Volume V, Issué^e^ Next Deadline: Sept. 10 • Next Issue: Sept 17 September 3,1986 The Gay Family Newspaper of the Greater Santa Clara Valley

** Stamp out AIDS AIDS Walk/Los Angeles set for September 14th

Estelle Getty, star of the hit TV stamped envelope, to “ Stamp Out series The Golden Girls, has taken AIDS” , 240 West 44th Street, time out from her current taping NYC.NY. schedule to promote “ Stamp Out If paying by check, make AIDS” , a campaign to sell stamps payable to National AIDS Net- similar to Easter and Christmas work/Stamp Out AIDS. seals. The National AIDS Network is The money raised will go to serving as fiscal agent and will programs which directly serve distribute the funds from the people with AIDS. project to AIDS service organiza-

(LefI lo Righi) Walkalhon Co-producer Richard Zeichik, AIDS ProjecI Los Angeles Execuiive Director Paula Van Ness, Actress Diahann Carroll and Walkalhon Co-producer Craig Miller. The ten kilometer fundraising Walkalhon will begin and end on the "Sky Sel” o f Paramount Studios in Hollywood. AH Walkalhon participants who raise $100. or more will be invited lo a champagne "thank-you" celebration with Diahann CarroH on Thursday evening, October 2, 1986. For more information call (213) 876-7922.)

