
PROP ■j' afV _ r rP P l A '

Hr'vt fed to the Intere'^ts of ('hristova! and 'J'oin fJreen t'oiirt’


Kotreat «f Lee’s Am y. » (TJirtiaptni! (Pbunxrr!V?.aj John W. Iliiwi irs Ask^ Co imnlsKiunei Luno Ldite Tho annual reiurn of Apri' brln;?5 for.'ibl V to my mind tbc A.i3vin,,Te.\., .July 15, - \\ hen Two Te?:*?s CovHrnor:- un Mirfv cv PUBUSHED EVERY EinUAV stirrir.K events of April, I'e.ias iaxf ayijs m.d pat* tits I linme 1 lately after tbe evaons- FRANK C. VAN HORN a A iR j to :ne iiriportai.ee of the j tion of Jiicl.mond urd Pttor.s’ Editor oiiJ Pub/14/iti' Spate’s ni...St mifoit;. ni tin ite' barir, the most alarminfr rumore siiip- liic I fhco it 1 ;.t d tilii' precedtd our army as tl o citi- Subscri,iticn $1.00 IVt Annum imssiotiir- lliey v\iii mi j mi .'.eiia Ki'eatly fearel'a lepefiticn .Advcrtismt; ralt'^ on application. only till* iiights: ( il i of horrors and d 'vr-sfr.tif i r perie/ice Mid ptcvin irn.ji by Slio’niatf in (leoryia and Catered as second class in;.il n.atur at the teri.'o f uin eaiiUK.i'ti 5 fit ll Post Office at Cliri.«toval, Trxas. .Sberidan in the V'sHoy. I'lovif- posiliuii, ‘ J lons anti valiiablos.wrre hurried­ rna”. wa.s tho ihome which Cards of Thanks. O^'itoanes or Notice. ly P'jrit'd or bid a vay anrierory •( charitable or church cntcrt-unnicnts, \l;i'or Jonn V., Haw ).ins, chiil precaution taken to «.avc what tahcrc an admission is char),'i d must be cl>-rk in tl.e i h'.c e, v. ;.s i11 \ ii i paid lor at the r.ite of f cents pt*r line. was left aft«r four vears’strrp- into his ct r;) tign this vveeX fi r tlio » Ii •; of Laud Co i :aissi< m r ple. Our lioiiie vva.s on '^Uintfr! Ckristova!,Toin Green V o. T ex. ham ” farm, three inih s Iroml S i , % wnien be seek^ \i ith ibc- tnoi n e Ann lia Court Hm.se ano a little rrienl of tlu retiiiig Con.mis' ofi' the line of Gi ntial 1 ee’s re­ Jt: V " - stone,, J, H, Wali; r, - >N ^ , treat, but wewor*' soon overi up REUNION ONE DAY> “This 5i.'^,t)u J.t'UU ir.st fund t bv our half- sf<• t \ f r soldiei s’ * 1 It isbeingr broadcast over built up for the cause of free j , , , , who ha] ea'on litCe or nothing 1 ■ education, must not tc iihaio ^ . j ... i. the radio without authority , , , , ,, for several da vs. Attil Pru i ir inexperienced hai.os, . ] i.w , ,, i ii i r'-v tha tthe Old Settlers' Ke- , • 1 1 . , denoo. our go. d o d cook, kins declared. During the' uaion will last two da>s. worked faithful.} day nrd night thirty yearsl have scivea the ( < T hat is a mistake. It will , , , , . , , entil n,t;i 1.} i xI ; vm 11 \ > 11 . par.mer.t as legal advisor ana t,,,. furnished he onlyoue day — July 31. and chief clerk, I havo watchi t is my and that vv.? .vou'd C’entualF . Expi'.sitioa UaniriTp;!*', d.-.C. Ivr cus­ Dallas. Tex., July 15. —F, VV, tomary cimps and lO-^i.ll'O bat to L __ sincere desire, in mv cam.paign be ouscofihfill During ti e con' wear this hatliin-j -uit muVf of hli'c- Fisher of Tyler, regarded by a m .i;k!i \Mi m ;i> i;ki w \ iiii.—i. j \ .\11 louli ; >• bit lit to stick by that slugle issue. The fusion and discussii-r a . i ' rt' bimnrt^. the official “t:,fe ll>i« or. The I rw ill frolic on 'hn > .• n' Mio v:i\ ;. 1- 1.* 1 n '!* ■• Tl-; I'oi, -ll- AijorUy of the State's newspa­ E2xpo.-iti in, a $2S,0(10,1‘0U Woriu’s Fair, m 9 f-tr* Land Cnnmissioner has nocon port, mado by the Me w ir g lj> of opens in I'.allaa Jiim- 6. -I'fil Ilx'io.- ti' nall.i-. Ho w vp Piti- i> ; ? >r I. . n. r Pat pers as a virtual certainty for a '.'(•'T, nmv pre.'iilont of lii-yl-r I’n; -.’ijoty. i" i t I I' Jsrratt cern with old age pcr.sicis ex’i a large quantity of niniMri’ 'wopthoart of Tfxtis." IS in 'I'P othi r not hi* position in the second prlm.ary cept in keening Texas as pres’ couiihn si, a campaign in .Central and ILst! bh'drilling of wells for the ben j Otoy i;ay«i\. wlo ltd, W h n Is floli;.-; th e real si-orli th a t IcaJs Texas, will speak in Dali.*i8 Ion efit 01 tho fchcrl frpd., j been detailed by Ms crp: i to. A nuT . -i tov.arC nf'Ciivrry? Friday night July 17, and Fort Duvlni' reocn v.eflts we'v<» hoard “Any,’one who tries to toll fo:-or.n'ision.-i. Ihuiigisn’' W irtn Saturday night. July lb. m an;.’ .aiv.v.'vri to th at (luertl'n liead - (iilferent IS wholly wrorg. tore.ioin bis comradi s. ) o Urif-s I'.avi’ hri.stleU W iUi claia-.s and before returning to Houston m in '.’r-clali"; . . . v.i'h r pT* ' of would be incompetent to handle mounted one of our liie lior.'i.K six'fi'i s M iat crivo the credit to pollt - and the lie.iumont area. His the $:<,(>U0,0()0 school fund,’’ and went along with I.ici ti j - c.il oCierhv^ld.Ts . . . w ith st.r.^m ent.s addresses in Dallas and Hous that woui.! award the hoticr to the ant George J. Hundley's cavaiiy prcphct.s of .straiue and unproved eco- fon the night of July 114 w ill be A, K. F. Reunion, company. Among my mos: chei ’ n cn ilc th eor e.s. broadcast over a statewide radio But rm ld the th;:rd-r.s cf oratory ished paiKTs is a letter fiom tli.'« t in e c ’.ai.-r.a 7 ;t ia i, -irr.d . bookup. embr'icing stations at “Malor General Heaumont I!, Ruck, National Chairman of the Judge Hundler. tel'ii e t f 1... f!c Is th e r.-a.i w h • wh.ilc pollt:c!.trs Dillas, Fort VVorth, Houston, gallant conduct at High Ilridgi, c l v : ; ; - 1 ic'.d -o -; 's ar .ef',. con- and San Antonio. A, E. F, Reunion Associatiin t.;i.:,.ii n alctl.v, f.i.th f'.illy. ( i,'ce*‘-. -!v to Thedayafter the expJ.sii), d o th « ('a;.-’.- wor'.:: i.i oip p o rt h.nioU f, First heckling of the guberi the first annual National iLtun' his -and Ar.i: rlca. ion of the American Expedition j hepf-n to liii; D» H e Is the m an — w hether farm er or natoriul campaign came during hired Iv ip, n K rchan ' or cler!:. rxrcntiv« a recent Fischer talk ot V\ aco arry Forcesin Dallas, 'j exas, i ‘’>rls ol in d vlry can- rlvrv ilivisiun thatserved withfarmhousts j tinned to revolve. whicu draw the largest crowd of Ite !- th.e n.'.r> w ho earned and raid any political rally in that city VEF will have separate! reun’| " ; th;- tm ,. - .h-'c! cr m alri'ct— th.at kept tnis year. The JAilred repre ions I'lntl the Gobs tCiU served or.. continued to conic, Abo: I th.!.s c.'iintry i, i . r nc-mn and m et Snips will have Ship Reunions. i ooon tuc cry was laihid, ' 'J 1 c the L'l of f ;o ;x;l.t;"al't-d^r'talders sentatives attempted to intir- w ho A jnld take thr ere lit inc.o'ttvem - rupl Fisher.s speech with loud September 12th will be St’ Ai i. jare .coming,’’and vi- s i ’ l v e s . hid Day. and SeptirrUr ] 2tl. idetachment of about thir-j :r,> ;.m ’t o n e m.ar.. !!.' repre.-ands m il- yells, but were booed away by ll-'rs ;-f .a-'i.'-’.clie.n' c! .' .e. w h o m a in ­ will be I’ersbing Daya c( mbintd cavalrymen, with carlitus tain and ■ r-vl cp''v’.to the the crow’d oft'several thousand hom -"i I’.i.d t,i:e fa.’n.s and the w ork- hearing tee East Texan’s ad meeting af ail the F.F Military dashing down the' shans of Anii'rii a road at a full run. The g.'dlcr.t dress. and .Naval forces being held cn K.'' Is th e •••;• t'.’.;'.* built .A m erica In lieutenant in command had ca p th e pa n. th.ot ■" in,'.loldm e A m erica in Fischer has roneatediy rapped these last two days, Many splen­ the prrsirt. tint will ;'..d;o Am erica tured a long-necKcd ganoep the .'governor |for “mis-state’ did features are teirg plart.ic. m ore rlnriou.'i ta th e fu ‘. .e faom the Widew Guinn, at, the IndlvitluBlly. hi- Is ti e rr.al A m erleaa msut’’of the government’s at’ for your entertair mer t. surd ! s Company and RegimenlalLur ch Courthouse land lar itu it l td C ollective!.'’