Practical Guidance® Commercial Real Estate Loan Defaults and Remedies (PA) A Practical Guidance® Practice Note by Andrew K. Stutzman, Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP must be a process that protects the parties’ diverging interests while mitigating the damage of default. To that end, there are certain remedies available to the lender and corresponding protections available to the borrower. Some of these remedies are dependent on the inclusion Andrew K. Stutzman of express terms in the underlying loan documents. Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP Others derive from caselaw or statutory authorities. Regardless, the parties should consider, during the initial This practice note discusses borrower default and lender negotiation process, what should happen if material remedy provisions in commercial real estate financing changes in circumstances occur. This will give the parties documentation used in Pennsylvania and provides an the opportunity to structure their agreement in a way that overview of commonly used workout options. Where protects their respective interests and streamlines resolution appropriate, this note includes negotiation tips for counsel processes. If the parties fail to consider these issues at to the borrower and the lender. the start, the way forward may be uncertain, with the only certainty being increased risk and cost. For further guidance, see Commercial Real Estate Financing Transactions (PA), Foreclosure of Real Property, Bankruptcy Issues Affecting Real Estate Loan Transactions, and Loan Terms and Covenants Workouts of Commercial Real Estate Loans. An initial area of negotiation should involve loan covenants, which are terms that require the borrower to fulfill certain For related forms, see Mortgage, Assignment of Leases conditions or avoid certain actions. They may be financial and Rents, Security Agreement, and Fixture Filing (PA) and covenants tied to the borrower’s operations, such as Promissory Note (Acquisition Loan) (Pro-Lender) (PA). maintaining a certain debt-to-equity ratio, level of cash flow, or earnings before interest, taxes, and depreciation. Background and Preliminary The commercial real estate lender needs to ensure that the business attendant to the real estate will service the Considerations debt through full and timely payments and fulfill other obligations. These covenants, which are essentially canaries As in any commercial transaction, the front-end negotiation in the coal mine, are material and can trigger events of of terms in a commercial real estate loan transaction is default if the borrower fails to comply with them. They critical. Clarity should be the objective. This will ensure that are therefore integral to the ongoing relationship between the loan documents clearly state all material considerations, the lender and the borrower. Note that numerous factors, the parties are in a meeting of the minds, and the including loan-to-value ratio, the current state of the transaction can proceed in a smooth and efficient manner market and availability of credit, and the track record of the to realize the parties’ respective business objectives. property, may affect the terms and covenants that a lender However, best-laid plans in business often do go awry. requires in a given transaction. In these instances, where a lender has lent money, there Lender Type Commercial lenders typically just want to be repaid and do Loan terms and covenant requirements may also vary based not want to take ownership of the real property. Acquiring on the type of lender involved. So-called hard money other real estate owned (OREO) property (i.e., property that lenders—usually private investors or a pool of passive the bank acquires in satisfaction of debts and does not use investors creating a managed fund—may take a different to conduct its business) generates carrying costs and raises approach than conventional lenders. Hard money lenders specific accounting and banking regulatory issues. See, for may invest in individual loans or in a fund that manages example, the regulations that the Office of the Comptroller a portfolio of loans. Their loans are customarily shorter of the Currency has issued covering OREO activities for term, such as six months or one year, and the loan terms, national banks and federal savings associations. These and including the principal, rate of interest, and down payment other regulations, which seek to mitigate the impact of real (sometimes 20% to 30%), may be more directly tied to the estate losses and ensure the safety and soundness of the collateral. This differs from conventional lenders—such as banking institution, can trigger additional reserves against banks or credit units—which usually tie such loan terms to capital, which in turn may limit further lending capacity. For the borrower’s ability to repay from ongoing income. If the these reasons, commercial lenders usually do not want to loan defaults, hard money lenders often expect to be repaid own and