240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 SENATE—Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was for 1 hour, with Senators allowed to possible to ignore their grief over grow- called to order by the Honorable TOM speak therein for up to 10 minutes ing foreclosures or the uncertainty of UDALL, a Senator from the State of each. The time will be equally divided unemployment or the frustration of . and controlled between the two leaders fighting insurance companies for their or their designees. families’ health. PRAYER Following morning business, the Sen- It is just as evident that the people of The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- ate will proceed to executive session to Nevada and the Nation need us to work fered the following prayer: consider the nomination of Beverly toward sensible solutions rather than Let us pray. Baldwin Martin of Georgia to be a U.S. drown once again in the partisan bick- Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, circuit judge for the Eleventh Circuit. ering that consumed much of last year. thank You for the gift of a new year. Debate on the nomination is limited to Some elections go your way; some We have received great benefits from 1 hour, equally divided and controlled elections go the other way. It is the na- Your hands and lift to You our grateful between Senators LEAHY and SESSIONS ture of democratic politics in a very di- praise. or their designees. Upon the use or verse Nation. But regardless of an out- Lord, lead our lawmakers on the road yielding back of the time, the Senate come of an election, as I have said You have chosen. Guide them with will proceed to vote on confirmation of many times, the American people de- Your counsel and teach them with that nomination. mand that we work together as part- Your precepts. Give them the spirit The Senate will recess from 12:30 ners, not partisans, to improve their they ought to have that they may do until 2:15 p.m. to allow for our weekly lives. That is as true after Republican what they ought to do. Lord, this is the caucus meetings. victories as it is after Democratic vic- day You have made. We will rejoice and We expect to consider H.J. Res. 45, a tories. be glad in You, for Your joy is our joint resolution increasing the statu- In the first half of the 111th Congress, strength. We pray in Your great name. tory limit on the public debt, under a even with the minority’s minimal help, Amen. previous agreement later today. we made significant progress. While f last year’s final few months were domi- f nated by a debate over health insur- MEASURES PLACED ON PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ance reform that will save lives, save CALENDAR—H.R. 3961 and H.R. 4154 money, and save Medicare, that his- The Honorable TOM UDALL led the Mr. REID. Mr. President, it is my un- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: toric step was only one of many accom- derstanding there are two bills at the plishments that we are proud to have I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the desk due for a second reading. passed last year. of America, and to the Repub- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, We began this Congress determined indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. pore. The Senator is correct. The clerk to strengthen and stabilize the econ- will read the title of the bills for the omy for working families. That is why f second time. we immediately cut taxes for the mid- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING The legislative clerk read as follows: dle class and small businesses. That is PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE A bill (H.R. 3961) to amend Title XVIII of why we immediately started the Lilly the Social Security Act to reform the Medi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Ledbetter legislation to equalize pay care SGR payment system for physicians and for women in America. That is why we clerk will please read a communication to reinstitute and update the Pay-As-You-Go to the Senate from the President pro started the process of creating good- requirement of budget neutrality on new tax paying jobs here at home and investing tempore (Mr. BYRD). and mandatory spending legislation, en- The legislative clerk read as follows: forced by the threat of annual, automatic se- in our future. Just last week, the White House U.S. SENATE, questration. Council of Economic Advisers found PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, A bill (H.R. 4154) to amend the Internal Washington, DC, January 20, 2010. Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the new car- that as many as 2 million To the Senate: ryover basis rules in order to prevent tax in- have the stimulus to thank for their Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, creases and the imposition of compliance jobs, as does the growing gross domes- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby burdens on many more estates than would tic product. But there is more to do, benefit from repeal, to retain the estate tax appoint the Honorable TOM UDALL, a Senator that is for sure. with a $3,500,000 exemption, to reinstitute from the State of New Mexico, to perform We protected consumers by cracking the duties of the Chair. and update the Pay-As-You-Go requirement of budget neutrality on new tax and manda- down on abusive credit card companies, ROBERT C. BYRD, and we have been trying to do that for President pro tempore. tory spending legislation, enforced by the threat of annual, automatic sequestration, a long time. Last year, we were able to Mr. UDALL thereupon assumed the and for other purposes. get it done, finally—to get under con- chair as Acting President pro tempore. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I object to trol the abuses credit card companies f further proceedings with respect to have been doing to the American peo- ple for so long. We cracked down on RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY these two bills. mortgage fraud scams, the scams that LEADER The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Objection is heard. The bills will take place when times are tough. We The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- be placed on the calendar. changed the law. We rooted out cor- pore. The majority leader is recog- f porate fraud. But there is more to do. nized. We started to thaw our frozen credit MAKING LEGISLATIVE PROGRESS f markets so Americans can get the Mr. REID. Mr. President, visiting loans they need to buy a car, send a SCHEDULE with Nevadans, as I have done during child to college, or start a new busi- Mr. REID. Mr. President, following these past several weeks, it is impos- ness. But there is more to do. leader remarks, the Senate will pro- sible not to be motivated to get back We are helping responsible home- ceed to a period of morning business to the business of legislating. It is im- owners keep their homes, and helped

● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 241 more homeowners to keep the equity in With the fair pay bill in Lilly that we will strengthen our national their homes. We helped more families Ledbetter’s name, we stood up for security, our environment, and our to buy their first home. A lot of people those who are targets of discrimination economy. can claim the idea for the first-time in the workplace because of their gen- We need to look no further than home buyer tax credit. The idea came, der or background. Boone Pickens, who talks about this as far as I know, from JOHNNY ISAKSON We passed overdue appropriations every day of his life. We will have a of Georgia. It was a tremendously im- bills, new appropriations bills, and an more secure Nation, and we will lessen portant program that is still going on. honest, responsible budget that makes our dependence on foreign oil. We will We extended that. But even though we sound investments in every part of our use the resources we have, among have done that, there is more to do. country. The Senate confirmed Presi- which are wind, Sun, geothermal, and We helped millions of children stay dent Obama’s outstanding nominee for now we are the largest holder of nat- healthy by expanding CHIP. We ex- the Supreme Court, . ural gas of any country in the world. tended it by about 14 million children It is a long list of accomplishments, That is what Boone Pickens is talking who can go to the doctor when they are but I assure the Senate that we are just about—using our own energy, not con- sick or to the hospital when they are getting started. We have a lot more to tinuing importing oil. hurt. We made it easier by far for these do. As we do all these things, we will kids to get the help and care they need. In the coming year, we will ensure all continue to leave a seat at the table for We made it harder for tobacco com- Americans can access affordable health our Republican colleagues. Whether panies to prey on these children. We care, and we will deny insurance com- their caucus comprises 40 or 41 mem- learned, and we have known for some panies the ability to deny health care bers, each composes this body of 100. time, that the tobacco habit starts, to the sick, and we will slash our def- Our individual caucuses—one that will most of the time, when you are a teen- icit in the process. have 59 and one that will have 41— ager. With this legislation we had been We will help more Americans keep should all be united within the walls of trying to pass for decades, we were fi- their homes and their jobs, and we will this Chamber and not defined by the nally able to get it done—to focus on continue to help our economy not only aisle that divides the desks. tobacco companies and why there has recover but prosper once again. Today is the first anniversary of the to be control placed on them. Even We will continue to create new jobs, first time our President addressed our though we have done that, there is including good-paying clean energy Nation as our President. One year ago more to do. jobs that can never be outsourced. You today, standing on steps just a short We extended unemployment insur- can see throughout the country that distance from here, he reflected that ance for millions and extended COBRA happening. A week ago Monday, 2 days our Nation had chosen ‘‘unity of pur- subsidies so those struggling to find ago, I was in a place about 35 miles pose over conflict and discord.’’ He work can feed their families, fuel our outside of Las Vegas at the Harry asked us to put aside the differences economy, and afford decent medical Allen plant that is going to be the and dogmas that paralyze our politics. care. But there is more to do. most clean natural gas facility for pro- We can answer that call this year— We supported the travel and tourism ducing electricity in America. About not just because President Obama re- industries, which will create tens of 700 men and women were working on quested it but because the American thousands of jobs and cut our deficit by that construction project. At that con- people justly demand it. hundreds of millions of dollars. Even struction project, there were people By and large, those in the minority after having done that, there is more walking and running and doing the jobs have shown, so far, far too little inter- to do. they needed to do, with trucks moving est in working with us. More impor- We helped hundreds of thousands of back and forth. tant, they have shown far too little in- drivers afford more fuel-efficient cars The reason we were there is because terest in working on the interests of and trucks. It was such a good idea— the Western Area Power Administra- their constituents. cash for clunkers—that now I heard on tion, WAPA, under the stimulus bill we Mr. President, I called my office the news that Japan is going to do it. passed, had the ability to do loans that early this morning and asked my faith- That will be a boon for American car were very low-interest loans. We were ful assistant, Janice Shelton, to ar- manufacturers because Japan said there to announce a public-private range a call for me to talk to the new, those Japanese people who decide to partnership between WAPA and others, soon-to-be Senator from Massachu- use the Cash for Clunkers Program can which will bring electricity from the setts, SCOTT BROWN. I look forward to buy American cars. Even though we northern part of the State to the visiting with him. I look forward to have done that, there is more to do. southern part of Nevada for the first welcoming him to the Senate and ask- With the national service bill named time in Nevada’s history. ing him that he work with us. It is cer- for Senator Kennedy, we made it easier We became a State in 1864. Why is tainly a conversation I look forward to. for more Americans to serve their that important? It will allow Nevada to I hope in this new year we will re- country like our heroes of generations be energy independent in 21⁄2 to 3 years. solve to leave partisan political moti- past. With one of the most important Just as important, we also will be able vation behind. I hope we will share and conservation bills in many decades, we to produce far more electricity than renew the motivation to get to work, protected public lands for generations Nevada needs because now, with this to legislate for the good of this coun- to come. But there is more to do. power line that will create hundreds try. We have given our troops, veterans, and hundreds of jobs, we will also have f and their families the support they de- a lot of energy projects for that full serve, including better battlefield 250-mile area. They will be able to do RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY equipment, better care for our wounded solar, wind, geothermal and bring that LEADER warriors, and a well-earned pay raise. onto the power line. That is only the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- We also cut waste and fraud in the Pen- first phase. After that, it has been pore. The Republican leader is recog- tagon’s purchase of military weapons. agreed by WAPA that they can do nized. But there is more to do. stage 2, which will bring electricity f This Congress also made history by from the Northwest into Nevada and, pursuing justice and ensuring equality of course, California and the whole SCOTT BROWN VICTORY for every single American. With a hate Southwest. That is a good project and Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, crimes bill that bears Emmett Till’s an example of good-paying clean en- first, I welcome everyone back after name, we stood up for those who were ergy jobs that can never be outsourced. what I hope was a restful time away victims of violence because of their We will tackle our daunting energy from Washington. It is good to be here. race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. and climate challenges, and by doing I can assure everyone that Republicans

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 are energized and eager to pick up clear message that the Democratic ma- ernors who, in turn, will send the bill where we left off. There is a lot to do, jority in Congress is not in touch with to State taxpayers and then to college and we are ready. the American people and that we ought students. That is akin to your big- The news of the day, of course, is to restart the health care debate. spending Uncle Sam hiring someone to that we will soon be welcoming a new Senator-elect SCOTT BROWN’s inde- paint your house and then sending the Senator into our ranks. It has been a pendent voice will provide a much bill to you, even though you told Uncle long time—a very long time—since the needed check and balance to a Congress Sam you already spent all your avail- people of Massachusetts sent a Repub- that has become dominated by more able money sending your kid to col- lican to the Senate. So I congratulate taxes, more spending, and more cash lege. Of course, Uncle Sam does not Senator-elect SCOTT BROWN on his deci- takeovers. Nothing demonstrates that have to balance its budget and you do. sive victory last night. need more than the so-called health I speak today not just as a Senator I had a chance to speak with him last care reform bill, a 2,700-page attempt but as a former Governor worried night. I think it was truly a remark- to remodel 17 percent of the American about our States and as a former presi- able turnout and decision on the part economy that was concocted in secret, dent of a great public university wor- of the people of that State. presented to the Senate over the week- ried about our college students, many There is a reason the Nation was fo- end before Christmas during the worst of whom are seeking an education to cused on this race. The American peo- snowstorm in years, voted on in the get a job. ple have made it abundantly clear they middle of the night, and passed 5 days Washington policies are turning our are more interested in shrinking unem- Federal constitutional system upside ployment than expanding government. later, on Christmas Eve, without one down. They are transforming autono- They are tired of bailouts. They are single Republican vote. tired of government spending more Now that the people have spoken in mous State governments into bankrupt than ever at a time when most people Massachusetts, we should abandon wards of the central government. In are spending less. They do not want the these arrogant notions of trying to doing so, they are making it harder for government taking over health care. turn our entire health care system up- States to support public higher edu- They made that abundantly clear last side down all at once and, instead, set cation; therefore, damaging its quality night in the Commonwealth of Massa- a clear goal of reducing health care and damaging the opportunity for chusetts. costs and then work together, step by Americans to afford it. This is why Americans are electing step, to re-earn the trust of the Amer- Governor Schwarzenegger of Cali- good Republican candidates who they ican people—an approach Republican fornia said: hope will reverse a year-long Demo- Senators urged exactly 173 different With a $19 billion deficit, the last thing we cratic trend of spending too much, bor- times on the floor of the Senate during need is another $3 billion bill for Medicaid. rowing too much, and taxing too much. last year. At the University of California, stu- The voters have spoken. They want a If you will examine the CONGRES- dents are paying a 32-percent tuition course correction. We should listen to SIONAL RECORD, you will find that Re- increase. Why? Because, according to them. publican Senators have been proposing , ‘‘the University Today, we will have a chance to show a step-by-step approach to confronting of California now receives only half as we have gotten the message when we our Nation’s challenges 173 different much support from the State per stu- take up legislation that would raise times during 2009. On health care, we dent as it did in 1990.’’ the national debt limit. The reason we first suggested setting a clear goal: re- Why is that? Because when Gov- are being asked to raise the limit on ducing costs. Then we proposed the ernors make up their budgets, it usu- the national credit card is clear. It is first six steps toward achieving that ally comes down to a choice between because the majority has spent the goal: one, allowing small businesses to exploding Medicaid costs and higher past year spending money we do not pool their resources to purchase health education, and Medicaid, hopelessly en- have on stimulus bills that do not plans; two, reducing junk lawsuits tangled with expensive Washington stimulate the economy, on budgets against doctors; three, allowing the policies and mandates, usually wins. that double the debt in 5 years and tri- purchase of insurance across State This is not a new problem. It was a ples it in 10. We need to move in a new lines; four, expanding health savings problem when I was Governor 30 years direction—a dramatically new direc- accounts; five, promoting wellness and ago. It became a bigger problem be- tion. That is the message of . prevention; and, six, taking steps to re- tween 2000 and 2006, when Medicaid That is the message of New Jersey. duce waste, fraud, and abuse. spending for State governments rose 63 That is the message of Massachusetts. We offered these 6 proposals in com- percent, while spending for higher edu- Mr. President, I yield the floor. plete legislative text totaling 182 cation went up only 17 percent. f pages. The Democratic majority re- The Association of American Univer- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME jected all six and ridiculed the ap- sities and President Obama’s Budget proach, in part, because our approach Director both have warned us that the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- was not comprehensive. drop in State support is hurting the pore. Under the previous order, the A good place to restart the health quality of American public higher edu- leadership time is reserved. care debate would be to abandon plans cation, and the problem gets worse. f to send a huge bill to States—that is, Some estimates predict the State MORNING BUSINESS every State except Nebraska—to pay share of Medicaid spending will go The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- for Medicaid expansion. The 60 Sen- from $138 billion in 2007 to $181 billion pore. Under the previous order, there ators who voted for this so-called in 2011. Yet instead of fixing the prob- will be a period for the transaction of health care reform legislation ought to lem of exploding Medicaid costs and its morning business for 1 hour, with the be sentenced to go home and serve as impact on higher education, the health time equally divided and controlled be- Governor for two terms to try to pay care bill would make it worse. tween the two leaders or their des- for it because what these Senators Over the Christmas holidays in my ignees and with Senators permitted to would find is that States are broke, State, the most talked about part of speak for up to 10 minutes each. and there will either be higher State the health care bill was the so-called The Senator from Tennessee is recog- taxes or higher college tuition or both cornhusker kickback, which makes nized. to pay for what the Democratic Gov- taxpayers and students all over Amer- f ernor of Tennessee has called ‘‘the ica pay for Nebraska’s Medicaid so Ne- mother of all unfunded mandates.’’ braskans will not have to raise their HEALTH CARE That mandate arrogantly expands taxes and tuition. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, Medicaid and, to help pay for it, would I can guarantee you any Senator who Massachusetts voters yesterday sent a send a 3-year, $25 billion bill to Gov- is sentenced to go home and serve as

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 243 Governor—except perhaps in Ne- President Reagan liked the idea. I still states to cut expenditures. In major areas braska—would not vote for this health think fixing the responsibility for both such as transportation, education, and care bill. education and Medicaid in a single gov- health care, stimulus funds come with The second recent big blow to States ernment would make it work better strings attached. These strings prevent states from substituting federal money for and to higher education has been the and force its reform. state funds, require states to spend min- stimulus package, which was hailed as The No. 1 topic on the minds of most imum amounts of their own funds, and pre- bailing States out but instead will soon Americans today is jobs. Running up vent states from tightening eligibility stand- push them over the financial cliff. the cost of health care, raising State ards for benefits. This is how the Democratic Lieuten- taxes, damaging the quality of univer- Because of these requirements, states, in- ant Governor of New York explained it sities and community colleges, and re- stead of cutting spending in transportation, in a Wall Street Journal article on stricting access to them is a good way education, and health care, have been forced January 8. He said: to kill jobs, not create jobs. to keep most of their expenditures at pre- vious levels and use federal funds only as . . . states, instead of cutting spending in There still is time to restart the supplements. The net result is this: The fed- transportation, education, and health care, health care debate, to work together eral stimulus has led states to increase over- have been forced to keep most of their ex- on a step-by-step plan to reduce health all spending in these core areas, which in ef- penditures at previous levels and use Federal care costs, while avoiding expensive fect has only raised the height of the cliff funds only as supplements. The net result of mandates on States that increase State from which state spending will fall if stim- this: The federal stimulus has led states to ulus funds evaporate. increase overall spending in these core areas, taxes and increase college tuitions. The Until recently, some people predicted that which in effect has only raised the height of surest way to cause this to happen is to the stimulus funds would not evaporate— the cliff from which state spending will fall tell those 60 Senators who voted for that instead the federal government would if stimulus funds evaporate. this health care bill that if it becomes rescue the states once more with another On top of all this is the dramatic de- law, they will be sentenced to go home stimulus bill. But the prospect of this kind terioration of the autonomous role of and serve as Governor for two terms to of help looks doubtful as an increasing num- the States in our Federal system. try to pay for it. ber of lawmakers in Washington worry about Thanks, in part, to the stimulus, feder- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- the federal deficit and seem intent on taking ally collected tax dollars have risen to sent to have printed in the RECORD serious steps to rein it in. 40 percent of State budgets. So instead three newspaper articles. If those steps include neglecting the fiscal situation facing the states, the country of serving as autonomous laboratories There being no objection, the mate- rial was ordered to be printed in the could be headed for fiscal problems that are of democracy in a Federal system, larger than the ones we face now. We are in RECORD, as follows: States are becoming little more than a time of extraordinary economic change heavily regulated and increasingly in- [From the Wall Street Journal, Jan. 7, 2010] and Washington is struggling with the some- solvent administrative divisions of the WASHINGTON AND THE FISCAL CRISIS OF THE times-conflicting demands of the federal def- central government in Washington. STATES—THE STRINGS ON FEDERAL STIM- icit and the unemployment rate. But the Some are suggesting a new stimulus ULUS MONEY ARE MAKING IT HARDER FOR states’ growing deficits present their own ur- STATES TO CUT SPENDING AND BALANCE to bail out the States. Why should we gent national problem that the federal gov- THEIR BUDGETS even consider that when the last one is ernment must place in the balance. (By Richard Ravitch) Federal policy makers do not have the op- helping to push States off the financial As one whose interest in public service tion of assuming that the state fiscal crisis cliff? Why should we pass a new health stems largely from the conviction that gov- is temporary or will cure itself without fur- care bill that makes it worse for ernment can make a positive difference in ther involvement by Washington. This crisis States; that is, every State except Ne- people’s lives, I have found the past year a reflects the growing long-term pressures on braska. paradox. From the financial crisis to health- the states from the health-care needs of an Wouldn’t it be better to restart the care reform, the federal government has aging population and the maintenance needs health care debate and take a series of taken on challenges that urgently need to be of an aging infrastructure. Moreover, the $3 steps to reduce health care costs with- addressed. Yet despite these actions—and trillion municipal bond markets have begun sometimes because of them—the states, to notice the states’ deficits: Moody’s re- out the Medicaid mandate? cently downgraded the bond ratings of Ari- Instead of expanding Medicaid and which provide most of the services that touch citizens’ lives, are in their deepest cri- zona and Illinois because of the deficits those sending the States the bill, why not re- sis since the Great Depression. The state cri- states face. The rating agency says it is form Medicaid, which has become an sis has become acute enough to belong on waiting to see whether New York will reduce embarrassing administrative night- the federal agenda. its budget gaps and has warned the state mare, where $30 billion a year goes to New York State faces a budget deficit that against trying to do so solely through one- waste, fraud, and abuse, according to could climb to $8 billion or $9 billion in fiscal time actions. the Government Accountability Office. year 2010–11 and the state could face another It seems almost inevitable now that the Instead of dumping 15 million to 18 deficit in 2011–12 of about $14 billion to $15 states’ fiscal problems will have further ef- fects on capital markets, possibly as soon as million more low-income Americans billion. The causes of the larger deficits down the road include a drop off in federal next spring and summer. If more cracks ap- into a Medicaid Program, in which 50 stimulus funds, an increase in Medicaid pear in the capital markets that handle mu- percent of doctors—50 percent of doc- costs, and the planned expiration of a state nicipal bonds, the U.S. Treasury and the tors—will not take new patients, income tax surcharge, as well as the state’s Federal Reserve will be faced with an unat- shouldn’t we try a better idea? underlying structural deficit. tractive set of options: They can allow those Lieutenant Governor Ravitch sug- New York is in a tough spot, but few other markets to deteriorate or use federal tax dol- gests that one place to start is relieve states are immune from large and growing lars to shore them up and thereby increase States of the responsibility for those deficits. According to the Center on Budget the federal deficit. patients who draw services from both and Policy Priorities, the states have faced It is safe to say that one way or another and will face combined budget shortfalls es- events will force federal policy makers to Medicare and Medicaid. timated at $350 billion in fiscal years 2010 spend money in response to state deficits. That would save States about $70 bil- and 2011. Past experience suggests that these Federal officials shouldn’t wait for an emer- lion a year and would place all the re- deficits will continue even if a national eco- gency to begin to address two questions: sponsibility on Washington for reform- nomic recovery takes hold. Moreover, we do Which services should the federal govern- ing the program so taxpayers could af- not know how robust the recovery will be or ment provide and which should the states ford it. what shape it will take. We know only that provide? And how should the costs of these Thirty years ago, when I was Gov- it will not spare the states the necessity of services be split among federal, state, and ernor, I met with President Reagan and making acutely painful fiscal choices. New local tax bases? proposed a grand swap: that the Fed- York and other states face draconian cuts in For example, Medicare, not Medicaid, is public services, higher taxes, or, more likely, the primary payor of health-care costs for eral Government would take over all of a combination of both. the elderly and disabled. About 17% of Medi- Medicaid in exchange for giving the The federal stimulus has provided signifi- care beneficiaries are low-income and, thus, States all the responsibility for ele- cant budget relief to the states, but this re- also receive varying levels of state Medicaid mentary and secondary education. lief is temporary and makes it harder for benefits. These ‘‘dual eligible’’ beneficiaries

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 account for some 40% of state Medicaid their own priorities while effectively sub- foresight to turn down their share of the $7 spending. sidizing the Cornhusker state. billion for unemployment insurance, real- For these beneficiaries, the current system The 12 Attorneys General are all Repub- izing that once the federal funds run out, is a nightmare: They disproportionately suf- licans, but as it happens their complaints are benefits would be unpayable. ‘‘One of the fer from chronic diseases but must navigate echoed by the liberal states of New York and smartest decisions we made,’’ says Mr. Dan- two separate bureaucracies and sets of rules California. In a December letter Governor iels. Many governors now probably wish they in order to receive care. For the states, this Arnold Schwarzenegger lamented that had done the same. system is a costly burden. From the perspec- ObamaCare would impose the ‘‘crushing new Second, stimulus dollars came with strings tive of a rational health policy, the system is burden’’ of as much as $4 billion per year in attached that are now causing enormous an anachronism. It developed when Medicare new Medicaid spending in a state that is al- budget headaches. Many environmental did not provide income-based aid and did not ready deeply in the red. And in a Christmas grants have matching requirements, so to have income-based information about those Day op-ed in the Buffalo News, New York get a federal dollar, states and cities had to it served. Medicare now provides such aid Governor David A. Paterson protested the al- spend a dollar even when they were facing and has the information and capacity to pro- most $1 billion in new costs as well as the huge deficits. The new construction projects vide these benefits more effectively, with ‘‘unfairness of the Senate bill’’ when ‘‘New built with federal funds also have federal more potential for cost containment, than York already sends significantly more Davis-Bacon wage requirements that raise the current system. money to Washington than it gets back.’’ state building costs to pay inflated union A federal takeover of services to dual eligi- The reality is that national taxpayers have salaries. bles would cost about $70 billion per year. subsidized New York and California’s social Worst of all, at the behest of the public For many states, a share of this amount services for years because Medicaid’s funding employee unions, Congress imposed ‘‘mainte- would be the difference between chronic fis- formula rewards higher state spending. That nance of effort’’ spending requirements on cal crisis and a chance at structural budget spending helps explain why these two states, states. These federal laws prohibit state leg- balance. After the Troubled Asset Relief Pro- plus New Jersey, are in such budget fixes islatures from cutting spending on 15 pro- gram and health-care reform—with the cost today. But we welcome Mr. Paterson’s dis- grams, from road building to welfare, if the of the latter estimated by the Congressional covery that redistributing income via pro- state took even a dollar of stimulus cash for Budget Office at almost $900 billion from now gressive taxation is harmful. these purposes. through 2019 and $1.8 trillion in the 10 years ‘‘The final bill must provide equitable fed- One provision prohibits states from cutting from 2014 through 2023—the bill for such a eral funding to all states,’’ Mr. Paterson in- Medicaid benefits or eligibility below levels takeover does not seem huge or dispropor- sisted, and in that sense Mr. Nelson may be in effect on July 1, 2008. That date, not coin- tionate to the relief it would provide to state right about his opening the political door. As cidentally, was the peak of the last economic budgets. Democrats merge the House and Senate bills, cycle when states were awash in revenue. Those of us responsible for the states’ they may extend the 100% Nebraska deal to State spending soared at a nearly 8% annual budgets have the unpleasant duty of impos- all states to shut them up, assuming they rate from 2004–2008, far faster than inflation ing greater burdens on our citizens before we can rig the budget math. Of course, that and population growth, and liberals want to can reach legitimate balance between reve- gambit would harm either medical providers, keep funding at that level. nues and expenditures. It is not unreasonable given that state Medicaid reimbursement A study by the Evergreen Freedom Foun- for us to hope that federal policy makers will rates are well below even Medicare’s, or Med- dation in Seattle found that ‘‘because Wash- treat our state deficit problems with the icaid patients, as more doctors and hospitals ington state lawmakers accepted $820 mil- same seriousness with which they are now simply drop those patients. lion in education stimulus dollars, only 9 preparing to address the national deficit. We recognize that mere Constitutional ar- percent of the state’s $6.8 billion K–12 budget guments won’t deter the political juggernaut is eligible for reductions in fiscal year 2010 or [From the Wall Street Journal, Jan. 5, 2010] that is ObamaCare. But no one should be sur- 2011.’’ More than 85% of Washington state’s THE PUSHBACK—STATE AGS SAY BEN NEL- prised when Americans wonder if this un- Medicaid budget is exempt from cuts and SON’S MEDICAID DEAL IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL precedented federal intrusion into their lives nearly 75% of college funding is off the table. ‘‘It’s not a special deal,’’ Ben Nelson told violates our nation’s founding principles. It’s bad enough that Congress can’t balance the New York Times of the special deal that its own budget, but now it is making it near- converted him into the 60th Senator for [From the Wall Street Journal, Jan. 2, 2010] ly impossible for states to balance theirs. ObamaCare. ‘‘It’s a fair deal. Some people THE STATES AND THE STIMULUS—HOW A SUP- These spending requirements come when said I was getting money for Nebraska. POSED BOON HAS BECOME A FISCAL BURDEN state revenues are on a downward spiral. That’s wrong. I was just getting rid of an un- Remember how $200 billion in federal stim- State revenues declined by more than 10% in derfunded federal mandate. There’s nothing ulus cash was supposed to save the states 2009, and tax collections are expected to be sleazy about it. I cracked the door open for from fiscal calamity? Well, hold on to your flat at best in 2010. In Indiana, nominal reve- other states.’’ paychecks, because a big story of 2010 will be nues in 2011 may be lower than in 2006. Arizo- The other states think somewhat less of how all that free money has set the states up na’s revenues are expected to be lower this Mr. Nelson’s benevolence. Under the for an even bigger mess this year and into year than they were in 2004. Some states ‘‘Cornhusker Kickback,’’ the federal govern- the future. don’t expect to regain their 2007 revenue ment will pay all of Nebraska’s new Med- The combined deficits of the states for 2010 peak until 2012. icaid costs forever, while taxpayers in the and 2011 could hit $260 billion, according to a So when states should be reducing outlays other 49 states will see their budgets explode survey by the liberal Center on Budget and to match a new normal of lower revenue col- as this safety-net program for the poor is ex- Policy Priorities. Ten states have a deficit, lections, federal stimulus rules mean many panded to one out of every five Americans. relative to the size of their expenditures, as states will have little choice but to raise ‘‘In addition to violating the most basic bleak as that of near-bankrupt California. taxes to meet their constitutional balanced and universally held notions of what is fair The Golden State starts the year another $6 budget requirements. Thank you, Nancy and just,’’ the AGs wrote last week to the billion in arrears despite a large income and Pelosi. Democratic leadership, the Article I spend- sales tax hike last year. New York is lit- This is the opposite of what the White ing clause is limited to ‘‘general Welfare.’’ If erally down to its last dollar. Revenues are House and Congress claimed when they said Congress claims to be legitimately serving down, to be sure, but in several ways the the stimulus funds would prevent economi- that interest by expanding the joint state- stimulus has also made things worse. cally harmful state tax increases. In 2009, 10 federal Medicaid program, then why is it re- First, in most state capitals the stimulus states raised income or sales taxes, and an- lieving just one state of a mandate that oth- enticed state lawmakers to spend on new other 15 introduced new fees on everything erwise applies to all states? In other words, programs rather than adjusting to lean from beer to cellphone ringers to hunting serving the nongeneral welfare of Nebraska— times. They added health and welfare bene- and fishing. The states pocketed the federal for no other reason than political expedi- fits and child care programs. Now they have money and raised taxes anyway. ency—violates a basic Supreme Court check to pay for those additions with their own Now, in an election year, Congress wants on the ‘‘display of arbitrary power’’ that was state’s money. to pass another $100 billion aid package for established in 1937’s Helvering v. Davis. For example, the stimulus offered $80 bil- ailing states to sustain the mess the first Obviously Congress treats different states lion for Medicaid to cover health-care costs stimulus helped to create. Governors would differently all the time, via earmarks and for unemployed workers and single workers be smarter to unite and tell Congress to keep the like, but in this case there is simply no without kids. But in 2011 most of that extra the money and mandates, and let the states plausible argument for some kind of ‘‘gen- federal Medicaid money vanishes. Then adjust to the new reality of lower revenues. eral’’ benefit. The only state that gains from states will have one million more people on Meanwhile, Mr. Perry and other governors special treatment for Nebraska is Ne- Medicaid with no money to pay for it. who warned that the stimulus would have braska—and this actively harms all other A few governors, such as Mitch Daniels of precisely this effect can consider themselves states, which will have fewer tax dollars for Indiana and Rick Perry of Texas, had the vindicated.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 245 The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- So the negotiating went from the Again, I thank my colleague from pore. The Senator’s time has expired. backrooms here to the backrooms in North Dakota, and I yield the floor. The Senator from Arizona is recog- the White House—the same President The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- nized. who said C–SPAN and a completely pore. The Senator from North Dakota f transparent process would prevail here is recognized. SENATOR DORGAN so the American people would know f who is on the side of the pharma- THE ECONOMY Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I thank ceutical companies. And the pharma- my friend and colleague from North ceutical companies probably got the Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, there Dakota for allowing me to speak out of best sweetheart deal of anybody in this has been a lot happening in this coun- order. I might add—and I will say this whole process. try with respect to politics and the several times—what a privilege it has So I believe the majority of the economy over these past months, and I been for me to have served with the American people have said and accord- know there is great angst and concern Senator from North Dakota, a man ing to polling data 48 percent of Massa- across this country. There are ques- who embodies the best in a prairie pop- chusetts voters have said health care tions: When will America get the ulist and one with whom I have had a was the single issue driving their vote. bounce back in its step? These are great honor and privilege working for a Thirty-nine percent said they voted for troublesome times, for sure, for a lot of long time. BROWN specifically because of his vocal reasons, but I am convinced we will As the hour grows near, I will have opposition to the measure. I congratu- find ways to put America back on more to say about my appreciation and late SCOTT BROWN. I congratulate our track. I am convinced of that. the honor of working with the Senator new colleague not only for standing up You know, you go back a couple hun- from North Dakota. for what is right but also for articu- dred years in American history, and f lating the frustration of the American this country has been through some SENATOR-ELECT SCOTT BROWN people about this process we have been very tough times but always—always— rebounds. There has always been a Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I come through. sense of optimism that the future will to the floor to congratulate my friend, So here we are, and now the rumors be better than the past, that kids will SCOTT BROWN, on his historic victory are that they will jam this proposal last night. through the House of Representatives have it better than their parents. I am SCOTT BROWN is a man who has and then bypass what has always been convinced of that. served his country in the Army Na- the normal legislative process. They I think the American people have tional Guard and Reserve. He is a per- should not do that. The American peo- plenty to be steamed about, and they son who has served his State in the ple have spoken. The people of Massa- need to find ways to let off that steam. State legislature. He is a wonderful fa- chusetts have spoken for the rest of They have a right to be steamed, and ther and a wonderful public servant. I America: Stop this process, sit down in let me describe a bit of it. congratulate him on his landmark vic- open and transparent negotiations, and One year ago, this President took of- tory. let’s begin from the beginning. fice and he inherited an economic I believe it was in Concord where the We can agree on certain principles wreck. That is just a fact. The question ‘‘shot was heard round the world.’’ Last and certain measures that need to be at that moment was, will this economy night a shot was fired round this Na- taken, such as malpractice reform, completely collapse? That wreck was tion. A shot was fired saying no more going across State lines so people can caused by a lot of things, but deciding business as usual in Washington, DC. have the insurance of their choice, and to go to war and not paying for a penny Stop this unsavory, sausage-making many other things, including, perhaps, of it year after year—everybody knows process called health care reform, a refundable tax credit for those who better than that. You can’t do that. where special favors are dispensed to need health insurance and risk pools Hiring regulators who were boasting special people for special reasons in for those who have preexisting condi- that they weren’t willing to regulate, order to purchase votes. tions. There are many things we could saying to the big shots on Wall Street, The American people do not want agree on if, for the first time in this ad- the speculators, the big investment this health care reform because they do ministration and in this Senate, we sit bankers, and others: Do whatever you not believe it attacks the fundamental down across the table from one another want. We won’t watch. The sky is the problem with health care in America; in honest and open negotiations and limit. We don’t care. Now we see the that is, there is nothing wrong with the discussions. carnage that results from that: deriva- quality, it is the cost that needs to be We know health care costs in Amer- tives—instruments that derive value brought under control. ica are out of control. We know they from something else—CDOs, mortgage- But there is also anger—I know from need to be fixed. We want to be part of backed securities, synthetic deriva- the townhall meetings in my own that process. So I urge the President of tives. Do you know what a synthetic State—about the process: the Lou- the United States, I urge my col- derivative is? That is something that isiana purchase, $300 million for Lou- leagues—now 59 of them—to say: Stop, doesn’t have any value of any kind. It isiana; the Florida Medicare Advantage start from the beginning, sit down, and is just a wager. You might as well put grandfather clause for the Senator work for America. Let’s do what has a craps table in the middle of an in- from Florida; the $5 billion cornhusker been done in the past, time after time vestment bank lobby and say to them: kickback; , Massachusetts, after time, where we sit down and ne- You don’t have to go to Las Vegas, you , Michigan, Connecticut—twice gotiate in good-faith efforts. So far, can gamble here. And by the way, you in Connecticut—Montana, South Da- that has not happened despite the can gamble with other people’s money, kota, North Dakota, Wyoming—the list promises the President made during his not your own. But even investment goes on and on of special deals that campaign. banks and FDIC-insured banks have were carved for special reasons. The I urge my colleagues together to say been gambling on their own propri- latest, of course, is the incredible ac- we have to stop this process, we have etary accounts on derivatives. We tion concerning unions being exempt to stop this unsavory sausage making, ought to know better than that. So from taxes nonunion members will now Chicago style, that has been going on, what happens is the regulators give a have to pay in greater numbers. How and we have to sit down in open and green light to that kind of rancid be- do you justify favoring one group of honest negotiations with the American havior, and it steers this country into Americans; that is, union members, for people and fix the health care problem. an unbelievable bubble of speculation. any reason other than you owe them We can do that together, and that is Then the center pole of the tent col- political favors and they have political what the American people want us to lapses, the economy nearly collapses, influence? do. and a whole lot of the American people

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 are paying for it. The fact is, these said: That doesn’t matter. The subject suck out oil. We suck out about 85 mil- folks fleeced America. It is the great doesn’t matter. The negative side will lion barrels of oil a day from this plan- bank robbery in American history. take no preparation for me. And so it is et called Earth. Of the 85 million or 84 When I talk about big investment here in this Chamber—the negative million barrels of oil a day, one-fourth banks and some others, the community side saying no to every single initia- of it is used in this little place on the banks out there weren’t involved in tive, even those initiatives that I be- planet called the United States of this. Go to most of your hometown lieve saved this economy from collapse. America. We need one-fourth of all the banks and take a look at how they are But we need to do better than that. We oil that is produced every day just to doing. They are doing just fine because need to work together and find ways, keep America going, and a substantial they weren’t involved in these sorts of in a bipartisan manner, to cooperate amount of that oil is produced in areas shenanigans. It was the biggest finan- for this country’s benefit. of the world that don’t like us very cial firms in this country that steered So what are the issues? Well, I just much, areas of the world that are very this country into the ditch, and it mentioned financial reform. We have troubled. So we have great vulnerabil- started, yes, with mortgage brokers to fix this system of ours. The fact is, ity with respect to our Nation’s energy and mortgage banks and investment the same firms that steered this coun- security. banks and hedge funds and derivatives try into the ditch, the same people, the The fact is, energy powers this coun- traders. All of them steered this coun- same interests are doing exactly what try’s economy. We don’t think about try into the ditch. By the way, now they did before: trading on their own it. We get up every single day and we they are driving the getaway car, going proprietary accounts and taking on flick on a switch, we plug something to the bank to deposit their big bo- massive amounts of risk. We have to into a wall socket, we turn a key in an nuses. They got big bonuses even while decide whether we should separate in- ignition. In dozens of ways, beginning their firms lost a lot of money. Now, vestment banking from FDIC-insured when we first step out of bed and turn all of a sudden, many of the firms that banking. We have to decide if you are on the light, we use energy, and we use would have collapsed were it not for too big to fail, you are just flatout too a lot of it. So the question is, What can the help of the American people are big. We have to decide those things in give this country some energy secu- now earning record profits and set to a financial reform bill that comes to rity? Being 70 percent dependent on pay the biggest bonuses in history in the floor of the Senate. foreign oil? Certainly not. By the way, the next few weeks. That is unbeliev- The American people are concerned in addition to getting nearly 70 percent able, and in my judgment, it shouldn’t about a lot of things—first and fore- of our oil from other countries, nearly be allowed. most, jobs. There is no social program 70 percent of the oil is used in our In my judgment, we have to do some- in this country that is as important as transportation fleet. thing about this, and one of the pieces a job that pays well, in my judgment. So what do we do about all that? The of the agenda in front of us is to reform A good job that pays well makes every- fact is, we passed the Energy bill out of this system of finance and try to wring thing else possible for families. So we the Energy Committee, about 6, 7 out the unbelievable orgy of specula- need to focus like a laser on trying to months ago here in the Senate, and tion in this system that puts the Amer- create jobs once again in this country that Energy bill, in my judgment, has ican economy and the American people and put people back on payrolls. If we a lot to commend it. I believe that at risk. So one of the pieces of this want to do something for the economic early on in this Congress, the President agenda at this point is so-called finan- health of both families and America, it and the Senate ought to decide we are cial reform legislation. is good jobs that pay well, with some going to take up this bill. It is bipar- As I said, I am convinced that while security and some benefits. There is no tisan. We should pass this legislation this ship of state has a lot of leaks, we better tonic than that. and give America another step in the can fix it and set it right and set it It is also the case that we need to direction of being less dependent on back on course, but it is not going to focus like a laser on this issue of defi- foreign oil. be done by revisionist history of the cits and debt because the fact is, we It is also about jobs. You create a lot past by some, by those who put their were left with an economy that is not of jobs by new production and con- hands over their eyes and plug their sustainable with respect to the current servation systems and so on. ears and decide, you know, we are not deficits. It just isn’t. You can’t fight Let me describe what is in this legis- interested in learning the lessons of wars without paying for them. You just lation. The legislation deals with in- the past. can’t do that. You can’t enact pro- creasing production of energy here at This President inherited a wreck. He grams without paying for them. And home. It also increases conservation may not have done every single thing when you fall into a very deep reces- and efficiency and maximizing the pro- right in the last year, but I will tell sion and your revenues dry up and you duction of renewable energy. It also you this: He took action to try to put have $400 billion a year less in rev- creates the first ever national renew- a foundation under this economy to enue—because of unemployment and able electricity standard, which means prevent its collapse, and I think he de- many other stabilizing programs that that a certain percentage of our elec- serves some credit for that. Had he try to help people who have been laid tricity to come from renewable energy. done nothing after walking in the off and who are in trouble, you have All that is in this legislation and it has White House door, the Federal budget $400 billion more in outlays—and you already been passed by the Senate En- deficit was going to be $1.3 trillion. run into giant Federal budget deficits, ergy Committee on a bipartisan vote. That is what this President was left we have to fix that. We have to do that Let me start for a moment with some with from the previous administra- because this course is not sustainable. good news. tions. There is one other issue I want to Mr. President, could I be notified at So, as I said, we have a lot of work to talk about for a moment. I hope that the end of 15 minutes, please, of my do, and it is going to require the co- early on in this year, we will do some- presentation. operation of people in this Chamber. thing else that is important to the eco- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- There has not been much cooperation nomic strength of America, and that is pore. Without objection, it is so or- recently. This Chamber has been pretty to pass an energy bill that moves in dered. divided. You know, I have I guess doz- the direction of giving us the freedom Mr. DORGAN. Let me start with ens of times quoted Mark Twain when from foreign oil. Let me describe why some good news because we almost he was asked once by someone if he this is important in the context of try- never hear good news these days in would engage in a debate. And he im- ing to also fix what is wrong in this America. All the news in America is mediately said: Yes, if I can take the economy. We are a nation that uses a about what went wrong, the old saying negative side. And they said: Well, we substantial amount of oil. We stick lit- about bad news is that it travels half- have not even told you the subject. He tle straws in this planet every day and way around the world before good news

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 247 gets its shoes on. Almost nobody has In the last 10 years, we have built tion, more efficiency, maximizing re- any interest in saying let’s broadcast about 11,000 miles of natural gas pipe- newables, the first ever renewable elec- good news all day. line to move natural gas around the tricity standard. All these issues will The good news last year, with respect country. During the same period, we strengthen our country, and I hope to oil, was that for the first year in a only built 668 miles of high-voltage very much one of the priorities in the long time, America actually increased transmission lines between the States. coming months will be to pass the en- its production of oil. We have been on We have to fix that. If you are going to ergy legislation that was passed by the this declining path. No more. Last year maximize the production of energy Senate Energy Committee and advance we increased the production of oil. Part where the wind is blowing and the Sun our country’s interest. of that comes from a formation in my is shining, and we should, then you The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- part of the country called the Bakken need to have an interstate highway of pore. The Senator has used 15 minutes. shale. It is unbelievably complicated transmission to move that energy to Mr. DORGAN. I yield the floor. what we have done, but our country the load centers. This transmission The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- has learned to go explore and get oil section is in the Senate Energy Com- pore. The Senator from Illinois is rec- from formations that 5, 8, 10 years ago mittee’s bill. ognized. you could not get oil from. There is up We have included a national renew- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, before I to 4.3 billion gallons of oil in the able electricity standard, for the first address some of the issues before us, let Bakken shale formation, 4.3 billion time in history, in this legislation. me say a word about my friend and col- barrels of recoverable oil, that can now That will drive the production of re- league from North Dakota who, during be unlocked using today’s technology. newable energy because 15 percent of this recess, announced he is going to They drill down 2 miles with a drilling the energy that is sold must come from retire at the end of this year. Senator rig, do a big curve, and go out 2 miles. renewable energy sources. I think the DORGAN and I have served together With one rig they go down 2 miles, votes exist on the floor of the Senate both in the House and the Senate. He then go out 2 miles and then they to get to a 20-percent RES. All of that, has been such a powerful force and hydrofracture it and the oil drops. I think, is very important. powerful voice in the Senate Demo- They are getting up to 2,000 barrel-a- The other thing we do is we move to- cratic caucus on so many important day wells. That is just one part of the ward an electric drive vehicle system issues that we share values on. I am substantial additional production with investments in battery tech- not going to bid him farewell because I available in this country, and it is pro- nology and all of the related issues know this year will be a busy year for ducing now in a very significant way in that would involve electric drive vehi- him, representing his State and being Montana and North Dakota in the cles. That is going to be part of our fu- engaged. His talk, just this moment on Bakken shale. ture. the floor, about issues of concern are Also, in the Energy bill that was Beyond the electric drive future, I clear evidence he is going to be fight- passed by the Senate Energy Com- think, is hydrogen and fuel cell tech- ing for his causes and his people in this mittee, I introduced an amendment nology. There is so much to be excited upcoming year. But I do have to ex- that was agreed upon on a bipartisan about. We do need to get the legisla- press my regret that my colleague is vote that opens the eastern Gulf of tion that has already passed the Senate leaving us and thank him for his many Mexico. We believe that there is at Energy Committee to the floor of the years of fine service to the people of his least 3.8 billion gallons of recoverable Senate. Let me describe it briefly by State, in the House and the Senate, oil and at least 21 trillion cubic feet of saying this. There are some who say and I look forward to making this a natural gas in the eastern Gulf of Mex- the issue is climate change, and we great sendoff year and again thank him ico including the Destin Dome. There have to bring a climate change bill to for his contribution. is a lot to be achieved by additional the floor of the Senate. Mr. DORGAN. If the Senator will production and we should do that. Here is my view. To address climate yield, I have always refrained from There is no question we should do that. change and have a lower carbon future using the word ‘‘retire’’ because I can’t The legislation that has been passed on means that you have to put in place sit around very much. So I don’t intend a bipartisan vote, with my amendment policies that actually reduce carbon. to quit working. But I am not seeking to open the additional production, How do you do that? By doing the very reelection, the Senator is correct about would allow that to happen. things I have described in this legisla- that. This is a great institution, and it That is one piece of the Senate En- tion that is now out of the Senate En- is a great privilege to serve here. I look ergy Committee’s legislation. But ergy Committee and ready to come to forward to a lot of work this year with there is much more. We understand our the floor. It is addressed to the specific my colleague from Illinois and I hope, most abundant resource is coal, but we policies that will reduce carbon, that together, we will frame the policies need to have a lower carbon future as will actually allow us to make progress that will help put America back on we continue to use fossil fuels for en- in addressing climate change issues. track to a better future. ergy. So the research and the science I know there is a lot of discussion, f that is exciting, to be able to continue and also a lot of controversy sur- to use coal and capture and sequester rounding the issue of cap and trade. My LESSON FROM MASSACHUSETTS or capture and provide beneficial use of own view on cap and trade is that I Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, what did CO2, is something we are working on don’t have the foggiest interest in pro- we learn yesterday in Massachusetts? I very hard. We advance it in this legis- viding a $1 trillion carbon trading mar- guess many things about the feeling of lation. ket for traders and speculators on Wall the American people. When you take a If you are going to maximize produc- Street to decide on Monday and Tues- look at the polls, it is interesting. It is tion of energy where the wind blows day what our energy is going to cost on not as if it is a very partisan feeling and the Sun shines, through solar en- Thursday and Friday. I am not inter- among most Americans. They are not ergy and wind energy, you need to de- ested in doing that, given the history happy with either political party, when velop an interstate highway of trans- of what has happened on Wall Street it comes right down to it, and if given mission. We don’t have that. We have and the economic wreck they caused in a third-party choice, a lot of folks tend an interstate highway system to drive recent years. to move in that direction. It reflects a on, but we don’t have an interstate Having said that, we still need a number of feelings. The first is, we highway system to move electricity on lower carbon future. I agree with that. have a weak economy and a lot of peo- and to produce energy where the wind The way to do that is to pass smart en- ple unemployed and there is a lot of blows and the Sun shines and then ergy policy. We have a bipartisan bill uncertainty. I think that has created move it to the load centers. That does that addresses all these issues: addi- anxiety, if not anger. I think also it is not exist at the moment. tional production, additional conserva- an issue about whether this Congress

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010

and this administration can respond to us, please step forward. Show us you ators CONRAD and GREGG, Democrat the issues that count, that matter in are willing to sit down and work to- and Republican, on long-term deficit people’s lives, and do it in a timely gether; we are and we have tried and reduction. In the midst of a recession it fashion. There is a frustration that we will continue to. We should. It is is hard, I think terribly hard, to argue many of the issues we take up seem to not just a matter of health care. It also we will not be adding to the national take forever, and most of them take goes to the question of creating jobs. debt as we try to bring ourselves out of forever right here in this room because We have an opportunity now to the recession. But we clearly need to the Senate was designed to slow things breathe life back into this economy, to have a plan—a direction and a long- down and sometimes bring them to a get more people back to work. Like one term goal—of reducing our deficit. We halt. That is even adding to the frus- of my friends, a Congressman from Illi- can reach that goal, and I think we tration and maybe the anger across nois, PHIL HARE, said recently: I get should. We need to do this on a bipar- America. personally ill when I hear the term tisan basis. When you ask people in polls about ‘‘jobless recovery.’’ I hope in the days ahead, when the the situation in Washington, they say I share his angst and nausea, if that President gives the State of the Union two things that are not necessarily is what it is, over that term. There will Address, he will speak to this and he consistent. They say: No. 1, I am con- be no jobless recovery. Until people get will try to help us in reaching that cerned about the debt of this Nation. back to work, we are still in recovery common goal. How much more debt can we pile up on and have not reached our goal yet, So whatever the result in Massachu- future generations and how much more which is to end the recession with a setts, it will, of course, make the news can we mortgage our future to foreign strong economy and people back to today, will diminish in importance as lenders such as China that will buy up work. other stories replace it. But at the end our debt and buy a bigger piece of con- How will we reach that goal? We need of the day, we still have responsibil- trol of our economy? A legitimate to do something this year, and we need ities. We still need to deal with the ris- point. But the second thing they will to do it quickly so we do not miss a ing cost of health care. We need to deal say is: Listen, I hope the President and construction season, so we can create with the fact that 50 million Americans Congress will do something to help cre- new opportunities for jobs in building do not have health insurance. We need ate jobs to get this country moving for- bridges and highways and airports and to confront the health insurance com- ward—which, of course, would involve water projects all across America—in- panies that are turning down people the expenditure of Federal funds. They vestment in our infrastructure that when they need help the most with do not always give consistent answers, pays off over the long run and creates their health insurance plan. We cer- but it is easy to look behind the results jobs immediately. That is something tainly need to address the job situa- in Massachusetts and in other States we need to do. It will take money to do tion, making sure our government is and see that the American people are it. funding and inspiring new job growth upset and concerned about the current Fortunately, there is a source. Presi- across our country. We need to deal situation. What will we take from this? dent Bush had his Troubled Asset Re- There will be a realignment in the lief Program and took hundreds of bil- with a long-term deficit with a plan Senate, in terms of going forward. lions of dollars and loaned them to fi- that starts to bring us out of our na- There will be 59 Democratic Senators nancial institutions and companies to tional debt or at least reduce our na- and 41 Republican Senators after the get through the worst of the recession. tional debt. new Senator from Massachusetts, Mr. Many of those companies are paying us That, to me, represents at least three BROWN, is sworn into this body. But back, some with interest. We wish to immediate and attainable goals that still we will face the issues people want take the money that is being paid back should be done on a bipartisan basis. us to deal with. there and invest it back into this econ- Whether we have 60 votes or 59 votes, When I went home to Illinois, I didn’t omy to get it moving forward. those issues still challenge us. So the shy away from health care. I took it on This sounds to me like something lesson from Massachusetts is the the road and went to South Suburban that Democrats and Republicans American people are expecting respon- Chamber of Commerce in Cook County. should agree on. I think we both share sible results in Washington. We have to That is right near the city of Chicago. the goal of getting out of this recession deliver them. We can deliver them. But Yesterday, I went to the Chicago and begin moving forward, but we need to do it, we need a bipartisan approach. Chamber of Commerce and invited in a cooperative, bipartisan effort for that We need both Republicans and Demo- small businesses to talk about health to be achieved. I hope we can find it. I crats to work together toward these care. What I heard from them I heard hope we can reach common ground goals. in letters and e-mails and messages there. Mr. President, I yield the floor and I from all over the State; that is, people I believe most of the Senators from suggest the absence of a quorum. are genuinely concerned. They may most of the States represented here The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. have heard from their Governors. My feel at least some satisfaction with BURRIS). The clerk will call the roll. their current health insurance, but State is struggling. Others are as well. they are worried about the future. There will be layoffs of key personnel— The assistant legislative clerk pro- When small businesses stand, as they firefighters, policemen, and teachers, ceeded to call the roll. did yesterday, and say: Our premiums for example. We should find a way to Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I went up 17 percent, 20 percent each help those States get through this ask unanimous consent that the order year and it is unsustainable, that is a tough patch they have run into because for the quorum call be rescinded. reality. If we play to a draw here and of a recession and downturn in reve- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without do nothing, it is understandable people nues. We don’t want to see our children objection, it is so ordered. will be even more frustrated and angry. suffer because teachers are laid off and Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, is I understand the shortcomings of our there are more kids in the classroom. the Senate still in morning business? effort to reform health care. I am hum- We certainly do not want to endanger The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ble enough to realize that even our best our communities by laying off fire- ate is in morning business. work may not be perfect and may need fighters or policemen, if that means to be changed in the future. But it is our safety is compromised in our Mr. CHAMBLISS. I ask unanimous not enough to just stop the debate and homes and neighborhoods. So there consent that all time be yielded back ignore the problem. I would engage and ought to be some common ground we and that we move to the nomination of invite my colleagues from the other can find, both sides of the aisle. Beverly Martin. side of the aisle, if they truly want to At the same time, there is a mean- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without govern, if they truly want to work with ingful discussion underway with Sen- objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 249 CONCLUSION OF MORNING at whoever it was on the other end and est bench, but he has also picked a top- BUSINESS said, ‘‘If you do not pay this bill, I am notch legal mind. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning going to lose my job.’’ More revealing about Judge Martin business is closed. So Beverly Martin started at the bot- as a jurist than my remarks are the tom of the ladder in the practice of anonymous lawyer comments that f law. She has worked herself up to the have been written about her during her EXECUTIVE SESSION point now of being one of the finest dis- 9 years on the bench. Words such as trict court judges we have in our State. ‘‘smart,’’ ‘‘bright,’’ ‘‘respectful,’’ and My good friend Jerry Harrell, who is ‘‘fair’’ appear frequently. One lawyer NOMINATION OF BEVERLY BALD- also a member of that firm, says the wrote, ‘‘Her legal ability is matched by WIN MARTIN TO BE UNITED thing he remembered best about now her courtroom demeanor, which is the STATES CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR Judge Martin when she was practicing best around.’’ THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT law is that she is very bright, but she Another said, ‘‘She always calls it as The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under approached everything from a true she sees it. She has no leaning.’’ the previous order, the Senate will pro- commonsense standpoint and that she Mike Bowers, attorney general and ceed to executive session to report the was a very level-headed individual. her mentor of 15 years, said she is the following nomination. Judge Martin was drawn from private most evenhanded judge he has ever ap- The assistant legislative clerk read practice to Atlanta to go to work in peared before. the nomination of Beverly Baldwin the attorney general’s office by then In fact, Mike, who is now in private Martin, of Georgia, to be United States Attorney General Mike Bowers. She practice, told me that he tried the very Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit. was there for a 10-year period. And in first jury trial case before Judge Mar- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under 1997 she was appointed U.S. Attorney tin. In Federal trials, the lawyers are the previous order, there will be 60 for the Middle District of Georgia after all required to stand at a lecturn where minutes of debate equally divided and serving for a couple of years as an as- they ask their questions to the wit- controlled between the Senator from sistant U.S. attorney. nesses, and it is not appropriate to get Vermont, Mr. LEAHY, and the Senator During her tenure as U.S. Attorney too close to the jury. But all of us used from Alabama, Mr. SESSIONS. for the Middle District of Georgia in to try to do that because you could Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I Macon, Judge Martin was known as a sometimes be more effective. He said: ask unanimous consent to speak under tough prosecutor. She handled cases One day I was trying this case before the time allotted to Senator SESSIONS herself in a way that was not only very Judge Martin, the very first case she and that I be followed by my colleague professional but in a very meaningful had tried, and I obviously got a little Senator ISAKSON. way. too close to the jury. Being the even- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without At the same time, she was very com- handed judge she is, she looked at her objection, it is so ordered. passionate outside of the courtroom. In 15-year mentor and she said, very pro- The Senator from Georgia is recog- fact, she started a program in Macon, fessionally: Mr. Bowers, please back nized. Valdosta, Columbus, and Athens that is away a respectful distance from the Mr. CHAMBLISS. I rise today to called the Weed & Seed Program. It is jury. He said: I remember it very well. speak on behalf of a good friend, a very now a nationwide program that is run That is the evenhandedness with fine jurist, Judge Beverly Martin, who through U.S. Attorney offices. Judge which Judge Martin has always con- has been nominated by President Martin was a strong proponent and re- ducted herself on the bench. I have no Obama to the Eleventh Circuit Court of ceived national recognition for the doubt Judge Martin will serve the peo- Appeals. work she did with the Weed & Seed ple of Georgia, Alabama, and Florida I have had the good fortune of know- Program in our State. She also held very well on the Eleventh Circuit. She ing Judge Martin, who is a native of day camps for inner-city kids during is, to put it plainly, a fair and wise Macon, GA, for many years and could the summertime. She served on various judge. The President couldn’t have cho- think of no one with more integrity, boards, including the board of Macon sen a more qualified individual for the professional competence, and appro- State College and Majority Women of Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals. I priate judicial bearing to sit on the Na- Achievement, which board she serves am proud to lend my support to her tion’s second highest bench. on with my wife Julianne. and look forward to her swift confirma- Judge Martin is a fourth-generation Her lengthy tenure as a prosecutor tion. lawyer. Her great-grandfather, grand- has given her a uniquely informed per- I yield the floor. father, and her father were all lawyers spective. When handling criminal The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- in Macon, GA. They started the law cases, as many of my colleagues know, ator from Georgia. firm of Martin & Snow in Macon, which a prosecutor must be tough but fair in Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I am is where Judge Martin also began the carrying out their responsibilities. pleased to join my colleague Senator practice of law after graduating from This experience has served her well as CHAMBLISS to endorse the confirmation the University of Georgia School of she has served on the District Court. It and hopefully unanimous confirmation Law in 1981. makes her exceptionally well qualified of Judge Beverly Martin to the Elev- I talked to my good friend Cubbege to serve on the Eleventh Circuit Court enth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. I Snow, Jr., who was one of the senior of Appeals. thank President Obama for sending partners at the firm at that point in While on the district court, Judge this nomination forward and for the time. I said: Cubbege, tell me about Martin was faced with several difficult consultation his people had with Sen- Beverly. What did you do with her criminal matters. In 2002, she refused ator CHAMBLISS and myself. I thank when she came fresh out of law school to intervene and halt the scheduled Senator LEAHY, chairman, and Rank- to be the fourth generation Martin in execution of a man convicted of killing ing Member SESSIONS from Alabama of that law firm? a Columbus, GA, police officer. the Judiciary Committee for the dili- He said: SAXBY, she started just like More recently, in 2008, she rejected gence with which they approached this everybody else; we put her collecting arguments that Georgia’s method of confirmation and the speed with which accounts, which is the one thing law- capital punishment was unconstitu- we have now brought it to the floor. yers have to do when they start out is tional, determining that it more than I am proud that the vote on Judge that sort of menial type work. conformed with the recent Supreme Martin today will be the first vote of I remember one day walking by her Court guidance on the issue. the 2010 session of the Senate. As Sen- office and she is obviously on the phone In his choice of Judge Martin, the ator CHAMBLISS said, Judge Martin with somebody trying to collect an President not only picked a fine Geor- comes from a long, distinguished fam- open account, and she finally screamed gian to sit on the nation’s second high- ily of lawyers from middle Georgia.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 She comes to the bench with a bal- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without apparently—certainly not open to the anced temperament and the even- objection, it is so ordered. public. They proposed that Senators handed process that comes from grow- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I wish should consider a nominee’s ideology— ing up in middle Georgia and having re- to speak on the nomination of Judge this had not been historically done— spect for one’s fellow man. Beverly Baldwin Martin who President and for the first time in the history of I don’t know Judge Martin and did Obama nominated to the Eleventh Cir- the country, they proposed that the not know Judge Martin until she was cuit on June 19. I remain at a loss as to burden be shifted to the nominee to nominated. I am not an attorney so I why it has taken this long for her nom- somehow prove they were worthy of didn’t have a lot to fall back on when ination to come before the full Senate the appointment instead of having the I made my first judgment. I decided for a vote. Judge Martin’s nomination Senate respect the presumptive power what I would do is what I always did in is one of the few that has had strong bi- of the President to make nominations my 33 years of business. I figured you partisan support. Both of her home and then object if that nomination was could always find out what was at the State Senators, Senator CHAMBLISS and a concern to them. So it was clear to heart of someone by calling those who Senator ISAKSON, have expressed their me then that as a result of that meet- competed with them, other members of support for the President’s nominee ing, a majority of the Democrat Mem- the same profession. So I called law- from the beginning. I have also ex- bers of this body agreed to what they yers, judges, prosecutors around Geor- pressed my support for Judge Martin proposed. After the Democrats took gia, friends I had, and said: Tell me and I believe she will be easily con- control in the 107th Congress, then-Ma- what you know about Judge Beverly firmed when the vote occurs. jority Leader Daschle promised to ‘‘use Martin. Without exception, every re- As I have said many times, Repub- whatever means necessary’’ to defeat sponse was positive. licans have been and are ready and President Bush’s judicial nominees. It was interesting. One district attor- willing to proceed to a roll call vote on Before the 2001 August recess, the ney said: I like her because she has the her nomination for months but, for Democrats granted hearings for only tenacity of a prosecutor. She was a whatever reason, our Democratic col- two circuit court nominees, and one prosecutor for the northern district of leagues, the leadership, would not take was Roger Gregory, a former Clinton Georgia. I talked to a dear friend of yes for an answer. Instead, they chose nominee who was renominated. They mine who is on the Georgia Supreme to force votes on controversial nomi- Court who said she has the tempera- even refused to hold a hearing for now- ment for a judge. I talked to another nees such as David Hamilton and Andre Chief Justice John Roberts. His nomi- practicing attorney, who had tried Davis. Given those nominees’ records, nation at the time was to the District cases before her and had competed with it was no secret they would engender of Columbia circuit which had been her when she was a practicing attorney opposition and that it would take some scheduled for a hearing before the herself, who said: JOHNNY, she is tough. time for their records to be examined change in the Senate majority. Then, She is fair. But she has a passion for and to be prepared for debate. in an unprecedented and, I think, par- the law, a passion for doing what is I do not know the reasons for not tisan move, our Democratic colleagues right. calling up Judge Martin’s nomination indiscriminately returned every single I don’t think you can come up with a sooner. I hope it wasn’t to purposely one of President Bush’s 40 pending judi- finer endorsement than those three delay this noncontroversial nomina- cial nominations. There was no consid- quotes. tion in order to create an illusion that eration of an individual nominee’s I also join Senator CHAMBLISS in ac- a lot of judges are being obstructed. record. There was no consideration of knowledging and studying one’s record. Certainly we have been accused of ob- bipartisan support for the nominee. It Some of her decisions I think have structing nominations in the last few was a simple obstruction, it appeared been outstanding. As a former pros- months and we have heard these alle- to me. Thirty of these nominees were ecutor, she understands the dangers gations repeated on the Senate floor later confirmed by voice vote or by a our law enforcement officers go and in the press, often supported by in- substantial majority. through. She understands the value accurate and misleading information. This was followed by another unprec- they serve. I think her ruling not to Some of my Democratic colleagues edented event: the systematic fili- stay the execution of a murderer of a have said they want to confirm judicial buster of highly qualified nominees, Columbus, GA policeman was abso- nominees at the same pace the Demo- many of whom were later confirmed by lutely the right decision. Her defense of cratic-controlled Senate confirmed voice vote or a substantial majority. the Georgia death penalty law as being President Bush’s nominees. I think my The Democrats filibustered 30 attempts constitutional was not only appro- colleagues should be careful what they to hold up-or-down votes on at least 17 priate but right. Throughout all of her wish for, because President Obama’s judicial nominees, highly qualified decisions, one thing is for sure: Wheth- nominees have fared far better than nominees—some rated unanimously er you agreed or not, she gave it the President Bush’s. For those who were well qualified by the American Bar As- thought and time necessary to make not here then, and for those who sociation. Senator REID summed up what she felt was the right decision. don’t—or won’t—remember, I wish to what they were doing during the fili- In 2000, the Senate confirmed Judge take a moment to describe exactly buster of Priscilla Owen—a fabulous Martin to the northern district court what happened during that time. nominee; a justice on the Texas Su- in Georgia. It did so unanimously. It is President Bush began his Presidency preme Court; a great lady—he opposed my hope that on this day the Senate by extending an olive branch and re- her nomination and he said in his once again will unanimously approve nominating two prior Clinton nominees quote: ‘‘There is not a number of hours the confirmation of Judge Beverly to seats on the Circuit Courts of Ap- in the universe that would be suffi- Martin to the U.S. Eleventh Circuit peal—one step removed from the Su- cient’’ to debate her nomination. Court of Appeals. preme Court. He renominated Demo- So, today, we hear outrage that I yield the floor, suggest the absence cratic nominees. How was he repaid for President Obama’s nominees have been of a quorum, and ask unanimous con- sent that the time be charged to each that? The Democrats took the olive waiting for weeks or months for a con- side. branch and broke it and gave it back to firmation vote. President Bush’s nomi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without him. It began soon after President nees to the circuit courts waited an av- objection, it is so ordered. Bush was elected when a group of well- erage of 350 days—almost a year, on av- The clerk will call the roll. known professors—liberal activist pro- erage; I was here—from nomination to The assistant legislative clerk pro- fessors—Laurence Tribe, Marsha confirmation. That was just the aver- ceeded to call the roll. Greenberger, and Cass Sunstein, met age. The majority of President Bush’s Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I ask with the Democratic leadership and first nominees to the circuit courts unanimous consent that the order for proposed changing the ground rules of waited years for confirmation votes the quorum call be rescinded. the confirmation process in a meeting, and some never even received a hearing

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 251 in committee, despite being highly Finally, Rod Rosenstein, whom the We have not and will not do any of qualified, outstanding nominees. Pris- ABA rated unanimously well-qualified those things. Instead, we will continue cilla Owen, Justice Owen of the Texas and who served in the Department of to thoroughly analyze the records of Supreme Court, waited 4 years for a Justice in both Democrat and Repub- President Obama’s nominees, and hold confirmation vote. John Roberts, Jef- lican administrations, waited 414 days fair and rigorous hearings to ensure frey Sutton, and Deborah Cook all for a hearing that never came. His that each nominee possesses the impar- waited 2 years. Dennis Shedd and Mi- nomination was returned on January 2, tiality, the commitment to the rule of chael McConnell waited for more than 2009. law, the integrity, the legal expertise, a year and a half. Terrence Boyle, who President Obama’s Fourth Circuit and the judicial restraint necessary to was nominated by President Bush for nominees have fared far better. Take sit on our Nation’s judiciary. the Fourth Circuit, languished close to Judge Andre Davis. He received a hear- As ranking member of the Judiciary 8 years and never received a vote, even ing a mere 27 days after his nomina- Committee, I look forward to con- though he passed out of the Judiciary tion, a committee vote just 36 days tinuing to work with the chairman to Committee with a majority, and the later, and was confirmed in early No- process nominations in the bipartisan Democrats had the majority. Miguel vember of last year. Justice Barbara manner that we have established over Estrada, rated unanimously well quali- Milano Keenan was nominated on Sep- the past year. fied by the American Bar Association, tember 14, 2009. She received a hearing I yield the floor. was filibustered through seven cloture just 22 days later and was voted out of I see our outstanding chairman, Sen- votes and never confirmed. Charles committee 23 days after that. Both ator LEAHY, is here. I know he wants to Pickering, Carolyn Kuhl, Williams Judge Albert Diaz and Judge James get back to the committee. I appre- Myers, Henry Saad, William Haynes— Wynn were nominated on November 4, ciate his leadership. He is a person I all I think outstanding nominees—all 2009. The committee quickly held their enjoy working with. We spat a little were filibustered and never confirmed. hearing on December 16, 2009—despite over these nominations, but he allows So I ask my Democratic colleagues: the fact that the Senate was consumed us to have full and fair hearings when Did we have any outrage from that side with the healthcare debate—and their we have them, and I think I can’t ask then? nominations are listed on the commit- for more than that. Let’s look at the current pace of tee’s agenda for this week. I thank the Chair and yield the floor. nominations. Unlike President Bush, The raw numbers also demonstrate The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- President Obama did not extend an that this is not the simple ‘‘apples to ator from Vermont is recognized. olive branch by renominating any of apples’’ comparison that some have Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, as we re- the outstanding pending nominees tried to make it out to be. turn for the second session of the 111th President Bush had submitted who President Obama has nominated lit- Congress, the Senate at last considers were being held up. In fact, he ignored tle more than half the judicial nomi- the long-stalled nomination of Judge a request by all of the Republican nees that President Bush had nomi- Beverly Martin of Georgia to the Court Members of this body to do that. In- nated at this point in his Presidency. of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. stead, he chose Judge David Hamilton Despite holding a time consuming Su- Even though Judge Martin is a well-re- as his first nominee. He could hardly be preme Court confirmation hearing, the spected district court judge with the characterized as a consensus nominee. Judiciary Committee has still managed strong support of both of her home Thirty-nine Senators—all Repub- to hold hearings for all of President State Republican Senators, Senator licans—voted against him after a full Obama’s nominees, except for the few CHAMBLISS and Senator ISAKSON, her debate. that were nominated just before the re- nomination has been stuck on the Sen- The treatment of President Obama’s cess last month and were not ripe for ate Executive Calendar for over 4 and President Bush’s nominees for the hearings before the break. Compare months since it was promptly reported Fourth Circuit will illustrate what I that to this point under President Bush by the Judiciary Committee without a am saying. During the 110th Congress, when 31 of his judicial nominees had single dissenting vote. despite the 33-percent vacancy rate on yet to receive hearings. The delays for consideration of the that court, four of President Bush’s And, not only has the Senate con- nomination of Judge Martin, along well-qualified, consensus nominees to firmed nearly the same percentage of with delays for seven other judicial that court, the Fourth Circuit, were President Obama’s judicial nominees nominations currently on the Senate’s needlessly delayed and ultimately as were confirmed at this point under Executive Calendar, are the result of a blocked. President Bush nominated President Bush, but we are moving Republican strategy to stall, delay, and Steve Matthews in September of 2007. faster. Indeed, President Obama’s cir- obstruct that began last year. I urge Despite his stellar qualifications, he cuit court nominees have received con- the Senate Republican leadership to re- was forced to wait 485 days to even get firmation votes mere months after consider their strategy and instead join a hearing and the hearing never came. being nominated—far quicker than with us and with President Obama to His nomination was returned in Janu- President Bush’s circuit court nomi- fill the more than 100 vacancies that ary of 2009. Chief Judge Robert Conrad nees, who waited an average of 350 have now accumulated on our Federal of the district court had the support of days. Many waited years and many courts around the country. his home State Senators and received never even received an up-or-down The obstructionist tactics that we an ABA rating of unanimously well vote. The simple fact is that President saw last year from Republicans led to qualified. Despite overwhelming sup- Obama has nominated fewer and we the lowest number of judicial con- port and exceptional qualifications, in- have confirmed more. firmations in more than 50 years. Only cluding having played point guard for All of this is not to lay the ground- 12 of President Obama’s judicial nomi- Clemson in the ACC, he waited 585 days work for some sort of payback, but to nations to Federal circuit and district for a hearing that never came. His set the record straight. Republicans courts were confirmed all last year. nomination was returned. Judge Glen have not held a private retreat to plot The 12 Federal circuit and district Conrad had been chosen by , how to block judicial nominees. We court nominees confirmed last year President Clinton’s Attorney General, have not taken orders from outside was less than half of what we achieved to investigate one of the allegations groups to block nominees based on during President Bush’s first tumul- against President Clinton. Out of all of their ideology. We have not blocked tuous year. In the second half of 2001, a the prosecutors in America, she chose nominees because we do not want them Democratic Senate majority proceeded Judge Conrad. It is an outrage that he to sit on a specific case. We have not to confirm 28 judges. In the 17 months was not confirmed. He was a stellar once attempted to filibuster nominees that I chaired the Senate Judiciary nominee and should have been con- in the Judiciary Committee. That is Committee during President Bush’s firmed. The bar respected him and so how Democrats treated President first term, the Senate confirmed 100 of did the Democratic administration. Bush’s nominees. Those are the facts. his judicial nominees.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 Republicans have refused to agree to Clinton’s nominees. The crisis they We have seen this unprecedented ob- the consideration of qualified, non- created eventually led even to public struction by Senate Republicans on controversial nominees for weeks and criticism of their actions by Chief Jus- issue after issue—over 100 filibusters months. Last December, only 3 of the tice Rehnquist during those years. last year alone, which has affected 70 available 13 judicial nominations on Instead of praising President Obama percent of all Senate action. Instead of the Senate Executive Calendar were for consulting with Republican Sen- time agreements and the will of the considered. By contrast, in December ators, the Senate Republican leader- majority, the Senate is faced with a re- 2001, the first year of President Bush’s ship has doubled back on what they de- quirement to find 60 Senators to over- administration, Senate Democrats pro- manded when a Republican President come a filibuster on issue after issue. ceeded to confirm 10 of his judicial was in the White House. No more do Those who just a short time ago said nominees. At the end of the Senate’s they talk about each nominee being en- that a majority vote is all that should 2001 session, only four judicial nomina- titled to an up-or-down vote. That posi- be needed to confirm a nomination, and tions were left on the Senate Executive tion is abandoned and forgotten. In- that filibusters of nominations are un- Calendar, all of which were confirmed stead, they now seek to filibuster and constitutional, have reversed them- soon after the Senate returned in 2002. delay judicial and even executive nomi- selves and now employ any delaying At the end of President Clinton’s first nations. They have also abandoned tactic they can. year, just one judicial nominee was left their initial position at the start of These obstruction tactics took dan- on the Senate Executive Calendar. At this Congress that they would fili- gerous lows last year when Senate Re- the end of President George H.W. buster judicial nominees on which publicans voted to leave our troops Bush’s first year, a Democratic Senate home State Senators were not con- without funding at a time when we are majority left just two judicial nomina- sulted. It turned out such consultation fighting two wars. Had the Senate Re- tions pending on the Senate Executive and home State Republican Senator publican filibuster of the Defense De- Calendar.At the end of the first year of support did not matter when they un- partment appropriations bill been suc- successfully filibustered President President Reagan’s first term—a year cessful, they would have cut off fund- Obama’s first judicial nominee, Judge in which the Senate confirmed 41 of his ing for our troops in the field. Senate David Hamilton. He was filibustered Federal circuit and district court Republicans also filibustered the vet- despite the support of Senator LUGAR, nominees—not a single judicial nomi- erans bill. his home State Senator and the longest nation was left on the Senate Execu- Judge Martin’s nomination is the serving Republican in the Senate. longest pending of the judicial nomi- tive Calendar. This past December, Despite the fact that President nees currently on the Executive Cal- Senate Republicans left 10 judicial Obama began sending judicial nomi- endar. Judge Martin is a well-respected nominees without Senate action and nees to the Senate 2 months earlier Federal district court judge. Her nomi- insisted on returning 2 of them to the than President Bush, last year’s total nation received a unanimous rating of President so that they would have to was the fewest judicial nominees con- ‘‘well qualified’’ from the American be renominated. firmed in his first year of a Presidency None of the eight judicial nomina- since 1953, a year in which President Bar Association’s Standing Committee tions currently pending on the Execu- Eisenhower only made nine nomina- on the Federal Judiciary and has the tive Calendar are controversial. Six tions all of which were confirmed. The support of both Republican home State were reported by the Senate Judiciary number of confirmations was even Senators, Senator CHAMBLISS and Sen- Committee without a single dissenting below the 17 the Senate Republican ator ISAKSON. Judge Martin has spent vote. We have wasted weeks and majority allowed confirmation in the 25 years in public service as a Federal months having to seek time agree- 1996 session. judge, as U.S. attorney for the Middle ments in order to consider nominations This is wrong. The American people District of Georgia, as an Assistant that were reported by the Senate Judi- deserve better. The cost will be felt by U.S. attorney in that office, and as an ciary Committee unanimously and ordinary Americans seeking justice in assistant attorney general in the Office then confirmed unanimously by the our overburdened Federal courts. of the Attorney General of Georgia. Senate once they were finally allowed During President Bush’s last year in Judge Martin’s nomination should to be considered. office, we had reduced judicial vacan- have been an easy one to have con- Judicial vacancies have now sky- cies to as low as 34, even though it was firmed months ago. Republicans should rocketed to over 100, undoing years of a Presidential election year. When have thanked President Obama for con- hard work. The lack of Senate action President Bush left office, we had re- sulting with the home State Repub- last year is attributable to Senate Re- duced vacancies in 9 of the 13 Federal lican Senators and moved forward. I publicans and no one else. President circuits. As matters stand today, judi- wish we could have reached a time Obama has reached across the aisle to cial vacancies have spiked and are agreement sooner. It should not have consult with Republican Senators. The being left unfilled. We started 2010 with taken 4 months. nomination before the Senate today is the highest number of vacancies on ar- I urge Senate Republicans to recon- another example of that. He has made ticle III courts since 1994, when the va- sider their strategy and allow prompt quality nominations. While President cancies created by the last comprehen- consideration of the other judicial Obama has moved beyond the judicial sive judgeship bill were still being nominees awaiting Senate consider- nominations battles of the past and filled. While it has been nearly 20 years ation: Judge Joseph Greenaway of New reached out to work with Republicans since we enacted a Federal judgeship Jersey, nominated to the Third Circuit; and make mainstream nominations, bill, judicial vacancies are nearing Justice Barbara Keenan of Virginia, Senate Republicans continue their tac- record levels, with 102 current vacan- nominated to the Fourth Circuit; Jane tics of delay. cies and another 21 already announced. Stranch of Tennessee, nominated to When President Bush worked with If we had proceeded on the judgeship the Sixth Circuit; Judge Thomas Senators across the aisle, I praised him bill recommended by the Judicial Con- Vanaskie of Pennsylvania, nominated and expedited consideration of his ference to address the growing burden to the Third Circuit; Judge Denny Chin nominees. When President Obama on our Federal judiciary, as we did in of New York, nominated to the Second reaches across the aisle, the Senate Re- 1984 and 1990, in order to provide the re- Circuit; Rosanna Malouf Peterson, publican leadership delays and ob- sources the courts need, current vacan- nominated to the Eastern District of structs his qualified nominees. The Re- cies would stand over 160 today. That is Washington; and William Conley, nom- publican leadership has returned to the true measure of how far behind we inated to the Western District of Wis- their practices in the 1990s, which re- have fallen. Justice should not be de- consin. sulted in more than doubling circuit layed or denied to any American be- Mr. President, I will reserve the re- court vacancies, and led to the pocket cause of overburdened courts and the mainder of my time and yield 6 min- filibuster of more than 60 of President lack of Federal judges. utes to the Senator from Delaware, an

