Homage to King and Country. a Bibliography of Swedish Jewish Pamphlets

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Homage to King and Country. a Bibliography of Swedish Jewish Pamphlets Homage to King and Country. A Bibliography of Swedish Jewish Pamphlets Margit Hoffman Stockholm A little-known part of Swedish Jewish biblio- There are eleven birthday and New Year's graphy are the many small separate booklets greetings, four in connection with betrothals and addresses of homage produced by the Jew- and weddings, two for royal births, thirteen ish communities in Stockholm, Norrköping, for royal deaths, three as thanks for the king's Gothenburg and Karlskrona to honor King and return to the city or for his passing through, Country. three for victories won, two praying for success The Jews who settled in Sweden in the in war being fought, two when a new king star- 18th century received royal letters of protec- ted his reign, and seven for national or royal tion. They were very eager to express their jubilees, one of which for a Golden Wedding. appreciation to the king on any and every oc- Five of the booklets are printed on silk—nos. casion. This started in 1782 with the death of 2, 17 (only the German text—the Hebrew is the Dowager Queen, the mother of King Gus- in handwriting on paper), 18, 19 and 20. The taf III, and only a month later there was a new Royal Library owns the respective king's pre- booklet on the birth of an heir to the King and sentation copies. Queen. It was Gustaf III who seven years ear- lier, in 1775, had allowed the first Jew, Aaron (1) 1782 [On the death of Dowager Queen Lo- Isaac, to settle in Sweden without converting visa Ulrica] to Christianity. On such occasions a special service was Lik-Tal på Högstsal. Hennes Maj:ts LO- usually held in the synagogue, with songs and VIS- ULRICÆ, Enke-Drotnings af Sverige, prayers composed especially for the occasion. född Kongl. Prinsessa af Preussen, höga These were printed in separate booklets, often begrafnings-dag, hållet öfver den af Hans presented to the king in a special presentation Kongl. Maj:t förordnade texten i 1 Kon. Bok copy. 2. Cap. 2. Vers, för den Judiska Försam- I will here list all the pamphlets and book- lingen i Stockholm, Onsdagen den 31 Julii lets known to me, which were printed by the år 1782, af Levin Hirsch- Levi, Jewish communities honoring King and Coun- Öfver-Land-Rabbi Öfversatt på Svenska. Stockholm, try, including two from Stralsund in Mecklen- trykt i Kongl. Tryckeriet [Henric Fougt], burg, which belonged to Sweden from 1648 till 1782. 230 x 185 mm. 20 pp. 1815. All of them may be found either in the Royal Library of Stockholm or in the Library Printed in Swedish, with many Hebrew expres- of Uppsala University. sions printed with Hebrew letters in the Swed- 94 ish text. Swedish on the right and French on the left side This speech given by Sweden's first rabbi, of the page. Levin Hirsch Levi, is a eulogy to King Gustaf The authors were David Josephson, cal- III's mother who passed away July 16, 1782. led on the Hebrew title-page "Mr. David, son It was she who in a letter written to her son of Josef, blessed be his memory, from Prenz- in December 17711 suggested that the king let lau" and Marcus Maure, called "the respec- Jews settle in Sweden. Gustaf III answered her ted bachelor Mr. Maure, son of Isaias, bles- on February 11, 1772, "It is sure that letting sed be his memory, from Copenhagen". Ac- such an industrious people as the Jews settle cording to the title-page, the two were good here would be of the greatest advantage to the friends, "joined by bonds of love". David Jo- Realm." She was, at the time, at her brother's, sephson is the ancestor of family Josephson, Frederick the Great's court in Berlin, and had who since the beginning of their days in Swe- no doubt been favorably impressed by perso- den until today have played an important role nal acquaintances with Jewish merchants at his in the Jewish community and in Swedish cul- court. She had also met with Moses Mendels- tural life. Both David Josephson and Marcus sohn there. Maure were teachers of Hebrew and modern Rabbi Levin Hirsch Levi found his liveli- languages. Marcus Maure was the author of hood in the Jewish community in Stockholm most of the early pamphlets published (see nos. in 1780. The contract of his employment still 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 20). exists in the archives of the Jewish community in Stockholm. (3) 1786/87 [Song of praise to Crown Prince Gustaf Adolph on the occasion of (2) 1782 [On the birth of a son to Queen the New Year] Sophia Magdalena] Nyårs-Sång, Hans Kongl. Höghet Kron- Prinsen i djupaste underdånighet tilägnad Ord högtideligen afsungne uti Judiska Sy- af E.J. Israelsson Soldin, Jude. Stockholm, nagogan i Stockholm vid tillfälle af Hennes tryckt hos Anders J. Nortström, 1786. 