. l;e Us ‘lie IJ n l $?nerir:i. titude to ward the old age pen to his siddle. I,e* the political and econom ic sooth- sion question in Texas, In ro’ eons. Divisional banquets and rayer.s continue th.'.r claim s and their dances, in addition to the hun. VVe had fully as many Corfid’ p ' ^ t n l s c s . lUi.A'I (’EN T E R O K FAIR FL'N Sl*OI.— An csiict reproiluctum of the <«ul- fating Allred’s statements that But. m eanwhile, let's pi VC credit liTiOs of the liner Normandie forms the front center of "The .streets of P.-iris,'* Texans wovld not receive aid dreds of attract iots (n the crates in our yard, with a gi i d w here credit Is due. gay fun spot of the l7'25,OOh.OOO Texas Centennial Exposition which will run grounds of the great TexasCen’ many muskets, but ur.dtr tie in Pallas until November 29. Flanking the *liip ns a French Village fonrsnj: from Washiugton l|f ail of the an open-air court of concessions. circiuiistances, as Lee’s arn y State’s old people entitled to teni'.iai Ilxposiiicn, The finest (T-ont'y rciievrf to sec t'' m attraction ot all how ever is the had gone on. discretion was tl o pensiuUs were paid, as provided move ofT. I'U* tvorp, rf rp ige, On Te -as Farms and R:inehis| fi't tn.it y.»u will m3et tha better partt of valor. Some r: n n the constitutian, Fischer has sorr'- 1o sof n nnn'brr of prison- ' FmilWaidaof the Gaiidalupe to the woods and garden, senu 1 andera omuity f.i m.us are pointed to a telegram in you'went througli H®'! > , u j • i_ j orve.->ore CP.rriof] a'S'fiv. conitt. niiy in \'iitor a county HouseJournal at Austin from | "''V'=rd Ito bed with the wound‘c;i ^ boon in a good mnrv starui) in to hud or graft ten pit t ..rnyard manure or ar ai'e a member of the Social S e c u r i t y ^ n a r y h a p p y m. m |an i others were captnred. ?. .v rm.iti.irsat oifTerort or 12 ria'ive nocan trets a V'^ar. of a lid and p’fttit. 0 cane lie In this WMv t ey w ill be f.h . t* Board which explainsTexas’ el’l^’*’'^'® wlien we|Unce, ® crscin. .arc tirnoe. huK I was novor as badl.v ca .0 w lil more there than double tak“C3rco^ the frti '< and yet igibility fur Federal funds to! M tl e constituted a self-appcinti c ‘ e sen red ir n’v 1 i'c t on this oc i:ic yiilu ot that planttd alot $* then, i.i bear'nn cir. ec tl r.n ifl match the State’ s pensions U. i!;:* country. , ception committee. Standiny rasion. and tbrso svontful davs s de oil the same k;T.d «t it'' needy persons regardlesaofnow f ‘‘'‘' f: ^he front door, be pointed l made ,T very Instire *imp’'ossion thrygraitci a r oiitnbo), j^h.j j < exa. ty £w lu re ii b«gan aid i registratiorspiat d w r havo h it b iilding and was told that if people are paid. ’Ipcirgo J*'ir (iI t irim w, the color and sire of bo load up your gang, Riiody;, i-ft'-h' ^ new felt hat from 1 ■ is taxes on the State’s natural re' peas ai' i noaruts '11 t R i m >/ ovi the teed was a fo notinabie let’s all fight the warover again t .*nd Taiid exchanged bis army, . ' * \ aources such as oil, natural gas, a mail el liinmi.io ir vine ! .uid nodoubt this will ji!s<' y i* d ; in our meuiories. Low rates on bi*<'c;;ns for my uncle's r.lci «te.. to defray expenses of the tion now. We neoa growl n and noJuies < i. li i rout i consinciai iv n i lu tl i ii than his cili.skin boots. The soldiers State goverrment ard pey the 'all railroads and bus lines. system. I’eaniita are not far otheriano. Asked if il hao Itin t:ii‘n s arched our buildings. he money. old agepension in full, coutinuos I onougli along to notica rr }■ dif, fertilized, he repliuj that “it to gain the endorsements of rnm efothe Olrl ‘■^'»’^Ke:8and.therpro-. ^ Ar«A.lri,) if‘i-cn’c T:e'vonis keep'irg a had n >t. the growth and color f <• I O. LU Llie VJJU Visi i.ii, including a small quail- D I »»f * ' f Xi; tt 1» '■'» V 'record of tho harvest of both was Mue to the fact that be ' ■»: • I -■ ’* ^ -rK i ?.7.i!,r. ” ^Settlers Reunion -t "-eiti.ai spiri,., i,n,i' linocula'rd and unir.oculated h’ldn't planted anylhirg cn it ' I T i went on their way. Wo wore I f K$.f.C ' D* t. * O. k ' ljuly 31. \hm i * • »x.vJ I !> * is. an 1 plans on doing like' for several yearsand jual ladn'C i wise on Ills manuts. worn it out.’’ TIIK rURISTOVM, ORSERVER

'A'cs'lc ★ ★ ★ . e ■ -t be wui ii ill r.e * the a: l"^. ' r none of u.' i uKl ★ STAR ★ ★ i t h\ e T'lf.e tr ust be work do: o sideration the fitting problem en­ by l!'.o br. :r.s, or ti-.e hie we t;it ■k i t ★ it countered by many women whose would not be wortli havini; Ai d it DUST k ’ tastes incline toward conserva­ the sa.re men cannot do both. ★ ★ tive rather than complicated There is roujth work to he done, / u / it dressmaking. The lines arc stud­ and roukih men must do it; there l e ^ / i e u r it jM-ovie • R-aJio ★ ied to give slenderness without * IS jtentle work to be done, and it ★ ★ ★ ★ By VIRGINIA VALE ★ ★ ★ sacrificing a trim and neat ap­ jtii.lie men must do it; and it is pearance. exemplified in the physically impossible, that one beautiful pointed up bodice, **xpe- class should dll, or divide, the By Edward W. Pickard F YOU’RF intcrcstcil in watch­ 0 VTotfTn .Vfi. L*w»on cially graceful and smart. Sneer work of the other.—John Kuskm. I ing; a career grow, ket*i» your cotton, prints and chitTons are de­ iv t tdi young Larry Hhike. who lightful for town or country. Danzig Crisis Worries to the state constitution was in pros­ pect. Discussions of the farm prob­ lias been giving character inter­ Barbara Boll Pattern No. REMOVE FRECKLEl Nations of Europe pretations of Charles Laughton, 1907-B is available for sizes. 34, \ I ’ AK-WORRIED Europe shifted lem and conferences with Governor Landon's political advisers were on lolin Barrymore, b'dwanl Kohin- .36, 38. 40. 42. 44. 4, 48 and 50. blAQLHEADS.Qa^CA ’ ’ its anxiety from the Italo- Size 36 requires 4’i yards of 39 Ethiopian sanctions problem to the the program. The Republican stand­ son and Clark Gable at the Rain­ ard bearer was not expected to re­ bow Room of Rockefeller Center. inch material. Send 15 cents in newer and baffling question of what coins. to do about the F'ree turn to Colorado until after the no­ First thing you know he'll be on tification ceremonies. the air and :n the movies; though Send for the Summer Pattern Danzig now Book containing 100 Barbara Bell ^ seeking to free itself In the meantime, great activity he is in his early twenties now, was apparent in opposing campaign he has made a good start. well-planned, easy-to-makc pat­ from the bonds of terns. Exclusive fashions for he.Tdquarters He went to Brooklyn college, and the League of Na­ children, young women, and m a­ tions. President Roosevelt summoned has appeared in vaudeville and at Democratic National C h a irm a n smart hotels and night clubs here trons. Send 15 cents for your The league dis­ copy. posed of the sanc­ James A. Farley to Washington for and there about the country; the a conference on the political cam­ Congress and the Stevens hotels in Send your order to The Sew­ tions problem by ing Circle Pattern Dept,, 367 W, No matter hiw dull and dark yoorcom- voting to abolish paign. It was expected that the Chicago featured him not long ago. I'lex.oD. DO uuttcr how treculed and question of Mr. Farley's retirement Landinj in the Rainbow Room Adams ,Sf., Chicago. 