New Zealand Gazette
fttmb. 38. 1127 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1920. .\"e11· Cmwty of Hn'ltra!,i Plains di,,ided into Ridings, ,(,r.. I l:,ection 3, Block V; thence along the north-western bound I aries of Sections 3, 2, and 1, and along the north-eastern [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. boundary of the last-mentioned section to a point where the said boundary is intersected by a right line from the A PROCLAMATION. junction of the Waitoa and Piako Rivers passing through the junction of the Waitakaruru-Morrinsville and Waiti Roads; N pur:-;uancP and exercise of the powerH and authorities I Vt>stcd in mo hy tho C'onntiPs Act, l!J08, and the Hau thence along the said right line and down the centre of the raki Plains, Thames, Ohinen1uri, an<l Piako CountiPs Act. Piako River to the northern boundary-line of the Waitoa 1919, 1, Arthur William de Brito Savilc, Earl of Liverpool, Survey District ; thence easterly along said line to the south the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do western boundary of Te Awaiti No. lJ 2B 4 Block; thence hereby divide the new County of Hauraki Plains, as con along said boundary and the south-western and south-eastern stituted by. the said Acts, into five 1idings, to be called the boundaries of Te Awaiti Block lB 2B 3 to the aforesaid survey Tahuna Riding, the Netherton Riding, the Turua Riding, district boundary-line; thence easterly along that line to t,he Patetonga Riding, and the Waitakaruru Riding, and the ccntrP of the Waihou River.
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