Paphos International The MainSheet Sailing Club November 2016 In This Issue... CySaF and World Sailing CySaF/World Sailing 1 Laying Up Supper 1 By Phil Mutton, Chief Instructor Obituaries 2 Perhaps only a few members will be aware of work that has been ongoing over the past 18 months or so Sailing News 3-4 to prepare the club’s Training Section for potential Right of Way 5 recognition by World Sailing. That work is now com - JRCC Visit 6 plete and I feel now is the time to provide the mem - bership with a full explanation of what has been RS:X Youth Worlds 7 achieved. CySaF/World Sailing 8-9 First some background to set the scene. A few years ago the Board of Training Courses 10 the Cyprus Sailing Federation (CYSAF) decided to seek World Sailing (WS) Social News 11-12 accreditation for sail training. This was an ambitious decision and re - quired the efforts of a small sub-committee chaired by Poem 13 the CYSAF Technical Advisor to be formed to first create Merchandise 14 a National Training Programme (NTP) that would set out Membership 14 the standards to be achieved by each club in order that WS recognition could be awarded. Continued on pages 8-9 Paphos International Sailing Club Tel: +357 97 723 099 Website: Laying Up Supper Commodore: Paul Hutton Ashkenny The annual Laying Up Supper was held at the
[email protected] clubhouse on Tuesday 8th November. Around Vice Commodore: Tony Davenport eighty members enjoyed an excellent three
[email protected] course dinner prepared by Jacqui Biggs, Jackie RCS: John Morren
[email protected] Wells, Carole Richards and other volunteers.