111. loaraened bv nm and n.nd, Nuhnola them, thus to all It Uell Sy — \V N I* htrAic#, t. r«atu.te«tfd and trusted tor over a uvn- practical intents and from the cabinet about which there crowns him with success; talent eration, m il wkiten. clear and sm. . th purposes removing has been considerable rumor lately, scouts make it one of their first vour »km to new bcautv quicke>t.ea»ic»t would be decided. The Democrats stops in New York, and no visitor way. ,Iu»t ari'lv ton.ght. no m.ia'a,::nir, Ethiopia from the Gracious Speech no nibbinp; N.idinola becina if« beauti­ family of sovereign states. Appe.ir- have established national headquar­ wants to leave town till he’s been Would it not be wise if we cul­ fying work while you aieep. Then you ing personally before the league as­ ters at the Biltmore hotel in New there. tivate more the art of kindly and are day-by-diy impri cement until v n:r sembly. the refugee emperor. Haile ■\’ork and it is from here Chairman gracious speech? A kindly word complex:! n :a revtored to creamy white, Four members of the Abbey aatm amis th lovelinvM. No dirup- Selassie, made a last moving bid Farley will direct the campaign. laden with sympathy we all in­ pointmenta: no long waiting, mmee for Ethiopia's freedom. John Hamilton, national chairman Players of Dublin, one of the most stinctively feel may, and often- famous theatrical rack gu.arant«>e liet a large box of The “king of kings" denounced of the Republican party, opened er than we now know does, eter­ N.AniNOI..\ I'ream at your favome national headquarters in Chicago. organizations in the nally influence a life. It acts like t ilet ootinter or by mail, postpaid, only France and Great Britain without world, arrived in SOo. X.XDINOLA. R^x ♦,'i Pane. Tenn. mentioning their names. To the He addressed 2.800 banqueters at a motor that gives to the life an a dinner in his honor and declared the United States ; upward trend, as the unkind word generally expressed desire to re­ recently to appear form the league, he said the weak­ that the reaction of voters in recent too often gives a downward im- Put Mind to I se days has been disheartening to the in RKO's screen \ pulse. ness was not the league covenant version of ‘‘The T* is y. t enough to have a sound Itself, but a lack of international Roosevelt administration. Since the mind, the principal thine is to Cleveland convention, he said, the i H Plough and the morality. The Negus' request for ^ ^ S t a r s ’ which m.ake a good use of it.—Des- Democrats had offered the Repub­ a loan of $50,000,000 to Ethiopia was they've often per- -- artes. licans the “sincere flattery of ini- voted down. Previously Haile had '* formed , tation." on t h e l / i o n t h i i informed Capt, Anthony Eden. Brit­ stage. One of them, ish foreign secretary, that he would Barry Fitzgerald, return to Ethiopia immediately to Pope Pius Orders World This dress designed with soft £ a A u T X ) ( x u Barbara w a s thrilled t o join his loyal tribesmen and fight Censorship of Movies death—because he'd capelet sleeves and a contrast­ Stanwyck ing vestee is one of those peren­ ^^•••GENUINE for Ethiopian independence. A WORLD censorship on movies met James Cagney. \ INSTANT With Mussolini given satisfaction, Barbara Stanwyck will be nial styles. It is always a pleas­ * was ordered by Pope Pius, in ure to show by popular request. LIGHTING the Danzig situation brought into an encyclical letter addressed di­ starred in this new Irish picture, the foreground the figure of .Adolf which is being made because all They're so universally becoming rectly to the bishops and archbish­ to larger and more mature wom­ Coleman Hitler, chancellor of ops of the Roman of us liked "The Informer” so well. It was a Nazi follower of Hitler, Dr. en. and so adaptable to conven­ SCLF.MCATIMO Catholic church in And it will be made by the pro­ •Arthur Greiser, president of the tional occasions. the United States. ducers, director and scenarist who Th^rolemanlutjr^n- I R ^3 N Danzig senate, v ho demanded inde­ were responsible for “The Inform­ The model shown is a clever oin«U»liiit li|kti&| IrM. The pope also or­ All ytMi hkT« tr> tin U turn • v alm • *nk* • Tnatnh pendence f.ir the former German ! er," so it's going to be good. street frock which takes into con- »'■(] It liirM* inafant'y. \ »u 0 ‘>o't l'■v• to m»t rt d ere d bishops P-rnefartor Brnefits I :ty now surrounded by Polish tcr- th** nut>-t) irwMjr t^«• Iron no burm I f nc'T* throughout the world Tn# Cul»»r^n In • J.Ty; i» fi'U *klT iitory and who denounced the f'*r •• - I • ♦tr# »rwf ft ♦ rifts « *n to obtain from their Seems there's a rumor around jHf'.nt t ‘»# !; tti MkirtN ra I rat •»»!»/'•# .eague at .1 Scan Lester, league high »t,e fn«t w< • w r, F*?' rt'v prlf L* *1 • tr communicar.t.s annu- that .Major Bowes isn't so popu­ K|»i*:r;iiH' From f ' f nn h "o r \ rtg «lo y in jr trx>r’».g- « U « . i n '.m .n o r for the puit. lar as he once was; people have I t* r?. »n onf-thtf'l k •• t'/r-e I «• «i.f« y x;r r vt ally ren e w a b le l*t‘ii of Mark I'waiii Iron »• t ie If- • I. ' f |r.«t«nt I .♦ t . Ob'-er\ o! s v o"e ( f the opinion It • *'’# *n»n r v i rv w* n « ik » t- I t ’• n * -.r . s r- pledges “to abstaiii heard that performers on his pro­ • - t Grin 'r Mas aiT;ng under or- fttI f'tn** »n-l la. • r “ •• n • t * k 1 a«- tt. i i • F ? A H iFN i from witnc.ssing bad grams don't get paid much, hut r ’■ m n t« Ih# to 1-. t tiors from Chancellor ILtlcr. In that he gets plenty. .And some of There are people who cat do nil ftr*to posreano f»t rnce aat fan : X y V J A R 5 films.” The encycli­ fine and heroic things but one— THC C O trM A t LAMP AND STOWC CO. view ff Germany s expansionist the people who go to the broad­ !»•»< tAI'klk y/tfl ’m kUM ; 4 bt. a«t> I" T-: jt s : e c r ' s s 3 .r; v^ct cal of his holiness keep from telling their happiness i A m#'##. Lntfl. (MUW> eS T-E 5c E ;E - PJV' fy^CQC> j'rogram and its rearmament, they Pope Pius casts feel that he isn't dignified was addressed to enough. to the unhappy. feel that Danzig will be the next the .American bi.shops because they .'All that may or may not be true Spending one's capital is feed­ Nazi ob.’ective now that the Rhine­ originally took the load in movie Character Braces —but a high-powered publicity or­ ing a dog on his own tail. land is remilitatized. By the elim­ censorship. He invited bishops of Character must stand behind ■ ▼ « SSQW WrtlTi P£TfiO*.£OM J£UV ination of Commissioner Lester or ganization has been engaged to A man should not be without and support everything, the ser­ by the curtailment of his authority the entire world to follow their ex­ change public opinion regarding morals—it is better to hove bod mon, poem, picture, ploy. ample. the genial Major; his new sponsors morals than none at all. over the international afT.nirs of the To carry out the plan of censor­ KILL ALL FL!ES city. It IS believed the Nazi would feel that the public must go on If you tell the truth you don't ship. the pontiff directed that a per­ nr.ywhcrp. ■ be in a position to crush the opposi­ liking him, or else! have to remember anything. “ - K -••fr.kcU a:.-l . fte manent national movie reviewing „ .. . ■ . 1. c * .-. V.. t tion party and pave the way for an­ The recurrent dream—mine is • . • • -—( .i.-. t r office be established in c.Tch coun­ Want to know the low-down on appearing before a lecture audi­ nexation of Danzig by Germany. In try. He urged the exchange of in­ 1- • »t all the event of a Nazi put.sch on Dan­ how to play bad man on the ence in my shirt-tail, a most dis­ (• l ia r 1 ^ Ir. • . formation between the various of­ K I^bAvr..L U7n.S.Y. j zig. It was believed that Britain and screen? Noah Beery, brother of agreeable dream.