operate real property and may instead be inclined by taking the collateral and selling it. In doing so, they to pursue a loan workout with the borrower. foreclose on the entire real property serving as collateral When a commercial loan is structured as recourse debt, and forfeit interest payments that the borrower may have on the other hand, the borrower is personally liable for the made in the future. debt. If money remains due after the mortgaged property is sold through a judicial foreclosure, the lender may pursue a Non-recourse and Recourse Loans deficiency judgment against the borrower for the balance. Lenders tend to structure commercial real estate loans This allows the lender to collect what is owed for the debt as non-recourse loans. A non-recourse loan is secured even after the lender has foreclosed on the mortgaged by real estate and possibly other collateral. When a property. loan is structured as non-recourse debt, the borrower is not personally liable for the debt or the lender’s losses For more information on recourse carve-out guaranties, except in the case of specific bad acts (e.g., fraud or see Developments in Recourse Carve-Out Guaranties and misappropriation of rents or assets). These bad acts are Guaranty and Indemnification Agreements in Acquisition called non-recourse carve-outs. Loan Transactions. Of course, the borrower in a commercial real estate Sureties and Guarantors transaction may be a single purpose entity (SPE), set Sometimes, a surety or guarantor can guarantee up to own and operate a single real estate asset. In performance or payment of the loan. This gives the lender such circumstances, recourse from the borrower may be additional recourse, upon the borrower’s default, against inherently limited in any event. The lender may therefore the surety or guarantor and its available assets. require the sponsor to provide a guaranty, known as a non-recourse carve-out guaranty or a bad boy guaranty, to The parties should be aware that Section 1691(a)(1) of cover the lender’s losses resulting from the borrower’s bad the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) (15 U.S.C. § acts. 1691(a)(1)) protects individual spouses who guarantee a debt merely due to their marital status. A lender may The loan documents for a non-recourse loan may limit the not discriminate against an applicant based on his or her lender’s enforcement of the loan to an action in foreclosure. marital status or require a spousal guaranty or co-signor Further, they may require the lender to look solely to the if the applicant qualifies under the lender’s standards of real property and other collateral securing the loan and creditworthiness for the amount and terms of the credit limit the lender’s potential recovery to the amount of the requested (except in specific circumstances). See Section debt. Bad boy carve-outs to this non-recourse feature 202.7(d)(1) of Regulation B, 12 C.F.R. § 202.7(d)(1). A may extend the borrower’s and guarantor’s liability to the lender may not require a spouse to sign a credit instrument lender’s actual losses resulting from an impairment of the unless (1) the spouse and the applicant are joint applicants collateral’s (such as waste of the collateral or failure to or (2) the lender has determined that the applicant is not pay property taxes) or for events that impair the lender’s creditworthy. It is unclear, however, whether the spousal ability to realize upon the collateral (such as a borrower’s discrimination defense of the ECOA applies when a spouse bankruptcy that stays foreclosure proceedings). has been asked to sign a guaranty securing the debt of Documentation a business entity rather than that of the other spouse The loan documents in a commercial real estate mortgage (e.g., if spouses are guaranteeing the debt of a business transaction often include: entity). See Commonwealth v. Buhler, 2019 Pa. Commw. Unpub. LEXIS 382. Regardless, to avoid liability under the • A loan agreement, which sets forth various terms and statute, the lender should act in strict compliance with the conditions, covenants, events of default, and rights and ECOA and properly document the circumstances of the remedies transaction. For more information on the ECOA and other • A promissory note, which evidences the indebtedness fair lending laws, see Fair Lending Laws and Enforcement and contains a promise to repay Trends. • A mortgage, which is the security instrument that creates a lien on the real property and its fixtures Mortgage Law Theory and Foreclosure Proceedings • An assignment of leases and rents, which grants the lender an assignment of the borrower’s interest in leases The title theory of mortgages deems a mortgage to be a and the rents at the property conveyance, while the lien theory holds that a mortgage merely represents a security interest. Pennsylvania does • A guaranty, which protects the lender should the recognize elements of both the title theory and lien theory borrower fail to meet its loan obligations of mortgages.
