PROP ■j' afV _ r rP P l A ' Hr'vt fed to the Intere'^ts of ('hristova! and 'J'oin fJreen t'oiirt’ VOL. XXVI. CHIilSTOVAL, TOM CRKLN COUNTY, TUXAS. FKI!MY, .U LY 17. UV!t;. .SO . !’>(» Kotreat «f Lee’s Am y. » (TJirtiaptni! (Pbunxrr!V?.aj John W. Iliiwi irs Ask^ Co imnlsKiunei Luno Ldite Tho annual reiurn of Apri' brln;?5 for.'ibl V to my mind tbc A.i3vin,,Te.\., .July 15, - \\ hen Two Te?:*?s CovHrnor:- un Mirfv cv PUBUSHED EVERY EinUAV stirrir.K events of April, I'e.ias iaxf ayijs m.d pat* tits I linme 1 lately after tbe evaons- FRANK C. VAN HORN a A iR j to :ne iiriportai.ee of the j tion of Jiicl.mond urd Pttor.s’ Editor oiiJ Pub/14/iti' Spate’s ni...St mifoit;. ni tin ite' barir, the most alarminfr rumore siiip- liic I fhco it 1 ;.t d tilii' precedtd our army as tl o citi- Subscri,iticn $1.00 IVt Annum imssiotiir- lliey v\iii mi j mi .'.eiia Ki'eatly fearel'a lepefiticn .Advcrtismt; ralt'^ on application. only till* iiights: ( il i of horrors and d 'vr-sfr.tif i r perie/ice Mid ptcvin irn.ji by Slio’niatf in (leoryia and Catered as second class in;.il n.atur at the teri.'o f uin eaiiUK.i'ti 5 fit ll Post Office at Cliri.«toval, Trxas. .Sberidan in the V'sHoy. I'lovif- posiliuii, ‘ J lons anti valiiablos.wrre hurried­ rna”. wa.s tho ihome which Cards of Thanks. O^'itoanes or Notice. ly P'jrit'd or bid a vay anrierory •( charitable or church cntcrt-unnicnts, \l;i'or Jonn V., Haw ).ins, chiil precaution taken to «.avc what tahcrc an admission is char),'i d must be cl>-rk in tl.e i h'.c e, v. ;.s i11 \ ii i paid lor at the r.ite of f cents pt*r line. was left aft«r four vears’strrp- into his ct r;) tign this vveeX fi r tlio » Ii •; of Laud Co i :aissi< m r ple. Our lioiiie vva.s on '^Uintfr! Ckristova!,Toin Green V o. T ex. ham ” farm, three inih s Iroml S i , % wnien be seek^ \i ith ibc- tnoi n e Ann lia Court Hm.se ano a little rrienl of tlu retiiiig Con.mis' ofi' the line of Gi ntial 1 ee’s re­ Jt: V " - stone,, J, H, Wali; r, - >N ^ , treat, but wewor*' soon overi up REUNION ONE DAY> “This 5i.'^,t)u J.t'UU ir.st fund t bv our half- sf<• t \ f r soldiei s’ * 1 It isbeingr broadcast over built up for the cause of free j , , , , who ha] ea'on litCe or nothing 1 ■ education, must not tc iihaio ^ . j ... i. the radio without authority , , , , ,, for several da vs. Attil Pru i ir inexperienced hai.os, . ] i.w , ,, i ii i r'-v tha tthe Old Settlers' Ke- , • 1 1 . , denoo. our go. d o d cook, kins declared. During the' uaion will last two da>s. worked faithful.} day nrd night thirty yearsl have scivea the ( < T hat is a mistake. It will , , , , . , , entil n,t;i 1.} i xI ; vm 11 \ > 11 . par.mer.t as legal advisor ana t,,,. furnished he onlyoue day — July 31. and chief clerk, I havo watchi <i wit.l; salt and for:iinr.al and told , V (Newspapers, please copy.) it grow, and had a part in its V < t to Iiolp thcm.solves. ! Frank C. Van l!‘'rn, growth. I know that a single, Every variefy of opinion v as president. inissslip in the trusteeship woud alFect every school in Texas. erpres.-ied; .souui thought tha* “ The Land Commissioher has the eau^ic; w n lost.oti'.ors w‘'roj Fischer Closing: H's CampuiKn one job that surpasses all the. confident tliai it was a strate? ! gic move on Gen. .Lee’s part 1 for Governor others: The guardianship of : yi I'.lea'f.r Akirs, I frlcnnial the school fund. >t is my and that vv.? .vou'd C’entualF . Expi'.sitioa UaniriTp;!*', d.-.C. Ivr cus­ Dallas. Tex., July 15. —F, VV, tomary cimps and lO-^i.ll'O bat to L __ sincere desire, in mv cam.paign be ouscofihfill During ti e con' wear this hatliin-j -uit muVf of hli'c- Fisher of Tyler, regarded by a m .i;k!i \Mi m ;i> i;ki w \ iiii.—i. j \ .\11 louli ; >• bit lit to stick by that slugle issue. The fusion and discussii-r a . i ' rt' bimnrt^. the official “t:,fe ll>i« or. The I rw ill frolic on 'hn > .• n' Mio v:i\ ;. 1- 1.