—From “Mark fices for making the censorship ef­ Wallace, can give it to you. Twain's Notebook." edited by Al­ w.w.’iiivii’.iiinm France wouid co-operate in oppos­ fective. He urged bishops to appeal ing It. He's now playing a hired killer in bert Bigelow Paine. (Harper & to Catholics connected with motion “Strangers on a Honeymoon,” at Brothers). picture productions to use their in­ the Gaumont British stud'us, along July 4th Celebrations fluence in accordance with their with Constance Cummings and Cost 346 Lives in U. S. faith and ideals. Hugh Sinclair—he's bt?en appear­ A TOLL (•! 348 lives was exacted ing as various kinds of murderers ir. *he ''elebrntu n of the Fourth Labor Leaoers Begin Drive for years and years. of July t.roughout the United for Steel's Unionization He says that, if a criminal is Stai- V \ \ITH labor organizers spread- to .seem to be a real man, he G l E'l'irr.ing cannon crackers played ’ ’ ing throughout ’.he nation's must show a streak of human kind­ a comparativi'ly innocent part in steel mills in a drive to enroll 500.- ness—“A screen killer can mow a Baiithq Voiuder the sl.iughter. for only 11 lives were 000 workers into one big union, the guy down with a shot gun, but he's lost in accidents due to fire­ National Labor Relations Board re­ got to stoop and pat a kid on the crackers. opened a fight in the courts to force head on the way out"—otherwise he's a madman, not a human be­ But if the nation heeded warnings steel companies to accept the Na­ AMO abmit the danger of fucwork.s. it ing. tional Labor Relations act as a —-ti— forgot the menace of motoring ac­ moans of keeping peace. cident';. for 208 people in 36 s'atcs Columbia Broadcasting System The board announced it had peti­ is going to give a lot of young men were killed as the result of ac."i- tioned the Federal Circuit Court of *5 'Aamw'-' d t"‘s on streets and highways. a chance this summer. With reg­ Appeals at New Orleans in a new ular announcers going on vaca­ Ninety persons were drowned in 36 effort to enforce the act. states. Mi.sccllaneous tragedies ac­ tions. others who have been audi­ Meanwhile the full resources of tioned in the past and are work­ counted for 37 additional fatalities the S5,000.000.000 steel industry were IT. 13 states. ing here and there on the network marshaled against the unionization will be brought in and given a Not since 1031 has the celebration drive. Observers pointed out that . chance to show what they can do ry t. r a.l tkin t!emtsh* of America s patriotic holiday the situation was fraught with grave in more important spots on the air. - Oir.tmtTt 2"' claimed so many victims. In that possibilities, of industrial warfare. '.p C"- F K " : trifcl « i2 « i f • year the death total from accidents Principal steel companies who have im . ’ Malden. Ma.«‘ reached 403. The most important arm in the banded together in a militant ef­ movies at present is Margaret Sul- fort to maintain the open shop lavan's. She broke Roojevelt and Landon warned employees not to be “mis­ it a while ago. Return to Their Desks led " into affiliation with the Amal­ you'll recall. It gamated Iron, Steel and Tin Work­ candida''-'s of wasn’t healing ''P' HE Presi;|ontial can ers Union, which forms the basis of | ^ bc'h the Democratic properly, so she :c and the organized labor s drive. ' Renubla an r.' ’ ties returned to their hied her to New John L. Lewis, president of the i York for special desks in the r respective capitals United Mine Workers and head tif following ah-'cnces. treatments. Now the committee for industri.il organ- .she's back again in President lb osevelt came back to iz.ition, in ,i radio address broad­ 'A'ar'hington after a tbree-day pil­ H oily wood and DOLLARS & HEALTH cast from Chicago entitled “Indu.s- grimage to Virginia. Included on hopes to go to work The ixci.. -sl'ul p:rv.n a h?u!’hy per- trial Democracy in Steel," sought ! his program was the cedicafion of sC'On. But friends r .'r i *r ^--.’u r s r i r ' h r l u n c . c ^ r ' - i the support not only of union labor, have cautioned her the Shenandoah National park, his but of the public generally in hi? to be careful cf by m hv-. a coriu,:. .n, F'ourth of July address from the -tlargarct crusade. i that arm. Only the GO F/IKT/fSH^ s*-.r h 'i" ar.d orhrr dangcrou* portico of Thomas .lefTerson s home Sullavan other day she was ,f over-ac ■- f •. at Mor.ticcllo aerj fus visit to Wil­ BEFORE YOU NEED A QUART Breckinridge Lonfj Resigns reported as whizzing to the west liamsburg, cap t.nl of the Old Do­ side matche.-» on a motor­ minion from 16tO to 1779. In his ad- as Ambassador to Italy cycle with Willie Wyler. drc. .. at Jefferson's home, the Pres­ n RECKINPIDGE LO.NG. Amerl- ident r.-illed on the nation to rekin­ can amb.issador to Italy, sub­ f>/>/>.S A\l> h ^ h S . , . Any Francis dle the “ sar red fire ’ r f "tnie free­ mitted his resignation to President dom " which had hgtited tl.e “golden ft/i\t ti t/ip ntir of a jamniis nursr tn /irr Pooseve't because of illness. The h'arinrp \iiihliiiiiale ftti liirp, aiul now • age " of Arr.eiaan historn He de­ diplom.at declared that he hopes *o clared the pre'f-rt em ercncif- re­ t/iP tipptls one: /las luo imfoutPft HittUtm recuperate his health during the tp ‘th . . . Srpnis t/iat thal story ii/iout quire the same U ader.smp as that P rov It ter yourself with the MILNESIA FOR HEALTH summer and to take an active part t./ark ktnakinie tmt /u% sfairrint d^played by the founder of the in the Presidential campaign in the M.k.c-. ., the ■ ' ...,il m:ik of m .,;r.';'a fi'irliipr i«f/< y ii'f a la/iPtl iiii piiti/irily yarn ‘‘First Quart” test. Drain and re­ Democratic party autumn. . . . JoanIII oikIp// anil l),ik I'ou p/lsppoi in V __^-T f'.m . u'r.-,'i7cc *tctr.-.;h a.'.d', Gov. Alf. M. London returned to Mr. Long's place will be taken to />r iiPlIini uU spt for that /onii-hrr- fill with Quaker State Motor Oil. Topeka, Kan., after a vacation in p:vrs quiik, ‘ .r.t ■'^h'n.in.ir-'.n. f.a. h by Undersecretary of State William fl/ilf-rt UPtltline. Hate son jinnptl onp of Note the mileage. See how much the Colorado rr.fiui.fains, tor the re­ Phillips. He will represent the the floiirishintt Ijinnv Uitss r/uhs? , , , waf’.r riiUi'- 4 ■ ■ ,--irfuls n.:ik of mag- convening of the .utate legislature United States government in Rome Shir/py Ipm/i/r is niter than pipr in fanher you go before you have nesia.T: sty,to. ■•';hi60cever where. and for the acceptance speech at in an effort to solve Italo-Ameri- lor l.ilt/p hirh Gif/ ' . . . ) oil'll want to add the tell-tale first quart. the Republican notification ceremo­ can problems arising from Musso­ to spp "San f rancisro" lipraiisp of the nies July 23. National significance lini's conquest of Ethiopia, pat ‘hqiiake srenes if for no other reason Quaker State Oil Refining Com­ was attached to the meeting of the Mr. Phillips has had a distin­ . , . '/hough Jeanette Marltonalil's sing' pany, Oil City, Pennsylvania. Kansas legi.slature because of the guished career in the diplomatic ing shoolil he reason enough . . , t^arolp fact that It would have to deal with service. He has held posts in Eu­ 1,0 nliaril's illness is holiling up "Spann Retail Price... 