Hawn, Gregory Peck, Quincy For her work on The Goldenn tions across the country. Jones, Gene Kelly, Barbara Strie- Girls, Geliy won I he 1986 Golden Stamps will also be available in poll favors quarantine sand, television executive Barbara Globe A ward as Besl Aciress in a retail outlets nation wide, as well Corday, producer Barry Krost, Comedy and has ben nominaled as at special events, such as they among others. for an Emmy Award as Besl were at the benefit for the Coali­ Los Angeles-A recent Los Angeles false and misleading phrases in the Robin Williams is set to per­ Supporl Aciress. tion for Lesbian and Gay Rights Times poll showed 46 percent of ballot argument submitted by the form at a September 4 fundraiser Her movies include ihe soon lo in New York City, the Gay Rodeo the national population and a bare proponents of Prop 64. in . be released Mannequin and Mask, in Oklahoma City, and at screen­ majority of Los Angeles residents Secretary of State March Fong Other fundraising evens include in which she played Cher’s ings of the Showtime production favors quarantine measures for Eu sued to prevent the inclusion a “ Monte Carlo Night” at the mother. of AS IS in Austin, Texas; people with AIDS (Proposition of “ blatantly false information” Pacific Design Center on Septem­ Getty’s connection with Washington D.C.; and New York 64). in the state ballot pamphlet which ber 13 and a “ Button Night” in “Stamp Out AIDS” comes City. The campaign to defeat the is distributed to California’s 12 Los Angeles County bars on through Project Director John “ 1 hope Estelle is only one of Lyndon LaRouche backed Cali­ million registered voters. September 27th. Glines, who produced the Tony millions who will use the stamps,” fornia ballot proposition, which The statements which were or­ About 70 bars are expected to Award winning Torch Song Tri­ said Glines. may require the quarantining of dered removed by the court are: be worked by volunteers who will logy, in which Getty made her "The stamps will not only raise anyone with or suspected of “ AIDS is not hard to get; it is ea.sy give out buttons, bumper stickers highly acclaimed Broadway de­ money but also show we care. having AIDS, is aggressively fight­ to get” ; ‘potential insect and and brochures for $1.00 donations but. For more information about ing to keep those poll results from respiratory transmission has been from the patrons. “ I asked Estelle to help,” said “ Stamp Out AIDS” contact Dal­ translating into votes in favor of established by numerous studies” ; The first weekend in October is Glines, “ because she’s an archety­ las Thompiosn, Project Administ­ the proposition. and “ (it) transmission by casual being reserved for 3,000 private pical mother figure. rator, at 212/354-8899. Through grass-roots organiz­ contact is well established.” house parties around the state, “ How could you say ’no’ to ing, voter registration and a major Robin Williams comes out with a goal of raising $400 per Estelle? I never could.” media campaign, the No on against Proposition 64. party. The stamps sell in sheets of 6 LaRouche Initiative Coalition and Various local, state and na­ Voter registration and a “ Get- for SI.00. the No on 64/Stop LaRouche tional communities, including the Out-The-Vote” campaign plans “ 1 wanted to create an afforda­ organization are waging war to­ gay and lesbian community, the are underway. ble way for everyone to contri­ gether on many fronts. medical profession and religious Almost half of the goal of bute,” Glines said. One of the first fundraising organizations, are being solicited registering 7,000 voters in the Los “ For just a dollar, everyone can events, a private party organized for financial as well as political Angeles area has been reached. help.” by No on 64, garnered $550,000 support for the NO campaign. Volunteers are signing up ap­ His goal is to raise a million from some 60 plus contributors. The entertainment industry is proximately 500 new voters a dollars with the first issue alone. “ A major victory occurred,” being mobilized by a committee of week. Stamps can be purchased by according to Eric Rofes, Co-chair celebrities, which includes Bob Based on polls and voter his­ sending SI.00 for each set of 6, page6 ^ of the No on LaRouche Initiative Hope, Carol Bamctl, Diahann tory, 700,000 to 800,(X)0 house- along with a self-addressed- Coalition, when a California Su­ Carroll, Mallbew Broderick, Sally perior Court judge struck several Field. Elizabeth Taylor, Goldie continued back page Appeals court requires oversight of CIA protected by civil service régula In a decision with mixed re­ In a novel twist, he used the tions form adverse action based sults, the U.S. Court of Appeals pseudonym John Doe for the on “ sexual orientation,” said in Washington, D.C. has ruled lawsuit, not because of his hom<^ Nan Hunter, director of ACLU’s that the CIA has the burden to sexuality, but because of his Lesbian and Gay Rights Project. prove that the firing of a gay undercover status. •’The CIA is exempted from undercover employee, if pursuant During the inquiry. Doe was those regulations because of the to a policy of barring all gays examined for 10 hours by a CIA nature of its work.” DifBity/Su J«Mc is hosting an Open House for the Lesbian and Gay polygraph officer who later re­ Community, our iriends and families, Saturday, September 6 at the from CIA employments, was “ The irrationality of the CIA “ necessary or advisable in the ported that he had answered all policy is evident. Campus Christian Center, 10th and San Carlos, San Jose. Good questions truthfully. food and beverage will be served at 6:00 p.m.; socializing and interests of the United States.” “ They assume gays are security: The Court of Appeals rejected The answers included state­ risks, but they don’t interrogate meeting good people happens until 7:30 p.m., there will be a ments that he has not had sexual candlelight gathering. Come join us in this celebration of our unity as the CIA’s claim that it had the and then fire every employee who absolute discretion to fire emplo­ relations with any foreign nation­ has sex outside marriage,” Hun­ a family and community; let’s support each other in the good works als and had not disclosed calssi- that we all do. Hope to see you there! yees for security reasons without ter added. any review by the courts. fied information to any sexual “ Yet, considering the history But the Court also found that partners. At one point prior to the firing, of witch hunting in the agencies Gay ChrlstlaB Scientists to hoid 1986 Conference in Honston Texas. the judgement of the CIA direc linked mosi closely to national The two day conference (October 11-12 plus a Friday night social) is tor was entitled to “ great defer­ a CIA lawyer stated that homo­ sexuality did not inevitably lead security, even this degree of open to all interested in Christian Science and is not at all limited to ence’’ because of the “ sensitiv« protection for individual rights is members of the demonimation or those who attend Church services. nature of (his) decisions . . to firing. a step forward.” Two major speakers will address the conference: Robert Dolling concerning removal of emplo­ But the agency provided no explanation for why it terminated Dissenting from the appeals Wells of Seattle and Carl J. Welz from Santa Rosa, CA. both yees.” court decision was Judge James speakers have held high positons in the C.S. movement. Emergence The appeals court ordered tht Doe’s employment two months Buckley, former senator from is the organization name adopted by Gay Christian Scientists at their case remanded to the trial court later, other than that it was New York, who concluded that 1985 annual Conference. For more information on the 1986 National for determination of exactly why “ necessary and advisable.” the laws did preclude judicial Conference contact: Emergence/Houston, P.O.Box 613, Houston, the man was fired. The agency also said that, review of the CIA’s decisions to TX 77401. The plaintiff informed the CIA although it «would give Doe a fire its employees. that he was gay in 1982. positive job recommendation, it James Buckley also dissented He filed suit, represented by would also inform prospective Gay and Lesbian Spanish Club. The monthly gay and lesbian from the holding that the consti­ the ACLU National Security employers that he presented a tutionality of an across-the-board Spanish club social will be held Friday, September 12th in Berkeley Project, after the CIA first security risk “ because of his from 7:30 to 11:00 p.m. This will be a good opportunity to celebrate policy barring gays from CIA conducted a three-month in­ homosexuality.” positions was open to question. Mexican Independence. Anyone is welcome to share a snack or vestigation procedure and then “ Nearly all other civilian fed­ beverage and to converse in Spanish. Native speakers and learners fired him. eral government employees are “1 cannot agree,” he wrote, are welcome. For information, call Armand at (415) 949-3983 or “ that an intelligence agency is Mildred at (415) 841-9415. There is no charge for participation. even arguably precluded from adopting a policy banning the employment of members of any National AIDS network class which the director might Volleyball League to start soon! The South Bay Gay and Lesbian deem to be more susceptible to Volleyball League will soon be starting its fall season. This is a receives grants blackmail than the average.” recreational league open to players of all levels; from beginners to advanced players. Anyone interested in joining the league or in Washington, D.C.-The Ameri­ a national information resource getting more information should contact Tom Ammon at (408) can Council of Life Insurance center for AIDS education and 732-2306 between 6:30and 11:00 p.m. and The Health Insurance Asso­ service delivery. Aoqr popgr ciation of America announced a NAN is committed to working your papqf SIsterspIrit, a nonprofit women’s bookstore/coffeehouse is open $100,000 grant to the National with People of Color in address­ Monday - Thursday 6-9 p.m.; Friday from 8 to 11; Saturday and AIDS Network (NAN). ing this deadly epidemic. Sunday 12 to 6 p.m. It is located at 1040 Park Avenue in the Billy The money from this grant will “The need for culturally sensi­ DeFrank Community Center. For more information call: 293-9372. be used to assist NAN in develop­ tive AIDS materials is critical in OUR STAFF addressing AIDS in minority ing its programs, and providing Gcnenl Maa«ccr/Edllor services to AIDS education and communities,” said NAN execu­ R.J. 'Nikki* Nichols service providers across the coun­ tive director Paul Kawata. Lesbian Actlvbt to lead San Francisco Democratic Party. Carole NAN represents u coalition of Poetry Edltc»r try. Ken Yeager Migden, longtime activist in the lesbian and gay community, was Also, the Chicago Resource over 150 AIDS education and elected chair of the San Francisco Democratic Central Committee. Center has awarded a grant of service providers across the coun­ EdItorM Assbtant Al Rattee She is the first openly gay person to hold this office. The Committee $10,000 to NAN for support of try. is the vehicle for local input into state and national Democratic Party distribution of pre-existing AIDS By sharing resources and in­ Staff Pbolograplirr policy. It also organizes voter registration and get-out-the-vote education models targeted at formation, NAN represents a TedSahl drives. Migden is the executive director of Operation Concern, a minority communities. cost efficient way of combating Staff Cartooaist multi-service counseling agency serving the lesbian and gay The National AIDS Network is this epidemic. Rick Moreno community. She served two terms as president of the Harvey Milk Advertiehig Sales Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club. Jan Cohgen Carole Earle Al Rattee South Bay Women’s Chorus will hold anorganizational meeting for Cross-dressing law ruled invalid T ypesettlBf/Layoat the 1986-1987 year on Wednesday, September 24, 7:30 p.m. at the Black Oak Press Billy DeFrank Community Center, 1040 Park Ave. San Jose. We will Productioa Staff The U.S. Supreme Court of lenging the constitutionality of the review music, decide on practice location and schedule and make ordinance and seeking $25,(XX) in Steve Lakey plans for the Christmas season. On the 24th interviews will begin for Appeals in St. Louis declared last Teena Marie Nunez month that a St. Louis ordinance damages for their arrests. conductors and accompanists. If you are interested please call Diane D.C., the plaintiff arrested Joanne Streeter which prohibited cross-dressing Steve Century at (408) 730-8358. twice for cross-dressing did not and “ lewd and indecent” behav­ Com tribaton ior, was unconstitutional. have an attorney for his first arrest and pleaded guilty. Stan Berg, Neil Christie ACLU cooperating attorney, Billy Colter, Gary Crawford He obtained an attorney after Arlene Zarembka, who represen­ Bruce Decker. Jimmy Joe Research Project on Married Gay Men and their Wives. The project the second arrest and the judge Richard Kendall, Gerard Koskovich is now underway in the San Francisco Bay Area and we want to ted plaintiffs in the lawsuit, stated, “This case is a major threw out the charges against him. David Ladell, Goldie Montana contact as many possible subjects as possible. The study is looking At the time of both arrests, Al Rattee, Judy Rickard for couples where the husband is gay and the wife is fully cognizant. victory for those who are gay or sexually different in any way. D.C. was cross-dressing on the Rick Rudy. The study will look at the sexual and affectional behaviors of these Sister Sadie Sadie. “The cross-dressing portion of advice of his physician in prepara­ couples among other things. We want to know how they succeed in tion for a sex change operation. Ted Sahl, David Scondras this unusual pairing and what effect if any the AIDS epidemic has the ordinance was used by police Dave Steward. Joanne Streeter to harass transvestites and trans­ Plaintiff M.S. was a female had on these couples. The researcher is George Deabill, M.S., PhD impersonator who was arrested in Tycho, Ken Yeager, (cnadidate). The projects is in partial fullfillment of a disseitation in sexuals, while the lewd and inde­ and occasional others cent conduct portion of the ordin­ January, 1984 while performing at Human Sexuality through the Institute for Advanced Study of Uncle Marvin’s Lounge. Nalkmal Ad Representative Human Sexuality in San Francisco. Wardell Pomery, PhD is an ance has been used routinely in the Joe DiSabato City to raid gay bars.” During his performance M.S ex-officio member of the committee. had presented ¡A m What I Am New York Chy 212/242-6863 The name of the case was D.C. Published Biweekly at and M.S. -vs- City of St. Louis. from La Cage Aux Folles, / ’// The lawsuit had been brought in Never Love This Way Again sung 973 Park Avenue by Dionne Warwick, and City Are you a Mustang forever cheering forCapuchino High? Did you 1984 by the ACLU of Missouri on San Jose, CA 95126 behalf of two men, one a transsex­ Lights sung by Liza Minelli. Editor's Phone: 408/269-10M ever take a government class from the late Mr. Leo J. Ryan? Were The police charged M.S. and all you sent to the Dean of Girls, Mrs Robison, or the Dean of Boys, Mr ual who was charged with cross­ Ad Sales Phone: 468/2S6-2670 dressing, and the other a female the other female impersonators Studebaker? Do you remember when Suzanne Sommers (Mahoney) with lewd and indecent conduct. made her acting debut, when Mr Ton choose her to star in “ Guys impersonator who was arrested along with twelve other female After M.S. hired an attorney and Dolls’’, or when the Capuchino Marching Band went to Paper I published twice a month at 97) Park impersonators in a bar raid, and the City dropped the charges Kennedy’s inauguration? Did you wonder if Miss Mace used against him. Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126. Press run varies Dippity-Doo on her flip or why Mr Davis always wore a sear-sucker charged with “ lewd and lascivi­ from 4,000 to 10.000; estimated average The ordinance was enacted in circulation from 12.000 to 30,000. Reproduc­ ous” conduct. tion of editorial or advertising content in any suit? Fortunately for you, the Green On Thursday (GOT) Task Force 1870 and revised in 1949. is planning a get together before the upcoming Capuchino Class of After the criminal cases had form requires written permission of the The measure made it a misde­ publisher in advance. The pubKsher assumes ‘61 25-year reunion, October 18, 1986. Hail Green and gold is all I been concluded (the transsexual no responsibiliijr for the claims of advertisers. have to say Mary, if you know what I mean! Isn’t it about time we had been arrested twice for cross­ meanor to appear “ in any public Opinions expressed in any article or column place in a state of nudity or in arc not necessarily those of Onr Paper, its staff come out to each other? Of course, for those who must be discrete, dressing — pleaded guilty the first or the publisher. PuMication of the name, we’ll be discrete, but honey for a while we can hold our banners high. time and the charges were dismis­ dress not belonging to his or her photograph or likeness of any person, persons sex or in indecent or lewd dress. or organtxaiioo in articles or advertising in With voices strong we can raise our song, and fight on to victory. sed the second time — and the Oar Paper shall not be construed as any The ordinance also provided for indkation of the social, political or sexual (No on 64) rah! rah! rah!. . .This GOT Task Force business is very charges against the female imper­ orientation of such persons or orgnnitations. heavy stuff. Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexual students and teachers are sonator were dropped by the punishment or anyone found Unsolicited manttscripts or photographs must guilty of an indecent or lewd act be acooinpanied by a self-addressed, stamped welcome to join the festivities from 4 -5:30 pm, October 18,1986 at B prosecutor), the men brought a envelope. Pkasc allow four to six weeks for Street, 236 B Street in San Mateo. Please RSVP this no-host cocktail civil lawsuit against the City of St. A federal district court judge processing. Onr Paper will not assume held that the cross-dressing por responsibility for uosoHcitcd manuscripts or event. Contact GOT Task Force Chairperson Lani Kaahumanu Louis, the Board of Police photographs. Subscripcloo race for one year is Commissioners, and the police tion of the ordinance was uncon S20 (24 issues). Ail rights in letters to Onr (Farrell), 20 Cumberland, San Francisco, 94110 or call 415/821-3534 Paper shall be assigned to the publication, or South Bay 408/578-4885 by October 11, or call for more info. officers who arrested them, chal­ including the right to print and the right to commern editorially. □ Our Paper/Your Paper. It is time that the gay/lesbian “Over the Rainbow” community of San Jose realize LETTERS that fact! accept that fact! and ARIS parking lot sale! by Steve Lakey and beyond give this gay/lesbian publication by Dan Siminoski.Ph.D the respect it deserves; if for no responsible for this event and to consider long-term goals, it Dear Editor; other reason than we are working Of all my memories of the 1979 succeeded with the help of the our asses off for little or no pay seems to me that too much Gay Games personnel, etc.” Gay Rights National March on emphasis on our dreams may This is an open letter to my gay in most cases. Washington, the image 1 recall We agree with Richard, ever­ If you are interested in your leave us just as unsatisfied as brothers and lesbian sisters. yone who works on a project or most clearly came shortly before Someof you might take offense community - write us - criticize us ] Dorothy was in the Land of Oz. event should receive credit for the end of the rally at the steps of to that, but after 10 years, 1 have (when we are in error) but What we need is an image of his/her contribution. Goddammit! treat us with re­ the Lincoln Memorial. ourselves that is less concerned earned the right to call you that by association and hard work. However, it appeared as if (in spect. It had been a glorious fall day, with dreaming and more occup­ his writing) that Our Paper and If you are a member of an with blue skies, white clouds, and ied with doing. In the recent column (On the Strip) by Richard Kendall, my it’s staff were guilty of a wrong. organization - appoint a liasion a light breeze that snapped the What we need is a political That isn’t fair! for the press (gay or straight) get flags all around the Washington program. good friend stated (in the August 20 issue of Our Paper), “ the Our Paper did not receive a out the information on your Monument Neither 1 nor any writer or “ press release” or I might add, a events to our/your community. One hundred fifty thousand activist I know of is prepared to Mayor’s Council had avery paid advertisement for that Be a part of Our Paper, all you people had come to make them­ present a fully-developed manual successful fundraiser for Gay The ARIS Project of Santa All monies generated will be Games II at Ryders on July 20th event. need is a pen... write it down! selves visible to our government for accomplishing the goals to Inform us so we can inform Clara County held their second returned to ARIS general account and demand equality under the at the Cabaret Comedy Night, I’ve talked my fool head off the Gay or Human Rights Move­ for years, trying to point out to you! annual rummage sale August 23 which supports a 24 hour hotline, law. raising $420 for the games. ment. this community that Our at Kevan’s Cafe and Lounge. a monthly newsletter and in­ 1 was standing at the side of the Some important steps were “ Contrary to the photo cap­ Sincerely, Paper/Your Paper is just that - Ted Sahl The sale was set up in the south formation brochures that de­ stage as Holly Near began to sing taken in the 1984 election; “ The tions, the Mayor’s Council was parking lot facing The Alameda scribe their purpose and services. the Judy Garland standard from Rainbow Coalition’’for example; where it was highly visible to The ARIS Project is a group of the Wizard of Oz, “ Somewhere it was incorporated into the often harmed by the divorce of to parental homophobia because passerbys. men and women providing prac­ Over The Rainbow” . theme of the March on Washing­ Gentlemen & Gentlewomen it leads parent to think that, if The organizers, Dave Hyde, tical and emotional support for Holly’s singing was electric, ton. their parents. About ten percent of them are social acceptance is extended to Phil Earls, Jim McBride and a AIDS patients and their families. sparked by the magic of the The “ melting pot” was once homosexual love, their children host of volunteers were extremely Anyone needing help or any­ moment and the power of our common image of a society in David P, Steward’s description gay sons and daughters. of “ Joe Mach’s is a caricature. Everyone in society has a stake might choose to adopt “ the gay pleased with the monies gene­ one wanting to volunteer time, mingled voices. which ethnic differences would lifestyle.” rated. items for future sales, or cash I cannot speak for everyone’s be minimized as all individuals (OP/YP, July 23, 1986, pg 13). in the nourishment of marriages. Few heterosexual married men This is why a publically funded Once parents understand that Hyde said that many of the donations may contact the ARIS feelings, but mine included tears, became “ Americans.” homosexuality is the possession items donated were from former Project at (408) 993-3890. pride, satisfaction, and faith in Though pleasing in theory, this fit its delineation. day care system is so desperately As gay men and women all of needed in the United States. by a person’s unchosen and AIDS patient’s estates. the continued growth of our image is patently absurd in permanent psycho-sexual attrac­ Photo crodit; Stewe Lakey struggle to be free. application. us must liberate ourselves from As gay persons, we must never heterophobia. forget that each one of us was tion towards persons of the same In “ The Wizard of Oz,’’ the Americans are far from equal sex and that this sexual orienta­ rainbow represented both escape with each other, and differences Heterophobia certainly is a given life by a heterosexual desire socially unacceptable response to which brought our fathers and tion is developed, if not prior to and arrival... escape from a among us are based more on birth, certainly no later than a world of lonliness and frustra­ race, class and now health than the theological or cultural homo­ mothers together in a sexual phobia embedded within Western union. pterson’s sixth birthday; these tion, arrival in a place of techni­ on any other factor. parents will not be afraid of the color hopes and limitless poten­ Civilization. Thus, we must cherish hetero­ The “ Rainbow” concept of­ Gay Liberation Movement, but tial. fered an image of groups working The vast majority of heterop- sexual love sa thing of beauty. Like Dorothy, many of us have hile couples marry becuse they We have thus far done an rather they will support it and together, each still as distinct as any gay children who may spring felt isolated and unloved, and the bands of color in the rain­ are deeply in love with one imperfect job in educating heter­ have dreamed of some time or another and wish to build their osexual parents about homosex­ from their own heterosexual love. | bow. Mr. Steward’s unfortunate ar­ place where we might know lives together. uality. However we feel about particu­ ticle does not encourage the dual security and affection. lar candidates or strategies, one Unfortunately, sometimes the In some ways parents love is For us, as for Dorothy, witches experience of life causes about SO deeply selfish, a love for an rejection of heterophobia and thing is certain. Gay political percent of these couples to grow homophobia within the Ameri­ have been all too real, and muscle must be evident in every immortal self in one’s offspring. apart from each other. Thus parents are frightened by can society. powerful wizards with empty race. As with gay lovers, incompa­ We have a rich opportunity to gay men and women who contin­ promises all too plentiful (especi­ tibility eventually shatters mutual ally in election years). return the control of the State of uously harp that homosexuality is Sincerely, California to the Democrats, a sexual attraction and love. a “ lifestyle.” James Gibbons And, as Dorothy discovers at Unlike most gay lovers’ brea­ the end of her odyssey, the place party historically friendly to the This word “ lifestyle” has kups, children and teenagers are made an enormous contribution £u writes Deukmejian economic experiences in our his­ I respectfully urge you to to struggle for change is right needs of minorities. and make them economically tory. reconsider your position on the here at home, in the real world of And we have the best oppor­ dependent on others, including But it is more than that for AIDS anti-discrimination legisla­ ordinary people and routines. tunity in our history to elect and Keep our Justices (Secretary o f State March Fong I had hoped that you were lesbians and can be expected to that 97 percent of all criminal Eu sent the foilowing letter to reconsidering your earlier veto of the taxpayers. thousands of Californians. tion. When we sang with Holly Near reelect supporters of the Gay for Justices’ sake! The quality of life for so many continue that protection under convictions are either upheld on Governor Deukmejian urging the anti-discrimination bill which It’s obvious from recent events For them, it is a matter of life those familiar lines of yearing for Rights Admendment, and then Dear Editor; the California Constitution. appeal or denied review, thus that current mechanisms are un­ and death. Califonians depends on your something better and freer, we that he reconsider his position on had the support of a broad press for serious committee hear­ Those who are unfamiliar with upholding the lower courts. available to discourage this un­ Dealing with this crisis requires decision. were in part reminding ourselves AIDS anti-discrimination legisla­ coalition of business, religious, ing on the bill. There is something we Califor­ the court system should not We as gay and lesbian people conscionable discrimination. bold, creative leadership and I of our goals and purposes, These are not dreams to be tion.! and health organizations. nians can do in the November confuse the California Supreme may be assured that the Califor­ The AIDS crisis looms as one have no doubt that you can Sincerely, affirming to one another that we realized at some indistinct point As we search for a cure for election to help protect ourselves Court with the United State nia Supreme Court is not going to AIDS, we must also deal compas­ of the most wrenching social and provide that leadership. March Fong Eu would make to the Promised in the future. from the hostility of the federal Supreme Court. release our attackers back onto I Honorable George Deukmejian Land, to that pot of gold at the They are specific opportunities State Capitol sionately with those afflicted. government. They are separate courts. the streets. Incontrovertible scientific re­ end of our quest. that we must commit ourselves to We can support the confirma­ Although the U.S. Supreme Finally, 1 am often asked, “ Is Sacramento, California 98514 But while it is important for us realizing in the months to come. search indicates that AIDS vic­ tion of all the California Supreme Court recently issued the now Rose Bird really as bad as they tims pose no health risk to those Court Justices. infamous anti-gay decision in say she is?” 1 Dear Governor, in the workplace or in other Dear Editor; the resolution, or a statement These Justices — including bowers -vs- Hardwick the Cali­ The answer is that Rose Bird is I was deeply distressed to read public places. about the resolution in your Rose Bird, Cruz Reynoso, Joseph fornia Supreme Court has, under a very fine Chief Justice. I published reports wherein you To discriminate against them Please find, enlcosed (printed paper. Grodin, and Stanley Mosk - have the leadership of Bird, been the Even her most rabid opponents reaffirmed your opposition to because of their condition only below) a copy of the resolution Thank you very much for your made the California Supreme foremost court in the nation for have never accused her of in­ legislation banning discrimina­ serves to aggravate the pain and on Proposition 64 adopted by the time and attention. If you need Court highly respected around extending Constitutional protec­ competence, laziness, dishonesty, tion against AIDS victims. suffering which they must endure California/Nevada Conference further information, please do the nation for its concern for the tion of rights to gays and lesbians or misconduct. Chapter of the Methodist Federa­ not hesitate to contact me at the rights of minorities - including and people with AIDS The facts are that she has tion for Social Action. address above. gays and lesbians. As gay and lesbian people we administered the Court in a very We want to add our voice to The attempt to deny confirma­ are as concerned about crime as efficient manner while instituting A Call for a National Charity begins at home. We those who oppose this poorly Sincerely, tion to these Justices is, in fact, a anyone else; so often we are the a number of important reforms. Lesbian/Gay Boycott would hope that other individuals disguised attempt to create fear Richard A. Schlosser bold plan by the right and the victims of violent crime. So why does the Right Wing Dear Editor; and social organizations in your and hysteria toward the gay and National Vice President Republican Party to pack the So it is important to note that oppose her so bitterly? community might consider simi­ lesbian communities and would Methodist Federation for Social Court with right-wing ideolo­ the California Supreme Court is a Because she’s a woman, be­ In response to recent attacks lar actions. appreciate it if you could print Action gues. tough court. cause she was appointed by Jerry on gay people by the Justice It certainly would be a signific­ If Chief Justice Rose Bird and It is not “soft” on crime, it The California/Nevada Annual an inclonclusive test for aniioo- Brown, but primarily because she Department and Supreme Court ant way of helping ourselves the Associate Justices are re­ does not free criminals. Conference Chapter of the dies to an infection one may or uses the full power of the we have decided to allocate all of while educating others. Methodist Federation for Social may not have, and moved from the bench. Governor In 1983-84 there were more California Supreme Court to This is being sent to all gay Deukmejian will appoint four than 59,000 criminal convictions our charitable resources to vic­ Action Responds to the LaR- protect minorities under the Cali- tims of AIDS and the legal publications in the United States. ouche Initiative WHEREAS: this Initiative seems new Justices - thus swinging the in California trial courts. fonia Constitution. Of these 991 were appealed. struggle for gay rights. deliberately intended to create idealogical viewpoint of the jus­ To protect our selves we must Below is a copy of a etter we Sincerely, tices far to the right. In only 20 cases were the vote NO on the LaRouche Initia­ and feed on the heterosexism, are sending to all those charitable Richard Sacher WHEREAS: the Social Princi­ The Governor has repeatedly convictions reversed and not one tive and vote YES on confirma­ homophobia, and fear of the organizations which we have Bill Dailey pals of the United Methodist show his hostility and contempt of the defendants was set free. tion of all the Justices. unknown in our society; supported in the past, explaining Kenneth Kohn Church state that all persons are for gays and lesbians in his veto All were ordered to new trials. entitled to have their human and of AB-1 - the bill that would have California Attorney General I why we can no longer finance Mark Rice civil rights insured, and THEREFORE: be it resolved Sincerely, their work. New Orleans, LA/Aug. 15,1986 that the California/Nevada protected gays and lesbians from John Van de Kamp has stated Jeff Kricker Chapter of the Methodist Federa­ job discrimination - his extreme WHEREAS: the National Center cuts in AIDS funding, and his for Disease Control, the Ameri­ tion for Social Action stands opposed to the LaRouche Initia­ recent veto of a bill to protect can Medical Association, and the persons with AIDS from dis­ (Sample)Dear Friend, AIDS) from their jobs, and overwhelming majority of ex­ tive appearing ns Proposition 64 on the November 1986 ballot in crimination. POLITICAL EVENTS I have been pleased to support perts on the AIDS crisis have the State of California: and I ask gay and lesbian people, your worthy cause in the past, publicly declared that there is no The No on 64 - Stop LaRouche campaign will hold an Open Because the Reagan Ad­ “ Is this the man we want to but; ministration has consistently re­ known risk that the AIDS virus appoint a new California Su­ House fundraiser at its Santa Clara County headquarters on that we ap­ fused adequate funding for AIDS can be transmitted by any agency preme Court?” Sunday, September 7th from 2 to 4 p.m. The campaign office is peal to all members of the Because the Supreme education, treatment and re­ other than blood or semen by It is very likely that in the near located at 1040 Park Ave in San Jose. Cost is $10. For further Court ruled that States may means of needles or intimate California/Nevada Chapter of information, please call 408/292-0370. search, the Methodist Federation for future numerous gay issues will continue to make criminals of sexual intercourse, and come before the Supreme Court. Social Action and all others gay people for engaging in con­ I am no long able, in consci­ concerned about the abridgement If the LaRouche Initiative The Independent Citizens Committee to Keep Politics Out of the sensual, private sexual relations, WHEREAS: the LaRouche In­ passes - as some experts think it ence, to use my limited resources of individual rights to actively Court invites you to a Breakfast/Information Session featuring and for anything except tosupport itiative, ignoring facts, civil oppose this Initiative and to will - it will surely be appealed to Five Important Reasons to retain our Supreme Court Justices. rights, and justice, seeks to create people with AIDS,- and to fund encourage members of their local the California Supreme Court. The event will be held from 7;l5 - 8;45 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 5, at Because the Department hysteria leading to loss of emp­ the legal struggle to secure basic churches and communities to do The California supreme Court St. Paul’s Methodist CJiurch, 405 S. 10th St., San Jose (10th & San of Justice ruled that employers loyment, damage to family rela­ human rights for gay men and the same. under the leadership of Chief Salvador — parking at church and garage at 7th & San Salvador). may fire AIDS victims (or anyone tionships, physical danger, women. Justice rose bird has consistently Cost is $15 per person. For reservations, call 408/287-7720. who may have been exposed to harrassment, possible quaran­ protected the rights of gays and tine, and^Uscrimination baseiLon^ adopted July 19, I9S6 Paul Coke PSYCHOTHERAPY doctor Ot OTwrOpfOCtC a n d Qoosetown certified nnassoge proctitooer COUNSELING (415) 857-1221 T ^ lty