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 253 extraordinarily valuable member of the Princeton with a degree in political The bill clerk proceeded to call the Senate Judiciary Committee. economy. She also holds a law degree roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- with honors from the University of Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask ator from Delaware is recognized. Chicago. unanimous consent that the order for Mr. KAUFMAN. I thank the Senator. After clerking for the late Judge the quorum call be rescinded. It is a pleasure to serve with him on John Godbold, on the U.S. Court of Ap- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Judiciary Committee and see the peals for the Eleventh Circuit in Ala- objection, it is so ordered. work he is doing. bama, Lisa was a partner at the Wash- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I see the Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- ington law firm Shea & Gardner. While distinguished assistant Republican sent to speak as in morning business working in the private sector, she also leader on the floor. I ask unanimous for 6 minutes. engaged in pro bono work in the area of consent that all time remaining on ei- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without civil rights and disabilities law. During ther side be yielded back. objection, it is so ordered. that time, Lisa gained valuable exper- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without IN PRAISE OF tise in these fields, which she would objection, it is so ordered. Mr. KAUFMAN. I rise once again to later put to use in her government Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, have the recognize one of America’s great Fed- service. yeas and nays been requested on the eral employees. In 1996, Lisa began working as an at- nominee? One year ago today, torney adviser in the Justice Depart- The PRESIDING OFFICER. They took the oath of office as President of ment’s Office of Legal Counsel. After a have not. the United States. As with every year in that role, she was appointed Mr. LEAHY. I ask for the yeas and change in administration, the White deputy counsel to Vice President Gore, nays on the nominee. House welcomed many new staff mem- and in 1999 she was appointed as his bers, appointed by the President to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a counsel. At the same time, Lisa served help him carry out his policy goals. sufficient second? I have spoken many times about ca- on the executive board of the Presi- There appears to be a sufficient sec- reer Federal employees who serve re- dent’s Committee for Employment of ond. gardless of which political party con- People with Disabilities. She also The question is, Will the Senate ad- trols the executive branch. Today, I worked on legislative issues with the vise and consent to the nomination of want to use my time to highlight the Vice President’s Domestic Policy Of- Beverly Baldwin Martin, of Georgia, to important work performed by those fice. be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal employees who serve in ap- After the Clinton administration Eleventh Circuit? pointee positions. Although their jobs ended, Lisa moved to the nonprofit sec- The clerk will call the roll. depend on the outcome of elections and tor, where she became executive direc- The bill clerk called the roll. political circumstances, they are no tor of the American Constitution Soci- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the less accountable to the people and no ety for Law and Policy. When Presi- Senator from Colorado (Mr. UDALL) is less dedicated in their service. dent Obama was elected, he asked her necessarily absent. This holds true for the appointees to return to government service as a Mr. KYL. The following Senators are from both parties, who, given the op- key part of his White House team. necessarily absent: the Senator from portunity, eagerly leave jobs in the pri- Despite her busy schedule in one of Missouri (Mr. BOND) and the Senator vate and nonprofit sectors to serve in America’s most stressful work environ- from (Mr. ROBERTS). government. Many of our Nation’s ments, Lisa still finds time to raise a 6- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there elected leaders once served in this ca- year-old son with her husband Kevin. any other Senators in the Chamber de- pacity, including some of my Senate Juggling family responsibilities and a siring to vote? colleagues. demanding workload is a challenge she The result was announced—yeas 97, On this first anniversary of President shares with many other West Wing nays 0, as follows: Obama’s inauguration, many are re- staffers. [Rollcall Vote No. 1 Ex.] flecting on the past 12 months and try- Lisa and other political appointees YEAS—97 ing to gauge his administration’s suc- are a living reminder of the elective Akaka Enzi McConnell cess. One thing I am certain about is nature of our government. When the Alexander Feingold Menendez that he could not carry out his ambi- people decide to give control of the ex- Barrasso Feinstein Merkley tious agenda without the help of the ecutive branch to the party in opposi- Baucus Franken Mikulski tion, that party is always ready to call Bayh Gillibrand Murkowski talented White House staff. Begich Graham The great Federal employee I am on a cadre of talented and dedicated Murray Bennet Grassley Nelson (NE) honoring today has the challenging job citizens ready to shape policy. Bennett Gregg Nelson (FL) Bingaman Hagan of making sure the White House staff Many of them bring to their jobs the Pryor Boxer Harkin Reed are working together and that all of unique perspective of having worked Brown Hatch the information the President needs for a previous administration, and they Brownback Hutchison Reid frequently leave higher paying jobs to Bunning Inhofe Risch reaches his desk. Rockefeller Lisa Brown serves as White House return to government service. When Burr Inouye Burris Isakson Sanders staff secretary. It is a position many they do so, they are not only signing Byrd Johanns Schumer Americans are unfamiliar with, but it on to serve the President. They also Cantwell Johnson Sessions is one of the most important in the commit to long and stressful hours Cardin Kaufman Shaheen West Wing. The staff secretary is re- Carper Kerry Shelby working on behalf of the American peo- Casey Kirk Snowe sponsible for keeping the lines of com- ple to whom the President and his West Chambliss Klobuchar Specter munication between the President and Wing staff are answerable. Coburn Kohl Stabenow his senior staff open and organized. Mr. President, I hope my colleagues Cochran Kyl Tester Collins Landrieu Nearly every memo destined for the will join me in honoring the service of Thune Conrad Lautenberg Udall (NM) President’s desk must first pass Lisa Brown and all those working and Corker Leahy Vitter Cornyn through the hands of the staff sec- who have worked in the West Wing LeMieux Voinovich Crapo Levin Warner retary, who filters the most pressing under Presidents Obama, Bush, Clin- DeMint Lieberman Webb items and ensures that the President’s ton, and their predecessors. Dodd Lincoln decisions are conveyed to the appro- I yield the floor. Dorgan Lugar Whitehouse Wicker priate staff member. Think about how Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I suggest Durbin McCain Ensign McCaskill Wyden complex that is. the absence of a quorum. Lisa is a native of Connecticut, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The NOT VOTING—3 she graduated magna cum laude from clerk will call the roll. Bond Roberts Udall (CO)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 The nomination was confirmed. President’s approach to spending, debt, legislation in a generation, was hardly The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and big government has surprised and a work of fiscal responsibility or bipar- President will be immediately notified frustrated the American people. It is tisanship. It passed both bodies of Con- of the Senate’s actions. not what they bargained for. Much of gress on a partisan vote. The legisla- f the legislation introduced by the ma- tion will create a massive new entitle- jority has passed on party-line votes ment at a time when America cannot LEGISLATIVE SESSION and without the transparency he prom- afford its existing entitlement pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ised. grams. ate will now return to legislative ses- On this 1-year anniversary, I want to The bill is filled with deals for spe- sion. talk specifically about the conflict be- cial interests that President Obama tween President Obama’s campaign said would be banned from doing busi- f promises and the policies he has pro- ness with his administration. Last RECESS moted during his first year in office. week, for example, the White House The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Despite his pledge to embrace fiscal reached a deal with labor union leaders the previous order, the Senate will responsibility, President Obama’s do- to exempt, until 2018, union health care stand in recess until 2:15 p.m. mestic agenda has reflected a belief plans from a tax that will hit many Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:29 p.m., that big government and massive other Americans. recessed until 2:16 p.m. and reassem- spending are the keys to promoting The bill also violates several key bled when called to order by the Acting economic growth. From car company pledges President Obama made about President pro tempore. bailouts, to cash for clunkers, to a health care reform—first, the pledge The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- wasteful $1.2 trillion stimulus bill that that it would be deficit neutral. Rich- pore. The Senator from West Virginia failed to keep unemployment from top- ard Foster, who is the Chief Actuary is recognized. ping 8 percent, as the administration for the Centers for Medicare and Med- claimed it would, Federal spending has icaid Services, estimates that under f soared. So has the national debt. Presi- the reform legislation, national health MORNING BUSINESS dent Obama said earlier this year that spending will rise by $222 billion over we cannot keep on borrowing from the next 10 years, and the Congres- Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I China, and that is true. So why does sional Budget Office tells us that the ask unanimous consent that the Sen- the President continue to advocate Senate bill double-counts the savings ate proceed to a period of morning spending money that we do not have from certain Medicare reforms. It uses business until 3 p.m., with Senators and will have to borrow? What ever certain funds to extend the solvency of permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes happened to his campaign promise of a Medicare by 9 years while simulta- each, with the time equally divided be- net spending reduction? Government neously using those exact same funds tween the two leaders or their des- spending grew by $705 billion in fiscal to offset the cost of the bill. According ignees. year 2009, an increase of 24 percent to the Congressional Budget Office: The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- from 2008, and appropriations legisla- pore. Without objection, it is so or- To describe the full amount . . . as both tion enacted this year will increase improving the Government’s ability to pay dered. spending by 8 percent more in 2010. future Medicare benefits and financing new Mr. ROCKEFELLER. I suggest the America’s 2009 Federal deficit, which spending outside of Medicare would essen- absence of a quorum. is the gap between total outlays and tially double-count a large share of those The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- total revenue, made history—and not savings and thus overstate the improvement pore. The clerk will call the roll. in a good way. It exceeded $1.4 trillion, of the government’s fiscal position. The legislative clerk proceeded to which is the highest amount in history In short, this bill is not deficit neu- call the roll. and more than three times as large as tral. Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I ask unani- the biggest annual deficit during the The President also pledged that mid- mous consent that the order for the previous administration. dle-income families would not see their quorum call be rescinded. The recordbreaking budget President taxes raised. This is the second broken The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Obama submitted to Congress doubles pledge. As Republicans have explained pore. Without objection, it is so or- the deficit in 5 years and triples it in repeatedly, this bill is packed with dered. 10. It also creates more debt than the taxes that will hit many middle-in- Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I further ask combined debt of every President from come Americans, including seniors and that I may be permitted to speak for as George Washington all the way the chronically ill. In fact, the Senate much time as I consume. through George Bush. There is no way version contains a total of 12 new The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- to blame President Bush for this situa- taxes. pore. Without objection, it is so or- tion. The third broken pledge relates to dered. The total debt has reached an almost costs. President Obama said his health f unimaginable sum—almost $12 trillion. care bill would reduce costs. It does This week, the Senate will take up an not. Costs for many families will actu- PRESIDENT OBAMA’S FIRST YEAR increase in the debt ceiling, which is ally increase thanks to a litany of new IN OFFICE the total amount of legal U.S. debt. Federal requirements and mandates. Mr. KYL. Mr. President, it was ex- That increase will come on the heels of This whole process has also shown actly 1 year ago that Barack Obama a $290 billion increase in the debt ceil- that the President’s professed commit- was sworn in as President of the United ing that was passed late last year and ment to transparency was nothing States. He began by promising to another increase that was passed early more than a campaign slogan. He launch a new era of responsibility, bi- in 2009 to accommodate the stimulus promised at least seven times that the partisanship, and transparency at bill. Interest payments on this debt are health care negotiations would be aired home and to improve America’s stand- expected to reach $800 billion—just in- on C–SPAN, as he put it, ‘‘so the Amer- ing abroad. That message appealed to terest alone—$800 billion per year by ican people can see what the choices the American people. The President 2019. Clearly, we have not entered a are.’’ But that didn’t happen. As came into office with high approval new era of fiscal responsibility but, Speaker PELOSI reminded us, the Presi- ratings, widespread support, and plenty rather, quite the opposite. dent promised a lot of things on the of bipartisan good will in this Cham- Of course, the most expensive piece campaign trail. Those who were not in- ber. Taking stock now a year later, it of legislation passed last year was the vited to the Democrats’ secret negotia- is apparent the President has not deliv- health care bill. The $2 trillion-plus tions did not know the details of the ered the change he promised. The bill, the most consequential domestic respective health care bills until just

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 255 before each of them came out for a ment with the radical Iranian theoc- the Israeli government is no way to vote, and we are talking about bills racy. achieve it. that are more than 2,000 pages long and So far, this policy has done nothing As for Latin America, it was highly contain hundreds of hidden provisions. to stop Iran from developing nuclear regrettable that the U.S. imposed sanc- Even before the health care legisla- weapons and brutalizing its own peo- tions on Honduras, since the removal tion is concluded, the President is pro- ple. But it did prevent the Obama ad- of former Honduran president Manuel posing yet another spending bill, a sec- ministration from offering robust sup- Zelaya was a constitutionally justified ond stimulus package. The stimulus port to the pro-democracy demonstra- act of democracy. Despite initially sid- bill—they call it a jobs bill now—that tors who flooded the streets last sum- ing with Zelaya, a close ally of Ven- recently passed the House of Rep- mer to protest a stolen election. Rath- ezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, the Obama resentatives would cost taxpayers $260 er than embrace the protestors, who administration appears ready to recog- billion more in deficit spending. I do were standing up for liberty and human nize the validity of the recent Hon- not believe the way to create jobs is to rights, President Obama initially said duran elections. The administration expand the size and expenditures of the that he did not want ‘‘to be seen as should now lift suspension of aid, cease Federal Government. I believe we must meddling in Iranian elections. Those any further contact with Mr. Zelaya, encourage growth in the private sector, protestors, by the way, are still out in and denounce his extra-constitutional not by taking money out but by put- the streets, waging a courageous strug- behavior. ting money back in. It is understand- gle for democracy. With regard to Venezuela, the Presi- able and unfortunate that job creators Despite all these U.S. efforts to en- dent’s policy of engaging Hugo Chavez may be nervous about economic condi- gage the Iranian government, the nego- proved a failure. Writing in The Week- tions. The economy is still shaky and tiations over Iran’s nuclear program ly Standard, Jaime Daremblum, Costa new taxes loom on the horizon. have gone nowhere, and the Iranian Rica’s former ambassador to the After seeing the dismal employment president recently declared that Iran United States, says, ‘‘If Obama be- report in December, a month in which ‘‘will continue resisting’’ international lieved his personal charm and assur- the economy lost another 85,000 jobs, demands until the United States abol- ances of goodwill would be sufficient to Diana Furchtgott-Roth, a former chief ishes its own nuclear arsenal. sway Chavez and the Castro brothers, economist of the U.S. Labor Depart- We must remember that Iran is the he was mistaken.’’ world’s leading state sponsor of ter- ment, advised the administration to Indeed, Chavez has responded to rorism, a government that murders ‘‘press the reset button on economic friendly U.S. overtures by continuing peaceful student democracy activists. policy.’’ More specifically, she urged to suffocate Venezuelan democracy, The events of the past year have shown the President not to raise taxes, scale continuing to cooperate with Iran and that the Iranian regime is not a good- back Federal spending, focus on deficit Russia, and continuing to harass neigh- faith negotiator. Now is the time to reduction, and reject the new environ- boring democracies, such as Colombia, maximize leverage over Iran through mental regulations that will drive U.S. where Chavez has funded vicious narco- targeted sanctions. Meanwhile, we jobs overseas. terrorists. In an editorial last spring, must not take any options off the table I hope in the coming year President the Washington Post noted, ‘‘This may if we hope to prevent an Iranian nu- Obama will consider more sensible do- be the first time the United States has clear weapon. mestic policies so that we can rein in watched the systematic destruction of the out-of-control spending that has The President’s Iran strategy was based on the idea that U.S. engagement a Latin American democracy in si- characterized his first year. This would lence.’’ truly be change we can believe in. would produce real concessions. That Meanwhile, pending free-trade agree- I would also like to discuss the ten- did not work with Tehran, and it has ments with U.S. allies in Colombia, sion between rhetoric and reality in not worked with Moscow either. De- Panama, and South Korea still have the President’s foreign and national se- spite U.S. diplomatic efforts, the Rus- not been approved by this Congress. curity policies. sian government continues to withhold Throughout the campaign, President support for strong U.N. sanctions That represents yet another foreign- Obama pledged he would improve against Iran, it continues to bully its policy failure for this administration. I America’s reputation abroad and repair democratic neighbors, such as Georgia sincerely hope the President urges supposedly damaged alliances. In Sep- and Poland, and it continues to prac- Democratic leaders to take action on tember 2007, Candidate Obama said: tice authoritarian domestic policies. these agreements sometime this year, preferably soon. Implementing these America’s standing has suffered. Our diplo- America’s allies in Eastern Europe and macy has been compromised by a refusal to Near Asia are getting nervous. Presi- three trade deals would provide a boost talk to people we don’t like. Our alliances dent Obama’s cancellation of a planned to the U.S. economy and would also have been compromised by bluster. Our missile-defense system in Poland and strengthen the U.S. position in two im- credibility has been compromised. the Czech Republic, and the manner in portant regions. So what has been the President’s which it was executed, gave the im- I also hope the President resists the strategy for boosting America’s stand- pression that the U.S. had caved to temptation to support protectionist ing? He has gone on an apology tour of Russian pressure. measures that will hurt our economy sorts, a fundamental consequence of There are few regions in the world as and damage our foreign relations. In which, in the words of Charles volatile as the Middle East. Unfortu- his first year, the President signed a Krauthammer, has been ‘‘to effectively nately, the Obama administration has stimulus package containing a protec- undermine any claim America might alienated our closest Middle Eastern tionist ‘‘Buy American’’ provision, have to world leadership.’’ ally, Israel, by stubbornly pushing it to agreed to discontinue a U.S.-Mexican The President has devoted much en- adopt a comprehensive ‘‘settlement trucking program, and imposed a tariff ergy to improving relations with our freeze.’’ on Chinese tires. These policies were adversaries. Not only have these efforts As Elliott Abrams, a former deputy economically foolish, and they dam- failed to yield positive results, but national-security adviser, has written aged America’s credibility as a pro- they have also led the administration in National Review, the administration moter of trade liberalization. to mistreat several key U.S. partners. has managed to damage the U.S.-Israel Finally, a word about the adminis- The administration’s approach to alliance, weaken Palestinian Authority tration’s antiterror policies, and its de- Iran has been regrettable, to say the President Mahmoud Abbas, and cision to increase the number of U.S. least. President Obama came into of- produce ‘‘a massive policy failure.’’ We troops in Afghanistan. I am pleased fice hoping to negotiate a ‘‘grand bar- all want a just and lasting solution to that President Obama has maintained gain’’ over the Iranian nuclear pro- the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But de- many of the policies that were formu- gram. He embraced a policy of engage- manding unilateral concessions from lated by President Bush, including the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 use of military commissions to try sus- July of next year. I hope that he is pursue a more sensible and responsible pected terrorists. However, I am dis- willing to embrace a flexible timeline. course. appointed that the President has de- Military decisions in Afghanistan The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- cided not to use a military commission should be determined by conditions on pore. The Senator from Illinois is rec- to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the the ground, not by the political cli- ognized. mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, and mate in Washington. Mr. BURRIS. Mr. President, are we several of his co- conspirators. The U.S. commitment to Afghanistan in morning business? Giving these terrorists a civilian has been costly, and it will continue to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- trial in New York City will pose sig- be costly. That brings me to the con- pore. The Senator is correct. We are in nificant national security risks; among nection between U.S. policies at home morning business. other things, it will compromise U.S. and U.S. strategy abroad. While domes- f intelligence-gathering methods. The tic policy is not written to influence MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. administration has chosen to prosecute foreign policy, it affects what we can several other terrorists before a mili- spend on defense and security. Mr. BURRIS. Thank you, Mr. Presi- tary commission. So why not Khalid President Obama recently acknowl- dent. Sheik Mohammed? Why should the edged the relationship between U.S. Every so often in the winding history highest-ranking al-Qaida leader cap- economic strength and U.S. global of our country there is an entire gen- tured since 9/11 be given a civilian trial leadership, when he said, ‘‘Our pros- eration that rises to confront the chal- while other al-Qaida members are perity provides a foundation for our lenges of a moment. Every so often given military commission trials? power. It pays for our military. It un- there is a movement so powerful that The war against al-Qaida is just that, derwrites our diplomacy.’’ it changes the course of history. And a war. It is not a law enforcement mat- Well, that is absolutely true. Our every so often there is a visionary lead- ter. By announcing that Khalid Sheik leadership is contingent on our pros- er, a person with singular ideas, who Mohammed and other senior al-Qaida perity—and our ability to pay for a ro- comes along exactly at the right time members will receive a civilian trial, bust national defense. to harness the energy of a movement the Obama administration has signaled But massive amounts of new spend- and capture the imagination of a gen- that terrorists belong in the U.S. ing, new taxes, and European-style eration. criminal-justice system. They do not. government programs will weaken the These are rare figures whose names These men are enemy combatants wag- U.S. economy and make it more dif- are etched into our national conscious- ing war on the United States. ficult for us to exercise global military ness, whose memorials dot the land- The terrorists who are scheduled to leadership. scape of our Capital, and whose words receive civilian trials in New York City Just look at what happened last and actions help to redefine the very have been held at the Guantanamo Bay year: While $1.2 trillion was pumped fabric of our Nation. Dr. Martin Luther detention facility. When the President into the stimulus bill and the majority King, Jr., was just such a leader. He took office, he promised that Guanta- in this chamber passed a $2.5 trillion rose to prominence as a key figure of namo would be closed within a year. It government takeover of health care, the civil rights movement, but he came is now a year later, and Gitmo is still the defense budget was practically fro- to transcend both the movement and open, as it should be. zen. Missile defense has been cut, and the generation that brought him to na- There is a good reason that President there’s been a reduction in the number tional prominence. Obama has not yet been able to fulfill of interceptors in Alaska that protect Earlier this week we came together his pledge: Closing Gitmo is a bad idea. us from a North Korean attack. as a nation to celebrate and commemo- The process of removing those detain- So, there has to be balance in spend- rate the life and work of Dr. King. His ees who are still being held at Gitmo ing scarce resources.There is a tipping message of equality and fairness for all will create a series of logistical prob- point at which excessive social spend- inspired the transformative civil rights lems and security threats. ing chokes economic growth and weak- era and continues to resound through- Last month, six Gitmo detainees ens military power. out the United States even today. were sent back to their home country European nations can get by with The legacy of Dr. King is one that of Yemen. Just a few days later, a Ni- relatively low levels of defense spend- lives on through the service and good- gerian man with links to a Yemen- ing and high social spending because, will of Americans in communities based terrorist organization attempted for decades, they have enjoyed the pro- across the country. to blow up Northwest Airlines flight tection of America’s security umbrella. And Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 253. The flight 253 bombing attempt As Mark Steyn writes in National Re- serves as an annual opportunity for highlights the deadly threat posed by view ‘‘Sweden can be Sweden because people across the Nation to give back al-Qaida’s Yemen affiliate, known as America is America.’’ and volunteer to help those who are ‘‘al- in the Arabian Peninsula.’’ The ad- But if we become more like Europe, suffering. ministration has wisely halted the if entitlement programs beginto swal- It was this generosity of spirit that transfer of Gitmo detainees to Yemen. low our budget whole, will we still be defined Dr. King’s life and work. But it seems intent to try the flight 253 able to afford the burdens of global And by living out his selfless dedica- bomber as a criminal defendant, rather military leadership? tion to our fellow man, we can honor than an enemy combatant. That is I submit that military decline is not his vision and continue the work he deeply misguided, for the reasons I an option for the United States. As left behind. have just listed, as well as the unneces- former Secretary of State Madeline The fact that I stand before you sary difficulties it raises for our intel- Albright put it, we are ‘‘the indispen- today on the floor of the U.S. Senate is ligence gathering. sable nation.’’ proof of the enduring legacy of Martin The most important front in the war That is what American Luther King. on terrorism remains the battle for Af- exceptionalism means. It means that, Out of the chaos, violence, and injus- ghanistan. Several weeks ago, the because of our unique history, our tice of segregation, Dr. King found the President announced that he would be unique power, and the unique appeal of strength to speak of peace, hope, and deploying an additional 30,000 U.S. our founding principles, America plays righteousness. troops to finish the mission. I strongly a special role in global affairs. Where many saw hate and resent- support that decision, yet I also worry I fear that many of the policies ment, Reverend King saw an oppor- that the President has set an artificial adopted over the past year will make it tunity to build bridges, to seek out the timeline for withdrawing American harder for America to continue playing humanity of those on both sides, and to forces. The President declared that a this special role. I hope that during the appeal to the compassion that lives in withdrawal would begin no later than year ahead, the administration will each of us.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 257 There were some who lashed out with Even today, more than a week after The American people have shown an clenched fists. But although he knew the earthquake, the full measure of extraordinary capacity for generosity. he would be met with hostility, Dr. this catastrophe is difficult to ascer- Donations and volunteers continue to King came to the table, time and tain. stream into the disaster area. Here in again, with arms outstretched. Relief workers have only just begun Washington, we must do everything we Half a century ago, most people could to go out into the cities and towns that can to encourage people to keep giving, barely conceive of a world in which surround the Haitian capital, and we and to make sure we can get supplies someone like me could address the are starting to get initial reports from and assistance to those who need it highest lawmaking body in our land. the outlying areas. most. Fewer still could have dreamed of the Essential infrastructure has been de- We must pledge ourselves to this hu- day when a man with a mother from stroyed by the earthquake. Shelter, manitarian cause—to the belief that, in Kansas and a father from Kenya would food, and water are in short supply, and the aftermath of great tragedy, we can be sworn in as President of the United it is nearly impossible to get aid to the help restore hope to the beleaguered States of America. people who need it most. people. I never thought I would live to see But it is the human toll of this nat- Out of rubble, and chaos, and pain, the day, Mr. President. ural disaster that is truly the most we can help the people of Haiti begin to But even 50 years ago, when much of horrifying. rebuild their lives and their country. America could barely dream of such a Estimates have soared to include We can play a constructive part in future, Dr. King knew this day would over 200,000 people who may have died, the rebirth of this island nation, to come. and as many as 3 million who may be help them chart a new course as they His vision never faltered, in spite of injured or homeless. emerge from these trials and hopefully the dark days he witnessed and the My thoughts and prayers are with all relegate the days of poverty to the tragic violence that eventually took those whose lives have been touched by past. his life. this terrible tragedy—those who have I ask my colleagues in this great The march towards equality has been died, those who have been injured, and body to join me in this pledge, and to long. those who cannot yet get in touch with join the millions of Americans who It began long before Martin Luther their loved ones. have already rallied to this cause. Both King walked this Earth, and it will I know my colleagues on both sides individually and as a nation, we can continue long after all of us are gone. of the aisle will join me in pledging make a difference. But so long as this great Nation en- steadfast support for the people of In this situation, we must make a dures, Dr. King’s spirit will live on in Haiti in this time of crisis. difference because some of our brothers our highest aspirations. Haiti is one of the poorest nations on and sisters in that country are in dire His voice rings through our history. Earth, so this earthquake only com- need of our assistance and help for And although he did not live to see pounds the challenges its people con- which we have responded very aggres- the promised land, his steadfast gaze tinue to face every day. sively and very favorably to help them. still guides our every step, his booming There are shocking disparities be- I yield the floor and suggest the ab- voice sets the cadence of our march, tween Haiti and all other nations with- sence of a quorum. and we know he will be waiting for us in the Western Hemisphere, and this The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- when we get there. tragedy has only widened the gap and pore. The clerk will call the roll. In the near future, a monument to exposed these disparities for all to see. The legislative clerk proceeded to Dr. King will rise on the National Mall, That is why it is especially grati- call the roll. Mr. BURRIS. I ask unanimous con- just a short distance from this Senate fying that, in the wake of great calam- sent that the order for the quorum call Chamber. ity, America has answered the call be rescinded. He will stand shoulder-to-shoulder again. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- with other giants in our history: Wash- I commend President Obama for his pore. Without objection, it is so or- ington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and King. focused and timely humanitarian re- dered. It is fitting that this great leader sponse to this situation, and I applaud should be memorialized alongside other the excellent work of the volunteers, f Americans who have helped to build a rescue workers, and military personnel EXTENSION OF MORNING more perfect union. who have rushed to provide aid. BUSINESS And as we observed Martin Luther They continue to save lives and pro- Mr. BURRIS. Mr. President, I ask King, Jr. Day earlier this week and as vide care to those in need. unanimous consent that the period of we continue to build this monument, it And I will work with my colleagues morning business be extended until is my hope that we can keep his spirit here in the Senate and with the admin- 3:45, with Senators permitted to speak alive in our hearts. istration to make sure these people for up to 10 minutes each, with the As Dr. King might say, let us keep have the tools and resources they need time equally divided between the two our feet on the march and our hands on to be a part of the recovery. leaders or their designees. the arc of history. Americans have already made a dif- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Let us look to the future with the ference in the lives of many Haitians. pore. Without objection, it is so or- same fierce urgency that he showed us But we can and should do more. dered. more than 40 years ago. The humanitarian crisis in Haiti is Mr. BURRIS. I ask unanimous con- Let us complete this journey to- growing more desperate by the hour. In sent that time under the quorum call gether, arm in arm, and make Martin spite of the best efforts of relief work- be equally divided. Luther King’s dream a reality. ers, aid is not arriving fast enough, and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- f thousands of lives hang in the balance. pore. Without objection, it is so or- That is why the American people HAITI dered. have already responded in record num- Mr. BURRIS. I suggest the absence of Mr. BURRIS. Mr. President, I also bers to requests for help. a quorum. wish to address a matter that is im- They realize that, in many ways, the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pacting our hemisphere; that is, the Haitian people are no different than pore. The clerk will call the roll. country of Haiti. ourselves. The legislative clerk proceeded to In recent days, we have all heard the And while they are not our country- call the roll. tragic news and seen the shocking im- men, they are our neighbors in the Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I ages of the earthquake that devastated world community, and today they re- ask unanimous consent that the order the nation of Haiti just last week. quire our assistance. for the quorum call be rescinded.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. children during this period of emer- to suffer from lack of water, lack of MERKLEY). Without objection, it is so gency. I also spoke with Secretary food, lack of shelter. Many orphanages ordered. Clinton. She was amazingly generous have been partially or entirely de- f with her time, and sympathetic and stroyed in the shocks from this quake. working on this issue. In others, the bodies of deceased per- HAITIAN CHILDREN I am thankful that on Monday, Janu- sonnel still lie near the children, for Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I ary 18, Secretary Napolitano an- aid agencies are unable to take away come to the floor today to call atten- nounced her authorization of the use of all of the dead. tion to the ongoing humanitarian cri- humanitarian parole for orphans who The hardship and the horror that sis in Haiti and to the plight of the are eligible for adoption in the United these orphans face is extreme, and we many Haitian children who have been States. Humanitarian parole is typi- must act now to bring them out from adopted by American families and are cally used sparingly in cases of compel- the unsanitary and potentially trauma- still waiting to be brought from the ling emergency. But as I noted in my tizing situation in which they find disaster to loving homes, to families letter, the magnitude of this disaster themselves. who are waiting to welcome them. clearly warrants broader application of I am grateful for the quick work of Many have been waiting for a year, 2 this policy. Secretary Napolitano and Secretary years. Many of the families in my There are details, and the details are Clinton. They are on the scene. They State have actually gone to Haiti, and important. How are these kids going to are doing the work. But we have to do they have met these children. get to the United States so the paper- everything we can to bring these chil- In the days immediately following work can be processed? There has been dren home. These orphanages, the ones the earthquake, the United States, the talk of a safe haven set up, but we have that have not been damaged and are , other nations, and or- not seen that happen. Meanwhile, our still functioning, need the beds, sadly, ganizations have moved swiftly to pro- families in Minnesota are getting more for other children. These children have vide food and water, medicine and desperate as they hear about the sec- homes to go home to—homes that are clothing, as well as international aid ond quake today, as they hear about welcoming them, homes that consider workers to assist in these disaster the problems from the people who are them their children. running the orphanages. areas. The people of this country, the Mr. President, I yield the floor, and I This is what I am talking about. people all over the world, have been ex- suggest the absence of a quorum. traordinarily generous. Currently, Betsy Sathers, a Minnesota resident, was widowed when her husband of 10 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The thousands of American civilians, as clerk will call the roll. well as members of our Federal agen- months was killed in the tragic I–35W Minneapolis bridge collapse on his way The assistant legislative clerk pro- cies and Armed Forces, are in Haiti ceeded to call the roll. lending their hands to help the Haitian home from work. They talked about having children. So Betsy Sathers de- Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask people. unanimous consent that the order for Unfortunately, though the United cided to adopt some children. She signed up to adopt kids in Haiti. She the quorum call be rescinded. States is doing much to save lives in The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Haiti, lives continue to be lost. And un- recently returned from celebrating their second birthday—twins. That is BURRIS). Without objection, it is so or- fortunately, some of the most helpless dered. of Haiti’s people—its children—are who I am talking about when I talk among those in most need of our help. about someone who is awaiting the ar- f rival of these children in her home. I am focusing on this issue, this small INCREASING THE STATUTORY This is another family—I have their but important piece of our aid relief, picture here—I met over the weekend. LIMIT ON THE PUBLIC DEBT because I have had so many families Ginger and Dale Reynolds are adopting Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask come to me from my State who are two kids, Roselene and Rodeley. They consent to execute the order of Decem- clutching photos of children they are were in the final stages and hoping to ber 22, 2009, with respect to H.J. Res. waiting to bring home. bring their kids home. They were told 45. Minnesota has one of the highest they were in the next batch of adop- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without rates of international adoptions in the tions when they last visited before the objection, it is so ordered. country. Part of that is because we earthquake hit. Under the previous order, the Com- have had a strong tradition of aid, of What is striking about this family is mittee on Finance is discharged of H.J. bringing people from Somalia, the that Ginger still signs all of her e- Res. 45 and the Senate will proceed to Hmong community, to our State. We mails with blessings, and they are still the consideration of the joint resolu- have also had a strong tradition of incredibly positive despite having their tion, which the clerk will report. reaching out for decades and adopting kids in this orphanage. They are also The bill clerk read as follows: children from other countries. stressing how they want us to help all Many of the families I met with over A joint resolution (H.J. Res. 45) increasing families, not just theirs. When I met the statutory limit on the public debt. the weekend have been able to confirm with them, another family was there that their children are safe, and for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- who was not quite as far along in the ator from Montana is recognized. that they are so grateful. But they process. They spent most of their time AMENDMENT NO. 3299 have also heard reports of orphanages talking about how this other family that are not in the best shape—not should be helped as well. Mr. BAUCUS. Pursuant to the pre- enough food, not enough water. They Finally, Dawn and Lee Sheldon—I vious order, on behalf of the majority know these children because so many have their photo as well. This is when leader, I have a substitute amendment of them have seen them before. They they were in Haiti. These are the two at the desk which I now call up. knew even before this in the poorest children they want to adopt who are The PRESIDING OFFICER. The country in the Western Hemisphere not with them yet. They are adopting clerk will report. that these children were not always two children. The conditions have been The bill clerk read as follows: getting adequate diets. very bad for the particular orphanage The Senator from Montana [Mr. BAUCUS], On January 15, I wrote to Secretaries where their two kids have been stay- for Mr. REID, proposes an amendment, num- Clinton and Napolitano, urging them ing. This family has been glued to bered 3299. to use their authority under the Immi- CNN, which has filmed at the orphan- Mr. BAUCUS. I ask unanimous con- gration and Nationality Act to grant age, looking to see these children’s sent that further reading be dispensed humanitarian parole to all U.S. fami- faces. with. lies applying for entry to the United While we talk legalities, understand- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without States on behalf of their prospective ably, orphans in Haiti are continuing objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 259 The amendment is as follows: would default on its debt for the first Security benefits. If Congress does not (Purpose: In the nature of a substitute) time in history. If Congress does not raise the debt limit, then Social Secu- Strike all after the resolving clause and in- enact this legislation, then the govern- rity benefits would have to compete for sert the following: ‘‘That subsection (b) of ment would fail to pay the benefits to funding on a first-come, first-served section 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is a portion of Social Security recipients, basis with all other Federal payments. amended by striking out the dollar limita- the Government would fail to pay bene- If Social Security payments did not tion contained in such subsection and insert- fits to a portion of the beneficiaries of come up for funding first, then they ing in lieu thereof $14,294,000,000,000.’’. all other Federal programs. That plain- would not be paid. AMENDMENT NO. 3300 TO AMENDMENT NO. 3299 ly would be unacceptable, and plainly Clearly, we should not let this hap- Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, pursu- we must enact this legislation. pen either. The conclusion is simple. ant to the previous order, I send an When the Federal budget runs a def- We must raise the debt ceiling. Federal amendment to the desk. icit, the U.S. Treasury must borrow budget deficits are at record highs. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The money to make up the difference. In Why is that? The reasons are simple. clerk will report. language around here, we call it the We have been and still are in the deep- The bill clerk read as follows: shortfall. That shortfall results from est recession since the Great Depres- The Senator from Montana [Mr. BAUCUS] laws enacted in the past that spent sion. We have been in an unprecedented proposes an amendment numbered 3300 to money and cut taxes. If we want to financial crisis. The current adminis- amendment No. 3299. avoid the need to borrow, then Con- tration inherited those problems. Mr. BAUCUS. I ask unanimous con- gress and the President must enact How have these problems contributed sent that the reading of the amend- laws that will cause the Federal Gov- to record deficits, we might ask? Well, ment be dispensed with. ernment to spend less money or raise first, the recession directly affects the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without more revenue in the future. Simply Federal budget. The recession has objection, it is so ordered. preventing the Treasury from bor- caused revenues to fall to record lows. The amendment is as follows: rowing more money is not the solution. Since 1970, the Federal Government has (Purpose: To protect Social Security) If Congress does not allow the Treas- collected an average 18 percent of the At the appropriate place, insert the fol- ury to borrow more money, then the gross domestic product in tax revenues. lowing: Treasury will not have the money to That is since 1970. In 2009, however, rev- ( )(a) LIMITATION ON CHANGES TO THE SO- pay its bills. The Treasury has no legal enues accounted for only 14.9 percent of CIAL SECURITY ACT.—Notwithstanding any authority to prioritize spending and GDP, a drop of more than 3 percent. other provision of law, it shall not be in pay only the most important bills. Meanwhile, the recession has re- order in the Senate or the House of Rep- They do not have that authority. If the quired much greater sums to be spent resentatives to consider any bill or resolu- bills are due, they are due. The Treas- on unemployment benefits and on Med- tion pursuant to any expedited procedure to consider the recommendations of a Task ury does not even have a way to deter- icaid payments. Second, Congress has Force for Responsible Fiscal Action or other mine which are the most important had to pass legislation to fight the re- commission that contains recommendations bills. If the debt ceiling is not raised, cession. We needed to enact a large with respect to the old-age, survivors, and the Treasury would have to pay bills stimulus package to foster economic disability insurance program established on a first-come, first-served basis. growth. The package Congress enacted under title II of the Social Security Act. Some of these bills would be interest provided stimulus of about $185 billion (b) WAIVER.—This section may be waived payments on previously borrowed in fiscal year 2009, and it is estimated or suspended in the Senate only by the af- money. If the Treasury does not pay to provide stimulus of about $400 bil- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Mem- bers, duly chosen and sworn. these interest payments, then the Fed- lion in fiscal year 2010. This package (c) APPEALS.—An affirmative vote of three- eral Government would default on its has done some good—not perfect, but it fifths of the Members of the Senate, duly financial obligations. That would be has done some good. It helped prevent chosen and sworn, shall be required in the the first time in the history of the a deeper recession. It has significantly Senate to sustain an appeal of the ruling of country. If that were to happen, finan- increased economic growth. the Chair on a point of order raised under cial entities would be afraid to loan the Regrettably, the package has not this section. Treasury money. They would charge produced enough jobs yet. The Finance Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, Ralph astronomically higher interest rates. Committee and other committees will Waldo Emerson enjoined: This would only worsen already high be looking at additional options to in- Pay every debt as if God wrote the budget deficits. crease job growth as soon as we can bill. In some situations, the financial en- turn to them. But let’s be clear. If Con- Today, we will debate whether the tities would not loan us money at all. gress had not enacted the stimulus United States continues to pay its This could prevent the Federal Govern- package, then the country would be in bills. We will debate whether the ment from meeting all of its pro- a depression instead of a recession. The United States will continue to pay the grammatic commitments, but the dis- stimulus package was the right thing interest it owes on the money it has astrous economic effects would go well to do. borrowed. beyond that. The price of Treasury se- Third, as a result of the financial cri- The spending laws that created the curities in the secondary markets sis, the Bush administration asked for current national debt are behind us. would drop. This would cause an im- and Congress gave legal authority The only question that remains is mense wealth loss for owners of assets under the Troubled Asset Relief Pro- whether the government will honor its in many other financial markets. This, gram, known as TARP. TARP gave the obligation to pay the bill. We have in turn, would cause untold damage in President authority to help financial gone to the restaurant, we have eaten those markets and further worsen the institutions, as well as the struggling the meal, the waiter has delivered the recession. automotive industry, to weather the fi- check, and now the only question is What is more, the value of the dollar nancial storm. whether we will pay the check. To could drop even further. This would in- The Bush administration was using state the question is to answer it: We crease inflation in the United States. It these authorities before the Obama ad- simply must do so. We must pay the could well end the dollar’s role as the ministration took office. So the reces- check for the bill, for the restaurant, reserve currency of the world, further sion and financial crisis created needs for the meal we have eaten. exposing the American economy to that, in turn, led to high deficits and The legislation before us would in- global economic forces beyond our con- record borrowing. How do we reduce crease the limit on the amount of trol. such commitments for the future? money the U.S. Treasury can borrow. If In addition to paying interest costs, They are too high. We have to stop. We Congress does not enact this legisla- the Treasury pays many other impor- have to do something about all this. tion, and soon, then the Treasury tant bills. Among those bills are Social How do we avoid having to borrow such

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 huge sums of money in the future? it is not. It has until recently not been irresponsibility but, at the same time, First, we have to fix our health care a practice of the minority in the Sen- I do not wish to say some other polit- system. The current health care sys- ate to filibuster debt limit increases. ical party is entirely responsible, over tem has led to skyrocketing costs in Under President George W. Bush, the a period of decades, for irresponsible Medicare and Medicaid. Senate raised the debt limit four times, spending. But I think it has reached a To reduce those costs for the long with simple majorities, with fewer new height recently. Because of that, I run, we need to pass comprehensive than 60 votes. The Senate did so twice will be voting no. health care reform. That is a good first under President Reagan as well. Sometimes deficits are unavoidable. step to get that deficit under control. All but four sitting Senators have People know about wars. The No. 1 re- That is exactly what we are doing. In voted for a debt limit increase at one sponsibility of the Federal Government late December, the Senate passed time or another in their careers. is to provide for the national defense, health care reform. According to the Among sitting Senators who have the protection of Americans or a threat nonpartisan Congressional Budget Of- served in more than one Congress, only to our security. We meet that threat. If fice, our health care reform bill re- one Senator has never voted for a debt that requires borrowing to do it, to duced the Federal deficit by $132 billion limit increase. protect the United States, we consider in the first 10 years. Let me say that So I call upon my colleagues to rise that justified. again. to the occasion. Let us pay our debts. But you cannot plan for wars. You According to the CBO, this health Let us honor our obligations. Let us can plan for peace by having a strong care regulation will reduce the Federal allow the debt limit to be raised. national defense. So war is one reason, deficit by $132 billion in the first 10 I yield the floor. recession is another. Natural disasters years—not increase but reduce. That The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- are another example. All of these can helps. The bill would reduce Federal ator from Iowa is recognized. result in lower taxes and higher spend- deficits by $650 billion to $1.3 trillion in Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ing, which produces bigger deficits that the second 10 years; that is, in the sec- think most of the people watching this add to our Federal debt. ond 10 years, there is a much greater debate, studying how Congress works But sometimes deficits can be avoid- reduction in deficit spending, accord- and how the Federal Government ed. Since the beginning of 2009, the ma- ing to the nonpartisan Congressional works, know there is a statutory limit jority in Congress has approved a $787 Budget Office, a reduction of between on the amount of debt that can be billion stimulus bill, a $408 billion sup- $650 billion to $1.3 trillion, a reduction issued by the Federal Government. If plemental appropriations bill, an addi- in the Federal deficit in the second 10 the public does not know this, they are tional $350 billion for the financial years. This deficit reduction is likely constantly reminded of it because, bailout, and, most recently, an Omni- to continue in subsequent decades. from time to time, we pass legislation bus appropriations bill that increased Second, after we do all that, after we that does what this legislation does, in- Federal spending by 12 percent over the do all we can do to increase job growth, crease the borrowing capacity of the previous year’s levels. we need to start working on deficit re- Federal Government. In my recent 21-county tour of south- duction for the coming decade and also Right now this legal limit stands at east Iowa, I discussed the most recent subsequent decades. Because the econ- $12.394 trillion, and it applies to money example as an example of how spending omy was in a deep recession and the fi- borrowed from Federal investors such recently has gotten entirely beyond nancial markets were frozen, the gov- as banks and pension funds, as well as the commonsense view that Mid- ernment borrowed a lot of money. Once money borrowed from government pro- westerners look at spending by govern- the recession is over, we have to reduce grams such as Social Security and ment. I pointed out how 1 year ago borrowing to a fiscally responsible Medicare. Yes, we ought to admit that today, the new President was sworn in. level, and we should begin doing that a lot of the Federal debt is owned by The previous President was under a as soon as we can. various foreign governments as well. I budget that was established for a 5- But in the meantime, we cannot think the latest I saw, in the case of month period of time. That last budget allow the Nation to default on its debt. China maybe investing and holding under Bush had spending at a 3-percent We cannot allow benefits from pro- about 8 percent of all the Federal debt increase. But just as soon as the new grams such as Social Security to be and then you have other countries as majority came into power with a new paid on a first-come, first-served basis. well. President, that 3-percent increase was No one enjoys raising the debt limit. This determination is made when the not enough for the remaining 7 Nobody. It is not something that is a Secretary of the Treasury goes to the months, it was jacked up to 9 percent lot of fun to do. No one enjoys paying market and says: We want to borrow X and then, for the year we are in, the 12 debts either, but it is simply what we number of dollars, and people bid on it. percent I just spoke about. must do to honor our commitments. Obviously, we take it for the lowest in- I think you have to adopt a principle There were times when the Senate terest rate we can get, whatever indi- of spending that has increases in ex- joined together in recognition that we viduals or pension fund or foreign enti- penditures related to the economic have this obligation as a joint obliga- ty might want to take our debt for that growth of the tax policies that provide tion. Four times in the last 26 years, interest. That happens throughout the revenue to the Federal Government. the Senate has raised the debt limit by year. That doesn’t have to be on a year-to- unanimous consent. Let me repeat The decision to increase the debt year basis, but over a long period we that. Four times in the last 26 years, limit is never an easy one. In recent ought to have that balance. In other the Senate has raised the debt limit by years, I have reluctantly supported in- words, without increasing tax rates, unanimous consent. The Senate did so creases in the debt limit on the with economic growth of the tax base, as recently as 1996, under a Republican grounds that Congress must pay its more money will come in to the Fed- Senate and a Democratic President. bills. That is quite obvious. Some coun- eral Treasury under the same tax The Senate did so by unanimous con- tries—such as Argentina—decided, rates. sent three times in the 1980s, twice from time to time, they did not want Well, that growth in Federal income under a Democratic Senate and Repub- to pay their debt, and they are paying coming in makes it possible to appro- lican President. It has been more than the piper for making those unwar- priate more money, but there ought to 17 years since the Senate last divided ranted public decisions in those coun- be some relationship between the strictly along party lines on a debt- tries. We do not want to be in that amount of money coming in and the limit vote. We have raised the debt shape. expenditures made by the Congress. limit a dozen times since then. Hon- But Congress sometimes, and too The bills I just referred to—the stim- oring the Nation’s obligations should often, has been very irresponsible. I am ulus bill, the Omnibus appropriations not be a partisan matter, and usually going to get into some of this current bill, and others—I voted against every

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 261 one of those on the grounds that we households pays the smallest share of health care entitlement program. If could not afford them. The fact that we Federal taxes in nearly 30 years while they use all of the tax hikes, and all of are here this week facing yet another the top 10 percent pays the largest the Medicare cuts they can support to vote to increase the debt limit proves share. When taxes are measured as a pay for more spending, how will they that is true. Many of my colleagues, share of income, the bottom 90 percent ever reduce the deficit? At what point particularly on the other side of the of households pays the lowest effective will those who want to blame our cur- aisle, insist that it is not their fault. rates in nearly 30 years while the top 10 rent predicament on previous adminis- They continue to blame previous ad- percent pays their historic average. trations take responsibility for actions ministrations for all fiscal problems. You can say it many times, but it that are taking place now? I want to make it clear that we in never sinks in because people have This week we have an opportunity to the Republican Party got kicked out of their own ideas of how to show popu- do that. I am glad we have a long pe- the majority in 2006 because we lost fis- lism, and it is to always hit the riod of time to discuss the debt limit cal integrity. I hope we are reestab- wealthy of America. From that stand- but connect it with a lot of policies lishing that, and I hope that in the point, you have to understand that per- that seem to be out of proportion to process of reestablishing that we can centage of top income earners, if you problems that we previously had. If convince the people who had doubts compare what they are paying into the they want to continue to vote for more about Republicans that we can regain Federal Treasury now with what they deficit spending, it seems to me they their trust. were paying in even during the Reagan should vote to raise the debt limit or More recently, as I indicated, it years, you will find it is a much higher take actions that would reduce the seems a great deal of the current debt percentage right at this point. need for such a dramatic increase in problem is related to irresponsible In regard to what I just said about the debt limit. spending that has taken place near historical averages, President Obama’s I yield the floor. term. budget and the budget resolution The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. What do they target us with when adopted by the Democratic majority in FRANKEN). The Senator from Montana. Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, on an- they want to blame us for the deficit? Congress last year both called for the other matter which is topical and trag- They criticize the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts continuation of 70 to 80 percent of the ic and which is on the minds of Ameri- which they insist were excessive and 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. So you can bad- cans and people all over the world unfair. Such criticism overlooks sev- mouth those tax bills all you want, but today, I rise to share a few remarks in- eral facts. First, these were not Repub- the new President, the new majority volving the overwhelming disaster that lican tax cuts. They passed both the wants to maintain about 70 to 80 per- has hit Haiti. House and Senate with bipartisan sup- cent of them. So some of it isn’t so bad, Words do not begin to describe the port. Second, Federal revenue quickly but you never hear that. It is all about extent of the disaster—thousands dead, returned to the historical average fol- the 2001 tax cuts being everything for more than 1 million homeless. Just lowing these tax cuts, so they were not the wealthy. imagine how bad it is. It is almost im- excessive relative to the government’s If these tax cuts were so excessive possible to imagine. Families continue historic claim on revenue. and so unfair then, why does the ma- to search and mourn for lost mothers I suppose you can take any period of jority party support so many of those and fathers, brothers and sisters, and time you want, but in the post-Presi- tax cuts right this very day? sons and daughters. The earthquake dent Kennedy period of time, it seems The desire to blame our current pre- may be the most lethal disaster to ever to me the average take of the economy dicament on the previous administra- occur in the Western Hemisphere. This that has come through the Federal tion also overlooks two other facts. is not a disaster on some distant shore. Government in the way of taxes has First, the Democrats controlled the Haiti is closer to Florida, for example, been about 18 to 19 percent. Even in- majority of the Senate during half of than the distance from one end to the cluding the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, the previous administration, including other of my State of Montana. those cannot be considered excessive its final 2 years. I think it is disingen- I am encouraged by the outpouring of relative to the government’s historic uous for them to deny any responsi- help from around the world. Many have claim on revenue; in other words, what bility for where we are today. flown to volunteer. Others have helped the government takes as opposed to Second, when the new administration through in-kind contributions, cash. In what they leave in the pockets of tax- took office in 2009, it sent up a budget fact, I recently heard that a vast num- payers in the United States. that proposed to increase the debt ber of people responded on the Internet It is very important to remember three times faster than the previous through Blackberry and Twitter to that our Tax Code is not fully indexed administration. You know where that give contributions. It is a huge num- to inflation and economic growth. takes us to from the 40-year average? I ber—not individually large, but the Thus, every year without a tax cut re- talked about the 40-year average of the total is a massive outpouring of sup- sults in a small but not insignificant proportion of the GNP that is coming port. tax increase or more revenue coming into the Federal Treasury as far as Americans have shown remarkable into the Federal Treasury without our taxes are concerned at 18 to 19 percent. generosity. These are tough economic actually changing rates. Indeed, with- Take a 40-year average on what the times, but millions still want to give. out the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, Federal percentage of the national debt is to This is the American spirit. It is who revenue would have risen well above gross national product. It is about 40 we are as Americans. that historic average of 18 to 19 per- percent. This is going to be reaching 80 Amidst this destruction and great cent. In fact, when we passed those tax to 90 percent under this budget that sorrow, there are stories that offer in- cuts, it was very near 21 percent. was sent here in the previous year. credible hope. Maxine Fallon, a 23- Third, critics insist that the 2001 and The majority party essentially ap- year-old student, was buried for 6 days 2003 tax cuts unfairly benefitted the proved most of that very same budget. without food or water. She was buried wealthy. Again, critics are wrong. I So they have now signaled the inten- deep in the rubble which was once her quote the Congressional Budget Office. tion to continue to increase the na- university. She sent text messages Around here, we don’t question the tional debt at a record pace. pleading for help. A search-and-rescue Congressional Budget Office. Maybe Finally, let me say a word about the team rescued her from the ruins of her you want to. But if you want to ques- health care bill adopted by the Senate. cratered school. Since arriving, rescue tion them, it takes 60 votes to override Rather than taking an incremental ap- teams from the United States and their determination of something, if proach and waiting for the results to other countries have saved more than there is a budget point of order. see what works and what doesn’t work, 75 victims from the rubble. According to the Congressional Budg- the majority wants to raise taxes and As Americans, we rise to aid our et Office, the bottom 90 percent of cut Medicare to pay for a brand new friends and neighbors who are in need.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 There is no people in greater need right The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without debt, and that is why Treasurys are now than the people of Haiti. Haiti is objection, it is so ordered. considered to be one of the safest in- the poorest country in the Western Mr. GREGG. Mr. President, I ask vestments in the world, or tradition- Hemisphere. Fifty-four percent of the unanimous consent to speak for up to ally have been. That has been a great population lives on less than a dollar a 10 minutes, and that after my speech strength of our Nation, of course, to day. With so many struggling to sur- Senator THUNE be recognized, unless have this sort of integrity to our cur- vive, the earthquake’s swift destruc- the Senator from Montana has some- rency and to our ability to repay our tion must be met with a response body in between he wishes to be recog- debt. However, on the course we are equally forceful and rapid. nized. presently pursuing, all of that is going I propose we pass legislation as soon Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I re- to be called into question and called as possible called the Haiti Assistance serve the right to have somebody else into question much sooner than we had Income Tax Incentive Act or simply speak following the Senator from New expected, I suspect, or anybody had an- the HAITI Act. The HAITI Act will Hampshire. ticipated who had looked at this objec- allow U.S. taxpayers to make chari- Mr. GREGG. I ask unanimous con- tively 2 or 3 years ago. table contributions to Haiti relief pro- sent that the next Member to be recog- We know there are certain thresholds grams until March 1, 2010, and claim nized on our side be Senator THUNE. that generate huge warning signs those contributions on their 2009 in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without where red flags go up and say, your Na- come tax returns. The proposal is simi- objection, it is so ordered. tion is in trouble. A couple of those lar to legislation that passed unani- Mr. GREGG. I wish to thank Senator thresholds have actually been adopted mously in 2005, following the tsunami THUNE for his courtesy. by the European Union as they have disaster along the Indian Ocean. Mr. President, I wish to speak a little looked at their membership and said, The HAITI Act is a bipartisan bill I bit here on this debt ceiling issue be- What is the proper deficit of an indus- am introducing with Senator GRASSLEY cause it is critical. It is critical be- trialized nation? What is the proper and several other Senators. The same cause of the size of it. We as a nation public debt ratio to GDP of an industri- language passed the House of Rep- are running up debt at a rate we have alized Nation? In Europe what they say resentatives earlier today. never seen in history. The budget is, You can’t be a member of the Euro- This is simple legislation that would which we are presently functioning pean Union if your deficits exceed 3 make a big impact. It will make it a under will add approximately $1.4 tril- percent of GDP and your debt exceeds little easier for Americans to con- lion of debt from last year and poten- 60 percent of GDP, your public debt. tribute to the victims of the Haiti dis- tially another $1.2 trillion next year. Well, our deficits are around 12 percent aster. Frankly, most Americans want Under the budgets that were brought of GDP right now. They will ultimately to contribute anyway. The American forward by the President, it looks as go down, but there is no time in the Red Cross and UNICEF’s United States though we are going to have $1 trillion next 10 years where they are projected Fund raised about $7.3 million in dona- in deficits every year for the next 10 to fall below 5 percent of GDP under tions over a 4-hour period while a years. That is an expansion of our debt President Obama’s budgets. Our public Larry King Live special on Haiti aired. at a rate we have never seen before, ex- debt is going to cross that 60 percent of But the relief and rebuilding effort in cept in a time of war. GDP threshold probably within the Haiti will require billions and will take What is the implication of that? No- a long time. This legislation is an addi- next year. So arguably, as I said before body understands what $1 trillion is. I on this floor, we would not be able to tional incentive for Americans to con- don’t understand what $1 trillion is. It tribute to that effort. As search and get into the European Union if we is very hard to conceptualize $1 tril- wanted to, because we would not meet rescue efforts give way to building, lion. So I wish to try to put it in con- these donations will ensure that our ef- their standards for fiscal responsibility text. as a nation. That is pretty serious. forts have a lasting impact. We know for a fact that certain na- While we must do what we can to What is even more serious is there is tions get into trouble when they allow provide relief now, the people of Haiti no end in sight to this. We are looking their debt to get so large that their will need our help for many years to at a deficit and debt situation which economy doesn’t have the capacity to come. This is not just a 1-week, 1- will continue to expand and become pay it down in an orderly way. We are month, several-month effort. Trade even more and more problematic for us programs such as the HOPE and HOPE regrettably seeing that today in as a nation for as far as the eye can II Acts provide an opportunity to cre- Greece. There are other nations in Eu- reasonably see which, for the purposes ate new jobs in Haiti’s export sector. rope that appear to have the same of discussion around here, is about 10 As the people of Haiti work to rebuild types of problems, including Ireland, years. what was destroyed, I will continue to where their national debt, their sov- We know that the public debt-to-GDP work to provide generous access to the ereign debt, has gotten so large they ratio, under the President’s budget as U.S. market for products produced in are basically in a position where their proposed last year before this health Haiti. capacity to pay it off is at risk. So the care bill was taken up—and I would The suffering in Haiti is heart- value of that debt gets adjusted by the argue that this health care bill is going breaking and the generosity in re- marketplace and it becomes much to radically aggravate the public debt sponse to the Haiti earthquake is a re- more expensive for those nations to issue in the outyears, and there will be flection of the American spirit. Today I borrow, and at some point, even, poten- debate about that because CBO will de- stand with the people of Haiti and I ask tially they can’t borrow and they end bate that point, but I don’t think all my colleagues in the Senate to stand up in what amounts to a national the pay-fors will ever occur—inde- with me. Let’s pass the HAITI Act and bankruptcy. pendent of that, we know that under let’s do everything we can to help That has never been a threat to us as the budget as it is presently presented, those who have lost so much in this a nation because we have always had a the public debt is going to exceed 80 terrible disaster. vibrant economy, and because the dol- percent of GDP—80 percent of GDP—by Mr. GREGG. Mr. President, I suggest lar, ironically, is the currency of world the year 2019. In fact, there are some the absence of a quorum. reserve, we have been able to basically estimates that say it will exceed 100 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The what is known as monetarize our own percent of GDP before we hit 2020. clerk will call the roll. debt. There have always been people Those are intolerable situations. The legislative clerk proceeded to out there willing to lend to us as a na- What is the practical implication of call the roll. tion because they have always pre- our adding that much debt through def- Mr. GREGG. Mr. President, I ask sumed that the United States, because icit spending over the next few years to unanimous consent that the order for of our resilience, because of our eco- our economy? A few things occur, and the quorum call be rescinded. nomic strength, will always pay our they are undeniable. They will occur

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 263 on the path we are presently on. The present course, that one generation has ceiling, which is spending. So we are first thing that will occur is it will be handed to another generation a lower going to suggest a series of initiatives much harder for us to sell our debt be- standard of prosperity and quality of around here that we believe are respon- cause nations will start to say—people life. It is inexcusable to do that. It is sible on the issue of controlling spend- around the world, including our own unacceptable. Nobody in this body who ing, and I hope those initiatives will be public, I suspect, will start to say, Can has a public responsibility to the next passed so we can begin to put this they really pay that back. When they generation—and we all have that re- country back on the road toward fiscal cross that 60-percent threshold, which sponsibility—should do that to our responsibility. is basically a key tipping point on the children. Mr. President, I yield the floor. ability of a nation to manage itself, So what are we going to do to address Again, I wish to thank the Senator and they start heading up towards 80, it? Well, put very simply, we need to from South Dakota for his courtesy 90, 100 percent of GDP as the public stop spending so much money. That is and the Senator from Montana as well. debt ratio, can they really pay back the bottom line. We need to stop spend- I suggest the absence of a quorum. their debt? People are going to say, ing so much money. Under the projec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Well, I am not so sure. I am going to tions in this budget as it presently ex- clerk will call the roll. charge them a fairly significant pre- ists and was passed in this Congress, The legislative clerk proceeded to mium before I am going to lend them over my objection and over the objec- call the roll. any money. So the cost of our interest tions of everybody on this side of the Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask will go up dramatically. In fact, it is aisle, it is projected that we are going unanimous consent that the order for projected that in the year 2019, interest to be in a situation where, as I said, the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without on the public debt alone will exceed there will be $1 trillion deficits for as objection, it is so ordered. $800 billion a year. That is more being far as the eye can see and the size of paid out in interest which goes to peo- government spending will go from 20 AMENDMENT NO. 3301 TO AMENDMENT NO. 3299 ple all over the world—people in China, percent of GDP up to about 24, 25 per- Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I have an people in Saudi Arabia, all over the cent of GDP if the health care bill is amendment at the desk and I ask unan- world—that interest will be higher also passed. That will be the highest imous consent for its immediate con- than any other item of Federal spend- level of Federal spending that has oc- sideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ing. What a waste of money that is. curred in this government since World What a waste of money that is. What a clerk will report. War II. We have never had those types The legislative clerk read as follows: misuse of money. All of that money of levels of spending. So it is not a rev- could be used for something construc- The Senator from South Dakota [Mr. enue issue—although right now it is a THUNE], for himself, Mr. VITTER, Mr. INHOFE, tive in the United States—building in- revenue issue because, obviously, right Mr. JOHANNS, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. BROWN- frastructure, building schools, assist- now the economy is in a recession—but BACK, Mr. LEMIEUX, Mr. BURR, Mr. ENZI, Mr. ing education, whatever. If you are over the long run it is not a revenue COBURN, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BENNETT, Ms. going to spend it, why would you spend issue. SNOWE, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. ENSIGN, Mr. it on interest? Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- CRAPO, Mr. WICKER, Mr. BUNNING, Mr. GRA- So we will be in a position where it sent for an additional 2 minutes. HAM, and Mr. CORNYN, proposes an amend- will be harder for us to sell our debt. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ment numbered 3301. Actually, we will probably get to a po- objection, it is so ordered. Mr. THUNE. I ask unanimous con- sition fairly soon—and I am willing to Mr. GREGG. It is a spending issue. It sent that the reading of the amend- bet on this; I won’t be in this Congress is not a revenue issue. It is primarily a ment be dispensed with. at the time, but before we hit the year spending issue. The fact is that we are The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 2020—where we will actually have to spending a great deal more than we can objection, it is so ordered. take some radical step as a nation in afford as a nation, and this government The amendment is as follows: order to deal with our debt. Because if has committed to a great deal more (Purpose: To terminate authority under the we allow it to go up under its present than we can afford. So we need to do Troubled Asset Relief Program, and for other purposes) scenario, it becomes totally something on the spending side of the unsustainable. It is like a dog chasing ledger. At the appropriate place, insert the fol- lowing: its tail; it can’t get there. We can’t pay There is going to be a series of pro- SEC. ll. REPEAL OF THE TROUBLED ASSET RE- down the debt. posals brought forward by our side, and LIEF PROGRAM. The practical implications of that Senator THUNE is going to offer one in (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any are twofold: Either, No. 1, you inflate a minute, to try to get to the issue. other provision of law, the authorities pro- the economy and devalue the currency, They won’t solve the whole problem, vided under section 101(a) of the Emergency and that is a very harsh thing to do to but they will at least make significant Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (exclud- the American public because it de- steps down the road of restraint and ing section 101(a)(3)) and under section 102 of values their savings and it makes it show that we are starting to get seri- such Act shall terminate on the date of en- actment of this resolution. harder for the economy to be produc- ous about it, and they are reasonable (b) LOWERING OF NATIONAL DEBT LIMIT TO tive or, No. 2, you radically raise taxes ones. Senator THUNE: End TARP. End CORRESPOND TO TARP REPAYMENTS.—Sec- to try to reach the obligations of the TARP. We don’t need it anymore. We tion 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is debt, and that also dramatically im- should take those dollars and put them amended— pacts the economy. It makes us less toward debt reduction. Freeze discre- (1) in subsection (b), by inserting after the productive. It means less jobs will be tionary spending. That will be Senator dollar limitation contained in such sub- section the following: ‘‘, as such amount is created. Either one of those scenarios, SESSIONS’ amendment, or something or only one of those two scenarios, or reduced by the amount described under sub- like that. Rescind some of the stimulus section (d)’’; and maybe a combination will occur if we spending that is going to occur after (2) by adding at the end the following new continue on our present course, which 2011; that may be one of our amend- subsection: means that the next generation will ac- ments. I know Senator COBURN is going ‘‘(d) The amount described under this sub- tually have a lower standard of living to suggest a series of other issues. All section is the amount that equals the than our generation. It means it will be of these are steps in the right direc- amount of all assistance received under title much more difficult for the next gen- tion. I of the Emergency Economic Stabilization eration of Americans to buy a house, So I think on our side of the aisle the Act of 2008 that is repaid on or after the date of enactment of this subsection, along with send their kids to school, buy a car, to basic philosophy is this: It is irrespon- any dividends, profits, or other funds paid to live the quality lifestyle we have had sible to increase the debt ceiling if you the Government based on such assistance on as a nation. In fact, it will be the first don’t do something responsible about or after the date of enactment of this sub- time in history, if we stay on our addressing what is driving the debt section.’’.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, we en- saying to the people who would buy of the banks, the insurance companies, tered into this debate about the debt that debt, the investors out in the and the car companies, or the $2.5 tril- limit today. I appreciate the comments world or in this country is, this is be- lion expansion that would occur with a of my colleague from New Hampshire coming a more risky proposition for new health care proposal, or entitle- with respect to the overall picture of you. As we pile up more debt, they are ment, in this country. So we have seen our financial and fiscal condition in going to start saying: OK, if we are this dramatic increase in the growth of the country right now. I think it is im- going to buy that debt and finance government and in spending in Wash- portant to put that context out there your spending into the future, we are ington, most of which is financed with because we are debating now a sub- going to need a higher return. That borrowing. stitute amendment that the Senator means higher interest rates. Last year, in fact, 43 cents out of from Montana is offering on the debt Of course, when you start seeing Fed- every dollar we spent in the Federal limit increase. I think that was origi- eral Government debt go up in terms of Government was borrowed. We cannot nally proposed in the $650 billion range. interest rates, generally what happens continue to sustain a pattern of bor- We are now talking about tripling is other interest rates in our economy rowing 43 cents out of every dollar we that—a $1.9 trillion increase in the will go up as well. So you will start spend. In fact, as American families debt limit—after having just voted on seeing student loans, for example, and and households and small businesses raising the debt limit before we went homeowners and small businesses all are having to tighten their belts, in out for the Christmas holiday by about being impacted by higher interest rates Washington, DC, the spending con- $290 billion. as a result of what inevitably happens tinues unabated. So we have this proposal on the Sen- when you run these kinds of deficits What I am hoping to do with this ate floor that would increase the total year after year and add as much as we amendment is to at least demonstrate amount of indebtedness of the U.S. are to the Federal debt. that, as an institution, the Senate is Government by $1.9 trillion. As the We are not showing any evidence willing to say we are going to take Senator from New Hampshire very well that there is a willingness to restrain some steps, no matter how modest they pointed out, we are looking at deficits that. In fact, if we look at just the last are—and I would say my amendment now into the foreseeable future that year—of course, the $1 trillion stimulus isn’t going to go a long way toward exceed $1 trillion. It doesn’t look like bill sort of started off the spending. eliminating this Federal debt, but cer- in the 10-year window in which we do Then since then we have had an omni- tainly I think it demonstrates to the budgeting in the Senate that we are bus, or minibus, spending bill, both of American people that we get it; we are ever going to have a year where we which increased spending year over hearing that they are uncomfortable don’t have a deficit that isn’t in the $1 year by about twice the rate of infla- with the massive amount of borrowing trillion range. We had a $1.4 trillion tion, and sometimes in excess of that. and spending and taxes going on here. deficit last year and will have another But what we have seen now between Americans are going to pay for this in $1.2 trillion deficit this year. We keep fiscal years 2008 and 2010 are astronom- the form of higher taxes and in the racking up more and more debt that ical increases in the size of the Federal form of higher inflation. As I said, it gets passed on to future generations Government. If we start with the legis- will be also in the form of higher inter- and taxpayers. lative branch appropriations bills be- est rates on mortgages and small busi- As the Senator from New Hampshire tween 2008 and 2010—that covers a cou- ness loans and student loans and those pointed out, for admission into the Eu- ple of appropriations years—we are sorts of things. So we have a responsi- ropean Union there are a couple of key looking at a 17.3-percent increase. If we bility to demonstrate to the American thresholds. One is debt as a percentage look at appropriations for the Interior people that we are serious about get- of GDP, which is 60 percent, which is and the Environment, it is an increase ting our fiscal house in order. the threshold for admission into the of 21.4 percent over that time period; The most recent example, of course, European Union, and deficits, which is appropriations for Commerce, Science, as I mentioned earlier, in this pattern about 3 percent. He pointed out very ef- and Justice, an increase of 24.2 percent. of expansion of the Federal Govern- fectively that we are at a threshold in Appropriations for Transportation and ment is the health care bill, which is in this country that exceeds dramatically HUD increased a whopping 39.1 percent. the process right now of discussions, the deficit, the GDP threshold that The State and Foreign Operations ap- evidently, between the House and Sen- wouldn’t even allow us to get into the propriations bill beat even that and ate and the negotiations that are ongo- European Union, and we are going to was increased by 48.7 percent. ing. It passed the House and the Senate blow by the debt to GDP threshold in Taken as a whole, the entire govern- before the Christmas holiday. I happen the next year, which is 60 percent to ment grew by 16.8 percent during that to hope that people will come to their GDP. time period. When I say that, I am senses and defeat this bill and that it My point is, we are getting in per- talking between 2008 and 2010. We saw a would not emerge in the conference ilous territory when it comes to the 16.8-percent increase in the size of the committee, and we can start over and confidence and trust the American peo- Federal Government. That is just do it the right way—in a step-by-step ple have in the Federal Government’s speaking to the appropriations bills way, not in a way that expands the size ability to manage responsibly and exer- over those 2 years. Of course, we all of government by $2.5 trillion. cise fiscal discipline with their tax dol- know that dramatically outpaces and That being said, the $2.5 trillion ex- lars. We are also getting to a point dwarfs the rate of inflation and the pansion of the Federal Government in- where I think those who are acquiring growth we have seen in our economy cludes higher taxes, Medicare cuts, and U.S. debt—and by that I mean the Chi- over that time period. also at the end of the day, according to nese who, of course, are a big holder of What is even more notable is that the CBO, does very little for most peo- U.S. debt—get to start saying: If we are none of those increases included the in- ple in this country to actually reduce going to continue to buy this debt, we creased funding through the stimulus the cost of their health care insurance. are going to get a higher return. The bill, which I mentioned was an addi- In fact, what we have seen through higher our debt goes, the more risk tional $1 trillion. Of course, I am con- studies done by CBO and by the CMS they take on. cerned that will be built into the budg- Actuary is that for most Americans, It is a fundamental rule of economics et baseline into the future, and we will they are going to see, at best, their that we all learned that there is a cor- see our appropriators assume that health insurance premiums stay the responding relationship between risk stimulus money is part of the baseline same. If they are in the individual mar- and return. If an investor is going to in spending. ket, they will see them go up. So the assume more risk, they are going to de- Of course, those appropriations bills health care bill is an example of this mand a higher return. What we are don’t include this proposed stimulus 2 runaway Federal spending. In fact, in doing now by piling up more debt is that we are hearing about: the bailouts the latter part of that debate, we got a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 265 response from the CBO to a question What happened is it evolved and ENDTARP, is what my amendment posed by the Senator from Alabama, morphed into something entirely dif- embodies. Basically, we believe we Mr. SESSIONS, with regard to how the ferent. It has been used to take equity ought to, as a body, as an expression of accounting is done in Medicare. One of positions not only in insurance compa- our willingness to, again, demonstrate the arguments we heard throughout nies but in auto manufacturers. It was to the American people we can get our the course of the debate was that it suggested by the Treasury Department, fiscal house in order, vote to end this would extend the lifespan of Medicare. whose interpretation is that they could program. The question was posed to CBO: What use this for other purposes. We think I would like to illustrate, if I may, happens with this additional Medicare the statute is plain about how these what I am talking about in graphic tax and these Medicare cuts that would funds ought to be used. The Treasury terms. This is a pie chart that shows be imposed upon providers and senior has taken a different interpretation. the whole $700 billion that was author- citizens in this country? When they chose to extend this pro- ized under TARP. The blue represents The argument was always made that gram, it was set to expire at the end of that the $545 billion—the latest infor- this will extend the lifespan of Medi- December of last year. The Treasury mation we have—has been spent or at care. Our question was, how do you Department chose to extend it. The as- least committed. That was as of Janu- spend money to create this entitlement sumption most of us made was that ary 6, 2010. What this side, the red, rep- program and pay for the health care they have designs on how to use the resents is the unobligated funds. The expansion and say you are expanding funds. If they don’t, certainly Members unobligated funds is a combination of Medicare? The answer that came back of Congress do. both the authority that was not used, was that under the accounting conven- I don’t say that as a partisan state- and that was about $155 billion, and tion regarding trust funds in a unified ment. I think there are probably people payments that have been made back budget, in fact, there would be notes on both sides who would love to know into the fund. That is about $165 bil- put into these trust funds that tech- there is a few hundred billion dollars lion. So we have about $319 billion— nically, legally speaking, would extend available to go toward some program $320 billion in round numbers—of unob- the lifespan of Medicare. But those dol- they think is important. I am not say- ligated authority in TARP. What my lars are also being spent on the new ing anybody’s ideas about government amendment simply would say is, this health care expansion. From an economic standpoint, the programs that might serve a particular amount of money cannot be spent. We conclusion you draw is that you cannot constituency’s needs are not impor- would end TARP, and instead of allow- spend the same money twice. What tant. They are important in the minds ing the program to continue through they said is that you are spending the of individual Senators. But if we are October of this year, at which point, same money twice. You are double thinking about the overall good of the incidentally, they don’t have to shut counting this money. country, we have to begin thinking down the spending—the spending can My view is that we have complicated about what we are doing. continue to go on. The program, in ef- this situation dramatically by this new This authority that was created fect, would shut down in October of health care entitlement program. That under TARP—the $700 billion—is, if we this year. But we believe that this un- is why I think it is so important that don’t shut it down, going to be used for obligated money in here, that we ought we reverse course and start over and do all kinds of other ideas and purposes. to not spend it. When we do not spend this right, in a way that is step by step We saw that most recently with the it, it is money we do not have to bor- and gets at the fundamental issue most stimulus 2 bill that is proposed in the row, and that reduces the overall Americans are concerned about, which House of Representatives. They wanted amount of the Federal debt and the is the high cost of health care and pro- to use TARP funding as an offset to amount of debt we are passing on to fu- viding access to more Americans and a pay for the new stimulus bill. We have ture generations. higher quality of care. seen proposals to use it for small busi- Again, this is a way of illustrating I say all that as a background to get nesses. what we are talking about, what the into this debate about the debt limit Frankly, I think we need to focus amendment would do. The blue rep- and to say I am very concerned. I also any efforts we make to create jobs in resents the amount that has been com- think most Americans are concerned this country on small businesses be- mitted or spent as of January 6. The about the amount of spending and bor- cause, after all, they create two-thirds other side, the red, represents the rowing and taxing that is occurring in or three-quarters of the jobs in our amount that has not been used, author- Washington, DC. My amendment, very economy. Frankly, the TARP program ized but not spent, and has been paid simply, says the Troubled Asset Relief wasn’t designed to do that. It had a back—in other words, unobligated bal- Program that was enacted in late specific statutory purpose. That pur- ances in the TARP fund of about $320 2008—a $700 billion authority for the pose is now being adulterated. It is billion. Treasury to use to help bring stability used in all these different ways. It is a fairly straightforward amend- to the financial services industry in I happen to believe—and I hope a ma- ment. I hope a majority of my col- this country—would end. We would ba- jority of my colleagues will as well—we leagues in the Senate will vote with me sically say that job, that mission, and should vote to end this program and to say to the American people that we that purpose has been served, com- not allow it to be used and misused and hear you; we do not believe using this pleted. In fact, any unobligated funds abused in a way that creates greater li- program in a way that was not in- should not be spent, and we should not abilities for the American taxpayers, tended, that further aggravates a very allow TARP to become a sort of revolv- creates more debt and borrowing be- serious fiscal situation for this coun- ing loan fund, a political slush fund, to cause, after all, that is what it is. try, ought to be allowed to continue. be used for all kinds of purposes. Most The TARP authority is debt. When I think the American people have of the people who voted for it believed we talk about spending TARP money, made it clear that they are tired of the it would be used to bring stability to it is not as if there is a big bank of bailouts. There was a Wall Street Jour- our financial services industry. We money out there. What it means is that nal/NBC poll indicating that 53 percent were told at the time that if we didn’t when TARP authority is used, we go of Americans are unhappy with the do something, we were on the verge of out and borrow the money. Basically, government’s current role in the pri- imminent financial collapse, a finan- we add to the Federal debt that we con- vate sector. In fact, 65 percent of Amer- cial meltdown. So many of us sup- tinue to pile up. icans are opposed to government inter- ported that at the time, with the belief So the ENDTARP program—there is vention by taking a majority stake in that it would in fact be used to acquire an acronym for everything around General Motors. the troubled assets that were on the here—the ENDTARP program, Erasing Again, despite the original projec- balance sheets of a lot of financial in- Our National Debt Through Account- tions when TARP was signed into law stitutions. ability and Responsibility Plan, or that we were going to be made whole

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 and this was actually going to generate is, Are we going to pay the debts we ob- deficits in the first 10 years and be- additional revenue for the American ligated? Are we going to live up to our tween $650 billion and $1.3 trillion in taxpayers, I think we now know the es- commitments? deficit reduction in the second 10 years. timates that are coming forward sug- The Senator from New Hampshire, That is what CBO says. I don’t know gest we are going to lose money. The the ranking member of the Budget where the Senator gets his numbers, amount of money that was authorized Committee, quite correctly talked but he did not get them from CBO. for this program, we are not going to about our deficits being too high. He CBO’s conclusions are as I have stated. get it all back, but the one thing we raised the prospect of, gee, maybe fair- I urge us, frankly, to keep our heads can do right now is to cut our losses by ly soon various countries are going to screwed on straight and our feet on the making sure that these unobligated charge us more on the debt we are bor- ground. Let’s decide what we have to funds do not get spent, that they do rowing, may want to charge a premium do, and that is we have to pay our na- not go onto the Federal debt, and that because they wonder if they can trust tional debt and then go on and find they do not go onto additional bor- the obligation of the United States to ways to reduce the budget deficits. I rowing. When we are borrowing 43 pay its debts. I don’t know whether think all of us can agree that is some- cents out of every dollar spent in that is true. I don’t know when that thing we have to do. Washington, DC, we need to exercise may or may not be true. That is a very To default on our national debt is some fiscal discipline. speculative question. We just do not certainly no way to run a government. I hope my colleagues will vote to sup- know. A lot of people have very formed We are supposed to be responsible peo- port this amendment. My under- opinions on that point. But I do know ple around here. Clearly, it would be ir- standing is there will be a vote some- something that is absolutely true, over responsible for us to not act in a way time tomorrow on this amendment. I which there is no debate; that is, if we that prevents a default on our obliga- hope to have another opportunity to default on our debts, then we are going tions. speak to it tomorrow morning. I want- to find the economy is going to col- Mr. President, I yield the floor. I sug- ed to lay the amendment down, make lapse. I do know that as a fact. Every gest the absence of a quorum. my colleagues aware of it, and encour- Member of this body knows that to be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The age them to support it. a fact. We must extend the debt limit clerk will call the roll. I yield back the remainder of my so we can pay our debts. That is pretty The assistant legislative clerk pro- time. simple. In the meantime, as a Con- ceeded to call the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- gress, clearly we have to work to get Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask ator from Montana. these deficits under control. We have unanimous consent that the order for Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, frankly, to do both, frankly. We have to extend the quorum call be rescinded. I think the fundamental question fac- the debt limit so we can pay our debts. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ing us is, Are we going to pay our bills? If we do not raise it, we cannot pay our objection, it is so ordered. That is the question before us today. debts. So we have to raise it. In addi- Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I am On the amendment offered by the tion, we have to work at getting these going to speak a little bit about the Senator from South Dakota, I suspect deficits under control. There is no amendment offered by the Senator the chairman of the Banking Com- doubt about that. from North Dakota, Mr. CONRAD, co- mittee, Senator DODD, will have some- Frankly, one good way to get deficits sponsored by the Senator from New thing to say about that when we come under control is to pass health care re- Hampshire, Mr. GREGG. It has not been back into session tomorrow. But the form. The Congressional Budget Office, offered yet. I am not totally certain it fundamental question we are facing which we all think is doing a pretty will be offered. I think it will be of- with the debt limit extension resolu- good job even though they frustrate us fered. I am going to speak on the tion is, Are we going to pay our bills? a lot—by and large we agree with their amendment now, but if we are ready to We have incurred obligations. We have, conclusions—the Congressional Budget enter a unanimous consent agreement as a country. Are we going to pay Office has said the health care bill that as to the proceedings of the Senate to- them? Are we going to pay our bills? passed the Senate would reduce the night and tomorrow, I will stop my That is the basic question. Are we deficits by $132 billion over the first 10 presentation so we can enter that going to live up to our commitment to years. That is a reduction in deficits. order. pay our bills? That is going to help reduce the defi- As I said, under the previous order, The discussion here quite correctly is cits. So all this talk—it is very proper the amendment by the Senator from somewhat—not correctly. The subject talk—about the size of our deficits will North Dakota, Mr. CONRAD, and the has moved over to, well, gee, aren’t our be slightly less urgent once we start re- Senator from New Hampshire, Mr. deficits too high? Haven’t we been ducing the budget deficit. I am not one GREGG, proposing a fiscal task force is spending too much compared with the to stand up here and say health care in order to the pending measure. revenue we are taking in? Yes. There is reform is the total solution. I am only Yesterday evening, the Vice Presi- no one here who would argue the point saying it reduces the budget deficit, ac- dent met with a number of interested that our deficits are too high. That is cording to the Congressional Budget parties, including our colleague, the right. They are what they are partly Office, by $132 billion over the first 10 Senate majority leader, the Speaker, because of the recession we are in, the years. They go even further and say the Senator from North Dakota, and subprime mortgage crisis that some- that the next 10 years the health care others. I was at that meeting. Yester- what prompted all the problems we reform bill that passed the Senate will day evening, that group discussed a fis- face as a country, a lot of loose lending reduce the Federal deficit by between cal commission to be created by an Ex- by lots of institutions, packaging of ob- $650 billion and $1.3 trillion—reduce the ecutive order. I want to distinguish ligations, of loans, and securitizing Federal deficit by between $650 billion that effort, that is, that effort for the those loans, all the fees earned by and $1.3 trillion. Now we are talking President to create a commission by an banks and so forth. Pretty soon, all the real money. Now we are talking about Executive order, from the amendment mortgages became if not worthless, at a more-than-significant reduction in the Senators from North Dakota and least not worth very much at all. Our the deficit. New Hampshire propose on the bill. country consequently faced a recession I heard some numbers flying around I support the President’s efforts to by and large because of a lot of loose fi- here several minutes ago about it costs create a commission by Executive nancial thinking in the last couple of $2 trillion and this and that. That is order, and I oppose the amendment to years, beginning with the subprime not true. That is not what the Congres- be proposed by the Senators from mortgage crisis. We are where we are. sional Budget Office says. The Congres- North Dakota and New Hampshire. The We are trying to work ourselves out of sional Budget Office says, as I men- difference is that the Executive order the recession. But the basic question tioned, a $132 billion reduction in the would preserve the Senate’s regular

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 267 order. The amendment, on the other nual deficit. It does not. And if one out regard to the impact its recommenda- hand, would create a fast-track proce- looks at the long-term prospect of So- tions would have on individuals. Broad, deep dure to short-circuit the Senate’s reg- cial Security, it is in healthy shape for cuts to the nation’s health and economic se- ular order. curity pillars—Medicare, Medicaid and So- 25, 50 years. It does not add in any way cial Security—could reduce long-term debt, Let me take this opportunity to significantly to the national debt. but would do so by shifting significant bur- share with my colleagues what a num- Here is how AARP concludes its let- dens and risks to older Americans and mil- ber of respected groups have been say- ter. AARP says: lions of others who rely on these benefits. If ing about the Conrad-Gregg amend- Given the significance of Social Security a task force is formed to address long-term ment. and Medicare to the well-being of nearly all deficits, it should focus on systemic solu- On January 14, the chief executive of- Americans, AARP believes a full and open tions that balance the twin goals of man- ficer of AARP wrote to Senators about debate is essential to ensuring the develop- aging our national debt and ensuring the the Conrad-Gregg commission. As my ment of balanced solutions. As such, we op- long-term health and economic security of colleagues know, AARP is the non- pose any legislative proposals that bypass or Americans—not simply on authorizing budg- partisan membership organization that short circuit the protections afforded by reg- et cuts to eliminate the fiscal gap. Further- ular order . . . to reach debt reduction goals. more, we urge that Social Security not be represents 40 million people age 50 and considered in the context of debt reduction; older. AARP is the Nation’s largest That is what AARP writes, and I ask this program does not contribute to the an- membership organization for people 50 unanimous consent to have printed in nual deficit, and its long-term solvency can and over and has offices in all 50 the RECORD the full text of AARP’s let- be resolved by relatively modest adjust- States. Listen to what AARP says: ter to Senators. ments if they are made sooner rather than We urge you to vote against an amendment There being no objection, the mate- later. to be offered by Senators Conrad and Gregg rial was ordered to be printed in the In addition, any meaningful examination of the nation’s long-term fiscal challenges to establish a fiscal task force and to instead RECORD, as follows: focus on addressing the challenges of the should include a serious assessment of both AARP, traditional revenue sources and tax entitle- nation’s long-term debt through regular Washington, DC, January 13, 2010. order . . . ments. The tax code contains a multitude of DEAR SENATOR: On behalf of our nearly 40 AARP goes on: tax preferences that automatically convey million members, AARP writes to express benefits, similar to spending entitlements, We oppose providing fast-track authority opposition to three budget amendments you and entail significant amounts of foregone to a task force that will function with lim- will be considering on January 20, 2010. We revenue. However, unlike Social Security ited accountability outside the regular order urge you to vote against an amendment to and Medicare, which distribute their earned of Congress, and with an exclusive focus on be offered by Senators Conrad and Gregg to benefits broadly, tax entitlements are highly debt reduction. . . . establish a fiscal taskforce, and to instead skewed to the most affluent. Moreover, the Quoting further, AARP says: focus on addressing the challenges of the na- federal tax base has eroded over the past sev- AARP believes the issues that the fiscal tion’s long-term debt through regular order. eral years. For these reasons, it is both rea- task force is meant to address—including the We also urge you to vote against an amend- sonable and fair to expect that a fiscal task revenue gap, health care costs and the long- ment to be offered by Senator Reid to estab- force prioritize an examination of revenue term solvency of Social Security—are among lish statutory paygo, and by Senator Ses- policies, and develop recommendations re- the most fundamental challenges we face as sions to establish multi-year caps on discre- garding revenues as a key premise of an a nation. As such, they are issues Congress tionary spending. overall strategy to address long-term defi- itself, through its regular order, should tack- FISCAL TASKFORCE cits. le. AARP agrees that the nation’s long-term STATUTORY PAYGO AND MULTI-YEAR AARP recognizes that doing things debt requires urgent action. We are com- DISCRETIONARY CAPS the normal way is not always easy. mitted to supporting balanced policies that AARP is very troubled that Medicare is Quoting again, AARP says: address the nation’s long term fiscal chal- virtually singled out for arbitrary and auto- We recognize that these issues test regular lenges while also honoring the contributions matic cuts should sequestration result from order, as has been demonstrated by the long of our members and the needs of millions of the establishment of statutory paygo. While and difficult debate surrounding health care other Americans who rely on Medicare, Med- we agree that some spending should be pro- reform. Simply because these issues are dif- icaid and Social Security. However the cur- tected from sequestration, such as Social Se- ficult to address is not reason enough to ab- rent fiscal crisis is far broader than these curity, very few mandatory programs are dicate the responsibility Congress has to act. lifeline programs. We oppose providing fast- subject to automatic cuts under statutory However, an open debate is essential in a track authority to a task force that will paygo. Further, no automatic increase in representative democracy to resolve issues function with limited accountability outside revenues is required by sequestration, even that have as broad and deep an impact on its of the regular order of Congress, and with an though the possibility of such a result would citizenry as changes to Medicare, Medicaid, exclusive focus on debt reduction. We further undoubtedly prompt even stricter adherence Social Security and the tax system. oppose the establishment of such a task to paygo. These limitations on sequestration force in light of the targeted Medicare sav- AARP focuses on the human costs. leave Medicare especially vulnerable to arbi- ings and proposed Medicare Payment Board trary and automatic cuts that are unrelated Quoting further, AARP says: (that would have further authority to reduce to making the program more efficient or ef- . . . a task force that is directed to identify Medicare spending) in the pending Senate fective. This approach is especially unac- proposals to restore the nation’s long-term health care reform legislation. ceptable in light of the significant Medicare balance sheet cannot do so without regard to AARP believes the issues that the fiscal savings contained in the House and Senate the impact its recommendations would have task force is meant to address—including the health reform bills, and the proposed Medi- on individuals. Broad, deep cuts to the na- revenue gap, health care costs and the long- care Payment Board in the Senate bill. Con- tion’s health and economic security pillars— term solvency of Social Security—are among sequently, we oppose statutory paygo as a Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security— the most fundamental challenges we face as process that threatens to arbitrarily cut could reduce long-term debt, but would do so a nation. As such, they are issues that Con- Medicare and the health security it promises by shifting significant burdens and risks to gress itself, through its regular order, should for older Americans. older Americans and millions of others who tackle. We recognize that these issues test Finally, AARP is opposed to a multi-year rely on these benefits. regular order, as has been demonstrated by cap on discretionary spending. Capping AARP recommends in particular that the long and difficult debate surrounding spending on less than a third of the federal Social Security be excluded from the health care reform. Simply because these budget will not result in any significant def- commission’s deliberations. AARP issues are difficult to address is not reason icit reduction and would have a substantial says: enough to abdicate the responsibility Con- negative impact on the federal governments gress has to act. However, an open debate is ability to deliver the services our members We urge that Social Security not be con- essential in a representative democracy to expect. Congress routinely evaded the 1990 sidered in the context of debt reduction; this resolve issues that have as broad and deep an Budget Enforcement Act spending caps by program does not contribute to the annual impact on its citizenry as changes to Medi- ignoring them in session-ending budget deficit, and its long-term solvency can be re- care, Medicaid, Social Security and the tax deals, and averted cuts by simply adopting solved by relatively modest adjustments if system. language each year wiping the paygo score- they are made sooner rather than later. Moreover, a task force that is directed to card clean. Discretionary caps would pit pro- That is true. It is very true. Social identify proposals to restore the nation’s grams that serve the elderly, the disabled Security does not contribute to the an- long-term balance sheet cannot do so with- and children against defense and homeland

