Regional Histories 579

4518. AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. American Zulu Mission. An American industry in : the American Board Mission, founded 1835 (three years before the British came to Natal) by the Ameri­ can Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (Boston, Mass., U.S.A.), joins in the welcome to the American tourists. [ s .l.: s .n ., 1925?;. 12p.

4519. DICK, M.G. The establishment of a mission, being the work of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions among the Zulus of South Eastern Natal, 1834-1860. M.A. thesis, Columbia University, 1934.

4520. DINNERSTEIN, M. The American Board Mission to the Zulu, 1835-1900. Ph.D. thesis, Columbia University, 1972.

4521. IRELAND, W.B. Historical sketch of the Zulu Mission in South Africa: as also of the Gaboon mission, in Western Africa. Boston: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, fl864?J. 32p.

4522. LLOYD, K.P. Christian work in Zulu land. New York: Randolph, 1868. 76, 7p. Cover title: The seed and the sheaves.

4523. MEANS, J.O. Umzila's kingdom: a field for Christian mis­ sions. Boston: American Board of Commissioners for Fo­ reign Missions, 1880. 16p. A description of the Central African region "known of old as Monomotapa, now the Kingdom of Umzila".

3.15.5 LOCAL HISTORIES (Mission stations) (arranged alpha­ betically by place)

Inanda 4524. AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. American Zulu Mission. Seventy-fifth anniver­ sary: Inanda Mission Station, June 28th - July 2nd, 1911. : Singleton, printers, [1911]. [8]p.

Johannesburg 4525. LANGA, D.H1. & MFEKA, R.B. Thirty-five years of the Congregational Church of the American Board, Johannesburg. Morija: Morija Printing Works, 1956. 15p. 580 American Board Mission


4526. DHLOMO, O.D. A survey of some aspects of the educational activities of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Natal as reflected in the history of Amanzimtoti Institute, 1835-1956. M.Ed. thesis, UZ, 1976.

4527. GRANT, G.C. The liquidation of Adams College. /’Aman­ zimtoti: the Author, 1957]. 54p.

4528. MARTIN, J.P. Education for the Zulu: the experience of the American Board in Natal, 1860-1880. M.A. thesis, Colum­ bia University, 1968-9.

4529. WOOD, A.A. Shine where you are: a centenary history of Inanda Seminary 1869-1969. Inanda: the Seminary, 1972. 190p. A high school for girls founded by Daniel Lindley of the American Board Mission.


4530. CENTURY of progress in medical work among the Zulus 1835- 1935: the evolution of the McCord Zulu hospital. /"Durban]: Singleton and Williams, [1935?]. 12p.

4531. McCORD, J.B. & DOUGLAS, J.S. My patients were Zulus. : Muller, 1951. 256p. James and Margaret McCord worked for 40 years as medical missionaries.


4532. AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. American Zulu Mission & East Central African Mission. South African deputation papers, presenting some aspects and problems of the work of the two South African missions of the American Board; prepared for the information of the Deputation of 1903. [Durban?]: The Missions, 1904. 131p.

4533. SWITZER, L.E. The problems of an African mission in a White-dominated, multi-racial society: the American Zulu Mission in South Africa, 1885-1910. Ph.D. thesis, UN, 1972. Anglican Missions 581


Allen Gardiner arrived in Natal in 1835. Under his influence the Church Missionary Society sent out Rev. Francis Owen in 1837 to work among the Zulus. The Cape of Good Hope Missionary Society was founded in in 1837. The Zulu mission failed in 1838. Not until the arrival of Bishop Gray in 1848 did the Anglican Church in South Africa begin to see the need for missions. The first mission work was undertaken in 1854 amongst the Xhosa people in the Eastern Cape.


4534. CALLAWAY, G. Pioneers in Pondoland. Lovedale: Lovedale Press, [1938]. 199p.

4535. DARTER, A. The pioneers of Mashonaland: men who made Rhodesia. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1914. 213p. Chap. VIII on the work of the missionaries in Mashonaland.

4536. MISSION heroes. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [1895]. 9 1. Includes Bishop Gray and Bishop Mackenzie. Individual biographies (arranged alphabetically by biographee)

Balfour, F. 4537. MONTGOMERY, H.H. Francis Balfour of Basutoland, evan­ gelist and bishop. [London./: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1925. 104p.

Barter, C. 4538. BARTER, C. Alone among the Zulus, by a plain woman: the narrative of a journey through the Zulu country, South Africa. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [ 1866 J. 184p. 582 Anglican Missions

Bertram, J.M. 4539. HATFIELD, E.F. St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope; or, Incidents in the missionary life of the Rev. James M' Gre­ gor Bertram of St. Helena. New York: Fletcher, 1852. 220p.

Bevan, W. H. R. 4540. LIFE and work of William Henry Rawlinson Bevan, Canon of Kimberley and Kuruman. -Kimberley: Creer, printer, fl920?J. 13p. Canon Bevan came to South Africa in 1869 and worked as a missionary among the Bechuanas for fifty years.

Bowles, J.E. 4541. BOWLES, J.E. From an African desert: a year's work in the Diocese of Damaraland. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1932. 61p.

Callaway, G. 4542. CALLAWAY, G. Godfrey Callaway, missionary in Kaffraria, 1892-1942: his life and writings; edited by E.D. Sedding. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1945. 332p.

4543. CALLAWAY, G. The soul of an African padre. Cape Town: English Church Book Room, 1932. 160p.

Callaway, H. 4544. BENHAM, M.S. Henry Callaway, first Bishop of Kaffraria; his life-history and work: a memoir; edited by the Rev. Canon Benham. London: Macmillan, 1896. 368p.

4545. CALLAWAY, H. Missionary sermons; selected from those preached during a visit to in 1873-74. London: Bell, 1875. 180p.

4546. COLENSO, J.W. The good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people: a sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Norwich, on Sunday, August 13, 1854, on the occasion of ordaining Henry Callaway, (late a member of the Society of Friends), as a missionary among the heathen in the Diocese of Natal. London: Bell, 1854. 20p.

Chaminuka 4547. CRIPPS, A.S. Chaminuka, the man whom God taught. Lon­ don: Sheldon Press, 1928. 63p. (Little books for Africa; no.15) Biographies 583

Colenso, J.W. 4548. BARBER, S.R. The development of J.W. Colenso as a mis­ sionary bishop, 1854-1879. M.A. thesis, UN, 1976.

4549. BURNETT, B.B. The missionary work of the first Anglican Bishop of Natal, the Rt. Reverend John William Colenso, be­ tween the years 1852-1873. M.A. thesis, RUC , 1947.

4550. COOPER, A.J. The missionary work of John William Colenso, Bishop of Natal: an analysis of the years 1853-1862. M.A. thesis, Exeter University, 1979.

Cooper, E.A. 4551. COOPER, E.A. How I became a missionary: a record of the "Romance of missions", based on fourteen years' work in South Africa. Dublin: Church of Ireland Printing and Publishing Co. , 1923. 39p.

Cotterill, H. 4552. COTTERILL, H. Journal of the Bishop of Grahamstown, in a visitation of the Kaffrarian missions, in September and October, 1860. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1861. 39p. (Missions to the heathen; 41)

4553. COTTERILL, H. Journal of the Bishop of Grahamstown, in a visitation of the Kaffrarian missions, in October and No­ vember, 1862. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1863. 32p. (Missions to the heathen; no.44)

Cripps, A.S. 4554. STEERE, D.V. God's irregular: Arthur Shearly Cripps; a Rhodesian epic. London: S .P .C .K ., 1973. 158p. Cripps was an Anglican missionary to the Mashona people from 1901-1952.

Gardiner, A.F. 4555. GARDINER, A.F. Narrative of a journey to the Zoolu coun­ try in South Africa, undertaken in 1835. London: Crofts, 1836. 412p. Gardiner was "animated by a great desire to spread the benefits of Christianity and civilization among the natives". (Mendelssohn) 584_____ Anglican Missions

Gardiner, A.F. 4556. MARSH, J.W. A memoir of Allen F. Gardiner, Commander, R.N. London: Nisbet, 1857. 399p. Deals with Gardiner's missionary activity in Natal, 1835-1838.

4557. PAGE, J. Captain Allen Gardiner, sailor and saint: Africa - Brazil - Patagonia. London: Partridge, [1897], 160p. Includes Gardiner's pioneer work in Natal and Zululand.

Gibson, A.G.S. 4558. GIBSON, A.G.S. Between Capetown and Loanda: a record of two journeys in South West Africa. London: Wells Gard­ ner, Darton, 1905. 203p. Missionary journeys to German and Portuguese South-West Africa.

4559. GIBSON, A.G.S. Eight years in Kaffraria: 1882-1890. Lon­ don: Wells Gardner, Darton, 1891. 180p.

Grubb, G.C. 4560. MILLARD, E.C. What God hath wrought: an account of the mission tour of the Rev. G.C. Grubb (1889-1890); chiefly from the diary kept by E.C. Millard, one of his companions in Ceylon, South India, Australia, New Zealand, Cape Colony. London: Marlborough, 1891. 382p. Journey to the Cape and experiences in South Africa, p.276- 363.

Hobart-Hampden, A.K. 4561. HOBART-HAMPDEN, T. Arthur Kennet Hobart-Hampden; or, Missionary work in South-West Africa at the "eleventh hour", by his wife. London: Skinner, printer, [1935./. 108p.

Johnson, C. 4562. GLENCROSS, B.M. The master builder: Charles Johnson of Zululand. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1949. 15p. (Herald books; no. 6)

4563. LEE, A.W. Charles Johnson of Zululand. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1930. 247p.

Keable, R. 4564. KEABLE, R. Pilgrim papers, from the writings of Francis Biographies 585

Thomas Wilfrid, priest, by Robert Keable. London: Chris­ tophers, 1920. 264p. A fictitious account of the experiences of an Anglican mis­ sionary, based on Keable's own experiences as a missionary in Lesotho.