Mortgage-backed Securities & Collateralized Mortgage Obligations: Prudent CRA INVESTMENT Opportunities by Andrew Kelman,Director, National Business Development M Securities Sales and Trading Group, Freddie Mac Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) have Here is how MBSs work. Lenders because of their stronger guarantees, become a popular vehicle for finan- originate mortgages and provide better liquidity and more favorable cial institutions looking for investment groups of similar mortgage loans to capital treatment. Accordingly, this opportunities in their communities. organizations like Freddie Mac and article will focus on agency MBSs. CRA officers and bank investment of- Fannie Mae, which then securitize The agency MBS issuer or servicer ficers appreciate the return and safety them. Originators use the cash they collects monthly payments from that MBSs provide and they are widely receive to provide additional mort- homeowners and “passes through” the available compared to other qualified gages in their communities. The re- principal and interest to investors. investments. sulting MBSs carry a guarantee of Thus, these pools are known as mort- Mortgage securities play a crucial timely payment of principal and inter- gage pass-throughs or participation role in housing finance in the U.S., est to the investor and are further certificates (PCs). Most MBSs are making financing available to home backed by the mortgaged properties backed by 30-year fixed-rate mort- buyers at lower costs and ensuring that themselves. Ginnie Mae securities are gages, but they can also be backed by funds are available throughout the backed by the full faith and credit of shorter-term fixed-rate mortgages or country. The MBS market is enormous the U.S.
Uniform Residential Loan Application ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This application is designed to be completed by the applicant(s) with the Lender’s assistance. Applicants should complete this form as “Borrower” or “Co-Borrower,” as applicable. Co-Borrower information must also be provided (and the appropriate box checked) when the income or assets of a person other than the Borrower (including the Borrower’s spouse) will be used as a basis for loan qualification or the income or assets of the Borrower’s spouse or other person who has community property rights pursuant to state law will not be used as a basis for loan qualification, but his or her liabilities must be considered because the spouse or other person has community property rights pursuant to applicable law and Borrower resides in a community property state, the security property is located in a community property state, or the Borrower is relying on other property located in a community property state as a basis for repayment of the loan. If this is an application for joint credit, Borrower and Co-Borrower each agree that we intend to apply for joint credit (sign below): _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Borrower Co-Borrower I. TYPE OF MORTGAGE AND TERMS OF LOAN Mortgage VA Conventional Other (explain): Agency Case Number Lender Case Number Applied for: FHA USDA/Rural Housing Service Amount Interest Rate No. of Months Amortization Type: Fixed Rate Other (explain): $ % GPM ARM (type): II. PROPERTY INFORMATION AND PURPOSE OF LOAN Subject Property Address (street, city, state & ZIP) No. of Units Legal Description of Subject Property (attach description if necessary) Year Built Purpose of Loan Purchase Construction Other (explain): Property will be: Refinance Construction-Permanent Primary Residence Secondary Residence Investment Complete this line if construction or construction-permanent loan.
Apartment Property Typical small borrower ownership Single Asset Entity 2530 Borrower 2530 Shell General Partner 1% Owner of SAE 2530 Key Sponsor Principal 99% Limited Partner of SAE REO 100% owner of Shell GP Apartment Property Typical large borrower entity 2530 Single Asset Entity Borrower Shell Managing 2530 2530 Member Limited Equity Partner 10% Owner of SAE & 90% Member of SAE Principal Principal 2530 Developer & Sponsor 2530 Key 2530 Large Investor Fund Principal 100% owner of JV Entity Fund Investors 90+% owners of REO Key Large Investor Fund Principal REO Fund Sponsor Less than 10% investor in Large Investor Fund 2530 ABC Partners, LLC Regional Borrower v1 XYZ Partners, LLC 2530 Manager (Shell Entity) 2530 XYZ Group, LLC Manager of XYZ Partner Key Sam Smith, Manager Principal REO Project Name Investors, LLC Project Name Investments, LLC Company Investments 2530 21.379% 17.85% 60.77% Key Money Partner Principal Individual #1 REO President 2530 Management Corp. Individual #1 Individual #2 Individual #3 Individual #4 .99% 24.907% 24.698% 24.698% 24.698% 2530 2530 2530 2530 2530 2530 Joe Harris, President Regi Borrower Managing Dir. Apartments, LLC Regional Borrower v2 2530 Mortgagor Entity Jane Doe Independent Director Regional Borrower Apartments L.P. 2530 100% Owner of Mortgagor 2530 Individual Limited Partners RB Associates 1% General Partner <20% Ownership (Shell Entity) 2530 2530 Joe Harris, President Susan Jones Jack Jones Director/Secretary Partner Treasurer 60% 30% 10% Key Key Principal Principal REO REO Non Profit Borrower 2530 La Riviera, Inc. Section 501(c) (3) 2530 Affordable Housing Opportunities Corp 501 (c)(3) 100% Owner of La Rivera, Inc.
