A Potential Pitfall for the Unsuspecting Purchaser of Repossessed Collateral: The Overlooked Interaction Between Sections 9- 504(4) and 2-312(2) of the Uniform Commercial Code ROBYN L. MEADOWS* TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . .................................... 168 I. The Problem . ............................... 169 II. Rights of Purchaser of Repossessed Collateral in the Absence of Default ........................ 172 A. Purchaser's Rights Under Article Nine .......... 173 B. Other Law Governing the Purchaser's Rights ..... 181 III. Debtor's Remedies Against Purchaser ............. 190 IV. Purchaser's Rights Against Selling Secured Party ..... 195 A. The Warranty of Title Under Article 2 .......... 195 B. The Right of Restitution .................... 201 V. The Inadequacy of the Purchaser's Common Law Remedy . ................................... 204 VI. Proposed Amendment to Section 9-504(4) .......... 209 A. Method for Allocating Risks Between Debtor and Purchaser ............................... 210 B. Statutory Solution ......................... 216 * Associate Professor of Law, Widener University School of Law, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. J.D., University of Louisville; LL.M., Temple University. The author wishes to thank John Wiadis, Carolyn Dessin, andJuliet Moringiello for their insights and comments on earlier drafts of this Article and Ronald Phillips and James Annas for their valuable research assistance. THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [Vol. 44:167 INTRODUCTION Under the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (the Code), a secured party may repossess collateral from a defaulting debtor.' Following the repossession, the secured party may sell the collateral at a foreclosure sale.2 The purchaser of the collateral generally obtains all rights of the debtor through the foreclosure sale.3 The secured party's right to sell the collateral, however, is conditioned on the debtor actually being in default.4 Under the Code, the purchaser's rights against the debtor and third parties are also contingent on the debtor being in default.5 The Code does not, 1. U.C.C. §§ 9-501, -503. In this Article, all references to the Uniform Commercial Code are to the 1987 Official Text. 2. Id. § 9-504. 3. Section 9-504(4) of the Uniform Commercial Code provides: When collateral is disposed of by a secured party after default, the disposition transfers to a purchaser for value all of the debtor's rights therein, discharges the security interest under which it is made and any security interest or lien subordinate thereto. The purchaser takes free of all such rights and interest even though the secured party fails to comply with the requirements of this Part or any judicial proceedings (a) in the case of a public sale, if the purchaser has no knowledge of any defects in the sale and if he does not buy in collusion with the secured party, other bidders or the person conducting the sale; or (b) in any other case, if the purchaser acts in good faith. Id. § 9-504(4). 4. Id. §§ 9-501, -504(1); see 2 GRANT GILMORE, SECURITY INTERESTS IN PERSONAL PROPERTY § 43.3, at 1190-91 (1965) (stating that secured party cannot take action on debt or move against security until event of default has occurred); see also Martens v. Hadley Memorial Hosp., 729 F. Supp. 1391, 1396 (D.D.C. 1990) (stating that default is prerequisite to secured party's right to repossess and sell collateral); Wynn v. Adams County Bank, 761 P.2d 234, 236 (Colo. Ct. App. 1988) (stating that creditor entitled to repossess inventory on debtor's default); Borochoff Properties v. Howard Lumber Co., 155 S.E.2d 651, 655 (Ga. Ct. App. 1967) (explaining that secured party could sell collateral after debtor's bankruptcy, which constituted default under contract between parties); Mitchell v. Ford Motor Credit Co., 688 P.2d 42, 47 (Okla. 1984) (holding creditor liable for conversion after repossessing where debtor was not in default); Trimble v. Sonitrol of Memphis, 723 S.W.2d 633, 643 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1986) (holding that pledgee, under pledge, only acquires special property right to sell collateral after default); Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. v. McCoy, 270 S.E.2d 164, 166 (W. Va. 1980) (holding that secured party may repossess and sell, lease, or othenise dispose of collateral on default); WILLIAM D. HAWNVLAND, HAWiLAND UCC SERIES § 9-501:05, at 708-11 (1982) (explaining that secured party has right to enforce security interest by anyjudicial procedure); Cynthia Starnes, U.C.C. Section 9-504 Sales by JuniorSecured Parties: Is a SeniorParty Entitled to Notice and Proceeds?,52 U. Pirr. L. REV. 563, 581 (1991) (suggesting that default of debtor is necessary prerequisite to secured party's exercising right to foreclose and sell collateral). But seeWatson v. Branch County Bank, 380 F. Supp. 945, 976 (W.D. Mich. 1974) (holding that alleged default, in discretion of secured party, is sufficient to trigger right to repossess under article 9), rev'd without opinion, 516 F.2d 902 (6th Cir. 1975). 