Key, B. L. 4565. CALLAWAY, G. A shepherd of the veld: Bransby Lewis Key, Bishop of St, John's, Kaffraria. London: Wells Gardner, Darton, 1912. 214p.

Knight-Bruce, G.W.H. 4566. KNIGHT-BRUCE, G.W.H. Journals of the Mashonaland Mis­ sion, 1888-1892; edited, with an introduction, by L.K .B . London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1892. 99p.

4567. KNIGHT-BRUCE, G.W.H. Memories of Mashonaland. London: Arnold, 1895. 242p.

4568. KNIGHT-BRUCE, G.W.H. & RUDD, C.D. Gold and the Gospel in Mashonaland, 1888: being the journals of: 1. The Mashonaland mission of Bishop Knight-Bruce; 2. The conces­ sion journey of Charles Dunnell Rudd; edited respectively by C.E. Fripp and V.W. Hiller. London: Chatto & Windus, 1949. 246p. (Oppenheimer series; vol.4)

Lee, A.W. 4569. LEE, A.W. Once dark country: recollections and reflections of a South African bishop. London: S .P .C .K ., 1949. 202p. Bishop Lee was Bishop of Zululand from 1935 to 1946.

Mackenzie, A. 4570. AWDRY, F. An elder sister: a short sketch of Anne Mac­ kenzie, and her brother the missionary Bishop. London: Bemrose, 1878. 261p.

4571. MACKENZIE, A. Seeing and hearing; or, First impressions in Natal; reprinted, with additions, from "The mission field". : Grant, 1857. 46p. Anne Mackenzie accompanied her brother, C.F. Mackenzie, later Missionary Bishop of Central Africa, to Natal. 4572. MACKENZIE, A. Seeing and hearing; (second series), or, Three years' experience in Natal; with a preface by Arch­ deacon Mackenzie. Edinburgh: Grant, 1860. 52p. 586_____ Anglican Missions

Mackenzie, C.F. 4573. DAY, E.H. Mission heroes: Charles Frederick Mackenzie, first Bishop of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [1894?./. 24p.

4574. GOODWIN, H. Memoir of Bishop Mackenzie. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, 1864. 439p.

McKenzie, D. 4575. CAMERON, W.M. Douglas McKenzie, Bishop for Zululand, 1880-1890: a sermon preached in S. John's Church, West­ minster on June 5th, 1890 at the anniversary service of the Zululand Mission. Brighton: Pell, printers, 1890. 12p.

4576. MISSIONARY life of Douglas McKenzie, Bishop of Zululand, 1880-1890. [s .l.: s.n. , 1890?./. 29p.

Merriman, N.J. 4577. MERRIMAN, N.J. The Kafir, the Hottentot, and the frontier farmer: passages of missionary life from the journals of the Venerable Archdeacon Merriman. London: Bell, 1853. 200p.

4578. MERRIMAN, N.J. A ride through Kaffirland to Natal and back, [s.l.: s.n.,1871?[. 29p. ’’This journey was undertaken in August 1871 in order to satisfy himself as to the advisableness and practicability of planting a bishopric in Independent Kaffraria” .

Mizeki, B. 4579. FARRANT, J. Mashonaland martyr: Bernard Mizeki and the pioneer church. Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1966. 258p.

4580. THOMPSON, H.P. The martyr of Mashonaland: the story of Bernard Mizeki. London: S .P.G ., 1937.

Mtembu, T. 4581. MTEMBU, J. The life of Titus Mtembu. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1929. 47p.

Owen, F. 4582. HULLEY, R.B. Zululand under Dingaan: account of the Rev. Mr. Owen's visit to Zululand in the year 1837, as related by Mr. R.B. Hulley. [Cape Town: ’’Cape Monthly Magazine” , 18807. 12p. Biographies 587

Reprint from the Cape Monthly Magazine, vol. 2, 1880, p .321-332. Account taken down from Hulley's dictation by Rev. Mr. Kirkby. Hulley was Owen's interpreter at Dingaan's kraal.

Owen, F. 4583. OWEN, F. The diary of the Rev. Francis Owen, missionary with Dingaan in 1837-38; together with extracts from the writings of the interpreters in Zulu, Messrs. Hulley and Kirkman; edited by Sir G.E. Cory. Cape Town; Van Rie- beeck Society, 1926. 189p. (Publications of the Van Rie- beeck Society; vol. 7)

Pamla, J. 4584. CALLAWAY, G. Jemuel Pamla, a Native priest of the Church of South Africa. London: Mowbray, 1926. 45p.

Reed, C. 4585. CHIRGWIN, A.M. The blood-brother: the story of Cullen Reed. London: S .P .C .K ., 1929. 32p. (Little books for Africa; no. 22)

4586. CHIRGWIN, A.M. Cullen Reed. London: Livingstone Book­ shop, 1927. 15p. (Venturer series; no. 19)

Robertson, H. 4587. ROBERTSON, H. Mission life among the Zulu-Kafirs: memo­ rials of Henrietta Robertson, wife of the Rev. R. Robertson. Compiled chiefly from letters and journals written to the late Bishop Mackenzie and his sisters; edited by A. Mackenzie. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, 1866. 380p.

Scott, R.A. 4588. WOLFE, E.M. From choirboy to African missionary: Robert Affleck Scott, a memoir. Edinburgh: "The Scottish Chron­ icle" Press, 1927. 31p.

Sharpe, H.S. 4589. SHARPE, H.S. The fascination of South African missions: experiences in Basutoland and the Transvaal. London: S.P.C.K. , 1926. 64p.

Sheppard, G.E. 4590. MEMORIALS of a Cowley father: a short account of the life and work of George Edmund Sheppard who died at Cape Town, 588_____ Anglican Missions

South Africa, on April 28, 1888, from the effects of fever contracted while on mission work. London: Hayes, 1889. 38p.

Smith, R. 4591. SMITH, R. Pagans - Black and White. London: Dacre Press, 1946. 96p. (Mirfield books) Experiences of an Anglican missionary in Rhodesia.

Stewart, A.D. 4592. STEWART, A.D. Out of the darkness: illustrations of ad­ venture, suffering, progress and blessing in the mission- field. London: Religious Tract Society, 1909. 316p. "The Gospel in Africa", p.207-251. Twells, E. 4593. WILBERFORCE, S. Times of succession times of revival: a sermon preached at Westminster Abbey, on the feast of the Purification, Feb. 2, 1863, at the consecration of the Bishop of the Mission to Central Africa, and the Bishop of the Orange River Free State. London: Parker, 1863. 17p.

Usetemba 4594. CALLAWAY, H. Usetemba's tale; translated by the Rev. Dr. H. Callaway. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1861. 61p. (Missions to the heathen; no.XLIII. Diocese of Natal) "Autobiography of a Kafir Christian" (t.p .)

Waters, H. T. 4595. WATERS, H.T. A brief journal of a missionary tour to the Bashee River, independent Kaffraria, in January, 1859. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1859. 20p. (Missions to the heathen; 36)

Widdicombe, J. 4596. WIDDICOMBE, J. Distant brethren of low degree; or, Mis­ sionary gleanings in Southern Africa. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, /’1875J. 64p.

4597. WIDDICOMBE, J. Memories and musings. London: Allen & Unwin, 1915. 492p. Includes brief references to the Greek Orthodox Church in South Africa, which at the time of writing had no church of their own but were using Anglican churches. See p.215-218. General Histories 589

Wilkinson, A.M. 4598. PITMAN, E.R. Lady missionaries in foreign lands. London: Partridge, [1889]. 160p. ’’Mrs. Wilkinson, of Zululand", p. 125-144.

4599. WILKINSON, A.M. A lady's life and travels in Zululand and the Transvaal during Cetewayo's reign: being the African letters and journals of the late Mrs. Wilkinson. London: Hayes, 1882. 264p. Letters edited by her husband, Rev. T. E. Wilkinson, Bishop of Zululand.


4600. ARMSTRONG, J. Notes from South Africa, made in 1854-5. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1856. 73p. (Missions to the heathen; no.XXX)

4601. CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Notes on Africa for mis­ sionary students. London: the Society, 1906. 85p.

4602. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. United Boards of Missions of the Provinces of Canterbury and York. Reports on the mission field. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1894. 344p. Africa, p.314-42.

4603. CHURCHMAN'S missionary atlas, with forty-one maps. 4th ed. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1922. 137p. Province of South Africa, p.33-45.

4604. EDEN, C.H. An inherited task; or, Early mission life in Southern Africa. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1874. 128p.

4605. FORDE, G.M. Missionary adventures: a simple history of theS.P.G. London: Skeffington, 1911. 205p. South Africa, p.87-116. 4606. FORDE, H.A. Black and white: mission stories. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [1881]. 548p. (Home library) Includes stories from Tristan d’Acunha and Zululand. 590_____ Anglican Missions

4607. GRAY, R. To those who take an interest in the missions of the Church in South Africa. /'London: s.n ., 1858J. 4p.

4608. KAFFERBOETIE. The church serves: South Africa. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1955. 72p.

4609. OUTLINES of missionary lessons, including a series of les­ sons introductory to the study of missions and sketches of mission work in the colonies and amongst the heathen. Lon­ don: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1905. 208p. Mission work in South Africa conducted by the Church of the Province of South Africa, p.145-181.

4610. PASCOE, C.F. comp. Classified digest of the records of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1701-1892 (with much supplementary information). London: the Society, 1893. 980p. Africa, p.254-385.

4611. PASCOE, C.F. comp. Two hundred years of the S.P.G.: an historical account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1701-1900. (Based on a digest of the Society's records). London: the Society, 1901. 1429p. "Published in 1893 under the title of A Classified Digest of the Society's Records. The book has been carefully revised and nearly 500 pages added".

