PAUJS SIXTEEN MONDAY. MAY 18,1960 A r a n f Dally Nat Praaa Run Tha Waathar illanrlf^ater 1Et»ning’ For the Meath of April, tBSO ForMaal of O. 8. Weather aaiaaa Ooeaeiona] Hght rala thla after­ Members of St. Margaret's a r - Group C of Center church wo­ Th« Friendahip Clrcla of the formed a part of the program, as 9 , 8 9 1 noon; mostly cloady toolght; httle To Sail ou June 1 did various bits of prose and cle, Daughters of Isabella, and men, Mrs. Grace Agard, leader, Salvation Army will meet tonight cheage la temperature; Wedaea About Town their friends, are invited to play will meet tomorrow evening at at the citadel at 7:30. Hostesses poetry practiced for breath con­ Meosber of IDa Aodlt pivot bridge and whist tomorrow eight o'clock. Two short plays will for the evening will be Mrs. Mar­ For Trip Abroad trol and voice projection. The ma­ Make Your Own Boreaa at CTrenlariowe day fair aad warmer. evening at the home of Mrs. Celia be presented by members and of­ tha Turkington and Mrs. Ethel jor pact of the workshop period Mancheder— A CUy o f VUlage Charm Tha M uter Maeon Dagru wtU Duncan. be confertad at a ipectal commu­ Kauvant, 238 Parker street. Indi­ ficers will be elected. was devoted to the Interpretation vidual prises for those who make Mr. and Mrs. William R. Mc­ of Joseph Rodman Drake's “The nication of Mancheeter Lodge No. John Mather Chapter, Order of the high scores will be awarded. Members of Mystic Review, Kinney of Chestnut street, will Gathering of the Fairies," a part VOL. LXIX, NO. 192 (ClaeiUled Adverrielag oa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1950 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PKICE FOUR CENTS 73 A. F. and A. M. at the Mupnic Wonian’s Bcmdlt A.MMociatlon, who DcMoIay. will have a “buddy" of which each member presented Nightgowns Temple tomorrow evening. Lodge night at the Mii.sonlc Temple to­ sail on the S.S. Britannic on June Edith .S. Williams Tol­ have Hrliilcs for ihe nimmage sale from the platform, with the audi­ Will open at 5:30 when a portion tomorrow at 9:30 In Odd Fellows night at 8:15. A short business 1, for Northern Ireland. They plan ence and Miss Grant giving con­ of the work will be performed and land Turnjike played the accord- meeting at 7:30 will precede the to spend the entire summer in eon at the minstrel show In Wil- hall, are requested to bring them structive criticism following each will reconvene at 7:30 when the to the hall this evening between entertainment. their native land, wMth a side trip rendition. and Pajamas Rescue Wpman and Helicopter Personnel work will be completed.. A eocial llngton. Friday and Saturday to England and Scotland. nights. She also played at the con­ 7:00 and 7:30, or tomorrow morn­ Plans were discussed for the Railroad Walkout hour with refreshments will fol­ ing before the sale. The visual The Women's Society of Chris­ They also Intend to visit the June 9 meeting at which Miss Bowles Urges More cert last week of the High school, low. meeting of the lodge will tian Service of the South Metho­ graveyard In France where their Jo.ssie Hewitt will be In charge of and at a piano recital by pupils of be held lii the evening at 8 O'clock. dist church win have a supper .son ftilfford McKinney, a war cas­ Mrs. .lulia Scott of Bunisidc. refreshments snd Miss Grace Has- of Practical tJuests from Ihe Hartford meeting this evening at 6 o'clock ualty, was buried prior to being sett will arrange the program. Daughters of Liberty, No. 125. In Cooper hall. The annual meet­ brought back to Manchester last L. I. O. A. will hold a meeting at and one of the Hartford Reviews Settled; Firemen Ander.son-Shea Post. No. 20H6, are rxpei-ted, and offleers and ing of all groups will follow. month for flnil interment. Orange hall tomorrow evening at will hold its mooting at guards are re()ucsled to wear their Mr. McKinney left Bannfoot 60 Liberal Benefits Be eight o'clock. A Maybasket social the Post home tonight at ciglil white gown.s. The W, S. C. S. of the North years ago and this will be his first FT A lo Celebrate will follow the meeting. Members o'clock. Plana for the .Memnnal Meltodlst church is putting on a return trip. He will be retired PLISSE CREPE are reminded to bring gifts for the Day paraiie will lie liiscii.H.sod and Mr and Mrs. William Smith of spring supper (jn Friday, Mii.v 26 from Chenejr Brothers within two Ordered to Work Maybuket. a full attendance is desired. t’oluinhia, Missoiirl. are visiting at the church. weck.s and is planning to take a lOlb Anniversary the family of their aon, Russell M. well-deserved vacation. 30” Plain Colors ...... ^.Yd. Mr. and Mrs. James Salters and Smith, of 35 Waddell road. It Is The Mancherter Green PTA, the Struck Carriers Plan rai • i i • Provided State Idle daughters Betsy Rae f'and GIcnna their first visit to New England. They are making the trip by auto­ I^cal Teachers first and oldest PTA In town, will To Resume Normal J^CWS L lC lb ltS Lee, of 1.5.3 IJrivo B, are vaiation- Exprensioii Club hold its tenth anniversary meeting ing with Mrs. Salters parents, Mr. mobile and will stop with friends Service ‘as Rapidly j culled From {JP) Wires SERVICES In New York .state and visit a Attend Parley on Wednesday evening, May 17, at .30” Prints ...... Yd. Special McHnage to As* and Mrs. A. R. Krcdcnck of eight o'clock in the Green School. Torrance, California. daiigliter in Ohio before return­ Holds Meeting As Possible'; Satisfac* ■■■ — — That interpret the wishes ing. Dr. Robert Keeney, Health Officer uor Sales Hours Hcmbly Galls for Lib­ Four local teachers attended the Pll.sae erepc la so practical—waahea so eaaily and needa no iron­ tion Expressed by j- Daring theft of mlUlon-doUar for Manchester, will speak on ing. Fine quality in all plain colors and smart prints in chil­ statue of Costa Rica's patron vlr- eralizing Ameinlments The annual meeting of the Mrs. Robert H. Mahoney of the Representative Assembly of the Friday evening the Lillian Ger­ “Health Today." , of the family. Washington P. T, A. will be held dren's, florals, dots and stripes. Botb Sides in Dispute has brought llttle central Governor's Fact-Finding Cominls- Qpnnectlcut Education As.soclation trude Grant Expre.sslon Cliib held Arrangements have been made I American country to virtual state To Unemployment tomorrow evening at the West slon on Education, will he guest Its monthly meeting at the Grant for the past presidents of the PTA Action Is Delayed .Side Rec., and not on May 23. as spt’aker at the aiuuial meeting of held at Weaver Hlgli schcMil in of siege, say travellers arriving In Hartford on .Saliirdny. ■sliidlo on Cambridge street, with to be present, and they will be 3 6 ” Heavy Quality Chicago, May 16.—(A*)— Panama from San Jose . . . South Gompensation Act Diir* John B. Burke was stated on the notices taken the Manehesler I.eague of Women Miss Grace Ha.s.sctt presiding at railed upon to give a short resume home by the pupils. Officers for They were Doris E. Kibbee, pres­ The nation’s worst railroad Korea naval authorlUea say pa­ iiig ('urrent Special FUNERAL HOME Voters, tonight at 8 o'elock in the the business session. of the PTA project during their Hill Sent Bach to Ju­ 19,50-61 will bo elected at this Federation mom of Center church ident of the Manchester Education strike in four years was set­ trol craft of tiny republic fired Association; Allan Cone, vice pres­ The program was tenure of office. Sunday on two Russian ships. FlavH Dcinocrali* ScHsion; Desires No n Bast Oeater 8t I>l. BS«8 time, and refreshments will be house. Tomorrow and Wednes­ conducted by Miss Grant, the di­ The hospitality committee will tled today and striking fire­ diciary Committee in _ served at a aoclal hour. All ineni- day the State I.eague will hold Its ident; Mrs. James Farr, chairman TERRY CLOTH Democratic National committee of the MEA Legl.slatlve commit­ rector, who led the group In a sc­ serve birthday refreshments after men on five major rail sys­ goea to bat again for Truman ad­ House Over Mild Oh- ' Delay on Problem Ambolaace Bervtoe bers are urged to attend this final biennial convention at the Intor- ries of rapid “ tongue twisters" for the meeting. Everyone is invited meeting. lakiui Inn, I.j>kevile. Mrs. Allan C.' tee; and Gilbert Hunt, chairman of Solid Colors and Multi-Color tems were ordered back to ministration's national health In­ the MEA Personnel Policies com- articulation practice. Voice drills to the Manchciitcr Green PTA jections of Minority Smith of West Hartford is general Stripe ...... a .Yd. their jobs immediately. The surance program. .Syracuse uni­ Hart font. May 16.—(/P)— hlttee. and body technique exercises also Birthday party. $ 1 . 2 9 versity, N. Y., authorities seek Daughters of Union Veterans of r.halmian. Mrs. George Wulp of struck carriers— their pas­ Cov. (’lip.stpr Howies urged West Hartford la nominee for Over 200 delegates from Con- ringleaders of water fight In which Hiirtfiml, Miiv 16.—(/P)— | the Civil War will meet this eve­ neoticut schools were in attend­ senger and freight service the Connei'ticut General As- ning at 8 o'clock at 47 Maple president, Mrs. Frederie Perkins 4,000 students battled three hours and Mrs. I.ineoln R. Young, both of ance at the all-day meeting of the disrupted by the six-day-old walk­ over 14-block area. .IMesel locomo­ A.8 the Legi.slature i-eeon- .Henil)ly today to provide at street. A Mother's day program governing body of state teachers. W h i t e ...... Yd. vened tiMin.v, mid Sen­ will be held and plans will he made West Hartford, are named for first out—planned to resume normal tives are ready to resume opera­ oiu'e more liheial lienefits for FUEL OIL for Memorial Day. Refreshments and serond viro president, resiiec- service "os rapidly as possible.” tions at moment's notice with end ate ses.sions leaders an- ■ tlie slate’.s unemployed. In a tively. of firemen’s strike against five ma­ will be served. AMESITE DRIVEWAYS For beautiful practical beach robes, etc. Solid colors In green, Picket Lines Recalled nonneed the.v ex))eeted no ac- t special message, the Demo­ Auction Sponsored rose, yellow and blue. Multi-color stHpe also. The striking Brotherhood of jor railroads. . Former French lion toda.v on the Idll legali/,- : [ Miss Imogene Warren, (laughter Locomotive Firemen and Engine- Premier Paul Reynaud arriveA in \ helicopter hovers over the wrerkage of a sister ship to which two men and a woman are rllnglng crat ie chief executive called of Mra. Nellie Warren of 99 Main By Local Cburcb •REDUCED RATES SINCE men recalled picket lines and or­ Bonn. Germany, to see Allied and after the latter rranhed while reseuiiig the woman frnin a rrtrli In the Nia'. ira river just above the ing extension of the sale of for enactment of liheralizing street, received her diploma at 1920 Another Shipment dered the strikers to return to German officials on France's plan Horseshoe falls. A ro|M' lowered by ttii- s oonil ship bel wi i'ii the s'ore and the wn cltiige enalilrd I’nllee li(|iior hours from midnight smendmcnls lo the unemployment graduation exerrises at the New •GRADING FREE (Apt. Jack Dietz (left fiiregrniinil) and Fireman Uor dun Koygeaux. (eenter) to bring the trio ashore In WORK work. for pooling French and German Saturda.v until 1 a. m., Sun­ compensation act during the Leg­ England Deaeoness Hospital The Board of Trustees of the Both sides expressed satisfac­ coal and steel. the small boat. (,\P wlrephoto). islature's current special session. •POWER ROLLER GUARANTEED Reg. 49c 2 5 % Linen day. Thr measure was approved RANGE OIL. COAL, o School of Nursing last Tuesday. Second Congregational church, tion over the settlement terma Barrage of eggs aad tomatoes last week by the Senate hut the Urge* No Delay with the aid of the women’s USED The carriers said they won the greets Britain's "Red Dean” of "1 urge, and urge strongly," ho COKE Harold A. Iversen of 64 Thomas liniise refuaed to sii.spend Its rules | I.,eague, is sponsoring a public CALL fight on the principal issue—not Canterbury, Very Rev. Hewlett (0 debate It Immediately. said, "thst there will not be delay, drive Is attending the annual meet­ •FREE ESTIMATES Johnson, last night as he contin­ Russia Scores auction, to be held tentntlvrt'- .ineo Startex to hire a second fireman on multi­ Conway Seea I>elay postponement and procrastination ing of the national board of direc­ 20 at the American Legion hall on ues Canadian speaking tour .... Truman Puls Heat on this vital problem, Thla Assem­ tors of the Credit Union National MANCHESTER ple unit Diesel locomotives. They Hejnibhean Hoiiso Leader Dial S135 Leonard street. Raymond Keid •TIME PAYMENTS said the imion withdrew its de­ New York city's first work-relief bly has already hsd over 15 As.soclation in Madison, Wisconsin. will be the auctioneer. project since depression days of Aerial Surveys ' ..'(irKe ( ’. Conway predicted AWNINGS. FLAGS and Mr. Iversen is a delegate from the •SAVE 10% FOR CASH | 7691 mand on the Issue, which has been liimse action would be delayed un- months to ronsuler and consider It Is planned tri use the loft at Printed Toweling in dispute between the brother­ 1930s Is expected to get under On ‘Fair Deal’ Foes carefully the whole question of WATERPROOF COVERS East Hartford Aircraft Credit way by July 1 . . . Secretary of td the bill could be prlnte

■■ V. / \ ■

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1950 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANUHESrEK, CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 16. 1950 PAGE THREE Merrv Minstrels Rezoniug Group Education Board Sees Article Commends Town quasUon of welfar* bonaflU for Friday Flveiiiiig Holds Discussion WEDa-mURS.-FRI..Sa\T. Winner of Shrine Qub Prize Receives Television Set Threat Made painters and decorators must be For Sewer Service Charge STATE Divorce Pact settled on a local basts because icf ct r 0* o c there la no atate bargaining agent for the eontractora. Rise in School Budget Second Congregational Merry- Rewriting of portions of present c Weds are busy with two projects . WARNERBROC Seen Broken To Halt Jobs Gasplc waa told that painters In The Town of Manchester's long Siu h an a.s.sessment can be easily zoning regulations to clarify pro- MEN’S at pre.senl. the Merry Minstrel for JS ilverunino' c New Britain, Bristol. Meriden and BINGO standing practice of making a sew­ ajid equitably determined fpr each ^visions of the law was under con- nurses and dental hygienists Friday evening al Whiton Memo­ V SWEETMCARTS ^ Middletown already have stopped Opming of Two New These propo.sals were considered rial hall on North Main street, er service charge to help defiay biteral in a sewage syslehi, but si,ioratio:i night as the Man- SWNI AGAIN.": 7 Barbara Bennett Gaims Painters Seek Welfare work, hut that the Greenwich EVERY WEDNESDAY - 8 P. M. by the committee to he desirable and a family supper to he served ■ the costs of its sewage dl.sposal thc appointment of the cost of . . , l»A*#tNO' ^ painters local haa aigned a wel­ Buildings in the Fall system is held out as a desirable ronatnretion poition.s of main in -, ^ ' "i'I *: Downey Blocks Visit­ BeiientK EKtiiniiled to fare contract, and that Stamford hilt not advisable at the present at the rhurrh. Wednesday eve­ to rcep to rs or tru n k line.* and the I J o i n t l y of m em bers of th e ning. Mav 24. at I municipal seivice feature m an JUNE painters are about to. Reason for Increase; time. Buckley said. treatment plant is a different mat­ (Town Planning Commisaion and ing of Five Children ('o»t 7 Gents lloiirlv ' The elenientpry aupen isor would It wall I'c a pot luck supper and I article on .sewers and atreani pcllu- William Grnascup, buaincas ter. In these cases, determining in­ I the Board of Directors met wiUi Highlights of Meeting work with the teachers in the first the famihe.s of the church whose tiiin printed in the May "Connecti­ running Engineer Flavel Shurt- agent for the Hartford local, aaid TINKER HALL cut flovernnienl," a public ation of dividual benefit and assigning a H artfo rd . M ay 16. (A5 R epre­ names begin with the initials \ to leff to further discuss the develop- B ridgeport. M ay 16—(45—B a r­ a stoppage in thla city la planned six grr««lo»,' helping or sdvising 1 the University of ConuecUcul. In- property aisse.ssment charge has them regarding any problems. Cost H, sre reqiieated to call Mrs. i ment pf the town. bara Bennett has accused Morton sentatives of aome 1.500 AKL for an imdiselosed date. 1M.AY1NG STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8 An incrense in th« ichool budget, I .stifute of Public Service. been found to be most difficult. A of such supervisor would be about Ralph Kaufman. ’J-U.M. making P r e .s ^ t *1*0 w ere G eneral M an- • Downey of failing to live up to a paintera have threatened work (ia.spie took the complaint tin­ prompted by the opening of the rrser.ations for the number at­ I Noting that "as long ago as 1929 method that is gaining wide ac­ GORDON der advisement, hut gave no indt- $5,000. Many other towns witli the South Manchester Sanitary ceptance. throughout the United I ager Gebrge H. Waddell and Town , divorce agreement giving her the .sloppiigi'.s in ('’onnectlcut'a major Verplnnck and Bower* school* In I tending and also stating what Engineer James Sheekey, who, ' eation as to when he would make large school systems employ surli ’ and Sewer District, since taken States as a good measure of indi­ cities unless granted welfare ben­ the fall, was indicated last night sort of ca.sserole dishes or other ' witli the bthers Informally dls-' right to visit their five children. a formal decision. supervisors, the board was told. • oven by the town, was making a vidual benefit is use—practically efits estimated to cost manage- | Tlie addition to the staff of a foods are de.stred. Mrs. Gilbert I cussed the lod^ problems. The actress and th ainger were ment seven eents an hour. i a* the Etoard of Education started M iin te r.'2-301.5, will aerep f re s e r­ .sewer service charge." the Particle expr essed lu sewer service charges. preUminary *tudy of the 1950-51 visiting teacher or soctsl worker . .states today Maachesler and Mid­ ! The re-zoning, group has been 1? t? 9 V divorced in June, 1941, with Tlie threat eame yesterday from I vations from lliose whose nniii's “.Sewer service charges arc perl- Downey receiving the custody of budget. The tx>*rd i» c u rren tly o p ­ would eliminate the need of an dletown, as well ss 800 other muni­ odii nl charge.* to the users of a holding private And public meet- Andrew Bisehoff of Rridgeport. i bigin with Icttcia, I-Q. iiulu-ivr, P L U ^ the children, Michael, now 19, an STRAWBERRY SUPPER erating on a $982,000 budget for attendance officer. This person cipalities of over ,5,p00 population sewage .system based upon the use , iiigs since last falK^^n an effort to ( Lawrence Tierney in “KILL OR BE KILLED'* business agent for Lneal 190, who j and Mrs .Mfred I,ange, 8!K>0, R to simplify and bring up to date the: adopted son, Sean, 17, Lorelle Ann, the fiscal year ending August 14. would be a trained teaiher and in the country do the same thing of the system. Since World W ar II deelared there "will definitely he a I Z. To aa.sisl the committee with , various phases of zonhjg here. S(’allo|M-il Potutoo iiiul Cold Meals By charter, the board must submit would deni with truancy, malad­ to help cany the sewer financial UiCre has been a steady rise in the Moriurty Brothers 15, A nthony, 14, and Kevin, 11. work stoppage" painters i justment. etc., and would be thi ir plans, re.scrvations should be burden. While Manchester assesses Toiiiglil S250.00 Miss Bennett, sistei of Actresses are given welfare heiieflta equal to its appropriation requests to Gen­ made by .Monday mglit at the number of municipalities adopting o x OUB o r v E X (iiven Hv eral Manager Oeorgi H. Waddell , ■'.strong on sympathy and common a fixed percentage of the water the sewer service charge system Joan and Constance Bennett, haa those granted other building | latest. I bill as a sewer service charge, Mid­ STAGE sense and not so much adiiictod to a* a mean* of obtaining revenue to ^Sfrop The Record* AWAY asked the Superior court here for trades workers In February by the | bv June 1. ‘ theoretical psychology." Bic klev Plans for motion picliirea or dletown makes a charge baaed on 'jr DRIVE IN^ contractors. ’ The board also approved a re­ other eiilertammeiil following the liquidate the cost of Improvements, a decree compelling Downey to .\mler*>oii-Sh(‘a Post 20 K>, \ . K. W. said. water use itself with certain reduc­ DIK OX THE SCREEX—“TIIE 5IAX OX THE EIFFEL TOWER” The throat was made during a - port made by the Educational finance the operation of the sew­ honor the agreement. Judge Ken­ Tlie addition of nurses and dert- meal have not yet been completed. tions for bu.sine8ses which use THEATRE PLUS—"T.ARZ.AX AXD THE SL.AVE GIRL” four-hour hearing before Jolin P | al Ihe I’txst llo n u ' Policy comniittee and incorporat­ age system and treatment plant, N ilIt neth Wynne issued an order re­ tal hygieni.sts would be simply to , water in their activities, like bot- quiring Downey to appear in court (laspie of the Stale l.abor ITela- , ing sot recommend;'tions by Super­ { tling works and laundries. and circumventing legal debt limit- provide better health care for the r*rx nrsat Asa SheriJaa May 26 to show cause why such a tions Board, at wtueh union repre­ Snlunlay. May 2 0 , /V.TO intendent of Schools Arthur H. T he a rticle la also concerned tationa by using service charge in­ sentatives made charges of unfair corre.spondiug enrollment increase. come to pay off revenue bonds. i decree should not be issued. UUng. William E. Buckley pre.ser.t- C hairm an C harles S. H ouse sn- Open Forum with stream pollution, the fight “Male War Bride'* lalior practice in th at "lhm- pollulion. Already. 63 per cent of tions. They were that she main­ Retail Salesroom based upon the type of property, <'01111111 of I’aiiiting and Decorat- maintenance program and the ad­ mi.sslon w h o nunde the atody the wislea being handled ninnici- tain "a state of complete sobriety," A.sscmbly. C I. of C , .Manchester number of persons custoi.iariiy i Facilities For Private Parties and Banquets .ng Uontrailors, denied that the dition of one new art teacher and Country Club. 3'lie proponent of the hu.Mnr>-.s pallyarc receiving adequate treat­ that she conduct herself "with the er of Public Relations Newa He lertiirea and short for ttic using the jiropcrty serviced, niiiii- I'iilversitV of \ViMoii>;m F ,\t, iuuoii I lilt 1 actor.* had refused to nego- one new mua.c to the staff Monthly meeting of Republican zones in Ins requests invariably ment and wlu'ii piesenl projects propnety becoming a good mother." Deaths Last Night wa.s born in Benton Harbor. Mich. J. A. Wliitr GIuh8 C o . .said either that the proposed lius- ber of pliimbmg fixtures or sewer EASTWOOD division and linesman at Wi.-coii- t 111 1' Ten Cafeteria* Women's Club, at home of Mrs are completed this total will reach and that she not be accompanied Madiaon, Wis. Robert Diinmii. !l nireli St. Tel. 83'i'l incsa zu.e was a log,cal e.\lea.sion l onneetion.s. water < onsumption ' 65, former chief of the bureau of sin fnotliall games for 3U ycai i I it-g'iaM told'ic Hist III' Charles S. Westland 9'2 (icr cent, one of tlie be.*t rei orils .Alan Ladd Las Vegas, Nev. — George F. At the present time, the report of a present business zone or else or Volume of w'ater disrliargcd. D ane by anyone who did not meet with street. 2:30 p m. of anv .state. Ashby, 64. former president of the stated, the principal of each school that the propo.sed business zme and quality and charaeter of ma­ W anda r U r k Downey's approval. having a cafeteria has charge of ".Not loo long ago many tom- terial discharged Following her divorce from Union Pacific railroad and asso­ »>lda>, May 19 was needed for a neighlK,ihood H endrix the operation of the cafeteria. The in inities that Inid su" i-sstiil, loiig- R u th Downey. Miss Bennett married ciated with the line from 1911 un­ Merry-Weds minstrel show, 8 shipping' icnier. "C fiaiges dep' T.dent upon th'- til his retirement 18 months ago. ta'O new cafeterias which will he p. m„ W hiton M em orial A uditor­ es'.abliMlied aanil.ii.on svstenis Ij’pe of property, niimher of pei- R om an THE BURNSIPE THEATRE the late Addison (Jack) Randall When one iiiakea a logical ex­ vvcie lacing pie.-.«ing disf»>sal ■'Captain He was bom in Mt. Airy, N. C. added by the opening of the Ver- ^ ium. tension Ol a zone into a sons se i\;i i il. plum lnng fixtures or BURNSIDE AVE • BETWEEN MANCHESTER^ E.HTFD a cowboy actor, who was killed In pioblcm.s. Rap d inuusti lalization, Carey. Boston—Alexander T. MacLean. ' planck and Bowers school* will; Also Military Whiat of Corner­ residential zone, it's assumed that .sewer connections arc short cut 'Barricade” an automobile accident a bhort , urbanization, and the im leased 62, president and director of the make a total of lO lunchrooms op- ■ stone Club. St Bridgets Parish there is a pre.ssing need for a new expedients that have been u.scd I . S. A.” (Is CttUrl -Alan Ladd—Wanda Hendrix time later. It was understood that u.«e of sucli devices as all condl- Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur­ erating next year, the board was’ hall. buslne.'s zone. W'lien more am irate mea.siires of Downey would contend that her liOMing um la. home garliag e grind- 3;.'0-«::l0.9;tS ?‘(1\PT . CAREY-U. A." 8 :15 ance Company, and a member of Movie, "Tile Roosevelt .story." I f there is auch a need for ne'a'are not available, riie two re-marriage nullified the agree­ I told. ei'.-v and aiitoiu.atic washing n.a- the executive committee of the MEET AMERICA'S ^ CREAIEST CAR VALUES! under auspices of Fourth Demo­ bnsiiies.a z mea why is much of the Connecticut c'miimm.tios now Ruth Roman—^D^na Clark m ent. ? The engaging of a cafeteria di- chmes brought 'he .situation to a American Life convention. ^rector will allow the principals, cratic district. Hollister street present zone on Center street still levying sewer service ,charg'\s both Wednesday: Marx Bros. In Teuhnioolor Order Issued May It school, 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. cseil for residential pmposcs. Or clim ax. writer coiisiuni'tion as tire "I.O\E II.APPY " ‘BARRICADE’ 6:30 AtMl 9:35 The show cause order was issued New York—Glenn Griswold, 61, 'm ore time to devote to their schol- H igh < that Maher and Miss Bennett’s -calls for more differentiation be- Open meeting of Alcoholics sewer lines and it was suggested Ncucst, smarlcst, safest ♦ tween custodial care and repair of ter.slon but rather "jumping' or ofi' for b o ttlin g w orks, a 20 per counsel. A, D. Slavitt, of Norwalk, Anonymous at Hollister street .spot Zoning ' that al least $15 million be ex­ lent reduction for laundries, and , would agree on a later date be­ of all convertibles—rai- ' the achool buildings. Under the si'hool. 8:30 p.m. pended to improve old and bii ld .new program, Business Manager The district* being prupu.sed as a in p e r cent allowance fo r bak- cause she would be unable to come GRRTnERST77 Mom St. Mon roiling n .atte is, public facilities and hotter police and fire plete with saah. more miles to the gallon than tic teacher, keeping in mind the .Any pl.m for new bijiiuess miiiiiiii..s laced with Making large | ted S tat^ Senate If the ' Republi- : hearing on whieh jammed the Mii- protection. Fo aatisfy these added present and future expansion of zones In .Manchester should ■ be oxpcndiliire.s to improve their sew -»' cana nomitfate him. Save Wed. A. M. other fine cars. Now avail­ hith careful and comprehensive, demands it has been necessary to the school system , nicipal building hearing room age facilities With stream pollu­ (Oonnecti^t will elect two Uni­ able with Hydra-Matic and also show considers/tlon for all resort to borrwlng. Postponed was action on an ad­ Tiie.sday night. The propo.sals tion control becoming a definite ted States senators, one for two I mainly roniernefl 'spt.t rontng" ' the property owners Financial Problem Drive. Sky-Lounge Interiors ditional physical education in­ fH' tor who h towns and cities must yeara and one six years, in No­ 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON , changes which would permit the nie proposals bef'rr the Plan­ "In rlsbiiing for needed aewar- consider and live w ith daily, all . offer Airliner Reclining Seat stru c to r age and disp isal facilities acme v em b er). \ Deferred Proposals e.stablishmert of neighborhooil ning Cnmm.ssion on Tuesday Connecticut town* and c.ties may ! 81 X 99. Reg. 2.19 . . . Twin Beds. I business sections m residential night do not fit these spccifua- I'onnecln at towns and cities have "I will not make an active cam­ The three recommendations on zone.s tions availed themselvs of planning ad­ very well periodically survey their paign for the nonhpation," Saxon which no "budget action" will be HI-SERVICE There was general nppoaition tn Your* trulv. vances from the federal govern­ poihiUon control needs, their bond- ' is quoted by the nei^'^paper today taken and which have been de­ ed indebtedness, and their method many of the petitions, leading to a A R esident ment .At the present time there aa saying. "I am in rio position to ferred to a future time include the beetle hearing are two federal loan procedures of financing sanitation improve do that. If the convent^n (June 14 SHEETS engagement of an elementary su­ D uring tj-.e Inti rval sir,, e the .set np for- thix purpose, "niey In ­ merits Tiie January,- 194.9 session and 16 at New Haven) nffer* It. pervisor, the engagement of a FIxAfsPive Bpe^d the donnnat^ F'ull 138 count i - i % heanng, Cntr.nii.ssioii members < of fatal acculfnt.'