Brides Ofthe Week. a Large
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BA VOLUME XXIV. NO. REDBANK,N. J.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,1901. PAGES I TO 8. Rev. James A. Reynolds, The bride'f ling, Albert Zebley, Arthur Johnson BRIDES OF THE WEEK. dress was of . white brocaded silk, A LARGE DEATH LIST. William Bowne and Nimrod Nason. ST. JAMES'S FAIR CLOSED, A FASHIONABLE WEDDING THIS trimmed with applique. She wore a DEATHS IN THE COUNTY DUR- THE PROCEEDS WILL PROBA- picture hat to match and carried Vtnton H. Havens, Jr. AFTERNOON. ING THE WEEK. BLY AMOUNT TO $1,000. bouquet of Bride roses.' The bridesmaid Vinton H. Havens; Jr., son of Vinton Bliss Nary Ryan of Rumeon Be- was Miss Mamie Crowley of Brooklyn.'a Sir a. Catherine E. Sherman, Widow H. Havens, Sr., of the Highlands, die.d the Fair Was One of the Moat Stic- comes the Bride of: Joseph F. cousin of the bride. She wore,a dress of John 8. Sherman of Colt's suddenly on Wednesday at RensSalear, cessful Ever Held by the Church Meilly of Bed Bank-Dr, Arm- • Xeck, Died on Saturday—other New York. Death was due to convul- —Some of the Tilings Chanced Off i i strong Married last Wednesday of pink mull; trimmed with lace, and Recent Deaths'. and Those Who Won Xhe.m. carried a bouquet of pink roses. Jame £>••• • • sions, with which he was stricken only ' A pretty wedding took place at St Crowley, of Philadelphia, a brother of Mrs. Catherine E. Sherman, widow of a few hours before his death, He was The annual fair of St. James's church James's church at three o'clock this the bride, was groomsman. Matthew John S. Sherman of Colt's Neck, died on employed on bridge work at Albany by of Red Bank, which has been in progress afternoon, when Annie E., daughter of 1 Hollywood played the'wedding march. Saturday of dysentery and other compli- James DuBois, the contractor who built three weeks, closed on Monday night. Mrs. Mary Eyan of Riimson, became the • After the ceremony a reception was cations, aged 64 years.' The funeral was the new pier at Atlantic Highlands. There was an unusually large attend- bride of Joseph F. Eeilly, son of Peter held id a houseat Shrewsbury which thi held at the house yesterday afternoon at Mr. Havens was 28 years old and was ance at the fair this year and it was a Reilly of Pearl street. The ceremony groom had in readiness for his bride, two o'clock^and at the Colt's Neck Re- born at the Highlands. He was an ex- great social center for the young people was performed by Rev. James A. Rey- The evening was spent in dancing and formed church half an hour later. The pert telegrapher, having been employed of the church and of the young people of • nolds.' The church was handsomely 1 at a seasonable hour refreshments were body was buried, in the church burying for a number of years with his father in the town generally during tha time that decorated with palms and cut flowers served, Th.e couple received a numbei ground. ; the government marine observation sta- it waB in progress, ' and was brilliantly lighted with candles. of useful and handsome presents. Mre, Sherman was born at Tinton tion at the Highlands. About four years Financially the fair was a great sue- The wedding march was played by Falls and was the daughter of Joseph ago he married Georgianna Miller of At- cess, but the net proceeds will not be Matthew Hollywood. Miss Maty Ryan, Martin-Doughty. Morris. When about twenty years old lantic Highlands. She survives him definitely .known for some time yet. a sister ,of the bride,*, acted as bridesmaid, she married John 8. Sherman, a farmer 'Miss Susie Martin, daughter of John and he also- leaves a son, aged three Raffles fora trip to the Buffalo •exposi- and William F, ReiHy,'a brother of the at Tinton Falls. About forty years ago Martin of Fair Haven, was married at years. The funeral was held on Satur- tion, a parlor suit, a twjenty-dollar. gold groom, was groomsman.'••••Four., ushers Bhe and her husband moved to Colt's five o'clock on Sunday afternoon to day at the home of his parents and the piece and a bicycle will not close until - " were, in attendance.