YourGiftsMakeADifference ANNUALREPORT2003-2004 Contents

A Message from our President1 & Executive Director 2003-2004 Board of Directors

The Capital Planning Process: From Donor Dollars to Medical Equipment Purchase2 Overview Director Profile:3 Norm Sauve Service Club Profile: Les Chevaliers de4 Colomb Conseil des Grands Lacs #7999 Our Donors Privacy5-12 Statement Friends Forever 13Monthly Giving Program Pacesetter Profile:14 Royal Bank Foundation Our15 Pacesetters 16-18In Loving Memory Major Donor19 Profile: CN The Gift20 Gala & Auction FUNdraising! insidebackcoverHow to Contact Us

CoverPhotos Top: Mairaed Nicholls is one of hundreds in our community who comes to the hospital for dialysis treatment three times per week. Dialysis is a life-prolonging process for those whose kidneys are permanently impaired. It removes toxic materials from the bloodstream, maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance. Your donations purchased four Renal Dialysis Machines at a cost of $31,000 each. Bottom Left: Don Mertes was one of many patients who required a cardiac monitor during his recent stay at our hospital. The monitors are vital to monitor a patient’s breathing, heart rate and rhythm, and blood flow. Your donations purchased more than 16 Cardiac Monitors at a cost in excess of $25,000 each. Bottom Centre: Linda Ervin was a patient of the Sault Area Hospital whom required the special capabilities provided by the Bariatric Shower and Tilting Wheelchair. Designed to accommodate the special needs of patients who are severely limited in their movement, they increase patient convenience and comfort. Your donations purchased a Bariatric Shower and Tilting Wheelchair at a cost of $9,055. Bottom Right: Tom Chevrier is one of numerous cancer patients in our community who has learned of the benefits of a chemotherapy Infusion Pump from Carol Allard, RN, Algoma Regional Cancer Care Program. The pump allows for a supply of a controlled amount of drugs very slowly into the bloodstream over an extended period of time. Proceeds from the 2003 Gift Gala & Auction allowed the Foundation to purchase eight Infusion Pumps at a cost of $5,600 each. AnnualReport2003-20041 “While much of the Foundation’s focus MessagefromJamesMelville,BoardPresident is on equipment and funding, people are &CherylPavoni,ExecutiveDirector at the heart of what we do - people like you and your families, your friends and neighbours.” James T. Melville, Board President Cheryl Pavoni, Executive Director

For most of us, a hospital is of little concern until we, between the government and the community. While or a friend or family member, needs it. The hospital much of the Foundation’s focus is on equipment and then becomes the focus of our lives – a place to find funding, people are at the heart of what we do - the care and support we require. The impact on people like you and your families, your friends and patient care afforded by the new equipment and neighbours. I know that we speak for all of us when facility renovations funded through the Sault Area we tell you that we are proud to be part of this Hospital Foundation really does make a difference in worthwhile endeavor. the lives of those who come through our hospital doors. With this annual report we want to continue building This Annual Report is our way of reporting to you, our relationship with you, our most loyal and our donors, on the successes of last year, which were generous friends. By reporting to you on our largely a result of your generosity. It highlights key progress, we demonstrate accountability, an essential accomplishments of the past year and is a way of ingredient in building trust. ensuring that the community is aware of both our In closing, we would like to take this opportunity to progress and needs. We also use this medium to thank our Foundation Board of Directors, volunteers publicly recognize donors who made gifts of $100 or and hospital staff for their work and commitment to more during the fiscal year April 1, 2003 - March 31, our patients and donors. In addition, we extend our 2004, unless they wish to remain anonymous. heartfelt thanks to all of you who have supported the During the past year, the Foundation has provided Sault Area Hospital over the past year. over $775,000 to Sault Area Hospital for the purchase Sincerely, of urgently needed medical equipment (See page 2 for list and further information). More than 15,000 donors gave their support to the Foundation this past year! James T. Melville, Board President Although the government provides the basics in healthcare, these basics do not cover the cost of all of our new medical equipment needs. The cost of new equipment and upgrades or the replacement of existing equipment has always been shared Cheryl Pavoni, Executive Director

Photo by Brian Tremblay Photo by Brian Tremblay


James T. Melville, President Dr. H. Gould Mike Rosso Bud Carruthers, Vice-President Greg Johnson Norm Sauve Manu A. Malkani, Secretary Velma McClelland David Stone Cheryl Pavoni, Treasurer Paul Paciocco Evelyn Theriault Victoria Chiappetta Gus Palombi AnnualReport2003-20042 Every purchase represents an improvement in health care at our hospital – thanks to the TheCapitalPlanningProcess: generosity of donors like you! FromDonorDollarstoMedicalEquipment!

The process of determining the amount of funds that ImportantConsiderations will be allocated within a fiscal year (April 1st to st There are a number of critical and strategic criteria March 31 ) and the lists of equipment items and that are considered during the Capital Planning projects that will be purchased is called the Capital Process when determining hospital priorities: Planning Process. • degrees to which quality of care or operations The following is a general overview of how the will be improved process works - in essence, how donor dollars become medical equipment for patient care. • services to our patients will be improved • risk for patients will be reduced FundingAllocation • potential to serve the largest customer base Both the Hospital and Foundation Board of Directors • how the request is linked to the Hospital’s establish the total amount of funds that each can Strategic Plan & Corporate Goals allocate for the fiscal year’s equipment purchases and • urgency of need renovation/building projects. • patient and staff health and safety risks EquipmentNeeds • condition of the existing equipment Each of the hospital’s Department and Program Unfortunately, the total number of requests received Managers consult with their staff to identify and in a fiscal year always greatly exceeds the funds prioritize their equipment needs for the following available therefore, virtually every department and year and then submit them to the Capital Review program will have some requests that are not Committee. purchased.

TheCapitalReviewProcess Conclusion The Capital Review Process involves a review of all The Sault Area Hospital Foundation’s Board of requests from each of the departments and ranking Directors disbursed more than $775,000 for the them from a highest to lowest need according to 2003-2004 fiscal year towards the purchase of hospital-wide priorities. From this process comes specific items from the Major and Minor Capital the major and minor equipment lists. Equipment Lists. Items and projects that have a value of more than As a donor, you can feel confident in knowing that the $2,500 are considered major capital equipment and hospital’s Capital Planning Process demonstrates an items and projects that have a value of less than effective management of resources with clear lines of $2,500 are considered minor capital equipment. responsibility and accountability for the management of capital assets.


The following is a summary of the items purchased by the Sault Area Hospital Foundation for the fiscal year April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004. ~ Patient Monitoring Equipment (Cardiac Monitors) ...... $410,000 ~ Renal Dialysis Equipment (Dialysis Machines, Portable Reverse Osmosis Machine) ..... $160,000 ~ Cancer Care* ...... $183,247 ~ Cancer Resource Room ...... $1,500 ~ Long Term Care (Hand Held Pulse Oximeter) ...... $1,020 ~ 45 IV Poles and Wheelchair** ...... $10,625 ~ Bariatric Shower & Tilting Wheelchair** ...... $9,055 ~ Blood Pressure Monitor*** ...... $4,297 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 2003-2004 ...... $779,744 * purchased with proceeds from The Gift Gala and Auction (see page 20 for list) ** these purchases were made possible through the Sault Area Hospital Volunteer Association’s break open ticket proceeds *** purchased by Matthews Memorial Hospital Auxiliary AnnualReport2003-2004 3 “I get a real good feeling when I walk into a room near the Cancer Unit or the NormSauve—SAHFCanBankOnHisSupport Dialysis Unit and see the people using the services and how appreciative they and their families are of what we are doing and have accomplished. ” Norm Sauve

In 1996, Norm Sauve was searching for a volunteer “The biggest time consumer right now in my life is opportunity. The Sault Area Hospital Foundation is my granddaughter, Alyssandra,” he chuckles. grateful Norm told former director, Judge James Outside interests include golf - a must in banking, he Greco, of his quest. laughs. Norm is also a long-time YMCA member. “I mentioned to him that I was interested in getting He credits his family for enabling him to pursue involved in some type of Board or volunteer work,” volunteer activities extensively. Norm recalls. “Judge Greco recommended me to the “I wouldn’t be able to be so involved in the Board because of my activity in banking. I went to a community if I didn’t have the support from my wife, couple of the meetings as a guest and realized that I Elaine,” he says. “She supports everything that I do, was definitely very interested in becoming involved.” regardless of the amount of time that my professional Norm is Manager of Professional Banking at the RBC and volunteer commitments require me to spend away Business Banking office in Sault Ste. Marie. from home.” He became a director on the former General Hospital The couple has two daughters - Jocelyne and Foundation Board in September 1996 and is now a Michelle - who also get involved and help where member of the SAHF. they can. Over the years, Norm has also assisted in human SAHF staff appreciate Norm’s contributions. resources management and participated in hiring “Norm is a very active member of our Board of committees when Foundation vacancies have been Directors,” says Cheryl Pavoni, SAHF Executive created. He was also instrumental in the redrafted Director. “He is supportive in many ways, including investment policy. participating in cheque presentations and speaking at Norm is delighted at the level of support the functions such as our Algoma Regional Cancer Foundation has been able to mount for the Sault Area Program open house.” Hospital, particularly over the last five years with “The highlight of volunteering for the SAHF is when specific campaigns - raising funds for much-needed I attend the appreciation events,” Norm explains. “I equipment such as cardiac monitors. get to see the people that are being directly affected “I think the Board is open to a lot of new ideas by what we are doing. I get a real good feeling when I which is very important,” he says. “Introducing walk into a room near the Cancer Unit or the Dialysis the Gift Gala & Auction was an exceptional and Unit and see the people using the services and how extraordinary event for Sault Ste. Marie,” Norm appreciative they and their families are of what we are adds of the initiative, which made its debut in the doing and have accomplished. community in 2002, to raise funds for improved “The doctors always support what we are doing. They cancer care facilities. are appreciative of not just the money but also the Norm is delighted to be part of a strong board of time, the effort, the ideas, and everything that is directors and the resulting success. involved with the Foundation. I am pleased to be able “The directors have been with the Foundation for to give my time and effort as a way of saying ‘Thank quite a while. They want to build on their community, You’ back to them and to all of the healthcare workers build on their strengths and help wherever they can.” in Algoma who do such a wonderful job for us.” Norm’s other volunteer efforts have assisted the Rotary, the Sault Ste. Marie Physician Recruitment & Retention Committee, Easter Seals, and his church, St. ’s Parish. “I try to help wherever and whenever I can,” he says. Director Profile OurKnightsinShiningArmour

Service Club Profile Les Chevaliers de Colomb Conseil des Grands healthcare professionals, allowing doctors Lacs #7999 has made several generous and nurses to save valuable time to invest in contributions to the Sault Area Hospital. Its most their patients. recent donation of $25,000 was toward the Claude Marleau, Council member and former purchase of much-needed cardiac monitors. Grand Knight, initiated the campaign to support The Council raised the funds for the state- the purchase of the units after being a patient at of-the-art equipment over a three-year SAH and requiring the use of the equipment. period through suppers, weekly bingos and “Claude informed us of the hospital’s great need other events. for these monitors,” says Éloi Payeur, Council As a group dedicated to supporting member and former Grand Knight. “Once we Francophone, Catholic and other local learned of the situation, we organized a plan to community organizations, the Council focuses raise the money for this initiative.” mainly on initiatives in Sault Ste. Marie and the Les Chevaliers de Colomb Conseil des Grands Algoma District. Lacs #7999 also contributes to numerous other “We are pleased to contribute to such a worthy local groups including, the Soup Kitchen, the cause as this,” says Grand Knight Paul Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Montgrain. “By assisting the hospital in oncology van program, Christmas Cheer, House acquiring this new technology, we can help all of Hope, and Women in Crisis. area residents who may need this equipment.” “It is important we support organizations that Cardiac monitors are life-saving devices used to provide vital services to the entire community, track patients’ heartbeats and several other vital like the Hospital,” says Paul. “We look forward factors, including blood pressure, blood oxygen to continuing to make a difference in the Sault levels and pressures in various heart chambers. and area.” New cardiac monitors benefit the whole team of