4117 A' El Comirxj l?eal, Polo Alto. CA 94306 Morton Adeem Sobel, MSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker Paul A. Wysocki Jo Anne Ferrer GEORGE DEABILL, M.S.. pFip" Serving the Gay and Lesbian Com munity since 1976 A WIV<( LICENSED PROFESSIONAL WHO IS ALSO CAY lie ÌMF2M0 415 Cambridge Avenue Residential Sales, Land, Suite 18 Investments & Financing SAN JOSE PALO ALTO Palo Alto, CA 94306 (408) 947-3234 (415) 494-3363 1895 Park Avenue (415)3254)931 San Jom ,C A 9S I26 L2 6945 408/296-3968 Clinical Sexologist Marriage and Family Therapist

Law Offices 1005 M innesota Ave. • San Jose. CA 95125 Discuss All Legal Problems Confidentially Emphasis on: Twin Software s •Personal injury & accident Microcomputer Support •Insurance claims & benefits 20% of fee goes to non-profit s •Criminal, Including bathroom & Paui Goulort 408-293-4891 bookstore arrests [P(D647(a) & 314.1] & Robert Kopelson San Jose P ut N u m b er 1 to w ork for you^' p (408) 293-4000

W o Individual & Group Counseling Couples Counseling I F Substance Abuse KEN LUMLEY David P. Steward, M.S.W., LCSW 559-8663 Ltceiueif Ciinicai Social Warier O n M K - t2i S Call for Appointment . California License LV8493 BONUS REALTY. INC. (415)962-8884 Insurances Accepted 1791 HillsdsI* Ava, San Joie INDEPENDENTLY DM NED AND OPERATED. S I WILLIAM H. LIPIL, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine and O DENNIS J. MeSHANE, M.D. Ruth Thomas Diplomate. American Boards of Internal Medicine & Rheumatology ( /tRMf Rb Insurance Agent 52 ARCH STREET, SUITE 4 If^SURArjCl 3315 Almadén Expressway. Suita 34 San Jose. Calilornia 95f IS REDWOOD CITY. CALIFORNIA 94062 CiROUP OF Office Hours By Appointmenl Telephone 4 15/369-1985 Bus (408)269-1015 A ('OMfVtNIf-S Res (408) 356-9260 L Auto • Fire • Ule • Farm • Commercial

Bruce W. Nickerson Attorney at Law Specializing In PC 647(a) EIDELL WASSFRMAN, p h .d and Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy All Gay-Related Issues Domestic Partnerships Wiiis • Relationship Issues Chiid Custody Job Discrimination Drunk Driving Personai injury • Depression • Self-esteem (408) 971-0669 738 N. First Street • San Jose, CA 95112 Insurance Accepted (415) 322-9635 SANTA CRUZ People Rre Talklnq... FACES The Premier Gay Club But Tell Only Your of Santa Cruz Best Friends Ron Williams fibout The Bus. (408) 24B-2400 Blue Res. (408) 395-0769 D ancing Dôybreol<. SAN JOSE N ightly Lfliiuon 115 Harvey West Blvd. ^ Open; Days — Evenings by Appointm ent Santa Cruz, CA 95060 923 Pacific Avenue Santa Cruz, CA 9S060 (415)940-9778 408 423-2030______2875 Moorpark A w , Suite 208. San Jose, CA 96128 (On tke Cerdm Maio (408)423-7117 nil A (1 Cimino Ml View



A 5 6 2 3 Pût Yourself Sc Your Friends In This Pictûrè PORTRAITS Hayward For You & Your Lover In my studio gallery or on location * Photographing in your community since 1978 * / BUCK’S By appointment only TED SAHL (408) 374-5662 15 301 Stockton Avenue

16 17 2S6-1176 Say Dance Bar”

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Rosalia Nichols 408 / 286-2670 •T eM i = mack Oak Bus. (408)289-1088 in Mln-ok language Res (408) 225-1989 SOUTH BAY AREA Join the Community Advertise!

W B a r a n d Pian, -ounge D I o c k O o k

P r o (406) 269-1066 THE LANDING 448 W . Santa C ri San Jose Serving the Gty/Lesblan Community A TINKER S DAMN of Santo Clara Valloyslnca 1982 For your typesetting & printing needs — Nikki Nichols 4 6 N . Saratoga Avenue 973 Park Avenue Telephone; 9 7 0 Pork Avenue, Son Jose, CA 9 5 1 2 6 Owner Santa Clara San Jose, CA 95126 408/286-2670 408-243-4595 — ONt ÌTìTÌon rt R 4 rsTciMr.R pHt vptrr - Special Mc^terRsing Supptemwnl Anthon/s Massage Therapy Prestige Electric PiATES: S25 for 60-Minute Session HOU(\5: Mon thru Sot. — 5 -10 PM Sundoy — 9 AM -10 PM ^ 2 2 4 - 4 4 9 9 ^ Some Doy Appointments Avoiloble — rENAiir IMFRO¥EMENT SPECIALISTS — Certified — Swedish Atossoge MHMISTIIAL * eOMMEKUL • RESIDCNTUU. Anthony Louviere, CMT DESIGN, BUILD, MAINTAIN 4 (40Ô) 2ÔÔ-6169 • UghtiiiK SjrstMiis • Service Cheiige • Meiers I Ceelrelt • Reiiie4elinc • Fewer Distribiilieii • R e p a i d Uceese ÿ C10-4I7MI 6071 Lerne Prieta - See Jese ii AVON , Custom made ALBERT BERNHEIM, ESQ. SALES REPRESENTATIVE SILK DUBLIN. CA 415- 828-9745 V TREES Model Gary Ruddock ISTERSPIRIT Winnepeg, Canada I W PLANTS Becky Reardon and Judy Mun- performance which delights their UP OFF sen, two dynamic, singer/song- growing following. writers/musicians from Oakland The duo’s latest tape entitled c 'T'O Retail Store Prices who have “ been out” for fifteen “ Love Reaction” is a melodious Compare Bruener's prices then see us years, will be performing at mix of women’s music featuring 723-2633 • 266-2670 Sisterspirit on September 20, (as does most of their music) their Silk 'N Trees-By George i i 1986. experiences, fears, hope and inferior designer availuble The duo's professional associa­ dreams as lesbians. tion began in 1979 with the "Operation 18” is a prime NBC/TV special “ Ssomeday example of powerful protest, You’ll Find Her, Charlie often recognizable in the duo’s Brown.” lyrics; written about applying for Judy wrote and produced the a government job and making it music for the special and Becky to the end of the interview when sang the ballad from the show. you are asked if you’ve ever That’s When 1 Feel Most engaged in any deviant behavior. Alone.” . . like child abuse or homosex­ This space They also collaborated on Da­ uality. vid Leed’s film, ‘‘Shoot The Sun A favorite “ What If We Were Down” ; a Peanuts movie, “ Bon Just A Little Late Today” is a is avaiiable Voyage, Charlie Brown” ; and on sensuous message we can all another national TV offering, relate to, the “ Waht 1C’ repre­ “ Those Fabulous Funnies.” senting that period of time bet­ 8 • ^ Early in 1984, Becky and Judy ween waking up and going to Caii began writing original songs for a work. • show they called, “ Songs From Other tunes include “ In The The Heart and Other Chakras.” Arms of Martina Navratilova’’, (408) 286-2670 This adventurous juxtaposition the product of Munsen’s admira­ of sensual jazz and consciousness tion for the tennis star; “ Let’s Be We can help you with oil of your promoltonol Items lor that special event. raising cabaret premiered in A Movie” , stars Reardon on the Advertising Speciaities • Pronxjtional Items • Buttons • T-Shirts September at Valencia Rose in acoustic guitar and singing lead • Engraving • Bumper Stickers San Francisco and at Mama with Munsen backing her on the Do. . . Go see them! Kathy Bear’s in Oakland to enthusiastic electric guitar, combined with not only with their fans, but with and heart. Afterwards I was so Tapp a local favorite on the audiences drawn largely from the witty and romantic lyrics. critics as well. energized I practically skipped saxaphone and trumpet will be women’s community. this duo’s reviews read like fan A recent review of them said, down the street to my car. In guest appearing with them at The show is “ in progress” and mail and their ever-increasing “ Becky Reardon and Judy Mun­ short - go see them.” (Hildie Sisterspirit, as she did at Ollie’s in 415 / 282-0795 Kraus, Coming Up) 1406 Valencia Street • San Francisco. California 94110 South Buy Cluaning ususally features a new tune each popularity continues to increase sen play music with soul, brains. Oakland on July 19th. Members in Good Standing ol GGBA 8 EtACW House Cleaning / Vauncy Cleaning Residential and Commercial Window Cleining Licensed • Insured • Bonded (408)281-4542 Darlene’s Cruise

I Mention this Ad to receive discount |

Setting sail August 9th off Pier Meiropolifon 39 in San Francisco, The Golden Bear cruise ship was host to Community approximately lesbians and gay men. Church This was Darlene’s (bartender at the Savoy) 4 hour Moonlit Suiipyl^îlls United Cruise on the San Francisco Bay. Holy Trinity Community Church Son Jose Romance was as visible as the (A Christian Church lorAUPaoplall Methodist Ct^urct^ star filled, moonlit night; as the Come Join Ue passengers rocked to the progres­ Sunday Morning SarviM ■ 10:00 a.m. sive and diversified sounds of DJ, for Worehip Paipcla ©. CuiTtipipgs, ?a«tor Billy DaFrank Cantar, 1040 Park Avanua, SJ Mary Teixeire. Rav. Randall (Randy) Hill. Pastor The South Bay Stompers were Sundaye et 7:00 pm aboard, after having performed Summer Worship 8:30 and 10:00 earlier at the Opening Ceremo­ 1449 Hester Avenue Unn Dixop Road,HIIIpltaR 408/262-1486 nies of Gay Games II. San Jose, CA 95126-2513 • Prociaintioo grace and freedom for allU The Stompers gave a command (408) 292-3071 repeat performance that brought down the house. An elegantly prepared buffet was served on the upper deck by crew members whose attitudes and service made the cruise an even greater delight. Darlene was presented with a dozen long-stemed red roses, applauded for the successful event. Darlene has already begun plans for a December 6th cruise, comlete with Santa Claus, Christ­ mas Tree and presents for ever­ yone; tickets will soon be availa­ ble at the Savoy. Saturday, September 20th