4612. ROBINSON, C.H. The story of the S.P.G.: an outline sketch. London: Mowbray, 1922. 80p. Work of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in South Africa, p.31-37.

4613. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. Australian and Cape missions: appeals in behalf of the bishoprics of Melbourne, Newcastle, Adelaide, and Cape Town, for making provision for additional clergy. London: Clay, printer, 1848. 46p. Diocese of Cape Town, p.14-16.

4614. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. Missionary atlas and handbook (S.P.G. ). London: the Society, 1903. 154p. General Histories 591

The work of the S.P.G. in various parts of the world, with maps. South Africa, p.41-64.

4615. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. Work in the colonies: some account of the missionary operations of the Church of England in connexion with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. London: Griffith and Farran, 1865. 374p. Includes operations in South Africa and St. Helena.

4616. STOCK, E. The history of the Church Missionary Society: its environment, its men and its work. London: Church Missionary Society, 1899-1916, 4v. With references to South Africa.

4617. STOCK, E. One hundred years: being the short history of the Church Missionary Society. London: Church Missionary Society, 1898. 188p. Written for publication in advance of the complete History of the Church Missionary Society. Includes a few brief references to South Africa.

4618. THOMPSON, H.P. Into all lands: the history of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1701- 1950. London: S.P.C.K. , 1951. 760p.

4619. TUCKER, H.W. Under His banner: papers on the missionary work of modern times. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1872. 444p. Africa, p.108-161.

4620. VICTOR, O. The salient of South Africa. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1931. 190p. Missionary work in Southern Africa, with special reference to the work of the C .P.S.A.

4621. VICTOR, O. With one accord in South Africa; an interim statement circulated, by permission, before the Provincial Missionary Conference, 1933. Johannesburg: The C.R. Press, 1933. 32p.

4622. WADDY, R.P.S. A ship under sail: the first 250 years of S.P.G. London: S.P.G.,1950. 96p. 592_____ Anglican Missions

4623. WALKER, S.A. Missions in Western Africa, among the Soosoos, Bulloms, &c.: being the first undertaken by the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East. Dublin: Curry, 1845. 572p. Missions in South Africa, p.154-163.

4624. WEBB, A.B. Mission work in South Africa: a sermon preached by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Bloemfontein in Bangor Cathedral on November 4th, 1875. London: Hayes, 1875. 16p.

4625. WILBERFORCE, S. Speeches on missions. Edited by H. Rowley. London: Wells Gardner, 1874. 347p. Includes references to South Africa.


4626. ANDREW, V. Ovamboland. London: Society for the Propa­ gation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1953. 24p.

4627. BENNETT, H. Romance and reality: the story of a mission­ ary on the Rand. Leeds: Jackson, [1912?]. lOOp. Sequel to The romance of a South African mission, by J.L. Fuller fq.v. ].

4628. BOWERS, G .T. The Diocese of Damaraland; a story of offering and response. Prairie Village, Kansas: South West Africa Volunteer Enterprise, 1961. 49p.

4629. BRIEF history of the Bloemfontein mission, South Africa, from its commencement to 1876. London: Hayes, 1876. 24p. Contents: Pt.I. From 1863 to 1870. Read at a meeting in Clifton, on 22 November, 1875, by the Rev. J.W. Barrow, Mission Priest of the Diocese of Bloemfontein. - Pt.II. From 1871 to 1876. By an associate of the Mission.

4630. BRUNO, D. South African homeland: St. John's Diocese 1873-1973, a brief historical sketch. East Kilbride, Scotland: Thomson Litho, printer, 1973. 32p.

4631. CALLAWAY, G. Building for God in Africa. London: Societ for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1936. 207p. Regional Histories 593

4632. CALLAWAY, G. The fellowship of the veld: sketches of Native life in South Africa. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1926. 114p.

4633. CALLAWAY, G. Mxamli, the Feaster: a Pondomisi tale of the Diocese of St. John's, South Africa. London: Central Board of Missions, and S.P.C .K . , 1919. 93p. (Missionary stories)

4634. CALLAWAY, G. The pilgrim path: a story of an African childhood. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1933. 153p. Fictitous account of African home life in the Transkei.

4635. CALLAWAY, G. Sketches of Kafir life. London: Mowbray, 1905. 154p. Missionary life in the Diocese of St. John's, Kaffraria.

4636. CALLAWAY, G. South Africa from within, made known in the letters of a magistrate. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1930. 158p. Describes African life and missions in the Transkei.

4637. CALLAWAY, H. Kaffraria Church Mission: an address de­ livered at St. Martin's-at-Palace, Norwich. [London: s.n., 18747. 19p.

4638. CALLAWAY, H. St. John's, Kaffraria: uprising of native tribes. [London?: s.n ., 1880?7. 4p. A letter from Bishop Callaway giving details of the losses suffered by the missionaries and others during the recent unrest in Kaffraria, and information about the special fund opened for their relief (the Kaffrarian Mission Relief Fund).

4639. CARTER, W.M. Association in aid of the Zululand Mission: the Bishop's quarterly letter to the members of the Asso­ ciation, dated March 7, 1894. Eton: Drake, printer, 1894. 6p.

4640. CHURCH OF ENGLAND MISSIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA. Church of England missions in Natal. Cape Town: Church of Eng­ land Missions in South Africa, 1959. 21p. 4641. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Board of Missions. Lebombo and South West Africa. [s.l.: s.n., 1918?7. 13p. 594_____ Anglican Missions

4642. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diocese of Cape Town. Diocesan Board of Missions. Capetown Dio­ cesan Board of Missions. Capetown: the Board, 1919. 15p.

4643. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diocese of Cape Town. Diocesan Board of Missions. "Go ye": mis­ sionary exhibition to be held in the City Hall, Capetown, on June 19th to 25th, 1924, 2.30 to 10 p.m.: official guide and handbook. Cape Town: Griffiths, printers, 1924. 72p.

4644. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diocese of Cape Town. Diocesan Missionary Union & SOUTH AFRICAN CHURCH MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. Cape Town missionary exhibition to be held in the Good Hope Hall (off Plein Street), Monday, April 29th, to Saturday, May 4th, 1912. Cape Town: Townshend, Taylor & Snashall, printers, 1912. 68p. Souvenir handbook & programme.

4645. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diocese of Grahamstown. Church missions to the Bantu in the Dio­ cese of Grahamstown. Grahamstown: Diocesan Office, 1926. 15p.

4646. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diocese of St. John's. Book of liberty: a record of the names of men and women of all races from the Diocese of St. John's, Kaffraria who, answering the call of duty and honour, gave themselves willingly for liberty and righteousness to serve King and country in the Great War, 1914-1918. Oxford: University Press, [1925/. 20p.

4647. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diocese of St. John's. Missionary Association. Missionary Asso­ ciation of the Diocese of St. John's Kaffraria. [London: the Association, 1904/. [8Jp.

4648. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diocese of Zululand. The church in Zululand: an account of the Diocese of Zululand 1908. New ed. London: Spottiswoode, printers, 1908. 17p.

4649. COLENSO, J.W. First steps of the Zulu mission, (Oct. 1859). London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1860. 152p. (Missions to the heathen. No.XXXIX. Diocese of Natal) Regional Histories 595

4650. COLENSO, J.W. Missions among the heathen in the Diocese of Natal: to the members of the Church of England, the appeal of the Bishop of Natal on behalf of the heathen tribes within and on the borders of his Diocese. [London]: Clay, printer, [1854]. 24p.

4651. COLENSO, J.W. ed. Three Native accounts of the visit of the Bishop of Natal, in September and October, 1859, to Umpande, King of the Zulus; with explanatory notes and a literal translation, and a glossary of all the Zulu words em­ ployed in the same: designed for the use of students of the Zulu language. Maritzburg: May and Davis, 1860. 160p. Written by three educated Zulu youths named William, Undiane and Magema.

4652. DAWSON, E.C. Our work abroad: a short account of the missionary work of the Scottish Episcopal Church in Kaffraria and Chanda. Edinburgh: Skinner, 1896. 18p.

4653. FARMER, E. The Transvaal as a mission field. London: Wells Gardner, Darton, 1900. 140p.

4654. FULLER, J.L. The romance of a South African mission, be­ ing an account of the Native mission of the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield, in the Transvaal. Leeds: Jackson, 1907. 109p. For a sequel to this work see Bennett, H.: Romance and reality.

4655. GIBSON, A.G.S. ed. Reminiscences of the Pondomisi war of 1880: being episodes in the history of the Kaffrarian mission. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1890. lllp . An account of the experiences of the missionaries and con­ verts during the hostilities.

4656. GIBSON, A.G.S. ed. Sketches of church work and life in the Diocese of Capetown. Capetown: S.A. "Electric" Printing and Publishing Co., 1900. 102p. Details of work amongst the Malays and Coloured people of Cape Town, Namaqualand, etc. , with a chapter entitled: "Fifty years in the Diocese of Cape Town", by Rev. W.F. Taylor of Somerset West. 4657. GREEN, D.S. The first hundred years, 1873-1973: the story of the Diocese of St. John's, South Africa. Umtata: Paul's Mission Press, printers, 1974. 221p. 596 Anglican Missions

4658. IN Zululand: the story-of the Mackenzie Memorial Mission. London: Derby, Bemrose, [1872J. 40p. The first Anglican missionary bishopric in Zululand and the Mackenzie Memorial Mission were established in memory of Bishop Charles Frederick Mackenzie, who died in Nyasaland in 1862.

4659. JENKINSON, T.B. Church missions in Natal: a statement compiled chiefly from reports of the clergy in 1875, with a review of the history of missions in that Colony. London: Clay and Taylor, printers, 1876. 46p.