5. U.C.C. § 9-504(4). Section 9-504(4) applies only to a disposition of the collateral after default. It provides, "When the collateral is disposed of by a secured party after default, the disposition transfers to a purchaser for value all of the debtor's rights therein . ... " Id. (emphasis added); see also Lichty v. Federal Land Bank of Omaha, 467 N.W.2d 657, 661 (Neb. 1991) (stating that good faith purchaser of collateral property takes collateral property free of claims of defaulting debtor); 2 GILMORE, supra note 4, § 42.14, at 1175-80 (explaining that secured party's sale of collateral is wrongful when done without default). 1994] PURCHASING REPOSSESSED COLLATERAL however, clearly address the rights of the debtor and purchaser in the event that the secured party wrongfully declares the debtor in default and subsequently repossesses and sells the collateral. This Article addresses those rights under both the Code and the common law. It suggests that the drafters of the Code created an unintended paradox whereby the purchaser loses the battle over the collateral with the non-defaulting debtor, but is not given a right under the Code to recover damages from the selling secured creditor.6 For protection, the purchaser must resort to whatever rights may be available at common law or in equity.7 These rights, however, may be inadequate or unattractive.' This Article therefore suggests amendments to article 9 of the Code to correct this inequity and uncertainty, and to clarify the rights of the parties. I. THE PROBLEM The problem is best illustrated by the following hypothetical situation: Debtor, a collector of vintage automobiles, purchases an authentic 1948 Tucker to add to her collection. Debtor finances the sale through Bank, which attaches an enforceable security interest in the Tucker to secure repayment of the loan. The security agreement requires that Debtor maintain adequate insurance on the Tucker, with a minimum policy value equal to the amount of the debt owing to Bank. Debtor complies, and the insurance broker promptly mails proof of insurance to Bank. Bank receives the document, but misfiles it, due to a clerical error. On a routine review of the file, a bank officer determines that Debtor has not complied with the agreement's insurance require- ment and declares Debtor to be in default. Unable to reach Debtor for clarification,9 Bank repossesses the automobile and sells it at an 6. SeeU.C.C. § 2-312(2); id. § 2-312 cmt. 5. If the collateral is a good, the warranty of title under article 2 generally will not attach if it is purchased at a foreclosure sale. Id.; see also discussion infra Part IV.A (explaining general rule that no warranty of title attaches in foreclosure sale). 7. See infra Part II. 8. See Menachem Mautner, The Eternal Triangles of the Law: Toward a Theory of Prioritiesin Conflicts Involving Remote Parties,90 MICH. L. REv. 95, 96 (1991) (arguing that legal remedies currently available to party in tort or contract are inadequate to redress aggrieved party). Where the collateral is unique or the wrongdoer is the original secured creditor and is judgment proof, a cause of action against the secured party will be inadequate. Id. Furthermore, the common law right of restitution, the potential remedy, is generally limited to the return of the purchase price, thereby depriving the purchaser of the benefit of his bargain. See infra note 144 and accompanying text. 9. The Author recognizes that this is an oversimplification of how the transaction would typically transpire in a commercial setting. Generally the creditor will make attempts to contact the debtor to determine whether insurance has been obtained. The creditor may also obtain THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [Vol. 44:167 otherwise commercially reasonable sale to Purchaser.' Debtor's attorney advises her that she may recover monetary damages from Bank for the wrongful repossession." Due to the uniqueness of the automobile, Debtor instead seeks to reclaim the vehicle from Purchaser, but Purchaser refuses to relinquish it. To determine the respective rights and the potential liabilities of the involved parties, two issues must be addressed: (1) whether Debtor can successfully reclaim the automobile from Purchaser and, if so; (2) whether Purchaser can, in turn, successfully recover damages from Bank for losses caused by Bank's failure to convey good title to him. Because Debtor was not in default under the agreement, having purchased the insurance, 12 Bank had no right under the Code to insurance directly on the collateral and add the premium cost to the debt, an action generally permitted under a standard security agreement. See U.C.C. § 9-207(2) (a) (permitting secured party in possession of collateral to obtain insurance and add premium cost to debt). This heuristic example, however, raises the issues necessary for purposes of this discussion.
