Ingham County News We've Injures Two :Marvin Miller: Protested Vanderveen Also Pointed That a Park Would Be Unslght· out That Improvements to the of ·Two Persons
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I I ! :sees Snow for the First Time ·':' Uruguayan Girl Here in Mason .to, ·study -POultry .,. ' Erllca Bretschneider, a farm Los Cerrlllos In the depart· Chal'les Everett, 3038 W. Har· gram of the,Unlted Council of emigrated to Uruguay In 1922, · miss from Uruguay, has been ment of Canelones, Uruguay. per road, Mr. and Mrs. snld, "is more advanced In hi the United States only Los Cerrillos is a village of Churches. ,. · . and hel' mother in .1931. They the technology of poultry rais Everett . operate a poultry Erika hfl~: completed her were married in Urup,uay and about 2 weelcs but in that about 1,500 population 30 miles farm and Miss Bretschneider Ing than is· Uru~uay." She ·time she: high school. education and a · settled on the farm at Los .nclclecl that In Uruguay there from Montevideo, the capital plans to be their guest for 2 year preparatory course In Cerrillos, 1. Saw snow for the first· of Uruguay which Is a city about 2 months when she will Is no such housing for poultry time. of 1,800,000, . medicine, -Upon her return She is. Interested in Jearn- as there Is lierc. then visit other poultry farms home nc:xfJuly she wlll enter lng about poultry In Michigan. · 2. Observed Christmas and Her . parents operate a In Michigan. "Of course, you lcnow," she New Year's In America for poultry farm where they have the University of Montevideo She has seen the poultry de said, "we have no snow where the first time. their own hatchery and a She came· to America for a 4 year course in veterln· partment at Michigan .State I live, But we do have a win· 3. Observed her 19th birth· floclc of 10,000 chlclcens plus December 17, on a plane car· ary medicine, university and, of course, ter season in our area when day on January 3, 1964. 15 or 20 dairy cows. rylng 36 other Uruguayan She spealcs 3 languagl.!s,. hopes to Jearn more while a there nrc cold and windy Miss Bretschneider plans to Erllm will b& In Michigan young people who are visiting German, Spanish (her native guest of Mr. anil Mrs. Ever rains with the !hemometer specialize In the raising of for about 7 months, She is now the United States ·under the tongue) and English. Her ett where chickens are a most around the 30 to 50 degree poultry in her home village of a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Youth for Understanding pro· father Is German and her lmoortant product. mark fahrenheit." mother Austrian. Her father "The United States," she '. (Continued on Paqc B) Volume 105, No. 2. 26 Pages Wednesday, January 8, 7964 Work Will Start This Fall Robbery Columbia Overpass Proiect Is L.abeled .. ··•··-~·-· _· ....•,,~ .. ~··--, ;'(: A Hoax ,Meved Up One Full Year This is the story of the Great Armed Robbery that never was. Johi'r' Mackie, state highway .rn the meantime, he has The action tal<en by Mackie ·• ,Mackie said there are 8 It all happened Monday cQmm!ssioner, Is giving th{! ordered engineering crews to came after the 7th death In 8 parcels of private land that · wlwn the sheriff's department Columbia road-US-127 over. proceed with installing ad years occurred 2 weeks ago. must be purchased for 'the received a call stating that 2 pass project his personal f!,t' ditional marlclng dev!ce.s. tq Maclcie said the Intersection overpass, He declared that armed men had robbed a tentlon. The construct!dn . warn US-127 motorists o1 the is definitely one of the most •appraisals will start. in 2. schedule has been moved'.y)? store on N. Ccclat' street. The dangerous Intersection anCI dangerous in Michigan a,nd weelcs and that actual p~_r, sheriff's department turned on the project a full with· plans to raise several s'ign·s ye~J,r pointed out that it Is beln'g chasing of rights-of-way . w~ll the matter over to Mason actual construction scheduled in the vicinity of the Inter: given top priority by his d-. begin In •March, If there ar.e to start In the fall. pollee and Chief Tim Stolz be section to Improve vfsabllity, · prirtment. no complications in acquiring gan his Investigation. the land, bids will be asked · A clerl< at the store dcscrlb· and contracts let for the job ed one of the Intruders as Traffic Flow in early fall. · a blond, c4rly haired man Search ·Is Started He said there Is no, reasori who pulled a· gun on him. why pilings and decldng and Stolz sale! the victim told Faces Change. some of the excavaTion