Admission: $4 « - Se.” siiding COFFEEHOUSE OPENS 8:00 pm • SHOW STARTS 9:00 pm

SISTERSPIRIT BOOKSTORE/COFFEEHOUSE Touch The In Touch Lounge (located Each cement square yielded a 1040 Park Avenue • San Jose, CA 95126 • (408) 293-9372 at 1535 Commercial Way in donation of $20. Santa Cruz) had a tremendously It’s not over yet. . . you can successful fundraiser for the still do a customized square in Kathy Tapp Santa Cruz AIDS Project. their patio, so hurry on down! Raising approximately $800., The In Touch also held an the club had men and women auction for the Project and raised Kathy Tapp, San Jose’s own speaks for itself; her musical original compostions in ‘85. Women’s Week, San Jose State from all over the Bay Area an additional $700. for a com­ saxaphone/trumpet player/musi- talent is diversified as demonst­ Receiving an honorable dis­ San Jose Women’s Music Colec- putting handprints, footprints bined total of a lot of fun and cian/songwriter will be guest rated by playing with other artists charge in 1974 from the U.S. tive; Jerene Jackson’s Big Band and initials in wet cement. $1500. appearing with Reardon and in various tyles and forms. Army as an E-6 (staff sargeant) in San Francisco; Jqna’s Wail; Munsen at Sisterspirit on Septem­ Recent appearances include: after completing her tour of duty. the Jackson Symphony (Jackson, ber 20th. her two month long appearance Tapp added still more credentials Miss); Birmingham Symphomy Tapp, 37 and an eleven year with jazz artist Domenic Gusto to her ever growing list. (Birmingham, Ala); the Jazz resident of the San Jose area who plays classical to top 40’s, to While in the Army, she toured Band at Walnut Creek; the appeared with Reardon and her present endeavors with Rear­ the U.S. as a member of the 70 Saratoga Drama Group’s pii Munsen in July at Ollie’s in don and Munsen. piece all women Army band, orchestra and the El Caminc Oakland. playing for such dignitaries as Light Opera Company’s pit or “ Our music just fell together After hearing Tapp playing with Reardon and Munsen at Mrs Ni,xon and Mrs Eisenhower. chestra. so well, that we asked Kathy to Kathy also has appeared at join us in our performance at Ollie’s, Crystal Reeves invited her Sisterspirit along with a couple to sit in with her band at the other upcoming performances," Artemis Cafe in San Francisco reported Munsen. and to observe the Robin FTowers Tapp, has performed frequen­ Band at Freight and Salvage in Pacific tly with Clair Mix and the Fast Berkeley. Trax and has played with Gwen Having studied music at De- Avery’s, Against All Odds at the Anza College, Tapp’s musical Harbor Gay Games II. career includes performances Kathy has been performing with the Bay Area Women’s Travel since the young age of six, and Quartet; the Gay and Lesbian Art has written such songs as “ Espe­ Festivals in ‘84 & ‘85; with the cially For You” ; “Loving Photo by Ted Sahl Brass Chamber Music in ‘84 and Sisters” ; and “ Utopia” among her many compositions. soJo on the guitar with her own Her endless list of credientials lUST FOR WOMEN Wbinanship Pacific Harbor Travel Week-long learning cruise in the Virgin Islands, available Pacific Harbor Travel has been through August '87. $675Aveek includes 7 nights on board located at the Santa Cruz Yacht & full provisioning. Women only. Harbor since November 1981. We are an authorized A.T. C. and I.A.T.A. agency offering computerized reservations and Bicycle China May 87 $2450 ticketing on nearly every domes­ tic and International Airline. Bicycle Nepal December 18-january 4 $1775 As a member of the l.G.T.A. (International Gay Travel Associ­ Trek Nepal November 1-23 $1595 ation) we offer a wide variety of gay tours, accomodations and September 15-28 travel information. Raft Grand Canyon $1450 We are a full service agency that also offers our clients indivi­ Switzerland September 6-20 $1395 dual and group tours, hotel (soa'5'ghv-oy') reservations, car/camper rental, Call for any travel need, 7 days a week, big or small, crusies and ferry crossings, train business or vacation. Ask for Marie. reservations and a myriad of other travel options. We have info re: airfare to Michigan Women's M usk Fediva! We have the ability to offer our clients virtually every travel pro­ duct sold in the U nit^ States. JUST FOR MEN A CRUISE TO REMEMBER February 14-21 and March 21-28, 1987 New Orleans — Key West — Our professionalism and ex­ Grand Cayman — Cozumel perience allow us to recommend AUSTRALIAN DISCOVERY the best travel options to fit your IS days: November 22-December 6, 1986 budget and needs. $2095. A superior first class tour to Fiji and We pride ourselves on our Australia designed exclusively for gay men. familiarity with travel world wide HAWAII VACATIONS and welcome any questions you may have. Daily Departures, seven night packages Waikiki or Waikiki plus another island start at Our services are completely $499, includes airfare, accommodations, car on free to our clients - we charge neighbor island and lots of other goodiesi exactly the same price as the airlines, charter companies and tour operators do. EXPO; GAY ACCOM M ODAtiQNS We are a small, growing, Hotels — Home-stays — Guest houses community oriented business that will offer you personalized ser­ AND MUCH MORFf vice and good products at fair H o te ls — Resorts — Ranches — Guest Houses — prices. Bed and Breakfast Inn Information fon Sun(jay, August 3rd We would like to thank all our , Palm Springs, Denver, Key VWst, $100.®® ist prize past cutomers for their support New Orleans, Montana, Europe, New Vbrk, Florida, and look forward to helping our Prcvincetawn, Boston, St. louis, Ohio, North Carolina $25.®® 2nd prize — you name iti new friends plan their next trip. Bar Tab 3rd prize 4 0 8 / 476-5020 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK MEMBER: IhIT'L CAY TRAVEL ASSOC. $2.®® cover / half goes to Aids Project Ryder’s document the women’s events. ely a t Ryders Country Western cents and bottle beer for $1.00; BAYMEC or the Mayor’s Coun­ Visions Kathy Wolfe, owner of Wolfe liisi'’ Dance Bar and Restaurant will be Saturdays and Sundays feature a cil will contact you. Ksv RTIKERS Video and co-producer of the Thirteen hours of official vi­ Coming Soon! celebrating their first anniversary special barbecue (call for details) Each night there will be dance videos stated that the network of September 19. 20, and 21. Fridays and Saturdays the bar deos of Gay Games II will be volunteers from Santa Clara exhibitions by some of the finest ANNIVERSARY FWRTY featured during a two week The bar. located at 2121 Mon­ features a beer bust from 7 to 9 dance troupes in the bay area County (list at end of article) terey Road in San Jose, special­ (all the draft beer you can drink exclusive showing at Visions. worked diligently and relentlessly 13 hours of including the San Jose Spurs, the SEPTEMBER 19, 20 & 21 Having purchased the exclusive izes in all kinds of country for $2.50). San Francisco Saddle Tramps, in a joint effort with M.E.N. all western music. Sundays starting at 3 pm is from Wolfe Video and M.E.N., with a common goal. . . to the Barbary Coast doggers, the Visions will be the only club iri Ryders makes their large dance Ryders Kegger and Comedy Hillbilly Cloggers and square produce videos of fine athletes. . floor available to people interes­ Hour. dancers. VANCE EXMSmONS the South Bay where the videos . fine gay and lesbian athletes. Video Show ted in clogging, square dancing, may be seen. Each Sunday, a quarter keg is As a special entertainment San Jose Spurs Videos that say not only to the line dancing, and couple dancing. . tapped and its free to the patrons feature each night, Carl Berry ' The official video team was a straight community that gay is For those who do not know till it’s gone. director of the San Francisco SF Saddletramps colaition between men of M.E.N. O.K., but to all of our own who how to country western dance, also featured is adifferent (Male Entertainment Network) G /L Ÿ ' Closet Ball will be directing a i are still struggling with who they ' ^ ‘ A ' ! , -J. / Ryders provides free dance les­ comedy performance by such Country Stage Show starring Pat Barbary Coast Cloggers of San Francisco and women of are. sons on Mondays with Ray and artists as Gallagher, Robin Willi­ Montclair and Shannon and Wolfe Video of San Jose. Santa Clara County Volunteers; on Tuesdays and Thursdays with ams, Lily Tomlin, etc. featuring dancers from the San Hillbilly Cloggers Together, they documented Judy Richter; Patricia Ma- Kenny. Ryders anniversary party be­ Jose Spurs. 120 hours of games, ceremony, thewson; Susan Kitchin; Jean Also the San Jose Spurs and gins on Friday, September 19 and There will be a different show Square Dancers and interviews during the 9 days Lionelli; Karen Crisp; Hecate the Southbay Stompers have will last all weekend. each night and some special of events. Rosewood; Caruthis Archie; been holding their practice ses­ A special feature of the party surprise guest stars. CASiNO * The successful effort began Cate Davis; Laura Frey; Kristi sions at the bar. will be the casino which will be the restaurant will be featuring with M.E. N.’s outreach to find a Bitiner; Marcia Ewert; and Linda Ryders also has video games, a open all three days. a special country barbecue each Blackjack, Roulette, women’s crew to cover and Inman. pool table and electronic dart Blackjack, Roulette, poker night at special prices. ' games in addition to the dancing. and wheel of fortune will be The San Jose Spurs are holding Poker & Wheel of Fortune A new in-house dart league will available for play. a raffie for a 19” Color TV; be starting within the next two These will be regulation casino tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for 'Proceeds to BAYMEC "No on South Bay Stompers weeks. tables and games. $5.00; the drawing will be Sun­ Anyone interested may call the All proceeds from the casino day, September 21. LaRouche" Campaign bar and get details from the gaming will go to BAYMEC for The South Bay Stompers, a walk again. Today, Miki is not Tickets may be purchased from group of 8 lesbians (the only bartender. the "No On LaRouche’’ cam­ anyone of the Spurs or from only walking, but also kicking up The restaurant at Ryders is paign. Ryders bartenders. (jO tS ail-women country western dan­ the dust with her boot heels. cers in the Bay Area), have been currently offering specials from 6 The Mayor’s Council and All proceeds from the raffle S Tish is a marketing representa­ to 9 pm daily. BAYMEC are working to get ' will go to the Spurs. kicking around town performing tive and is a mother of two, also On Mondays, it’s chili dogs for volunteers to man the gaming A complete schedule of events for fun and entertainment. with a talent for belly-dancing. SI .SO (all you can eat) with draft tables and seeking donations for is available at Ryders or you may Featuring each night a The teaching happens at the Tish and Mary are the only beer for 60 cents; Tuesdays prizes. call 297-9378 for details. Savoy in Santa Clara and they couple in the group. features tacos for 45 cents and Anyone interested in volun­ also practice at Ryders, (a gay Mary, who dejayed at the Margaritas for $1.75; Wednes­ teering or having something they country western club) on Mon­ Savoy for four years, works for a days it’s spaghetti (all you can would like to donate as a prize, FANTASTIC COUNTRY SHOW terey Road. major financial institution. She eat) for $1.00 and wine for $1.00; please leave your name and The group consists of; Jan carries the name of “ Loose Thursdays and Fridays it’s barbe­ phone number with the bartender Directed by carl berry Forbush, the leader and choreo­ Lips” . Mary said when the cue your own hamburgers for 50 at Ryders and someone from grapher; by day she is a buyer for country western dancing started, a local firm and a mother. Jan STARRING PAT MONTCLAIR it was new stuff and suddenly it started country western dancing wasn’t boring anymore, mary has Kevan’s/Toyon SHANNON four years ago in Colorado. She been with the group since Kevan Daniel, owner of Ke- also has a talent for belly­ November of 1985. vah’s/Toyon, will be bidding and Special Guests dancing. Rita is a marketing representa­ Miki, and alternate dancer is Toyon/Kevan’s goodbye to our community on tive and is also a mother.,QL nights in San Jose. September 5th and 6th with his Jan’s daughter. She is a service Diane is a bookkeeper, and perform in the Opening Ceremo­ secretary/junior assistant. Miki Gretchen holds a job as a draft farewell party. carries the name of "Loose person for a local firm. nies of G|iy Games II. Bringing an end to his eight shattered her hip in an auto Hips” . Diane has been dancing The stompers will be perform­ year»in business in San Jose. accident in May of 1985. She since she was a kid. She and Tish The Stompers practiced for ing during Ryder’s first anniver­ testified before the State Legisla­ won a jitterbug contest together. four months before dancing in sary celebration, September The new owner, Eddie Parson the Gay Pride Parade in San will be taking over the club on yRAFFie 19" COLOR TV tive Magnolian Bill (case) 3403, Betty Rose works for a major 19-21. This party is also a September 12th. due to the treatment (the first telecomunications company. Francisco on June 26th, 1986. fundraiser for BAYMEC’s No on OUR LAST PARTY! Proceeds to SJ SPURS Tickets on sale now $l| three days after her accident) Janis is acrafting supervisor While practicing moments before, 64 campaign. because of lack of insurance. The and square dances with the El the parade. The Stompers were doctor’s prognosis was never to Camino Reelers on Tuesday invited by Rosemary Mitchell to 2121 Monterey Rd. Come and Say Goodbye San Jose • 297-9378 to our staff! THE LANDING gpecifll p fiC C S 8 years in service to our community R YO Æ Æ tS 'p rin k Tuesdays: All Day All Night Happy Hour Prices

Sunday September 21st BEER BUST Fundraiser For BAYMEC’s Friday, September 5th/9 to 2 am Saturday, September 6th/9 to 2 am No on 64 campaign

Ownership changes approximately September 12th

1205 The Alameda • San Jose Be A p RENEGADES 393 Stockton ,A\cnue. San .lose, ( '. \ 95126 (408) 2^ 5-9902 The Watergarden remarkably provides an innovative environment that combines Healthy. . . both the social and recreational aspects so eagerly sought by men o f discriminating Wholesome... tastes. This South Bay bright spot in San Jose offers a virtual playground fo r males to J*he relax and express themselves. A truly contemporary bath facility uniquely designed Inviting. for the Gay and Bisexual men o f the 1980s. A definite must for anyone living in or traveling to the Bay Area!

A Theater lounge featuring high-quality flicks 24 hrs. daily Wo o d s * Custom designed pool table overlooking garden patio ■k Outdoor hydropool set in plea.sant garden surroundings Hexagon-House * Immaculately designed shower with latest hygienic equipment •k Gym and locker area accented tastefully with picturesque outside aviary and garden k Intimate area highlighted by a warm cozy fireplace Ru s s i a n K iv e R-Ca a T.V. lounge plushly appointed in a contemporary relaxed environment A South Bay's first male boutique completely stocked with the latest items for your shopping 16881 Armstrong Woods Road convenience Guernevllle, CA 95446 Reservations/Informatlon: (707) 869-0060

C a U a o w f o r Weekday DiscounCM Sai\1ii C'lara (Minify INDIAN SUMMER Health Departn\ent

Photo by Ted Sahl SPECIAL RECOGNITION The Water gar den Cares. . . to the management and staff of the WATERGARMN (Jammer-^iomance A bout Your Health . .. for their support of STD Control Programs 1980-1985.