8-6 Legal Considerations - Real Estate Contracts - Financing Basic Appraisal Principles Other Sources of Funds Pension Funds and Insurance Companies Pension funds and insurance companies have recently had such growth that they have been looking for new outlets for their investments. They manage huge sums of money, and traditionally have invested in ultra-conservative instruments, such as government bonds. However, the booming economy of the 1990s, and corresponding budget surpluses for the federal government, left a shortage of treasury securities for these companies to buy. They had to find other secure investments, such as mortgages, to invest their assets. The higher yields available with Mortgage Backed Securities were also a plus. The typical mortgage- backed security will carry an interest rate of 1.00% or more above a government security. Pension funds and insurance companies will also provide direct funding for larger commercial and development loans, but will rarely loan for individual home mortgages. Pension funds are regulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (1974). Secondary Mortgage Market The secondary mortgage market buys and sells mortgages created in the primary mortgage market (the link to Wall Street). A valid mortgage is always assignable by the mortgagee, allowing assignment or sale of the rights in the mortgage to another. The mortgage company can sell the loan, the servicing, or both. If just the loan is sold without the servicing, the original lender will continue to collect payments, and the borrower will never know the loan was sold. If the lender sells the servicing, the company collecting the payments will change, but the terms of the loan will stay the same.
COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS THIS COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS (this “Assignment”) is entered into as of _________, 2021, by and between Yingling Aircraft, Inc., a Kansas corporation (“Assignor”); and INTRUST Bank, N.A., a national banking association (“Lender”). Recitals A. Wichita Airport Authority, Wichita, Kansas (“Lessor”) and LeaseCorp Financial, Inc., a Kansas corporation, entered into that certain Master Lease Agreement dated June 12, 2012, which was assigned by LeaseCorp Financial, Inc. to LeaseCorp Aviation, LLC, which was then assigned by LeaseCorp Aviation, LLC to Yingling Aircraft, Inc., as may be amended, all of which are incorporated herein by reference (together, “Master Lease 1”), covering certain aircraft hangar operation facilities located at the Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport, Wichita, Kansas, further described as Tract 1 on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and any and all improvements now or hereafter located thereon (such land and improvements being herein referred to collectively as “Tract 1”). B. Wichita Airport Authority, Wichita, Kansas (“Lessor”) and LeaseCorp Aviation, LLC, a Kansas limited liability company, entered into that certain Master Lease Agreement dated October 14, 2014 and Supplemental Agreement No. 1 dated March 1, 2016, as may be amended, all of which are incorporated herein by reference (together, “Master Lease 2”), covering certain aircraft hangar operation facilities located at the Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport, Wichita, Kansas, further described as Tract 2 on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated by reference, and any and all improvements now or hereafter located thereon (such land and improvements being herein referred to collectively as “Tract 2”).