Top Photo: Members of Les Chevaliers de Colomb Conseil des Grands Lacs #7999. AnnualReport2003-20045 “Search for the root of the word philanthropy OurSincereThankstotheFollowingDonors and you will find it in the Greek language, fortheirUtmostGenerosity meaning ‘love for mankind’. Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for Donations made from individuals, businesses, service clubs, groups the common good. and foundations between April 1, 2003 and March 31, 2004. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is fundamental to the quality of life.” Arthur Frantzreb Donors who gave $50,000 - $99,999 Sault Area Hospital Volunteer Association***

Donors who gave $25,000 - $49,999 CN

Donors who gave $10,000 - $24,999 Algoma Central Properties Inc. Northwood Funeral Home Canadian Tire Associate Store P.U.C. Inc. Les Chevaliers de Colomb Pino’s get fresh Conseil des Grands Lacs #7999 RBC Foundation Estate of Dr. W. L. G. Hopson Rogers Radio Estate of George Wright Rotary Club of Sault Ste. Marie G-P Flakeboard Company* Royal Canadian Legion Foundation Ontario Command Great Lakes Power Ltd.* Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary The Hollingsworth Family* Branch #25 Simpson & Mhora Hollingsworth*** Sault This Week Lions Club of S.S.M. TD Canada Trust Ken McLeod TD Financial Group MCTV Marie Trudeau-Vincent

Donors who gave $5,000 - $9,999 Arthur Funeral Home Nokomis Chapter #70 ASCU Community Credit Union Order of the Eastern Star* & Linda Burtch Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation** Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Palmer Construction Group Inc. Ellis, Pastore, Oswin Consultants Inc.* Purvis Marine Limited Great Northern Retirement Home Royal Bank of Canada John & Laurie Hollingsworth*** Leo Seguin Rocco Micaroni Wal*Mart Wishart Law Firm* * 5 years or more of consecutive giving ** 10 years or more of consecutive giving *** 15 years or more of consecutive giving AnnualReport2003-20046 “People give from the heart, not from economics. When a need is recognized, ThankYou the heart moves the hand.” (Author Unknown)

Donors who gave $1,000 - $4,999

Air-Dale Flying Service Ltd. Healthgear Medical & Safety Inc. R.F. Contracting Algoma Insurance Group* Hess Jewellers Rector Machine Works Ltd. Algoma Office Equipment Hi-Tec Security and Investigations Robert & Judith Robertson* Algoma Steel Inc. Highland Ford Sales Limited ’s Independent Grocer Algoma Tubes Inc. Holiday Inn S & T Electrical Contractors Ltd.* Algoma’s Water Tower Inn Sault Ste. Marie Waterfront* Sal-Dan Developments* Assante Capital Management Ltd. Bruce Hollingsworth* Sault Shrine Club Elizabeth Baar** Mavis M. Hutchinson* Savoy’s Jewellers Ron & Ann Barkley Brady & Martha Irwin Jack & Luningning Schikofsky* Barton & Kiteley Funeral Home Mike & Jennings* Scotiabank Bell Canada Joe's No Frills Searchmont Resort Bisceglia Dumanski Keystone Industries Ltd. Sears Canada Inc. & Rasaiah Law Firm Rob & Karen Kinnunen Dr. George & Catherine Bishop’s Fine Clothiers KPMG LLP*** Shunock** Boston's Limited Kresin Engineering Corporation Donald & Colleen Simpson Harold Brain & Phyllis Wallace** Kwik Kopy Printing Paul Sohi & Gail Campbell Cambrian Dental Centre Ankica Lucic Dr. Sardar Sohi Susan Cameron Tim & Mary-Lynne Lukenda* Soo Mill & Lumber Cartier Partners Financial Services Maitland Ford Lincoln Ltd. Company Limited** Mary L. Chouinard** Manu & Aruna Malkani** St. Bernard's Tower Ltd. CIBC Run for the Cure Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark Francis St. Jules Cliffe Printing Inc.* Barristers & Solicitors St. Marys Paper Ltd. Club Calabrese Matthews Memorial Michael & Lily Steichuk** Hospital Auxiliary Jack Correy Alex & Shirley Stewart* McDonald's Restaurant Dawson & Keenan Insurance Superior Dodge Chrysler & Financial Services George McPhail** The Canadian Italian Dumanski Interiors Ltd. Meakin Forest Enterprises Inc. Professional Business Association Dumanski Office Interiors* Katherine Mills** The Glass Shop (1993) Limited Duty Free Store Mio’s Furniture Fashions Ltd.* The Sault Star Electra Marconi Society MJM Roofing & Siding* Bob & Lennea Norling The Sault Ste. Marie Estate of J.A. McPhail Family YMCA Northern Shrine No. 53 First Impression Inc. The Travel Masters Ltd. Northern Star Broadcasting Marion Fleron** Toromont Industries Ltd. Northland Barbershop Chorus G & K Services Canada Inc. Traders Metal Co. Ltd. O'Neill Delorenzi Cresswell General Mobile Radio Treble Charger Service Ltd.* Ostroski Barristers & Solicitors Claudette Trudeau Gord Royle Insurance Brokers Ltd.* Ken & Doris Pavelich Denis Turcotte Dr. David & Margaret Gould*** Pharmaceutical Representatives (a Group of) Vince Verdone* Dr. Michael A. Hackett & Dr. Angela Bratina Eugene Pringle Alice Walton* Harley Owners Group Franklin & Nora Prouse** Wardlaw Fuels (Algoma) Inc. Sault Ste. Marie Chapter Prouse Motors Ltd.* Zonta Club of Sault Ste. Marie Area

* 5 years or more of consecutive giving ** 10 years or more of consecutive giving *** 15 years or more of consecutive giving AnnualReport2003-20047