Mortgage-backed Securities & Collateralized Mortgage Obligations: Prudent CRA INVESTMENT Opportunities by Andrew Kelman,Director, National Business Development M Securities Sales and Trading Group, Freddie Mac Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) have Here is how MBSs work. Lenders because of their stronger guarantees, become a popular vehicle for finan- originate mortgages and provide better liquidity and more favorable cial institutions looking for investment groups of similar mortgage loans to capital treatment. Accordingly, this opportunities in their communities. organizations like Freddie Mac and article will focus on agency MBSs. CRA officers and bank investment of- Fannie Mae, which then securitize The agency MBS issuer or servicer ficers appreciate the return and safety them. Originators use the cash they collects monthly payments from that MBSs provide and they are widely receive to provide additional mort- homeowners and “passes through” the available compared to other qualified gages in their communities. The re- principal and interest to investors. investments. sulting MBSs carry a guarantee of Thus, these pools are known as mort- Mortgage securities play a crucial timely payment of principal and inter- gage pass-throughs or participation role in housing finance in the U.S., est to the investor and are further certificates (PCs). Most MBSs are making financing available to home backed by the mortgaged properties backed by 30-year fixed-rate mort- buyers at lower costs and ensuring that themselves. Ginnie Mae securities are gages, but they can also be backed by funds are available throughout the backed by the full faith and credit of shorter-term fixed-rate mortgages or country. The MBS market is enormous the U.S.
8-6 Legal Considerations - Real Estate Contracts - Financing Basic Appraisal Principles Other Sources of Funds Pension Funds and Insurance Companies Pension funds and insurance companies have recently had such growth that they have been looking for new outlets for their investments. They manage huge sums of money, and traditionally have invested in ultra-conservative instruments, such as government bonds. However, the booming economy of the 1990s, and corresponding budget surpluses for the federal government, left a shortage of treasury securities for these companies to buy. They had to find other secure investments, such as mortgages, to invest their assets. The higher yields available with Mortgage Backed Securities were also a plus. The typical mortgage- backed security will carry an interest rate of 1.00% or more above a government security. Pension funds and insurance companies will also provide direct funding for larger commercial and development loans, but will rarely loan for individual home mortgages. Pension funds are regulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (1974). Secondary Mortgage Market The secondary mortgage market buys and sells mortgages created in the primary mortgage market (the link to Wall Street). A valid mortgage is always assignable by the mortgagee, allowing assignment or sale of the rights in the mortgage to another. The mortgage company can sell the loan, the servicing, or both. If just the loan is sold without the servicing, the original lender will continue to collect payments, and the borrower will never know the loan was sold. If the lender sells the servicing, the company collecting the payments will change, but the terms of the loan will stay the same.
COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS THIS COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS (this “Assignment”) is entered into as of _________, 2021, by and between Yingling Aircraft, Inc., a Kansas corporation (“Assignor”); and INTRUST Bank, N.A., a national banking association (“Lender”). Recitals A. Wichita Airport Authority, Wichita, Kansas (“Lessor”) and LeaseCorp Financial, Inc., a Kansas corporation, entered into that certain Master Lease Agreement dated June 12, 2012, which was assigned by LeaseCorp Financial, Inc. to LeaseCorp Aviation, LLC, which was then assigned by LeaseCorp Aviation, LLC to Yingling Aircraft, Inc., as may be amended, all of which are incorporated herein by reference (together, “Master Lease 1”), covering certain aircraft hangar operation facilities located at the Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport, Wichita, Kansas, further described as Tract 1 on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and any and all improvements now or hereafter located thereon (such land and improvements being herein referred to collectively as “Tract 1”). B. Wichita Airport Authority, Wichita, Kansas (“Lessor”) and LeaseCorp Aviation, LLC, a Kansas limited liability company, entered into that certain Master Lease Agreement dated October 14, 2014 and Supplemental Agreement No. 1 dated March 1, 2016, as may be amended, all of which are incorporated herein by reference (together, “Master Lease 2”), covering certain aircraft hangar operation facilities located at the Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport, Wichita, Kansas, further described as Tract 2 on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and any and all improvements now or hereafter located thereon (such land and improvements being herein referred to collectively as “Tract 2”).
Home Equity Loans - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHAT IS A HOME EQUITY LOAN? Home equity loans fall under the provisions of Section 50(a)(6), Article XVI, of the Texas Constitution. A home equity loan can be for any legal purpose which uses the equity (the difference between the home’s value and any outstanding debts against the home) in a member’s home for collateral. For home equity lending, Texas law restricts the total amount of all loans secured by the homestead to a maximum of 80% of the home’s value. Texas home equity loans can be a closed end loan with substantially equal payments over a fixed period of time, or an open end Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC). WHAT PROPERTIES CAN BE CONSIDERED? The property used for collateral must be a single-family, owner-occupied homestead property, located within the Austin Metropolitan Statistical Area (Travis, Williamson, Hays, Bastrop and Caldwell counties). Qualifying properties are defined as either urban or rural. Urban properties consist of not more than 10 acres of land with any improvements contained thereon, within the limits of a municipality or it’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, or a platted subdivision; AND served by police protection, paid or volunteer fire protection, and at least three of the following services provided by a municipality or under contract to a municipality: electric, natural gas, sewer, storm sewer, or water. Rural property shall consist of not more than 200 acres for a family (100 acres for a single, adult person not otherwise entitled to a homestead), with the improvements thereon.
2018 Media Guide NYRA.Com 1 FIRST RUNNING the First Running of the Belmont Stakes in 1867 at Jerome Park Took Place on a Thursday
2018 Media Guide NYRA.com 1 FIRST RUNNING The first running of the Belmont Stakes in 1867 at Jerome Park took place on a Thursday. The race was 1 5/8 miles long and the conditions included “$200 each; half forfeit, and $1,500-added. The second to receive $300, and an English racing saddle, made by Merry, of St. James TABLE OF Street, London, to be presented by Mr. Duncan.” OLDEST TRIPLE CROWN EVENT CONTENTS The Belmont Stakes, first run in 1867, is the oldest of the Triple Crown events. It predates the Preakness Stakes (first run in 1873) by six years and the Kentucky Derby (first run in 1875) by eight. Aristides, the winner of the first Kentucky Derby, ran second in the 1875 Belmont behind winner Calvin. RECORDS AND TRADITIONS . 4 Preakness-Belmont Double . 9 FOURTH OLDEST IN NORTH AMERICA Oldest Triple Crown Race and Other Historical Events. 4 Belmont Stakes Tripped Up 19 Who Tried for Triple Crown . 9 The Belmont Stakes, first run in 1867, is one of the oldest stakes races in North America. The Phoenix Stakes at Keeneland was Lowest/Highest Purses . .4 How Kentucky Derby/Preakness Winners Ran in the Belmont. .10 first run in 1831, the Queens Plate in Canada had its inaugural in 1860, and the Travers started at Saratoga in 1864. However, the Belmont, Smallest Winning Margins . 5 RUNNERS . .11 which will be run for the 150th time in 2018, is third to the Phoenix (166th running in 2018) and Queen’s Plate (159th running in 2018) in Largest Winning Margins .
