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Volume 6 Kolonia, Pohnpei, December 15, 1985 Number 23 CongressokaysCompoct H3IONIA, Pohnpei - The U.S. Se- nate approved Dec. 13 the Gotpact of Free Association, ccnpleting U.S. congressional approval and sending it to President Reagan for Ms final approval, according ISM Washington Representative Ep- el lion. Ihe Senate action came at 4 p. m. Washington, D.C., time, lion said in a dispatch to the FSK go- vernment. The action was a unani- mous consent vote, according to the Associated Press. The U.S. House approved Dec. 11 a new version of the joint resol- ution on the Compact vMch was agreed to by the House and Senate caimttees having jurisdiction over the document to avoid having YAP QUEER ISIAND6 HOP, IDLimjf MESSAGE ON CAiaJDHl - A full-color to send it to a conference com- photograph of FSM President Ttosiwo Nakayaraa, fifth from right, and mittee, lion said in a Dec. 12 Yap Gov. John Mangefel, fourth from right, in a ceremonial canoe dispatch to President Ibsiwo June 19, 1982, at lanctrek Atoll during a tour of the Yap outer is- Nakayama. lands is featured with the President's holiday message on a 1986 ca- Reagan is expected to approve lender being distributed by the Office of the President. within the 10 days he is author- ized to act the new version which includes a $60 million compensat- ion package for the loss of nego- President sends Yule message tiated tax incentives, according to lion. EDIONIA, Pohnpei - President Tosiwo Nakayama said he is optimistic lion said, "Discussions during about the future of the BSM in a holiday message inscribed on a 1986 the last several weeks have foc- calendei being distributed by his office. used on the proposed tax and Tfte 20x29-inch single-page calender features and 20x12 1/2-inch trade amendments and the corpen- full-color photograph of the President with Gov. John Mangefel in a sation package to make up for any ceremonial canoe taken June 19, 1982, at Lamotrek Atoll during a losses the FSM might suffer from 35-day tour of the Yap outer islands. the amendments.1' In his message, the President said: He said, "The provisions agreed ""The First lady joins me in expressing our most sincere greetings to by the House and Senate are as and best wishes to the people of the Federated States of Micronesia during this holiday season. (Continued on Page 3) "We have completed six full years as a self-governing nation under the guidance of our Constitution which documented what we always had —OUR SOVEREIGNTY. "I am optimistic about our progress in the next two years and be- Inside yond. "Your government has made significant strides in paving the way for ooiplete self-government bringing us at long last to the end of external, rule in our country. Palikir bids opeied "I am confident that with Almighty God's guidance and our preserv- erance as a people, we will not only keep our canoe afloat but our (See story on Page 3) canoe will be assured of sailing in calm seas for the future genera- tions of Micronesians. Vfe will indeed become the proud guardians of NutritioR survey set our islands forever. "My message for this New Year is simply that we truly practice our customs and traditions by pledging our support for the unity of our (Sea story on Page 4) families, our villages, our islands, our states and our nation." 2 T3 gets first female trainee Briefs• ••• I in HDLONIA, Pohnpei - The Pohnpei oo HDIDNIA, Pohnpei - Jesse Sydney State Land Commission is schedul- will become Jan. 1 the National ed to hold hearings Jan. 7-10 in Senior Skills Upgrading and Test- the Pakin Catholic Church on land ' ing Officer for the ESM Trades claims in the atoll which is pub- i Training and Testing Program licly owned, according to a Dec. i which admitted its first female 3 release by the office of Gov. j trainee, according to T3 Program Resio Moses. j Coordinator Henry Hickey. The Pohnpei Land Authority > Emilyima Lawrence, 23, became transferred authority over Pakin I the first female trainee in the Atoll to the State Land Commis- i T3 Program here when she began sion to issue quit claim deeds to . Dec. 2 about four weeks of train- land parcels, Senior Land Ccntnis- '• ing for intermediate oertificat- sioner Frank Castro announced 1 ion in automotive mechanics, Hi- Nov. 25. • ckey said. The 1980 Public Lands Act al- MB. lawrence, a native of Pohn- lows quit claim deeding of lands 1 pei, was the first female to be there to persons having a claim ! graduated in 1981 from Pohnpei to the land, following a hearing j agriculture and Irade School and decision by the Land Ccemis- , where she concentrated in mechan- sion. If a determination by the • ics. She served eight months as a ccmnission is not appealed within 1 mechanic at Latte Motors, Saipan. 