^ m urban clude fijiida for the advance plan­ of t.hf General As.scmbly by its then that's another matt'itt\r. I will visiting teacher or social worker, have been sUnlvir.g tlie argument ning of sewerage and sewage pasoago of the -Municipal Sewer­ give it serious consideratil•atiop.” h eav y q u a lity Si— and the addition to the staff of arcaa. aroording to th^ Highway m uslin. and the details of the projiosals. Safety Commi*8ion. filont planning and construction, age .System Enabling Act. increas­ Others seeking Senate n^xmlna- at well as for other public works ed th e m eans by w hich toxsTis and NEED $200? Save Wed. A. M. tlon Include Prescott B u^ of •FIRS I QUALITY ASIIABU' projei-Ls Planning advances, pro­ cltiee can rneet this problcin." Greenwich, chairman of the S^te vided under P. L, 352 (Slat Con­ G O P F^inance commltte#; Fortn­ gress i can be obtained from the er U. S. Rep. Joseph E. Talbot « 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON •ALL SIZLS •SANFORIZED General Services Administration Naugatuck and Vjvlen Kellema of Sylvanio MOVIE-CLEAR Television gives you for planning sewerage extensions Stonington. CLEARANCE! •l.,arfre Srlrrlion of I'olors ami Fabrirs ind sewage treatment plantj. YOU CAN WIN IT They are available as Interest \ GIRLS’ SUMMER .'ree loans that must be repaid ^ rffyte ■ h e n cim-stniction liegins. Andover COTTON ■ Public Law 845 i80th (Congress) [ K c m i au'uhonzed $22.5 million annually NOW Ends WEDNESDAY DRESSES for water pollution control con­ At the 11 o’clock service on Sun­ Construction BI-NG CROSBY in TONIGHT day nfiomlng. Rev. Malcolm Crook, .Size# i ^ x . D ain­ struction loans to state and local goven ments at an interest rate of “RIDING HIGH” pastor, baptised seven infants as ty cotton#, print­ not less than 2 j • rent. Since moat That's the grand prize tonight in Mori- follows: Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ed an d plain. 10 PH 'S; “WOMAN FROM La Vallee; Burton, son of Mr. and styles. m nkosoH (Ilonneclicut towns and cities can HE.AD^I'ARTEPM” _ arty Brothers’ quiz game “Stop The Rec­ 3 '111 hnitSO tSinm , Mrs. Clarence Goodrich; Douglas, Save Wed. A. M. borrow money for relatively short THURS.: "LOVE HAPPY” ord." It's easy—you can win it with little son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mann; periods through usual sources at A m u c a j mua: "Bs^ Men of Tombstone' effort. Norman Peter, son of Mr. and less than 2 pee cent it is not an­ MAY 25 • "8 CAME HOME” Mrs. Peter Mortlock; April Roye, the Jifferenee! ticipated that many Connecticut daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elver 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON U M m o s l e t t municipalities will take advantage j Harrington: and Kathleen and CLEARANCE! REG. 1.98 MODEL 245 — lig 90 tquara inch Movw-C/m t of the provisions of this law. Also. ! Robert Edward, daughter and son, Roomiest car at its price. Delivers over ZELAN p ictures varilh S y lv a n ia 12V i" lube! the President's budget for the fiscal ’ respectively, of Mr. and Mrs. L. 25 miles to the gallon at average high­ y e ar ending Ju ly 1951 provides no Edward \5Tiltcorob. After the WOMEN'S Lsnf-dittsncs All 12-chsitnsl appropr.ation for these sewage ' baptismal service, Mr. Crook told way speed. Like the Nash Ambassador, chsssis with rscsotisnl construction loans. Unless Con- ' a very interesting story especially it features smooth coil springing on all $250 for the children. BLOUSES JACKETS bssstsd tSflsilivHyi ■uiH-in antennal gress steps outside the budget TOTAL CASH PRIZES This was followed by a fine ap­ four wheels . . . and America's best recommendations and appropriates In addition to the grand prize of $200 Short sleeve fril­ aerodynamic design. * Water-Repellent funds for loans there will be no propriate sermon for Mothers’ tonight—there will a l^ be $50 award^ in D ay. ly aad talloted Ons-hsnd luninol * S tu rd y Poplin C^loth ■aauM ul fuH federaUi' aided sewage plant con­ By notice from the pulpit, Mr. styles. Sixes S t Finest FM hioh-fidslity siia mahagany struction before July 1951. rash prizes—$10 each to five individual Com* In—tair* • rMb winners. All you have to do is name the and Mrs. John Hutchinson extend­ to S8. Whites and All Nash cars, and only Nash, have * Sizes: Sm. Med., Large tsund circuitti caatala caWnad Jiervlce Charge* ed an invitation to all of their colors. Mostly all —corngoro prkot. “All other methods of borrowing record played. There’s no increase in prices the priceless advantages of Airflyte friends to attend the marriage of lace trim. ro w 'd hm om oaod except special assessment bonds * —and in addition to “Stop The Record” on Construction . . . single welded body their -daughter, Bertha Jane, in fcow Mnf* It costs fo ASK FOR a Hst of Sylvania oamers in this area and revenue bonds are an addi­ the stage you’U enjoy a movie show of two the church next Sunday at 3 p. m. and frame, rattlei-proof, twke as rigid, tional burden upon the already who are enjoying the finest Sight and Sound TV top-notch picturea. Don't miss it! A reception for immediate friends 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON far safer . . . stays new years longer, ojrchong* yoor hat to offer. Actual Afovio-C/ear television means overworked property tax base. and relatives will be held in the tmfprm 1950 Mtoh Special aaaeaamenta charge the church social room following the BROKEN SIZES contributes to higher resale value. 'NeA-KflfvJaeier blacker blacks, whiter whites, sharper contrast, piyiperty owner a fee for the con­ A k S y tm . So* yowr Staili Fri.: Tjrreae Paver “NIGHT- marriage ceremony. Mr. Crook al­ finer detail with Sylvania'a “needle-point” electron struction of that portion of a ays- i tr h n d ly Nmah Doolor. MAEF, AI.I.KV’ sad Gea* so announced that the meeting of IRREGULAR IHf AMBASSADO*? • JHf ilAltSMAN beam. Dollar for dollar, you just can't match tern which benefits hia property, j Astry “ MI LE TBAIS" the Church school ataff will be Sylvania JIdorM'C/ear TV for top performance under STATE THEATER TONIGHT held on May 31 instead of May 16, THS tiAMBlfk CONVfffLrtlt IaxSOAU a// eonditiona. Ask for a demonstration today 1 aa originally planned.. A highly NYLONS Ihtrm'a Shieh o f Tomorrow In All Math Doot Today Great Cars Since 1902 successful card party sponsored bjf the Ladies' Benevolent Society Fun fashioned SPONSORED BY was held in. the church social Znds of 1.60 qual­ room Saturday night. ity. Sheer meMi, ROLLER SKATING Highest scores were won by Mr. no nwme 8^ to •54 o4ly, pair... ■r and Mrs. Howard Stanley and Ur. LOCATED AT MANCHESTER GREEN LADIES’ NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY and Mrs. Hannon Cochrane. The ladies received gift baskets of OPEN 9 TO 9 P. M. DAILY flowering pansies and the men ONLY M o r ia r t y Brothers metal caaed memorandum pads. BOLAND MOTORS, Inc; The Annual Silver Tea of the 1 2 ^ 9 5 Sholes Lakeside Casino l in c o Ln -m e r c u r y d e a l e r s . . . I Scout Troop Jn the Town hall GRRTRERS KniTTino mills un Saturday waa a very line occa­ B. D. PEARL'S 777 M am S* Mae»«I.s«te< f ---- t -1441 SOUTH COVENTRY, CONN. sion and well attended. 369 Center Street, Manchester LONG Ag 24 APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE CENTRE ' Sunday visitors at the home of l^THS TO >AY 649 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 7590 Skating Wednesda.v, Friday and Sunday Nights Mr. and Mra Howard Spear were Miss Esther Nelson and Miss Gertrude Myers of South -Wood- ■ V . - atocJt. Read Berald Advs. r - - j ' , hr ' ..-rT ‘ ' i .V- ' . J-,'- .n..y MA.NCHhSIfcK KVhNINt; HKKALU. MANCHESTER. CONN- TUESDAV, MAY Ifi. 10r>0 PAGE rme

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN* TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1950 the long task In writing the legis­ he in alao "qualified to ronduet an 1 Vage poub W U B C — IS«U WHAV - eio lation. there may be no tax bill at athletic program. He a Navy I Tax Dodgers New Teaeliers veteran. ( W H N B - 84U iu.n.1 all thla year. Todov^s Radio lte«itKnatlon9 w n c - loan Monalc May Be .Able to .\ct WONS - l«lt The hoard accepted the realgna- BEFORE YOU BUY ANY CAR Ml'in - issu But Chairman George iD-Gai 4 re i^pppoved Addivss of Governor’s Wife Church Group Good Neighbor Activity 30 Casualties wexx; — i«H) Enotem Standard rtme Facing Curl) of the Senate P'inanee committee tiona of Mrs. Florence Wrlphl B^TER? WHY? I ’ from Gnidv I at Waahtnffton said today that If the House will srh«K»l. Mrs Hernlce Brody from 4:06— 9:»6— i v o p o s a l f o r C r a c k f l o w n | “ measure within two or Board of Kdiieatioii Also (Iradc I nt Bunco aohool, and Mrs. There*s more tea Here Impressed Kiwanis Has Election Spreading In Columbia Clash Result W D R C - Strike it Rich W TIC -Fibber McGee and Molly. ■ ______' itiroo wccKA amJ holu It to simplo SEE WTHT Hi Neighbor. Kthel t'lo.slee from ifirade U at ' W TH T- -Family Album. On Those Vi’ho Fail lt> provtflionA like (’xcise cutB anci .A e e e p ls Resignations .Nathan Hale .sutmol. ^ PACKARD WTIC—Backstage Wife. W DRC Yours Truly, Johnny and finer quality tea Columbia, May 16— (Special) — • Mazanlk, Max Kassman, Edward loophole pliiRKiDK Srimte may Mrs. Kanny Smith, toachcf "at | M n . Dorothy 8, Bowlss. Wifo of • are 60 per cent lower than aver- Mrs. Robert W. Wilson Indonesians Under Dif* W fXXl— 1290 Club. Dollar. Report Divideiiilfi O f 'I'hree Others Necessary work Isn't left undone Church, Alton Lathrop, Ray Cobb, - DRIVE ULTRAMATIC be able to act and tos.s it to Presi- the Nallian Hate achooU ' was in W K N B — New.s; Sports Parade. 9:1.5— ilrnt Truman before CWngres-s ad­ >?ranted a leave of ahseijcfl (or the ] doTomor Chester Bowlee. made a further on rTiild Wol- Again Chosen Head of here, and if it happens that the Job Ben Reuben and-Lucius Robinson, feeing Banners Involv* W THT Hartford Standing By. BIG TRADES W O N S — Red Sox vs. Detroit, journs. .suhool vear 1R50-M. IS too big tor one man, the neigh- Jr. Many others came In person­ Washington, May 16 i/D A 1 The Hoanl of KrituuHlion at itr- I moat favomhle Impreaalon on the jj^s, Bowles said that in ed; Officers Get Order 4:1.5— 10:00— I George made mi mention of any me^’liUK approveil tlire* South Chiirrh Society Ijorhood always turns out to help. ally to lend a hand. W TIC Big Town. ' proposal for a new lax crackdown Kiwaniana at Ihelr meeUng yester- Bristol they have been do’inp a rc- WT1C-- Slells Dallas. prosperta that the .Senate will ap ICHi’hei nonunulhni.''. a»’i I’pt e«l So It was here last Friday at the Of course It was a lot of fun too. W THT Time for Defeuse. on persons w ho fall to report their 1 f, i.iriri.i the Manchester markable piece of work; out of I prove an inurease m rorporalion i thnw^nations anil ^(antni one day aftamoon at th children duly committed 24 Mra. Robert W. Wilson of Arch farm of George Cobb on Utley Old timers remembered how, years Jakarta, U. 8. I.. May 16— UP)— W D R C — New K.ngland Note­ W DRC Adventures of Philip j CUT YOUE FUEL BILL Hill. It was an ordinary onery corporation dividcnd-s as Income There ik conaulcrablo doubt | abst un Country Chib. The speaker pre- returned to their homes, street was re-elected president of ago, the Cobb homestead was tbs Indonesian troops under Dutch BRUNNER’S, Inc. book. Marlowe. 1 farm job that had to Ire done the was brought up for a vote today I now that the Senate will approve a i ’M*'” ' faced her remarks vidth a brief whore it Is better fhr a younR.iter the Women's Society of Christian ' center ot social activity, and it command and Indonesian soldiers W H A Y Cliester, the I'uriinks 10:30— spreading on the fields of a large boo,at in Ih. corporation rale. In I HMlaln. Mu*, •SA lA D A In the House Ways and Means com- ; reftrence to Mother** day and thp to be in many cases, in addition to reminded them of olden days to aee of the U. S. I. Army cla.shed Mon­ 358 EAST CENTER STREET Camel. WDP.C Pursuit, Kuth lo. I)od>:e of W ’odhihl^:i'. Service, of the South Methodist manure pile ncciimiilated over a that event the meA.$uro may nm- aimpla praparaUons the t h w whirh It saves the state a lot of people "heading for Cobb's again.” day morning In Makassar, it was W CCC .News; i’.eqiicst lime. WTHT Newspaper of the Air. '' mlttee. .I(>^^ph \V Srhninit of Nmv church, at Its Hninial meeting I’eriod ot several years. The motin- OPEN— Mon.. Wed., Fri. ’til 9—Sat. Afternoon, 5 front a veto, aa tlio lax wnter.s children. Sally, Sam and Cynthia, money. The job was a long one, involv- learned today. More than 30 casu­ W T IC —Lorenr.u Jones. WTIC People Are Funny. | This withholding would pul no : ven TEA-BAGS lainous pileiip had come about be­ In her honor, which all great­ Cost of Education night in Cooper hall, which fol­ alties, half of them civilians, were ALL DAY SUNDAY— 10 A. M. ’til 8 P. M. W K N B Seorebnard Varletie;i WHAY Blue Mirror Trio, may be unable to off.set the •'xeme- cause. during the later part of his : ing a lot of hauling out to fields as new lax obligation on any tax- ; Mih.s Ponntiio w d) he RHtd.uatud ly enjoyed. They were so fortu­ Intensely interested in the sub­ lowed a delicious aupper. Table.s reported. 10:16— reciutliona without a rorptimtion life, Rowland Cobb father of the ! well as loading, and It wasn't all 4:46-^ payer, but is aimed at persona who ; next month irom Itut.iin nate, ahe said In haring, fine, ^ject of education, it was evident were artistically decorated with TJic number of dead was not WTHT Hall of Fame mcroaae. jiresont farm owner, had not been i done by chore time. The ’’Crowd" W TIC —Young Widdcr Brown dodge taxes on their dividend In- ; Te.irhur.s (%»llt^i' tl4’i iiuo’tiie healthy children. They come home speaker had made a deep emphasis on the spring motif. The stated. 11:00— Nobody Ls talking atviut in^ rea.s-| ( Ins hrrp »lone in — s difficult, she added, to lend a nor- equal educational opportunities, hour by tractor l.ghts, they finish­ Indonesian troops to their bar­ WDRC News. old Ke*'ord Ni>t Shown In Statements I ’J 111 ( ‘i l t l O I I . T l l l S t | sled ft..m iieM left alone with the property. W HAY .Moonlight .Matinee. luid HR A T "W»n ^mal family life when one or more .she said, and we arc working to The entertainment arranged by racks. Dutch and Indonesian offic­ Shop. Representative Mille iD-Ark* lUohth She «lid s4‘C!4’t.iruil work Eveiybody remembered that ed the job. It should insure George 11 :I0— KUmc ■' Oil Ruincr Imembera devote so much time to Rive them a better break than ■Mrs. Lucy Jarkle, vice president. ers meeting with a neutral United W H A Y Mv .Soii'tiade , developed the idea in the com* for vi'ar.'^ before ♦•ntciing tlie F Rowland Cobb was a man who al­ Cobb a big hay crop this year. A NATIONALLY ADVERTISED WDRC World Tonight: News ' o’.vnrrt report sma/tng AMESITE DRIVEWAYS ‘ political affairs. children of other states. She de­ Included monologues by Samira Nations military observer brought WTHT Green Hornet. I mittee s hunt for new ■ revenue, D o B igg er Fafsk ' WAN'KS for two years of sct\ic«’ ways offered a helping hand to And if you ask why folk^ do . 11:1.’)— tjel taving* up to f She said ahe had long been in- plored the overcrowded condition I.(ml of West Hartford, and songs the situation under control. WTIC When a (.Jirl .Marne,s ' when he learned that Hpproxi* Sh<’ cntereil tlu’ teaeJuus' c«»ll*':u anybody who needed it, so It was these things, they'll tell you "Why WTHT .loe Hiisel. after hei .iisih'ii;^*' tri'H. the aoinrtnnet more while i:i) it \ i i:s SINCL * tereated In social work and edu- of many of the schools in the bv .lanet Lind. Jean Francis also The Dutch-commanded Indones­ $ PERMANENT WAVE Wt.’f'C Big Brother Bill. malelv $1 inn,000.000 pHid an- deckled "everybody" would reci­ not? It's just neighborly, that's 12.50 t'.'TIC .Morton Downev HarU'ini, ^^ny l.'l V I>c»m WAVl'S .SliC will ti’.u h nil int-'t Ki-Ttmi; clean.coinforlftblr. cation and as wife of the governor large centers, ami the need of gave two monologues, and th* ians Involved in the clash are ■ nually in corporation dividend.s tciloiniii u* hent. hrsrih Community Players presented procate, and help his son. aU. " :U <» Melliy of the New Yi ik nu’diatc e 1 ;»dr lidoes have many opportunitiee to more teachers, particularly in the members of the Dutch Army in I never show.s up in the income tax nns hfips eitmct K'^eatett heat \MmK ’Tile "gixid neighbor policy" was WHAY .Meet Ihe Baiui. W D R l' I'uhlie .‘f oil Phont Ut • POWLIt KOLLLH Joined In with a rush, and six trac­ WTIC Portia Fares Life gram I statement.s of persons receiving fJllARANTKET) ^of different things. However, she demand. 'The early years of educa­ Wedne.sday." Participating were To Become RockvUe Rector transferred yet to the central In­ ,«»ays that integration of education from .New M.ivt n T»m « herik (Vil foi tietaiin. CKpert infislljtion. tors. an ox team, "doodle hug", 11 :.H0— I the dividend.s. l)si;i) ;*can pick and choose the things she tion arc as important, and require Arlene Culver, Irene Morrlset. donesian Army command. Oonsid- For Only $7*50 .•.:.50- into community life is a “real b'ge in .June and he lca< h ui'- manure loader, and spreaders Putnam, May 10— ()P)—Tile Rev. W TIC .Senator Robert A Taft. Annual total corporation divi­ Thas had previous interest in. for as great skill on the part of the Betty Walker. Mary Ann Handley erable bad feeling has existed be­ WTIC Jukt I’liiin Bill ! need" today, t'hicf consultant «*n per int‘ 1 111* diatc gia*h‘:' In ;i«Mi CAM, quickly centered at the Cobb farm, Maurice G. Foulkes announced to­ WONS Jack's Waxworks. dend payment.s now are running i f there isn’t time for everything. teachers as the higher grades and and Josephine Malln. Herbert tween these troops and those of \V THT Sky King. ♦■fhic^tion f«»r the (Jovernfir's Fact tion to his cl.i.^.si. lOin rpmlilb »tioti M anrlir^li’r •I ui;i: L.snuA ll s ilcorge Cobb, fared with the Job day that he will resign May 21 as rj:00— close to .$«..500.000.000 ^ A native of Maasnchiisetts. Mrs. high school. Again, she felt we t'rw elder jilayed two marimba sc- the Federal Indonesian govern­ Your choice of m.'ichine, machine- weet: — News; Request Time Kifiding Coninuttee on Uduca! ion. • i iiUi; iv u u i . M s i ,M A M IlIvS I KIl of "bringing back" the fertility ot pastor of St. Philip's Episcopal W TIC News, .lohnny Bradford Under Mills' proposal the cor­ should try to make our state aid Iccllons, ment. ,5:46— Melhy told a meeting of the Slate I .iiih Im r ami Kiirl I '.o. itBowles aaid she recalled hearing the 96 acre farm and keeping a church here to become rector of Krequenev YlndiiLalinn porations would liold back 10 per to towna for schools more equita­ Those Elected less or cold wave. Includes styled cut W DRC ' 'iirt Massey and Mar ,\dvisory Committee on S< hool t an old saying referring to the wife herd of cows, was considerably ,St. John's church In Rockville. I « 1IR(— F5I 9.S.7 MC. rent from every stockholdor’is divi­ ■J.'io f eiiliT St. Manchester •sAvi; 10'; I OK ( Asiii Ml^.•r Hazel Uriggs, chairman of Three Given Appointments ths Tilton. Adminl.stration that ' it is no long- A of Governor Bradford, which nd- ble than It i.s at prc.scnt. She M f-H .5— 103.7 MC. dend payment, and turn the money ! R i m i R L ! ) ? tile noiulnaUng euniuilltee, pre- surprised, but his surprise grew as 1 Mr. Foulkes served parishes in Tor- and set. Spccialir.infr in hair-tirttinif, W H A Y Sport.s. 1 j er enough for a community ti' pro­ IXrilT fllVICI ON AU DfAKlI O) •WINMt SAVi; \MTII imonlshed her to ’ keep the dohrs spoke brictly on the subject of re­ rclnforccmcnt.s kept coming. rington and Stamford before com- I U T K — KYI 96„5 MC. (over to the Treasury innch in gional high schools and the dlffl- seiiled the Hat of olliccrs, secre­ I Hartford, May 16 - - iA'i— The j W TIC Front Page Farrell duce gof»d elenu'utarv and iiigh Don’t ilelay—scf* Ihe h(Wa imimI flof the Governor's house open and Some of those who came to help . ing to Putnam five years ago. WDRC— FM On the Mr 1 p te j the fashion that taxes now are i ciilty of children doing home wdrk taries and committee chairmen, followi.n ' appointment.*! by G over-' Roux, Clairol, Kolor-Treet. All work .sj'hools. eni t e H t II f r « ol M\|tnN C mouth ahut." could stay for only an hour or two Evening 11:2,5 p. m. [Withheld from wages and salaries. [ who will serve tinder the president. “In.S4‘rvicc education f Hlirrt hv e\(ier1"> DeMAIO BROTHERS Belated Chrislmaa Visit ] in crowded home i (imiitioiis. ns they had Important work of •\uto Dealer Dies nor ^ w ie s have been announced; j 6 :00— Same Aa WDRC. ' Then, at the end of the year' The Klwanlans sang the "Wel­ Mrs. Wilson, as follows; guaranteed. ‘ er.s, sclmol ailmini.Mtratoi s. and nitliig room ('nil Now —\Nr Ccrsonally Supervise All Work luring Christmas week when their own to do. But they were re­ Dr. John H. Both, Danbury, reap­ W DRC Newa 55FHA .each taxpayer would gel credit Vice President, Miss Ethel Gos- I community leaders, must be pio- executive mansion In Hartford lcome .Song" t i— 55'\HC— TV. ^ lections elsewhere, already has W K N B — Weather. children for their school. He re­ mtmlrs of the .\Io.-(iov p.irty line .straight: ihildren's work, Mrs ; p. M. I voted tnx law change.s that would plied that he didn't care a darn in the Stale depHtlmenf R I.ife With Snarky Parker withholding tax winjld boost the adding that he couldn't make it total to $ri . Lincoln White Accti.'ting McCar­ ( ’mil mil lee elinirman, fellowship, W T IC — Kniilr Cole Glee Club. . 6:Y0 Lucky Piii' 20 000.000 Christmas week but could that day. FINAL ROUND UP-SPRING SALE! 6;i.'i .Arthur Godfrey Pre.siflont Truman ha.s saifi that thy of "a further rape of the I Mrs William riirklngton; flowers, W CC C - News; Music Hall. She said they wanted the people 7:00 Kukl.a, Fran A Olbe facta," While ilei lareil that Jessup Mrs Stuart Wasley; hospitality, W K N B — Sport.s .Newsreel. he will veto any bill that fads to to feel that the Governor's house 7;.Y0 Wendy Barrie was never a "sponsor" tif the | Mrs James Hodgkins; kitchen, 6:45— d vclop new revenue to erase any ; was theirs. 7:1.'> .Newsreel Amerlcan-Riissian institute. as Mrs. Glenden Dunlap; member­ WDRCN-Lowcll Thomas. los.‘-c.s from cuts. Tlie com* Mrs. Bowles spoke of the won­ 8:00 .‘■'.lai' Theater ( Mc-Carthy charged. |ship Miss ^tarion Jessenian: sun­ W T IC -T h re e Star Exlr.a. mit! CO alrt ady has votofl tenlative- derful work now being carried on 9:00 Holiday Hotel Reads Opinion In Reporters I shine, Mrs Ed'.varii Ferris Jr ; WONS— Evening Star. Iv to tnn^ the on such by the Union Settlement on Mar- OF 9: no Suspense. things as fur.s, jewelry, luggage “i 7i In a second blast last night, ' imi.sii iiin, Mrs. Lester Hohenthal; WTTJT— Sports Headlines. 10:00 Original Amateur Hour I kat street. Hartford, for men and toilet preparations, movie tickets White revived the issue of .MeCar- I piihUrity. Miss Florence Cordner. W K N B — Vie Damone. Ben Grauer Show. > aromen over sixty. She said they 11 00 nnd trav 1 tickets I had their January birthday party thy'a conduct as a Wisconsin judge I 7:00— .'^ome tax Jaw managers have 1 at “our" house and it was an In- In 1941. He read to reporters an j W D R C —Beulah j spiring sight to see them, opinion he said was dellverol by W O N S — Fulton Lewis, Jr voiced thp opinion that in view of ! Praised Htale Agencies Chief Justice Rosenberry of the WHA5"— Symphony Hall. al«*r (Company j She lauded the work in progress Wisconsin Supreme court, saying PRICES W CCC —Symphonette. i at the various children's institu- McCarthy had ordered the destruc­ W TH T— Stor>-land. Sale Approved < tlons and state agencies. It bc- tion of a record of his own oral USEDORS W TIC -L ig h t X’p Time. I hooves us to give them the best remarks in a court case. WKNB — Newa, Man About Free- Thoniaston, May 16— F. I. I kind of care if they are sick and White said Justice Rosenberry Town. I helpless. Totalitarian countries referred to McCarthy's action as Robcrla, board chairman and com* Westinghouse do not pay much attention to the * •' "destruction of evidence " and a W O N S —Tello-Test. pany president, aaid yesterday that phyaleally weak or the (ihysically highly Improper "abuse of judicial ! •America’s Finest liandicapped; nor do they pay W TIC — News. holders of 2,350 of the Thomaston power.” i Sewing Machine is much attention to children with W DRC— Jock Smith Show. Water company’s 2,880 shares of In another development. Secre- | cerebral palsy, who may never be 7:80— common stock have approved sale GUARANTEED 20 YRS. tary of C’ommcrre .Sawyer ye.ster- | able to do a day's work. We In W O N S —Gabriel Heatter of the company's assets to the to^^m America do not feel that way, we day ordered a new I^iyalty boani W D R C — Club Fifteen. of Thomaston for $108,000. 17 Models .589..->0—$299..i0 bell^'e In doing our best to bring inve.stigation of WllllHtn W Rem- '■ W T IC —Boaton Blackle. Approval by the Public Utilities them up to their capacities. We Ington, Commerce department | W T H T - -Counterspy. commission and town meeting au­ M ed to do a lot more. We heed eronomist i W K N B — Spotlight on a Star. thorization for a bond issue to fi­ KRAH'S more doctors trained to care for WCCC—News; Sign off Seren­ nance the deal are the next steps 4 Rlorka North of P. O. cerebral palsy patients. ade. in transfferring the water com­ S67 Main St. Phone 4457 Mrs. Bowles told of the case of 7:46— pany from private to public opera­ a bo y In Torrington, 18 years old. WDRC—Edward R. Murrow. tion he said. who has been under treatment at W O N S — I i.,ove a .Myatery, An option to sell, approved by a number of different state agen­ 8:06— the shareholders at yesterday's cies and Is now self-supporting, FREE GASOLINE! W D R C — Mystery Theater. meeting calls for the sale to be conducting a news stand, but still WTHT—Carnegie Hall. made on or before July 1. Cdt^onu^ la need of treatment. STOR-A-WA AGAIN. IDER[URY LEADS THE WITH USED CAR PURCHASES WTIC—Cavalcade of America. Cllnie for Aleohollra WONS—Crime Does Not Pay. The speaker referred to the l-'arlipr this year the big new Mercury Here is tlie car that has everything Blue Hills Clinic 'in Hartford for ' SI500 or over ...... 100 '..als. 'jas Irce W H A Y — Eddie LeMar Orch. alcoholism, which is the only one W H A Y — Polish National Home. WINNER OF THE 1950 MOBILGAS provcti its amazing performance by win­ America wants! Prize-winning economy in Connecticut and the entire SIOOO to S1499 ...... 75 Gals. Gas Free 8:25— ning To|) Prize in the Mohilga-s Gntnil plus j"i'i furtnoMfc that’s truly in a c1ils.s by WONS—Braves vs. Pittsburgh. o Yoortohyl world. The state has received GRAND CANYON ECONOMY RUN. ranyon Kconomy Run! itsell. And moreover, owners .say it’s the much acclaim for this pioneer S500 to S999 ...... 50 Gals. Gas Free 8:80--- TTT'ITlt't From roimt to coaat it became ’'Amer­ snuartest-looking, smootle .st, riding car on work. "All of these governmental W D R C — Mr. and Mrs. North. mm«i WILL SET THE PACE •fforta we make are only an exten­ $100 to $499 . . ' ...... 25 Gals. Gas Free WHAY"— Report to ConnecticuL ica’s No. I Economy Car." the road. u« well. sion of the kind of work vmi and I W T IC — Starlight Concert. AT THE 500-MILE INDIANAPOLIS N’nw, Mercury has been ebasen U) set Come on in today and drive it! Once would do for any member of our $10 to $99 ...... 10 Gals. Gas Free W T H T — Gentlemen of the Press. the whirlwind pace at the Memorial Day you do you will go for .Mercury, like family," she said. 8:45— AWNINGS. FI.AGS and MEMORIAL DAY RACE! Much effort is being mode \ W HAY’ — Do nan Ladies' Chonis. Indianapolis 500-mile Race! Mercury goes (or you! through such clubs as the Kiwanis, ; 9:00— WATERPROOF COVERS which each summer gives Man- \ W D R C — Life with Luigi. diester boys the opportunity of i W HAY’— Moonlight Matinee. . Manchester Awning and healthful vacations In camps, who i W T IC — Bob Hope. Canvas Products Co. might othens'ise be depnveil. of i GUARANTEED IN WRITING WTHT—America's Town Meet­ “ AS IS” Phone 2-3091 sueh an opportunity. | ing. '-VO'- Continuing, Mrs. Bowles said 1949 NASH A.MB. t-l)R.— Green. R.. H„ Qverdr ive $1795 Hl-CHAIX there are 6,000 children tn the state SPECIALS! ton BAHV under the superrialon of Child I 1949 NASH A.MB. 4-DR.— Eight Green. H...... $1695 1938 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. Horo’o a coo- Welfare. There are too many in 1 urw .iAOvm wAy\ /V^ Inatitutlons. Connecticut hns a | 1947 NASH AMB. I-DR.— 2 lone grey. U.. H. Od. . . $1095 lJ voniblo pieca of low per centage of children In many praaical iuc9. PnmartlT a : homes. We think we are progre.s- 194« PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE—Grey. H. ... 1938 PONTIAC.CONV. traininx m i (or idcndlic ioeding I slve sAnd up-and-coming, but wc $995 TO STOtE AND PIOTECT tOUl STOIIMS AND SCtEENS ” Blue...... $95 progreu, it can first bo used at a -.'i 1942 DODGE 4-DR.— .Maroon. R.. H...... $695 hi-chair. Chair lockt msuinUr io # Get your win4lowt oimI tcroani up off rfnmp fleort. Roduco 1937 TERRAPLANE 4-DR. place on table. whuM 1941 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE— Black. H. .... $595 annual glott broakopo. Tidy up tlorago oroot in your bntomonl Mai'fMtn...... $5,0 wide bate providet M or gorogo. STOR-A-WAY brackot* mount dirocHy on iolti* with 194(1 CHEVROLET 2-DR,— Green. R., H...... $445 1935 OT.DSMOBILE 4-DR. firm, aun-cippion se­ tConMuTopics] roofing nniU or tcrowt. Simply slip toih into holding hook* nt curity. 1940 HUDSON 4-DR— Btack R„ H...... Black...... M * nnglo wMh puMnd oido out nitd lot twing gonlly into vorNcnl , 5395 By M. A. BenRB 1935 PONTIAC 4-DR. poiMon. Lndt ■ Hfohmo. In «M 12 moniht • yonr. Mndn nf 1940 NASH 4-DR.— Grey. R., H...... $395 62 Pitkin St. Phone 8195 honvy gnugo, non-coiroding nluminum. $50 1947 CROSLEY 2-DR.—Green. R., H...... $395 6 Window Set (2 Brackets) ...$1.39 IMPOSSIBLE? 13 Window Set (4 Brackets) ...$2.49 The Edi-_ ....••piaw. Table ead 20 Window Set (6 Brackets) .. .$3.79 TIRE SALE! •on Play- chair Set (or rite’’ i» al- Tia» Too NO! BI-EMISHED TIRES so a practical labla tot for cho Here la a “tailor-made’’ plan FIRESTONE growing child na it can bo lucd Htbcr so o dinner table or for pleya lor the young man whose fam­ BAimUES •OR 600 X 16 - $7.95 Geard rail can be rcinoved in- GRAND CANYON ECONOMY WINNER! Against a field of 30 other ily reapnnklbtUtlea are Increas- Exchange, Pina Tnx nontly-Tabla also can \ cars, in all price claasee, Mercury won top economy honors over a gruelling lag faster than nis income. He DELCO ba need at a onoTao- GOODYEAR 751-mile course. According to official AAA figures, Mercury delivered more GO FOR A R ID E-A N D waata m ore. hnnirance protec- ODD LOT TIRES— FULLY e«M “chair” for tnotber when feeding the milee per gallon, pound for pound, than any other earlh the race. tioa but Jnst doeen't nee how AMOCO GUARANTEED child. Selected North- he can afford K. SIZE $0 .9 5 e n Hard Maple and YOU’LL GO FOR SEBDIRY ttnrdy conttmetion Onr OJ?.OX. poHcy offers the SU UMAItlSr. M AneHfsm - 600 X 16 - $8.95 600 X 16 give yoan of ladefo^ '•aswer to'this problem. laatead Exchange, Pina Tnx ''** Eichnnge. Pta* Tte tory oerrice. mt waltiBg OBtil kla flaaaclal w ad ittM hnprovea, a yoemg LU.MBER - COAL - FUELOIL 2.0% OTHER SIZES PRICED PROPORTIONATELY LOW ■MB nm oocMTO adeiiaate p r ^ taeWna right bow at extremely PAINT AND HARDWARE OFF