The Triple Crown (1867-2019) Kentucky Derby Winner Preakness Stakes Winner Belmont Stakes Winner Horse of the Year Jockey Jockey Jockey Champion 3yo Trainer Trainer Trainer Year Owner Owner Owner 2019 Country House War of Will Sir Winston Bricks and Mortar Flavien Prat Tyler Gaffalione Joel Rosario Maximum Security Bill Mott Mark Casse Mark Casse Mrs. J.V. Shields Jr., E.J.M. McFadden Jr. & LNJ Foxwoods Gary Barber Tracy Farmer 2018 Justify Justify Justify Justify Mike Smith Mike Smith Mike Smith Justify Bob Baffert Bob Baffert Bob Baffert WinStar Farm LLC, China Horse Club, Starlight Racing & Head of Plains Partners LLC WinStar Farm LLC, China Horse Club, Starlight Racing & Head of Plains Partners LLC WinStar Farm LLC, China Horse Club, Starlight Racing & Head of Plains Partners LLC 2017 Always Dreaming Cloud Computing Tapwrit Gun Runner John Velazquez Javier Castellano Joel Ortiz West Coast Todd Pletcher Chad Brown Todd Pletcher MeB Racing, Brooklyn Boyz, Teresa Viola, St. Elias, Siena Farm & West Point Thoroughbreds Bridlewood Farm, Eclipse Thoroughbred Partners & Robert V. LaPenta Klaravich Stables Inc. & William H. Lawrence 2016 Nyquist Exaggerator Creator California Chrome Mario Gutierrez Kent Desormeaux Irad Ortiz Jr. Arrogate Doug O’Neill Keith Desormeaux Steve Asmussen Big Chief Racing, Head of Plains Partners, Rocker O Ranch, Keith Desormeaux Reddam Racing LLC (J. Paul Reddam) WinStar Farm LLC & Bobby Flay 2015 American Pharoah American Pharoah American Pharoah American Pharoah Victor Espinoza Victor Espinoza Victor Espinoza American Pharoah Bob Baffert Bob Baffert Bob Baffert Zayat Stables LLC (Ahmed Zayat) Zayat Stables LLC (Ahmed Zayat) Zayat Stables LLC (Ahmed Zayat) 2014 California Chrome California Chrome Tonalist California Chrome Victor Espinoza Victor Espinoza Joel Rosario California Chrome Art Sherman Art Sherman Christophe Clement Steve Coburn & Perry Martin Steve Coburn & Perry Martin Robert S.
Foreclosing on Collateral That Includes Intangible Rights
Foreclosing on Collateral That Includes Intangible Rights JOHN I. KARESH* Table of Contents I. Introduction II. In Re Northwest Airlines Corporation 1. Court Held That Secured Party Could Not File a Proof of Claim Against Bankrupt Lessee Because Secured Party Had Not Foreclosed on Lease Rights 2. Comments on the Northwest Airlines Corporation Decision: (a) UCC Article 9 Actually Does Not Require Fore- closure for Secured Party to Enforce Assigned Lease Rights and Remedies (b) Practical Diculties in Requiring Foreclosure as a Condition to Enforcement by Secured Party of Assigned Lease Rights and Remedies III.Bremer Bank, National Association v. John Hancock Life Insurance Company et al. 1. Court Held that Early Steps Taken by Secured Party to Protect its Interests in Assigned Lease Constitute Enforcement of Remedies 2. Comments on the Bremer Decision: Why Foreclosure Was Necessary IV. Conclusion V. Appendix: Suggested Provisions to Avoid Issues Raised by the Northwest Case *John Karesh is a shareholder at Vedder Price P.C. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reect the views of Vedder Price P.C. on any of the matters addressed herein. The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Erin Zavalko-Babej, a former associate at Vedder Price P.C., in the prepara- tion of this article. 157 Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal [Vol. 42 #2] I. INTRODUCTION Issues faced by a secured party in foreclosing on its collat- eral are particularly troublesome in leveraged lease1 or other secured transactions in which the collateral includes intangibles such as the rights of a lessor under a lease of personal property and the right to le a proof of claim against a lessee that may be appropriate if the lessee les a petition for relief under the bankruptcy code, 11 U.S.C.A.