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.000 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 268 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 security programs. Moreover, given the on- lions of Americans, especially seniors, with- tial programs such as Social Security, Medi- going military actions in Iraq and Afghani- out the opportunity for members of an elect- care, Medicaid and taxes should be made stan, discretionary spending limits would ul- ed Congress to amend them, ultimately dis- through the regular legislative committee timately require steep cuts to non-defense enfranchises the public and undermines the process. Such a process allows each program discretionary programs—the vast majority legitimacy of the political process. to be considered separately by substantive of which have been funded well below current Later in the letter, the national com- experts based on program solvency and pol- services levels for the past eight years. mittee wrote: icy goals. Moreover, we are concerned that AARP is committed to working on a bipar- an executive order which permits Social Se- tisan basis with Congress to develop and ad- The National Committee strongly believes curity to be taken up in the context of fiscal vance responsible policies to address the na- that decisions relating to complex or essen- or budgetary decisions will ignore the needs tion’s long term fiscal challenges. However, tial programs such as Social Security, Medi- of Social Security and the well-being of its given the significance of Social Security and care, Medicaid and taxes should be made beneficiaries. Medicare to the well-being of nearly all through the regular legislative committee Seniors already believe that Social Secu- Americans, AARP believes a full and open process. Such a process allows each program rity is being used by the government as a debate is essential to ensuring the develop- to be considered separately by substantive piggy bank. Now they fear that the President ment of balanced solutions. As such, we op- experts based on program solvency and pol- and the Congress are ready to use a fiscal pose any legislative proposals that bypass or icy goals. commission to cut Social Security benefits, short circuit the protections afforded by reg- That is what the National Committee making seniors pay the price for the excesses ular order, or that rely on imbalanced, auto- to Preserve Social Security and Medi- of Wall Street. Those fears will only be un- matic, and arbitrary spending cuts to reach care writes, and I ask unanimous con- founded if Social Security is strengthened debt reduction goals. sent to have printed in the RECORD the and made solvent on its own merits and by If you have any further questions, feel free full text of the letter from the National people who recognize the importance of So- to call me, or please have your staff contact cial Security and the many protections it David Sloane, Senior Vice President of Gov- Committee to Preserve Social Security provides. ernment Relations and Advocacy, 202–434– and Medicare. Cordially, 3754. There being no objection, the mate- BARBARA B. KENNELLY, Sincerely, rial was ordered to be printed in the President and CEO. ADDISON BARRY RAND, RECORD, as follows: Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, as well, Chief Executive Officer. NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO PRESERVE on January 13, the president, sec- Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, AARP is SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE, retary-treasurer, and executive direc- by no means alone in taking these posi- January 7, 2010, Washington, DC. tor of the Alliance for Retired Ameri- tions. On January 7, Barbara Kennelly, Hon. , cans sent a letter to all Senators on White House Chief of Staff, our former congressional colleague and the Conrad-Gregg commission. The Al- now president and CEO of the National Washington, DC. The National Committee to Preserve So- liance for Retired Americans is a non- Committee to Preserve Social Security cial Security and Medicare is deeply con- partisan, nonprofit organization rep- and Medicare, wrote to White House cerned about the push to create a fiscal com- resenting retired union members. They Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. The Na- mission designed to reduce the -federal debt. wrote: tional Committee to Preserve Social Incorporating Social Security into such a The Alliance for Retired Americans, on be- Security and Medicare is a non- commission would signal to America’s sen- half of its nearly four million members partisan, nonprofit organization rep- iors that the President is willing, and even throughout the nation, writes in opposition resenting millions of members and sup- eager, to cut Social Security benefits. Ulti- to the Bipartisan Task Force for Responsible porters nationwide. For more than 26 mately, older Americans will accept changes Fiscal Action Act of 2009, S. 2853. We oppose in Social Security only if they have a voice attempts to attach it to debt ceiling or any years, the organization has fought for in the decision and feel confident that the interests of older Americans. other legislation. We cannot support the changes are solely for the purpose of improv- bill’s fast-track means of implementing vast Here is what the National Committee ing and strengthening the program. For this to Preserve Social Security and Medi- changes to programs such as Social Security, reason, Social Security solvency should not Medicare and Medicaid outside the regular care says: be taken up in the context of a fiscal com- legislative process. The National Committee strongly opposes mission. the fiscal commission legislation authored The National Committee strongly opposes The alliance talked about how the by Senators Conrad and Gregg. the fiscal commission legislation authored process would work, and they wrote: by Senators Conrad and Gregg. The legisla- Under the legislation, the jurisdiction for The national committee also focused tion would effectively remove nearly every on Social Security, arguing that it is major long-term changes to programs in- government program, including the federal cluding Social Security, Medicare, and Med- inappropriate for such a commission, tax system, from the legislative jurisdiction icaid would be turned over to an 18-member and they wrote: of the Congress. By fast-tracking the com- task force, made up of 16 members of Con- Incorporating Social Security into such a mission’s recommendations through Con- gress and 2 administration officials. commission would signal to America’s sen- gress with no allowance for amendments, the Then the alliance wrote about what Conrad-Gregg measure would prevent Con- iors that the President is willing, and even is wrong with the process, and here is eager, to cut Social Security benefits. Ulti- gress from exercising its legislative respon- mately, older Americans will accept changes sibilities with respect to Social Security. what they wrote: in Social Security only if they have a voice Enacting legislation that would push Regardless of the expertise of task force in the decision and feel confident that through changes of this importance to mil- members, their representations would be changes are solely for the purpose of improv- lions of Americans, especially seniors, with- crafted behind closed doors and subject to a ing and strengthening the program. For this out the opportunity for members of an elect- fast-track up-or-down vote by Congress. reason, Social Security solvency should not ed Congress to amend them, ultimately dis- Forcing changes to these critical benefit pro- be taken up in the context of a fiscal com- enfranchises the public and undermines the grams by eliminating open debate or amend- mission. legitimacy of the political process. ments is an undemocratic way to address the Turning to the specifics of the Con- The President has made clear his strong future of such programs. interest in pressing for fiscal responsibility rad-Gregg commission, the national The alliance contrasted the new task measures. He has studied the Conrad-Gregg force process with the existing com- committee wrote: proposal and listened to the views of Senator The legislation would effectively remove Conrad and others on the subject. He has mittee process, and here is what they nearly every government program, including also contemplated creating his own commis- wrote: the Federal tax system, from the legislative sion through executive order. The National Currently, congressional committees of ju- jurisdiction of Congress. By fast-tracking Committee believes that the advantage of an risdiction consider changes and improve- the commission’s recommendations through executive process is that it does not allow ments to these vital programs with the op- Congress with no allowance for amendments, for a fast-track mechanism. However, we are portunity for due consideration and debate. the Conrad-Gregg measure would prevent concerned about an executive order for some These committees, with their broad-based Congress from exercising its legislative re- of the same reasons we are concerned about and detailed knowledge of the programs sponsibilities with respect to Social Secu- the fast-track process. under their jurisdiction, are the proper fo- rity. Enacting legislation that would push The National Committee strongly believes rums for considering any changes to Social through changes of this importance to mil- that decisions relating to complex or essen- Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 269 The alliance concluded: Mr. BAUCUS. What is more, on Janu- , all members of the Senate and We strongly caution against a process that ary 12, a broad consortium of organiza- House, and President Barack Obama (and would bypass the regular legislative process tions—56 in number—wrote to all Sen- key administration officials). We write with strong opposition to the pro- in favor of an expedited, fast-track process ators to express their concerns with that leaves room for little accountability posal of Senators Kent Conrad, Judd Gregg the Conrad-Gregg commission. Among and others to create a deficit-reduction com- and almost no room for input from the the organizations signing this letter American people. mission that would override the normal leg- were the AFL–CIO, AFSCME, Change islative process and replace it with expedited That is what the Alliance for Retired to Win, the Campaign for America’s procedures prohibiting amendments and lim- Americans writes, and I ask unanimous Future, Common Cause, moveon.org iting debate. We write with an increasing consent to have printed in the RECORD sense of urgency, because plans to vote on Political Action, NAACP, the National the full text of the letter from the Alli- the Conrad-Gregg proposal on January 20th Organization for Women, People for the ance for Retired Americans. or soon thereafter, as part of the debt ceiling There being no objection, the mate- American Way, the SCIU, and many bill. If the Conrad-Gregg proposal were to be- come law, it could dramatically change by rial was ordered to be printed in the others. This broad consortium of orga- nizations wrote: stealth critical benefits and services so vital RECORD, as follows: We write with strong opposition to the pro- to America’s families. Those supporting this circumvention of the ALLIANCE FOR posal of Senators Kent Conrad, Judd Gregg normal process have stated openly the desire RETIRED AMERICANS, and others to create a deficit-reduction com- to avoid political accountability. Ameri- Washington, DC, January 13, 2010. mission to override the normal legislative DEAR SENATOR: The Alliance for Retired cans—seniors, women, working families, peo- process and replace it with expedited proce- Americans, on behalf of its nearly four mil- ple with disabilities, youth, young adults, dures prohibiting amendments and limiting lion members throughout the nation, writes children, people of color, veterans, commu- debate. If the Conrad-Gregg proposal were to in opposition to the Bipartisan Task Force nities of faith and others—expect their elect- become law, it could dramatically change by for Responsible Fiscal Action Act of 2009, S. ed representatives to be responsible and ac- stealth critical benefits and services so vital 2853. We oppose attempts to attach it to debt countable for shaping such significant, far- to America’s families. ceiling or any other legislation. We cannot reaching legislation. support the bill’s fast-track means of imple- The consortium of groups continued Any deficit reduction measures should be menting vast changes to programs such as about the need for responsibility by carried out in a responsible manner, pro- Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid out- writing: viding a fairer tax system and strength- side the regular legislative process. ening—rather than slashing—Social Security Americans—seniors, women, working fami- and Medicare. We should be strengthening, Under the legislation, jurisdiction for lies, people with disabilities, youth, young major and long-term changes to programs in- not slashing, vital programs like Medicaid, adults, children, people of color, veterans, Unemployment Compensation, the Supple- cluding Social Security, Medicare, and Med- communities of faith and others—expect icaid would be turned over to a 18–member mental Nutrition Assistance Program (food their elected representatives to be respon- stamps), EITC, Supplemental Security In- task force, made up of 16 members of Con- sible and accountable for shaping such a sig- gress and 2 administration officials. Regard- come, school meals, Early Head Start, Head nificant, far-reaching legislation. Start, Child Care Development Fund, Chafee less of the expertise of task force members, Foster Care Independence Program, National their recommendations would be crafted be- The consortium of groups continued Family Caregivers Support Program, Indi- hind closed doors and subject to a fast-track about the problems with the commis- vidual Disability Education Act, vocational up or down vote by Congress. Forcing sion, and here is what they said: rehabilitation and other programs and serv- The American people are likely to view changes to these critical benefit programs by ices crucial to struggling lower income and eliminating open debate or amendments is any kind of expedited procedure, where most middle-income people in every corner of our an undemocratic way to address the future members are sidelined to a single take-it-or- country. of such programs. leave-it vote, as a hidden process aimed at And as unemployment continues to grow, Since their creation, Social Security, eviscerating vital programs and productive we need a real debate about how to balance Medicare and Medicaid have worked well to investment. the need for economic recovery and produc- keep millions of America’s seniors healthy The consortium of groups once again tive public investment with the goal of long- and out of poverty. Social Security has been focused on problems with allowing the term budget responsibility. The American the bedrock of income security for nearly all budget commission to change Social people are likely to view any kind of expe- Americans, providing guaranteed benefits to dited procedure, where most members are retirees, those with disabilities, and the sur- Security. They wrote: sidelined to a single take-it-or-leave-it vote, vivors of retired and deceased workers. Like- An American public that only recently re- as a hidden process aimed at eviscerating wise, Medicare and Medicaid has helped our jected privatization of Social Security would vital programs and productive investment. nation deliver the promise of well-being and undoubtedly be suspicious of a process that As you know, the current effort to reform improved quality of life for retirees. shuts them out of all decisions regarding the the health-care sector seeks to achieve re- Currently, congressional committees of ju- future of a retirement system that’s served ductions in Medicare spending, without cut- risdiction consider changes and improve- them well in the current financial crisis. ting benefits. But the proposed budget com- ments to these vital programs with the op- The consortium of groups concluded: mission which will be viewed as a way to ac- portunity for due consideration and debate. We urge you to act decisively to prevent tually cut Medicare benefits, while insu- These committees, with their broad-based lating lawmakers from political fallout the creation of such an extraordinary and and detailed knowledge of the programs could confuse people and undermine the re- undemocratic budget commission. under their jurisdiction, are the proper fo- form effort. And an American public that rums for considering any changes to Social That is what this consortium of only recently rejected privatization of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. We strong- groups, from Common Cause, to NOW, Security will undoubtedly be suspicious of a ly caution against a process that would by- to People for the American Way, process that shuts them out of all decisions pass the regular legislative process in favor writes, and I ask unanimous consent to regarding the future of a retirement system of an expedited, fast-track process that have printed in the RECORD the full that’s served them well in the current finan- leaves room for little accountability and al- cial crisis. text of their letter. We urge you to act decisively to prevent most no room for input from the American There being no objection, the mate- people. the creation of such an extraordinary and The Alliance for Retired Americans is rial was ordered to be printed in the undemocratic budget commission. committed to enacting legislation that im- RECORD, as follows: GROUPS THAT HAVE ALREADY AGREED TO SIGN proves the quality of life for retirees and all AMERICA DOES NOT NEED AN UNDEMOCRATIC (AS OF JANUARY 12, 2010) Americans. If we can be of assistance, please ‘‘DEFICIT COMMISSION’’ AFL–CIO—American Federation of Labor- contact Richard Fiesta or Sarah Byrne in The following statement, signed by more Congress of Industrial Organizations; the Department of Government and Political than 40 national organizations (see below) AFSCME—American Federation of State, Affairs at the Alliance. was written and distributed by Roger Hickey County and Municipal Employees; Alliance Sincerely yours, (202 955–5665), co-director, Campaign for for Retired Americans; American Society on BARBARA J. EASTERLING, America’s Future, and Nancy Altman (301 Aging; American Association of People with President. 229–2651) and Eric Kingson, (315 374–8338), co- Disabilities; American Association of Uni- RUBEN BURKS, directors, Project to Defend and Improve So- versity Women; Americans for Democratic Secretary-Treasurer. cial Security. Action; Change to Win; Campaign for Amer- EDWARD F. COYLE, This statement has been sent to Senate ica’s Future; and Center for Medicare Advo- Exercutive Director. Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker cacy.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 Common Cause; Demos; Disability Rights There being no objection, the mate- tive director, American Shareholders Asso- Education and Defense Fund; Food Research rial was ordered to be printed in the ciation; John Tate, president, Campaign for and Action Center; Center; RECORD, as follows: Liberty; Sandra Fabry, executive director, Generations United; Global Policy Solutions; Center for Fiscal Accountability; Timothy Health & Medicine Policy Research Group; JANUARY 15, 2010. Lee, vice-president of legal and public af- International Union, United Automobile, AN OPEN LETTER TO U.S. SENATORS URGING fairs, Center for Individual Freedom; Chuck Aerospace & Agricultural; and LGBT Caucus OPPOSITION TO THE CONRAD-GREGG BIPAR- Muth, president, Citizen Outreach; Barbara of the American Academy of Physician As- TISAN TAX/SPENDING ‘‘REFORM’’ COMMISSION Anderson, executive director, Citizens for sistants, Inc. DEAR U.S. SENATOR: On behalf of the mil- Limited Taxation (MA); Wayne Crews, vice MoveOn.org Political Action; NAACP; Na- lions of taxpayers, small businesses, fami- president for policy, Competitive Enterprise tional Asian Pacific Center on Aging; Na- lies, senior citizens and shareholders rep- Institute; Tom Schatz, president, Council for tional Association for Hispanic Elderly; Na- resented by our respective organizations, we Citizens Against Government Waste; Rick tional Association of Area Agencies on urge you in the strongest terms to oppose Watson, chairman, Florida Center-Right Co- Aging; National Association of Mother Cen- and vote against the ‘‘Bipartisan Task Force alition; Jamie Story, president, Grassroot ters and Its MOTHERS Initiative; National for Responsible Fiscal Action Act of 2009,’’ Institute of Hawaii; Gregory Blankenship, Caucus and Center on Black Aged, Inc.; Na- sponsored by Sens. Kent Conrad (D–ND) and president, Illinois Alliance for Growth. tional Committee to Preserve Social Secu- Andrew Langer, president, Institute for rity and Medicare; and National Council of Judd Gregg (R–NH), be it in stand-alone form or as an amendment. Liberty; Robert McClure, president and CEO, Women’s Organizations. James Madison Institute; Rep. James National Indian Council on Aging; Na- As written, the Conrad/Gregg proposal DeCesare, chairman, Kentucky Taxpayer tional Organization for Women; National would lead to a guaranteed tax increase. Hispanic Council on Aging; National Senior The plan put forth by Sens. Conrad and Protection Caucus, House of Representa- Citizens Law Center; National Women’s Law Gregg establishes an eighteen-member task tives; Colin Hanna, president, Let Freedom Center; OWL—The Voice of Midlife and Older force comprised of ten Democrat and eight Ring; Del. Warren Miller, chairman, Mary- Women; OpenLeft.com; and Pathways PA. Republican Congressmen, Senators, and Ad- land Taxpayer Protection Caucus, House of Pension Rights Center; People for the ministration officials. A report from the Delegates; Shane Osborn, Nebraska State American Way; Progressive Democrats of commission would need to gather fourteen Treasurer; Andrew Moylan, director of gov- America; Project to Defend and Improve So- votes in order to make an expedited rec- ernment affairs, National Taxpayers Union; cial Security; SEIU—Service Employees ommendation to both bodies. The rec- Jerry Cantrell, president, New Jersey Tax- International Union; United Methodist Gen- ommendation would only pass with a super- payers’ Association; Deborah Owens, co- eral Board of Church & Society; USAction; majority vote in each chamber. chair, Ohio Center-Right Coalition; Brandon Voices for America’s Children; Wider Oppor- Despite the appearance of protection for Dutcher, vice president for policy, tunities for Women; Women’s Institute for a taxpayers, this commission would guarantee Council of Public Affairs, Inc.; Kim Thatch- Secure Retirement; and the Women’s Re- a net tax increase be in its proposal. Every er, chairman, Oregon Taxpayer Protection search and Education Institute. Democrat on the commission would insist on Caucus, House of Representatives; Todd STATE AND LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS tax increases to ‘‘balance’’ spending cuts in Kruse, Property Rights Association of Min- nesota; Jason Williams, executive director, AFGE Council 220; AFGE Local 3937, AFL– the recommendation. Taxpayer Association of Oregon; William CIO; California Alliance for Retired Ameri- There is no conceivable scenario whereby Greene, president, RightMarch.com; Ben cans; Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups; the commission would issue a report that DelcoAction Seniors; New York Statewide does not contain tax hikes, and history un- Cunningham, spokesman, Tennessee Tax Re- Senior Action Council; Pennsylvania Alli- derscores the dangers of such a bipartisan volt; Laura Lee Adams, chairman, Utah Cen- ance for Retired Americans; and Puget deal that puts everything on the table: ter-Right Coalition; Susan Gore, founder, Sound Alliance for Retired Americans. In the 1990 Andrews Air Force Base deba- Wyoming Liberty Group. Mr. BAUCUS. It is not just progres- cle, Congressional Democrats convinced a Mr. BAUCUS. Also on the conserv- number of Republicans to join them in a bi- ative side, on December 29, 2009, the sive groups that oppose the Conrad- partisan deal promising $2 in spending cuts Gregg amendment. On January 15, a Wall Street Journal editorial page—no for every $1 in tax increases. Every penny of friend of progressive causes—published broad consortium of conservative the tax increases ($137 billion from 1991–1995) groups sent what they called ‘‘An Open went through. Not only did the Democrats an editorial entitled ‘‘The Deficit Com- Letter to U.S. Senators Urging Opposi- break their promise to cut spending below mission Trap.’’ The editors of the Wall tion to the Conrad-Gregg Bipartisan the CBO baseline—they actually spent $23 Street Journal wrote: Tax/Spending ’Reform’ Commission.’’ billion above CBO’s pre-budget deal spending We only hope Republicans aren’t foolish This conservative consortium said: baseline. enough to fall down this trap door. In order to make such a commission ac- On behalf of the millions of taxpayers, I conclude by saying that people on ceptable from a taxpayer perspective, lan- both sides of the political spectrum small businesses, families, senior citizens guage must be included that explicitly re- and shareholders represented by our respec- moves tax increases and/or new taxes from have very grave reservations and urge tive organizations, we urge you in the commission consideration. opposition to the amendment to be of- strongest terms to oppose and vote against However, the proposal in its current form fered by our good friends and col- the ‘‘Bipartisan Task Force for Responsible will likely come before you later this month leagues, Senators CONRAD and GREGG, Fiscal Action Act of 2009,’’ sponsored by Sen- as am amendment to yet another bill to in- ators Kent Conrad and Judd Gregg, be it in and I hope we do not adopt that amend- crease the debt limit, as Democrats will be stand-alone form or as an amendment. ment. looking to use this commission idea as a way Mr. President, I yield the floor, and I These conservative groups explained to cover their big-spending tracks. suggest the absence of a quorum. their motivation. In their view, they This bipartisan commission is a veiled at- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The said: tempt to lure Republicans into taking joint clerk will call the roll. As written, the Conrad-Gregg proposal ownership of massive tax increases to pay for their crisis and is arguably one of the biggest The assistant legislative clerk pro- would lead to a guaranteed tax increase. ceeded to call the roll. These conservative groups concluded threats to taxpayers. What’s worse, it could become the Trojan horse for a European- Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask as follows: style Value-Added Tax (VAT). unanimous consent the order for the We urge you to oppose and vote against the We urge you to oppose and vote against quorum call be rescinded. misguided plan when it comes before you. this misguided plan when it comes before The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Among the signatories of this letter you. objection, it is so ordered. are the American Conservative Union, Sincerely, f Americans for Tax Reform, the Amer- Jim Martin, chairman, 60 Plus Association; ican Shareholders Association, the Stephen P. Gordon, media director, Alabama MORNING BUSINESS Competitive Enterprise Institute, Republican Liberty Caucus; Brian Johnson, Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask Council for Citizens Against Govern- executive director, Alliance for Worker Free- unanimous consent the Senate proceed dom; Susan A. Carleson,* chairman and CEO, ment Waste, and the National Tax- American Civil Rights Union; David A. to a period of morning business with payers Union. Keene, chairman, American Conservative Senators permitted to speak for up to Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Union; Grover Norquist, president, Ameri- 10 minutes each. sent to have printed in the RECORD the cans for Tax Reform; Tim Phillips, president, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without full text of the consortium letter. Americans for Prosperity; Ryan Ellis, execu- objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 271

(At the request of Mr. REID, the fol- ment to freedom, democracy and peace. ments have occurred. And while we lowing statement was ordered to be I pray that Brian’s family finds com- have come a long way from segregated printed in the RECORD.) fort in the words of the prophet Isaiah lunch counters and firehouses and dogs VOTE EXPLANATION who said, ‘‘He will swallow up death in being unleashed on protesters, we still victory; and the Lord God will wipe have not reached the mountaintop. ∑ Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Presi- away tears from off all faces.’’ There are still laws, policies, and nega- dent, due to the fact that I was ill and May God grant strength and peace to tive perceptions that infringe on indi- concerned for others traveling on the those who mourn, and may God be with vidual civil rights. same airplane to Washington, DC, I all of you, as I know He is with Brian. was unable to cast a vote for rollcall The issues of today are not so dif- f No. 1 in the second session of the 111th ferent than the issues of Dr. King’s Congress, the nomination of Beverly CELEBRATING MARTIN LUTHER time. We are at war. There is discrimi- Baldwin Martin, of Georgia, to be a KING, JR.’S BIRTHDAY nation. There are disparities. There is U.S. Circuit Judge for the 111th Cir- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I wish hate. We must fight and expose these cuit. Had I been present, I would have today to honor the life of Dr. Martin injustices. Dr. King believed that you voted ‘‘yea’’ to confirm the nominee.∑ Luther King, Jr. must expose injustices ‘‘with all the f I would like to take this opportunity tension its exposure creates.’’ We must not only to talk about the man but take up these issues. We must address HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES also the movement. During a time of health care disparities, discrimination PRIVATE FIRST CLASS BRIAN R. BOWMAN segregation, violence, unnecessary in all forms, abuses in our criminal jus- Mr. BAYH. Mr. President, I rise with bloodshed, and ignorant bigotry, a man tice system, and bad legislative poli- a heavy heart to honor the life of PFC named Martin Luther King, Jr., graced cies. We must not shy away from what Brian R. Bowman from Waveland, IN. the world with his poignant determina- great people before us worked so hard Brian was 24 years old when he lost his tion for peace. His life continues to in- to bring to light. This is not the time life on January 3 when insurgents at- spire not only Americans but the world for what Dr. King called the ‘‘mod- tacked his unit in Ashoque, Afghani- in continued efforts for equality erate.’’ This is not the time for those stan. Brian was serving as a medic in amongst all men and women. who say they agree with us in the goal the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regi- This week the Nation reflects on Dr. but fail to take direct action. This is ment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th King’s life and legacy. I remember the time for action against injustices. Infantry Division at Fort Carson, Colo- being a young man during his lifetime. When more than 40 million Ameri- rado, as a part of Operation Enduring I remember not only the struggles he Freedom. faced but the justice he longed for. As cans don’t have access to quality Today, I join Brian’s family and I reread Dr. King’s letter from Bir- health care, an injustice has occurred. friends in mourning his death. Brian mingham Jail, where he wrote about When Americans receive discrimina- will forever be remembered as a loving trying to explain to one’s child why she tory sentencing, an injustice has oc- son and friend to many. Brian is sur- can’t go to a public amusement park curred. When Americans are subjected vived by his devoted wife Casie, his fa- because she was Black; where he wrote to discriminatory lending, an injustice ther Robert Bowman and mother Paula about the humiliation of nagging signs has occurred. When hate crimes are J. Gerdes, two sisters and countless that read ‘‘white’’ and ‘‘colored;’’ perpetrated, an injustice has occurred. friends and relatives. where he wrote about the internal fight When our country uses torture, an in- Brian was a Crawfordsville native against a ‘‘degenerating sense of justice has occurred. When any form of who grew up in Waveland. Prior to en- nobodiness,’’ I ask our Nation not to discrimination is used, an injustice has tering the service in August of 2006, return to such a time but instead con- occurred. Brian graduated from Southmont High tinue to move our Nation forward in So I ask my fellow colleagues in the School in 2004. A gifted musician, he accepting all people. Congress and my fellow Americans na- played the baritone for the Royal While Dr. King was fighting for na- tionwide, as we start a new year, a new Mounties who were perennial con- tional civil rights, I was growing up in decade, remember that ‘‘human tenders in the Indiana State Fair’s Baltimore City, MD. I attended a seg- progress never rolls in on wheels of in- band competition. His father said that regated public school, and I remember evitability; it comes through the tire- he gave up sports to be in the band be- with great sadness how discrimination less efforts of men willing to be co- cause he loved music. was not only condoned but, more often workers with God . . .’’ Stand with us While we struggle to express our sor- than not, actually encouraged against as we take up the controversial issues row over this loss, we can take pride in Blacks, Jews, Catholics, and other mi- of the day—immigration, employment the example Brian set as a soldier, a norities in the community. I remember nondiscrimination, pay equity for husband, a son and a brother. Today the local movie theater denying admis- women, hate crimes, sentencing re- and always he will be remembered by sion to African Americans. I remember form, education reform, and remember family, friends and fellow Hoosiers as a the community swimming pools that such actions are taken in dedicated ef- true American hero, and we cherish the had signs hanging that read, ‘‘No Jews, forts toward a more loving and just legacy of his service and his life. No Blacks allowed.’’ In the wake of union. As I search for words to honor this death threats, physical attempts on his fallen soldier, I recall President Lin- life, home bombings, and jail time, Dr. Dr. King said that the ultimate coln’s words to the families of soldiers King fought for the rights Americans measure of a man or woman is not who died at Gettysburg: ‘‘We cannot hold so dear. He fought for the right to where he or she stands in the moments dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we vote, the right to equal access, the of comfort and convenience, but where cannot hallow this ground. The brave right to an equal education, and the he or she stands at times of challenge men, living and dead, who struggled right to be treated and seen as an and controversy. He stood up and here, have consecrated it, far above our equal. fought for what was just in a world of poor power to add or detract. The More than 40 years later, our Nation controversy. I ask you all to stand up world will little note nor long remem- has made significant progress. We have on the shoulders of Dr. King and fight ber what we say here, but it can never elected our first African-American for the elimination of hate and dis- forget what they did here.’’ President, we have women running crimination. Dr. Martin Luther King, It is my sad duty to enter the name Fortune 500 companies, we have the Jr., will always be remembered for his of Brian R. Bowman in the RECORD of first female Speaker of the House, we courage, elegance and tireless endur- the U.S. Senate for his service to this have our first Latina Supreme Court ance for the fight of equality in Amer- country and for his profound commit- Justice, and many more accomplish- ica.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 272 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 PATIENT PROTECTION AND world. While continuance of the status quo is debt, causing payment cuts of nearly 25 per- AFFORDABLE CARE ACT OF 2009 not acceptable, the shifting to the federal cent in 2011. The CBO has confirmed that a government of so much control over medical significant reduction in physicians’ Medicare Mr. COBURN. Mr. President, I ask decisions is not justified. We are therefore payments will reduce beneficiaries’ access to unanimous consent that these letters united in our resolve to achieve health sys- services. commenting on the Patient Protection tem reform that empowers patients and pre- The excise tax on elective cosmetic med- and Affordable Care Act of 2009—the serves the practice of medicine—without cre- ical procedures in the bill will not produce majority’s ‘‘health reform bill’’—be ating a huge government bureaucracy. the revenue projected. Experience at the H.R. 3590 creates a number of problematic state level has demonstrated that this is a printed in the RECORD. failed policy. In addition, this provision is There being no objection, the mate- provisions, including: The bill undermines the patient-physician arbitrary, difficult to administer, unfairly rial was ordered to be printed in the relationship and empowers the federal gov- puts the physician in the role of tax col- RECORD, as follows: ernment with even greater authority. Under lector, and raises serious patient confiden- PHYSICIAN ORGANIZATIONS THAT OPPOSE SEN- the bill, 1) employers would be required to tiality issues. Physicians strongly oppose ATE’S PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORD- provide health insurance or face financial the use of provider taxes or fees of any kind ABLE CARE ACT penalties; 2) health insurance packages with to fund healthcare programs or to finance To date 43 state, county and national med- government prescribed benefits will be man- health system reform. Our concerns about this legislation also ex- ical societies, representing nearly one-half datory; 3) doctors would be forced to partici- tend to what is not in the bill. The right to million physicians, have stated their public pate in the flawed Physician Quality Report- ing Initiative (PQRI) or face penalties for privately contract is a touchstone of Amer- opposition to the Senate healthcare overhaul ican freedom and liberty. Patients should bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable nonparticipation; and 4) physicians would have to comply with extensive new reporting have the right to choose their doctor and Care Act (H.R. 3590). enter into agreements for the fees for those requirements related to quality improve- NATIONAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS services without penalty. Current Medicare ment, case management, care coordination, patients are denied that right. By guaran- American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, chronic disease management, and use of teeing all patients the right to privately con- American Academy of Dermatology Associa- health information technology. tract with their physicians, without penalty, tion, American Academy of Facial Plastic The bill is unsustainable from a financial patients will have greater access to physi- and Reconstructive Surgery, American Acad- standpoint. It significantly expands Med- cians and the government will have budget emy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Sur- icaid eligibility, shifting healthcare costs to certainty. Nothing in the Patient Protection gery, American Association of Neurological physicians who are paid below the cost of de- and Affordable Care Act addresses these fun- Surgeons, American Association of livering care and to the states that are al- Orthopaedic Surgeons, American College of damental tenets, which we believe are essen- ready operating under severe budget con- tial components of real health system re- Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American straints. It also postpones the start of sub- College of Osteopathic Surgeons, American form. sidies for the uninsured long after the gov- Senator Reid, we are at a critical moment College of Surgeons, and American Osteo- ernment levies new user fees and new taxes pathic Academy of Orthopaedics. in history. America’s physicians deliver the to cover expanded coverage and benefits. best medical care in the world, yet the sys- American Society for Metabolic & This ‘‘back-loading’’ of new spending makes Bariatric Surgery, American Society of An- tems that have been developed to finance the the long-term costs appear deceptively low. delivery of that care to patients have failed. esthesiologists, American Society of Breast The government run community health in- Surgeons, American Society of Cataract and With congressional action upon us, we are at surance option eventually will lead to a sin- a crossroads. One path accepts as ‘‘nec- Refractive Surgery, American Society of gle-payer, government run healthcare sys- Colon and Rectal Surgeons, American Soci- essary’’ a substantial increase in federal gov- tem. Despite the state opt-out provision, the ernment control over how medical care is de- ety of General Surgeons, American Society community health insurance option contains of Plastic Surgeons, and American livered and financed. We believe the better the same liabilities (i.e. government-run path is one that allows patients and physi- Urological Association. healthcare) as the public option that was Association of American Physicians and cians to take a more direct role in their passed by the House of Representatives. Surgeons, Coalition of State Rheumatology healthcare decisions. By encouraging pa- Such a system will ultimately limit patient Organizations, Congress of Neurological Sur- tients to own their health insurance policies choice and put the government between the geons, Heart Rhythm Society, National As- and by allowing them to freely exercise their doctor and the patient, interfering with pa- sociation of Spine Specialists, Society for right to privately contract with the physi- tient care decisions. Vascular Surgeons, Society of American cian of their choice, healthcare decisions Largely unchecked by Congress or the Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons, will be made by patients and physicians and courts, the federal government would have Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and not by the government or other third party unprecedented authority to change the Medi- Interventions, and Society of Gynecologic payers. care program through the new Independent We urge you to slow down, take a step Oncologists. Medicare Advisory Board and the new Center back, and change the direction of current re- STATE AND COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation. Specifi- form efforts so we get it right for our pa- Medical Association of the State of Ala- cally, these entities could arbitrarily reduce tients and our profession. We have a pre- bama, Arizona Osteopathic Medical Associa- payments to physicians for valuable, life- scription for reform that will work for all tion, California Medical Association, Medical saving care for elderly patients, reducing Americans, and we are happy to share these Society of Delaware, Medical Society of the treatment options in a dramatic way. solutions with you to improve our nation’s District of Columbia, Florida Medical Asso- The bill is devoid of real medical liability healthcare system. ciation, Medical Association of Georgia, and reform measures that reduce costs in proven Thank you for considering our views. Kansas Medical Association. demonstrable ways. Instead, it contains a Sincerely, Louisiana State Medical Society, Missouri ‘‘Sense of the Senate’’ encouraging states to Medical Association of the State of Ala- State Medical Association, Nebraska Med- develop and test alternatives to the current bama, ical Association, Medical Society of New civil litigation system as a way of addressing Medical Society of Delaware, Jersey, Ohio State Medical Association, the medical liability problem. Given the fact Medical Society of the District of Colum- South Carolina Medical Association, Texas that costs remain a significant concern, Con- bia, Medical Association, and Westchester (NY) gress should enact reasonable measures to Florida Medical Association, County Medical Society. reduce costs. The Congressional Budget Of- Medical Association of Georgia, fice (CBO) recently confirmed that enacting Kansas Medical Society, DECEMBER 7, 2009. a comprehensive set of tort reforms will save Louisiana State Medical Society, Hon. HARRY REID, the federal government $54 billion over 10 Missouri State Medical Association, Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, years. These savings could help offset in- Nebraska Medical Association, Washington, DC. creased health insurance premiums (which, Medical Society of New Jersey, DEAR SENATOR REID: The undersigned state according to the CBO, are expected to in- South Carolina Medical Association, and national specialty medical societies are crease under the bill) or other costs of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, writing you on behalf of more than 92,000 bill. American Academy of Facial Plastic and physicians in opposition to passage of the The temporary one-year SGR ‘‘patch’’ to Reconstructive Surgery, ‘‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care replace the 21.2 percent payment cut in 2010 American Association of Neurological Act’’ (H.R. 3590) and to urge you to draft a with a 0.5 percent payment increase fails to Surgeons, more targeted bill that will reform the coun- address the serious underlying problems with American Society of Breast Surgeons, try’s flawed system for financing healthcare, the current Medicare physician payment sys- American Society of General Surgeons, while preserving the best healthcare in the tem and compounds the accumulated SGR and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 273

Congress of Neurological Surgeons. the physician in the role of tax collector, and ALLIANCE OF SPECIALTY MEDICINE, Past Presidents of the American Medical raises serious patient confidentiality issues. December 2, 2009. Association: Daniel H. Johnson, Jr., MD, This bill goes a long way towards realizing Hon. HARRY REID, AMA President 1996–1997. Donald J. the goal of expanding health insurance cov- Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, Palmisano, MD, JD, FACS, AMA President erage and takes important steps to improve Washington, DC. 2003–2004. William G. Plested, III, MD, FACS, quality and explore innovative systems for DEAR MAJORITY LEADER REID: As the Alli- AMA President 2006–2007. health care delivery. Despite serious con- ance of Specialty Medicine (Alliance), our cerns, there are several provisions in the Pa- mission is to advocate for sound federal DECEMBER 1, 2009. tient Protection and Affordable Care Act of health care policy that fosters patient access Hon. HARRY REID, 2009 that the surgical community supports, to the highest quality specialty care and im- Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, strongly believes are in the best interest of proves timely access to high quality medical Washington, DC. the surgical patients, and should be main- care for all Americans. As patient and physi- DEAR LEADER REID: On behalf of the over tained in any final package. Specifically cian advocates, the Alliance believes that 240,000 surgeons and anesthesiologists we these include: health insurance market re- true health reform should be enacted represent and the millions of surgical pa- forms, including the elimination of coverage through a responsible and transparent proc- tients we treat each year, the undersigned 19 denials based on preexisting medical condi- ess. Over the past year, the Alliance has pro- vided substantive comments on those health organizations strongly support the need for tions and guaranteed availability and renew- reform provisions that concern specialty national health care reform and share the ability of health insurance coverage; physicians and patients in their care. We are Senate’s commitment to make affordable strengthening patient access to emergency extremely concerned that your substitute quality health care more accessible to all and trauma care by ensuring the survival of amendment, the ‘‘Patient Protection and Af- Americans. As you know, we have been trauma centers, developing regionalized sys- fordable Care Act,’’ to H.R. 3590, fails to ad- working diligently and in good faith with the tems of care to optimize patient outcomes, dress our previously mentioned concerns. Senate during the past year and have pro- and improving emergency care for children; Therefore, we oppose the substitute amend- vided input at various stages in the process well-designed clinical comparative effective- ment in its current form. We stand ready to of drafting the Senate’s health care reform ness research, conducted through an inde- bill. To this end, we have reviewed the Pa- work with you to address the issues, outlined pendent institute and not used for deter- below, that continue to concern us. tient Protection and Affordable Care Act of mining medical necessity or making cov- 2009. erage and payment decisions or rec- PHYSICIAN PAYMENT UPDATE (SECTION 3101) As you may recall, on November 4 our coa- ommendations; and the exclusion of Medicare’s sustainable growth rate (SGR) lition sent you a letter outlining a number of ultrasound from the increase in the utiliza- formula needs to be replaced with a perma- serious concerns that needed to be addressed tion rate for calculating the payment for im- nent, stable mechanism for updating Medi- to ensure that any final health care reform aging services. care fees to continue to assure Medicare ben- eficiary access to high quality care. Rather package would be built on a solid foundation Further, while redistribution of unused than come back year after year, providing a in the best interest of our patients. Since residency positions to general surgery is a short-term fix to this large problem, we those concerns have not been adequately ad- positive step in addressing the predicted dressed, as detailed below, we must oppose must stop utilizing band-aid solutions and shortage in the surgical workforce, we be- establish a new baseline for physician reim- the legislation as currently written. lieve that the Senate should look more We oppose: bursement. President Obama agreed with broadly at the issue of limits on residency that proposal when he sent this year’s budg- Establishment and proposed implementa- positions for all specialties that work in the tion of an Independent Medicare Advisory et to the Congress. The cost of interim up- surgical setting that are also facing severe dates to the physician fee schedule should Board whose recommendations could become workforce problems. law without congressional action; not be shifted to out years, making perma- Mandatory participation in a seriously Finally, we are pleased that you have ac- nent SGR reform even more difficult, and flawed Physician Quality Reporting Initia- cepted our suggestion and removed language costly, to achieve. Already, as a result of tive (PQRI) program with penalties for non- which would reduce payments to physicians previous interim updates, physicians cur- participation; who are found to have the highest utilization rently face a 21% fee reduction beginning in Budget-neutral bonus payments to primary of resources—without regard to the acuity of January 2010. Medicare physician payment care physicians and rural general surgeons; the patient’s physical condition or the com- rates already are below market rates. There- Creation of a budget-neutral value-based plexity of the care being provided. We thank fore, any long-term solution should, at the payment modifier which CMS does not have you for making this important change. very least, recognize reasonable inflationary the capability to implement and places the While we must oppose the Patient Protec- cost increases. provision on an unrealistic and unachievable tion and Affordable Care Act as currently VALUE-BASED PHYSICIAN PAYMENT MODIFIER timeline; written, the surgical coalition is committed (SECTION 3007) Requirement that physicians pay an appli- to the passage of meaningful and comprehen- Rather than create a stable physician pay- cation fee to cover a background check for sive health care reform that is in the best in- ment schedule, Section 3007 would dramati- participation in Medicare despite already terest of our patients. We are committed to cally alter the current payment system by being obligated to meet considerable require- working with you to make critical changes adding a new, untested payment modifier ments of training, licensure, and board cer- that are vital to ensuring that this legisla- that would redistribute Medicare payments tification; tion is based on sound policy, and that it will based on quality and geographic cost vari- Relying solely on the limited recommenda- have a long-term positive impact on patient ation, without a more systematic review of tions of the United States Preventive Serv- access to safe and effective high-quality sur- the potential consequences. While the Center ices Task Force (USPSTF) in determining a gical care. for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) minimum coverage standard for preventive Sincerely, has been testing various models in this area, services and associated cost-sharing protec- American Academy of Facial Plastic and CMS does not have the current capability to tions; Reconstructive Surgery, American Academy implement such a proposal and no valid The so-called ‘‘non-discrimination in of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, methodology that incorporates appropriate health care’’ provision that would create pa- American Association of Neurological Sur- risk adjustment factors and outcome meas- tient confusion over greatly differing levels geons, American Association of Orthopaedic ures even exists. Furthermore, there are of education, skills and training among Surgeons, American College of Obstetricians many reasons for geographic cost variation, health care professionals while inappropri- and Gynecologists, American College of Os- including differences in population demo- ately interjecting civil rights concepts into teopathic Surgeons, American College of graphics that merit significantly more study state scope of practice laws; Surgeons, American Osteopathic Academy of before such a measure could be implemented. The absence of a permanent fix to Medi- Orthopedics, American Society of Anesthe- Therefore, rather than add stability to the care’s broken physician payment system and siologists, American Society of Breast Sur- physician payment mechanism, the proposal any meaningful proven medical liability re- geons, American Society of Cataract and Re- would create yet more instability with an forms; and fractive Surgery, American Society of Colon unrealistic and unachievable timeline. The last-minute addition of the excise tax and Rectal Surgeons, American Society for CMS should be allowed to fully test models on elective cosmetic medical procedures. Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, American for value-based payment and determine This tax discriminates against women and Society of Plastic Surgeons, American which system would achieve maximum ben- the middle class. Experience at the state Urological Association, Congress of Neuro- efit before further modification of a flawed level has demonstrated that it is a failed pol- logical Surgeons, Society for Vascular Sur- Medicare physician payment formula. There icy which will not result in the projected gery, Society of American Gastrointestinal is widespread agreement that the current revenue. Furthermore, this provision is arbi- and Endoscopic Surgeons, Society of SGR process results in arbitrary and dam- trary, difficult to administer, unfairly puts Gynecologic Oncologists. aging cuts to Medicare physician payment.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 We cannot achieve a reliable or stable incen- ings into specific areas, such as provider re- tion of such a tax is arbitrary and confusing tive for quality care by modifying arbi- imbursement. We certainly understand and to administer. trarily—and arbitrarily changing—reim- appreciate concerns with the rising costs of PROVISIONS IMPORTANT TO MAINTAIN IN ANY bursement rates. And because this new modi- health care. But this is not the way to ap- HEALTH CARE REFORM fier in Section 3007 would be budget neutral, proach this problem. Rather than develop a We applaud many of the provisions in your some providers would face the dual blow of coherent proposal to appropriately address substitute amendment that improve access arbitrary SGR cuts and neutrality-imposed the issue, the proposal contained in the sub- to health insurance and believe a number of value-based purchasing cuts. stitute amendment abdicates Congress’ fun- provisions must be included in any meaning- PAYMENT CUTS FOR SPECIALTY CARE (SECTION damental responsibility and instead hopes ful health reform package to improve access 5101) that others can develop additional solutions to affordable health insurance and assure ac- and then allows them to be implemented. If While we understand the potential need to cess to specialty medicine. Those provisions we go forward with this process, there will be increase the payment rates of primary care included in your substitute amendment that myriad unintended consequences, including physicians, many surgical and specialty we believe should be maintained include restricting access to important interventions medicine disciplines have faced significant eliminating pre-existing condition exclu- and services for Medicare patients. You cuts over the years while primary care fees sions, providing adequate access to specialty should not allow important health care deci- have increased. As Medicare payments have care through the benefit package, addressing sions to be made with little clinical exper- continued their steady decline over the past rescission of health coverage, ensuring con- tise, resources or oversight required to en- few years, reimbursement for primary care tinuity in Medicaid coverage for children sure that seniors are not placed in jeopardy. services has actually increased. For example, who go in and out of the system, and prohib- CMS recently approved a more than $4 bil- MEDICAL LIABILITY REFORM (SECTION 6801) iting annual and lifetime coverage limits. lion increase in the fee schedule for primary We remain concerned that the current In addition, the Alliance is pleased that care services, as well as a 37 percent increase health care proposal before us does not ad- your legislation includes a provision to ex- in one key code used by primary care physi- dress our broken medical liability system. pand comparative effectiveness research cians. In its March 2009 report, MedPAC Medical liability reform will help achieve (CER). Like you, the Alliance believes appro- noted that Medicare payments for primary health system savings by reducing the incen- priately designed CER conducted by an inde- care have increased 10.6 percent between 2006 tives for defensive medicine and it will also pendent entity with full participation of all and 2009. And these changes will continue in protect physicians from unaffordable liabil- relevant stakeholders should enhance infor- the future. Indeed, under the 2010 Medicare ity premiums. Last fall, President Obama mation about treatment options and out- Physician Fee Schedule, reimbursement for stated in the New England Journal of Medi- comes for patients and physicians, helping primary care physicians will increase be- cine that he would be ‘‘open to additional them to choose the care that best meets the tween 2–4 percent. measures to curb malpractice suits and re- individual needs of the patient. CER needs to While primary care payments have been duce the cost of malpractice insurance.’’ recognize the diversity, including racial and increasing, specialty care payments have Earlier this year, at the American Medical ethnic diversity, of patient populations and been decreasing. Since 1992, specialists have Association’s Annual Meeting, the President subpopulations and communicate results in seen significant reductions in the fees they also noted that we will not be able to imple- ways that reflect the differences in indi- receive for procedural services. Although ment changes in our health care delivery vidual patient needs. It should not be a vehi- modest increases may have been provided for system that reflect best practices, cle for making centralized coverage and pay- physician services in recent years, they have incentivize excellence and close cost dispari- ment decisions or recommendations. not kept up with the rate of inflation nor ties ‘‘if doctors feel like they are constantly The Alliance also appreciates the elimi- have all physicians seen increases. In fact, looking over their shoulder for fear of law- nation of a provision which would automati- many surgical services were cut again in 2008 suits.’’ With a President that understands cally reduce payment rates by 5% for physi- and a number of specialties are facing addi- the need for medical liability reform, we do cian services if they are deemed ‘‘outliers’’, tional cuts in 2010 as a result of changes CMS not understand why your proposal only in- regardless of patient acuity or other key fac- has made in the fee schedule. Specialists cludes a Sense of the Senate on the topic. tors. continue to lose more ground in the fees We would prefer a more comprehensive ap- Finally, we appreciate that you addressed they receive for serving Medicare bene- proach to this dire problem, such as federal our concerns related to imaging services and ficiaries while their practice costs continue medical liability reform based on the Cali- clarified that the definition of advanced im- to steadily rise. This is particularly trou- fornia or Texas models, which include, aging does not include ultrasound as it re- bling because much of the funding for this among other things, reasonable limits on lates to the increase in the utilization rate health care reform proposal already relies on non-economic damages. As you are aware the for imaging services. cuts to Medicare and to the physicians that Congressional Budget Office recently scored Thank you for commitment and leadership provide those key services. Additional cuts comprehensive and proven medical liability on this issue. Physicians are an integral part will likely result in decreased patient access reforms, similar to those above, as saving of the health care system and are on the to critical health care services. With a short- the federal government $54 billion over the front lines of patient care. The Alliance fall of 49,000 surgeons and other specialists next decade. In addition to this savings, hopes you will work with us to improve the predicted by the year 2025, we can ill-afford these reforms will also improve patient ac- Senate health reform package. to further exacerbate the access to care cess to specialty care, particularly in rural Sincerely, problem. and underserved areas. However, at the very American Association of Neurological least, we should do something in this area, Surgeons; American Association of INDEPENDENT MEDICARE ADVISORY BOARD Orthopaedic Surgeons; American Soci- (SECTION 3403) and there are several bipartisan proposals which we should debate, consider, and then ety of Cataract and Refractive Sur- Congress should retain proper oversight of include within a comprehensive health care gery; American Urological Association; the process that determines how services are reform package. Coalition of State Rheumatology Orga- provided under Medicare and not relegate it nizations; Congress of Neurological to another entity. If the goal of a new Advi- EXCISE TAX ON CERTAIN ELECTIVE MEDICAL Surgeons; Heart Rhythm Society; Na- sory Board is to find new ways to eliminate PROCEDURES (SECTION 9017) tional Association of Spine Specialists; spending in the Medicare program, the end Physicians strongly oppose taxes on dis- Society for Cardiovascular result may well be detrimental to patient tinctive physician services to fund health Angiography and Interventions. care for our nation’s elderly. Already, Medi- care programs or to pay for health care re- care reimbursement rates are well below form and we therefore are extremely con- AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMA- market rates for similar services. And yet, cerned by the last minute addition of the tax TOLOGY AND AAD ASSOCIATION, the solution seems to be to further ratchet on elective cosmetic surgery and medical Washington, DC, Nov. 20, 2009. down the costs, without oversight, without procedures. This is a dangerous precedent to Hon. HARRY REID, care to ensure that our seniors receive the set as it places physicians in the role of tax Majority Leader, U.S. Senate, care that they deserve. Further, the con- collector, compromises patient safety by en- Washington, DC. struct of the Board seems to selectively ex- couraging individuals to circumvent the tax Hon. MAX BAUCUS, empt certain providers from its purview— by seeking procedures from non-medical per- Chairman, Senate Finance Committee, placing more pressure to cut Medicare in sonnel or providers in other countries, and U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. those areas under its jurisdiction. There is jeopardizes patient privacy by opening physi- Hon. TOM HARKIN, no question we need to improve the Medicare cian practices up to IRS audits. Further- Chairman, Senate HELP Committee, program to make it sustainable well into the more, once in place, we fear that this tax U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. future. However, Medicare cannot be ‘‘fixed’’ could easily be expanded to other health care DEAR LEADER REID, CHAIRMAN BAUCUS, AND when we do not look at the whole program, services. As demonstrated by New Jersey’s CHAIRMAN HARKIN: On behalf of the American but rather, chop it up and force program sav- experience with a similar tax, the applica- Academy of Dermatology Association

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 275 (AADA), which represents nearly 12,000 der- flict with several of our principles for re- the Senate on December 16, 2009, during matologists and our patients across the form. consideration of the health care reform country, I am writing to state that we are Tax on Cosmetic Surgical and Medical Pro- bill that permitted Senator SANDERS to opposed to S. 3590, the Patient Protection cedures—In an effort to offset the cost of unilaterally withdraw his amendment and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), in its cur- this legislation, PPACA would impose a cos- rent form. This legislation simply contains metic procedure tax that disproportionately during its reading. too many flawed provisions and policies that affects women and the middle class. Further- There being no objection, the mate- will harm vulnerable patient populations, more, this tax inserts the federal govern- rial was ordered to be printed in the undermine ongoing quality improvement ef- ment into the physician-patient relationship RECORD, as follows: forts, leave in place an unstable physician in a new way—specifically, the Internal Rev- U.S. SENATE, payment system, and exacerbate physician enue Service will become an arbiter of what Washington, DC, January 8, 2010. workforce shortages—jeopardizing access to is cosmetic and what is medically necessary. ALAN FRUMIN, quality health care. Under the proposed language, an HIV-in- Parliamentarian of the Senate, U.S. Senate, We are extremely disappointed to have fected patient with severe and stigmatizing Washington, DC. reached this decision, because AADA fully lipoatrophy (loss of facial fat) resulting from DEAR MR. FRUMIN: I write to express my supports meaningful and comprehensive their antiviral medications might be taxed dismay with the situation that occurred in health system reform that achieves our for seeking to reduce their social stigmatiza- the Senate on Wednesday, December, 16th, shared goals of improving the health care de- tion and return their face to a normal shape. 2009, regarding Sanders Amendment No. 2837. livery system and providing coverage for Public Reporting—We have extensively Specifically, I refer to the ruling that per- more Americans. We are serious about participated in quality measure development mitted Senator Sanders to unilaterally with- achieving reform—after working closely and supported incentives for physician par- draw his amendment during its reading. This with leadership on the House side and find- ticipation. However, several unresolved prob- ruling had immediate, untoward, and severe ing that H.R. 3961 and H.R. 3962 comport with lems still make public reporting of perform- ramifications for consideration of highly most of our principles for reform, we indeed ance results premature. Our ability to assess consequential legislation. issued letters supporting the key provisions comparative quality from claims data and to After thorough research into the matter, I of those bills. Early this year, AADA readily risk-adjust any measures to reflect different firmly believe the Chair incorrectly applied embraced the Senate’s offer to work as con- patient populations is still in its infancy. Re- Senate rules and precedents to permit Sen- structive partners in finding the common leasing performance measures to the public ator Sanders to withdraw the amendment. In ground that would serve as the foundation of before physicians have had the opportunity doing so, the Chair cited a 1992 circumstance meaningful health system reform. On several to advance this science and build trust in a in which Senator Adams was allowed to occasions, AADA submitted thoughtful, con- system to properly account for variations in withdraw an amendment during its reading, structive comments on numerous proposed patient populations has substantial risk. In without unanimous consent. While this par- reform components, and subsequent legisla- particular, the physician profiling that will ticular precedent has generated a significant tive provisions, in an effort to work in a col- result from such a premature data release amount of controversy in its own right, in laborative fashion. However, PPACA has will discourage physicians from taking on this case it has only served to distract from made it clear that the majority of our input the sickest, most vulnerable patients and the central issue at hand: even if the 1992 has been dismissed. those with complex medical and social condi- procedure were a proper precedent, it cannot AADA is on record with the Senate in op- tions. This can only serve to exacerbate be used to justify the withdrawal of the position to the following key provisions: health care disparities and create new bar- Sanders amendment. Unlike the situation in 1992, consideration The Independent Medicare Commission— riers to care for those patients who are most of Senator Sanders’ amendment was gov- This commission removes public account- in need. erned by a unanimous consent order. The ability and Congressional oversight of Medi- AADA has previously submitted comments order not only sequenced the amendment but care payment policy. Even more troubling is related to additional policies, including the provided that no further amendments could the exemption of hospitals from the Commis- value-based physician payment modifier, the be proposed to the Sanders amendment. In sion’s jurisdiction, forcing physicians to bear lack of any meaningful provision related to calling up his amendment, Senator Sanders the costs of Medicare Part A inefficiencies. the reform of our nation’s unbalanced med- expressly stated that he was doing so pursu- It is unreasonable to expect that the cost ical liability system, and others in its prior ant to the order. A 1971 precedent reflects curve can be bent solely within the Medicare communications. well-established Senate practice: ‘‘when the part B silo. Our nation’s doctors and patients are in Senate is operating under a unanimous con- Misvalued Relative Value Units—This pro- need of health care system reform—reform sent agreement or setting time for debate of vision creates an unnecessary, duplicative that can happen if we work together to cre- a specific amendment that is action by the bureaucratic layer. CMS and the RUC are al- ate a system that embraces the principles of Senate on said amendment and subsequently ready engaged in extensive efforts to review quality care, efficient use of resources, and a it would take unanimous consent to with- and correct RVUs that no longer reflect patient-centered approach to practicing draw the same.’’ If this practice had been fol- practice realities, and this existing process medicine. We are deeply disappointed to find lowed, Senator Sanders would not have been continues to bring about substantial changes ourselves with a Senate bill which fails to able to withdraw the amendment as a matter without the need for a duplicative and new address several of the concerns we have of right. Instead, he needed to propound a panel. raised, and it is regrettable that our efforts unanimous consent request, which he did Failure to Address Physician Payment— at collaborative dialogue have not resulted not. Be assured, consent would not have been This legislation seeks to ‘‘transform the in a bill that we can support. granted. health care delivery system,’’ which would We urge you to work with us to arrive at Following the ruling on December 16, your require physicians to make substantial a legislative proposal that is consistent with office justified Senator Sanders’ unilateral changes in their practices. However, the bill our specialty’s principles for health system withdrawal of his amendment, even in the offers yet another short term solution to a reform—principles which are widely shared face of the order, by claiming that the re- fundamentally flawed physician payment by the physician community. AADA believes strictions under a UC agreement for with- system. Without a stable payment system, it is incumbent upon every health care pro- drawing an amendment are not imposed physicians will be unable to make the long- vider to commit to being responsible stew- until after an amendment is pending. And term investments required to implement ards of the nation’s health care resources. you assert that the Sanders amendment health system reform and continue to mod- The challenge is finding the balance between could not be considered pending until the ernize their practices. The abject failure to fiscal prudence, delivering high quality care, reading had been completed. I cannot find a recognize the need for real long- term reform and preserving the trusted physician-patient basis for this explanation in Senate rules or demonstrates a misunderstanding of physi- relationship. Please feel free to contact John precedents. cian practice costs, including the employ- Hedstrom ([email protected]) in the Acad- The assertion that the Sanders amendment ment of millions of Americans in these small emy’s Washington office at (202) 842–3555. was somehow not pending is illogical. A well- businesses, and will inhibit transformation Sincerely, established practice, as expressed in a 1943 in the health care delivery system. We hope DAVID M. PARISER, MD, FAAD, precedent, states ‘‘the amendment must be that the Senate will follow the House’s lead President. before the Senate to be withdrawn.’’ Thus, and pass a complete repeal of the Sustain- Mr. COBURN. Mr. President. I ask for the Sanders amendment to be withdrawn, able Growth Rate formula. unanimous consent to have printed in it had to have been pending. If the amend- While we are appreciative of changes made ment were not pending, and thus not subject the RECORD the following letter I sent to the resource use and PQRI provisions, to the order, it should not have been in order that positive movement was negated by the to Mr. Alan Frumin, Parliamentarian to withdraw it. inclusion of new provisions in PPACA that of the U.S. Senate, on January 8, 2010, A 1979 precedent definitively demonstrates have the potential to harm patients and con- regarding the ruling that occurred in when an amendment must be considered

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 pending. On December 10, 1979, Senator Roth it had a major adverse impact on a monu- town police force, has informed officials of of Delaware offered a second degree amend- mental piece of legislation. his decision to retire in the fall. ment to an amendment from Senator Ste- Sincerely, The 54-year-old Gauthier, appointed to the vens of Alaska. Objection was entered to dis- TOM A. COBURN, M.D., post in 1998, will reach the age of 55 and his pensing with the reading of the Roth amend- U.S. Senator. 30th anniversary with the Bennington Police ment. Upon a parliamentary inquiry during Department in September. f the reading, the Chair twice affirmatively ‘‘I do have other goals that I want to stated that the amendment being read was TRIBUTE TO RICHARD GAUTHIER achieve, and that would be a good time to the ‘‘pending amendment’’ and the ‘‘pending start that,’’ Gauthier said Wednesday in his order of business.’’ Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today I downtown office. ‘‘When I came on 30 years Specifically, the Chair expressed the fol- would like to recognize Richard ago when I was 25, I made up my mind at lowing: ‘‘The Chair would advise that the Gauthier, Chief of Police in that point that I was going to finish here if amendment offered by the Senator from Bennington, VT. Mr. Gauthier has been at all possible, and that’s what happened.’’ Delaware is the pending order of business. A saving lives and protecting Vermont Gauthier joined the force two days after unanimous consent request that the reading communities for nearly 30 years. his 25th birthday, as a patrol officer. Six of the amendment be dispensed with was ob- Chief Gauthier began his career with years later, he joined the Bureau of Criminal jected to. Therefore, the amendment is in the Bennington Police Department in Investigations. After 12 years, and having the process of being read and now will be reached the rank of sergeant, Gauthier was read.’’ 1980 after graduating from the Vermont tapped by Town Manager Stuart A. Hurd to One can clearly draw two inferences from Police Academy in Pittsford. Six years replace former Chief David Wooden. this ruling that demonstrate once an amend- later, he was promoted to detective, ‘‘He was, I think, in the end, an excellent ment is offered, it is pending: and in 1998, he was named chief of the appointment. It was one of my first major 1. If the amendment were not pending, the department, a position he has held for appointments I had to face as town manager Chair would have stated that the order of the past 12 years. and, believe me, I was very, very nervous business would be the reading of the amend- Chief Gauthier received his bach- about it,’’ Hurd said Wednesday. ment, not the amendment itself. Instead, the elor’s degree from Southern Vermont ‘‘I say, more power to him. I certainly hate Chair stated that the pending order of busi- to lose him, and I think it’s going to be an ness was the amendment, which was being College in 1991, and later attended the interesting process to try and replace him,’’ read. FBI National Academy. He also holds a he said. ‘‘Overall, there isn’t anything bad 2. Furthermore, if the Roth amendment master’s degree in criminal justice ad- you can say about Rick Gauthier.’’ were not yet pending, the Chair would have ministration from Norwich University. Gauthier said his initial goal in police stated the pending amendment was the un- As chief, he has led by example and work was to become a detective, but his am- derlying Stevens amendment. However, the consistently sought to improve the de- bitions grew as he ascended the ranks of the Chair announced that the pending amend- partment, encouraging officers to seek department. ment was the Roth amendment. additional education, improve their ‘‘That was as far forward as I was thinking Based on this precedent, which is directly at the time,’’ Gauthier said. ‘‘Later on, after on point and controlling, I believe it is con- training and better their performance. I had been at (the Bureau of Criminal Inves- clusive that the Sanders amendment was, in He currently teaches courses in crimi- tigation) for a while, I began entertaining fact, pending, thereby triggering the limita- nal justice at Southern Vermont Col- the potential, but I was still surprised when tions imposed by a consent order. Because an lege, his alma mater, where one former I was actually chosen.’’ order applied, ‘‘action’’ had been taken on student described him as ‘‘a phe- Hurd said Gauthier was selected from a the amendment. Therefore, Senator Sanders nomenal educator.’’ group of three internal candidates. Gauthier should have needed unanimous consent to During his time as chief, he has over- had a degree in criminal justice and as head withdraw his amendment. seen a number of positive changes in of the police union had worked well with If the amendment had been fully read, its town officials, Hurd said. disposition would have carried over until the the department and in the community ‘‘He brought all of those skills and all of next calendar day. That is what should have including the formation of the those management styles, and in a sense, happened if Senate procedures were properly Bennington County Child Advocacy balance, to the police chief job in applied. Senators from both parties vividly Center/Special Victims Unit, of which Bennington,’’ he said. understand that the Parliamentarian’s ad- he is a founding member. He also led Locals involved in the legal system had vice in this matter may have been greatly efforts to specialize police investiga- also vouched for him, Gauthier said. consequential for the consideration of health tion into drugs and gangs, and man- ‘‘In talking with people in the law enforce- care legislation. aged the department’s move to a new ment field—the state’s attorney’s office, law- Finally, it is disturbing to know that the yers who had worked with him—he really only entities privy to the operative consider- police headquarters. A celebrated law seemed to be heads and tails above every- ations underlying the ruling were your office enforcement officer, Chief Gauthier re- body else in terms of his knowledge in police and the majority party. Senator Cardin, who ceived the Vermont VFW Law Enforce- work,’’ Hurd said. presided at the time of the ruling, submitted ment Officer of the Year in 2005 and the For Gauthier, the highlight of his career in into the Record on December 21, 2009 a state- Vermont Commissioner’s Award for Bennington has been the ‘‘ability to help ment that mentioned the 1992 and 1950 prece- Service to Children and Families. people out that desperately need it at the dents, supplied by your office, to attempt to Chief Gauthier will celebrate 30 years time.’’ As chief, being able to shape the de- justify his ruling. of service in September, and plans to partment and focus improvements on train- Unfortunately, at the time of the ruling, I ing, equipment and the professionalism of had no way of knowing about the 1992 Adams step down as Chief of Police. I com- the department has been most rewarding, he precedent since it occurred after the latest mend Chief Gauthier for his dedication said. edition of Riddick’s Senate Procedure was to the city of Bennington and the State Gauthier said the department has made published. Furthermore, the 1950 precedent of Vermont. He has selflessly given so substantial in those areas because of a qual- was inaccurately depicted in Riddick’s, with much to his community. ity command staff. ‘‘I have what I consider the text of Riddick’s contradicting the ac- I ask unanimous consent that a story to be a superior staff, a superior supervisory tual precedent cited. Had all the precedents from The Bennington Banner about staff, and certainly this is a team effort,’’ he been commonly available in a reliable and Chief Gauthier’s career be printed in said ‘‘We are where we are because we have updated form, Senators could have had a all worked together and done well.’’ basis to challenge the Sanders ruling in real the RECORD. A strong relationship with other town offi- time. By the time the dust had settled after There being no objection, the mate- cials has helped, too, Gauthier said. the ruling, as Senators struggled to parse rial was ordered to be printed in the ‘‘I’m kind of the envy of a lot of other what had happened, such a challenge was RECORD, as follows: chiefs around the state. My relationship with long moot. In any event, neither of these [From the Bennington Banner, Jan. 6, 2010] (Hurd) is excellent. We’ve disagreed on a cou- precedents arose in the context of a consent ple of things, but the disagreements have al- BPD’S CHIEF GAUTHIER RETIRING: 30-YEAR order. I therefore believe the precedents were ways been kind of minor,’’ Gauthier said. VETERAN OF FORCE PLANS TO STEP DOWN IN off-point and inapplicable. ‘‘I’ve also had what I consider to be a very SEPTEMBER You are a man of integrity, are a dedicated supportive select board, regardless of the public servant, and hold the rules and prece- (By Neal P. Goswami) members changing.’’ dents of the Senate in high regard. However, BENNINGTON.—Bennington Police Chief Hurd agreed that any disagreements the I believe this ruling was incorrect, and that Richard Gauthier, a longtime member of the two have had have been ‘‘nothing of merit.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 277 ‘‘He’s always been a part of the team. He’s of the longest serving fire chiefs in the 2008, was a member of the Bristol Fire De- never been sort of egocentric, or sort of self- Nation. partment for 62 years and was chief for 14 of centered. During his time as the chief, Jack- those years. Eight of Ralph Jackman’s ‘‘He’s always been willing to step up when man saw many changes at the fire de- grandchildren are firefighters. tough budget times are necessary, and people Jackman was one of the nation’s longest have to look at their budgets very hard and partment. The department grew im- serving fire chiefs, and he was often in the make tough decisions,’’ Hurd said. mensely— doubling the number of fire- forefront of Vermont firefighting innova- Gauthier said he has tried to encourage the fighters and tripling the number of ve- tions, Bouvier said. Under Jackman, the officers he commands to ‘‘seek constant im- hicles. He oversaw the establishment of Vergennes Fire Department was the first to provement,’’ and hopes that will be a lasting a cadet program and the construction acquire a hose-reel truck and the first to es- legacy with the department. of a new fire station. He also found tablish a cadet program. ‘‘I hope that if I leave anything here, it’s As great a contribution Jackman made to time for a variety of community serv- the Vergennes Fire Department, he thought that continuous quest to improve all the ice activities, including serving as the time—improve yourself educationally, im- of all the city’s residents, Bouvier said. He’d prove your performance as an officer, im- two-time president of the Vermont give fuel oil to needy residents during the prove your training.’’ State Firefighters Association. time he owned a fuel business. Somebody He has followed his own advice, earning a Throughout his entire career, Jackman else might get a warm coat from him, and he master’s degree while serving as chief, and was in the thick of the action, respond- was heavily involved in a variety of chari- may pursue a doctorate degree following his ing to emergency calls and managing table organizations until the end of his life, retirement. Bouvier said. the volunteer department’s operations. The Rev. Yvon Royer, officiating at the Employment outside of law enforcement is Chief Jackman’s family had fire- Mass, also took note of Jackman’s lifelong likely, Gauthier said, who already teaches fighting in its blood. Jackman’s twin contributions. ‘‘He was a true icon of the courses at Southern Vermont College. He re- brother Fred, who passed away in 2008, community. It was a respect that was mains coy, however, about his full plans. earned,’’ Royer said. ‘‘I’ve got a number of irons in the fire, and as was a member of the Bristol Fire De- partment for 62 years, including 14 After the service, with an honor guard of I get closer to my actual retirement date, it firefighters saluting, Jackman’s American will become clearer which one is the way I years as that department’s chief. Chief flag-draped coffin was loaded onto the back should go,’’ he said. Jackman’s wife, as well as his five of Vergennes Fire Pumper Truck 316. Led by Hurd said he intends to first look within daughters, helped the Vergennes Vol- a contingent of Vergennes firefighters and the department to find Gauthier’s replace- unteer Fire Department throughout his followed by Jackman’s family and friends, ment. The hope is to have someone on board career. And eight of Chief Jackman’s the truck bearing the coffin rolled slowly up at least 30 days before Gauthier departs, he grandchildren are now firefighters. Maple Street, turned right on Main, then said. right again onto Green Street to the The search, once it begins, is expected to My wife, Marcelle, and I wish to ex- press our deepest condolences to Chief Vergennes fire station. take at least two months. Hurd said he will The fire truck, parked in front of the sta- create a review panel composed of himself, Jackman’s wife, Myrle Jackman, his tion, then blasted its horn three times to some select board members and possibly immediate family and his extended ceremonially mark Jackman’s final alarm. former Vermont State Police Director James family in the fire service community f Baker or former Bennington County Sheriff throughout Vermont. They are rightly Gary Forrest. The panel will interview po- proud of Chief Jackman’s long and dis- 2010 NATIONAL AMBASSADOR FOR tential candidates, compare resumes to the tinguished career and the legacy he has YOUNG PEOPLE’S LITERATURE job requirements and conduct a ‘‘deep ref- erence check.’’ left behind in Vergennes and Vermont. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I am ‘‘You’re looking for somebody who under- I ask unanimous consent that a story pleased that this month Katherine stands the law, but you’re looking for some- from The Burlington Free Press about Paterson of Barre, VT, has been named body who has the personality to command Chief Jackman’s storied career be the 2010 National Ambassador for but also to lead. I think there is a bit of a printed in the RECORD. Young People’s Literature. Her books, difference. You can be a good commander, There being no objection, the mate- which include ‘‘A Bridge to but you might not be a good leader,’’ Hurd rial was ordered to be printed in the Terabithia,’’ ‘‘Jacob Have I Loved,’’ said. ‘‘Hopefully, I’ll be able to find some- RECORD, as follows: and ‘‘Bread and Roses Too,’’ motivate body with similar management skills and personality.’’ [From the Burlington Free Press, Jan. 7, young readers to become excited about At least two members of the department 2010] reading and understand struggles and are interested in the position, according to LAST CALL FOR CHIEF JACKMAN: HUNDREDS joy in their own lives. She has long in- people familiar with their thinking. Lt. Paul ATTEND FUNERAL spired readers in Vermont and across Doucette, currently second in the depart- (By Matt Sutkoski) the country to make reading a daily ment’s chain of command, and Detective VERGENNES.—Ralph Jackman made his last part of their lives. Sgt. David S. Rowland, the third highest fire call Wednesday. Reading at a young age can have a ranking officer in the department, have ex- Jackman was chief of the Vergennes Fire dramatic impact on a child’s ability to pressed interest, sources said. Department from 1954 until November—55 succeed and learn more than can be Hurd said he doesn’t expect any long-term years. He died Saturday at the age of 85. taught in a classroom. In my home negative impact from the internal search. ‘‘If Services were held for him Wednesday morn- you’re goal is to stay and work and be a lead- ing. town of Montpelier, VT, the Kellogg- er in Bennington then you’re going to have Family, friends and more than 200 fire- Hubbard Library serves as the center of to take some disappointment, because fighters crowded into St. Peter’s Catholic the community to many local children. there’s only going to be one chief. I’m pre- Church for the services. The firefighters When I am home, I love seeing children pared for that, and I think I’ll be able to deal came from surrounding towns and distant flood the library after school and bor- with it.’’ communities—Addison, Whiting, Bristol, row new and exciting books or choose Cabot, Burlington, Shrewsbury, East Mont- f to reread old favorites. pelier, even Nashua, N.H. Despite what I witness at my local At the service, Mark Bouvier of the Bristol REMEMBERING CHIEF RALPH Vermont library, reading rates among JACKMAN Fire Department said Jackman’s whole fam- ily helped with the chief’s decades-long ca- children today are on the decline, Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I rise reer. He had five daughters, and when they which makes Ms. Paterson’s role as Na- today to pay tribute to a dedicated were growing up and a fire call came into the tional Ambassador even more crucial public servant in Vermont who passed Jackman home in the middle of the night, as she tours the country to attract away earlier this month. everyone sprang into action. One daughter new, young readers. I cannot think of a Ralph Jackman joined the Vergennes would answer the phone, others would make better suited choice for this chal- Volunteer Fire Department in 1947, and sure his gear was ready for him; another lenging role, and I congratulate her on would open the garage door. ‘‘He needed all took over the helm as chief of the de- his daughters to get ready for fire calls,’’ her appointment. On a personal note, partment in 1954. Some 55 years later, Bouvier said. Marcelle and I have valued our years of in November 2009, he stepped down Firefighting runs in the Jackman family friendship with Katherine and John from his post—widely recognized as one blood. His twin brother Fred, who died in Paterson.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 I ask unanimous consent to have ‘‘Read for your life,’’ Paterson told the passed the Newland Reclamation Act printed in the RECORD a January 6, young people in the audience.‘‘Read for your that changed the landscape of arid 2010, Washington Post article about life as a member of a family, as a part of a Western States. Part of the 1902 act, this year’s National Ambassador for community, as a citizen of this country and which created the Reclamation Serv- a citizen of the world.’’ Young People’s Literature. Meanwhile, reading rates among young ice, included funding for a dam in a There being no objection, the mate- people are in decline, while there has been an narrow, 70-foot gorge in the Shoshone rial was ordered to be printed in the uptick in reading among adults, according to Canyon, 6 miles from Cody, WY. RECORD, as follows: the latest figures released by the National The construction of the Shoshone [From the Washington Post, Jan. 6, 2010] Endowment for the Arts. Just over half of 9- Dam began in 1905. Workers used 78,576 year-olds, fewer than a third of 13-year-olds KATHERINE PATERSON NAMED NATIONAL AM- cubic feet of rubble concrete to build and about one-in-five 17-year-olds read al- BASSADOR FOR YOUNG PEOPLE’S LITERATURE the massive structure. When work was most every day for fun, the NEA reported in (By David Montgomery) 2007. completed on January 15, 1910, the Sho- The Stinky Cheese Man has been replaced The ambassador’s responsibilities amount shone Dam was the world’s highest by the Queen of Terabithia. to making appearances at major book events concrete arch dam at 325 feet. The They have nothing in common, these two, around the country to evangelize for young total bill for the dam was $1,345,000. and yet everything in common. Tuesday reading—which Paterson has been doing for Water from the Shoshone River filled morning in the Library of Congress, with ele- 30 years. ‘‘It will sound a little fancier now a reservoir that covered an area 10 mentary school children as witnesses, the that I have this medal,’’ she said. miles long and 4 miles wide—over ceremony of succession was accomplished A selection committee of children’s book 300,000 acres of land. Promotional bro- experts and the outgoing ambassador rec- and a proud nation with so-so reading habits chures published during the early years got a new National Ambassador for Young ommended Paterson to Billington. Sponsors People’s Literature. of the ambassador program include the li- boasted that the dam and reservoir cre- She is Katherine Paterson, the award-win- brary’s Center for the Book and the Chil- ated a ‘‘healthful, invigorating and en- ning author of more than 30 books, probably dren’s Book Council, a nonprofit trade asso- joyable climate with an abundance of best-known for ‘‘Bridge to Terabithia,’’ ciation. Several publishers also underwrite sunshine and irrigation water.’’ Fur- which was published and Newbery-Medaled expenses. ther, in an effort to draw enterprising in the late 1970s but had its longest run on Paterson’s works include ‘‘Jacob Have I farmers to the basin, they stated the the bestseller lists after release of the 2007 Loved,’’ ‘‘The Great Gilly Hopkins,’’ ‘‘Bread and Roses, Too,’’ and, most recently, ‘‘The area is ‘‘immune from storms and that movie. tornadoes and cyclones are unknown in The outgoing ambassador wisecracked Day of the Pelican,’’ about a refugee family’s about all the imaginary diplomatic perks he escape from the war in Kosovo to the United the region.’’ would be giving up. He is Jon Scieszka, the States. The 79th Congress once again passed award-winning author of more than three Paterson lives in Barre, Vt., but inspira- legislation affecting the dam—this dozen illustrated books and chapter books tion for ‘‘Terabithia’’ came when she lived in time to rename it for one of the West’s and the Web-savvy creator of an online kid Takoma Park. Her son David had a best favorite sons: William F. Cody. In 1946, empire—but perhaps best known for his 1992 friend, Lisa Hill, and the pair played imagi- the Shoshone Dam formally became opus, ‘‘The Stinky Cheese Man and Other native games in Sligo Creek Park. While away on vacation, Lisa was struck and killed the Buffalo Bill Dam. While Buffalo Fairly Stupid Fairy Tales.’’ Bill may be most famous for his Wild It’s hard to imagine two more different by lightning. Paterson wrote ‘‘Terabithia’’ writers being asked to perform the same mis- to make sense of the tragedy, with protago- West Show in the early 1900s, he had sion. Scieszka was the first kid-lit ambas- nists named Leslie and Jess. the vision to harness the Shoshone sador, serving the two-year term. Before the ceremony in the library, David River to open the area for develop- ‘‘We couldn’t be more different,’’ said Paterson walked up to the rows of students. ment. Cody and his colleagues had big Scieszka, 55. ‘‘Sometimes you want to read Katherine Paterson’s four children, seven dreams to build more than 50 miles of grandchildren and husband had come to ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ and deal with that, canals and irrigate more than 150,000 sometimes you’re feeling like a ‘Knuckle- watch her be honored. ‘‘How many kids have read ‘Bridge to acres. He was only able to bring water head’ and ‘Stinky Cheese Man.’ Kids are will- to 6,000 acres before his finances and ing to try all of it.’’ Terabithia’?’’ he asked. Nearly 30 hands shot ‘‘If you’re trying to catch young readers, up. ‘‘You can tell your friends you met the stamina ran out. However, it was be- you have to fish with the right bait,’’ said original Jess.’’ cause he saw the region’s potential Paterson, 77. ‘‘Kids that are going to be Charlotte Harrington gasped. She’s 9, a that the dam was initially built. caught by Jon’s books are not going to be fourth-grader at St. Peter’s Interparish Those of us who are fortunate to call caught by my books.’’ School. ‘‘Terabithia’’ is one of her favorite Wyoming home have a great apprecia- books. ‘‘It starts out miserable, and then Corey Shaw, 10, a fifth-grader at Brent Ele- tion for the opportunity to live with, mentary School—one of three Capitol Hill goes joyous, then goes downhill, then up- hill,’’ she said after David Paterson walked utilize and benefit from the Buffalo schools that sent about a dozen students Bill Dam. It is a positive presence in each to the ceremony—has read both away. ‘‘Terabithia’’ and Scieszka’s ‘‘Tut, Tut.’’ He When it was Charlotte’s turn to get ‘‘Bread the world of the West. gave thumbs up to both. and Roses, Too,’’ signed by Paterson, the girl Last week marked the tremendous ‘‘It’s actually a very important and sur- told the author, ‘‘I loved ‘Bridge to structure’s 100th birthday. We remem- prising book,’’ Corey said of ‘‘Tut, Tut,’’ Terabithia.’ It’s one of the best books ever.’’ ber the ingenuity, courage and fore- The Charlottes of the nation don’t need an about a trip back in time to ancient Egypt. ambassador. But she and her friends had sight of the men and women who made Of ‘‘Terabithia,’’ about a boy and a girl plenty of ideas for the new ambassador on the dam possible. It changed the near who invent a magical land together, Corey hooking reluctant young readers. desert landscape into one that supports said: ‘‘The ending was very sad. Then I ‘‘Give them a book that shows them what a wide range of agricultural and rec- thought about it, and it’s not that bad. You they feel like,’’ said Fiona Campbell, 9, a have to remember that you have to get over reational activities. We often say Wyo- fourth-grader at St. Peter’s. things.’’ ming is what America was. The Buffalo Isn’t that what Paterson and Scieszka both Indeed, many of the other students also Bill Dam is a great reminder of this. have been doing, after their own fashion? turned out to be what you might call Stinky Afterwards, they laughed about being such f Cheese Terabithians, fans of both the incom- an odd couple. ing and outgoing ambassadors, which helped ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS ‘‘I think the No. 3 [ambassador] should be Librarian of Congress James Billington and different from both of us!’’ Paterson said. the others behind the ambassadorships make ‘‘The variety of books is a wonder to behold, their larger point. The ambassador’s role is TRIBUTE TO CHUCK MACK but we also have a variety of readers.’’ to raise national awareness about the impor- ∑ f Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, as tance of young people’s literature in getting Chuck Mack is honored by the Team- young readers off to a good start. By picking 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE sters Joint Council 7, I take this oppor- two such different writers as the first two BUFFALO BILL DAM ambassadors, the program reminds parents tunity to commend him for his tireless that there are many different ways to be a Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, dur- and dedicated service to the Inter- reader, Billington said. ing the 57th Congress, our predecessors national Brotherhood of Teamsters.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 279 Chuck Mack first joined the Team- and as a young man he tended the REMEMBERING MICAH H. sters as a seasonal plant worker for Del grounds of the historic Citrus Experi- NAFTALIN Monte in the summer of 1960. A few ment Station. Years later, this land be- ∑ Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, as chair- years later, he was elected business came the site of Bart’s beloved alma man of the Helsinki Commission, I agent at Local 70 in Oakland, CA. In mater, the University of California, wish to pay tribute to Micah Naftalin 1971, Chuck transitioned to a position Riverside. After marrying his wife, who served as national director of the in Sacramento, working as a lobbyist Barbara, Bart took a position at a real Union of Councils for Soviet Jews until for the California Teamsters Public Af- estate firm that was offered to him by his death in late December. Micah fairs Council. The following year, he a fellow Riverside native and childhood worked tirelessly as a leader in the returned to Local 70, where he was friend, William Austin. They eventu- grassroots activist movement in the elected as secretary-treasurer. For the ally became partners in William Austin U.S. on behalf of Soviet Jews denied next 27 years, until he retired in 2009, Co., a property management and devel- their fundamental freedoms and human Mr. Mack served as Local 70’s sec- opment firm based in Riverside. They rights, including their right to leave retary-treasurer, where he was a strong enjoyed a successful business partner- the U.S.S.R. His passionate advocacy and passionate advocate for bay area ship that spanned more than four dec- included close work with the Helsinki workers and their families. ades. Commission over the years, with a par- Though serving as secretary-treas- Bart’s affection for his community ticular focus on the cases of individual urer for Local 70 was a full-time job, was embodied in his relentless involve- refuseniks, Jews denied permission by Mr. Mack further showed his commit- ment in many of the area’s civic orga- the Soviet authorities to exercise their ment to the International Brotherhood nizations and educational institutions. right to emigrate. of Teamsters by also serving as the He served as the chairman of the Micah brought a unique zeal to his president of Joint Council 7 from 1982 Greater Riverside Chambers of Com- work on behalf of struggling Soviet until 2009—the second longest-serving merce, he was the president of River- Jewry and helped pave the way for an Joint Council president in history. Mr. side Community Hospital, and he exodus of Jews from the Soviet Union. Mack also held several other distin- helped to found the city of Riverside From the push to enact the Jackson- guished positions during his tenure Economic Development Committee. He Vanik amendment in the early 1970s with the Teamsters, including: vice was also president of the board of and vigils outside of the Soviet Em- president of the International Brother- trustees for the UC Riverside Founda- bassy to the 1987 Freedom Sunday mass hood of Teamsters Western Region; tion, and was actively involved with rally on the National Mall under the IBT director of Port Division; and the California Citrus State Historic banner, ‘‘Let My People Go,’’ Micah Western Conference of Teamsters Pen- Park Operating Corporation, serving as was there. He saw the reforms ushered sion trustee. Though retired from its treasurer and on its Board of Direc- in by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev many of his positions since June 2009, tors. as an opening that might lead to relief Mr. Mack continues to serve as the co- for Jews and others denied their basic chair of the Western Conference of In 1984, at the age of 57, Bart enrolled human rights in that country. Besides Teamsters Pension Trust. at UC Riverside to continue studies emigration concerns, he also closely Mr. Mack is known for his integrity that he had begun years earlier at monitored manifestations of anti-Sem- and strong work ethic. From his hum- UCLA. He approached his schooling itism in the U.S.S.R. and the plight of ble beginnings with the Teamsters in with characteristic humility and good political prisoners. the 1960s, Mr. Mack has worked for humor—taking an internship at the With the easing of restrictions on more than 40 years to help negotiate university where his supervisor, Vice emigration and the eventual breakup first-class rights for workers and their Chancellor for University Advance- of the Soviet Union, Micah continued families throughout California. It is ment Emeritus Jim Erickson, was 10 his human rights advocacy, contrib- through his efforts that some of the years his junior. His experience as an uting to efforts to monitor develop- strongest rights for workers have been undergraduate during this time ce- ments throughout Russia’s regions as won, including good jobs with good mented his commitment to the univer- well as in newly independent countries, wages, access to health care, and fair sity. In 2006, Bart and Barbara, along including Ukraine and Belarus. In 1993, and just contracts. with his partner William Austin and he served as a public member on the I have known Chuck Mack for many his wife Toby, gave $15.5 million to U.S. delegation to the Implementation years, and I am continually inspired by UCR. This gift was the largest in the Meeting on Human Dimension Issues. his dedication to the labor movement. university’s history and represented Micah testified before the Helsinki As a stalwart defender of equal rights the largest combined charitable trust Commission on numerous occasions and a champion for workers every- given to a University of California drawing on his decades of experience as where, I wish him many more years of campus in the first half of this decade. an activist fervently dedicated to ad- continued community involvement and The donation enabled the university to vancing human rights on behalf of oth- leadership.∑ create 22 endowed professorships and ers. His voice will be sorely missed. On bolstered the university’s proposal to f behalf of the Commission, I offer his establish a medical school. family our heartfelt condolences.∑ REMEMBERING BART SINGLETARY Singletary leaves a distinguished leg- f ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I am acy of service and leadership that is an TRIBUTE TO RAYMOND PAUL honored to remember Bart Single- example to us all. His trusted counsel PRITCHARD tary—a man of great generosity and and willingness to leverage his success humility who recently passed away. for the benefit of others endeared him ∑ Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I Bart was a devoted father and hus- to, and earned him the respect of, all of would like to take a moment to honor band, successful businessman, prolific those who were fortunate enough to a remarkable Iowan, Raymond Paul philanthropist and dedicated steward have known him. Pritchard, a native of Bondurant, IA. of some of inland southern California’s He is a distinguished World War II Air most influential civic institutions. His He is survived by his wife, Barbara, Force veteran and a civil servant of 29 many achievements and stalwart pres- three children, three step-children, and years. ence in the Riverside community will five grandchildren. I extend my heart- Following graduation from have a lasting impact on the people of felt condolences to them. Bondurant High School in 1937, Mr. the Inland Empire. The city of Riverside, State of Cali- Pritchard went to work for Standard Bart Singletary had an abiding con- fornia and our Nation has lost an ex- Oil Company. In 1941, Mr. Pritchard nection to the city of Riverside. He was emplary individual with the passing of joined the Army Air Corp and served a second generation native of the city, Bart Singletary.∑ his country valiantly for the entirety