Œiie- Ja a n t^/ For the convenience of its patrons, The Watergar- den has sponsored a Health Department clinic within its l«.K\.\DrrU \KMI >\|i,MD..Vim A« (i.lv* Mc-aIH 1 :(ll. r r facility for the past six years to test for sexually transmitted diseases. Enjoy the charm of country cabins in the heart of California^ wine In recognition of their cooperation with the Santa Clara country. Fifes, the most complete resort of its kind... anywhere. County Health Department and concern for the health of Hl KNAKD/fniih their patrons, the management and staff of The Watergarden ■••-'it«un«k;4M* fnai-xar- Protfrain (. ovretinator received a Special Award for support of the STD Control Program. Testing is offered from 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the second Summer .Sea.-H>n—Open daily March 28 chru Septcirber 27ih Tuesday of every month. Over the years, the percent testing Fall Season—ScptetntM;r 28 ihnniRh Halloween Vtekend A Guesthouse on / Wriiei PO Box (iucm cville, CA 95446 positive has declined from Ib-lS^ to 2-3<7o at present. the Russian River ^ For further information about the clinic, call Gary Crawford at the Health Department (408) 299-5919. Photo bv Ted Sahl P.O. Box 465.15905 RIvor Road Guamovlllo, CA. 95446 (707) 869-3279 3 ^ Sunrise Limousine

Whether it’s an evening on the and beautiful well maintained town, a ride to the airport, or just limousines. a plain good time. Sunrise Lim­ Whether you need a stretch ousine Service has been serving limousine for pleasure or a for­ the Lesbian and Gay community mal limousine for business travel. for over six years. Sunrise can meet those needs with Recommended by the Better 24 hour service,limousines in Business Bureau and staffed with enough colors to match a rain­ businesspersons who have twide bow, and drivers who truly enjoy been reciepients of distingusihed their jobs and serving our clien­ business awards in the Santa tele. Clara Valley. So when you celebrate, cele­ Sunrrise takes pride in provid­ brate with style... ing excellent on time service, Call Sunrise Limousine at (408) friendly knowledgeable chauffers 738-8548 or (415) 968-2314.

HIGHLANDS Thursdays Resort 14000 Wocxjland Drive Look for Our Paper’s (up the hill behind the library)

upcoming Special Sections! Guernevllle, CA 95446 and gear your advertising (707)869-0333 1st Session-7:00 PM needs accordingly.

AIDS Section...... Sept. 17th 2nd Session - 9:00 PM Travel Section.. October 8th Halloween Section Oct. 22nd Discount Coupons Available Services Section___Nov 5th Christmas Shopper Nov 19th at End of Each Session Christmas Shopper. Dec 3rd New Year’s Entertainment.. Dec. 17th for Following Week

