Military Report and Gazetteer Chitral - General Staff India
.' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. MOBILIZATION. This book is the property of the Government- of India. NOTE. The information given in this book is not to be communicated either directly OY indirec~ly lo the Press or to any prson not holding an official posi~ion in His Majsty's Service. MILITARY REPORT AND GAZETTEER CHITRAL - GENERAL STAFF INDIA (2nd Edition.) 1928 CALOUTTA GOVERNMEKT OF INDIA PREBB 1928 This publication renders obsolete the " Military Report on Chitral, 1st Edition, 1904." Officers are particularly requested to bring to notice any errors or omissions in this publication, or any further authentic information on the subjects dealt with. Such communications should be addressed, through the usual channels, to :- TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. PAQX. Chapter I.-History . 1 ,, 11.-Geography : Section I.-Physical Features . , 11.--Climate end health . ,, 111.-Places of strategical and tactical importance . ,, 111.-Population . ,, 1V.-Resources : Section I.-General . , 11.--Supplies . ,, 111.-Transport . , V.-Armed Forces : Section I.-General . Appendir I.-Mountain ranges and principal pease8 . 73 ,, 11.-Principal rivers and their tributaries . 86 ,, 111.-V/T. signalling stations . 104 ,, IV.-Beacon sites-Mastuj to Barogbil . 112 ,, V.-Epitome of principal routes in Chitral . 113 ,, V1.-Notes on the more importent personagee inchitre1 . 118 Pa~:orama from Arandu (Arnamai) looking S.S.W. towards Birkot . Frontispiece Plate 2.-Sarhad-i-Wakhan and R. Oxus . To face page 20 Plate 3.-Cantilever bridgv, M'arkhup . To face page 71 9% .....NAPS. Map 1.--Urtzun-Naghr zone-Chitral Defence Map 3-~ignallin~Chart No. scheme Rich River route . PassandChitral . Map 5.-Map of Chitral and adjacent countries .
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