49th Apparel Helen Banks Martin & Valerie Blakeborough Alvin & Marjorie Burmaster Canadian Waste Services Inc. James Barber Dr. Heather Blois* Father Bernard Burns Norman Candelori** A William Barber David Blue Jim & Amelia Burns* David Canniff A Thymely Manner Restaurant Dr. Mark Bariciak* Eva Blue Rae & Sharon Burns* Charles & Sharon Caple** Jim & Gail Ableson Gary & Sharon Barill Mary Blunt Jim & Sandy Burt Alfonso & Mary Caputo*** Silvio & Lisa Aceti** Norman & Marilyn Barker BMO Nesbitt Burns Hans & Elisabeth Busch* Elvira Caputo** R. Paul & Rita Valerie Barker BMO Nesbitt Burns Randy Bussineau Fred & Mary Caputo** Sabina Adams** Raymond & Jane Barsanti Sudbury Branch Alfred Butsch Pat & Franca Caputo** Russell & Eleanor Adcock* Richard & Karen Barsanti “Bob” Dionisi & Sons Ltd. Peter & Mary Bychko** Cara Club Matilda Addison** Domenic & Bruna Battistella*** Steve & Heather Bodnar Orlando & Rica Carella Admission Group* C Clarence Bauer George & Andrea Bois Ralph & Shirley Caria* James & Terry Agnew Ellen Cain Fred Baxter Roy Bois Fraser & Laurie Carlyle Dr. Ernest & Bonnie Aleixandre John & Rosemary Calcafuoco BDO Dunwoody LLP Wayne & Betty Boissineau** Andy & Lorraine Carmichael** Robert & Nancy Alexander Elena Calcagnini* Tom & Frances Beamer Steven & Lisa Bondar Myrtle Caron Alfano Auto Body Paul & Luciana Calibani Kingston J. Beamish Jim Boniferro & Cathy McLelland Domenic & Elisa Carota** Algoma Conservatory of Music Gordon & Judy Camano David & Ruth Bean Stephen & Nancy Boniferro Clark & Katherine Carothers Algoma District Elementary John & Joanne Cameletti* Irene Beaton* Florence Bookman Bud Carruthers & Marianne Perry Teachers Federation of Ontario Camera Craft Brian Beaudet Alex & Teresa Booth W.H. Carter Algoma District Principals Bortolussi Law Firm Albert & Doris Cameron** Association Mitchell Beaudet** Irma Case** Arnold & Marjorie Boston Keith & Margaret Cameron* Algoma Steel Inc. – Staff*** Richard & Agnes Beaumont*** Case Construction Daniel & Janna Boston Owen Cameron Algoma Steel Inc. Burlington Stan & Lula Becking*** Casino Sault Ste. Marie Russell & Donna Cameron** Imprest Account Anna Beilhartz Ted Bothwell** Richard Castellani* Vern & Judy Cameron* Algoma Telephone Systems Carol Beilhartz* Lorie Bottos Caughill Consulting Services Inc. Bell World Marcello & Josephine Campagna Lorne & Helen Beilhartz* Ronald & Linda Bowerman CAW / TCA Local 1120 Chris & Rhonda Ambeault Frank & Dorothy Campbell Marie Belisle* Olga Boyonski Central Radiator Service Georgia Ambeault Jessie Campbell Amy Bell Kenneth & Claudette Bradford CEP Local 67 Good & Welfare Dr. Myriam Amimi Lawrence & Catherine Jeffrey & Sara Bell Percival & Nita Bradford* John & Lorraine Cesco* Alan & Silvana Anderson Campbell** John & Simonne Bell Ed & Anita Bradley** Dr. Ron & Louise Cescon** James Anstess William Campion* Laddie & Ione Bell** Richard Brady Phillip & Minnie Chadwick Dr. Peter & Carrie Apostle Canadian Medical Association Tim & Connie Bellerose Dr. Angela Bratina* George & Audrey Chandler* Canadian Tire Foundation Paul & Christine Apostolon* George & Barbara Breckenridge Pierino Belsito for Families Shash & Purna Chandra Arby's Restaurant George & Sophia Beltramin Dr. William & Joan Brereton Greg & Rosanne Arcangeletti Arno Beltz* Mario Brescacin*** Chris Brown Norman & Gayle Archibald , RN, checks the blood pressure of Joe & Tammy Bennardo Luigi & Carmela Bressan*** Linda Lauzon, Health Records. This non-invasive Alice Armstrong Antonio & Josephine Maria Bressan monitor ensures exceptionally accurate blood pressure Larry Armstrong* Bennardo-Ciddio* Mario & Rosaria Bressan readings in hypertensive situations, even with patient Gerald & Margaret Arnold Francesco & Gina Bennato* Richard & Sheila Brideaux** movement. A donation from the Matthews Memorial Arrow Home Building Centre Dr. Donald Bent Kathy Brisco Hospital Auxiliary made possible the purchase of this Art 's Men Shop and Dr. Lois Rosin Bristol Myers Blood Pressure Monitor at a cost of $4,297. John & Darlene Atkins** Sante & Margaret Bergamin* Brody's Sports Bar & Grill Theresa Atkins* Elizabeth Bernard* Eric & Margaret Broman Atlas Auto Parts Roy & Norma Bernardi* Helen Brown Balwinder Aujla Karen Bernhardt Richard Brown Aurora's Pizza & Spaghetti House Lou & Elizabeth Berthelet* Norma E. Brownlee Westside Brian Bertolo Frank & Nancy Brunetta Auto Salon Daniel & Lynda Bertoncello** Alfred & Assunta Bruni** Beth Axelson Best Western Dr. Christopher & Laureen Bruni Graham & Mary Ayres** Zygfryd & Ursula Bezak Egidio & Elsie Bruni** Sam & Anna Biasucci** B Velma Bruni Bickell Auto Parts Joe & Dolores Babcock** Bruni's Butcher's Block Dr. Douglas Bignell Richard Bubinas* Doug & Audrey Baic & Lynda Potvin Edgar & Bernice Buchan* Harold & Doreen Bailey Wendy Bingham* Alex Buchanan*** Leonard & Helen Bailey BioForest Technologies Inc. Eva M. Buchanan** Barry & Carolyn Bailey Sr. Sarah Bird James G. Buchanan* Nello & Pauline Baiocchi Michael Biron Nick & Joan Buconjic Kenneth Baldwin Frances Bishop Charles Bull Ernest & Blanche Ballstadt** John & Rosa Bitonti* Steve & Maria Burgess* Nancy Ballstadt*** Stan & Grace Black** Harry & Dorothy Burke** Anne Banks** William Black John & Jean Burke** Photo courtesy of COPS Marketing Group Inc. AnnualReport2003-2004 Donors who gave $100-$999...continued from page 7 8 Gunwant & Mohinder Chattha Dr. Bryan & Marilyn Conly Dairy Queen* Frances Elgie Robert Fox Gilles & Patti Chauvin George Constable*** Steven Dale Iris Elliott Ronald & Lorita Francis** John Chiarello* Glen Conway & Lucille Davey*** Paul Dalseg** Robert & Mary Elliott Henry & Barbara Frandsen & Giselle Chiarello James & Laura Conway* Curt & Ada Damignani Rose Elliott Frank’s House of Carpets Ron Chicarelli* Marilyn Conway** Corrado D. Dare William Ellis** Kurt & Frances Frankfurter Hazel Chitty*** William Conway Ivan & Betty Davey* Ellwood Robinson Limited Margaret Franklin Dr. Raymond & Linda Cho David & Lois Conyers Jerry Davieaux Doris Elsigan Jim & Audrey Franz* Bruno Chouinard Keith Cook Robert & Lois Davies** Anton & Gerda Eppert* Fraternal Order of Eagles #4061 Chris Tossell Architect (CTA) Coopers Crane Rental Limited William & Eira Davies** Artie Esposito** Gordon & Jean Frech*** CIBC Wood Gundy Coppley Apparel Group Margaret Dawe Eternal Monuments William & Lori Freiburger Vicki Cimino Don & Verla Corboy* Arthur & Pam Day James Evans Rudolph Frenz Sergio & Veronica Cinelli Mabel Coulter* Décor Designs Murray & Linda Evans Friday Afternoon Bowlers City of London - Staff Court House - Staff Phyllis Delaney*** Jack & Rita Evenden Dr. Dan & Vicki Fritz Brian & Lynn Clargo* Jane Courtney Folgo & Marie Della Vedova Sandy Ewing Al & Marie Frossard Jean Clargo Laird & Angela Cowell Dr. Anthony & Donna Deluco Marion Furlong F Randy & Mary Ellen Clark Dr. Alan & Mavis Crawford Guido & Yola Denardo*** Dr. Patrick & Doreen Fyfe Marco & Maria Fabbricino* Sam & Barbara Clark** Dave Creor Isadore & Emma Denardo*** Dr. John & Tracey Fabbro** G Dr. John & Jeannette Clarke Jessie Cress Eva M. Depew*** Marjorie Falls Robert & Elsie Gaetano** Tom & Rene Clarke* Peter & Nancy Cresswell*** Ralph & Gwendolyn Derby** Joanne Farkas Robert Gagnon Classic Neon & Signs James & Pamela Crichton Georgette Derry Stewart & Ruby Farmer** Ron & Patty Gagnon Rae D. Clattenburg Kenneth Crickard Desbarats United Church Women David & Ursula Farrell Michael Galachiuk Elaine Clay Dr. David Crookston & Diana Althea Deschene* Fashion Shop Robert & Jean Gallagher* Coreen Cleaves Deluco Sam DeSumma** Marlene & Steve Fawcett Calvin & Sally Gardiner* Claude Clement & Judy Jeff & Teresa Cudmore Bruce & Marion Dewhirst Drs. Mario & Susan Febbraro Gail Gardiner Brescacin-Clement Ralph & Carmela Cuglietta* Gillian Dickson Vincent & Kelly Fera Gary & Penny Gardiner Dennis & Bernadette John & Jean Culina** Dianne DiFabio Clement-Socchia Ferranti & Chorney Barristers Reginald & Dawna Gardiner* Alvin Cullis Margaret Dillon Charles Cliffe and Solicitors Ray Gareau & Christine Pagnucco Gordon & Jean Cunningham Alfred & Irma Dion Claude & Cora Clouthier* John Ferrara Derek & Gabriela Garniss CUPE Local 16 Larry Dipasquale** Paul Cloutier Anne Ferris** Marjorie Garside Giuseppe Curcione* Joe & Barbara Disano Philippe Cloutier Damon & Maddalena Ferris* Anton & Mary Ellen Gartshore Brian & Marian Curran Karen Ditommaso Robert Cloutier Reverend Ronald & Jan Ferris George & Frances Gay* Glen & Joan Currie* John & Ida Dixon Domenic Ferrone & Carol Angelo & Amelia Coccimiglio* Patricia Currie Onorio & Pierina Gazzola* Helen Doda Shamess*** Steve & Brenda Cochrane Curves Josephine Geddes* Thomas & Barbara Dolan Lou Ferrone Bryan & Linda Code Robert & Kim Cyr** Dr. Al Gelmych & Trisha Jerry & Janice Dolcetti* Anthony & Eva Fiacconi Robert & Joyce Cohen Sewards-Gelmych Ido & Concetta Donato Trevor Fielder James A. Colizza D Genstar Development Company - Elmer & Rose Dowding Ontario Region Sam & Jennie Colizza** Carol D'Agostini Betty Filipich Downing's Landscaping Edward & Margaret D'Andrea Filtrec North America Ltd. Antonio Genua Girlie Collings* & Greenhouses Fred & Josephine D'Aoust Claudio & Annette Finateri James & Laura Gideon Carol Colombo Downings Nursery Don & Virginia D'Orazio*** Gino & Nina Finateri* John & Zenobia Gierlach** Stacey Colwell* Chuck & Nano Drewitt* Pasquale & Teresa D'Orazio** Wayne & Carol Findlay Pauline Gignac Commercial Realty Sault Ltd. Morris & June Driver*** Dr. Robert & Deborah D'Ovidio* Murray & Linda Finn John D. Gilbert** Congregation Beth *** Jean Du Quesnay Stan Finn Gurmukh & Mohinder Gill Clarence & Mary Dubois First General Services Shane & Mary Gillespie Gilles Dubreuil Frank & Paula Fiser Bill & Jill Gilmore Don & Phyllis Duffin** Patrick & Linda Fitz Gerald** Leopold Gingras* Gary & Joanne Dumanski WeRespectYourPrivacy Muriel Fitzsimmons Frank & Rosa Gioia Marlene Dumont Sault Area Hospital Foundation respects Sandy & Patty Flammia John & Rose Giovanatti*** Brian & Beverly Dunn your privacy. We protect your personal Patricia E. Fleming** Giovanni's Family Restaurant Helene M. Dunn** information and adhere to all legislative Fleming Adjusters Ltd. Irene Gjos David & Katie Dunning G.L. Fletcher Andrew Glibota*** requirements with respect to protecting John & Paula Dunning Claude Fleury Glibota Dentistry Professional privacy. We do not rent, sell or trade our Joseph Dupuis Scott & Kim Fleury*** Corporation mailing lists. The information you Joseph & Helen Durica* Walter & Evelyn Flint Ron Godfrey*** provide will be used to deliver services Wayne & Joan Godfrey* E Lincoln & Eleanor Flood and to keep you informed and up to date GoodLife Fitness Club E.J.M. Catering Limited Andrea & Livia Flumian** on the fundraising activities of the Nico & Dayna Goossens Mildred Eaid Fogolar Furlan Club Foundation. If at any time you wish to be George & Beverley Gordon** Robert & Virene Eddy Mary Anne Foley* Paul & Cheryl Gougeon** removed from our mailing list, simply EDS Canada Inc. Ron & Grace Forbes** George Gough* contact us by phone at (705) 759-3848 or Michael & Susan Edwards Don & Donna Ford William & Arlene Gough via e-mail at [email protected] and Norman & Elna Edwards* Quintin & Cecilia Forsyth Nirvano & Anna Graffi* we will gladly accommodate your request. Carl & Grace Edwardson* John A. Fortin Gran Festa Ristorante Dr. Graham Elder & Andrea Doris Foster Reibmayr Margaret M. Fournier Larry & Carmela Grand AnnualReport2003-2004 9 Donors who gave $100-$999...continued from page 8 Beth Grant Henderson Metal Jim & Frances Jakomait Guenter & Hildegard Krapohl Law Office of Pascuzzi Robert & Karen Grant Fabricating Co. Ltd. David & Ora James** Elsie Kring & Berlingieri LLP Lloyd & Dorothy Gray Ruby Hendricks Herbert Janke* Fred & Louise Kuhn Elmer & Violet Lawrence** Roxie & Debbie Graystone Barry & Marsha Henson Fred & Beatrice Janser** John & Cathy Kukurin Donald & Megan Lawson Great Lakes Division Avon Jean Hershey** Marybelle Jarvis** Dr. Michael Kuntz and Dr. Ron & Audrey Lay Canada John & Harriet Hershey Cameron & Jeannine Jefferson Eleanor Hogg-Kuntz Doug & Theresa Leask Aldo & Gina Greco* Werner & Marlene Hess* Dr. Duncan & Diane Jenkins Stan & Joan Kurisko Kim LeBlanc-Turpin & Ian Turpin Frank & Arlene Greco Kenneth & Carole Hewett* William Jenkins John & Maria Kuskowicz* John & Mary Lediett Frank Greco* Myron & Dorothy Hewitt** Jim Rennison Well Drilling Ltd. Carole Kutscher Charles & Vina Lefave** John Greco** William & Connie Heye Legion Ladies Golf League Gordon & Isobel Johnson L Kate Greco Hike for Hospice Greg & Eda Johnson** Philip & Edith Leishman* Linda J. Labbee Tony & Marlene Greco Alex & Ina Hill Mike Johnson Robert & Darlene Leistner Dan & Karla Lacasse George & Peggy Green* Jim & Alice Hill* James & Denise Johnston Dorothy T. Lemay Lou Lacroix Albert & Delia Greganti* Dorothy Hillstrom James & Irene Johnston Lemay's Decorating Centre Ltd. Bruce & Anne Lafleur** Helen Gregoire Josef & Lore Hoffmann** George & Louise Johnstone Tom & Lynne Lemieux Lawrence & Doris Lahaye Ken & Barbara Griffiths Judge Derek & Patricia Holder** William & Maureen Johnstone* Ronald & Claudette Letang* Dr. Archibald & Beverley Joseph & Jeannine Grisevich*** Norma Holder Dennis & Deanna Lethbridge Alan & Denise Jones* Laidlaw*** Victor Grondin & Sylvia Pregent Holder Marine Emily Lewis* David & Corrine Jones** Laidlaw, Paciocco, Melville Group Health Centre Pharmacy Charles Holgate Dick L. Jones Barristers & Solicitors* Gordon & Joanne Lewis Arthur & Mary Gualazzi* Robert & Julie Holland Don & Karen Jones* Frank Lajambe Candace Linklater Brian Gualazzi Alice Hollingsworth Edward & Lois Jones*** Frank & Meg Lajambe Lottie Linley* Leanne Guillotte* E. Lynn & Rita Mae Mark Josselyn Jean Lajambe** Andre & Anita Litalien* Hollingsworth* June Gutcher Steve & Lorraine Joudrey Mark & Lucy Lajambe Opal Litalien** Ian Hollingsworth** Anne Jurjevich Lajambe Group Financial Services Rene & Lorraine Litalien*** H Jack & Janet Hollingsworth*** Jefrey Jutzi June Lajoie James & Marcella Little** Glenn & Margaret Haase Louis & Carol Holmberg Michael Lajoie David & Roxieann Lloyd Brian & Ellen Hadath Wallace W. Holmes* K Lake Superior Physiotherapy Fred Loader* Aileen Hadden*** Rena Holroyd* Lotars & Rita Kakis* Lake Superior State University - John & Mary Lohmus Dr. Linda Hadley-Piscopo Doug Hook William & Lois Kaufman** Staff Gino Loiocomo Manfred & Gerlinda Haefele Ronald & Helen Hope Hilda Kay** Lakeway Truck Centre Ltd. Kathleen Longarini Frank & Alvernia Hajschrek* Ruth Hopson* Al & Mary Kearns Barbara Lamb*** Roy Lovelace* Charlotte Haldenby