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 of World War II. As an engineer and top On 17 July 2009, Mr. McCraw was se- On January 6, 2010, in Mobile, AL, the turret gunner in the 384th Bomber lected as the Director of Texas Depart- Chippewas won their 12th game of the Group, Mr. Pritchard was involved in ment of Public Safety which is a cap- season, against just two losses, defeat- numerous missions in the hostile skies stone to his law enforcement career as ing Troy University, 44–41, in two of Europe, including several bombing he returns to lead the department of overtimes in the GMAC Bowl. It was runs over Germany and Czechoslovakia over 8,500 commissioned and non- truly one of the college football sea- that were critical to the war effort. commissioned personnel. son’s most thrilling games. Upon returning from World War II, I congratulate Mr. McCraw on this Down by 12 points in the fourth quar- Mr. Pritchard became a U.S. Postal appointment and his long public serv- ter to a talented Troy team, the Chip- Service worker. Mr. Pritchard retired ice and substantial law enforcement pewas came back to take the lead. in 1974, following 29 years of public career.∑ They did not flinch when Troy tied the service. f game with a last-second field goal to Mr. Pritchard and his wife Helen send the game into overtime, and per- have three children, along with seven 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF SOUTH severed through two overtimes to tri- grandchildren, and five great-grand- DAKOTA SCHOOL OF MINES AND umph. children. He is a member of Christ TECHNOLOGY As expected, quarterback Dan United Methodist Church, American ∑ Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, today LeFevour played a big role in the vic- Legion Post 374, and a 50-year member I celebrate the 125th anniversary of the tory. LeFevour, a senior, had already of Pioneer Lodge No. 22. founding of the South Dakota School become major college football’s all- Mr. Raymond Paul Pritchard is a of Mines and Technology. Throughout time leader in total touchdowns, set a truly remarkable Iowan and American, its history, SDSM&T has been consist- long list of Mid-American Conference who exemplifies great military and ci- ently providing students with a high- records, and become the only player in ∑ vilian service to his country. quality, affordable education. Grad- NCAA history with both 12,000 career f uates are fully prepared for successful, passing yards and 2,500 career rushing TRIBUTE TO STEVEN C. MCCRAW rewarding careers in engineering and yards. At the GMAC Bowl, LeFevour science. ∑ Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I com- completed 33 of 55 passes for 395 yards, I have had many opportunities dur- mend Mr. Steve McCraw on his ap- passing for one touchdown and rushing pointment to become the director of ing my time in office to personally for another in overtime. Another Chip- the Texas Department of Public Safe- visit the School of Mines and Tech- pewa star, receiver Antonio Brown, ty. nology. I have always been impressed caught 13 of LeFevour’s passes for 178 Mr. McCraw is a native of El Paso, with the professionalism and dedica- yards, and had 203 yards in kickoff re- TX, and holds a bachelor of science de- tion of the administration and faculty, turns, including a 95-yard return for a gree and a master of arts degree from the tradition of excellence at the insti- touchdown that helped kick off CMU’s West Texas State University. Mr. tution, and the commitment to learn fourth-quarter comeback. McCraw began his career in 1977 as a from the students who attend the It was a proud moment not just for State trooper and sergeant narcotics school. CMU and Michigan, but across the Mid- investigator for the Texas Department I am proud to be a partner with west, as the Chippewas broke a 14-game of Public Safety prior to his appoint- SDSM&T on its innovative research bowl losing streak for Mid-American ment as a special agent with the FBI in that has tremendous benefits for my Conference teams. 1983. State, as well as to the Nation and to The team’s competitiveness, skill, As an FBI special agent, Mr. McCraw the world, especially in the areas of en- determination, and grit generated was assigned to the Dallas, Pittsburgh, gineering, science and technology, and great pride not only in Mount Pleas- Los Angeles, Phoenix, Tucson, and San defense. This work has everyday appli- ant, CMU’s home, but across the State Antonio field offices. His FBI Head- cations to the general public, the gov- of Michigan, which is home to half the quarters assignments included Unit ernment and to Main Street businesses. Chippewas’ roster. I join the proud citi- Chief of an organized crime unit; an In- The School of Mines has a great tradi- zens of Michigan in congratulating the spector; Deputy Assistant Director; As- tion as one of the top engineering Chippewas on a fantastic season, and sistant Director of the Office of Intel- schools in the Nation and their grad- enter the names of the team’s players ligence, which was established in Feb- uates are always in high demand by and coaches into the RECORD as perma- ruary 2002; and Assistant Director for some of the top companies in the nent recognition of their success. the Inspection Division where he was world. In 2009, South Dakota School of Players: Jahleel Addae, Vince Agnew, responsible for strategic planning, in- Mines and Technology was the only in- Andrew Aguila, Deja Alexander, Bryan ternal investigations, and bureau-wide stitution of higher learning where the Anderson, Nick Bellore, Brian performance evaluations. He also starting salary for its graduates was Bennyhoff, Jake Bentley, Shamari served as the Inspector-In-Charge of more than the cost of the education. Benton, Matt Berning, David Black- the South East Bomb Task Force and I salute the great legacy and tradi- burn, Dannie Bolden, Tim Brazzel, An- the Director of the Foreign Terrorism tion of South Dakota School of Mines tonio Brown, Reggie Brown, John Carr, Tracking Task Force, which was estab- and Technology on the occasion of its Derek Carter, Landon Carter, Paris lished by the President in October 2001. 125th anniversary and commend the Cotton, Jon Czerwienski, Leron Eaddy, After his retirement as an FBI As- work and commitment, past and Kirkston Edwards, Jake Ekkens, sistant Director in August 2004, Texas present, of the administrators, faculty, James Falls, Jeff Fantuzzi, Adam Fen- Governor Rick Perry appointed Mr. alumni and students of Mines. I wish ton, Eric Fisher, Cedric Fraser, McCraw as the director of the Gov- them well in the upcoming year of ob- Kashawn Fraser, Eric Fraser, Connor ernor’s Office of Homeland Security. servances and celebrations.∑ Gagnon, Cornelius Gallon, Josh Gordy, Mr. McCraw has been instrumental in f David Harman, Jerry Harris, Brett leading the State’s homeland security Hartmann, Richard Hayes, Richie efforts and spearheading emergency ef- CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Hogan, Daniel Jackson, Gary Jackson, forts and responses to a variety of se- FOOTBALL TEAM Jason Johnson, Todd Johnson, Aaron curity threats to the State and emer- ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I want to Kaczmarski, Matt Kanitz, Darren gencies. His extensive background in share today with the Senate my con- Keyton, Larry Knight, Dan LeFevour, the law enforcement and intelligence gratulations to the Central Michigan Jake Linklater, Jeff Maddux, Matt fields enabled him to make well-in- University Chippewas football team, Maletzke, Tommy Mama, Ben formed decisions in preparing for and champions of the Mid-American Con- Masztak, Jordan McConnell, Aaron responding to all hazards and threats ference and of the 2010 GMAC Bowl, on McCord, Colin Miller, Sean Murnane, in Texas. a successful and exciting season. Connor Odykirk, Allen Ollenburger,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 281 Jake Olson, Mike Petrucci, Cody to develop the drive and determination improved in 1865 when Lansing was Pettit, Tim Phillips, Kito Poblah, necessary to excel on the gridiron. connected to the State railroad sys- Ryan Radcliff, Evan Ray, Malek Redd, Mark grew up and played high school tem. With this advance in infrastruc- Tyler Reed, Chris Reeves, Mike Repovz, football in Flint, MI, and is, simply the ture, business and industry in Lansing Nick Reynolds, Derek Rifenbury, Cae- latest athlete from this talent rich grew steadily throughout the 1870s. In sar Rodriguez, Adam Schneid, Bryan area of Michigan to excel in collegiate 1887, R.E. Olds produced the first horse- Schroeder, Will Schwarz, D.J. Scott, or professional competition. less carriage in Lansing, and in 1903, Bobby Seay Jr., Valtorrey Showers, After winning this award, Mark went Olds Motor Works was the first car Sean Skergan, Alex Smith, Chris on to lead his football team to a 37 to company to use an assembly line and Starkey, Armond Staten, Darryll 21 victory in the BCS Championship interchangeable parts in the produc- Stinson, Kevin Sweet, Zurlon Tipton, Game, which was played in the Rose tion of automobiles. A thriving busi- Matt Torres, Kyle Torzy, Shane Torzy, Bowl in Pasadena, CA, on January 7. In ness community attracted many new Carl Volny, Rocky Weaver, A.J. that game, Mark scored a late touch- residents to Lansing, which included a Westendorp, Lorenzo White, Zach down that sealed his team’s victory. He major migration of African Americans Wiersma, John Williams, LaVarus Wil- rushed for 116 yards in 22 carries, which and other workers from the South, as liams, Sam Williams, Cody Wilson, Jer- helped his team secure a hard fought well as returning soldiers from WWI emy Wilson, Steve Winston, Kyle victory and earned him recognition as and WWII. This hardworking and di- Zelinsky and Frank Zombo. the offensive player of the game. verse population helped to shape Coaches: Interim Head Coach Steve While his exceptional athletic quali- Lansing’s distinct character. Stripling, Offensive Coordinator Mike ties are now well known to many, I am Lansing also is home to many na- Bajakian, Defensive Coordinator Tim equally delighted to know that Mark tionally recognized institutions. Banks, Linebackers Coach Mark Elder, also has distinguished himself in the Among them is the Ingham Medical Running Backs Coach Jeff Beckles; Re- classroom. This, to me, speaks volumes Center, which opened its doors in 1980 cruiting Coordinator and Tight Ends about his character, focus, and deter- as the world’s first arthroscopic sur- Coach Max Glowacki, Offensive Line mination. His future appears to be gery center. Just next door, in East Coach Don Mahoney, Special Teams bright both on and off of the football Lansing, is home to one of our coun- and Defensive Tackles Coach Paul field. I know my colleagues join me in try’s leading universities, Michigan Volero, Graduate Assistants Ryan congratulating Mark Ingram, Jr. on State University. Originally named the Oshnock and Tony Pape, Director of this most impressive achievement. I Michigan Agricultural College, MSU Football Operations Plas Presnell, and wish him the best for a long and re- has educated many throughout the Strength and Conditioning Coach Dave warding career, both on and off of the State and from across the Nation since Lawson.∑ gridiron.∑ 1855. In 1969, Dr. Clifton R. Wharton, Jr., became the first African American f f to head a major research university TRIBUTE TO MARK INGRAM, JR. 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE when he was appointed president of ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, in Decem- FOUNDING OF THE CITY OF LAN- Michigan State University. Another ber, Mark Ingram, Jr. became the 75th SING impressive landmark is the Michigan college football player to win the ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, it is with Library and Historical Center, which is Heisman Memorial Trophy as the Most great pleasure that I recognize an im- just a short walk from the Michigan Outstanding College Football Player in portant milestone for the city of Lan- State capitol. It opened on March 6, the United States for 2009. In winning sing, the 150th anniversary of its found- 1989, and became the second largest this award, one of the most coveted ing. This is a moment worthy of cele- State library in the Nation. and prestigious awards any college ath- bration, and I am delighted to have The city has endured its share of lete can receive, Mark joined an exclu- this opportunity to share the pride of challenges through the years, from sive and distinguished list of college the residents of Lansing with my col- natural disasters, such as earthquakes football players, which includes many leagues. The city and its citizens have and floods, to epidemics and economic of the greatest players to ever lace up been an integral part of Michigan’s downturns. We once again find our- selves in a defining moment in our a pair of cleats. This honor must be es- rich history, contributing much to the State’s history, as we continue to navi- pecially gratifying for Mark as he be- progress of the State and to its citi- gate one of the deepest economic reces- comes both the first person from Flint, zens. In the past 150 years, the city of sions in decades. It will be in Lansing MI, and the first player from the Uni- Lansing has grown into a thriving com- where our Governor and State legisla- versity of Alabama to be declared the munity, and it is affectionately re- tors will work to craft policies that winner of this award. ferred to by its residents as ‘‘the small will steer Michigan toward a more This year was an especially close city with the big city feel.’’ prosperous future. race. In fact, it is reported that this The city of Lansing had a rather I am proud to recognize Lansing’s was one of the closest ballots in the humble beginning. In fact, Lansing’s history and to honor all who have history of the award. There are many tenure as the capital of Michigan ex- made significant contributions over great players on the college level ceeds its history as a city. Lansing has the years. It is Lansing’s legacy of pol- today, and Mark can take particular served as Michigan’s capital since 1847, icymaking and its rich history that has pride in knowing that, as a sophomore, when it was moved from Detroit. Cho- created a diverse and thriving commu- he put together a 2009 season that out- sen largely for its central location and nity, one that will continue to grow shone them all. Clearly, he has earned its equal distance from some of Michi- and prosper for generations.∑ the respect and admiration of the gan’s larger cities, the small township many that follow and cover college with fewer than 100 residents located 40 f football on a daily basis. miles from the nearest railroad was TRIBUTE TO BUDD LYNCH Mark had an outstanding sophomore designated the capital of Michigan. On ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, 65 years season. He scored 17 touchdowns and February 15, 1859, the town of Lansing ago, a young Canadian serving his na- amassed 1,658 rushing yards, a single- officially became a city. In the 1870s, tion was struck by German artillery season school rushing record. In addi- Elijah E. Myers began to design the fire on a Normandy battlefield. The tion to winning the Heisman, Mark was capitol structure that has endured as blast tore away his right arm and honored as the SEC Offensive Player of Michigan’s center of government. The shoulder, and at a field hospital, a the Year. These are tremendous hon- capitol building was completed in 1879. chaplain performed last rites on young ors, and in a emotional acceptance Events in Lansing’s early history Joseph James Lynch. speech, Mark spoke about the many helped to shape the city’s rich culture It is the good fortune of the Detroit people and situations that helped him and heritage. Transportation vastly Red Wings hockey club and thousands

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 of fans in Michigan and across the honor. This is a fitting tribute to a I salute the Baumans and all Arkan- United States and Canada that ‘‘Budd’’ man who has spent his career engaged sas farm families for their hard work Lynch survived the loss of his right in the noble fight for justice for all. In and dedication.∑ arm with his life, his talent, and his 1970, Dr. Young, a noted physician, f sense of humor intact. Now 92 years founded the Michigan Chapter of the TRIBUTE TO NORMA STRABALA old, Budd remains a leading citizen of Southern Christian Leadership Con- AND DEBBIE AHRENS Hockeytown after 60 years as a radio ference with the mission to continue and television broadcaster, publicity the noble efforts of Dr. Martin Luther ∑ Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, today and community affairs executive and King, Jr. to achieve social, economic, I congratulate Norma Strabala as ‘‘Cit- public address announcer. and political justice through non- izen of the Year’’ and Debbie Ahrens as His broadcasting skills have been violence and the strength of love. ‘‘Volunteer of the Year’’ for Stuttgart, widely honored: He is a member of the Under his leadership, the Michigan AR. Michigan Sports Hall of Fame and a SCLC has waged numerous successful I was pleased to be on-hand as Norma winner of the Ty Tyson Award for Ex- battles and has had an enduring impact and Debbie were recognized earlier this cellence in Sports Broadcasting from on the lives of many. I guess one could month during the 70th Annual Stutt- the Detroit Sports Broadcasters Asso- say, it is in his genes, having come gart Chamber of Commerce Member- ciation. In 1985, he received the Foster from a family historically noted for its ship Meeting and Banquet in Stuttgart. Hewitt Memorial Award, the highest commitment to public service and I have felt a long kinship to Stuttgart, one of our delta communities not far honor in hockey broadcasting, and was community empowerment. inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. Once again, I am delighted to con- from and very similar to my hometown As much as his talent at the micro- gratulate Dr. Young, a community of Helena. Stuttgart always feels like phone, it is Budd Lynch’s unstoppable leader and my good friend. I wish him home, and I am grateful for the friend- ships I have made there. As members of good humor that has endeared him to and the SCLC the best as they continue a community with such a great spirit generations of hockey fans. Only some- their important work.∑ of volunteerism and caring, Norma and one with Budd’s upbeat personality f Debbie should be particularly proud of could refer to himself as ‘‘the one- TRIBUTE TO THE BRANDON their recognitions. armed bandit.’’ According to those who know her But even many of Budd’s many fans BAUMAN FAMILY best, Norma always strives to help don’t know of all he has done for his ∑ Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, today other people through her attitude and community. For 20 years, he has hosted I congratulate the Brandon Bauman Family for being named the 2009 North- actions. She has consistently worked an annual charity golf tournament, to establish programs that help those ern Arkansas County Farm Family. with proceeds benefitting the Guidance less fortunate. She was a key figure in The recognition comes in honor of the Center, a Wayne County nonprofit or- coordinating volunteer efforts during Baumans’ efficiency of production, ganization that provides services in- and after the 2008 tornado and 2009 conservation of energy and resources, cluding substance abuse and mental straight-line winds that damaged much leadership in agriculture and commu- health counseling, parenting skills of the city, and during each holiday nity affairs, home and farm improve- training, literacy promotion and edu- season. cational programs for metro Detroit ment, and home and farm manage- Similarly, Debbie is known through- families. And he has spent countless ment. out Stuttgart for her volunteer efforts. hours providing guidance to fellow am- Brandon and his wife Amy have two Through the years, she has been active putees, providing a living, breathing daughters, Caroline and Abigail. They on many local Chamber of Commerce example that the loss of a limb does farm 2,200 acres with rice, soybeans, committees and is a deserving recipi- not stand in the way of a life lived joy- wheat, and oats. I was pleased to help ent of the designation of ‘‘Volunteer of fully. recognize the Baumans earlier this the Year.’’ The city of Wyandotte, which Budd month during the 70th Annual Stutt- We should all embrace the spirit of has long called home, has planned a sa- gart Chamber of Commerce Member- service and volunteerism on display by lute for him later this month, with the ship Meeting and Banquet in Stuttgart. these deserving individuals. I send my proceeds going to the Guidance Center. As a seventh-generation Arkansan heartfelt congratulations to both He will be presented with a key to the and farmer’s daughter, and as chair- Norma and Debbie.∑ man of the Senate Agriculture Com- city, but Budd Lynch already has the f key to the hearts of hockey fans in De- mittee, I understand firsthand and ap- troit and around the NHL. I salute him preciate the hard work and contribu- RECOGNIZING THE WYNNE for his years of service and sacrifice— tions of our farm families. Agriculture INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL to Canada, to the Red Wings, to hock- is the backbone of Arkansas’s econ- ∑ Mrs. LINCOLN. Mr. President, today ey, and to the community and to our omy, creating more than 270,000 jobs in I would like to congratulate Wynne In- State that have for so many decades the state and providing $9.1 billion in termediate School, in Wynne, AR, on been proud to claim him as one of our wages and salaries. In total, agri- achieving the designation as a ‘‘Pro- own.∑ culture contributes roughly $15.9 bil- gram of the Month’’ from the national f lion to the Arkansas economy each ‘‘Reading Is Fundamental,’’ or ‘‘RIF,’’ year. program for the month of December TRIBUTE TO DR. CLAUD YOUNG Our farm families are critical to our 2009. RIF prepares and motivates chil- ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, it is a Nation’s economic stability. Agri- dren to read by delivering free books pleasure to pay tribute to Dr. Claud culture leads all U.S. product and literacy resources to children and Young, the founder of the Michigan groupings with the largest trade sur- families who need them most. Chapter of the Southern Christian plus at $23 billion in fiscal year 2009, al- Located in the Arkansas Delta, not Leadership Conference and a tireless most triple the next largest category of far from where I attended public school and dedicated advocate for civil rights transportation products. We must work myself, the Wynne Intermediate and social and economic justice. His to continue the farm family tradition, School RIF program serves 462 children significant contributions as a physi- so families such as the Baumans are in the 4th and 5th grades. For the past cian and as an advocate for social and able to maintain their livelihoods and 16 years, Wynne Intermediate School economic justice have impacted many continue to help provide the safe, abun- has held engaging motivational activi- across Michigan and the Nation. dant, and affordable food supply that ties for both students and parents. Dr. Young’s more than four decades feeds our own country and the world With the closest bookstore 50 miles of service will be recognized by the and that is essential to our own eco- away, families depend on the RIF pro- Michigan SCLC at a dinner in his nomic stability. gram to enjoy reading together.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 283 I believe that education is the key to As Governor, Albert worked to diver- After a few years working in the pri- success for our young people. The sify Washington State’s industry by vate sector, Glenda returned to Capitol knowledge and training that students creating the Department of Commerce Hill in 2001, joining Maryland Senator receive today are the tools that carry and Economic Development which BARBARA A. MIKULSKI’s Washington of- them for the rest of their lives. brought international trade to Wash- fice. At the end of that year, the U.S. That is why I am so proud to help ington. This department helped launch Air Force hired Glenda for her current recognize Kaley Boeckmann, RIF coor- the high tech industry in this area and position as legislative specialist and dinator, and the entire faculty and developed Overlake Park in Bellevue scheduler in the Congressional Budget staff at Wynne Intermediate School for where Microsoft and other high tech and Appropriations Liaison Office. their dedication in helping increase op- companies are currently established. Over the past 8 years, Glenda has portunities for students to read and The leadership abilities displayed by touched the lives of countless uni- learn. Through their leadership and Governor Rosellini were quickly no- formed military servicemen and good example, countless students have ticed by his colleagues and he was women. She always worked to instill a been motivated to expand their hori- elected chairman of the National Gov- sense of direction, dedication and fam- zons through the written word. ernors Association during his second ily, marking her exemplary career with Most important, I would also like to term as Governor. superb professionalism. congratulate all of the students in Since leaving office, Governor While serving in a variety of posi- Wynne who have discovered the joy of Rosellini has continued his commit- tions within the U.S. Senate and Air reading. I encourage them to make the ment to better Washington State. In Force, Glenda has assisted me and most of their education and opportuni- 1979 he helped our State’s athletes at- many members of the Appropriations ties.∑ tend and compete on the world’s stage and Budget Committees with numerous as the chairman of the United States f scheduling and coordinating chal- Olympic Committee for Washington lenges. Her thorough and efficient TRIBUTE TO ALBERT D. State. Additionally, as a result of the planning, experience, wisdom, hard ROSELLINI great improvements made to Washing- work, and organizational skills assured ∑ Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I ton’s transportation system while Gov- mission success every time. Glenda would like to take a moment to recog- ernor, he was made a member of the will definitely be missed. nize a very special advocate and former Washington State Transportation Com- In closing, I firmly believe that Glen- Governor of my home State of Wash- mittee for 11 years, acting as chairman da Mlady Reimer deserves acknowledg- ington who is celebrating his 100th for the last 2. ment and appreciation for her out- I greatly respect the Governor for his birthday on Thursday. standing service to both the legislative unmatched dedication to public service Albert D. Rosellini served two terms and executive branches of our Federal and the State of Washington and thank as Governor of Washington State, first Government. She consistently con- being elected in 1956. Before he was him for making such a critical dif- ference in the history of my State.∑ ducted herself in a manner which elected Governor, he served as the dep- brought great credit upon her, the U.S. uty prosecutor of King County and 18 f Senate, and the U.S. Air Force. consecutive years in the State senate. TRIBUTE TO GLENDA MLADY Glenda’s outstanding character and Throughout his career, Governor REIMER dedication to service have resulted in a Rosellini has been a dedicated public ∑ Mr. NELSON of Nebraska. Mr. Presi- career of which she and her son Joel servant and an inspiration to genera- dent, on the occasion of her retire- can be very proud; and I am sure my tions of public servants. I know that ment, I take this opportunity to honor fellow Members of the Senate join me Governor Rosellini’s knowledge, drive Glenda Mlady Reimer for her many in thanking her for her commitment to and passion for service has made my years of service to our great Nation. I our country and in wishing her all the home state a better place to live and have known Glenda for a number of best for her future.∑ work. It is an honor to have had the op- those years and will miss her unfailing f portunity to earn the support and ad- good humor and her dedication to pub- vice of such an extraordinary figure in 250TH ANNIVERSARY OF POWNAL, lic service. VERMONT my State’s history. Glenda began her illustrious career In the State senate, Albert was a in 1989 after graduating from Northeast ∑ Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, the champion for labor, small business and Nebraska Community College in Nor- State of Vermont will celebrate the equality, introducing an unfair prac- folk, NE. She spent the next 7 years year 2010 by marking the 250th anniver- tice bill to ensure small businesses re- working for my good friend, former sary of the historic town of Pownal, ceive decent prices, a fair employment U.S. Senator Jim Exon, first on his re- VT. practices bill, and an equal wage bill election campaign, then as his sched- In celebrating Pownal, we celebrate a for women. uler and office manager. During that town that has done much more than He strived to improve the quality of time, Glenda distinguished herself, merely survive the centuries. This bu- education in Washington State by sup- continually helping others and coordi- colic little hamlet represents the porting measures to improve retire- nating activities. She was the volun- strength and progress of our great ment programs and raise salaries for teer coordinator for Vice President Al State through the years. teachers. He also promoted improve- Gore’s first Inaugural Ball. In 1993 she Since its original charter in 1760, ments to schools for the mentally dis- served as president of the board of di- Pownal was built on a rich history that abled, deaf and blind. As a sponsor of rectors of the Nebraska Society of dates back to the divisive years of the the Youth Protection Act, Albert pro- Washington, DC, where she still re- revolution. During its earliest days moted progressive correctional pro- mains an active member today. Glenda many Pownal residents were stirred to grams for delinquents and revitalized also served as the coordinator with join the Green Mountain Boys to fight penal institutions and juvenile institu- Members of Congress for the 1995 Na- for our independence. The fervor dem- tions that are still in use today. tional Champion Cornhusker Football onstrated by the original residents of In 1951, he introduced a bill that cre- Team presentations at the White this town set its course as the bedrock ated a teaching hospital on the campus House. In 1996, Glenda became a mem- of loyalty and excellence in the State of the University of Washington, con- ber of the board of directors, of Vermont. tinuing his goal to improve education Cornhusker Capital Chapter, Univer- Today we cherish the historic Mooar- and medical facilities across the State. sity of Nebraska Alumni Scholarship Wright House which is the oldest house That hospital is the basis of the ac- program, where she continues her life- in both Pownal and the Green Moun- claimed medical center we have there long support of my home State’s uni- tain State. We commend the town’s today. versity. early emphasis on education, with two

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 former U.S. Presidents serving as The AFCU will commemorate their day, buoyed by Fred’s tireless dedica- teachers in north Pownal. Over the 75th anniversary during their annual tion to its fundraising and survival. centuries this town was a pocket of in- meeting held in Aberdeen, SD, on Jan- The camp, located at the National dustrial accomplishment in Vermont. uary 23, 2010. I would like to offer my Guard’s Camp Rilea and now called Some of the State’s largest cotton and congratulations to the leaders and ‘‘Camp Rosenbaum’’ in Fred’s honor, woolen mills were housed in Pownal membership of the AFCU on this mile- provides pre-teens who live in public and later replaced by lime quarries. stone anniversary and wish them con- housing with an opportunity to fill They helped carry Vermont through tinued prosperity in the years to their days with sports, the arts, and years of industrial development and come.∑ computer skills, while counselors and growth. These auspicious achieve- f the Portland Police Bureau educate the ments, however, also served as a re- children on the dangers of gangs and TRIBUTE TO FRED ROSENBAUM minder of our capacity for change be- drugs. For many of the young and im- cause the industrial mills in Pownal ∑ Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, today I poverished campers, it gives them their were singled out for child labor. This honor Fred Rosenbaum, a brigadier first chance to see the Pacific Ocean, documented injustice symbolized the general, businessman, public servant, and that moment always excites the past and put the town on the national philanthropist, Holocaust survivor and kids. For the first time in their lives, map in 1916 when it was depicted on a one of Oregon’s greatest residents. I they see a limitless horizon and Camp United States postage stamp to com- have known few others who matched Rosenbaum helps them see that their memorate the passage of the first child Fred’s courage and dedication to im- potential is just as limitless. labor laws. The heart of the town be- proving the lives of every American. Even though Fred has passed away, came its national image in 1946 when Although cancer may have taken Fred Camp Rosenbaum will continue to edu- the United Nations Bulletin featured a from this world, nothing can take away cate and engage at-risk youth. He photo of the Pownal Center as ‘‘a pic- the remarkable legacy he left to Or- would ask for nothing more. ture of peace.’’ Throughout the years egon and the Nation as a whole. Fred lived a life of service that im- this town was both the root of tradi- From his childhood as a Jew in Nazi measurably benefited both America tion and the spark of progress: a bal- Germany, Fred Rosenbaum saw the and Oregon, and his legacy will live on ance that few places or populations can worst of humanity. Growing up in Vi- for long after his passing. Not satisfied claim. enna, Austria, Fred experienced the to just improve his own life, Fred dedi- Today, Pownal has developed into a anti-Semitic riots of Kristallnacht cated himself to giving every child an town of more than three thousand. The first-hand. At age 12, shortly after opportunity to achieve their dreams. buildings have grown and the indus- Kristallnacht, school officials at- His life is an inspiration to refugees tries have changed, but the ideals re- tempted to round up Fred and his Jew- everywhere, and a demonstration of main the same. On its 250th anniver- ish classmates in a school basement, the promise our country offers to those sary, Pownal continues to encapsulate for eventual capture by the Nazi SS. in even the direst of straits. Oregon the beauty and independence of our Fred narrowly escaped them by crawl- and America have lost a humble hero State. I thank the residents of Pownal ing out a window and eventually find- who achieved greatness by helping oth- for their contributions to our State’s ing his way to England. From England, ers. Living up to his example of kind- rich and unique history. Fred helped his parents escape from ness and caring is a challenge he left to Mr. President, it is indeed an honor Austria. us all. Every American should rise to to represent the State of Vermont and Fred and his family eventually immi- that challenge and give back to their the Town of Pownal and to promote its grated to Portland, OR, to start a new communities and our country as much many successes.∑ life. Within just a few years, Fred as Fred did. It would be a fitting trib- f began serving his new country. At age ute to an extraordinary man and a 16, Fred lied about his age and joined great American.∑ ABERDEEN FEDERAL CREDIT the Army, serving in the Philippines. f UNION In a sense, Fred experienced both ∑ Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, today I fronts of the Second World War. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT recognize the Aberdeen Federal Credit Fred’s service to his country ex- Messages from the President of the Union, AFCU, a member-owned not-for- tended for long after the conclusion of United States were communicated to profit financial cooperative located in the war. After Fred returned home, he the Senate by Mrs. Neiman, one of his Aberdeen, SD. joined the Oregon National Guard and, secretaries. Chartered on April 11, 1935, this year by his retirement in 1986, earned the f marks the 75th anniversary of the rank of brigadier general. AFCU. As a community charter, mem- At the same time, Fred built up a EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED bership is open to all who live, work, successful insurance business and em- As in executive session the Presiding worship, or attend school in Brown ployed his success for the public good. Officer laid before the Senate messages County. Building upon their mission of He chaired Portland’s Housing Author- from the President of the United being responsive to their members’ ity for 13 years, served as president of States submitting sundry nominations needs by providing competitive finan- the Oregon Museum of Science and In- which were referred to the appropriate cial services, their membership has dustry, served on the board of trustees committees. grown to nearly 10,000 Brown County of Reed College, and became an asso- (The nominations received today are residents. The AFCU has much to be ciate national commissioner of the pointed at the end of the Senate pro- proud of and I am confident that their Anti-Defamation League. Service to ceedings.) success will continue well into the fu- others was an essential part of Fred’s f ture. life, and we are all richer for it. As a credit union member myself, I However, if the name ‘‘Rosenbaum’’ REPORT ON THE CONTINUATION understand firsthand the benefit of a lives on in Oregon for one reason, it is OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY credit union membership. Credit his work improving the lives of chil- THAT WAS ORIGINALLY DE- unions are a part of the community dren. Fred drew upon his experience CLARED ON JANUARY 23, 1995, and they are well aware of the specific both as an officer in the Oregon Na- WITH RESPECT TO FOREIGN needs of their members. Their commit- tional Guard and as a chairman of the TERRORISTS WHO THREATEN TO ment to providing the best possible Housing Authority of Portland to cre- DISRUPT THE MIDDLE EAST service is commendable, especially in ate a summer camp for at-risk youth. PEACE PROCESS—PM 40 the financial environment we are faced He founded the camp 40 years ago, and The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- with today. the camp continues to operate to this fore the Senate the following message

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 285 from the President of the United H.R. 1377. An act to amend title 38, United the following enrolled bills, which had States, together with an accompanying States Code, to expand veteran eligibility for previously been signed by the Speaker report; which was referred to the Com- reimbursement by the Secretary of Veterans of the House: Affairs for emergency treatment furnished in mittee on Banking, Housing, and H.R. 1377. An act to amend title 38, United Urban Affairs: a non-Department facility, and for other pur- poses. States Code, to expand veteran eligibility for To the Congress of the United States: H.R. 1817. An act to designate the facility reimbursement by the Secretary of Veterans of the United States Postal Service located Affairs for emergency treatment furnished in Section 202(d) of the National Emer- a non-Department facility, and for other pur- gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides at 116 North West Street in Somerville, Ten- nessee, as the ‘‘John S. Wilder Post Office poses. for the automatic termination of a na- H.R. 1817. An act to designate the facility tional emergency unless, prior to the Building’’. H.R. 2877. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located anniversary date of its declaration, the of the United States Postal Service located at 116 North West Street in Somerville, Ten- President publishes in the Federal Reg- at 76 Brookside Avenue in Chester, New nessee, as the ‘‘John S. Wilder Post Office ister and transmits to the Congress a York, as the ‘‘1st Lieutenant Louis Allen Building’’. notice stating that the emergency is to Post Office’’. H.R. 2877. An act to designate the facility continue in effect beyond the anniver- H.R. 3072. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located of the United States Postal Service located at 76 Brookside Avenue in Chester, New sary date. In accordance with this pro- York, as the ‘‘1st Lieutenant Louis Allen vision, I have sent to the Federal Reg- at 9810 Halls Ferry Road in St. Louis, Mis- souri, as the ‘‘Coach Jodie Bailey Post Office Post Office’’. ister for publication the enclosed notice H.R. 3072. An act to designate the facility stating that the emergency declared Building’’. H.R. 3319. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located with respect to foreign terrorists who of the United States Postal Service located at 9810 Halls Ferry Road in St. Louis, Mis- threaten to disrupt the Middle East at 440 South Gulling Street in Portola, Cali- souri, as the ‘‘Coach Jodie Bailey Post Office peace process is to continue in effect fornia, as the ‘‘Army Specialist Jeremiah Building’’. beyond January 23, 2010. Paul McCleery Post Office Building’’. H.R. 3319. An act to designate the facility The crisis with respect to the grave H.R. 3539. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located acts of violence committed by foreign of the United States Postal Service located at 440 South Gulling Street in Portola, Cali- fornia, as the ‘‘Army Specialist Jeremiah terrorists who threaten to disrupt the at 427 Harrison Avenue in Harrison, New Jer- sey, as the ‘‘Patricia D. McGinty-Juhl Post Paul McCleery Post Office Building’’. Middle East peace process that led to H.R. 3539. An act to designate the facility the declaration of a national emer- Office Building’’. H.R. 3667. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located gency on January 23, 1995, has not been of the United States Postal Service located at 427 Harrison Avenue in Harrison, New Jer- resolved. Terrorist groups continue to at 16555 Springs Street in White Springs, sey, as the ‘‘Patricia D. McGinty-Juhl Post engage in activities that have the pur- Florida, as the ‘‘Clyde L. Hillhouse Post Of- Office Building’’. pose or effect of threatening the Middle fice Building’’. H.R. 3667. An act to designate the facility East peace process and that are hostile H.R. 3767. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located to United States interests in the re- of the United States Postal Service located at 16555 Springs Street in White Springs, Florida, as the ‘‘Clyde L. Hillhouse Post Of- gion. Such actions constitute an un- at 170 North Main Street in Smithfield, Utah, as the ‘‘W. Hazen Hillyard Post Office fice Building’’. usual and extraordinary threat to the H.R. 3767. An act to designate the facility national security, foreign policy, and Building’’. H.R. 3788. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located economy of the United States. For of the United States Postal Service located at 170 North Main Street in Smithfield, these reasons, I have determined that at 3900 Darrow Road in Stow, Ohio, as the Utah, as the ‘‘W. Hazen Hillyard Post Office it is necessary to continue the national ‘‘Corporal Joseph A. Tomci Post Office Building’’. emergency declared with respect to Building’’. H.R. 3788. An act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located foreign terrorists who threaten to dis- f rupt the Middle East peace process and at 3900 Darrow Road in Stow, Ohio, as the MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE ‘‘Corporal Joseph A. Tomci Post Office to maintain in force the economic Building’’. sanctions against them to respond to At 10:03 a.m., a message from the this threat. House of Representatives, delivered by At 12:08 p.m., a message from the BARACK OBAMA. Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, House of Representatives, delivered by THE WHITE HOUSE, January 20, 2010. announced that the House has passed Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- f the following bills, in which it requests nounced that the House has passed the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE the concurrence of the Senate: following bills, in which it requests the DURING ADJOURNMENT H.R. 2646. An act to amend title 31, United concurrence of the Senate: States Code, to enhance the oversight au- H.R. 725. An act to protect Indian arts and Under the authority of the order of thorities of the Comptroller General, and for January 6, 2009, the Secretary of the crafts through the improvement of applica- other purposes. ble criminal proceedings, and for other pur- Senate, on January 19, 2010, during the H.R. 3237. An act to enact certain laws re- poses. adjournment of the Senate, received a lating to national and commercial space pro- H.R. 3759. An act to authorize the Sec- message from the House of Representa- grams as title 51, United States Code, ‘‘Na- retary of the Interior to grant market-re- tives announcing that the House has tional and Commercial Space Programs’’. lated contract extensions of certain timber passed the following bill, without H.R. 3892. An act to designate the facility contracts between the Secretary of the Inte- amendment: of the United States Postal Service located rior and timber purchasers, and for other at 101 West Highway 64 Bypass in Roper, S. 692. An act to provide that claims of the purposes. North Carolina, as the ‘‘E.V. Wilkins Post United States to certain documents relating H. Con. Res. 228. A concurrent resolution Office’’. to Franklin Delano Roosevelt shall be treat- providing for a joint session of Congress to H.R. 4139. An act to designate the facility ed as waived and relinquished in certain cir- receive a message from the President. of the United States Postal Service located cumstances. at 7464 Highway 503 in Hickory, Mississippi, f The message also announced that the as the ‘‘Sergeant Matthew L. Ingram Post House agreed to the following resolu- Office’’. tion: H.R. 4173. An act to provide for financial MEASURES REFERRED H. Res. 999. Resolution that the Clerk of regulatory reform, to protect consumers and The following bills were read the first the House inform the Senate that a quorum investors, to enhance Federal understanding and the second times by unanimous of the House is present and that the House is of insurance issues, to regulate the over-the- consent, and referred as indicated: ready to proceed with business. counter derivatives markets, and for other purposes. H.R. 2646. An act to amend title 31, United ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED States Code, to enhance the oversight au- The message further announced that ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED thorities of the Comptroller General, and for the Speaker has signed the following The President pro tempore (Mr. other purposes; to the Committee on Home- enrolled bills: BYRD) announced that he had signed land Security and Governmental Affairs.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 H.R. 3237. An act to enact certain laws re- EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- lating to national and commercial space pro- COMMUNICATIONS suant to law, the report of a rule entitled grams as title 51, United States Code, ‘‘Na- ‘‘Authorization Validated End-User: Amend- tional and Commercial Space Programs’’; to The following communications were ment to Existing Validated End-User Au- the Committee on the Judiciary. laid before the Senate, together with thorizations in the People’s Republic of H.R. 3759. An act to authorize the Sec- accompanying papers, reports, and doc- China (PRC) and India’’ (RIN0694–AE77) re- retary of the Interior to grant market-re- uments, and were referred as indicated: ceived in the Office of the President of the Senate on December 23, 2009; to the Com- lated contract extensions of certain timber EC–4168. A communication from the Direc- mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- contracts between the Secretary of the Inte- tor of Program Development and Regulatory fairs. rior and timber purchasers, and for other Analysis, Rural Utilities Service, Depart- purposes; to the Committee on Energy and EC–4177. A communication from the Chair- ment of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant man and President of the Export-Import Natural Resources. to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Electric H.R. 3892. An act to designate the facility Bank, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- Program: Definition of Rural Area’’ ((7 CFR port relative to transactions involving U.S. of the United States Postal Service located Part 1710) (RIN0572–AC15)) received in the Of- at 101 West Highway 64 Bypass in Roper, exports to the Federative Republic of Brazil; fice of the President of the Senate on Decem- to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and North Carolina, as the ‘‘E.V. Wilkins Post ber 21, 2009; to the Committee on Agri- Urban Affairs. Office’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. EC–4178. A communication from the Sec- curity and Governmental Affairs. EC–4169. A communication from the Sec- retary of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant H.R. 4139. An act to designate the facility retary of the Navy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a six-month report on the national of the United States Postal Service located to law, a report relative to the Average Pro- emergency that was originally declared in at 7464 Highway 503 in Hickory, Mississippi, curement Unit Cost for the Remote Executive Order 13159 relative to the risk of as the ‘‘Sergeant Matthew L. Ingram Post Minehunting System (RMS) Program; to the nuclear proliferation created by the accumu- Office’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- Committee on Armed Services. lation of weapons-usable fissile material in curity and Governmental Affairs. EC–4170. A communication from the Gen- the territory of the Russian Federation; to H.R. 4173. An act to provide for financial eral Counsel, Selective Service System, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and regulatory reform, to protect consumers and transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- Urban Affairs. investors, to enhance Federal understanding ative to the vacancy in the position of Direc- EC–4179. A communication from the Sec- of insurance issues, to regulate the over-the- tor of the Selective Service System; to the retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- counter derivatives markets, and for other Committee on Armed Services. ant to law, the six-month periodic report on purposes; to the Committee on Banking, EC–4171. A communication from the Sec- the national emergency with respect to the Housing, and Urban Affairs. retary of Defense, transmitting a report on Western Balkans that was declared in Execu- the approved retirement of Lieutenant Gen- tive Order 13219 of June 26, 2001; to the Com- f eral Jack L. Rives, United States Air Force, mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- and his advancement to the grade of lieuten- fairs. MEASURES DISCHARGED ant general on the retired list; to the Com- EC–4180. A communication from the The following measure was dis- mittee on Armed Services. NRDAR Program Manager, Office of the Sec- charged from the Committee on Energy EC–4172. A communication from the Assist- retary, Department of the Interior, trans- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule and Natural Resources, and referred as ant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- entitled ‘‘Natural Resource Damages for indicated: ative to the Mississippi Coastal Improve- Hazardous Substances’’ (RIN1090–AA97) re- H.R. 1854. An act to amend the Water Re- ments Program (MsCIP), Hancock, Harrison ceived in the Office of the President of the sources Development Act of 1992 to modify and Jackson Counties, Mississippi; to the Senate on December 22, 2009; to the Com- an environmental infrastructure project for Committee on Armed Services. mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. Big Bear Lake, California; to the Committee EC–4173. A communication from the Dep- EC–4181. A communication from the Direc- on Environment and Public Works. uty Assistant Secretary for Export Adminis- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tration, Bureau of Industry and Security, Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, f Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- MEASURES PLACED ON THE suant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Updated Statements of Legal Authority to titled ‘‘National Emission Standards for Haz- CALENDAR Reflect Continuation of the Emergency De- ardous Air Pollutants: Area Source Stand- The following bills were read the sec- clared in Executive Order 12938 and Changes ards for Prepared Feeds Manufacturing’’ to the United States Code’’ (RIN0694–AE76) (FRL No. 9095–2) received in the Office of the ond time, and placed on the calendar: President of the Senate on December 22, 2009; received in the Office of the President of the H.R. 3961. An act to amend title XVIII of to the Committee on Environment and Pub- Senate on December 23, 2009; to the Com- the Social Security Act to reform the Medi- lic Works. care SGR payment system for physicians and mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- EC–4182. A communication from the Direc- to reinstitute and update the Pay-As-You-Go fairs. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–4174. A communication from the Dep- requirement of budget neutrality on new tax Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, uty Assistant Secretary for Export Adminis- and mandatory spending legislation, en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tration, Bureau of Industry and Security, forced by the threat of annual, automatic se- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- questration. titled ‘‘National Emission Standards for Haz- suant to law, the report of a rule entitled H.R. 4154. An act to amend the Internal ardous Air Pollutants for Area Sources: ‘‘Reporting of Offsets Agreements in Sales of Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the new car- Chemical Preparations Industry’’ (FRL No. Weapon Systems or Defense-Related Items ryover basis rules in order to prevent tax in- 9095–1) received in the Office of the President to Foreign Countries of Foreign Firms’’ creases and the imposition of compliance of the Senate on December 22, 2009; to the (RIN0694–AE40) received in the Office of the burdens on many more estates than would Committee on Environment and Public President of the Senate on December 23, 2009; benefit from repeal, to retain the estate tax Works. to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and with a $3,500,000 exemption, to reinstitute EC–4183. A communication from the Direc- Urban Affairs. and update the Pay-As-You-Go requirement tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–4175. A communication from the Dep- of budget neutrality on new tax and manda- Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, uty Assistant Secretary for Export Adminis- tory spending legislation, enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tration, Bureau of Industry and Security, threat of annual, automatic sequestration, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- and for other purposes. titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air suant to law, the report of a rule entitled Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana’’ f ‘‘Amendments to the Export Administration (FRL No. 8985–4) received in the Office of the Regulations (EAR) Based upon the Accession President of the Senate on December 22, 2009; MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME of Albania and Croatia to Formal Member- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- ship in the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- lic Works. The following bill was read the first tion (NATO)’’ (RIN0694–AE62) received in the EC–4184. A communication from the Direc- time: Office of the President of the Senate on De- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, S. 2939. A bill to amend title 31, United cember 23, 2009; to the Committee on Bank- Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, States Code to require an audit of the Board ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- of Governors of the Federal Reserve System EC–4176. A communication from the Dep- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- and the Federal reserve banks, and for other uty Assistant Secretary for Export Adminis- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- purposes. tration, Bureau of Industry and Security, mentation Plans; State of Missouri’’ (FRL

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 287 No. 9096–4) received in the Office of the Presi- Department of State, transmitting, pursuant ceived in the Office of the President of the dent of the Senate on December 23, 2009; to to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- Senate on December 22, 2009; to the Com- the Committee on Environment and Public cation of a proposed manufacturing license mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- Works. agreement for the export of defense articles, mental Affairs. EC–4185. A communication from the Direc- including, technical data, and defense serv- EC–4200. A communication from the Chair- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ices to Germany relative to the design and man of the Council of the District of Colum- Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, manufacture of the H–726 Dynamic Reference bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Unit for Military Vehicles; to the Committee on D.C. Act 18–138, ‘‘Initiative Measure No. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- on Foreign Relations. 59, Legalization of Marijuana for Medical titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- EC–4193. A communication from the Assist- Treatment Initiative of 1999’’; to the Com- mentation Plans and Operating Permits Pro- ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- gram; State of Iowa’’ (FRL No. 9096–6) re- Department of State, transmitting, pursuant mental Affairs. ceived in the Office of the President of the to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- EC–4201. A communication from the In- Senate on December 23, 2009; to the Com- cation of a proposed manufacturing license spector General, Department of Commerce, mittee on Environment and Public Works. agreement for the export of defense articles, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Semi-An- EC–4186. A communication from the Chief including, technical data, and defense serv- nual Report of the Inspector General for the of the Publications and Regulations Branch, ices to the United Kingdom relative to the period from April 1 through September 30, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the manufacture and repair of aircraft vertical 2009; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the and azimuth rate gyros as well as attitude rity and Governmental Affairs. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Corporate Reorga- heading reference systems (AHRS) and atti- EC–4202. A communication from the Ad- nizations; Distributions Under Sections tude indicators; to the Committee on For- ministrator, Environmental Protection 368(a)(1)(D) and 354(b)(1)(B)’’ ((TD 9475) eign Relations. Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the (RIN1545–BF83)) received in the Office of the EC–4194. A communication from the Assist- Agency’s Performance and Accountability President of the Senate on December 23, 2009; ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Report for fiscal year 2009; to the Committee to the Committee on Finance. Department of State, transmitting, pursuant on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- EC–4187. A communication from the Chief to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- fairs. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, cation of a proposed amendment to a tech- EC–4203. A communication from the Assist- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the nical assistance agreement for the export of ant Secretary for Congressional and Legisla- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the defense articles, including, technical data, tive Affairs, Department of Veterans Affairs, report of a rule entitled ‘‘Tax-Exempt Bonds and defense services to the United Arab transmitting, pursuant to law, the Depart- in Certain Disaster Areas’’ (Notice 2010–10) Emirates relative to the design and develop- ment’s Performance and Accountability Re- received in the Office of the President of the ment of the Vehicle Launched Scatterable port for fiscal year 2009; to the Committee on Senate on December 23, 2009; to the Com- Anti–Tank System (VLSAS) in the amount Homeland Security and Governmental Af- mittee on Finance. EC–4188. A communication from the Assist- of $50,000,000 or more; to the Committee on fairs. ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Foreign Relations. EC–4204. A communication from the Policy Department of State, transmitting, pursuant EC–4195. A communication from the Dep- Editor, Bureau of Immigration and Customs to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- uty Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Enforcement, Department of Homeland Se- cation of a proposed technical assistance Legislative and Public Affairs, U.S. Agency curity, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- agreement for the export of defense articles, for International Development, transmit- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Extending Period of including, technical data, and defense serv- ting, pursuant to law, the Agency’s Fiscal Optional Practical Training by 17 Months for ices to Kuwait in support of the Combat Sup- Year 2009 Agency Financial Report; to the F–1 Nonimmigrant Students with STEM De- port Services Contract for the U.S. Army Committee on Foreign Relations. grees and Expanding Cap-Gap Relief for All Support Group in the amount of $50,000,000 or EC–4196. A communication from the Dep- F–1 Students with Pending H–1B Petitions more; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- uty Director of Regulations and Policy Man- (RIN1653–AA56) received on December 22, tions. agement Staff, Food and Drug Administra- 2009; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EC–4189. A communication from the Assist- tion, Department of Health and Human Serv- EC–4205. A communication from the Dep- ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, ices, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- uty Assistant Administrator of Diversion Department of State, transmitting, pursuant port of a rule entitled ‘‘Food Additives Per- Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- mitted in Feed and Drinking Water of Ani- Department of Justice, transmitting, pursu- cation of a proposed amendment to a manu- mals; Methyl Esters of Conjugated Linoleic ant to law, the report of a rule entitled facturing license agreement for the export of Acid (Cis-9), Trans-11 and Trans-10, Cis-12-Oc- ‘‘Changes to Patient Limitation for Dis- defense articles, including, technical data, tadecadienoic Acids’’ (Docket No. FDA-2003- pensing or Prescribing Approved Narcotic and defense services to Canada relative to F-0398) received in the Office of the President Controlled Substances for Maintenance or the design, manufacture, and repair of the of the Senate on December 21, 2009; to the Detoxification Treatment by Qualified Indi- APS–508 Radar to support the Canadian CP– Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and vidual Practitioners’’ (Docket Number DEA– 140 Maritime Patrol Aircraft; to the Com- Pensions. 275F) received in the Office of the President mittee on Foreign Relations. EC–4197. A communication from the Dep- of the Senate on December 23, 2009; to the EC–4190. A communication from the Assist- uty Director of Regulations and Policy Man- Committee on the Judiciary. ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, agement Staff, Food and Drug Administra- EC–4206. A communication from the Chair- Department of State, transmitting, pursuant tion, Department of Health and Human Serv- man of the Council of the District of Colum- to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- ices, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report cation of a proposed amendment to a manu- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Current Good Manu- on D.C. Act 18–248, ‘‘Religious Freedom and facturing license agreement for the export of facturing Practice for Positron Emission To- Civil Marriage Equality Amendment Act of defense articles, including, technical data, mography Drugs’’ (Docket No. FDA–2004–N– 2009’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- and defense services to Turkey relative to 0449) received in the Office of the President rity and Governmental Affairs. of the Senate on December 22, 2009; to the the design, manufacture, and repair of F–35 f Center Fuselages and related Assemblies in Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and the amount of $100,000,000 or more; to the Pensions. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES EC–4198. A communication from the Sec- Committee on Foreign Relations. The following reports of committees EC–4191. A communication from the Assist- retary of the Federal Trade Commission, ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- were submitted: Department of State, transmitting, pursuant ative to the use of the exemption from the By Mrs. BOXER, from the Committee on to the Arms Export Control Act, the certifi- antitrust laws provided by the Pandemic and Environment and Public Works, with amend- cation of a proposed technical assistance All-Hazards Preparedness Act; to the Com- ments: agreement for the export of defense articles, mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and S. 2778. A bill to amend the Public Works including, technical data, and defense serv- Pensions. and Economic Development Act of 1965 to re- ices relative to the development of the Me- EC–4199. A communication from the Direc- authorize that Act, and for other purposes dium Extended Air Defense System tor, Center for Employee and Family Sup- (Rept. No. 111–114). (MEADS) Program involving the United port Policy, Office of Personnel Manage- By Mr. DORGAN, from the Committee on States, Austria, Italy, and Germany in the ment, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Indian Affairs, with amendments: amount of $50,000,000 or more; to the Com- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Continuation of Eli- S. 1105. A bill to authorize the Secretary of mittee on Foreign Relations. gibility for Certain Civil Service Benefits for the Interior, acting through the Commis- EC–4192. A communication from the Assist- Former Federal Employees of the Civilian sioner of Reclamation, to develop water in- ant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Marksmanship Program’’ (RIN3206–AJ55) re- frastructure in the Rio Grande Basin, and to

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approve the settlement of the water rights Code of 1986 to extend the enhanced chari- S. 491 claims of the Pueblos of Nambe, Pojoaque, table deduction for contributions of food in- At the request of Mr. WEBB, the name San Ildefonso, and Tesuque (Rept. No. 111– ventory; to the Committee on Finance. of the Senator from West Virginia (Mr. 115). By Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. VIT- BYRD) was added as a cosponsor of S. By Mr. DORGAN, from the Committee on TER, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. JOHANNS, Mrs. 491, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- Indian Affairs, without amendment: HUTCHISON, Mr. BROWNBACK, Mr. S. 1735. A bill to provide for the recogni- LEMIEUX, Mr. BURR, Mr. ENZI, Mr. enue Code of 1986 to allow Federal ci- tion of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, COBURN, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BENNETT, vilian and military retirees to pay and for other purposes (Rept. No. 111–116). Ms. SNOWE, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. EN- health insurance premiums on a pretax By Mr. DORGAN, from the Committee on SIGN, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. WICKER, Mr. basis and to allow a deduction for Indian Affairs, with amendments: BUNNING, Mr. GRAHAM, and Mr. COR- TRICARE supplemental premiums. S. 965. A bill to approve the Taos Pueblo NYN): S. 624 Indian Water Rights Settlement Agreement, S. 2938. A bill to terminate authority under and for other purposes (Rept. No. 111–117). the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and for At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the names of the Senator from Louisiana f other purposes; to the Committee on Bank- ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. (Ms. LANDRIEU) and the Senator from INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND By Mr. DEMINT: Pennsylvania (Mr. CASEY) were added JOINT RESOLUTIONS S. 2939. A bill to amend title 31, United as cosponsors of S. 624, a bill to provide States Code to require an audit of the Board 100,000,000 people with first-time access The following bills and joint resolu- of Governors of the Federal Reserve System tions were introduced, read the first to safe drinking water and sanitation and the Federal reserve banks, and for other on a sustainable basis by 2015 by im- and second times by unanimous con- purposes; read the first time. sent, and referred as indicated: By Mr. LAUTENBERG: proving the capacity of the United States Government to fully implement By Mr. NELSON of Florida (for him- S. 2940. A bill to increase the use of secu- self, Mr. KERRY, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. HAR- rity cameras at airport security screening the Senator Paul Simon Water for the KIN, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. checkpoints and exits, to impose increased Poor Act of 2005. BINGAMAN, Mr. LEMIEUX, Mr. LAU- penalties on individuals who circumvent se- S. 663 TENBERG, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. UDALL curity screening at airports, and for other At the request of Mr. NELSON of Ne- of New Mexico, and Mr. WHITEHOUSE): purposes; to the Committee on Commerce, braska, the name of the Senator from S. 2931. A bill to accelerate the income tax Science, and Transportation. By Mr. BINGAMAN (for himself and Louisiana (Mr. VITTER) was added as a benefits for charitable cash contributions for cosponsor of S. 663, a bill to amend the relief of victims of the earthquake in Ms. MURKOWSKI) (by request): Haiti; to the Committee on Finance. S. 2941. A bill to provide supplemental ex title 38, United States Code, to direct By Mr. VITTER: gratia compensation to the Republic of the the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to es- S. 2932. A bill to amend the public charter Marshall Islands for impacts of the nuclear tablish the Merchant Mariner Equity school provisions of the Elementary and Sec- testing program of the United States, and for Compensation Fund to provide benefits ondary Education Act of 1965, and for other other purposes; to the Committee on Energy to certain individuals who served in purposes; to the Committee on Health, Edu- and Natural Resources. the United States merchant marine cation, Labor, and Pensions. f (including the Army Transport Service By Mr. VOINOVICH (for himself and and the Naval Transport Service) dur- Mr. BROWN): SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND S. 2933. A bill to authorize the Secretary of SENATE RESOLUTIONS ing World War II. S. 841 the Interior to conduct a special resource The following concurrent resolutions study to determine the suitability and feasi- At the request of Mr. KERRY, the and Senate resolutions were read, and bility of designating the Colonel Charles name of the Senator from Wisconsin referred (or acted upon), as indicated: Young Home in Xenia, Ohio, as a unit of the (Mr. FEINGOLD) was added as a cospon- National Park System, and for other pur- By Ms. STABENOW: sor of S. 841, a bill to direct the Sec- poses; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- S. Res. 388. A resolution expressing the ural Resources. sense of the Senate regarding unfair and dis- retary of Transportation to study and By Mr. VITTER: criminatory measures of the Government of establish a motor vehicle safety stand- S. 2934. A bill to amend the Federal Food, Japan in failing to apply the Eco-Friendly ard that provides for a means of alert- Drug, and Cosmetic Act to ensure the safety Vehicle Purchase Program to vehicles made ing blind and other pedestrians of of imported seafood; to the Committee on by United States automakers; to the Com- motor vehicle operation. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. mittee on Finance. S. 870 By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. By Mr. SHELBY (for himself and Mr. At the request of Mrs. LINCOLN, the CORNYN, and Mr. ROBERTS): SESSIONS): S. 2935. A bill to clarify that the revocation S. Res. 389. A resolution commending The name of the Senator from Minnesota of an alien’s visa or other documentation is University of Alabama Crimson Tide for (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- not subject to judicial review; to the Com- being unanimously declared the 2009 NCAA sponsor of S. 870, a bill to amend the mittee on the Judiciary. Football Bowl Subdivision National Cham- Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to ex- By Mr. BAUCUS (for himself, Mr. pions; to the Committee on the Judiciary. pand the credit for renewable elec- GRASSLEY, Mr. REID, Mr. NELSON of f tricity production to include elec- Florida, Mr. LEMIEUX, Mr. SCHUMER, tricity produced from biomass for on- Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. ROCKEFELLER, ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS site use and to modify the credit period Mr. HATCH, Mr. BINGAMAN, Mr. BUN- S. 428 NING, Mr. KERRY, Mr. ENZI, Mrs. LIN- for certain facilities producing elec- COLN, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. MENENDEZ, At the request of Mr. DORGAN, the tricity from open-loop biomass. Mr. DODD, Mr. HARKIN, Ms. LANDRIEU, name of the Senator from West Vir- S. 891 Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. UDALL of Colo- ginia (Mr. BYRD) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. BROWNBACK, the rado, Mr. DORGAN, Mr. JOHNSON, Mrs. sponsor of S. 428, a bill to allow travel names of the Senator from Indiana SHAHEEN, Mr. CONRAD, Mr. LUGAR, between the United States and Cuba. (Mr. BAYH) and the Senator from New Mr. JOHANNS, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. S. 476 Jersey (Mr. LAUTENBERG) were added as ENSIGN, Mr. BURRIS, and Mr. BROWN- BACK): At the request of Mrs. BOXER, the cosponsors of S. 891, a bill to require S. 2936. A bill to accelerate the income tax name of the Senator from West Vir- annual disclosure to the Securities and benefits for charitable cash contributions for ginia (Mr. BYRD) was added as a co- Exchange Commission of activities in- the relief of victims of the earthquake in sponsor of S. 476, a bill to amend title volving columbite-tantalite, cas- Haiti; to the Committee on Finance. 10, United States Code, to reduce the siterite, and wolframite from the By Mr. SCHUMER (for himself, Mrs. minimum distance of travel necessary Democratic Republic of Congo, and for GILLIBRAND, Mr. NELSON of Florida, for reimbursement of covered bene- other purposes. Mr. LEMIEUX, and Mr. KERRY): S. 2937. A bill to provide a temporary sus- ficiaries of the military health care S. 1005 pension of limitation on charitable contribu- system for travel for specialty health At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the tions and to amend the Internal Revenue care. name of the Senator from Maryland

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(Ms. MIKULSKI) was added as a cospon- S. 1203 Secretary of Health and Human Serv- sor of S. 1005, a bill to amend the Fed- At the request of Mr. BAUCUS, the ices to establish a program of grants to eral Water Pollution Control Act and name of the Senator from New Hamp- newly accredited allopathic medical the Safe Drinking Water Act to im- shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- schools for the purpose of increasing prove water and wastewater infrastruc- sponsor of S. 1203, a bill to amend the the supply of physicians. ture in the United States. Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend S. 1787 S. 1067 the research credit through 2010 and to At the request of Mr. BINGAMAN, the At the request of Mr. FEINGOLD, the increase and make permanent the al- name of the Senator from Colorado names of the Senator from New Mexico ternative simplified research credit, (Mr. UDALL) was added as a cosponsor (Mr. UDALL), the Senator from Colo- and for other purposes. of S. 1787, a bill to reauthorize the Fed- rado (Mr. UDALL) and the Senator from S. 1313 eral Land Transaction Facilitation Arizona (Mr. KYL) were added as co- At the request of Mr. LUGAR, the Act, and for other purposes. sponsors of S. 1067, a bill to support name of the Senator from Massachu- S. 1859 stabilization and lasting peace in setts (Mr. KERRY) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. ROCKEFELLER, northern Uganda and areas affected by sponsor of S. 1313, a bill to amend the the names of the Senator from New the Lord’s Resistance Army through Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to per- Jersey (Mr. LAUTENBERG) and the Sen- development of a regional strategy to manently extend and expand the chari- ator from Illinois (Mr. BURRIS) were support multilateral efforts to success- table deduction for contributions of added as cosponsors of S. 1859, a bill to fully protect civilians and eliminate food inventory. reinstate Federal matching of State the threat posed by the Lord’s Resist- S. 1317 spending of child support incentive ance Army and to authorize funds for At the request of Mr. LAUTENBERG, payments. humanitarian relief and reconstruc- the name of the Senator from New Jer- S. 2128 tion, reconciliation, and transitional sey (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. LEMIEUX, the justice, and for other purposes. sponsor of S. 1317, a bill to increase name of the Senator from Oklahoma S. 1076 public safety by permitting the Attor- (Mr. INHOFE) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the ney General to deny the transfer of of S. 2128, a bill to provide for the es- names of the Senator from West Vir- firearms or the issuance of firearms tablishment of the Office of Deputy ginia (Mr. BYRD), the Senator from and explosives licenses to known or Secretary for Health Care Fraud Pre- Vermont (Mr. LEAHY), the Senator suspected dangerous terrorists. vention. from Rhode Island (Mr. REED), the Sen- S. 1389 S. 2743 ator from Nevada (Mr. ENSIGN), the At the request of Mr. NELSON of Ne- At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the Senator from Colorado (Mr. UDALL), braska, the name of the Senator from names of the Senator from Massachu- the Senator from Virginia (Mr. WAR- Nebraska (Mr. JOHANNS) was added as a setts (Mr. KERRY) and the Senator from NER) and the Senator from New York cosponsor of S. 1389, a bill to clarify Massachusetts (Mr. KIRK) were added (Mr. SCHUMER) were added as cospon- the exemption for certain annuity con- as cosponsors of S. 2743, a bill to amend sors of S. 1076, a bill to improve the ac- tracts and insurance policies from Fed- title 10, United States Code, to provide curacy of fur product labeling, and for eral regulation under the Securities for the award of a military service other purposes. Act of 1933. medal to members of the Armed Forces S. 1111 S. 1445 who served honorably during the Cold At the request of Mr. ROCKEFELLER, At the request of Mr. LAUTENBERG, War, and for other purposes. the names of the Senator from Cali- the name of the Senator from Massa- S. 2747 fornia (Mrs. FEINSTEIN), the Senator chusetts (Mr. KERRY) was added as a At the request of Mr. BINGAMAN, the from Oregon (Mr. WYDEN), the Senator cosponsor of S. 1445, a bill to amend the name of the Senator from Vermont from Connecticut (Mr. DODD) and the Public Health Service Act to improve (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER) the health of children and reduce the sor of S. 2747, a bill to amend the Land were added as cosponsors of S. 1111, a occurrence of sudden unexpected infant and Water Conservation Fund Act of bill to require the Secretary of Health death and to enhance public health ac- 1965 to provide consistent and reliable and Human Services to enter into tivities related to stillbirth. authority for, and for the funding of, agreements with States to resolve out- S. 1582 the land and water conservation fund standing claims for reimbursement At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the to maximize the effectiveness of the under the Medicare program relating name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. fund for future generations, and for to the Special Disability Workload BAYH) was added as a cosponsor of S. other purposes. project. 1582, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- S. 2758 S. 1156 enue Code of 1986 to provide a credit At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the At the request of Mr. HARKIN, the against income tax to facilitate the ac- name of the Senator from Wisconsin name of the Senator from New York celerated development and deployment (Mr. FEINGOLD) was added as a cospon- (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a cospon- of advanced safety systems for com- sor of S. 2758, a bill to amend the Agri- sor of S. 1156, a bill to amend the Safe, mercial motor vehicles. cultural Research, Extension, and Edu- Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Trans- S. 1744 cation Reform Act of 1998 to establish portation Equity Act: A Legacy for At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the a national food safety training, edu- Users to reauthorize and improve the name of the Senator from Massachu- cation, extension, outreach, and tech- safe routes to school program. setts (Mr. KERRY) was added as a co- nical assistance program for agricul- S. 1183 sponsor of S. 1744, a bill to require the tural producers, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation S. 2760 name of the Senator from Connecticut Administration to prescribe regula- At the request of Mr. UDALL of New (Mr. DODD) was added as a cosponsor of tions to ensure that all crewmembers Mexico, the names of the Senator from S. 1183, a bill to authorize the Sec- on air carriers have proper qualifica- West Virginia (Mr. BYRD), the Senator retary of Agriculture to provide assist- tions and experience, and for other pur- from Oregon (Mr. WYDEN) and the Sen- ance to the Government of Haiti to end poses. ator from North Dakota (Mr. DORGAN) within 5 years the deforestation in S. 1771 were added as cosponsors of S. 2760, a Haiti and restore within 30 years the At the request of Mr. CASEY, the bill to amend title 38, United States extent of tropical forest cover in exist- name of the Senator from New York Code, to provide for an increase in the ence in Haiti in 1990, and for other pur- (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a cospon- annual amount authorized to be appro- poses. sor of S. 1771, a bill to authorize the priated to the Secretary of Veterans