4660. JONATHAN, G.E. 100 years of missionary work by the Anglican Church on the Cape flats. Cape Town: fs .n .j, 1965. 8p.

4661. MARITZBURG CHURCH AND MISSION AID SOCIETY. Report. London: Stephens, Hayter, printers, 1879. 36p. A report on the church and mission activities in the Diocese of Maritzburg, and on the progress made in having Bp. Macrorie recognised by all the Church members as head of the Anglican Church in Natal.

4662. MERRIMAN, N.J. In behalf of the Archdeaconry of Albany, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope: a sermon preached in the Parish Church of St. Mary, Marlborough, on Sunday, the 21st of May, 1848, by the Ven. N.J. Merriman, Archdeacon of Albany. London: Rivington, 1848. 22p. Sermon, urging support for the work of the Church of Eng­ land among the Native inhabitants of South Africa.

4663. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. Grahamstown and Kaffraria. London: the Society, 1884. 28p. (Historical sketches. Missionary series; No.VII)

4664. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. Kaffraria. London: the Society, 1908. 23p. (Historical sketches. New series) Historical sketch of the Diocese of St. John's, Kaffraria.

4665. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. Mashonaland. London: the Society, [1010?]. 16p. (Historical sketches. New series) Regional Histories 597

4666. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. S.P.G. in the Diocese of Zululand. [ Lon­ don: the Society], 1913. 16p. Consists mainly of photographs illustrating the work of the Society in Zululand.

4667. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. Zululand. London: the Society, /191-] . 16p. (Historical sketches. New series)

4668. SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. The Native mis­ sion of the Church of the Province of South Africa in the Diocese of Cape Town. Cape Town: the Society, 1948. 8p.

4669. STATE of the Church of England mission to the Orange Free State, Smithfield correspondence,

4670. THORPE, C. The Great Queen's blanket: an account of the country and people of Basutoland. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1950. 77p. With emphasis on the work of the Anglican Church.

4671. TONKIN, C.D. Umfana-muhle, being a record of life in Kaffraria under its first Bishop, and some lessons of the veld. Durban: Singleton, printers, 1912. 54p.

4672. TWELLS, E. A letter to the English Committee for Promoting the Mission to the Orange Free State. London: Reynell, printer, 1865. 23p. Scheme for establishing a missionary brotherhood, to be called "The Brotherhood of Saint Augustine (of Hippo)".

4673. TWELLS, E. A letter to the English Committee for Promoting the Mission to the Orange Free State. Birmingham: Hodgetts, printer, fl865]. 23p. Details respecting the missions already stationed in the Orange Free State. 598 Anglican Missions

4674. TWELLS, E. Orange Free State and Basuto Mission: Occa­ sional paper no. I, containing the Bishop's journal, July to October, 1863. London: Skeffington, 1864. 32p.

4675. TWELLS, E. Orange Free State and Basuto Mission: Occa­ sional paper, no. II, containing a letter from the Bishop to the associates and friends of the Mission. London: Skef­ fington, 1864. lOp. Some account of the mission stations at Bloemfontein, Smith- field and Fauresmith.

4676. TWELLS, E. Orange Free State and Basuto Mission: Occa­ sional paper, no. Ill, containing an account of the Bishop's visitation of the Griquas in "No Man's Land". London: Skeffington, 1866. 19p.

4677. UPCHER, J.H. Notes on the story of the English Church Mission in the Diocese of Mashonaland. Bulawayo: [s .n .], 1903. 24p.

4678. VICTOR, O. A large room: being a brief account of the work among the Native peoples in the Dioceses of Pretoria and Johannesburg. London: Transvaal Missions, South African Church Office, Church House, 1925. 20p. (Trans­ vaal mission papers, new series; no.l)

4679. WADDY, E. Among the Zulus: sketches of the church at work. London: S.P.G. and S.P.C.K. , 1939. 16p. A brief outline of Anglican missionary work in Natal.

4680. WATTS, C.C. Dawn in Swaziland. London: S.P.G. , 1922. 128p. Author served in Swaziland with the Anglican Church, 1909- 1927.

4681. WEBB, A.B. Story of a Basuto mission in Maseru, Basuto­ land, South Africa, [s.l.: s.n.], 1901. 12p.

4682. WIDDICOMBE, J. Fourteen years in Basutoland: a sketch of African mission life. London: Church Printing Co., 1891. 306p. Second edition (1895) entitled: In the Lesuto. 4683. WIGRAM, E. & WIGRAM, H. Soldiers of the Cross in Zululand. London: Bemrose, 1906. 192p. Local Histories 599

4684. WOLFE, E.M. Beyond the Thirst Belt: the story of the Ovamboland Mission. London: S.P.G. & S .P .C .K ., 1935. 93p.

3.16.5 LOCAL HISTORIES (Mission stations) (arranged alpha­ betically by place)

Bulawayo: St. Columba's 4685. GREADY, L. Believe in the future: St. Columba's Mission, Bulawayo, 1898-1973. [Bulawayo: the Mission, 19737. 47p.

Durban: St. Raphael's 4686. GOODYER, H.E.J. ed. The story of a mission, 1917-1949; told by Rev. Canon W.T. Alston ... [et a\.]. Durban: [St. Raphael's Mission], 1949. 72p. The history of St. Raphael's Coloured Mission, Durban.

Holy Cross 4687. TRACEY, M. The story of Holy Cross, Pondoland. London: S .P .G ., S.P.C.K. , 1934. 3Op.

Keiskama Hoek: St. Matthew's 4688. HALL, W.S. Saint Matthew's, 1855-1955. [Keiskama Hoek: St. Matthew's College, 1955]. 4 leaves.

4689. ST. MATTHEW'S MISSION (Keiskama Hoek). Special appeal for the S.P.G. missionary and industrial institution of St. Matthew's, Keiskama Hoek, Diocese of Grahamstown, South Africa. Commendatory letters and notices. London: Clowes, printer, 1885. 14p.

4690. TABERER, C. St. Matthew's S.P.G. Mission, Keiskama Hoek. Visit of the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, and, A short account of the Mission, May, 1884. [Lovedale]: Lovedale Mission Press, 1884. 15p.

4691. VICTOR, O. A tree planted by the waterside: a Cis Kei mission station, St. Matthew's on the Keiskama river, [s .l.: s.n. , 1939?]. 8p. Reprinted from the S.A. Church Weekly Newspaper, 26th April, 1939.

4692. WYCHE, C.J. Keiskama Hoek: a sketch of the work at S. Matthew's Mission, Diocese of Grahamstown, Cape Colony, from its foundation to the present time. St. Albans: Cartmel, printers, 1900. 36p. 600 Anglican Missions

Kimberley: St. Peter's 4693. SAINT Peter's Kimberley: 50 years. Kimberley: [St. Peter's Mission], 1978. 67p.

Penhalonga 4694. SMITH, R. Sketches from Penhalonga. London: S.P.G ., S.P.C.K. , 1939. 59p. Anglican missions of St. Monica's and St. Augustine's, Pen­ halonga, Rhodesia.

Qumbu 4695. BUCKLEY, A.N. A short account of the work in the parish of Qumbu, Griqualand East, in the Diocese of St. John's, Kaffraria, from 1907 to 1914. Croydon: Grubb, [1914]. 16p

Teyateyaneng: St. Agnes' 4696. HOUGHTON, M. S.S.M. at T.Y. (1904-1975): a history of the Society of the Sacred Mission at St. Agnes', Teyateya­ neng, a mission parish in the Kingdom of Lesotho. Morija: Morija Printing Works, /1976J. 56p.

Tsolo: St. Cuthbert's 4697. CALLAWAY, G. A short history of the work of the Communi ties of St. John the Evangelist and St. Mary the Virgin at St. Cuthbert's, Tsolo, South Africa. London: French, 1921. 8p.

Umtata: St. John's 4698. STORY of a Cathedral 1906-1956: the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, the Diocese of St. John's, Kaffraria. Umtata Territorial Printers, 1956. 16p.


4699. CALLAWAY, H. An address by the Bishop of St. John's at the opening of the Synod, holden at St. John's Cathedral Church (Umtata), 24th June 1879. King Williamstown: Rowles, 1879. lip.

4700. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Missionary Conference. (1875: London). Authorised report of the Missionary Conference, held in London, June 22, 1875. London: Gardner, [1875?]. 155p. Church Polity 601

Includes speeches by Rev. R.J. Mullins (Grahamstown), the Bishop of Bloemfontein (A .B . Webb), Sir Bartle Frere, Charles Barter (Natal) and Canon Steabler (Graaff Reinet).

4701. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Missionary Conference. (2nd: 1877: Oxford). Authorized report of the second Missionary Conference held at Oxford, May 2nd and 3rd, 1877. London: Gardner, fl877?7. 198p.

4702. MISSIONARY CONFERENCE OF THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION (1894: London). The official report of the Missionary Con­ ference of the Anglican Communion on May 28, 29, 30, 31 and June 1, 1894; edited by G.A. Spottiswoode. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1894. 720p.


4703. BADNALL, H. The proposal for missionary bishoprics stated and examined; by an Incorporated Member of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. London: Bell & Daldy, 1860. 75p.

4704. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diocese of Grahamstown. Rules and instructions for the guidance of those engaged in the mission work of the Diocese of Grahams­ town, South Africa. Grahamstown: Printed at the Kafir Institution, 1878. 8p.

4705. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diocese of Natal. Diocesan Board of Missions. Handbook of church work amongst the Native, Indian and Coloured people. Lady­ smith: Budge, printers, 1923. 36p.

4706. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diocese of Natal. Diocesan Board of Missions. Handbook of Native and Indian missions, 1914. Maritzburg: Guy & Kendall, printers, 1914. 28p.