35)! pet quart. old-age pensions, unemployment in­ rope, the Far East and Canada the Aorih" indefiniteh. surance and general social welfare and has three times been sub-sec­ ^ W«si»rn Newfbaufcf Uoloa. legislation and that an amendment retary in the State department. TIIF rilRISTOVM- OR^ERVER Foreign Words _ Ity In Southern California urious Peacock Motif and t'hrases ^ The Mind I.OW KU. Ad unguem. iL.) To ti.e .‘inger- Meter • IlCMllUSON scarf, pillow, chair set or re­ Inail; to a nicety. © rii II Synd lcat* — W 'N U Si-rvlc-f. freshment cloth. I Au di alteram partc.m (L Pattern 1164 comes to you with Hc.'ir til' other s;de a transfer pattern of two pea­ I Cl'.apc aux has' (F .H.il.s ofl' y Kiniilurlties Test cocks 12 1-4 by 14 1-2 inches and I De novo. tL.; Fnirn tl.c be- four mi.tifs 3 1-2 by 3 1-2 inches; iginni.ng; anew. V In each problem of the follow­ color suggestions: Material re­ I Errare humanum es.t. fl. ) To ing test there are three words quirements; illustrations of all ;Crr is human. The first two bear a certain re­ stitches needed. I Fervel opus. (L.) The work lationship to each other. Write glows li. e., goes on actively in a fourth word which will bear Si'nd 15 cents in coins or stamps (coins preferred) to The Sewing 1 Homme d'esprit. (F.) Man of the same relationship to the intellect; wit. third word that the second does Circle. Necdlecraft Dept., 82 to the first. Eighth ave.. New York. N. Y I Id cst. (L ) Tliat is: (abbrevi­ Write plainly pattern number, ated i. f- 1. Bat, baseball; racket, ------your name and address. I Jeunesse doree. (F :■ Gilded 2. , Haakon VII; Swe­ ! youth: wealthy young men den, — Oil Derricks Form Background for Tomato Patch. Noblesse oblige (F. i Nobility 3. Minnesota, gophers; Mich­ Pr«par**d bv th» Nat ional <}*ocraphlc R<»ciftj, compels. igan, — \N ttPhiniftoii, l>. C. —WNI' Servlr*- for packing fruit. By-products, like Malgre nous. (F > In spite of us orange and lemon oils, citric acid The Peacock's regal beauty- 4 Colorado, Denver; Arkansas, a l k with priests at the old All Aound iloi missions and they will tell and citrus pectin, are made and worthy of your finest linens—in-' you that pioneer padres sold by this organization. spired this beautiful design, and A Lessen In Loyally 5. Homer, poetry; Plato, ------. Ships that carry its fruit abroad Ttrained Indians to do tiie first is sure to inspire you with the de­ When a dog e.xperienees that C. Telephone, Alexander Bell; irrigation work in boutliern Califor­ are vast floating refrigerators, for sire to embroider his splendid im- | tran.-iition we know by the st.’^rk they must pas.s through the Panama The fat side of !;cc-f should be . lightning rod, ------. nia. Some of their old ditches still age in cross stitch. A'ou can, you i placed nearest the flame when name of death it affects us the canal and other tropic waters. 7. Mississippi River, United exist. know, for the pattern's a very roastini;. The nnelting fat will more poignantly because he gws Stales; Ama7on, ------. You can tell by where these mis­ Frost is fought with oil-burning easy one, despite its rich cfToct. ! flavor i.r.d baste the n.eat dur.ng over the oonzoii willi sucli m ag­ orchard heaters, while millions ar* Y.'ool, silk or cottoi. floss in real­ 8. Kentucky Derby, horse rac­ sions stand what gcxxl judges of the cooking. : nificent \alor. spent on sprays and fumigation. istic bluish-greens and warm : ing; Poughkeepsie regatta, ------.. land the priests were. They never • • • 1 I have had my heart wrenched built a church on poor soil. Value of Co-operation. browns, or one color only if you prefer, will make a liandso.mc Cloths saturated wi’ih polishing m.ar.y tirr.e-s by a close-up of this Answers Local farming owes these padres Individual growers, competing, liquids if stored a'.vay in a c loset extraordinary courage. Invaria­ a great debt. They not only brought 1. Tennis. t. Philosophy, could not have obtained sucli often cause spontaneous combus­ bly dogs meet w".at mankind re­ the first cattle and horses, but they methodical, world-wide distributior tion. Keep thesecloths in a cov- : gards as the terror of terrors 2. Gustaf V. (i. Ben. Franklin. experimented with seeds to see of oranges now graded, inspected, Labor and V/ait ered tin container. | with a beautiful complacency, an 3. Wolverines. 7. . what would grow best in California. and sold by the Exchange. It is T IS easy to make a spurt. • • • ' instinct, if you will, that should 4. Little Rock. 8. College rowing. They planted the first oranges and conspicuous among all man's co­ I but hard to keep pegging When making pastry use only hearten us all for a journey that is grapes. Lemons, figs, and olives operative efforts. Common inter­ away. Confucius taught the enough water to hold ingredients inevitable. Ten-Gallon Actor they brought, too, and wheat, des­ ests unite its members, both in busi­ Chinese this lesson by a par­ together. Mix quickly, roll and Dogs have taught those of us tined to become a tremendous crop. ness and social afTairs. able: "If I am building a moun­ handle as little as possible if you who love them m.any excellent It was recently brought out that Almost feudal in aspect were One visit to an annual orange tain," said he. "and stop be­ wish pastry to be flaky. . things. Foremost, perhaps, is film players standing for long these mission farms. Indians were festival, with all its music, drama, fore the last basket of earth is . . . Ithe divine quality, loyalty. They periods in the glare of powerful trained as farmers, cowboys, car­ pageantry, and carnival spirit, put on top of my work. I have Use the purest of cider vinegar have also taught the art of for­ and hot lights suffer a peculiar penters, saddle makers, and weav­ shows what a role this fruit plays i giveness and forthright honesty. though not serious malady, ac- failed; but if I have placed the for pickles and pickled preserves. ers. They made things not only for in California life. smallest basketful on the Do not mix two different kinds of So It does not seem at all co ding to Pathfinder. It is the use of priests and themselves, More than any ot'ier one force, it strange to me that they should claimed that the heat of the lights ground, and go on, I am really vinegar. i but for Spanish soldiers as well. was the lure of life in a sunny Cnli- . . . I help us to banish fear of the last reduces the water content of the building a mountain." Like the Cattle became the mainstay of i fornia orange grove which started soldiers of Nehcmiah at the Annual seeds of such plants as , enemy. I had a dog whose obe­ body below normal and produces life, with beef the chief food; hide.-i easterners migrating here in the dience To my comm.and sent him the ill-effects. The cure of this building of the wall of Jerusa­ annual poppies. larkspur, sweet made leather for saddles, harness, 1880's—and it still brings them. lem that ‘ held tho spears from alyssum if sown out of doors now to death under a careening joy­ dreaded disease is quite simple, rider's wheels. He crawled back consisting of drinking a glass of and shoes, and even served as From its trees, since the Ex­ the rising of the morning till the in equal parts of soil and coarse i money. Early sea traders from change started its records in 1894, stars appeared "; so let us la­ sand will be strong enough to live ! to me. licked my hand as though water. It has been termed as to say, "I don't blame you'" and “ body dehydration." If a human New England called them "Califor­ have been picked and sold nearly bor and wait, if necessary, un­ through the winter if well protect- ' nia bank notes." $2,000,000,000 worth of citrus .'ruit— til the stars appear. ed. stiffened in death.