* 1 n '!* ■• Tl-; I'oi, -ll- AijorUy of the State's newspa­ E2xpo.-iti in, a $2S,0(10,1‘0U Woriu’s Fair, m 9 f-tr* Land Cnnmissioner has nocon port, mado by the Me w ir g lj> of opens in I'.allaa Jiim- 6. -I'fil Ilx'io.- ti' nall.i-. Ho w vp Piti- i> ; ? >r I. n. r Pat pers as a virtual certainty for a '.'(•'T, nmv pre.'iilont of lii-yl-r I’n; -.’ijoty. i" i t I I' Jsrratt cern with old age pcr.sicis ex’i a large quantity of niniMri’ 'wopthoart of Tfxtis." IS in 'I'P othi r not hi* position in the second prlm.ary cept in keening Texas as pres’ couiihn si, <M .«r to select a governor of Texas, nerous as pos siblesother-would scatter.tion,r.nd mest Credit Where re'eriters South Texas next,' . , . he tower needy aged persoiiS. of be si! ii ers hurried on to join Dallas Streets of Paris Thron,';ed ‘Week to close his pre-Juiy Xo ,, , . , tne army. Credit is Due I He has no concern with tl r 1,' , Ry R.WMOND PITC.VIUN election caoipaign. bjr iiopd to Among them was rr.y ’nratV.cr.i Fischer, just.concIadTng Ids drill wells, except .\rifiornl f^hfilrnum •to encourage the widest' p o s s i ’ j G. Jellerson. a member! . - — $rnr'n.7i of thv />a campaign in .Central and ILst! bh'drilling of wells for the ben j Otoy i;ay«i\. wlo ltd, W h n Is floli;.-; th e real si-orli th a t IcaJs Texas, will speak in Dali.*i8 Ion efit 01 tho fchcrl frpd., j been detailed by Ms crp: i to. A nuT . -i tov.arC nf'Ciivrry? Friday night July 17, and Fort Duvlni' reocn v.eflts we'v<» hoard “Any,’one who tries to toll fo:-or.n'ision.-i. Ihuiigisn’' W irtn Saturday night. July lb. m an;.’ .aiv.v.'vri to th at (luertl'n liead - (iilferent IS wholly wrorg. tore.ioin bis comradi s. ) o Urif-s I'.avi’ hri.stleU W iUi claia-.s and before returning to Houston m in '.’r-clali"; . v.i'h r pT* ' of would be incompetent to handle mounted one of our liie lior.'i.K six'fi'i s M iat crivo the credit to pollt - and the lie.iumont area. His the $:<,(>U0,0()0 school fund,’’ and went along with I.ici ti j - c.il oCierhv^ld.Ts . w ith st.r.^m ent.s addresses in Dallas and Hous that woui.! award the hoticr to the ant George J. Hundley's cavaiiy prcphct.s of .straiue and unproved eco- fon the night of July 114 w ill be A, K. F. Reunion, company. Among my mos: chei ’ n cn ilc th eor e.s. broadcast over a statewide radio But rm ld the th;:rd-r.s cf oratory ished paiKTs is a letter fiom tli.'« t in e c ’.ai.-r.a 7 ;t ia i, -irr.d . bookup. embr'icing stations at “Malor General Heaumont I!, Ruck, National Chairman of the Judge Hundler. tel'ii e t f 1... f!c Is th e r.-a.i w h • wh.ilc pollt:c!.trs Dillas, Fort VVorth, Houston, gallant conduct at High Ilridgi, c l v : ; ; - 1 ic'.d -o -; 's ar .ef',. con- and San Antonio. A, E. F, Reunion Associatiin t.;i.:,.ii n alctl.v, f.i.th f'.illy. ( i,'ce*‘-. -!v to Thedayafter the expJ.sii), d o th « ('a;.-’.- wor'.:: i.i oip p o rt h.nioU f, First heckling of the guberi the first annual National iLtun' his -and Ar.i: rlca. ion of the American Expedition j hepf-n to liii; D» H e Is the m an — w hether farm er or natoriul campaign came during hired Iv ip, n K rchan ' or cler!:. rxrcntiv« a recent Fischer talk ot V\ aco arry Forcesin Dallas, 'j exas, i ‘’>r<if'f o- m cclianic — un.h r v.hr';<' hand and Sept. :!rd’ thru IJlb, H-ni. as al^'^ prayers byti eir faith- rare tho fh'his m a;: ;■ ned ih'.T ; where Allred men failed in an feature of the I’exus (Centennial Hil chaplains, Huy v. i r bit ti j th e pr d .al.- of Iw in and f.'.v.cry kept atrempt to interrupt a rally ricvi.n'r, the uh, >ls ol in d vlry can- rlvrv ilivisiun thatserved withfarmhousts j tinned to revolve. whicu draw the largest crowd of Ite !- th.e n.'.r> w ho earned and raid any political rally in that city VEF will have separate! reun’| " ; th;- tm ,. - .h-'c! cr m alri'ct— th.at kept tnis year.
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