4707. CRIPPS, A.S. An old issue: a pamphlet on the proposed mission assessments of the English Church in Mashonaland. Salisbury: Argus Printing and Publishing Co., printer, 1914. lip . 602_____ Anglican Missions


4708. GIBSON, A.G.S. Some thoughts on missionary work and life. London: Wells Gardner, Darton, 1893. 43p.

4709. VICTOR, O. The thin black line: being some account of the South African Native ministry, and in particular of the College of the Resurrection for Native ordinands and cate­ chists in charge of the Community of the Resurrection, The Priory, Rosettenville, Johannesburg. Brighton: Garnett, Mepham & Fisher, printers, /1914?/. 32p.


4710. CALLAWAY, G. Instructions to catechists and other lay workers. London: Spottiswoode, printers, 1896. 30p.


4711. COLENSO, J.W. Zulu-Kafir school: Natal mission. London Clay, printer, [1856?]. 16p. "An account of the commencement of the first Zulu-Kafir school at Ekukanyeni."

4712. FIHLA, P.M. The development of Bantu education at the St Matthew's Mission Station, Keiskama Hoek, 1853-1959: an historical survey. M.Ed. thesis, FHC , 1963.

4713. PELLY, D.R. A short account of the history of the Knight- Bruce Memorial College for Natives at St. Augustine's Mis­ sion in Rhodesia. [s.l.: s.n ., 190-?7. 31p.

4714. VYVYAN, W.L. The Zululand mission: a new venture. /"London?: s.n ., 1912?7. 4p. An appeal for funds to move the training college at Isandhl- wana to Kwa Magwaza.


4715. AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT TRUST. Partnership in practice in Central Africa. [ London: the Trust, 1955/. 16p. St. Faith's mission farm, Rusape, Rhodesia. Religious Orders 603

47X6. BARKER, A. Giving and receiving: an adventure in African medical service. London: Faith Press, 1959. 175p. Published in New York under title: The man next to me.

4717. BLENNERHASSETT, R.A. & SLEEMAN, L. Adventures in Mashonaland by two hospital nurses. London: Macmillan, 1893. 340p.

4718. CHATER, P. Grass roots: the story of St. Faith's farm in Southern Rhodesia. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1962. 192p.

4719. CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF SOUTH AFRICA. A dream comes true: the story of the Charles Johnson Memorial Hos­ pital. Port Elizabeth: Publications Board of the C .P.S.A . , 1961. 8p.

4720. KING, B.R.H. St. James' Mission Hospital, Mantsonyane, Lesotho. London: U .S.P.G ., 1973. 12p.

4721. ST. GEORGE’S MISSION HOME (Cape Town). S. George's Mission Home and its works, Diocese of Capetown. Cape Town: Foster, printers, 1879. 18p. Report on the work done by the sisters of the St. George's Mission Home, for the year 1878. Includes the Refuge for Penitents, St. Michael's Home for Children, St. Cyprian's School for Young Ladies, and nursing at the New Somerset Hospital.


4722. BROTHERHOOD OF S. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO (O .F .S .) [Instructions to candidates], [s.l.: s.n.J, 1868. 4p. Bishop Twells, Bishop of the O.F.S. , proposed the formation of a missionary brotherhood to take part in mission work in his Diocese.

4723. COMMUNITY OF THE RESURRECTION. Mirfield in Africa. Johannesburg: Hayne & Gibson, printers, 1944. 31p.

4724. COMMUNITY pF THE RESURRECTION (Johannesburg). Mis­ sionary work among Native women. Johannesburg: C.R. Press, f 1914?7- f4jp. 604 Anglican Missions

4725. WEBB, A.B. Sisterhood life and woman's work, in the mis- sionfield of the church. London: Skeffington, 1883. 85p.


4726. CALLAWAY, G. Notes on the ministry of reconciliation for young missionaries; with preface by the Bishop of St. John's, Kaffraria. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1922. 78p.

4727. CALLAWAY, H. Christianity and civilisation. Edinburgh: Gray, fl874j. lOp.

4728. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. United Boards of Missions of the Provinces of Canterbury and York. Special Committee on Native Church Organisation. A study of some missionary problems: being a report issued by the United Boards of Missions of the Provinces of Canterbury and York; published under the direction of the Tract Committee. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1903. 96p. Includes information received from the Bishop of Pretoria (p.80-83) and the Bishop of St. John, Kaffraria (p.83-86).

4729. COLENSO, J.W. Foreign missions, and Mosaic traditions: a lecture. London: Murray, 1865. 23p. Another (longer) version of this lecture appeared under the title: On missions to the Zulus in Natal & Zululand. A lecture fq.v.J.

4730. COLENSO, J.W. On missions to the Zulus in Natal & Zululand: a lecture read at the Marylebone Literary Institution, Edward Street, Portman Square, on Tuesday, the 23rd of May, 1865. fLondon/: Kenny, printer, /1865J. 24p. Reprinted from Social science review, v.3, no. 18, June 1, 1865, p .481-510.

4731. CONGREVE, G. The Church and the child races. London: Mowbray, /1907?/. 30p. (Manuals for the million; no. 13) On the right attitude of the Church of England and Christian missionaries to the undeveloped peoples. Refers to South Africa, where the writer had lived and worked. Missiology 605

4732. GOEDHALS, M.M. Anglican missionary policy in the Diocese of Grahamstown under the first two bishops, 1853-1871. M.A. thesis, RU, 1979.

4733. LEE, A.W. The approach to the pagan. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1931. 24p. (Problems of the mission field)

4734. MALLORY, C.S. Some aspects of the mission policy and practice of the Church of the Province of South Africa in Ovamboland. M.A. thesis, RU, 1972.

4735. MERRIMAN, N.J. Are the missionaries mischief-workers? A letter from Nathaniel James, Bishop of Grahamstown, 1876. Grahamstown: Guest, printers, 1876. 16p.

4736. WEBB, A.B. Colonial church expansion; with two other papers. London: Innes, 1895. 32p. Contents: Colonial church expansion, p.7-16. - Some social forces at work in South Africa, p.17-28. - Some notes on the philosophy of missions, p.29-32.

4737. WEBB, A.B. The ministries of women in the mission field: a paper read at the public meeting of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts in St. James's Hall on June 25, 1897. London: Society for the Propaga­ tion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1897. 7p.

4738. WEBB, A.B. Principles of missions: an address given on Trinity Sunday, 1897, in the Church of St. Peter, Eaton Square, with some notes on the philosophy of missions. Lon­ don: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1897. 24p. Includes reference to problems of mission work in South Africa.

4739. WEBB, A.B. Woman's work for foreign missions of the Church of England: two papers read by the Bishop of Bloemfontein, at the missionary conference of 1875, and at Rugby. London: Hayes, [1871]. 24p.

4740. WEBB, A.B. Woman's work in South Africa: a paper, by the Bishop of Bloemfontein, read at the missionary conference of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, June 28, 1878. London: Clowes, printer, [1878?J, 12p. 606_____ Norwegian Mission Society


The first Norwegian missionary, H.P.S. Schreuder, arrived in 1844 in Natal. As he could not obtain permission from the Chief to settle in Zululand, he sailed for China, but was unable to found a mission station there. He returned to South Africa in 1848 where he was joined by three other missionaries. The first mission station was established at Umpumulo in 1850.

3.17.2 BIOGRAPHIES, AUTOBIOGRAPHIES, DIARIES, LETTERS, MISSIONARY TRAVELS Individual biographies (arranged alphabetically by biographee)

Astrup, N. 4741. ASTRUP, N. En missionsreise til Limpopo gjennem Zululand, Swaziland og Tongaland ind i Riget Umgaza. Kristiania [ Oslo]: Steens Forlagsexpedition, 1891. 206p.

Braatvedt, N.T. 4742. SKADBERG, K. Under the rainbow: a biography of Nils Thorbj0rn Braatvedt, 1847-1943. [Stavanger?: s.n.,7, 1947. Braatvedt was a missionary of the Norwegian Mission Society in Natal. Mimeographed.

Kielland, T. 4743. KIELLAND, T. Zululandet: Reiserindringer. Bergen: Beyer, 1877. 64p. Reminiscences of travel in Zululand by a Norwegian mis­ sionary .

Knudsen, H.C. 4744. BIRKELI, E. En drkenvandrer: Norges fdrste Afrika- missionaer, H.C. Knudsen. Oslo: Lutherstiftelsens Forlag, 1925. 210p. Biographies 607

Olsen, A. 4745. OLSEN, A. Hjem fra kamppladsen: livsbilleder af vore afdtfde missionaerer og kvindelige missionsarbeidere i Zulu og paa Madagaskar. Kristiania [Oslo]: Steen'ske Bogtryk- keri og Forlag, 1906. 224p.

Rddseth, M. 4746. IGLAND, A.K. Tante Marit, Zulumisjonaer og mor for tretten. Oslo: Luther Forlag, 1977. 249p. Also in English.

Schreuder, H.P.S. 4747. NORSKE MISJONSSELSKAB. Aktstykker til belysning af forholdet mellem Biskop Schreuder og det Norske Missions- selskab fra Biskopens ordination indtil generalforsamlingen 1873. Stavanger: Rielland, 1876. 484p.

4748. OLSEN, A. Missionsbiskop Hans Paludan Smith Schreuder: hans liv og virke. K^benhavn: Danske Missionsselskab, 1917. 60p. (Missions-Bibliotheket. Aargang 1917)


4749. JORGENSEN, S.E. Vidnesbyrd fra det Norske Missions­ selskab s missions gjerning. Kristiania fOsloJ: Mailings, 1887. 276p.

4750. LANDMARK, N. Det Norske Missionsselskab: dets oprin- delse og historiske udvikling, dets arbeidsmarker og dets arbeidere. Kristiania fOsloJ: Norsk Missionsselskabs For­ lag, 1889. 320p. Includes ten chapters on the missions in Zululand.

