New Zealand Gazette

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New Zealand Gazette fttmb. 38. 1127 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1920. .\"e11· Cmwty of Hn'ltra!,i Plains di,,ided into Ridings, ,(,r.. I l:,ection 3, Block V; thence along the north-western bound­ I aries of Sections 3, 2, and 1, and along the north-eastern [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. boundary of the last-mentioned section to a point where the said boundary is intersected by a right line from the A PROCLAMATION. junction of the Waitoa and Piako Rivers passing through the junction of the Waitakaruru-Morrinsville and Waiti Roads; N pur:-;uancP and exercise of the powerH and authorities I Vt>stcd in mo hy tho C'onntiPs Act, l!J08, and the Hau­ thence along the said right line and down the centre of the raki Plains, Thames, Ohinen1uri, an<l Piako CountiPs Act. Piako River to the northern boundary-line of the Waitoa 1919, 1, Arthur William de Brito Savilc, Earl of Liverpool, Survey District ; thence easterly along said line to the south­ the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do western boundary of Te Awaiti No. lJ 2B 4 Block; thence hereby divide the new County of Hauraki Plains, as con­ along said boundary and the south-western and south-eastern stituted by. the said Acts, into five 1idings, to be called the boundaries of Te Awaiti Block lB 2B 3 to the aforesaid survey Tahuna Riding, the Netherton Riding, the Turua Riding, district boundary-line; thence easterly along that line to t,he Patetonga Riding, and the Waitakaruru Riding, and the ccntrP of the Waihou River. Bounded towards the east, declare that the boundaries thereof shall he those set forth south, and west by the county boundary to the northern in the Schedule hereto. boundary-line of Block VII, Hapuakohc Survey District, the And T do hereby declare that ono member shall be elected point of commencement. for tlw Tahuna Riding, two members for the Netherton NE1'HERTON RIDIN<1. Riding, two members for the Turua Riding, two members for All that area in the Hauraki Plains County, in the Land the Patetonga Riding, and two members for the \Vaitakaruru District of Auckland, hounded rm the north bv a line com­ Riding. And I do further tledarc that Wednesday, the 0 twelfth day of l\fay, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, mcneing at the southernmost corner of Opou No. 1 Block, shall be th,, day upon which the election of the Council of and proceeding thence alon:;( the south-eastern and north­ eastern hounduri<'s of that block to anrl :.long !,he north­ the said County of Hauraki Plains shall take place ; and western boundary of 8ection 43 on deposited plan No. 7492 ; \Vednesday, the twenty-sixth day of May, one thousand nine thence :.long the north-western boundaries of Sections 44 hundred and twenty, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, shall be the time, and Ngatea Hall at Ngatea shall be the place, and 60 on same plan and the north-eastern boundary of the at which the first meeting of the said Council shall be held. last-mentioned section and its production to the county boundary. Bounded on the cast by the county boundary, on the south by the Tahuna Riding hcrcinbefore described, SCHEDULE. and on the west by the centre of the Piako River. TAHUNA RIDING. TURUA RIDING. ALL that area in the Hauraki Plains County, in the Land All that area in the Hauraki Plains County, in the Land District of Auckland, bounded towards the north by a line District of Auckland, bounded on the north by the sea, on commeneing at the intersection of the northern boundary the east by the county boundary, on the south by the of Block VII, Hapuakohe Survey District, with the county Netherton Riding hereinbefore described, · and on the west boundary ; thence proceeding easterly along the said block­ by the centre of the Piako River. line and the northern boundary of Block VIII to the Manga­ whara Stream, and down that stream to the north-western PATETONGA RIDING. boundary of Section 8, Block IV, Hapuakohe Rurvey Dis­ All that area in the Hauraki Plains County, in the Land trict ; thence along the south-western and south-eastern District of Auckland, bounded on the north by a line com­ bournlaries of that section, the southern boundary of Section 7, mencing at the north-wf'stern corner of Section 28, Block VII, the southern boundary of Maukoro No. 2B l Block, the Piako Survey District, and proceeding thence along the eastern boundaries of the last-mentioned block and of the southern side of the Waitakaruru-Morrinsville Road to the J\foukoro No. 2B 2 Block to the north-western boundary of south-eastern boundary of the Waitakaruru No. lB 2 Block; A 'l ' < 1128 