William & Jeanne Horbatuk* John Keast Lamon's Printing Andrew & Margaret Lucas** Phyllis Hall Eva Horner** Raymond & Mary Keating Ray & Jean Landers** Joe & Edith Lucchetti** Frank Hallam, Jr. Karol & Elizabeth Horochowski** James & Diane Kells Michael & Cheryl Landmark Lucidia Studios Reverend Hugh & Anna Hamilton Lloyd & Deborah Hotchkiss Chris & Aldene Kelly Dr. Cameron & Gail Lane Joe & Beatrice Lucio June Hamilton Jurgen & Dagmar Hug Fraser & Joan Kelly* Willard Lanthier Karl & Roberta Ludke Leone Hamilton Doris Hughes Gerhard & Gertrude Kempny Dennis & Mary Larochelle Bill Luhta Sheila Hamilton* Wallace & Kathleen Humphries Diane Kemsley Lise Larocque Herbert Lundquist Harold Haner Frank Hunt Ken Danby Studios Cleta Latour Lily Luoma** Dorothy Hannah*** Jean A. Hunt** Catherine Kennedy Joe & Lena Lauzon*** Paul Luomala Happy Days Band Shirley Hunt Dr. Allan & Susan Kerr Law Office of Malcolm G. Lyons Tim-Br Mart* McLeod - Barrister & Solicitor Hard Wok Cafe Carole Hunt-Ford Joseph & Jean Kettles Mrs. W.R. Hardick** Bertram & Frances Hurley** Kevanna Studios Anne Hargadon Robert & Helen Hutchinson** William & Mary Kidd* Ebby Hargraves Charles Hutman & Jeannie Olive Kimball*** Rob Rock, Biomedical Technician, transports a portable reverse James & Edith Harris Scott-Hutman osmosis machine to hospital patients who are physically unable David & Mabel King to attend the renal unit for treatment. Patients receiving dialysis William & Eva Harris** I John & Marilyn King treatment require purified water generated by this machine. Your Jeanette Harrison Dr. Frank & Mary Ianni** Eric Kirby & Linda MacDonald donations purchased a Portable Reverse Osmosis Machine at Ron & Nora Harrison a cost of $10,600. Evelyn Ibbitson Neil & Sharon Kirkpatrick* Ross & Paula Harrison IBM Employees' Charitable Fund* Kleinert, Kutz and Associates Tejwant & Gerald Harrison Ideal Smoke Shop Edward Klym Alex & Shirley Harry* Jessica Ilczyszyn Edward & Roma Klym*** Charles & Margaret Hartman Harold & Barbara Inch Knitters Nest Craig & Peggy Hartsburg Frank & Brenda Ingram Chris Kokkinen* Dr. George & Roberta Harvey** Interlockers Inc. Ed & Ann Kontschieder* Leslie & Lillian Harvey* Cliff & Marj Ireland Andrea Koschade Headlines George & Brenda Ireland Helena Kosek Ken & Mona Headrick*** Lois Irwin Kyllikki Koskenoja Clyde & Gunta Healey Thomas & Olive Irwin* Gary & Pauline Kovacevich* Otto & Maria Heimbach*** Zoltan & Diana Kovacs* Eino & Ulpu Heimonen J Zoltan Kovacs Sr. Hans & Katy Heinzel Allan & Wanda Jackson** Larry & Ann Kozak Alan Helmsley Jeremy & Andrea Jackson Steve & Jean Kozak Reeta Hemy Larry & Lorraine Jago* Bart & Nel Kraan** Yvonne Henderson George & Lilo Jahn** AnnualReport2003-2004 Donors who gave $100-$999...continued from page 9 10 Gary & Patricia Monteith M Fred & Joan Marshall John McGee John & Cindy Onofrio Glennie & Diane Marshall*** Joe & Edith McGoldrick** Maureen Monteith Ontario Lottery & Gaming Shirley Macarthur** Orville & Jocelyn Marshall Hal & Judy McGonigal Robert & Doreen Montgomery Corporation – Staff* Agatha MacDonald* Agnes Martin Lloyd McGrath** Kenneth & Colleen Moodie Ontario Provincial Police Christopher & Debbie MacDonald Association John & Maureen Martin* Ken & Kim McGregor Carol Mooney Ellen MacDonald Wade & Brenda Opper Lucy Martin** Cecil & Maureen McIntyre Ronald & Simonne Moore Ilene MacDonald** Adelia A. Orazietti*** Reg & Hannah Martin** Donald & Jean McKechnie* Alison Moorhouse** Jon & Mary-Louise MacDonald Joe & Rita Orazietti Stan & Jane Martynuck Jr. Geraldine McKee Tim & Dawn Morden Marie MacDonald Mary Orlando & Curtis Leach Jennifer Massicotte Glenna McKinney** John & Denise Moreau Wendy MacDonald Iola Orr Thomas & Mary Massicotte Donald & Bette McKinnon** Hubert Morgan Ken MacDougall Hilda Osis Elda Masters Richard & Hanna McKinnon John Morley** Don & Dawna Macgregor Ed & Lynda Ouellette James Matear William & Helen McKinnon** Richard & Sharon Moroso** Edward & Elizabeth MacInnes*** George Overman Dr. Thomas & Pushpa Mathew** Barry & Nicole McLarty* Beatrice Morris*** Jim & Dawn MacInnes*** Elizabeth Owen Dr. Vinod & Ghislaine Mathur* Keith & Dorothy McLarty** Janet Morris Archibald MacIsaac Tom & Barbara Matthews Dr. Alan & Susan McLean Reverend Henry & Edith P Lee MacKay Morrow** Richard & Lori Maunu Leland McLean** P.U.C. Employees Association Gordon MacKenzie Clarence & Doreen Moss** Angeline Maxwell* Murray McLean* Aristodemo & Venerina Paci Jessie MacKenzie Peter & Gertrude Mossa* Patricia Maxwell Ian McLellan Luigi & Dorina Paci** John MacLean** Dr. Morley & Marty Mossing Clell May* Ken & Grace McLeod*** Angelina Paciocco** Donald & Helen MacLeod Don & Barbara Muio Kevin & Karen McAndrew*** McLeod Bros. Mechanical Inc. Paul & Marilyn Paciocco John & Mary MacNamara John & Beth Muirhead** & Frances McArthur McMillan’s Carpet One Paesano Market Peter & Catherine MacNamara Judge C.T. Murphy James & Arlene McAuley** Enid McMullin Enzo & Maria Pagnotta Sean & Gail MacNamara** Les & Mary Murray*** Viola McAuley Fred & Betty McMurray William Paice* Doug & Margaret MacTavish* Tom & Martha Murray Don & Dorothy McBain Father Roy J. McParland* Andrew & Ann Palcic*** Madame’s Esthetic Frederick & Marie Muttitt* & Cosmetic Boutique Mervyn & Judith McBain Allan & Carole McPhee* Antonio & Concetta Palumbo** My Marie’s Floral Boutique William & Kathleen Maguire Edward & Cecile McCaig** Shirley McPhee Panna Bar & Grill Eric & Faye Myers Main Filter & Supply Ltd. Denise McCarrel Andrew & Pamela McRae Agnes Park Susan Myers William & Jean Malpass Harry & Doreen McCarty** McRae Mills Limited Leon & Bev Pascottini Alberta Mammarella Gene McCauley Jim & Suzanne McWatters N Sandy Pascuzzi & Sharon Mazur Doug & Betty McChesney MDS Health Group Ltd. Joe & Evelyn Mancuso Joe & Marg Nadeau William & Edith Patterson** Ken & Emma McClelland* Brian & Carolyn Mealey Arthur & Gayle Manley* Sheila Nadon Hugh & Virginia Paul James & D. Ann McClure* Beatrice Mearow** Gay Manley Sonia Nagainis Susan Pavelich** Ken & Rita McColeman** Linda Mei Carl Mann* Anthony Nanne & Mary Pascuzzi Joseph Pavlik David McComb & Rosetta Sicoli Gerald Meloche John & Ellen Manzo Sally Naphan Andy & Cheryl Pavoni*** Don McConnell & Joanne Dorothy Melville Maple Ridge Aggregates Ltd. Joe & Zena Nardini Drs. Bijan & Simin Payandeh Mantha-McConnell** Jamie & Ann Melville** Elma Marcil* Dr. Michael & Pina Nenonen James & Arlene Pearce* John & Janice McCoy Edna Merrett Sharon Marcon** Audrey Ness Loris & Natalie Pecile** Ruby McCoy Ron & Wendy Merrett* Bill & Theresa Marcoux* New North Greenhouses Charles & Mary Peer McDougall Fuels Gordon & Ruth Mestern Mike & Chris Marinovich** Randy & Deborah Nicholas Peter Pelletier Don & Betty McEachern** Meyers Munchies & Vending Don & Ida Marks Terrence Nichols Ron & Wilma Pelletier Julie McFadden Aldo Mezzomo** George & Muriel Marr** Lorne & Gloria Nicholson Klaus & Cindy Peltsch Don & Elaine McFarling* MGP Architects-Engineer Inc. Dr. John & Anne Marrack Sam & Mara Nicoletta* Clayton Penfold Antoine & Evelyn Michel Jean Nielsen-Jones* William Penfold* Ross Mick Karen Nisbet Anne Perepelytz Diane Haynes, RN, uses a Hand Held Pulse Oximeter on MicroAge Computers Peter & Dorothy Nixon** Rudolph & Angelina Peres*** Betty Kirby, patient. Lightweight and transportable, this Mike Moore & Sons Judge Bruce & Ruth Noble Paul Perigord item quickly provides staff with blood oxygen levels and pulse Construction Ltd.* rate measurements on any patient from newborn to adult. John & Brigitte Noble Roy & Mary Perin* Henryka Milczarek Donations from the Physicians Dinner, hosted by a group of Rick Nolan* Art & Sestina Perlini** pharmaceutical reps, allowed the Foundation to purchase a Ivan & Dawn Milkovich North Shore Industrial Lynda Perri Joyce Mills Hand Held Pulse Oximeter at a cost of $1,020. Wheel MFG Michael & Rosaria Perri** Ministry of Community and Social Northern Breweries Don & Carol Peterson* Services - Staff Northern Fencing Lawrence Peterson Ministry of Natural Resources & Guardrail Contracting Aviation Sector - Staff Del & Joanne Pettenuzzo Northern Jewellery Bonnie Miron* Mary Pettenuzzo Northridge Montessori School Ken Miron Phase 4 Electrical Contractor Ltd. Northside Toyota Ltd. John & Frances Mislan* John & Cathy Phillips Gordon & Clair Nott Don & Wendy Mitchell Photo Express James & Eilleen Mitchell O Wayne & Mary Pickard** Shirley Pigeau Jeffery & Nicole Mitchell John O'Neill Geniale & Carmela Pino*** Dr. Victor & Linda Mizzi*** Shelia O'Reilly Vince & Mary Pino Mobile Glass & Framing Inc. Leonard & Muriel Oliphant*** Gloria Pistor Dr. Ken Mohamed Leslie Oliphant Julian & Mary Ellen Piwowarski** Dr. Eshan & Diane Mohammadi Norlene Olsen Ben & Isabel Molson Michael & Patricia Plastino** Photo courtesy of COPS Marketing Group Inc. AnnualReport2003-2004 11 Donors who gave $100-$999...continued from page 10 Play It Again Sports Harold & Carol Robinson David & Elizabeth Saunders David Shier Paul & Judie Soltys* William & Marlene Pletsch John & Ruth Robinson Ron & Margaret Savage* Mary Shier*** Ron Sonke & Sheree Wright Dr. David Poitevin William Robinson Marion Savela Shoppers Drug Mart Soo Mill - Staff Fund* & Rosemary Reed** Dr. John & Margaret Roch Savoy's Jewellers Shoppers Home Health Care Joe & Bertilla Sorrenti*** Charlie D. Pole David & Patricia Roden* David & Adele Sawer* Janet M. Short John & Norma Sorrentino* Police Services - Staff David & Nell Rodger* Eugene & Anne Scarfone** Show Stoppers Rental Centre Dr. Silvana Spadafora Doreen Pollard Don Roebuck* Dr. John & Maureen Scarratt Frank & Jane Shunock* & John Febbraro Norman & Fay Poon* Paul & Sylvia Rollin* Sam Scheck Micheal Shunock John & Carol Spadoni Joseph & Carmel Porter* Debbie Romani Mike Schikofsky Mike & Rose Sicoli* Leveo & Barbara Spadoni* Kreszenz Porter Lorenzo & Elsa Romani** Ermo & Elia Schiratti*** Teresa Sicoli*** Ron & Teresa Spadoni Leonard & Mary Post* Domenic & Nancy Romano** Marilyn Schmidt Ram & Elaine Sidhu Marcello Spina Kellie Poulin Steve & Kelly Rome Gregg & Carol Schmitigal Ed Siebke William B. Sproule Jr. Joe & Neomi Power Eileen Rose Anthony Schryer Siemens Canada Limited - SIS Vilums & Edith Spunde* Robert & Fern Pratt** Harvey & Gweneth Ross** Alfonso & Lena Scornaienchi Richard Sienko Ed & Joyce St. Amand** Rene Pregent Martin & Jayne Ross Margaret Scornaiencki Gino & Betty Signoretti** William St. Amand Harold & Sonja Prenzel Edmond & Helen Rosset** Elizabeth Scott Elder & Nola Silveri St. Amour (B.L.T.C.) Consulting Inc. Ian Presgrave Joseph & Marion Rosso*** William Scott Stan & Rosalie Simon* St. Bernadette School - Staff Jack & Shelagh Priest Michael & Cindy Rosso Eve Scullion Gordon & Carolyn Simpson George & Donna St. Germain Diane Prijono Glynn Rouse* Claude & Marisa Sdao** Sims Custom Woodworking Inc. Earl & Theresa St. John*** Marlene Pringle Col. Edgar & Marlene Rowe Terry & Nancy Seabrook Jeevan Singh & Anarjit Sohi Raymond & Jane St. John Orville & Joan Pringle Royal Bank - Staff Sears - Management & Staff Lloyd & Doris Sippell** St. Paul School - Staff Sam & Mildred Pringle* Royal Canadian Legion Anthony & Sylvia Seccareccia** Watson & Gladys Slomke Harvey Stanley Proham Limited Branch # 374 Second Hand World Cecil & Rosa Smith** Propane Plus Service Centre Jim & Dorothy Rudack Steelton Senior Citizens Clare Seitz** Chuck Smith Club #235* John & Alice Proschuk** Domenic Ruscio Catherine Senecal* George & Gwen Smith* Gabe & Patti Stefanizzi Peter & Sandra Proulx & Lyne Gagnon-Ruscio Marilyn Senecal*** James & Jan Smith Robert & Elena Stefanizzi** Robert & Bev Prouse* Dean & Lynda Rushlon Brian Senn Lloyd & Marla Smith Gordon & Leona Stephen** Wayne & Ruby Prouse Elleda Rushworth Fred & June Shamas Norman & Mavis Smith Gary Stephenson Carmen & Ada Provenzano Glenn & Linda Russell John Shamas Peter Smith & Jacqueline Bert & Lotte Steube Michael & Julie Prpich Ethel Ryan Fairbrother Bob & Ann-Marie Shami Andy & Sharon Stevens Public Works & Transportation Patrick & Frances Ryan Peter & Shirley Smith* Cliff & Eileen Sharp* David & Eva Stewart** Employees Association Lucile Ryckman Robert & Georgina Smith Dr. Daniel & Marabeth Sharp David & Patricia Stokes Armando & Teresa Pulente* Jorma Ryyppo Robert & Jane Smith Daniel & Julia Shaw Peter Stone Pull Chain Theatre Anthony Smyth S Robert & Linda Sheehan* Phyllis Stone** Kamaljeet Sohi R David & Grace Sagle* Dina Shepherd* Robert & Wilma Stone* Larry & Donna Rahn Gerald & Phyllis Sagle Gary Rainbird John & Cindy Salituri Ron & Sandra Ramsay Nellie Sally** Gerald & Eila Rancourt* Arvo Salomaa RBC Royal Bank, Employee Pat & Lora Salvalaggio*** Thank You for Your Support! Volunteer Grant Program Rajbir & Satwant Samra The Real Estate Stop Inc. Strapping Systems We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the dedicated Red Star Electric Ltd. Dr. Christopher & Susan Sanders and ongoing support of three very special volunteer groups: Donald & Catherine Redmond** G.T. Sanderson Clarence Reed Sanofi-Synthelabo Canada Inc. Regime’s Day Spa Dr. Dominic & Mary Santana Matthews Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Dr. Joseph & Amy Reich Dr. Mark & Victoria Santana Paul Reinholtz* Gino & Rosemary Santoro* Sault Area Hospital Volunteer Association Lawrence & Catherine Renner** Sar-Gin Developments (Sault) Ltd. Thessalon Hospital Auxiliary Arthur & Sarsi Retnakaran Alan Sarlo*** Dollie Reynolds* Albert Sarlo** Norman Richards John Sarlo** Within these three organizations are countless volunteers who work Douglas & Suzanne Richardson Lydia Sarlo* tirelessly and diligently throughout the year hosting various events Phyllis Richardson** Gino & Maria Sartor Robert & Diane Richardson Ronald & Sandra Sartor such as Annual Teas & Luncheons, Draws & Raffles, Community Reg & Jean Rickaby* Sault Area Hospital - Staff*** Night and Bakes Sales and selling Break Open Tickets to raise funds David & Elizabeth Riddick* Sault College of Applied Arts for patient equipment. Trevor & Catherine Rising & Technology The Sault Area Hospital Volunteer Association also donates proceeds Peter & Erna Risse* Sault College of Applied Arts from their Gift Shops and Coffee Kiosks located at both the Plummer Carleen Rivet & Technology - Staff Ro-Von Steel Ltd. (The) Sault Hockey and General Sites. Officials Association Dr. Lynda Robb Their commitment to helping to build and strengthen healthcare in Sault Scuba Centre Ltd. Dr. John & Linda Robertson Sault Ste. Marie Heart Algoma benefits all of us! Alvaro & Teresa Robibaro* Support Group* AnnualReport2003-2004 Donors who gave $100-$999...continued from page 11 12