120 days land titles will be aw- I "Her goal," Hickey said, "is to FIRST FEMALE TRAINS; - Jesse Syd- arded to the designated persons. I earn enough money as a certified ney, left, the FSM Trades Train- LELU, Kbsrae - Fifteen students mechanic to pay her way through ing and Testing mechanical train- earning perfect 4.0 grade point Western Oregon university and be- ing officer for Pohnpei who is averages were among 173 Kosrae come a mechanical engineer." scheduled to becane Jan. 1 the High School students who made the He said, "Emilynna's enrollment National Senior Skills Upgrading first quarter honor roll, accord- as a trainee should point out to and Testing Officer is shown with other women in the four FSM Efldlyma Lawrence who becane Dec. ing to Joel Tilfas, principal of states that this training is also 2 the first T3 female trainee. the 467-student school, the State available to them," citing elec- Information Office reported. trical, construction and mechan- Earning 4.0 grade point aver- ics as the three areas of skills UNDP official visits ages were freshmen Lilina F. Al- training open to both men and yeo- bert and Arthur Skilling; sopho- men. BDIONIA, Pohnpei - Jerrold Ber- mores Aaron Sigrah, Arthur Corne- Sydney, 36, a native of Truk, ke, the U.N. Development Program lius, John Sigrah, Lipar George, was chairman of the EATS mechani- resident representative in Fiji, Lotto Ismael, Mary Ann Charley, cal department from 1979 to Dec- said said that he wants to make Mixson Kephas, Salmon Albert and ember, 1984, when he joined the Pacific governments aware of the Scott Nena, and juniors Alik T3 Program as mechanical trades U.N. system, during his Nov. 17- Jackson, Likiak Tolennoa, Maria training officer in Pohnpei. 23 orientation visit to Pohnpei. Nena, Surleigh Tara and Tholman He attended Maui Community Col- After meeting with state and Alik. lege where he received an Assoc- national government officials The honor roll included 51 iate Degree in automotive techno- here, Berke said he is making his freshmen, 44 sophomores, 34 jun- logy and the University of Hawaii. first visit to Micronesia to fam- iors and 44 seniors. Sydney completed four weeks of iliarize himself with UNDPyfunded TOIDNIA, Pohnpei - The U.S. Ar- training sponsored by the Inter- training and technical assistance my Corps of Engineers issed Nov. national labor Organization in projects which have been conduct- 5 a federal permit to former Kos- Fiji in preparation for his new ed here during the past six years. rae Gov. Jacob Nena authorizing position which will include coor- In addition, he said, "I want the fill of a 150,000-square-foot dinating the functions of thtt to be able to expose to the Paci- nearshore area to provide land three training officers in each fic what the U.N. and UNDP are space for extension of the Lelu of the four states. all about." Church and parking lot, according Sydney will serve as acting T3 Berke, 51, who is from New York to Col. Michael M. Jenks, Honolu- coordinator while Hickey is on and has been with the UNDP for 15 lu district engineer. leave of absence early next year. years, said the agency is the CORRECTION funding body of the U.N. for pro- 1OIONIA, Pohnpei - Pohnpei El- Education to bery cars jects carried out by 35 agencies ection Commissioner Sarosom Alpet HDIONIA, Pohnpei - The FSM Edu- such as the International Labor declared two winners in each of cation Division will purchase new Organization which established a seven sections in the Nov. 12 Ma- vehicles for student services of- trades training and testing pro- dolenihmw Municipal Council bal- ficers Sosiro Eliam in Guam and gram here, the U.N. Educational, loting, instead of one reported Danny Rescue in Honolulu to meet Scientific and Cultural Organiza- in the Nov. 30 NATIONAL UN3DN. with students and provide trans- tion (UNESCO) and the World The winners are Pihdelis Hel- portation between airports and Health Organization. genberger and Bernard Henry, Sec- schools, according to national He said that he has found that tion 1; Dion Neth and Sungiro Education Program Development Co- most Pacific governments "don't Hadley, Section 2; John Adolph ordinator Stuart Arno. know what we have to offer. and Porbert Albert, Section 3; The fourth ESM Congress provid- "We have a tremendous amount to Ersin Costigan and Waltes Pertin- ed a total of $18,000 to purchase offer," Berke said, stating that ant, Section 4? Simcn Ham and the two vehicles in additional development initiatives funded by John Thomas, Section 5; Masao fiscal 1986 budget appropriations UNDP have to come from the host Silhanuz and Welfred Mudong, Sec- during its Second Regular Session or recipient countries and not tion 6, and Seisiro Solcmcn and here in November.