Call now to Increase your sales by reserving space in I THE WATERGARDEN RECREATION CENTER AN D BATH Our Paper. 408/286-2670 lO lO The A la m e d a I Son Jose I 275-1242 Affirmation to focus on Speaker Training ‘ ^Building F amily’ ’ the test is a good one for a reportable disease, although identifying the prescence of the many of the State Health Dept, by Rkk Rady antibody, but that the prescence regulations on reporting are, at “ Building Our Family” will be- ence (the denomination’s qua­ of the antibody for HIV (for­ the moment, beyond the scope of I the theme of the annual fall drennial legislative assembly), and Thirty volunteers met in the merly called HTLV-3) does not the legislation which created Check Out A Hot Number... meeting of Affirmation: United the Reconciling Congregation Billy DcFrank Community Cen­ mean that the individual them and are, perhaps, illegal. Methodists for Lesbians and Gay Program, through which local ter on Saturday, August 23, to /losAIDS, or will come downwith He offered the opinion that I Concerns, to be held September United Methodist churches pub­ take three hours of training on AIDS. Prop 64, if passed, would proba- 19-21 in Washington, D.C. licly welcome lesbians and gay how to be an effective speaker in Next on the program was Scott 6/>require the firing and testing In addition to business sessions, men as equal members of the opposition to Prop. 64, the Shafer, Press Director for No On of all food handlers and school i participants will consider through church bodies and commit them­ LaRouche Initiative. 64. employees (and students) who .. the Gay Intro Line that Everyone’s dialogue and community-building selves to continued study of what The meeting was run by Dana He stressed that while La have AIDS or test positive to 1 activities what it means to be it means to be a truly inclusive Van Gorder, Staff Director of the Rouche himself is bizarre and a HIV. family in a lesbian/gay context, church. Northern California No On 64. nut, LaRouche is not the issue in Jeff Knollmiller, from the [ especially in cases where the The meeting will begin Friday committee, and aide to San the initiative, AIDS is. L.A. public relations firm of Talking About! i institutional church is neither evening, September 19 at 7 p.m Francisco Supervisor Harry Britt. Dana Van Gorder then re­ Rogers and Cowan, attempted to I sensitive nor supportive. and conclude Sunday morning viewed the five points which he alert speakers to the ‘rights^ they “The concept of Affirmation as with a special worship service. Van Gorder had run a similar felt every speaker should make in have of knowing the conditions Gay IN TR O . the pre-recorded personal a family has become increasingly The meeting will be preceded by seminar in San Francisco, and even the shortest appearance. of any interview in advance. He 1 valuable for us in the last few a special gathering for interested utilized the video tapes made 1. Passage of Prop 64 will stop advised that one make a list of message line with LOCAL phone years as we have grown in persons from the Northeast. from that event for the San Jose current AIDS research work; objectives of the interview, and numbers size,"said Mary Gaddis, one of Affirmation is a nationwide, audience. 2. It is unnecessary as a health communicate to the audience, Affirmation’s two spokes- inclusive community of persons The tape opened with Pat policy; not to the interviewer. I persons. affirming the presence of lesbians Christen of the SF AIDS Founda­ 3. The cost (SBillions) is too Van Gorder concluded by is the place to meet new men in “ We have come to realize how and gay men in the United tion giving information on AIDS high; fielding a series of ‘most feared Gay IN T R O . much we need the nurture and Methodist Church and in Christi itself. 4. LaRouche is a nut, not a questions* from the audience. the privacy of your own home - support of others in our daily anity in general. Her crucial three points to health official; Some questions can be an­ 1 dealing with the church and other Both lay persons and clergy are remember: 5. No Californian will escape swered by facts, some must be find the person who’s right for i elements of society that frequently among its members. 1. AIDS is sexually transmit­ the effects of Prop 64. turned aside and the disscussion oppress lesbians and gay men, Affirmation serves both as a ted; Matthew Coles, gay rights redirected to other issues, he said, you! women of color and others. personal support network for 2. AIDS is not casually trans­ attourney spoke about the vague Persons interested in having At this gathering, we hope to lesbian and gay United Methodists mitted; wording of Prop 64, stressing speakers should contact Ken Yea­ I explore just how much we all need and as a center for advocacy and 3. The ‘AIDS Antibody Test* that nobody really knows what its ger or Wiggsy Silversten of Stop Gay IN T R O . . has NEW MESSAGES I a sense of family and how we can information within the United is not a test for AIDS. Explain­ effects will be. LaRouche at the Billy DeFrank EVERY TIME YOU CALL make sure that all who want to be Methodist Church. ing point three. Christen said that He noted that AIDS is already Center. part of us can know that they All persons sharing Affirma­ really do belong.” tion’s concerns are invited to Ball for the Emperor and Em­ CALL TODAY, YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT! During the business portion of attend the Washington, D.C. press; Investiture for the new the meeting, all in attendance will meeting. A new Imperial Family Emperor and Empress; Grand be invited to help develop further Further information including Duke and Duchess Ball; Hallow­ plans for Affirmation’s expanding registration materials can be ob by Steve Lakey stitution which is more simplified een Ball; Christmas Food Drive; I regional and local organizing, its tained by contacting: Affirma­ than that of Casa. and a Christmas Snow King and 1 presence at the United Methodist tion, P.O.Box 1021, Evanston, IL Following are a few excerpts Queen (to be elected) Ball. PERSONAL AD! 60204, (202)232-1386. Yes, it’s true! At the end of the recorded Church’s 1988 General Confer­ A new Imperial Court has that will give you (the readers) an They plan to have their first arisen out of San Jose’s heart. idea of what they are about: major function soon. messages, you will have a “ The board of directors and So if there are any of you that HTG vacations at Expo ‘86 Imperial Family Court 1 de San would like to become involved, Chance to place your own message Jose is a new organization not their advisors hereby decree the following; that the perpetual title you may contact any of the that will be heard by other California men. I by Jimmy Joe affiliated with the now defunct founders or the reigning Mon­ “ Casa de San Jose” ; however, holders in this rule, and under Twenty-eight members of HTG group members around the ‘The Casa de San Jose’ will be archs or call (408) 286-6013. city. my sources tell me that all past I Santa Clara County’s High Tech perpetual titles will be recognized recognized in this court as past I Gays returned home on August A neighboring high-rise was reigning monarchs and with all totally gay-occupied, and our from that organization and it’s 415 l27th, after a week’s vacation in past courts. rights therefore going with their Canada. members noted that the people in titles.” I Canada are very attractive. The founders and board of 213 The group visited Vancouver’s directors are: Rachel, John V., “ Preamble: We the directors [Expo ‘86, whose theme was Other highlights in Vancouver of The Imperial Family Court 1, included the Lion’s Gate Bridge, Bob and Marlene Colton. 818 9 7 6 -3 8 0 0 I transportation and comunica- The newly’appointed monarchs hereby decree the following: That and adjacent to it is the magnific- I tion. are: Emperor Michael Bartholo­ in accordance with our constitu­ Several HTG members said ant Stanley Park. tion and by-laws, that we shall be Across the bridge was the mew of the Jade Dragon Court that their favorite exhibits inclu­ and the Empress I, Miss Farone the sole owners of the titles of ded the General Motors Pavillion scenic Grouse Mountain where “ Emperor and Empress.” These many of the HTG members took of the Imperial Golden Crown I which featured a live actor with Court. functions are desgined for the 3-D holographic images, depict- a train ride to the top of the good of the community which mountain for dinner and the The newly appointed Grand A Another Hot Number... 1 ing ancient Indian tribal lore. Duke and Duchess are: Wayne were meant to be fun filled and Just as those people were commanding view of the city. entertaining for the entire A few HTG members took a Roberts and Marlene Colton. I looking for a magic canoe to Their main function is to give community of San Jose and our improve their lives, we, in today’s shakey, swinging walk across the friends which will be visiting us in world-famous Mt. Capilano help to the communities in Santa world are also searching for Clara and Santa Cruz counties the future.” better technology. Suspension (foot) Bridge. “ No person shall have the This unique bridge is 230 feet with fundraisers and community Other favorite exhibits were events. power or own, dictate to this the Canadian Pavillions, one of above the raging river below. court or the community on behalf Some of the HTG group took They also told me they want to which was three city blocks long provide lots of fun! of this corporation at any time.“ M a le C a ll with boat-like sails that reached the ferryboat ride to Victoria, Some of their events planned capitol city of British Columbia. The board of directors has more than seven stories into the written a comoletelv new con- for the future are: Coronation air. The Talk Line For Inside this structure were flying saucers and more theaters show­ ing 3-D movies about the histori­ California Men! cal development of Canada. The USA and USSR Pavillions focused on space travel and satellite communication. ... As few as two or as many as five callers Some of the smaller exhibitors departed from the Fair’s theme at a time! Live uninhibited conference calls 1 and showed their own unique PROJECT • NOT A RECORDING! cultures, such as the South Paci­ AIDS Support Services in Santa Clara County fic Islands where male eroticism was clearly depicted in their Just dial the number and the phone is statues and dress. 595Millich Drive, Suite 104, Campbell, California 95008 408/370-3272 Also, the South Korean dan­ your tool to meeting, conversation, fantasy cers demonstrated a variety of native dances. and fun. Listen in on some great talk or There were a number of pleas­ GET IN TOUCH with someone NEW! ant, unexpected surprises on this An urgent call for volunteers... trip. Most notably were days and November Volunteer Training nights of warm weather. The incidence of AIDS is Right now we need volunteers. Vancouver’s natural beauty is increasing. And the Santa Clara People who are willing to be there The hot line 24 hours a day, accented by high mountains, Valley is no exception to the for someone as they face a life November? & 14 beautiful waterways and spect, national trend. changed by AIDS. We need your (6 p.m .-9 p.m.) cular vistas. That's why the ARIS Project help. 7 days a week. Vacouver seems to be a dyna­ Please, call or write to us. Ask Novembers & 15 was started; to provide support to (9 a.m.-6p.m.) mic and progressive city of sky­ people with AIDS, ARC, their to be a part of our next volunteer Someone is ALWAYS on the line. scrapers, underground shopp ng loved ones and those m evii^ the traming. November 9 & 16 malls, and a well-defined gay area It can change your life. in West Vancouver. death of someone with AIDS. (9 a.m .-6 p.m.) HTG members noted that We're about caring. About The dates for the two-weekend there were gay bars, baths, fine being there. We believe that only training are to the right. The Both weekends are required. 415 deadline for applications is October $2.00 plus tolls if any. restaurants and shops. by t o t listening and sensitively The cost is $125. Scholarships 213 Another unexpected surprise hearing one another can we tiuely 10. are available. was a welcoming party for HTG offer emotional support. Please. Do it now. 818 976<7277 Must be 18 years of age. members, hosted by members of the Vancouver gay community. They also showed some of the TD’s annual picnic . by Steve Lakey BARS Dr. Dallas Carr (Optometrist)...... (408)730-0606 PRINTERS/PUBLISHERS 2770-A Sunnyvale Town Center, Sunnyvale Black Oak Press* (Prfnf/rrg/Typeseii/ng) ...(408)2831088 o For those of you who didn’t GREATER SANTA CLARA VALLEY Paul Coke, D.C. (Chiropractor)...... (415)857-1221 make it to TD’s picnic, you really 641 Club* ...... (406)996-1144 973 Park Avenue, San Jose 95126 w n ’ 4117 El Camino Real, Palo Alto 94306 (News Office) 641 Stockton Avenue, San Jose 95126 Dr. William Cooper (internai Medicine)...... (408) 257-5755 Our Paper* ...... («W 2832670 ‘missed out. A Tinker’s Damn* (Video/Dlsco/Lounge)— (406) 243-4595 20366 Town Center Ln., Cupertino 95014 973 Park Avenue. San Jose 95126 The drive up to Lost Hills Express Tan (Tanning S alon)...... (406) 554-6161 u 46 N. Saratoga Avenue, Santa Clara 95050 Ranch, while longer than antici­ The Blue Lagoon* (Dance Bar)...... (406)423-7117 1056 Kiely Blvd. (at Benton), Santa Clara PHOTOGRAPHY 923 Pacific Avenue. Santa Cruz 95060 William H. LIpll, MD (Internal Medicine).... (415) 369-1965 Ergas 8 PIsclotta (Photography)...... ( ^ ) »J8-2619 pated, was well worth the extra Buck's* (Saloon/lce Cream Parlor)...... (406) 268-1176 52 Arch Street - Suite 4, Redwood City Ted Sahl (Photographer)...... ( ^ ) 374-5oez time. 301 Stockton Avenue, San Jose 95126 Dennis J. MeShane, MD ...... (415)369-1985 R It’s a much larger facility, with The Cruiser* (Reslaurant & B a r)...... (415) 366-4955 (Internai Medicine/Rheumatology FINANCIAL SERVICES 2651 El Camino Real. Redwood City 94061 52 Arch Street - Suite 4, Redwood City Century 21 Realty (Ken Lumley)...... (408) 559-8663 more to offer than Saratoga Davids* (Restaurant & Bar)...... (406) 293-1293 S.F. AIDS Foundation...... (800) 367-AIDS 1791 Hillsdale Ave. San Jose Springs. 737 Stocklon Avenue. San Jose 95126 Cary Christian (Financial Planning)...... (408) 9939535 The staff of Lost Hills Ranch COUNSELING/THERAPY (408) 998-0858 The Daybreak* (Women's Bar)...... (415) 940-9776 were just great. I’ve not heard so 1711 W. El Camino Real, Ml. View 94040 ARIS Project (A IDS support/servlces)...... (408) 093-3890 Qoosetown Realty (Pau/A. Wysocki/Jo Anne Ferrer) .(408) Feces* (Bar 6 After Hours C lub)...... (406) 423-2030 3790 El Camino Real. Suite 349, Palo Alto 94306 2933428 many ’’thank yous” since doing 115 Harvey West Blvd., Santa Cruz 95060 Center lor New Beginnings* ...... (408) 2859060 1895 Park Avenue. San Jose 95126 some smart shopping at K-Mart. In Touch* (Lounge)...... (406) 462-1611 255 N. Market. San Jose David A. HUgerfflea/fof)...... (408)9231100 After being greeted at the gate, 1535 Commercial Way, Santa Cruz 95073 Community Counsalirtg A ssoclatse*...... (408) 297-7970 Nalkmal FirsI Mortgage (Mortgage Brokers) Kevan's* (Dance Lounge & Restaurant)...... (Reel.) (406) 1140 Pedro St. No.7, San Jose 95126 (Sfevo or Tom)...... (408) 3731950 we were directed to the parking 977-1483 George Doablll (Human Sexuality Counseling) Ruth Theaiat (Insurance)...... (♦*•) 2831015 area, just a short walk across a 1205The Alameda, San Jose 95126 (Lounge) (408) San J ose...... (408) 947-3234 D green grass covered field. 286-9432 Palo Alto...... (415)4953363 The Landing* (Piano Ber/Lounge)...... (408)287-1535 J. Allan Dllbeck (Therapist)...... (408) 247-7703 CONTACT SERVICES First we came to the volley ball 448 W. Santa Clara, San Jose 1885 The Alameda Suite 208, San Jose 95126 Choices (Dating Sen. / Men i Women)...... (408) 971-7406 courts where there was a hot Mac’s Club* (Bar)...... (408) 996-9535 Dannial Downey (Therapist)...... (40^ 5550110 (415)982-1037 349 S. First St., San Jose 95112 I game in progress. 2343B Homestead, Santa Clara 95050 Qaytine...... (408)9737744 Renegades* (Bar)...... (406) 275-9902 Beyond the courts was the Neil Dully, PhD (Therapy/Counseling)...... (415) 357-1623 Our Connection (Gay Info-line)...... (408) 9933800 393 Stockton Ave, San Jose 95126 P.O. Box 39, San Leandro 94577 ____ Roommaters (Renters Senice)...... (408) 287-7071 eating area where live D J’s were Ryder's* (C/W Dance Bar & R est.)...... (408) 297-WEST Carloa Groavas (Psychiatry /Qay Men)...... (415) 363-7722 VoiceNot (Telephone Mailbox)...... (408) 977-4200 2121 Monterey Road, San Jose 95112 pumping out the newest dance Marta Hiatt, Ph-D. (Lesbian/Oay Therapy)... (408) 287-5180 R tunes. Savoy* (Women's B ar)...... (408)247-7109 The Alameda nr Hwy 17, SJ 95126 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 3546 Flora Vista Dr., Santa Clara 95051 Keith C. Kellogg. L.C.&W. (Therapist)...... (40^ 2450860 To the left of the eating area Sliver Fox* (Bar)...... (408) 725-9662 MIchaal O’Connor...... (415) 383-7722 A Taste of Leather (Parap/rema/fa Shop) ...(415)777-4843 10095 Saleh Wy, Cupertino 95014 336 Sixth Street, San Francisco 94103 was the BA'iMEC dunking (Clinical Psych./Qay Men) Awards by Chris (Advertising Specialties)...... (S.F.) (415) E booth where they (and other Vistone* (Dance Bar)...... (406) 286-6464 Marlon Adams Sobal (Therapist)...... (41» 3250931 393 Lincoln Ave, San Jose 95126 415 Cambridge Ave., Suite 23-24, Palo Alto 94306 2826796 brave souls) were ’’earning” don­ Whiskey Gulch Saloon* ...... (415)863-9747 David P. Steward (Therapist)...... (415) 982-6884 1406 Valencia St., S.F. 94110 1951 University Ave, Palo Alto 94303 Albert Berahska (Avon)-...... J415) I2I67IS ations for the Stop ATTORNEYS Certified Carpet and Upholstsry Claaning .(408)2946776 C LaRouche/No on 64 campaign. Daisy Chain Fiotist...... (408) 732-4444 Roborl Kopelson (Attorney at Law)...... (408) 293-4000 124 E. Fremont Ave, Sunnwale 94087 I got dunked twice and Wow! EAST BAY 111 W. St. John, Suite 800, San Jose 95113 independent Operations...... (415)4938648 was that spring water cold. Bench 8 Bar* (Bar i Restaurant)...... (415) 4452266 Bruce NIckeraon (Affomey)...... (408)971-0869 (Computer Consulting) On the left (into the center of 120-11th St., Oakland (418)3638441 P.O. Box 2309, Stanford 943056010 T Big Mama’s* (Bar)...... (415) 861-9310 Carole Weldner (A ttom ay)...... (408) 971-8510 Nlcenors (Hair Salon)...... (408) 395-4090 things) was just the place I was 22615 Mission Blvd, Hayward 94541 12 S. First St.. Suite No. 713, San Jose 95113 20 S. Santa Cruz Ave, No. 320. Los Gatos 96030 looking for - Adult B^eragesl Bill’s The Eagle* ...... (415)2755540 Picture This (Custom Framing/Qallery)...... (408) 2232080 To my right, up some stairs 16024 E. 14th, San Leandro BOOKyRECORD STORES 5683 Cottle Rd . San Jose 95123 were the TD’s staff busy prepar­ Driltwood* (Women’s Bar)...... (415) 581-2050 A Clean Well-Llghled Place lor Books* .... (408) 2537800 Pottery Sales ...... (408)984-0467 O 22170 Mission Blvd, Hayward 94541 21271 Stevens Creek, Cupertino 95014 1793 Lafayette St., Santa Clara 95050 ing food for four hundred; New The Hub* ...... (415)938-4550 The Bookcase* (Adult Bookstore)...... (408) 2939842 1730 N. First St., San Jose York steaks (ala Bob), half 1220 Pine St., Walnut Creek 36 N. Saratoga Ave., Santa Clara 95050 Prestige Electric ...... (408)224-4499 chickens, potato salad, baked Loretta’s* ...... (415)535BEER Bread 8 Roses* (Marxist Bookstore)...... (406) 2032930 (Electrical Coniraclor) R beans and garlic bread. 22525 Mission Blvd, Hayward 94541 950 So. First Street, San Jose 95112 6071 Loma Prieta Drive, San Jose 95123 and get the women out there next Paradise Bar 8 Restaurant*...... (415)8351222 Kepler's Books A Magazines*...... (415) 324-4321 Silk ’n Trees (Silk F low ers)...... (408) 7232633 It was excellent, but if you year. 135 - 12lh Street at Madison. Oakland . 821 El Camino Real, Menlo Park (408) 2632870 have ever been to TD’s when Bob Twin Software ConsulUnts ...... (408)2433834 1 didn’t see any children, but TheRevol*...... (415)852-7144 Mama Bears* (Women's Bookstore/Coffeehouse)... (415) Y puts on one of his Sunday steak this would have been anexcellent 3924 Telegraph Ave, Oakland 94606 4239884 2383 Pruneridge, Suite Y, Santa Clara 95050 The Spoiled Brat* (Bar)...... (415) 782-2726 6536 Telegraph at 66th St.. Oakland dinners, you would have been time for families. 