Stone's Office Supply Helene Tetreault* Gerald Ungar & Paula DePauli Allison Ward* Richard & Brenda Wilson Judge Ray & Mary-Kay The Brick Unipro North Brian & Janet Wardlaw*** Roy & Mary Wilson Stortini** The Loon’s Nest United Way of Greater Toronto Dick & Barbara Watson Edward & Rita Wing Romas & Aline Striukas** The Medicine Shoppe Fred & Kathleen Unsworth Joyce Watson Reta Winslade* Clare & Gladys Strom The Nu-You Day Spa & Salon Les & Elizabeth Watters* James Wishon V Elmer Strom Denis & Lynn Thibodeau Bill & Linda Watts* Bill Wismer Edward Vaillancourt* Solange Stuetz Ralph & Carol Thomas** Billy & Margaret Ann Waugh Robert & Sally Wismer*** Richard & Mary Valenti Sugar & Spice William Thomas Dr. William & Jeannette Dr. Gordon & Melissa Wong* Jennifer Vallance** Min Soo & Kison Suk Charles & Wendy Thomlinson Waymouth*** Barbara Wood Deanne Varcoe Marjorie Sullivan* Edna Thompson Frank & Margaret Webb** Jacqueline Wood Peter & Patricia Vaudry Claire Summerhayes John Thompson Lee & Wendy Weber Dr. Mark & Barbara Wood Dave Verreault Sunglass Depot Scott H. Thomson** Elmo Wegher* Zoey Wood-Salomon Sandi Verrecchia Superior Tile & Floorcovering Dr. James & Nancy Tibbles* Welcome Wagon Ltd.** Gwenfil Woods*** Mildred Vesala** Val & Jean Suriano** Percy Tidman Evelyn Weller Dr. Doug S. Woolner Fred W. Vicary* Juri Suurna & Sandra Dorothy Tomas* Cheryl Wells and Dr. Janice Willett Gaudet-Suurna* Henry & Alphonsine Viita* Nick & Caroline Tomasic Wendy's China Cabinet Inc.* World Cars Complex Joyce Swinn* Phil & Lori Virene Debbie Tonon* Marjorie Wenstrom David & Kathy Worth Viola Switzer* Thornley & Eila Virene Carla Tonucci* Joyce West Stella Wozny* SWO Financial Services LP Edward Vismanis** Norman & Margaret Topping Norman & Joanne West Rhonda Wright* Symcor Inc. Staff Heinz & Gerda Voigt Iris Torode** Ed Westlund April Wyper Paul & Evelyne Syme Tony & Mary Vorlicek Dr. John & Lynn Toye Rita Whalen Ruby & April Wyper System International Machine Sandra Vosper David White Stanley & Marg Wyszynski* Shop Limited Richard & Marilyn Travaglini Sam & Violette Vresk* Donald & Roberta White* Laura Szczepaniak Guy Traverse Frank & Mary Vukobratich* Y Art & Debbie Tremblay Eric & Donelda White** Steve & Louise Szo John & Ruth Yacoback Brian Tremblay Ron & Joan Whitehead W Dustin Yanni T Trillium Office Furniture Stanislawa & Marian Widlas* Rupert & Anne Waas* Jong & Kathy You Urban & Nancy Tadashore Harold & Sarah Triplett Gerhard & Inge Wilde Dr. David & Sandra Walde Kate W. Young Paul & Lorna Taillefer* Triveneto Club Wm. R. Walker Engineering Inc. Donald & Joan Walimaki** Dr. Thomas & Laurel Young** Dr. Howard & Margaret Tait Paul & Joyce Trudeau Harold & Helen Williams Bruce & Elizabeth Walker Ray Yukich Rosario Tan* Al & Judy Tucci James & Roberta Williamson** Harold & Dorothy Walker Nina Yurechuk** Dr. Domenic & Ophelia Tang* Larry & Alice Willoughby** Betty R. Tuckett** Richard & Meredith Walker Tassone Chiropractic Clinic Arthur & Gail Willson* Elmer & Christine Tuominen*** William & Clare Walker* Z Harold & Doreen Taylor Alan & Lorraine Wilson** Wayne Turner Maureen Walls Andy & Angela Zambusi** Lee & Patricia Taylor* Don Wilson John & Marilyn Walsh* Dr. Patricia Zehr & Kan Seto Lorraine Taylor* U Glenn & Helen Wilson Gillian Walshaw* Janice Zurawinski* Robert & Arlene Taylor Dr. Kauko & Betty Ujanen James & Mary Wilson Anne Wandel TD Canada Trust - Staff Johann & Rosa Ullmann*