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 Affairs to carry out comprehensive for small business concerns, and for STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED service programs for homeless vet- other purposes. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS erans. S. 2886 By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, S. 2781 At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the Mr. CORNYN, and Mr. ROBERTS): At the request of Ms. MIKULSKI, the name of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. S. 2935. A bill to clarify that the rev- names of the Senator from California HARKIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. ocation of an alien’s visa or other docu- (Mrs. FEINSTEIN), the Senator from 2886, a bill to prohibit certain affili- mentation is not subject to judicial re- Texas (Mrs. HUTCHISON) and the Sen- ations (between commercial banking view; to the Committee on the Judici- ator from Maine (Ms. COLLINS) were and investment banking companies), ary. added as cosponsors of S. 2781, a bill to and for other purposes. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask change references in Federal law to S. 2908 unanimous consent that the text of the mental retardation to references to an At the request of Mr. KOHL, the name bill be printed in the RECORD. intellectual disability, and to change of the Senator from Arkansas (Mr. There being no objection, the text of references to a mentally retarded indi- PRYOR) was added as a cosponsor of S. the bill was ordered to be printed in vidual to references to an individual 2908, a bill to amend the Energy Policy the RECORD, as follows: with an intellectual disability. and Conservation Act to require the S. 2935 S. 2789 Secretary of Energy to publish a final Be it enacted by the Senate and House of At the request of Mr. VOINOVICH, the rule that establishes a uniform effi- Representatives of the United States of America name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. ciency descriptor and accompanying in Congress assembled, BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of S. test methods for covered water heaters, SECTION 1. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF VISA REVOCA- TION. 2789, a bill to establish a scholarship and for other purposes. program to encourage outstanding un- Section 221(i) of the Immigration and Na- S.J. RES. 22 dergraduate and graduate students in tionality Act (8 U.S.C. 1201(i)) is amended by striking ‘‘There shall be no means of judicial mission-critical fields to pursue a ca- At the request of Mr. LEMIEUX, the name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. review’’ and all that follows and inserting reer in the Federal Government. ISAKSON) was added as a cosponsor of the following: ‘‘Notwithstanding any other S. 2812 S.J. Res. 22, a joint resolution pro- provision of law, including section 2241 of At the request of Mr. BINGAMAN, the title 28, United States Code, any other ha- posing an amendment to the Constitu- name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. beas corpus provision, and sections 1361 and tion of the United States relative to re- CRAPO) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1651 of such title, a revocation under this quiring a balanced budget and granting 2812, a bill to amend the Energy Policy subsection may not be reviewed by any the President of the United States the court, and no court shall have jurisdiction to Act of 2005 to require the Secretary of power of line-item veto. hear any claim arising from, or any chal- Energy to carry out programs to de- lenge to, such a revocation.’’. S.J. RES. 23 velop and demonstrate two small mod- SEC. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. At the request of Mr. FEINGOLD, the ular nuclear reactor designs, and for The amendment made by section 1 shall— other purposes. name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. (1) take effect on the date of the enactment BEGICH) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2853 of this Act; and S.J. Res. 23, a joint resolution dis- At the request of Mr. GREGG, the (2) apply to all visas issued before, on, or name of the Senator from Arizona (Mr. approving the rule submitted by the after such date. Federal Election Commission with re- MCCAIN) was withdrawn as a cosponsor By Mr. BINGAMAN (for himself of S. 2853, a bill to establish a Bipar- spect to travel on private aircraft by and Ms. MURKOWSKI) (by re- tisan Task Force for Responsible Fiscal Federal candidates. S. RES. 316 quest): Action, to assure the long-term fiscal S. 2941. A bill to provide supple- At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the stability and economic security of the mental ex gratia compensation to the name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. Federal Government of the United Republic of the Marshall Islands for BROWNBACK) was added as a cosponsor States, and to expand future prosperity impacts of the nuclear testing program of S. Res. 316, a resolution calling upon growth for all Americans. of the United States, and for other pur- the President to ensure that the for- At the request of Mr. INHOFE, his poses; to the Committee on Energy and eign policy of the United States re- name was withdrawn as a cosponsor of Natural Resources. flects appropriate understanding and S. 2853, supra. Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President. sensitivity concerning issues related to S. 2858 Today, I join the Ranking Member of human rights, ethnic cleansing, and At the request of Mrs. BOXER, the the Committee on Energy and Natural genocide documented in the United name of the Senator from Maryland Resources, Senator MURKOWSKI, in re- States record relating to the Armenian (Ms. MIKULSKI) was added as a cospon- introducing, the Republic of the Mar- Genocide, and for other purposes. sor of S. 2858, a bill to amend the Pub- shall Islands Supplemental Nuclear lic Health Service Act to establish an S. RES. 373 Compensation Act at the request of the Office of Mitochondrial Disease at the At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the President of the Marshall Islands, the National Institutes of Health, and for names of the Senator from Wyoming Honorable Jurelang Zedkaia. other purposes. (Mr. BARRASSO), the Senator from Lou- This legislation is identical to legis- S. 2868 isiana (Mr. VITTER), the Senator from lation introduced by myself and Sen- At the request of Mr. LIEBERMAN, the Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE), the Senator ators Domenici, AKAKA and MURKOWSKI name of the Senator from Delaware from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) and in 2007 at the request of then-President (Mr. CARPER) was added as a cosponsor the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Kessai Note. The Committee held a of S. 2868, a bill to provide increased WHITEHOUSE) were added as cosponsors hearing on the bill, S. 1756, on Sep- access to the General Services Admin- of S. Res. 373, a resolution designating tember 25, 2007, S. Hrg 110–243, and staff istration’s Schedules Program by the the month of February 2010 as ‘‘Na- had follow-up discussions with the ad- American Red Cross and State and tional Teen Dating Violence Awareness ministration and with other commit- local governments. and Prevention Month’’. tees which have interests in matters S. 2869 S. RES. 381 addressed by the bill. However, before At the request of Ms. LANDRIEU, the At the request of Mr. SPECTER, his the Committee could formally consider name of the Senator from South Da- name was added as a cosponsor of S. an amendment in the nature of a sub- kota (Mr. JOHNSON) was added as a co- Res. 381, a resolution designating the stitute that was developed during these sponsor of S. 2869, a bill to increase week of February 1 through February discussions, the government in the Re- loan limits for small business concerns, 5, 2010, as ‘‘National School Counseling public of the Marshall Islands, RMP, to provide for low interest refinancing Week’’. was replaced and the position of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 291 new government on the substitute Marshall Islands, and questioned the and report their findings to the Con- amendment was not obtained until it policies and methodologies used by the gress. was too late for further action. Tribunal in determining eligibility for Energy Employees Occupational Ill- The process for reconsideration of compensation and the amount of ness Compensation Program, this legislation in the 111th Congress awards. The Committee took no fur- EEOICPA, eligibility: This program will need to be pushed back because ther action on the CCP. In 2006, facing was enacted in 2001 to provide com- there is a new Administration with the statute of limitations, the atolls of pensation for DOE and contractor em- new officials who will need to be edu- Bikini and Enewetak filed suit in the ployees associated with the nation’s cated on the issues. There are also new U.S. Court of Claims, but the Court nuclear weapons program. During Sen- members and staff on many of the upheld the U.S. motion to dismiss. ate debate, I submitted a list of facili- Committees who will need to be edu- In addition to the $150 million legal ties intended to be covered which in- cated on the history and need for this settlement, several sections of the cluded ‘‘Marshall Islands Test Sites, legislation before they can provide Compact authorized ex gratia com- but only for the period after December their input. Finally, the fiscal position pensation, primarily through the cap- 31, 1958.’’ However, the RMI citizens of the U.S. government has weakened italization of trust funds for the reha- who applied to the program were de- since 2007 and funding this legislation bilitation and resettlement of contami- nied eligibility on the basis that Con- will be more challenging today than it nated lands in three of the affected gress did not intend the law to cover would have been when the legislation atolls (Enewetak, Bikini, and non-U.S. citizens. I believe that this was last considered. Rongelap), and by providing program was an incorrect reading of Congres- To begin this process of education on assistance through existing Federal sional intent. It is important to recog- this issue, I offer the following back- programs such as USDA Agricultural nize that during the testing and clean- ground. and Food programs, the DOE Marshall up period the Marshall Islands were a For over 50 years, the Committee on Islands program, and extension of the District of the U.S.-administered U.N. Energy and Natural Resources has Section 177 Health Care Program, also Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands worked with the government of the known as the ‘‘4-Atoll Health Care pro- and that the U.S. and its contractors RMI to respond to the tragic con- gram’’. The rough estimate of this ad- employed workers from the Marshall sequences of the U.S. nuclear weapons ditional ex gratia compensation to date Islands and from other districts in the tests that were conducted in the is- totals at least $220 million. Trust Territory. lands from 1946 to 1958 when the islands It is important to note that while the Section 3 of this act would clarify were a district of the U.S.-adminis- administration opposed additional fi- that former Trust Territory citizens tered, U.N. Trust Territory of the Pa- nancial compensation based on the are eligible for the program, and it cific Islands. In 1986, this Trusteeship CCP, the administration’s report noted would coordinate benefits with the ended when the RMI entered into free that some of the RMI’s requests for ad- Compact of Free Association so that if association with the U.S. pursuant to ditional program assistance, while not a person received compensation under the Compact of Free Association Act of qualifying as changed circumstances, the Compact, then that amount would 1985, (P.L. 99–239). Under Section 177 of ‘‘might be desirable’’. be deducted from any award received the Compact, the U.S. accepted respon- The legislation being re-introduced under EEOICPA. sibility for damage and injuries result- today includes four of the RMI’s re- 4-Atoll Health Care Program funding: ing from the testing program and the quests for additional program assist- Section 177 of the Compact approved law authorized two basic sources of ance. I agree with President Zedkaia the $150 million legal settlement, es- compensation: 1) a legal settlement of that these requests should be given tablished the Settlement Trust Fund, $150 million under Section 177, and 2) consideration by the Congress. Briefly, and allocated $2 million annually for 15 additional ex gratia assistance under these requests are: years to provide supplemental health sections 103, 105, and 224. Runit Island monitoring: Between care to the affected communities: The $150 million legal settlement and 1977 and 1980, the U.S. conducted a Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap and Utrik. its Subsidiary Agreement funded a cleanup of some of the contaminated The 15-year period ended in 2001, and Claims Tribunal to adjudicate and pay areas of Enewetak Atoll where 43 tests with depletion of the Fund, the $2 mil- awards arising from the test program, were conducted. Some of the contami- lion annual payment was terminated in regular distribution payments to the nated soil and debris was removed to 2003. To continue some level of service affected communities, a supplemental Runit Island, mixed with concrete, and under the program, the RMI and the health care program, a radiological and placed in Cactus crater that had been U.S. Congress continued to contribute health monitoring program, and it al- formed by one of the tests. Under the funds on a discretionary basis until a lowed the RMI to request additional Compact settlement, the RMI accepted longer-term solution could be enacted. compensation if there were ‘‘changed responsibility for, and control over the Section 4 of the bill would authorize circumstances’’—that is, if information utilization of lands in the Marshall Is- $2 million annually through 2023 for and injuries came to light after the set- lands affected by the testing. The Com- the continuation of this program. I be- tlement was reached which rendered pact Act (P.L. 99–239) also reaffirmed a lieve that this proposal offers an oppor- the settlement ‘‘manifestly inad- 1980 authorization, under P.L. 96–205, tunity to discuss with the RMI and equate.’’ for the Marshall Islands Program of U.S. officials how supplemental The RMI submitted such a ‘‘changed the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) healthcare assistance to the RMI can circumstances petition’’, CCP, in 2000 which provides medical care and envi- most effectively be used. in which it sought over $3 billion in ad- ronmental monitoring relating to the National Academy of Sciences As- dition compensation from Congress. At testing program. Since then, the people sessment: Underlying the debate be- the Committee’s 2005 hearing on the of Enewetak Atoll have from time to tween the U.S. and the RMI regarding CCP, S. Hrg 109–178, the administration time asked DOE to include monitoring compensation for injuries resulting testified in opposition to further finan- of conditions at Runit within their en- from the testing program is a dispute cial compensation because the 1985 set- vironmental monitoring program in over the extent of the area affected by tlement was ‘‘full and final’’ and the order to assure the people living on the testing program. The U.S. believes CCP was not based on new information other islands in Enewetak Atoll that that the health affects were limited to or injuries arising after the original there is no health risk from the clean- the four northern atolls of Rongelap, settlement date. The Administration up spoils stored at Runit. Utrik, Bikini, and Enewetak. However, and other witnesses also questioned the Section 2 of this Act would direct the the RMI and the Claims Tribunal took RMI’ s contention that radiation from Secretary of Energy, as a part of the the position that all of the 1958 resi- the tests caused health injuries well existing program, to periodically sur- dents of the RMI should be eligible for beyond the four northern atolls of the vey radiological conditions on Runit compensation.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 Section 5 of the bill is intended to Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 7385s et seq.) is amend- (b) REPORT.—On completion of the assess- help resolve this dispute by having the ed by inserting after section 3682 (42 U.S.C. ment under subsection (a), the National National Academy of Sciences conduct 7385s–11) the following: Academy of Sciences shall submit to Con- an assessment of the health impacts of ‘‘SEC. 3682a. COORDINATION OF BENEFITS WITH gress, the Secretary, the Committee on En- RESPECT TO THE COMPACT OF ergy and Natural Resources of the Senate, the testing program. FREE ASSOCIATION. and the Committee on Natural Resources of I look forward to continuing to work ‘‘(a) DEFINITION OF COMPACT OF FREE ASSO- the House of Representatives, a report on the with President Zedkaia, my colleagues, CIATION.—In this section, the term ‘Compact results of the assessment. and the Administration on these pro- of Free Association’ means— (c) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— posals and to continue to respond to ‘‘(1) the Compact of Free Association be- There are authorized to be appropriated such tween the Government of the United States the tragic legacy of our nation’s nu- sums as are necessary to carry out this sec- of America and the Governments of the Mar- tion. clear testing program in the Pacific. shall Islands and the Federated States of Mi- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- cronesia (48 U.S.C. 1901 note); and REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS, sent that the text of the bill and a let- ‘‘(2) the Compact of Free Association be- November 13, 2009. ter of support be printed in the tween the Government of the United States Hon. JEFF BINGAMAN, RECORD. of America and the Government of Palau (48 Chairman, Senate Committee on Energy and There being no objection, the mate- U.S.C. 1931 note). Natural Resources, Dirksen Senate Build- ‘‘(b) COORDINATION.—Subject to subsection ing, Washington, DC. rial was ordered to be printed in the (c), an individual who has been awarded com- DEAR CHAIRMAN BINGAMAN: I am writing RECORD, as follows: pensation under this subtitle, and who has you on behalf of the Marshallese people to S. 2941 also received compensation benefits under renew our mutual efforts to address the con- the Compact of Free Association by reason Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tinuing consequences of the U.S. Nuclear of the same covered illness, shall receive the resentatives of the United States of America in Testing Program in the Marshall Islands. Congress assembled, compensation awarded under this subtitle re- duced by the amount of any compensation I would also like to take this opportunity SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. benefits received under the Compact of Free to thank you for your efforts in introducing This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Republic of Association, other than medical benefits and the ‘‘Republic of the Marshall Islands Sup- the Marshall Islands Supplemental Nuclear benefits for vocational rehabilitation that plemental Nuclear Compensation Act of Compensation Act of 2010’’. the individual received by reason of the cov- 2007’’ formerly known as Senate Bill No. 1756. SEC. 2. CONTINUED MONITORING ON RUNIT IS- ered illness, after deducting the reasonable Your understanding and efforts over the past LAND. costs (as determined by the Secretary) of ob- several years to move these difficult issues Section 103(f)(1) of the Compact of Free As- taining those benefits under the Compact of forward and address them in a substantive sociation Amendments Act of 2003 (48 U.S.C. Free Association. and meaningful manner is most appreciated 1921b(f)(1)) is amended— ‘‘(c) WAIVER.—The Secretary may waive by my Government and the Marshallese peo- (1) by striking ‘‘Notwithstanding’’ and in- the application of subsection (b) if the Sec- ple. In this respect, I strongly believe that serting the following: retary determines that the administrative the substituted version of S. 1756 constituted ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding’’; and costs and burdens of applying subsection (b) real and substantive progress in addressing (2) by adding at the end the following: to a particular case or class of cases justifies outstanding nuclear related issues. ‘‘(B) CONTINUED MONITORING ON RUNIT IS- the waiver.’’. Understanding that S. 1756 expired without LAND.— SEC. 4. FOUR ATOLL HEALTH CARE PROGRAM. action at the close of 2008, I would respect- ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Effective beginning Jan- Section 103(h) of the Compact of Free Asso- fully request that legislation again be intro- uary 1, 2010, the Secretary of Energy shall, as ciation Amendments Act of 2003 (48 U.S.C. duced in the to deal a part of the Marshall Islands program con- 1921b(h)) is amended by adding at the end the with the enduring consequences of the nu- ducted under subparagraph (A), periodically following: clear testing program in the Marshall Is- (but not less frequently than every 4 years) ‘‘(4) SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH CARE FUND- lands. survey radiological conditions on Runit Is- ING.— My Government submitted a Petition to land. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In addition to amounts the in respect to Ar- ‘‘(ii) REPORT.—The Secretary shall submit provided under section 211 of the U.S.–RMI ticle IX of the Section 177 Agreement con- to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Compact (48 U.S.C. 1921 note), the Secretary cerning ‘‘Changed Circumstances’’ in Sep- sources of the Senate, and the Committee on of the Interior shall annually use the tember, 2000. While my Government believes Natural Resources of the House of Rep- amounts made available under subparagraph that we have firmly established that resentatives, a report that describes the re- (B) to supplement health care in the commu- ‘‘changed circumstances’’ exist within the sults of each survey conducted under clause nities affected by the nuclear testing pro- meaning of Article IX, we wish to focus our (i), including any significant changes in con- gram of the United States, including capital efforts on coming to a resolution and imple- ditions on Runit Island.’’. and operational support of outer island pri- menting measures that produce results in SEC. 3. CLARIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY UNDER mary healthcare facilities of the Ministry of addressing the health, safety and damages ENERGY EMPLOYEES OCCUPA- Health of the Republic of the Marshall Is- caused by the nuclear testing program. TIONAL ILLNESS COMPENSATION lands in the communities of— Senate Bill No. 1756, in its substituted PROGRAM ACT OF 2000. ‘‘(i) Enewetak Atoll, version, represented the first serious and (a) DEFINITIONS FOR PROGRAM ADMINISTRA- ‘‘(ii) Kili (until the resettlement of Bikini); substantive attempt to deal with the con- TION.—Section 3621 of the Energy Employees ‘‘(iii) Majetto Island in Kwajalein Atoll sequences of the nuclear testing program Occupational Illness Compensation Program (until the resettlement of Rongelap Atoll); since the Section 177 Agreement went into Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 7384l) is amended by and effect 23 years ago. Therefore, I would like to adding at the end the following: ‘‘(iv) Utrik Atoll. now discuss some specific measures for in- ‘‘(18) The terms ‘covered employee’, ‘atom- ‘‘(B) FUNDING.—As authorized by section clusion in legislation, which I believe will ic weapons employee’, and ‘Department of 105(c), there is appropriated to the Secretary address outstanding concerns and issues. Energy contractor employee’ (as defined in of the Interior, out of funds in the Treasury 1. The provisions contained in Section 4 of paragraphs (1), (3), and (11), respectively) in- not otherwise appropriated, to carry out this the substituted version of S. 1756 that pro- clude a citizen of the Trust Territory of the paragraph $2,000,000 for each of fiscal years vided the sum of $4.5 million annually plus Pacific Islands who is otherwise covered by 2012 through 2028, as adjusted for inflation in adjustment for inflation as a continuing ap- that paragraph.’’. accordance with section 218 of the U.S.–FSM propriation through FY 2023 to address (b) DEFINITION OF COVERED DOE CON- Compact and the U.S.–RMI Compact, to re- radiogenic illnesses and the nuclear related TRACTOR EMPLOYEE.—Section 3671(1) of the main available until expended.’’. health care needs of Bikini, Enewetak, Energy Employees Occupational Illness SEC. 5. ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH CARE NEEDS OF Rongelap, Utrik, Ailuk, Mejit, Likiep, Compensation Program Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. THE MARSHALL ISLANDS. Wotho, and Wotje, is acceptable to my Gov- 7385s(1)) is amended by inserting before the (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the In- ernment. We would, however, request that period at the end the following: ‘‘, including terior shall enter into an agreement with the the legislation include provision for the Na- a citizen of the Trust Territory of the Pacific National Academy of Sciences under which tional Academy of Sciences to conduct an as- Islands who is otherwise covered by this the National Academy of Sciences shall con- sessment of the health impacts of the nu- paragraph’’. duct an assessment of the health impacts of clear testing program on the residents of the (c) COORDINATION OF BENEFITS WITH RE- the United States nuclear testing program RMI. Inclusion of such an assessment, as SPECT TO THE COMPACT OF FREE ASSOCIA- conducted in the Republic of the Marshall Is- contained in the original S. 1756 will provide TION.—Subtitle E of the Energy Employees lands on the residents of the Republic of the important information on these issues to Occupational Illness Compensation Program Marshall Islands. both governments.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 293 2. We support the addition of persons who other than the United States, the rebate as- lege Football while instilling discipline, were citizens of the Trust Territory of the sociated with the current and planned exten- character, and integrity in the young men he Pacific Islands for inclusion for eligibility in sion of the Eco-Friendly Vehicle Purchase coaches; the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Program in Japan does not apply to auto- Whereas the leadership and devotion of Compensation Program Act of 2000. There mobiles made by United States automobile Crimson Tide Athletics Director Mal Moore are many Marshallese who worked at De- manufacturers; and to The University of Alabama have been cru- partment of Energy sites in the RMI in the Whereas the Senate finds that by main- cial for the National Championship teams for same manner as their U.S. citizen co-work- taining and extending the Eco-Friendly Ve- which he has played, coached, and served as ers, yet have never received the health care hicle Purchase Program, the Government of Athletic Director; and other benefits of this program. Japan is engaging in unfair and discrimina- Whereas Javier Arenas, Terrence Cody, Mi- 3. We also support provision in the legisla- tory measures contrary to Japan’s obliga- chael Johnson, Mark Ingram, Rolando tion for the proactive and ongoing moni- tions under the agreements of the World McClain, Leigh Tiffin, and Mark Barron toring of the integrity of the Runit Dome at Trade Organization Agreement: Now, there- earned AP All-America honors for their ac- Enewetak Atoll. This is an issue that has fore, be it complishments during the 2009 season; long been of concern to the people of Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate Whereas the 2009 Crimson Tide had a Enewetak who live, fish and harvest food in that— record number of 6 AP First Team All-Amer- the immediate area. (1) the President should direct the United icans; 4. Any legislation addressing the con- States Trade Representative to continue to Whereas in 2009, running back Mark sequences of the nuclear testing program negotiate with the Government of Japan to Ingram, Jr. won the first Heisman Trophy in would not be complete without consideration eliminate the unfair and discriminatory the long and accomplished history of the of the awards made by the Marshall Islands measures relating to Japan’s Eco-Friendly Crimson Tide football program; Nuclear Claims Tribunal. Absent from S. 1756 Vehicle Purchase Program; and Whereas in 2009, Rolando McClain was rec- was any reference to the decisions and (2) if the United States Trade Representa- ognized as the top collegiate linebacker in awards made by the Tribunal. The adminis- tive is not able to obtain a satisfactory the Nation with the Butkus Award and the trative and adjudicative processes of the Tri- Jack Lambert Award, the first to be awarded bunal over the past 20 years are an impor- agreement with the Government of Japan, the United States Trade Representative shall to a Crimson Tide player; tant mutually agreed to component of the Whereas Crimson Tide Defensive Coordi- Section 177 Agreement and its implementa- initiate consultations under the framework of the World Trade Organization. nator Kirby Smart was honored as the best tion to resolve claims for damage to person Assistant Coach in the Nation in 2009, with and property arising as a result of the nu- f the prestigious Broyles Award; clear testing program. We cannot simply ig- SENATE RESOLUTION 389—COM- Whereas 13 players on the 2009 Crimson nore the Tribunal’s work and awards that it Tide roster had earned their degrees from has made. The RMI has presented a report on MENDING THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE FOR The University of Alabama before the season this subject prepared by former United began; States Attorney General Richard BEING UNANIMOUSLY DECLARED Whereas President Robert Witt has been Thornburgh in January, 2003, however, issues THE 2009 NCAA FOOTBALL BOWL instrumental to the remarkable academic and concerns apparently continue. We should SUBDIVISION NATIONAL CHAM- and athletic success that The University of move forward and resolve any remaining PIONS Alabama has experienced since his arrival at issues and concerns regarding the Tribunal the Capstone; and its work. Mr. SHELBY (for himself and Mr. Whereas The University of Alabama is de- We look forward to working with you and SESSIONS) submitted the following res- voted to educating young persons and pro- your staff to address the issues I have raised olution; which was referred to the viding them with the tools to excel through- in this letter and to move forward on finally Committee on the Judiciary: out their lives; addressing the consequences of the nuclear S. RES. 389 Whereas the excellence on the field of the testing program. Crimson Tide brought pride to The Univer- Thank you very much for all of your help. Whereas on January 7, 2010, The University sity of Alabama, the Crimson Tide faithful, Sincerely, of Alabama Crimson Tide marched into the and the whole of the great State of Alabama: JURELANG ZEDKAIA, historic Rose Bowl and defeated the Univer- Now, therefore, be it President. sity of Texas Longhorns 37–21, to win The Resolved, That the Senate— f 2010 Bowl Championship Series (referred to (1) congratulates The University of Ala- in this preamble as the ‘‘BCS’’) National bama Crimson Tide for being unanimously SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Championship Game; declared the 2009 NCAA Football Bowl Sub- Whereas the Crimson Tide earned a berth division National Champions; in the 2010 BCS National Championship (2) recognizes the achievements of the SENATE RESOLUTION 388—EX- Game by defeating the then-unbeaten Flor- players, coaches, students, and staff whose PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE ida Gators 32-13 in the 2009 Southeastern hard work and dedication helped the Crim- SENATE REGARDING UNFAIR Conference Championship Game; son Tide win the National Championship; AND DISCRIMINATORY MEAS- Whereas the Crimson Tide finished the 2009 and URES OF THE GOVERNMENT OF season with a perfect record of 14 victories (3) respectfully requests the Secretary of JAPAN IN FAILING TO APPLY and 0 losses; the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of Whereas the Crimson Tide defeated 3 teams THE ECO-FRIENDLY VEHICLE this resolution to— ranked in the Associated Press (referred to (A) President of The University of Ala- PURCHASE PROGRAM TO VEHI- in this preamble as the ‘‘AP’’) Postseason bama, Dr. Robert Witt; CLES MADE BY UNITED STATES Top 10 Poll and 5 teams ranked in the AP (B) Athletic Director of The University of AUTOMAKERS Postseason Top 25 poll; Alabama, Mal Moore; and Ms. STABENOW submitted the fol- Whereas the Crimson Tide finished the 2009 (C) Head Coach of The University of Ala- lowing resolution; which was referred season ranked first by all 60 AP voters and bama Crimson Tide, Nick Saban. all 58 USA Today Coaches’ Poll voters; f to the Committee on Finance: Whereas the first of 5 victories for the S. RES. 388 Crimson Tide in the Rose Bowl on January 1, AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND Whereas the Consumer Assistance to Recy- 1926, earned the first football national cham- PROPOSED cle and Save Act of 2009 (49 U.S.C. 32901 note) pionship for The University of Alabama and SA 3299. Mr. BAUCUS (for Mr. REID) pro- established the CARS Program to jumpstart served as one of the first great achievements posed an amendment to the joint resolution automobile sales and increase fuel efficiency in the storied winning tradition of the Crim- H.J. Res. 45, increasing the statutory limit nationwide by providing incentives to pur- son Tide; on the public debt. chase new fuel efficient automobiles; Whereas the 2010 BCS National Champion- SA 3300. Mr. BAUCUS proposed an amend- Whereas on August 25, 2009, a total of ship Game victory was the 32nd bowl victory ment to amendment SA 3299 proposed by Mr. 677,842 new vehicles had been purchased and, a NCAA record, 57th bowl appearance BAUCUS (for Mr. REID) to the joint resolution through the CARS Program; for the Crimson Tide; H.J. Res. 45, supra. Whereas according to the United States Whereas the Crimson Tide previously won SA 3301. Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. VIT- Department of Transportation, over 319,000 a total of 12 National Championships, win- TER, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. JOHANNS, Mrs. Japanese made automobiles were purchased ning in 1925, 1926, 1930, 1934, 1941, 1961, 1964, HUTCHISON, Mr. BROWNBACK, Mr. LEMIEUX, through the CARS Program; 1965, 1973, 1978, 1979, and 1992; Mr. BURR, Mr. ENZI, Mr. COBURN, Mr. BAR- Whereas the CARS Program was open to Whereas Head Coach Nick Saban has led RASSO, Mr. BENNETT, Ms. SNOWE, Mr. GRASS- automobiles manufactured in countries the Crimson Tide back atop the elite of Col- LEY, Mr. ENSIGN, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. WICKER, Mr.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.001 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 BUNNING, Mr. GRAHAM, and Mr. CORNYN) pro- section the following: ‘‘, as such amount is For further information, please con- posed an amendment to amendment SA 3299 reduced by the amount described under sub- tact Sam Fowler at (202) 224–7571 or proposed by Mr. BAUCUS (for Mr. REID) to the section (d)’’; and Amanda Kelly at (202) 224–6836. joint resolution H.J. Res. 45, supra. (2) by adding at the end the following new COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL f subsection: ‘‘(d) The amount described under this sub- RESOURCES TEXT OF AMENDMENTS section is the amount that equals the Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I amount of all assistance received under title would like to announce for the infor- SA 3299. Mr. BAUCUS (for Mr. REID) I of the Emergency Economic Stabilization mation of the Senate and the public proposed an amendment to the joint Act of 2008 that is repaid on or after the date that a hearing has been scheduled be- resolution H.J. Res. 45, increasing the of enactment of this subsection, along with fore the Senate Committee on Energy statutory limit on the public debt; as any dividends, profits, or other funds paid to and Natural Resources. follows: the Government based on such assistance on The hearing will be held on Wednes- Strike all after the resolving clause and in- or after the date of enactment of this sub- day, February 10, 2010, at 9:30 a.m. in sert the following: ‘‘That subsection (b) of section.’’. room SD–366 of the Dirksen Senate Of- section 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is f fice Building. amended by striking out the dollar limita- The purpose of this hearing is to con- tion contained in such subsection and insert- NOTICES OF HEARINGS sider the President’s Proposed Budget ing in lieu thereof $14,294,000,000,000.’’. COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES for fiscal year 2011 for the Department SA 3300. Mr. BAUCUS proposed an Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I of the Interior. Because of the limited time available amendment to amendment SA 3299 pro- would like to announce for the infor- for the hearing, witnesses may testify posed by Mr. BAUCUS (for Mr. REID) to mation of the Senate and the public by invitation only. However, those the joint resolution H.J. Res. 45, in- that a hearing has been scheduled be- wishing to submit written testimony creasing the statutory limit on the fore the Senate Committee on Energy for the hearing record should send it to public debt; as follows: and Natural Resources. The hearing the Committee on Energy and Natural At the appropriate place, insert the fol- will be held on Thursday, January 21, Resources, 304 Dirksen Senate Office lowing: 2010, at 10 a.m., in room SD–366 of the (ll) (a) LIMITATION ON CHANGES TO THE Building, Washington, DC 20510–6150, or Dirksen Senate Office Building. by email to alli- SOCIAL SECURITY ACT.—Notwithstanding any The purpose of the hearing is to re- [email protected]. other provision of law, it shall not be in ceive testimony on the research, devel- order in the Senate or the House of Rep- For further information, please con- resentatives to consider any bill or resolu- opment, priorities and imperatives tact David Brooks at (202) 224–9863 or tion pursuant to any expedited procedure to needed to meet the medium and long Allison Seyferth at (202) 224–4905. term challenges associated with cli- consider the recommendations of a Task COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL Force for Responsible Fiscal Action or other mate change. RESOURCES commission that contains recommendations Because of the limited time available Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I with respect to the old-age, survivors, and for the hearing, witnesses may testify would like to announce for the infor- disability insurance program established by invitation only. However, those under title II of the Social Security Act. mation of the Senate and the public wishing to submit written testimony that a business meeting has been (b) WAIVER.—This section may be waived for the hearing record may do so by or suspended in the Senate only by the af- scheduled before Committee on Energy firmative vote of three-fifths of the Mem- sending it to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The business bers, duly chosen and sworn. and Natural Resources, United States meeting will be held on Thursday, Feb- (c) APPEALS.—An affirmative vote of three- Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510–6150, or ruary 11, 2010, at 11:30 a.m., in room fifths of the Members of the Senate, duly by e-mail to rose- SD–366 of the Dirksen Senate Office. chosen and sworn, shall be required in the [email protected] The purpose of the business meeting Senate to sustain an appeal of the ruling of For further information, please con- is to consider pending nominations. the Chair on a point of order raised under tact Jonathan Epstein at (202) 224–3357 this section. For further information, please con- or Rosemarie Calabro at (202) 224–5039. tact Sam Fowler at (202) 224–7571 or SA 3301. Mr. THUNE (for himself, Mr. COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL Amanda Kelly at (202) 224–6836. RESOURCES VITTER, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. JOHANNS, Mrs. COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I HUTCHISON, Mr. BROWNBACK, Mr. RESOURCES would like to announce for the infor- LEMIEUX, Mr. BURR, Mr. ENZI, Mr. Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I mation of the Senate and the public COBURN, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BENNETT, would like to announce for the infor- that a hearing has been scheduled be- Ms. SNOWE, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. ENSIGN, mation of the Senate and the public fore the Senate Committee on Energy Mr. CRAPO, Mr. WICKER, Mr. BUNNING, that a hearing has been scheduled be- and Natural Resources. The hearing Mr. GRAHAM, and Mr. CORNYN) proposed fore the Senate Committee on Energy an amendment to amendment SA 3299 will be held on Tuesday, February 2, and Natural Resources. The hearing 2010 at 10 a.m. in room SD–366 of the proposed by Mr. BAUCUS (for Mr. REID) will be held on Thursday, February 4, to the joint resolution H.J. Res. 45, in- Dirksen Senate Office Building. 2010, at 10 a.m., in room SD–366 of the The purpose of the hearing is to con- creasing the statutory limit on the Dirksen Senate Office Building. sider the nominations of Larry Persily, public debt; as follows: The purpose of the hearing is to re- to be Federal Coordinator for Alaska ceive testimony on the U.S. Depart- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- Natural Gas Transportation Projects, lowing: ment of Energy’s budget for fiscal year and Patricia A. Hoffman, to be an As- 2011. SEC. ll. REPEAL OF THE TROUBLED ASSET RE- LIEF PROGRAM. sistant Secretary of Energy (Elec- Because of the limited time available (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any tricity Delivery and Energy Reli- for the hearing, witnesses may testify other provision of law, the authorities pro- ability). by invitation only. However, those vided under section 101(a) of the Emergency Because of the limited time available wishing to submit written testimony Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (exclud- for the hearing, witnesses may testify for the hearing record may do so by ing section 101(a)(3)) and under section 102 of by invitation only. However, those sending it to the Committee on Energy such Act shall terminate on the date of en- wishing to submit written testimony and Natural Resources, United States actment of this resolution. for the hearing record may do so by Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510–6150, or (b) LOWERING OF NATIONAL DEBT LIMIT TO sending it to the Committee on Energy by e-mail to rose- CORRESPOND TO TARP REPAYMENTS.—Sec- tion 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is and Natural Resources, United States [email protected] amended— Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510–6150, or For further information, please con- (1) in subsection (b), by inserting after the by e-mail to aman- tact Jonathan Epstein at (202) 224–3357 dollar limitation contained in such sub- [email protected]. or Rosemarie Calabro at (202) 224–5039.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\S20JA0.002 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 295 AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO tation be authorized to meet during then be referred to the Committee on MEET the session of the Senate on January Environment and Public Works. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS 20, 2010, at 2:30 p.m. in room 253 of the Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask Russell Senate Office Building. objection, it is so ordered. unanimous consent that the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without f objection, it is so ordered. mittee on Foreign Relations be author- MEASURE READ THE FIRST ized to meet during the session of the f TIME—S. 2939 Senate on January 20, 2010, at 10 a.m., PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I under- to hold a hearing entitled ‘‘Yemen: stand there is a bill at the desk. I ask Confronting Al-Qaeda, Preventing Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the following for its first reading. State Failure.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The staff of mine be granted the privilege The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without clerk will read the title of the bill for of the floor during consideration of the objection, it is so ordered. the first time. debt limit legislation: Aislinn Baker, COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, The assistant legislative clerk read Ian Clements, Brittany Durell, Ivie AND PENSIONS as follows: Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask English, Zach Person, Greg Sullivan, and Ashley Zuelke. A bill (S. 2939) to amend title 31, United unanimous consent that the Com- States Code to require an audit of the Board mittee on Health, Education, Labor, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Pensions be authorized to meet, objection, it is so ordered. and the Federal Reserve banks, and for other during the session of the Senate, to f purposes. conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Hearing on Mr. BAUCUS. I now ask for a second the Nomination of Joshua Gotbaum for NOTICE: REGISTRATION OF MASS reading and, in order to place the bill Director of the Pension Benefit Guar- MAILINGS on the calendar under the provisions of anty Corporation’’ on January 20, 2010. The filing date for 2010 fourth quarter rule XIV, I object to my own request. The hearing will commence at 10 a.m. Mass Mailings is Monday, January 25, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- in room 430 of the Dirksen Senate Of- 2010. If your office did no mass mailings tion is heard. The bill will be read for fice Building. during this period, please submit a the second time on the next legislative The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without form that states ‘‘none.’’ day. objection, it is so ordered. Mass mailing registrations, or nega- f tive reports, should be submitted to COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPOINT GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS the Senate Office of Public Records, 232 ESCORT COMMITTEE Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask Hart Building, Washington, DC 20510– unanimous consent that the Com- 7116. Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- The Public Records office will be unanimous consent the Presiding Offi- ernmental Affairs be authorized to open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the filing cer of the Senate be authorized to ap- meet during the session of the Senate date to accept these filings. For further point a committee on the part of the on January 20, 2010, at 9:30 a.m. to con- information, please contact the Public Senate to join with a like committee duct a hearing entitled ‘‘Intelligence Records office at (202) 224–0322. on the part of the House of Representa- tives to escort the President of the Reform: The Lessons and Implications f of the Christmas Day Attack.’’ United States to the House Chamber The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without PROVIDING FOR A JOINT SESSION for the joint session to be held at 9 p.m. objection, it is so ordered. OF CONGRESS on Wednesday, January 27, 2010. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent the Senate proceed objection, it is so ordered. Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I sug- unanimous consent that the Com- to the immediate consideration of H. gest the absence of a quorum. mittee on the Judiciary be authorized Con. Res. 228 at the desk and just re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to meet during the session of the Sen- ceived from the House. clerk will call the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ate on January 20, 2010, at 10 a.m., in The assistant legislative clerk pro- clerk will report the concurrent resolu- room SD–226 of the Dirksen Senate Of- ceeded to call the roll. fice Building, to conduct a hearing en- tion by title. Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask titled ‘‘Securing America’s Safety: Im- The bill clerk read as follows: unanimous consent that the order for proving the Effectiveness of Anti-Ter- A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 228) the quorum call be rescinded. rorism Tools and Inter-Agency Com- providing for a joint session of Congress to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without munication.’’ receive a message from the President of the objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without United States. objection, it is so ordered. There being no objection, the Senate f COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY proceeded to consideration of the con- ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask current resolution. JANUARY 21, 2010 unanimous consent that the Com- Mr. BAUCUS. I ask unanimous con- Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask mittee on the Judiciary be authorized sent the concurrent resolution be unanimous consent that when the Sen- to meet during the session of the Sen- agreed to and the motion to reconsider ate completes its business today, it ad- ate on January 20, 2010, at 2:30 p.m., in be laid upon the table. journ until 9:30 a.m. Thursday, January room SD–226 of the Dirksen Senate Of- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 21; that following the prayer and fice Building, to conduct a hearing en- objection, it is so ordered. pledge, the Journal of proceedings be titled ‘‘Nominations.’’ The concurrent resolution (H. Con. approved to date, the morning hour be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Res. 228) was agreed to. deemed expired, the time for the two objection, it is so ordered. f leaders be reserved for their use later SUBCOMMITTEE ON AVIATION OPERATIONS, in the day, and the Senate proceed to a SAFETY, AND SECURITY DISCHARGE AND REFERRAL—H.R. period of morning business for 1 hour Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask 1854 equally divided and controlled between unanimous consent that the Sub- Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I ask the two leaders or their designees with committee on Aviation Operations, unanimous consent that H.R. 1854 be Senators permitted to speak therein Safety, and Security of the Committee discharged from the Senate Committee for up to 10 minutes each, with the Re- on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- on Energy and Natural Resources and publicans controlling the first half and


VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:42 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 9801 E:\BR10\S20JA0.002 S20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 297 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The House met at 10 a.m. and was ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER mighty British were defeated and called to order by the Speaker pro tem- PRO TEMPORE turned back towards Boston. These pore (Mr. SALAZAR). The SPEAKER pro tempore. The were the first battles of the American f Chair will entertain up to 15 requests Revolution to throw off the yoke of tyranny for a new idea of freedom. DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER for 1-minute speeches on each side of PRO TEMPORE the aisle. The people of Massachusetts have f fired a second shot heard around the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- world. Yesterday, they fired back WALL STREET REFORM fore the House the following commu- against big, intrusive government, not nication from the Speaker: (Mrs. CAPPS asked and was given with bullets, but with ballots. The Sen- WASHINGTON, DC, permission to address the House for 1 ate election was a statement for free- January 20, 2010. minute and to revise and extend her re- dom over oppression. Our government, I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN T. marks.) like the British, would do well never to SALAZAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise underestimate the American people. this day. today in support of the Wall Street NANCY PELOSI, Bonus Tax Act. The legislation intro- And that’s just the way it is. Speaker of the House of Representatives. duced by Congressman PETER WELCH f would right a terrible wrong. f PRAYER Right now, dozens of the financial in- stitutions responsible for the economic HONORING STAFF SERGEANT The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. meltdown are reverting right back to DANIEL MERRIWEATHER Coughlin, offered the following prayer: their old bad habits. They are getting Lord God, Creator of heaven and ready to clap themselves on the back (Mr. COHEN asked and was given per- Earth, Eternal Shepherd of the living for the great job they think they’ve mission to address the House for 1 and the dead, as a Nation we unite with been doing by giving themselves bil- minute.) other nations of the world and pray for lions of dollars in bonuses. But the Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise our suffering brothers and sisters in thanks and the bonuses should go not today to pay tribute to a Memphis, the poverty-stricken and Earth-shaken to the bankers at Goldman Sachs and Shelby County citizen who gave his life nation of Haiti. Have mercy on us all. Citigroup and the others; it should go in service to our country in Afghani- We beg You to help all the people of back to the American people. stan, Staff Sergeant Daniel Haiti in all their needs. Come to the It was the American people who Merriweather. He was the second sol- aid of the afflicted. Take pity on the stepped in and saved the banks from dier from Shelby County to die in Af- helpless and the most vulnerable. Raise themselves. It was the American people ghanistan since the beginning of Oper- up the fallen as well as the ruins where who pumped billions of taxpayer dol- ation Enduring Freedom and our 12th human life and human remains may be lars into Wall Street to keep it from in the Middle East since 2002. Staff Ser- still hidden. Restrain the wayward and melting down and taking the rest of geant Merriweather, who was with the sustain the brokenhearted. Bring com- the economy with it. And it should be 118th Military Police Company, died passion to those who mourn and eter- the American people who reap the ben- when his convoy ran over an impro- nal life to those who are buried in ano- efits of that action, not Wall Street vised explosive device. nymity. banks. He graduated from Overton High For, with the people of Haiti, we call Congress should pass the Wall Street School in Memphis, Tennessee. He upon You, Lord, as the everlasting Re- Bonus Tax Act and give the American studied broadcast journalism, played deemer and Resurrection, both now and people their money back. football, loved sports, cowboy hats, forever. f Amen. boots, and country music. And you can SECOND SHOT HEARD AROUND see from his picture and from the re- f THE WORLD flections of his friends how much he THE JOURNAL (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was loved life and how popular he was. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The given permission to address the House He wanted to serve his country, and Chair has examined the Journal of the for 1 minute.) he did so. He did two tours of duty, one last day’s proceedings and announces Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on in Afghanistan and one in Iraq. At 25 to the House his approval thereof. April 19, 1775, 235 years ago, shots rang years of age, he is survived by his wife, Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- out in Massachusetts that forever Rachelle; his two children, 3-year-old nal stands approved. changed the history of the world. Brit- Kale and Daniel Merriweather, Jr., just f ish redcoats were ordered to seize the 3 months old; his parents, Pamela and weapons of the American militia, even Darryl Finnie; his sister, Adrienne; and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE though it’s never a good idea to try to his brother, Darryl Finnie, Jr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the disarm the American people. These are the 12 soldiers who died gentleman from Texas (Mr. POE) come The famous midnight ride of Paul Re- from Shelby County, and unfortunately forward and lead the House in the vere warned the Minutemen that the Staff Sergeant Merriweather joins that Pledge of Allegiance. invincible British were coming. And as company. Mr. POE of Texas led the Pledge of the sun rose over the town of Lex- Mr. Speaker, let us take a moment to Allegiance as follows: ington, Massachusetts, the first shots rang out against the British tyranny, honor the service and memory of Staff I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Sergeant Merriweather. United States of America, and to the Repub- shots heard around the world. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, At the north bridge of Concord, patri- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ots fought the British Army. The you, Sergeant Merriweather.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 PRESIDENT’S INAUGURATION ONE LESSONS TO BE LEARNED FROM Mr. FLEMING. Mr. Speaker, while YEAR AGO SPECIAL ELECTION IN MASSA- there is controversy about the pending (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina CHUSETTS health care legislation, one point asked and was given permission to ad- (Mr. SMITH of Texas asked and was where there should be bipartisan agree- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- given permission to address the House ment is that the Federal Government vise and extend his remarks.) for 1 minute and to revise and extend should not penalize people simply for Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. his remarks.) being married. Speaker, 1 year ago today, the Presi- Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, After review, it appears that both the dent was sworn into office, giving the United States Senate special elec- House and the Senate bills contain sig- Democrats full control of Congress and tion in Massachusetts offers many les- nificant marriage penalties. In the the White House. After promising the sons for both Democrats and Repub- House bill, an unmarried couple with American people a misnamed stimulus licans. Surely among them are these: an income of $25,000 each would have plan to keep unemployment under 8 All true reform starts with the voice their combined premiums capped at percent, we see 10 percent unemploy- of the people. $3,076 per year. If the couple gets mar- ment continuing to cripple families. Moderation beats extremism. ried, their annual premium cap drops Three hundred and sixty-five days Common sense triumphs partisan- to $5,160 for the same insurance. In later, the American people still haven’t ship. short, there is a $2,084 penalty for sim- Voters can exercise real independ- seen this Congress focus on job cre- ply being married. ence. While under the Senate bill it would ation policies to promote small busi- One-party control leads to arrogance. nesses. Instead, the American people There are few guaranteed election re- be less, the marriage penalty would have been saddled with more bor- sults. still exceed $1,500 a year. Simply put, a rowing, more taxes, more spending, and Listen to the people, don’t defy them. marriage penalty on the middle class is increased deficits. As shown in Massa- Of course some will say there are no just one more reason to dump this gov- chusetts, the American people support lessons to be learned or that the result ernment takeover of our health care limited government, not failed big gov- of this special election should be ig- system. ernment. nored or can be explained away. But f Seven million Americans have lost those who don’t listen to the people, jobs since Democrats took Congress, Democrats or Republicans, will pay a b 1015 and now Americans want real change. steep political price. A NEW ECONOMIC VISION It’s time the Democrats get this mes- f (Mr. INSLEE asked and was given sage and get their priorities straight: AMERICANS WANT REAL CHANGE permission to address the House for 1 Drop this backroom government health minute and to revise and extend his re- care takeover and take up job creation (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given marks.) policies. permission to address the House for 1 In conclusion, God bless our troops, minute.) Mr. INSLEE. Mr. Speaker, we know and we will never forget September the Mr. DEFAZIO. It’s clear from the re- that job creation is Congress’s job one, 11th in the global war on terrorism. sults last evening that the voters are and we passed some time ago a great angry. They haven’t seen the change in job creation engine for a clean energy f direction that they thought they voted economy in the United States. We MAIN STREET NEEDS HELP for 1 year ago in November. passed that months ago in the U.S. (Ms. SUTTON asked and was given Now, some Republicans will see it as House, and we know we have a tremen- permission to address the House for 1 an endorsement to turn back to the dous opportunity for job creation. minute and to revise and extend her re- failed policies of the Bush years that Building electric cars: I drove a Ford marks.) put us in this mess. That wasn’t the Focus all-electric car a couple of Ms. SUTTON. Mr. Speaker, last fall, message. But the message is they want months ago. Building solar thermal at the end of the last administration, real change. They want the reform of plants: We now have contracts devel- we all know that America’s largest fi- Wall Street. They’re tired of business oping out in the Southwest. Building nancial institutions and companies as usual where the fat cats make out new energy-efficient windows: We were on the brink of collapse, and the and the taxpayers get the bill. They heard from an entrepreneur the other want to see real reform in health care, Federal Government, and more impor- day about the tremendous advances in take on the insurance industry, take tantly, the American taxpayers came energy efficiency. on the pharmaceutical industry. to their rescue. But let’s be clear: We Yet, to realize this economic vision, The Obama administration kicked off the U.S. Senate needs to get off the did not do that because we were fans of health care reform with a deal with the their behavior. We did not appreciate dime and pass a clean energy bill, and pharmaceutical industry. Now, that is those who think that we should do even then the excessive greed that was not the kind of reform the American nothing because Copenhagen didn’t driving Wall Street without any sense people want to see. reach an agreement, I’ll tell you what: of responsibility. We helped them be- We need to step back and put forward cause ordinary citizens were being a package of real reform. Take away the Chinese are not waiting. They’re crushed, and we hoped to get the credit the antitrust exemption of the health building solar plants. They’re building flowing. insurance industry; lower the cost of electrical lithium-ion batteries. So what has happened? Wall Street health care for all Americans; make They’re building new energy-efficient has experienced recovery, but Main the policies better; take on the phar- windows. Street still needs help. Wall Street maceutical industry; allow people to The U.S. Senate needs to join us and needs to help pay for the revitalization reimport drugs from Canada that are create a job-creating engine with clean of Main Street, and that is why I sup- exactly the same as the drugs sold here energy and pass the energy bill. port the Wall Street Bonus Tax, which at a fraction of the cost. Those are the f is going to levy a tax on those exces- kinds of concrete steps people want to sive bonuses that the Wall Street ‘‘NO’’ TO THE PELOSI TAKEOVER see. OF HEALTH CARE banks have the audacity to continue to f give out even as the plight of our mid- (Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas asked dle class is suffering. HEALTH CARE LEGISLATION and was given permission to address Mr. Speaker, we have to do every- CONTAINS A MARRIAGE PENALTY the House for 1 minute and to revise thing we can to stand up for the Amer- (Mr. FLEMING asked and was given and extend his remarks.) ican taxpayers and the people who live permission to address the House for 1 Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. in our communities. minute.) Speaker, many of my colleagues in the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 299 House are ignoring the American peo- What the President and the Demo- Leesfield on receiving the 2010 Amer- ple. Our constituents are holding ral- crat leadership have agreed to, which ican Jewish Committee’s Judge lies, posting blogs, talking with their has only now come around to address- Learned Hand Award for Preferred Ex- neighbors, writing to their Congress- ing the issue because they need polit- cellence. men, and are doing everything in their ical cover to increase the debt limit, is The American Jewish Committee power to get them to listen. a fig leaf. This is the same group that must have had Ira in mind when this The American people are telling us has pushed our deficit to record levels prestigious award was created to honor loud and clear: they don’t want a gov- and that has continued to write check the memory of Judge Learned Hand ernment takeover of health care. after check from an account which al- and the principles that he so well rep- Listen to them. Massachusetts did. ready has a negative balance. resented: individual rights and the im- Americans want, need, and deserve bet- The American people will be cut out portance of democratic values in an or- ter than a budget-busting, trillion-dol- of the process. It is a backroom deal; derly society. lar health care bill when 10 percent of and under this deal, the recommenda- With his very strong professional Americans are still unemployed. They tions will be voted on by a lame-duck background, outgoing personality and are tired of sweetheart deals, secret Congress, filled with retiring and de- true compassion for our community, meetings and dirty politics. There is feated Members. This is wrong. Any ac- Ira Leesfield has been a strong voice still time to do what’s right, to do tion should be taken by a newly elected for civil rights in south Florida for what the people are asking us to do. Congress, not one on the way out the many years, and I am honored to count Vote against the Pelosi takeover of door. Creating this commission by Ex- him as a friend. health care. ecutive order is the wrong way to go. As the senior and managing partner f We have to get this right. Too much is of Leesfield & Partners, P.A., Ira has at stake. received many other honors, including A SOBERING PICTURE f the Anti-Defamation League’s Juris- (Mrs. MALONEY asked and was given prudence Award, and he was the first permission to address the House for 1 JOB CREATION Florida recipient of the American ORT minute.) (Ms. EDWARDS of Maryland asked Jurisprudence Award. Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, this is and was given permission to address I am pleased to join the American a map from a new report by the Gov- the House for 1 minute and to revise Jewish Committee, his family, friends, ernment Accountability Office that I and extend her remarks.) and neighbors in their celebration of requested in my role as Chair of the Ms. EDWARDS of Maryland. Mr. Ira’s countless contributions to our Joint Economic Committee. The report Speaker, during the Bush administra- community and, indeed, to our Nation. provides a detailed understanding of tion, the unemployment rate nearly f the state of the housing market at the doubled. We hemorrhaged millions of end of June 2009, and it provides a so- jobs, including 743,000 jobs that we lost THE STATE OF THE AMERICAN bering picture of the housing crisis this in January 2009 when President Obama ECONOMY administration, President Obama, in- was sworn in. They made the mess, but (Mr. MORAN of Virginia asked and herited. we have to fix it. was given permission to address the By the end of last June, 1.7 million of Thankfully, this President and the House for 1 minute and to revise and the nonprime mortgages that origi- Democrats in Congress have put meas- extend his remarks.) nated from 2000–2007 had completed the ures in place to stabilize our economy Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speak- foreclosure process. This map shows and to begin to create jobs for the more er, how soon we forget. the estimated percentage of seriously than 15.3 million people who are unem- It’s instructive to recall where we delinquent nonprime loans by congres- ployed. To those who are actively seek- were 9 years ago. We had created 23 sional district. It also serves as a map ing a job but who can’t find one, the million new jobs; we were at peace of the economic damage and social economy has begun to move again. throughout the world. In fact, we had a pain caused by lending practices of the We have extended unemployment. We projected surplus of $5.6 trillion. By past decade that were unsound by any have extended COBRA benefits for this time, we would have paid off our measure. those who are unemployed to help debt. Instead, after 8 years of Repub- Last year, this House passed finan- them make ends meet, but that’s not lican control of all three branches of cial regulatory reform to protect both enough. We have to continue that until government, 8 years later, we had $12 consumers and our economy from the we stabilize the economy significantly trillion of debt; we were engaged in two damaging effects of predatory lending. and until unemployment falls. During wars; health care costs were strangling This sobering map is a reminder of why this Congress, we’ve really helped our our families and businesses. In fact, we this legislation needs to pass into law. job creators: small businesses. We have were losing 700,000 jobs a month. f to do more for them to make sure we One year later, that job loss has been steer equity and investment to start- cut by 90 percent. We have a health A BACKROOM DEAL TO INCREASE ups in high-growth fields like clean en- care reform bill that will enable all THE NATION’S DEBT LIMIT ergy and information technology, and American families to have affordable (Mr. WOLF asked and was given per- we have to strengthen microlending health care at less cost. The process of mission to address the House for 1 from the Small Business Administra- governance is difficult. To just say minute and to revise and extend his re- tion. ‘‘no’’ is irresponsible. marks.) Look, we are not finished until mil- f Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I saw the ar- lions of Americans who want to go to GETTING THE AMERICAN ticle in this month’s Washington Post work go back to work. Our job isn’t ECONOMY BACK ON TRACK about the Obama administration’s cut- done until Americans achieve the ting a backroom deal with the Demo- American Dream. (Mr. BURTON of Indiana asked and crat leadership to create, by Executive f was given permission to address the order, a commission to deal with our House for 1 minute.) Nation’s excessive spending. HONORING IRA LEESFIELD Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- I am opposed to creating this panel (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was er, Massachusetts, Virginia, New Jer- by Executive order, and the American given permission to address the House sey—they have all spoken, and I think people will be opposed. Congress should for 1 minute and to revise and extend they speak for the American people. be voting to create this commission, her remarks.) They want us to try to work out and it should be requiring that it act Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I these problems that they’re facing to- on the panel’s recommendations. rise today to salute Miami attorney Ira gether and not keep pointing fingers.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 It’s time for us to get down to the job curity, if you lose your job, will be There was no objection. of creating jobs. They don’t want this guaranteed. There will be relief for Mr. LYNCH. I yield myself such time health care bill. It’s pretty darn clear. small businesses and employers. There as I may consume. That was the major issue in Massachu- will be jobs for Americans in the health Mr. Speaker, as chairman of the setts. So we need to get together and care industry, no lifetime limits on House subcommittee with jurisdiction solve the problems of health care with- coverage, and there will be free pre- over the United States Postal Service, out ramming something down the peo- ventative care. I am proud to present H.R. 3250 for con- ple’s throats from behind closed doors. That is what we want to do for the sideration. This legislation will des- It’s extremely important. American people. We must go out and ignate the facility of the United States They don’t want higher taxes; they clearly explain the benefits, each and Postal Service located at 1210 West want lower taxes. They don’t want every one of us, to the American peo- Main Street in Riverhead, New York, more government interference in their ple. as the ‘‘Private First Class Garfield M. lives; they want less. So what we ought f Langhorn Post Office Building.’’ to do is address the problems that are H.R. 3250 was introduced by my col- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER really important right now. The first league and friend Representative TIM PRO TEMPORE thing is creating jobs and getting this BISHOP of New York, on July 17, 2009, economy back on track and not to try The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and was favorably reported out of the to ram a health care bill down the ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Oversight and Government Reform American people’s throats that they will postpone further proceedings Committee by unanimous consent on really, really don’t want. today on motions to suspend the rules October 29, 2009. In addition, the legis- f on which a recorded vote or the yeas lation enjoys the support of the entire and nays are ordered, or on which the New York House delegation. SAVING AMERICA FROM AN vote incurs objection under clause 6 of Born on September 10, 1948, in Cum- ECONOMIC ABYSS rule XX. berland, Virginia, Private First Class (Mr. YARMUTH asked and was given Record votes on postponed questions Garfield Langhorn distinguished him- permission to address the House for 1 will be taken later. self through his brave, dedicated, and minute.) f selfless military service during the Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, there is PRIVATE FIRST CLASS GARFIELD Vietnam War as a member of the always a great deal of danger in spon- M. LANGHORN POST OFFICE United States Army’s Troop C, 7th taneous reactions to elections. One of BUILDING Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 1st the things that I thought about last Aviation Brigade. night when I watched SCOTT BROWN ac- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to In recognition of his heroic actions cept his victory in Massachusetts was suspend the rules and pass the bill during the Vietnam War, Private First that he didn’t talk about returning to (H.R. 3250) to designate the facility of Class Langhorn posthumously received the agenda of 2000–2008. He didn’t talk the United States Postal Service lo- the Medal of Honor, the highest mili- about returning to Bush economics or cated at 1210 West Main Street in tary decoration awarded by the United the Republican agenda. As a matter of Riverhead, New York, as the ‘‘Private States Government, as well as the Pur- fact, he never mentioned the word ‘‘Re- First Class Garfield M. Langhorn Post ple Heart. Private First Class publican.’’ Office Building’’. Langhorn was one of 20 African Amer- What he did talk about, and he The Clerk read the title of the bill. ican soldiers to receive the Medal of talked about it extremely well, was The text of the bill is as follows: Honor for their service during the Viet- about the need for us to listen to the H.R. 3250 nam War. people, that the job wasn’t his job or a Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- As noted by the citation accom- Kennedy job. This was the people’s job. resentatives of the United States of America in panying his Medal of Honor, Private It’s a lesson for all of us to learn. Congress assembled, First Class Langhorn demonstrated SECTION 1. PRIVATE FIRST CLASS GARFIELD M. ‘‘conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity The true political victory will be won LANGHORN POST OFFICE BUILDING. by the party and the individuals who (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the in action at the risk of his life and be- demonstrate responsiveness to the United States Postal Service located at 1210 yond the call of duty’’ while serving as needs of their communities and of their West Main Street in Riverhead, New York, a radio operator in Troop C in Viet- citizens. We have been doing that now shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Pri- nam’s Pleiku province on January 15, for a year. I think we can make a vate First Class Garfield M. Langhorn Post 1969. strong case on the Democratic side Office Building’’. Specifically, the citation recounts that we have saved this country from (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, that Private First Class Langhorn’s map, regulation, document, paper, or other an economic abyss. We will continue to record of the United States to the facility re- platoon had been inserted into a land- do that while we continue to listen to ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to ing zone in order to rescue two pilots of the people we work for. be a reference to the ‘‘Private First Class a downed Cobra helicopter. While mem- f Garfield M. Langhorn Post Office Building’’. bers of his platoon, who had found the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- two pilots dead, attempted to take the TOP 10 LIST OF HEALTH REFORM men’s bodies to a nearby pickup loca- BENEFITS WASHINGTON REPUB- ant to the rule, the gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the tion, Private First Class Langhorn pro- LICANS THREATEN TO STRIP vided radio coordination and covering AWAY gentleman from Illinois (Mr. SCHOCK) each will control 20 minutes. fire as the platoon came under intense (Ms. WATSON asked and was given The Chair recognizes the gentleman fire from enemy forces. permission to address the House for 1 from Massachusetts. As darkness fell, an enemy hand gre- minute.) nade landed directly in front of Private Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, we need b 1030 First Class Langhorn and only a few to get our courage up and continue to GENERAL LEAVE feet from several wounded members of reform health care. There are tremen- Mr. LYNCH. I ask unanimous consent his platoon. In response, and without dous benefits that will be lost if we that all Members may have 5 legisla- hesitation, Private First Class don’t clearly draw the path to health tive days within which to revise and Langhorn threw himself on the grenade care reform. extend their remarks and add any ex- and absorbed the ensuing blast, there- What we are doing is providing pro- traneous materials. by saving the lives of his comrades by tections against insurance companies’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there sacrificing his own. discrimination and against losing cov- objection to the request of the gen- Accordingly, the Medal of Honor ci- erage when you get sick. Insurance se- tleman from Massachusetts? tation further notes that, ‘‘Private

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 301 First Class Langhorn’s extraordinary to rescue two helicopter pilots who had radio operator and as a good soldier. I heroism, at the cost of his own life, was been shot down and were behind enemy am proud to represent Mrs. Langhorn, in keeping with the highest traditions lines. Langhorn coordinated with air- and I commend her for the grace and of the military, and reflects great cred- craft that were providing cover to his the dignity with which she carries her it on himself, his unit, and the United platoon during the rescue mission. loss. States Army.’’ While soldiers in the platoon were On a hillside in Pleiku province, Pri- Mr. Speaker, in continued tribute to bringing the bodies of two helicopter vate First Class Langhorn heard an Private First Class Langhorn’s bravery pilots they were rescuing to an extrac- even higher call than service and duty. and self-sacrifice, the members of the tion site, well disguised North Viet- His ultimate sacrifice saved the lives of United States Army’s 7th Squadron, namese soldiers suddenly surrounded several of his fellow soldiers by self- 17th Cavalry, past and present, have the platoon. Langhorn radioed the sup- lessly absorbing the explosion of an committed themselves to ensuring that port aircraft for assistance and helped enemy grenade within his own body. It his legacy and his memory lives on. provide cover for the other soldiers in was an act of valor and heroism for As noted by retired Sergeant Major the platoon. which the Medal of Honor was created, Tony Morton, president of the 7th As night came, the fighting contin- and for which it is solemnly reserved. Squadron 17th Air Cavalry Association, ued, but the air support could no all cavalry troopers assigned to the longer accurately pinpoint the soldiers Today, the Medal of Honor retains squadron must ‘‘earn their spurs’’ on the ground. The enemy soldiers con- pride of place on Mary Langhorn’s wall through the completion of a grueling 3- tinued to close in. An enemy soldier as a tangible symbol of the respect and day series of tests and tasks known as threw a hand grenade near Langhorn honor her son earned from the Amer- the ‘‘spur ride.’’ It is notable that com- and wounded several of his colleagues ican people. Passing H.R. 3250 today af- pletion of one of the stations requires and men. According to his Congres- firms the pride of Riverhead by memo- soldiers to possess a detailed knowl- sional Medal of Honor citation, ‘‘choos- rializing one of its most distinguished edge regarding the service and sacrifice ing to protect these wounded, he citizens. of Private First Class Langhorn, a re- unhesitatingly threw himself on the As they conduct their business each quirement that, according to Sergeant grenade, scooped it beneath his body day, the people of Riverhead who visit Major Morton, serves to ensure that and absorbed the blast. By sacrificing the post office will be reminded of PFC Private First Class Langhorn ‘‘will go himself, he saved the lives of his com- Langhorn’s extraordinary service and on in this squadron as long as this rades.’’ sacrifice and can reflect on the true squadron is flying the colors.’’ Mr. Speaker, Garfield Langhorn was value of freedom. They will know that In addition, in 2008, the squadron cut a true American hero. In his last dying PFC Garfield M. Langhorn is a na- the ribbon on a conference center words, he is reported to have said, tional hero, and the values for which named after Private First Class ‘‘You have to care.’’ Private First Class he gave his life, honor, loyalty, and Langhorn and the unit’s other Medal of Langhorn did care deeply about his fel- family will again forever be memorial- Honor recipient from Vietnam, Ser- low soldiers and he cared about his ized. geant Ray McKibben. Moreover, the country. His story is an inspiration to Mr. Speaker, I am grateful to all of squadron also rededicated a memorial all Americans. my colleagues in the New York delega- to the two soldiers that has been relo- I ask my colleagues to support H.R. tion for cosponsoring this legislation, cated from Fort Knox, Kentucky, to 3250 to honor Private First Class and I again thank Chairman TOWNS, the unit’s new headquarters at nearby Langhorn’s sacrifice for years to come. Mr. LYNCH, and the gentleman from Il- Fort Campbell on the Kentucky-Ten- I reserve the balance of my time. linois for their support. Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I appre- nessee border. Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I urge all Mr. Speaker, the life of Private First ciate the gentleman’s kind words. Members to support the passage of H.R. Class Garfield M. Langhorn stands as a I yield 3 minutes to the chief sponsor 3250. testament to the lives of all those of this bill, Mr. BISHOP of New York. brave men and women who have served Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speak- I yield back the balance of my time. in the United States military and of- er, let me start by thanking my friend Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I again, in fered our Nation the ultimate sacrifice. Mr. LYNCH for his remarks with respect closing, urge my colleagues to join the Let us further honor the courageous to this legislation. Let me also thank gentleman from New York (Mr. BISHOP) soldiers through the passage of H.R. the gentleman from Illinois for his re- in honoring Private First Class Gar- 3250, which designates the Riverhead, marks and his support of this legisla- field Langhorn through the passage of New York, Postal Service building in tion. H.R. 3250. Private First Class Langhorn’s name. Mr. Speaker, I rise as the proud spon- I yield back the balance of my time. I urge my colleagues to join me in sor of H.R. 3250, and I thank the leader- supporting H.R. 3250. ship for calling up this bill to name the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I reserve the balance of my time. United States Post Office located at question is on the motion offered by Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1210 West Main Street in Riverhead, the gentleman from Massachusetts myself such time as I may consume. New York, in my district on Eastern (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Long Island, as the ‘‘Private First the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3250. of H.R. 3250, designating the facility of Class Garfield M. Langhorn Post Office The question was taken. the United States Postal Service lo- Building’’. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the cated at 1210 West Main Street in It was a journey of a hardworking opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Riverhead, New York, as the ‘‘Private American family, looking for an oppor- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. tunity and a better way of life, that First Class Garfield M. Langhorn Post Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I object to brought the family of Private First Office Building.’’ the vote on the ground that a quorum Garfield M. Langhorn’s selfless and Class Garfield Langhorn of the United is not present and make the point of heroic actions, for which he received States Army from Cumberland, Vir- order that a quorum is not present. the Congressional Medal of Honor, ginia, to Riverhead, New York, in the serve as an inspiration to all Ameri- early 1950s. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cans. Private First Class Langhorn’s moth- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the On January 15, 1969, U.S. Army Pri- er still lives in this close-knit commu- Chair’s prior announcement, further vate First Class Garfield M. Langhorn nity—her name is Mary—where she proceedings on this motion will be of New York was serving as a radio op- raised her son who proudly answered postponed. erator in the Pleiku province of North the call of his country during the Viet- The point of no quorum is considered Vietnam. His platoon’s assignment was nam War. He distinguished himself as a withdrawn.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 CONGRATULATING NANCY The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there in the entire world. In July, 2009, Presi- GOODMAN BRINKER objection to the request of the gen- dent Obama named Nancy Goodman Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to tleman from Massachusetts? Brinker as a recipient of the 2009 Presi- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- There was no objection. dential Medal of Freedom. The Presi- lution (H. Res. 708) congratulating Mr. LYNCH. I yield myself such time dential Medal of Freedom, of course, is Nancy Goodman Brinker for receiving as I may consume. America’s highest civilian honor that the Presidential Medal of Freedom, as Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Com- is awarded to individuals who make an amended. mittee on Oversight and Government especially meritorious contribution to The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Reform, I am proud to present H. Res. the security or national interest of the tion. 708 for consideration. This legislation United States, world peace, cultural, or The text of the resolution is as fol- expresses our congratulations to Ms. other significant public or private en- lows: Nancy Goodman Brinker for receiving deavors. She was presented the Presi- H. RES. 708 the Presidential Medal of Freedom. dential Medal of Freedom on Wednes- Whereas Ambassador Brinker is the found- House Resolution 708 was introduced day, August 12, 2009. The inscription on er of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the by my colleague and friend Representa- her Presidential Medal of Freedom world’s leading breast cancer grass roots or- tive AARON SCHOCK of Illinois on July says this: Drawing strength from trag- ganization, and Ambassador Brinker estab- 31, 2009, and was favorably reported out edy, Nancy Goodman Brinker has lished the organization in memory of her sis- of the Oversight and Government Re- transformed the Nation’s approach to ter, who passed away from cancer in 1980; Whereas through innovative events like form Committee by voice vote on De- breast cancer. Race for the Cure, the organization has given cember 10, 2009. In addition, the legisla- When her sister was diagnosed in and invested nearly 1.5 billion for research, tion enjoys the support of nearly 60 1977, most breast cancer victims knew health services and education services since Members of Congress. relatively little about the disease and its founding in 1982; Mr. Speaker, seeing that my col- suffered from popular stigmas. Nancy Whereas the Susan G. Komen for the Cure league is the lead sponsor of this, I will Brinker promised to challenge these has developed a worldwide grassroots net- reserve the balance of my time and norms. She founded Susan G. Komen work of breast cancer survivors and activists allow the gentleman to offer this reso- for the Cure in honor of her sister. who are working together to save lives, em- Today, the organization supports re- power people, ensure quality care for all and lution. energize science to find cures; Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I wish to search and community awareness pro- Whereas Ambassador Brinker has served as extend my appreciation to my friend grams across the United States and Chair of the President’s Cancer Panel (1990); from Massachusetts. I yield myself around the world. Nancy Goodman Whereas Ambassador Brinker has served as such time as I may consume. Brinker’s unique passion and deter- United States Ambassador to Hungary (2001– Mr. Speaker, we rise today to honor a mination have been a blessing to all 2003); great woman, a great leader, and, real- those whose lives have been touched by Whereas Ambassador Brinker has served as ly, an icon in our country and around breast cancer. In fact, it’s these 1.5 mil- Chief of Protocol of the United States (2007– lion participants in the Race for the 2009); the world for what the power of one Whereas, in May of this year, Ambassador person, working with hundreds and Cure and the thousands of people that Brinker was named the first-ever World thousands of others, but really one per- this organization have touched that Health Organization’s Goodwill Ambassador son’s vision, tenacity, and hard work have led to the increased awareness of for Cancer Control; can mean for her fellow mankind on breast cancer. It’s her work that has Whereas, on July 30, 2009, President Obama Earth. led to the infamous pastel pink being named Peoria native Ambassador Nancy We rise today to honor Nancy Good- synonymous with breast cancer aware- Goodman Brinker as a recipient of the Presi- man Brinker. She was born December ness and the work of the organization. dential Medal of Freedom; But let us be clear. The work has Whereas the Presidential Medal of Free- 6, 1946, in Peoria, Illinois, and is most dom is America’s highest civilian honor that notably known for her work with the done much more then just create is awarded to individuals who make an espe- Susan G. Komen for the Cure Founda- awareness about breast cancer re- cially meritorious contribution to the secu- tion, the world’s leading breast cancer search. Nancy Goodman Brinker’s rity or national interests of the United grassroots organization, which has im- work has saved lives. In fact, the work States, world peace, cultural or other signifi- pacted millions of lives. of the Susan G. Komen Centers has cant public or private endeavors; This organization was established in generated over its 27 years $1.5 billion Whereas Ambassador Brinker’s public serv- memory of her sister, Susie Komen, in cancer research. As a result, we have ice has impacted millions of lives and her discovered the first breast cancer sus- work, from promoting cancer research to who passed away from cancer in 1980. promoting freedom around the world, and Ms. Brinker since then has also found- ceptibility gene. The research dollars has been praised by members of both parties; ed the Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s have led to the first use of magnetic and signature program, the Race for the resonance imaging scanners, or MRIs. Whereas President Obama will present Illi- Cure, the largest series of 5–K run and They discovered the pathways that nois native Ambassador Nancy Goodman fitness walks in the world. some cancer cells take in the body, Brinker with the Presidential Medal of Free- Since its origin in 1983 in Dallas, leading to treatments to potentially dom on Wednesday, August 12, 2009: Now, Texas, the Race for the Cure series has stop the spread of cancers to other or- therefore, be it gans. And as a result of this continuous Resolved, That the House of Representa- grown from one local race with 800 par- tives congratulates Nancy Goodman Brinker ticipants to a national series of 112 work, mortality from breast cancer is for receiving the Presidential Medal of Free- races that yielded just over 1.5 million down. In the last decade, deaths from dom. participants last year. breast cancer fell by over 20 percent, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Ms. Brinker’s contributions to soci- and more than 2.5 million people in the ant to the rule, the gentleman from ety extend beyond her work with the United States are breast cancer sur- Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the Susan G. Komen centers. Ms. Brinker vivors, the largest group of cancer sur- gentleman from Illinois (Mr. SCHOCK) has served in the government as Chair vivors in America. each will control 20 minutes. of the President’s Cancer Panel in the Now, as we read through the life and The Chair recognizes the gentleman early 1990s. She then went as the U.S. the work of Nancy Goodman Brinker, from Massachusetts. Ambassador to Hungary from 2001 to one might think this sounds like an GENERAL LEAVE 2003, and then as the Chief of Protocol obituary. But, my friends, rest assured Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- for the United States from 2007 to 2009. Nancy Goodman Brinker’s contribu- imous consent that all Members may tions to society are far from over. have 5 legislative days within which to b 1045 While many might retire, given this revise and extend their remarks and Time magazine in 2008 named her as long resume of accomplishments, she add any extraneous materials. one of the 100 most influential people continues to take on the mantle and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 303 fight. Since her retirement from public support advancements in breast cancer al action for cancer prevention in ac- service in our government, she has re- research, education, and health serv- cordance with the global strategy for turned back as the CEO of the Susan G. ices since its inception. From its advo- the prevention and control of non- Komen Centers and also was recently cacy at the local, State, and Federal communicable diseases that was en- named the first ever World Health Or- levels in support of enhanced breast dorsed by the World Health Assembly ganization’s Goodwill Ambassador for cancer screening and treatment pro- in 2008. Cancer Control. grams to its coordination with local Mr. Speaker, in light of Ambassador Finally, I’d like to read a quote by health groups around the world to as- Brinker’s tireless efforts on behalf of our President, Barack Obama, when he sist women in nearly 200 countries in ending breast cancer and her distin- issued the Presidential Medal of Free- overcoming social, cultural, and eco- guished public service, it is not sur- dom to Ms. Brinker. He said, One of the nomic barriers to breast health treat- prising that she was named as one of last things Susie Komen did before she ment, Susan G. Komen for the Cure our Nation’s Presidential Medal of passed away was ask her sister Nancy stands as a testament to the bravery of Freedom recipients for 2009. Let us con- to make her a promise. Nancy prom- Susan G. Komen, as well as the com- gratulate Ambassador Brinker on her ised her she would prevent other fami- mitment and vision of Ambassador receipt of our Nation’s highest civilian lies battling breast cancer from hurt- Brinker. honor and commemorate her life’s ing the way theirs had. What began As noted by Ambassador Brinker, worth through the passage of H. Res. with $200 and a list of friends has be- Susan G. Komen for the Cure faced an 708. come a global race for the cure, a cam- immediate uphill battle in its mission I urge my colleagues to join me in paign that has eased the pain and saved to promote supporting H. Res. 708. the lives of millions around the world. and research. In 1982, the disease re- I reserve the balance of my time. In the months after her sister’s death, ceived scant media attention and the Mr. SCHOCK. I yield 2 minutes to my Nancy lay awake at night thinking fight against breast cancer was ham- distinguished colleague and good about the promise she had made and pered by scarce resources, an inad- friend, the gentlewoman from Florida wondering whether one person could equate supply network, and limited (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN). really make a difference. Nancy’s life treatment options. However, under the Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. I thank my is the answer. dedicated and creative leadership of good friend, the gentleman from Illi- Mr. Speaker, that is the reason we Ambassador Brinker, the breast cancer nois, for his leadership on this crucial rise today to honor Nancy Goodman movement has managed to break the effort to eradicate breast cancer in our Brinker for what she has done, for what silence surrounding the disease and se- lifetime, and I rise in support of his she continues to do, and for the inspi- cure major advances with respect to resolution to congratulate Ambassador ration that she is to all Americans of breast cancer research, funding, edu- Nancy Goodman Brinker for receiving what one person can do for their coun- cation, and treatment. the Presidential Medal of Freedom. try and for the world. In 1982, Ambassador Brinker founded Since her sister’s death 30 years ago, I reserve the balance of my time. the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Nancy has been devoted to finding a Mr. LYNCH. I thank the gentleman which is big in my district and is pres- cure for breast cancer. As founder of for his remarks. ently the world’s largest and most suc- the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer As was noted, on August 12, 2009, cessful education and fundraising event Foundation and the 5K Race for the President Obama awarded the Presi- for breast cancer. In addition, Ambas- Cure, Nancy has helped to raise almost dential Medal of Freedom, which is our sador Brinker has also pioneered the a billion dollars for this noble effort. In Nation’s highest civilian honor, to Am- concept of cause-related marketing, my congressional district, the Miami- bassador Nancy Goodman Brinker in through which her foundation has es- Fort Lauderdale Race for the Cure has recognition of her efforts to advance tablished a variety of strong and en- raised more than $4.5 million. Our breast cancer awareness and research. during partnerships with businesses yearly local events reach hundreds of As noted by the President during the that share her commitment to ending thousands of people as an educational 2009 Medal of Freedom ceremony, the breast cancer. Annually, the founda- outreach tool and as a grassroots life of Nancy Goodman Brinker serves tion raises over $30 million through its movement builder. The research grants truly to answer the question whether marketing partnerships. from Nancy’s foundation have contrib- one person can truly make a difference. Moreover, Ambassador Brinker and uted to many of the new treatments It is correct, as the gentleman from her foundation have played an instru- that have truly saved lives. Through Illinois has noted, that this began as a mental role in securing the passage of efforts like hers, we have made impor- promise between sisters. As she was key legislation to promote public in- tant strides in increasing breast cancer falling victim to breast cancer, Susan vestment in breast health and breast awareness throughout our Nation. G. Komen asked her beloved sister, cancer care. Most recently, the organi- Today, the Susan G. Komen Breast Nancy, to promise to do everything she zation contributed to the passage of an Cancer Foundation is recognized as the could to ensure that other families bat- amendment authored by Senator BAR- leader in the fight against breast can- tling breast cancer had the help they BARA MIKULSKI of Maryland to the Sen- cer. In solidarity with the countless needed to fight the deadly disease. ate health care reform bill to ensure survivors, like my good friend and From that simple promise between sis- that breast cancer screening is avail- Florida colleague, DEBBIE WASSERMAN ters, and in the honor of her sister, able for women between the ages of 40 SCHULTZ, I thank Ambassador Brinker Ambassador Brinker has devoted her and 49. As noted by Ambassador for all that she has done and certainly life to advancing breast cancer aware- Brinker, she will continue her efforts all that she will continue to do in this ness and research. until the amendment becomes law. noble fight against breast cancer. In 1982, 2 years following her sister’s In addition to her work on behalf of Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I have no passing, Ambassador Brinker, a breast Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Ambas- further requests for time, and I con- cancer survivor herself, established sador Brinker’s commitment to ending tinue to reserve the balance of my Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a global breast cancer can be witnessed through time. nonprofit organization dedicated to her service as Goodwill Ambassador Mr. SCHOCK. I yield 2 minutes to my supporting breast cancer research, a For Cancer Control for the United Na- distinguished colleague and good program that has affected millions of tion’s World Health Organization. In friend, the gentlewoman from Ten- families in America. Notably, Susan G. this capacity, Ambassador Brinker has nessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN). Komen for the Cure, which also serves sought to raise breast cancer aware- Mrs. BLACKBURN. I do thank the as the world’s largest grassroots net- ness and strengthen treatment pro- gentleman from Illinois. work of breast cancer survivors and ac- grams in impoverished nations as well It is such an honor for me today to tivists, has raised nearly $1.5 billion to as advocate in support of stronger glob- rise in strong support of the resolution

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 to congratulate Ambassador Nancy cently diagnosed with breast cancer. At this share a deep commitment to the fight against Brinker for receiving the Presidential event, I was delighted to meet Nancy in per- cancer. Medal of Freedom. Ambassador son, and thank her for her tireless efforts in Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Fifth District of Brinker founded Susan G. Komen for fighting this terrible disease. Texas, I applaud Ambassador Brinker for her the Cure in 1982, and has since built it Nancy’s work to honor the life of her sister longstanding dedication, leadership and self- into the world’s leading breast cancer by helping countless others is truly admirable, less spirit and congratulate her on receiving grassroots organization. The Susan G. and deserving of this distinguished civilian the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Komen Foundation awarded $780,000 in award. I would like to thank my friend from Illi- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, in closing, research grants in 2008 in my home nois, Congressman SCHOCK for introducing again I urge my colleagues to join Mr. State of Tennessee, and we are grateful this resolution, and Chairman TOWNS for his SCHOCK of Illinois in congratulating for those grants. leadership in bringing this bill to the House Ms. Nancy Goodman Brinker on receiv- Through her advocacy efforts, Am- floor today. I urge passage of the bill and I ing the Presidential Medal of Freedom bassador Brinker is to be commended yield back the balance of my time. through the passage of H. Res. 708. for saving countless lives as a trail- Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time. blazer fighting for the health of women I rise today in support of House Resolution The SPEAKER pro tempore. The worldwide, empowering patients, and 708, which congratulates Ambassador Nancy question is on the motion offered by raising billions in funding for contin- Goodman Brinker for receiving the Presidential the gentleman from Massachusetts ued breast cancer research. She has Medal of Freedom. (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend worked tirelessly, building an impres- I was thrilled when I heard the news last the rules and agree to the resolution, sive resume of accomplishments, most year that President Barack Obama had given H. Res. 708, as amended. recently being named the first ever this highest civilian honor to Ambassador The question was taken; and (two- World Health Organization’s Goodwill Brinker. thirds being in the affirmative) the Ambassador for Cancer Control. No one could be more deserving of this rules were suspended and the resolu- I commend Ambassador Brinker for great honor. For nearly 30 years she has tion, as amended, was agreed to. standing with all women to raise brought a deep passion to the fight against A motion to reconsider was laid on awareness on the issue of mammog- breast cancer. She has built an organization the table. raphy rationing in the health care re- like no other to fight this terrible disease. f form bill and continuing to advocate Susan G. Komen for the Cure is the largest CONGRESSWOMAN JAN MEYERS for increased access to appropriate and most progressive group of breast cancer POST OFFICE BUILDING therapies and screenings for all Ameri- activists in the world. cans. Her contributions to society de- The Race for the Cure, which is now a glob- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to serve much praise, and each points al effort, has helped raise over a billion dollars suspend the rules and pass the bill back to her original goal: to ease suf- for research, health services and educational (H.R. 4095) to designate the facility of fering and raise awareness to eradicate efforts supporting millions of women in need. the United States Postal Service lo- breast cancer for all, and to honor the All of this because of Nancy, her passion and cated at 9727 Antioch Road in Overland memory of her sister. Today, we honor her vision. Park, Kansas, as the ‘‘Congresswoman her. It has been an honor and privilege to work Jan Meyers Post Office Building’’. with Nancy over the last year and I cannot The Clerk read the title of the bill. b 1100 think of a more courageous, dedicated, and The text of the bill is as follows: Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I continue passionate woman to honor today. H.R. 4095 to reserve the balance of my time. I thank my colleagues and friends Con- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, with that, gressman AARON SCHOCK and Congress- resentatives of the United States of America in I urge all Members to support the pas- woman JAN SCHAKOWSKY for introducing this Congress assembled, sage of House Resolution 708, honoring fitting and well deserved resolution. SECTION 1. CONGRESSWOMAN JAN MEYERS one of the finest Americans, Nancy Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, today I POST OFFICE BUILDING. Goodman Brinker. would like to honor Ambassador Nancy (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the I yield back the balance of my time. Brinker for her continued leadership and advo- United States Postal Service located at 9727 Mr. KLEIN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Antioch Road in Overland Park, Kansas, cacy in breast cancer research and congratu- shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Con- strong support of H. Res. 708, a bill to con- late her on receiving America’s highest civilian gresswoman Jan Meyers Post Office Build- gratulate Ms. Nancy Goodman Brinker for re- honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. ing’’. ceiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Ambassador Brinker’s commitment to de- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Nancy Brinker, a resident of my Congressional feating breast cancer began 28 years ago map, regulation, document, paper, or other District in South Florida, has had a remarkable after she lost her sister to the disease. Since record of the United States to the facility re- impact on the fight against breast cancer. As that time, Ambassador Brinker has dedicated ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to founder of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a her life to increasing public awareness and de- be a reference to the ‘‘Congresswoman Jan Meyers Post Office Building’’. foundation named for her sister who unfortu- veloping a grassroots network of individuals nately lost her battle with breast cancer 30 affected by breast cancer. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- years ago, Nancy has helped raise over $1 As the founder of Susan G. Komen for the ant to the rule, the gentleman from billion dollars in support of research, education Cure, Ambassador Brinker has campaigned Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the campaigns and support services for patients tirelessly to help those affected by breast can- gentleman from Illinois (Mr. SCHOCK) and their loved ones. cer and has raised over $1.3 billion for re- each will control 20 minutes. Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the Race search and education purposes since it was The Chair recognizes the gentleman for the Cure have helped create a global founded. from Massachusetts. movement to empower and support those Now serving as the Goodwill Ambassador GENERAL LEAVE touched by this disease. Now the largest for Cancer Control for the United Nations’ Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- grass roots breast cancer movement in the World Health Organization, Ambassador imous consent that all Members may world, Susan G. Komen for the Cure offers a Brinker’s dedication and leadership are felt have 5 legislative days within which to place for patients, their friends and family, and throughout the world as she promotes aware- revise and extend their remarks and those who have lost loved ones to breast can- ness and continues the global fight against add any extraneous materials. cer to share their stories, raise awareness and breast cancer. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there donate their time and resources toward finally Breast cancer is a devastating disease that objection to the request of the gen- putting an end to this disease. has touched many lives. As a former volunteer tleman from Massachusetts? I was honored to participate in the Race for and board member of the American Cancer There was no objection. the Cure held in West Palm Beach, FL where Society of Dallas, I have seen how cancer im- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- I walked in honor of my sister, who was re- pacts a family. As a husband and father, I self such time as I may consume.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 305 As chairman of the House sub- bernatorial campaign in Johnson Coun- her behalf a post office in the city she committee with jurisdiction over the ty. served as a commissioner. This is bi- United States Postal Service, I am From 1967 to 1972, she served as a partisan. I ask for the support of my pleased to present H.R. 4095 for consid- member of the Overland Park City colleagues. eration. This legislation will designate Council, presiding for 2 years. In 1972, Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased today to the United States Postal Service facil- Jan won election of the Kansas State rise in support of bipartisan legislation I intro- ity located at 9727 Antioch Road in Senate and served there for the next 12 duced with my colleagues in the Kansas con- Overland Park, Kansas, as the ‘‘Con- years, rising to chair the Public Health gressional delegation, H.R. 4095, designating gresswoman Jan Meyers Post Office and Welfare Committee as well as the the post office located at 9727 Antioch Road Building.’’ Introduced by my friend and Local Government Committee. When in Overland Park, Kansas, as the ‘‘Congress- colleague Representative DENNIS Representative Winn retired in 1984, woman Jan Meyers Post Office Building’’. MOORE of Kansas on November 17, 2009, Jan entered the GOP primary to suc- H.R. 4095 was reported out of the Over- ceed him. By that point, the district Jan Meyers was elected to represent the sight and Government Reform Com- was a narrow north/south sliver, nes- Third Congressional District of Kansas in mittee on December 10, 2009, by voice tled in the northeast corner of Kansas 1984, and re-elected in five subsequent elec- vote. Notably, H.R. 4095 has the sup- across the river from the metropolis of tions. In 1995, she became the first Repub- port of the entire Kansas House delega- Kansas City, Missouri. In a five-way lican woman to chair a standing House com- tion. race, she won the party nomination; mittee, the Small Business Committee, in Since the lead sponsor, Mr. MOORE, is and in the general election, she faced a more than 40 years. That milestone capped here, I would like to yield him such formidable opponent in the Democratic Jan’s long tenure as a public servant that time as he may consume in bringing candidate, Kansas City Mayor Jack began with 5 years of service on the Overland this resolution to the floor. Reardon. Park City Council and included twelve years in Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, Jan emphasized her long experience the state senate. As Congressional Quarterly I am pleased today to rise in support of in State politics and campaigned described her, Jan was ‘‘a mild mannered so- bipartisan legislation which I intro- around the district. When Congress- cial moderate known for her willingness to duced with my colleagues in the Kan- woman Meyers arrived in the House compromise. . . . Meyers’ middle ground in- sas congressional delegation, H.R. 4095, after winning that race, she was ap- stincts make her a key swing vote.’’ designating the post office located at pointed to the Committee on Science Janice Lenore Crilly (Jan) was born on July 9727 Antioch Road in Overland Park, and Technology, the Committee on 20, 1928, in Lincoln, Nebraska, the daughter Kansas, as the ‘‘Congresswoman Jan Small Business, and the Select Com- of Howard M. Crilly, a newspaper publisher, Meyers Post Office Building.’’ mittee on Aging. In the 100th Congress, and Lenore N. (Hazel) Crilly. Janice Crilly and Jan Meyers was elected to represent she transferred from Science and Tech- her brother, Donn, were raised in Superior, the Third Congressional District of nology to the Foreign Affairs Com- Nebraska. In 1948, she graduated with an As- Kansas in 1984 and reelected in five mittee. sociate Fine Arts degree from William Woods subsequent elections. In 1995, she be- Jan was most active on the Small College in Fulton, Missouri, and with a B.A. in came the first Republican woman to Business Committee where she intro- communications from the University of Ne- chair a standing House committee, the duced a number of legislative measures braska in 1951. Following graduation, she Small Business Committee, in more to protect small business interests and worked in advertising and public relations. Jan than 40 years. That milestone capped to ensure they had fair representation Crilly married Louis ‘‘Dutch’’ Meyers, who Jan’s long tenure as a public servant in government. She worked to bring eventually became a Kansas City television that began with 5 years of service on permanent tax cuts for small business. station executive, and they raised a daughter the Overland Park City Council and in- When Republicans took control of the and son, Valerie and Philip. cluded 12 years in the State senate. As House in the 1994 elections, Jan Meyers Jan Meyers’s career in Kansas GOP politics Congressional Quarterly described her, was promoted to chair the Small Busi- began in 1966, when she served as Overland Jan was ‘‘a mild mannered social mod- ness Committee. It marked the first Park chairwoman for , Jr.’s cam- erate known for her willingness to time that a Republican woman had paign for the Third District U.S. House seat. compromise . . . Meyers’ middle ground chaired the House committee since Two years later, she was district co-chair for instincts make her a case swing vote.’’ headed Veterans’ the first of Senator Robert Dole’s string of five Janice Lenore Crilly, Jan, was born Affairs in the 83rd Congress from 1953 successful Senate races. In 1974, Jan chaired on July 20, 1928, in Lincoln, Nebraska, to 1955. the daughter of Howard M. Crilly, a ‘‘Leadership positions come as a re- Republican Bob Bennett’s gubernatorial cam- newspaper publisher, and Lenore N. sult of seniority,’’ Jan said. And later paign in Johnson County. From 1967 to 1972, Crilly. Jan and her brother Donn were she said, ‘‘I sincerely hope that women she served as a member of the Overland Park raised in Superior, Nebraska. In 1948, continue to run and continue to get City Council, presiding for two years. In 1972, she graduated with an associate fine elected, and I think that will ulti- Meyers won election to the Kansas state sen- arts degree from William Woods Col- mately result in more women being ate and served there for the next 12 years, ris- lege in Fulton, Missouri, and with a elected to leadership positions.’’ Jan ing to chair the public health and welfare com- B.A. in communications from the Uni- declined to run for reelection in 1996, mittee as well as the local government com- versity of Nebraska in 1951. Following noting that she wanted to spend more mittee. graduation, she worked in advertising time with her family. ‘‘There are other When Representative Winn retired in 1984, and public relations. things in life I want to do, and being a Jan entered the GOP primary to succeed him. Jan Crilly married Louis ‘‘Dutch’’ Member of Congress, if you take the By that point, the district was a narrow north- Meyers who eventually became a Kan- job seriously, simply does not leave south sliver nestled in the northeast corner of sas City television station executive, time,’’ Jan told the press. She also said Kansas across the river from the metropolis of and they raised a daughter and son, she believed that Members of Congress Kansas City, Missouri. In a five-way race she Valerie and Philip. Jan’s career in Kan- should serve no more than 10 to 14 won the party nomination. In the general elec- sas GOP politics began in 1966 when she years. tion she faced a formidable opponent in the served as Overland Park chairwoman Jan returned to Overland Park, Kan- Democratic candidate, Kansas City Mayor for Larry Winn, Jr.’s campaign for the sas, where she joined foundation boards Jack Reardon. Jan emphasized her long expe- Third Congressional District U.S. for a local library and a community rience in state politics and plastered the dis- House seat. Two years later, she was college. trict with ‘‘Jan Can’’ posters. Benefiting from the district co-Chair for the first of Mr. Speaker, Jan Meyers was a val- being on a ticket that featured President Senator Robert Dole’s string of five ued and important Member of Congress Reagan and the popular Senator Nancy successful Senate races. In 1974, Jan during her tenure in this body, and it is Kassebaum (who received more votes than chaired Republican BOB BENNETT’s gu- fitting that we vote today to name on Reagan in the November elections), Jan won.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 When Congresswoman Meyers arrived in Bulldog Award from Watchdog of the Treasury your conscience and your constituents, the House, she was appointed to the Com- for her work to eliminate wasteful in govern- both. Most of the time, they’ll agree.’’ mittee on Science and Technology, the Com- ment spending she was regularly named Tax- Mr. Speaker, to honor Congress- mittee on Small Business, and the Select payer Hero by the Citizens Against Govern- woman Meyers’ career of service and Committee on Aging. In the 100th Congress ment Waste. the work that she did both for her con- (1987–1989), she transferred from Science Jan is also an advocate for children and stituents in Kansas and for small busi- and Technology to the Foreign Affairs Com- was a leader for health care reform. A com- ness owners throughout America, I en- mittee. mitted conservationist, Jan was essential in courage my colleagues to support this Jan was most active on the Small Business the creation of the Tallgrass Prairie National bipartisan bill. Committee. She introduced a number of legis- Preserve, 10,894 acres of protected Kansas I reserve the balance of my time. lative measures to protect small business in- tall grass prairie, which forms the only unit of Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I have no terests and to ensure that they had fair rep- the National Park System dedicated to the rich further requests for time; however, I resentation in government. She worked to natural and cultural history of this cherished will continue to reserve the balance of bring permanent tax cuts for small businesses. ecosystem that is in our state. my time. When Republicans took control of the Mr. Speaker, in closing, Jan Meyers is a Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 House in the 1994 elections, Jan Meyers was great Kansan who served our State and this minutes to my distinguished colleague promoted to chair of the Small Business Com- Nation with distinction and I consider myself from the great State of Kansas (Mr. mittee. It marked the first time that a Repub- lucky to call her my friend. MORAN). lican woman had chaired a House committee Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. MORAN of Kansas. I appreciate since Edith Nourse Rogers headed Veterans’ myself such time as I may consume. the gentleman from Illinois for recog- Affairs in the 83rd Congress (1953–1955). Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support nizing me today. ‘‘Leadership positions come as a result of se- of H.R. 4095, which would designate the I am here today to honor former Kan- niority,’’ Jan said later. ‘‘I sincerely hope that facility of the United States Postal sas Congresswoman Jan Meyers, a fis- women continue to run and continue to get Service, located at 9727 Antioch Road cal conservative and a true public serv- elected, and I think that will ultimately result in in Overland Park, Kansas, as the Con- ant. Jan served in the House of Rep- more women being elected to leadership posi- gresswoman Jan Meyers Post Office resentatives from 1985 to 1997, rep- tions.’’ Building. Congresswoman Meyers dedi- resenting the communities around Jan declined to run for re-election in 1996, cated her career to serving the people Kansas City. In 1995, she became the noting that she wanted to spend more time of Kansas. first woman chairman of a House com- with her family. ‘‘There are other things in life After working on Larry Winn’s suc- mittee since 1976. I want to do, and being a Member of Con- cessful campaign for a Kansas City- Before her election to Congress, she gress, if you take the job seriously, simply based House seat in 1966, Meyers began served on the Overland Park City does not leave time,’’ Jan told the press. She her own career in public service as a Council and as a senator in the Kansas also said she believed that Members of Con- member of the Overland Park City State Legislature. While serving Kan- gress should serve no more than 10 to 14 Council from 1967 until 1972. In 1972, sans in the House of Representatives, years. Meyers returned to Overland Park, Meyers won a seat in the Kansas State Jan was a consistent advocate for fis- Kansas, where she joined foundation boards Senate. She would serve in the State cal responsibility, an example that for a local library and a community college. senate for 12 years, eventually becom- many in Washington today could fol- Mr. Speaker, Jan Meyers was a valued and ing the Chair of the Public Health and low. Whether she was promoting legis- important member of Congress during her ten- Welfare Committee. In 1984, Congress- lation in the Small Business Com- ure in this body and it is fitting that we vote man Larry Winn decided to retire. mittee to protect small business own- today to name on her behalf a post office in Meyers won the election for the dis- ers or offering conservative solutions the city she served as a commissioner. Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to trict’s open seat. She served her con- during the debate over welfare reform, take this opportunity to voice my support for stituents for five terms, during which she always remembered that when Con- H.R. 4095, a bill to designate the facility of the time she became the Chair of the Small gress spent money, it was the tax- United States Postal Service located at 9727 Business Committee. She was the first payers’ money, not the government’s. Antioch Road in Overland Park, Kansas, as woman in almost 20 years to chair a She regularly voted to cut taxes so the ‘‘Congresswoman Jan Meyers Post Office Permanent House committee. that Americans could keep more of Building’’. Small businesses were very impor- what they earned and worked to reduce I would like to also congratulate my col- tant to her throughout her career. She the budget deficit and eliminate waste- league and fellow Kansan, Mr. MOORE, the once commented, ‘‘There may be more ful government spending. Kansas son sponsor of this bill, for his service to our state. dramatic issues, but none that are and American hero summed And thank Mr. MORAN and Mr. TIAHRT, the more important . . . because the small it up well when he said of Jan Meyers other members of the Kansas delegation who business sector employs at least 50 per- on the Senate floor that she ‘‘never joined me as the original co-sponsors of this cent, maybe a little more, of the indi- stopped fighting to reduce the regu- bill. viduals in this country. Virtually all of latory and tax burdens on America’s Mr. Speaker, We Kansans are proud of our the entry-level employees are with small businessmen and women.’’ She pioneering spirit and Congresswoman Jan small business.’’ A quote that is rel- was a true steward of the people’s re- Meyers is a great example of that spirit. Born evant to today. sources and worked hard on their be- in Lincoln, Nebraska, Jan attended public While some wanted to eliminate the half. schools in Superior, Nebraska before receiving Small Business Committee at the time, Yet it was her caring and attentive a bachelor of arts from the University of Ne- Congresswoman Meyers was committed nature that Kansans really remember. braska in 1951. to seeing the committee was active and Although a conservative Republican, After moving to Kansas, Jan served on the served an important purpose. In 1995, Jan reached out to Kansans of every City Council of Overland Park, from 1967 to Congresswoman Meyers decided that philosophy. She was sensitive to the 1972. She then served in the she would retire and not run for reelec- needs of Kansans and always quick to from 1972 to 1984 and in 1984 she was elect- tion in order to spend more time with respond to their problems. Jan never ed to the House of Representatives where she her family. She considered bills that forgot who she worked for and always served until January 3, 1997. During her time she introduced that lowered taxes and had time for the folks back home. in this body, Jan chaired the Committee on reduced regulation on small business To me, Jan was more than an ideal Small Business in the 104th Congress, the owners as some of the greatest accom- public servant. She is also a friend. The first woman to serve in that capacity in more plishments in her career. manner in which she met difficult cir- than 20 years. Throughout her five terms of service, cumstances with a smile gave me com- Jan’s commitment to fiscal responsibility Congresswoman Meyers believed that fort on several occasions, and I value made her a regular recipient of the Golden it was very important to ‘‘listen to her kindness and gentle spirit. While

