Volume V, Issué^e^ Next Deadline: Sept. 10 • Next Issue: Sept 17 September 3,1986 The Gay Family Newspaper of the Greater Santa Clara Valley ** Stamp out AIDS AIDS Walk/Los Angeles set for September 14th Estelle Getty, star of the hit TV stamped envelope, to “ Stamp Out series The Golden Girls, has taken AIDS” , 240 West 44th Street, time out from her current taping NYC.NY. schedule to promote “ Stamp Out If paying by check, make AIDS” , a campaign to sell stamps payable to National AIDS Net- similar to Easter and Christmas work/Stamp Out AIDS. seals. The National AIDS Network is The money raised will go to serving as fiscal agent and will programs which directly serve distribute the funds from the people with AIDS. project to AIDS service organiza- (LefI lo Righi) Walkalhon Co-producer Richard Zeichik, AIDS ProjecI Los Angeles Execuiive Director Paula Van Ness, Actress Diahann Carroll and Walkalhon Co-producer Craig Miller. The ten kilometer fundraising Walkalhon will begin and end on the "Sky Sel” o f Paramount Studios in Hollywood. AH Walkalhon participants who raise $100. or more will be invited lo a champagne "thank-you" celebration with Diahann CarroH on Thursday evening, October 2, 1986. For more information call (213) 876-7922.) Hawn, Gregory Peck, Quincy For her work on The Goldenn tions across the country. Jones, Gene Kelly, Barbara Strie- Girls, Geliy won I he 1986 Golden Stamps will also be available in California poll favors quarantine sand, television executive Barbara Globe A ward as Besl Aciress in a retail outlets nation wide, as well Corday, producer Barry Krost, Comedy and has ben nominaled as at special events, such as they among others. for an Emmy Award as Besl were at the benefit for the Coali­ Los Angeles-A recent Los Angeles false and misleading phrases in the Robin Williams is set to per­ Supporl Aciress. tion for Lesbian and Gay Rights Times poll showed 46 percent of ballot argument submitted by the form at a September 4 fundraiser Her movies include ihe soon lo in New York City, the Gay Rodeo the national population and a bare proponents of Prop 64. in San Francisco. be released Mannequin and Mask, in Oklahoma City, and at screen­ majority of Los Angeles residents Secretary of State March Fong Other fundraising evens include in which she played Cher’s ings of the Showtime production favors quarantine measures for Eu sued to prevent the inclusion a “ Monte Carlo Night” at the mother. of AS IS in Austin, Texas; people with AIDS (Proposition of “ blatantly false information” Pacific Design Center on Septem­ Getty’s connection with Washington D.C.; and New York 64). in the state ballot pamphlet which ber 13 and a “ Button Night” in “Stamp Out AIDS” comes City. The campaign to defeat the is distributed to California’s 12 Los Angeles County bars on through Project Director John “ 1 hope Estelle is only one of Lyndon LaRouche backed Cali­ million registered voters. September 27th. Glines, who produced the Tony millions who will use the stamps,” fornia ballot proposition, which The statements which were or­ About 70 bars are expected to Award winning Torch Song Tri­ said Glines. may require the quarantining of dered removed by the court are: be worked by volunteers who will logy, in which Getty made her "The stamps will not only raise anyone with or suspected of “ AIDS is not hard to get; it is ea.sy give out buttons, bumper stickers highly acclaimed Broadway de­ money but also show we care. having AIDS, is aggressively fight­ to get” ; ‘potential insect and and brochures for $1.00 donations but. For more information about ing to keep those poll results from respiratory transmission has been from the patrons. “ I asked Estelle to help,” said “ Stamp Out AIDS” contact Dal­ translating into votes in favor of established by numerous studies” ; The first weekend in October is Glines, “ because she’s an archety­ las Thompiosn, Project Administ­ the proposition. and “ (it) transmission by casual being reserved for 3,000 private pical mother figure. rator, at 212/354-8899. Through grass-roots organiz­ contact is well established.” house parties around the state, “ How could you say ’no’ to ing, voter registration and a major Robin Williams comes out with a goal of raising $400 per Estelle? I never could.” media campaign, the No on against Proposition 64. party. The stamps sell in sheets of 6 LaRouche Initiative Coalition and Various local, state and na­ Voter registration and a “ Get- for SI.00. the No on 64/Stop LaRouche tional communities, including the Out-The-Vote” campaign plans “ 1 wanted to create an afforda­ organization are waging war to­ gay and lesbian community, the are underway. ble way for everyone to contri­ gether on