* 5 years or more of consecutive giving ** 10 years or more of consecutive giving *** 15 years or more of consecutive giving


We also express our sincere thanks to all of our donors who have wished to remain Anonymous.

We have made every effort to ensure that all donors who have given $100 or more to the Sault Area Hospital between April 1, 2003 and March 31, 2004 have been recognized in this Annual Report. We apologize for, and ask that you notify our office, of any errors or omissions.

While donor recognition in our Annual Reports is based on the total amount of donations during a single fiscal year, the donor recognition plaques that are placed on our “Beacon of Hope Wall” are based on a donor’s lifetime, cumulative giving (of $1,000 or more). Similarly, while our In Loving Memory recognition page is based on donations made in memory within a single fiscal year, the In Memoriam plaques that are placed on our “Celebration of Life Wall” are based on cumulative in memory donations (of $1,000 or more). AnnualReport2003-2004 13 “When my mother was in the hospital, she loved to take a walk past the donor plaques and read the OurFriendsForever–MonthlyGivingProgram names. She was so thankful for their generosity. She always wished she could somehow repay the great care she had received. This is our way of honouring her wish and at the same time helping to ensure there is a future in our children’s healthcare. This is It gives us great pleasure to acknowledge the following why we chose to join the Friends Forever Monthly participants of our Friends Forever Monthly Giving Program for the fiscal year April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004. Giving Program. Our belief is “Every bit helps”. Maddalena & Damon Ferris Mary Anne Anderson Stan Finn Kim LeBlanc-Turpin Paul Reinholtz Ernest & Blanche Ballstadt G.L. Fletcher & Ian Turpin Dollie Reynolds Irene Beaton John A. Fortin David & Roxieann Lloyd Robert & Judith Robertson John & Margaret Bennett Henry & Barbara Roy Lovelace William Robinson Joseph Black Frandsen Karl & Roberta Ludke Don Roebuck Martin & Valerie Robert Gagnon Herbert Lundquist Paul & Sylvia Rollin Blakeborough Teresa Girardi Marie MacDonald Dr. Christopher & Susan William & Judy Bouchard Dr. David & Margaret John & Mary MacNamara Sanders Clayton & Pamela Brown Gould Alberta Mammarella John Sarlo Ellen Cain Cliff & Susan Graham Joy Marchyshyn Lydia Sarlo John & Alice Caul Beth Grant Bill & Theresa Marcoux Marion Savela Joseph & Giselle Chiarello Robert & Karen Grant Don & Ida Marks Sam Scheck Paul Cloutier Helen Gregoire Angeline Maxwell Anthony & Silvia Robert Cloutier Sheila Hamilton Patricia Maxwell Seccareccia Jeff & Teresa Cudmore Jeanette Harrison Ken & Kim McGregor Clare Seitz Pasquale & Teresa Josef & Lore Hoffmann Geraldine McKee David Shier D'Orazio Ronald & Helen Hope Dorothy Melville John St. Pierre Georgette Derry Carole Hunt-Ford Eldon & Shirley Mills Frank & Mary Vukobratich Bruce & Marion Dewhirst Charles Hutman Joe & Zena Nardini Rupert & Anne Waas & Jeannie Scott-Hutman Sandy Ewing Jean Nielsen-Jones Billy & Margaret Ann Dr. Frank & Mary Ianni Waugh Marjorie Falls George Overman Brady & Martha Irwin Candis Willson Marlene & Steve Fawcett Onile Paradis Jean Joki Gwenfil Woods Damon & Maddalena Andy & Cheryl Pavoni Ferris Raymond & Mary Keating Rhonda Wright Peacock Coachman Inc. Betty Filipich Philip & Lois Langthorne Larry & Marion Young Geniale & Carmela Pino Nick & Mary Fill Joe & Lena Lauzon Janice Zurawinski Harold & Sonja Prenzel Gino & Nina Finateri


An In Honour donation, for some people, is a way to recognize or celebrate a special occasion in the life of a family member, friend or colleague. For others, it is a way to say thank you or to express a deep regard for someone. Whatever the reason, it is a special and lasting way to pay tribute to someone. The Foundation is proud to recognize the following honourees:

William C. Armstrong Joan Elgie Dr. Greg P. Hutton Adele Sawer Roma Barber Lulu E. Fremlin Millie Mertes Dr. Sardar S. Sohi Johanna Bischoping Aldo Greco Sandy Morin John & Linda Tibbles Alberta Booth Dr. Paul Gupta Rollande Pelletier Dorothy A. Tomas Glen Cove Antonio Guzzo Donald Prendergast Marguerite Turmaine Peter & Nancy Cresswell John & Alice Hayes-Sheen Robert “Bob” Robertson RBCInvestingInItsCommunities Pacesetter Profile “RBC Financial Group has been serving Sault Ste. Marie as Canada’s Most Respected Corporation. It was also and the Algoma District for 104 years now. We remain named the top corporate social responsibility organization committed to giving back to the communities in which we in Canada for the seventh consecutive year. This work and live.” prestigious recognition includes such activities as -Algoma Region Sales and Market Manager Steve Nixon charitable giving, employee volunteerism, sponsorships, “We are proud to be a lead Pacesetter for the Sault Area community involvement, corporate governance, and Hospital Foundation this year with our donation of ethical business practices. $10,000,” Steve says. “This is just one way we are Supporting healthcare remains a top priority for RBC, and helping to support the important work being done in our it takes special pride in knowing that several employees area hospital.” volunteer time to the Sault Area Hospital. RBC Financial RBC recognizes that it’s crucial for community, Group’s Employee Volunteer Grants Program allows staff government and corporate partners to work together to and retirees who volunteer more than 40 hours per year to build a brighter tomorrow for the hospital, he adds. apply for a $500 grant for their charitable organization. Through this new program, $1,500 in grants has already RBC is an ongoing supporter of the Sault Area been donated to the Sault Area Hospital Foundation, two Hospital Foundation, contributing nearly $40,000 of which are to acknowledge the efforts of RBC retiree over the years. This includes $15,000 towards its Rollande Pelletier. annual Gift Gala & Auction. RBC is also quite proud of the efforts of Norm Sauve, Giving back to the community is a fundamental value that Manager of Professional Banking at the Algoma Business RBC employees share, as demonstrated in annual Banking Centre. Norm served seven years on the General fundraising initiatives spearheaded by local branches Hospital Foundation Board of Directors prior to its throughout the year. amalgamation with the Plummer Memorial Public RBC believes in focusing its community investments on Hospital Foundation Board in 2002. Norm continues to building partnerships, not simply writing cheques. Ideally offer his energy and expertise to the SAHF Board. it aims to combine donations, branch fundraising RBC Financial Group is excited to be a part of the initiatives, volunteer assistance, and in-kind resources and Algoma District’s spirit of partnership and is proud to services to support community organizations. It believes a support medical research, technology, healthcare broader perspective and approach is the most effective associations, and hospitals across Canada, Steve states. way to have a positive impact on people’s lives. “As one of Canada’s largest corporate donors, RBC feels RBC continues to play a leadership role as a good contributions to organizations, like the Sault Area corporate citizen. In 2003, the company was recognized Hospital Foundation, are investments in our future.” in a national survey commissioned by the Globe & Mail,

Top Photo: Steve Nixon, RBC Algoma Region Sales and Market Manager, presents a cheque to Foundation Board member, Norm Sauve. AnnualReport2003-2004 15 “As one of Canada’s largest corporate donors, RBC feels contributions to Our2003Pacesetters organizations, like the Sault Area Hospital Foundation, are investments in our future.” Steve Nixon, RBC Financial Group

LeadingtheWayinOurCommunity Each year the Foundation approaches businesses in our community to become a Pacesetter, a business that leads the way for businesses giving in our community. These generous gifts serve as an inspiration for others in our community to support the Sault Area Hospital Foundation. We are pleased to present the names of our 2003 Business Pacesetters who are Leading the Way in Our Community:

Algoma Insurance Group Gord Royle Insurance Lemay’s Decorating Red Star Electric Ltd. Brokers Ltd.* Centre Ltd. Algoma Office Equipment Rome’s Independent Grocer Great Northern Retirement Lyons Tim-Br Mart Algoma’s Water Tower Inn S & T Electrical Home / Windsor Park Maple Ridge Aggregates Ltd. Contractors Ltd. Arby’s Restaurant Residence Mathews, Dinsdale, Clark Sal-Dan Developments* Assante Capital Management Group Health Centre Barristers & Solicitors Pharmacy & IDA Pharmacies Sar-Gin Developments BDO Dunwoody LLP MGP Architects-Engineer Inc. (Sault) Ltd. Henderson Metal Fabricating “Bob” Dionisi & Sons Ltd. Co. Ltd. Mike Moore & Sons Savoy’s Jewellers Construction Ltd. Classic Neon & Signs Highland Ford Sales Ltd. Searchmont Resort* Mio’s Furniture Fashions Ltd. Cliffe Printing Inc.* Holder Marine Shoppers Home Health Care MJM Roofing & Siding* Cooper’s Crane Rental Ltd. Holiday Inn Soo Mill & Lumber Dairy Queen Sault Ste. Marie Waterfront O’Neill DeLorenzi Cresswell Company Ltd.* Ostroski Barristers & The Travel Masters Ltd. Dumanski Office Interiors* Joe’s No Frills* Solicitors Trillium Office Furniture Ellis, Pastore, Oswin KPMG LLP* P.A. Soltys & Associates Consultants Inc. Wal*Mart Kwik Kopy Printing* Prouse Motors Ltd. Ellwood Robinson Ltd. Wardlaw Fuels (Algoma) Laidlaw, Paciocco, Melville PUC Inc.*** First General Services Barristers & Solicitors Inc.* Purvis Marine Ltd. G & K Services Canada Inc.* Lajambe Group Wendy’s China Cabinet Inc. G-P Flakeboard Company*** Financial Services RBC Foundation*** Wm. R. Walker Engineering General Mobile Radio Lamon’s Printing R.F. Contracting* World Cars Complex Service Ltd.* Law Office of Pascuzzi Rector Machine Works Ltd. & Berlingieri LLP

$1,000 - $4,999* $5,000 - $9,999** $10,000 and over ***

Bottom photos, left to right: Gord Royle Insurance Brokers Ltd. G & K Services Canada Inc. Gord Royle Insurance Brokers Ltd. Owners & Staff Dr. David Gould, Cardiologist & Foundation Board Member, present a cheque for $1,500 to Giselle Chiarello, Fund thanks Greg Hammel, G & K Services’ Sault Ste. Marie Development Officer. Branch Manager, for their $1,000 donation to our hospital.

Soo Mill & Lumber Company Limited Wardlaw Fuels (L to R): Jaclyn Caruso, Cashier and Derek Paquin, Sales (L to R): Victoria Chiappetta, Foundation Board Member, Representative present a donation of $4,000 to Jamie Melville, receives a $2,500 gift from Brian and Janet Wardlaw, Owners President, Foundation Board. of Wardlaw Fuels. Photos courtesy of COPS Marketing Group Inc. AnnualReport2003-2004 “Our deeds are like stones cast into the pool of 16 time; though they themselves may disappear, their ripples extend to eternity.” InLovingMemory (Unknown) The Foundation is honoured to present this list of loved ones whom family and friends have chosen to remember by making a gift commemorating their life.