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 307 we recognize Jan today, it’s also im- spend more time with her family. She said Whereas prostate cancer is the second lead- portant to note the recent loss of Jan’s ‘‘There are other things in life I want to do, ing cause of cancer death among men, with husband of 56 years, Dutch. Together, and being a Member of Congress, if you take over 80 percent of all cases occurring in men Jan and Dutch made a good team and over age 65; the job seriously, simply does not leave time.’’ Whereas African-American men are diag- raised two wonderful children. During her time in Congress, the Congress- nosed with the disease at later stages and die Our Nation needs more public serv- woman was fond of saying ‘‘Listen to your of prostate cancer more often than do white ants like Jan Meyers, people that are conscience and your constituents—both. Most men; good stewards of taxpayer money and of the time they’ll agree.’’ This is truly the best Whereas in 2009, 1,910 men in the United put service above self. Designating a way to represent your constituents and has States will be diagnosed with invasive breast post office in her hometown of Over- been my goal during my time in this body. cancer; land Park in her name will remind I would like to thank Jan Meyers for acting Whereas if detected early enough, over Kansans of these characteristics and as a mentor to me in my freshman year and three-quarters of those who develop cancer could be saved; honor her legacy for years to come. I for her dedicated service to Kansas. This leg- Whereas greater annual awareness of the thank Jan Meyers for a job well done islation is a fitting tribute to an honorable critical necessity of the early detection of and for a life well lived. woman and a respected member of this distin- breast cancer and other cancers will not only I appreciate the gentleman from Kan- guished body. I urge my colleagues to join me save tens of thousands of lives but also sas (Mr. MOORE) for bringing this legis- in supporting this legislation. greatly reduce the financial strain on gov- lation to the floor. Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, again I en- ernment and private health care services by Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I continue courage my friends on both sides of the detecting cancer before it requires very ex- to reserve the balance of my time. aisle to join Mr. MOORE of Kansas in pensive medical treatment and protocols; Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I urge honoring the life and legacy of Con- Whereas there is a need for enhanced pub- lic awareness of cancer screening; and support and passage of H.R. 4095, and I gresswoman Jan Meyers through the Whereas the designation of an Early Detec- yield back the balance of my time. passage of H.R. 4095, and I yield back tion Month will enhance public awareness of Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the balance of my time. breast cancer and all other forms of cancer: wholeheartedly support the naming of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Now, therefore, be it United States Post Office Building located at question is on the motion offered by Resolved by the House of Representatives (the 9727 Antioch Road in Overland Park, Kansas, the gentleman from Massachusetts Senate concurring), That the Congress sup- as the ‘‘Congresswoman Jan Meyers Post Of- (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend ports the designation of an Early Detection fice Building.’’ Congresswoman Meyers rep- the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4095. Month to enhance public awareness of The question was taken; and (two- screening for breast cancer and all other resented the 3rd District of Kansas in the forms of cancer. United States House of Representatives from thirds being in the affirmative) the January 3, 1985 until January 3, 1997. I had rules were suspended and the bill was The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the honor of serving with Mrs. Meyers in the passed. ant to the rule, the gentleman from 104th Congress, her last two years in Con- A motion to reconsider was laid on Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the gress. It truly was an honor to learn from her. the table. gentleman from Illinois (Mr. SCHOCK) each will control 20 minutes. The state of Kansas is a better place for her f tireless service. The Chair recognizes the gentleman EARLY DETECTION MONTH FOR from Massachusetts. Born Janice Lenore Crilly on July 20, 1928 BREAST CANCER in Lincoln, Nebraska, Mrs. Meyers was raised GENERAL LEAVE in Superior, Nebraska. She attended William Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- Woods College in Missouri and the University suspend the rules and agree to the con- imous consent that all Members may of Nebraska, earning an Associate Fine Arts current resolution (H. Con. Res. 158) ex- have 5 legislative days within which to degree and a B.A. in communications, respec- pressing support for the designation of revise and extend their remarks and tively. She then married Louis ‘‘Dutch’’ Meyers an Early Detection Month for breast add any extraneous materials. in 1953, eventually having two children, Val- cancer and all forms of cancer, as The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there erie and Philip. amended. objection to the request of the gen- Jan Meyers became active in politics in The Clerk read the title of the con- tleman from Massachusetts? 1966 on the campaign of Edward Lawrence current resolution. There was no objection. ‘‘Larry’’ Winn, Jr. for the U.S. House of Rep- The text of the concurrent resolution Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- resentatives. She later went on to become a is as follows: self such time as I may consume. district co-chairwoman for Senator Bob Dole’s H. CON. RES. 158 On behalf of the Committee on Over- first U.S. Senate campaign. Mrs. Meyers went Whereas in 2009, 1,479,350 new cases of can- sight and Government Reform, I am into public service herself as a city council- cer will be diagnosed in the United States; proud to present House Concurrent woman in the city of Overland Park, from Whereas the most common types of cancer Resolution 158 for consideration. This in the United States are nonmelanoma skin resolution expresses support for the 1967–1972. She left the city council in 1972 cancer, breast cancer in women, prostate when she was elected to the State Senate. cancer in men, lung cancer, and colorectal designation of an Early Detection Congresswoman Meyers then served in the cancers; Month for breast cancer and all forms State Senate until her election to the United Whereas one out of every eight women in of cancer. States House of Representatives in 1984. the United States will develop breast cancer Congresswoman Meyers became the Chair- in her lifetime; b 1115 woman of the House Committee on Small Whereas incidence of breast cancer in House Concurrent Resolution 158 was Business in the 104th Congress, becoming young women is much lower than in older introduced by my friend and colleague, women, and young women’s breast cancers the gentleman from North Carolina just the 4th Republican woman to become the are generally more aggressive and result in chair of a full committee. As a staunch fiscal lower survival rates; (Mr. ETHERIDGE), on June 25, 2009, and conservative, she was dedicated to empow- Whereas breast cancer currently takes the was favorably reported out of the ering the small business owners of America by life of one woman in the United States every House Oversight Committee by voice introducing legislation to protect their interests 13 minutes; vote on December 12, 2009. In addition, and lower taxes to help them expand. Kansas Whereas in 2009, 192,370 women in the the legislation enjoys the support of is strong because of our small businesses and United States will be diagnosed with more than 50 Members of Congress. Congresswoman Meyers made them stronger. invasive breast cancer; In recognition of Mr. ETHERIDGE’s Whereas there is currently no known cure sponsorship, I would like to recognize She believed that government works best for metastatic breast cancer; when it facilitates, rather than restricts private Whereas many oncologists and breast can- him and yield him such time as he may business, as I do. cer researchers believe that a cure for breast consume. Congresswoman Meyers did not run for re- cancer will not be discovered until well into Mr. ETHERIDGE. I thank the gen- election to the 105th Congress in order to the future, if such a cure is possible at all; tleman for yielding me this time.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 I rise today in support of this resolu- is essential to helping to treat cancer percent in the early 1960s to 89 percent tion expressing the support for the des- and save thousands of lives every year. today. Additionally, over the past 25 ignation of an Early Detection Month Unfortunately, despite the benefits of years, the 5-year survival rate for pros- for cancer. I would also like to thank early detection, many Americans do tate cancer has increased from 69 per- Chairman TOWNS for his work in bring- not get the yearly examinations from cent to almost 99 percent. ing this bill to the floor. their doctors that could detect various Now, cancer can strike any indi- Every year almost 2 million Ameri- forms of cancers. The American Cancer vidual regardless of gender, race, or cans are diagnosed with cancer. Trag- Society reports that only 51 percent of age; but still, it is important to note ically, more than one-quarter of those all women 40 years and older had a that the risk of being diagnosed with cases result in death. Early detection mammogram in the last year. Less cancer increases with age. In fact, ac- can help patients get early treatment. than half of all men age 50 and older cording to the American Cancer Soci- It can stop the spread of the disease be- were screened for prostate cancer in ety, 77 percent of all cancers are diag- fore it becomes untreatable, or before the last year. Nearly half of all Ameri- nosed in persons 55 years and older. it requires expensive medical treat- cans who are in the age groups most Mr. Speaker, greater awareness of ments, and can be the difference be- vulnerable for these types of cancers the critical necessity of breast cancer, tween life and death. Early detection are not getting the early detection prostate cancer, and all other cancers saves tens of thousands of lives annu- tests that could save their lives. will save tens of thousands of lives, and ally, and also greatly reduces the fi- Mr. Speaker, we need to encourage may also help decrease the financial nancial strain on government and pri- more Americans to get early cancer de- strain on government and private vate health care services. tection tests such as mammograms and health care services by detecting can- Several years ago, I was diagnosed prostate screenings. I strongly encour- cer before it requires costly medical with melanoma. My cancer was found age my colleagues to support this reso- treatment. early because I see my doctor regu- lution which will create an Early De- Accordingly, let us take this oppor- tunity through passage of H. Con. Res. larly. Congresswoman WASSERMAN tection Month and raise public aware- 158 to increase public awareness of SCHULTZ, who joins me in sponsoring ness of early detection of cancer to en- this resolution, found hers early be- courage more Americans to get life- breast cancer and all forms and types cause she was aware of how to test for saving, early detection tests. of cancer and encourage all Americans to work with their doctors in order to the early signs of cancer. As cancer I appreciate the opportunity to speak maximize the possibility of early de- survivors ourselves, we want to enable in support of this, Mr. Speaker. I reserve the balance of my time. tection. all Americans to have the knowledge I urge my colleagues to join Mr. and access to care that can lead to Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I want to associate myself with the remarks of ETHERIDGE in supporting House Con- early detection. current Resolution 158. the gentlemen from Illinois and North This resolution expresses support for I reserve the balance of my time. an Early Detection Month beginning in Carolina, and I want to drill down some Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 May 2010. This concurrent resolution of the numbers that have been offered minutes to my good friend, the gentle- enhances public awareness of cancer by the American Cancer Society. woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- They report that in 2009, 1.5 million screening and early detection so that LEHTINEN). any person who gets cancer can have a new cases of cancer were diagnosed in Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I chance to survive. the United States alone. In addition, thank the gentleman from Illinois for Mr. Speaker, early detection is crit- the American Cancer Society notes the time. ical to help reduce the tragedy of can- that roughly one out of every two I rise in support of this resolution for cer deaths in our country. I urge my American men and one out of every the designation of an Early Detection colleagues to join me in fighting a dis- three American women will have some Month for breast cancer. I do so in soli- ease that has claimed so many lives type of cancer at some point in their darity with and through the strength but, with support for early detection, lifetime. They also report that the of thousands of breast cancer sur- can be beaten. most common types of cancer in the vivors. Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I yield United States are nonmelanoma skin Almost everyone in this country, un- myself such time as I may consume. cancer, breast cancer in women, and fortunately, knows someone who has Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support prostate cancer in men. One out of suffered from breast cancer. Breast of House Concurrent Resolution 158, every eight women in the United cancer is the second most common can- which expresses support for the des- States will develop breast cancer, and cer among women, but it is becoming ignation of an Early Detection Month about one in six men will be diagnosed one of the most survivable cancers if for breast cancer and all forms of can- with prostate cancer. the disease is detected early, which is cers. Each year in the United States, Furthermore, the American Cancer the purpose of the bill before us. there are over 1.4 million new cases of Society estimates that in 2009, more We must remain vigilant in our ef- cancer, and hundreds of thousands of than 560,000 Americans died of cancer. forts to educate and diagnose and Americans die from this dreaded dis- In other words, more than 1,500 people treat. With these three pillars—edu- ease. Most of us know a family mem- lost their lives to cancer every day last cation, diagnosis and treatment—we ber, a friend, or a colleague who has year. The American Cancer Society can and we will save lives. Let us make been diagnosed with cancer and who also notes that cancer accounts for sure that we educate one another on has died from a struggle with cancer. nearly one out of every four deaths in the dangers of breast cancer and the Inevitably, cancer will affect every one the United States, which makes cancer need for early and routine checkups. of us in some way. the second most common cause of Early detection makes the difference While early detection of cancer does death in the United States, exceeded in surviving this terrible disease. not make every case treatable, early only by heart disease. In memory of Congresswoman JoAnn detection can dramatically increase Now, despite these troubling statis- Davis, who passed away at the age of 57 the chance of survival. The American tics, with early detection and proper while serving last Congress after a 2- Cancer Society reports that the rate of management, cancer can be highly year battle with breast cancer, and for death from breast cancer has been de- treatable. As noted by the American my baby granddaughter, Morgan Eliza- clining since 1990 largely because of the Cancer Society, the 5-year relative sur- beth, let us make sure that our efforts increased rate of early detection. vival rate for all cancers diagnosed be- to defeat this terrible disease continue The American Cancer Society has tween 1996 and 2004 is about 66 percent, with the same strength, and even similar conclusions for the declining up from 50 percent in 1975 to 1977. The stronger, in our efforts at early detec- mortality rate among men diagnosed 5-year relative survival for female tion for all individuals in our country with prostate cancer. Early detection breast cancer has improved from 63 and, indeed, the world.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 309 Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I continue breast cancer in their lifetime and it is is true for people suffering from every form of to reserve the balance of my time. going to affect families across this cancer, it is particularly important for those Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 country. I think we ought to make sure suffering from breast cancer. Breast cancer minutes to my good friend, the gen- that we don’t start limiting mammo- can be detected through procedures that tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON). grams to only people 50 and above. It screen for abnormalities in breast tissue, and Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- has been 40 and above for some time. In it is considered to be the best way for women er, I believe that probably everybody in this particular case it wouldn’t have to lower their risk of dying from the disease. the House and in the Senate has some- helped her because she was in her thir- Essentially, these screenings find the cancer one that they know or knew that had ties when she developed breast cancer. early, when it is most treatable, and for this breast cancer or another form of can- It is a very, very serious thing, and un- reason, designating an early detection month cer. less somebody has lived with it, they is incredibly important to help save the lives of My first wife, Barbara, died about 8 don’t understand how horrible it is to the almost 200,000 women in the United years ago from cancer. I will never for- watch somebody pass away going States who are diagnosed with invasive breast get the day she felt a lump in her through the travails of cancer. cancer each year. breast. She thought it was a fibrous So I want to congratulate my col- It is important to note, as well, that the risk tissue. She had them before, and she leagues on sponsoring this bill, and I of getting breast cancer is much lower for Afri- didn’t want to go have herself tested. I hope in the negotiations on the health can-American women than white women; how- said, I want you to go to the doctor and care bill, regardless of how it comes ever, African-American women are more likely have him look at that. She did, and she out, we make sure that we take care of to die from breast cancer. This is attributed called me a couple of days later when I the women who are suffering from partly to the fact that African-American women was out here in Washington and she these things and catch it before it be- are less likely to get regular mammograms, re- started crying and said, I’ve got breast comes terminal. sulting in a diagnosis of breast cancer at a cancer. Of course, I went back home Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I thank later stage. This is one more reason why des- and we went to the doctor and went the gentleman for his remarks, and I ignating an early detection month is so impor- through all of the things that you have continue to reserve the balance of my tant. to go through, including the chemo- time. In my district, we are doing our part to en- therapy. For any family that has gone Mr. SCHOCK. Mr. Speaker, I urge sure early detection. Susan G. Komen for the through that, they know how very dif- passage of House Concurrent Resolu- Cure is one of the leading advocates for ficult it is. Had she had a mammogram tion 158, and I yield back the balance of breast cancer awareness and actively pro- earlier, she might not have had the my time. motes early detection. From their head- breast cancer metastasize and go to Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I quarters in Dallas, they have been advancing other parts of her body. She ultimately rise today in strong support of H. Con. Res. the cause for breast cancer prevention and passed way. It was a tragic thing to 158, a resolution expressing support for the awareness across the country. I am proud of watch that. designation of an Early Detection Month for the work they have done to save countless That is why this bill, although it breast cancer and all forms of cancer. lives across the country. may sound like just a resolution, is Breast cancer in women is one of the most Mr. Speaker, today I encourage my fellow very, very important. One of the things frequent forms of cancer recognized in the colleagues to join me in supporting this very in the health care negotiations that more than 2 million new cases of cancer diag- important resolution that expresses support for has concerned me a great deal is that nosed each year in the United States. In fact, the designation of an early detection month for there was some talk about limiting every 13 minutes a woman dies from breast cancer and breast cancer. mammograms to people 50 and above, cancer, and in 2009 alone, 192,370 women Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, and the people between 40 and 50 might were diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S. I rise today in support of House Concurrent not be included in getting mammo- This resolution recognizes the importance of Resolution 158, expressing support for the grams and having coverage for that, ei- early detection for breast cancer victims and is designation of an Early Detection Month to en- ther under the health plan or insurance paramount due to the deadly nature of the dis- hance public awareness of cancer screening. plans. ease. As a young woman, I recently experienced I want to read you a letter from a Mr. Speaker, the United States Preventative firsthand why early detection is vital. As you young lady from my district in Services Task Force recommendations— may know, nearly two years ago, I was diag- Noblesville, Indiana, Tonya Lewis. against routine mammography for women nosed with breast cancer. Here is what she says: ‘‘I was diagnosed ages 40 to 49 and breast self-examinations— During my year of treatment, I underwent with triple negative breast cancer in were shocking to say the least. As a practicing genetic counseling and testing. I met with May of 2008 at age 39. I found this lump OB/GYN physician for nearly 30 years, I saw many specialists. I had seven surgeries. I am myself. I had a baseline mammogram first hand the benefits that early detection of pleased to stand before you today cancer-free. at age 35. It came back clear. I was ad- cancer in women can have on saving lives But the fact is, I may not have been around vised not to have another mammogram and improving quality of life. Therefore, it is for any of these life saving procedures if I until age 40. The radiologist that read imperative that this House duly recognizes the didn’t have the knowledge and awareness to my mammogram at age 39 advised me significance of self-examination and early de- catch my lump early. that if I would have had a mammogram tection of breast cancer. As a Member of Congress and lifelong ad- at age 36, 37, or 38, most likely I would The designation of Early Detection Month vocate for early detection of cancer, I knew not have had to have a mastectomy will enhance public awareness of the cata- the statistics for breast cancer—that 1 in 8 and 14 lymph nodes removed. My can- strophic and devastating effects of cancer. women will be diagnosed in her lifetime. cer spread to my lungs and chest wall Hopefully, this resolution will shine further light I knew the importance of knowing what your after doing chemo and radiation. After on a disease that so commonly affects millions breasts are supposed to feel like—that’s why completing nine different types of of Americans and in turn help to promote re- I chose to do self-exams. chemo, as of November 24, 2009, I am fi- search and advanced medical procedures that I knew the importance of early detection— nally cancer free. Please fight for us will one day lead to a cure. clinical exams every 3 years as of age 20; breast cancer survivors and the young I urge all of my colleagues to support this every year after 40 . . . mammograms every women in the future. I believe mammo- resolution. year after 40. grams should be available and paid for Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. And yet for all that I knew to help me in- by insurance companies at any age.’’ Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H. Con. crease my chances of early detection of can- When we talk about limiting breast Res. 158 to express my support for the des- cer, I soon realized how much I didn’t know. cancer screening to people 50 and ignation of an early detection month for breast I didn’t know that—even with no immediate above, I think we make a mistake be- cancer and all other forms of cancer. family history of breast cancer—as an Ash- cause breast cancer does kill. One in Early detection is incredibly important in kenazi Jew I was five times more likely to every eight women is going to get saving the lives of victims of cancer. While this have the mutation . . . and, if I did, that I’d

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 have up to an 85 percent lifetime chance of heartache of dealing with cancer diagnosis. Resources; (2) the further amendment print- getting breast cancer . . . and up to a 60 per- That is why I support H. Con. Res. 158 and ed in part A of the report of the Committee cent chance of getting ovarian cancer. the efforts to encourage early detection since on Rules accompanying this resolution, if of- I didn’t know that, because it’s often more fered by Representative McClintock of Cali- the bottom line with cancer is raising aware- fornia or his designee, which shall be in aggressive and diagnosed later, younger ness and early detection saves lives. order without intervention of any point of women—compared to older women—are more Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, again I en- order except those arising under clause 9 or likely to die. courage my friends on both sides of the 10 of rule XXI, shall be considered as read, But I thank God that I knew enough. I didn’t aisle to join Mr. ETHERIDGE in sup- shall be separately debatable for 10 minutes find my tumor through luck. I found it through porting the designation of an Early De- equally divided and controlled by the pro- knowledge and awareness, the fundamental tection Month for breast cancer and all ponent and an opponent, and shall not be tools for early detection. forms of cancers through the passage of subject to a demand for division of the ques- These are the reasons why I commend my House Concurrent Resolution 158. tion; and (3) one motion to recommit with or without instructions. colleague, Congressman ETHERIDGE, for intro- I yield back the balance of my time. SEC. 2. Upon the adoption of this resolution ducing this critical resolution that will enhance The SPEAKER pro tempore. The it shall be in order to consider in the House public awareness of screening for breast can- question is on the motion offered by the bill (H.R. 3342) to authorize the Sec- cer and all other forms of cancer. the gentleman from Massachusetts retary of the Interior, acting through the At the end of the day, knowledge is power. (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend Commissioner of Reclamation, to develop And with this resolution, we will give men and the rules and agree to the concurrent water infrastructure in the Rio Grande women all across America the power to detect resolution, H. Con. Res. 158, as amend- Basin, and to approve the settlement of the cancer early, and we will save lives. ed. water rights claims of the Pueblos of Nambe, Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I strongly sup- Pojoaque, San Ildefonso, and Tesuque. All The question was taken. points of order against consideration of the port designating an Early Detection Month for The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the bill are waived except those arising under Breast Cancer and All Forms of Cancer (H. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI. The amendment in Con. Res. 158). As a cancer survivor myself, in the affirmative, the ayes have it. the nature of a substitute recommended by I stand here as proof that early detection can Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I object to the Committee on Natural Resources now save lives. the vote on the grounds that a quorum printed in the bill shall be considered as While the search for a cancer cure con- is not present and make the point of adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be con- tinues, much progress has been made in the order that a quorum is not present. sidered as read. All points of order against areas of prevention, detection and treatment provisions of the bill, as amended, are The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- waived. The previous question shall be con- of cancers. However, there are still over 2 mil- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the sidered as ordered on the bill, as amended, lion new cases of cancer diagnosed each Chair’s prior announcement, further and on any further amendment thereto, to year. proceedings on this motion will be final passage without intervening motion ex- The statistics are alarming: Breast cancer postponed. cept: (1) one hour of debate equally divided remains one of the most prevalent cancers af- The point of no quorum is considered and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- fecting women, and prostate cancer is the withdrawn. nority member of the Committee on Natural second leading cause of cancer death among Resources; (2) the further amendment print- f men. Only non-melanoma skin cancer remains ed in part B of the report of the Committee more common for men and women overall. 1130 on Rules, if offered by Representative b McClintock of California or his designee, Right now, it is estimated that one in eight PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION which shall be in order without intervention women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in OF H.R. 3254, TAOS PUEBLO IN- of any point of order except those arising their lifetime, and one in six men will be diag- DIAN WATER RIGHTS SETTLE- under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI, shall be con- nosed with prostate cancer. sidered as read, shall be separately debatable MENT ACT; FOR CONSIDERATION Sadly, thousands of West Virginia women for 10 minutes equally divided and controlled OF H.R. 3342, AAMODT LITIGA- faced breast cancer diagnosis in 2009 alone. by the proponent and an opponent, and shall TION SETTLEMENT ACT; AND Yet each year, more women survive their bat- not be subject to a demand for division of the FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. question; and (3) one motion to recommit tle with breast cancer due to medical ad- 1065, WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE with or without instructions. vances in early detection and treatment. Med- TRIBE WATER RIGHTS QUAN- SEC. 3. Upon the adoption of this resolution ical researchers, including those at Marshall TIFICATION ACT OF 2009 it shall be in order to consider in the House University’s Joan C. Edwards School of Medi- the bill (H.R. 1065) to resolve water rights cine in Huntington, West Virginia, are working Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, by di- claims of the White Mountain Apache Tribe hard to improve those figures—but early de- rection of the Committee on Rules, I in the State of Arizona, and for other pur- tection remains an important key to saving call up House Resolution 1017 and ask poses. All points of order against consider- lives, which is why I strongly support this effort for its immediate consideration. ation of the bill are waived except those aris- to designate an Early Detection Month to bring The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- ing under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI. The lows: amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- attention and focus to this critical issue. ommended by the Committee on Natural Re- The steady decline in deaths resulting from H. RES. 1017 sources now printed in the bill, modified by breast cancer can be attributed to an increase Resolved, That upon the adoption of this the amendment printed in part C of the re- in the number of women who receive mammo- resolution it shall be in order to consider in port of the Committee on Rules, shall be grams and the development of powerful new the House the bill (H.R. 3254) to approve the considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, drugs that successfully treat cancer. Taos Pueblo Indian Water Rights Settlement shall be considered as read. All points of As many of you are aware, in 2006 I was Agreement, and for other purposes. All order against provisions of the bill, as diagnosed with prostate cancer and subse- points of order against consideration of the amended, are waived. The previous question bill are waived except those arising under shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as quently underwent surgery. I am very thankful clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI. The amendment in amended, and on any further amendment for all of the West Virginians who contacted the nature of a substitute recommended by thereto, to final passage without intervening me, offering their prayers and support as I the Committee on Natural Resources now motion except: (1) one hour of debate equally prepared for my procedures, through my re- printed in the bill shall be considered as divided and controlled by the chair and rank- covery, and up to this day. I am also truly adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be con- ing minority member of the Committee on grateful to the doctors who were able to diag- sidered as read. All points of order against Natural Resources; (2) the further amend- nose my cancer early and—with immediate provisions of the bill, as amended, are ment printed in part D of the report of the treatment, they improved my chances for sur- waived. The previous question shall be con- Committee on Rules, if offered by Represent- sidered as ordered on the bill, as amended, ative McClintock of California or his des- vival. and on any further amendment thereto, to ignee, which shall be in order without inter- Cancer screening is often quick and easy final passage without intervening motion ex- vention of any point of order except those and many testing measures can be performed cept: (1) one hour of debate equally divided arising under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI, shall in a local doctor’s office. So many lives can be and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- be considered as read, shall be separately de- saved and so many families spared a tragic nority member of the Committee on Natural batable for 10 minutes equally divided and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 311 controlled by the proponent and an oppo- These bills will improve the health of Mr. Speaker, last night the majority nent, and shall not be subject to a demand young Native Americans by providing in the Rules Committee decided to for division of the question; and (3) one mo- clean drinking water, and certainty to allow for consideration all three of the tion to recommit with or without instruc- non-Indian people that the water will amendments submitted to the three tions. be available to them for development bills we are set to consider this week. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- and use. I wish to thank them for their tleman from Massachusetts is recog- H.R. 1065 provides the required con- uncharacteristic generosity in allowing nized for 1 hour. gressional approval for the agreement minority amendments. These impor- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, for between the White Mountain Apache tant amendments would prevent the the purpose of debate only, I yield the tribe and water users throughout Ari- bill from taking effect until the Attor- customary 30 minutes to the gen- zona. This legislation boasts the sup- ney General assures Congress in writ- tleman from Florida (Mr. Diaz-Balart). port of the entire bipartisanship Ari- ing that the settlements in these bills All time yielded during consideration zona delegation. would represent a net benefit to the of this rule is for debate only. I yield H.R. 3254 and H.R. 3342 each approve U.S. taxpayer based on the costs and myself such time as I may consume. water settlement agreements in New risks of litigation and the odds the GENERAL LEAVE Mexico considered critical to clean tribes would prevail in the litigation. I Mr. MCGOVERN. I also ask unani- water access to the Taos Valley and believe these amendments are impor- mous consent that all Members be Rio Grande watershed. Both of these tant because they require the Attorney given 5 legislative days in which to re- bills were favorably reported by voice General to conduct a cost-benefit anal- vise and extend their remarks on House vote out of the Natural Resources Com- ysis of the settlements and make sure Resolution 1017. mittee. that they are fiscally responsible be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Unfortunately, Mr. Speaker, it has fore the settlement funds can be paid. objection to the request of the gen- taken decades to work out these settle- Now, I assume that the other side of tleman from Massachusetts? ments. Congress has a responsibility to the aisle will highlight that this rule There was no objection. approve these settlements now and pro- allows debate on all of the amendments Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, House vide clean drinking water access for which were submitted to the Rules Resolution 1017 is a single rule that the affected tribes and the non-Indian Committee, but it restricts any and all provides for separate consideration of people, and for their generations to possible further amendments from con- three measures dealing with water come. I believe it is time for Congress sideration. It is not an open rule. The rights settlements. Each bill is to be to move on these bills, and I am majority campaigned on a promise to considered under a structured amend- pleased that Chairman RAHALL and the allow open and bipartisan debates in ment process. Natural Resources Committee has Congress, yet this year they have yet The rule provides for the consider- worked in a bipartisan way to move to allow even one open rule. That is ation of H.R. 3254, the Taos Pueblo In- these bills through the process. correct, not one open rule. And that, dian Water Rights Settlement Act; Now, there is some concern on the Mr. Speaker, includes even the tradi- H.R. 3342, the Aamodt Litigation Set- other side of the aisle that the Justice tionally open appropriations process. tlement Act; and H.R. 1065, the White Department has not commented for- They could have changed that glar- Mountain Apache Tribe Water Rights mally on any of these bills. Our col- ing and unfortunate statistic by allow- Quantification Act of 2009. Each bill league from California (Mr. MCCLIN- ing an open rule on the underlying, has 1 hour of general debate, to be con- TOCK) believes the Department of Jus- uncontroversial bill, but the majority trolled by the Committee on Natural tice should formally respond to each of in the Rules Committee decided to con- Resources. The rule for H.R. 1065 self- these bills before they take effect. The tinue to make this the most closed executes an amendment to ensure that gentleman from California has legiti- Congress in history. the bill is PAYGO compliant. Each bill mate concerns, and these concerns de- Now, let’s look at the possible rea- allows for the consideration of a sepa- serve to be considered on the floor sons the majority on the Rules Com- rate amendment by Representative today, and that is why we made this mittee decided to vote against an open MCCLINTOCK, which is debatable for 10 amendment in order on each of these rule for these bills. Could it be that minutes. The rule also allows a motion bills. there is not enough time on the House to recommit, with or without instruc- This is a good rule. I urge my col- schedule this week? Well, the House, tions, for each of the three bills. leagues to support it today. until last night, was scheduled to be in H.R. 1065, the White Mountain I reserve the balance of my time. session until Friday. And this rule, as Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantifica- Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of proposed, only allows for a total of 31⁄2 tion Act of 2009; H.R. 3254, the Taos Florida. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gen- hours of total debate time for all three Pueblo Indian Water Rights Settle- tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. bills and all three amendments. ment Act; and H.R. 3342, the Aamodt MCGOVERN) for the time, and I yield Even though we are now scheduled to Litigation Settlement Act are all bi- myself such time as I may consume. leave on Thursday, we still have more partisanship pieces of legislation, and Over the next 2 days, the House is set than enough time to complete the they are all sensible pieces of legisla- to consider three separate bills that three bills with an open rule. I sin- tion. Each of these bills will approve, would approve and ratify tribal claims cerely doubt that an open rule would ratify, and confirm carefully nego- to water rights made by the White garner more than a handful of amend- tiated settlement agreements between Mountain Apache tribe in Arizona and ments. It would allow the majority to tribal representatives, non-Indian the Pueblos of Pojoaque, San Ildefonso, say for the first time, and to prove, at water users, and the United States Tesuque, and Taos in New Mexico. The least offer some evidence, that they are Government. bills would also restore and protect living up to their pledge to run an open These agreements will provide both some environmentally sensitive land Congress. the tribes involved and affected com- and watersheds, and require the main- I believe the real reason is that the munities in Arizona and New Mexico tenance of the water systems in ques- majority is afraid of an open debate proper access to clean water. These tion until they are conveyed to the re- even on uncontroversial bills, and so three bills will provide critical funding spective tribes. they restrict debate consistently. It for the development of drinking water I support these bills when the has become their standard operating supplies for people who have been haul- McClintock amendments are included procedure to close debate in the House. ing their water for years in the back of because I believe that the settlements It is unfortunate, but it is a fact. their pickup trucks. We know how crit- will bring long-term certainty and sta- I reserve the balance of my time. ical clean drinking water is for the bility to the respective tribes and Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I ap- human body’s health and development. water users in the affected areas. preciate how well my colleague on the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 Rules Committee adheres to the Re- Bradenton, Florida, we have the most Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of publican talking points, but I will seniors, almost 300,000 in our district, Florida. Well, Mr. Speaker, we saw last again reiterate that all the amend- more than any other district in the night that the blame game no longer ments that were brought to the Rules country. They want to cut Medicare works. And if we want to look at the Committee last night were made in $500 billion. I’ve seen the cuts. They’re past, we will see that when we cut order. And I think this is a good rule. very real. They want to raise taxes on taxes, we made it a reality; the reces- I reserve the balance of my time. small business. sion after 9/11 was the shortest reces- Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of I know the biggest issue we’ve got is sion in history. Florida. Well, it is not a question of the economy and jobs. Working fami- Now, unfortunately, the policies that talking points, it is a question of fact. lies want to get back to work, but yet are being followed now are totally dif- We will move on. they want to charge 8 percent on pay- ferent. They’re increasing debt mas- I at this point yield, Mr. Speaker, 5 roll. I’ve been in business for 30 years; sively. The deficit as a percentage of minutes to my distinguished friend I’m not a career politician. I can tell GDP after TARP—that I opposed, but from Florida (Mr. BUCHANAN). you that will kill more jobs than any- it can be said that it was a bipartisan Mr. BUCHANAN. I want to thank the thing. That’s a fixed expense, 8 percent decision, TARP—after TARP, the def- gentleman from Florida. I appreciate on payroll. icit as a percentage of GDP was 4 per- the opportunity. They want to charge another 5.4 per- cent. Today, 1 year after the Demo- My simple resolution requires that cent tax on businesses. Most businesses crats took the Presidency and they had all negotiations on the health care bill have pass-through income, whether already taken the House and the Sen- be conducted under the watchful eye of they’re a Sub S or LLC or a partner- ate, the deficit as a percentage of GDP the American people. The American ship, or whatever kind of business. is almost 12 percent, Mr. Speaker. people are angry, and for good reason. They want to raise the taxes from 34, We are running in a dangerous direc- Washington is not listening. let Bush’s tax cut sunset, which will tion, heading toward a collision with a take it to 39, then another 5.4, which fiscal crisis of unprecedented propor- b 1145 will take it 45 percent in Florida. In tion. But, Mr. Speaker, the Democrats Last night I think is a perfect exam- many States like California that have just don’t get it. They don’t see it. The ple: It’s not about Democrat and Re- a State income tax, or Oregon or New American people sent a message last publican, it’s about the American peo- York, of 10 or 15 percent, it could take night that they had better, but it still ple wanting to have more input into it up as high as 60 percent. So these remains to be seen if they received the the process. small businesses have a lot of pass- message. Mr. Speaker, I yield 6 minutes to my Even worse, Washington is not even through income. They’re not going to distinguished friend from Virginia (Mr. letting the American people into the have the capital. They’re going to be room to discuss or hear the health care WOLF). sending the money here. That’s going Mr. WOLF. I rise in opposition to the reform debate. Secret deals, backroom to cut more jobs. deals on the health care bill should not rule. It’s time to bring some sunshine to Today, the press is reporting that a be tolerated. In the State of Florida, Washington that we’ve got in Florida. backroom deal has been cut with we have the toughest sunshine laws in Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, aside Democratic leadership to create a def- the country. You can’t have two city from the fact that the gentleman’s icit-cutting commission by Executive commissioners, two county commis- comments have absolutely nothing to order. There are also reports that in- sioners, two State senators—no one do with the bill that we’re talking stead of putting every spending pro- can go in the back room together and about here today, I find it ironic that gram and tax policy on the table, dis- cut a deal or a secret deal and then lay any Member on the other side of the cretionary spending controlled by the that on the American people. We want aisle would talk about jobs with a Democratic-controlled Appropriations to bring that sunshine to Washington. I straight face given their record. Committee would be exempt. am pleased that we have over 165 Mem- In the last 3 months of the Bush ad- I oppose creating this panel by Exec- bers that have joined me in this cause ministration, the economy was losing, utive order, and the American people and cosponsored this bill, this resolu- on average, 673,000 jobs per month. In will oppose this sleight of hand also. tion, Democrats and Republicans. the last 3 months of 2009, the average Press reports suggest that the Demo- Also, I introduced, and we have 111 job loss was 69,000 per month, an im- cratic leadership intends to bring the Members that have signed, a discharge provement of nearly 90 percent. That is commission’s recommendation up for a petition to force a vote on the floor. We not acceptable, but we are trying to vote in Congress, but a vote that is not want to get a vote to the floor on this bring this economy in a different direc- mandated as it would be if Congress sunshine resolution, and we feel con- tion. passed similar legislation statutorily. fident that we’re going to be able to do They drove this economy into a More important, the vote that could that. ditch; let’s not forget that. Let’s not take place under the administration’s C–SPAN has offered to publicly forget the economy that President plan would happen after the midterm broadcast the health care meetings, Obama inherited. Let’s not forget the elections and before the newly elected and congressional leaders should ac- record job losses and the stock market Congress begins. It would be basically a cept that opportunity. Even the Presi- crash and all the special deals on Wall lame-duck Congress vote. Lawmakers dent said during the campaign eight Street. who are retiring or get defeated could different times that he wants this to be I’ve heard enough from the other side vote on a set of recommendations with the most open, transparent administra- about the issue of jobs. They nearly ru- regard to entitlement spending and tax tion in history. He said eight different ined this economy. They are respon- policy but never be accountable to the times he wanted C–SPAN in the room. sible for the massive job losses that we American people. Is it right for an out- C–SPAN has agreed to be in the room see now that we’re trying to fix. So going Member of Congress to consider during these negotiations. I don’t want enough about that. proposals that could affect every single to, as a Member of Congress, end up I will go back to what we are talking American, knowing that days or weeks with a 3,000-page bill at the end of the about here today, and that is a rule to later they will no longer answer to vot- day that nobody has had a chance to consider these important bills dealing ers in the district they once rep- read and you’ve got a day or so to look with clean water for Native American resented? at it. tribes. I again would reiterate that this Between the Democrats and the Re- I think there is a good reason why is a good rule, everything they wanted publicans in both Chambers, over 30 Speaker PELOSI doesn’t want the nego- they got, and I hope it will pass unani- Members have already announced that tiations in public, because basically mously. they are retiring or running for an- it’s a bad bill. In my area of Sarasota- I reserve the balance of my time. other office. It is not appropriate for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 313

outgoing lawmakers who may eventu- terday’s special Senate election in colleague, Representative BUCHANAN, ally lobby for a special interest that Massachusetts. He said, All true reform that expresses the sense of the House has a vested interest in the outcome of starts with the voice of the people. The that any meetings held to determine the vote on the commission to then people will not have a voice in a deficit the final contents of sweeping health vote on that recommendation. Any rec- commission established through an Ex- care legislation be held in public view ommendation put forward should be ecutive order. and not behind closed doors. Mr. considered by the newly elected Con- He also said that common sense tri- BUCHANAN pointed out the fact that C– gress, who will have to publicly stand umphs partisanship. A commission SPAN has offered, in fulfillment of a by their vote on the commission’s rec- through Executive order negotiated by campaign promise by the President, to ommendations, Members who have one party is the height of partisanship. be present at the negotiations. been elected and are accountable to the Republican leadership in the House and Now, in order to help bring in sun- American people. A deficit commission the Senate have not been involved in shine to a process that the majority established through Executive order this effort. continues to hide from public view, I amounts to nothing more than polit- He also said voters can exercise real will be asking for a ‘‘no’’ vote on the ical cover. independence. Where is the voice of the previous question so we can amend this This Congress has run up the coun- people in a process that will not go be- rule and allow the House to continue try’s credit card to a point of no re- yond the Beltway? the Buchanan transparency resolution. turn, and now the administration In closing, Mr. SMITH correctly, and I This vote will give Members of the ma- wants to be able to tout a bipartisan say correctly, noted that one-party jority a chance to live up to their solution to spending that will conven- control leads to arrogance. We are see- promise, as the distinguished Speaker iently help them survive the upcoming ing today an arrogance of power by a said, ‘‘to lead the most honest, most election cycle. All of a sudden, the party that forecloses the minority open and most ethical Congress in his- Obama administration has found def- from a seat at the table. And to be fair, tory.’’ icit-cutting religion. The same admin- Republicans were just as arrogant at Madam Speaker, I know that Mem- istration that pushed through a $787 times. Hopefully we have learned a les- bers are concerned that this motion billion economic stimulus promising son and will never go back to those may jeopardize consideration of the that unemployment would be held times. water rights bills and of the settlement under 8 percent now wants to get our Mr. SMITH concluded that we should bills that are being brought to the floor Nation’s financial house in order. The be listening to the American people, today; but I wish to make clear that same administration that promised an not defying them. The people of Massa- the motion I am making provides for open and transparent process on health chusetts spoke yesterday. We would be the separate consideration of the care reform, which is now being nego- wise in this Congress to heed that les- Buchanan transparency resolution tiated behind closed doors and could son. within 3 days so we can vote on the cost taxpayers nearly $1 trillion, now I thank the gentleman for yielding. water rights bills and then, once we are wants credibility on spending issues. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I re- done, so that we can consider the The FY 2009 budget deficit registered serve the balance of my time. Buchanan transparency resolution, H. at an unprecedented $1.4 trillion. I be- Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Res. 847. lieve the American people understand Florida. Mr. Speaker, as we wait for I have been informed that the Repub- the depth of our financial problems, the Republican leader, let me say that lican leader will not be coming down to recognize the spending gorge that Con- I have enjoyed this debate. These are the floor at this time. gress has embarked on, and won’t be noncontroversial bills that are being Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous fooled by a fig leaf commission estab- brought to the floor, and yet they’re consent to insert the text of the lished by an Executive order. important. And, also, there are issues amendment and extraneous materials Moreover, Mr. Speaker, the American that have been brought out and that immediately prior to the vote on the people will be cut out of the process will be brought out now. I will oppose previous question. under this plan. The bipartisan com- the previous question to bring out the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. mission process I’ve talked about, and issue that Mr. BUCHANAN talked about MCCOLLUM). Is there objection to the many Members on both sides have and bring it to a floor vote this morn- request of the gentleman from Florida? talked about for 4 years, includes a le- ing. There was no objection. gitimate public engagement mandating Since the Democrats regained the Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of public town hall-style meetings majority in the House, I have heard a Florida. Madam Speaker, I yield back throughout the country. Now there will number of Members come down to the the balance of my time. be no input from the hardworking peo- floor and quote Supreme Court Justice Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, in ple in our neighborhoods and commu- Brandeis that sunshine is said to be the closing, let me say a couple of things. nities. That is not right, and everyone best disinfectant. I think that quote is One is that this is a good rule and it knows it. fitting. It’s fitting today considering, should be approved. Secondly, and I say If lawmakers were serious about the as Mr. BUCHANAN pointed out, that as this with respect to my friends on the debt and the deficit issues that Ameri- we speak, the majority is drafting, be- other side of the aisle, when they talk cans are increasingly worried about, hind closed doors with no sunshine in about sunshine, it’s laughable. When Congress would halt the budget gim- sight, health care legislation that will you compare the transparency and the micks, the slick talking points, and affect every American. openness of this Democratic Congress muster the political will to have an So I think the question is begged, to the way this place was run when honest conversation with the American what is going on behind those closed they were in charge, there is no com- people about where we are, where we’re doors? We don’t know. We do not even parison. heading, and what changes need to be know who is at the table. The Amer- I remember one night, after a con- made to get back on track. But an open ican people deserve to know what is ference report was completed and when process that allows the American peo- going on behind closed doors. all of the signatures were on the con- ple to weigh in will never happen ference report, when they snuck in a through a commission established by b 1200 special provision to provide special im- an Executive order all done here in We need to bring sunlight, sunshine, munity to drug companies. That’s the Washington. into a process that is shrouded with se- kind of transparency and openness that This morning, Congressman LAMAR crecy. That is why I, along with a bi- existed when they were in control. SMITH, our colleague from Texas, in a partisan group of 163 Members of this On the health care bills, they’ve been 1-minute speech on the floor offered a House, have cosponsored House Resolu- on the Web. The House bill has been on series of lessons to be learned from yes- tion 847, a resolution by my friend and the Web, and the Senate bill has been

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 on the Web. Even the Senate read it mess, which is the worst economy since fered a rule resolution. The House defeated verbatim. So there has never been as the Great Depression. That’s what they the previous question and a member of the much openness and transparency in gave to President Obama. We have to opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, any Congress as we’ve seen in this Con- fix it, and we have pledged to do what- asking who was entitled to recognition. Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: gress. ever is necessary to help put people ‘‘The previous question having been refused, When my friend from Florida talks back to work, to help people be able to the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- about the deficit, boy, what a short stay in their homes, and to help nur- gerald, who had asked the gentleman to memory. When Bill Clinton left office, ture growth in future industries. yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to he had eliminated the deficit, and we So, Madam Speaker, I appreciate the the first recognition.’’ had started paying down the debt, and comments from my friends on the Because the vote today may look bad for we left George Bush, Dick Cheney and other side of the aisle. Given their the Democratic majority they will say ‘‘the my Republican friends with a surplus. abysmal record, it’s hard to believe vote on the previous question is simply a vote on whether to proceed to an immediate Through their reckless policies—tax they come here with straight faces to vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] breaks for millionaires, special privi- talk about these things; but we’re has no substantive legislative or policy im- leges for Wall Street and drug compa- going to fix the mess that they made. plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what nies and all that they did—they racked Again, I would urge my colleagues to they have always said. Listen to the defini- up a record debt, and they did nothing support the rule, and I would urge a tion of the previous question used in the about it. In fact, when they were in ‘‘yes’’ vote on the previous question Floor Procedures Manual published by the charge, they used to argue on the floor and on the rule. Rules Committee in the 109th Congress, that somehow the deficit and the debt The material previously referred to (page 56). Here’s how the Rules Committee described the rule using information from didn’t matter anymore. They tried to by Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida is as follows: Congressional Quarterly’s ‘‘American Con- say it wasn’t a big deal. gressional Dictionary’’: ‘‘If the previous So they left this President with a AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 1017 OFFERED BY MR. question is defeated, control of debate shifts mess. I guess it’s sometimes fun to DIAZ-BALART to the leading opposition member (usually make a mess, but it’s not so fun and At the end of the resolution, add the fol- the minority Floor Manager) who then man- not so easy to clean up a mess. The lowing new section: ages an hour of debate and may offer a ger- Democrats in Congress and the Presi- SEC. 4. On the third legislative day after mane amendment to the pending business.’’ the adoption of this resolution, immediately Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House of dent of the United States have to clean after the third daily order of business under up the mess that they left. It’s a little Representatives, the subchapter titled clause 1 of rule XIV and without interven- ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal bit ironic that those who drove this tion of any point of order, the House shall to order the previous question on such a rule economy into a ditch are complaining proceed to the consideration of the resolu- [a special rule reported from the Committee about the size of the tow truck. tion (H. Res. 847) expressing the sense of the on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- The fact of the matter is we have to House of Representatives that any con- ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- make some tough decisions. We have to ference committee or other meetings held to tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: Upon rejec- create the conditions for jobs to grow. determine the content of national health tion of the motion for the previous question care legislation be conducted in public under on a resolution reported from the Committee We have to invest in industries where the watchful eye of the people of the United there is a future, and we are trying to on Rules, control shifts to the Member lead- States. The resolution shall be considered as ing the opposition to the previous question, do that. read. The previous question shall be consid- who may offer a proper amendment or mo- Again, in the last 3 months of the ered as ordered on the resolution to final tion and who controls the time for debate Bush administration, the economy was adoption without intervening motion or de- thereon.’’ losing, on average, 673,000 jobs per mand for division of the question except: (1) Clearly, the vote on the previous question month. In the last 3 months of 2009, the one hour of debate equally divided and con- on a rule does have substantive policy impli- average job loss was 69,000 per month, trolled by the chairman and ranking minor- cations. It is one of the only available tools which is an improvement of nearly 90 ity member of the Committee on Rules; and for those who oppose the Democratic major- (2) one motion to recommit which may not percent. We on the Democratic side ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- contain instructions. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX native views the opportunity to offer an al- have pledged to do everything we can shall not apply to the consideration of House ternative plan. to help create more jobs in this coun- Resolution 847. try and to focus on the issue of jobs, Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield back the bal- because that’s where the concern (The information contained herein was ance of my time, and I move the pre- amongst the American people really is. provided by Democratic Minority on mul- vious question on the resolution. In the stock market, stocks have tiple occasions throughout the 109th Con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gress.) seen significant gains since the begin- question is on ordering the previous ning of March 2009, following the pas- THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT question. IT REALLY MEANS sage of the Recovery Act, which they The question was taken; and the This vote, the vote on whether to order the Speaker pro tempore announced that all were opposed to. The Dow is up 58 previous question on a special rule, is not percent. The S&P is up 64 percent. The the ayes appeared to have it. merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Nasdaq is up 75 percent. dering the previous question is a vote The GDP has grown. In the first against the Democratic majority agenda and Florida. Madam Speaker, on that I de- quarter of 2009, the GDP was negative a vote to allow the opposition, at least for mand the yeas and nays. 6.4 percent. By the third quarter of the moment, to offer an alternative plan. It The yeas and nays were ordered. 2009, the GDP was on the rise, increas- is a vote about what the House should be de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ing plus-2.2 percent, the best quarter bating. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the for growth in 2 years. Forecasters pre- ceedings on this question will be post- House of Representatives, (VI, 308–311) de- poned. dict steady GDP growth throughout scribes the vote on the previous question on 2010. the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the f We see home sales are now rising. We consideration of the subject before the House see manufacturing beginning to re- being made by the Member in charge.’’ To ACCELERATION OF INCOME TAX bound. U.S. manufacturing activity defeat the previous question is to give the BENEFITS FOR CHARITABLE rose 55.9 from 53.6 in November, reach- opposition a chance to decide the subject be- CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ing the highest level since April of 2006. fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I It is a positive indication of broader ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that move to suspend the rules and pass the ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- economic growth. mand for the previous question passes the bill (H.R. 4462) to accelerate the income So it is difficult to sit here and to lis- control of the resolution to the opposition’’ tax benefits for charitable cash con- ten to lectures from Members on the in order to offer an amendment. On March tributions for the relief of victims of other side of the aisle who created this 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- the earthquake in Haiti, as amended.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 315 The Clerk read the title of the bill. made can be deducted on the 2009 tax closely identified in the bringing back The text of the bill is as follows: return, which is being prepared now for of Haiti before this tragedy. He has H.R. 4462 April 15. been there, and we admire and respect Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- In addition to that, there has been the contributions he is making to re- resentatives of the United States of America in some question as to how you can docu- build this great nation. Congress assembled, ment the actual payment if it were Mr. MEEK of Florida. Madam Speak- SECTION 1. ACCELERATION OF INCOME TAX BEN- made on the cell phone or if it were er, I want to thank all of the Members EFITS FOR CHARITABLE CASH CON- made without actually having proof of that are here and the bipartisan sup- TRIBUTIONS FOR RELIEF OF VIC- port that we have for this great piece TIMS OF EARTHQUAKE IN HAITI. a charitable deduction. The only proof that could be made would be by using of legislation to not only incentivize (a) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of section Americans who continue to do what 170 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, a the telephone bill, and there was a taxpayer may treat any contribution de- question as to whether or not that they have already done, to be able to scribed in subsection (b) made after January would be considered as sufficient evi- help the people of Haiti, to be able to 11, 2010, and before March 1, 2010, as if such dence of making the contribution. This take off their contribution or get the contribution was made on December 31, 2009, bill will, indeed, make it possible for tax benefit for giving in their 2009 and not in 2010. text messages to be relied upon, text taxes. I think it is important that we (b) CONTRIBUTION DESCRIBED.—A contribu- have a strong vote on this piece of leg- tion is described in this subsection if such messages which are used on cell phones, when claiming these charitable islation. contribution is a cash contribution made for The Haitian people—I was just there. contributions. the relief of victims in areas affected by the I spent 2 days on the ground there. Hu- Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010, for manitarian workers are working so which a charitable contribution deduction is ance of my time. hard, and the majority of these non- allowable under section 170 of the Internal Mr. HERGER. I yield myself such governmental organizations that peo- Revenue Code of 1986. time as I may consume. (c) RECORDKEEPING.—In the case of a con- ple can contribute to are doing the best Madam Speaker, we have all been work on the ground as it relates to the tribution described in subsection (b), a tele- moved by the reports and images of phone bill showing the name of the donee or- feeding and providing of comfort for ganization, the date of the contribution, and last week’s horrendous earthquake in the Haitians that are in desperate need the amount of the contribution shall be Haiti; and we were reminded just this of international support at this time. treated as meeting the recordkeeping re- morning of the dire situation that Madam Speaker, I would go even fur- quirements of section 170(f)(17) of the Inter- country is facing as reports have sur- ther to say hats off to our emergency nal Revenue Code of 1986. faced of a major aftershock. response and urban rescue people that (d) PAYGO.—All applicable provisions in Throughout our history, Americans are really saving lives every day. this section are designated as an emergency have been eager to help others recover for purposes of pay-as-you-go principles. With the contributions that Ameri- from the devastation of wars and nat- cans give to organizations that are The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ural disasters in faraway places. Once doing great work on the ground, cou- ant to the rule, the gentleman from again, we have seen the compassion pled with the Congress and the House’s New York (Mr. RANGEL) and the gen- and generosity of the American people action today of passing this legislation tleman from California (Mr. HERGER) displayed front and center in the Haiti to allow some benefit to that indi- each will control 20 minutes. relief effort, including an outpouring of vidual for their contribution, will feed The Chair recognizes the gentleman real-time donations through cell into a better response and a better re- from New York. phones and the Internet. While many of covery, not only for Haiti, but to also Mr. RANGEL. I yield myself such our own U.S. citizens are struggling to continue to fulfill our humanitarian time as I may consume. find work and to make ends meet, it is commitment to the poorest country in Madam Speaker, all of us have wit- only fitting that we should provide im- the Western Hemisphere. nessed this horrendous event that has mediate tax relief for these charitable So I commend the chairman, the rest taken place on our continent; and I contributions. of the leadership that signed on to this know that, whether Republican or This bill, which is sponsored by the bill, Republican Whip CANTOR, and a Democrat, we all want to be able to do bipartisan leadership of the Ways and number of others that are on the Ways whatever we can to ease the pain of Means Committee, as well as by the and Means Committee for this bipar- these poor people. That’s why I’m glad whips of both parties and by more than tisan effort. Thank you so very much. that Mr. HERGER is here representing 150 Members from both sides of the I am pleased to be a co-sponsor on Chair- the Republicans on the Ways and aisle, would permit itemizers to treat man RANGEL, Majority Whip CLYBURN, Ranking Means Committee, which did not hesi- Haiti-related charitable contributions Member CAMP, and Republican Whip CAN- tate to meet and decide on just what made through the end of February as if TOR’s bi-partisan bill that will provide an incen- we could do as a committee to make it they were made in 2009 rather than in tive for our citizens to contribute monetary do- nations to the relief efforts following the dev- easier to encourage people to make 2010. This would allow itemizers the op- astating January 12, 2010, earthquake in Haiti. contributions. I know all over the portunity to claim the charitable de- country that people are collecting I filed an almost identical bill yesterday, H.R. ductions under 2009 returns, which 4467—with many co-sponsors. clothes, food, and things of that na- most taxpayers are required to file by ture; but the bottom line is that they Under this bill, if a citizen makes a cash April 15 of this year, instead of waiting contribution before March 1, 2010, they can need cash; they need checks. This is until they file their 2010 returns. what we have decided to do. take the charitable contribution deduction off of their 2009 income taxes, obviously decreas- So we have a nonpartisan bill here on b 1215 ing their 2009 tax liability. this which deals with the technicality. It would also permit taxpayers who The American people have shown an out- It’s available on the Web site of the use cell phone text messages to con- pouring of support for the Haitian people dur- Joint Committee, www.jct.gov, and it’s tribute to the relief effort to use their ing their most vulnerable moment. listed under Document No. JCX–2–10. phone bill as a record of their donation. There have been countless donations from This bill allows Americans and oth- This is a commonsense bipartisan idea, individual Americans offering whatever help ers to make generous cash contribu- and it deserves the support of every they can. tions to the charities of their choice; Member. I urge an ‘‘aye’’ vote. Now is the time to give an added boost to and at the same time, it allows them I reserve the balance of my time. the nation’s charitable spirit by accelerating in- not to have to wait until next year to Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I come tax benefits for Americans making dona- be able to deduct these as charitable yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from tions. contributions. It accelerates the time Florida (Mr. MEEK). He is a member of I just returned from Haiti, witnessing first- that this can be done between now and the Ways and Means Committee, but, hand the horror and devastation of the earth- March so that any contribution that is more importantly, he has been so quake.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 I represent more Haitian Americans than table cash contributions to our relief invaluable leadership in the aftermath any other Member of Congress, and my dis- efforts in Haiti. This means that those of last week’s tragic earthquake. Now trict includes Little Haiti in Miami. who are able to contribute now may re- more than ever, the U.S. must focus With so many of my constituents in pain, I ceive the tax deduction for the 2009 fil- our efforts on engaging these commu- am happy to be a part of this effort to help the ing period. nities to make sure that they are in- Haitian people and all victims of this disaster. With over $40 million in private and volved in the rebuilding of their native This bill will not only help increase contribu- corporate donations already made, this homeland. tions. will be a great incentive for the Amer- The Haitian diaspora is a valuable re- But as the bill only applies to cash contribu- ican people to reach even deeper into source that must be tapped to ensure tions, the bill encourages the much needed our pockets and help our friends in that the stability, freedom, success, cash to be donated. Haiti. This, in turn, will augment U.S. and prosperity that the Haitian people Since the night of the earthquake, I have Government efforts, demonstrating the deserve finally come true. fielded regular calls from constituents who clear benefits of public-private partner- I would like to thank Chairman RAN- were stranded, and lost loved ones in Haiti. ships. And it is an important step at a GEL and Ranking Member CAMP for in- Last Thursday night in Miami, I convened in time when we must do more with less troducing this important measure. I four hours an emergency communitywide in the face of rapidly rising deficits strongly urge my colleagues to support meeting attended by 300-plus people to co- here at home. its passage. ordinate the rescue effort amongst first re- There is no doubt that the United I thank the gentleman again for the sponders, relief experts, and the Haitian Amer- States, as a government and as a peo- time. ican community in Miami. ple, stand side by side with the people Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I On Saturday I met with Vice President of Haiti during this most tragic time. yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from BIDEN in Miami in Little Haiti and then again at Our assistance efforts so far are unpar- Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER), a distin- Homestead Reserve Base in Homestead Flor- alleled, and last week, President guished member of the Ways and ida. Obama pledged $100 million in U.S. Means Committee. On Saturday night, I bought my own 1 way funding toward the relief efforts. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, ticket from Miami to Santo Domingo, Domini- It is my hope that, after expeditious I appreciate the courtesy of the Chair can Republic on American Airlines. surveys of the damage, a significant of the Ways and Means Committee in I landed at 12:30 a.m. (Sunday morning), portion of this funding will come from permitting me to speak on this and the secured a drive from a Dominican local and the $845 million in international dis- rapid action that the committee has together they drove through the night to the aster assistance that this Congress has taken. Dominican-Haiti border and then crossed into already appropriated for fiscal year As we are overcome with grief and Haiti during sunup, arriving at the airport at 2010. By pulling from these funds, we sympathy for the Haitian tragedy, I am around 7 a.m. EST on Sunday. will be able to quickly address the hu- reminded of the devastation I saw in Never have I seen such devastation. manitarian needs in Haiti right now. Indonesia in the aftermath of the 2004 I witnessed the rescue of a young 2 year In addition, I urge President Obama tsunami, where over 160,000 people were old that has moved me emotionally like noth- to immediately begin efforts to con- killed. That disaster inspired coopera- ing before. vene an international donors’ con- tion that was truly incredible even in Also, let’s not forget that Haiti has come to ference to bring together other respon- the troubled island of Aceh that had America’s aid before. sible nations and international organi- been torn by war for years. That re- As an ally Haiti has been instrumental in the zations that can join the United States building effort sparked a terrific ren- forming of our union. in committing efforts to help the Hai- aissance there. In the Revolutionary War, Haitians fought tian people recover from this horrible This must signal a new day for the with Americans for our independence. disaster. troubled but promising country of Even as recently as 2005, Haiti again came Keeping in mind the urgent nature of Haiti. Obviously, our immediate pri- to the aid of ailing Americans as the country this much-needed assistance, it re- ority must be saving lives with food, offered support in the aftermath of Hurricane mains incumbent upon the U.S. to water, shelter, medical supplies. I am Katrina. work to ensure that international do- pleased that groups in my community, I am pleased to be a part of this legislation nations are pooled and integrated, that like the acclaimed Mercy Corps, and that will help boost our help to Haiti. pledges are tracked, and that trans- the Northwest Medical Team, have What the Chairman’s bill (and your bill) parency measures are put in place to leaped into action with resources from does: help ensure that aid reaches those who the Pacific Northwest to make a dif- This bill will accelerate the income tax bene- need it. ference under these dire circumstances. fits for charitable cash contributions for the re- Further, we should encourage joint But we must recognize that decades lief of victims of the earthquake in Haiti. ventures and public-private partner- of crushing poverty in Haiti have left Under current law, a taxpayer is allowed to ships as we consider the many ways ordinary people far too vulnerable to deduct charitable contributions in the taxable that we may help promote not only the disaster. We have an obligation as a year the contribution is made. immediate but also the long-term re- country, as we work with comprehen- The bill asks for an exception to this for covery of Haiti as well. The United sive aid efforts in the months and years cash contributions made to the Haitian relief States will do its share, but the rest of ahead after the cameras are gone, to efforts: A taxpayer who contributes a cash the world must do its best also. Other help the Haitians rebuild that nation. contribution in January or February, 2010, will nations must not forget about Haiti, You know, there are problems with the be allowed to take the charitable contribution once the attention on the crisis has nation of Haiti. But the world has not deduction in the 2009 taxable year instead of subsided, and leave the U.S., as has always, indeed has seldom been a good having to wait for the 2010 taxable year. been often the case, to bear most of the neighbor to that troubled country. Mr. HERGER. I yield 3 minutes to responsibility for the recovery of Haiti. I am pleased that this legislation will the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The make it easier for Americans, who face ROS-LEHTINEN). time of the gentlewoman has expired. tough times themselves, to help give Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- Mr. HERGER. I yield the gentle- gifts of life and hope to our neighbors er, I thank my good friend from Cali- woman an additional 1 minute. in that devastated island. The bill al- fornia for the time. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- lows those who have donated to Haiti a I rise today as an original cosponsor er, we have all been deeply moved by chance to claim the donation in the tax of this bill. the outpouring of support that we have return that they are preparing this As my colleagues have explained, seen from communities across the spring rather than waiting a full year this important measure would accel- United States. Unsurprisingly, the Hai- to claim the deduction. It is a simple erate the income tax benefits for chari- tian American community has shown gesture, but it will encourage giving in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 317 this challenging economy and helping The people of the U.S. have always Methodist churches. All churches. Peo- do what is right for Haiti. been, and continue to be, a generous ple are demonstrating what it means to Mr. HERGER. Madam Speaker, I re- and giving people. And whether it is of- give of themselves and to help others. serve the balance of my time. fering shelter to orphan children, mak- Mr. HERGER. Madam Speaker, I now Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, it is ing cash donations, or simply volun- yield 3 minutes to my good friend, the my honor to yield 2 minutes to the ma- teering time, when tragedy strikes, the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. jority whip, the gentleman from South American people take action. EHLERS). Carolina (Mr. CLYBURN). There is no Charitable donations have already Mr. EHLERS. Madam Speaker, I rise question that he has provided the lead- begun pouring into organizations as- in support of H.R. 4462. On January 12, ership on this issue and inspired the sisting in the relief efforts. This legis- Haiti was struck by a magnitude 7 Ways and Means Committee and so lation allows generous Americans who earthquake, which devastated the many other Members in the Congress. make a cash donation to the Haitian country and people of Haiti. I have Haiti has a true friend in the heart of relief effort to treat those donations as lived for approximately a dozen years JIM CLYBURN, our Democratic whip. if they were made in the tax year 2009. in earthquake country, and I know how Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, I serious an earthquake of this mag- b 1230 thank Chairman RANGEL for yielding nitude is. I wish to extend my deepest me this time. Similar policy has been used in past sympathy to the families who have lost I want to thank you and Mr. CAMP tragedies, and studies show that it ac- loved ones in this horrible tragedy. for bringing this legislation forward. I tually increases the total amount of Even in the face of this disaster, the want to thank the minority whip, Mr. charitable contributions. people of the world have united in re- CANTOR, for joining with us in making I want to thank my colleague, Major- sponse through prayer, monetary dona- this a truly bipartisan effort. I also ity Whip CLYBURN, for his assistance in tions, and critical humanitarian aid. In want to thank the 162 cosponsors, bringing this legislation to the floor. I fact, The Chronicle of Philanthropy re- original cosponsors, of this legislation. would also like to thank the gentleman ported yesterday that over $275 million I believe that all of us who are famil- from New York and the gentleman has already been generously donated iar with the various areas of our great from Michigan and their leadership in worldwide. country know that it all depends on bringing forward this important bill. I am again humbled by the efforts of where you live as to what kind of cata- While it is often the differences be- humanitarian aid groups based in west strophic event you can expect to visit tween the parties in Congress that Michigan, which has a long history of your community. For many of us, it makes the news, this legislation dem- charitable giving in times of need. The may be a dust storm; for others, like onstrates that we can come together response to this natural disaster has my area of the country, a hurricane; on commonsense proposals to ease the proved no different. I’m grateful to my for others, it could very well be an suffering of our fellow man. When our constituents for their compassion and earthquake. offices discussed last week how we All of us are but the sum total of our generosity, which has existed for many could help encourage charitable dona- experiences, and I believe that it is this years. Humanitarian aid groups in tions for the relief effort, and in par- vast amount and broad level of experi- Grand Rapids that are contributing to ticular this proposal, it was clear that ences that the people of these United the relief effort include Rays of Hope partisanship had been set aside. I think States of America are going to call for Haiti, the Christian Reformed the American people and those in Haiti upon in order to respond to the people World Relief Committee, the Red are all the better for it. I ask for sup- of Haiti. And for us to offer all Ameri- Cross, and countless others. Even a port of this legislation. cans the opportunity to deduct on their global corporation located in my dis- Mr. RANGEL. I yield 2 minutes to a 2009 taxes any contribution they make trict is en route with several flights member of the Ways and Means Com- to this effort by February 28 will go a this week to Haiti, transporting med- mittee, the gentleman from Illinois long way toward incentivizing the kind ical supplies and a medical team. The (Mr. DAVIS). of behavior that we think is very, very extraordinary efforts by all of these Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. I want to, first important. groups are to be commended. I want to thank the sponsors of this of all, commend Chairman RANGEL and While our country and the world re- legislation and thank all of those who Ranking Member CAMP for their quick spond to emergency needs in Haiti, I will be voting for it today. It is one action and leadership on this legisla- have heard from many in my commu- way that we can say to the people of tion. nity who echo my fervent requests to this Nation that Americans not just I rise today in strong support of this provide additional assistance to the or- sympathize with them but we bill to accelerate the income tax bene- phans in Haiti. I ask for your contin- empathize as well. fits for those who make cash contribu- ued prayers for the children of Haiti Mr. HERGER. Madam Speaker, I tions to people affected by the earth- who will soon be united with their yield such time as he may consume to quake in Haiti. Americans are deeply adoptive families here in the United our whip, a member of the Ways and saddened at the level of devastation States, and especially for those who Means Committee, the gentleman from caused by the earthquake that struck have been orphaned in the wake of last Virginia (Mr. CANTOR). Haiti on January 12, resulting in tre- Tuesday’s tragedy. I also urge the De- Mr. CANTOR. I thank the gentleman mendous damage and loss of life. partment of Homeland Security and for yielding. There are enormous needs in Haiti. It the Department of State to greatly Madam Speaker, I am pleased to rise is important to have the Federal Gov- speed up the adoption process and visa this afternoon in strong support of this ernment, our government, demonstrate procedures for not only the orphans al- important relief legislation for the peo- leadership in providing relief. I also ready in process but also for all the ple of Haiti. wish to acknowledge and recognize all children who became orphans due to On January 12, 2010, Haiti was shaken of the organizations and groups, not- the death of their parents in the hor- by an earthquake unparalleled in its for-profits, churches. Over the week- rible earthquake. history. As horrendous as they are, the end, I visited several churches, and I I urge my constituents and all Amer- pictures in our newspapers and on TV was tremendously impressed at the icans to donate to a reputable charity can only begin to tell the story of the level of giving that people out of the organization for earthquake relief in suffering of the Haitian people. Just goodness of their hearts were pouring Haiti. I am very pleased that former this morning, the people of that coun- out. And especially do I congratulate Presidents Bush and Clinton are lead- try had another scare, experiencing an- and commend Bishop Blake and the ing efforts through the Clinton-Bush other shock with a magnitude of 6.1. Church of God in Christ churches for Haiti Fund. This bill, H.R. 4462, will Madam Speaker, when crisis calls, the enormous contribution that they allow taxpayers to deduct their dona- American citizens are at their finest. are making; the Baptist churches, tions from their 2009 taxes, and it is my

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 hope that all people who are able will by the American people. The outpouring to has left the country in a state of collapse not offer their support to the people of Haiti from the great people of this nation and seen in Haiti in over two centuries. Haiti. from around the world has been truly over- The images of death and devastation com- May God bless and comfort the peo- whelming. I am touched by how Americans ing from Haiti are driving Americans to donate ple of Haiti. from all walks of life have given their time, tal- their time, money, and supplies—it is truly Mr. HERGER. Madam Speaker, in ents, and financial resources to help those America at its best. All donations, large and closing, I’d simply say that this is a whose lives depend upon such aid. small, are helping to provide crucial neces- good bill. It reflects the generosity of By permitting taxpayers to take a deduction sities for this relief effort. Millions of dollars are the American people in responding to a on their 2009 taxes instead of their 2010 re- pouring into non-profit organizations that are horrific disaster, and I urge all Mem- turns, H.R. 4462 will help those Americans making sure that money and supplies go di- bers to vote ‘‘aye.’’ who have already donated and encourage rectly where they need to go, to the people of I have no further requests for time, those who have not yet done so. In addition Haiti. The bill we pass today will help encour- and I yield back the balance of my to thanking Chairman RANGEL for this legisla- age even more donations. time. tion, I would also like to mention our col- We know that the effort to rebuild Haiti and GENERAL LEAVE league, Representative KENDRICK MEEK, who care for those who have been injured will con- Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I ask was developing similar legislation. He has tinue for some time to come. The people of unanimous consent that all Members been a leader on all aspects of U.S. policy to- Haiti need our help and I am pleased that we may have 5 legislative days in which to ward Haiti and deserves to be recognized are doing all that we can to promote the gen- revise and extend their remarks and in- here in Congress. erosity Americans have shown since the dev- clude extraneous material on H.R. 4462, Again, I strongly support H.R. 4462 to rec- astating earthquake shook Haiti last week. as amended. ognize the generosity of the American people I urge my colleagues to support H.R. 4462. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there in responding to the devastation in Haiti and to Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, objection to the request of the gen- encourage future giving. This is a bill that in- I lend my full support for H.R. 4462, intro- tleman from New York? spires ‘‘the better angels of our nature’’ and duced by my colleague Chairman CHARLES There was no objection. helps the victims of this disaster, as well. It RANGEL, which allows for the acceleration of Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I deserves our unanimous support. tax benefits for charitable cash contributions to close this on the high note that Amer- Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, I rise in benefit the victims of the earthquake in the ica has shown its greatest, especially strong support of today’s bill to accelerate the Republic of Haiti on January 12, 2010. in this Congress. I want to thank SCOTT tax benefits for charitable contributions made This tax benefit will allow persons who MURPHY, a new Member, for insisting in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake make cash donations to the relief efforts in that we move forward on this. Of in Haiti. The people of Haiti have endured an Haiti from January 11, 2010 to March 1, 2010 course, the Republicans, Mr. HERGER unimaginable disaster, and our thoughts go the opportunity to claim those donations as and Mr. CAMP, who joined together out to the millions of families who have been charitable contributions on their 2009 Federal with Democrats to prove that when affected by this tragedy. Income Tax Return. Americans want to do things, that In times such as these, we must unite in The 7.0 earthquake that ravaged the Haitian party labels don’t really mean that common purpose to help those in need. I am capital of Port-au-Prince, the city of Jacmel much. I do hope that the rest of the truly heartened by the outpouring of support and the city of Carrefour brought immediate country would see what we have done from the American people, who have contrib- devastation to the country, taking the lives of and take advantage of this legislation uted hundreds of millions of dollars to disaster approximately 200,000 people and leaving in order to make certain that they relief organizations over the last week despite tens of thousands missing. This event, which have an accurate recording of the con- the economic challenges they face here at has left an estimated 1.5 million homeless, tributions that they make through the home. As policy makers, we should do all we has completely destroyed most of the infra- telephone as well as to take advantage can to encourage this charitable spirit and as- structure in the capital, and was deemed the of the expediting of deductions that are sist Americans in giving whatever they can largest earthquake of this magnitude in over being recognized by the Internal Rev- through immediate tax relief. The bill will allow two centuries in the Republic of Haiti. enue Service. people to claim cash contributions made to Providing a tax benefit on charitable con- I hope everyone would vote for this victims of the Haiti earthquake on their 2009 tributions would offer an incentive for Amer- bill and let this be a symbol as to what tax returns, rather than waiting until they file in ican citizens to give during an essential period this Congress can do. It’s not just for 2010. It offers an immediate benefit for those for the relief effort in Haiti. Several charities Haiti, but for ourselves and the rest of who have already made a contribution and saw a significant drop in contributions, which the free world. provides a little extra incentive for others who fund the entirety of their operations, due to the Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise in are considering a donation of their own. economic crisis. Non-profit organizations will strong support of H.R. 4462, To Accelerate It is crucial that we join together to support need considerable resources to provide the the Income Tax Benefits for Charitable Cash the ongoing rescue and recovery efforts. This long-term services for a population devastated Contributions for the Relief of Victims of the bill is a small but necessary component of by a natural disaster. This tax benefit will en- Earthquake in Haiti Act, authored by my friend those efforts, and I remain ready to assist the sure those resources are funded by an out- and colleague from New York, Representative international community as they bring addi- pouring of generosity from the American peo- RANGEL, the Chairman of the Ways and tional aid and relief to Haiti. ple. Means Committee. This important legislation Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, I rise in In the face of this grave tragedy, the Amer- would permit people who make charitable con- strong support of H.R. 4462 which would allow ican people have given from their hearts, as tributions to the relief work in Haiti to take a Americans to deduct the charitable contribu- well as their pockets, to assist the people of tax deduction on their 2009 taxes instead of tions they make to the Haitian relief efforts in Haiti during this time of extreme hardship and on their 2010 returns. This is an excellent idea January and February of 2010 on their 2009 turmoil. This philanthropy should not go unno- which will hopefully spark additional giving to tax returns. I commend Chairman RANGEL for ticed, especially as many people have chosen help the people of Haiti. bringing this bill forward and I urge my col- to donate at a time when their own financial Tens if not hundreds of thousands of people leagues to support it. well-being is uncertain. have lost their lives in the Haitian tragedy and The toll of human suffering in Haiti is un- I would like to thank Chairman RANGEL for hundreds of thousands more are homeless. imaginable, with up to an estimated 200,000 introducing this piece of legislation, and the The American people have been deeply people who have lost their lives and nearly 3 American people for their benevolence in this moved by this crisis and are showing their million people affected by the earthquake. time of adversity for the Haitian people. profound generosity through donations to or- Haiti is the poorest, least developed country in Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Madam ganizations helping the Haitian people. In fact, the Western Hemisphere which, even before Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.R. as of yesterday, the American Red Cross had the quake, suffered from political instability, 4462, to accelerate the income tax benefits for already raised $112 million for Haiti, $22 mil- hurricanes, and food shortages. Even so, the charitable cash contributions for the relief of lion of which came from text messages sent loss of life and destruction from this disaster victims of the earthquakes in Haiti, introduced

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 319 by my illustrious colleague Representative the U.S. for up to 18 months past their visa has approved C3 million ($4.37 million) with CHARLES B. RANGEL, from New York. This leg- expiration. more funds likely. Countless other nations islation will allow qualifying charitable dona- America is a generous and compassionate from Germany, to China, to Israel to Mexico tions for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti Nation that has always responded to our have also pledged support. I commend each that are made between January 11, 2010, and neighbors in need. I’m proud to support this of these nations for coming to a nation in dire March 1, 2010, to be treated as if such con- bipartisan legislation. need of assistance. tributions were made in 2009, rather than in Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Madam Many of my constituents ask what they can 2010. This will give Americans even more in- Speaker. I rise in support of H.R. 4462—a bill do to help, or how they can find their loved centive to give to the relief efforts in Haiti. that will accelerate the income tax benefits for ones. Those who are interested in helping im- Madam Speaker, the world witnessed the charitable cash contributions for the relief of mediately can text ‘HAITI’ to ‘90999’ and a do- vivid devastation of Haiti’s strongest earth- victims of the earthquake in Haiti. nation of $10 will be made automatically to the quake in more than two centuries on Tuesday, As you know, on Tuesday, January 12th, a Red Cross for relief efforts. The donation will January 12, 2010 which rocked the very core massive, 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck be charged to your cell phone bill. of the Caribbean. With thousands reported Haiti near the capital of Port-au-Prince. There The outpouring of support and funding from dead and thousands more estimated to be is still no official estimate of death or destruc- the American people was both instant and counted in that group, it has been the custom tion, the damage to buildings is extensive and sustained. According to the Washington Post, and the unstipulated duty of the American the number of injured or dead is estimated to the text messaging effort raised $5 million in people to help our fellow world citizens in their be in the hundreds, even thousands. its first day, breaking the previous one-day time of desperation and need! Several eyewitnesses reported heavy dam- record of about $450,000. Text-message do- I have the honor and privilege to represent age and bodies in the streets of the capital, nations continue to play a larger-than-ex- and serve a city such as Houston, Texas, Port-au-Prince, where concrete-block homes pected role in the push for earthquake relief in which has, time and time again, shown its line steep hillsides. Haiti. As of late Sunday, the American Red generosity and caring spirits, to anyone who is Haiti sits on a large fault that has caused Cross said that it had collected pledges of in need. This is why this bill is very significant; catastrophic quakes in the past, but this one about $103 million, including $22 million notwithstanding our current economic condi- was described as among the most powerful to through the text donation program. Another or- tion, America is STILL doing what it does best, hit the region within the last 200 years. With ganization, Partners in Health, raised $25 mil- giving much needed aid and hope to whom- many poor residents living in tin-roof shacks lion in the five days following the Jan. 12 ever is in need. We are already playing a key that sit precariously on steep ravines and with earthquake in Haiti. This is equal to what it role in both security and much-needed funds much of the construction in Port-au-Prince and budgeted for Haiti in all of 2009. Overall, U.S. in Haiti. This bill will identify a qualified con- elsewhere in the country of questionable qual- charities raised more than $150 million in the tribution as ‘‘a cash contribution made for the ity, the expectation was that the quake caused four days after the quake, according to the relief of victims in areas affected by the earth- major damage to buildings and significant loss Chronicle of Philanthropy, which based its tally quake in Haiti on January 12, 2010’’ and will of life. on proceeds reported by the nation’s 22 larg- give much needed tax relief to the many com- The dimensions of the disaster are still un- est charities. That total surpasses the $108 panies and private citizens who have already folding, but Haiti’s Prime Minister Jean-Max million raised in the four days following Hurri- given millions of dollars to the relief efforts. Bellerive told CNN that he believes there are cane Katrina in 2005 and the $30 million The passage of this bill will cultivate more well over 100,000 dead, and leading senator raised in the three days following the tsunami donations for the people of Haiti by ‘‘accel- Youri Latortue estimated the number at pos- in Asia in 2004. Financially, 2009 was not an easy year for erating the tax benefit for certain charitable sibly as high as 500,000, according the Asso- many Americans. Although thousands of jobs cash contributions made for the victims of the ciated Press. were created and we are back on the road to earthquake.’’ We are not reinventing the America is responding, and will continue to economic recovery, Americans lived on tighter wheel; similar changes to tax law were done respond with immediate humanitarian assist- budgets than usual. This legislation will allow after the tsunami that struck Thailand and In- ance to help the people of this struggling is- those Americans who have generously do- land nation rebuild their livelihoods. I send my donesia in December 2004 and other tax con- nated money to Haiti to receive their tax break condolences to the people and government of siderations were put in place after Hurricane this year instead of next year. Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005. The bill Haiti as they grieve once again in the after- Once again, I am devastated by the im- would waive the current law provision that lim- math of a natural disaster. As Haiti’s neighbor, measurable tragedy that occurred in Haiti. its charitable deductions to 50% of a tax- it is the United States’ responsibility to help Along with my colleagues, I hope to visit Haiti payer’s income and 10% for Corporations. Haiti recover, and build the capacity to miti- in the near future to meet with their leaders It is also in the United States’ best interest, gate against future disasters. and see what the United States can do to re- especially pertaining to foreign policy, to help, American and her allies have already initi- build the shattered livelihoods. in any capacity, the relief and ultimate recov- ated a comprehensive, interagency response In January of 2005, Congress enacted this ery of the nation of Haiti; it will also help gov- to the earthquake. The State Department, De- type of relief for individuals that made chari- ern the global message of ‘‘goodwill’’, which partment of Defense, Department of Home- table contributions to victims of the Indian our President deems necessary for the pros- land Security, Coast Guard, USAID—all Ocean tsunami that occurred in late December perity of us all. For these reasons, I deeply worked overnight to ensure that critical re- of 2004. That bill (H.R. 241 in the 109th Con- support this legislation and implore my col- sources are positioned to support the re- gress) passed the House of Representatives leagues to join me in this endeavor. sponse and recovery effort, including efforts to without objection and subsequently passed the Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, I com- find and assist American citizens in Haiti. Senate by unanimous consent. I hope that this mend Chairman RANGEL and Ranking Member U.S. Southern Command will deploy a team legislation, like our response to the 2004 tsu- CAMP for bringing this timely legislation to the of 30 people to Haiti to support U.S. relief ef- nami, will encourage Americans to contribute floor and support its swift enactment. forts in the aftermath of yesterday’s dev- more money to Haiti. As Haiti starts on its long Simply put, H.R. 4462 will allow charitable astating earthquake. The team includes U.S. recovery, every dollar is critically important. cash contributions for Haitian earthquake relief military engineers, operational planners, and a Once again, I am proud to represent such a made before March 1, 2010 to be deducted on command and control group and communica- compassionate and generous nation. the contributor’s 2009 tax return. As the ongo- tion specialists, will arrive in Haiti today on two Mr. RANGEL. I yield back the bal- ing rescue and recovery effort in Haiti is still C–130 Hercules aircraft. The team will work ance of my time. very much an issue of life and death, this tar- with U.S. Embassy personnel as well as Hai- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The geted initiative will reward those who have al- tian, United Nations and international officials question is on the motion offered by ready given while providing an extra incentive to assess the situation and facilitate follow on the gentleman from New York (Mr. for those who are considering a contribution. U.S. military support. RANGEL) that the House suspend the Additionally, I applaud Secretary Napolitano’s Our friends in the international community rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4462, as decision to grant Temporary Protected Status must also be commended for their efforts. The amended. to Haitian nationals living in the United States, United Nations is releasing $10 million from its The question was taken; and (two- which will enable these individuals to stay in emergency funds. The European Commission thirds being in the affirmative) the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 rules were suspended and the bill, as that coincided with the great civil rights sary of the Stevie Wonder song tribute to Dr. amended, was passed. leader’s birthday, January 15, 1929; King, ‘‘Happy Birthday’’; A motion to reconsider was laid on Whereas the campaign to secure a Federal (2) recognizes that the legacy of Dr. Martin the table. holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Luther King, Jr. continues on with commit- Jr. lasted 15 years, with the 1980 Stevie Won- ments to freedom, equality, and justice, as f der song tribute to Dr. King, ‘‘Happy Birth- exhibited by Stevie Wonder and so many oth- CELEBRATING 30TH ANNIVERSARY day’’, solidifying the campaign’s success; ers; and Whereas Stevie Wonder dedicated his OF SONG TRIBUTE TO DR. MAR- (3) encourages the people of the United album sleeve for ‘‘Hotter Than July’’, an States to commemorate the legacy of Dr. TIN LUTHER KING, JR. album released on September 29, 1980, and King by renewing pledges to advance those Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, I upon which ‘‘Happy Birthday’’ is recorded, to principles and actions that are consistent move to suspend the rules and agree to Dr. King, with an inscription that read, with Dr. King’s belief that ‘‘all men are cre- the resolution (H. Res. 1010) celebrating ‘‘[Martin Luther King, Jr.] showed us, non- ated equal’’. violently, a better way of life, a way of mu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther tual respect, helping us to avoid much bitter King, Jr. during the 30th anniversary of confrontation and inevitable bloodshed’’; ant to the rule, the gentleman from the Stevie Wonder song tribute to Dr. Whereas Mr. Wonder also wrote on his Michigan (Mr. CONYERS) and the gen- King, ‘‘Happy Birthday,’’ and for other album sleeve for ‘‘Hotter Than July’’ the fol- tleman from Texas (Mr. SMITH) each purposes. lowing, ‘‘We still have a long road to travel will control 20 minutes. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- until we reach the world that was [Dr. The Chair recognizes the gentleman tion. King’s] dream. We in the United States must from Michigan. not forget either his supreme sacrifice or The text of the resolution is as fol- GENERAL LEAVE that dream’’; Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, I lows: Whereas Stevie Wonder encouraged the es- ask unanimous consent that all Mem- H. RES. 1010 tablishment of a Federal holiday in recogni- tion of Dr. King on his album sleeve for bers have 5 legislative days to revise Whereas the life and work of Dr. Martin and extend their remarks and include Luther King, Jr. was properly captured in ‘‘Hotter Than July’’ by expressing that, ‘‘I Dr. King’s most famed speech, ‘‘I Have A and a growing number of people believe that extraneous material. Dream’’, on August 28, 1963, when he said, ‘‘I it is time for our country to adopt legisla- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there have a dream that one day this nation will tion that will make January 15, Martin Lu- objection to the request of the gen- rise up and live out the true meaning of its ther King’s birthday, a national holiday, tleman from Michigan? creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evi- both in recognition of what he achieved and There was no objection. dent, that all men are created equal’ ’’; as a reminder of the distance which still has Mr. CONYERS. I yield myself such Whereas beginning with the Montgomery to be traveled’’; time as I may consume. Bus Boycott on December 1, 1955, Dr. King Whereas the song, ‘‘Happy Birthday’’, be- Madam Speaker and Members, I have led protests, demonstrations, rallies, free- came a rallying cry, which led to the collec- tion of 6,000,000 signatures in support of a been doing this for quite a number of dom rides, sit-ins, vigils, all in non-violent Federal holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Lu- years now, and I asked my chief of staff fashion, to combat hate, inequality, and ra- ther King, Jr., which Stevie Wonder and how many years specifically it’s been. cial injustice in the United States; presented to Congres- But we’re here again with the ranking Whereas following the end of the Mont- sional Leadership in 1982; gomery Bus Boycott in 1956, Dr. Martin Lu- member, LAMAR SMITH; with JOHN Whereas ultimate enactment of legislation ther King Jr. and others, including Dr. Ralph LEWIS, the last remaining King disciple designating the third Monday of January as Abernathy, formed the Southern Christian that worked with Dr. King longer than a Federal holiday in observance of Dr. Marin Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957 to pro- any of us. Today, we rise to salute not Luther King, Jr. was realized on November 3, mote civil rights and to bring an absolute 1983, when such legislation was signed into only Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but and nonviolent end to segregation; law; also recalling those days when we were Whereas the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther Whereas the first Dr. Martin Luther King, marching for a King holiday. We salute King, Jr. and those that joined him in the Jr. Federal holiday was observed on January Dr. King and Stevie Wonder for the civil rights movement resulted in the enact- 20, 1986, and celebrated with a concert head- wonderful inspiration he gave us all ment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Vot- lined by Stevie Wonder, who has, in the with his musical tribute to Dr. King, ing Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing years since, continued his commitment to Act of 1968; ‘‘Happy Birthday.’’ promoting peace and equality, for which he On Monday, we observed for the 25th Whereas several U.S. Supreme Court cases has been recognized with a Lifetime Achieve- decided during the era of the civil rights ment Award from the National Civil Rights year the Federal Martin Luther King, movement, like Browder v. Gayle (352 U.S. Museum in Memphis, Tennessee; Jr., holiday bill that started off 3 days 903 (1956)), Boynton v. Virginia (364 U.S. 454 Whereas the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther after his assassination when I made (1960)), and Heart of Atlanta Motel Inc. v. King, Jr. is continued today, as evidenced by this proposal. It also coincides with the United States (379 U.S. 241 (1964)) were con- the work of organizations like the National 30th anniversary of Stevie Wonder’s sistent with the work of Dr. King and others Association for the Advancement of Colored 1980 song tribute to Dr. King. Stevie’s to eradicate segregation and discrimination People (NAACP) and the Southern Christian and deem such practices unconstitutional; song became the rallying cry for those Leadership Conference, which is currently fighting for a holiday for Martin Lu- Whereas Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. re- led by Dr. King’s daughter, Bernice King, ceived the Spingarn Medal in 1957 and the and was at one time led by Dr. King’s son, ther King, Jr. He was one of our great- Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, distinctions that Martin Luther King, III; est advocates. were given to him at the young ages of 28 Whereas today, the very mission of the I just wanted to recall—I don’t know and 35, respectively, for the selflessness and Southern Christian Leadership Conference if JOHN LEWIS remembers—the day at dedication he exhibited in advancing civil states, ‘‘In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther that march we got a call from the rights; King, Jr., the Southern Christian Leadership White House and they wanted Stevie Whereas the life and work of Dr. King, to Conference (SCLC) is renewing its commit- Wonder to come to the White House. advance justice, equality, and peace for the ment to bring about the promise of ‘one na- Stevie Wonder said, Well, how come entire human race, ended prematurely, when tion, under God, indivisible’ together with he was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Mem- the commitment to activate the ‘strength to they haven’t invited you to come to phis, Tennessee, while challenging the in- love’ within the community of humankind’’; the White House instead of me? I said, equitable wages and treatment of Memphis and Stevie, that doesn’t matter. They want sanitation workers; Whereas in addition to organizations, the you, and this is what we have been Whereas Martin Luther King, Jr., was sur- legacy of Dr. King continues on today with marching for. So you come to the vived by Coretta Scott King, an activist in people in the United States and throughout White House. He said, No, I’m not her own right, and 4 children, 2 sons and 2 the world, with individual acts of compas- going. And we went back and forth. Fi- daughters, who would also continue the fight sion, courage, and peace: Now, therefore, be nally, he didn’t come. for civil rights and equality; it Whereas 4 days after the assassination of Resolved, That the House of Representa- But later, shortly thereafter, we Dr. King, on April 8, 1968, Representative tives— began the negotiations with Jack John Conyers, Jr. introduced legislation to (1) celebrates the life and work of Dr. Mar- Kemp of New York, with the Repub- recognize Dr. King with a Federal holiday tin Luther King, Jr. during the 30th anniver- licans in the White House, and this