WITH YOUR KEMP'S OLD BATTERY Your Home Town Incorporated T V J f r . IPHONE 4148 MAMCHESTCR rfL C P H O N e Si3$ 703 Mam Street Open 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. Daily Including All Itomu oubjrct to prior BOLAND MOTORS Nash peahi^* R»bT-l0 leasue .South Coveulpy Coventry Volunteer Fire Com­ Bolluii ' cookies, prune cake and hot coffee 47-9. 'nicre were aix home rums HAUUOWINC; Rockville Ramoa to be played either at llenry hit in the game. Olga Bri iidol > pany 1 drills are to take place Darla 6lnhr U'ltalla during the sale. .ilso LAWN GRADING dents, attended Sunflay morning wrxul. New Jersey, apent the week- ■»'Ipairk or tha Legion Field. Mrs. Pauline Lillie and Gladys Gage of Bolton ca' h WltUmantlc Gt. Phone iSMWI Monday and Wedne.aday at fl:k0 Tel. ManchMter 55*5 The second In a series of meet­ Heads Shriners Insurgents Will preaching service at Tolland Fed­ emi with friends m town. Russia Scores Caae Continued p. m. loginning at the firehoiiac in ings on making sllpcovera will be got two With Irene Gagliaidone of A. RliTI.LK erated church. The caae of Frank Lombardo, 18 Bolton and CntiMTino Yeomans of Industrial Relations 1.4ewis Miller of Hartford was a South Coventry. , held at the home of Mrs. Ralph Tel. Mnni hrsier .•■Il.tW Miss Pearl Williams of Rock­ IS THI TIMI Elks Sponsor Tlie Bolton Hall and Library a.s- : Present Slate Sumlay of his sistci, Mrs of Tolland charged with reckless The Both.Dimock Memorial Li­ Broil on Friday. May Ifl at 10 a. Andover hitting one each. »»r ? - i i n ville. formerly of Tolland, gave the .Aerial Surveys driving waa continued at the aea- Up until last week an average .soclatlon last night voted to a'ward Marjorte Krawchyz and family TO ORDII brary basement it undergoing ex­ of 376 hot lunchee dally were be­ m. Thoae attending will bring a Bolton Library will be open to­ flowers for ilccoration at Tollaiul Mis.s Bertha Plate had as Sun­ aion of the Itockvllle City Court a contract for the Installation of | box lunch. Mra. Paul Maneggla, morrow afternoon from 2 until fi Norwicii, May 16 ifl’i Insurg­ Federiiteil chim'h Sunday moriung NOW Anti-Red Drive ing aerved to the some .'lOO piipila Called Top Problem day gurst.s Mr. and Mrs. Honaltl (Onnltnuni tram Poge One) j on Monday with Judge Saul Pelier tensive repairs On Saturday vol a new heating system at the Com- ] Farm Bureau Home Demonstra­ o'elork. ent Rspubllrans hero, orgunlzoi service in mmuory of her mother. enrolled In Robertson and South munlty Hall to the Sumner L., lirnham ii\ ’ with tuit of i()wn rela- Mias Bertha Place is having a mittee began putting up a new of pupils will gradually drop the peeled that the Instfillatlon of the | meet tomorrow night at eight al i ou ••person who claims to speak for * Ro«kyille Lodge An- tion of rules of the road forfeited the emirse. Miss Cora Webb, Home A '4' Y Intt'rcbUMl Labor Advised by Editor- ('onncctlciit mBnufaclureis . . does I Slate of Stale convention lielegates tive.H and frieml.M. vacation of three wen'ks as Post­ gt‘olcigi('Hl n'H<'(irrlic*. celling and new walla. Neceaaary program before the close of school two oll-flred, forced warm sir the V*'. P Qiiis'i Funeral liume. master at Tollaiul Mrs Frances their bonds for non appearance. A Demonstration agent With Tolland not fipeak for .Mr. Uhasc and thou- \ at a party caucus here next Mon- I Mrs. Henry Wil.son of T»>lland Nil Krplv lo 3l»r<-li rrntP*t | nonhcCfi ' Ppogram to materials have been piirchaaed about June 22. the committee ex- furnaces will be completed before I They will pay their rc.siiecl-s to Priest to ‘Move Slow­ nolle was entered in the caae of County Farm Bureau, is instriict- In Selling l.tincl In .sands of Connecticut business men j (la.v. I (Vntej- 1.S spemling some time in Bushnell is acting in that enpat ily through the eatabliaheid building peeta. The anticipated large num­ mid-summer. The cost of the pro- ; Mrs. Caiherine Grady, mother of Thr tSovi.'l.s *nli> t)icy protcHlpd , Umneh ‘ the Crusatle David Kovelman. .18, of the U. \V. tnp the Grange member, ^fr*. I E. A.spiii- ly in Seekiiifi Fur- like him. i A spokesman for the group' Old Lyme, wluu’e she 1ms la*.mi in Mis.a Place's absence. lATHROOM Veterans Hospital, Newington, and repairs fund. ber continuing with this program ject will be Jointly financed by the ' Mim.s Hernicc A. Hall of the liiHt Man!) again.Mt Mir tisr of The Bolton girls' softball team wall. "Honest disagreement with the | which is affiliatc.l with State FI- ; cslleri owing to the serious sick- charged with violation of rules of would not warrant diacontlmiing Hall Association and . Bolton ; ReNiilrnlial Areas? Fast Haven High school faculty forcigiiri* for ttio .*iirvi\v* wlirn | SET Aoekvme, May —(Special)— The ftnance and building and Grange which voted the sum of | tlier Gains’ Now content of the report is healthy 1 nance fommlssioner J.imes R | nrss and death of her father of 18 the road. the project before the planned that place. j -M|M nt the week-t'mi at tlv<' home of Mil' planning oigHnlziition for Iran'* j grounds conimittees are attempt­ $1,000 some time ago as a conimu- : and oonstnietive," said the gover­ l»w rll sail! last night llial Former. George N. Stone, Exalted Ruler of Tolland County Meeting date. The paid committee is eom- nor. "But this kind of iveraonal her mother. Mrs. I*«i1h S. Hail. Novrii-yi'iir ilrvrlopnn-nt plan nn- ing to secure sufficient volunteer ntty service project. The three not, Gonlaet New Haven. May —An Cong. John I). McWilliams was { Mrs Krva l>o\le pmuipal of For Ik»rul Sales and Servlet Rockvillt! Lodge of Elka an­ A meeting of the Tolland Coun­ prlted of Mrs. Raymond B. Fow­ attack on a group of distinguished among the pmposed (lelegiites ; ami grandmothri, Mrs Ahci* U’ nminrril it wa« cnlling fnr Vilds helpers to complete this work as ler. chairman, Mrs. Lawrence C, air furnaces now In the building , «ditor-pric«t saya that • influstrial I'rystal l>nke, Kllmgtnn ht hool. nounced today that the lodge will ty CTiapter of Hadassah will bo well as improving the floor. Local rItizenR is a desperate effort to Others, said the spokesman, in- who ha.M U'en unable to he at ! Steele, for Borlal mirvoy* In norltirm Iran | held this evening at 8 o'clock at l.atlmer. Mrs. Matthew I.Ittell and will be put up for sale In the near , relations are the most important blor three weeks on account Call 2-3372 the Reeroallon hsll on Talcott ave­ Mrs. Earl M. 1 .yman. aasi.stant.a. 1 Jarvis Realty Co. domestic problem today." fold W ar Heen Heiiuiis ing 4'i«ininitlee hehl a meeting proli-st, tlio l’na..ian* adilt'd, Lp America' program in May m this worthwhile project are re- Story. Jr., and Kiitii M Coil. of illne.sfv wa.s able lo resunu' her nue at which time Rabbi Paul Sie­ Volunteer mothers assist this eoni- hours at which the furnacea may 'I’he Rev. Benjamin L. Masse, S. Father Masse told his listeners, I Mcndny Ma> at the l•'cdeInte^l part of a grass roots counter- of- be inspected by proapective buyers The spokesman said the group dulu's there M«mdav. Ma>' Ihtli. gel will Install the new officer*. quMted to contact Dtan G. Wiley mlttee with preparation ^ d serv­ Phone 1112 J„ associate editor of the Roman in stre.ssing what he railed the ! cluircli pHflor.s Iran'* od |irodtii'lion pm n’olly : ranslve by the Order of Elks will be advertised In the classified would work for "free and open po- Mr.s. .'‘’aimiel Simpson arul M r •- Mrs Benjamin Kantor will talk on of the finance, or T. William ing of meals at Robert.soh School. seriousness of the cold war, that ; .■omra from rn li firlda In Mio nouMi, I tinat the Communist sclienic to Cath.'illc weekly, America, also lllirai conventions” Marlnn A. Bak* r luno- ri-ji 'iD'd Her recent trip to Israel Refre.-h- Uraham. Jr., of the building and The project Is co-sponsorpd bv the 1 section of this newspaper, told a dinner meeting of the Dio­ this nation " produce as much Measles (’«ses Inereftse , opi’inlrd by tlie Anglo-IraiiiHii Oil i WANTED! fiom H visit \Mtti Ml and Mrs, freedom. inent.s will be served Mrs. Saul grounds committees, or report at local Board of Education and I’TA. ■ Mi.s. Jo.seph Mack, chairman of cesan Labor Institute here last today as during a shooting war to j Hartford. Mh> Iti The I C o . (1 Hritish c innpany. Sonir ' Sponhared by tlie Elka National K: • t in t .Meat lu^m In Bn ilgel4» n . Pelzer Is In charge of the meet­ the building on Saturdays when Robertson School girls softball | U>e Home Economics Committee night, labor should "move slowly preserve our independence. ] hlale Health department has re- j ycarN ago .\Tnorlran liitorpata I Sarv^a (SmmUston. the crusade M a in e . ing this work will be going on all day. team defeated the girls of Buch- 1 of Bolton Grange has announced a in seeking lurther gains." "We cannot afford large scale ■ porled that ne\.\ eases of measles i Koiigtit an od I’oiuTftalon in nortli-, Is the lateslSijpvc in a campaign Nfrs Ikmal'l L'»\rnn and son \\. 8. r . S. Meeting Mrs Florence U Grady of anan School of Mansfield Center I food asle to be held at the Com- But he also urged management interruptions in our productive ef­ I'oliam l no ri'a.S4‘d week to ’2fVt from ' oni Iran hilt later ahandoned the' conducted by the Elks for more The WS.C.S. of the Vernon I av.d, of Mann, l•■lo^lda. Mr.s. .Manning Hill and a member of In a game there Friday after munlty Hall Inmori-ow a/ternoon to remember whenever it "feels fort,'* he asserted referring to | Harold C. Moyd , 115 for the prec«Mling we*‘k jiroleit. I than 15 years to dhfeat the com­ Methodist church will meet this from 2:30 until 4 o'clock. Mra. FREE liohert I>)Venn and liaug hi I'r.s SUilDIHGiHATERIALS Windham High .Sc-hool faculty, at­ school. The score was Covctilry like kicking over the traces." that drawn-out labor disputes and work Mr.**. Marion Poyle of i^outh munist p'lan for worM, conqiic-st c\cning at 8 o'clock at the church. Mark and her committee, Mrs. O.s- stoppages resulting from stale­ Limla Hiul Margim t aiul .Mis tended the representative assem- 17; Mansfield, 10. The local‘•girls D’llVliXC; LESSONS the six workers’ groups in the Harold ('laytun TJoyd \vcll Windsor a former T<>Ilan«l resi­ Judge James T Hallinalv..of New There will be a special .speaker. , j car Anderson. Mrs. Keeney Hiiteh- Large^ Dry mated contract negotiations. Ituby Ijovcnn of Vt'ruon. wf n have a game with Andovei Elem­ world sllU. believing in private en­ known moving puture ai tor and dent. and Mrs. Klmer Ikiyle of York, chairman of the cfK^us- Miss Kay Mrl jiiighliii. daughter of i bly of the CEA in Hartford on In Cixiperatinn With The The only method of negotiating urday guesth of relatives al the tion. informed Exalted RHlei entary School girls team at the | MANCHESTER ORIVINO terprises "are all in the United Rockville w< re caller.** in town Rev. aiid Mrs. Mcljuighltn, of .Saturday States." contracts "which will best serve producer, first in his glamrirnus Sunday, ami attended ToJ^land aieelc-Hsll home. Stone that the program was lime Maiichesler, who were form erly’ A son. Newell Alonzo, was born Robertson School playground' ACADEMY • Harmony Awards Presented the interest.^ of both management professit>n lo attain the hlghc.Hl Federated i hurch Sunday morn­ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Crerlman of deliberately to provide a powerful sionarlcs in India i Thursday night to Mr. and Mra. Wednesday at 3;30 p.m With Governor Bowles and the and labor." he declared is collec­ ing service | Sto\^. .Mjlss were week-end uiic'-ts answer to the Marxist May I*ay Tnh. Women M Council of the i,es(er N. Hill of .North Coventry Grren-t'hobot, Al. spon­ 01(1 Hiiil Dangerous Douglas Motor Sales will give honor in Shnnfdom Imperial Po­ Call 4148 free driving lessons to anybody Most Rev. Henry 3. O Brion. bish­ tive bargaining. The regular meeting of the Tol- ‘ of llu’ir niolher, sister and giard damonstrations First ^Vigrepational church wlH)„( Johnson Memorial hospital in sored set-back party prize winners tentate will arrive in Hartford Building Lot purehuslng a used car. op of Hartford. Father Masse Answering critics who ht said land Uommunlty Womcn’.^. cluh mother at tin* .*^leeh-HHll hon.4' •'Nallve Comniunisl.s and folK'U be giiest>'-aor the meeting, the i afford Springs. The baby weigh- Friday night at the I.a*pion Rooms. I KKKS REMOVED have claimed that collective bar­ spoke at a meeting at which by tram Saturday morning, Mav will he held at the church parlors j groiip leavin^^hc chiirrh in Ver- birth and is a ,S<>ulh Coventry, follow: Women's For a good used car see Miss iHuis Litmgh of Maple travelers, who add up L'> tar | I.awn Gradlntr. Gravel, awards for promoting labor-man­ gaining has not prevented strikes 27. to make his official visitation Wedne.sday evening. May 17. 1st. Mrs Elsie Mar.shall nf .Siaf- Honest Douglas. S.HS Main St., (.IFT WICMTCD o than one per cent of the people of non center at i^M -lock j prandaon of Newell Alonzo Hill. agement harmony were presented and fostered harmony. Father to Sphinx Temple of Hartford. The rummagi' sale for the bene­ i ford .Spring.s: 2nd. Mrs. Mary Mott Sand and Kill npiiosHc Hansen's 5lilk Bar. Ma.sse said that during the period this country, are doing thru to John J. Dnscoli, secretary- Pyramid Temple of Bridgeport and fit of the Tolland Commtmily Vernon will plav alNManchester , ^ • 'have acreed of North Windham; 3rd, Mr.s. On Main Road Not In Manchester of grea^t strikes in 1946. "when Jts M s u u n to undermine the I'nited Slates on Bulldorer Work treasurer of the State CIO Coun­ Palcc-tine Tefliple of ProvidetuT. Building Fund held at the parish AM) DKI.IN Hm:D o tins evenmp in tlio Itrs t^ im d of . N '"' !-o^,mu Flora Mott .Men's 1st. H \. Rlan- For aiitoiniiblle driving in­ both sides were letting off steam." IT'S orders from the Kremlin. K.xalted cil, and Rodney Chase, vice presi­ It. 1. He will he aeeompanied by house of Grace Kpi.scopal church, Ruler Stone said. ".Neiiily every­ the softhiill pames s p u n s ^ by' m *erve on Nathan Hale Gom im - ehett of .Stafford: 2nd. t'h.arles We have a new machine structions call the Manchester more than 100.000 contracts were ihe Norllicin ('onnciticut 1 ^ - ! nity t'enter organization mit- dent in charge of industrial rela­ Mrs. LU'Vd. the former Mildred Starford Springs. .Saturday, May Toons one In this tiny group liale.s the , Jacobsen of .StafforrI .Springs: 3rd. i 0 .'\uto Driving Academy. Dual peacefully negotiated. I II. All.'^ — CU. Mli: I I l.s — TOIIACI O ball League. The league con^-iiee follow , Mrs. W aller l<. Hiltpen. I renew dead lawns. tions for the Chase Brass com­ Davis, wiin for many years was LI, 19r»0. did meet expectations. It basic truth* upon which this coun­ HowarfI A Richardson. Specials. control ears. Rates $8.00 per "Unless both management and riii-Namel Paintn and prises team.' of the East Central ' Hn*. John M. full hour, as few lessons as you pany of W'aterbury. his leading lady m piiturcs. He IS proven that this generation doea lihs try la founded-thal each ami: •Mrs. Marshall and Mrs E. Diipre labor strive to make collective (’AM)V — (OSMFTK S — S'l A riONFKY Pomona Grange.*!. Ellington, .Man- Wiblght, Mr*. Ralph M_ Burns, \. Lutiilippc & Son wish. Bowles who said that Connecti­ will he met at the tram by Po­ approve of second-hand left overs VarniNhen everv human being is a child of j of Stafford Sprliips The next Phone Man. 2-9520 cut labor laws "have given our bargaining work," he a.sserted, tentate John .lep.Rtin of West God' created in His own image: rlucluster. stcr. Wapping.\\ apping Coventry, East RlehsiMf'. Snow. John F. CTiap- liost-aponsored sol-'.uii k )>arly w ill 780 Vernon St. Call 6077 "we as a nation may lose our free­ if procured at reasonable prices. Fieriricnl Appliancea Grsnges. , pelle. lJibq;ence C. Latimer, Mrs. TEL. 42.32 w'orkers many of the things essen­ Hartford and Divan officers of Miss Rernice Hall of Tolland th*t’ he setsgets his fundamental irWindsor wuuisor anuand Vernon >rruon v.i»os*;e. i 1- 0*^. ,-----. he hol'l the evening of May 26 .‘li.tO to 8 P. M. tial toward achieving security." dom." VnuntgrNtnnn rtrhla from God. not from the Wappmg plays at Vernon on May i Frederic)!...... ^ G>,^sselF — " sndand Mm. A. Splunx Temple. Later he will and Fast . Haven, waa a weekend ■ FOR 1 here and addef! that ’'the job is far The Rev. Joseph F. Donnelly, St^te sjid that the chief purpose | 22; Vernon at Coventry, May 29.1 Harry \N. OlseK^ Thia ccommitlee director of the Ivibor institute, pre­ meet Potentair (»eorge W Child.s. guest of her mother, Mrs. I.iel1a THE MEDICAL Kilrhrn Fquipment the SUte as our Founders re-' Flimptnn at Vernon. June 6. and. is now comprised K;B)>.nilit 2t *c from finished." took occasi^tn sided. snd Bishop O'Brien present­ .Ir . and I>ivan officers of Pvramid j s. Hall. to rsiae without naming him to rap Norris Temple. Bridgeport, and f'otentnte K Ihiusrwarea .ffirmeri in the Declara- East Windsor at Vernon, June i tive members organilfad ed the McAuliffe awards to r>ns- Mrs. Irving t^mpb«'ll and daugh­ .111 MMN srm;i;r peatedly a/firmed in the Declara W. Ford,, executive vice president 13. funds for the support olMhe asso- col and (Tiase. ; Wnlter .! \N’nt.son and n i\an offi- ter, Doris (.'amphell Vernon UNIVERSAL Coni- l.umbrr. Building tion of'independence, is to prnterl of the Manufacturing Association I rers of Palestine Temple, I’rovi- t k i .I'.p h o m ; :i.v:i these God-given rights. ( oiirt of t onimon Plens nation building upkeep. and son, Morgan c.mipbcU of Mnleriiils, Fuel OUa A .•lex.'-ion of the rollftnd t'ounty Mr and Mrs. Winthrop MerKgm | of Connecticut. dence. Rockville, former ToUonti real- j'l'rm-- .V.x ?'2 \\vi'k "TTie month of May was select- Ford Sunday criticized the Court of Common I’Iph.s i* being and son. Miehnel. of Ripley HiTk.J Shnners of the Ancient Arahie •d for the Wake I'p America members of the governor’s Unem- held loday with .Iiidge Philip ,I spent .‘tatiirdny in Boston w here^. I.order of Nobieo of the Mvstu rampiign becauae that is the lime plo3rment Compensation Study when those who seek to destroy .'kullivan presiding. Three cases they vi-sited their son and brolher. Shrme fn>m Manchester snd vi- were assigned for {oday and five I Marshal Frederie, who is a stii- i commission, headed by Yale Law freedom and opponmity hold Prof. Harry L Shulman. saying Bv Grand Offieers I cinily and from Shrine Temples of cases are listed for 'I'hiirsilsy. !\ dent .M MIT. ' their rallies. We feel that our Or­ they were Influenced by Bowles. ' the Northcfi.Mlcrn Shrine Assoria- Iniflate (iaa* Explorer of Troop 37 will ■ tioM embracing all the New Kng- der. founded upon chanty and "Deeply Hhorked" By Attack Grand Royal Matron. Mrs. love of mankind, should meet this Hope Chapter .No 6(1. Order of meet Mondav' at 7:30 p. m at the , Bowles said he was "deeply ’ land States will assemble in Hart- F.velyn Taylor of Waterburv, and challenge and we are going to Eastern Star will inituste a i la.s.s ix>st on Mason street. Assistant j ■hocked" by the attack "upon per­ ffird for Potentate Lloyd> official meet it. The Elks of Rockville of candidates at the meeting to he Post Advisor Albert .1 Booth will ] sonal integrity" of the committee Grand Royal Patron. Arthur I vi.sitation. along with our million Brothers held this evening at eight o clock talk about the recent Boy ProiitA members, and declared that the Miller of Manchester, and their Potentate TJoyd will participate A rehearsal of the officer* ws.s from coaat to coast will use this t______associate grand officers made an in snd review a rnlc»rful street opportunity to reveal the tnith held Monday evening. I parade through the down town where Americs * enemies spread Instnietlon Session Ijegal Notices official visit Saturday night to ' .streets of Hartford in the late tTiapnian Court No. 10. Ortler of falsehood, to maintain order where There will be an instnictional ' afternoon, featuring ,Shnne Bands. CFBTirirATr or m m i t k o Amaranth. Nearly three hundred the enemiea spread confusion, and session for all F.ed Crosa volun­ Connecticut Laurel I Arab Patrols. Drum Corps and rARTNKRsnir gue.'^ts from Rhode Island. Massa­ to offer love of our fellow men in­ teers this evening In preparation ' «*ther uniformed Shrine units of for the visit.a of the Mobile Blood chusetts and other parts of Con- stead of the hate and fear , l. T h e un4#nil|rn^(3 bains 1^*lrou8 of I Sphinx. Pyramid and Palestine preached 'by Communists, " Exalt­ Unit. 7:30 p m at room 1.3 In the nertie\it were present al the mept- formiBg s Itmttel partnership in ing which was held in Masonic • Temples Ma jor General Frederick ed Ruler Stone declared. High achool purauance of title XLIII, Chapter 30l. 1 G. Reincke nf Wethersfield, adju- Temple. He aaid that Emmett T Ander­ .Auction Tonight 1949 revtaion of the General Statutes * tant General of Connertic\it, is of Connecticut aiithorltinf: their forma­ A dellcioiis beef aupper son of Tacoma, Waah.. Grand Ex­ The Longview Parent Teacher Grand Marshal in charge of pa­ alted Ruler of the Elks has asked Aasociation w ill hold an auction at tion. do hereby make and severally was served to members and \is- YOUR 1950 algn the f^'iloirlnf certificate for (hat rade arrangements. each of the Order s 1 5^n lodges , the achool this evening at eight ilors at 6:30. The table decora­ purpose. tions and program* were nile In the evening Potentate TJoyd over the country to join fully m o clock with furniture fancy work 3. The name under which the pi.rtner- w ill take part in a .joint ceremonial the crusade "to quicken the spirit food and a variety of articles to be ahlp Is to be conducted Is The Kennedy green, which \s the color u.«ed by the Grand Royal Matron. of Sphinx Temple of Hartford and of Amencan patnotism ' sold The romroitlee In charge in- Cora pa ny. * Pyrarnul Temple of Bridgeport at The funeral nature of the buslneaa At the meeting whieji followed Exalted Ruler Stone has ap­ rliides Mane Ludwig. Mr*. George Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford, Magdefrau. Mrs W. B Thayer and to be transected Is the operation of the the dinner Mrs. Taylor was pre- pointed a eommiltee headed by Astor Theater. 1175 Main atreet. East at which time the Harold IJoyd Chairman Thomas J. Birtnincnam, i Mr*. Henry Meyer • WHEN TWITTED THAT THE .••ented wMth a rertlflcate makijking Hartford. Connecticut, for the produc­ her an honorary member of this Class of .Candidates will be initial- I and the following members. Ches­ To Sponsor Movie Mountain Laurel ■«« one of the tion anc' presentation of stage playa. few things Connecticut yankcr.s, court, and both the Grand Royal ed. Noble Harold C Close of ter Morgan. Matthew P. Allen, All ladies of St Bernard'* par- 4. The principal place of business of Thomaston. f'hief Rabhan of Raymond E Hunt. Michael J Cos- .sli are invited to attend the movie hadn’t been able to put to use the partnership la to bo located at the Matron and the Grand Ro.val DODGE Sphinx Temple, is general chair­ gTove and T. Paul Manrini to take spm.vred by the Catholu l.,adies one of them replied "Oh. haven l AatOi .leater. 1175 Main street. East Patron received gifts from the we? It's our State Flower." Hartford. ConnectIcut. court. man of the C'ereinonial Arrange­ eharge of the Wake I'p America of Columbus this evening at 7:30 5. The name of the general partner ments committee. day activities The entire com­ o'clock at the rhurch hall The You Just can't beat Connect)- | ta Harold .1. Kennedy, whose place of Bny Admits nt*allnx munity is invited to attend a spe­ title of (he movie is "You (Nin eat Yankees—their resource- residence la 1113 Main street. East j cial program to be held at the KIks ('hange the World" fulnesa and thrift. | Hartford, Connecticut. i Home on Sunday. May 21, at 3:3H Form Women's flub S. Only the y^enerkl partner shall be \ Willimantic, May 16 — i/Y' — ! Happy Is The Day A meeting has been called for SO. NATURALI,Y. IT DIDNT authorlaed to transact the partnership Detective Spt. Franci* Sayre* .*aul p.m.. to lake part in the event in btialne»a and siftn the firm name. order to make it a resounding th,.*. evening at eight o'clock at the take Connecticut folk long to ap­ today that an ll-year-old boy had preciate the quality and real treat 7. The names of the limited partners admitted entorinf; St. Joseph'* demonstration nf S'Jidar.ty f> r the Supcr.or Crvirf ror.-n for the piir- and their places of residence are as When Backache lmfnrtn are due t*i TTfese WAY! ROBERTSON P. T. A. the meeting called for 8 30 p.m , Ik I W OODLAND .''IT. Faet Hartford. Conn. Kaymond 5Iiller, ?>31 Forties street. 4-aunen. d'-n’t w all, try Doan'n PilN. a mild 112 Union street. A similar meet­ ENJOY DAILY-Tostw* to Good 31 Stock Cars drove 751 grueling mile* ^ In ir e t ie . lin e d a u c re n a fu lly bjr m illio n n f«»r ing will be held Thursday night of to sfi 10 to n g —Costs so Itff/e Hartford. Conn. Auction and o v e r 50 yearn. While tbene ma? TKL. 6002 — aic.ragcd 22.07 $ miles per gallon. Law rence B. Sim on. 1112 Mam sl^eet. often otherwlne occur, it'n amatina how the Rockville Twilight Os.'^eball East Hartford. Conn. many time*. I>nan'g at\e happy relief- Dramatic DemonstrationoEperform- Jamea D. MirabMe. 69 Burnside ave­ Rummage Sale h elp th e 15 m ile * of kidney luh^ and flitem nue. East Hartford. Conn duth out want*. Get Ooan'a IMlla Imlayl sure and eronomy of modem cars when William Manlerre, 30 Waller Place. East Hartford. Conn. Wed.. Ma.v 17—7 P. M. corrcctlv fueled, lubricated and driven. 8. The pLrtnershlp will commence on M arch 31. 1950. Rol>erl(4on School 12 HOUR Point: lo u r ouTi c,vr is rapnlile of im- 9. The partnership alU te'rrnicate on Jun e 6. I960. .Auditorium proicfl iiiilengr if ioti keep it in lop slmpe 10. The anu unt of cash contributed VAPORIZERS B«y Reid. Auefljjneer Save money evei v*ith Moliil-tarr, furled miIIi Mobilg.vs and actually palu’ in as of March Automatic Shut-Off 1950 by each limited partner listed In Piiblle Inritrii or ,Mobilgas 8|ircial, ami drive rarcfull) ! Parag^rLph 7. Is five hundred dollars rV.Ci-P'''rl.' a i.u n u up and Its assets dtttribut*'d and contributed capital returnee. Ft«r this purpose John Husso of 1113 .Main street. E ast Hartford. Conn., la designated mana­ Were ready now to take ger and ■ such la authorlaed to dis­ burse partnership funds In cash or by Pay out lots signing checks in the partnership name or in any other manner necessiiry. But for ropoirt! In any event the purtnershlp will terminate on June 5. 195t>. IN W I T N E S S W H E K E U F we have he*awith aet our hands and seaU thla 7th day of April. 1950. 17 TIMES NEW! HAROLD J. KENNEDY, your order for Quick Delivery General Parthfr,- FRANCIS HOFF.MAN, E8, it's literally true! WVve made 17 dif­ Continually New—designed to deliver „ Lim ited Partner. smooth, ready power . . . exceptional econ­ f.dw akd b. stkve.vs. Y F> s ir . . . the fincht l)od<;e inodcih w e'\r ever 8old With the big Spring season here you want lo enjoy your Y ferent improvementa in gasoline quality Limited Partner, just since the war—baaed on continuous omy, fewer stops for gasoline, protection ISADORB SAVIN. Limited Partner. are on the way to oiir showroom right now. Factory new Dodge now. You'll be surprised how easily and Consumer Surveys, continuous Vehicle Re­ against excessive dilution and gum troubles! HARRf POST. quirement Surveys, continuous New Car First in sales in the U .S.A.! Limited Partner. production is in full swing. Now is the time lo gel an quirkly you can own a hew 19.t0 Bigger Value Dodge Testing! Fill up with Mobilgas Special MAX FRIEDMAN. Sludabohor trucks com* in s Limited Partner, order in for your choice of model and color. a full rang* of sltas and That’s why wc say America’s Favorite is at your Mobilgas dealer's! . F A L L D. d e L A H U N T A . We've Been "The Stork" if you ait at once! Don't wait, see us today! Limited Partner, wheelbases. Streamlined RAYMOND L MILLER, •ton and Eton Limited Partner, To 1,000's Of Home Owners models. Also powerful I * LAWRE.N’CE a SIMON. ton and 2ton truck* in Limited Partner, We’d deliver m new home right to your doorstep. If we cnnld. J A M E S D. M I R A B I L E , four wheelbases. « Limited Partner. But tve can do the next best thing! WILLIAM MANIEHRD. Limited Partner. We ran help yon with a IMrert Rnlurtion Home Loan. .\nd Slgntd. sealec and delivered In the since we extended-the maximum tenu of our .Mortgage on new presence of: and recent^' built home* up to 2S years, most families ran bu.v EXCEPTIONAL PAUL DE LEO. town of Eart Hart­ a home for less than their present rent inone.v. As you know, ford. Cal amaiing pulling power, slaying savat got! Now Sfudsbokor truck con­ MARY B. HYLAND, town of East the time extension means a lower monthly payment. pewar, oorning power in your next struction fosists woorl Road Perfdhnanco with Hartford, trudbO oto now Sfudobokor truck— and Sludabokor trucks cut costs consistantly See Your State of Coooectlcut. County of 1950 DODGE Hartford, at. Eaat Uartford, April 7th, For Your Convenience Open Thursdays Til 8 P. .M. woten your hauling c^osts nost diva! on work like yours. Lot's show you tho I960. %/usfo fawefof/ars m ore than Hte htttesf^prieecfeatef Naw^tudabokor truck anginaaring l^ o f — difoct from Studobokor ownsrti Pcraonally appeared Harold J. Ken­ M obilgas y nedy. Francis Hoffman, Edward a Mobilgas S*evens. laadore Sayln, Harry Post, -/'M an ch e ste r \ I CHORCHES MOTOR SALES .Hu Friedman, Paul d« Lahunta. Ray* SOCONY-VACUUM moiid MUItr, tAwrapee R, Stmon, SAVINGS ASD LOAN OAKLAND STREET MANCHESTER Dealer! James D. MirabHa fsd William Maa- ECONOMY! lerra. •IffBfrs and aaaler# of the fora* ASSOCIATION INC. going in>trument, who acknowledged the Mme to be their free act anc deed T,i,phone Z-1652 963 MAIN ST. before me. ffUieseAsoA*Institution SOLIMENE & FLAGG, Inc. 634 Center Street MART B. HYLAND. Notary Public.