Betty V. Bird Donald J. Carter Stella Crosby Ronald Embury A Ronald T. Bird John H. Carter Geraldine Crowder Lillian Errington Arvo A. Aalto Roy Bishop James H. Casola Louise Cundari Amelia Esposito Christy Aceti Frank Bitonti Mark Castellarin Elisa Cupido Dorothy Esposti Giulia Aceti Robert L. Blanchard Elizabeth Caswell John E. Currey Hobe Esseltine Charles Acree Kenneth W. Blue Garth Cathcart Samuel Currie John E. Evans Michelina Adamo Dulio Boiani Nicola Cavaliere Reta Curtis Isobel P. Adams Benjamin C. Bokker Patrick E. Cavanagh P. Cypas F Phyllis Adams Jean M. Bokker Indulis Celmins Guido Facchini Hanns Ailmendinger Theresa Bolduc Annette M. Chevrier D Sophia C. Fahrer Domenico Albidone Rita Boniferro Eva Chevrier Pasquale D'Addetta Mary Ina Fallu Colette Aline Alberta Booth Salvatore Chiarella Dan D'Orazio Angelina Farelli Luise Alisat Alexander Booth Helen Chiarelli Costanzo Dal Cin Richard J. Faught Orris Allan Louis Bordeleau Anna M. Chiarello Mario Dalla-Vicenza Lila Faux George A. Allen Caroline R. Bosbous Mae Chitty Theresse Danis Elsie M. Fera Eileen Alleway Helen Bothwell Mario Cicchello Gina Dare James Fera Dolores M. Amadio Inez Bougie Virginia Cinelli Earl Davey Stanley Fera Margaret H. Ambeault Jean-Paul Bourdages Evelyn L. Clargo Norma Davey Ruth Figures Wallace Ambeault Roland Boutin Munroe Clark Brian J. Davidson Timothy J. Finn Jason Anderson Claude A. Boyer Edward A. Clarke John "Jack" A. Davidson Don Fitzsimmons Ray Andrew Winifred E. Brayley Margaret M. Clarke Gordon L. Dawe Gino Flegrei Jane Angus Eva Brescacin William J. Clarke Emily Dawes Rick M. Fleming Paul W. Antoniow Patricia J. Bridge Ira H. Cleaves Benito J. De Gasparro Shirley Fletcher Adele M. Armstrong Jackie Brockelbank Charles E. Clement Robert Dear Elaine A. Flint Georgina A. Armstrong Noreen J. Brooks John G. Cleminson Vincent Delaney Marina Forbes William C. Armstrong Pearl Brooks Ida Cliff John P. DeLavalle Lise M. Fortino Fred Astrella Margery Brown Catherine Clouthier Emilio De Pauli Evelyn Foster Charles Aubin Norma E. Brownlee Giovanni Cocchiola Frank Desimon Douglas J. Fountain Garry Auger Eda Brunetta Arcangelo Coccimiglio Fredrick L. Desjardins Ethel M. Fraser Roger F. Austin Arthur C. Bruni Mario Coccimiglio Vera Desjardins Jim Fraser Medora V. Desrochers James Frazer B Assunta Bruni Pasquale Coccimiglio Nicola Di Lollo Arnold T. Frech Frederick Baar Helene C. Bruni Maxine Cochrane Joyce Diboll Lillian Freeland George Baic Catherine M. Budge Misty-Lynn Coghill Frank A. Digasparro Lulu E. Fremlin Henry Bailey Linda M. Bull Claudia Colizza Ona B. Digby Joseph C. Fryia David Balfour Marian Bull Mildred Collins Margaret Ann Diotte Bruce Ballstadt Carmello Bumbaco Ada P. Connell Domenic Disano G Lydia Balogh Kathleen Burch Gail E. Conway Dolores DiSisto Melody J. Gaetano Douglas Bannister Ed Burford Albert E. Cook Mary Ellen Distasi Anthony J. Gagnon Jack Barbeau Alynn Burke Margaret Cook Arnaldo DiTommaso Lawrence Gagnon James M. Barbet Pamela Burnley William (Bill) C. Cook John Dodds James Gallagher Beth Barker Mr. Burtch Ernest W. Cooper Christine E. Donaghue Louise Gallivan Rose Barsalou Agnes Bussineau Gerald B. Corbett Dale Donaghue Cora Gardiner Argentina Barsanti John J. Corbett C Kevin Donnelly Alberto Garofalo Mildred Bates Rose Corbett Mabel F. Cain Bobby Donovan Remo "Ray" Gassi Bernadine Bauer Calvin (Wakefield) Corbiere Melina Callegari Helen Dool Hazel Gauley Erma L. Bazzo Michael Cornacchi Ida Cameron Sidney Dool Lloyd Gay Edna Beale Viola Correy Minerva Cameron Stanley C. Dool Maria Gazzola Gwen Beaudet Greta Cosh Neressa Cameron Alex Doucette Frank E. Geall Grace Beaudette Violetta Costanzo Shirley Cameron Theresa Dovigi Philip George Armande Bedard Arnold Coulter Willon C. Cameron William G. Dovigi Dick Gibson Herbert Beilhartz Lois Coulter A.D. (Archibald) Campbell Otto Drager Jean Gignac Hugh F. Beilhartz Alex Courjaud Robert A. Campbell Aurel Dumoulin Yvan Gignac Florence Belair Tony Courox Carmella Candido Darwin Dunn Vivian Gilbert Clifford Bell Stella Cowan Lorrie Canniff Delilah A. Dunn Tuovi Gilchrist Gordon A. Bell Margaret Cox Rita Canniff Donatella Giosa Violet Bell Clare Cralle Joseph Carbone E James Gloster Albert Bellumat Gordon C. Cress Olga Cardiff Albert W. Eccles Alicia Godin Amalia Belsito Marguerite T. Cress Lila K. Caron Hannah J. Edwards Richard D. Golden Fiorvante Belsito Shirley Cress Lillian Caroux Allan Elliott Lois Bennett William Crichton In Loving Memory... Arthur Carter Laura Elsby Aldo Bertulli Michael Crkvenac continued on page 17 AnnualReport2003-2004 17 “The monument of a great man is not of granite or marble or bronze. It consists of his goodness, InLovingMemory his deeds, his love and his compassion.” (Alfred A. Montapert)

Kenneth Goodship Lena Holowachuk Lynn B. King Adolph Mancini Carol E. McLelland John Gorges Harold Holtom Alexander M. Kinninmont Francis Mancini Arlene McLeod Diane A. Graham Ray Holub Norma Kochanowski Raechal Manetti Jeffrey M. McLeod Donald Graham Sing Hong Fritz Koschwanez Ronald V. Mann Joseph McLeod Gordon N. Graham Mary J. Hooey Tauno A. Koski Morris Marchyshyn Maybeline E. McLeod Helga Graham Valerie P. Hooker Elouise Kovacs Isabelle Marinelli Sharon McLeod F. Grant Deidre Hooper Zoltan Kovacs Sr. Isabelle Markey Molly McNee Henrietta A. Grant Chris Hope Walter Kozak Marion M. Marquardt Jennie McPhail Rodney D. Grasley Theresa Hopkins Jack Krohn Warren B. Marshall Hugh G. McPhee Gerrard Gravelle Wesley Hopkins Frank Kuczaj James Martin Marguerite McPhee Pearl Gray Gilbert W. Hopson Draper Martineau Murdoch J. McPhee Maria Greco Eileen Hormavirta L Una R. Martineau Thomas G. McQuaid Pasquale Greco Marshall M. Horner Yvette B. LaBerge Marino Marzetti Helen McWilliams Lloyd L. Green Allan Houston Edouard Labine John H. Massa John Meechan Eddy Grunt Harold W. Howard Gerald E. Lacasse Roland Masters Don Mei Olivia C. Gualazzi Royale Howes Lloyd Lachowich Patricia Mastroianni Heinrich Meister Pietro Gualtieri Gertrude Huber Charles E. Lajoie Mervyn Matheson Neil Mejaki Katherine Gullen Jean A. Hunt Bill Lamon Gerald A. Matthews Lena Mendicino Cliff O. Gutcher Ross Hunter Auguste Lamoureux Concetta Mattioli Maria Mendicino Antonio Guzzo William C. Hurdle Michael W. Lang Edna Maunu Curtis Robert G. Merrifield Fortunato Guzzo Greg P. Hutton Mary Lanigan Stanley J. Mavor Ida Merrifield Gaetano Guzzo Isabelle Lash Fred Maxwell Roy Merrifield Vincenzo Guzzo I Raymond J. Latour Concetta Mazza Bradley D. Mersereau Pietro Iacoe Robert G. Lauzon Elvira Mazza Leah Anne Mezzomo H Francesco Iannarelli Cecile Lavallee Giuseppe Mazza Walter Micak Marjorie Hackett Jan Ilczyszyn Kay Laver Carmine Mazzuca Lydia A. Micaroni Mae Haight Peter Impekoven Vera Lawrie Bonnie McAlpine William J. Michaud Mary Hale Michael G. Ingram Laila H. Leach Lorna J. McAuley Jo-Anne Miller Jane E. Hallam Jim Irvine Helen E. Leaney Sheila R. McCabe John T. Miller Victor Hamilton Shirley Irvine Marie G. Leblanc Fred McCaig Robert Miller Shirley Hammond Norman J. Irving Vivian LeBlanc Andrew McCann Carol A. Miron William Hammond Roy H. Irwin Alcide Leboeuf Doreen McCarter Eila Miron Joan Haner Ruth Irwin Roland Leboeuf Lorne McCarty Lillian J. Misener Pauli Hanninen Violet W. Irwin Dorothy Leclair Robert E. McClelland Jim Misseau Julius Harfert Teresa Iuliano David A. Lediett Margaret McClymont Erica Mitchell Harry Harju Rena Lediett J Peggy McCullough Megan Mitchell Rainer O. Harju Lima Legacy Lelia McDougall Phyllis L. Mitchell William Jarvis Rawson E. Harris Wesley Legros H. J. McFadden Robert D. Mitchell Henry Jarzab Thomas Harrison Marion E. Lenhardt Stella McGrath Valdemar Mitrofanov June Jaworski Keith Harten Isabelle Leonard Shawn McGuire Marion Mizzi Robert Jean Katherine Hawrish Helen D. Levert Carrie K. McInnis Mary Montgomery Cecelia Jerrard Michael P. Hayes-Sheen Marion Levesque Albert McKay Ada A. Moore Norma Johns Haley Heimonen Angele Lillie Beverley A. McKay Hazel Moore Edna J. Johnson Barry Heise Paul R. Lillie Stephen P. McKenna Stan Johnson In Loving Memory... Lawrence Hemy George Linklater Evelyn J. McLean continued on page 18 Marie Henriques Susanna M. Johnston Adrien J. Litalien Charles Hernden Jackie Jolin Oliver L. Lomas Marjorie Hernden Donald J. Jones Beatrice Longarini Marilyn Jones Tribute Program Victor Hewett Earl O. Longarini Ellen Hicks Tim W. Jones Josip Lucic The Sault Area Hospital Foundation thanks the Elaine Higgins Miranda Joy following Funeral Homes and Cremation Centres M Sidney Hilderly Anna V. July for their assistance with our Tribute Program: June MacDonald Frank D. Hill K Ida E. Hill Kerry MacFarlane ArthurFuneralHome Edwin K. Karhi Jim Hillcock John C. MacGarrie andCremationCentre Anne Keating Hilda L. Hillmer William E. MacGuigan Jack Keating BartonandKiteleyFuneralHome Mary Hillock Ola MacKay Sharon E. Kelly andCremationCentre Lennart H. Hillstrom Margaret Ellen MacLean Barbara Kennedy Wilfred A. Hinsperger Diane MacWilliams Lawrence E. Kennedy BeggsFuneralHome John Hoar Eunice Maguire Lester C. Khull Robert Hogen Elizabeth Malesh NorthwoodFuneralHome Michael Killoran Ina B. Hogg Jason A. Malkki Helen M. Kinahan O’SullivanDonnellyFuneralHome Donna Hohmeyer Marjorie Maltby George J. King Martti Holkko Allen J. Manchester Jean M. King “What we do for ourselves dies with us – AnnualReport2003-2004 what we do for others remains and is 18 immortal. ” (Albert Pike) InLovingMemory