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 321 agreement was struck: That if the Movement, who would work in my Detroit of- I support House Resolution 1010. This House and the Senate could pass a King fice for over 20 years. resolution celebrates the life and work holiday bill, the President would sign On my second point, despite the great con- of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It also it into law. We felt we could get it tributions Dr. King made, the pursuit of a Fed- celebrates the 30th anniversary of the through the House, but the other body eral holiday in Dr. King’s honor was long release of Stevie Wonder’s song tribute was another story entirely. Finally, it fought. to Dr. King entitled ‘‘Happy Birthday.’’ did happen. Significantly, it was Stevie Wonder’s song Dr. King was the leading champion of a I don’t know if you remember the tribute to Dr. King, ‘‘Happy Birthday,’’ that historic nonviolent revolution in the day that Coretta Scott King and all the played a large role in galvanizing public sup- United States. Throughout his life, he kids, and Abernathy, Lowery, Julian port for a Federal holiday. fought for racial harmony and equal Bond, we were all over in the other Just four days after the assassination of Dr. justice. While advancing this historic body and the speeches went on and on. King, on April 8, 1968, I introduced legislation movement, Dr. King endured many Everybody was acclaiming King. You’d to observe the life and work of Dr. King with forms of hatred and even suffered phys- have thought he was a native son of all a Federal holiday. Until it became law in 1983, ical abuse. Despite this violence, Dr. the speakers. It finally ended. They there was a persistent legislative drive for the King peacefully continued to pursue had far more time to consume than we King Holiday. justice and equality for all. did. A reporter asked me, What took Stevie Wonder was one of the leading advo- As a pastor, Dr. King’s religious be- you so long? Everybody seemed to have cates at the helm during this fight. On Sep- liefs were essential to the success of his been for this bill all the time. Of tember 29, 1980, he released the album, ‘‘Hot- nonviolent efforts. It is doubtful that course, I resisted losing my nonviolent ter than July,’’ containing a song he wrote in such a long and enduring movement disposition to respond to him, because honor of Dr. King ‘‘Happy Birthday.’’ could have survived without the power it took 15 years before that bill was fi- Mr. Wonder dedicated the album sleeve for of religious inspiration and conviction nally taken up by the body. But it was ‘‘Hotter than July’’ to Dr. King with an inscrip- behind it. From 1957 to 1968, Dr. King because of the people, it was because of tion, and also encouraged the establishment traveled over 6 million miles and spoke the spirit of the people in the public of a Federal holiday in recognition of Dr. King. thousands of times about justice and schools and the city councils, the coun- Right on the album cover, he wrote, ‘‘I and equal freedom under the law. During ties. And the States even passed resolu- a growing number of people believe that it is those years, he led large protests that tions for us to do that. time for our country to adopt King Holiday leg- drew the attention of the world. islation, both in recognition of what he On August 28, 1963, Dr. King led a b 1245 achieved and as a reminder of the distance peaceful march of 250,000 people Finally, the pressure built up so which still has to be traveled.’’ through the streets of Washington, much throughout the country that we That growing number of people equated to D.C.; and it is here in this city where finally had the bill passed in the other 6 million signatures in support of the King Hol- he delivered a speech that spoke for all body. The President then, true to his iday, which Stevie Wonder and Coretta Scott Americans, regardless of the color of word, signed the bill. It was a great King presented to Congress in 1982. their skin. ‘‘I have a dream,’’ he said, moment in history. I am still proud to On the 15th anniversary of Dr. King’s assas- ‘‘that my four little children will one say that we seriously honor King with sination, and the 20th anniversary of the day live in a Nation where they will this third Monday of every January. I March on Washington, Congress passed King not be judged by the color of their skin will put the rest of my remarks in the Holiday legislation in 1983, with a vote of 338 but by the content of their character.’’ Dr. King opened the door of oppor- RECORD. to 90 in the House and a vote of 78 to 22 in House Resolution 1010 celebrates the work the Senate. That November, it was signed into tunity for millions of Americans. In his ‘‘I Have a Dream’’ speech, Dr. King of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and salutes law. called the march the ‘‘greatest dem- Stevie Wonder for his song tribute to Dr. King, At the first King Holiday observance, on onstration for freedom in the history of ‘‘Happy Birthday.’’ January 20, 1986, Stevie Wonder headlined a our Nation.’’ Four days after the assas- On Monday, we observed, for the 27th year, concert in honor of Dr. King. And his commit- sination of Dr. King, Representative the Federal Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. ment to advance the King legacy did not stop JOHN CONYERS, now our Judiciary Com- This particular commemoration of the King there. Stevie Wonder has gone on to address mittee chairman and the cosponsor of holiday coincides with the 30th anniversary of such social and racial ills as apartheid in the resolution we are now considering, Stevie Wonder’s 1980 song tribute to Dr. King. South Africa, hunger in Africa, and HIV/AIDS. introduced legislation to recognize Dr. Stevie Wonder’s song became the rallying In fact, his musical and social contributions King’s life’s work with a Federal holi- cry for those fighting for a Martin Luther King, are so significant that I feel Stevie Wonder is day that coincided with Dr. King’s Jr. Federal holiday, and he proved to be one deserving of a Congressional Gold Medal. birthday, January 15. of the holiday’s greatest advocates. Finally, we must continue the legacy of Dr. Madam Speaker, I just want to say And so, 30 years later, it is fitting that we King—not just on the third Monday in January today that I think Chairman CONYERS consider a resolution both honoring Dr. King each year, but every day. It is each and every has been too modest about his signifi- and saluting Stevie Wonder. day that we should work to advance the ‘‘Be- cant role in establishing that holiday. Today, I would like to touch on three signifi- loved Community’’ that Dr. King envisioned. In 1980, Stevie Wonder released his cant points. First, having just observed the Dr. King said, ‘‘Life’s most urgent and per- song tribute to Dr. King called ‘‘Happy King Holiday, we are reminded of the more sistent question is: What are you doing for Birthday’’ to bring attention to the equal and just society that we live in today as others?’’ Let us ask ourselves this question, movement to enact a Federal holiday a result of Dr. King’s life work. and act; and not just today, but every day. in honor of Dr. King. Stevie Wonder Dr. King’s struggle led to the enactment of I would like to commend my colleague, the sang that Dr. King’s vision of peace the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voting gentleman from Georgia, JOHN LEWIS, for join- should be celebrated throughout the Rights Act, and the 1968 Fair Housing Act. ing me in introducing this bipartisan resolution. world and that a holiday would help From buses to motels, his work brought an I would also like to acknowledge the many achieve Dr. King’s dreams of integra- end to state-sanctioned segregation and dis- Members of the Judiciary Committee that join tion and love and unity for all of God’s crimination in public accommodations that us in supporting this resolution—in particular, children. On November 3, 1983, legisla- were the hallmark of the Jim Crow system. the gentleman from Texas, our Ranking Mem- tion was signed into law, designating Personally, and I’m sure like many, I pursue ber, LAMAR SMITH. the third Monday of January as a Fed- my own life’s work in the spirit of Dr. King. I urge my colleagues to support this impor- eral holiday in observance of Dr. King. When I first ran to represent the 14th Con- tant resolution. Madam Speaker, I urge all my col- gressional District of Michigan in 1963, it was I reserve the balance of my time. leagues to support this resolution, and with the endorsement of Dr. King that I won. Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speak- I reserve the balance of my time. It was through Dr. King that I got to know er, I yield myself such time as I may Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, I , the mother of the Civil Rights consume. thank my friend LAMAR SMITH for his

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 significant contribution and his work Monday, but today we encourage all brought us and for all the people who as a co-leader on the Judiciary Com- citizens to try to live the teachings of invested their lives in the civil rights mittee for all the other things that we Dr. King. Our Nation will move us clos- movement. Thank you from all of us, work on as well. er to Dr. King’s dream of creating the from everywhere for the progress that I now yield such time as he may con- beloved community, a community of has been made. It’s so very important sume to the gentleman from Georgia justice based on human dignity and at that we continue to fight for equality (Mr. LEWIS), a gentleman whom I knew peace with itself. and justice for all. That’s what people before he was a Member of Congress, Again, I thank Chairman CONYERS for from around the world look to our and he knew me before I was a Member his work and for bringing this piece of country in amazement about. Our na- of Congress as well. legislation before us today. tional character is not born out of our Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Madam Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speak- greatness and our power and our tall Speaker, I rise today to celebrate the er, I yield such time as he may con- buildings and our military might. It’s life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and sume to the gentleman from Tennessee born out of our character which comes to celebrate the 30th anniversary of (Mr. WAMP). from lessons learned and wrongs made Stevie Wonder’s song ‘‘Happy Birth- Mr. WAMP. Madam Speaker, I did right. That’s this journey that we’re day.’’ That song was such a fitting trib- not prepare or plan to speak on this on. And to all that have given blood ute to Dr. King and a rallying cry to resolution, but I saw my friend JOHN and have sacrificed mightily, the create the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. LEWIS on the floor. I went 2 days ago, United States of America honors you holiday that we celebrated last week- on this year’s M.L. King Day, and I was in honoring Dr. King in his legacy. end and on Monday. moved beyond measure to stand on the In many ways, he may have had to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was my very spot where Dr. King lost his life, give his life to see these things happen, friend. He was my big brother. He was the National Civil Rights Museum in and that’s why we honor the life of Dr. a prophet, and he was my hero. And Memphis, Tennessee, at the Lorraine Martin Luther King, Jr. above all, he was a simple human being Motel, to tour there and spend a couple Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, I filled with love, peace, and compassion of hours. It is an extraordinary mu- just want to tell our colleague from for all humankind. Madam Speaker, I seum, an extraordinary place. I would Tennessee, Mr. ZACH WAMP, that that want to take the opportunity to thank encourage all Americans to go see that, was the most amazing recapitulation of my colleague, the chairman, Mr. CON- to experience it much more than I had what happens to people when they go YERS, for the great and unbelievable ever dreamed. I had not been there. and trace these incredible moments in role that you have played in making Even though I’m a Tennessean, even history that many of us have lived this holiday possible. When the histo- though I feel like, as an American who through. I particularly appreciate his rians pick up that pen and write about believes in equality and justice, I feel recollection and his feelings and how this period, they would have to write like a sojourner with my friend JOHN they have impacted on his work here in that you, JOHN CONYERS, paved the way LEWIS, as the cosponsor with LACY the Congress. I just wanted to thank to make it possible for people all over CLAY of the Civil Rights Trail legisla- him for that myself. America and around the world to stop tion which is pending before this And for all of our colleagues, many of and celebrate the work of Martin Lu- House; cosponsor with JESSE JACKSON whom are submitting statements, I’m ther King, Jr. JR. of the naming of Emancipation going to put into the RECORD the re- We, as a Congress, as a Nation, and as Hall; cosponsor with JOHN LEWIS of the marks of President Obama on January a people are deeply indebted to you; Green McAdoo legislation in Ten- 17 as he recalled that day of cele- and we will never, ever forget the role nessee, recognizing the Clinton 12 and brating the life and legacy of Martin that you played. Stevie Wonder’s song the bravery on the road that we’re on. Luther King, Jr., and the article in Po- reminds us that there is a better way: But to me, Martin Luther King Day litico that also recapitulated the his- the way of love, the way of non- is all about equality and justice, the tory of the struggle that King led, violence. Mr. Chairman, JOHN CONYERS, traits of our great Nation that we hold which is not over. you never gave up. You never gave in. so dear. That process and that journey And although the raw violence that You and Stevie Wonder kept the faith, is not complete. It is not over. We all accompanied that struggle in those and you kept your eyes on the prize. know it. But great strides have been days—remember, the men, women and Out of Detroit, out of that unbelievable made, including the election of our children who were in the struggle were city, you had the right stuff, the good President, a crowning achievement in risking their lives. This wasn’t a philo- stuff. this movement. But I was so moved by sophical discussion or a theoretical ex- The King holiday is a day of reflec- how a single bullet from across the amination of where they were in his- tion. We all took time to reflect on the street, and I went there as well, tory. This was an unbelievably brutal legacy of this man who, through his changed history but also how at that period of our history. love and his leadership, made our coun- moment so many things began to hap- try a better place. It also becomes a pen. b 1300 day of service. Dr. King preached a doc- Now Dr. King even knew somehow in We recall that not in bitterness, but trine of nonviolence and civil disobe- his heart, heading into that moment, in honest reflection. I remember the dience to combat segregation, discrimi- that it was going to happen. I never re- trilogy written on King. Taylor Branch nation, and racial injustice. Stevie alized the depth of that until I went wrote three volumes on King, and I rec- Wonder’s song 30 years later still re- there for 2 hours. A powerful, powerful ommend it strongly to anybody who minds us that we have come a distance, way to celebrate this progress, this wants to read it. There have been but we still have a long road to travel man and this part of our history is to many, many other records of this part until we reach the world that was Dr. go there. And of course JOHN LEWIS is of our history, but to JOHN LEWIS and King’s dream. all over it. You thank Chairman CON- me, Taylor Branch seemed to capture So it is fitting and appropriate that YERS. Man, do I ever want to thank it with the detail and passion that few we pause as a Nation and as a people to you, brother, for your life, for your others were able to summon up. remember the life of Dr. Martin Luther courage, for the youth movement, for [From the White House, Jan. 17, 2010] King, Jr. And through the music, the freedom rides, for all that you have REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN REMEMBRANCE through the song, ‘‘Happy Birthday’’ been involved in, for your book, for OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. by Stevie Wonder, we all continue to be your legacy, for your service. JOHN THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Praise inspired, as Dr. King inspired a Nation LEWIS, a great American. be to God. Let me begin by thanking the en- and changed America forever. Obviously, I don’t always agree with tire Vermont Avenue Baptist Church family Madam Speaker, we all spent some you, but I respect you immensely. for welcoming our family here today. It feels time in reflection this weekend and on Thank you for how far you have like a family. Thank you for making us feel

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 323 that way. (Applause.) To Pastor Wheeler, their hopes—a movement in which they be- justice under the cover of night—they weath- first lady Wheeler, thank you so much for lieved so deeply—could actually deliver on ered a hard winter. The seamstress whose welcoming us here today. Congratulations on its promise. feet were tired, the pastor whose voice Jordan Denice—aka Cornelia. (Laughter.) So here we are, more than half a century echoes through the ages—they weathered Michelle and I have been blessed with a later, once again facing the challenges of a some hard winters. It was for them, as it is new nephew this year as well—Austin Lucas new age. Here we are, once more marching for us, difficult, in the dead of winter, to Robinson. (Applause.) So maybe at the ap- toward an unknown future, what I call the sometimes see spring coming. They, too, propriate time we can make introductions. Joshua generation to their Moses genera- sometimes felt their hopes deflate. And yet, (Laughter.) Now, if Jordan’s father is like tion—the great inheritors of progress paid each season, the frost melts, the cold re- me, then that will be in about 30 years. for with sweat and blood, and sometimes life cedes, the sun reappears. So it was for earlier (Laughter.) That is a great blessing. itself. generations and so it will be for us. Michelle and Malia and Sasha and I are We’ve inherited the progress of unjust laws What we need to do is to just ask what les- thrilled to be here today. And I know that that are now overturned. We take for grant- sons we can learn from those earlier genera- sometimes you have to go through a little ed the progress of a ballot being available to tions about how they sustained themselves fuss to have me as a guest speaker. (Laugh- anybody who wants to take the time to actu- during those hard winters, how they per- ter.) So let me apologize in advance for all ally vote. We enjoy the fruits of prejudice severed and prevailed. Let us in this Joshua the fuss. and bigotry being lifted—slowly, sometimes generation learn how that Moses generation We gather here, on a Sabbath, during a in fits and starts, but irrevocably—from overcame. time of profound difficulty for our nation human hearts. It’s that progress that made Let me offer a few thoughts on this. First and for our world. In such a time, it soothes it possible for me to be here today; for the and foremost, they did so by remaining firm the soul to seek out the Divine in a spirit of good people of this country to elect an Afri- in their resolve. Despite being threatened by prayer; to seek solace among a community can American the 44th President of the sniper fire or planted bombs, by shoving and of believers. But we are not here just to ask United States of America. punching and spitting and angry stares, they the Lord for His blessing. We aren’t here just Reverend Wheeler mentioned the inaugura- adhered to that sweet spirit of resistance, to interpret His Scripture. We’re also here to tion, last year’s election. You know, on the the principles of nonviolence that had ac- call on the memory of one of His noble serv- heels of that victory over a year ago, there counted for their success. ants, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, were some who suggested that somehow we Second, they understood that as much as Jr. had entered into a post-racial America, all our Government and our political parties Now, it’s fitting that we do so here, within those problems would be solved. There were had betrayed them in the past—as much as the four walls of Vermont Avenue Baptist those who argued that because I had spoke of our nation itself had betrayed its own Church—here, in a church that rose like the a need for unity in this country that our na- ideals—Government, if aligned with the in- phoenix from the ashes of the civil war; here tion was somehow entering into a period of terests of its people, can be—and must be—a in a church formed by freed slaves, whose post partisanship. That didn’t work out so force for good. So they stayed on the Justice founding pastor had worn the union blue; well. There was a hope shared by many that Department. They went into the courts. here in a church from whose pews life would be better from the moment that I They pressured Congress, they pressured congregants set out for marches and from swore that oath. their President. They didn’t give up on this whom choir anthems of freedom were heard; Of course, as we meet here today, one year country. They didn’t give up on Government. from whose sanctuary King himself would later, we know the promise of that moment They didn’t somehow say Government was sermonize from time to time. has not yet been fully fulfilled. Because of an the problem; they said, we’re going to One of those times was Thursday, Decem- era of greed and irresponsibility that sowed change Government, we’re going to make it ber 6, 1956. Pastor, you said you were a little the seeds of its own demise, because of per- better. Imperfect as it was, they continued older than me, so were you around at that sistent economic troubles unaddressed to believe in the promise of democracy; in point? (Laughter.) You were three years through the generations, because of a bank- America’s constant ability to remake itself, old—okay. (Laughter.) I wasn’t born yet. ing crisis that brought the financial system to perfect this union. (Laughter.) to the brink of catastrophe, we are being Third, our predecessors were never so con- On Thursday, December 6, 1956. And before tested—in our own lives and as a nation—as sumed with theoretical debates that they Dr. King had pointed us to the mountaintop, few have been tested before. couldn’t see progress when it came. Some- before he told us about his dream in front of Unemployment is at its highest level in times I get a little frustrated when folks just the Lincoln Memorial, King came here, as a more than a quarter of a century. Nowhere is don’t want to see that even if we don’t get 27-year-old preacher, to speak on what he it higher than the African American commu- everything, we’re getting something. (Ap- called ‘‘The Challenge of a New Age.’’ ‘‘The nity. Poverty is on the rise. Home ownership plause.) King understood that the desegrega- Challenge of a New Age.’’ It was a period of is slipping. Beyond our shores, our sons and tion of the Armed Forces didn’t end the civil triumph, but also uncertainty, for Dr. King daughters are fighting two wars. Closer to rights movement, because black and white and his followers—because just weeks ear- home, our Haitian brothers and sisters are in soldiers still couldn’t sit together at the lier, the Supreme Court had ordered the de- desperate need. Bruised, battered, many peo- same lunch counter when they came home. segregation of Montgomery’s buses, a hard- ple are legitimately feeling doubt, even de- But he still insisted on the rightness of de- wrought, hard-fought victory that would put spair, about the future. Like those who came segregating the Armed Forces. That was a an end to the 381-day historic boycott down to this church on that Thursday in 1956, good first step—even as he called for more. in Montgomery, Alabama. folks are wondering, where do we go from He didn’t suggest that somehow by the sign- And yet, as Dr. King rose to take that pul- here? ing of the Civil Rights that somehow all dis- pit, the future still seemed daunting. It I understand those feelings. I understand crimination would end. But he also didn’t wasn’t clear what would come next for the the frustration and sometimes anger that so think that we shouldn’t sign the Civil Rights movement that Dr. King led. It wasn’t clear many folks feel as they struggle to stay Act because it hasn’t solved every problem. how we were going to reach the Promised afloat. I get letters from folks around the Let’s take a victory, he said, and then keep Land. Because segregation was still rife; country every day; I read 10 a night out of on marching. Forward steps, large and small, lynchings still a fact. Yes, the Supreme the 40,000 that we receive. And there are sto- were recognized for what they were—which Court had ruled not only on the Montgomery ries of hardship and desperation, in some was progress. buses, but also on Brown v. Board of Edu- cases, pleading for help: I need a job. I’m Fourth, at the core of King’s success was cation. And yet that ruling was defied about to lose my home. I don’t have health an appeal to conscience that touched hearts throughout the South—by schools and by care—it’s about to cause my family to be and opened minds, a commitment to uni- States; they ignored it with impunity. And bankrupt. Sometimes you get letters from versal ideals—of freedom, of justice, of here in the Nation’s capital, the Federal children: My mama or my daddy have lost equality—that spoke to all people, not just Government had yet to fully align itself with their jobs, is there something you can do to some people. For King understood that with- the laws on its books and the ideals of its help? Ten letters like that a day we read. out broad support, any movement for civil founding. So, yes, we’re passing through a hard win- rights could not be sustained. That’s why he So it’s not hard for us, then, to imagine ter. It’s the hardest in some time. But let’s marched with the white auto worker in De- that moment. We can imagine folks coming always remember that, as a people, the troit. That’s why he linked arm with the to this church, happy about the boycott American people, we’ve weathered some hard Mexican farm worker in California, and being over. We can also imagine them, winters before. This country was founded united people of all colors in the noble quest though, coming here concerned about their during some harsh winters. The fishermen, for freedom. future, sometimes second-guessing strategy, the laborers, the craftsmen who made camp Of course, King overcame in other ways as maybe fighting off some creeping doubts, at Valley Forge—they weathered a hard win- well. He remained strategically focused on perhaps despairing about whether the move- ter. The slaves and the freedmen who rode an gaining ground—his eyes on the prize con- ment in which they had placed so many of underground railroad, seeking the light of stantly—understanding that change would

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 not be easy, understand that change made meaningful improvements in the field Truth forever on the scaffold wouldn’t come overnight, understanding of education. I’ve got a terrific Secretary of Wrong forever on the throne . . . that there would be setbacks and false starts Education, Arne Duncan. He’s been working And behind the dim unknown stands God along the way, but understanding, as he said hard with states and working hard with the Within the shadows keeping watch above his in 1956, that ‘‘we can walk and never get D.C. school district, and we’ve insisted on re- own. weary, because we know there is a great form, and we’ve insisted on accountability. Even as Dr. King stood in this church, a camp meeting in the promised land of free- We we’re putting in more money and we’ve victory in the past and uncertainty in the fu- dom and justice.’’ provided more Pell Grants and more tuition ture, he trusted God. He trusted that God And it’s because the Moses generation tax credits and simpler financial aid forms. would make a way. A way for prayers to be overcame that the trials we face today are We’ve done all that, but parents still need to answered. A way for our union to be per- very different from the ones that tested us in parent. (Applause.) Kids still need to own up fected. A way for the arc of the moral uni- previous generations. Even after the worst to their responsibilities. We still have to set verse, no matter how long, to slowly bend to- recession in generations, life in America is high expectations for our young people. wards truth and bend towards freedom, to not even close to being as brutal as it was Folks can’t simply look to government for bend towards justice. He had faith that God back then for so many. That’s the legacy of all the answers without also looking inside would make a way out of no way. Dr. King and his movement. That’s our in- themselves, inside their own homes, for some You know, folks ask me sometimes why I heritance. Having said that, let there be no of the answers. look so calm. (Laughter.) They say, all this doubt the challenges of our new age are seri- Progress will only come if we’re willing to stuff coming at you, how come you just seem ous in their own right, and we must face promote that ethic of hard work, a sense of calm? And I have a confession to make here. them as squarely as they faced the chal- responsibility, in our own lives. I’m not talk- There are times where I’m not so calm. lenges they saw. ing, by the way, just to the African Amer- (Laughter.) Reggie Love knows. My wife I know it’s been a hard road we’ve traveled ican community. Sometimes when I say knows. There are times when progress seems this year to rescue the economy, but the these things people assume, well, he’s just too slow. There are times when the words economy is growing again. The job losses talking to black people about working hard. that are spoken about me hurt. There are have finally slowed, and around the country, No, no, no, no. I’m talking to the American times when the barbs sting. There are times there’s signs that businesses and families are community. Because somewhere along the when it feels like all these efforts are for beginning to rebound. We are making way, we, as a nation, began to lose touch naught, and change is so painfully slow in progress. with some of our core values. You know what coming, and I have to confront my own I know it’s been a hard road that we’ve I’m talking about. We became enraptured doubts. traveled to reach this point on health re- with the false prophets who prophesized an But let me tell you—during those times form. I promise you I know. (Laughter.) But easy path to success, paved with credit cards it’s faith that keeps me calm. (Applause.) under the legislation I will sign into law, in- and home equity loans and get-rich-quick It’s faith that gives me peace. The same faith that leads a single mother to work two surance companies won’t be able to drop you schemes, and the most important thing was jobs to put a roof over her head when she has when you get sick, and more than 30 million to be a celebrity; it doesn’t matter what you doubts. The same faith that keeps an unem- people—(applause)—our fellow Americans do, as long as you get on TV. That’s every- ployed father to keep on submitting job ap- will finally have insurance. More than 30 body. plications even after he’s been rejected a million men and women and children, moth- We forgot what made the bus boycott a hundred times. The same faith that says to a ers and fathers, won’t be worried about what success; what made the civil rights move- teacher even if the first nine children she’s might happen to them if they get sick. This ment a success; what made the United States teaching she can’t reach, that that 10th one will be a victory not for Democrats; this will of America a success—that, in this country, she’s going to be able to reach. The same be a victory for dignity and decency, for our there’s no substitute for hard work, no sub- faith that breaks the silence of an earth- common humanity. This will be a victory for stitute for a job well done, no substitute for quake’s wake with the sound of prayers and the United States of America. being responsible stewards of God’s bless- hymns sung by a Haitian community. A faith Let’s work to change the political system, ings. in things not seen, in better days ahead, in as imperfect as it is. I know people can feel What we’re called to do, then, is rebuild Him who holds the future in the hollow of down about the way things are going some- America from its foundation on up. To rein- His hand. A faith that lets us mount up on times here in Washington. I know it’s tempt- vest in the essentials that we’ve neglected wings like eagles; lets us run and not be ing to give up on the political process. But for too long—like health care, like edu- weary; lets us walk and not faint. we’ve put in place tougher rules on lobbying cation, like a better energy policy, like basic So let us hold fast to that faith, as Joshua and ethics and transparency—tougher rules infrastructure, like scientific research. Our held fast to the faith of his fathers, and to- than any administration in history. It’s not generation is called to buckle down and get gether, we shall overcome the challenges of a enough, but it’s progress. Progress is pos- back to basics. new age. (Applause.) Together, we shall seize sible. Don’t give up on voting. Don’t give up We must do so not only for ourselves, but the promise of this moment. Together, we on advocacy. Don’t give up on activism. also for our children, and their children. For shall make a way through winter, and we’re There are too many needs to be met, too Jordan and for Austin. That’s a sacrifice going to welcome the spring. Through God much work to be done. Like Dr. King said, that falls on us to make. It’s a much smaller all things are possible. (Applause.) ‘‘We must accept finite disappointment but sacrifice than the Moses generation had to May the memory of Dr. Martin Luther never lose infinite hope.’’ make, but it’s still a sacrifice. King continue to inspire us and ennoble our Let us broaden our coalition, building a Yes, it’s hard to transition to a clean en- world and all who inhabit it. And may God confederation not of liberals or conserv- ergy economy. Sometimes it may be incon- bless the United States of America. Thank atives, not of red states or blue states, but of venient, but it’s a sacrifice that we have to you very much, everybody. God bless you. all Americans who are hurting today, and make. It’s hard to be fiscally responsible (Applause.) searching for a better tomorrow. The ur- when we have all these human needs, and gency of the hour demands that we make we’re inheriting enormous deficits and debt, [From POLITICO, Jan. 15, 2010] common cause with all of America’s work- but that’s a sacrifice that we’re going to HEED KING: CUT POVERTY FOR ALL ers—white, black, brown—all of whom are have to make. You know, it’s easy, after a (By Wade Henderson and ) being hammered by this recession, all of hard day’s work, to just put your kid in front The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his whom are yearning for that spring to come. of the TV set—you’re tired, don’t want to Southern Christian Leadership Conference It demands that we reach out to those fuss with them—instead of reading to them, decided in November 1967—less than five who’ve been left out in the cold even when but that’s a sacrifice we must joyfully ac- months before he was assassinated—to take the economy is good, even when we’re not in cept. their civil rights movement in a new direc- recession—the youth in the inner cities, the Sometimes it’s hard to be a good father tion. King set sail on a voyage to ‘‘lead youth here in Washington, D.C., people in and good mother. Sometimes it’s hard to be waves of the nation’s poor and disinherited rural communities who haven’t seen pros- a good neighbor, or a good citizen, to give up to Washington, D.C., in the spring of 1968 to perity reach them for a very long time. It de- time in service of others, to give something demand redress of their grievances by the mands that we fight discrimination, what- of ourselves to a cause that’s greater than United States government and to secure at ever form it may come. That means we fight ourselves—as Michelle and I are urging folks least jobs or income for all.’’ discrimination against gays and lesbians, to do tomorrow to honor and celebrate Dr. As early as 1966, King conveyed his con- and we make common cause to reform our King. But these are sacrifices that we are cern, in speeches and private conversations, immigration system. called to make. These are sacrifices that our about the link between poverty and social And finally, we have to recognize, as Dr. faith calls us to make. Our faith in the fu- instability and was readying an effort to ex- King did, that progress can’t just come from ture. Our faith in America. Our faith in God. pand his movement to include poverty reduc- without—it also has to come from within. And on his sermon all those years ago, Dr. tion among all races. King had come to un- And over the past year, for example, we’ve King quoted a poet’s verse: derstand a reality that continues to plague

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 325 American society more than 40 years after communities are not left behind during eco- day. It is for this reason that the timing of this his death: that entrenched poverty and job- nomic recovery. By setting a target, our gov- commemoration of Dr. King is so significant. lessness damage our country’s social fabric. ernment can also create a vision for shared As a member of the Judiciary and a long time These same issues remain an ugly stain on prosperity that breaks down silos across gov- our nation, despite considerable racial ernment agencies, engages the private sector musician, I urge my colleagues to support this progress in many areas over the past 40 and inspires innovative solutions. resolve. years. In 2008, almost 40 million Americans Any plan to halve poverty must also aim Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Madam lived beneath the poverty line, and nearly to reduce racial and ethnic economic dispari- Speaker, I rise today in support of H. Res. one in four children lived in a household ties. America will be a majority-minority 1010, Celebrating the life and work of Dr. Mar- struggling against hunger. country by 2050. We must be vigilant about tin Luther King, Jr. during the 30th anniversary Poverty reduction across all races is criti- addressing disparities now, not only because of the Stevie Wonder song tribute to Dr. King, cally important, but we must also be bru- it is the right thing to do but because the ‘‘Happy Birthday,’’ introduced by my distin- fate of communities of color is intertwined tally honest about the racial disparities that guished colleague from Michigan, Representa- continue to separate black and Hispanic with our future as a nation. Americans from white Americans. While the King wrote in 1967, ‘‘The time has come for tive CONYERS. The first Dr. Martin Luther King, poverty rate among whites was 8.6 percent in us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct Jr. Federal holiday was officially observed on 2008, 24.7 percent of blacks and 23.2 percent of and immediate abolition of poverty.’’ Just as January 20, 1986, and was celebrated with a Latinos lived in poverty. King came to advocate, Congress must concert headlined by Stevie Wonder, who has, Unemployment rates are also stubbornly promptly act to alleviate poverty, create in the years since, continued his commitment divergent based on race. The unemployment jobs, and eliminate racial disparities. to promoting peace and equality, for which he rate for white men over 20 was an unhealthy Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Madam Speaker, has been recognized with a Lifetime Achieve- 9.3 percent in December 2009, but for Latino I rise today to support the resolve to com- ment Award from the National Civil Rights Mu- men it was 12.8 percent, and for black men it memorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during was an unconscionable 16.6 percent. seum in Memphis, Tennessee. And while some educational achievement the 30th anniversary of the Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder encouraged the establish- gaps have narrowed slightly over time, there tribute to Dr. King, ‘‘Happy Birthday’’. This re- ment of a Federal holiday in recognition of Dr. remain massive racial disparities, rep- solve was introduced by chairman of the King on his album sleeve for ‘‘Hotter Than resenting a threat to our long-term eco- House Judiciary Committee, JOHN CONYERS. July’’ by expressing that, ‘‘I and a growing nomic growth. In eighth-grade math, for in- Like myself, Chairman CONYERS is a longtime number of people believe that it is time for our stance, black students are roughly three musician and music aficionado. country to adopt legislation that will make Jan- grade levels behind their white peers. Dr. King worked his entire life to make the uary 15, Martin Luther King’s birthday, a na- Such disparities demand serious, com- world a better place, and to create equality for mitted and prompt action, starting with a tional holiday, both in recognition of what he strategy to create good jobs that provide de- those who did not have it. We have come a achieved and as a reminder of the distance cent wages, benefits and pathways out of very long way since he began his work. How- which still has to be traveled.’’ The tribute poverty in the hardest-hit communities. ever, we still have a long way to go before we song ‘‘Happy Birthday,’’ became a rallying cry Last year’s recovery legislation played a make his ‘‘dream’’ become a reality. It is al- that led to 6,000,000 signatures supporting a critical role in averting disaster and curbing ways important to recognize and remember Federal holiday in honor of civil rights leader job loss, but we now know that there is a those who have done great things for our Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Legislation desig- longer-term need than was originally imag- great country, and recognizing Dr. King’s ac- nating the third Monday of January as a Fed- ined. As Congress moves to address the un- complishments and dreams during the 30th employment crisis, any jobs bill that aims to eral holiday in observance of Dr. Marin Luther secure our economy from the bottom up anniversary of Stevie Wonder’s tribute to him King, Jr. occurred on November 3, 1983, was must include three key elements: direct job would be very fitting. As a member of the Ju- signed into law. This campaign secured a creation, assistance for struggling families diciary Committee, and as a musician, I find Federal holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther and aid to states and localities. this resolution to be of special significance, King, Jr. lasted for fifteen years with the 1980 A plan to directly create jobs must balance and I urge all of my colleagues to support it. Stevie Wonder song solidified the campaign’s the need to put people to work right away Although Dr. King’s life ended in Memphis success. with a long-term strategy to create living- Tennessee, it began in Atlanta, Georgia on The life and work of Dr. King, to advance wage jobs for low-income and minority com- January 15, 1929. He spent his life working to justice, equality, and peace for an entire munities. The former can be accomplished end racial segregation and racial discrimina- through strategies such as funding for tem- human race ended prematurely when he was porary jobs that meet needs in distressed tion through civil disobedience and non-violent assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on April communities, summer jobs and national protests. On April 28, 1963, he gave one of 4, 1968, while he was challenging the wages service opportunities for unemployed youth. the most famous civil rights speeches of all and treatment of Memphis sanitation workers. The latter will require investments in job time in his ‘‘I Have a Dream’’ speech. The Four days after the assassination of Dr. King, training for high-growth fields and programs speech painted a picture of a future that we on April 8, 1968, Representative JOHN CON- that combine work and learning. are still trying to achieve where people will be YERS, JR. introduced legislation to recognize In addition, economists tell us that the ‘‘not judged by the color of their skin, but the civil rights leader Dr. King with a Federal holi- best way to spur economic growth is to help content of their character’’. Dr. King was as- struggling families through extended unem- day coinciding with his birthday on January ployment benefits, refundable tax credits sassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis Ten- 15, 1929. and food stamps. Not only do such invest- nessee. Dr. King was one of many significant Stevie Wonder dedicated his album sleeve ments help sustain the most vulnerable people from Georgia that are remembered in for ‘‘Hotter Than July,’’ an album released on workers and families, but those workers’ in- history. It is important that we take time to re- September 29, 1980, and upon which ‘‘Happy creased spending also ripples through the member the contributions he made to our so- Birthday’’ is recorded, to Dr. King, with an in- economy to help all Americans by increasing ciety. His contributions have already brought scription that read, ‘‘Martin Luther King, Jr. business income and creating more jobs. him many accolades. In 1964, he won the showed us, non-violently, a better way of life, We must also avert additional job losses Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the youngest and service cuts stemming from state and a way of mutual respect, helping us to avoid local government deficits. Without federal person to have been awarded this honor, and much bitter confrontation and inevitable blood- aid, approximately 900,000 more jobs will be in 1965 he was awarded the American Lib- shed.’’ On January 17, 2000, for the first time, lost in a sector that offers employment op- erties Medallion by the American Jewish Com- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was officially portunities and critical public services to munity. In 1963, he was named Time Person observed in all fifty states. low-income and minority communities. of the Year. The list of awards and recogni- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a dreamer. Finally, we need a commitment from the tions he has received is very long and pres- His dreams were a tool through which he was federal government to cut poverty in half be- tigious, and it is only fitting for us to recognize able to lift his mind beyond the reality of his tween 2010 and 2020. Our organizations col- his achievements as well. segregated society, and into a realm where it laborate on the Half in Ten Campaign be- cause we believe that a goal of cutting the Stevie Wonder wrote, produced and per- was possible that white and black, red and poverty rate in half over the next decade formed the song ‘‘Happy Birthday’’ in 1981. It brown, and all others live and work alongside provides focus and accountability in the was performed to let the world know how im- each other and prosper. fight to rebuild this country’s middle class portant it was to him that Martin Luther King, But Martin Luther King, Jr. was not just an and ensure that low-income and minority Jr.’s birthday be celebrated as a national holi- idle daydreamer. He shared his visions

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 326 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 through speeches that motivated others to join The question was taken; and (two- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there in his nonviolent effort to lift themselves from thirds being in the affirmative) the objection to the request of the gen- poverty and isolation by creating a new Amer- rules were suspended and the resolu- tleman from Texas? ica where equal justice and institutions were tion was agreed to. There was no objection. facts of life. A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, I yield It appears that too many of our nation’s the table. myself such time as I may consume. young people have forgotten how to dream. Madam Speaker, on December 30, They have forgotten what Dr. Martin Luther f while many of us were watching foot- King, Jr. taught us, when he started his jour- HONORING SEVEN AMERICANS ball, traveling back from holiday visits ney towards equality—with peace in his heart KILLED IN AFGHANISTAN ON DE- with our families, or preparing to usher and the dream of equality in his eyes. CEMBER 30, 2009 in the new year with loved ones, seven Today, children and young people often ask: members of the Central Intelligence ‘‘What is a dream?’’ or ‘‘How can it change my Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, I move Agency family had their lives cut short life?’’ We must once again introduce our to suspend the rules and agree to the in an attack on Forward Operating young people to the life of Dr. King and his resolution (H. Res. 1009) honoring the Base Chapman in Khost, Afghanistan. enduring dream. His vision is still so pertinent seven Americans killed in Khost, Af- This was the deadliest day for the CIA today, our lives continue to be shaped by his ghanistan, on December 30, 2009, for since the bombing of the Beirut Em- efforts. their service to the United States, and bassy in 1983. A young Martin managed to find a dream, for other purposes. The news of this tragic loss was of one that he pieced together from his read- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- particular personal sadness and dif- ings—in the Bible, and literature, and just tion. ficulty for me. I had the privilege to about any other book he could get his hands The text of the resolution is as fol- meet the Khost team when I last vis- on. And not only did those books help him lows: ited Afghanistan on a committee over- educate himself, but they also allowed him to H. RES. 1009 sight trip. I can attest that these men work through the destructive and traumatic ex- Whereas the men and women of the Central and women were among the finest periences of blatant discrimination, and the Intelligence Agency are dedicated profes- America has to offer. They did not shy discriminatory abuse inflicted on himself, his sionals who work tirelessly to protect the from the dangers they knew existed, family, and his people. United States; and they believed in the mission they Whereas many of the individuals serving The life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, were asked to perform. They worked Jr. was properly captured in Dr. King’s most the Central Intelligence Agency do so under harsh conditions, far from home, and on the tirelessly in an environment that is al- famed speech, ‘‘I Have A Dream,’’ on August ways dangerous. I am proud of the 28, 1963, when he said, ‘‘I have a dream that front lines of the battle against terrorists; Whereas these public servants face great work that they did and the work that one day this nation will rise up and live out the risks in the line of duty on a daily basis; their colleagues continue to do today true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these Whereas seven Americans in the service of to keep our country safe. truths to be self-evident, that all men are cre- the Central Intelligence Agency gave their The officers who died in Khost were ated equal.’ ’’ The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther lives for their country in a bombing that true professionals. They were savvy of- King, Jr. is continued today, as evidenced by took place in Khost, Afghanistan, on Decem- ficers who relied on years of experience the work of organizations like the National As- ber 30, 2009; to make judgments and to calculate sociation for the Advancement of Colored Whereas six additional Americans were risk. These men and women were de- People (NAACP) and the Southern Christian wounded in the attack, some of them suf- ployed to an area of great danger and Leadership Conference, which is currently led fering serious injuries; Whereas the loss of these highly trained hardship, and they did so knowing that by Dr. King’s daughter, Bernice King, and was counterterrorism experts will be deeply felt the worst could happen. But, they did at one time led by Dr. King’s son, Martin Lu- throughout the Intelligence Community; and it anyway, because we as a Nation are ther King, III. In addition to organizations, the Whereas the entire Nation owes an enor- relying on them and colleagues like legacy of Dr. King continues on today with mous debt of gratitude to these proud Ameri- them to make the United States safe people in the United States and throughout cans, their families, and their loved ones for from the threat of terrorism. the world, with individual acts of compassion, the quiet, dedicated, and vital service they I realize that many people have a dis- courage, and peace. offered to the United States: Now, therefore, This legislation will benefit the well-being of be it torted vision of what it means to be the public as it celebrates the life and work of Resolved, That the House of Representa- part of the CIA family. Movies and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the 30th an- tives— books have made the life of a CIA offi- (1) honors the seven Americans who died in cer seem exciting. It wasn’t until I niversary of the Stevie Wonder tribute song to the bombing that took place in Khost, Af- Dr. King. It recognizes the legacy left by Dr. joined the Intelligence Committee that ghanistan, on December 30, 2009, and the I fully understood the unique sacrifices Martin Luther King, Jr. with commitments to families of those patriots for their service freedom, equality, and justice, as exhibited by and their sacrifice for the United States; that the men and women of the CIA Stevie Wonder and so many others; and fi- (2) expresses condolences to the families, and their families are willing to make nally, encourages the people of the United friends, and loved ones of those killed in the in service to our Nation. In addition to States to commemorate the legacy of Dr. King bombing; the inherent dangers of the job, there by renewing pledges to advance those prin- (3) offers support and hope for a full recov- are long separations from family and ciples and actions that are consistent with Dr. ery for those who were wounded in the bomb- loved ones, often without explanation ing; and King’s belief that ‘‘all men are created equal.’’ and on very short notice. Birthdays (4) shares in the pain and grief felt in the and holidays are spent in foreign cor- As such, I strongly support this legislation and aftermath of such a tragic event. urge my colleagues to join me and do the ners of the world. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- same. To those who were wounded in the Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speak- ant to the rule, the gentleman from attack, let me just add my personal er, I have no further requests for time, Texas (Mr. REYES) and the gentleman thanks for your service and wish you a and I yield back the balance of my from Texas (Mr. THORNBERRY) each will full and speedy recovery. time. control 20 minutes. To the families of those who lost Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, I The Chair recognizes the gentleman their lives on December 30, you have yield back the balance of my time. from Texas (Mr. REYES). our deepest appreciation and gratitude. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The GENERAL LEAVE In this time of grief, please know that question is on the motion offered by Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, I ask you are in our prayers and that this the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. unanimous consent that all Members tragic loss will never be forgotten. It is CONYERS) that the House suspend the have 5 legislative days within which to my hope that you can find solace in the rules and agree to the resolution, H. revise and extend their remarks on this selfless, quiet devotion that these Res. 1010. resolution. brave men and women gave for the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.000 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 327 safety and protection of our great Na- bombing an airliner in Detroit about Mr. THORNBERRY. Madam Speaker, tion. They made the ultimate sacrifice connecting the dots. Well, the truth of I yield such time as he may consume to on behalf of all of us. And all Ameri- the matter is the more information we a member of the Intelligence Com- cans owe them, and you, a great debt can gather closer to the front lines, mittee and the ranking member of the for their commitment and dedication closer to the center of where terrorists Terrorism Subcommittee on the Armed to a job that very rarely receives any operate, the easier it is to connect Services Committee, the gentleman kind of public recognition. those dots. And gathering that infor- from Florida (Mr. MILLER). Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- mation out on the front lines at the tip b 1315 ance of my time. of the sword, as it is sometimes said, Mr. THORNBERRY. Madam Speaker, that is exactly what these officers were Mr. MILLER of Florida. I thank the I yield myself such time as I may con- doing. gentleman for yielding. sume. So I think it is important for us all As we Members come to the floor Madam Speaker, I appreciate the to resolve to support them in that ef- from time to time to pass resolutions, chairman’s introducing this resolution fort. Certainly to try to find ways to to talk about resolutions supporting and bringing it to the floor. It has been encourage and support their efforts, athletic events or special occasions, it cosponsored by all Republican and not to appoint special prosecutors to is always difficult for us to come to the Democrat members on the Intelligence go after people who are getting that floor to talk about people who have Committee, and I think it is an appro- kind of information, but to support given their lives in the defense of this priate way to honor the sacrifice of their efforts. country, who have been injured in the those who were killed or wounded in The other point I would like to make duty that they are performing for this this tragic accident. is I think in this situation there is an Nation. Madam Speaker, those in the intel- extra burden placed on families. Be- Being at a forward operating base for ligence community work, serve our Na- cause these officers were undercover, someone within the intelligence com- tion, indeed, in dangerous places and in there is a lot of media interest and so munity or the CIA is about as far out- dangerous circumstances. I will never forth, the families cannot go through side the wire as you can get. In some of forget an incident shortly after I first the traditional kind of grieving process the most austere conditions, men and joined the Intelligence Committee in like other families can. As the chair- women are asked to ascertain intel- this House. I had been on a trip to Iraq man mentioned, I hope they know that ligence so that we here in the United where I had gotten to see firsthand they are certainly in our prayers even States of America can remain safe and more of what our intelligence commu- as we honor their loved ones who secure in our homes and our business nity members as well as our members served our Nation. places. Seven individuals gave that ul- of the military do in that conflict, and I reserve the balance of my time. timate sacrifice. It is altogether fitting on my way back home to Texas, I was Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, I yield that this House would pause to give on a commercial flight where there was 2 minutes to the Chair of the Select In- honor to those seven individuals and a soldier who was on leave going back telligence Oversight Panel and a mem- their families, and to the individuals home. When the plane landed in Ama- ber of our Intelligence Committee, the who have been injured. And as my col- rillo, all of the passengers stayed seat- gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. leagues have already said, I wish them ed, let the soldier get off first, and ap- HOLT). a speedy recovery, but also to say plauded him. There were some tears Mr. HOLT. Madam Speaker, I thank thank you. around the plane, all of which was the chairman for bringing this resolu- Thank you to the men and women of very, very appropriate. But in the back tion forward, and I rise in support of the clandestine services who are will- of my mind, I was always thinking the resolution and to offer my condo- ing to do what they do 24 hours a day, about those people who serve our Na- lences to the families, friends, and col- 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We in tion who do not wear a uniform, whose leagues of the seven clandestine service this House, we as Americans, owe them brave acts will never be known and will officers who were killed by a suicide a debt of gratitude that we will never never get the public recognition that bomber in Khost, Afghanistan, a couple be able to repay. our military sometimes get. It is, in of weeks ago, and to offer support and Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, it is fact, tragic that it is only in death that appreciation and best wishes for those now my honor to recognize for 1 these individuals are honored in this recovering from their injuries. more public way, but they clearly do a As Chair of the Select Intelligence minute a former ranking member of job that is essential to our country’s Oversight Panel and a member of the the Intelligence Committee, and cer- security, and especially to the fight Permanent Select Committee on Intel- tainly someone that knows and under- against terrorists to prevent further ligence, I am well aware, as we all are stands the sacrifices that our men and terrorist acts here. here, of the risk to forward-deployed women in the CIA make every day. We I think it is also important, Madam clandestine service employees, a risk are fortunate to have her as the Speak- Speaker, to point out that these indi- they face on a daily basis. er of the House. viduals gave their lives doing exactly These seven employees gave their Ms. PELOSI. I thank the gentleman the kind of intelligence gathering that lives in the line of duty, and our for yielding. is absolutely essential to stopping ter- thoughts and prayers remain with I thank him for giving us the privi- rorists. They were trying to gather their loved ones. May they find com- lege to come to the floor to honor the human intelligence, information from fort in part in the knowledge of the lives, the leadership, the service and human sources. And to gather that high service these people have given to sacrifice of the seven CIA officers kind of information, you often have to their country. killed, and those who were wounded in deal with some rather unsavory-type Let me also take a moment to ex- Afghanistan on December 30, 2009. characters in dangerous places. But the press my wishes for a full and speedy For those of us who have worked fact of the matter is that we will not recovery to those wounded in the closely with members of the intel- be successful in stopping terrorists un- bombing and my appreciation to all ligence community, visited them and less we gather that sort of information. Americans, civilian and military, who their stations around the world, some And so these Americans who were will- are serving our Nation in Afghanistan. undercover, some not, we know the ing to put themselves into dangerous We look forward to the day when their sacrifice that they make. Like so many places, dangerous circumstances, were presence in Afghanistan will no longer of the dedicated men and women in the gathering exactly the kind of informa- be needed and that they will return intelligence community, these officers tion we have to have to secure our home safely to their families. worked far from home, close to the country. I thank Chairman REYES for offering enemy, and on the front lines of the There has been a lot of talk since the this resolution, and I urge my col- fight for freedom and security around Fort Hood shooting and the attempt at leagues to support it. the world.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 They were mothers and fathers, sis- I rise in strong support of this resolu- mind that there are many, many more ters and brothers, sons and daughters, tion. brave men and women out in the field friends and loved ones. They never As the gentleman from Texas indi- today doing this exact same type of asked for recognition or credit, for cated earlier, it is unfortunate that it work. And they deserve our support. So medals or awards. They simply sought is only at times like this that many of it is not only at times like this, in to fulfill their duty to protect our Na- the American people realize just what times of tragedy, that we acknowledge tion, to secure the blessings of a an outstanding service is performed by them, but we acknowledge them 365 brighter future for our people, to bear the men and women of the Central In- days a year for the work that they do. any burden, as President Kennedy said, telligence Agency day in and day out, With that, again, I am proud to sup- in the name of our safety, our shared year in and year out. They perform port the resolution. values, and our common ideals. missions and they put themselves at Mr. REYES. It is now my honor to Go back a number of years before ter- risk in ways that many of us cannot yield 2 minutes to my colleague on the rorism became such an important part even imagine. Intelligence Committee, Mr. SCHIFF of our intelligence gathering, go back a I have only been a member of the In- from California. couple of decades, force protection was telligence Committee for less than a Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I join one of the primary responsibilities of year, but during that time I have had my colleague, the distinguished chair- the intelligence community. When the opportunity to visit with members man of the Intelligence Committee, in they were sent into harm’s way or in of the CIA at remote outposts, seeing honoring the seven American intel- anticipation of that, the intelligence the type of conditions under which ligence professionals who lost their community was the advance team and they live, seeing the burdens they bear, lives at Forward Operating Base Chap- the ongoing force protector. And so as seeing the risks that they endure. And man on December 30, and their six col- we honor on every occasion, and we it should be reminded to all of us that leagues who were wounded in the at- will later today, our men and women in not only do we honor these seven men tack. Iraq and Afghanistan, we know that and women who were murdered in the It is the nature of service in the in- telligence community that the Amer- there are people taking risks to protect line of duty, not only do we offer our ican public will never know the names them as we talk about honoring them. condolences to the family members of of some of the dead and wounded. These are the members of the intel- those who were killed, and not only do These patriots served quietly, often un- ligence community in their various we pray for those who are recovering dercover, and when they are lost, their manifestations. from their wounds, but we should also, families and colleagues must mourn The stories of these intelligence offi- I think, take an extra moment to ex- them in private. cers, theirs were stories of sacrifice, press our solidarity for those that are tales of bravery in the face of danger, It is a blessing, I think, of service on in the field today, those who are doing, the Intelligence Committee that we get and valor in the face of great peril. In as we are standing here on the House carrying out their mission, they gave the chance to visit intelligence offi- floor here today speaking, as we go cials here at home and around the hope to children, families, and com- back to our apartments tonight, as we plete strangers. We are the land of the world. We have the chance to get to go back to our districts over the next free and the home of the brave because know them, to see the courage that several days and be with our families, of them. In performing acts of extraor- they exhibit. More than that, we have that there are men and women out dinary courage, they advanced the a chance to thank them. But we also there who will not be with their fami- cause of peace. In answering the calls get a chance to see the strain it puts lies, who will not be living in the com- of service, they became heroes. on their lives and on the lives of their These officers knew we live in a time fort we take for granted in this Nation. families, a sacrifice that is not re- And it also should be reminded to us of peril at home and around the world. warded with the kind of public atten- that we should not find ourselves being As the attack on them in Afghanistan, tion and public thanks that their col- the failed plot on Christmas Day, and Monday morning quarterbacks or sec- leagues in uniform often receive. But the shootings at Fort Hood remind us, ond-guessing these men and women we are here today to express our pro- intelligence must remain the first line who were on the field, who have to found gratitude for their service and to of defense against terrorism and other make literally life and death decisions share in the grief that has been suf- threats to global security and peace. at any moment. And sometimes look- fered and visited upon their families. We must continue to support those ing back on them years later we can In the coming months, seven stars still in the field, the men and women say they should have done this, they will be etched into the CIA’s memorial who, taking inspiration from their fall- should have done that. The reality is wall, joining 90 other employees who en colleagues, keep pursuing their mis- they are the people on the front lines. died in service to the United States. sion on every front. In the words of this They are the people actually, as Con- Even today, 35 of the 90 stars honor the resolution, the entire Nation owes an gressman MILLER said, almost beyond sacrifice of officers whose identities enormous debt of gratitude to these the front lines. They are as remote as still remain classified. I hope that all proud Americans, their families, and you can be in many instances, and also of our colleagues will join us in ex- their loved ones for the quiet, dedi- have to take extraordinary risks, as pressing our deepest condolences to the cated, and vital services offered to the they did in this situation. families of those who were lost, and United States. May their proud and Because if we are going to win the friends, and to pay homage to these pa- selfless acts be a source of strength and war against terrorism, we have to ob- triots, whose service and sacrifice has inspiration to all Americans. May tain the intelligence. We have to get made each one of us more secure. those so painfully touched by this that information that is so vital to I yield the floor and thank, again, event find comfort in knowing the heading off attacks. And we can’t do it the chairman for his sponsorship of thoughts and prayers of our entire Na- just by intercepts. We can’t do it al- this resolution. tion are with them at this very sad and ways in a neat and easy way. It has to Mr. THORNBERRY. Madam Speaker, difficult time. be done by people putting themselves I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. THORNBERRY. Madam Speaker, on the line, actually going out and Mr. REYES. I now yield 3 minutes to I yield such time as he may consume to meeting with those who may turn out the former ranking member on the In- the gentleman from New York (Mr. to be, as in this case, double agents or telligence Committee and the current KING) a member of the Intelligence triple agents. Chair of the Homeland Security Sub- Committee and the ranking member of So let’s just again express our heart- committee on Intelligence, a lady that the Homeland Security Committee. felt admiration, our sympathy, our I have had the privilege of traveling Mr. KING of New York. Madam sense of condolence for all these people with around the world to visit our men Speaker, I thank the gentleman from who, again, died so tragically, these and women in the intelligence commu- Texas for yielding. brave men and women. But also keep in nity, Ms. HARMAN from California.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 329 Ms. HARMAN. I thank Chairman wounded and wish them a speedy recov- prayers are with you. And to all of the REYES for yielding to me and for the ery, it is also important that we reaf- families, know that the sacrifice of nice things that he says not only about firm our support to those who are all your parent, your child, your sibling or me but surely about the women and over the world also in dangerous spouse does not go unrecognized and men who serve our intelligence com- places, in dangerous circumstances, will not be forgotten. munity around the world. And I thank carrying out the Nation’s business in Mr. THORNBERRY. Madam Speaker, him for authoring this resolution. the intelligence community. I think we I continue to reserve the balance of my Madam Speaker, every single time I are uniquely situated in Congress, not time. enter CIA headquarters in Langley, only to oversee their activities, but to Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, I now Virginia, the first thing I do is to look support and encourage the work that yield 2 minutes to a valued member of at the wall of stars displayed in the they do that can never be shared with the Intelligence Committee and the lobby, each star, as we just heard, sig- the outside world. So I think it’s ap- chairman of the Strategic Forces Sub- nifying a loss somewhere in the world propriate to have this resolution, but I committee of the Armed Services Com- of an agency employee. Some of those think it’s also important for all Mem- mittee, the gentleman from Rhode Is- stars have no names attached, under- bers of this body to reaffirm our sup- land (Mr. LANGEVIN). scoring the sensitivity and singular im- port for those who serve our Nation in Mr. LANGEVIN. I thank the gen- portance of the missions undertaken by this way. tleman for yielding. CIA women and men. On my most re- With that, I reserve the balance of Madam Speaker, I rise today to rec- cent visit to Langley, in late Decem- my time. ognize the bravery and sacrifice of the ber, I asked my host if any new stars Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, I now seven CIA officers and contractors who had been added to the wall. Yes, he yield 3 minutes to the gentlewoman gave their lives in the line of duty dur- said, simply. Sadly, the next time I or from Ohio (Ms. SUTTON). ing the December 30 bombing of a CIA anyone else enters CIA headquarters, Ms. SUTTON. I thank you, Mr. Chair- base in Khost, Afghanistan. My seven more stars will be on that wall, man, for the time and for your leader- thoughts and prayers are with them stars honoring patriots I probably met ship. and with their families. I also want to on one of my many trips that I made as Madam Speaker, today I rise in sup- recognize those Americans who were ranking member of the Intelligence port of H. Res. 1009. Today we are hon- injured in the blast and offer my best Committee, and more recently as chair oring the seven members of our intel- wishes for a full and quick recovery. of the Homeland Security Sub- ligence community who were trag- Madam Speaker, as we have all committee on Intelligence. ically killed on December 30 and their learned by now, a suicide bomber who On those trips I always meet with our colleagues who were injured by a sui- was believed to possess valuable infor- intelligence officers to hear firsthand cide bomber at our CIA base in Khost, mation critical to counterterrorism op- about their work and to thank them Afghanistan. In honoring these brave erations entered the U.S. forward oper- for their service and sacrifice. When a men and women, we also seek to ex- ating base in Khost, where he activated suicide bomber took those seven lives press our deep support and apprecia- explosives that took the lives of seven at Forward Operating Base Chapman, tion to all the civil servants who dedi- Americans, including one of our Na- Americans got a rare glimpse of the cate their lives to protecting our Na- tion’s top counterterrorism experts as dangerous reality that our intelligence tion. We mourn the loss of all of these well as a Jordanian intelligence officer. community faces on a daily basis. seven brave heroes. Six other Americans standing nearby There is no question, Madam Speaker, Along with the Congresswoman from were also injured in the explosion. that their work has saved and will con- the 13th District of Ohio, I would like The men and women of our intel- tinue to save American lives. to take a moment to reflect on the loss ligence community do critically impor- So on behalf of a grateful nation, our of Scott Roberson, an Ohio native who tant work behind a veil of secrecy, yet profound gratitude goes to the families was among those killed in this tragic as this tragic incident reminds us, of Harold Brown, Elizabeth Hanson, attack. Scott dedicated his life to serv- they’re still exposed to the dangers Dane Paresi, Scott Roberson, and Jer- ing and protecting. He spent many that come from the difficult and often emy Wise, and to those of two others years as a police officer before serving thankless job of protecting our Nation. whose names are not disclosed. We also with the U.N. Security Forces in Unlike our soldiers in uniform, these salute those who were wounded in the Kosovo. He also served several tours in public servants must keep their many attack and their families. Iraq as a security officer before his as- victories secret while their rare fail- Madam Speaker, accurate, action- signment in support of U.S. efforts in ures and raw grief make headlines. able, and timely intelligence is Amer- Afghanistan. My thoughts and prayers again are ica’s first line of defense, the so-called Members of Scott’s family reside in with the families of these brave men tip of the spear. my district. When I had the deep honor and women. They and all the other pa- of attending his memorial service some triots who serve so honorably in our in- b 1330 days ago, as I sat among his family and telligence community have my These intelligence professionals died friends, I listened to those who knew unending gratitude and my unwavering in an effort to penetrate the top leader- him best speak of his character and un- support. And I, I know along with all of ship of al Qaeda. I believe that the best wavering commitment to protecting my colleagues, will continue to do ev- way to honor them is by supporting the safety and security of all Ameri- erything in our power to ensure that their colleagues, who continue to put cans. By all accounts, Scott was an ex- they have the tools and the resources their lives on the line in the service of ceptional person who, along with his and the encouragement they need to the American people and defense of our selfless colleagues, sacrificed beyond continue to keep America safe. Nation. Let us do so this afternoon by measure to protect us. May God bless those who lost their supporting this bipartisan resolution. He left behind a loving wife expecting lives and those who are injured. Mr. THORNBERRY. Madam Speaker, their first child, a child who will know Mr. THORNBERRY. Madam Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may con- her father through our hero’s family I yield back the balance of my time. sume. and friends and through this resolution Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, I would Just to emphasize the point made passed in honor of the service and sac- like to thank all my colleagues for earlier by the gentleman from New rifice that he and his colleagues have their great words and condolences and York (Mr. KING), as we come today to given on our behalf and on behalf of sympathy in honor of those who were honor those who sacrifice their lives our great Nation. killed in Khost. and their families for their sacrifice, as For those families who cannot pub- Again, personally, I extend my con- we come today to honor and express licly mourn their loss, please know dolences to the families and friends our appreciation for those who are that our hearts, our thoughts, and our who are forever impacted by this tragic

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 loss. And to those who are recovering war against terrorist extremists. On December pride that her hometown feels in her sac- today from injuries they received in 30, 2009, Elizabeth, along with six colleagues rifice be some comfort. this attack, I wish you a full and fast from the Central Intelligence Agency and a Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, recovery. Jordanian liaison officer, was killed when a I rise today to pay tribute to the seven brave We, as Members of Congress, recog- suicide bomber attacked the base where they Americans who recently lost their lives in Af- nize that we have a tremendous respon- were stationed. ghanistan. sibility to provide our men and women Elizabeth Hanson was born in February I was deeply saddened to learn of the seven in the intelligence community all the 1979 and graduated from Keith Country Day Americans who died in the December 30th tools that they need to carry out their School in 1997. She attended Colby College suicide blast at Forward Operating Base mission. We are forever grateful. We during the time of the September 11, 2001 ter- Chapman. This tragic bombing was the dead- are blessed to have these men and rorist attacks. Elizabeth joined the CIA as a liest single attack on U.S. intelligence per- women serving, protecting our great specialist tasked with collecting information on sonnel in decades. Nation. terrorists, and she was part of a team dedi- Over and over again, the men and women Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, cated to defeating America’s worst enemies. who serve the Central Intelligence Agency I rise today to honor the Central Intelligence Elizabeth Hanson served her country with have shown their dedication to their mission Agency (CIA) women and men who were passion, dedication, and conviction. Elizabeth and the protection of the United States. killed recently in Khost, Afghanistan. will be sorely missed by her family, friends, These seven Americans served with distinc- I recently returned from a House Intelligence and all who had the privilege of knowing her. tion at a facility on the front lines in the Khost Committee oversight visit to various locations I am enclosing for the RECORD a copy of a re- province, an area which borders North in Europe and the Middle East. I met with a cent local newspaper editorial that honored Waziristan and is believed to be al-Qaeda’s number of CIA officers, who provided me with her service. home base. exhaustive briefings on the December 30 [From the RRStar.com Editorial, Jan. 17, Unfortunately, this terrible event also has a bombing in Khost, Afghanistan. 2010] connection to my home State. We’ve been hit That bombing killed seven of their CIA col- BRAVE, REMARKABLE WOMAN WENT FROM hard in the Northwest. Over 60 service mem- leagues and wounded a number of others, KEITH TO THE CIA bers from Washington State or assigned from several grievously. In the weeks since CIA employee Elizabeth Washington military installations have died in Many others have offered words of praise Hanson died in a suicide bombing in Afghani- Afghanistan. Of that, 32 were killed in the past for the selfless patriots who gave their lives for stan, her college placement adviser at Keith year from Fort Lewis, a major Army base in their country, and words of condolence to their Country Day School has reflected on what my district. families and loved ones. In memorial services the loss meant. Regrettably this tragic event only adds to and private funerals scheduled for the coming Sally Hoff’s words should shed new light on that total. One of the victims, Dane Clark weeks, many more will surely do the same. I the heroism that Hanson exhibited in the Paresi, was a DuPont, Washington resident dark corners of Afghanistan. am honored to add my voice to this chorus. Hanson, 30, was among seven CIA employ- and former Fort Lewis soldier. Paresi retired I have met with hundreds of CIA profes- ees who died Dec. 30 when a double agent from 1st Special Forces Group at Fort Lewis sionals in my years on the Intelligence Com- detonated an explosive device at a remote in 2008, concluding 27 years in the Army. He mittee. I can tell you that they are invariably base near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. is survived by his wife, two daughters, par- brave, committed patriots who have dedicated Hoff worked closely with Hanson for two ents, and five siblings. their lives to the protection of this Nation. years at Keith, a private college preparatory I would like to take this opportunity to ex- Their jobs are difficult and dangerous in the school, before Hanson graduated in 1997. tend my heartfelt sympathy to his family and At first, the former counselor’s deep sad- the families of the other brave Americans who best of times. In others—as the recent tragedy ness was paired with shock that Hanson reminds us their missions require the ultimate worked for the CIA. Then it seemed to fit. lost their lives. Their service will not be forgot- sacrifice. She recalled Hanson’s courage, energy and ten. We owe the seven Americans killed in resolve—traits unusual for most teenagers. For the six additional Americans that were Khost our thanks and praise. We owe their ‘‘Although she was involved in many ac- injured in the attack, I would like to offer my families our condolences and our prayers. And tivities and had a lot of friends, I was aware support and hope for their full recovery. we owe their colleagues our respect, admira- of a strong sense of independence and self-re- The men and women of the CIA have done tion, and gratitude. liance in her,’’ Hoff wrote in an e-mail to the everything their country has asked of them Editorial Board. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Madam Speaker, ‘‘As we moved through the college selec- and more. We all should have the utmost re- seven brave Americans were killed in the line tion process, she was clearly the captain of spect and admiration for their service and sac- of duty on December 30, 2009, in Khost, Af- her destiny; she made her own decisions rifice. The loss of these highly trained counter- ghanistan. without seeking much input from family and terrorism experts will be deeply felt throughout On that day, we lost good and honorable friends. the Intelligence Community. public servants, whose contributions to our na- ‘‘There’s a marked amount of bravery in And with that, Madam Speaker, I would tional security will be dearly missed. We lost that for a 17-year-old,’’ Hoff wrote. urge my colleagues to support this resolution. Hanson went on to attend Colby College in Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Madam Speaker I rise productive citizens—loving parents, siblings, Maine, a highly selective liberal arts school children of Americans who will never see their where she majored in economics. She grad- today in support of H. Res. 1009, honoring the loved ones again. uated in 2001. A professor at Colby told The seven Americans killed in Khost, Afghanistan We honor their records of service and their Associated Press that Hanson didn’t study in a suicide attack on December 30, 2009. I sacrifice. We honor their willingness to serve economics as a path to a lucrative job in the extend my sincere condolences to their fami- our country during turbulent and dangerous financial world. Her concern wasn’t so much lies and friends, as well as to the entire intel- times. the raw data, Michael Donihue said, but the ligence community. I extend on behalf of my constituents sin- behaviors behind it. The men and women of the clandestine cerest condolences to the families of those ‘‘There are some who come into economics services face great personal danger to protect because they’re interested in making who have died. money,’’ he said. ‘‘Others want to look at the the United States. Their work is largely done Nothing we say here can heal the wounds world in a different way.’’ in the shadows and seldom do they receive of those who loved them. But decisions we At Keith, Hanson was known as Bitsy. She the credit and recognition they so deeply de- make here can ensure that their lives were not was a vivacious, generous, friendly young serve. We owe them a debt of gratitude for lost in vain. woman who seemed to enjoy challenging her- their courageous service. Mr. MANZULLO. Madam Speaker, I rise in self in academics and extracurriculars, ac- As a member of the Intelligence Committee, support of H. Res. 1009. One of those individ- cording to Hoff. I have seen firsthand the work these men and uals honored today in this resolution spent her ‘‘I feel honored to have known this re- women are doing to protect Americans on the markable young woman!’’ Hoff wrote. formative years in the northern Illinois Con- This community is honored that Hanson frontlines of international conflicts. While their gressional district that I am proud to represent. gave her life trying to unlock the secrets of names may never be made public, their mem- Miss Elizabeth C. Hanson of Rockford, Illinois al-Qaida and its terrorist network. Our con- ory and the impact of their service will not be deployed to Afghanistan as part of America’s dolences to her family and friends. May the forgotten.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 331 The loss of seven American men and on that day was Harold E. Brown, Jr., a native A motion to reconsider was laid on women in the December 30th attack is a trag- of Bolton, Massachusetts. the table. edy for both the intelligence community and Our thoughts and prayers are with the fami- f our country, and my thoughts and prayers are lies of the seven brave individuals who lost with the families of those who were killed. their lives. I extend my condolences to HOMELAND SECURITY ACT OF 2002 Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, I rise Harold’s wife of 16 years, Janet, his three AMENDMENT today to recognize the bravery and sacrifice of young children, and his parents, Harold and Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I the seven CIA officers and contractors who Barbara Brown, who are active and beloved move to suspend the rules and pass the gave their lives in the line of duty during the members of the Bolton community. bill (H.R. 2611) to amend the Homeland December 30 bombing of a CIA base in As the tragic events of December 30, the Security Act of 2002 to authorize the Khost, Afghanistan. I also want to recognize failed terrorist attack on Christmas Day, and Securing the Cities Initiative of the those Americans who were injured in the blast the shootings at Ft. Hood illustrate, there are Department of Homeland Security, and and offer my wishes for a full and quick recov- radicals who wish to do us harm any way and for other purposes, as amended. ery. anywhere they can. In this war against extre- The Clerk read the title of the bill. As we have all learned by now, a suicide mism, intelligence is our most important asset The text of the bill is as follows: bomber who was believed to possess informa- to prevent future attacks and to keep our H.R. 2611 tion critical to counterterrorism operations en- country, our freedoms and our ideals secure. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tered the U.S. forward operating base in It is the men and women of the intelligence resentatives of the United States of America in Khost, where he activated explosives that took community who sacrifice much to obtain this Congress assembled, the lives of seven Americans, including one of valuable resource. They are frequently sepa- SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION OF SECURING THE our nation’s top counterterrorism experts. Six rated from their families and risk life and limb CITIES INITIATIVE. other Americans standing nearby were injured to keep us safe, but they carry out their re- (a) IN GENERAL.—Title XIX of the Homeland in the explosion. sponsibilities with quiet determination and pro- Security Act of 2002 is amended by adding at the The men and women of our intelligence fessionalism. end the following new section: community work behind a veil of secrecy, yet Rarely do they receive the recognition and ‘‘SEC. 1908. AUTHORIZATION OF SECURING THE as this tragic incident reminds us, they are still thanks that they deserve, and too frequently it CITIES INITIATIVE. exposed to the dangers that come from the only comes in instances of tragedy. ‘‘(a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the following: difficult and often thankless job of protecting Across the Korean War Veterans Memorial ‘‘(1) The Securing the Cities Initiative of the Department uses next generation radiation de- our country. Unlike our soldiers in uniform, in Washington, DC, is the message, freedom tection technology to detect the transport of nu- these public servants must keep their many is not free. The freedom we enjoy is the result clear and radiological material in urban areas victories secret, while their rare failures and of the sacrifices of those who serve. We are by terrorists or other unauthorized individuals. raw grief make headlines. My thoughts and the beneficiaries of their courage, their sac- ‘‘(2) The technology used by partners in the prayers are with the families of these brave rifice, and their vigilance; and so are countless Securing the Cities Initiative leverages radiation men and women. They, and all the other patri- people around the world. The seven brave detection technology used at ports of entry. ots who serve so honorably in our intelligence Americans who were murdered on December ‘‘(3) The Securing the Cities Initiative has fos- community, have my unending gratitude and 30 made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. tered unprecedented collaboration and coordi- nation among its Federal, State, and local part- my unwavering support. I will continue to do It is a debt that we can never repay. ners. everything in my power to ensure that they Madam Speaker, it is appropriate that we ‘‘(4) The Securing the Cities Initiative is a have the tools, resources and encouragement pass this resolution today to recognize and ex- critical national capability to detect the dan- they need to keep America safe. press our gratitude to the brave men and gerous introduction of nuclear and radiological Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Madam women of our intelligence community; to re- material. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of member the tragic loss of the seven Ameri- ‘‘(b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— House Resolution 1009, which honors the cans who died on December 30 and to honor There is authorized to be appropriated to the seven Americans who died in the bombing their lives; and to express our condolences to Director of the Domestic Nuclear Detection Of- fice of the Department for the Securing the Cit- that took place in Khost, Afghanistan on De- their families and loved ones. ies Initiative such sums as may be necessary for cember 30, 2009, and the families of those Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, on De- each fiscal year, including— patriots for their service and their sacrifice to cember 30, 2009, we were reminded of the ‘‘(1) for each city in which it has been imple- our country. dangers and challenges our intelligence com- mented by fiscal year 2009— These men and women were on the front munity faces every day, working in anonymity ‘‘(A) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; lines of the battle against terrorism and to keep our country safe. We were reminded ‘‘(B) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2011; and worked tirelessly on a daily basis for the safe- that they often operate under harsh conditions, ‘‘(C) not less than $10,000,000 in sustainment ty of the American and Afghanistan people. leaving loved ones behind, and that their serv- assistance for each fiscal year thereafter; and ice will likely never be publicly recognized. ‘‘(2) for additional Securing the Cities initia- Their absence will be greatly felt throughout tives to be implemented in not fewer than 2 sites the intelligence community. Seven Americans died in service to their coun- participating in the Urban Area Security Initia- In 2008, I had the opportunity to visit Khost try and several others were severely wounded. tive, such sums as may be necessary each fiscal with the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. If we can collectively take anything from this year to implement and sustain each additional Army along with a Texas Reserve Unit based tragedy, I hope it is to re-commit ourselves to initiative.’’. in Pasadena, Texas in our district. There, I be mindful of the toll the our military, intel- (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of saw these men and women working under ligence, and civilian personnel persevere contents in section 1(b) of the Homeland Secu- harsh conditions, away from their loved ones, under every day to keep this country safe and rity Act of 2002 is amended by inserting after the and in the face of great risks. Our entire na- to do everything in our power to support their item relating to section 1907 the following new item. tion owes a great debt to all the men and mission. I extend my personal condolences to women working to protect our country and sta- the families, loved ones, friends, and col- ‘‘Sec. 1908. Authorization of Securing the Cities Initiative.’’ bilize Afghanistan. leagues of our fallen and wounded personnel. Again, I would like to express my deepest Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, I yield The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- condolences to the families, friends, and loved back the balance of my time. ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from ones of those killed in the bombings and also The SPEAKER pro tempore. The New York (Ms. CLARKE) and the gen- offer my support and hope for a full recovery question is on the motion offered by tleman from New York (Mr. KING) each to the other six Americans who were wounded the gentleman from Texas (Mr. REYES) will control 20 minutes. in this tragic bombing. that the House suspend the rules and The Chair recognizes the gentle- Ms. TSONGAS. Madam Speaker, I rise agree to the resolution, H. Res. 1009. woman from New York (Ms. CLARKE). today in support of H. Res. 1009 and to honor The question was taken; and (two- GENERAL LEAVE the seven Americans who died in the bombing thirds being in the affirmative) the Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I ask that took place in Khost, Afghanistan, on De- rules were suspended and the resolu- unanimous consent that all Members cember 30, 2009. One of the heroes murdered tion was agreed to. may have 5 legislative days in which to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 revise and extend their remarks and in- The STC is a great example of a suc- from not just New York City but from sert extraneous materials on the bill cessful Federal, State, and local part- Long Island, from Connecticut, from under consideration. nership. We are in the early stages, and New Jersey. We’re talking about the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there much work remains to be done. That State police, and we’re talking about objection to the request of the gentle- said, the positive initial results justify Federal support as well, seeing them woman from New York? the continuation and gradual expan- all working together in a cohesive way There was no objection. sion of the program directed in this to stop what would be the absolutely Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I rise bill. devastating impact of a dirty bomb at- in support of H.R. 2611, and I yield my- During the second session of the tack, the human toll that that would self such time as I may consume. 110th Congress, the House passed a take, the devastating economic impact Madam Speaker, H.R. 2611, a bill au- measure similar to the one before us it would have, the fact that it would thorizing the Securing of the Cities Ini- today. I urge my colleagues to again make parts of the city unlivable for ex- tiative, was introduced by Representa- support this important Homeland Se- tended periods of time, and the fact tive PETER KING, the ranking member curity legislation. that it would, in effect, cut off trans- of the House Committee on Homeland I reserve the balance of my time. portation into New York City. Security, on May 21, 2009 and marked Mr. KING of New York. Madam All of these are reasons that we have up and ordered reported by the com- Speaker, I yield myself such time as I to go ahead and continue with this Se- mittee on November 11, 2009. may consume. curing the Cities program. It’s no guar- The Securing the Cities (STC) Initia- At the outset, let me thank Chair- antee, but it’s another layer of defense tive is a unified effort among Federal, man THOMPSON of the Homeland Secu- that we need to protect ourselves State, and local law enforcement in rity Committee and my good friend against a terrorist attack. New York, New Jersey, and Con- from New York, Congresswoman As we know, the terrorists are con- necticut to defend against the threat of CLARKE, for her strong efforts on this stantly adapting, and we have to try to a radiological or nuclear device. DHS, legislation, which is truly bipartisan. stay one step ahead of them. We have the New York Police Department, the The addition of two additional cities to always be on our guard. Actually, we Port Authority of New York and New makes it truly a national program in have to be lucky all the time. They Jersey and officials from three States scope. only have to be lucky once. We have to and 91 localities are involved in this Madam Speaker, when we look at rely on more than luck. We have to partnership. London, when we look at Madrid, it be- have preparation, and we have to have The concept behind the STC is to comes clear that a very likely means of a layered defense. build rings around New York City to attack by terrorists in the United That’s why I am so proud to support provide a layered defense against the States would be from suburban areas this legislation which will, in effect, al- smuggling of a nuclear weapon. The into urban areas. And certainly in New most set in stone the importance of the more law enforcement officials who York, which is the number one ter- Securing the Cities program. We will have the ability to detect and are on rorist target in the world, enormous expand it beyond New York City be- the lookout for nuclear and radio- steps have been made to protect us cause, again, while Congresswoman logical material in and around New against that type of attack, specifi- CLARKE and I feel that those of us in York City, the better chance that law cally a dirty bomb attack coming from the New York area are the main tar- enforcement has to prevent a success- outside the city through the highways, gets, the fact is that a human life is a ful nuclear attack. the parkways, the tunnels, the bridges, human life; an American life is an The STC has procured thousands of actually into Manhattan itself, which American life. Whether it’s New York basic handheld radiation detectors has already, as we know, devastatingly City or any other city in this country, which have been distributed to police on September 11, also in 1993, been at- any, certainly, major urban area, I be- officers throughout the region. Ad- tacked by Islamic terrorists. But also a lieve this program is adaptable and vanced vehicles, including trucks and number of other plots against New compatible to those areas. boats with radiation detectors capable York City have been thwarted. So I thank Congresswoman CLARKE of distinguishing different radioactive New York City is definitely the main for her effort. I thank the bipartisan materials, are also in use in Manhattan target in the country, but any number support that we have for this legisla- and the surrounding area. of other cities are as well. That is why tion, and I, certainly, strongly urge its More than 1,400 local officers have re- I believe the program, which has been adoption. ceived training in radiation detection implemented in New York, can be a I yield back the balance of my time. operations under STC. STC funding is model for other cities throughout the Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, as given to the New York Police Depart- country. you have heard, the measure under ment, which acts as the grant dis- Now, I was very concerned last year consideration is important Homeland tributor for the funds. State and local when the administration decided to Security legislation that has pre- entities around New York City are eli- zero out all money for this funding in viously received and that again de- gible to receive STC funding. its budget. This was, I believe, a seri- serves the support of the Members of Participants in STC conduct periodic ous mistake. Fortunately, Congress, by the House of Representatives. aerial screening in addition to the appropriating $40 million in this House In closing, I encourage my colleagues checkpoints that the NYPD sets up and finally $20 million when it came to vote ‘‘aye’’ on passage of the bill. twice a day on Manhattan roadways as back from conference committee, did Mrs. LOWEY. Madam Speaker, I rise in a defensive, training, and deterrence continue to fund this program, because support of H.R. 2611, permanently authorizing measure. we need these radiological detectors on the Securing the Cities initiative. I thank Chair- Today, STC is limited to jurisdic- the highways, the toll plazas, the man THOMPSON, Ranking Member KING and tions in and around New York City. An bridges and the tunnels. my New York colleagues and cosponsors amendment offered by Mr. GREEN of Representatives ISRAEL and CLARKE for their Texas and included in the legislation b 1345 efforts to bring this bill forward. before us today will broaden the scope I have had the privilege of attending Securing the Cities was created to design of the STC program to include at least a number of these drills and training and implement a layered approach for the de- two additional Urban Area Security sessions when they are conducted. As tection and interdiction of illicit radiological ma- Initiative cities in the program. The Representative CLARKE said, we’re not terials in New York. While this program was bill authorizes appropriations of $40 just talking about New York City. initially a pilot and significant progress has million per city for the first year, with We’re talking about a large number of been made, unfortunately detection technology smaller sums available for sustainment police departments and first respond- and systems are not yet fully in place. Given in the following years. ers—fight departments, EMS services— the known threats that New York faces, it is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 333 no surprise that NYPD considers this initiative strategy and provide the technology for de- forensic evidence except the radioactive material the most important federal security program. fending New York City, Long Island and sur- in the weapon itself. We must continue Securing the Cities until all rounding areas against radiological and nu- (2) Through advanced nuclear forensics, using both existing techniques and those under devel- technology and systems are fully operable. clear threats. opment, it may be possible to identify the source As a member of the Appropriations Sub- I would like to acknowledge Speaker PELOSI and pathway of a weapon or material after it is committee on Homeland Security, I have and Chairman THOMPSON for their leadership interdicted or detonated. Though identifying fought to fund this security imperative, and in bringing this important bill to the floor. I intercepted smuggled material is now possible in passing this bill will help ensure that funding would also like to thank my colleague Con- some cases, pre-detonation forensics is a rel- continues in future years. gressman KING, who authored this important atively undeveloped field. The post-detonation I thank my colleagues for their hard work legislation. nuclear forensics field is also immature, and the and dedication to ensure our most threatened H.R. 2611 amends the Homeland Security challenges are compounded by the pressures and cities are adequately protected, and I urge a Act of 2002 to authorize appropriations to the time constraints of performing forensics after a nuclear or radiological attack. yes vote on H.R. 2611. Director of the Domestic Nuclear Detection Of- (3) A robust and well-known capability to Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, fice of the Department of Homeland Security identify the source of nuclear or radiological I would like to express my strong support of (DHS) for the Securing the Cities Initiative. material intended for or used in an act of terror H.R. 2611, a bipartisan measure authorizing The Initiative uses next generation radiation could also deter prospective proliferators. Fur- the Department of Homeland Security’s Secur- detection technology to detect the transport of thermore, the threat of effective attribution ing the Cities initiative. nuclear and radiological material in urban could compel improved security at material stor- I would like to recognize my colleague, areas by terrorists or other unauthorized indi- age facilities, preventing the unwitting transfer of nuclear or radiological materials. Chairman BENNIE THOMPSON, for his leader- viduals. As the representative of one of the ship on the House Homeland Security Com- (4)(A) In order to identify special nuclear ma- largest ports in the nation, Long Beach, I so terial and other radioactive materials con- mittee and his commitment to protecting the pleased to support this initiative. fidently, it is necessary to have a robust capa- citizens and homeland of our great nation. In conclusion, Madam Speaker, I support bility to acquire samples in a timely manner, I would also like to acknowledge and thank this bill because it is another step to making analyze and characterize samples, and compare Ranking Member PETER KING for introducing our cities and ports as safe as we possibly samples against known signatures of nuclear this important legislation which includes an can. The Securing the Cities Initiative is a crit- and radiological material. amendment I offered that would expand the ical national capability to detect the dangerous (B) Many of the radioisotopes produced in the scope of the Securing the Cities program to introduction of nuclear and radiological mate- detonation of a nuclear device have short half- include at least two additional high-risk urban lives, so the timely acquisition of samples is of rial. the utmost importance. Over the past several areas, making it a national program. Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to decades, the ability of the United States to gath- Launched in 2006, Securing the Cities is a join me in supporting H.R. 2611. er atmospheric samples—often the preferred unified effort among Federal, state and local Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I method of sample acquisition—has diminished. law enforcement officials in New York, New yield back the balance of my time. This ability must be restored and modern tech- Jersey, and Connecticut to defend against the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The niques that could complement or replace existing threat of a radiological or nuclear attack. Pres- question is on the motion offered by techniques should be pursued. ently, Securing the Cities operates only in the gentlewoman from New York (Ms. (C) The discipline of pre-detonation forensics is a relatively undeveloped field. The radiation New York City and its surrounding areas. CLARKE) that the House suspend the While it appears that New York City remains associated with a nuclear or radiological device rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2611, as may affect traditional forensics techniques in the prime target for terrorist activity, it is im- amended. unknown ways. In a post-detonation scenario, portant to ensure that other densely populated The question was taken; and (two- radiochemistry may provide the most useful areas and those housing critical infrastructure thirds being in the affirmative) the tools for analysis and characterization of sam- are equally protected from dirty bombs. My rules were suspended and the bill, as ples. The number of radiochemistry programs amendment would benefit even more high-risk amended, was passed. and radiochemists in United States National urban areas by providing the necessary re- A motion to reconsider was laid on Laboratories and universities has dramatically sources to detect and intercept illicit radio- the table. declined over the past several decades. The nar- logical material before it is used in a weapon rowing pipeline of qualified people into this crit- f ical field is a serious impediment to maintaining by would-be terrorists. a robust and credible nuclear forensics program. Through a ring of detectors on highways, NUCLEAR FORENSICS AND ATTRIBUTION ACT (5) Once samples have been acquired and bridges, tunnels and on mobile units around characterized, it is necessary to compare the re- the city, Securing the Cities provides a layered Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I sults against samples of known material from re- defense against the smuggling of a nuclear move to suspend the rules and concur actors, weapons, and enrichment facilities, and weapon. The idea behind Securing the Cities in the Senate amendment to the bill from medical, academic, commercial, and other is that the more law enforcement officials are (H.R. 730) to strengthen efforts in the facilities containing such materials, throughout on the lookout for nuclear material outside Department of Homeland Security to the world. Some of these samples are available to the International Atomic Energy Agency New York City, the better chance law enforce- develop nuclear forensics capabilities through safeguards agreements, and some coun- ment has to prevent a successful nuclear at- to permit attribution of the source of tries maintain internal sample databases. Access tack. nuclear material, and for other pur- to samples in many countries is limited by na- Like New York City, Houston is among the poses. tional security concerns. highest threat cities in the nation. Our region The Clerk read the title of the bill. (6) In order to create a sufficient deterrent, it is extremely dense with critical infrastructure The text of the Senate amendment is is necessary to have the capability to positively assets, which includes our large energy and as follows: identify the source of nuclear or radiological petrochemical sectors. By replicating the suc- Senate amendment: material, and potential traffickers in nuclear or radiological material must be aware of that ca- Strike out all after the enacting clause and cess of Securing the Cities in more places like pability. International cooperation may be es- insert: Houston, we can bolster law enforcement ca- sential to catalogue all existing sources of nu- pabilities to combat potential terrorist activity SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. clear or radiological material. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Nuclear and protect our communities. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON INTERNATIONAL I strongly urge my colleagues to support Forensics and Attribution Act’’. AGREEMENTS FOR FORENSICS CO- H.R. 2611. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. OPERATION. Ms. RICHARDSON. Madam Speaker, as a Congress finds the following: It is the sense of the Congress that the Presi- member of the Homeland Security Committee, (1) The threat of a nuclear terrorist attack on dent should— American interests, both domestic and abroad, is (1) pursue bilateral and multilateral inter- I rise today in strong support of H.R. 2611, one of the most serious threats to the national national agreements to establish, or seek to es- which will amend the Homeland Security Act security of the United States. In the wake of an tablish under the auspices of existing bilateral of 2002 to authorize the Securing the Cities attack, attribution of responsibility would be of or multilateral agreements, an international Initiative of the Department of Homeland Se- utmost importance. Because of the destructive framework for determining the source of any curity. This legislation will implement a unified power of a nuclear weapon, there could be little confiscated nuclear or radiological material or