an~. him the men wanted to know Traff! c regulations In the fill work can't be done in late. where the money·was and the For ~ity Candidates Mason General hospital area fall with completion scheduled.: clerl< said the "boss has it and · for early spring of 1965. · . It Is hunting time In Mason t!on. The charter calls for the have been changed, according he Isn't here yet." Then Stolz again. Candidates arc needed to 'Pollee Chief Tim ·Stolz. Mackie warned thaf it wm. said the clerk told him one primary to be held at the t'equire full cooperation on the to run for 4 vacancies .on the time prescribed .. by ,state .. elec Changes were, made so, that man told the other one to look Mason city' council: Deadline Washington street ~an be used pqrt of property OWt!,pJ'S in.:' .. In the office. tion law.· The new state con valved to maintain the ''' for filing nominating petitions stitution abolished spring as .a straight sl:lot to the hos Pollee chr..clced the.",_o!!lce pital for emergency vehicles. emergency tlme;table for con and found no evidence of any with the city clerk Is noon on elections. The council Is 'work· struction, ,Saturday, January 25. lng on a special meeting to The yield signs at Washing tampering with desks or any At stake will be the expired ton and Roosevelt will be Then Stolz said he showed other equipment in the room. 1 set the primary date. terms of Councilmen Claude Only posts up- for election taken down with Roosevelt There were no finger prints Cady, W, Vance Kennedy, this spring are those of the sporting· stop signs. The no evidence of any .desk draw· Howard· Schlichter and Rlch councilmen. Map I e-Washlngton Intersec crs being opened, nothing, at•d Morris. tion will be changed with yield Board Asks. Stolz said. ' Under Mason's charter if signs erected on Maple, Stolz brought the clerk to inore than 8 candidates file Fire Call In addition to hospital sign Millage Vote the police station where he. for the 4 jobs at stake, a prJ. Mason and· Meridian town directing traffic to the hos questioned him for 2 hours. mary will be scheduled on ship firemen · extinguished a pital now located 'on Lawton The Mason board of educa Then the clerk finally admit· street wlll be moved to Wash ted the whole · thing was a Monday, February 17. fire at the home of Philip Ab· tion took a look into the fu~ure . 'lngton and M-36. hoax, according to the pollee If less than 8 file the· coun batt, 2529 Jolly road, Tues~ at its meeting Tuesday night cil Is obligated to draft .day night that started in the ·a:fter receiving recommenda· THIS HIGHWAY TEAM made a personal analysis of Mason's bloody Columbia road. US-117 chief. enough candidates to make attic of the home by a short Big "E" Coming tlons of its citizens committee interuction Friday morning to devise ways for making the intersection as safe as possible, Stolz reported · the clerk the number twice the number In electric wiring going Into National and state official and made a study of expected In the pic:ture are R.A. Rigotti, engineer of geometries; Max Clyde, engineer of traffic: op could give no reason why he c1 oosts to be filled. In the an outlet box over the sink. dom and officers of Wyeth Income and expenditures for erations; Glenwood Baker, district traffic: engineer; and Joseph Hobrla, electrical devises perpetrated the hoax. He was event only 8 candidates have LCJss was estimated by fire· Laboratorit'S Inc. will be in the school year· of 1964-65. engineer; The best answer of all at the intersection is the overpass scheduled to be start· not held. their hats In the ring there men at about $75. The call Mason Tuesday to award the The board agreed unani ed next fall, But until thcn, this team of engineers proposes to raise signs for visability Stolz said one thing that led will be no primary but all 8 came at 8:35 p.m. to the Mer "E" citation to the Mason firm mously to submit to the and to install additional warning barricades along US-127. candidates will battle it out him to believe the story was Idian department which sent for its promotion of export electors of the. school district a fabrication was when he on the ballot at an election one truck and then called the markets. Wyeth manufactures the followhlg proposals: · set for. Monday, April 6. asl<cd the employe to describe Mason department as the ftre RMA baby formula milk in 1. A 6-inlll sehool operation No Action Taken the gun the man used. It was Actually, there Is a conflict was in its territory. several countries as well as levy lor II years.· n 45 calibre, the man said.