The Triple Crown (1867-2020) Kentucky Derby Winner Preakness Stakes Winner Belmont Stakes Winner Horse of the Year Jockey Jockey Jockey Champion 3yo Trainer Trainer Trainer Year Owner Owner Owner 2020 Authentic (Sept. 5, 2020) f-Swiss Skydiver (Oct. 3, 2020) Tiz the Law (June 20, 2020) Authentic John Velazquez Robby Albarado Manny Franco Authentic Bob Baffert Kenny McPeek Barclay Tagg Spendthrift Farm, MyRaceHorse Stable, Madaket Stables & Starlight Racing Peter J. Callaghan Sackatoga Stable 2019 Country House War of Will Sir Winston Bricks and Mortar Flavien Prat Tyler Gaffalione Joel Rosario Maximum Security Bill Mott Mark Casse Mark Casse Mrs. J.V. Shields Jr., E.J.M. McFadden Jr. & LNJ Foxwoods Gary Barber Tracy Farmer 2018 Justify Justify Justify Justify Mike Smith Mike Smith Mike Smith Justify Bob Baffert Bob Baffert Bob Baffert WinStar Farm LLC, China Horse Club, Starlight Racing & Head of Plains Partners LLC WinStar Farm LLC, China Horse Club, Starlight Racing & Head of Plains Partners LLC WinStar Farm LLC, China Horse Club, Starlight Racing & Head of Plains Partners LLC 2017 Always Dreaming Cloud Computing Tapwrit Gun Runner John Velazquez Javier Castellano Joel Ortiz West Coast Todd Pletcher Chad Brown Todd Pletcher MeB Racing, Brooklyn Boyz, Teresa Viola, St. Elias, Siena Farm & West Point Thoroughbreds Bridlewood Farm, Eclipse Thoroughbred Partners & Robert V. LaPenta Klaravich Stables Inc. & William H. Lawrence 2016 Nyquist Exaggerator Creator California Chrome Mario Gutierrez Kent Desormeaux Irad Ortiz Jr. Arrogate Doug
All our mortgage loans are secured by real property Conventional Charge: such as a house. The Bank of Nova Scotia (carrying (in Quebec, this is referred to as an “immovable on business as "Scotiabank") or Scotia Mortgage hypothec”): Corporation (SMC) will obtain mortgage security that will be registered on title against your home in the The conventional charge is granted in favour of Scotia Conventional vs. appropriate land registry office. This is referred to as Mortgage Corporation (SMC), a wholly-owned the registration of a mortgage or a "charge" and it subsidiary of Scotiabank, and is registered in first Collateral Mortgage gives Scotiabank the legal right to take action against position priority against the home. The conventional you and your home and sell it to get our money back charge covers both the land and building. Charges if you do not pay as promised or honour the terms of The specific details of the mortgage loan such as the your mortgage loan with us. amount, term, payment amount and due date and interest rate are included in the charge registered on title against your home. Collateral Charge: This conventional charge secures only the amount of The collateral charge is granted in favour of the mortgage loan. There may be costs such as legal, Scotiabank and is registered in first position priority administrative and registration costs. against the home usually for an amount that is greater than the actual amount of the mortgage loan. By registering the collateral charge for a higher Comparing Collateral Charge Mortgages
FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM Lending and Collateral Q&A August 13, 2021 Note - Each answer in this document is written as if it were a stand-alone response. Therefore, some information may be repeated. What is an advance and how do advances work? The FHLBanks provide funding to members and housing associates through secured loans known as advances. Each FHLBank makes advances based on the security of mortgage loans and other types of eligible collateral pledged by the borrowing institutions. Advances are the FHLBanks' largest asset category on a combined basis, representing 50.2% and 51.5% of combined total assets at June 30, 2021 and December 31, 2020. Advances are secured by mortgage loans held in borrower portfolios and other eligible collateral pledged by borrowers. Because members may originate loans that are not sold in the secondary mortgage market, FHLBank advances can serve as a funding source for a variety of mortgages, including those focused on very low-, low-, and moderate-income households. In addition, FHLBank advances can provide interim funding for those members that choose to sell or securitize their mortgages. Each FHLBank develops its advance programs to meet the particular needs of its borrowers, consistent with the safe and sound operation of the FHLBank. Each FHLBank offers a wide range of fixed- and variable-rate advance products with different maturities, interest rates, payment characteristics, and optionality, with maturities ranging from one day to 30 years. Who can borrow from the FHLBanks? The FHLBanks are cooperative institutions, and each FHLBank conducts its advance business almost exclusively with its members and housing associates.
