants it to do," said Dave over the Progress. If you have year...so they can mature just a Hughes, a junior pre-med major visitation" is also on the plat- the offices of president and vice- Middlesboro, are Ihe first two form.
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