—O. O. McIn­ body were completely dehydrat­ tyre in Cosmopolitan. ed there would not be much left. Sheep, too, were raised; and In­ or more than the value of ali gold C' Hell i^yndirate — W .\ r Per% m e. I A 140-pound film player has dians made blankets and cloth for mined since its discovery in 1848! 1 enough water in his body to fill suits from the wool. They raised The Bible story of the miraculouf ten one-gallon c.nns. The weight some hogs also, mostly for lard to gourd vine that grew in one day tc of that amount of water would be make soup. make shade for Jonah is hardly in the neighborhood of S.i pounds. Missions served as stock farms more astonishing than the rise cl Tlie other 55 pound.s would be from which private owners could the western vegetable trade. It is made i.p by small amounts of borrow enough breeding animals to in exciting page in the annals (f iron, carbon, lime, sulphur, phos- build up their own herds. Horses • lur national farm life. New foo.I pliorU'. magnc.>-jum, and a few of a tiiugh. .-ipecdy type, with a habits, the call for more green volatile elements. strain of .Arabian from tiiose brought things, is one cause. .Advent of the to Mexico by conqui.>itadores, thriv ed iced car. overcoming California's there, niuliiplying so fast that in former disadvantage of remoteness time wild herds became a nuisance. from eastern markets, is another. ; Men used to drive them into the Due to geographic barriers, as sea to drown tnem. late as 1900 this trade was a mere : Cattle often ran wild over the trickle. Now, with refrigeration, open range. In self-defense trav­ standard packing, and advertising, elers sometimes hud to shoot sav- more than lUO.UOO carloads of gurdeii MU^TI SHOE WHITEOf Homo On/ I «ge bull.i. At slaughtering time, truck, largely grown in Caliiurnia, vaquerus rode down the thundering i tn C ifs t* u* tf Le't>‘ §ctt/0s js* f ride east every year. 3 herds, slew what they wanted, and left carcasses to be skinned by Busy Imperial Valley. butchers who followed. Melted tal­ Imperial valley, that below-the- PIMPLES low was packed in hides and trans­ sea ■’Hothouse of America" once from surface conditions^ ported to sailing vessels along the culled the Salton Sink, grows more not bo endured. coast. This trade dwindled after cantaloupes, honcydews, and casa- 'M a ke your skin clearer has than any area its size in the ^and smoother with gold was found. r . _ soothing _ "The infiowing of population made world. Its large-scale operations an end to the great droves of cat­ ! are indeed “industrialized farm- R e s i n o L tle," wrote Dana in 1859, on his ' uig." second trip to California. Terrific heat, dust, and the fran­ tic picking, packing, loading, and A Rarity Old Ranches Cut I’p. A perfectly ju.'t and sound mind icing of more than 8,0UU,000 crates Today this once huge mdustry, T h e r e is a reason whv Louis Mever won the Is a rare and valuable gift. of melons in a few weeks turn this which kept the shoe and leather valley, from May to June, into an 500-mile Indianapiilis race this vear—and whv he is trades of New England supplied, is inferno of nervous haste. ^ the onlv man ever to win this gruelling nice three An Easy Aid a dim tradition. In museums you Only Mexicans and Japanese ' times. He alicuy-s used I'ircstouc Cium-lJi/i/icd Tires, sec old oxcarts and horse gear, mas­ seem able to work in the sun- and n cfcr ex{terienccd tire trouble of any Lind, sive hand-made furniture and pio­ scorched fields; some say that only For Sluggishness neer weapons. they can tell just when a melon Louis Mever knows tire construction. He also When t*lu3^Kish nml from Im- knows that to drive for 500 consecutive miles over prop^t uliininalion, you don't \\aiit to banta Barbara stages a fiesta should be picked, or when a mule upMei your « nur»* h>»*tern w ith ft h.tri«h each season, in which modern beaux will surely drop from being over­ this hot brick track, negotiating the dangerous curves laxutivo. \<*u want rolief that in and belles dress in pioneer bpani.sn heated if driven another rod. Yet HIGHSPEED TYPE 800 times at the record-breaking average speed of 109 d e a s a n t iu mI . . . the »ort o f re - fl» f >«'U with Kot n-a-minl. the de» costumes, ride horses with Spanish tilJ.OUO residents endure this climate! SIZH PRICE miles an hour, requires fires of super strength and liKhtful chcwtiiK ifuni iaxatlve. Keen- R-mlnt hekcint* itn pirapant elYcct a« saddles, sing Spanish ballads, and Frost-free regions along the San 4.50-21 ... • S.60 greatest blowout protection, as a blowout on anv one affon you Rtart chewing it. for its dance fandangos to early Spanish Diego coast send their share of to­ 4.75-19 ...... S .l* of the dangerous curves wcmld likely mean instant >>ioniaeh>RotUitur m int brings a clean, music. matoes, celery, and other green 5.25-18 ...... io .« f fresh tant** to the mouth. A s ymi i hew 5.50-17 ...... ii.g o death. By the Firestone patented Gum-Dipping out the laxative inKrtUient wiilf li is But the modern spectacle is more ioods. Los Angeles county was the process everv cord in the tires on Louis Mover’s car was sisaked and ftiisnlutcly tastehsH. the flow of dl- splendid than the original hard, pioneer garden spot; there first 6.00-16 ...... IS.ZS Kcstive juices is Increased. The laxa­ 6.00-17 H. D.... 15.90 coated with liquid rubber, thereby preventing internal friction and tive is mixed with Iht m and carrleset you Practically all old ranches are cut berg head," an Italian strain intro­ 6.50-17 H. D.... 10.40 and it is nonohahU«fr>rminir. It parses up now. One or two, like the Santa duced through Vilmorin, famous 7.00-17 H. D. . .. X1.50 into Firestone Tires. t h r o u g h th e s to m a c h a n d int«> th o hctwels s« lentifioally to thoroughly ^Iarga^ita and the Tejon, remain; seedsman of Paris. roR TRoexs You of course will not drive 109 miles per hour, but at todav's cleanse out waste. Doctors prescribe but overseers make their rounds in Electricity (or Everything. 6 .cX )-2 0 ...... Keen-a-mlnt*s laxative im;redicnt for Stft.49 higher speeds vou do need tires that will give vou greatest blowout licdh children nrd adults. Sold on motor cars. In fields where grunting You m ar\ el at miles of power 30x5 Truck Tvpe 16.41 protection and will stop vour car up tv> 25Sc quicker. Take no liKiney - back uarantee. fsoneroUE oxen once pulled wooden plows, you lines carried on steel towers. Hard­ 3 2 x h H . D ...... family eizo pneUaKO luc and 20c. chances! Let your Firestone Auto Supply and Serv ice Store or hear now the staccato voice of gas ly a country home is without elec­ O t'itr S2 '«s P n rM ProgOfttontt««v Lot* Firestone D e a le r equip vour car with Firestone Gum-Lfipped Tires, tractors. tricity. Farm ers throw a switch the safest tires built. It costs so little to protect lives worth so m uch! Among long-tailed, .squawking ma­ and machines cook food, heat water, caws and tinkling bells in the Mis­ milk cows, sterilize milk, and sep­ sion Inn garden at Riverside stands arate the cream. Electric power an old, old orange tree. It is one hatches eggs and warms tiie coops. of two navel seedlings sent here Long, dry summers call for muen from Brazil, by way of