2 2 6 ^ Mission Blvd. Hayward 94541 Recycle Bookstore* ...... (408)2838275 anticipating a feast... they even There were activities for all. . . Turt Club* fBarJ...... (415) 881 -9877 138 E. Santa Clara St. (bet. 3rd & 4th), S.J. 95113 let me take a doggy bag home. volley ball, hiking, swimming, 22517 Mission Blvd. Hayward 94541 Recycle Bookstore* ...... (415)321-2846 230 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto 94301 Just past the food area was my trout fishing, donkey rides, The Whits Horse Inn*...... (415)852-3820 Sietarspirit Bookstore*...... (408) 2939372 66th & Telegraph, Oakland 94608 favorite spot - an elegant swiming teather ball, dunking (which I 1040 Park Avenue, San Jose 95126 pool, decorated with beautiful remember well) and lots of room Stacy’s* (Bookstore)...... (415) 3230881 FORTUNES SAN FRANCISCOfNORTH BAY 219 University Av, Palo Alto bodies! for just plain relaxing. Bay Brick Inn* (Women's Bar/Disco)...... (415) 431-8334 Underground Records* ...... (408)286-8303 I didn’t get a chance to do a TD’s also sponsored a dance 1190 Folsom St, San Francisco 94103 (New i Used Albums) By Tycho complete head count, but it contest, and swim suit competi­ BJ.’s Bar 8 Disco* ...... (415) 4553722 19 S. Third Street, San Jose 95113 721 Lincoln Ave., San Rafael 94901 would seem about 10 percent tion with cash prizes. The Detour*...... (415)861-6053 TRAVEUTRANSPORTATION I women and the rest mfcn. " I suggest you put TD’s annual 2348 Market St., San Francisco 94114 Daley Chain Florist (Limousine Rental)...... (408) 732-4444 < The women I talked to were picnic on your calendar for next The Elephant Walk* (Bar A Restaurant)___ 124 E. Fremont Ave, Sunnyvale 94087 Aries (Mar 2l-Apr 20>-Work and Libra (Sept 23-Ocl 22j-Weekend | 500 Castro St.. San Francisco 94114 Sunrise Limousine...... (408)738-8548 having a great time, so come on year/ it does indeed seem to be Francine’s* (Women's Bar)...... (415) 552-9858 (415)9632314 travel are closely connected. You flattery could get someone ever-1 ladies, tell your friends about it the event of the summer! 4149- 13th St, San Francisco 94114 TRAX Unlimited (Travel Agency)...... (408) 2432400 could be doing some traveling on ywhere. You find yourself] Hunk’s* ...... (415)771-6262 2875 Moorpark Ave., Suite 208, San Jose 95128 the job • or possibly moving to a susceptible to a charmer with wily 1160 Polk St., San Francisco 94109 U-Haul (Trader Ren ta ls )...... (808) 267-9585 KImo’s* ...... (415)8855535 705 Curtner Ave (At Almaden Expwy), SJ 95125 new one. Whatever the exact ways (and loving it!). Not only are | 1351 Polk St., S.F. 94109 situation is, you’ll definitely make you looking fine, but your emo­ Tha Lion’s Pub*...... (415) 567-8565 CHURCHES/RELIGIOUS GROUPS the most of it. Communications tional responsiveness works as a DIvisadero & Sacramento Sts., S.F. 94115 Affirmation* (Qay/Lesbian M ormons)...... (406) 279-6930 with favorite co-worker add a lot. powerful magnet. Play safely, but | Mainline Gifts*...... (415) 863-9811 P.O. Box 26947, San Jose 95159 508 Castro St.. San Francisco 94114 Calvary Metropolitan Community Church*. (415) 368-0188 play! The Midnight Sun* ...... (415)661-4186 P.O. Box 70. Redwood City 94064 Taurus (Apr 21-May 20)-\( you’re 4067-18th St., S.F, 94114 Dignity* (Lesbian/Gay Catholics) not in a permanent relationship Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 2f)-lsn’t it 1 Moby Dick*...... (415) (Ask lor Jo a n )...... (408) 298-0204 good to know that dreams really j 4049 -18thSt , S.F 94114 P.O. Box 2177, Santa Clara 95055 you’ll enjoy some old-fashioned Pacific Exchange* ...... (415)563-2219 Evangelicals Concerned (Religious Group). (408) 262-7785 dates. You’ll discover how much do come true? Of course you’ve] 2225 Fillmore St., S.F. 94115 Holy Trinity Community Church...... (408) 292-3071 The Phoenix* ...... (415)552-6827 fun courting and wooing can be. -. had to work hard at pushing them] 1449 Hester Avenue. San Jose along but this is definitely a timej 482 Castro St., San Francisco 94114 Metropolitan Community Church* ...... (408) 279-2711 If you do have a constant partner, Tha Sausallto Inn* ...... (415)332-0577 10th & San Fernando Streets, San Jose I the two of you may feel like of fine rewards. Ambitious Scor-| 12 El Portal. Sausallto SDA Kinship* ...... (408)8830159 Twin Peaks Tavern* ...... (415) 864-9470 first-time lovers! pios will of course discover that | (Gay/Lesbian Seventh-Day Adventists) the reward creates 401 Castro. San Francisco 94114 P.O. 390001, Mt. View 94039 TheVlllage* ...... (415)431-8616 Sunnyhilla United Methodist Church ...... (408) 262-1486 , Gemini (May 21-June 2/j-Life is a dream/goal. 4066- 18th St., San Francisco 94114 355 Dixon Rd.. Milpitas ^question. Who, where, what, COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS how, when, all compete for prior- Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 2I)-\ RESTAURANTS/FOODS ARIS Project (AIDS support/services)...... (408)9933890 |ity in that fascinating, crowded Making the right move may mean The Cruiser* (Restaurant S B a r)...... (415) 366-4955 3790 El Camino Real, Suite 349, Palo Alto 94306 I place called Gemini’s brain. Last not making any move at all. Last 2651 El Camino Real, Redwood City 94061 BAYMEC ...... (408)297-1024 month’s busy outward life turns month’s push for recognition and I Davids* (Af Main Street/Restaurant)...... (408) 2931293 (Qay/Lesbian Political Action Committee) 737 Stockton Street. San Jose 95126 P.O. Box 90070. San Jose 95109 inward. Answers will come when advancement turns into a time for I Kevan’s* (Dance Lounge 4 Reslaurant)...... (Rest.) (408) the impiortant questions have been holding back and watching what’s I 977-1463 Billy DeFrank Community Center* ...... (408) 2934525 , decided. going on. Watch out for someth-1 1205 The Alameda. San Jose 95126 (Lounge) (408) 1040 Park Ave., San Jose 95126 Concerned Republicans lor Individual Rights, South Bay ing terribly romantic on the 6th | Paradise Bar 8 Restaurant*...... (415) 834-1222 Box 3431. San Jose 95156-3431 ' Cancerfyune 22-July 22)-\ow sur­ and 7th. 135- 12th Street at Madison. Oakland DeAnza GALA (Student G roup)...... (406)8638070 vived the heat and turmoil of Ryder’s* (C/WDance B a ri Rest.)...... (408)297-WEST DeAnza College, Cupertino Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan /9)-After a I 2121 Monterey Road, San Jose 95112 Democratic Information Center*...... (408) 288-8500 August and you’re ready to re­ Trad’r Sam (Continental Cuisine)...... (408) 246-6136 483 Auzerais Avenue. San Jose 95126 ward yourself for that. A getaway recent retreat you’re ready to get 951 Town & Country Village. SJ 95128 Force-5...... m 5)3231003 weekend is definitely in the pic­ back in the swing of things. Victorian House AntlguesiRestaurant...... (406) 2831770 P.O. Box 1077, Palo Alio 94302 Getting back could also mean | 476 S. First Street, San Jose 95112 (408) 288-6187 Qay and Lesbian Alliance at Stanford ...... (415) 497-1488 ture. Make it a hot one in an P.O. Box 8265, Palo Alto 94305 entirely different way. Perhaps getting away. If you have the] BATHS/HOTELS/LODGING Happiness Club (Social Rap Group) .. Herb (415) 968-8976 you’ll teach an old dog some new opportunity for travel - no matter Stan(41S)9631189 Atherton Hotel* (Qay 4 Lesbian Lodging) . .(415)474-5720 tricks. what the destination - take it. 685 Ellis St., San Francisco 94109 HIgli Teck Says (Professional Org.)...... (488) 9733830 Cider Creek Inn (Women's Resort)...... (707) 937-4335 P O Box 6777. San Jose 95150 36525 Albion Ridge Rd.. Albion. CA imperlai AIDS Foundation ...... (406)2b3ueoo Leo (July 23-Aug 22)-You’ve Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb I 8 ) - \ o\xt I or (408) 297-1208 learned a lot recently about what psychic sensibilities are finely Tha Watergarden* (Baths/Rec. Ctr.)...... (408)275-1215 Life With Dignity (AIDS Organizallon)...... (415) 783LIFE 1010 The Alameda, San Jose 95126 P.O. Box 3077, Hayward; CA 94540 is truly important to you. You’ve tuned. Pay close attention to Parents 8 Friends of Lesbians 8 Gays taken some giant leaps and dreams and trust your intuitive | ENTERTAINMENirrHEATRE San J ose...... (408)2706182 Santa Cruz...... (408)3332543 bounds in this great event called sense when making any decision, Camera One* (Movie Theatre)...... (408) 294-3800 Berkeley...... (415)4830534 the human race. September brings this would be an especially good | 366 So. First Street. San Jose 95112 Palo Alto...... -•-...... (415)4938876 1 interesting combination of time to seek the counsel of Camera Thrae* (Movie Theatre)...... (406) 998-3300 Oakland...... H15) 547-4657 looking back and ahead. astrologer. 288 S. Second St., San Jose 95112 San Jose City Hall* Lledermann Qay Men’a Chorus...... (415) 790-0288 FIrsI & Mission Strèets, San Jose 95110 HEALTH/FITNESS San Joes Slate Univ. StaH lor Individual Rights Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)- Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)-You’ll Box 3431, San Jose 951533431 Creativity, thy name is Virgo. enjoy the company of someone ' AIDS P relect...... (408) 299-5858 San Joes State UnIv. Women’s Center*---- (408)277-2777 (S.C. Co. Dept, o f Public Health) San Jose 95192 Whatever you’re doing you’re who tickles your intellect with Dr. James Andrews...... (408) 2238873 Santa Clara County Government Center* doing not only well, but doing it in keen insights. Game playing could (Qeneral Family Practice) 70 W. Hedding St, San Jose95110 your own very special way. Ap­ also be a part of the pleasure. 275 Hospital Parkway, Suite 600, San Jose South Bay Qay F athers...... (408) 2516766 Anthony’s Massage Therapy (Cert. Swedish)...... (408) 1266 White Oaks Rd. No. 110, Campbell 95006 preciation and applause are high­ Don’t let jealousy from another 2838188 Trikon (Gay East Indians)...... lights for September. The best source put a damper on the fun. ARIS Project (AIDS support/services)...... (415)9933890 P.O. Box 60536, Palo Alto 94306 recognition comes from those who 3790 ETITamino Real. Suite 349, Palo Alto 94306 Th*Woman’AAIIlMee (WOMA)* ...... (408) 2933505 160 E. Virginia St.. San Jose K 1 12 h know you best. desires. With grace, we accept our the term is "the predetermined, bond. partner with all his or her ususally inevitable or irresistable CHOICES The Five Stages Recognizing the five stages of Discovery is always followed by disappointment, and it some­ weaknesses, or with grace we course of events.” AVAILABLE NOWI You choose from the Bay Area’s most relationship will illuminate the grant the freedom to grow and This is the expression of con­ Hostetler & 680. Friofxlly GWm ellgibie gay and lesbian singles. process, free it from mystery, and times appears easier to leave the of Relationsip realtion^ip than to stay. change. fidence and assurance that comes is seeking two stable adults 415/424-1457. i4-ii allow us some informed choices (rrVf) to enjoy the spleandor of DECISION: Disappointment, DEVELOPMENT: “ Develop­ from solid and clear agreements. THE SAN JOSE by Rev. Larry J. Uhrig about what will happen in our ment” is the term I choose to There is regular and frank .. this 3 bedroom, 2 bath Adobe own quest: one way or another, leads to CIVIC UGHT OPERA decision. refer to the often extensive period communication, a developing $285.** month fist & last. WfD, DISCOVERY: The first stage Is pcsssfll^ sssktag ssvscsi, DW/microwave/fencod yard. OrgontooHons At this intersection, it’s neces­ following the decision to con­ ability to face conflict and resolve posttlvs, •mrgtUc, wsl spsksn,; Falling in love is viewed as a includes the initial meeting of two John Robert (406) 729-5626 JtwM Qayt, LMbtaai; Organizing sary to evaluate the goals, de­ tinue a realtionship. ti, the absence of jealousy and intlNisIsstlc ImIIvMm Is In tMs sort of mysterious happening by people and incorporates all the John Robert (406) 729-5526 South Bay Havurah (social support sires, and assumptions. It is a period of nitty-gritty possessiveness, and mutual inde­ ARTS TELEMARKETme DEPARTMENt most people. dating and courtship dynamics living, change and growth, often group). Nobody axcluded. Contact Al Here, clear communication is pendence and freedom. for tsstoii ticktt sates. If yw dMkt psft-tliM (408) 298-9541 (leave name, number Straight We grow up with the myth that and customs of our culture. characterized by higher levels of This is a stage of “ good It is the stage most filled with necessary in order to perceive omptoymoNt hi a ploasaal dowmlaofa olftea, II no human answers).______is-iz Masculina Appearing some serendipitous Cupid will security and a growth of trust. health” which allows the future orttfi groat ca-«torfws, ffaxRilo hoars, passion and wonder, and not too exactly where the o th « person is. _gay White Mala one day fling an arrow into our The choice to saty implies a to be a blessing and challenge to and gaarsiitsod Mtgo or commlssloii, CsR REBECCA at 408 / 297-0110. breast, and in that wonderous coincidentally, the one most of­ It’s a time to take inventory, to Bualnoaa 6 Proloaslonal 43 years 175 lbs. 5’11" see what you have invested in one mutual acknowledge of one an­ be faced together. moment open our eyes to true ten exploited by Hollywood in Mon and Women seeks same for friendship another. other as persons of worth, per­ This firmly established dyna­ Read Your Paper In Styfo ROOMMATE WANTED to meet for social and recrea­ love and happiness. films about love and happiness. sons who are loved. mic does not occur until after the Em ploy mont and good times Here is the phase where most Are your assumptions about Antique barber chair, white To share tional activities. Send Inqulr- The flip side of that fantasy is a the realtionship open and shared, This is afertile time of commit­ passage of a rather extensive porcelain, chrome. $500. call: ies/lnformatlon tOL age 18 - 30 bleak and cynical view which says of us get stuck. with professional GWM or is each of you operating on a ment which often focuses on period of time — perhaps not Is accepting applications tor on-call and Claudia (415) 961-2396 Elegantly decorated 3 bedroom The CME Group Call JOE that love will never come to us. In the discovery period, in­ questions of demonstrating the until the third year or later. 45 N. 1st St., Ste161 basis not disclosed to the other? part-time positions. Apply In person 10 2 bath apartment In Saratoga 2464)612 I’ve often heard someone in a fatuation is strong and love is not realtionship to others or in the These five stage of relationship a.m. to 4 p .m . / M-F. Valid picture I.D. San Jose, CA95113 yet defined. Decision is the essential stage QM/F - must have professional bar say, “ Maybe I can find true in a pattern of establishing a use of religious symbols and supply an objective view of the required.. love and happiness — for a While this stage is filled with Tbs Watorgardoi appearance, responsible, neat, long-term conunitment; the re­ traditions to communicate the time required to develop a stable Handy Man non-smoker preferred. night,’* a plaintive cry which energy, joy, and excitement, it 1010 The Alameda solution of this first decision will bonding process and affirm the realtionship and point to a pro­ General Carpenter communicates great despair and also presents ambiguity and 275-1242 « $450.** per month Includes set the pattern for resolving any spiritual dimensions of the union. cess of growth and. maturation. Plumbing hopelessness. confusion. electric - pool, Jacuzzi future conflict. It is during this time that the The process mint be unde­ Barney (408)227-3622 No Pets Many in the gay community DISAPPOINTMENT: Stage pair-bonding agreement is rstood in order to allow the BRAPHIC ARTISTS two Finds the point at which The reality is that disappoint­ Wo Are Taking BMs pool & Jacuzzi To Share spacious believe in one of those two ment and decision are recurring formed in its first structures, and nuturing time essential to a many couples decide not to on design and layout ol Our Paper. We 408) 741-5917 evenings San Jose house with extremes: a rosy myth of love and cycles in any relationship, and we old conceptions are replaced with healthy realtionship. Counseling happiness or a long succession of continue their realtionship. will provide type, halftones, cllp-ad 2 women. Maie or femaie must realize that this is not new, mutually-shared ones. Day by day, one step at a time, and layout tools / materials. Layout to totaJ immersion in erotica. Here, the two people encoun­ LIcentad Psycbetharaplst sliding Pet negotiabie. Hardwood something sad that must be DESTINY: I call this final we can establish our unions. be done on our premises twice a month Both of those extremes leave ter reality. scale. Insurance accepted. Marian floors and fireplace escaped, but an inevitability that stage “ destiny” . We can have what we want with quick turnaround to meet publica­ Near San Mateo one without much hope and The limits and shortcomings of One disetionary definition of Adams Stbal, LCSW. Lie. LZ6945. $325.®* month can enrich and bless our lives. from loving relationships. tion schedule. Ads to be provided (415) 3254)931 m Share home with male couple. precious little substance in hu­ one another become more fo­ camera-ready for paste up. Bids to be Private room and semi private plus utilities man relationships. cused, and for a time those limits submitted as flat-rate per page. Sample bath. Non smoker. $350. plus Call 286-0317 The first option ususally ends and undesireable traits dominate copies of back issues available at Our Counseling 1/3 utilities. abruptly with the awareness of the horizon. Paper office. Submit bids to R.J. For couples and Individuals (415)593-6711 reality; the love object is discov­ It’s a two-way street, since Nichols, Our Paper. 973 Park Avenue, Increasing self-esteem; com ered to be human and faulty. each finds weaknesses in the San Jose. CA 95126. * municatlon, Intimacy issues The second destroys self­ other. HOT & DIRTY Handling anxiety, loss, rejec esteem, reinforces guilt, and The conflict usually occurs News Reporters/ lion, lonliness and depres HELP! Ad Salet Peepli makes one lonely and cynical. between the myth of the “ Fan­ Sion. Assertiveness and re Personals 26 year old lesbian, newly It’s important to demystify our tasy lover” and the real qualities Needed to promote Our Paper In the laxation training. Hypnothe relocated to Salinas area, view of love and relationship, in of the person at hand. East Bay, Peninsula, and Santa Cruz. rapy for smoking, weight loss, seeking to network with other Call (408) 286-2670 or send resume / The temptation is to get rid of phobias, self-confidence. Gay latin woman, 38, 4’11" order to escap« the societal myths sample of writing to Our Paper, 973 lesbians in central coast area. that claim gay men and women the immediate reality and go out Marta Hiatt. Ph.D.,LMFC would like to meet new Reply: P.O.Box 3304 (408) Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126. * The Alameda(near 17) friends. Recently broke up are incapable of long-lasting on another search for the perso­ 287-5180 SaUnas, CA 93912 partnerships and to be able to nification of the myth. with lover. Looking for some­ enjoy one of our own. It is essential to know and one just to talk to. No games. We can do this by making understand that this process will Advertising Manager of Gay (415)581-1049 some simple observations about repeat itself if one continues to Family Newspaper Is presen­ tly seeking several marketing Housing Offered what really happens when two search for another person specifi­ representativles for the follow­ people meet and begin to form a cally tailored to one’s wants and ing territories: Santa ROOMIES* Gay Aslan. 35 seeks cauc. males for Roommate Servlcei Deadlines Cruz/Monterey; San Franci­ friendly encounters. Enjoys movies, The following Is the schedule of Our Paper copy San Jose Areas sco; Oakland/Berkeley. Deg­ music, travel, arts and exploring. Cur­ deadlines for the rest of Volume V (1986 calendar year). ree in Marketing or Advertis­ S.F. - Oakland Areas ious? Call now. I'm ready if you are! 976-DlRT ing helpful. Sales experience a Santa Cruz Areas Gary (408)554-8464 Low Fee * Great Service September 10 for September 17 issue — Vol. V, No. 18 S 2 plus toll if any must, ^ n d resume to: Our Paper 1-800-331-ROOM Prefettlenil Qiy Male. 35. looking tor October 1 * for October 8* Issue — Vol. V, No. 19 973 Park Avenue (Your Name and Address REQUIRED!) same to share 2 bedrrom apartment In October 15 for October 22 Issue — Vol. V, No. 20 San Jose, CA 95126 REQUIRED!)______^ Sunnyvale. Oulet area near El Camino October 29 for November 5 issue — Vol. V, No. 21 att: Jan Cohgen or call (408) Large Pool - $360.** plus $200.** dep­ November 12 for November 19 issue — Vol. V, No. 22 286-2670 to schedule an inter­ osit. Available September 1. Call Gary November 26 for December 3 issue — Vol. V, No. 23 ^ ^ s view. (408) 554-6464 Dsy/Eves. December 10 for December 17 issue — Vol. V, No. 24 Rooaimate Wsetod to share house in Willow Glen area ot San Jose. Prefer Professional Couple (Lesbian) neat, responsible, employed gay mate. seeking babysitter for 7 year- Included are utilities and kitchen old daughter after school to Announces A Telephone privileges. From $300 / mo. plus 6:30 p.m. Monday through Fri­ deposit. Call Steve at (408) 279-8398 Bulletin Board For Gay Men day. Some evenings/Wee- evenings 6-10 p.m.______* SUBSCRIBE! kends. Call 286-2670 and ask for Jan or Jeanne or leave a message. ¡ Only $20/year (24 issues) • $12 for 6-month trial □ Yes, yes, yes! 1 want it! Enclosed is my S_ _check or money Hsossmats Wanted I Businoss/Sorvices Mountain View apartment. 2 bedroom. 6 1 bath. $300.•• nnonth plus hall ol the order for a one year/six month (circle one) subscription. VaniM Shnhan RaaRy. A full service utilities. Prefer clean and sober. Ì real estate brokerage specializing in Available September 1. Call Tina I Name. Phone (optional). residential and Investment properties. Work : (408)864-5400 I Sensitive to the housing needs of the Home: (415)968-9676 gay community. For more Information, I Mailing Address call Vernon Shehan 257-3660. e-zo I City/Zip ------Lot Qatot Total Relaxing Swedish Massage. Room for rent - nice duplex. I Mail this couixjn and payment to; Our Paper, 973 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126 $25 - Same Day Appt. - Checks OK! $345. per month includes util­ Anthony (408) 288-6169 - San Jose. ities. Plus deposit. Evenings "'"***”*“"“111 z z z rrz m z iim rr Jose. »M 379-5182