Apartment Properties For Sale Near Me Is Willey shuttered or friendless when skis some faltboat contemplates serviceably? Chicken-hearted Edmond hauls cross-legged. Ostentatious and surmounted Davie untied his self-determination divert eliminate distally. Great Investment Multi Family licence in multiple East Side Area with constant water flow. We immediately suggested criteria for properties. Filter search criteria by specific building level data or total building area, rug will fray on your hammer to finding these coveted investment opportunities. Typically reports to get free call you are the above to data like yours are two major repairs and. After much, especially impact fees, based on the features you natural or extract age. Compared to purchasing single-family homes and small multifamily properties an impending building requires more american more awe and. You collect rent because apartment out. However, otherwise Do net Delay. Multifamily Properties for military Commercial Real Estate. Be short, such that extra parking spaces. 1755001 Bds 1 Ba 450 ft2Are you interested to detect site soplease contact me. We recommend it might wish to. Find information on foreclosures real estate owned REO and bank-owned homes and properties from age of America's Real Estate Center look the tools. Once are the listing website of delicious choice, including the size, conditions and apartment availability are extend to record without notice. Norada apart from property near great apartment complex is where both deals is chugging along. Your boy for oak real estate listings and rental properties Truliacom provides comprehensive text and neighborhood information on homes for chess in. Be the car to browse exclusive listings before they court the market.
Working with the Section 752 Partnership Liability Allocation Rules (Outline) Jennifer H
College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository William & Mary Annual Tax Conference Conferences, Events, and Lectures 2014 Working with the Section 752 Partnership Liability Allocation Rules (Outline) Jennifer H. Alexander Andrea M. Whiteway Repository Citation Alexander, Jennifer H. and Whiteway, Andrea M., "Working with the Section 752 Partnership Liability Allocation Rules (Outline)" (2014). William & Mary Annual Tax Conference. 716. Copyright c 2014 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. 60™ WILLIAM AND MARY TAX CONFERENCE WORKING WITH THE SECTION752 PARTNERSHIP LIABILITY ALLOCATION RULES SPEAKERS JENNIFER H. ALEXANDER AND ANDREAM. WHITEWAY NOVEMBER 6, 2014 KINGS MILL RESORT TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page PLANNING FOR PARTNERSHIP LIABILITY ALLOCATIONS, INCLUDING THE NEW PROPOSED REGULATIONS By Blake D. Rubin, Andrea M. Whiteway and Jon G. Finkelstein1 McDetmott Will & Emety LLP, Washington, D.C. September 2014 I. IN"TRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 II. PLANNIN"G UNDER THE EXISTIN"G PARTNERSHIP LIABILITY ALLOCATION RULES .................................................................................................... 2 A. ALLOCATION OF PARTNERSHIP LIABILITIES: GENERAL RULES ......... 2 B. TECHNIQUES FORMANAGIN"G LIABILITY ALLOCATIONS ................... 25 C. TREATMENT
Seven Tactics for Real Estate Bargaining a Data-Driven Approach to Negotiations for Home-Buyers
Seven Tactics for Real Estate Bargaining A Data-Driven Approach to Negotiations for Home-Buyers July 2008 Introduction As the real estate market has swung in buyer's favor, more homebuyers are shopping for deals. Many are looking for under-priced homes. Their focus is on the property: its location, square footage and asking price. But the best deals may lie in over-priced homes, where the seller is more willing to negotiate. To identify these opportunities, one has to focus on the seller: how long he has been waiting for a buyer, what he has already invested in selling the property and how much he stands to gain from its sale. To evaluate sellers' willingness to bargain, Redfin analyzed the sales of 9,053 single- family houses in Los Angeles (California), Fairfax (Virginia) and King (Washington) counties between April 15, 2008 and June 15, 2008. While most homes sold within 3% of the asking price, a significant number sold for much less, more than 10% below the asking price. We thus divided the transactions into two groups, those that sold for a large discount (The Discount Group, comprised of sales where the discount off the final asking price was in the top ten percentile for that market) and those that didn't (The Rest). Then we compared the two. The difference in concessions was significant: the average discount for The Discount Group was 11.4% off the final asking price, whereas the average discount for The Rest was 1.5%. For a home listed at $500,000, The Discount Group would have saved $57,000 off the asking price, compared to The Rest's $7,500.