•'■J* MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TTk^SDAY. M AY 16. 1959 FA C T F m n r PAGE EIGHT MA^•tHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, MAY 16, tPSO troop waa mentioned over the should visit with the people," he rfglm * In Turkey will be for the ed thair platform. The beat way your worthy of the attention of every broadcast. Triiiiiuii Fiit8 Ileal asserted. foi the Republicana to amaah thia ho.spltal auperinter.dcnt. and in : IRanrl|PBtrr good of Turkey or for the good of 'T was followed on this trip by a Add to tho Vahie ot Your Proporty WHh plot would, of eourae, be for them fact, of every profierly owner. The Vlanchester Population Girl representative of theirs. He had Turkey'! International relatione. Camp Merri-Wood i On ‘Fair Deal* Foc8 Connecticut to adopt a atate platform which j FIRE fire chief at this hospital requires Fruit and Shade Tree Spraying Dear Girls. a private plane, and he showed up ^Dmlttii Ifprald No one knows whether it will lx- meant speclfloally what It aatd the ward personnel on every shift Seoul In my enthusiasm at being able I ■ - -— to see the crowds where I stopped. AMESITE DRIVEWAYS WHUSUBD BT rHB as friendly toward AinenfS s.s wss generally, and which they would to make ciglit separate inspections ; Get your order in now for the C'aly.x aprny on your apple lo write you a weekly letter. I'm (Continued from Page One) "I understand he thought the ■BRAU> PRINTING (X>., INC. indeed lie prepared to enact, with | Is Estimated as 32,500 Yankee and record them in the log book. trees aa we expect to apply thia Important apray this week. afraid I took It for granted every------rrowUs were dl.sapixilntlng that' •f Matetlil IS Bi m U Mnat, the party with which we have their candidatea aervtng as post- , News Monthl.T Thus the hospital gets a thorough We are also making up our shade tree srhednie now. one knew me. I have ao many Republicans and Democrat# when is, disappointing to him." | A lUteSMttr. Om b . been dealing. By A. H. O. live, aggressive spokesmen for It. The president took occasion to TBUHAB rBRUOSON. fire safct.v Inspection three times a friends and others are spreading declared that Congress still has Payments But thst would be hard work, and. ' heap on Senate M ajority I Pm.. Tf«M.. Om 'I Hui*t*r But this nuirh is obvious for the day. my “fame. " but for thoae atlll not "many backward looking senators besides. II credits the Republicans Jffieial Census Figures, Leader Lucas, now engaged in a | AMsarni , raaadts Octom i. im . whole world to see. It is that our Here are the eight "checks" that To Be Featiireil Welcome to our newest troop, In the know. 1 am a grandfather 1 “bd representatives, who have The sly Machiavellians on the with too hrnsd sn sim. All they ' Carter Tree Expert Co. tried to defeat every progressive | ''em for rc-eleclioii w ith former ^ PuBItiMd B««ry. Bvtmot Bictpt influence upon Turkey has been want to do, after all, Is lick ' CHIEF ho-ipilal petsonnel must take: However, ^ill Not Be j which held its first meeting last frog, whu haa attached himself to P.epuhllcaii Representative Dirk- I Deniotisili side of things are toy­ all Manchester Scouts. I am measure they could, and to ob­ ASPHALT SuaUp u 4 Holidira. Bntcrtt* *t th* in the direction of greater politi­ ing with what Is for Iheni the en- | velt. • 1 1. Te.*t fire alaim box key; 2. CO.MPLETE t r e e SERVICE I week. It la Brownie Troop 38. .... j sell. Free Peat oSiM at Mincbntiir. Oonn.. m $ a y $ . Completed Before the .. . PoP'darized In a song that Wendy, struct and delay those they could tiaiicing pos.Mbility of extending ] In s p fd hre oxtir.g'uishcia to make Tlie lop crust of the Dem oriatic • m m u O a n Hall Uatttr. cal freedom for the people of Tur­ TELEPHONE 7695 hich la being aponaored by the our camp ji^director, c t o r taught the not defeat." TARVIA By CWcf .Albert F«v suie nozzle openings are clear and End of This ^ eek Nor did he specify Republicans part.*-. Ill Illinois, snd In the roun- ; Eallmale* tO iiC R IP n o N RATBS Key.key. It Is that our inHuence has : \ u T e 'a ' P. T. A. at Nathan Hal# achool. groups of girls who came to day that the extinguishers arc .n place only In hia expression of hope for fry-st-large, was represented ss Oaa Taar ay Mail ...... »iu ^ been toward the lifUng of the op- , p „ ,„| |„(ip in „rder to: Movies Feature Sonittlmns the average citizen | and ia under the leadership o f Mra. camp. I like that song, and I'll the president deelated his deter­ and ready to use; 3. check ho?e the removal of the worst "obstrin - . TTie tabulation of Manche.xter'a be listening whenever you sing It. mination to help s.ssure "hetter oai diM^bVlIa* .!!!!!!!!!!! t hiS‘ presslon of one party rule instead n. RepublKan members to j overlooks the fart tha* .saving live.* cabinet key; 4 check the fire hoso Verner Nylin and .Mrs. John Farr. tionists.' sopulation ia nearing completion, so be sure your voice Is among he.ilth. eihicst Ion, >ecnnt\ snd Slogia Coot ...... $ of toward the establishment of a a il'iid the l.o|iiiblicHii .‘*tste ( on-| Of K. (!. Mecliii" There were sixteen girls present, j However, a-.vinatcs atHiaril tus ■ iidangcred liy fire is the biggest itseli 1,1 he sure it's properly rack­ those at camp this summer rci restinn lot sll the people " fVfrckiv bT Obrrter ...... I . . . * i. v#*iUion >n NfW Mnv»'n on June iccording to Clarence Jeffera, lo- Washington-bound train said he THOMAS D. COLLA •uba. d’sl'esrail. One Taar ...... |iji lO-one party dictatorship. . Hth. If.«ponail'ilitV yo n flic department ed and connected; o. i heck all linen who wdl be invested around the . I tried hard lo get Into the pic­ To ii**ii:i' an ( vci-exp.mding "You Can Change the W orld." and clothes rooms for hazards; 6. 'al crew chief. Although official will support Democratic landi- Waal of M'ta. Pora'fo ...... vVe are-..not perfect. We make | jj j..,,, than a month to go. It ha*. Property can nearly always . first of next month. Mra. John ture that waa taken of all you fine slHiidsrd of living for the Anierl- CALL 2-9219 figure! are not available, it was datea for Senate and all light In he iB lily easy, what with file film presentation of Father' mvpccl all mop closet?; 7. make Fisher and Mrs. John Petricelll ! young ladies at the State theater esn people, we must hsve better MEMHBR o r mistakes. Sometimes we seem to' be replai cd you can t bring a , over the country as aoon as the lie IeiiiganizalIon s()uabhle or an- sure that all fire .stairs and door­ Mtimated that the cenaua vvill re­ are members___ of the troop commit- i Thursday. After the woods, the ■ fnims and better fRCt''rie*. more THE aS.SOCIATEl> PKIilUj csre more about our military pow- -lames Keller's book of the same primaries are over. thei and with a johle.s.s pay i.s.siie fire v.rtim hark to life. ways are clear of obslructuns, veal the town'! population to be tee, and the latter, with Mrs. Rob­ bright lights really friglitened me. hiisinesse*. snd more Job*. ' he Tbs Assoctsua Pres* is tscius'rsly name and the film ilepli liiig, the : FOR RENT They said hia 6.li0i)Auile ' non- estitisd to Uit us# ol r«ouorcsfiin o( r-i than we dfi alioul demnrracv I I,, he Ihiov.ii into the hrippei, to Fnc I hiei* arrows th.' natibn. to­ and. S. rcpiiil any hazardous cou- around 32,500. ert Barbero. prcsiaenl of the and I was glad enough to stay In SSlil Jeffers said thal practically poliiKal trip to the noiihwcst All B#«s disDatrncs crsd'itd to t ni 1-St.metimes \k*’ Irv to .sell to foi* kei p the ses-sioii going thal long. ■.')0 'loldcn Moms" of a relieat! gether with the .National Boaid of dilioiis fouiul dining the inspec­ Brownie Ixaders' nssiulatioii, as­ the section 'Vor frogs only. ' Hope •Ml TiiiniAn **111 tlie Diimniatn not otimewiia ersdutd m imi ospei 1 , , Then the Hcpubln ajm would leave were shown members of Campbell tion. • evert' district in town ha-s been sisted Mrs. .Nylin at this first I ran ace a picture though, don't la*t week was a mild taste of tlo- pHTt.N IS one of "progressive lliie i- aad also tbs local oewspubiisbeo n#r# ' eigii countries some m atriial a. ■ Fne I'mierw ritrr.*. th' .National type of lampaign he will wage be­ the legislative hall.< for ths con­ council. Knights of Coluinhiis. at .Available .May 15th in Watkins Brothers build­ covered. There were a few remain­ meeting. you ' 1 alisni All rtgau of rspuburalioo ot spec'll | .leniotracv whiih I'lir Protection .\ s.iocial ion Fire •Most honu owners don t face tiic vent u*n halls, snd. sfter Irsn a act-' ita meeting laat night. Prior to , ing out-lying districts tliat have to It seems that ralncia Hibbard, ' fore the .November elciTioii. 'W e do not sliare Ihe delusions atsoatcbsa bsrst, ar# sl.o r,s«r#ed. ^ Protection Institute, and sloics of .-ame l;azaids hospital adminialra- ing. street floor, with Oak Street show window of Ihe extieme loft. " he continued. . mg their business there, come their preaeritatioii by Father .loa- be covered and the job was being Mra. G. W. Jonas, commissioner. Jean Ivcrsen. Nina Mc.Mltster , 1.3-car prr.*nl'ntial .*pct tal other group.* arc carrying on lon- lo i* do. But the ,dca of regular fire "\'» e rejei t the godless theories 1 uii serves •Ilsol ol N. B A Sere bat k to hni.«h up the business of eph I.eo Flynn, head of the Paa- ' done under the supervieion of a Pclrlna Nielson, Mary On- and wilh li i.s bullet-prtiof priNR Ir t at general influem'■ is inward greal- Iinnlng lanipagn* to Icsen the prevention ami prolevlion inspec- and entrance . . . Several offices and waiting room. , waa a special guest at Troop 33'a of t’omnHii:i«m. W e believe in the At Home — At Work ICS. Inc. thi- ''f»erial .«e,Miin)n. siomst orilr't in ('oniiei tu iil. Father field crew chief from Hartford. Patricia Richards were trying to out of ( 3iii ap«> at 11 :;o ___ ,r fieidom 'or piople. freedom n danger to life Horn Hrc. and to liim.‘ is on. that loiihl lead'.lv be ; mother's parly last week. .Man.\ fice will o f man. sml in the 'lenio- What i.*- So I't.tiarit mg in lliat^ Flynn spoke l onc ciiiing the retical Complied This Week find me on Tuesday. I ni sorry, hut , 0 L ItK'k t € .A t 1 l8't iii^ht The .rave hvi.s nii[itril'd hy file ailapled by any piopoity owner For prote?'»ional or business use. Inquire. ! mothers at tended and cnjoyeiJ a 'latii exeielsr of hi- iiglit.* s* s - t[;;l whi,.. they «.e at„e to decide, to, The %\y HeiiKM rata think it movement and the good work be­ Twenty-five emimciators took tliat's my day to teach young Tom St lictiu; Cll Ri ri' 4?l Iniic at U a"!!- Mow shout you ’ I program of song*, folk dancea and human being. Krt'jt (,OOl, liilr Olliers IVrspIrr. Work, Tora. Cb'csgo. Dslroh snd Boston. themsehes. what thry want in life might ha\e varioiia anglea. ing done hy the Christopher move- | For example, there is the cur­ the cenaua here and all figures are I a special mothers' day play. They Tadpole what makes a frog Jump melon WSH 2:30 p. m. 1 r a t ) lu- Tor one angle, they think that ment headed by Father Keller. rent nationvvici' hospital in.spev- i dA\. We do ni't sliaie tlie prejiKlues S|rt‘|i. Krlax in \ir-(!oii(lilioiir(l (ioiufurt. and wliat values they want to hon­ now in Hartford. Jeffers said that ' were particularly thrilled to re- and sing. Like so many voiiiig j of Ihe extreme right We do not MEMMCK AUOn Bl'RKAU OS the exlMlIiig slate leadership of Chairman Kinier Craham orj tion lampaign o( the .National! Kp|Mihllr«n Noniinrc* Dtaa Th« tram a five minute General Manager George Waddell ' ! ceive a gift of a pretty shell pin people he la impatient, but I'm ' shaie their fear of < hsngi . or OTRCL'LATIONS______or I’lit our light touch, and lU the Kepiihlicaii parly la being the committee in i harge of a tiip .srr\ u r *l"P at !'ill.Hhur;;h. Thr ('.hoote \uiir Ox4ii Siiiiiiiirr* calher ^ ith a Boaid of Fire t'ndervvnter* in ro- had written seeking the informa­ I made by their daughters. The sure one dav he'll he a surprised iheii 'leliislon thst we i sn go hai k lo.'-ult.s 111 Tuikev, against Kiis- fnrr#‘d to Im* \rr> careful, on re- Not', u Ic -Mhv U) .-T’' KdARitl pi t'Si'lr 111 all'lllr.>1 hi icfly aid Tbs Hsrtld Prinfiif Joniosny. Inc. lo the Yankee stadiniii on .Iiilv- 21. opcfation vv.tli the Aniciiran Ho.«- tion, but the Hartford office said ' girls seri'cd refreshments. ritI the t'oy ratli-r than s sa l one. airn l riK Ihr i" Ml. p.i*l W'e hfh've in pi." ■ssumss no Bnsncisi rsspoi.s'b l'i> rei orgHiii/ation about agree­ .1. UiiSv il, 12, F-lrpublu an nominee WATKINS BROTHERS ■slat ion plan '1 III MH .s ti< av \ giip in roland. and it.-- aimon:i''ed that after .Inne 1 s.ile pilal ..\.'oioi lalion. Eefuti if.s over, no release would be made until all I afternoon elosetl with tiie BiO'.i'nie \on - hot'Ht' thf epi cMl gles* We know that von i sn ii"t typvgrapbioai srrors sppssrms in sd ing to Htep on the toeK of any­ of the tickct.s will he opened up Uii aitlerman aiul an elouli ician. If and when \oil come to \i*it pnllcii >uul HJiam ( )nlV a f''\v 11' • rsrtlssiBsnls sna otnsi rssa'nf mstttt lesiiUs. and you have the enntiast tt.i* lampaign I* cxjicvtcd t.i reavli 9.15 M.MN STREET the figures had been tabulated. It circle and flag ceremony. get along in the st' iiiic sg< witli body uho might poAsihly control lo persona not nienibcra of the (lied lasAl niKflt ol a heart attack me. you will find no matter how pOI t?M S an'l pill aphci n u err IB Tbs Msncbstisr Cser'ni Hsrsli.. ml., mole than 9 000 hospital.*. la expected that the enumeration Mrs Robert Coe and Mrs John the horse-snii-lmgg\ nlea* YORK by whiih you can n.ake a hasu or influence delegates to the Re- ronnril. Cntil that date, however suffered as he loft a meeting of Will be completed by the end of ! many girls are out here we are prc.sfiil Entertainment sinl s j'sgesnt pithlican State ( on\cntloii. Mo.*pltals. with then high [leri unl- Knudson. leaders, are grateful to judgmeiil of the two world pro- the sale will be restrieled the Republican Town committee. thia week. never crowded, and everyone is M I. Ti uman. \'ne F'rr.sulcnl telling the store of Thoms* .leffei- Tuesday, May Ifi Thev think, ttiejf'foitiiat ihi.< age o( human occupancy includ­ 1 Janice Murphey and .Nancy Weir, tag"ii..sts of lodav. Another feature of the meeting Biggest Local I•ruhlell1 I glad lo see other girls enjoying Barklr \, t abmciI ami oUuM pill tv soTi pTCiedf't the piesi'lent's liHdei.ship might be m more of hm ing II.any pi ople who i ould ncvci Senior .Scouts, who so sb!>‘ a.*sist- was the preaentatioii by C.raiid ’ The biggest problem in taking ' the same sort of activities. Troop nolfiblr •s pHiati? il from tlir BlS' k- .-pvei In Air-Conditioning ijiiiitin g mood onto it ha.*» .safely ^ save Ihem.'elves if fire struck, gan ed them. Kinghl .rohii,K. Miiyford of a Uie local cenaua was asking the ' 4. I know, was happy to make stur.r hotel a Iom1^ \ u u 11ll ? h-hphl - passed Uw te.sts to 'Ahnh any ' au.*> any fire cliiet slfepless n glit.“ By Their Fruits------traveling bag to I.nke P. Phillips. . teat queations, Jeffers continued, i new friends and he a part of the ?m1 mill‘s to the \\ CM Suit' AiiHtliuni. I’ r r t t y I,ik e A n y MallcHtn state coinention aubjeit.s any and vvoiM.*ome days —i.nless he is It was a happy day for fourteen . . GET RIO of THAT Tlie presentation was made lii the ' Many peraons were not convinced . hig scouting fam ily which wr all la iiv in g the pioccs»ion along Chl- Maybe Ruaaia Itn t alvs-ays as IcHflership convinced that everything possi­ members of Tn>op 4. Intermediate Unit K^riiFmhfr uhen \vc wrre all name of the present offn ers of the ' that the question on income was | are. I ago s nolnnotis ' .‘tknl row • had as we paint her. and mavbe Tiie s!\ I)«’niAMiHt« laliulate, I ble has be-n done to prevent fire.* Scouts, when Fay Fciris. assistant BAY WINDOW! (mini il and past officer.* in np- confidential. One enumerator re­ •Til next week, Poluc t'omnn*sioiirr Picn'lcr- wntririi ahniil inHiilinn'' fiirth*-r. that the Kef>ubli' an state and to cope with which loader, and a father of one of the Am srica isn't always as good as pi ei lalion of the v. orl( done hv ported that, by coincidence nearly | Daniel. gasl c.-tin'.Htr.l the .-trccl (I'lW 'l at ^ IMlOVt I M I S "ONSOI.E .MODELS v\rll lor thr \M‘ph of M h>' 9ntti lonvention might, in it?j plationii. mav break out unavoidably, girls took the group out to Camp Fm I ■•ttM'l Lm E B«tttr we would like it to be, hut you i an •Mr. Phillips. every fifth, or "test ", in her j 4(Ml.iiiMi I oii.sii|* T it poliiii tti .'-H*. .some­ line * heii.ilr ol fire protection Mcrri-Woiid. A game of softball ' In m Finn Quaff I y Oi«' Hur»'at» of Ie*bor m- thing on the Heorgani/.rl loll issue. WHO district was not working, making j Buddy Fnppy Meek Designated I reqiii-Dt liitcrriiptlniis get a pretty fair idea of the gen­ laumhed hv an Fa,*lern hospital is and other ball games were fun. but lU SINL.SS AND KESIDENCi: L M T S ; firx of 28 coniMuxIito^ \v#*nt up I it hard to determine the average ' Tl’.r jirvMii'lit wii* inlvmipted ABDOMINAL SUPPORT eral Influence of both great coiui- And that thought lea«is mte/'' a the real event of the da.v was a income. Another problem that Hartford. May^ 16- '.P' - Gover­ freqiiciitiv by applaii.-c, once, when j two prr ornt to reach the hipheat Democratic yearning t() Flc«* PAYS THE BILL? ing the day-time. It then becaine , week in a statement urging all "I wish thr* oppo*itt ,n wiriM "Ha' indow" s1oax« mu Poland and Turkey. Rohan ol i;,ii(iner street, will be j'wccl a similar experience, ami mill.' up witli something ami hr a ConiplHc .\ir-('ondilioning vvero 259 p.'i *enio- i t necessary to make a return trip one of thr dancers in the thinl an­ iitlzena to purchase poppies *nld down, tapi 'o iif rncfg>, Poland IS a Kiissian sate'.liU- tiiese girls were not to be outdone. real opposition. A girat pnhlnal Itret your hark—make* >mi look >rar« 19.T9 lr\ I I r iatn Pre.sident i ailed a Krpubli- Yes! - - lo the house, or make an oppoint- nual ilanre program presentcl by by the Veterans of Foreign Wars That satellite alatus is the best Ballimors. May 1#?. V An Not content with one hike, three party can not survive and be older. Our AKdominal Suppoili 1 an ('ongresH ba< k into apecial ment. i the Tybiir Dance Studio, at the for the benefit o f disabled and ' Instead of bein|{ worried about , sight-alarm Arc last night burned ; IVe are interested in build of the group and Mias Ferris hiked against everything " K'iantifically designed lo li(t and fiip> EASY PAYME.NT TERMS ARRANGED Ruaaia haa given Poland in tiilfMI- seAvjon anoiir natural fig^ire. Make vou eatabliah a free Poland. Your ideas will materiali/c nectnut Diinoijats woul

. 9 * T . 1 . y. MANCHKatER EVENING HERALD. MANi:HI':aTER. CONN« TUESDAY, MAV 16. 19S0 PAGE e l e v e n

coni ilbut Ions miidc at the .\qua- Proi'oeds will be used lo fiirllier . Hopes Siispeiisiim c ’.do in 1S 49 lias olTorcd,the fieliol- Data on ( Jiica^o fniaiice aeontlng Kctivllies. food Miinler I 'o r r c u s l IMaiiinrld Voiilh MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 16. 1950 arsliip to the best quAirfled candi­ sale la in tlie offing wlilch will be House To Rent? Oiilv for Suiiimer date. The council plans to offer held at tlie Hat Box in Rockville. ; scholarships in any year wlioii an (Inim* I# Soiijjlil Will Hi' Fart'll Bor.loii, May 16 L'V» l'’xtrndcd Held an Hiir^lui* James MoGi trc. son of Mrs. .lohfi' ployes and preparing a new aal- instructor is required for tlic .sv im- I'oircufli for New Knyland for toe Wntnoii advertiiOnk MCMa- Railroad Walkout ary schedule. List Speaker iiiing iirogram at Columbia Lalte. J. Shanalnin Jr . i f Meadow Bro ik , pr:*u>d Mu ’ 17 to Inrhifllvr live anil teen agp doaxhter mm6 Bow les Urges Washington. .May 16 lA'i The Washington, May 16 t.T' The; Nrv..ii K. N. J., .\* ly i kA‘, 20. 1 Thompaoii. May 16 Trial To Appear Here Its recommendations would be Tliis (car the cln.saos will begin Road, Ellim.ton, a .senior in Hic unfurnished 4 nr 5 room honw Veterans hospital variety-show Senate emhmiUee investigating i ,K>ocpii Olnhau ifl to t>' Hii aif’.ntHl The tempi*, at urr* dui ;n;: Hie , .ht.HiH'r IhivUl L)eHr»>«lerM found Budlong Asks presented to the 19M begialature. July .5th and extend over an eight Rockville High stliool wins ha.s i next four (lays,, Wrtinr.sday with garden A metleaion* News Tidbits Settled; Firemen The ; probable t auae for burglary and Higher Benefits Among other bills dratted yca- For Exercises program has folded, but the vetei* weeks period. Regi-stration dates gamhiiiig aiid crime has asked been active In extra curricular ac- ■ on A n.urdcr charge h«* r lodiiy, Ihrouph Sulurday. will avofa>;r hnnsekeeper. wUI aaaiiro os- j Ian ay charge* lodged ngalnat U rday ware proposals fo r such an.s BilmbiiMration is hoping that will be announced later at wbicli I Virgil Petersen, (5iicngo Crime tlvitle.s lias been aw anleil a *M01 while funrial srrvu c* go t».i in Ivvo to hIx dr’;rrrN below normal eepllnnal cam of konM for Voling Later CuHed From (/P) Wires Ortlered to Work i Mnttt KovtHto, H», of Plainfield and inntlernte rental, inrlieat lirf- For Stale Idle minor consolidations as these: tlie suspension is only for tlie sum­ lime ns.sigiinii’nt.s lo ela.sscs will lie euminisslon direelor, for a look at .scholarsli p at Yale Uiiiversitv forj iMnbv.iN, t.onn.. for thr vviic hr la with hltlr duy to »liy ch.mj;c, Assign to the Highway depart­ Doctor made. As in previous years, m ov­ I I'umid 1dm over to the Superior rrenres. Wrltn Box HmUi. hla first year there. H . imndl,'* a 1 11^ (1 ol (Irounim; m a Latu- Sunil' mu mal i.w \u Ifiui'eralurr.s Dr. J. Wendell Yeo to mer months. information his group has round­ I court under ImndF of $5,000. | Prime Minister Joseph Stalin ment functions now performed by ies will hr sliown at tin- hall on v a ­ piiblieitv for Hie lii;;]i s liool evont.-, are a« a . Iht'dnn and Itur* I ...... — A m (Continued from Page One) Camp Sliow.i the oigam zallon Uib. Episcopalian Bishop Al­ and UN Sccretnrv-Gcncrnl Trygve (f onllniied from Page Onci the Merritt Pjwkway commission ]\Iakc Add rest* at High rious phn.sfs of swimming and life ­ ed iiji I U on the Hlgli Honor R.dl and (las hn>;tun,’=*i>^ Nrw lliivrn 5t'. I'rovt I Slate iH'lae of the Danielaonj which has bceh bringing profes- saving. More than 100 ^■lli!dI'^n 1 lir drowning hai'iiriu’d Sunday I bill racUfl nn e.Mteil Koviflto follow- Lie Ulked for ' IM) minute* at „ „ withdrew ll.s demand, a union and the various Bridge commis­ Says I I'he was made liy the won awards In speaking and s|h 1J- ili'Mi O r»0. ('^lu'otil 5'*, I’otllniitl and • p K I m m 9 .sional rntcrtalnment lo ' the na­ are expected to regl.sler and a munung. on U oir iiibt vscuaii.ig I mg invcflligaliona Into break* at so Asks Approval of Kremlin last night . . . Total mini- tnling *l.V1,non,000. could easily spokesman said it modltled Its de­ sions. An advisory council of School Graduation eommillees newly njipomted chief ing conlcst.s. Thursday lie preaid- ; Nantucket 5,3. f'1ast|H^ri 10 tion's 100.000 ho.spitalizcd war vet­ broadened scope of training la aiinivciDaiy. i non Uionan \saii\Co her of "actual, hard-bitten revolu- afford the changes recommended mand to the extent that the ques­ five members, named by the gov­ eounsel. Rudolpli Halley Halley | ed at the meeting of the. (h'renvillr 5’ . and rie.‘ ijur Isle 52 n p.aiaye here n brew fiy dlfltrlbu* Resignation in. January erans, lost its main source of sup- planned by Mrs. Leona Wolniei. Uilo puller hi aUquui In H am] told PIASTI-UNER tlonarv subversive foiiuiiiinisis In i,y the committee. The added cost. tion will be approached through ernor for five-year terms, would Dr. J. Wendell Yeo. a profea=.oi said today he liopes lo hav e the ' Kain Aiiiniu't* will .ivrra.ut' lion eent ‘ r find n motor *ale* com* By Kdvsin 1*. Jordan. M. D. [Kirt early thi.s year when USD First Aid ami Water Safety Chair­ dent Councils hold at Hie Rockville pojii 0 about it I or dcjOx hrigr.uit Hollywood is not much alsive 1(>0, ’ )ir estimated, would total als>ut arbitration of the existing con­ be created for the Highway de­ ■ nucleus of a staff three or fuui i Hhoiit o'if ten!!', nf an Inch o . ur pnn> M VVilhmantlt', a Jewett Written for N E A Service of education at, Boston University (United .Service Oigaiiir.nlloiis i man of till" P,ed Cross, and il is ex­ Higli sciiool ns hr is pre.s dent spio'vtd liiin a* having hr woiu o..l says Motion Picture Alliance for j.s.omi.OOO a year on the average. tract agreement. partment. aides at work l>y tlie end ol H i' vine the laf*('i’ pMrt esion all except the tax­ In demanil." will be the commence­ Hie *1.50.000 nation-wide crime lie worked w itli the A.s-einlily and i . . . BriUsli W ar .Minister J'*'’ *’ | Thi' governor summari7.eth hnmls while she whm in ^*Tlopplng the convenUon ag^da the rule, which provides for a fire­ would go to a proposed new De­ .luiie fi, at the Stale theater, .Super- j had a fill-in on big-time gambling high honor tsdl .student and the! says present U. ?’■ Eliminate workers earning be- The cause is usually not hard to cussing the po.ssibllity of a fund­ parent.* ami fneiui.s as well as the bathtub and nniil. ’Drown. On* application la the request of the Rt. Rev. man in tlic forward cab of Diesel Ihtendent of Schools Arthur H. I and hookinaking data eolleeted by winner of the annual sprlliug hie L<'iilv(‘iniii "IS one of moie left-wii K g , „ y^ar from unemploy­ V partment of Finance and Taxation. find — excessive work for too long raising campaign to enshle re­ Donald Gaylord, extension sp.''eial- yoi Frederick C. Budlong, bishop o locomotives on main line or Illlng aniioumed last night at a ;a Senate Commerce siibeonnmttee His aeiieiliea lust year inclml.d ment* of world toda,\. „,,.nt henetti coveraire Assign to the Rtate Park and a period, lack of sleep, dietary in­ sumption of the program next fall. ist from fhc University of Con- lYdu'e loMid !Jie imdr body of MAKES FALSE TEETH FIT Connecticut that the Episcopal Cheering student demon.slnitors ''cni m \erag through passenger service at all meeting of the Board of Educa­ I studying anli-gamldlng Icgisla- lioiding such ol fires as jireaKlent Ixmi.^e. a 38 y('nr-'4>ld tdonde, ntill f;i\r all oligiblr worker* brnr- Forest commission supervision discretions or some similar fault of necticiil anil Albert Grey, acting MilwHukee M.'iv 16 -P' Let­ House o f Bishops and the from Lniislann .^tate iimvciHity | times when the train is moving. tion. : lion. • of the As.seirlily eommitlee, treas­ in the tub. \ for th* Ufa of your plot* 8 nt** fi>r the maximum 26-wock pr- over certain historical monuments living. The remedy lies In correct­ county 1-H club leader. ter* and curd.* fi (un Rt ro** th(* ing committees of the church be win legislative liac'king in their It is said that if acrx-lec.s of an ad­ urer of Ills Student Coimeil, v.e Olohnn, 37. i.i a ahipping clerk If rnur plAiei looM and vllp or ni«l providrd by the prosonl law. and sites. ing the c.ause - or at least not doing Tlie board approved the selection Mr. Gaylord .started Uje girls 1 country hc'lped nine yenr-old Ar ihrm for iiiiunt, p«rm*n*at comfoit asked to permit the election of a prote.«t against order requiring co- ditional iqan is required to perform prm dent and eharter member of I'olirc on thr ni 814 ilKsk doubted Hr ..... - a -_ i_ 'Hip Rxrragp benrlU period now, Tile seven new ills brought to it again. * 1of Dr. Yeo and appointee and boys on a new project; tlint I mand J^elmltz win a round flgnm*t irimmt IMuti-Unrr ttript. Iat iiHponi suffragan biahop at some iHlet i‘ds to eat all their meal* on enm- I work In fhc motor room, the rules Loliiiiilii: the .National Ho*’ ,‘>r aocyety aii‘l | he uould be nllow6>1 to attend the or lower rUt* hit* end it penLpwiMaH 11 the total number of reorganiza­ This kind of fatigue, however. Is i UieiBC of its .iicmb?rs who will pre- of making calf halters wliicli they chr-unc Ivmpbflt't' lenUemlji Inst pilM . Prof. O. tilenn Saxon of ho fluid. wHfl 17 work*. j provide he shall be taken from Elliii^toij treasurer of th«' elas.-, .lame.s wa.s Tunei a'.. Httnitmt f*f Imttlnjn... k! ErearMIMOld om_ oM_ tion measures drafted since lead­ not much of a problem. That tired j sen! diplomas at the oightli grade will use on tlielr animals when winl. r bill MomlnN In* lost the ' rtihher pUteB. Hrimmt PiMCi-UMrglWtgeM ^'m shop Budlong, who has hea-le.l Yale iinivcrsily fliiys that pub- (bvp aporial troatmont for un-i 1 the seniority ranks of the firemen. Plana for rommunity observ­ also cliosen as the Ellington dele- : refullB irorn •!> monihi lo « re«r or lo hshed reports’ that he would ' 'ae-| employed workers with dependent ers began their bi-partisan talks. feeling which is chronic and per-I Rfaduations in June. Chairmar thev show them at Stafford Fair; flphl I Kniii forevtr mcit and borbtr ol the diocese for 17 years, slso has Rule (.ialmi'd Violated ance of Memorial Dav were made gate for Boy .s' Slate and again noiislv cunsidi'r accefding lUpub- . rhildrcn. This would include an Miss Barhnra Smefama Previously-written bills would sistent and the cause of which I Uharles .S. will award diplo- next .\ugiisl 24 and 25 .Members The Spnnp meeting of the Tol- The Ind * plen In-1 i linntm n* urm (d.Ass ■pplir*(iont char Uat 9 frwboi ounord asked that the convention appro\c The union aald the rule has been on Hip high honor roll and winner •fippin*. rocking nUret *00 tor* s * * , ■■ llcan nomination for U. S. senator additional 10 weeks of •tienelits, an establish Budget and Public cannot be easily Identified Is miieh ^ mas at the High school gradua- Friday evening hy s committee gave reports on the care of horms. i lahd Caunty .p arm B'lreaii will be Offirrrs Klr<*lrd for mail to “ keep my t ompnn\ ' his resignation next .lammry, when - I violated through the uae of Hpecia! of the spelling bee aoythlny.Talk fr«*iy BnfoyOf tho ceeifoei Aew if it » ere offered to him were ' Incr.'nse in the maxlimim from $'2t Baibara lyiiilse Smetama. 5 ft. i ,iuty men who have been perform- Works departments, give munici­ more aerious. This type of fatigue j tlon. headed by Wilbur Fletcher, and methods of feeding and preparing | I drew a reaponne. MIKKOUS • • o d * O f people all- cqrm thrnmmmffmmmmi ■ he would be succeeded legion. Boy and ly plticB.f 'Bn He removed *bper directioof UMVf Would Is'ave, Single Bishop , fi.flcHl year will be presented to I him but one dnv to live Hut he "S»%r t t0m imt mmttHmg. . lu i h f ilio- ' can nomination for governor into , dren up to 18 years as clepemlents. Uonnectlciil title, will appear per­ clvurK«'s "that certain practices in The (Conservation department The strain of children cannot b« ' ance work. Rrnul.s, Brownies and school cliil- Gni lord .lane Mazanik ami t-il- committee, president of the F.ust- ,\t « recent meeting of the Im ­ the membership to be ari'epted a* I bepaitvfnii’nR *nr1y tin* month and SOLD ON A MONEY DACM This move would 1 I Now Britain. Bradlev-f >r-i;o\ ern-| and "double drpcnhments. dent Councils, president of the .Na. : 1 PlATt 2 PI A H i Ister Its affairs. It was explained ^ or ors and F'mante Committee. cle. held Rt the home of M ri. John hi* final week Kxtend unemployment compen- IhroURh the I'oiirlesy of the l..ano existing contracts." can one do about il? There are F. Ferguson will pre.scnt diploni.i' groups or son.s or daughters of Miss Shirley Weik county 4-H tlonal Honor Society, trxasurer of that a coadjutor bishop Is an as- | servation, Hoods, polliJlion,, recrea­ The Friendship Dla** of the i Alh*on of We.NtmlniKler ro&d. the salinn coverage tn all workers ('onip.'iny, niitional maniifacliirer.s The union said the agreement other factors besides children i at the morning cxeicises nt tlic vetersn.s are invited to join In tlie club le.'v.der, visited tlie meeting the StUitent Council, treasurer of i Bislant with the right to sucres- i tion. navigation and the like. T o Kllington I ’onj;! egaliniial cluirrh | fnlloNMng offii rrfl were eleclcd: with one or more employes,. In­ ol cedar chests. eliminated wage dillerentials which enter into chronic fatigue. j Hollister .8trcet school and (.'ail E. ceremonies. The program will i cf flic ,ColnmblH Go-Getters when Hip International Cluii and an ac­ Sion, which a suffragan does not The recent contender for which it said had existed In pay of that department w nild be assigned will hold a piibllr rard harty in 1,/esidrr. Mr*. URymond Hage- A b o u t row II stead of the present bmitation to Inability to relax 6r play, diffi­ I H'.iltinc in the afleir.oon nt B\ ck- start near Yeomans Hall at ten they met Wednesday nipht at the tive member of the t*li ml.slry and have. the .MI.SS America title, awarded firemen on oil burning steam loco­ functions now performed by the the Kllingt«»n Town Hall Monday. Jl*m; .^cre(.ir>'. Mr*. (ieorge NEED WELDINr; DONE? employers of four or m<»re. Thi« culty In getting away from the land scl .ol. n'cloek on May 30s Further plans home of Betty Ann Falk. Mr*. Varsity clubs He is studying under ; Today's srssion opened wltn motives and straight electric loco­ .State W ater commission, the Flood Leaiy: trenflurer. Mrs. F.dmund The W. S. C. S. x^liKlN (Iroiip would add 20,000 new employers each year at Atlantic (hty for tal­ problems of every-day life, lack of 1 Wednesday, .lime 14. William will be announced. .Mrnry Bernltl was leader for the i May 22. ProeceiLs w ill he used the C oll'ge course and hopes to at - 1 Holy Communion at ciinst Church motives. They have had lower Uoiitrol and W ater I^olicy coinmis- Mornnrry: welfare. Mrs. Richard will meet tomorrow anerriocm at and 40,000 workers. ent. poise anne ployes. and make a special study ( ’oniieclirilt Week. " She will he nt I or I.'iesels, the union said. Tlie The Commerce depsrtment ent, Mis.s Weik Judged the [ old folks on their birthdays .ind Hlore Pe»»nl*.. Plefnre Framing (SBsSidarih Hirhmctnd. 60^ South Main stretd. ing trip with M'illiam Knofla ot Jai’ob Loetarhe.r ot Main si i ret. ( 'lining, iNirtnble k^piipiiimf P:♦.