Washing­ pumping, and electric irrigation STANDARD MW/A ton, in 1873. Both lived and are pumps run almost continuously PHOTOGRAPHY DesiRneJ and constructed hv ancestors now of countless trees from .April to September. Firestone fire engineers for long Koll l>rtrlo|ir«l— IK. or Bmall*T. S whose fruit reaches not only the Walnuts, formerly dried in the mileage and dependable serv ice— a tir^t boiuMful onlarifrinfnt* from your roll 25r. most obscure nooks of the United Wlftctiiuiin }»utpm. M in. sun, are dehyd'-ated now by elec­ quality fire built of high grade materials States, but goes to forty-odd ports tricity. To make seeds germinate bv skilled workmen. cmKfd\ing the 29—3fl overseas, even into Alaska by dog- faster, cables laid in the soil are Firestone patented construction features WNU—L sled delivery. heated by this power. of t^uin-Dipping and Two txfra Lavers What a colossal feat of distribu­ With electricity oranges are col- of Ciuni'Dipped cords under the tread. tion! oreo and precooled for shipment. Its exceptional qualify and service Think of 100.000 carloads a year, Motors hum in myriad industries. at these low prices are m ade pt»sMblc bv large volume production in the cars riding an average of 2,Odd In busy oil fields, shops, and har­ world’s mo*t efficient tire factories. SIZE PRICE j Kidney Rpisofismiles each. Fantastically, you vis­ bor sheds, bright lights turn night Made in all sires for passenger cars, 4.50-21 . . • 7.75 j ualize this cndlcs.s orange llight as into day. With electricity men drill trucks, and buses. 4.75-19 . . 8.20 p s O you suffer burning, sesnty or a universe of tiny yellow planets for oil. pump it when natural flow Gee this tire at vour FirrAii>ne .\ufo 5.50-17 . . . 10.70 1 too frequent urination; backache, Hying forever out of California and 6.CV-20HD headache, di:zine:t, loss of energy, subsides, and refine it. Tlie same Supply and Service Store or Firestone 15.55 leg pains, swellings and puffiness into space! Orange picking never source lu'ats enormous furnaces and Dealer toilav. rOR TIUCKt under the eyes? A re you tired, nerv­ stops. Navels move from Decem­ annealing ovens. 6.0VJ-20 . . $14.85 ou s-fe e l all unstrung and don't ber to May and Valencias the rest In California electricity spurred 30x5...... 18.64 know what is wrong? of the year. With oranges go lemons imagination long before the rest of Then give some thought to your and grapefruit, picked, packed and the world appreciated its versatil­ kidneys. Be sure they function proper­ shipped from some part of Califor­ ity. The reason is that California, ly for functional kidney disorder per­ nia every day in the year. Europe when most of the present electric mits excess waste to stay in the blood, alone takes upward of a million systems started in the 1890's, had and to poison and upset the whole boxes, and Canadians drink orange no native fuel except wood. Coal, ; system. juice even as we do. Use Dean's Pills. Doan’s arc for the transported from far places, was . kidneys only. They are recommended To move and sell such incredible costly; but in the mountains was the world over. You can get the gen­ cargoes, more than 13,000 growers abundant water power. The mar­ uine, time-tested Doen'a at any drag form the Fruit Exchange. Their ket for electric light was small in store. salesmen are posted in 59 central pioneer times and few industries markets, here and abroad. Their had then started; but the farmer brand stamped on fruit is known was there, and entrepreneurs taught around the world. They even own him to use power for irrigation as L iitm to the Voice of Fi esfon.'—/culMfing M arforel Speaku, Sof»rano, toilh the Firestone Choral DOANSPILLS their own timber lands and sawmills, early as 1893. Now power lines S>-mf>hony, and U’a/fiam L’al^r’f C>rchestra"<%'gry M onday night ot er N. B .C . Nutionu’ide Nctsi-ork where millions of crates are made cover the state's map like a web. cri CA.-— Local and Personal. Th'’ P'-n':**! ^ no cl ih.e haul Christoval 25 Years Ago. Auiielo I Missitii.1 (* r? f • tSociety met i UiMi.i.v .lu.y Mth Th o folloging Iccal iltn s are copied f'»oin the Observer in oiiPesi. L.ip'..t> li'.c were dated in 1912; I reti i.l aUu 1 ei.ii li.iil \\ a . ^ . T o I'vlinqucnt Subscrll«r^: Miss ^iarle Deals of San An servi u to Ui- aeiusrt \tnti.-t rclo speni Weanesaay here. in iuoemont tosuKsorib' A ioaoeii of Missu rs was liiie. 1 \ ^ i s > » m • parents. Dr. and Era. J, B. Sal* ii.ul was iiiioiosl.ru ai.d iii- The County Cammissioners Mrs H. Albertsihaw’s Snnda e:» to r i\ lU’, the (.'l«er\ii cl mon. and brother. J, L. SaimOR siiueiuo. Mr.'. Doi.aiO Ktan.ou are now paying 5 cenr* each for Swbool classsponsored a shower ters to t nose who are ileiimiU'^nt and families, ol M. e 3 WuS I!. V (1 :fi! at.. A. i.'s jack rabbit scalps. for Mrs. Frank Hauri^ne, form- 5ob.scr;; t oi . ll.at il they will ley i-I L^.iei.o r.uuilJuiU, Judge and Mrs,.IcalCan ibell W, M. Tolson, formerly a well orly Miss Dorothy Barbaric k pay on what tlioy c.\e before .laee a talk iii ■ i.oiurip, an Jn- /-% of Kldoradoare here this week know merchant here, but bow Wednesdai. the LI 1th of July, we will can' stllute ill Wi.rt! o. t win ! .■ •-V' in bpaincas in Sherwood, is vi«. 1. ■' for the encampment. Mesdames Clay Atkins, h'u col rheir inut Ptedr.el.ew w n- % , ; itingold friends here. meei ataiu in t/eiooi! :.t Cl ns- 4 i*' H. Ward, former publifhe ccne JoneS and Miss Hart e Ken­ lar;:e, .-\KKD X on this issue. luvai. Liro.ito. Ci.- stovai. h.r Misa Callalily Uofers is visit­ ' II tico ot rti't r. 'lb< •• who of the Darden City Ga/.ette.was nedy epent Uednesiiay on the ‘ djraaO. .VlfMili-li, amts. C'UII/VU / ***’• , X here .Monday and favered us ing relatives io Brady sad Me­ Weddell ransh, * w \ torosjH r,(i to thi.-< t I'.tr wil Kelo. ilotifil i.tt. Mfi iit-ji t. u\ nard. rcitive a ^t ntt n • r t cl wliat with a fraternal call, Marjriretand Ruth Bollard re- Sonora. .\eiU»ti. j.i.d U att r / v \ • Mrs. T. B. WilsoB, who has turned Saturday from I'.rady tlu»\ ewe Aunusi 1st. j\ alloy Wole ieii»stnt«c. Mrs. j Clarenco Chappie of Brady is '*;Y •- , t been ill for sovoral Bionlhs ia where they visited two week .Mt rit.ie ih 01 h:.i. ri.ti'a: visiting his grandparents II. Chappie and family, raported sinking rapidly. with Mr. and Mrs. AlUu II Kpworth l.ea;:uf Bicric. solo. Mi.ii. l.lMiU.v. Wright. Mr. and Mrs, .J.N'. Kellis of Miss Bess Graves of Miles ar­ Mrs. O. .M Cole sponsored .Sterling City, twoofWtstTrzef ’ rived here yesterduy and will Ly^is Holland, who is work tho Hpwerth l.oag’ic on a picnio ^ ollicer in charge. I’,? teach piano and voice at k ia ing In Brady, spent Iasi D'tc‘k Weincs lay., veiu.-ijrat the Hoad- h'ljs Lo.iuiiii.i: i-is'- pi oner r citizrhs. si there tak it g T. (-Ticus little in the Baptist encampment. Crawford’*. tad with his family. I’arK. tiiot oi I'alii.s anncan**-s that '■"* I' li'j'v. Ciiiibby The League wis'ics to thank theenltstirieni o: Ho nu-nironij County .ludge Frir.k was here j P, F. Fetsch has purchased J, 3 »ntley Kennedy r. turned fi igcf' cl troll at aii Ivj H. Wright’s residenoe near tha M>-3. M.irtin Davi.s for n.ikirg -i e'Xa3 c>ti.l;...i'rr.:i distr.ct has i f’riday with the Commissioners Sun iav to K alty. .I 'ler s|iciui I c’s oi'.tri.n;: tooth, i school buildiag, in? two weeks va.‘» lor. here le p;cii!e a ntoie o n | .t t* .r tie tr.euiui to locate the concrete cansewry t 0. .’