4751. NORSK Misjonsleksikon; utgitt med tilslutning fra Norsk Misjonsr&d og de misjoner dette representerer. Stavanger: Nomi, 1967. 3v. Includes articles on Norwegian missions and missionaries in South Africa.

4752. NORSKE MIS JONSSELSKAB . Festskrift til det Norske Mis­ sionsselskabs. jubilaeum i 1892: tilbageblik paa et halvt aarhundredes hedningemission. Stavanger: Norske Missions­ selskabs Forlag, 1892. 237, 25p. Includes Zululand. 608 Norwegian Mission Society

4753. NORSKE MISJONSSELSKAB . Det Norske Misjonsselskaps historie i hundre fir. Stavanger: Norske Misjonsselskap, 1948- v. Bind 3: Sdr-Africa, China, Sudan. 1949. Bind 5: Det Norske Misjonsselskaps misjonaerer, 1842-1948 [by] E. Danbolt. 1948.

4754. STENE, J. Det Norske Missionsselskap og statskirkeri; ca. 40 aars stitle kamp for de frie organisationers ret. Stavan­ ger: Norske Missionsselskaps Forlag, 1916. 24p.


4755. BURGESS, A.S. Unkulunkulu in Zululand. Minneapolis: Board of Foreign Missions, 1934. 263p. A history of the mission founded by Bishop H.P.S. Schreuder.

4756. DEHLIN, H.S. I Schreuders fotspor gjennom Zululand. Stavanger: Nomi, 1969. 172p.

4757. HALLAND, A.W. HALLAND , A. & KJ0NSTAD, I. Norsk Nybyggerliv i Natal: festskrift i anleding de Norske sett- leres 50-aars-]ubileum i Marburg, 29de August 1882 - 29de August 1932. [Durban: the Authors, 19327. 165p. Includes information on church life and missionary activity. English translation, with a Supplement: After 1932. 1967.

4758. LARSEN, H.A. Skisser fra Zululand. Decorah, Iowa: Lutheran Publishing House, 1905. 213p.

4759. NORWEGIAN CHURCH MISSION. Statement of the right of "The Norwegian Church Mission, established by Schreuder" to the Entumeni mission station in the Zulu reserve laid before His Excellency Sir Arthur Havelock by the Committee of the Mission. Christiania [Oslo]: Brdgger, printer, 1886. 43p. Includes a history of Bishop Schreuder's mission and some biographical details of Schreuder.

4760. SOMMERFELT, H.E. Den Norske Zulumission: et tilbageblik paa de fdrste 20 aar af det Norske Missionsselkabs virksom- hed. Christiania /Oslo7: Grams Forlag, 1865. 359p. Regional Histories 609

4761. S0NSTAB0, E. Fortropper for Europeisk imperialisme: Norske misjonaerer i Zululand 1850-1880; hovedoppgave i historie. Trondheim: Universitetet i Trondheim, 1973. 112p. Mimeographed.

4762. STAVEM, O. Et Bantufolk og Kristendommen: det Norske Missionsselskaps syttiaarige Zulumission. Stavanger: Norske Missionsselskaps Forlag, 1915. 348p.

4763. STAVEM, O. The Norwegian Missionary Society: a short review of its work among the Zulus. Stavanger: Norwegian Missionary Society, 1918. 76p.


Founded in 1849 in Hanover. Their first communal farm in South Africa was established in Natal in 1854, near Greytown. The work later spread to the Western Transvaal.


4764. SCHUTTE, H. Aus dem Leben unserer Voreltern (Muller - Schonecke und Schroder-Buthmann). Izotsha, Natal: Umhlangeni Literature Centre, printer, 1973. 485p. "Aus den alten Hermannsburger Missionsblattern, Tage- buchern, Berichte, Briefen und mundlichen Erzahlungen gesammelt und zusammengestellt." Individual biographies (arranged alphabetically by biographee)

Behrens, W. 4765. SCHMIDT, W. Bauer und Gottes Knecht: aus dem Leben des alten Missionars W. Behrens. Hermannsburg: Missions- handlung, 19^6. 20p. (Aus Geschichte und Arbeit der Hermannsburger Mission; Heft 2) 610 Hermannsburg Mission

Engelbrecht, J.D. 4766. SEEBASS, E. Am Fusse des Bilffelberges: aus dem Leben des Hermannsburger Missionars Johan Detlef Engelbrecht. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, [19-?]. 20p. (Kleine Hermannsburger Missionsschriften; nr. 69)

Harms, L. 4767. WEBER, A. Louis Harms et les missions de Hermannsbourg. Paris: Schultz, 1870. 284p. "Apergu de Phistoire exterieure des missions de Hermanns­ bourg: Natal", p.209-224.

4768. WENDEBOURG, W. Louis Harms als Missionsmann: Missions- gedanken und Missionstaten des Begrilnders der Hermanns­ burger Mission. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1910. 431p. Missions in South Africa, p.319-358.

Kaiser, H.L. 4769. HACCIUS, G. Voter Kaiser in Hebron: ein Missionarsleben. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, [1923]. 24p. (Kleine Hermannsburger Missionsschriften; nr. 70) Biography of Heinrich Ludwig Kaiser (1829-1914), missionary at Hebron.

Jensen, F. 4770. JENSEN, F. Noch einmal zu den Herero. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, [1922], 20p. (Kleine Hermannsburger Missionschriften; Nr. 66) Account of a visit by the Missionary Superintendent to the Herero living in Ngamiland.

4771. JENSEN, F. Treue Herero im Innern Afrikas. Hermanns­ burg: Missionshandlung, 1920. 16p. (Kleine Hermanns­ burger Missionsschriften; Nr. 62) An account of a visit in 1919 by the Missionary Superinten­ dent to the Mabanderu, a tribe related to the Herero, who had fled to Bechuanaland after the Herero defeat in 1907.

Mashuabi, N. 4772. RICHERT, H. Nikodemus: Ein Lebensbild aus der Bet- schuanenmission. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, f 192-?/. 14p. (Kleine Hermannsburger Missionsschriften; N r.75) Biography of Nikodemus Mashuabi. General Histories 611

Reibeling, J. 4773. WENDEBOURG, W. Johannes Reibeling, unser Missionar in den Dornen von Ehlanzeni. Hermannsburg: Missionshand- lung, 1925. 16p. (Kleine Hermannsburger Missionsschriften; N r.74)

Volker, F. 4774. WIESE, H. Auf schwerem Posten im Zululande: Lebenser- fahrungen des Missionars F. Volker, nach Aufzeichningen seiner Gattin. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1928. 63p.


4775. AUFTRAG geht weiter: Beitr. zur Integration d. Hermanns­ burger Mission in d. lutherische Kirchen im siudlichen Africa u. in Athiopien: Festgabe fur Hans Robert Wesenick: hrsg. von Reinhart Muller. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1979. 223p.

4776. BODENSTEIN, W. 25 Jahre Arbeit der Hermannsburger deutsch-evangelisch-lutherischen Synode in Siid-Afrika: ein Jubilaumsbuch. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1937. 136p.

4777. ELFERS,D.A. Freudenbotschaft: die Hermannsburger Mission im Jahre 1957. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1957. 75p.

4778. ELFERS, D.A. Wirklichkeit und Aufgabe: die Hermanns­ burger Mission im Jahre 1954. Hermannsburg: Missions­ handlung, 1954. 75p.

4779. HACCIUS, G. Denkschrift iiber die von 1887 bis 1889 ab- gehaltene General-Visitation der Hermannsburger Mission in Siid-Afrika. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1890. 224p.

4780. HACCIUS, G. Erlebnisse und Eindrucke meiner zweiten Reise durch das Hermannsburger Missionsgebiet in Sud- afrika (1912-1913). Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1913. 152p.

4781. HACCIUS, G. Hannoversche Missionsgeschichte. Hermanns­ burg: Missionshandlung, 1905-1920. 3v. in 4. Includes mission work in Bechuanaland and Natal. 612_____ Hermannsburg Mission

4782. HACCIUS, G. Ein Ruckblick auf das letzte Jahrzehnt in Afrika und ein Ebenezer zur funfzigjahrigen Jubelfeier der Hermannsburger Mission. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1899. 120p. Mission work among the Bechuanas and Zulus.

4783. HACCIUS, G. Unsere deutschen lutherischen Gemeinden in Siidafrika. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1925. 24p. (Kleine Hermannsburger Missionsschriften; N r.72)

4784. HARMS, E. & HACCIUS, G. Afrikanische und Indische Reisebriefe der Hermannsburger Missionsdirectoren. Her­ mannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1893. 154p.

4785. HERMANNSBURGER EVANGELISCH LUTHERISCHE MISSION. Misione wa Hermannsburg = IMissione laseHermannsburg. 1854-1954. Moorleigh, Natal: Mission Press, [195-?]. 24p.

4786. HOPF, F.W. ed. Lutherische Kirche treibt Lutherische Mission: Festschrift zum 75 jdhrigen Jubilaum der Bleck- marer Mission, 1892, 14. Juni 1967. Bleckmar iib. Soltau: Mission Evangelisch-Lutherischer Freikirchen, 1967. 179p.

4787. SCHOMERUS, C. 1890-1920: drei Jahrzehnte Hermanns­ burger Missionsgeschichte. Hermannsburg: Missionshand­ lung, 1921. lOOp.

4788. SCHOMERUS, C. Die Heidenmission in der Heide: Fest­ schrift zum 75 jdhrigen Jubilaum der Hermannsburger Mis­ sion; mit einem einleitenden Ruckblick von Missionsdirek- torD.G. Haccius. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1924. 136p. "Die Hermannsburger Zulumission", p.49-68. "Die Hermannsburger Betschuanenmission", p.69-94.