many fronts. medical profession and religious Almost half of the goal of bute,” Glines said. One of the first fundraising organizations, are being solicited registering 7,000 voters in the Los “ For just a dollar, everyone can events, a private party organized for financial as well as political Angeles area has been reached. help.” by No on 64, garnered $550,000 support for the NO campaign. Volunteers are signing up ap­ His goal is to raise a million from some 60 plus contributors. The entertainment industry is proximately 500 new voters a dollars with the first issue alone. “ A major victory occurred,” being mobilized by a committee of week. Stamps can be purchased by according to Eric Rofes, Co-chair celebrities, which includes Bob Based on polls and voter his­ sending SI.00 for each set of 6, page6 ^ of the No on LaRouche Initiative Hope, Carol Bamctl, Diahann tory, 700,000 to 800,(X)0 house- along with a self-addressed- Coalition, when a California Su­ Carroll, Mallbew Broderick, Sally perior Court judge struck several Field. Elizabeth Taylor, Goldie continued back page Appeals court requires oversight of CIA protected by civil service régula In a decision with mixed re­ In a novel twist, he used the tions form adverse action based sults, the U.S. Court of Appeals pseudonym John Doe for the on “ sexual orientation,” said in Washington, D.C. has ruled lawsuit, not because of his hom<^ Nan Hunter, director of ACLU’s that the CIA has the burden to sexuality, but because of his Lesbian and Gay Rights Project. prove that the firing of a gay undercover status. •’The CIA is exempted from undercover employee, if pursuant During the inquiry. Doe was those regulations because of the to a policy of barring all gays examined for 10 hours by a CIA nature of its work.” DifBity/Su J«Mc is hosting an Open House for the Lesbian and Gay polygraph officer who later re­ Community, our iriends and families, Saturday, September 6 at the from CIA employments, was “ The irrationality of the CIA “ necessary or advisable in the ported that he had answered all policy is evident. Campus Christian Center, 10th and San Carlos, San Jose. Good questions truthfully. food and beverage will be served at 6:00 p.m.; socializing and interests of the United States.” “ They assume gays are security: The Court of Appeals rejected The answers included state­ risks, but they don’t interrogate meeting good people happens until 7:30 p.m., there will be a ments that he has not had sexual candlelight gathering. Come join us in this celebration of our unity as the CIA’s claim that it had the and then fire every employee who absolute discretion to fire emplo­ relations with any foreign nation­ has sex outside marriage,” Hun­ a family and community; let’s support each other in the good works als and had not disclosed calssi- that we all do. Hope to see you there! yees for security reasons without ter added. any review by the courts. fied information to any sexual “ Yet, considering the history But the Court also found that partners. At one point prior to the firing, of witch hunting in the agencies Gay ChrlstlaB Scientists to hoid 1986 Conference in Honston Texas. the judgement of the CIA direc linked mosi closely to national The two day conference (October 11-12 plus a Friday night social) is tor was entitled to “ great defer­ a CIA lawyer stated that homo­ sexuality did not inevitably lead security, even this degree of open to all interested in Christian Science and is not at all limited to ence’’ because of the “ sensitiv« protection for individual rights is members of the demonimation or those who attend Church services. nature of (his) decisions . to firing. a step forward.” Two major speakers will address the conference: Robert Dolling concerning removal of emplo­ But the agency provided no explanation for why it terminated Dissenting from the appeals Wells of Seattle and Carl J. Welz from Santa Rosa, CA. both yees.” court decision was Judge James speakers have held high positons in the C.S. movement. Emergence The appeals court ordered tht Doe’s employment two months Buckley, former senator from is the organization name adopted by Gay Christian Scientists at their case remanded to the trial court later, other than that it was New York, who concluded that 1985 annual Conference. For more information on the 1986 National for determination of exactly why “ necessary and advisable.” the laws did preclude judicial Conference contact: Emergence/Houston, P.O.Box 613, Houston, the man was fired. The agency also said that, review of the CIA’s decisions to TX 77401. The plaintiff informed the CIA although it «would give Doe a fire its employees.
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