-d ii’ >i to c!iov.’Oil wiih his parents. ee3b With ice‘ ream and cookies. R' ' • Appileatici s by i .across the Booth Concho river ^ P. L. Walker hat returned Secretary, mail w ill I pi \ ei, 1 ai t 1 LI n i ‘ j t'-'iir-. near town, from n two month’s visit to hia If. L. Howardof Wal’ i? tak­ sideratioii. luc* niii.iii.uni ayol children in Smith county. He ing treatment at the Btrcifu.] F. II. Watson and family of One of the largestit asas well wi as and . lie:ght i tijiiiicn t i.is lorj Mot! r watch os I' im KIdoradoare here visiting his roports fruit plentiful and crops bath house. I;rs: tiui^sinituts art lo \«a*6' good. gious art exhibits ;\»r e rro T".'"-'to, but n'C* brother. W. ,S. IVatson and at­ .. at.e n •■re.' r.ij> eivt \ 1 v.’| Mrs, H?r ry Hays ard ch;’:- ■s;i :■•vn !.n in ocuniry is fs eni- ' ■■'.n in tor- tending the encBn.pmeut. Prof. C. T. Womack la here to dren 01 Han. n .have nti.rrt , ole ; in : n. ilo.y 1 ty at e iVer. to 1 or rntn.at ^ c ‘ t ,3 . •t ii '-c\! Will Sims, who has been cn be ready to open our school on h /me after ■ r.t. r . .ir nts u he. 1 >: tie l ex. 8 od at ;i : ir: i f t o 11 i h • ' Monday. {rc - I, i-c’ Mr . . . gaged by the cane growers of Mr and Mrs. V 8. 1 raw f. rd. t'er.iral E'; Ineiudtd proviui (• tu, y j.re fVf, j tii i al > i Si ru i : V , *’.i c I v\ i I. I ; r Fl 1 c * * f c t - r ’ 1 this vicinity to tt n tke up their Joe P, Smith *and family of Mr. aneMr^ I'ar.co La.-^iik?- in the oxtiibit aiL n.cre thanH»'0 Jackson, Tcnc., who have b* an a-iiieutic shrines of tl.i llol.. : ed j(.at ;i n mu - k n . ti, i i i \ i r. crops in syrup, airived here were here V- edin ^ca;. fr. r .Ntc Tuesday and started grinding visiting hii sister, Mrs. J. D Cregcr vi.s. ;: g r j cti nt? r i.un.i. The t; .ist« r; ‘ < of ti n.o*. V. itn n*. f'.uvr.trt rhita-j 1. ._I,, on the Tom Joues crop. Gowen and family, departed nu .Mrs Lewis Dtai* a 3; ny' tcw ,er i s ’ a --loor oat'll' who r.n.o -at s e c; i y ' Vi’ i; t .1 0 >nc yesterday for hems. n.oth( r o; riarl, r.and i:.r\«»' dcn.i.r St 1 a'.t u to tl.e Ltcri.ii'rg I- VI' W. B, .Mold and family were Mrs. hw ' Ke-iipl ds return- ('h'c r '..•’■t t ■ .V lio-i-'.-vi .1, :i;i- hero from Georgetown Tuesday ed homo a-- iT -ssO' S'; nc'i and u-JS';; I r I'o- 'c;of !• w;:;'i:i c.i Little Catherine lIallia|WcI(b V s: I; r ;> 1 i (I .■knt'ini''Hir.il'.r. t; t*'^ olv Ci:v ritn' educ.:: to tnai- o til sira- and Wednesday visiting Mrs, ter. .Mr- C..'I 4 •• entertained her young friends Fri ;;or it V. of j-.rusi V f r, rhi .-i.it tn h I'le m o ru f'-T l! ( M.nrir.e' Mood’s brother Slid sisUr. W, Came." loesday afternoon from 3 to 6 ce*itury, cju. w r.;ch Pi.-psi : ! n ■ :* -"e;>l" 1 for -'nli.st L. Wilson and Mrsj.lennic Fisk t';c in honor of herfonrth birthday. .M.'s. ' a-na"'V I 'or- 'f Mo*-' 1 and families, 'lisp.a's .hi 10urfetn-Sta, ions in r cii:. 11- C > .at of the IlTuiti ll These present were; Na Dell zinweshei- .1 c rt .‘(.ay vi.ii: ing ti. tn. or t '. 's, . i". ,u^e i.y i.umi' •' o' r-cr. * n . d at prt s-j ti o: i.rcr* .’1 t T, Mrs, Thos. Tr.iil and children Her sist> MI > *-j. Ih e., of m'^r ont ftir n n r T oi.j.i ,h;- r ’ '.'C r.nc Welch. Mildred McKee, Corinne th .n I’l.oi'o p.ecca < 1 of Bninl li'jck are camping with Salmon, Marguerite Kemp. Min* the very b; t ly.t' ; I vsit r.My. ' 11. III VCUl- V'O’.IC Hov. F. H( ni'r .MdX-r 'noHurof n-arl ;.nd t '<. 1: inon her brother, Joe Kemp, andfani* nie Harris, Grace Gardiner,Fan­ son W(. re ner« i» ed.ue.' a ., than ton j .‘ars to cm; plclc. n'orai!;. :.t( rir::. ,v v in* ily on encampment grounds- irnli-'t: .i. I.it( rati.ro rtfi'n.irgi nie Kemp. Grace Crawford, Kr. Frank Salmon 'and family of est Wilson, Walter Lee Wilacn :T.ara.y;S C.y.n',ll.,rd"nrt, ...... , j d'lti* 3 . 1 fi o; r ('• 'i:i 'T . ( i .j j r>isbce, Ariz., are visiting his and Blair F-iench, 3 ir. ami .Mrs. J, i>, AJe ]-cil t/i Ir. 'rt -vx . -i ,;r. r: .Mart'o* wil i c lui ii’si ((1 iij i r I’rownwooii were the giust ot' * *••» *• a*»»**m cr » o ‘ •' " 1 eqncpt at l.i t n ABcn Bldg. ] T i r . w .i.vcrr.o Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Atkins. ‘ thtni Sriiei, S.T u* i.*-.. ('oinmcrce Street. Da.Iae 7 n : 'r u ') \r .c:o .m.m .vy Posted ••Ih ‘ uT CXU3, Announ cemen ts. M;s3 \cima Ban.es anti Mr. , All persons are forbidden to V\ est have relurr.c-a from I/alias — hunt, trap or trespass on my The following annouB*«B tnti where they visited iho Cti.Ui i.- | property. i authorized and aie v-sde lai. j ;• M.'"... *'.if -' Mrs. Ada DouTni'i'. i subject to aciien of liinttiatic ——------I Primaries in July, lllC’. Mr. and .Mrs Hobori ,''h» r r • :d ' a nd chijdroi’. are lierc \;3ii:rp For County Ccnmissicncr, li*. . (‘.’t lU the .<1 ..r;-!-.'s. .fhjy la\e liir Robt. Massie Co No, 4 — ■ p:,ir.s .n Ar. ra aiid E. E. FOSTER. inc Te.xRs i enK r.r:a . 11* v Funeral Diret-tuie ard J. H. (Jim) Del.ONG -ea\e o r. . j- I .ad., ( , , E m b a lin e rs For Sheriff: -v..o-e ;.e., a ;o opt ra :< a larje’ ! ARCH BENGE ty SCOT' . CF."0 Ho. 4 uperA nb ilance Service ■ 'l. f. _y ‘.-■J .ion 1 yffr? ! E. E. LOWE •'V 1 w fi u i a e (I c r a • f' g f; • i. I *'• C'C'. . r r :y:y Ilvrc. I Iyc yerr Phone 4444 Day or Night NOLAN C.BE'IT fer ;.i • - / 1. .'-e;:, lers. Ht unis n, ■ l * ^ r 'ft T «r-ii-I0'J13C!. 1yeer HAWLEY ALLEN I- 5 I r.;-n T r: irv.-st^Arsa wl \j ■•.c-c'Ce r Jie'.i hn,. ,. ^ r rC-ieY-'ot San Angelo, Texas. SAM HAYNES altern. i,.. . ; I,; j I l.( J p, For County Clerk: I C ] ♦ : ' f G. ' • 1 t I .' L( I t i* tr/Uorr.* //CCA-.L'S' Lart-ti'jufc I I ,t EMMETT KEATING . c ••• •r.i ' • . 1 i . ,i fictcBal JESSE COUCH '____-fr-v’tw ' SubscripticrsiO' M. C. (MOSE) COBB Inejucvfs apt.'/r,t,,,i ;• 'he '*X■> 1 presi b'ti.•ll. :f I 1 r- y ceived at Observei For District Attorney; * Uld “et iors A'.^(.(.-,.<1!( r, 1, ;,c office for any pub- 0. C. FISHER at - he ').' of ^ /^•nd 4 Cig Mac-azines (re-election) Lidoradoand Dr. B. T, Wou h Subscribe for your For Legislature: of ilrir.stoval. About tenhaie' I i .’r riiie f:om C .-ocp A; 3 Magazines from Group B; 4 in all PENROSE B. METCALf E en-ere.j contest rd n number j home paper -- and For County Attorney: of others are o.xpectcd. ' keep posted on local LUTHER LYNN .tic: Tif J* M_ For County Treasurer: Judges and ( le/kK \npo:nted iw L'J _ r...,.n-.--,'.C'*."« 6 n atlairs. 0. M. BENNETT for Brimar.v I lcciii n. C 4 .(re-election) Count.. Ci.airn.an .lacgi M. W. “ T.i . : }- For District Clerk: Smith iiasappointed j. a T'jt rl-f• ■ '. ly, ' . -'‘f r - ■ • • '»^rl Young Jerseycows with young C, W. (Barney) BARNETT ray as Bresioing ffhorat ti e \ \ •'Cr r. * ,, r."'i g calves for sale. 4 Vnrr r* [re-election] primary e/t./tion to bo ht-ld ho-jo' t •!r 1,, See Wrp. Act. I erf hit, I yncr r .-iiiti B'"‘« ■ • ■. i»f July 2.'/ih. ar.ri ho has selecUdi 1 yrr p Far County Judge: S"'" ■ ’ . ir 7 • . 1 „ Christoval, Texas- ' -CM 5 i-a-fi . ly/ JIM W. STOVALL thefoiio'wingcitiaers to assist! Icfl- I - . 1,. him; j A-' •.«•f:.!.'.1„ P s - x - ■■ •• 1: [re-election] c- ar-‘i"** • ■ . 2r Cen ge Vatec, i,ir. II. T.W eie-h. I , J ^ f ^ ! Baptist Churrh Scrvicee. JOHN P. LEE Fr ij «J»D8 r^rn'-r . • C.- VV. McKirii.ey, f'ai.l ( raw ftaU * 1 A.T, NIXON, PASTOR, For Constable: ford. A jg, Le.Mria ;n a; j J„hn 1 I Our Sundays for preaching J. B. (Dude)Ciirbo btigii-r. I 1 yr i -r ; ethe Seconrtand Fcirth Sun- Vo'-rs are re ie OOIce 443». Rea. 3818Z Tne O iserv' r r...vv better ' p. r.i. prepareG to uo y our job print-: Eveningf.vemne Vv'orship. ..or,mp