210 Kongl. Maj:ts Drotningens lyckeliga ned- x 165 'mm. 8 pp. komst den 25 augusti 1782 på anmodan af Nationens Äldste författade och öfversatte Printed in Hebrew with Swedish translation af Marcus Maure och D. Josephson. Stock- on parallel pages, there are both Hebrew and holm, trykt i Kongl. Tryckeriet [Henric Swedish title-pages. On the Hebrew title-page Fougt], 1782. 290 x 220 mm (on silk), 210 x Soldin calls himself Eliakim the son of the To- 160 mm (on paper), 12 pp. rah-scholar Isserl Soldin from Copenhagen. The son, Karl Gustaf, Duke of Småland, whose (4) 1788 [On King Gustaf III's birthday] birth was celebrated at this ceremony, passed away in 1783. Poetiska Tankar i anledning af den 24 The Jewish community used every oppor- januarii 1788. På Hebreiska författade af tunity in the 18th and 19th centuries to honor Eliakim Jacob Soldin. Upsala, tryckte hos the king and his family, to show their gratitude Directeuren Johan Edman. 215 x 140 mm. to Gustaf III for having allowed Aaron Isaar to 8 pp. settle in Sweden in 1775, and also for having allowed other Jews to join him and for per- These poetic thoughts have a divided title-pa- mitting them to start a congregation in Stock- ge, Hebrew on the top, Swedish on the lower holm, and later one in Gothenburg in 1780 and half. The poem is printed first in Hebrew, and one in Norrköping in 1782. it is followed by a Swedish translation. On the This is the first Swedish-Jewish publica- Hebrew portion of the title-page, Soldin descri- tion using Hebrew extensively, the whole text bes himself as "a printer of books from the holy being in three languages, Hebrew in the middle, congregation of Copenhagen, who is living in 95 Upsala at the moment, but whose feet are poin- Gustaf III wanted to have the Eastern borders ted, with God's help, to return to his father's revised, and declared war on Russia. Denmark house and the city of his birth" was in alliance with Russia, and attacked Swe- den on the West Coast. Gothenburg was in (5) 1788 [Song of praise after the Battle of danger, but Gustaf III, with the help of Eng- Hogland] land, persuaded Denmark to observe a truce. This song of praise was sung on the King's re- Öfwersättning av den Hebräiska Låfsång, turn to Stockholm from Gothenburg. In Stock- som (örleden Fredag wid allmänna Frögde- holms Posten no. 288 of December 9, 1788, the betygelserna afsöngs på Judiska Hufwud- following poem id found: mannen Gumperts Hirtschs föranstaltande, i Synagogan hos Aaron Isaac på Riddarehol- men. [on p. 4: Lofsång ... sammanskrefwen Gustaf har från nöd och sorg af Marcus Maure ...]Stockholm, tryckt hos Frälst vårt kära Göteborg. Johan Christ, Holmberg, 1788. 240 x 195 mm. 4 pp. (7) 1789 [On King Gustaf III's birthday] Öfversättning af den Hebraeiska Lofsången, In Chapter 17 of his memoirs, Aaron Isaac som afsöngs i Synagogan, den 24 Januarii mentions that he was given permission to have 1789, på Hans Maj:t Konungens Födelse- a synagogue in his home, which was located on Dag. Författad af Marcus Maure. Stock- Riddarholmen, a district of Stockholm. This holm, tryckt hos Anders Zetterberg, 1789. synagogue was frequented mainly by his family 240 x 195 mm. 4 pp. and friends. In 1787, the Jewish community opened a The war with Russia had started in June 1788. synagogue at Köpmantorget in the Old City of So Marcus Maure could now say: "Let Gustaf's Stockholm, which soon proved to be too small. Kingdom expand, long into the enemies' lands. Therefore, in 1795, a new place for the syna- May many nations bow under his scepter ... gogue was found at Tyska Brunn, also in the He is our David, our Solomon..." Old City, namely the old auction house. Af- ter that all private Minyanim, i.e. prayer quo- (8) 1789 [Prayer read by the Jewish commu- rums, were forbidden. nity in Norrköping during Sweden's Gumpert Hirsch was the head of the Jew- war with Russia] ish community at the time. He was a cousin of Aaron Isaac's wife, and became his business Öfwersättning af bönen under påstående partner. Krig, som nyttjas af Judiska Församlingen The Battle of Hogland, on July 17, 1788, i Norrköping. På de Äldstes begäran för- was fought during the war between Sweden and fattad af Marcus Maure. Stockholm, tryckt Russia (1788-1790) by the navies of the two hos Joh. Christ. Holmberg, År 1789. 225 x countries. 190 min. 4 pp. Norrköping was one of the three cities where (6) 1788 [On King Gustaf III's return to Jews were allowed to settle according to the Stockholm] Judereglemente of 1782 (rules and regulations for Jews in Sweden).
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