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 88 thence northerly a.long that boundary and the south-eastern IOrown Land ~et apart for S~ion by Diackargw ~o~iera, under boundary of the Waitakaruru No. le 3 Block; thence along Ordinary Tenures, in the Otago Land DIBtriel. the southern boundary of Waitakaruru No. 5c to its eastern- -- most corner; thence along a right line to the north-eastern [L.s.] LIVERPOOL! Governor-General. corner of Section 13, Block I, Waihou Survey District, and A PROCLAMATION. along the north-western boundaries of that section and IN pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon Section 14 ; thence along the north-eastern boundary of the me by section three of the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ last-~amed section to and along the northern boundary of ment Act, 1915, J, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Section. 17, across ~ road, an~ along the northern boun~ Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New of Sect10n 25 and ,ts production to the centre of the Piako Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the area of River. Bounded towards the east by the Turua, Netherton, Crown land described in the Schedule hereto shall be and the and Tahuna Ridings hereinbefore described; bounde\l to- same is hereby set apart for selection by discharged sold!Us, wards the south by the Tahuna Riding, and towards the west under the Land Act, 1908. • by the county boundary. W AITAKARURU RIDING. SCHEDULE. All that area in the Hauraki Plains County, in the Land 0TAGO LAND DISTIIIOT.-VINCENT COUNTY.--CIIOWN LAND. District of Auckland, bounded towards the north by the -NATIONAL ENDOWMENT. sea, towards the east by the Tuma Riding hereinbefore Ru:ir 587 (Ida Valley), Manor, Manol'side, and Tiger Hill described, towards the south by the Patetonga Riding herein­ Survey Districts : Area, 20,900 acres. before described, and towards the west by the County Given under the hand of His Excellency the Ri~t boundary. Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty'• Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Moat Honourable Priv!. Council, Knight Grand Earl of Liverpool, Member of His Majesty's Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand CroBS Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint of the Most Excellent Order of the British Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross Empire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, of the Most Excellent Order of the British Knight of Justice of the Order of Saint John of Empire, Member of the Royal Victorian Order, Jerusalem, Governor-Gen_eral and Commander­ Knight of Justice of the Order of Saint John of in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion Jerusalem, Governor-General and Commander­ of New Zealand and its Dependencies; a.nd in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion iBBued under the Seal of the said Dominion, of New Zealand and its Dependencies ; and at the Government House at Wellington, this issued under the Seal of the said Dominion, ninth day of April, in the year of our Lord one at the Government House at Wellington, this thousand nine hundred and twenty. eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord one D. H. GUTHRIE, thousand nine hundred and twenty. Minister of Lands. F. H. D. BELL, Gon s.n1 THE KING! Minister of Internal Affairs. Settlement Land aet aparl for DiBpoaal by '1/)(Jy of Sale or Gon SAVE THE KING ! to Diacllargw So1.diera, under Special Tenures, in tAe Wellington Land Di8tricL Orown. Land set apart for Selection by Diacllargw Soldiera, [L.s.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. under Ordinary Tenurea, in the Otago Land Dialrict. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon [L.s.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. I me by section four of the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ A PROCLAMATION. ment Act, 1915, I, Arthur Willia.m de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New N pursua.nce of the power a.nd a.uthoriiy conferred upon Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the areas of I me by section three of the Discharged Soldiers SetUe­ ment Act, 19lli, I, Arthur William de Brito Sa.vile, Ea.rl of settlement land described in the Schedule hereto shall be and Liverpool, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New the same are hereby set apart and declared open for disposal, do hereby proclaim and declare that the areas of by way of sale or lease to discharged soldiers, under specia.l Crown la.nd described in the Schedule hereto shall be and tenure,, in the manner provided in the said Aot.
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