In Loving Memory...continued from page 17

Kenneth J. Moore Jakob Pandzic R Stanley Rutledge Isobel St. Amand Dorothy A. Varcoe Lloyd R. Morden Velia Panetta Alice Radke Gwendoline M. Ryan Isidore R. St. Amour Annie Verdoni Rose Morettin Bernice M. Paquette David J. Rae Stephen Ryan Jeannette R. St. Jules Kauko I. Vesala Donald Morgan Stella Parniak-Moulton Vera Rainbird Rene St. Jules Robert Vesala S Margaret Morgan Meline Pascall Paul Rainone Rayetta St. Pierre Guy Martin Vetrie Bernard Salabsky Marie Morgan Bernice Pasheri Betty J. Ralph Sylvia Stadnik J. Charles Vincent Marietta Santelli Albert Morin Gregory J. Pavelich Earle F. Ralph Marie I. Stephen Myrtle F. Vine Maria Sartoretto Carol Ann Morin Pearl Pavoni Isabella Ramsay Patricia Stephen/Spadoni Saverio Vita Jeanne D'arc Savage Sandy Morin Jason Pearce Patricia Ramsay Catherine J. Stewart Katerina Voronenko Clara Schell Winifred Morley Joan E. Pearce Russ Ramsay Frank Stewart Joy Schildroth W Louie Morra Ontario Pecile Ralph Rancourt Madelena A. Stocco Dora Schill Albert J. Walker Eleanore Morrison Arnaldo Pedinelli Michael C. Ratchford Anton Stuetz Jozsef Schmidt Joan Walsh John H. Morrison Taimi Pelto Anne Rathwell Lloyd N. Sturgeon Paul Schmidt Mary Warder William M. Morrison Patricia Penrice Susan Rathwell Jin See Suen Donna Scholfield James W. Warmington Fernand Mousseau Carmen Periard William L. Rathwell Calvin Sullivan Cleo J. Schryer Judith A. Watt Langel G. Muir Gilberte Perreault Garry M. Redmond Norris A. Swaffield Norma J. Schryer Patricia Watts Agnes Munro Fran Perrone Margaret D. Reed Carole M. Swan Doreen Scime Pauline Waud Anthony Muscatello Klaus P. Petersen Millicent L. Reed Verna E. Swan Irene R. Scornaiencki Margaret Webb Mabel D. Myers Susie Peterson Richard Reed Mario Scornaiencki T Florence Weeks Mario Pettenuzzo Robert Reeves N Frances Helen Scott Iris Tabler Harvey Wellwood Ronald Pettenuzzo John L. Reid Antonio Naccarato Lorraine Seccareccia Mabel Tanner Hildred E. Wenstrom Augusto Pezzutto Mary Renzoni Ercole Naccarato Anita Seguin Vieno A. Tanninen Linda H. West Margaret O. Piccolo Christina Reville Maurice J. Nadon (Moe) Michael Semczyszyn Byron W. Taylor Andrew W. Whalen Ronald G. Pielow Dorothy M. Richard Teresa Napoletano Allan Shanks Gladys Taylor Kettrina Whitmore Richard E. Pigeau Noelle Richardson Romolo Nelli Robert A. Shanks Gordon Taylor Ivan Whittom Alberto Pino Clarence E. Robbins Raymond Nello Marjorie Sharpe Anna Teolis Harry Wickett Alfonso Pino Robert "Bob" Robertson Rose Nelson Dawson H. Shaule Napoleon Tessier William J. Wickett Maria Pino Mary E. Robson Mary Nicholas Mary J. Shaver Don Thelland Czech Wieczor Marilyn Poirier Janet Rodger-Anderson Walter L. Nicolle Ida Shaw Maurice Thibodeau Robert J. Wilkes Daniel G. Poitevin Andrea J. Rogers Alphonse C. Nolan William Shawchuk Ronald Thibodeau Chandler Willet Enno Pold Robert Rogoschensky Isobelle Nolan Francis B. Shepherd Vera Thom Jennifer Willet Guido Politano Evo Romani John Norling David Sheppard Charles W. Thomas James C. Willey Donna M. Polnick Patricia Romano Linda E. Shewfelt Delmar M. Thomas Billy Williams Dorothy Porter Maude Ross O Lloyd G. Shier Frederick J. Thompson Sarah H. Williams Carmelo Posteraro Nallo Rossi Dennis O'Sullivan Ruby Shuttleworth James E. Thompson Margaret Williamson Pushpan Pottekkat Raffaele Rossi Ricardo Ongaro Angela Sicoly Betty Tidman Velvie I. Willis Ronald Pountney Thelma M. Rowlinson Domenic Orecchio Tomira L. Sierzputowski Morris R. Timmermans Curnel Willmont Randall J. Predum Joan Ruggles Robert Orlando Ryszard Sikorski Ronald F. Tiplady Daisy P. Wilson Audrey Pregent Yvonne P. Rumminger Daniel G. Ostaff Stanislaw Sikorski A. H. Tishman Trevor K. Wilson Donald Prendergast Alice Running Marianna Silveri Bachint Kaur Tiwana Gordon Charles Wing P Antonio Presta James Ruse Maria Silvestrin Iqbal S. Tiwana Lynn Winkelmann Antonio Pagnotta Jennifer Primak Frederick H. Rushworth Bernice Simms August F. Tomas Jennie Wolowich Lena Palahnuk Glen Pringle Dean Russ Lillian Simons Arthur Tombari Gertrude Wozny Luiga Palarchio Isabelle E. Pyykonen Arthur Russell Peter Simpson Ines Tonello Kenneth M. Wright Rosaria Palarchio Mary M. Russon Q Walter Sirois Paulette A. Tonner Renate G. Wright Silvestro Palumbo Orville J. Rutledge Elizabeth Anne Quinlan Gordon F. Skilling Angelo Tonucci Stuart Wright Lena Slobodecki Stephen Trainor Eva M. Wysynski Annie Smith Rosina Traveson Y Building a Bridge To The Future Arnold K. Smith Carmine Trecroce Jean M. Smith Elizabeth M. Trefry Jack Yacoback We extend our thanks to the following donors who Margaret Smith Barrie D. Trembath Raymond Yakasovich remembered the Foundation in their Wills or who made Phyllis A. Smith Nick Trepasso Zeda M. Yarema a Planned Gift (Charitable Gift Annuity, Charitable Raymond Smith Leonildo J. Trevisanut Earl N. Young Remainder Trust or Gift of Life Insurance) to benefit Mehar S. Sohi Larry Trudeau Elizabeth F. Young the Sault Area Hospital. Rajwant Kaur Sohi Pierina P. Tucci Roy A. Young Don&DonnaFord Reena Kaur Sohi Lin C. Tulloch Martin J. Yukich Lenard Zeljeznak EstateofDr.W.L.G.Hopson Sardar S. Sohi Giuseppe Turco Elaine M. Z EstateofJ.A.McPhail Irmgard Sonley V Ines Zorzi Franklin&NoraProuse Elsie Sparling Richard Vallance Mary Zorzit Giuseppe (Joe) F. Spina Keith Van Buskirk EstateofGeorgeWright Guido Zuppa Leonard Spooner Mathie van Rooij-De Bijl AnnualReport2003-200419 “As a leading North American freight transportation company, we are committed CNHasOutstandingTrackRecordofCommunitySupport to helping build safer, stronger communities where our employees live and work.” Ian Thomson, CN

The familiar CN logo represents Canada’s largest Although CN has become one of the largest railway railroad, but it could also stand for “Community companies in North America since it was founded in Needs” because that is what CN is helping to meet in 1919, it is still relatively new to the Algoma District, the Sault and area. having purchased Wisconsin Central in October 2000. As is customary when appealing to a large business, We encourage you to take some time to visit its the Sault Area Hospital Foundation submitted a website at and learn more about a formal request to CN’s Community Investment company whose roots are deep in Canadian history Program, hoping to secure funding to purchase a and who prides itself on being able to participate in cardiac monitor. countless worthwhile projects throughout all of Our submission – just one of the thousands CN North America! receives each year – was reviewed and, in less than When asked why they selected SAHF to be a two months, we received a cheque for $25,000! recipient of $25,000, allowing us to purchase a new “We try to make good decisions quickly,” says Ian cardiac monitor for the hospital, Ian Thomson Thomson, Director, Communications. “As a leading summed it up simply by saying, “It fulfills a unique North American freight transportation company, we local need in an important CN community where we are committed to helping build safer, stronger have 120 employees. We’re pleased to be able to do it.” communities where our employees live and work.” Meeting community needs is certainly nothing new to CN. The railway has a long tradition of supporting charitable organizations. For nearly 100 years, this concerned, corporate citizen has fostered solid relationships with the hundreds of communities through which its trains pass. In addition to making cash donations, CN donates the transportation of goods, office space, and the expertise of its people. For the past five years, CN has transported more than 30,000 donated computers to schools across Canada through the Computers for Schools program. CN sets a fine example for its employees whom it encourages to also get involved in their communities. The railway recognizes the efforts of employees who are involved in their community through its “President’s Award for Community Service”. Safety, life-long learning, community support, and commitment to action are at the heart of CN’s core values and experiences. As such, CN Police take the company’s railway safety train, Little Obie, to community events across Canada and the US to help teach children and their parents about the importance of safety at level crossings.

Major Donor Profile AnnualReport2003-200420 TheGift Gala&Auction

May 10th, 2003 marked The 2nd Annual Gift Gala & Auction, an evening of elegance and excitement that raises money for our hospital’s Cancer Care Fund. This unique and grand fundraising event features a five course dinner, live and silent auctions, live entertainment, music, and a dance. Numerous donors and sponsors, representing our community’s business, retail, hospitality, industrial, and professional sectors, along with our local artists and media, supported this spectacular fundraising event with both cash and in-kind contributions. This outpouring of generosity, coupled with countless volunteer hours, resulted in an astounding $183,247 in proceeds!

The proceeds from this extraordinary event made the following possible for the Algoma Regional Cancer Care Program: Defibrillator Two Electric Beds Two Stretchers Blood Pressure Monitor Eight Infusion Pumps Hand-held Oximeter with stand Furnishings for the Patient Resource Room Office Chairs for Outpatient Clinic & physician offices Food Service Cart for volunteers to serve patients and the Cancer Clinic Expansion

We are extremely thankful to the Gala’s Executive, Auction, Catalogue, Design, Entertainment, Marketing, Site, Sponsorship, Tickets, and Finance Committees as well as all the volunteers, donors & sponsors who made the 2003 Gift Gala & Auction such an overwhelming success!

Photo left: Attendees to The Gift Gala & Auction check out the items in the Auction Room before enjoying their fabulous meal and night of entertainment.

Photo right: Sharon Hewitt, RPN, conducts patient assessments in the Algoma Regional Cancer Program with the use of a procedure stretcher. Proceeds from The Gift Gala & Auction allowed the Foundation to purchase two Procedure Stretchers at a cost of $5,000 each. FUNdraising!

Open Ice 3 on 3 Hockey Tournament Held April 25-28, 2003 Raised $15,000 Cancer Care Fund

5 Car Draw Held Saturday, June 21, 2003 Raised $115,543 Critical Care Fund Photo courtesy of COPS Marketing Group Inc. of COPS Marketing Group Photo courtesy Photo courtesy of COPS Marketing Group Inc. of COPS Marketing Group Photo courtesy

Pino’s get fresh Charity Invitational Golf Classic Held August 25, 2003 Raised $12,500 $10,000 – Critical Care Fund & $2,500 – Cancer Care Fund

Chilifest Held Sunday, September 7, 2003 Raised $9,600 Fund For Better Care

Our Lotto Held January to December, 2003 Raised $25,000 Fund For Better Care

Produced by the Sault Area Hospital Foundation, in association with The Write Stuff!/CleverConcepts.

For further information or copies of this Annual Report, please contact us: We also welcome your questions and comments and encourage you Sault Area Hospital Foundation to visit our website at 969 Queen Street East Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 2C4 The founding and ongoing purpose of the Sault Area Hospital Foundation is to Tel: (705) 759-3848 Toll Free: 1-800-461-5091 Fax: (705) 759-3818 raise funds for the Sault Area Hospital. To obtain a copy of the Hospital’s Annual email: [email protected] Report 2003-2004, please contact SAH Public Affairs at (705) 759-3671. Thank You These two small words seem less than adequate to truly express to you, our donors, how much we appreciate your generosity. Your contributions have and will continue to make a real difference in patient care at the Sault Area Hospital. We are so grateful to all of you who, through your gifts, have helped to ease the pain, lessen the suffering, and increase the hope of patients and their families - past, present and future. On behalf of all of us…thank you.

969QueenStreetEast SaultSte.Marie,OntarioP6A2C4 705.759-3848