^ o’clock. Keith's all day Thursday and from new agreement, if said, brings all would talic over the State De­ J . , .... the niorninL and Frederick 1. skirts and sun-back dresses the j the shiilms and the ill when eon- Mr,* Kirh itd PitHt; (' ‘Dtat t rhntr- I’rrsrriptinn PharmacT 'Hie worship sciwu’c will In- led by of tlic advi.sabiltty o f giving pro- Sometimes a dueled condition , Manchester Green •Manchester and folum bia Lake, Kllington is a patient in thi' .Mnn- Venetian Hhnde Blahop Budlong and Blahop noontime until clo.sing on Siitiir-| rates at the same level. No figures velopment com mission and super­ girls have Just completed, pointing | fined lo then home or In the ho.s- mn*!. .Mis, J >s4'ph Voir; puhheity. Holt.HI— T il. Man. ■MJ562 Mrs. Klorrn'e Korngiebel. The tei tion to municipal employes and IS at fault. A -tliKl't anemia, fo r , afternoon had good luck and brought back ehester Memorial liospitnl. Pnm itnre Topa !»0I Main SI— Tel. 6321 Gray were to address the delegates liny. A special door-pi ir.e one of ! were given. vision of piers and harbors, in- out to each what was oulslamling • Pital. Card games will begin at Mr* R( rn.ird Foj;nrty. program will 1h' in * Imrgc oi" Uu? crnplnycfl in charitable and non­ example, can .and does produce i __ the salmon to prove it. Tlie two at lioon. with the business session Dnne's tieaiitiful cedar i he.sts | S;'Viie in Rockville .tune. r,f Ro.-knile attended a hirtiulav enlarging the scope of the dio­ son, 7^71. full fMTiod. ' j Carrying too much weight, flat geous in-aere palrh in the Mlri- Kellh's will have a party ! man on about 200 single .small Manchester Man (h 'l'iiiaii B ill 71. Bett'" Ann made apple p:r pnrlv in lionor of Mrs, Canipbell cesan publication, and elertton of 4kMHl C'lxiss-Secflon Sought ’ ami Mnniimerahle other bmly mirhi at Bhickvillc. .New Bruns­ on ’niur.sday afleinoin at which 1 Diesels ii.HCd in switching service, and rocoa which *hc, flcrved the Members the Alpina .‘^•xirly h t l l o l s l 111 I p r o d u c e ex- wick. (..'anada. Mr. Knofla report­ iillil Mr.s W'rlrs at the home of x-arioua officers. will meet this evening nt T.rki at The governor detlared that in lime all fd Manehe.ster H ighj mostly in simill isolated yards. I ~ iit-lx l ill i-el iH II j ppgjjjy, fatigue or to make that group. Eight girl* were present Hteir MP|*hew ,ind nicer. Mr .snri The annual dinner la scheduled The carrier sjiokesman said the (( ontinued frmn Page Ooc) ed the biggest catch, a 2P pound­ the Itnbun-A merican **liibhoufle, I .Meleid^ng members of the Shulman i .‘-rluMd's senior las.stes will he in- ] Mr*. Henrv Bernltt ha* been oho*- Mrs Harold Marlin of Weplfield, for «;30 p m . at the Hotel Rond roads have agreed that where a tired feeling worse. er. Mr. Hennessy got several, the fmni whence they will prin eed to cominitlec he bad “ jmugbt to sc-,, vitcd to hear Muss Smetams ex­ cn delegate from the f-H cUih M a.*'."' adth the Rt. Rev Horace W. B Of eoursf. If a definite di.scase Mgseow radio diflMo.sod Stahn largest a 12-pounelcr the (^ui.flh Funeral Ibnue. tn tri­ I cure a g. whf) ion an.s H piilieiit in tlic MHiK he,.strr dloccase o f New York, as principal The need for a fireman in the ! usually be remedied. This is the I , Otto Grotcwohl that Uuflsia u a« .Society for Crippled Children and ; \SBS a meml'cr of the fl>>cicly. ' might, have any bpcs.ial poliliCHl .Vimoii'a till.' awarded on the eight today with the death this Mtfl* Kslelle Berktjwit.z <;he*t- hii.spital i.s re|ioi ted lo b.’ Imprm- speaker. I others now in service, he' added. ’ first step in eombatting fatigue. ' cuttinp: the balance of the Sovjrt Adults Evsn F. Kullgren, chair- ; ,,,,, , » u . , I axr to grind. ' ! 1 liiisis of "hcauty and no braitus-' j mornin^r of Mrs. Irene »S. Murray. occupation zon**'’* rcparationfl hdl Inc following ,an operation last I'I’ll e tilie carries a .f.-i.Oild scholar-' will be submitted to an arhiliation of o7l Zion slreel from injur-11 Should nothing be found, then it man of the Ea.ster sale of Seals tn I ’’ Raymond Roberts st»n Mr. .■\s he (lid la.Ht night m a spee« h in hrilf. Ica^ in;; $:V1 71 .OOO.dOO to br Oolumhia. expresses hia appre. ia- , dinner party fr;yen , t n „. k'l i(ln\. .-hip and the 10.’’>0 winner will he Mnard. He said other issues were j becomes necr.vary to analyze and and Mrs. F-nimett T Ibibcrl.'x. of !•( f»*M' the IcFon l>*lM»t le.M received i^nturclay nipht wh**n 1 paid in fh*^ next I"! year.**. Mos­ Hale Hotel \u Willimantir .Saliiiduy .Iimr ,5 is H.e day set fho..en lioni H group of d.'i girls of "a minor character and easily she fi'll from a rnnvinp ear at |' study various faclo?^ such as those lion of the eo-oporatlon of the '"an BiiHrii/. Asked 20” Main street. ceUduatifl hi** • lute at .N’ru fiaven. the g«)vc?imr cow'** ori^jinal (Irmand niR Harriet I'Hprr.s, magazines, rags and, party for ten f*f bis little fnemls and I'uei lo Ru o I 'andidatcs mu-st The iinicin said it did not liavc a ot rrel. The proper balance between date {116 .50 haa been received. • anauged i.uit he bat! ,"mflucn«'(*d the (oui- 000.OOO in war rrparali'»ii5. Brelflchneidcr aiul her flitter Mis* tie panels and magazines m A bon I Speerh The refreshment tabic was cen­ luive-hnd at least a high school statement immediately. Mrs. Mui'ray. the \uife of Ber­ work. rerVeation and sleep has to This IS the first year that the cam­ r.ui t rr, be worked nut. Change of occu­ Stalin'* letter v. a.* in reply to an paign has been conducted on a .\nlt* TTerkow'if/ . , There m , -.' „tn' ten hiuidles ami have tliem read',' at tered with a beautiful birtbfbn eiluialioiu Federal mediators, who hnd licen nard Murray, died at H ailford Eaflt rjerman p' for a reiliit'- ■’I pa il I'Ilia 11\ rrgiTi ^liat Ihi.- pation is not often recommended town basis so that no comi>ansons i l--stelle 8 a.m. cake. Tliere were good thing.s ami .ludging is ha.sed on the follo\^‘- in Chicago attempting to laing ho.cpilai at '2:20 this niorninj?. Shr tion to "aid dcm«>rratie reeom^tnie- (CVinttnoed from P M * One) m ar alt;u k va^ made \\y a gn»' p because il usually is not possible. ean be made with previous efforts ' "''t^ rorsag' and gift Mi.s.s Friday lugl.t Mai 19. the 5'iiuHi favor.s for all. and gifts for Ray­ mg 1 lassifualion s' Bathing amt. peace between the earners and received a fn o ture<^l skull tion’ in the Soviet zone rjf oceupirfi which has fought a continuing I’ai Many people need to learn how } Olid It may be that the first mail- Berkowitz will be marrlfd enrlv Variety .Show will be preaented by mond. to make his day complete. , evening dress. Talent and person- union for nearly three i\eeks. w ere Police today are hohiing' Still- ; Germany t m \ y Worker who broke with the ; to relax when they have the mg list was not eomplete, .Mr In June !.i.) I'Jilb'it Flauni of Willi- the Eiliiigton Girl Rroiits in the lie against unemployment (om- s h t V . not immediately available for man Sanfoni. 37, of 40 Whitney ' Radm Berlin and other S(,'Vi't- party, replied: Kullgrrn said. It is not too late for Ellington Town Hall at 8 p m. Mrs Hsrley R, TvWolf. presi­ prnsatioii fiiun it.-x \’cry incrplum,' M iss .Siiulama is a grailuale of I oinmenl on the settlement. chance. The adoption of a balanced conlrollecl .statioi\*s spectldy brond- ‘•Yea—and the preeident of load.'^'r, driver of the | anyone who may have been om it­ dent of the Ih'W oIf Art Cuild. will :. nc said Warren High sclriol in Ftridgeport. diet with plenty of vitamins is i cast fhc Moflcow announcement Fordham univermty eald thl* de­ car in which Mrs.^Murray was rid- j ted from the mailing list to send speak on "H<»hbicfl.“ at the Mon­ "The govcinoi ibd not identif> I,ike ni.'iny others, she hones to beneficial when the abnormal fa; ', and hailed it as a g;* nerou.>^ nunciation wa* lower than a Dally Loral FrriglU Trains inc. under $1,000 on a charge of, m their contributions. day evening meeting of tbs Wom­ ; the source o f the statement fur- I'tintuuu- her voice sludevs. negligent homicide. ,,i tigue is at least partly . . due to I lure of economil' a?fliflfanee, Worker editorial.” en’s f'lub of Manchester Mrs. A photographer was at Horace Iher. Norns W. Ford. exivulive The Ijine (Vdar < *liest t’nmpanv Lcnrilmg to the report of Po- ' "" ; The official Amcrl-vin ne\» f lMB% Part Ordered fltrlekea DeWnlf and her assftcinte teachers Ih’gin Running Again W. Porter school on Friday to Wlggin objected to the retponee vue president of Manufactur­ Is orie (if four national inaniifa'- li-man David Poirot, inveatigal-: "hould not be Used j paper Neiie Zettung called it “pro- staged a most puccessful exhibi­ tiirers assisting in the .sp nu-orship New York. May 1.5 - txical ! paganda sought at a rhean price take the pupils pictures. This vnll you CAN BE SURE...IF it 's and the laet part of the anewer ers Association of Connecticut, ing ofTicci, .Sanford said he slowed "P"" » Physicians advice he available lo the children at a tion <»f dec<»ratcd tin and wooden of the .Miss America rngeanl. H eight trains began rolling again - I Need <’»refij| Sehediile “ Oriiflnal Demands Paid” wax ordered Btrlckcn. issued s statement .Sunday cnllcir- down to stop at a stop s\f;n fit ! ware last week in St Mary's par­ tc'liiy over New York Central Kvervtliing whirh run hr later date. At the conclusion of Biideni'* ing the Shulman committee's re- tdr lntf*pfl»'rtionft uhrn the right the Ru.«sianp give tlic Ger- ish hall. She has .several hobhio«j (racks. A company apoUeaman remedied, should ho. incluiJing , man.-^ an honc.**» accounting of W hite carnation.s on the altar testimony. Arthur Seherl. of , poll and saying that the governor front (lCM»r fip^ncd and Mr*. Mur- herself, is also s colleet<»r of early .aaid the read (irobably would re­ emh fai'tors as loo much nmoking. ^ what already ha.«i been taken anuth Coventry, Conn., an alter­ had chosen com ruttee members rav f o i l lo th4» Atrew Is In charge of arrangements, ' leasctr Shulman yesterday defend- The Central moved to restore there i* little to he found and per- Riiflflian demand.* in full. ' th^' ory of her mother, Mrs. Grace Lit­ day that Draper and Adler were and no guest fee will be asked. ! cd Ihia follow ('omniittee members. full freight and I'H.saenpcr sri viigcs for D e u ll i b and four other major railroa)>* ilevt .Xns.icr 5IriH. ( nlhf*plnr Grady Watei-bury, May 16 ,Ti The ; j* to become aware of those in-i Anti-Communist German lead- man like Carl Randan.” dbn'iission group meeting tonight ' vice from this city lo all point.s vorite hymn and "Jesus Thou Art | Mrs. ( ’rtlhf»rin«‘ (Irady fiird yo.s- Connecticiil State CIO organiza-1 fl„..nces which are producing a 1 ®'’'' The juror then asked. “Did they Bowles said that loo Im >-1 Standing " a.>. Hie anthem. IS the play, “ Hamlet.’’ Mrs. Kath- tcrdii> .'it tlu home of h( r dough- ' of the system w as expectol lo be tlon Joined to d iy in the protest aiatc of chronic tiredness ramedv ' (lisniantled say that to you directly?” e n n e liourn and Gilbert Hunt .Tii.-.urr lo oncuiployiii.’iil i.s jo...*," f liol- hillv restored by tomorrow. equipment, rolling stock, nianufac;- ’I’hc following children took TELEVISION l‘ r. Mr>. ,l‘*hn A-spin^;! Budenz replied, “ Yes. sir.” agninrt a charge by a Conneclicut those which one can, an dibe arc- group leaders, state that anyone He ll.stcil eftoit.s lo lirii'g a >lccl ton (VnttT, nftDi H sh(*il dlnesfl. ^ tured goods ami even food. their Holy Coniinuruon during the from Wigpn moved to strike out all I.Iamifacturcrs association spokes­ pared to cure the others asVioon as who is intereisted is invited to at­ mill to the .New .iica. get Slu- had livod here two and fnio- A State department .spokesman nine o'clock mass at St. Coluraba's i twtimony about the entertainers’ man that a committee which i circiimstajiccs allow. WINS COMMENDATION. Here's Constance Grontlond of New tend this meeting, tonight friun _ a natural gaa pipeliii.’ into the half yoars. vestlgaied unemployment in the In Washington callol the Soviet Chapel Sunday mornmg; Franoii ' Ho*on. long distonce operator, at her switchboard shortly after earn­ TRAINING NEVER STOPS. Connie is a vetoron telephone operator with eight yeors' experi­ reputation on the ground it was Stand J'akcii LaChappell Frank .Marchesa. Ali- seven to nine o'clock at the M aryi.l tlic a sisU r. .Mis.s Kllen Hairan. of Now that Russia has been "looting East chael .Minalga, Patricia .Mlnalga. i The Judge ordered that answers Oienev Library. ' i.'onne l>y Governor Bowles. | son She is one of 2,800 friendly Conneclicut operators who hoodie otors never stops — os now methods mean a constantly improving service for you. appointment ot a full employ­ York C'lty; r hiothei, Jamcfl On ’Smears* A statement by John J. Dria- i Hospital Notes Germany for several years, so Larry Roberts. Louis Soracchl, Mi- ■ t,o questions as to their repula Harran. of Irrland: arul two grand* there's nothing mlieh left to repa- chad M c yiia d i. Carol Ja.swiPski. : your calls — emergency or routine — so swiftly and courteously. tlons might stand, except for that ment comnullcc' as cxaripic.s of coll, secretary-treasurer of the what lii.s Bdmimstrution lomg i u a.s a member of State CIO council, called the rate." Davnd Chesley, David Hudlak and I part “ based on hearsay.” (Cuotinued from Page One) Admitrd yesterday: Mrs. .Mildred Cecelia Brousseati. Miss Dorothy June Marriage to create employment.- I\ St. ainmofl's rhiireh i charge of Norris \V. Ford, mami- Doubt Began lb IMS Fiin»’ral florvlrofl will bo h**ld Oliver. 146 Bissell street; V'incent Jet Ughter Ihlol Killed Evans, their teacher, was present­ But when iinemployini nt cxisls. | furnish any such evidence to ihc | fa^trers aaaociatlon executive Budenz, who broke with the Thursday at 10 a. m. nt the W. V. I to Ihf i Farrand, 130 W’oodbridge street: ed with a corsage by the children. I A A D I O f r Hale to Re High he sai l, there waa need for the | government... 1 P"*>ident. an "irreaponslb e CVimmunist party in 1945 and re- Qiilsh Kiinrral Home. 225 5rain ' Wiibiod I.4iFlame. 17 Cumberland Tokyo. May 16. iT. An Aiimr- A fire in tlie town dump railed i IffM om k. Milt ftorthoTthaCantor 1W. .state to the burden on the turned to the Roman (’atholic . .street, ami at a. m At St. W e reaffirm our belief in fair jP«>plc who have ' oiit- street: Richard Gagne. RFD 2. Iran Jet fighter pilot killed to­ out Columbia Volunteer Firemen I faith.^iM ttie Federal court jury I yuvlfi .-V .limes workers hit "l> ’ l rnc ri'(>eat. 1 .Iame*i's rhnt'rh Burial will Iw In play and honest fan iia l mvestl- ' "landing reputations for courage day when his F-80 .^hooting Slsr .Sunday shortly after noon No ' i » and lndei>cndcnce. Gla.stonbury; Henry Gunther, 28 I yesterday that lie began to doubt ; he h pretty busy month men and women are w llhoiil | St. .lose]>h's renudrry. Wdlimantic gallon. . exploded over Yokota airbase 20 damage was done. | joha amt without work through no i To disagree with the Manufac­ Florence street; Tlmothv Treschuk. TELEPHONE the Moscow party line in 1943. j the preachers, predtcl.s the A funeral . . inaflfl will he eelehrated | "We believe that development i miles west of Tokyo. W ilbtir Fletcher. .Scoutmaster j fault of their own." he said. "Ijct 1 turers aa.sociations apparently 56 Lenox street; Douglas .Shorts. "I was being destroyed individu- state Health department, Saturday at 9 a. m. at the rhurrh. of fart* better *ervc5 the intereifl | , *w i * r w • 27 Lilac street: Lj-nn Scott, 11 sn.l John Cai*d. assistant scout­ OPERATOR- ally and I was losing all sense of "More marriages are performed me repeat that e\ery posaltile cf- j Fnrnd.m mav call «t the funeral of our people than development of j riinnlng the rl#k of being Washington street. Vernon; .Mrs. master took 'ooys from their troop m orality," he said, adding: "The j m ('onnccticut iluving .June than fort is being made to increase em- ; home from 2 o’rinrk tomorrow aft- headline* baaed on nim or and dia- | attacked in the preaa. no matter 1890 STYLE. Mary Kovis, 31 Florence street; on a trip to .Natchaug Forest Sat­ will of the dictator was iny moral j nt any other time of the vear and ploynu-nt and imi>rove employ- 1 until the hour of the fu- 'i tortion ” outatandlnp are the. persona] Imogine Connie looking ernoon Mrs. Albina Spellman. 96 Alton j urday. .Some of the l>oys took a law and that was destroying me," il Is anticijiated that (ibuiil '2..’>00 nicnt opportunities and secniity, neral The sUtement continued; ; '•'’J* P'*^"'' five mile hike, while olliers spent like this? Yo i, styles in both street: and Mrs. Grace Hlllerj-, 13 There were other things that couples will he married in this •'Blit il ia onr Job, as a maliiro "The Democratic party \\-tu 1 volv ed, said Driscoll. Do You Know the time fishing, clothes and telephone impelled him "to escape from the slate next month," the department and . responsible state governm ent Mrs. Annie Spitko never advocate fighting Commu­ Munro street. I .Mr. and .\lr.s. Doq^d Tuttle and ! Adm itted today: William .Middle- equipment have chonged. concentration camp " he testified. notes. to see lo It that these workers, Mrs Annie Spitko, wife of .Inhn nism with the police state terror­ That ~ daughter .Mi.=.s OlIvcVuttie attend­ during their unwilling period of I brook. Jr„ 14 Dover road; Mrs. Today's telephone opera­ These, he said, were his "grow ing ■lust to make sure, however, that Spitkn. of llT Dix Avenue New ism which Cpmmiinism imposes Tickets Selling Manrhester 51 e m o r I a I ed a surprise bridal aiiqwer to Mrs. i one little detail won't up.sct the unemployment, be given as Jil.sf Dt.rothy Russell, RFD 1. .South ] tor IS far more comfortable fn . understanding of the slave state Britain, died at the New R nlsin upon Its own victims." ■ Hospital Is: Tuttle's niece .Miss Bertha Jane which is Russia" and a party order I bridal applecart, the department and adequate protection a* lies General hospital yesterday after a Renen SI of Pledges ' Coventry: Tj'ler Tessicr. 95 Broad ; Hutchin.son of Andover, at the in an up-tO;date model. 1. .A nieiiilier of the (,'on* to influence American public i suggests that prospei live brides within our power. Generally the policy stalcment . For Cluircli Lunch street; Elmira Tcaaier, 95 Broad I home of Mr and Mrs. Keeney All equipment it constontly long ilineas. was a former nectirilt Hospital As­ opinion for a Red China and a I and gVisuiis put the m arriage ti- "I hope you will give this pre.aa- reaident of Manchester. was a renewal of pledges made in i street; Nancy Snow, 71 Wetherell ! Hutchin.son in Bolton Saturday improved to help tele­ j eense well up at the head of the ing problem your aincere. earnest sociation. Red Poland. Friends may csll at the Eriekson the Democrats' 1948 platform and | Emanuel Lutheran Laulles' Aid street. ! evening. .Miss Hutchinson will be phone people briisg you I list of things to do. ami Immediate attention." a pledge of support for Mr. Tni- i Discharged yesterday: Roy FJlLs, ' ?. member ot the Budenz, who in his testimony Fiinersl Home. New Britain, to­ Society which la serving a chicken married May 21 to Robert H kar- better, foster sorvire. has named a number of persons I It's not uncommon for the busy Labor Leaders at CMpItol morrow ,until 9;00 p.m. Services man's Fair Deal program. It said: |pie luncheon Thursday from 11:30 318 Main street; Mrs. Helen Opal- Anirrlran Hospital .As* rand of .Manchester m Andover , ! planners to get every last detail os Communist party members, ac- As the governor's message ill he held at St. .lohn's I.ulheran "We are proud of an adniinla- ; lo 2:00 at the church for the busi­ ach and baby girl, 22 Cottage i soclatlon. Congregational cliun h. I arranged and tl'cn find they've for- cu.ied Bome "so-caticd Intellect., re.T-hcd the I-k Deeds church. Rev. Bronislaw Gada- Nelson, 85 Branford street: Gor­ the Recreation ‘ Council, Mr. amazing success." held a definite decision whether man, will be assi.ated by Mrs. Orr, The methods used b.s .NEW MODEL— M. J. Coughlin to Robert Q. and rowskl officiated and Mrs. Arlyne Mrs. Gustafson; also Mrs. Elsie don F i^ . 31 Waddell road; Robert March, a Junior at Temple Uiii- "Ceasea to Be Innocent" rtorothy H. Sandale. the Mortorr the hearing wxjuld be delayed until larr1t.v played and sang. .Burial (Continued from Page One) Gustafson, Mrs. Alice \’on Borch- Martin. Jr., 91 Walker street; Mrs. verrity. i.s ii member of the swim­ But the former Communist block and a single dwelling prop­ they had had a chance to atiidy was In’ St. Bridget’s cemetery. the equipment, the experieneed staff—all ers, Mrs. Florence Okerfelt. Mrs. Marcella L'Heuniex. 283 Spruce ming team. He participated in functionary contended that "after erty on North Main street. the governor's message. Bearers were E. H. Johnson. rival leaders yesterday as they Hllma Lavey. Mrs. Mildred West street: Catherine Ferguson. 97 the roseue of a tlrowning victim combine lo offer von expert flnisbinc in a man has been fooled four times Herman Schendcl and Mary J. Representative George C. Con­ Robert Billings, Emil Oohier and I Paul Jarvis, whose plane crashed sought to put into concrete form and Mrs. Louise Hinrichs. Foster street: and Mrs. May Tour- he ceases to be innocent." Schendel to Herbert E. and Mar­ way, House G O P leader, said one Alex Ealchuons. the "area of agreemoht” on re­ into the lake I in 1948. for telotte, 84 Broad street. every bundle of latindrj st»ii send here. If In some cases he said It waa garet H. Benson, property on of the things that first had to he organisation reached In previous Oandidary Bid Endorsed whicli he was awarded the bronze unnecessary for a "conrealed Com­ Spring.^ Ireet. lieclded was whether the jobless negotiations. medal hy the Connecticut Humane you are not now using NEW MODEI. we munist” to follow the Moscow line Abe Niissdorf to Charles E. Bel- insurance Issue eoiild be consider Expansion in Asia Governor' Bowles has said that Utchficld. May 16—(>P)—Mrs. •Society. , completely, adding that Alger Hiss liB. property at 392 Oakland street. ed an emergency. Contended Con the agreement is far too restricted. Isabel C. Rylander of Utchficld Miss Bocacchi. named as an al­ invite you lo join our esep growing group performed the work of 10,000 or­ Orlando G. Annulli and Gugli- way, the real problem waa what to He served notice last week that has been given the endorsement of ternate, received her Senior Life dinary Communlats. elmo Annulli to Henry F. Skelly, do with workers over the age of Viewed Next Step imleasiflepubllcans a ^ e to broad­ the Republican 'Town committee Saring Award in the regular of satisfied customers. property on Overland street. 50 who became unemployable. He er refjn-ms he will make reorgan­ here as candidate for the Repub- claosee at Columbia Lake and haa asserted the special commission been a leader In the Aquacade, for Bond for Deed New Haven, May 16 — t^i — ization V campaign issue. licsin nomination for secretary of W. H. England to Wtlllam Mer­ w,-hlrh studied the jobless Insur­ In adPltlon to the measures cre- stats. Mrs. Rylander is serving two years. .She is a student at ance problem had "ducked" the Crown Prince Otto, pretender to cer, property on South Manchester ttjig ihe two new departments, her fifth term as a represenUtlvo New England Art School In Bos­ Kbif save Personal Notices real issue. the throne of the Austrian-Hun- ton. Red Cross Aquatic School Heights, sale effective by May I.6. fheYrISdeni agreed on a bill apro- in the Legislature. Mra. Rylander, garian empire, says the next step opens av Comp Hazen, Chester, Warrantee Deeds priatlng {200.000 to a proposed who has been clerk of the Houae In Menorian in Soviet Rqssla's plan of world Conn., on June 14. In the ten-day John U. Trey bat to Mildred A. revolution will be expansion In legislator-citizen commission to Finance committee for four terms, Treybal. property on Bruce road. announced her candidacy here last period of instruction, the htudent Bowles Will Speak central Aaia. recommend the "most efficient and la toriag memery 'e l mr ossr hus­ r a i n •.•••«••••••••••••••••••••*F y s b I* Pdtty Trio will receive Intensive training in Oak Hill Incorporated to Bea­ ■Tibet is slated for obliteration, economical methods" for putting nighL band. Louis B. p«ek, wbo passed awar trice A. Egan and Cecelia M. all phases of the teaching of swim- Jill Map U. IM L possibly in the aummer of 1950," into operation any reorganisation iping, life-saring, and the handling liiJ L i Wandt, property on Cheatnut At Commenceiii.ent STARS «nd STRIPES FW IEVER ...... Frankie U ine Ahvaats rawmibarad. the exiled prince predicted here last program approved by the Legisla­ Flynn In "Good" Condition atreet of omaU craft. Upqn graduation THE SOUTNItN NEW EN81ANI TlUfHONI COMPANY Loriag wlft. night tn a speech before the Yale ture. Chicago, MaV 16—(»^—Edward PernMU THANKS, MR. FLORIST ...... Vanghn Monroe the stjident will become a paid in-1 Hartford. May 16— Oovan- International Relations club. That amount, {800,000 less than J, Flynn, Democratic national structor in the Columbia Chapter j Alexander F. Mannella, alx room I 73 SUMMIT ST, M e a o r ia m nor Bowles will deliver the Com­ Otto said that the Communlats the sum recommended by the commiteeman from N ew York, of the Red Cross which includes: dwelling with attached garage. E X - W A V E K E E P S G A R D E N " S H IP S H A P E ." As 'o former WAVE, Connie pridw J i e r ^ • • mencement address at Annhurst wanted to take Tibet for use as a Commission on State Government who suffered a heart attack Sun­ the towns of 'Hehron. Andover and ^ I CK LiOkewood C^lrcle south, f24.000. MANCHESTER keeping hot qtiroctivfc gordi-n "ship shape." She’s the kind of neighbor you'd like lo hove IMm* e6*r. iaTtac aisnmrr o t aor daar Dad college. South Woodstock, June T, base of operattops for future cam Organisation for that purpooe, was day, was reported in "good" condl- Celumbia. '' ft 1 iM k . B. wfea papatd awar May PrancU Breen, alteratlona 30 oA^ op»ral9^ fo' P*ep • KAct I$02 the college said today. palnis into India. the same as rtcomm«i0-voluBse coUec ing on lin i n g valuable time for plan. LARGE STOCK— ALL SPEEDS, 83, 45. 78 von drive, { 800. The iMiw commission, to b « com­ oxygen tent yesterday. Doctors ptatlsMt tnan aUvar and. geld. Avtnd Beck, garage, 46 D^von tlon from U. 8. Rep. Chase (Solng Asiatic conquest through inability je t our Dad. posed of four legislators and four said be waa not in any danger but A T T H E C E N T E R 5.89.541 M A I N S T . drive, {500. Woodhouse- Sprague. It wUI tx of the western countries to solve ^•lU tnw eld. ettisens, would also be given the will remain In the hospital a day * ' 4* Stella I. Smith, two-car garage. I knoam as the CJhsse C>otng coUec the problems of Germany and task of elaastfyiag all state an- or two ^ U u ra l elwiii |l,CiOQ. - ..Spain. MANCHESTER EVENTIW HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 16, H>50 P A G E TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1060 y # O 1 ______’ ------PAOBTBISTBSN at St. Peter’a Eplacopal church, 7th. m Vs! Donald B. Martin and To Give Debate observing Ascension Day, the Hov. Mrs Shcrwxiod A, Keefe were re- Nassifl’s Gain | H. R. Keen officiating. ectved the same day into member- All members of the American ship of the Ollcad church. Ralph At Club Meeting Legion, Jonea-Keefe Post, wore I^islie Kinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Second Win, , ^ 4 8 urged to be on hand Monday, May I.a>sllo O. Kinney, was baptized at Hamiltons TopPagan i_ s^ Battling Hard For Little League Positions 16. and Tlie.sday, the 16th. at 6:30 the Hebron Congregational church, GMVfa Dougherty wUl bring hia W illi Piloh in Scvciilh p. m., to help put Into place the the Rev. George M. Milne, pastor, I T o p Army-Navy Club i t U ^ ichool debntlnff club to the foundation for the World War II ofrieinling. Fleet-FootedFleet-Footed Sam Jethroe Eiiableii W inning Hun o-e m,.. M,rgi.. | — ^------— ------— ------memorial. Karl H. Clnks of Gilead Rotnry meeting tonight to debate A daughter has been born to Mr. |I B y Hainlllon (4) and Herbert L. .lohnson of Am.ston 16 ■„ 6 Margin Bruves th« lubject. "Reaolvcd: The preal- and Mrs Jos<>ph Pagach, named To r» (jo9sO o„ Plalepiaa in "- SAB " R H , PO ; A „ THE « . Dovalettes Turn Back Newiy.Ei«teds«nao/ ^ rn m n M itio ti 1 ^ 0 o n e donated use of a cement mixer and Jo-Kllen. and a spn, Wilfred David, |I In Rec League Game Flavine Well With Braves THE By Dovalettes Turn Back dent ahould be elected by direct Exciting Twi Contest Lewis. 2b -0 2 2 3 Competition Keener •tecUon." The meeting wlU be trucks to help out, and several to Mr and .Mrs. Wilfred Hodge, | ( ,.ST.yn.'3'..xi ' is-san ins other Legion men gave bags of Pearston, ss 1 EARL W. held at 6:30 at the Mancheater also a son to Mr. and Mrs. i The Nassiff Arms made it two llc,M-;ui-vs, cf 0 cement. Brooklyn, May 16 •/T, Bo.s-1 Jethroe had a remarkable year HERALD Country club. Josenh Yocka.'iionl.s, named Rich- .stralglit in the Rec Softball League By lial Tiirklngton Zw lt It, 3b . . 1 YOST Motors in Opener, 9-2 The memurlal will he dedicated ton’.* fleet-footed Saniniy Jethroe, with Montreal In the International Taking the affirmaUve will ^ nrd lames. ‘ | by shellacking the Army and League .sea.son. leading In six Standings Bolduc, rf .. As First Game Nears on .Memorial Day. May 30, cere- Team W L Pet. Sports Editor PbyUia SUverateln and Catherine moiiie.a to be held immediately fol­ Mrs Howard E, Porter has re-1 Navy Club to the tune of 16 to 6 who once outraced Olympic sprint­ Individual offensive dcpnrlment.s. Bcnici ,' c . . . BA’s ...... LOW ANGLE Corbett while Aline Loyzin and Al- lowing the memorial exereises on lurn.d home from the Hartford | last night at the Charter Oak lots, er Barney E'.vell, Is In the game to Including a record-breaking 89 L>eVcau, a . Hamilton . 1.000 Jiinnie Brazaiittkas Given hert Oroaeman will pieaent the the Soldiera’ park. where the ho.spital with her infant daughter, After two runs In the first and live hit -and not to run. stolen ha.ies. Beltda. c . . Motor Troiibir Doiiblehrader Memorial negative. Marilyn boyzin will World War 1 memorial atand.s. an -.vho liR-s been named Mnrllynn. more in the second frame for Nas- Doe.s he think he <-nn steal that P A ’» ...... \ Lasko, If . .. Hawkea Hit Conscious Westrhester, Long Island, Chica­ G|i But Three Hiln The Braves No. 1 candidate for Rockville . 500 L>iii-ociici-, lb go, Detroit, Plttahiirgh and the Day to Open Season; nerve-as moderator. inserilied boiild.r. and will be In chailes C. Hellei-s returned Wed- slffs there wa» no doubt as to the "Rookie of the Year" honors Is mapy in the big time? Cliff Hawkes, slugging outfield­ winner from then on. "I’ve got a few- so far," ex­ Silk City . OOO Jacko. p er with Manchester High’s base­ New England states will swing 111 Softball Twilight OnvalpHrA (9 r The Rotarv Board of direclora i charge ol Itieliard M Grant as I nesday afternoon to his I’ennsyl- I'onvinecd he will hit .300 In the AB H ! i r n A E Hititling for ' Players will meet at' 5:30 at the Country]I committee ihainnan. A total of 13 base knocks and plained Jethroe. "About this time West Sides 000 ! Blanchaid. p ball team, not counting yester­ malets against the Connecticut vanla' home, having spent a few- major*. quartet . . . In seating rapacity Opener at North Eiitl Cecre, ss .... 4 0 1 2 1 0 club preceding the general meet-i' Commander Herbert L. Johnson. days at his Hebron home. He *t- seven base* on ball* were given up " I ’ve been praying a long time at Montreal last year I didn’t have day’s game with Hamden High. Is Following la a complete list ot Starts Friday Night I any, but by the time the season A real tight pitchers' battle de- Totals .27 4 9 21 11 and acreage, Belmont Park Is the c . .. . 4 1 0 5 0 0 mg tonight. cai completion of_ the dediealioii, leiidcd the funeral service of his by Rub.sell and Bcluccl with Yogcl. for it," Jethroe .said, "and too leading in the battle for the team ♦> the 6.H reniHinlng hoys in coinpcll- , will present the meinoiial to the \4lctc T o ta l* ...... 31 9 7 21 4 1 I'ltctler* tle la-agiie with each team allowed Hebron elcmcntry school arc elal-| „ |,,.f;ioti home and eommiiiiity and two runs after which he gave pitching for a .343 mark In 24 Ray Woodlke. ex-C o 1 o n 1 a 1 Leo Day .286, Jimmy Roach .288. Raceway, the new night harness but tuelvc umioi nird players. The Helircii reac hed hi.s »Hth inllealone games. keeping track. Something like Pera, b ... . . 1, 0 0 0 9 0 * .Moose Finnegan .241, Skip Eells command thrnughoiit, yielding RroBtl Stff'4*1 MOIOf^ (2) Daviil Toomc), lioniLJ I'.inielh j ed al the outcome of the spelling , i rntei have been way to Corcoran with two outs. League tw-irlcr and the top pitcher racing track, formerly Empire league .-ente. left, and Manager Biicky Harris welcomed Merrill Cninhs, iia.-ii.lanL* have been giving the Telchcrt. Karl Speneer. .and Marv to break into the win column when for IKMl.flOO and three players, hits. ” Hamilton . . . .0 0 0 3 0 0 1--4 Garden . . . ’ITie five man United the second frame with two runs M. Varley. If . 2 1 1 0 0 Jsi kle lledlund. Bobby Remolds, The I.egem lia.N Voted lo sn.spend months ago. He i.s able to gel Pearston to streak in from third Sunday presentations of the Tw i­ 0 obtained by the Washington club from the Red Sox. Dente switched Bill Kelley, Vincent Kiilieii. bo\s (be imidaiiieiilals of baseball. Kllzabeth Stewiiit of grades 6 I they take on the Walnut Street Runs batted in; Bolduc, Berner, light Baseball League at the West States track team which will com­ without the benefit of a hit. A D. Varley, p . . . 2 0 0 1 2 henelit eard parlies until next fall. about the and even to help with the margin of victory. 0 lo second base to make room fni hi.* minor-league double-play partner Srr'iind Hiiseiiieii 1- rum time to time vtlie number and 8. , I Tavern Diirochcr, k’rcy (2i; Two base Side Oval this season? Each game pete in Glasgow. Scotland, and base on bails, plus s stolen base MeAdame, c . 0 0 0 0 0 0 The I’osI w-ill he aiithoiized to sell his son, Edward in packing eggs The two clubs played through and two Motor miaciies accounted at shortstop. liMit'e Tedford. iNelaim IJ.iimbS’, of hop,-nil.* was reduced with the In Ihe total .scores for Ihei NasslfTs (16) hits; Jadzimak; Three base hits; required three and ono-half hours Belfa.*t, Ireland. In June consists Roslek, rf ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 cuts (luring the past week liiewoks on Hie Gn-rn. Adjutant for the market. He has been much Miss LeiMzyk ' three scoreless frames. Pagani’s for the two markers. Two walks George English. Cliarlea Williams. schools for the five towns taking rteliai-d M Gr.snt. romniiltee AB R. H. PO A E. Frey, Bolduc; Stolen basea: Lewis, to complete. It wouldn’t be a bad of Harrison Dillard of Cleveland, Shepard, If ... 1 0 0 0 n 0 Hi .Ml Nell I. p)aeli hoy was given mteirsled In eollectlng lii.storical sandwiched In between two hits Ronald Masniekl, ,Miihin-l Eiilkow- part, Hebron wa.s the w inner and I Vogel, cf . . . . 