
and : The Most Basic Linux/ Commands


“pwd” stands for print working directory and its purpose is to print the full path to the current directory

The “full path” is just a fancy word for the hierarchies from the root directory to the current directory. These directories are marked by a forward slash followed by the name of the directory.

(i.e. /Users/rossbullock/Documents)

This is most commonly used right after the “” ( lists the contents of the current directory) and “cd” commands (which changes the directory; you’ll learn about that later), to sure the user is where they want to be

The pwd command only has two standard options, ---help and --version. The --help option is used to show information about pwd, but since it’s a simple command, most times it barely prints any. The --version option just shows the version number. For example, Directories

Directories are where you store folders containing information

To Change Directories you in cd and then the name of the Directory you want to change to

To a certain directory you can also press the tab button after you type in the first few letters of the directory .

You use cd to pick the directory 101 which is why it says 101 username on terminal

after seeing the folders in 101 you then type cd temp to change the directory to temp Work cited