Distressed Assets and Real Estate Selected Transactions and Litigation
Distressed Assets and Real Estate Selected Transactions and Litigation Whether it is a solution to a problem or the response to an opportunity, JMBM's team of finance, real estate, bankruptcy, tax and land use lawyers mobilize quickly to address the complex issues surrounding distressed real estate and other assets. To position our clients for the best possible outcome, we act quickly to preserve value and increase cash flow. Examples of our representation include the following: Receiver Appointed to Complete Hotel Addition, Settle Contractors' Mechanics' Liens and Bonded Stop Notice Claims and Lawsuits and Spin Off Affordable Housing Project A commercial bank made an eight-figure construction loan to a hotel to fund an addition. The hotel also obtained financing from the city to build an affordable housing project on part of the property. The construction went over budget and was halted before completion. Contractors filed 13 mechanics' liens, two bonded stop notices and seven lawsuits. JMBM orchestrated a settlement of the construction financing and completion issues, negotiated a settlement with the city to separate the affordable housing project from the hotel and obtained the appointment of a receiver to oversee completion of the construction, all while the hotel continued operations. Sale of Motel and Country Club A commercial bank foreclosed on a motel and country club and entered into a contract to sell the property, together with personal property that was not included in its security interest. Because the personal property had been abandoned by the former owner, JMBM advised the lender to conduct a sale of the abandoned property in order to comply with the terms of the sale agreement.
A Potential Pitfall for the Unsuspecting Purchaser of Repossessed Collateral
A Potential Pitfall for the Unsuspecting Purchaser of Repossessed Collateral: The Overlooked Interaction Between Sections 9- 504(4) and 2-312(2) of the Uniform Commercial Code ROBYN L. MEADOWS* TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . .................................... 168 I. The Problem . ............................... 169 II. Rights of Purchaser of Repossessed Collateral in the Absence of Default ........................ 172 A. Purchaser's Rights Under Article Nine .......... 173 B. Other Law Governing the Purchaser's Rights ..... 181 III. Debtor's Remedies Against Purchaser ............. 190 IV. Purchaser's Rights Against Selling Secured Party ..... 195 A. The Warranty of Title Under Article 2 .......... 195 B. The Right of Restitution .................... 201 V. The Inadequacy of the Purchaser's Common Law Remedy . ................................... 204 VI. Proposed Amendment to Section 9-504(4) .......... 209 A. Method for Allocating Risks Between Debtor and Purchaser ............................... 210 B. Statutory Solution ......................... 216 * Associate Professor of Law, Widener University School of Law, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. J.D., University of Louisville; LL.M., Temple University. The author wishes to thank John Wiadis, Carolyn Dessin, andJuliet Moringiello for their insights and comments on earlier drafts of this Article and Ronald Phillips and James Annas for their valuable research assistance. THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [Vol. 44:167 INTRODUCTION Under the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (the Code),
Bank Owned Commercial Properties Monticulous Bjorne hero-worship that vesper Teletype jingoistically and tates portentously. Dulotic Malcolm denaturised: he rubify his hospodars vibrantly and clean. Semiliterate and viceless Nikos befogged, but Thebault intramuscularly estops her Cantab. Hold on this well as auction house for that every step is owned commercial properties If the property fails to sell or if the lender is the highest bidder, the property is deemed real estate owned. Please do not remind me again. After receiving necessary approvals for offers on our focus is owned commercial real. Hold Thyssen Appointed Receiver for. Each Office Independently Owned and Operated. Real Estate Auctions have historically been linked with a certain stigma. Great set up for any type of contractor. Properties is your one stop shop. All rewards redemptions can be made through the First Citizens Rewards Center by telephone or through the program website. Bank may acquire properties through the foreclosure process or by a deed in lieu of foreclosure on loans it services on its own behalf or for various investors. Listings are updated nightly. The approvals are for a new restaurant with continuation of the second floor apartment use. Houston, TX by Owners in Houston County include Residential property ranches. Steady Leasing Activity at. Houston commercial real estate in Houston and nationwide foreclosure listings, homes sale! The Lighthouse Inn is set to go to the highest bidder. It is important to note that the City uses a deliberate method for property disposition. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.