2 1 2 2 Batting Parade I »>'-9' Cl - In the top of the fourth.. Bill Cobb netted two more scores , in the akl, Bob .Sweet, I’siil Sinter, Den­ (Coventry second The Indlvidiinl ] Gleason, ss . .. . 2 1 1 ko; Double plays: Cobb to I-’rey; paying bleacherites at future Sun­ Browne of the New York Pioneer sition he- desired, nnd niAiiy young- winners received of money , A gift of free turkeys fi-om the Ills own locality. He was able to Is Elim inatcfl ------j singled and took third a* Lofty third. Three runs dented the plale nis Giiny, .Steve l’rovo.*t. .MUii Eo- slate nuule it possible to have Shaw-, c ...... i 1 3 .Martin to Patton to Chomick; day offerings If past performances Club, Billy Dw-yer of Providence Total* ... 26 2 .3 21 7 4 Hamden Turns Back Kteis who fniUel to iiiiprees aa a and the winning sehnol received an j fpiote inanv almost forgotten f ‘“ 't” Chll-ngo. May 16 ‘4*i- The Bos-Lladziniak was reaching on nn er- and Horace Aahenfelter . . . Four in the fourth on two hits and two ley. speed tiiikev a.s Ihe main dish on Hodge, 2b ---- \ 2 3 Left on bases: West SIde.s 4, Ham- are to be repeated. "Better atill, b -Johnson for D Varley in 7lh. inlclicr or outfielder, were given educational hook , relating to the old Burrow* hill ton Red Sox have taken over ror. Cobb came down quite a ^ 7; Bases on balls; Woodtke '2, sport team captains hold down po­ errors. The eighth ami ninth tal­ Third ilasriiieii the menu tor MoiVlay s hot liiie-h sc-hocclliccuse. w-hleh helped e.onsld- Simons, lb. 3b 0 1 \ why not set a time limit on a Dovalettes 9 2 2 3 0 2 0—9 nil uppiutuiidy to ealcli or play an Mrs. EvclVP Row-lev who ha.s I'ornipr L'. Ghain- American League statistical hon- w-ay on Red Jacko s motion to the | 2; strike outs: Woodtke 1. sitions on the 19.50 Penn State lies came In the sixth frame on a niornas Kiis.'ell. Robert Hiib- at the Hehrou ,-lementiiry school wlien It w-as ojiened and njorkman. If 4 2 0 game. It would save embarrass­ Motors ... . 0010010 2 baid. l..eo Cyr, Douglas .Minor. mlield poKitton All boys w’ere giv­ laughl the klndergarlen here for The gift IS aleml ino pounds and ' craniy •b • e 'n i • "- '^h Rookie Walter Dropo plate, and Joe Berner uncorked a i 4; Hits off: Jacko 6 tor 3 ment on the part of a losing tram. baseball team. The four are Dick walk, a base hit and (wo fielder'.* . High Nine, 4 to 3 en a f:iir I hancr. visited oil Hehron's Old Home Day. Milcliell, 3t) rf 2 .*» |IIOI1. o f 1 noi vMalCs .FUI i^-adinp in batting with .400 and Runs batted in: Klingle, Sleur|ia. Shorlslo|i* the past school year, ha.s Iiaii'-led w ill serve for a mimlier of meais, 4 toss towards third. The throw hit tuna in 6 2-3 innings; Blanchard Final scores of the Sunday games Wertz, baseball; Joe Toed, basket­ choice. I'hcie me .several oiitstonding in her re.signation, to lake place .Mr Smith attended Ih'il sehtiol Eergeson, lb tl 0 3 T ix n r n i'V ■ -■'‘''■*‘9 ° ’^’’ *’r playei.s in major roles. Cobb in the back and bounded into, ball; Harry Little, soccer: and Go Down In Order Vincent, Ostrmit 2, August. Mc- (lliiilr.* Roggmi. I'liiima.>, NLo- lieing in i-old storage meiinw-hile, and hl.s wife, the late .Mrs Ella 1 1 1 Of K r itlls h l o n r n r y . Dp.po, who notched .287 for 0 for 0 runs in 1-3 inning; Wild were 23 to 8 and 21 to 6. pliy, laiiii* Gagnon. Danny Renn. (.indidHle* at every position and next fall. She will finish the school William Janies .lohnston of the E. Parclak, p foul territory, allowing Cobb to pitches: Woodtke; Winning pitch- Owen Dougherty, football . . . The Motors, defending cham­ Curry: Two-base hlU: Cecere, plqiity of competition. .Mr. Foley ('onles Smith, laughl there when 0 0 1 ------! Sacramento last year, has belted Group Days A t Boston Luke Easter, giant first baseman Palmieri's Hit Drives Kola'll EisUe. R-'diiev Dolan Rob­ year ending in June Her resigna­ Burrows Hill s.-etion of Hebron Et-abcrt, cf . . score. er: Blanchard; Umpires; VIttner. pions went down In order In the August; Home runs; McCurry; and ill.* Iiriitrnnnts are confident a girl. Mr Smith wa.s the t'lwn’s 1 \ 1 Dick O’Connell, homo secretary with the Cleveland Indiana, was ert Gorman. Kicliaid riiica. tion is accepted with regret w-as chosen to unveil the Eternal CVircrirsn p. rf New castl*. Northern Ireland. 20 hits in .50 times at bat to hold Coach Art Pongratz saw lys Gleason: x— 1 out when winning first and second Innings. After Stolen bases: Zaptka, McKenna: Home Tie • Breaking Local Sport I (bat the best 118 hoy.*, in playing It has been found neccs.sary to flrsl selectman for a long term of .May 16 i/Ti -Elizabeth ~ Price, an , a four point edge over Cleveland’s of the Boston Red Soz basebail christened Luscious Easter . . . Bruno Pera went down on strikes Left on bases: Dovalettes 9, Motors Olltllelder* Light Monument Sunday, in Meri- years and It was during that lime charges come right back to take run scored. team, passes along the following Donald C>i. Rity Sbennlng, nbilitv, remain to be elnsslfied and divide the .'ith grade of the ele­ Totals 35 16 13 21 ^ iinkiinwn Surrey golfer, scored the I Larry Dohv who has .396. One of the biggest disappointments to open the third. Mel Varley and 4; Bases on balls; Brazauskas 1, .\nd Winning Runs ,*elei ted Ilrn. w-lii(-h he did in nn impressive that Uif first state roads were .Nc'.v York’.s Cliff Mapeg is third the load in the same inning. Zw-ick Information on Group Days which .Steven Cooper,, James Ragaz.z.o, mentary school, as the elass is Iih' avy (6) first major upset of the British to date in the major leagues has brother Don singled and walked In Varley 6; Strike-mils: Brazauskas I’ raelira Hr-hedule n-uiniier in the presi nee of tlioii-,. .1 huilt hc-i-i-. He wa.s Ihe town’s rep- , "‘ cni.'i I with 373 and Boston’s Dom Di- reached on a boot and scored when Chatter John Smiill. Clyde Rlilinida, Mer­ large for one teaeher Mr.s M,i C. I 1 women’s golf championship today drew- a heavy round of applaus* -will be held st Fenway Park this been the failure of Philadelphia that order. Bernle August unload­ 5, Varley 6; Hit by pitcher, by In league ('ontest j The week s practh e Schedule .sanils of onlookt-rs He l.s a 'C,^te resenlalive ui the General A.ssciu-| .Sharpe, t f ^ ? [ .Mijiggio and Philadelphia’s Paul Pat Bolduc powered a triple to season. Athletic pitchers to win games. man Glint her, Donald Vlscanll, Heck IS the present teacher Sup­ 0 0 1. •’ 'by eliminating Grace Lenezyk, from the ctxiwd. Pearston .then ed a long base knock to right Braz8iL*kaa iPiral Varley (Vin­ There are two sets of brothers I the heaviest since IJttle Ijcagut an of World War II. and won the bly at one time, and held many , J. Lynch. 3b ' Lchner are tied for fourth with renter. The latter broke the tie I.OU Brlssle, « 16-game winner Bruce Smith, Richard Stevenson, ervisor Martin B Robertson wa.s 0 1 0 ^ i former U. S Tilleholdcr from New- drew- a pass went to second on » Each year the Red Sox set aside field that bounced over the fence cent i : Wild Pitches: Varley 2; Um­ A boy by the name of Frank I sessions were started, will find the t'nngres.sional Medal of Honor, for other minor offices. He keeps up , Stib .s, S.s . on Berner’s one base knock to last year, has lo.*t five games while 111 the nmiiiiig for positions with rhomns I-aEorge, Garry Doiignn, authorized by the school board to 1 I .371. steal, and would have been out several home playing dates at for an automatic double, tallying pires: Yost, Bralnard; Time: 1:20. boy* out tonight, 'niiirsday and viiioroiis eonduel He w-ore the in­ his interest in t.own affairs to this; .Shields. Ih 1 1 ^ [ ington. Conn. 2 ami 1. todav- in a ' They are folio-,c< d by Hoot right. Ed Lasko moved Berner to winning none. Dick Fowler has a ralmlcrl, no relation to Al Pslmle- team* In the Little League The CJiienlln Mngedorn, Alfred Tarhox, offer a contract to Ignatius laim- n 0 0 ^ : fourth round maleh. i ' only Patton dropped the ball (or which time siipervi.sed groups of Mel Varley with the initial Mo­ I I ’rlday night at 6 o’clock at Mt, signia of ih'- honor medal around ,l„y T. Smith, rf Detroit, w-lth ,367; Vie second with a sacrifice and then record of one defeat and Joe Cole­ rl, stopped Manchester High eold boy* are Del and Kcii Reynold* and Biirdetl Webb. Charles McDonnell, bardo, a Willlmanlie .state Teacli- his nec k 111 the reremonies. (’laim - 2 2 2 9 Dot Kielty. of Li-o .\ngcle.-i, tl-.e | Zip Dui-Dchcr belted a solid rap to ' an error Charlie McMe.ins looi>cc children are admitted to group sec-' tor run With Don Varley on third, Nebo and also Hatiirday morning .Mr Smitli's wife do-d many ; nelueci. p. If Wertz, Detroit .IPH; Ed .^te-.vait, ] a rcxas-Lcagiier towards center man has no record . . . Russ yesterday afternoon at Hamden Irving August. ers' College graduate tintil ap­ ed l\v holli Hehi-on an'l Cob he.ster. 1 1 3 9 j only other American left In the right, sending Bonier across the lions at Fenway Park to witnesa Oscar i’ billips and Jimmy Mc- Leo end Ronald Cyr. Both arc at 9 al Mt. Nebo. It la nsceosary \-ea rs.'It go Iliey had tool * lid- j Dioit. 2b . .. Washington. .3.52; Ed Yost. Patlon went back lo make lh» Meyer, the temperamental Phtllie ss the Big Green edged the locals proved additions are matie to tin- tile- young hc-ro niew li\-e s in Me- 0 0 2 9 j field, kepi in the niimiiig with a mglon. .319; and Tommy Henrirh, I dish with the third tally. a major league game. Children pitcher who was expected to be t'urry were retired in order to end E among the 68 boys who have *ur- that all boys attend all drills. Only school building it will lie nec­ d re ii. N Icogene. w-ho died in N o r- | Ma.oica, c . . catch but dnipped the ball, anc the rally. b oji who have received registra­ hi-on: hut votes u, Colehe.ster, I'", „„ne years ago, .Mrs. N a t liiiii 0 a 0 9 ( and 3 vlctoty over -Mrs. Mervyn New York. 316. West Side* Knot Score twelve years of age and over are the ace of the staff, has dropped by a score of 4 to 3. Palmlert vlved previous cut*. Only 48 boy* essary to house the 5th grade Riis.sell, p . . there w-cre runners on second anc admitted for payment of the fed­ McCMrry opened the alxlh with will be selected for the first Little Miisial HoMh Big tion cards are asked to report for has bvi-d m lioth lowiis, also in ! Gelleit of - Seattle, Wash, Edward Leblanc. If . 1 0 0 9 S-ilherlnnd Pticli of England Till- Red Sox’s DiMaggto heads i Billy Frey, the .same guy who three straight games. won his own game with a timely overflow in part of the ilehool au­ the Aniston sec-lion c>f Hc-hron. 0 ! the specialized department w ith Ihe .spoiled Walt Bezrudezyk’s hid for ; third. Woodtke had Zw-ick In the eral tax, twenty cents; children a home run blast to left field for Eastern I-cagiie In Manchester’s history. the drill* this week. Boys who A , who lives in Hctiron and Miss Morano. rf 0 0 ' 3fis» Lciiczyk played so slow ly hole with a count of two and tw-r All games postponed (rain). base knock in the sixth Inning that ditorium. The kindergarten ho-s from wlui-li place he enlisted ' most riiii.s scored. 26. and tlie niost a no-hit. no-run affair lust w-eek, i under twelve are tax exempt. One the Motors second and final There are four teams with twelve have failed to make the LIttI* ' h loienc-e E. Smith, principal ^ the .Schmidt. 3h 0 1 1 1 m her losing match that follo-ving Opening Golf Tourney American rescued two runs. Baiting IMargin had to be taught nn the aiiditoruini T h o u c h hi.s l>ost ofiK-e addre.MS l.s hit.s, .36. Boston's Al Zarilla .and providerl the neees.sary blow for when he made hi.s wild peg adult will be admitted w l^ each score. boys on each team. League will be ellgibl* for play In ‘ w<-,si Hai-tffird school wlm h was "■ I tw-osonies w-ere held iip all armmfl No games scheduled. Hamden trailed the Indians 3-2 a farm Little League which will b* stage,, but will be provided for Aiiuiton. Kl-T) he lives sevi ral ^ Verii Stci>lii-ns. and Detroit’s Dick Pagani’s in tin- sixth that tied it Jimmy Blanchard came oj> tr 20 children. Chaperones are ad­ Pre-Game ceremonies featured a when the additit^nal rooms are named in her honor .She .si'ends Tiilat.s 6 8 21 I the course, New Haven. May 16.—i/Pi—The half hour concert by the Vernon National going Into the sixth. A couple of held at the various playgrounds i m ile s from tin re I her summers and viii-ations al her ill I At one jioiiit the former Aincri- Kryhoski share the two-baggor tvyo-haggor *li up again, .\fter tw-o were out face one man in Uic top o' tin mitted for payment of the federal Connecticut State Golf Aasocla- Ronnie Daigle, a former Tw i­ New Tork. May 16 (/Tl—.Stan completed. .Na.s.siff 2.51 303 sevenUi. He never finl.slicd pilch Silhouette Bugle and Drum Corps. Boston at Brooklyn (pp-raini errors by Manchester put two during the summer months. ; The hot liiiu-h menu tor thus old llehi-m home. Everyinidy berf ran ehainpion willulrew from th' lead, eai-h with eight. . .Johnny ('lioinlrk dropped a single tsut. tlon announced today that Its light HasrbnII I-eagiie player, ha* Miislal 5f the St. lynil* Cardinals A Mother's daj gathering w iis ' Arniv A Navv .. 'HO "2 ' . , , Ing to that batter as the baseriin William Stearns, director of the (Only game scheduled i. runners In scoring position and It Is planned to have an sight werk. Hebron elementary seliool, i ( o ng ratnlale.s .Mr. S m ith on his Bobby Doerr of Boston Is tied |n j^fi nu,i Jadzlniak followed with Group Day dates are as follows: opening 19,30 tournament will be hrcii one of ihe many volunteer h«- owned an 85-polnt bulge over his held Sunday at the home of Mr. Runs batted in. Shaw, Hodge 2. fairway to permit the following ner wa.s nailed in an attempter I local Y. was on the mound to International I’almien obligeil by .socking one of tram farm Little I.,eagur with read.s Wednesday, turkey soup, I hirlhday and wish him many hap- with Hcnrich. Majies and Bob ; „ ]j,,p double over the right field Friday, June 9 (St. Ixnilsl; F'ri- hold Sunday at the Norwich Coun­ siRtant* at the Little League Ha.*e- and Mrs. William W, Hammond j .Simons, Bjorkman. Milcliell. Cor- couple to play through theft of the keystone sack. Blan throw out the first pilch. Arthur ler.sey O ty 20. Rochester 3. Captain Nino Petrirea’s fast bal* close*! pursuer today In the raee teams from the following neigh- sandw-ieh, riMiky, milk; Tluii-.sday. - reliiiiis. Tlie rhampion.*hip committee Dillmgcr III Philadeljihla in hilling road. With the count two and iw-o day, July 14 (Chlcagol; Saturday, try (3ub. Only game played. between the outfield for a cleBii hit. ball School and tryout ramp st Ml. Mr. Hammond’s mother. ■ Mrs i scallojied potatoes. vegetable, ! (-oran 3, Parclak, Sharpe 2, Beluccl; triples. Ea'h has four. Ted W il-: connected with a .lacko fast 1 chard received credit for the win Pongratz, league president, went (or the individual batting title of borhiHids. Green. Robertson Park, I M omber.i of Ibe eoriimittee fo|- held a hurried meeting to di' . July 22 (St. Louisi. Thursday. Eighteen holes of medal golf Is Both runners tallied, moving Ihe Nrbo. Chester E. Hammond of West tw-o-ha.*c hlLs. Gleason; home runs, liam.-, of Boston l.s tops in hiime run I i, Uito the center-i Dews. Pcaisloii ami Berner ■ ol behind the plate to catch the of­ Memorial Field, Charter Oak IcOts, bread and biillir. dessert, millt tbe Hai-Koi-d Symplionv Society Aug*Jot 24 (St. Louis); 'Diesday. Hamden nine out front. It indoil the National I.,eagur. Hartford and her sister, .Mrs. G. Corcorun, BeluecI-. double plays, her action In leaving the playing j prpduction with nine and Stephens . listed with three gross and three ferings of Mr. Stearns, which was Valley Street, West Side, Silver Eriday, baked beans, grec-n salad, drive, w-hU-h opened this .- eek, are: field tree for three bases, scoring] lected two hits each in a ninr till August 29 (C5ilcago). the scoring for the day. Tlie clouting Inflelder-oiitflelder. W. Varney also of West Hartford. Hodge U« .Simons, Ecabert to siirfiirr. IS Hhe.'iil in riins-iiattcd-in with 29. 1 net prizes. a perfect strike. Television baseball games this lorne and Porter street. Wsitsr bread and tnitter. cooky, milk. t'lmirman, Mrs. Clilford It. Wright, ytrs. John Bci-k. rhaii-ninn of the the two runners ahead of him. I Hamilton attack. Six hits by thi Local organisations planning to Also carded Is a senior section through games of Sunday had col- Mra. Hammontrt parents. Atty. Mothers' Day was ap|iro(irintoly .Simons; loft on, Nas.siff •>. j riilingcr shares base thefts with ' Pet GBL Hamden out-hit the Indians week over Channel 6 will Include Fortin will be in complet* charge who announces as.slslants at He­ committee, said that Miss Lenez' k • Bruno Pera. swinging for Red | West Sides were divided eqiiallv take advantage of the Red Sox 45 years and over with in Hartford . . .647 eight to five. Petricca went the lecteil 3.3 base hits in 75 times at and Mrs. John A Markham of observed m all churches of the Herbie Adams of Chicago with the Dodger* snd Cardinal game of Die league. He will also super­ bron ren ter, NTrs. W illia m W . I 4rmy and Navy 6; ba-cs on balls, | probably would be given a repri­ Briltner. fanned to end the frame, j between six men. offer maf contact this WTiter for gross and two net awards. / Binghamton distance while Palinlerl was re­ bst for a sensatlnnsl 467 figure. Burrows Hill, and their daughters, town Sunday. At St. Peter's Epis- three ai'ioce. Thursday and Saturday's game be­ vise play in the Rec Junior and Hammond: Ani.ston, .Miss Lotti iRus.sell 5, Beluccl 2, Parclak 6; j Diminutive Bill Paganl pro-i Tor.lpht Hamilton’s return tc additional Information. St. Bridget's Top Utica ...... lieved by Jack McClure in Ihe Diek Slsler of the Philadelphia Mr*. Hammond's sisters, Mrs Alex i-ojial i-!ilircli the Re\- Harold R. mand. both for her alow play and In the pitching brackeL bracket. ^ Chuck he | action,-facing the Silk O ty A c « tween the Dodger* snd Pirates at Intermediate Lesgues. iTiii-sben, Gilead, Mr-i. Joseph P. sirikcoiils, Russell 1. Parciak 1. for Interriii'ting her ow n m.'iti li. longed the Hamilton win in the | action, facing the Silk City Bhota Here and There Providence, R. I. - Georgie iVilkes-Barre eighth when the locals stnrtol s Phillies was riinnenip with .882 Boebain of Colchester. .Mrs Ever­ Keen also preached a sermon In .Stoliiis of Hnsti.n has a -■ * I nevenlti Hal Lewis, specdv Ne- In the game rained out last Med Brooklyn. Weekday and Satur­ Opening Day Oames ! .Novak Ainston I.ako, Mr.s. Don- ; hit.s off, Ru.s.sell 3 for 7 runs m : Farmington Valley Polo Club Araujo, 127 8-4, outpolrtted Rudy Temple, 14 lo 2 Albany ...... rally. McfTiire shut the door based on 34 hits In 89 times at ett Stone, and .Miss Dolly Mark­ (-ib.ser\-ation of rcigatmn Siiinlay. Miss Price won the hole bj- ,p,.nrcl and his veteran team gro second .sacker. already had ' nesday. Either Ernie- Noske day games start at 1 25. Little l.,«ague play will get un­ jald ltealh Mrs Wright w-dl lier- ; 1 1-3 inings: Corcoran 1 for 1 run, laving her opponent a stvmie and i pariicl. and Detroit’s opens Its season Sunday afternoon. Pasco, 129 1-2, Paterson. N. J. Williamsport 8 8 tight. hat. ham of Hebron, were present, be- urging cciii.servation of miliiral re- hits when he lined a long ball I George Swan or Blanchard wil derway Memorial Day with a , self solirit in the Burrows Hill in 1 2-3: Beluccl 10 for 9 runs in also vvon the fifth ’ when Miss Hoiitleman have 1-1 marks. Bob t w o ...... - - „ For the next 21 weeks, teams from- ( 101. Elmira ...... 7 10 Rob Eells. dlminiithe ccntcr- Andy Pafko of the Chicago aides the members of the iiiimedi- .soiirces. and gratitude for nature’s that seemed destined to hit the j oiteh w ith the Aces sending Ear St. Bridget’s trampled the Tem­ There are four Negro players doubleheader at Memorial Field. Gli.sirlet The drive is to rcilleet a :> 2-3; Parciak 7 for .5 rim.* in -5 1-3: i I.enezyk drove into a bunker Out Lemon of Cleveland head.* the ScanlioM ...... 2 13 fieldcr for Mniu hester, led the hit­ (Albs, second a week ago, slipped Opening game ceremonies will Bte family. gifts •vhite school at Ihe .south-most i Levesque or Bobby Blanc, ex-East ple Beth Sholom nine last night by National ting painile. He hanged hut s pair In the Ti’ tbglit B;iM bsll Lc.igue | Mra. Daisy- Brown Humphreys I fund of Still.iwKi fo r the Ifi.MI-.M I wild pitches, Parciak 1. Russell 3; In 4 1 stroke.* lo the Amcrlian’s strikeout coliinin with 28 whiff.*. to third. A mild Nliimp dropped his start st 1:30 with the first pitch On the Imiior roll of Windham; . _, corner. Paganl raced deep and | Hartford High star, to the mound a 14 to 2 score In s Church Snftbail I’liilaJcl|luH . 1 4 9 of King Ii s nnd a double and was this season. They are Ixiii (,'amby | went on s motor trip to Vernioni passed balls, Malorca 2; winning Miss Price was two up al tlic .•\inerlean league la-ader* Bversge from 435 to ,376. Johnny slated at 1:45. The Red Sox and High .school, Ihi.s .scim-slcr. a n - the |Pcc ' ^ Im .,,1 • _ > « __askit cVlAV ‘ made a one-handed snare which Game time will he 6 o’clock League game. Inability of the .St. Loui.* . . ___ 13 9 , the only player to garner more with norkvllle. .lerrv William* j pitcher, Parciak; losing pitcher. turn I (.5 or more times at bat i Mopp of Pittsburgh, who enjoyed Yankees will meet In th* opener Sunday. While there she met Mrs follow-mg H, liron sliiiicnl.s: Bever- "P '"i the school ciirolim.nt Temple lo field a full team until Brooklyn . . ---- 12 9 than one lilt. Leo Day got the with Silk City and Charlie Me- : from Ith grade up. The ilrivc if Beluccl; umpires, Snow-, Taggart; Miss Lenezyk got a hot*- h.ick Name and Club G A.F. H. Pet a slx-hlt day In the second game with the Cardinals and Dodgers William Hanmer a former Hebron ly Stjohl. Nuvn Whof'lur. Marsha nearly 7 o’clock resulted In the ( ’hicago ... ___ 10 9 only other extra swat, n Means and Harold Lewia with ] resident, who asked to be remem­ Biicccssfiil will make It possible time, 1:3.5. v*ith a birdie at the I2th. and her' Dnipo. Boston, U 50 20 40fl of .Sundey’s doiiblelieailer. picked paired In the nightcap. Uniforms i\irshon. Ann and Hcrna^is roiii-erts anmially at the .small until she hooked her drive Into. .Mnpes, N. Y. (■rowing On Service DG proud of your home! Tom Mason, Frank Marehese, arrived. DlMaggio, Bos. Built On Inlegrity New York ...... 6 11 traiel to Middletown Ihl.s after­ Rilly Brown. Im al pro middle- r t towm friends Woodward. H<‘ntnmin llurha. charge of 25 rents each. Check.* the heather at the 17th. Jim McConville, Frank Johnson Cincinnati . ... 6 15 noon. Leo Day was expected to I Tommy Glavinno, emergency Bidding for the players will be Lehiiei. Phil. weight, gamed a ten-round decl- 1 A service of Holy rVoiimunion rhyllia Focil, Marilyn Krankt'l. ,or monev- orders may be sent to I.cnrzvk out 6.5.5 36.5 and Lloyd Jarvis eitch collected hurl against either Pete Satagaj third baseman of the Cards, was held Friday night at a Little >\a|)piiig Evers, Detroit . .American slon In the feature hoiit last night j will be held at Id s m , Thursday Klorrncc Hill.*; Kmilv Owen Nan- , Symphony Society. Greiiter Price out . . 5.55 341 two hits for the winners. Johnson lietroit , . .. or Al Kowalski, Manchester holds in fifth place with .357. Sam Jeth­ I.«ague meeting at 8 o’clock at Wertz. Detroit . . . . 13 6 in Chicago. Brown. 166. outpoint­ <-v Si-ranton. |! Hartford. Old Slatej Hoiufo. 800 Lenezvk In 354 545 Turnpike Auto 1k )d y W ork s allowed the Temple but two hit.*. New York . ---- 14 8 one derision over the Tigers a 7-5 roe, only rookie In the lop ten, the East Side Rec. System of The flrsl gymkhana horse show .citew-art. Mash ed Joey Arthur. 164, of Chicago. 'M rs Izoshr i; Kmnev Mrs U'- street. Hartford Price In . . 366 ,345 Summary: Boston . . . . ___ 17 10 verdict chslked up two weeks ago was sixth with .343. 'The Boston bidding will be announced later in town was 'held Sunday In a j Yost. Wash. . . PHONE 7043 Braves outfielder was tied with Roy Kinn(*y. Chaunccy H. Km- There wtU be a meeting of the MIDDLE TlfRNPIKE Washington ...12 10 at Ihe Oval this week. For Tiny Tots flebron Congregational Ladiea’ Aid hasehsll lot at the rear of Burn­ 1’ep Scores Knorknilt Henrich, N. Y. AB R H PO A HBmdAit i|> Pioneer downed Velvet last night Musial for the most kits. 35. League roaches Include ErnI* nev ami Mr, ar.rl Mr.^ Hrla L. ham’s restaurant on Ellington (Tcvcl.ind . . . . n 10 Siiriety NN'ednesdny. May IT. In the Hartford. May 16 (.T Fcath- Qiiish. If ...... 1 1 1 0 0 0 ■ Lr h o R9 rhl by an 18 to 6 count in the opening Ed Waltkiis. Philadelphia’s Dowd, Red Sox: John Hedlund, Schrt'irr were ri d nil" ilir road with over .500 In attendance. .‘San Fraiietsi-o Grant Butcher. Mechanical and Auto Body Repairing Idijladclphia ... 8 14 .8«iii-;i.., 2b __ Hfternoon. Mr.s. ClcHirge M. Milne, erw-etght Art Llanos of Puerto Mason. If . ... 3 3 2 0 0 0 4 0 1 A ! o game in the Cheney Softball "eoineback kid. ’ was seventh with Cards: Joe I.Hivett. Yankees; Wally membership <-f Uu Hebron i.'on- It was sponsored by the rieaeanl 186, San Fi-aiirisro. stopped Ray St. Louis . . ---- 6 13 AhibTKi'li, .Ih ,. A I 2 4 ft wife of Un- paistor. will be In rhar|re Rico today had a pretty good Idea Marehese. ss . 4 3 2 1 0 9 Chicago ...... 5 14 I..eagiie. .330, one point higher than the Fortin, Dodgers. gropationni ehuivh Sumbiy. May Valiev Rifle club. During the day Stevens. 293, Biirlinghame, Calif McConville, cf. 5 1 2 1 0 Fel*kr. rf ...... 4 ft 1 0 ft with Mrs. Albert B Billard and of why Willie Pep is world cham­ Painting, Prompt Service 9 International t.iiK.'bi-nnl. rf ., 0 329 sfiorted by Jackie Robinson 16 trophies, 24 ribbon* and throe (51. Johnson, p .. 3 2 2 0 0 0 4 ft ft 2 ft Mis.s Kdna Latham Monlreal ...... 14 t Kllililr, If ft 1 ft of Brooklyn and Isst year’s bal- Sheriff’s Son W: cash prizes were awarded. In the pion In hia class. 0 5 0 2 ft 1 ft Alex Mill kiiey. Country Club The soDety haa held few n^oet- I.,. Jarvis, lb . . 4 2 0 Jcr.*cy City 11 6 l’ii.«i'nrrlla If .. 2 ft 1 1 ft ft ft Img king lohniiy Wyro.*trl( of CoiiKlinlts. Ls. The father of Pep. making his first ring ap- - black substance obtained by Written Guarantee Terms McCooe. 3b ... 4 1 0 5 2 0 professional, qualified for the .Na­ Kitten Frolic inps dtiringMg the..M past year . or...... more- rhampinn stock class Nancy l^w - RiKhester in 8 Rali'iirh r- 2 1 7 ,T ft ft (5nriiiiial 1. .328; nnd IVI Enins of ] Joe Adcock, Cincinnati recruit pearance since beating Ray Fame. ^jiy piite is used for tat- Conti. 2 b ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 '..tin'ir 1 b l’ It 1 ft ft tional PGA Tournament st Wam- aiiil It is liopod to reorganize and ler of Manchester won firs p .‘’ yraciise 9 8 panoag Country Club yesterday rhlladelpliia, .324, rounded out I first hasrnisn. holds the office of bring new- vigor into it. The society with her horse, Gingersnap, Al­ chon In a title go March 17, knock- ' looiiig by Fornioaa natives, Donahue. 2b . 3 1 1 1 0 0 ri# nrimlnlrri r ft 1 7 1 ft ed out IJanos In 1:02 of the seound j , Arkivy, c .... 0 0 0 0 0 Springfield 10 10 rvimler), p ... a ft 1 0 2 ft 3 with an 81-89 161 score. the big ten. I sheriff at Coiishatta. bas been of much aid to the church hert Praiidihi of .iiver 2 round of a scheduled 10-roimd non- ' 1 1 1 2 0 0 Baltimore 6 10 McClurr. p . .. . 0 0 ft 0 ft ft 0 won first in the show class »il' ec R. Jarvis, c .. Toronto ; in p.ast vciira. title fight here last night. Paris, rf ...... 2 1 1 0 0 0 6 12 ' The Gilead Ladies’ Aid Society and for horsemanship under 16 Buffalo 4 13 Tout* . n 4 nn 13 a 4 But Llanos knew le.*s of w-hat ^ ought to be H shining example for Sue Martin of Newington won first. Sally Eckert of Sovith Wind­ happened than the 1,472 cu.*lom- , i k Totals ...... 33 14 14 15 2 0 ' Hehnm. having roiitiiiued its gath­ , : pie (2) Today Schediite Hswk* If erings and done niiioli w-nrk in aid sor won the junior obstacle race. ers who paid 12,64.4 to see it hup- 1 Eastern Nancy Lawler won the stock class pen. But they didn’t know- too i AB R H PO A E Klt». rf , , of the Gilead church up to the THI ROOF’S THI THING .. 0 0 Hartford at Scranton (2). C. Petricca, lb for women. much. i Mmianos, lb ... present time. I KIbbey, 3b ___ Binghamton at Williamsport (2) D«y. rf ...... John Eckert of South Windsor There was a sizzling left hook to ■E SURE IT’S ATTRACTIVE AND USTINGI Utica at Elmira. Roach, r ...... won first In the musical chair ; Rayburn, 2b ... Flnnesaii. is ... the body and one to the chin and I Madler. as . . . . . -0 1 Albany at Wilkes-Barr*. event, and in the palomino class, then Pep rapped a right cross to The Architect. . . new, masaive, beautiful, built by International Kell«>, Ih ...... S. Mosler, If ... 3 0 1 0 1 f’liidler. 2b ..... i NIV h . iNorlh Eiidn Larry Gagnon of Windsor and Llanos’ chin for-thc curtain. The: Bird, ia the shingle you've been looking for. Heavy, Jersey C6ty al Springfield. ' Jean' Shepard. Jr., of South Wlnd- Findell. c f ...... r«rl*nn. 2b 0 0 Puerto Rican was trying to pick ] ahadowlined butts, thick aa slate shingles; rich, , Etra, r f ...... Buffalo at Rochester. .N. Petrlrc*. p ., 0 0 I I sor, won first and second places. himself up off the canvas when ^ Toronto at Montreal.' rauDilr Tonifrlil The judge of the events was Don- ] Wichman, c . .. 1 Referee Hugh Devlin counted him | glowing colors; coarse granule texture; triple cover­ (Only gantfea scheduled). Tstal* ...... n 1 (Mil 7 S Have Your Car I aid Comstock of East Hartford. Getting Ready ? D. Mosler, p. .. Hsffldtn ...... Oil 003 00s—4| out. age to protect against backed-up snow or the heavi­ , .American Action In the Softball Twilight Another large affair for this fall I Washington at Chicago (night) Msnchrstrr ...... 013 000 OOO—3 s being discussed by the club est rain . . . a roof of Architect shingles adds extra Totals ...... 18 2 2 15 4 11 3b, Ells. 3b, D*> . sb. Bsluufli; st), - I>-aguo continues tonight at Rob­ i Score bv innings: — Scarborough (2-3) or Havnei Anderson; dp. S«ntrllo t-i BUoubIi tu- which, In addition to the other beauty and distinction to your home, and increases (1-1) vs Wight (2-31. ertson a* Nichol.s-Bristol and the events, w ill Include English horses, St. Bridget’s ...... 3 1 8 1 1 — 14 O'Cmuior: left, Msnrhrstrr 11 llKnulftk its v^ue. W e ll be glad to ahow The 'Architect : Temple ...... 1 0 010—2 New York at St. Loutr (night) 6; bb. Pslm>rl (i. N. I'etrlrt-s i , Serviced at CARTER’S jumpers, hunters and flve-galted Sumnipr*!* |ust ■rounil tlir rompp. fshf p w 9 North End.' collide in an are light Shingle to you. W e ’ll give you a free estimate and Runs batted in: Mason, Quish, Reynolds (2-1) vs Ostrowskl (2-1) PsInSK-rl 3. .MrClur* 3; N. P-lrlrr* B; contest First pitch 1* listed at horses. Boston at Detroit— Dobson (3-2) ho. Polmlerl 5 In 7 1-3 Inning; Mc­ % The highway safety committee arrange a budget plan if yon wish. There's no obli­ Marehese 2, Johnson 3, L. Jarvis. 8:39 ready for ihe grind of week-end or varalioii Iri|»t4. ^ if ] Donahue. KIbbey. Two-base hits: vs. Houttetnan (4-1). Clure 0 In 1 3-3; hhp PsImlerC 3 IVrioflical check-iipn for your Chevrolet, keep lhal car will meet tonight at the Town hall Rent AN (KeUey. ItiMchl; »-p. Psbiileri 8. win­ The Tiremon from the lower end gation, of course. ' Quish, Mason, Marehese. L. Jarvis. Philadelphia at Cleveland— after Town Court adjourns. (night)—Kellner (2-2) v*. Wymn ner, PnbiiMrl; u, Thompson and Shsn- j of youn out of trouble—keep money in your pocket. of Main street arc a greatly im- The first public meeting of the you'll bring it here (o r rail U8 and we'll pick it up) " e M Three-base hit: McConville. Home shen; 1, 2 15. jirovcd team over last year and runs: Marehese, Johnson. Stolen (2-1)." Next time it’* eherk-up time, let our factory trained school building committee will be National figure lo bo among the top con­ held tonight at 8 o’clock at the I bases: Mason, Marehese, Johnson. tenders for league honors. Walt OUTBOARD put it in l4»p condition. Align wheels, flush radiator, iid- Double play: McOooe to Jarvis. Pittsburgh at Boston fnight)— mechanic* give it the once over. They are factory- Town hall. Anyone ’ with Ideas Dickson (2-3) vs. Roy (2-0^) er Smith. Negro speed ball artist, has about school structures are Invited Left on bases: St. Bridget’s 7. Sports Schedule been cho.sen a.* the starting hurler. jubt brakes, tune inolor^prepare it for heavy drivitis. Temple 4. Bases on balls: off Donovan (0-2). trained for Chevrolcts. What's more, our eqiiipnicut to attend and be heard. St. Louis at Brookh'n— Staley Kenny Goodwin w'lll be on first, The rhythmic choir will not meat Mosler 6, off Johnson 8. Strike- 1 outs: Mosler 1, Johnson 6. Hit by (2-2) vs. Hatten (1-2).' Tuesday, .May 16 in modern and parts are factory-approved. Tony Rugllo at second, Whltey this week.' ^ , . Machowsjrl. short, and Kenny 1 pitcher; by Johnson (Madler). Chicago at New York (night)— Hamiltcffi’a vs. Silk City, 6.00 Rev. David Titus, a student at p. m.—Oval. ('hapman'" at third. Ixiu Camby the Hartford Seminary, preached PAY AS YOG DRIVE Wild pitches; M osler 6. Passed Rush (3-0) vs. Kennedy (1-1). N B ’s va. North Ends, 8:30 — will be behind the hat. Bud Kcl from the topic "Where Shall We balls: Wichman 8. Umpire; Cincinnati at Philadelphia (night)—Fox 1-2) or Ramsdell GMAC Financing From $25 Up I key, Joe Thompson and Frank Start" at the Wapplng Communl- Cowles. Scorer: Blanco. Robsrtaon. By Sue Burnett 5093 I Bradford or Jack Sloao wrill com- tv church Sunday. Next Sunday