4789. VON ZWIETRING, J. Aus dem Leben der deutschen Ge­ meinden der Hermannsburger Synode in Siidafrika. Pretoria: Futura Press, printer, 1954. 8p. From Die Eiche, Beilage 15, 1954.

4790. WICKERT, W. ed. Und die Vogel des Himmels wohnen unter Seinen Zweigen: hundert Jahre Bauernmission in Siidafrika: herausgegeben in Verbindung mit zahlreichen Mitarbeitern. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1949. 396p. Regional Histories 613


4791. BAHLBRUCH, H. Transvaal: kleine Kultur- und Missions- bilder aus Sud-Afrika. Hermannsburg: Missionshausdrucke- rei, 1888. 47p.

4792. HACCIUS, G. Unter den Bamalete in Betschuanaland. Her­ mannsburg: Missionshandlung, [19107]. 16p. (Kleine Her- mannsburger Missionsschriften; N r .l)

4793. SPECKMANN, F. Die Hermannsburger Mission in Afrika. ( l.Bd.). Hermannsburg: Missionshausdruckerei, 1876. 560p. ’’Die Mission in Natal und Zululand” , 2. Tl. , p.58-551.

4794. WOLFF, D. Unter den Sulu: mancherlei Mitteilungen aus dem praktischen Missionsdienst. Hermannsburg: Missions­ handlung, 1914. 142p.

3.18.5 LOCAL HISTORIES (Mission stations) (arranged alpha­ betically by place)

Bethanie 4795. BETHANIE, eine Statte des Lebens unter den Bakuena. Her­ mannsburg: Missionshandlung, 718957. 28p. (Kleine Her- mannsburger Missionsschriften; Nr. 11) History of the Hermannsburg mission station, Bethanie, Transvaal, and its first missionary, Wilhelm Behrens.

Coburg 4796. FRIEDENSKIRCHE zu Coburg: zum 50-Jahrigen Jubilaum am 20. Juni 1976. Piet Retief: Excelsior, 1976. 16p.

Kana 4797. LYPKE, W., VON SCHARREL, B. & RATHJE, H. Tiragalo ya phutego ya Kana, 1867-1967. Rustenburg: Hermanns­ burg Mission Book Depot, 1967. 14p. Published for the centenary celebration of the English- Lutheran Congregation Kana on the 10th September 1967.

4798. WENHOLD, H. Chronik der Missionsstation Kana: und Register der Familie Wenhold, 1899-1944. 7s.1.: s.n., 194— ? 7 - 43p. Mimeographed. 614 Finnish Mission


4799. HERMANNSBURGER EVANGELISCH LUTHERISCHE MISSION. Agende zur Kirchenordnung fur die Hermannsburger evan- gelisch-lutherische Mission in Siidafrika. Hermannsburg: Missionshandlung, 1912. 247p. Order of services and formulary.

4800. STELLUNG der Hermannsburger Mission und der mit ihr verbundenen Deutschen evangel, -lutherischen Synode in Sud-Afrika. Moorleigh, Natal: Hermannsburg Mission Press, 1920. 40p.



First established in Ovamboland (South West Africa/Namibia) in 1870, with the help and cooperation of the Rhenish Mission.


4801. ANTTILA, M. Hyvasti, kaunis kyla. Helsinki: Suomen Lahetysseura, [19647. 90p. Finnish missions in Ovamboland.

4802. FINSKA MISSIONSSALLSKAPETS FORLAG. Missionskarta ofwer Afrika och Owambolandet, jemte beskrifning. Hel- singsfors: Finska Litteratursallskapets Tryckeri, 1879. 22p.

4803. HYNONEN, E. Busmannien puolesta; paivakirja Nkongon busmannileirilta vuoden 1963 tammikuusta syyskuuhun. [Hel­ sinki]: Suomen Lahetysseura. [19647. 123p. Finnish missions in Ovamboland.

4804. KOIVU, K. Amboneekerin jokapaivainen leipa: kuvauksia ja mietteita Ambokansan taloudellisista oloista. Helsinki: Suomen Lahetysseura, 1925. 193p. The Finnish mission in Ovamboland, South West Africa. 615

4805. LEVANEN, L. Heimo heraa. Helsinki: Suomen Lahetys- seura, 1964. 169p. Lutheran missions in Ovamboland.

4806. LEVANEN, L. Siihen aikaan. [Helsinki./: Suomen Lahetys- seura, [19637. 157p.

4807. OMAHEMPULULO gongerki onkwaevangeli pa Luther yomo- Wambokavango. Oniipa: O shiny any an gidho shEhanganotumo lyoSoomi, 1963. 238p. History of the Evangelical Lutheran Ovambokavango Church, written in Ndonga.

4808. ONGERKI yomoWamb Okavango = The Ovambo-Kavango Church; edited by J. Auala ... [ et al.J. Helsinki: Suomen Lahetysseura, 1970. 32p. In English, Finnish and Ndonga.

4809. PENTTI, E.J. Die Finse Sendinggenootskap en die Evange- liese Lutherse Ovambokavangokerk: 'n eeu van genade, 1859-1959 = The Finnish Missionary Society and the Evan­ gelical Lutheran Ovambokavango Church. Oniipa, Ovambo­ land: Finse Sendingdrukkery, 1958. 28p. Text in English and Afrikaans.

4810. TOIVANEN, P. Tulenarassa Afrikassa. Varivalokuvat Vieno Heino [et al.[ . Lapua: Herattaja Yhdistys, [19667. 177p. Finnish missions in Botswana.


4811. LOYTTY, S. The Ovambo sermon: a study of the preaching of the Evangelical Lutheran Ovambo-Kavango Church in South West Africa. Tampere, Finland: Luther Agricola Society, 1971. 17 3p. Ph.D. thesis, University of Helsinki, 1971. 616 Swiss Mission


Their first representatives, E. Creux and P. Bertoud, arrived in South Africa in 1872. At first they worked together with the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society in Lesotho. The first Swiss Romande mission station, Valdezia, was established in the Northern Transvaal in 1875, and Elim in 1879. The work was extended to in 1887. This mission has concentrated on the Tsonga and Ronga speaking tribes, not only in their own territories, but also in the Witwatersrand and Pretoria areas.


4812. JUNOD, H.-A. Ernest Creux et Paul Berthoud: les fonda- teurs de la Mission suisse dans VAfrique du Sud. Lausanne: Mission suisse dans l'Afrique du Sud, 1933. 251p. Individual biographies (arranged alphabetically by biographee)

Berthoud, P. 4813. BERTHOUD, P. & BERTHOUD, E. Lettres missionnaires de M. & Mme. Paul Berthoud de la Mission romande, 1873-1879; publiees par G. de la Rive; avec des introductions et des notes de A. Grandjean. Lausanne: Bridel, 1900. 525p.

Berthoud, R. 4814. BERTHOUD, R. Du Transvaal a Lourenqo Marques: lettres de Mme Ruth Berthoud-Junod de la Mission romande; publiees par G. de la Rive et A. Grandjean. Lausanne: Bridel, 1904. 308p.

Grandjean, A, 4815. RAMBERT, J. Arthur Grandjean, secretaire general de la Mission suisse dans l'Afrique du Sud. Lausanne: Mission suisse dans l’Afrique du Sud, [19327] . 62p. General Histories 617

Junod, H.-A. 4816. JUNOD, H.-P. Henri-A. Junod: missionnaire et savant, 1863-1934. Lausanne: Mission suisse dans l'Afrique du Sud, 1934. 90p.

Mapope, C. 4817. JUNOD, H.-A. Le pasteur Calvin Mapope. Lausanne: Secretariat de la Mission suisse romande, 1925. 38p. (Ac­ tuality missionnaires; no. 4)

Mavanyici, A. 4818. ROSSET, P. Abraham Mavanyici (de la course aux diamants a. la recherche des ames). Lausanne: Mission suisse ro­ mande, 1928. 14p. (Actualites missionaires; no.6)


4819. BROOKES, E.H. Swiss mission to Shangaan tribes: Mission suisse romande; a retrospect and a forecast: fifty years of missionary work in South Africa, 1875-1925. Lausanne: Imprimeries reunies, [1925?]. 21p.

4820. FATTON, P. Du clan a V&glise: 75 ans de mission au sud de VAfrique. Lausanne: Mission suisse dans l'Afrique du Sud, 1950. 123p.

4821. FUNFZIG Jahre Schweizer Mission in Sudafrika; Beitrage von H.A. Junod (et al.J tr. by C.H. Martin. Zurich: Wan- derer-Verlag, 1928. 52p.

4822. LENOIR, D.P. La mission romande; son developpement, ses resultats, son avenir. Lausanne: Bridel, 1911. 47p.

4823. MISSION SUISSE DANS L'AFRIQUE DU SUD. Ku tirhisa ndzhaka ya hina: jubili ya 100 ra malembe; 1875-1975 Swiss Mission in South Africa. [ Johannesburg]: the Mis­ sion, 1974. 24p. Tsonga. Title in English: Using our heritage.

4824. MISSION SUISSE DANS L'AFRIQUE DU SUD. Nkhuvo wa jubili ya 100 ra malembe. [ Johannesburg]: Swiss Mission in S.A . , 1975. 47p. At head of title: 1875-1975 Centenary celebrations. 618 Swiss Mission

4825. MISSION SUISSE DANS L’AFRIQUE DU SUD. Rejoice = Dzunisani, 1875-1975. Morija: Morija Printing Works, /1975J 44p. Title-page and text in English and Tsonga.

4826. MISSION SUISSE DANS L'AFRIQUE DU SUD. 75 years, 1875- 1950, Swiss Mission in South Africa. [s.\.] : Mission suisse, 1950. 36, 36p. Special number of the Tsonga Messenger, vol.2, no. 3, 1950. Afrikaans and English back to back.

4827. NUESCH, V. Die geschichte der Schweizer Mission in Sud- afrika von ihren Anfangen his zur Gegenwart. Zurich: Wan- dererverlag, 1933. 259p.