Journal of Urban Economics 86 (2015) 43–53 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Urban Economics www.elsevier.com/locate/jue Real estate collateral value and investment: The case of China ⇑ Jing Wu a, Joseph Gyourko b,c, Yongheng Deng d,e, a Hang Lung Center for Real Estate, Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University, China b The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, United States c NBER, United States d Institute of Real Estate Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore e Department of Real Estate, and Department of Finance, National University of Singapore, Singapore article info abstract Article history: Previous research on the United States and Japan finds economically large impacts of changing real estate Received 28 June 2014 collateral value on firm investment that amplified the business cycles of those countries. Working with Revised 12 December 2014 unique data on land values in 35 major Chinese markets and a panel of firms outside the real estate Available online 25 December 2014 industry, we estimate investment equations that yield no evidence of a collateral channel effect. Further analysis indicates that China’s debt is not characterized by the frictions that give rise to collateral channel JEL classification: effects elsewhere. Essentially, financially constrained borrowers appear able credibly to commit to repay R3 debt in China. While there is no impact on investment via the collateral channel, our results should not be G32 interpreted as implying there will be no negative fallout from a potential real estate bust on the Chinese O5 D22 economy. There likely would be, but through different channels.
Secondary Mortgage Market - a Catalyst for Change in Real Estate Transactions, The
SMU Law Review Volume 39 Issue 5 Article 3 1985 Secondary Mortgage Market - A Catalyst for Change in Real Estate Transactions, The Robin Paul Malloy Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.smu.edu/smulr Recommended Citation Robin Paul Malloy, Secondary Mortgage Market - A Catalyst for Change in Real Estate Transactions, The, 39 SW L.J. 991 (1985) https://scholar.smu.edu/smulr/vol39/iss5/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Journals at SMU Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in SMU Law Review by an authorized administrator of SMU Scholar. For more information, please visit http://digitalrepository.smu.edu. THE SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET- A CATALYST FOR CHANGE IN REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS by Robin Paul Malloy* HE impact of the secondary mortgage market on real estate transac- tions is likely to be regarded as one of the most important develop- ments in real property and finance law in the 1980s. Underlying the technical jargon and mechanical functions of this market is a process of in- teraction that will bring forth significant economic, social, and political change. The financial incentives propelling the dramatic growth of the sec- ondary mortgage market are already changing the way that lenders, borrow- ers, developers, and investors in real estate interact. Likewise, the growth of the market is causing a reassessment of the proper role of state and federal governments in administering and developing the law of real property. Real property law is shifting from a matter of state and local concern to one of national concern so that the necessary resources of interregional, national, and international capital markets will continue to be available for real estate development.