Regents Raise Tuition

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Regents Raise Tuition Regents Raise Tuition gain• by Joe Coletti criticized the increase in student fe es ac­ dents would once again have to bear the the lack of growth in state funding and Students are hearing the usual re­ companying the tuition hike. He added brunt of the proposed sacrifices. reductions in the amount of federal fund­ frain upon returning to Ann Arbor this that the percentage increase in tuition Another possible worry, one voiced ing to the University - usually in the year: "Tuition's gone up." In their July would be a misleadingly low 7.5 percent by Regent Neal Nielsen (R-Brighton), is form of research grants - for indirect meeting, the regents voted unanimously if one did not include the 2 percent in­ that some students would bear part of costs. for what is being called a "shared sacri­ crease for which the fee hikes account. the burden for other students. Over 46 The reductions in federal funding fices" budget that calls for an average Over two weeks after the tuition vote, percent of the tuition increase ($12 mil­ have resulted from changes in the tuition increase of approximately 9 per­ President Duderstadt's wife, Anne, was lion) "will go directly back into student government's rules regarding research cent, including a retroactive registration offered a $35,000 position with the Uni­ finattcial aid," according to Provost Gil grants. The U-M's federal funding had fee increase of $20 and a 100 percent versity. Baker was also highly critical of WhiW<er. Thus students are not just pur­ been growing considerably, but in the increase in the infrastructure mainte­ this offer, and stated that it went against chasing their own edU(::ation, but are pay­ wake of scandals involVing federal re­ nance fee from $50 to $100 per year. the idea of shared austerity in the budget irg 3.45 percent more specifically to sub­ search funds at Stanford last year, the The tuition increase for in-state stu­ Since then, Mrs. D~rstadt has report­ sidize others. government reduced the percentage of dents was higher in percentage terms edly offered to fbrgive her compensa­ The increased financial aid was cited indirect costs that it woud compensate than that for non-residents since "the tion, although the dur~ion of her offer is by some as a benefit of the tuition pro­ from 56 percent to 471 percent, with each gap between resident and non-resident unclear. (See story on page 3.) gram because it ensures continued ac­ percentage point representing $1 mil­ tuition hard] grown too large," accord­ Regent Veronica Smith (R-Grosse cess to the University regardless of finan­ lion, ~ording to Whitaker. The U-M is ing to the U-M's General Fund Budget Isle) said that one reason for her vote in cial situations. Regent Nellie Varner (D­ "....tryl;g to obtain a "new, better rate," one for Fiscal Year 1992-93. Interestingly, favor of the tuition increase was that "not Detroit) added that although the 9.9 per­ closer to the original 56 percent, said however, non-resident medical school one student spoke against" it, whereas in cent increase for in-state students was Whitaker. If the U-M succeeds, the bud­ tuition remained unchanged due to "mar­ previous years at least a few students "not something I would like to see," the get only counts a $3 million shortfall ket pressures." sent in letters of objection. She was con­ University is still a bargain compared to rather than the $9 million that would Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) cerned, however, that the parents of stu- private institutions. Varner noted that result if the 47.2 percent were to be main­ although the U-M's obligation to non­ tained. residents is not as great as to Michigan Along with reduced government residents, the University is still competi­ funding, the amount of money available Tuition and Fees:1981-1992 • tively priced. from the University's endowment has The budget also includes a wage decreased due to lower interest rates. freeze for non-union employees earning The result in 1991-92 was "a loss of over over $25,000. Union employees' salaries $4 million" from what was originally are determined in negotiations with the budgeted. A further "net reduction of $8,000 University. $3.3 million" from last year's final $13.1 The budget has been designed to million is anticipated in the new budget. $7,000 accomodate slow but steady revenue Diminishing income, however, is not growth in the coming years with this the only fiscal burden facing the U-M. $6,000 year's "very restrictive budgeting." The Please See Page 8 proposal includes appropriations for use $5,000 in the 1993-94 academic year and be­ $4 ,000 yond. For example, of the $2.3 million slated to improve undergraduate educa­ $3,000 tion, $2 million is set aside for the 1993- 94 academic year to aid program devel­ $2,000 ~ opment. Most of the regents echoed Varner's $1,000 statement that an increase in tuition does U-M Hires Dude's not make anyone happy, but they also $ 0 i'" .,. .,. r,- r,- " r,- .,. .,. r,- r,- .,. .,.. Wife - But Why? 3 felt that it was needed to compensate for 1981 1982 19831984 1985 1986 19871988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Editorial 4 o Resident:Lower I!I Resident:Upper Review Goes Weekly Division Division Parting Shots 6 This issue of the Review marks the beginning of the Review's first year Martin Gardner's ~ Non-residentLower • Non-resident:Upper as a weekly publication. See page Division Division Latest Debunking 15 5 for details. ·Figures not adjusted for inflation. Music 10 ------------~.......,...=-"""'"'=.,,-.=======-.. --.-.----.::= .. , j, 2 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW September 9, 1992 • Ir'" THE Serpent's Tooth MICIDGAN REVIEW The Maoist International Movement's nist movement," the magazine states, race." Contradiction or ,redundancy? You estimable journal of communist affairs, "Our reporter .. found a condemning be the judge. The Campus Mfairs Journal MIM Notes, made the following offer to memo from a (former] Yale comrade. of the its readers this July in its subscription Professor Geoffrey Hazard wrote that it The Psalm ofWaslungton, D.c., as penned University of Michigan box: "I wanna help distribute MIM is 'not dear that she has a genuine com­ by a General Motors employee: "George Theory (a quarterly journal produced by prehension of law. There are degrees of Bush is my shepherd, I shall not want. I MIM]. Send me 10 copies of No.2 & 3 for ignorance, or worse, that may be out­ He leadeth me beside the still factories. I $30. I'll sell'em for $4.95 each and keep weighed by brilliance, but by any canons He restoreth my doubt in Washington We are the Establishment the difference." Are y' all sure that you of academic responsibility, Ms. politics. I He guideth me to the path of Editor-in-Chief Adam DeVore want to do that? It might mcourage and MacKinnon seems to have gone beyond unemployment. I He anointeth my wage reward entrepreneurship. them.'" with freeze, I so my expenses runneth Publisher Karen S. Brinkman over my income. I Surely poverty and What Simon and Garfunkel might have Will wonders never cease? "Hanoi" Jane hard living shall I follow this adminis­ Executive Editors Andrew Bockelman sung this year: "Where have you gone, Fonda forsook politics, married a rich tration I and I shall live in a rented house . Tony Ghecea H. Ross Perot? Heaven holds a place for man, and now has quit her job making forever. I 5,000 years ago Moses said, those who quit, and it's a pit." You poor exercise videos to settle down and be­ 'Pack your camel, I pick up your shovel, Contributing Editors Joe Coletti Jay D. McNeill Perot supporters should have known come a housewife. Congrats! You're in­ mount your ass, and I shall lead you to I Tracy Robinson better; rearrange the big-eared little ductee number two into the MacKinnon the promised land.' I 5,000 years later, Stacey L. Walker Texan's name and you get "Short Poser." Do as I Say, Not as I Do Society. Fill. Roosevelt said I 'Lay down your shovel, sit on your ass, / light up a Camel, Music Editor Chris Peters The August Playboy had some interest­ In the midst of a relentless job search, one __ this is the promised land.' I Today, Literary Editor Adam Garagiola ing comments about the U-M's own fa­ Review staffer !jklh\bled across a help­ George Bush will tax your shovel, I sell vorite law professor Catharine wanted ad for'the position of "City Engi-" your camel, kick your ass, I and tell you Assistant Editors Ryan Boeskool Beth Martin MacKinnon (who, despite her arch-femi­ neer." The ad see~d pretty reasonable Japan is the promised land." But fear, 0 Brian Schefke nist rhetoric and beloved male-bashing, until its final sentence, which read, trembling reader I for it is Bill Clinton is soon to be wed). After characterizing "[Sleeking qualified black as well as other and Prophet Gore I who unto you offer .•' -€Opy Editor Shannon Pfent her as "the Freddy Krueger of the femi- qualified applicants without regard to a New Covenant. MTSMeister DougThiese Business Managers Peter DaugaVietis r-----------:'1 Are you looking ChetZarko :Cardinal: for a place to put Advertising Manager Jennifer Wei! I Garment Care Centers I your talents to Staff Authorized U of M Drycleaner Eddie Arner, Christopher Bair, Michele good use? Brogley, P.J. Danhoff, James E. Elek, Joe Epstein, Frank.
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