* They"were Dr. P. Neck to the farm of Mr. Sherman's Raymond Doughty, son of Charles body, was buried in Bay View cemetery. next Monday night and the books on the P. Rafferty arid Charles Hawkins of Red father, Thomas W. Sherman. John S. Doughty of the same place. The cere- other raffles are not all in yet:- It is- ex- Bank, Thomas' P. McKenna of Long Sherman died fourteen years ago. After mony took place at the bride's home and Miss Eva VanKirk. pected, however, that the net proceeds Branch and James McCarron of New her husband's death Mrs. Sherman con- was performed by Rev. John Watson. Miss Eva VanKirk, daughter of Mary will not be less than $1,000. \ \ York. ' ' tinued to live on the farm with her son, Only the immediate families of the con- and Charles VanKirk of Beach street, The voting contest for the most popu- The bride was attired in a go wn of lilac Thomas W. Sherman, who is the- only tracting parties were present at the cere- Red Bank, died on Friday of cohsump lar fire company of. the town, which ! silk, with velvet, point lace and steel child that survives her. Two other chil- mony. Miss Florence Bennett, a cousin tion, aged 26 years. The funeral was closed on Thursday night, was .won by" i trimmings. She wore a picture hat and dren died in infancy. Mrs. Sherman was of the groom, was bridesmaid, and Wil- held on Monday at one o'clock at the Union hose company of West Red Bank.'. carried a boquet of Bride roses. Her the last of a family of three brothers and liam Martin, a brother of the bride, was house'-and at two o'clock at the with a majority of over 800 votes/ The .-f.f only ornaments were diamond earrings two sisters. She was a member of the groomsman. The bride and bridesmaid Baptist church. Miss VanKirk was a prize was a Bilver trumpet, The pro---: • and a diamond brooch, the gifts of the Reformed church of Colt's Neck and : wore dresses of white organdie, trimmed member of the Middletowh Baptist ceede of the fair will go toward paying *•'• groom; The1 bridesmaid's gown was of had always taken an active interest in with lace. The bride carried a bouque church, the family having lived at that for the improvements that are being • turquoise blue, trimmed with white church .work. She was a good neighbor of white roses and the bridesmaid car- place until four years ago, and Rev. W. made to St. James's school building. point lace. She wore a gray picture hat and •leaves a large number of friends. ried a bouquet of pink roses. After the H..J. Parker, pastor of the Middletown The things chanced off at the fair and and carried a boquet of pink roses. The ceremony a' supper was served. The church, preached the funeral sermon. those who won them are as follows: bride's gift to the bridesmaid was a Charles E. Davison. couple will live with the groom's par- The body was buried at Fair View ceme- Fruit dishes—Fred Davis. diamond ring. The groom's gift to. the Charles E. Davison, proprietor of the Barrel of flour—Charles Kahle. ents. Mr. Doughty is employed in Wil tery. SUppere-Mrs. P. Coyne, William Gleimon. ' groomsman was a pair of gold cuff links hotel at Manalapan, died suddenly of Besides a father and mother Miss Van- Paper weights-William Kelly. ber's cigar factory at Fair Haven. Perfume bottle—Mrs. Henry Johnston. and his gifts to the ushers were diamond heart disease on Saturday, September Kirk leaves three sisters. The sisters are scarf pins. Cavanagh—Beilly. 1st. He visited his daughter at James- Mrs. Harry Vernell of Red Bank, Mrs. After the ceremony a wedding dinner Miss Ellen A. Cavanagh and Edward burg the day of his death, and seemed in Frank Lamb of Fair Haven and Miss his usual good health. He retired early Salad dish-William Hewell. was served at the bride's home .to the J. Reilly, both of Red Bank, will be mar Carrie VanKirk, who lives at borne. Plaque-Daniel Dwyer. immediate members of the two families. in the evening, Shortly after getting in Vases—Mrs. Bogers. ried at St. James's church at eight Mrs. Vernell and Eva were twins, 8tatue-WiUlam Glnlln. bed he began to breathe heavily and in a Mr. and Mrs. Reilly will leave Eed Bank o'clock to-night. The wedding will be Cut glass wine set>-Theodore Brannin Sew minutes he was dead, He was Mrs. Elizabeth Kiddle. J m?S M l MIS8 Mary to-night on the 6:10 train for a week's private and the ceremony will be per ! ° sixty years old. He was a son of Mary Handkerchief box—Miss ADDS Glennon. wedding trip to the Pennsylvania moun- formed by Rev. James A. Reynolds Mrs. Elizabeth Riddle, widow of and John Davison- and was born in' the Lamp—Miss Meta Roche. tains. The bride's travelling dress is of Miss Lizzie Higgins of New York wil Charles Riddle, died at Little Silver Glasses and pltcber-E.