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALP, MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 16,1950 Sesreta Y'ourself I would strongly oppose any Most women Investors purchase I'UDNERVII.I.K l Ol.K.N If life Is not what you wish it to effort to exclude the Soviet Union •ectiritiea in the same practical BY FONTAINB FOX Seose And be. So They Say- from the United Nations. ftianner as they purchase such If labor of day brings nsught o f — Warren R. Austin, U. 3, repre­ hnu.^ehold neceasltles as washing Htip W u M A —F«mb«1« Nonsense AatomobilM Pot Solo 4 BalMIng—Contraetlnt 14 reward. I was reluctant to testify at all sentative to the United Nations, machines, refrlgeratori and vac- ENJOY LIVING In a beautiful YOUNG Woman for pleasant atore BOLTON Building atone and flag­ Linda L Larry I f night brings only, dread of the and I would not hi^ve testified had ui'.m cicancir.-' to have, hold and 19S8 PACKARD four-dpor »edan. CEMENT, btone and brick work. ROOMS For Rent at New England older 6-room single with park­ A patient in an Insane asylum work. Mtut be capable of convers­ stone, A-1 Joam, also rock drill­ Olivia O Oscar morrow— I not been subpoenaed. The Koviet ITnIon hss perfected i uae for long-range benefit. Radio and heater, 1150. Call 7398 SepUc tankb and landscaping. Hotel, Bolton. like surroundings. Extra large liv­ Imagined himself dead and nothing Then search yourself for the an­ Qaiiified ing with people. One with eome ing and blasting. Bolton Notch L-O-V-E-S — Fordham I ’ nlversity Professor peace demonatralion.s designed Richard L. Rosenthal, president. Valentino Belluccl, 80 Birch ing room with fireplace, dinmg could drive this delusion out of his swer. after 5. knowledge of sewing. Write age, Quarry. Telephone 2-0617. Stan­ Edith' E t Eddie PLEASANT, Clean, large room at Louis Budenz. not to promote true peace but to Citizens Utilities (An. street. Ssindva S Sammy rooms, cabinet Kitchen, three bed­ mind. One day his physician had a If friends seem to fail when- you experience and other qualifica­ ley Patnode. the Center for gentlemen. 16 prevent or Impair defense prep­ AJverliiaiients A GOOD DEAL dependa on the IF—You are In L-O-V-E rooms. master bedroom, excep­ happy thought and said to him; need Uicm most. CONTRACT grading and excavat­ tions to Box P, Herald. Wadsworth street. Dw tor— Did yo>i ever see a dead arations in democracies. dealer. If you need a good used FOUR-PIECE oak bedroom suite, IF—You are getting married tionally laige. R. E. Von Ecker, If smiles disappear and frowns ' A sm an optimist and always; War can only he stopped by the car see Soltmenc and Flagg. Inc., ing. Loam, fleldstiwie, and fill. man bleed? ; have been. I proved that in 1948. Prime Minister Robert Menzies eslablishmcnta of some form ot O A SS IP IB D ADVT. JAMES Household pidstics has $125, drop leaf end table, $4; IF — You intend to go houaekeeping 509 Keeney street. - ' take their place. Dodge and Plymouth care. Dodge M. French. Call 8730. Patient— No. 1 think. of Australia. ' wxtrld government with sufficient DBPT. HOURS: opening for 3 women in this area. standing bird cage, $5; fish tank, IF — You can spare only Business Ijocations If laughter is lost and tears crowd 1 trucks. 634 Center street. Phone NEW, FOUR-room ranch home. Doctor—Do you believe a dead the eyes - President Truman. power and authority to keep the |:M A. M. to 4:4S P. M. Demonstrating plastic household $5. Phone 2-1209. $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 For Kent 64 6101. OP«n ®L- TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS High elevation with excellent man can bleed? Then .search .vourself for the an­ If the Senate is not willing to peace. ".S' KIbristti— Narseriea 15 parties. Excellent earnings for 2 Patient—No. SAVE $50 on International Har­ $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 FOR LEASE. Gasoline service sta­ view. Living room 30’ long, fire­ swer. We can’t Just get out (of Japan) cut for foreign aid, there la little William L. Batt, president, 8KF hours spare time. No experience Doctor—Well, if you will permit If doubt rules your day and fears 1939 PA C K A R D 4-DR. SE- PANSIES. Qiant strains In bloom, vester refrigerators, 4 floor Bride and Groom “ Love Nest" tion. Lubritorium. Handling major place, picture windows. Tile bath, because the Russians are Interest­ hope It will cut anything in domes­ Industries, Inc. 50c a basket. Premier strawberry necessary. Write Lee Weaver, 108 me I will experiment with you anJI enter in. D A N — R. & H. models. Sale prices now start at 3 C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E brand products. Moderate invest­ oil hot water heat, basement ga­ ed in tlie war potential tic programs. Caldcrwood Drive, Greenwood, R. R-O-O-M-S O-F B-R-A-N-D see whether you bleed or not. If truth l:ecome.s ill and honesty Loit aad Poond 1940 PO N TIA C 4-DR. SE- plants 35 - II, 100 - $2.75. No. 1 $164.95. One $249.95 Emerson I2\ii ment required. Write Box O. rage. For appointment call Elva and Would move right in, i --Sen. Robert Taft iR ). Ohio. ' We (BritishI must rescri Tm.. 1. N-E-W F-U-R-N-I-T-U-R-E The patient gave his consent fails. Gladioli bulbs, 12 - 85c. Aspara­ console T.V., $199.95. R.C.A TV Herald. Tyler, Agent. Manchester 2-4469. — ('apt. Samuel Moriaon, Navy’s I — ------I ground again and have a gnvern- IX )8T—Valuahie papers on or near D A N — R. & H. gus. Mary Washington, 35 - $1, Choice— "W'estinghouse" or and the doctor whipped out his If all ot yonr world seems cloudy projector 18" x 20" screen, reg. scalpel and drew a little blootl. officusl hi.storian for World We would lose much of the Mid- j ment which la not afraid or un- is «i„ street In Manchester, Find­ 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SE- 100 - $2.75. Four acres hardy e a r n MONEY Spare time. I do. $795, now $600; one R.C.A. T V . "Phllco" Electric TWO PROFESSIONAL offers and drear- War IT. I able to do things if they are in er please call Rockville 928-W-3. lAitA for Sale 73 There, you sec that you bleed; j Then .search yourself for the an­ die Kast and much of the Pacific. D A N — R. & II. plants, Including delphinium, Phone 8289. 16"16 ” combination,commaatlon, reg. $650,$850, now i _ , „ . _ available for rent In heart that proves you’re not dead. — American AasociaUon for the the national interest, Reward. phlox, popples, rock garden $575. Vichf^ Camera, Radio and Ch°*«*— ^ Different Bed Room swer. —Winston Churchtll. 1939 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SE­ C APAB LE Woman for houaeclean- Manchester business district. Call Patient—Not at all. That only The Cllineae Cotnmunist regime United Nations Director Clark I plants, etc. Shrubs, evergreens, Suites LOT— 100' X 150’ Ph^ ne 2-2190. You will find that happiness comes I . ____ UOBT—Pair of glaseea In brown D A N — R. & IL Luggage Shop, 113 Main street. Button's 5177. proves that the dead can bleed. j from within. that controls the entire China Flchelherger. on Hoover pro­ rose bushes, fruit trees. Trans­ ing on Saturday. Call 3400 after Choice— 3 Different Living Room i leather case. Vlolnlty of Second Tel. 2-3980. I And that to have friends \nii must mainland ... is now regarded posal to force Russia out of the In the end it will be up to oiii 1 1941 IN T. TR U C K— 1 ton planted vegetable and bedding 4 p. m. Suites AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE, Oongregational church or Bid- Green—A fortune teller told me friendly be. with loathing by nearl.v every U.N. j tcaihers to educate children on tiie rack body. plants later. Woodland Gardens, ALSCO Nationally famous alum­ Choice— 3 Different Dinette Sets Orford Building. Apply Mar­ LARGE Building lots with shads YOUNG LAD Y Wanted for soda Choice— 2 Combination Ranges— that I had a lot of money coming Toilav Is vonr day. make every I ' of Chinese. ! good use.' of ntomic power. Our I well’s. Phone 2-0782. 168 Woodland street. Tel. 8474. inum convertible screens, storm low’s. trees, at the Green. W.m. Kanehl, fountain and table service. Bbc- "Bengal” or "Columbia" to me. , hour count - ■ Dr. B. Price, former ex- There is no law yon can pa.s j Job now is to eilncale the teachers i windows and porch enclosures. 519 Center street. Phone 7773. CHORCHES MOTOR SALES pericnced, days, no Sundays Instead of an Electric Re­ Brown— Huh 7 I'd much sooner For the answer is found in vour- eiutivc directoi. Institute of •Jtat will curb gambling, Dr. Willard (' Ol.'on of the I ’ ni- Keep your home cool and insect Penonalo Studebaker Salea and Sorvicc Good wages. Apply In person. frigerator allied to Kent 6M CORNER LOT with all utilities. have a paying teller tell me that. sclf. Kverett w'. Hill Pacific Rclafor.s. Frank Costello. I ve sity of Michigan. Roofing 16A free .this summer, draft free next ALX. MAKES Sewing Machines 80 Oakland StT Tel. 2-9483 Peter's Chocolate Shoppe, 691 E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G Price $1,000. Elva Tyler, Agent. ROOFING — Specializing In re­ winter. Ask about our plan of W AN TE D —4 or 5 rooms by young repaired or electrlfled. Reasonable Main street. TTie Whole "Love Nest" Manchester 2-4469. 1937 FORD Coach. Price $7.'i. In­ pairing roofs of all kinds, also immediate installation. First pay­ "Albert's” Low Price—Only couple with 3 months old baby MICKEY FINN .\n Enigma! LANK LEONAI^D rates. Work guaranteed. Day quire A. Rossietto Farm. Lake new roofs. Gutter work. Chim­ ment October 1st. Additional in­ $555.55 Telephone 4519. TWO LOTS sout.hwcst corner of phone 5171, night phone 2-9419. -A N D VET HE HA9 BEEN E LE CTE D -A N D AN INTELLIGENT MAN LIKE street. neys cleaned and repaired. 26 Help Want*4l— Mai* 36 formation or free estimates. Cox Price In January was $796,96 Irving and Windcmerc streets. HE MUST HAVS SOMETHING, BRADFORD years' experience. Free estimates. Hardware Store. P^one 6161. Long. Easy, Convenient Terms. YOITOG COUPLE, no children, Inqtilrc at 270 Oak street. NATIONAL COMMANDER O f A FAMOUS PROFESSOR WILBUR W. WINK, AFTER -SOMETHING THAT WE HAVEN'T BEEN W ANTED —Ride to and from 1937 DODGE. May be seen at 44 Call Howley. Manchester 6361. Free Storage until wanted regard­ desire rent. Manchester or vicin­ FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION FOR THE BEING IN HIS COMPANY PAY AND NIGHT ABLE TO SEE.' SO TALK WITH HM State Capitol or vicinity. C5all Griswold street after 6 o'clock HELPER ON building work want­ less of time. Free Delivery any­ ity. Call Wllllmanlic 1234-W-1, A.NDOVER LAKE. 76 x 200’, year THIRD SUCCESSIVE TIME — FOR WEEKS, PAYS HIM A TRIBUTE ANALYZE HIM.' FIND OUT WHAT IT IS' 6846. Priced for quick sale ed Call 2-4239 after 6 p. m. Boats and Accessories 46 reverse charges. o / FEATURING Guaranteed roofs where In Conn. Phone Hartford round, hard,road, all lak« pnvi- SUCH AS THIS • legc.s,. offers considered. Phone I'M SURE THE PUBLIC WOULD LIKE TO KNOW and expert repairs as well as 6 H. P. OUTBOARD motor, sold 6-0368, after 6 p.m. 6-6239. Mr. CONSTRUCTION HELP 4, 6. 6 UNFUP..NISHED rooms Manchester 2-3279. HOW A MAN WHO APPARENTLY HAS SO LITTLE Aatonobilco Knr Sale 4 gutter and conductor work. Try for $178 new, will sacrifice. 2- Albert for appointment. Day or Trailem for Sal* 6A Evening. If you have no means of Veteran, Insurance clerk, wile, CAN GET AWAY WITH SO MUCH ' your "Local Roofer." Call Cough­ W ANTED 9483. SELECTED USED CARS 19.^0 — 20 FT. Aluminum house lin 7707. transportation we will send our two sons. Wm. Snigg, Box 76, for WOODYCRJEST Andover. Phone collect 2337W4. Resort Property for Sale 71 trailer, like new. Priced for quick HAVE You checked up on the 1950 private "Courtesy Auto" for you. - PRICED RIGHT New London 2-7128. sale. Tel. Manchester 2-1428. Carpenters, Foundation Men Johnson Sea H one outboards? No obligation. ANDOVER I^XE — 76' x 200’. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Heating— Plumbing 17 Cement Finishers For dependability and yea n ot A—U—B—E—R—T— S year round hard loa’.. all lake Main Store—Waterbury APARTM ENTS, flats, houses need­ Experience Necessary aervlde go “ Johnson." We lead, privilege.^, oilers considercil. c z > 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN TRACTOR, in good condition, EFFICIENT Plumbing and heal­ .Open Thurs. Eves, 'til 9 p.m. ed In Manchester or nearby area. others follow. Free use ot our test Phone Manche.stcr 2-3279. 1949 BUICK SEDAN $1.50. Tel. 1394W1, Rockville. ing. Plugged drains machine ALSO BY CONTRACT Hartford, New Haven. Meriden Leasee accepted. Call General tank extended to all outboard 1948 OLDS SEDAN COX^’ E cleaned. Carl J. Nygren. 303 Brick Layers, Roofers OPEN ANY EVENING BY Manager, Hartford 6-7391 until 9 1P47_28' Ft. Liberty house trail­ Oakland street. Phone 6497. Sidewall Applicators owners. We buy, sell, trade. Capi­ APPOINTMENT p. m. 1948 CHEV. SEDAN anted— Real Kstale 77 er. priced for quick sale. Tel. tol Equipment Co., 38 Main Apply In Person YOUNG Couple desire 2, 3 or 4 1948 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE Rockville 6.1W3. PLUMBING And Heating, special­ street 7958. CIRCI^LATING Heater and cook­ W ANTED Duplex, not too far 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN izing in repairs, remodeling, cop­ er, u.>ipd short time. Inquire 37 room unfurnished rent. No chil­ from Center. Write Box C. s- tG -S O latiMas* kr T>< ■•li la<)' 8 A. M.. Dally On Job At NEW AN D used outboard motors Strant street. dren. Pel. 2-9272, 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN per water piping, new construc­ Herald. FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER B U r-B U N N Y Molorcydea— Bicycles 11 tion, estimates given, time pay­ KORBES ST., EAST HARTFORD and outboard boats. Marine glue, BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES There BY EIN.AIt MARTIN 1947 CHEV. SEDAN KALAM AZOO Stove, White com­ W A N TE D —4-rooth rent, unfurn- ments arranged. Edward Johnson. To Superintendent. Charles Woods paints and hardware. Outboards I uiKB T H i* H*r, BUT rr T C N TAKB C A «e O' 1947 NASH SEDAN bination. Coal and gas. Phone 2- i.shed, by mother and son. Both A . I r O ' GO. \AW\YT ..iW X .CSKlI’tCHK Phone 6979 or 504.4. repaired. McIntosh Boat Co., BO.NA FIDE BUYERS WON'T STAY ON... IT SLIPS TMArr TROUBLe in a ------1 JVtV •• VM ------VOKViK AKN S A S T m : OH ..YttV - ’ 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN COUPE BOY'S 28 " b.cycle Good condition. MAN FOR Sales and sendee. Must north end Purnell Parking Place. 1533. working. Good references. Phone ------VJIPPV, 6LMSR.I be neat and ambitious. Good op­ W A lT lN li C 5------r ~ i / 1 HORVLVVKie 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN COUPE Call 2 0086 after 6. PLUMBING, Heating, repalra on Phone 2-3102. 2-1668 after 3 p. m. VBWV WSLL, aw»«.yvGM'T portunity for advancement in a 4 or 5 f(«)ni singles, prcfonitily OLf SWIENP.' MOPS.* 1941 PL'YMOUTH CLUB COUPE old and new eystenu. oil burner, ^ HI water pump service. Prompt at­ large concern. Write qualifica­ W HITE TAB LE TOP gas stove. nciir bins line. 1940 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE Basiness Semeea Offered 13 $25. Call 2-2106. Houses for Sale 72 5NAZZV tention. John H. Carlson. Phone tions to Box P. Herald. Oiamonda— Watchi HA1 1940 DODGE CLUB COUPE Jewelry 48 Three bedroom honie with din­ DE LONGS Refrigerator eenrice. 7325. WANTED At once, 3 men to work TWO PIECE living room set for MANCHESTER — Desirable five- ing room. Near gchool. 1 ALSO 1934 TO 1939 Repairs on all makes, commer­ room, built in 1942. Beautiful O IL BURNER service and repalra. the Manchester area 3 to 4 eve­ LEONARD W. Yost. Jeweler, re­ sale. Good condition, very reason­ pvoofcy: Terms To Suit You cial and domestic. Emergency 24. floors, tile bath, fireplace, hot Duplex in good condition. Cen­ All makes oil burners and furn­ nings per week, $16 salary. Car pairs, adjusts watches expertly. able. Phone 8860. hour service Phont 2-1797. water heat, oil, nicely landscap­ tral location. COLE MOTORS— 4164 aces. Earl Van Camp.'Tel. 2-9976, helpful. Telephone Springfield 7- Reasonable prices. Open Thurs­ INSULATED Glenwood deluxe gas ed. Asking price $11,400. Alice 3379 collect, or write giving date day evenings. 129 Spruce street. 1946 OLDSMOBILE eedanette, PETER W. PAN TALU K , electrical stove with high side oven. Excel­ Clampet Agency. Phone 4993. Mr. LENNOX A IR FLO Heat, com­ and hour fo.- appointment in your Phone 2-438.. Open dally. DOUGLAS BLANCHARD model 7A Fully equipped. Can be contractor, maintenance and wlr- lent baker. Call 7709. Mitten 6930, Mrs. Wagner 2-0028. Ing for light and power. 40 Foster plete plumbing and heating. home. Pioneer Supply Company, Real Estate Service :y' seen at Olcott Package Store, The Nassetta Plumbing and Heat­ street. Phone 3303. 177 Chestnut Street, Springfield. USED Electrolux vacuum cleaner. DOCTOR, Dentist, or similar pro­ 650 Center street. ing Oo. Manchester 2-3701, or Garden— Farm— Dairy Phone 2-984t) All attachments. Excellent con­ fession. Meal location, 400' from m 'I LINOLEUM — Asphalt tile, wall Glastonbury 3-3149. ^______50 EXPERIENCED Painters wanted. Products dition. Sacrifice for $35. Phone Main street. 3 blocks from hospi­ covering. Done by reliable, well- CONSIUKRINU SEUIJNO m k (MA BV 9lffi KFlVwr wir w SEE BALCH FOR Call '2-0106. 2-1826. tal. Large 6 room residence, suit­ trained men. All Jobe guaranteed. PREMIERE Strawberry plants. YOUR PROPERTY? rrs A M A Z I N ' WHAT At.LEY OOP The Other Man’s Burden BY V. T. HAMLIN able for combination home» and BARGAINS Hall Linoleum Co.. 32 Oak etreet. Millinery— Dressmaklnit 19 UKt’EIVING aerk-to 40. Nights. $12 thousand. J. Morlarty, 184 TELEVISION, Refrigerator, elec­ Without obligation to you. we A UTTLE OLUB C'N o o , Woodland street. Plione 6092. tric ranges, furniture for the en­ office. Oil hea., bath and lava­ will appraise or make vou a cash 21 Phone 2-4022, evenings 6166. ALTERATION."., All kinds for 40 hours. $40. Conveniml for tire home. Chambers Warehouse tory, sun porch, lanascaped. com­ oiler for oropertv See us belore ' IN THAT BIG. 1M8 PONTIAC 8. TORPEDO 4- men's. Isdies' and children’s wear. Mamhc.ster resident. Contact: STRAW BERRY Plants, Premiere AUT0M(?BiU£. ALL APPLIANCES serviced and Sales, 501 Middle Turnpike East. pletely renovaUC. Reasonable. you sell. .A-y' DR. SEDAN—A very low For information call 2-3828 after Wilson Ageiuy, 721 Main, Room an.. Catskll's. 3 dozen $1, $2 - 100, Ifn ^ repaired, burners, refrigerators, Open daily 9 to .5 p. m. Evenings Suburban Really Co., Realtors, 49 Phone T7’.f8 Or 6’J78 mileage car, turn tone gray, 5. 207, Hartford, $12 - 1,000. Also lettuce and cab­ ranges, washers, etc. All work 7:30 to 8.30. Where you buy for Perkins street. Phone 8215. BRAE-BURN REALTY bage plants. Odermann’s Green­ 1*47 PL'YMOUTH 4-DOOR SE­ guaranteed. Metro Service Co- less. house 504 Parker street. SEVEN ROOM Colonial. Dudley t’HINKl.NO OK Selling? We need D A N —Black. Tel. Manchester 'J-0883. Situations Wanted— Moving— TruckinK— CLEANING Out attic or cellar? street. Garage. Good location, i 4 to 8 room houses Buyers wait­ PREMIERE Strawberry plants 1S40 rORD CONV. COUPE— SEWING MACHINE . repairing, StnrsE* 20 Male 39 I'll buy your unwanted furniture, Price $13,000. T. J. Crockett, ing. Quick results. Call Suburban $12 - 1,000; 6,000 or over $11 Green, wlUt black top. electrification, conversion to mod­ china, glassware, etc. Trading Broker. 5416. Realty Co., Realtors. Phone 8215. LIGHT LOCAL trucking. Ashes TWO 13 year old boys would like em cabinets, expert workman­ Phone 5215 Frank Glodc, 1701 Post, 17 Maple street. Phone 2- SMS BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN— and rubbish rtmuvcd. Painting lawna to mow after school and Tolland street, Manchester. JUST Completing at the Green, a • ship. ABC Appliance, 21 Maple. 1089. Black. and odd Jobs. Reasonable. K. C. on week-ends. Tel. 5631. modem home. Cape. Cod style. W ANTED — Single hqme. in good 2-1575. STRAW B’^RRY Plants. Premiers AB Cora Keconditemed By Marks Phone 6267 or 6113. HOUSEHOLD Furniture including Hot water heat, garage, large lot, repair. Write D, Herald. Factory Ktethoda FLOOR Problems solved with or Temples. From South last several bedroom set.s and maple shade trees. Wm Kanehl, builder, LIGHT LOCAL trucking, ash re­ Doga— Birds— Pels 41 W ANTED By prival' party, clean ^Oserge 1* eenditiofiing h!ni$elf for tiunmsrr* •BL’B B c ir r - linoleum, asphalt tile counter. year, $1.25 a hundred. Also rhu­ dinette set. Inquire on premises, 519 Center street. moval. woodland cleared and un­ 6-rooni single with garage. Must Expert workmanship, free esti­ PUPPIES. AKC Boxers, $55. red barb roots, 25c each .1. P. O’Con­ 4th house on right l^asl Country wanted trees removed with chain nor. 171 Union street. ANDOVER—Six rooms, fireplace. he under $10,000 and not over 10 SIDEGL.ANCES b y GALBRAITH BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. mates. Open evenings. Jones’ Cockers, small cross breeds. Zim­ Club, Manche.stcr Road. CAHNIVAI. BY DICK TUBNER 18B Center Street Furniture, Oak' street. Phone saw. W. B. Perrett, Jr. Phone Timken oil burner. G.I. possibil­ years old. Call '2-0890 after 5 p. merman’s Kennels. Lake street. PREM IER STRAW BERRY plants. iFRECKI ES AND HIS FRIENDS N o. No— Not That BY MERRILL C. BLOSSEB Phone 2-4545 2-1041. 7306 HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel ity, $10,000. Madeline Smith, Tel. 6287. $1.26 — 100; $12 — 1,000, Phone Realtor. 2-1642 O' 4670. ______2_ chairs for sa.e or for rent. Rates \A*iy— WB/. THE AUSTIN A. Chambers Go., 4564. Wm. MeNall, 103 Avery c . i ^ S martyst COICOlOlYf Amy ReS8MBtAMC4r ANTIQUES Reflnlshed. Repairing COLLIE.S, Blue Merles and Trio, BeiweeN MC a n d u t t l E’ NOT IBM DODGE aedan. 1939 Plymouth local and long distance moving, reasonable. Keith Furniture Co. MOV* Ashf IRANS- J u s t A MIP "l.^web sou ve done on any furniture. Tlemann. male and female. 3'li months old, .street, Manchester, Conn. 55 RUSSELL STREET BtTTtR STRAW NYiatiys RED RIDING HOOD E , AOXIS(N6- tudor. 1938 Oldsmoblle sedan. packing, crating and storage. Phone 4169. 10U ei/tR MtSSION 189 South Main etreet Phone broken. Phone 3376. Charles H. Slurlevanl AAAOt, 'Dtcxible as o u r RIGHT >w// t o o - KNOW-WHAT/ MG OF— 1938 Pontiac sedan. Written guar­ 5643. Service to all part.s of the U. S. .STREAMLINER Everbearing Beautiful six room Cape j A CMU.D? SILLY antee. Terms to suit, dole Motors. A. and Canada. Call 6187. Hart­ .strawberry planU, $1.50 per 100, USED RE.X Vacuum cleaner, tank Cod. Steam heat, oil Iniruer, WUATS YtXJR,! 4164. Painting - Decorating n a m e , ' DON’T GET caught in the rush ford 6-i423. Live Slock— Vehicles 42 $12 per 1000. Douglas MacLachlan type. Call 3239. fireplace and extra lavatory. Get your hand and powei mow­ Tel. 8746. Dupont Paints ADDRESS AND' LOOK! LOOK! Town motors Is ers sharpeneo and repalied now. MANCHESTER .’sekage Delivery. 10 FAN C Y Yearling heifers. Four MOVING Out of town. Bedroom Excellent home in a handy PHONE NUMBCR doing It again. Eddie has them Fhck up and delivery service. Local light trucking and package top Holstein stock b\ill.s, two first TOMATO, Pepper, eggplant, ice­ .set for .sale, twin beds. Price $200. Ipcation. Near Main Street. ? from 1935 to 1948. Some sold at Capitol Equipment Cd., 38 Main delivery. Refrigerators, wa.shera calf heifor.s to freshen in the fall. berg and romaine lettuce. Early Also R.C.A. table model radio, Nice re.sidential area. Time Payments .'XrranKcd a no finance charges. Come in and street. Phone 7958.' and stove moving a specialty. Phone 2-1,500. and savory cabbage plants. Also $20, and misceUaneoiis. 821 Main 1 to 3 Years look them over. 1948 Kaiser Phone 2-0752. 1,000 potted tomato plants. 57 street. Apartment 1. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA aedan. New motor, all rebuilt. RADIOS Repaired, reasonably. Florence street. Fully Covered by Insurance 1948 Btudebaker club convertible Leit me make that old set work RUBBISH and ashes removed. In­ Poultry and Supplies 43 875 Main Street— Est. 1921 champion. 1938 Chevrolet tudor. again. Call 2-1297. cinerators cleaned. Sand, gravel Machinery and Tools 52 Good transportation. 1938 Pack­ and cinders. Van service and FRESH Frozen and live turkeys, Household Goods 51 Phone 5440 or 5938 Tel. .1.557 or 2-9195 ard model 110 tudor. Ebccellent. local moving. Phone H. M. Jones 14 to 25 pounds. Ready anytime. SEVERAL Used wheel and crawl­ Household Serrices 2-1362, 2-3072. Schaub’s ’Turkey Farm. 188 Hills- TELEVISION. It’s yours for only Home Listir(gs Wanted 25 Lilley St. MiBicheslcr 1936 Oldsmoblle. all rebuilt. 1937 $189.95 Completely installed in er tractors. New and Used farm ______DeSota as is. 1930 Ford coupe. town road. Phone 4678. equipment. Used cletrac bulldoz­ Offered 13A ASHES AND Rubbish removed. your home, with outside aerial, $9,500. Six-room single. Comfort­ PRI.HClI.LA'S POP On Being Prepared HY At. VLRMFKB Reasonable terms. You'll find er. 'Terms arranged. Dublic Trac­ General trucking, sand and $19.95 down, baUnct $10 month. able, economical. Mansville insula­ I READ WHERE A OUT these cars at the Home of the CORNK7ES and valance boards. tor Oo., Willlmantic. Phone 2058. I CARLYLE' WHY AREN'T h e a r t h a t , h a z e l ? Custom bullL choice ot designs. gravel, fill, loam for sale. Reason­ Wanted— Pets— ■Poultry- Brunner’s Television, 358 East tion, storm windows, screens, oil VOU PRACTICING HE'S ONLY TEN AND WEST Stet-lED FOR *10 0 ,0 0 0 ! 1951 Kaiser. A word of advice. See Mirrors, Glass WE_WqN‘T TAKE A PENNY Phone 2-3574, from 9 a. m. to 9 able rates. Prompt Service. Call Stock 44 Center street. Open Mon., Wed., POWER Lawn mowers, garden burner, automatic hot water heat. BASEBALL?> THE BiQ LEAGUES K before you buy your new car ARE AFTER H'M p. m. James Macri 4523. Frl. 'til 9; Sat. f, Sunday 10 'til tractors, Johnson’s outboards, H. B. Grady, Agent. 8009. anywhere. 45 West Center street. W ANTED —Cows, calves and beef Furniture Top*, Window ALREADY! 8 p. m. DIsaton chain taws, air cooled en­ a li-f I'M SUPPOSED Ask for Eddie or Doc. W EAVING of bums, moth holes cattle, also horses. We pay the DOVER ROAD— Six rooms finish­ and Plate Glass, Auto Glass /I gines. etc. Don't make a mistake, TO WAIT HERE! and torn clothing, hosiery runs, TRUCKING and ashes removed. top dollar. Piela Bros., 364 Bid- ONE USED electric range, $15; ed Cape Cod. Extra lavatory, in­ 1946 CHEVROLET sedan. Special buy your equipment where the A SCOUT WANTS TO handbags repaired, zipper re^ Phone 7513. George Eiss. well street. Phone 7«05. one used gas range $15; sulated, storm windows, fireplace. W A TC H M E ! only $275 down, balance, small guarantee la backed by authoris­ placement, umbrellas repaired, ideal for eummer cottage. W at­ Vacant. Center Springs Realty monthly payments. 1940 Pontiac ed service and 25 years of know White Glass Co. men's shirt collars reversed and kins Broa. Oo. 6988. tudor, 1947 Chevrolet club coupe Painting—ePapeiing 21 how. Come in and look around. 24 Birch S L Manchester replaced. Marlow’s Little Mending Articles for Sale 45 1946, 1948 Pontiac tudors. Many USED CROSLEY Shelvador re­ We would like to serve you. Open NEW. 5-ROOMS on one floor, Ex­ Shop. INTERIOR AND Exterior paint­ H others. Douglas Motor Sales, 333 TH A YE R Carriage,; crib high frigerator, in good working con­ Sat. afternoons, and Thursday pandable, fireplace, open stair­ Open Ually 8 A. M. To 6 P. 'hy‘'-4 ing. Average room papered, $12, Main street. F LA T FINISH. Holland window chair and bathinette. in excellent dition. Reasonable. Phone 4336. evenings until July 1st. Capitol way. picture window, tile bath, j Inriiidint Satiirdav Including paper. Oellings reflnlah- shades made to measure. All condition. Reasonable. Tel. Rock- Equipment, 38 Main street. Tel. oil hot water heat, closets galore, a ed. Excellent workmanship. Ray­ Plenty Of Parking 1948 JEEP metal Venetian blinds at a new vUle 926W3. REFRIGERATOR, metric G. E. 7958. hatchwar. Excellent location. | mond Flske. 2-9237. On Premises low price. Keys made while you monitor type. Good operating con­ Price $12,000. Elva Tyler, Agent. Station Wagon Body FOAM Rubber aheets, cushions, \ 5'-/« wait. Marlow's. dition. Bargain, $30. Phone » 2- Manchester 2-4469. 4 Wheel Drive OUTSID^, Inside painting and special fabrications. Mac’s Inter­ M osteal instromenta 53 paperhanging. KTee estimates. 9597. eoea. tn* atr im uavict. mc. t. m. an. a. a mt. err. ODDS AN D Ends Shop. If you ior Decorating Store, at 214 W EST CENTER Street- Six room Prompt service. Reasonable VIC PLINT____ Hunting Agairt BY MICHALI. O'MAM.KY AND RALPH LANE CHORCHES MOTOR SALES can't buy It anywhere you draw it, Spruce street. Phon«. 6134. COME IN and see our line of new SM ALL STEINW AY piano, per­ colonial with enclosed sun porch, RICH, CULTIVATED Studebaker Sales and Service prices. Phone 7630. D. Frechette. unpainted furniture. Sectional fect ter the accomplished musician “Thirty-nine days until I have to retire! I've looked for­ /^BtAUTlfUt MOONING, VIC (rlAD ''^SO YOU-THINK JED WELL, 1 COULD BE M AAV t REMIND vou MAY KHP VOOR'' I’ll try It. Will make furniture 3-car garage, oil steam heat, fire­ Run down and get some bacon frets* to tmear on my f MOUTH ReMLY SHUT, JAMES, Workman’s Compensation public DIAMOND Engagement ring, 3-8 bookcases., cheats, comer cabinet, or the beginner. Very reasonable. YOU DON'T MIND TAGGING AlONG BREWSTER'S THE ' PREJUDICED AFTER ME E OU MISS BAKER,' 80 Oakland St. Tel. 2-9483 from your own design. Odd Jobs, place, storm windows and screens, ward to this all these years—-till now!" AND NO ONE NEED KNOW liability carried. karat, 6 side stones. Excellent tables and chairs. Wa havs our Tel. 2-9329. mouth, will you,, Miss Jepton? Tho pork lobby to vitHinf VILLAIN OF THE ALMOST MADE A PtN- f HAT THE HUNTING redecorating. Cablneta mode. Venetian blinds, immediate occu­ LOAM SEASON IS still , I LETT THE HOUSE WITH quality, allow appraisal, need usual supply of used furniture Rw todtyl' CUSHONOUTOF ME WITH Phone VVillimantlc 2492J5. INTERIOR AND Exterior paint­ cash, cheap. Call Hartford 6-1137 pancy. T. J. Crockett, Broker. THAT PnCHfORK.eUT HETL „ ,C lO «D » A GUN.' 1936 FORD Truck. Price $50. 136 ing, paperhanging, ceilings re- too. The WoodshM, 11 Main Phone 5416. O U IO U R WAY BY J. R. WII.I.IAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOPPLE .DO TIU A BEmR SU5PKT MANCHESTER Upholstering Oo until 6. Wanted—To Buy 58 Order Now! Special ftJSO I Drive B, Silver Lane Homes. flnlahed. Fully Insured. Hlxpert street. Co. Vd. in Truck Load Lots L Re-upholstering, draperies, slip M ANCHESTER — 6 room Cape vou GOT TO GIT HIM IN EGAD. SORKe.^ e& FLYING M ARE?THAT’S I WITNESS C work- New 1950 wallpaper books. ROYAL CORONA PORTABLE — BUYING USED furniture and Minimum 8 Yds. flU.OO SElJTLE WTM 0A6O J, Be e n o o t a p r i n t ONE LAS' WEEK 61 covers. 48 Purnell Place. Call 2 OLD RED Tin B.^m, 706 North Cbd. 168’ frontage with large LV|NG -TVlE CONSTRICTOR front and rear brakes and Wlszer gage, direct from owner. Phone street all kinds. New ..jconstructiom vice. Phone 2-18M. ranges and heaters. Jones Furni­ Cash. Phone 3375.' 91 Deerfield Drive TeL 8408 FLVitiG m a r e .'/ T in 1S T ~ Workman's compensation carried motor, for Immediate sale. ture Store, 36 Oak. Phone 2-1041. 2-9443. Nichole-Bristol, 1099 Main street. W ILLYS, 1940. Good running con- Call for an estimate on any In' X3 'V tiT i ditlon, $100 or best offer by Sat­ Bide or outside work. Fred Repairing REDUCED. Brand new 1949 ap­ Rooms Wiihout Board 511 urday. Phone 8704. Knofla. Tel. 7704. MATTRESS. Your old mattresses BLACK LOAM for sale. $6 load pliances. 8H rr. ft. deluxe Kel- vinator refrigerator, formerly W E WOULD Ilk* a business wom­ “SINCE 1907 BY REID BY LBSUB rURNEB sterilized and remade like new dellveced. Phono 2-2623. an to live with ns. Full household WASH ITJRHS The Herder HIGHEST CASH prices paid for ALTERATIONS, additions an^ Call Jones Furniture and Floor $269.95, now $219.95; Kelvinstor irs BEEN AUCTION OF COURSE” 1B87 to 1950 used cars. In good kitchen remodeling. A ll types of COOLERATOR. 100-lb. capacity. privileges. Small, well mannered F TMC POOH eOVA MR.*. CiTWrCBV'. WHOAE Y K . X *90 M THAT nfiftO fft Covering, 36 Oak. Tel. 2-1041. electric range, formerly $229.95 THMB’* MO \ aUFFua* WBM clean condition. Douglas . Motor new construction. Burton A. Rice. Very good condition, $10. Tale. now $179.95; Universal electric family. Fiione 2-1326. gtill wwc gH ege LAMP UtftTD TH* NORTH TMATl* At Legion Hall, Manchester, Conn. eovacMiNT NOa*watft Ito MIM> HtWeMTftTWVUP Salsa. SS8 Main street 2-2576. 2-3768. ‘ . range, formerly $239.95, now TH9V ICfgP ’8U eOMB^ 0 ’ TM9M.. UP ON TM» PtMCBft /THtnFORAM A TTR A C TIV E LY Furnished room (O a Leoaaid S ^ which rnns o ff Main S t, Opponite Armory) WHCRM ELM . Z MOUNTAlllfr^ LAMP.. A FOBter BluineM Opportunities 32 $189.95; Universal oil, electric ON— ^ tmati* nucniMM for one or two. Light housekeep­ MAveirr •eiu’rHiic RffilRUf. auT A combination range, formerly MANCAM IfA W •HAMV-NmIRBO NU * «M9 SElLLi TR A D television stock, GIRL’S Bicycle In excellent condi­ ing facilltte* available. Central, M KD M THRfft 8359.95, now $299.95; FlAence, Thursday Evening,. May 18, 1950 at 7 p. m. IT FOR ftTOCR HOlMTNgNaVTOIM Now $.56. Buy Television Radar tion. Call Rockville 1837J2. reasonable. Mrs. Jerome, 14 Arch V e A K f t ! NWOTIRVI oil, gas, 4-4 combination ^ a n ge street, first fioor. A WU)E SBXEC110N OF ORAZM'---- dorporatloo O $.40. Joe McCliu- formerly $289.95, now 8229.95; 20 k«y 2 ^ 7 2 . FULX. SIZE screens, 'various slaee. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Inquire 155 Walker street. TeL cu. ft. Krivlnator horns or farm LARG E Bedroom In quiet borne. Kitchen privileges. Reasonable. Slagle Beds. Cbeala o f Drawera, DresMra, Waidroben. Writing 2-9260. freeser, formerly 8565, now $499, Help Wanted— FeauUe S5 Quantity limited. Use Watkins' Inquire 224 Charter Oak. Phone Tablea, Maple Arm Chairs. Stands, LampR. Mirrors. Blanketo, BATHROOM Fixtures. Large sixe budget plan, Watkins Bros. 8388. Sheets. Pniows. etc. Metal Kitchen Cabinet, Dreaelng Tables, EXPERIENCED LADIES’ wear baby crib. Reasonable. Call 2- Porch and Lawn Fantitura, etc. ■ales person. Good salary. Send W INDOW SHADES, msasurad, ROOM IN private home. Oontinu- In addltioa many ether noefnl and servloeable items (or the 1076. IH f . eottaga or camp tnclsdlng—Servrt Oas KeMgeratoC, P h ^ ; ^ A G O ti letter arith qusUflcatlons to Boa made and InataUsd. 10 colon aad out hot amter and. ahower. Ckv- 6CBM51D kNOvN rage available. Phone 5457. gas Oda Baage. . ' C, Herald. P E A T Humus, par bag, |« per qualities in gtock. . Keith Furni­ j.RW'iu««s:> A LffTLE 60ME- yard, delivered! Bon-Atr Peat Oo, ture. Phone 4159. BORN THIRTY YEARS TOO SOON * • dm ft Oat TUlNG ABOUT THIS ® SPE C IAL Consideration given to Phone 6515. PLEASANT Room 'wttb heat for ROBERT M. REID & SON, Auctioneers FUJRENCE Heater. Used three one or two gentlemra. Near woasen between 45 and 60 years \------891 .Mala St.. Phone 8198— Ra.vmond R. Reid. Phone 1488 of age for a steady, year-round weeks. New $90. Sscrifice half- . buecs. Five minute;' to Depot MANCHESTER, CONN opportunity. Write P. O. Box 557, CARRIAGE AND plsy-pen Good price. Phone 2-3756 alter 4:30 Square. 116 North School street Middletown, Conn. condition. Reasonable. Call 2-9189. Phone 8398.