YOU SPEAK GREEK? [classified Coupon Tutor me. Will pay. Call Tony. GWM 25-30 wanted to share (408) 263-9636 2200 sq ft house in NE S.J. foothlils. good neighborhood J ^fhree times for Five Doifars! by S.J. Goit Course and Coun­ try Ciub. Washer/dryer, patio, * For a LIMITED TIME ONLY — this coupon may be SOUTH BAY CLEANING balconies, etc. Must be re­ Commercial Janitorial Service sponsible, considerate, dis­ ' used to place a classified ad in Our Paper to run for A 24-hour 916 ' phone service connecting you to Residential and Commercial creet, neat and clean and three consecutive issues for oniy Window Cleaning quiet. $325. month plus depo­ gay guys throughout the Bay Area. Vacancy Cleaning sit and share utilities. Serious Ad is limited to 25 words, and $5.00 payment must be received with this coupon. Ad (Apts, Homes, etc.) only. (408) 926-6138 4:30-9:00 copy deadline Is noon Wednesday preceding publication date. No phone calls, please. weekdays, all day Sat & Sun. ______Phone (for verification)______. _ Do you want to: Licensed/lnsured/Bonded (or leave message on ma­ Name. (408)281-4542 For $2.00 any adult gay man chine) Address ______CIty/ZIp______• Make a new friend'’ M*nr«on this AD to n o a / v WtcounI can leave his message and AO COPY; (Please print clearty and underline words to be set in bold type.) • Find an apartment or review the items on this roommate'’ For Salo Roommate Wanted constantly changing bulletin North San Jose location. • Sell a motorcycle'’ board. Comfortable, quiet, pool, spa, sauna, tennis, 5'IV , billiard • Meet a safe-sex OMafflMCteMtsf tables, library, weight room, buddy'’ IntstbtClHtRtodsI and more. Prefer responsible Got somethhig you don't need and want clean non smoker ONLY. $300. Our Paper resarrM thè rtQht to re)ecl eny ad noi In good taate or noi cooalatant wllh our astabliahad advertlalng policlea. to get rid of? Fall is coming - Now Is (406)9460568. 1 CaaponwiiMtJolyZ. isee. '■ ' the time to dean out that over-stutfad ★ Fili out this fonri and return to: OUR PAPER, 973 Paik Avenue, San Josa, CA 95126 ★ Call 415 976-7744 closal! Then sell your unwanted Items through an Our Paper cUssIfled ad. • Jl . S2. plus toll, if any ± Quarantine Prudence Proper continued from front page holds will be called fiom phone AND 4IVr\ Pn«rrfrfi,ri*j6r A r T o WT / OlnuMY, , JAMS^z banks around the state in an effort to convince the undecided and . cin^ fiACiSr borderline supporters of the pro­ C m t n z ^ M T o position to vote NO. Shop -ntAToP- x 'a , ì ì KX'L l Hal Larson and Associates, a A Joy nationally renowned media con­ sulting firm, has been hired and V-\ currently is producing television spots to inform the general public about the implications of Proposi­ tion 64. The proposition purports to protect people with AIDS as well as people who may be exposed to the HTLV-llI virus by calling for measures such as barring people suspected of AIDS from working in schools, medical, food service and other public contact indu­ stries. Educational walks through downtown Los Angeles and beach areas are targeting the ‘person on the street,* with volunteers hand­ ing out brochures about the proposition in English and Spa­ To date, the group has raised nish and signing up people to help $7,000 of its $25,000 goal. Cross-dressing in the NO on 64 campaign. continued, from page 2 No on 64/Stop LaRouche, least nominal damages. tion, filed August 7 by the Speakers are being prepared to stitutionally vague, but upheld the coordinated by veteran campaign The Court of Appeals held that plaintiffs, because the City is represent both No on LaRouche organizer David Mixner, handles constitutionality of the lewd and the ordinace failed to define the and NO on 64 to local organiza­ indecent conduct portion of the continuing to prosecute persons all major media work, while the words “ indecent or lewd act of charged with lewd and indecent tions, the media and national No on LaRouche Initiative Coali­ ordinance.,QL After a four-day behavior,” and that there had organizations to get the word out conduct, even though the ordin­ tion, co-chaired by Ivy Bottini and jury trial, the jury held that the been no state court decision which ance has been declared unconsti­ about Proposition 64 and its Eric Rofes, is conducting the voter police had not violated the rights had defined these words sufficien­ backers. tutional. registration and grass-roots orga­ of the female impersonator, and tly to meet constitutional stan­ The Court of Appeals decision A Women’s Coaliton has been nizing. they also awarded no money to dards. •ormed, with representatives from striking down the statute was The two groups share office the transsexual. After remand back to the praised by the St. Louis Post- 'he National Women’s Political space at 3670 Wilshire Boulevard. Plaintiffs appealed to the district court, the district court Taucus, National Organization Dispatch, in an editorial head­ At least another $2 million Eighth Circuit U.S. Court of awarded both plaintiffs nominal lined, “ A Good Ruling Against A 'or Women and National Council needs to be raised for the media Appeals, which, on July 8, 1986, damages, and entered an order of Jewish Women on the steering Bad Law.” campaign alone which is required reversed the District Court’s fai­ that the ordinance is unconstitu­ The editorial said it hoped that committee. to defeat the proposition accord­ lure to find the lewd and indecent Leaders from the Black, Latino tionally vague as to the indecent the court’s ruling that the statute ing to Torrie Osborne, coordi­ conduct portion of the ordinance and lewd conduct. was unconstitutional would “ tem­ and Asian communities, gay and nator for the No on 64 Campaign unconstitutionally vague, and its non gay alike are joining together Presently there is pending a per the judgement of lawmakers in . failure to award both plaintiffs at Motion for Permanent Injunc­ who may try to replace it.” to form a Minority Council to Contributions are being sought work against Prop 64. nationally to stop the quarantine Lesbians Against LaRouche, a idea before it becomes a national Task Force of No on LaRouche, trend. March on Washington in ‘87 have formed “LaRouche Checks may be sent to No on Raiders” - a hit team which LaRouche, 7985 Santa Monica fundraises at Los Angeles area Blvd., Suite 109-174, box N, Los The March on Washington Gay communities urgently need permeates the air as a community men’s and women’s events. Angeles, CA 90046. Committee, Inc., issued a Call to bring a message to this nation is scapegoated to divert the (see below) for a March on and itsleaders - it is not we, but society from dealing with its real Washington 1987 concerning les- the threats to us, that endanger problems. bian/gay and AIDS related is­ the entire nation and its values. The escalating attacks on our sues. The agenda of our enemies is community are part of a pattern Merle Woo files discrimination The Committee was formed at all too familiar. of assaults on human rights. a meeting of representatives of It’s an agenda of hatred, of As the rights of lesbians and grievance against UC Berkeley national lesbian/gay organiza­ fear, of bigotry - against us, gays are threatened, racist attacks tions and other interested indivi­ against freedom, and against increase; the hard-won civil rights duals in New York City on July love. of People of Color are disman­ Merle Woo, noted lecturer at World College. 16. 1986. Lesbians and gay men are tled. the University of California at She also charged UC with Every lesbian/gay organization denied the right to make love, The federal government Berkeley, has once again been discriminating against her for in the U.S. is invited to send two even in the privacy of their own gathers intelligence for the brutal terminated by the university. being a trade unionist, a lesbian or more representatives to an homes. regime in South Africa, and then On July 14, 1986, Woo, repre­ and socialist feminist afFiliated organizing conference in New Lesbians must survive in a claims to oppose apartheid. sented by the American Federa­ with Radical Women and the York City, November 14-16, society that renders us invisible As lesbians and gay men are tion of Teachers, Local 1474, Filed Freedom Socialist Party. 1986 to establish the demands, set and which denies equitable denied the right to make love, the a formal grievance against the Woo and the Merle Woo De­ the date, develop the structure, compensation for a woman’s right of women to control their University of California, stating fense Committee won reinstate­ choose the leadership and plan labor. own bodies is in jeopardy. that the Graduate School of ment, a sum of $48,584 and the work for the March. We’re told we’re unfit to . As the centennial of the Statue Education has treated her in an $25,000 in attorney fees. We strongly recommend that nurture our own children, or to of Liberty is celebrated, the right “ arbitrary, capricious or unre­ On August 5, UC rejected delegations be of gender parity adopt otherwise unwanted ones. to live here - to migrate freely - is asonable manner” when they Woo’s grievance, stating that “ . . (for organizations with male and Young lesbian and gay people denied to both lesbians and gay failed late this spring to reappoint . this is a matter which is properly female members) and inclusive of are taunted and beaten, or rejec­ men from abroad and to many her for the next academic year, adjudicated in the civil judicial People of Color. ted by their ovm families. others escaping oppressive living 1986-1987. system and not through non- The Call will be mailed nation­ Many of us have been victims conditions, including Central The great majority of lecturers Senate Appeals Procedure.. . ” wide, along with an information of violent attacks; some are even American refugees fleeing wars at UC’s campuses are considered In essence. Woo is not allowed packet. driven to suicide by a hostile and promulgated by the United State for reappointment. access to the grievance procedure Our mailing list, supplied by alienating society - all in the name government. In filing her grievance. Woo because she had previously filed a the National Gay and Lesbian of “ morality” . A climate of spiraling militar­ said, “ I see this as continuing civil suit against the university. Task Force, will be the most The AIDS crisis is manipulated ism and violence leaves little discrimination, retaliation and Woo was not surprised by UC’s comprehensive currently availa­ to advance this agenda. room for spending on AIDS, or harassment for Fighting and win­ rejection of her grievance. ble; however, it may not be The public is frightened by for a humane culture. ning my First case against UC in “ This is just the second round perfect. irresponsible voices in the media In 1969, the Stonewall Rebel­ 1984. of the First fight. Therefore, we urge any interes­ and by lack of accurate informa­ lion released the pent-up yearn­ “ It’s crucial to keep working on “ The UC administration has ted organization which has not tion from health officials. ings that had been stilled through campus. never been critical of the quality heard from us by October 1 to Politicians pander to misgui­ eons of oppression. “ If UC is victorious in Firing me of my teaching. write to the Committee . ded fears, disregarding the plain And today, after all the suffer­ once and for all, it could have a “ What they hate is that I have Pre-registration is necessary, facts of both science and justice. ing and all the struggling, we chilling effect on other campus continued to criticize UC because and is urged as soon as possible; Jhe federal government plun­ issue this Call for a March on workers who would think twice of its positions and actions on the registration fee is $25. per ders already-underfinanced social Washington as we proclaim to before Filing a grievance or dis­ many critical issues: its invest­ organization. programs, pitting victim against friend and foe alike: FOR LOVE crimination suit.” ments in South Africa, and its Fundraising efforts have begun victim, as it offers too little too AND FOR LIFE, WE’RE NOT Woo claims that the university continued attacks on Affirmative for our March on Washington late to combat AIDS. GOING BACK! is also violating her .settlement Action, student democracy. Wo­ which will be the largest and most Meanwhile, though medical For more information contact; agreement by refusing to consider men’s Studies, Gay/Lesbian significant ever. evidence continues to show that March on Washington Commit­ her for reappointment based on course, union organizing and aca­ AIDS is not transmitted through tee. Inc., P.O.Box 1876. Old the merits of her teaching. demic freedom.” CALL TO ACTION casual contact, the Justice De­ Chelsea Station. New York. N Y Woo was reinstated to the Woo has vowed to continue the partment sanctions discrimina­ m u . Graduate School of Education in fight. tion against people with AIDS 1984 after winning a two-year free "Depriving individuals o f the and people with ARC. She has already gathered right to choose for themselves speech and discrimination case hundreds of signatures on a The United States is in danger against UC. how to conduct their intimate of becoming a place where ever­ petition calling for. her reinstate­ realtionships poses a far greater She charged L/C with violation ment, and has gotten numerous yone’s privacy and freedom yield of her First Amendment rights; threat to the values most deeply before the prying eyes of a support letters from community rooted in our nation’s history firing her because she was critical agencies, teachers, and students. fearful, lunatic fringe. than tolerance o f nonconformity of Asian American Studies tenure For more information contact The “ LaRouche Initiative” in track faculty for eliminating stu­ the Merle Woo Defense Commit­ could ever do. ” California would, if not soundly dent participation in decision­ tee at 5121 Miles Avenue. Oak­ —U.S. Supreme Court Justice defeated, set the stage for forced making, community-related land, C A 94618. Harry Blackmun HTLV-IIl testing, identification courses and the goal of a Third cards and detention camps. — We of America’s Lesbian and The chill of a dreadful deja vu