V 4828. BERTHOUD, P. Mission vaudoise: lecons de Sigwamba, langage des Magwamba, tribu Cafre du Sud de VAfrique. Autographie d'un cahier d'etudiant. Lausanne: Chappuis, 1883. 46p. Lithographed from the MSS. in the author's handwriting.

4829. BERTHOUD, P. Les negres gouamba; ou, Les vingt pre­ mieres annees de la Mission romande. Lausanne: Mission romande, 1896. 222p.

4830. CUENDET, F.A. Rivoningo emunyameni ntirho wa Evangeli xikarhi ka Vatsonga na Varhonga. Johannesburg: Swiss Mission in South Africa, 1950. 79p.

4831. GRANDJEAN, A. La mission romande: Ses racines dans le sol suisse romand. Son epanouissement dans la race thonga. Lausanne: Bridel, 1917. 328p.

4832. GRANDJEAN, A. Plan d'etude pour la Mission romande. Lausanne: Comite des cercles d'etude missionaire, 1919. 42p. Includes Northern Transvaal.

4833. GRANDJEAN, A. La race thonga et la Suisse romande: histoire abregee de la Mission suisse romande. Lausanne: Bridel, 1921. 64p. Regional Histories 61 9

4834. MISSION SUISSE DANS L'AFRIQUE DU SUD, Album de la Mission romande: mission des eglises libres de la Suisse romande. Lausanne: Bridel, 1888. 80p. Illustrates the work of the Swiss Protestant Mission in the Transvaal, from its beginnings in 1875. The descriptive text is supplied mainly by E. Creux, and M. and Mme Aug. Jaques.

4835. MISSION SUISSE DANS L'AFRIQUE DU SUD. Cinquante ans apres, 1875-1925. Lausanne: Mission suisse romande, /1925?7. 7 Op. A short history of the work of the mission in the Transvaal and in Mozambique.

4836. MISSION SUISSE DANS L’AFRIQUE DU SUD. V Eglise tsonga- ronga; la Mission et VEglise de chez nous; rapport. [ s.l.: Mission suisse/, 1956. 46p.

4837. MISSION SUISSE DANS L'AFRIQUE DU SUD. Die Tsonga- Ronga-Kirche v.d. Mission; eine Ruckschau auf d. Jahr 1956. Zurich: Schweizer Mission in Siidafrika, [1951]. 19p.

4838. ROSSET, P. Autour d'une chasse a l'elan. 2. ed. Lausanne Secretariat de la Mission suisse romande, 1925. 15p. (Cro- quis africains publies par la Mission suisse romande; No. 2) The author, a Swiss missionary, was sent to found a new settlement for Native converts who had migrated across the northern Transvaal border in 1897.

4839. VUILLEUMIER, M. Cela nous regarde-t-il?. Lausanne: Secretariat de la Mission suisse romande, /"1925?/. 15p. (Actuality's missionnaires; no. 3) Work of the Mission suisse romande in Transvaal, p.10, 13.

3.20.5 LOCAL HISTORIES (Mission stations) (arranged alpha­ betically by place)

Elim 4840. XIHLOVO xa Elim; mati ya utomi xitsunzuxo xa jubilee ya 75 wa malembe 4th July, 1954. Johannesburg: Swiss Mis­ sion in South Africa,. 1954. 64p. A history of Elim mission station in the Tsonga tongue. 620 Swiss Mission


4841. BERTHOUD, P. Considerations sur la constitution des eglises indigenes dans la Mission romande. Neuchatel: Dela- chaux & Niestl6 S .A ., 1912. 47p.


4842. BEUCHAT, A. Das Buschspital am Limpopo. Zurich: Wan- dererverlag, 1947. 16p. A pamphlet written by a mission doctor of the Swiss Mission in South Africa describing the origin and present condition of a hospital in the Limpopo valley, with plans for a new building.

4843. LIENGME, G. Un hopital sud-africain. Saint-Blaise, Rou- baix: Foyer, 1906. 90p. An account of the work at the mission hospital at Elim in Northern Transvaal.


4844. JUNOD, H.-A. Le Probleme indigene dans V Union sud- africaine. Lausanne: Mission suisse dans l'Afrique du Sud, 1931. 35p. (Actualites missionnaires; no.7) Travail presente a la Conference des "Etudiants volontaires" a Neuchatel, le 9 octobre, 1930. Swedish Missions 621



The first missionary of the Church of Sweden Mission, O. Witt, arrived in South Africa in 1876, and for a time he worked with the Norwegian Mission. The first station, Oscarsberg, was established in Natal in 1887. The work was later extended to Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. The Swedish Alliance Mission's work in South Africa dates from 1901, when the Rev. K.A. Hjelm landed at Durban. The work of this mission has been concentrated mainly in Swaziland and the Eastern Transvaal.

3.21.2 BIOGRAPHIES, AUTOBIOGRAPHIES, DIARIES, LETTERS, MISSIONARY TRAVELS Individual biographies (arranged alphabetically by biographee)

Albrektson, A.H. 4845. ALBREKTSON, A.H. Vid ratten i Rhodesia. Stockholm: Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokforlag, 1945. 96p.

Bafverfeldt, A. 4846. BAFVERFELDT, A. Under Sddra korset, en resa i Afrika. Uppsala: Lindblad, f 19477. 222p.

Fristedt, F.L. 4847. FRISTEDT, F.L. Tjugofem 8r i Sydafrika: minnen och er- farenheter. Lund: Ohlssons, 1905. 379p. An account of visits by the author, a Swedish missionary, to various parts of Natal, Zululand, Bechuanaland and Swaziland, with descriptions of some mission stations.

O Kastlund, A. 0 4848. KASTLUND, A. Resa genom svart och vitt. Stockholm: SKDB , 1967. 89p.

Liljestrand, A. 4849. HALLSTROM, C .-A. , Axel Liljestrand: Rhodesiamissionens grundlaggare. Stockholm: Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrel­ ses Bokforlag, 1938. 157p. 622 Swedish Missions

Sandstrom, J. 4850. SANDSTROM, J. Fran Sydafrika: rasmotsattningarnas land. Stockholm: Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokforlag, f 19357. 136p. Selections from three of his works: Ur en missiondrs anteck- ningar; Glimtar; and Tjugo ars missionsarbete i Sydafrika. 4851. SANDSTROM, J. Glimtar fran vart arbete i Zululand och Rhodesia. Stockholm: Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokforlag, 1927. 95p. (Fran Svenska Kyrkans missionsfalt; N r.52)

4852. SANDSTROM, J. Tjugo ars missionsarbete i Sydafrika, minnen och erfarenheter. Lund: Ohlssons, 1926. 159p.

4853. SANDSTROM, J. & SANDSTROM, E. Ur Lifvet pa missions- faltet i Sydafrika. Uppsala: Appelberg, 1908. (Fran Svenska Kyrkans missionsfalt; Nr. 26)


4854. ABRAHAMSSON, S. Guds eld over svart land: skildringar fr8n Helgelseforbundets missionsfalt i Sydafrika. Kumla, Sweden: Helgelseforbundets Forlag, /" 19567- 102p.

4855. BERGQVIST, M. Sma och stora barn i Sydafrika. Stock­ holm: Svenska Kyrkans Missionstyrelse, 1939. 56p. (Mis- sionens folkbocker; 10/11)

4856. KARLGREN, A. Svenska kyrkans mission i Sydafrika; utar- betad pa uppdrag af Svenska Kyrkans Missionstyrelse. Uppsala: Norblads Bokhandel, 1909. 512p. List of Swedish missionaries in South Africa, p.508-512.

4857. NORENIUS, J.E. Bland Zuluer och Karanger: femtio 8rs missionshistoria p8 Svenska Kyrkans fait i Sydafrika. Stock­ holm: Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokforlag, 1924- 1925. 2v. A history of the Church of Sweden Mission in South Africa.

4858. OLLEN, J.M. Svenska missionsbragder: skildringar ur Svenskt missionsliv i Afrika och Asien. Stockholm: Svenska Missionsforbundets Forlag, 1919-1921. 3v. Vol.2: Indien och Sydafrika. Regional Histories 623

4859. SVENSSON, K. Vitt och svart i Sydafrika. Jonkoping: SAM-forlaget, /"l9587 - 165p.


4860. BYRMO, M. Rhodesia kallar! Jonkoping: SAM-forlaget, 1967. 68p.

4861. HALLBJORNER, S. Inte ditt - inte mitt. /"Uppsala: s.n.J, 1967. 170p. (Smaskrifter utg. av Svenska Kyrkans Mission N r.4) Swedish Church Missions in Rhodesia.

4862. SCHROEDER, J. Over branter: bilder fr8n Ngwibi, den yngsta utposta i Svenska Kyrkans Zulumission. Stockholm: Svenska Kyrkans Missionstyrelse, 1939. 30p. (Missionens folkbocker; no. 9) Based on a manuscript by J. Schroeder, translated and edited by T. Hellgren.

4863. SUNDKLER, B.G.M. En Ljushard. Makitika i Zululand. Stockholm: Svenska Kyrkans Missionstyrelse, 1939. 68p. "Eftertryck ur Fran bygd och vildmark, 1938".

4864. VON SICARD, H. Foregangare i Rhodesia: missions fors'dk pa 1800-talet. Stockholm: Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrel- ses Bokforlag, 1944. 86p.

4865. VON SICARD, H. Karangafolkets aldsta missionshistoria. Stockholm: Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokforlag, 719437. 88p. History of early missions among the Karanga.


4866. FOSSEUS, H. Pastoral letter to pastors, evangelists and all other workers of the Swedish Lutheran Zulu synod of the Evangelical Lutheran church in South Africa. Durban: Lutheran Publ. House, 719597- 47p. Text in Zulu and English.