V i" .

- J TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1959 p a g e SIXTEEN E wntttg IfgraUi ATcrafa Dally Net Prcaa Run Thfi Wfifithtr Forecaal ot 0. R. Wnther ■BfoaB The Men's C2ub’ of tha South ulations allow at 32 A '^mora road, board were from Zygmund Chod- F o r the Month of ApriL 1880 Residence AA Zone. Fred Knofla kowakl, seeking permission to Emergency Doctors Methodist church entertained the Reunion Speaker Short Session Buaay and wnna thla Men’s Club of the Forest Baptist received permission to erect a erect a garage at the side of hla after- About Town breeseway and additional attached home at 630 Lydall street, and Dr. R obert Keeney, S4S2, and Men’s Club of Sprlngflsld, last 9,891 noont fair and eool tealght; night at the Manchester BowUng garag e to dwelling a t 58 EUwood Richard Reichenbach, also seeking Thnraday fair wtth Httle change TiM tenth hirtbitey puty of the Dr. Francis Helfrlck. 4918, are Of Zone Board road two feet closer to the side permission to erect a garaga clos­ M enber o f Om AteUt Iffoncheoter Oreen Porent-Teocher the physicians of the Manches­ Green. line than regulatione allow. Kno­ Bmeaa of ClreateNaM la tauperaturo. ter Medical Association who er to side line than regulations al­ Manche$ter-~~A City of Village Charm AwociBtton wUl Uke plBCO tomor­ fla, a local builder, was seeking the low at 406 Woodland street. row evening »t eight o'clock. Par- will respond to emergency calls The final Red Cross Home Nurs­ Grants Four Applica* exception for Walter Carter, on •nU and frlenda are cordially In­ tomorrow afternoon. ing Course will begin Friday, May whose property the change will be vited to attend thla party which 19, at the home nursing rooms In lions, Denies Two and made. ^ VOL. LXIX, NO. 198 (Ctoaelfled Advertlaing on Pago 1 1 ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1950 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FOUR CENTS wlU be celebrated In a new fash­ the garage building at the rear of the Memorial hospital annex on Edward 25anla was allowed to ion. Miss Carolyn Sonnlksen, daugh­ Tables Two Others erect a six-car garage which Is ter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto F. Son- Hartford road. Those who have not already signed up for this longer than regulations allow at WANTED Ever Ready Orcle of Klng'a nlksen of 23 Walker street, will A short session of the Zoning .354 Center streeL Mrs. Mary Daughters will conduct a food sale crown the president of the senior course, which will be particularly Fuller was granted permission to Rocket Reaches Record Height THuraday afternoon at Hale s class at Simmons college queen of helpful to new or expectant moth­ Board of Appeals went on record give knitting Instructions and sell News Tidbits ers, should do so at once by tele­ Experienced Pledge to Oppose •tore, under the direction of Mrs. the annual May Day party In the last night as the board granted knitting supplies In her home at Cullfd From (/P) Wires Baldwin Hits Bowles Ellen Plcklea. Members are re- traditional ceremonies which will phoning Mrs. J. F. Miller, 3235. four applications, denied two and 97 Crestwood drive. queated to have their contributions be held at the college tomorrow took no action on two others. The applications denied by the Carpenters Miss Sonniksen, president of the All members of the Regina of food at the store at 12:30 as the The public hearing on the eight Governor Bowles will ”do every­ sale will open at one o’clock. sophomore class, will be the May d'ltalia Society are requested to Communism Given King and will plant the class tree meet at the Itnllan-Amerlcan club applications began shortly after 8 APPLY thing pussible" to obtain release by tonight at 7:30 in order to go In a o'clock and was closed 20 minutes Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Oenovesi A. Federal government of Idle 8«ulh- On Asking for Quick and family, formerly of this town, The Torch Bearers group of the body to pay last respects to the later. None of the applications late Domenlca Vesco, a member of received any opposition. Jarvis Realty Co* IngtoB plant used by Pratt and are visiting In town this week. Salvation Army will hold a special In Taft’s Speech I' 4Vhltney aircraft during war . . . meeting tomorrow evening com­ the society. Neither the Civil Air Patrol nor Mr. Oenovesi, an auditor with the Mrs. Clarence Laklng were pres­ 6 DOVER ROAD Hartford Accident and Indemnity mencing with a croquet tourna­ Bill to bring additional millions of ment at seven at the Citadel. All Delta Chapter, No. 51, Royal ent or represented, so the board persons Into siKlnl aecurlty sys­ Insurance company, Is being trans­ Arch Masons, will confer the Mark tabled action on their applications. ferred from Pittsburgh to Glenn members are requested to be pres­ Republican Promises tem and sharply Increase benefit Idle Benefits Action Master Degree at its stated con­ All other requests were acted Intrigue Seen rails. New York. They have two ent. vocation which will be held tomor­ upon. Are Made in Reply to psynienUi la approved by Senate children, Lucinda and Susan. Mrs. row evening at 7:30 In the Mason­ Clarence P. Qulmby Raqueate Granted .Finance commltlee . . . Janiee 8. Oenovesi Is the form er Lucille W. Annual reports will be submit­ ic Temple. The degree work will Robert Messier was granted per­ HALE'S Truman’s Tour; Elimi­ Behind Action Pope, managing editor of I.rfmla- Statr KppiihHcan Chair* Sargent. ted at the meeting of the Republi­ Clarence P. Quimby, former vllle Courier-Journal, asserts that Frrf’doin Sinilps can Women’s Club tomorrow be preceded by an Important busi­ mission to erect an attached nation from Govern------man Sees No Need ness session, and will be followed principal and Fdson Bailey, present garage to present dwelling, five iW Airn N.ucLfic ignorance - "our own and that of Any member of the Ladie.a of afternoon at 2:30 at the home of by the usuhI hour of refreshment principal, of Manchester High and a half feet from the north wnM in STMfV Headquarters Ytf, with "Bal8ac9«AU" w2a4ow8 slid* aaajljr, ment Agencies at King Farouk Forced to the publle" la chief enemy of For Emergeney Action Columbus who has not been con­ Mrs. Charles S. Mouse of West- ret tisbtlr aad will aoc raftla. DtpaadtbU American nowapapera. land street. The g\iest speaker will and sociability. school, will be the guest speaker* side line'which is clo.scr tlian reg­ in8nCHi8rE»...FHont •-•6» tacted about the installation ban­ FOR coil •pria<8 kaap ib« window ie plaM a •. m Home Also Offered Disown His Sister, Fonnoaana In .lapan Join to sup­ On Liheralizing Com* quet tomorrow evening is asked he Mrs. Alice Leopold of Weston. at the. twentieth reunion of Man­ brokaa ttsb cordi or window propa. Miss Gertrude Herrmann's piano chester High class of 1930, to be port Independence for tUelr island to get in touch with either Mrs. Conn. Tea will bo served by the pupils are requested to meet in St. peiisation I.ji4v for hostess committee of which Mrs. held May 20. It was announced to ­ SIM m TO AOJUtTa Tba uosioa of eba homeland. . , .4'iiklo Oraxkl, 92. Brm ano O araventa. 2-1030, or Mrs. Mary’s parish hall at 0:45 Thurs­ iprtopf op tha window catlap can ba adjunad'iTM.y n.-I*!' elder statesman, arrives William Qulsh, 3t54. William S. Davis is chairman. day. —A pledge to oppose (^ommu- t Francisco, May 17-(>P)- Unemployed; Better to day evening. Mr. Quimby was principal of the wiibootraoiOTiapiba window Mth. Viodowa in l»a Angeles by Pan American will optrau smoothly dtspita waatbar chaoses. nism abroad and eliminate It , Mother Nazii today de- clipper on his visit to U. S. (>et Things Done Right The Friendly Circle will hold its The Army and Navy (Tub will local high school from 1923 until final meeting tomorrow evening at 1933 when he left to accept his from government agencies at dared court intrigue forced King ainee 1(131. . . .luninieil trniia- hold its monthly meeting tomor­ i n TMIM TODAY AT. « • porta head for Formosa with last Vic4v (eiveii Today eight o’clock at the Community Y. row evening at eight o'cloi k at the present position as headmaster at home is the No. 1 promise in Farouk to disown and Impoverish Cushing Academy In W libraham , Nationalist troops from atiandon- clubhouse. OPEN an official Republican bid for his kid sister. Princess Fathia. ed Cliiiahan island.. . . Kiiaala WINE LIQUOR The Past Mistress Club, Daugh­ Mass. He was principal during the Kiilletin! control of Congress. Senator And Fathia, 19, announced firm- ftrcJiaea France of keeping Soviet ters of Liberty. L O. L. I.. No. 12.1 I^ k o ta Ooiincll, No. 61. Degree entire period the of 1930 spent .State (.'npUol, Hartford, will hold its monthly meeting to­ at high school and accompanied Taft of Ohio made the G.O.P. yl that she would defy her brother cilizon.s from going home and has and of Pocahontas, will meet tomor­ by remarrying, in Moslem cere­ asked for reopening ot Kussiaii re­ May 17.—-(/P)—The House morrow evening at eight o’clock row evening at eight o’clock in the clas.s on iQf trip to W ashington, 9 A- »'■ T O 9 >’• M- promises last night over a na­ f Of An\ Oc f ov*on at the home of Mrs. Minnie Brown, D. C, Mrs. Quimby will accompany tionwide radio hookup. It was the mony, Riad Ghall. She married the patriation miK.sion In I'aria, says approved 90 to 50 today a bill • \ > I Ml Odd Fellows hall. Members are re- ■SU mMAUSt M A 0 c im ff» ^ 31 year old Coptic Christian com­ Soviet neWH agency. 33 Edgerton street. queated to bring Mayhasketa con­ him on his visit to Manchester. Republican reply to President legalizing the Sunday sale of Mr. Bailey came to the high DAILY Tntman’a cross-country speaking moner civilly here April 26. Erwin D. Canhani, editor of taining a lunch, and a prise will Lumber, Coal, Fuel Oil, Riad, labeled a fortune-seeking liquor from midnight to 1 / l//'/./i7 I /. be awarded to the member enter­ achool as a teacher In 1924 and tour. CTirlstlnn Seience Monitor, de- a. m. was appointed principal of the (Except Sunday) Ranges. Refrigerators Paint and Hardware Taking the offensive, Taft said adventurer in Cairo court circles, elares that proposed UN treaty ing the prettiest basket. Coffee is secretary of the queen mother. F’ACKAGE STORE COIMING—THE will be .served. Final plans will al­ flchool in 1930, which position he Democratic policies have raised may damage rather than defend Washers and All Nazi! charged today: press frer'diini. . .Indone.sla wants J5 OAK STREET TEL 6597 so he maile for the next meeting, holds at the pre.sent lime. Biiainess PHONE 4148 the threat of a Third World war State (’apitol, Hartford, ROOSEVELT when the Great Chiefs will make training and commerrial law class­ and at home have pointed the na­ “Scheming to Get On Throne" to remain neutral in cold war and May 17.—^/P)—State Repub- THE M EDICAL BlljjlXlf/f Other Appliances Prince Muhammed All, Fathla's does not consider Chinese Coiniiiu- their official visit. es conducted by him were very Open 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. Daily tion toward regimentation and so­ tY>ndensed m oisture in the form of frost and Ire p artirles is shaken lii’iiii Chairman Clarence F. STORY popular at the time and many 344 MAIN STREET cialism. leading to bankniptcy. uncle and heir-apparent, "is ni.sls danger to its new repuhliean Homeward bound after alniost 19 months* Imprisonment hy the Chi­ Includinj; Wed. Afternoons scheming to get on the throne” of loose fnmi the body of a Navy 4 iking rocket as It is launehed amidst regime, says It.S I, foreign offirc Raldwin asserted today that “Not likely to he sorpasaed for The Women's Home League of members of the class attended his He said: a rioiid of smoke and steam from the I'SH Norton Sound In mld- nese Comiuuiilsls, F.liiier C. Bemler (left) and 44. C. Smith *iiille years." the Salvation Army will meet to­ classes. Open ’Til Noon on Sat. ’The general program of the Egj'pt. The prince is chairman of spokesm an. . . . Mrs. 44'endell I.- there was no need for emer­ the Royal council which yesterday Paelflr, May II, to travel to a height of 106.4 miles. The Navy broadly ns their ship reaches Hong Hong. Ilrnder, a Marine from N. Y. World Telegram morrow afternoon at l\^■o o'clock Carle P. Cubberly of 28 Otis Truman crusade is clear. Promise 44llkle, widow of late presidential ( liielnnall, and Snillli. a Navy petty officer from Long Reneh, Calif., geney action on liheralizing everyone everything, and hope to stripped Fathia of her title and rialmed It was a reeonl height for an Amerlran-deelgned single stage nominee, i.s proposed by New IT'S a t the citadel. The wilt street, voted as’"best actor,” "best roeket. Frost and lee resulted from the liquid oxygen finlva..ia Govornor 0 ,i„ e g c P lailS Ti rins l.ow .\s .S2 Week will be present. Keeney B. Loomis princes-s. .... Aml>aKnaIo«t Bil- nlrk ia being recalled temporarily Bonn (roveniiiieiit to. this special session. Governor of 363 Keeney street is a ch arter tention by the investigation of "Twenty days ago the Egyptian member and It Is expected he will ambassador to Washington, Mu­ ler Primary from his post In Nicaragua to Fix Form of 04vner- Bowles again shows that he Is Called For Ml able to attend. The theme of charges of Oommunlem hurled by Election launch "Point Four" program of more Interested In scrambling General Drafting Senator McCarthy (R., Wle.). hammed Kamil Abdul Rahim, of­ Not Accepted About Parly the meeting is "Real Information VanHeusen fered Riad any diplomatic post he In State in Decades aid for backward areas of world. shi|i of Big Iiuliistries what he thinks is the front of • They are being probed by a Sen­ and Service Teaches Us.A Lesson” wanted — any ambassadorship in Federal attorney in Newark. N. parade than In giving the atate SETBACK Mrs, Fniile Leve.sqiie heads the ate aubcomnUttee but Taft made true and effective leadership." no direct reference to that. any country in the world — if he Philadelphia, May 17.—(/P) L attiinore Says Coin- J., links name of Cliarles "Lucky ’ Honn, riormaity, Mny 17.— Testifies *Biinch of Dam Delivered Architectural, Mechanical refreshment cP) tVIre) Pumpernickel Rye. Muchnick show you just why Grundy, aaked for comment on the abort but costly locomotive I’reviously, John Huber, self- Western Germany. Doubts Grow the voting that probably brought Lattlmore, who Is director of the Van Heusen is the world’s Does this mean that Nazism Is firemen’s strike against five big For Refuge styled ex-FBI undercover man In to an end hla political reign in this university’s 4VaIter Hines Page the Communist party, testified reviving? School of International Relations, carrier*. AT THE MEAT DEPT. finest shirt. Learn the secret big G. O. P. stronghald, said to­ The six-day walkout—settled that the function was sponsored I.ohnr Groups Fight A high German official insisted day: won heavy applause from hla M antua, Italy, May 17—(41—A of the Century . . . the secret today that It does not. A high Levies on Inheritances listeners. yesterday— took a solid wallop at Top Df’lpgate lo United hy the Communist party’s water of the famous Century collar "No comment. No. No. No. business and labor. The loss in front section. Huber, however, farmlutnd uas killed and another Chuck Ground Special I.h. 59c American authority agreed with And Big Gifts Are Re­ Not until I get awake and find A university spokesman said was wounded In lighting today be­ . . . the collar that won’t wrin­ him. there were more faculty members business and wages was estimated Nation (^uits His »said it was held in November, HM4. FUR STORAGE out what's going on.” up to $50,0(X),000. Perera said that based on his tween striking meinlMTs of the kle . . . ever! New! Revolu­ Neither was alarmed by the dis­ jected by Committee present than at any meeting IJiies Up With T i l ^ i , Conimunlst Chamber of I.Abor and closure Monday that 76 per cent Record Primary Vote “within the past ten years.” The railroads said: .ib.servatlon, he believed that Mr. ,1'’r on Furs up to $.300 Valuation tionary! The Century shirt The total vote appeared to be iHiiber's testimony as to the rhar- W orker* of Ihr antl-Communlat of the 11,000 officials in the gov­ Dr. George Boaa, chairman of "The losses. Inconvenience and Free Labor confederation. The has a soft collar that is woven W ashington, M ay 17—(>P)— New of record proportions for a pri­ the Philosophy department. Intro­ Interruption of production occa­ Lake Hucce.*s, May 17 (fl*) acter of the party was what he 1% on each $100 over ernment of Wuerttemberg-Baden doubts arose on Opltol hill today mary. Indications were that It Gommiinlst group Immediately COMMOK smst on TMl in one piece . . . keeps neat atate once belonged to the Nazi duced Lattlmore. sioned by this strike simply do not Czechoslovakia's chief delegate to salil it was.” that there will be excise tax re­ would be approximately 60 per the United Nations has quit his railed a general strike In Mantua DON’t SI A " l l m " t u s s i i $300 valuation—$3.00 minimum all day, through night with­ party. v Baaic Theme of Talks make sense.” Defense Attorney MacDonald province to protest the slaying, ductions this year—unless Presi­ cent of the 2,862,112 Republicans Only about 18,000 firemen struck Job and aske havlag fan Nazla ia a product of the German lax law loopholes- -by which Mr. Duff started the campaign with strings," Lattlmore said. losses at $15,000,000 and the em­ Stalin Galled Great Leader .lured, "The tar wa* only warm," a pledge to “destroy” what he ployes lost $6,000,000 In wages. "It is obvious that the Countries Yesterday, a witness said Dra­ walatt he*t “baubif" tba t«^a. COkB VAN HEUSEN bureaucratic system by which the Truman proposed that Congress "They were first and foremost building socialism have much to he said, “not hot ennngh to burn." same group of officiate continues offset the loss from proposed excise caled “Orundytem—government by my colleagues—tn this university 'A second struck Une, the New per once made a remark about ”our • • • V alaq flaai. Hit taaarUe tpart h a few, for the benefit of a few, at learn from the experlencea of the great lender, Stalin." Major Earthquake Occur* to administer the laws, no matter reductions. and In others.” Central, sstimated Ite freight Soviet union,” Houdek cabled ^ SHOWIIM on*. . sa who controls the government. the expense of the public.” He admitted that "my wife and apa passenger losses a t $12,000,000 John B. Cook, a cable manufac­ Pa*adcna, Calif., May 17—14')— SPORT SHIRTS Tsx law managers, after yester­ Stalin. "It Is, however, Impossible turer at Madison, Conn., said he “These officiate form a close day’s action, predicted to newsmen diaUeage Accepted A major earthquake occurred this Yaa caa have siara, fca aSsaf Sti Grundy accepted the challenge, In the long run at least, to force heard the statement between three 9 fraternity," the American com­ that Congresa never will be able (OMtiBiied OB Pag* Tm) (OeBtiBiied OB Page Tea) them to take over and copy every­ nnomlng 4,800 mile* northwest or taMoaMyoaaia $2.95 and $3.65 missioner said. lining up behind Duff’s opponent and six years ago at Ctemegle hall southwest from Pasadena, OaR- WITH to offset, with higher taxes else­ and a complete anti-Duff slate. thing which resulted from special In New York City, where Draper COMMON aBtSTAROAT. “T hey favor eaiSh other. They where, the $1,080,000,000 in excise Russian conditions.” fomla Institute of Tecimology protect each other. Thev hire each Allied with the veteran leader was entertaining. aeianaologlsta reported. *"niera. cute the Ways and Means commit­ were U. S. Senator Edward Mar "Protest Before 441101* 4Vorld" One of the stage lights went out, other. These ex-Nazla who are In a telegram to Mr. 'Truman, were two major ahocks," said Dr. VAN HEUSEN returning to their old jobs are be tee estimates it has approved al­ tin, a former governor; ex-Gov. he testified, and Draper turned to jCONFIDENCE; ready. A rthur H. Jam es, and G. O. P. N a Doctor to Use Donations Houdek said he resigned “In order the audience, saying . . . Charles Richter. "The first was at ing rehired not because they were to protest before the whole world 4:58.18, the seeoad at 8:07.48 a. m . Nazis but because they belong to Almost Twice Umlt Favored tional Committeeman G. Mason “As our great leader Stalin has The figure is almost twice as Owlett. against the methotls which are be­ said, we must have more light," (p.d.t.) This nnqneatlonably waa TIES $1.50 the fraternity.” To Pay Medical Expenses ing used in Eastern European the largest earthquake aaywheia Gross criticized the German big as the $655,000,000 Umlt Mr. For the two major offices, re­ Mrs. McChillpugh’a defense te A t A m sm I. b* oonilifsnf yoall gst KXAMPUn OF LOANS turns from 5,257 of the state’s oountrlea. Including my own... trying to prove that Draper and In the worM alaoe last Fcbraaiy." cash promptly—it’s ‘'YES’' to 4 out o l M a MWia NTHOiT rua bureaucracy as “too autocratic” in Trumsm recommended. It includes "^j;;***^*****^ ^ II n u ll Him in m . i>.. 8,347 districts gam e: A tlanta, May 17—(81— A eoun-.«>sona who had n e re r heard of th e These methods have been Imported Adler were staunch supporters of • • • OUI8OA80 BOATMO OU8 Of AMBBCA. 307 N. MhMtsa Aes, 8. Bo oonMbnf your privacy will bo ICadi iM ga Ita relations to the people, yet too reductions on furs, Jewelry, ladies’ YouOat '"rYV X79JI 4SL4S A new ahirt free If For senator: Duff, 758,574; Rep. old doc” before. to our country by a few Indtvidu- Communist party organizations Engineer KiBa Daaghter toipocted . . . BO ootaidolo iarotvod. willing to follow any leader—“the handbags, toilet preparations', try doctor tn Georgia haa dacldad Tampa, Fte- May 17—<41 An Kaiser, Hitler or the Allies.’* John C. Kunkel, the Grundy can­ Only Money Owed IVaated ala Installed tn a ‘Rokoasovsky and Communist fronts, and that Aad you aoloct boat poymant doto and VAN HEUSEN SHIRTS your Van Heusen movie admissions, travel tickets to use nation-wide contributions to way' tn top positions.... they knowingly associated with Atlaatle Ooaat One cagteeer UBai amount No unnocoaaary quaationa. $8 I $18 I $38 Caa Not latonreae didate, 809,678. Dr. Bramlett was grateful, but NATmUL OVTWMIi WIB and scores of other items. For governor: John 8. Fine, pay hla own medical expenaes. he said he couldn’t accept the The flagrant treatment of CYimmunteU. hla daughter today, eritieaRjr Como in, pbooa, or write H mimi today. loom ol offcor eioowfi in mnmnhlan. •brinks out of size. But Gross said American au­ The committee has yet to act M ayltthrwSF A lean of ItOO coiN |3Q.40 when VAN HEUSEN TIES thorities can not intervene to stop backed by ‘ Duff, 624,286; Jay Dr, R. H. Bramlett, Sr., 65, "the gifts. An he wanted was the mon American diplomate by the The trial te in Ite fourth week. wonaded his wUs w in platot tlia loom $88 to $800 prempfif mpeH h 13 Moffcff coo- FREE!! on the president’s proposal for a Cooke, endorsed by Grundy, 440,- (teechoslovak Ministry of Foreign then took hte awn Mio h r Jum ptef •oevtffO Wohseoh of $IO.0S etm , fif the re-employment of ex-Nazte as old doc of Fonyth county," rsui an ey owed him. long as the Germans “follow the $650,000,000 increase la corpora- 401. But- yesterday ha wrote Tha As­ Affairs recently was but another Mergewlkaler Kzaeati v Diaa ander a tinla. SheHtf Baidi Oiw • Come In and See the Nete Dolphin Boote tlon taxea It also has Mms 'votes adYartteamant in Hia Foiajrth •xpraaslon of this attitude." bm ath aaM th a a n a waa WlUteaa iT'rrNtTcoMMMfff rifAT uxts to 8av vtf» Everyone who visits the clinic rules—rsnd apparently they are Democrats also held a primary, sociated Preas to say that “after Built Locally following them.” to take on hte suggestions for but by contrast with the O. O. P. 0>unty News urging hla patients careful and prayerful eonaldera' The Csechoelovak government Boston, Mky 17—(184—Arthur H. R. Ban. 88, of IteBffi- Hte aartl* win have an opportunity to be These rules, made by the Xllles, plugging tax law loopholes, that big top it wae strictly a Grade B to pay th eir back bUte. H a told tion" he bad decided to use the forced the U. S. embaeiy in Oooka, for 15 years Nsw Ehigland latod h ^ waa foiMd a n r a rate- FINANCE CO. CEliOllSEsSON permit official re-employment of would yield mors mUUotia ebow. . V. B. Senator FYsneis Myers them he needed money to meet hte money. Prague to reduce ite force by two- manager of the Mergenthalcr lino­ roai orariiaM oariy thla tm n iw e . Slid Roar • CTAH THIAnt MJILDIN* in the drawing for the prize of ' t N B . = = = = S minor Nazi party membera who There is substential doubt that was renominated without opposl' with Margenthater qince 1827.
