Act of Collateral Mortgage, Pledge
ACT OF COLLATERAL MORTGAGE, PLEDGE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ASSIGNMENT OF PRODUCTION - THE STATE O? LOUISIANA BY: TAYLOR ENERGY COMPANY PARISH OF OHLEANS TO: ANY FUTURE HOLDER OR HOLDERS BE IT KNOWN, that on this 29th day of January, 1986, before rae, the undersigned Notary Public, duly commissioned, qualified and sworn within and for the State and Parish aforesaid, and therein residing, and in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses, personally came and apr"' *ed*. TAYLOR ENERGY COMPANY„ a Louisiana corporation, wh addrsss is The 2-3-4 Loyola Building, New Or lea., r, Louisiana 70012 ("Mortgagor") , appearing herein *.nrc . J Patrick P. Taylor, its President, duly authorized pursuant to corporate resolution certified on January 29th, 1986, a certified copy of which is attache i hereto as Schedule I; who declared unto me, Notary, that, desiring to secure func« :"iocn any person, firm or corporation willing to loan same, Mortgagor does by these presents declare and acknowledge a debt in the Of SEVENTY-FIVE MILLION AND NO/100 DOLLARS <$75 , C00 , 000.00) , anc to evidence such indebtedness, has. executed, under date of these presents, its one (1) certain promissory note ("Said Note"), which is described as follows, to-witt One Collateral Mortgage Note of even dato herewith in the original principal amount of SEVEKTY-FIVE MILLION AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($75,000,000.00), , yable to tho order of BEARER on Demand with interest and attorneys fees as provided therein. All payments on Said Note (an unexecuted copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule II) snd all additional amounts secured herein shall be payable at the banking quarters of First National Bank of Commerce, 210 Baronne Street, New Orleans, Louisiana.
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