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 6333 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 weapon, as well as the source of any detonated graduate students, graduate students, and uni- the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. weapon and the nuclear or radiological material versity faculty from historically Black colleges 1059d). used in such a weapon; and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, ‘‘(4) HISPANIC-SERVING INSTITUTION.—The (2) develop protocols for the data exchange Tribal Colleges and Universities, Asian Amer- term ‘Hispanic-serving institution’ has the and dissemination of sensitive information relat- ican and Native American Pacific Islander-serv- meaning given that term in section 502 of the ing to nuclear or radiological materials and ing institutions, Alaska Native-serving institu- Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1101a). samples of controlled nuclear or radiological tions, and Hawaiian Native-serving institutions; ‘‘(5) HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGE OR UNIVER- materials, to the extent required by the agree- and SITY.—The term ‘historically Black college or ments entered into under paragraph (1); and ‘‘(C) shall— university’ has the meaning given the term ‘part (3) develop expedited protocols for the data ‘‘(i) provide for the selection of individuals to B institution’ in section 322(2) of the Higher exchange and dissemination of sensitive infor- receive scholarships or fellowships under this Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1061(2)). mation needed to publicly identify the source of section through a competitive process primarily ‘‘(6) TRIBAL COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY.—The a nuclear detonation. on the basis of academic merit and the nuclear term ‘Tribal College or University’ has the SEC. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF DOMESTIC NU- forensics and attribution needs of the United meaning given that term in section 316(b) of the CLEAR DETECTION OFFICE. States Government; Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. (a) ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES.—Section ‘‘(ii) provide for the setting aside of up to 10 1059c(b)).’’. 1902 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (as re- percent of the scholarships or fellowships (b) JOINT INTERAGENCY ANNUAL REPORTING designated by Public Law 110–53; 6 U.S.C. 592) awarded under this section for individuals who REQUIREMENT TO CONGRESS AND THE PRESI- is amended— are Federal employees to enhance the education DENT.— (1) in subsection (a)— of such employees in areas of critical nuclear (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 1907(a)(1) of the (A) in paragraph (9), by striking ‘‘and’’ after forensics and attribution needs of the United Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. the semicolon; States Government, for doctoral education 596a(a)(1)) is amended— (B) by redesignating paragraph (10) as para- under the scholarship on a full-time or part-time (A) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by striking ‘‘; graph (14); and basis; and’’ and inserting a semicolon; (B) in subparagraph (B)(iii), by striking the (C) by inserting after paragraph (9) the fol- ‘‘(iii) provide that the Secretary may enter period at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and lowing: into a contractual agreement with an institution (C) by adding at the end the following new ‘‘(10) lead the development and implementa- of higher education under which the amounts subparagraph: tion of the national strategic five-year plan for provided for a scholarship under this section for ‘‘(C) the Director of the Domestic Nuclear De- improving the nuclear forensic and attribution tuition, fees, and other authorized expenses are tection Office and each of the relevant depart- capabilities of the United States required under paid directly to the institution with respect to ments that are partners in the National Tech- section 1036 of the National Defense Authoriza- which such scholarship is awarded; nical Forensics Center— tion Act for Fiscal Year 2010; ‘‘(iv) require scholarship recipients to main- ‘‘(i) include, as part of the assessments, eval- ‘‘(11) establish, within the Domestic Nuclear tain satisfactory academic progress; and uations, and reviews required under this para- Detection Office, the National Technical Nu- ‘‘(v) require that— graph, each office’s or department’s activities clear Forensics Center to provide centralized ‘‘(I) a scholarship recipient who fails to main- and investments in support of nuclear forensics stewardship, planning, assessment, gap anal- tain a high level of academic standing, as de- and attribution activities and specific goals and ysis, exercises, improvement, and integration for fined by the Secretary, who is dismissed for dis- objectives accomplished during the previous all Federal nuclear forensics and attribution ac- ciplinary reasons from the educational institu- year pursuant to the national strategic five-year tivities— tion such recipient is attending, or who volun- plan for improving the nuclear forensic and at- ‘‘(A) to ensure an enduring national technical tarily terminates academic training before grad- tribution capabilities of the United States re- nuclear forensics capability to strengthen the uation from the educational program for which quired under section 1036 of the National De- collective response of the United States to nu- the scholarship was awarded shall be liable to fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010; clear terrorism or other nuclear attacks; and the United States for repayment within 1 year ‘‘(ii) attaches, as an appendix to the Joint ‘‘(B) to coordinate and implement the na- after the date of such default of all scholarship Interagency Annual Review, the most current tional strategic five-year plan referred to in funds paid to such recipient and to the institu- version of such strategy and plan; and paragraph (10); tion of higher education on the behalf of such ‘‘(iii) includes a description of new or amend- ‘‘(12) establish a National Nuclear Forensics recipient, provided that the repayment period ed bilateral and multilateral agreements and ef- Expertise Development Program, which— may be extended by the Secretary if the Sec- forts in support of nuclear forensics and attribu- ‘‘(A) is devoted to developing and maintaining retary determines it necessary, as established by tion activities accomplished during the previous a vibrant and enduring academic pathway from regulation; and year.’’. undergraduate to post-doctorate study in nu- ‘‘(II) a scholarship recipient who, for any rea- clear and geochemical science specialties di- son except death or disability, fails to begin or The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- rectly relevant to technical nuclear forensics, complete the post-doctoral service requirements ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from including radiochemistry, geochemistry, nuclear in a technical nuclear forensics-related specialty New York (Ms. CLARKE) and the gen- physics, nuclear engineering, materials science, at a national laboratory or appropriate Federal tleman from New York (Mr. KING) each and analytical chemistry; agency after completion of academic training will control 20 minutes. ‘‘(B) shall— shall be liable to the United States for an The Chair recognizes the gentle- ‘‘(i) make available for undergraduate study amount equal to— woman from New York (Ms. CLARKE). student scholarships, with a duration of up to 4 ‘‘(aa) the total amount of the scholarship re- GENERAL LEAVE years per student, which shall include, if pos- ceived by such recipient under this section; and sible, at least 1 summer internship at a national ‘‘(bb) the interest on such amounts which Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I ask laboratory or appropriate Federal agency in the would be payable if at the time the scholarship unanimous consent that all Members field of technical nuclear forensics during the was received such scholarship was a loan bear- may have 5 legislative days in which to course of the student’s undergraduate career; ing interest at the maximum legally prevailing revise and extend their remarks and to ‘‘(ii) make available for doctoral study student rate; insert extraneous material on the bill fellowships, with a duration of up to 5 years per ‘‘(13) provide an annual report to Congress on under consideration. student, which shall— the activities carried out under paragraphs (10), The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ‘‘(I) include, if possible, at least 2 summer in- (11), and (12); and’’; and objection to the request of the gentle- ternships at a national laboratory or appro- (2) by adding at the end the following new priate Federal agency in the field of technical subsection: woman from New York? nuclear forensics during the course of the stu- ‘‘(b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: There was no objection. dent’s graduate career; and ‘‘(1) ALASKA NATIVE-SERVING INSTITUTION.— Ms. CLARKE. I yield myself such ‘‘(II) require each recipient to commit to serve The term ‘Alaska Native-serving institution’ has time as I may consume. for 2 years in a post-doctoral position in a tech- the meaning given the term in section 317 of the Madam Speaker, I rise in support of nical nuclear forensics-related specialty at a na- Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059d). concurring in the Senate amendment tional laboratory or appropriate Federal agency ‘‘(2) ASIAN AMERICAN AND NATIVE AMERICAN to H.R. 730. after graduation; PACIFIC ISLANDER-SERVING INSTITUTION.—The H.R. 730, the Nuclear Forensics and ‘‘(iii) make available to faculty awards, with term ‘Asian American and Native American Pa- Attribution Act, was first introduced a duration of 3 to 5 years each, to ensure fac- cific Islander-serving institution’ has the mean- ulty and their graduate students have a sus- ing given the term in section 320 of the Higher in the 110th Congress by the gentleman tained funding stream; and Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059g). from California (Mr. SCHIFF). ‘‘(iv) place a particular emphasis on reinvigo- ‘‘(3) HAWAIIAN NATIVE-SERVING INSTITUTION.— To strengthen our Nation’s ability to rating technical nuclear forensics programs The term ‘Hawaiian native-serving institution’ prepare for and to respond to a conven- while encouraging the participation of under- has the meaning given the term in section 317 of tional nuclear or dirty bomb threat,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 335 that measure, H.R. 2631, was marked up forensics capability depends chiefly on Again, this is a bipartisan effort. It’s and adopted unanimously by the Sub- an expertly trained workforce in this the Homeland Security Committee committee on Emerging Threats, Cy- area, and it provides support for edu- working with Mr. SCHIFF and the Intel- bersecurity, and Science and Tech- cation programs relevant to nuclear ligence Committee. It is important nology in October 2007, which is the forensics. that we pass this and that we really, subcommittee I now chair. H.R. 730 also authorizes the National again, send a strong signal of how we It was unanimously approved by the Technical Nuclear Forensics Center, do believe in layered defenses, of how full Committee on Homeland Security NTNFC, to enhance the centralized we realize the need of staying ahead of on May 20, 2008, and in the House of planning and integration of Federal nu- the terrorist threat and of doing all we Representatives on June 18, 2008. clear forensics activities. It requires can to protect the American people in Though the measure was taken up, the Secretary to report annually to a way which certainly transcends Re- amended and passed by the Senate in Congress on the Federal Government’s publican or Democrat lines or liberal- late September, the stars didn’t align, efforts to enhance its nuclear forensics conservative lines. It is an issue that and it didn’t clear the last hurdle to ar- capabilities, including the status of should galvanize all Americans. rive on the President’s desk. In this workforce development programs; and So, with that, I strongly urge support Congress, we started early and brought it authorizes $30 million per year for of H.R. 730. the measure directly to the floor where the next 3 fiscal years for this effort. I reserve the balance of my time. it passed on March 24, 2009. Now the H.R. 730 continues the Homeland Se- Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I Senate has acted, and it is time to pass curity Committee’s practice of author- yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from this bill into law. izing programs and offices within DHS California (Mr. SCHIFF), the author of I would like to congratulate Con- that are of value to the agency’s mis- this bill. gressman SCHIFF and my colleagues on sion in order to assure that the work Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, at the the committee for recognizing the need can continue and that progress can be outset, I want to thank and congratu- to move quickly. achieved in the years to come. late the Homeland Security Committee We know that our enemies, both ter- I urge my colleagues to support this and Chairman THOMPSON. The com- rorists and rogue nations, are inter- bill. mittee has taken an important step ested in developing and using nuclear Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- forward towards preventing nuclear or radiological weapons. In the case of ance of my time. terrorism by persevering with this leg- an attempted or, heaven forbid, a suc- Mr. KING of New York. I yield myself islation, and I appreciate all of the cessful nuclear or radiological attack, such time as I may consume. hard work that the chairman and staff rapid attribution is critical. Our gov- Madam Speaker, again, let me thank have put into it. ernment must have the capacity to Congresswoman CLARKE for her leader- I also want to thank other Members quickly determine the source of the nu- ship on this. Let me also thank Rank- who have contributed greatly to the ef- clear material so that key decision- ing Member DAN LUNGREN for his work. fort, one being the ranking member, makers have the information needed to Let me especially thank Mr. SCHIFF PETER KING. respond. for his efforts on this and for so many Mr. KING, once again, I thank you for The deterrent effect of a robust nu- other efforts on behalf of our national your leadership in this area. clear forensics capability should not be security. I have the privilege of serving I want to thank the former chairman underestimated. Certainly, if terrorists with Mr. SCHIFF on the Intelligence of the Emerging Threats Sub- know that we have a nuclear forensics Committee, so I have firsthand knowl- committee, an early supporter, JIM capability that can pinpoint their role edge of the dedication which he brings LANGEVIN; the current chairwoman of in creating a bomb, they are bound to to issues such as this. that subcommittee, YVETTE CLARKE; as have second thoughts. Unfortunately, Madam Speaker, I rise in strong sup- today, the U.S. must rely on forensic well as the ranking member of the sub- port of H.R. 730. Let me just say that, expertise and technology developed committee, DAN LUNGREN; and in the in many ways, this is the other side of during the Cold War to address both last Congress, MICHAEL MCCAUL. nuclear weapons and the emerging the same coin. We just adopted H.R. The Nuclear Forensics and Attribu- threat of a radiological dirty bomb. 2611, which is to prevent nuclear at- tion Act will help us fight one of the The nuclear weapons workforce is tacks against our cities. H.R. 730 will most important national security aging just as its mission has shifted enable us to detect where those nuclear threats we face, that of nuclear pro- from traditional deterrent policy to devices came from. It’s absolutely es- liferation. Countries around the world the more complicated challenge of con- sential that we deal with the process of now have access to technology that taining the terrorist threat. Our Na- determining the source of confiscated was once the realm of the few; and dan- tion’s capabilities in the scientific nuclear material. This is a grave, grave gerous nuclear materials are, unfortu- fields of radiochemistry and geo- threat to our homeland, and it must be nately, sprinkled around the world. chemistry must be fostered to meet addressed immediately and robustly. This is not a new problem. Illicit nu- this new threat. That is the purpose of We must have a rigorous attribution clear material has been intercepted in this bill. H.R. 730 expresses the sense of program to find the culprits of these transit out of the former Soviet Union Congress that the President should crimes and to offer a deterrent to nu- many times since the end of the Cold pursue international agreements and clear terrorism. War, and the material we catch is sure- develop protocols to share sensitive in- The one concern I do have is that the ly only a small fraction of the total formation needed to identify the source bill, as amended, coming back from the amount trafficked. of a nuclear detonation. Senate does not authorize the appro- Last year, Graham Allison wrote in I am heartened that the Obama ad- priation of $30 million. I believe that is Newsweek that the only thing that ministration has indicated its willing- important. It is essential that we have could keep nuclear bombs out of the ness to engage in and to reenergize it; but, again, this is a major step for- hands of terrorists is a brand-new such activities. ward, so I am pleased to support the science of nuclear forensics. He contin- It also tasks the Secretary of Home- legislation even though I wish that the ued that the key to a new deterrent is land Security with the mission of de- $30 million had been included in it. coming up with some way of tracing veloping methods to attribute nuclear This bill targets an ongoing threat in the nuclear material backward from an or radiological material both within a unique way. It will reinvigorate the explosion in New York City to the re- the Department’s Domestic Nuclear workforce pipeline to guarantee the actor that forged the fissile material, Detection Office, DNDO, and in part- Nation a resource of technical experts even to the mines that yielded the nership with other Federal agencies. in this vital and critical field, and it original uranium ore. The legislation emphasizes that the will strengthen America’s attribution The Nuclear Forensics and Attribu- development of a robust nuclear capabilities. tion Act is designed to do just that. It

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 is aimed at the decision-makers in clear weaponry to be used against the The Clerk read the title of the resolu- North Korea, Pakistan, Iran or else- United States. tion. where who could sell nuclear material, I strongly urge the adoption of this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The as well as the smugglers and corrupt legislation. question is on ordering the previous officials around the world who could I have no further requests for time, question. steal it. Those parts of the nuclear net- and I yield back the balance of my The vote was taken by electronic de- work can be deterred by the knowledge time. vice, and there were—yeas 239, nays that, if their material is later inter- Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I 175, not voting 19, as follows: cepted, the United States will find out yield myself such time as I may con- and will hold them responsible. sume. [Roll No. 9] This bill expands our ability to deter- In closing, I would encourage my col- YEAS—239 mine the source of nuclear material by leagues to vote ‘‘aye’’ on the pending Ackerman Green, Gene Oberstar authorizing the National Technical Nu- question. Doing so will allow this im- Adler (NJ) Grijalva Obey clear Forensics Center in the Depart- portant homeland security legislation Andrews Gutierrez Olver ment of Homeland Security. This cen- to be sent to the President’s desk for Arcuri Hall (NY) Ortiz ter will coordinate the various agen- his signature without delay. Baca Halvorson Owens Baird Hare Pallone cies, and it will ensure an efficient I yield back the balance of my time. Baldwin Harman Pascrell combined response when nuclear mate- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Barrow Hastings (FL) Pastor (AZ) rial is intercepted or used, God forbid, question is on the motion offered by Bean Heinrich Payne the gentlewoman from New York (Ms. Becerra Herseth Sandlin Perlmutter in a weapon. It will also advance the Berkley Higgins Perriello science of nuclear forensics, bringing CLARKE) that the House suspend the Berman Himes Peters in new radiochemists and physicists to rules and concur in the Senate amend- Berry Hinchey Peterson rejuvenate a rapidly aging workforce ment to the bill, H.R. 730. Bishop (GA) Hirono Pingree (ME) Bishop (NY) Hodes Polis (CO) and funding research on new methods The question was taken. Blumenauer Holden Pomeroy to identify materials. It also takes an The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Boccieri Holt Price (NC) important step toward building the nu- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Boren Honda Quigley Boswell Hoyer clear forensic database we will need to in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Rahall Boucher Inslee Rangel effectively track nuclear material. Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, on Boyd Israel Reyes The bill asks the President to nego- that I demand the yeas and nays. Brady (PA) Jackson (IL) Richardson The yeas and nays were ordered. Braley (IA) Jackson Lee Rodriguez tiate agreements with other nations to Bright (TX) share forensic data on their nuclear The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Ross Brown, Corrine Johnson (GA) Rothman (NJ) materials, both civilian and military. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Butterfield Kagen Roybal-Allard This effort is vital, and the National Chair’s prior announcement, further Capps Kanjorski Ruppersberger Capuano Kaptur Rush Technical Nuclear Forensics Center proceedings on this motion will be Cardoza Kennedy postponed. Ryan (OH) must play a key role in negotiations to Carnahan Kildee Salazar Carney Kilpatrick (MI) ensure that the data we obtain is the f Sa´ nchez, Linda Carson (IN) Kilroy data we need for quick attribution and T. Castor (FL) Kind ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Sanchez, Loretta response. Chandler Kirkpatrick (AZ) PRO TEMPORE Sarbanes Childers Kissell Schakowsky b 1400 Chu Klein (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Schauer Clarke Kosmas Nuclear terrorism is an indistinct RICHARDSON). Pursuant to clause 8 of Schiff Clay Kucinich Schrader threat of devastating consequence and rule XX, proceedings will resume on Clyburn Langevin Schwartz therefore difficult to guard against. questions previously postponed. Cohen Larsen (WA) Scott (GA) Connolly (VA) Larson (CT) But as communications and transpor- Votes will be taken in the following Scott (VA) tation revolutions bring us ever closer Conyers Lee (CA) order: Cooper Levin Serrano to our allies, they bring our enemies ordering the previous question on Costa Lewis (GA) Sestak close as well. I believe this bill will Costello Lipinski Shea-Porter House Resolution 1017, by the yeas and Sherman help make sure that our ability to pre- nays; Courtney Loebsack Crowley Lowey Sires vent a nuclear terror attack keeps up adoption of House Resolution 1017, if Cuellar Luja´ n Skelton with our enemies’ ability to attempt ordered; Cummings Lynch Slaughter one. Dahlkemper Maffei Smith (WA) motion to suspend the rules on H.R. Snyder Again, I want to thank the chairman Davis (CA) Maloney 3726, by the yeas and nays; Davis (IL) Markey (CO) Space and ranking member for their leader- motion to suspend the rules on H.R. Davis (TN) Markey (MA) Speier ship and urge all Members to support 3538, by the yeas and nays. DeFazio Marshall Spratt Stupak the bill. The first electronic vote will be con- DeGette Massa Delahunt Matheson Sutton Mr. KING of New York. Madam ducted as a 15-minute vote. Remaining DeLauro Matsui Tanner Speaker, I would like to close by stat- electronic votes will be conducted as 5- Dicks McCarthy (NY) Teague ing that all of us realize that a ter- minute votes. Dingell McCollum Thompson (CA) rorist attack is a nightmare scenario. Doggett McDermott Thompson (MS) f Doyle McGovern Tierney The fact that we came so close to the Driehaus McIntyre Titus loss of life on Christmas Day reminded PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Edwards (MD) McMahon Tonko us dramatically of the dangerous world OF H.R. 3254, TAOS PUEBLO IN- Edwards (TX) McNerney Towns Tsongas in which we live. Those of us from New DIAN WATER RIGHTS SETTLE- Ellison Meek (FL) MENT ACT; FOR CONSIDERATION Ellsworth Meeks (NY) Van Hollen York will never forget September 11, Engel Melancon Vela´ zquez 2001. But just think of the ultimate OF H.R. 3342, AAMODT LITIGA- Eshoo Michaud Visclosky nightmare scenario, and that would be TION SETTLEMENT ACT; AND Etheridge Miller (NC) Walz FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. Farr Miller, George Wasserman a nuclear attack. That is almost be- Fattah Mollohan Schultz yond our imagination. That is why ev- 1065, WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE Filner Moore (KS) Waters erything must be done to stop those at- TRIBE WATER RIGHTS QUAN- Foster Moore (WI) Watson TIFICATION ACT OF 2009 Frank (MA) Moran (VA) Watt tacks, and to also have the deterrent, Fudge Murphy (CT) Waxman as Congressman SCHIFF said, the deter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Garamendi Murphy (NY) Weiner rent of retaliation against any coun- finished business is the vote on order- Giffords Murtha Welch try, against any entity, against any in- ing the previous question on House Gonzalez Nadler (NY) Wilson (OH) Gordon (TN) Napolitano Woolsey dividual, any organization, which was Resolution 1017, on which the yeas and Grayson Neal (MA) Wu in any way involved in providing nu- nays were ordered. Green, Al Nye Yarmuth

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 337 NAYS—175 CASTLE NUGENT NATIONAL HIS- Schrader Spratt Visclosky Schwartz Stupak Walz Aderholt Garrett (NJ) Murphy, Tim TORIC SITE ESTABLISHMENT Scott (GA) Sutton Wasserman Akin Gerlach Myrick ACT OF 2010 Scott (VA) Tanner Alexander Gingrey (GA) Schultz Neugebauer Serrano Taylor Altmire Gohmert Waters Nunes The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Sestak Teague Austria Goodlatte Watson Olson finished business is the vote on the mo- Shea-Porter Thompson (CA) Bachmann Granger Watt Paul Sherman Thompson (MS) Bachus Graves tion to suspend the rules and pass the Waxman Paulsen Shuler Tierney Bartlett Griffith Weiner Pence bill, H.R. 3726, as amended, on which Sires Titus Barton (TX) Guthrie Welch Petri the yeas and nays were ordered. Skelton Tonko Biggert Hall (TX) Woolsey Pitts Slaughter Towns Bilbray Harper The Clerk read the title of the bill. Platts Smith (WA) Tsongas Wu Bilirakis Hastings (WA) Poe (TX) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Snyder Van Hollen Yarmuth Bishop (UT) Heller Posey question is on the motion offered by Speier Vela´ zquez Blackburn Hensarling Price (GA) Blunt Herger the gentlewoman from Guam (Ms. NAYS—173 Bono Mack Hill Putnam BORDALLO) that the House suspend the Aderholt Garrett (NJ) Boozman Hunter Rehberg Murphy, Tim rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3726, as Alexander Gerlach Boustany Issa Reichert Myrick amended. Austria Gingrey (GA) Brady (TX) Jenkins Roe (TN) Neugebauer Bachmann Gohmert Broun (GA) Johnson (IL) Rogers (AL) This is a 5-minute vote. Nunes Bachus Goodlatte Brown (SC) Johnson, Sam Rogers (KY) Olson The vote was taken by electronic de- Bartlett Granger Brown-Waite, Jones Rogers (MI) Owens Barton (TX) Graves Ginny Jordan (OH) Rohrabacher vice, and there were—yeas 241, nays Paul Biggert Griffith Buchanan King (IA) Rooney 173, not voting 19, as follows: Paulsen Bilbray Guthrie Burgess King (NY) Roskam Pence [Roll No. 10] Bilirakis Hall (TX) Burton (IN) Kingston Royce Petri Bishop (UT) Harper Buyer Kirk Ryan (WI) YEAS—241 Pitts Blackburn Hastings (WA) Calvert Kline (MN) Scalise Platts Ackerman Engel Maloney Blunt Heller Camp Kratovil Poe (TX) Schmidt Adler (NJ) Eshoo Markey (CO) Boehner Hensarling Campbell Lamborn Posey Schock Altmire Etheridge Markey (MA) Bono Mack Herger Cantor Lance Price (GA) Sensenbrenner Andrews Farr Marshall Boozman Hunter Cao Latham Putnam Sessions Arcuri Fattah Massa Boustany Inglis Capito LaTourette Rehberg Shadegg Baca Filner Matheson Brady (TX) Issa Carter Latta Reichert Shimkus Baird Foster Matsui Bright Jenkins Cassidy Lee (NY) Roe (TN) Shuler Baldwin Frank (MA) McCarthy (NY) Broun (GA) Johnson (IL) Castle Linder Rogers (AL) Shuster Barrow Fudge McCollum Brown (SC) Johnson, Sam Chaffetz LoBiondo Rogers (KY) Simpson Bean Garamendi McDermott Brown-Waite, Jones Coble Lucas Rogers (MI) Smith (NE) Becerra Giffords McGovern Ginny Jordan (OH) Coffman (CO) Luetkemeyer Rohrabacher Smith (NJ) Berkley Gonzalez McIntyre Buchanan King (IA) Cole Lummis Rooney Smith (TX) Berman Gordon (TN) McMahon Burgess King (NY) Conaway Lungren, Daniel Ros-Lehtinen Souder Berry Grayson McNerney Burton (IN) Kingston Davis (KY) E. Roskam Stearns Bishop (GA) Green, Al Meek (FL) Buyer Kirk Deal (GA) Mack Royce Sullivan Bishop (NY) Green, Gene Meeks (NY) Calvert Kline (MN) Dent Manzullo Blumenauer Grijalva Melancon Camp Lamborn Ryan (WI) Diaz-Balart, L. Marchant Taylor Boccieri Gutierrez Michaud Campbell Lance Scalise Diaz-Balart, M. McCarthy (CA) Terry Boren Hall (NY) Miller (NC) Cantor Latham Schmidt Donnelly (IN) McCaul Thompson (PA) Boswell Halvorson Miller, George Cao LaTourette Schock Dreier McClintock Thornberry Boucher Harman Minnick Capito Latta Sensenbrenner Duncan McCotter Tiahrt Boyd Hastings (FL) Mollohan Carter Lee (NY) Sessions Ehlers McHenry Tiberi Brady (PA) Heinrich Moore (KS) Cassidy Linder Shadegg Emerson McKeon Turner Braley (IA) Herseth Sandlin Moore (WI) Castle LoBiondo Shimkus Fallin McMorris Upton Brown, Corrine Higgins Moran (VA) Chaffetz Lucas Shuster Flake Rodgers Walden Butterfield Hill Murphy (CT) Coble Luetkemeyer Simpson Fleming Mica Wamp Capps Himes Murtha Coffman (CO) Lummis Smith (NE) Forbes Miller (FL) Westmoreland Capuano Hinchey Nadler (NY) Cole Lungren, Daniel Smith (NJ) Fortenberry Miller (MI) Whitfield Cardoza Hirono Napolitano Conaway E. Smith (TX) Foxx Miller, Gary Wilson (SC) Carnahan Hodes Neal (MA) Davis (KY) Mack Souder Franks (AZ) Minnick Wittman Carney Holden Nye Deal (GA) Manzullo Stearns Frelinghuysen Mitchell Wolf Carson (IN) Holt Oberstar Dent Marchant Sullivan Gallegly Moran (KS) Young (FL) Castor (FL) Honda Obey Diaz-Balart, L. McCarthy (CA) Terry Chandler Hoyer Olver Thompson (PA) NOT VOTING—19 Diaz-Balart, M. McCaul Childers Inslee Ortiz Dreier McClintock Thornberry Abercrombie Davis (AL) Murphy, Patrick Chu Israel Pallone Duncan McCotter Tiahrt Barrett (SC) Hinojosa Radanovich Clarke Jackson (IL) Pascrell Ehlers McHenry Tiberi Boehner Hoekstra Ros-Lehtinen Clay Jackson Lee Pastor (AZ) Emerson McKeon Turner Bonner Inglis Stark Clyburn (TX) Payne Fallin McMorris Upton Cleaver Johnson, E. B. Young (AK) Cohen Johnson (GA) Perlmutter Flake Rodgers Walden Crenshaw Lewis (CA) Connolly (VA) Kagen Perriello Fleming Mica Wamp Culberson Lofgren, Zoe Conyers Kanjorski Peters Forbes Miller (FL) Westmoreland Cooper Kaptur Peterson Fortenberry Miller (MI) Whitfield Costa Kennedy Pingree (ME) Foxx Miller, Gary Wilson (SC) b 1429 Costello Kildee Polis (CO) Franks (AZ) Mitchell Wittman Courtney Kilpatrick (MI) Pomeroy Frelinghuysen Moran (KS) Wolf Messrs. POSEY, JONES, and SMITH Crowley Kilroy Price (NC) Gallegly Murphy (NY) Young (FL) of Texas changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ Cuellar Kind Quigley NOT VOTING—19 to ‘‘nay.’’ Cummings Kirkpatrick (AZ) Rahall Dahlkemper Kissell Rangel Abercrombie Davis (AL) Radanovich So the previous question was ordered. Davis (CA) Klein (FL) Reyes Akin Hare Space Davis (IL) Kosmas Richardson Barrett (SC) Hinojosa Stark The result of the vote was announced Davis (TN) Kratovil Rodriguez Bonner Hoekstra Wilson (OH) as above recorded. DeFazio Kucinich Ross Cleaver Johnson, E. B. Young (AK) Stated against: DeGette Langevin Rothman (NJ) Crenshaw Lewis (CA) Delahunt Larsen (WA) Roybal-Allard Culberson Murphy, Patrick Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, on rollcall DeLauro Larson (CT) Ruppersberger No. 9 I was unavoidably detained. Had I been Dicks Lee (CA) Rush Dingell Levin Ryan (OH) b 1444 present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ Doggett Lewis (GA) Salazar Donnelly (IN) Lipinski Sa´ nchez, Linda Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana changed The SPEAKER pro tempore. The his vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ question is on the resolution. Doyle Loebsack T. Driehaus Lofgren, Zoe Sanchez, Loretta So (two-thirds not being in the af- The resolution was agreed to. Edwards (MD) Lowey Sarbanes firmative) the motion was rejected. Edwards (TX) Luja´ n Schakowsky A motion to reconsider was laid on Ellison Lynch Schauer The result of the vote was announced the table. Ellsworth Maffei Schiff as above recorded.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEM- Kosmas Miller, George Salazar Schwartz Stupak Wasserman BRANCE OF MEMBERS OF Kratovil Minnick Scalise Scott (GA) Sutton Schultz Kucinich Mitchell Schmidt Scott (VA) Thompson (CA) Waters ARMED FORCES AND THEIR Lamborn Moore (KS) Schock Serrano Thompson (MS) Watson FAMILIES Lance Moran (KS) Schrader Shea-Porter Tierney Watt Larsen (WA) Moran (VA) Sensenbrenner Sherman Waxman The SPEAKER. The Chair would ask Tonko Latham Murphy (CT) Sessions Sires Towns Weiner all present to rise for the purpose of a LaTourette Murphy (NY) Sestak Skelton Tsongas Welch Slaughter Wilson (SC) moment of silence. Latta Murphy, Tim Shadegg Van Hollen Smith (WA) Woolsey Lee (NY) Murtha Shimkus Vela´ zquez The Chair asks that the House now Lipinski Myrick Shuler Snyder Wu Walz observe a moment of silence in remem- LoBiondo Nadler (NY) Shuster Spratt Yarmuth brance of our brave men and women in Loebsack Neugebauer Simpson NOT VOTING—17 uniform who have given their lives in Lowey Nunes Smith (NE) Lucas Nye Smith (NJ) Abercrombie Culberson Murphy, Patrick the service of our Nation in Iraq and in Luetkemeyer Olson Smith (TX) Akin Davis (AL) Radanovich Afghanistan and their families, and all Lummis Pascrell Souder Barrett (SC) Hinojosa Stark who serve in our Armed Forces and Lungren, Daniel Paulsen Space Bonner Hoekstra Westmoreland their families. E. Pence Speier Cleaver Johnson, E. B. Young (AK) Mack Petri Stearns Crenshaw Lewis (CA) f Manzullo Pitts Sullivan 1456 Marchant Platts Tanner b ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Marshall Poe (TX) Taylor So (two-thirds not being in the af- PRO TEMPORE Massa Pomeroy Teague firmative) the motion was rejected. McCarthy (CA) Posey Terry The result of the vote was announced The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. McCaul Price (GA) Thompson (PA) McClintock Putnam Thornberry as above recorded. RICHARDSON). Without objection, 5- McCotter Rehberg Tiahrt f minute voting will continue. McHenry Reichert Tiberi There was no objection. McIntyre Richardson Titus REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER McKeon Roe (TN) Turner AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 4191 f McMorris Rogers (AL) Upton Rodgers Rogers (KY) Visclosky Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee. Madam IDAHO WILDERNESS WATER Meeks (NY) Rogers (MI) Walden Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to RESOURCES PROTECTION ACT Mica Rohrabacher Wamp Michaud Rooney Whitfield withdraw my name as a sponsor of H.R. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Miller (FL) Ros-Lehtinen Wilson (OH) 4191. finished business is the vote on the mo- Miller (MI) Roskam Wittman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Miller (NC) Royce Wolf objection to the request of the gen- tion to suspend the rules and pass the Miller, Gary Ryan (WI) Young (FL) bill, H.R. 3538, as amended, on which tleman from Tennessee? the yeas and nays were ordered. NAYS—191 There was no objection. The Clerk read the title of the bill. Ackerman Engel Lynch f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Adler (NJ) Eshoo Maffei ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER question is on the motion offered by Andrews Etheridge Maloney Baca Farr Markey (CO) PRO TEMPORE the gentlewoman from Guam (Ms. Baird Fattah Markey (MA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- BORDALLO) that the House suspend the Baldwin Filner Matheson rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3538, as Barrow Foster Matsui ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Bean Frank (MA) McCarthy (NY) will postpone further proceedings amended. Becerra Fudge McCollum This is a 5-minute vote. today on motions to suspend the rules Berman Garamendi McDermott on which a recorded vote or the yeas The vote was taken by electronic de- Berry Gordon (TN) McGovern vice, and there were—yeas 225, nays Bishop (GA) Grayson McMahon and nays are ordered, or on which the Bishop (NY) Green, Al McNerney 191, not voting 17, as follows: vote incurs objection under clause 6 of Blumenauer Green, Gene Meek (FL) rule XX. [Roll No. 11] Boren Grijalva Melancon Boswell Gutierrez Mollohan Record votes on postponed questions YEAS—225 Brady (PA) Hall (NY) Moore (WI) will be taken tomorrow. Aderholt Cao Gallegly Brady (TX) Halvorson Napolitano f Alexander Capito Garrett (NJ) Braley (IA) Hare Neal (MA) Altmire Carney Gerlach Brown, Corrine Harman Oberstar b 1500 Arcuri Carter Giffords Butterfield Hastings (FL) Obey Austria Cassidy Gingrey (GA) Capps Heinrich Olver EXPRESSING CONDOLENCES TO Bachmann Castle Gohmert Capuano Herseth Sandlin Ortiz HAITI Bachus Chaffetz Gonzalez Cardoza Higgins Owens Bartlett Childers Goodlatte Carnahan Hill Pallone Ms. LEE of California. Madam Barton (TX) Coble Granger Carson (IN) Hirono Pastor (AZ) Speaker, I move to suspend the rules Berkley Coffman (CO) Graves Castor (FL) Holden Paul and agree to the resolution (H. Res. Biggert Cohen Griffith Chandler Holt Payne Bilbray Cole Guthrie Chu Honda Perlmutter 1021) expressing condolences to and sol- Bilirakis Conaway Hall (TX) Clarke Hoyer Perriello idarity with the people of Haiti in the Bishop (UT) Cuellar Harper Clay Inslee Peters aftermath of the devastating earth- Blackburn Davis (CA) Hastings (WA) Clyburn Israel Peterson Blunt Davis (KY) Heller Connolly (VA) Jackson (IL) Pingree (ME) quake of January 12, 2010. Boccieri Deal (GA) Hensarling Conyers Jackson Lee Polis (CO) The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Boehner Dent Herger Cooper (TX) Price (NC) tion. Bono Mack Diaz-Balart, L. Himes Costa Johnson (GA) Quigley The text of the resolution is as fol- Boozman Diaz-Balart, M. Hinchey Costello Kagen Rahall Boucher Dicks Hodes Courtney Kanjorski Rangel lows: Boustany Donnelly (IN) Hunter Crowley Kaptur Reyes H. RES. 1021 Boyd Dreier Inglis Cummings Kennedy Rodriguez Whereas on January 12, 2010, a 7.0 mag- Bright Driehaus Issa Dahlkemper Kildee Ross Broun (GA) Duncan Jenkins Davis (IL) Kilpatrick (MI) Rothman (NJ) nitude earthquake struck the country of Brown (SC) Ehlers Johnson (IL) Davis (TN) Kilroy Roybal-Allard Haiti; Brown-Waite, Ellsworth Johnson, Sam DeFazio Kind Ruppersberger Whereas according to the United States Ginny Emerson Jones DeGette Klein (FL) Rush Geological Survey (USGS) the earthquake Buchanan Fallin Jordan (OH) Delahunt Langevin Ryan (OH) epicenter was located approximately 10 miles Burgess Flake King (IA) DeLauro Larson (CT) Sa´ nchez, Linda southwest of the capital, Port-au-Prince; Burton (IN) Fleming King (NY) Dingell Lee (CA) T. Whereas the earthquake has been followed Buyer Forbes Kingston Doggett Levin Sanchez, Loretta Calvert Fortenberry Kirk Doyle Lewis (GA) Sarbanes by dangerous aftershocks, including two of Camp Foxx Kirkpatrick (AZ) Edwards (MD) Linder Schakowsky 5.9 and 5.5 magnitude, and with the most se- Campbell Franks (AZ) Kissell Edwards (TX) Lofgren, Zoe Schauer vere to date, at 6.1, coming on January 20, Cantor Frelinghuysen Kline (MN) Ellison Luja´ n Schiff 2010;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 339 Whereas casualty estimates, still being unable to return to their country due to the (D) to utilize new and innovative thinking compiled, as well as infrastructure damage, destruction and humanitarian crisis in Haiti; in providing long-term assistance to Haiti, including to roads, ports, hospitals, and resi- Whereas individuals, businesses, and phil- including tapping into the insight and im- dential dwellings, place this earthquake as anthropic organizations across the United mense potential of the Haitian Diaspora, to the worst cataclysm to hit Haiti in over two States and throughout the international help Haitians rebuild upon the strongest pos- centuries; community have responded in support of sible foundation, in order to promote a sta- Whereas an estimated 3,000,000 people have Haiti and its populace during this time of ble and sustainable future for Haiti. been directly affected by the disaster in crisis, sometimes in innovative ways such as The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Haiti, nearly one-third of the country’s pop- fundraising through text messaging; ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from ulation, who are currently at risk of long- Whereas throughout this terrible calamity, term displacement and vulnerability; the Haitian people continue to demonstrate California (Ms. LEE) and the gentle- Whereas the United Nations Stabilization unwavering resilience, dignity, and courage; woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) headquarters and LEHTINEN) each will control 20 minutes. collapsed with approximately 150 staff mem- Whereas once proper surveys and assess- The Chair recognizes the gentle- bers inside, including the head of the mis- ments are conducted, the initial and crucial woman from California. sion, Hedi Annabi, causing the largest loss of emergency relief response will likely move GENERAL LEAVE life in United Nations history; to a comprehensive mission requiring sus- Whereas an unknown number of individ- tained assistance from the United States and Ms. LEE of California. Madam uals remain trapped under collapsed build- the international community for reconstruc- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that ings, as rescue teams work around-the-clock tion and development efforts: Now, there- all Members may have 5 legislative to locate and extract survivors; fore, be it days to revise and extend their re- Whereas the destruction of infrastructure, Resolved, That the House of Representa- marks and include extraneous material particularly to the port, airport, roads, and tives— on the resolution under consideration. telecommunications, continues to hinder the (1) expresses its deepest condolences and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there immediate delivery of humanitarian assist- sympathy for the horrific loss of life and the objection to the request of the gentle- ance in Haiti; physical and psychological damage caused Whereas Haiti is the poorest, least devel- by the earthquake of January 12, 2010; woman from California? oped country in the Western Hemisphere, (2) expresses solidarity with Haitians, Hai- There was no objection. and prior to the earthquake was ranked 149 tian Americans, and all those who have lost Ms. LEE of California. Madam out of 182 countries on the United Nations loved ones or have otherwise been affected Speaker, I yield myself such time as I Human Development Index; by the tragedy, including United States Em- may consume. Whereas prior to the earthquake, Haiti was bassy personnel, United Nations peace- Madam Speaker, I rise today in still in the process of recovering from a ruin- keepers, and humanitarian workers; strong support of this resolution which ous recent series of hurricanes and tropical (3) commends the efforts and honors the expresses our deep condolences and sol- storms, food shortages and rising commodity sacrifice of the men and women of the Gov- prices, and political instability, but was ernment of Haiti, the United States Govern- idarity with the people of Haiti, and all showing encouraging signs of improvement; ment, the United Nations, and the inter- of those who have lost loved ones or Whereas in addition to the pressure to se- national community in their immediate re- have otherwise been affected by the cure communities and prevent looters from sponse to those affected by this calamity; tragic earthquake of January 12, 2010. causing further harm to their citizens who (4) commends the efforts of the American Let me first thank our Speaker, are struggling to recover, Haiti’s peniten- people, including the Haitian-American com- Chairman BERMAN, Chairman PAYNE tiary collapsed and spilled untold numbers of munity, to provide relief to families, friends, and Ranking Member ROS-LEHTINEN for criminals into an already disturbing security and unknown peoples suffering in the coun- helping to bring this resolution to the situation; try; Whereas a number of children legally con- (5) supports the efforts of the Administra- floor today. Also I want to express my firmed as orphans are eligible for inter- tion to provide and coordinate international deep gratitude to our staffs for working country adoption, and the uncertain welfare humanitarian assistance and to provide re- on this to make sure that the resolu- of children who are already in the process of lief to affected communities; tion came forward today. I would also being adopted is of urgent concern to their (6) expresses support for the recovery and like to recognize my colleagues in the prospective adoptive parents in the United long-term reconstruction needs of Haiti; Congressional Black Caucus. States; (7) recognizes that the recovery and long- The CBC has a long history of work- Whereas it is in the interests of these or- term needs of Haiti will require a sustained ing with the Haitian people and the phans and their prospective adoptive parents commitment by the United States and inter- to facilitate and expedite legal adoptions of national community based on comprehensive Haitian American community and the Haitian orphans to the United States; assessments of the development needs for Haitian Government. And many of us Whereas President Obama vowed the ‘‘un- Haiti; have traveled to that country many, wavering support’’ of the United States and (8) urges those who hold debt against Haiti, many times. During the current crisis, pledged a ‘‘swift, coordinated and aggressive including the Inter-American Development the CBC has and will continue to work effort to save lives and support the recovery Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and closely with the Obama administration in Haiti’’; all other regional and international institu- and outside organizations to provide Whereas the response to the tragedy from tions and countries, to immediately suspend whatever assistance is needed for ongo- the global community has been overwhelm- further debt payments, and to develop proc- ingly positive; esses to cancel all remaining debt; and ing relief and recovery efforts. And I Whereas the initial emergency response of (9) urges the President— am very proud of the fact that each the men and women of the United States (A) to continue to make available to and every member of the Congressional Government, led by the United States Agen- United States agencies, nongovernmental or- Black Caucus has signed on as original cy for International Development and United ganizations, private voluntary organizations, cosponsors of this resolution. States Southern Command, has been swift regional institutions, and United Nations More than a week has passed since and resolute; agencies the resources necessary to confront the 7.0 earthquake. Again, many after- Whereas MINUSTAH peacekeepers, while the effects and consequences of this natural shocks, just today another 6.1 after- still trying to rescue their colleagues in disaster; their headquarters, have taken a leading role (B) to provide, when the emergency sub- shock, which has devastated the coun- to assist in clearing roads and providing se- sides, assistance in partnership with the try of Haiti. We have all seen the hor- curity around Port-au-Prince to facilitate Government of Haiti and in coordination rific images, and our hearts are heavy aid into the earthquake disaster zone; with other donors to begin the reconstruc- for the Haitian people and all of those Whereas the United States Department of tion of Haiti; affected by this tragedy. An estimated Homeland Security has temporarily halted (C) to undertake comprehensive assess- 3 million people have been directly af- the deportation of Haitian nationals to Haiti ments of the long-term needs for recovery fected by this catastrophe, leaving over in response to the devastation caused by the and development in Haiti, ensure trans- 1 million homeless, and many at risk of earthquake; parency and accountability, and lead coordi- Whereas the United States Department of nation efforts with international actors who long-term displacement and vulnerabil- Homeland Security granted the designation share in the goal of a better future for Haiti ity. of Temporary Protected Status for Haitian and are willing to support the costs of meet- The latest figures estimate 200,000 nationals who are in the United States and ing those needs; and people may have been killed as a result

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 of this disaster. The massive number of 2010. Last week Haiti was hit by the ternity ward, a pediatrics ward, incu- casualties, as well as the extensive in- largest earthquake to strike that Na- bator units, a pharmacy, x-ray equip- frastructure damage, including to tion in over two centuries. Today Haiti ment, 10 tons of medical equipment, 90 roads, ports, hospitals, residential was affected by a 6.1 magnitude quake beds, 66 intensive care beds, two deliv- dwellings, marks this earthquake as or aftershock. ery beds, approximately 250 personnel, the worst natural disaster to strike When the original quake hit last including 40 doctors and specialists, 20 Haiti in over two centuries. week, it was a day like any other. With nurses, and several paramedics. Currently, our government is en- elections on the horizon, a sense of sta- The search and rescue teams of the gaged now in one of our largest human- bility slowly starting to be felt on the Israeli Defense Forces were also quick- itarian relief efforts in our history. To island, some believed that things were ly deployed to Haiti, and include about date, USAID has provided $100 million finally starting to look up for Haiti. 30 operators, and dozens of operations to Haiti for relief efforts, and more is And then without a warning tens of personnel, comprising logistics, infor- likely on the way. So I have to com- thousands were suddenly victims. Mil- mation technology, communications, mend at this time the men and women lions were left homeless, or hungry, or and even canine units. More IDF dele- of the Government of Haiti, of our own both. Buildings collapsed, countless gations are scheduled to depart to government, of our Armed Services, disappeared, and the world was left Haiti this very week. the United Nations, the international asking how and why. The tremendous As a result, this resolution impor- community, our NGOs, our neighbors loss caused by this tragedy will stay tantly calls for certain accountability in the Caribbean and Latin America, with us long after the roads have been measures to be put into place in order and throughout the world in their im- cleared and the physical wounds have to ensure that the support is delivered mediate response to assist those af- healed. in a way that is immediate, that is tar- fected by this calamity. My most sincere prayers and geted, that is coordinated, and that is We continue to work around the thoughts go to all who have been im- transparent. clock to provide as much food, water, pacted by this horrible catastrophe. Now more than ever it is critical that and emergency health care as possible The desolation left in its wake is be- our assistance go where it is supposed under these unimaginable cir- yond words. And yet there is one thing to go, when it is supposed to get there, cumstances. So it is important that that has been made clear. The people of and how it is supposed to get there. We these emergency supplies be expedited, Haiti are not alone in this trouble. have a responsibility to the people we and not caught up in bureaucratic hur- Since news of the earthquake reached represent and to the people we wish to dles. The same goes for many relief and our shores, the American people have help to ensure that the aid reaches its rescue organizations trying to evac- opened their hearts and their wallets intended recipients and is used for its uate survivors for emergency care. The to help earthquake-ravaged Haiti. Both intended purposes. This is particularly red tape must be cut to save as many through the many donations of money, important moving forward. lives as possible. food and water, volunteer work, and Again, I extend my most heartfelt Let me applaud the Haitian Amer- through the U.S. agencies providing condolences to all of those who are im- ican community for providing relief to disaster relief assistance, our Nation pacted by this series of earthquakes, family and friends and the entire coun- has been working around the clock to and I reiterate the pride I feel as I look try. Also I have to praise the efforts of provide immediate help to all who have at how the American people, our con- the American people at large, who have been affected by this horrific tragedy. stituents, have responded to the cries once again demonstrated their compas- U.S. Coast Guard aircraft began ar- of anguish and the cries for help of the sion by providing aid to people they riving almost immediately to transport Haitian people. have never met, never met, but who are injured persons and conduct aerial as- Madam Speaker, with that I reserve suffering nonetheless just miles off our sessments of the situation on the the balance of my time. shore. ground. Coast Guard cutters with med- Ms. LEE of California. Madam This resolution summarizes the un- ical and other humanitarian supplies Speaker, I yield to my friend from Vir- fortunate facts that have occurred in arrived soon after, followed by our ginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) for the purpose of Haiti, but also, in addition to sup- USAID Disaster Assistance Response making a unanimous consent request. porting the efforts of the Haitian peo- Team, multiple U.S. urban search and Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. I thank ple and being in solidarity with the rescue teams, including two from my my colleague from California. Haitian Government and the Haitian area of Miami-Dade County, the 82nd Madam Speaker, I rise in support of people at this point during this rescue Airborne Division and Marine contin- this resolution, expressing my condo- and recovery phase, this resolution gency, emergency medical teams and lences on the situation in Haiti and also recognizes, in a bipartisan way, food assistance, and of course the re- praising Fairfax County’s urban search support for the recovery and long-term markable contributions made by pri- and rescue team that is in Haiti, 80- reconstruction of Haiti, and also recog- vate U.S. citizens and corporations, to- strong plus, and having saved a number nizes that the recovery and long-term taling over $40 million as of last week of lives already. needs of Haiti will require a sustained and still growing. In the aftermath of the 7.0 magnitude earth- commitment, mind you a sustained In addition, we have seen an out- quake that struck Haiti, the men and women commitment by the United States and pouring of support from countries and of these highly skilled teams worked together the international community, based on people around the world. Among many in a chaotic environment to save fifteen people a comprehensive strategy based on steps taken by countries around the (as of Tues. Jan 19). what the Haitian people and the Gov- world, Israel sent a 220-person medical On January 12, 2010—one day after the ernment of Haiti have deemed nec- delegation and set up a much-needed devastating earthquake that struck Haiti—the essary and required for their full recov- field hospital. The European Union has men and women of Fairfax County’s urban ery and reconstruction. reportedly pledged 200 million euros to search and rescue team, Virginia Task Force I reserve the balance of my time. help rebuild Haiti, over and above 1, deployed to Haiti. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- emergency aid that is already being The task force consisted of 72 personnel, 6 er, I yield myself such time as I may sent by them. The British Government search and rescue canines, and about 48 tons consume. will triple its aid to Haiti to $10 mil- of rescue equipment and supplies. The team Madam Speaker, I rise today proudly lion. rescued a United Nations security guard and as the lead Republican sponsor of Israel quickly set up a full-service assisted a French search and rescue team in House Resolution 1021, expressing con- field hospital, as I mentioned before. removing seven Americans from a hotel. dolences to and solidarity with the peo- But let me tell you, Madam Speaker, Two days after the earthquake, a second ple of Haiti in the aftermath of the what it was equipped with: operating team of 42 men and women from Fairfax devastating earthquake on January 12, rooms, an intensive care ward, a ma- County deployed to Haiti. Both Fairfax County

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 341 urban search and rescue teams merged and nounced $2.5 million that they are do- when the earthquake hit. And yet from rescued a 21 year-old female who was nating, and as you know that is a coun- their area, they started immediately trapped in a multi-story building. try that struggles financially them- dispensing medicine to the victims of I commend the men and women of USAR selves. the earthquake, eventually ran out of Team 1 on their heroic effort, mourn for those The disaster was a tremendous set- medicine, and then were stuck in an who lost their lives, and pray for those await- back. Haiti was starting to move into a area isolated from the American Em- ing aid. To the Fairfax team and all first re- new beginning, and we now will see bassy, about 25 miles. They were able sponders in Haiti, I say ‘‘Stay Safe’’ and ‘‘Go many of the problems of high food to get let out of there on Saturday at with God.’’ prices and food shortages that have somewhat great danger and peril to Ms. LEE of California. Madam been caused by this natural disaster. them because at that point the street Speaker, I would now like to yield such We certainly need to really remain situation was beginning to deteriorate, time as he may consume to the Chair very committed to this community at with gangs and mobs that were out of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee this very difficult time. there and a lot of chaos. Richard on Africa and Global Affairs, also the Haiti has a longstanding history with Towns, who is a former marine, was Chair of the Congressional Black the United States. We heard the charge´ one in their group and was able to get Caucus’s International Affairs Task today talk about Haiti and its relation- inside the Embassy. Once they got near Force, a real leader who has worked on ship to the United States. It fought for it, and after a number of other obsta- Haiti all of his life, Congressman DON- the independence of our country. It was cles, this group was able to return ALD PAYNE from New Jersey. responsible for Napoleon selling the home to Savannah, Georgia, on Satur- Mr. PAYNE. Thank you very much. Louisiana Territory to the United day with lots of prayer. And let me thank the Chairperson of States because they were cash-poor However, sadly, we still have two the Congressional Black Caucus for the after the war that they lost. The whole constituents from my area of Georgia outstanding job that she has done in question of Lewis and Clark was able who are unaccounted for; one is Court- this whole effort, Chairman BERMAN, to move forward. ney Hayes, who is a college student Ranking Member ROS-LEHTINEN, and And so we are intertwined with Haiti. with Lynn University. She is a native all of those who have come to show We have a great deal of connection of Douglas, Georgia. And another is a their support and what they have been with Haiti. Once again, I would like to businessman named David Apperson, doing up to now and what we intend to certainly praise the chairperson of the who is from Adel, Georgia. Both of do in the future. CBC. And let me correct, the Demo- them were staying in the Hotel Mon- Madam Speaker, I rise to extend my cratic Republic of Congo was the coun- tana. Hotel Montana has suffered many deepest condolences to the people of try that had recently made the con- losses. The rescue crew has brought out Haiti, Haitian Americans, and all of tribution; even more spectacular be- eight people from Hotel Montana, but those who have been affected by the cause of the tremendous problems that there are others who are believed to be earthquake that hit Port-au-Prince on we have seen there. still trapped inside there. Tuesday, January 12. We wish to say to President Preval, In a conference call with the families Words certainly cannot describe the who is doing everything that he can, yesterday we were told that the search- pain and psychological trauma of the and the Haiti Government, that we will and-rescue teams—and some are pri- tragedy and its cause, and there is no work as partners with them. This is vate, some are international, and some way that we can just envision the trag- just the beginning. We are going to are American; one of them is from ic loss of life from this devastating 7.0 stay involved with them until we see a Florida, one is from Fairfax County, Richter scale earthquake. completion of what they need. and one is from Los Angeles—they’re The other thing about the earth- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- doing everything they can with scope quake is that it was only 6 miles below er, I am so pleased to yield such time cameras and listening devices and dogs the surface, which many earthquakes as he may consume to the gentleman and so forth to try to find whatever go as far as 100, 150 miles down. So the from Georgia (Mr. KINGSTON), an es- cavities remain in this rubble and focus trauma of this earthquake was just to- teemed member of the Appropriations on those areas where somebody could tally devastating. Actually, we have Committee. be trapped and surviving. The cavity had several aftershocks, a 5.9 and a 5.5. Mr. KINGSTON. I thank the gentle- question is actually more important We had another one today of 6.1 on the woman. right now than food or water, and so Richter scale. So this is far from over. I wanted to rise in support of this they’re focusing on that. resolution, but I also wanted to com- A major concern of the families is b 1515 mend those who are involved in the what happens when the Government of It has been estimated that over 3 mil- rescue effort and the international Haiti, which is what we were told yes- lion people have been directly affected communities, the governments, and terday, the Government of Haiti de- by the disaster in Haiti. Nearly one- the nongovernmental organizations, as cides that there is no point in further third of the country’s population is at well as the private rescue teams who looking for survivors at the Hotel Mon- risk for long-term displacement and have been on the ground. tana. What we’re concerned about as vulnerability, not to forget the un- I also want to give high marks to Americans is that we should make that known numbers of individuals who re- those people who had already been decision, not the Haitian Government. main trapped in collapsed buildings. down in Haiti. One of them is Pastor I have written a letter today to the I want to thank the rescue teams, the Freddie Hebron from Savannah, Geor- President, along with Congressman nongovernmental organizations, and gia, whose church has an ongoing mis- ROONEY and Congressman MICA, who other emergency responders who are sionary down there. Pastor Hebron was also have constituents in there, to not working around the clock to locate and actually unaccounted for for about 38 call off that search because we believe extract survivors. I certainly commend hours, and the community was very it is very important that the American the efforts of the humanitarian re- concerned about him, but he is okay. Government do everything that it can sponse that is currently underway, par- He is still down there, although com- for the Haitians and the other inter- ticularly the efforts of all persons and munication with him is a little bit national citizens, but also do every- relief organizations. Donors so far have spotty. thing we can foremost for Americans contributed over $220 million to this ef- We also had another group, Pastor who are down there who are unac- fort. And by simply texting on phones, Bowman with Islands Church of Christ, counted for. $22 million has been raised at $5 and $10 who is down there led by Dr. John So I would ask that formally of my a clip. This is really showing the great Rowlett and Dr. Brian Kornblatt, 14 colleagues—that Hotel Montana we heart of the American people. Even American citizens who were down there know has some American citizens today, the Dominican Republic just an- and located outside of Port-au-Prince trapped in there, we do not know their

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 condition, I hope that other Members ries of hope. We know that Haiti’s cri- leadership in bringing this legislation of Congress will join me in calling for sis goes far deeper than the earth- to the floor as Chair of the Congres- that search to continue. I also would quake. But we also know that when our sional Black Caucus and as a leader on call on the administration to do that, words fail in the face of a tragedy of this issue as well. and commend the good work that they this scope, it is our responsibility and To Congresswoman ROS-LEHTINEN, are doing all around and realize the our honor and our moral duty to act. ranking member on the Foreign Rela- challenge ahead of them. But my con- I urge the House to pass this resolu- tions Committee, once again, thank cern right now is the Hotel Montana. tion. I urge the Obama administration you for your leadership. And I would ask for your prayers for to give its urgent attention to coordi- DONALD PAYNE, our leader—my good- Courtney Hayes, a college student, and nating and overseeing America’s part ness, what a conscience he is and has David Apperson, who is a businessman in the relief effort. And then, when been on this subject for a very long from Georgia, who are both down there some degree of civility and stability time and, really, for the alleviation of and still unaccounted for. has returned to that country, let us not poverty and the eradication of disease With that, I commend you in support forget that the road ahead will be long throughout the world. of this resolution. and difficult, but it is a necessary one Madam Speaker, obviously the Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- if the Haitian people are to return to a thoughts and prayers of this entire er, I reserve the balance of my time. life which will give them the kinds of Congress are with the people of Haiti, Ms. LEE of California. I would like to opportunities and stability that we who are suffering from a devastating yield 1 minute now to our majority wish for ourselves. earthquake that hit their country on leader, Representative HOYER from the Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- January 12. Members of Congress are great State of Maryland. er, I yield myself such time as I may committed to helping the Haitian peo- Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentle- consume. ple recover from this tragedy and to re- woman for yielding and congratulate Madam Speaker, I would like to build their homes, communities and her for her leadership of the Congres- thank and applaud the American peo- lives in the days, weeks and years to sional Black Caucus and her service on ple for the generosity and the compas- come. the Appropriations Committee, and for sion they have shown in the wake of Again, I thank Congresswoman LEE, the focus that she brings to making this horrific tragedy. According to our Congresswoman ROS-LEHTINEN, and sure that we do not forget those who State Department, the American Red Congressman PAYNE for their leader- are less fortunate than we. Cross effort has received over 2 million ship today and throughout the years in We all join together in expressing our contributors and raised over $23 mil- support of the people of Haiti. sorrow over last week’s earthquake, lion so far. In addition, we continue to It is a source of pride to the Ameri- which shattered the lives of so many of see admirable contributions from many cans that when President Obama spoke the people in Haiti, and as has been American corporations and businesses. about this subject, he said to the Hai- mentioned, others who were visiting My own district of Miami, Florida, has tian people, ‘‘You will not be forsaken. Haiti. I do so fully knowing that no sent two urban search-and-rescue You will not be forgotten.’’ words we say here can rebuild a col- teams to Haiti and has pledged $60,000 What a beautiful sentiment reflect- lapsed home or heal the wounds of the to relief efforts. The Port of Miami and ing the values of our country, the con- living or bury the dead. Miami International Airport are cern of the President, personally, that At times like these, we say words waiving certain fees for relief-related he had for the people of Haiti, the lead- fail; they fail to capture the true scope efforts. Also, several other assets from ership he provided as Commander in of devastation and suffering, and they south Florida are also being utilized, Chief to deploy the forces necessary to fail to effect any change for the better. including U.S. Southern Command, or help bring order there, and as Presi- Nevertheless, it is still important to SOUTHCOM, which is serving as the dent of the United States to speak with express the responsibility we feel to operation center for the U.S. response heads of state from other countries to the 3 million Haitians killed, injured or in Haiti. Coast Guard Key West and coordinate the effort of relief for Haiti. displaced by this disaster, the same re- Coast Guard Miami Beach, also Home- We are still learning the staggering sponsibility we hope that others would stead Air Reserve Base, a departure extent of the devastation. The Govern- feel toward us in a time of need. That point for the C–130s that are carrying ment of Haiti estimates the death toll is why America is joining with the relief, supplies, and personnel to Haiti, is close to 200,000 souls—200,000 people international community, NGOs, and are playing an important role in this made in the image and likeness of God, the United Nations to provide disaster relief effort. 200,000 people whose families have been relief and aid in rebuilding. That is And just today, the USNS Comfort re- devastated by this loss. It’s just such a why President Obama has pledged $100 ceived its first Haitian patients, a 6- staggering snuffing out of life, and million in disaster aid, and why Amer- year-old boy and a 20-year-old man. more than 1.5 million people homeless. ican personnel are on the scene saving They were flown via helicopter to the Anyone who has ever visited Haiti lives and aiding in the recovery. hospital ship. This is a nearly 900-foot has seen the extreme poverty there, The Los Angeles Daily News reported floating hospital. The Comfort is re- the poorest country in this hemisphere; this week on the California firefighters ported to be carrying about 550 medical but with the poverty that they have whose backbreaking work gives us all staff and about 60 civilian mariners. economically and with the hope that something of which to be proud. I So the American people have opened they have otherwise, anyone who has quote from that article: They were up their hearts and their wallets to visited there can testify to the fact bone weary from digging through the help earthquake-ravaged Haiti. As a that the sparkle in their eyes and their rubble for 5 hours Sunday, losing faith people and as a Nation, the United hopes for the future and their love of fast. When the cheering began, it was States will continue to move hand in their children and their love of life is hand with the people of Haiti to swiftly like a shot of adrenalin, ‘‘USA, USA,’’ very special. It stands out. respond to and recover from this trag- the large Haitian crowd standing in the I’ve been to many countries to visit edy. the poor and to see what our efforts na- street yelled as Los Angeles County Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- tionally and globally are to alleviate Fire Captain Bill Monahan and his ance of my time. search-dog rescue team finally freed a Ms. LEE of California. I would like to poverty and eradicate disease; and in young woman trapped under her col- now yield 1 minute to our great Speak- Haiti you see a sparkle that is so spe- lapsed hotel for 5 days. ‘‘Bill said it er from the State of California, Speak- cial, and that’s why this seems so very, very sad. We know for certain that too brought him to tears,’’ said Debra er NANCY PELOSI. Tosch, who is the executive director of many Haitians are suffering right now. the Search Dog Foundation. b 1530 Far too many are injured and hungry. We know that there are stories of Ms. PELOSI. I thank the gentle- Far too many grieve the loss of loved grief and loss to go alongside such sto- woman, Congresswoman LEE, for her ones.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 343 Again, I am proud of the swift coordi- we are saying to the Haitian people: In grant temporary protection status, or nated response that the President had. your hour of greatest need, America TPS, to Haitian nationals living in the He extended TPS, at long last, tem- stands with you. U.S. Representative RANGEL and I led porary protection status. We’ve been Again, I thank Congresswoman LEE the New York congressional delegation asking for that for a long time, long for her leadership on this important in writing to President Obama in sup- before President Obama was President, issue and Congresswoman ROS- port of this TPS designation. for Haitians living in the U.S., and it LEHTINEN as well. On behalf of my constituents and ensures that no one will be sent back Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- Haitian Americans around the country, against their will to the devastation. I er, I continue to reserve the balance of I offer my gratitude to the President, talked earlier about the President’s my time. and I urge my colleagues to do the leadership in this regard. At this tragic Ms. LEE of California. Madam same in supporting this resolution. time, we can take steps right away to Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the Chair Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- ensure a brighter future for Haiti. of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee er, I continue to reserve the balance of I do believe, as one who comes from on The Western Hemisphere, the gen- my time. earthquake country—California, where tleman from New York, Chairman Ms. LEE of California. Before recog- we’ve experienced earthquakes; right, ENGEL. nizing the next speaker, I yield to my Congresswoman?—that there is a possi- Mr. ENGEL. I thank my friend, the friend, the gentlewoman from Illinois gentlewoman from California (Ms. bility that Haiti can leapfrog over all (Ms. SCHAKOWSKY), for the purpose of LEE), for yielding to me. the physical devastation there to an making a unanimous consent request. Madam Speaker, as chairman of The Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Madam Speaker, economy and a future that is so very Western Hemisphere Subcommittee of I rise to voice my condolences and bright that this can create a boom the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I pledge to stand in solidarity with economy for the people there and make rise in strong support of H. Con. Res. Haiti. a big difference in their lives. This can 1021, which expresses condolences to Madam Speaker, I rise today to support this only happen if we all help. and solidarity with the people of Haiti resolution and to express my sincere condo- Already today, the House has passed in the aftermath of the horrific and lences to the Haitian people and to their bipartisan charitable tax deduction devastating earthquake of January 12. friends and family around the world, including legislation to encourage and It is with great sorrow that we come Haitian-Americans living in my district. incentivize assistance from the Amer- to the floor today to lament the cata- Throughout my time in Congress, I have ican people to the people of Haiti. I strophic blow to Haiti from last week’s worked with them on ways to improve the live hope the Senate will soon follow and natural disaster. Tens, if not hundreds, of Haitians, and I know we will continue that send this bill to the President’s desk. of thousands of people have died; and work together. Next, the International Development hundreds of thousands are homeless in Last week’s 7.0-magnitude earthquake was Bank should move forward with full the wake of the earthquake. Our hearts an almost unimaginable tragedy for Haiti. The debt cancellation for Haiti. Inter- go out to the Haitian people as they capital city was flattened, tens of thousands of national institutions should be remov- cope with the calamity that has be- people were killed, and countless others lost ing obstacles to Haiti’s enormous long- fallen their nation. what few possessions they had as homes, term reconstruction challenges, includ- While we mourn the great loss of life business, and schools crumbled. ing providing the new assistance in the in Haiti, we must resolve to stand with I have traveled to Haiti several times, most form of grants and not loans. the Haitian people as they rebuild their recently last spring, and I am always struck by Third, I will be asking the appro- lives. Due to my long experience with the incredible resilience of the Haitian people priate committees to work together Haiti from hearings in my sub- in the face of extreme poverty and devastating with the administration and the Hai- committee, visiting the country and, natural disasters. Still, this most recent trag- tian Government to see how Congress most importantly, my relationship edy is absolutely heartbreaking, particularly at can support long-term sustainable de- with my Haitian American constitu- a time when glimmers of light were beginning velopment plans for Haiti; and aren’t ents—I have a large Haitian American to appear for Haiti’s future. we fortunate that Congresswoman LEE community in my district in Spring Emergency assistance in the coming days, serves on one of those appropriate com- Valley, New York—I know that Haiti weeks, and months will be critical. Earthquake mittees, and the chairwoman is here, will overcome this tremendous adver- survivors desperately need food, water, and Congresswoman LOWEY, of the sub- sity. medicine. But that cannot be the end of the committee that is so important to this. However, Haiti and its people will story. Even before the earthquake, Haiti was A compassionate and generous re- need U.S. and international help for the poorest country in the Western Hemi- sponse from the United States is essen- the foreseeable future. It is reassuring sphere, with 80 percent of the population living tial to stabilizing Haiti. While there to see that the Obama administration on less than $2 per day. In recent years Haiti has been a strong initial response to has quickly marshaled the resources of has weathered serious food riots after rising the crisis, there must be an initiative the U.S. Government in coordination prices forced parents to feed mudcakes to to provide sustainable assistance that with the international community. their children, as well as a series of dev- empowers Haiti’s institutions and the I thank President Obama and Sec- astating storms. Haitian people to build a future that is retary Clinton for their tireless efforts. So long as Haiti remains a country without better than the past. It is also important to recognize the a viable economy, it will remain dependent on We value the strong relationship be- generosity of millions of private Amer- assistance. We must continue to work to make tween Haiti and the United States. Our ican citizens who have responded im- sure that food, water, and medicine reach countries share a long and difficult his- mediately to this crisis, and we must those who desperately need it right now, but, tory in some respects, but that binds us thank the dedicated U.S. military and in the months and years ahead, we also need together. Wherever Haiti immigrants government personnel and the thou- to work to bring real economic development to have settled, they have thrived, and sands of NGO volunteers and staff for Haiti. they have contributed to the welfare their truly valiant efforts. Madam Speaker, I extend my sincere con- and the well-being of their new home We should also remember that the dolences to the people of Haiti, and I join with country, never forgetting their Haitian challenges faced by Haiti will continue my colleagues and the Obama administration legacy. past this immediate period and will ex- in pledging U.S. support in the days, months, We know about the artistic genius tend into the long term. The U.S. and and years ahead. and entrepreneurial spirit of the Hai- global community will need to offer ro- Ms. LEE of California. Madam tian people—Michael Jong, are you lis- bust assistance to make sure Haiti can Speaker, I yield 1 minute to a member tening?—as so many others. They will rebuild from this shocking disaster. of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the succeed if they are only given the op- Madam Speaker, I would also like to gentlewoman from California (Ms. portunity. Today, with this resolution, praise President Obama’s decision to WATSON).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 Ms. WATSON. Madam Speaker, I The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Our friends in the international community stand proudly with my colleagues in time of the gentlewoman has expired. must also be commended for their efforts. The supporting H. Res. 1021, which extends Ms. LEE of California. I yield the United Nations is releasing $10 million from its our heartfelt condolences and support gentlewoman an additional 10 seconds. emergency funds. The European Commission for the people of Haiti and for those Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Moving has approved C3 million ($4.37 million) with who are there serving humanitarian re- forward, we will focus on relief efforts more funds likely. Countless other nations lief. for the children, providing more med- from Germany, to China, to Israel to Mexico to This is an opportunity for us, in the ical care and, yes, insisting on making have also pledged support. I commend each midst of all this tragedy, to address sure that we rebuild this great city and of these nations for coming to our neighboring one of the poorest nations in the world, this great nation. We can do this. We nation in dire need of assistance. and it is located in the Western Hemi- are standing by their side. We will not Many of my constituents have asked what sphere. It is time for us not only to leave them alone. they can do to help, or how they can find their meet the emergent needs but to fulfill Madam Speaker, I rise in support of H. Res. loved ones. Those who are interested in help- our commitment to this country from 1021—‘‘Expressing Condolences to and Soli- ing immediately can text ‘HAITI’ to ‘90999’ and now on in perpetuity. darity with the People of Haiti in the aftermath a donation of $10 will be made automatically So I commend the speedy work of the of the devastating Earthquake of January to the Red Cross for relief efforts. The dona- Congressional Black Caucus, of all of 12th, 2010.’’ tion will be charged to your cell phone bill. the Members of this House, and of As you know, on Tuesday, January 12th, a The outpouring of support and funding from those on the other side of the aisle for massive, 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the American people was both instant and addressing these needs and for collabo- Haiti near the capital of Port-au-Prince. There sustained. According to the Washington Post, rating with the world to bring the kind is still no official estimate of death or destruc- the text messaging effort raised $5 million in of relief that is needed for our neighbor tion but the damage to buildings is extensive its first day, breaking the previous one-day and the number of injured or dead is esti- to the south. Congratulations. record of about $450,000. Text-message do- mated to be in the hundreds of thousands. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- nations continue to play a larger-than-ex- Haiti sits on a large fault that has caused er, I continue to reserve the balance of pected role in the push for earthquake relief in my time. catastrophic quakes in the past, but this one Haiti. As of late Sunday, the American Red Ms. LEE of California. Madam was described as among the most powerful to Cross said that it had collected pledges of Speaker, I yield 1 minute to a member hit the region within the last 200 years. With of the House Foreign Affairs Com- many poor residents living in tin-roof shacks about $103 million, including $22 million mittee, also Chair of the Homeland Se- that sit precariously on steep ravines and with through the text donation program. Each curity Subcommittee on Transpor- much of the construction in Port-au-Prince and donor should be proud of their contribution to tation Security and Infrastructure Pro- elsewhere in the country of questionable qual- help their brothers and sisters in Haiti. Financially, 2009 was not an easy year for tection, the gentlewoman from Texas ity, the expectation was that the quake caused many Americans. Although thousands of jobs (Ms. JACKSON LEE). major damage to buildings and significant loss Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. I thank of life. were created and we are back on the road to the chairwoman very much, and I The dimensions of the disaster are still un- economic recovery, Americans lived on tighter thank her for her leadership on this folding, but Haiti’s Prime Minister Jean-Max budgets than usual. This legislation passed issue, joined with the chairman of the Bellerive told CNN that he believes there are today will allow those Americans who have full committee and the ranking mem- well over 100,000 dead, and leading senator generously donated money to Haiti to receive ber of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Youri Latortue estimated the number at pos- their tax break this year instead of next year. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN and Chairman BER- sibly as high as 500,000, according the Asso- In January of 2005, Congress enacted this MAN; the Congressional Black Caucus; ciated Press. type of relief for individuals that made chari- and so many Members who have issued America is responding, and will continue to table contributions to victims of the Indian their outpouring of support. I thank respond with immediate humanitarian assist- Ocean tsunami that occurred in late December Chairman PAYNE for his continued ef- ance to help the people of this struggling is- of 2004. That bill (H.R. 241 in the 109th Con- forts, and I thank all of the Members land nation rebuild their livelihoods. I send my gress) passed the House of Representatives who have sizable populations of Hai- condolences to the people and government of without objection and subsequently passed the tians in their districts. Haiti as they grieve once again in the after- Senate by unanimous consent. I hope that this There is a very active Haitian Amer- math of a natural disaster. As Haiti’s neighbor, legislation, like our response to the 2004 tsu- ican population in Houston, Texas. We I believe it is the United States’ responsibility nami, will encourage Americans to contribute have been working. We have been pour- to help Haiti recover, and build the capacity to more money to Haiti. As Haiti starts on its long ing out our hearts, but we’ve also mitigate against future disasters. recovery, every dollar is critically important. rolled up our sleeves. I believe there America and her allies have already initiated Americans have responded in great numbers, are several issues, as we support this a comprehensive, interagency response to the and I am proud to represent such a compas- resolution, that should be focused on. earthquake. The State Department, Depart- sionate and generous nation. One, we must have a long-term re- ment of Defense, Department of Homeland Americans are not only giving their money, sponse, a Marshall Plan, in essence, to Security, Coast Guard, USAID—all worked they are also giving their time and expertise help rebuild Haiti. Two, we must deal overnight to ensure critical resources were po- as well. This weekend, I arranged for a team with the immediate crisis, emergency, sitioned to support the response and recovery of seven doctors, six nurses, two techs, and loss of life, loss of loved ones, the abil- effort, including efforts to find and assist Amer- two search and rescue volunteers to fly to ity to have medical care, and, yes, pro- ican citizens in Haiti. Haiti and provide immediate humanitarian sup- tecting our offerings. Within days of last week’s devastating port. This team led by Dr. Richard Toussaint So my community met on this past earthquake, U.S. Southern Command de- from Forest Park Medical Center in Dallas Saturday with the county government, ployed a team of 30 people to Haiti to support Texas arrived in Haiti just after noon on Satur- the State government, the city govern- U.S. relief efforts in the aftermath of one of the day. From there, the doctors made their way ment, Mayor Annise Parker and her largest natural disasters in the western hemi- to Hospital Sacre-Couer where, in roughly two representatives, the fire department, sphere. The team included U.S. military engi- days, they performed about 70 amputations, and our National and Texas Reserve, neers, operational planners, and a command surgically treated about 150 patients, and saw committing ourselves the resources and control group and communication special- about 600 patients total. I commend this team and assets to be able to be of assist- ists arriving on two C–130 Hercules aircraft. of medical personnel for their selfless actions ance. I was delighted to have been able Since, there has been a tremendous inter- and willingness to spend their own time and to send from Texas two plane-loads of agency response with support and partnering money to come to the aid of people they had doctors, nurses and medical supplies, with U.S. Embassy personnel as well as Hai- never met. led by Dr. Richard Toussaint, where tian, United Nations and international officials Additionally, I hosted a Houston-based Haiti this past weekend they were able to do to assess the situation and facilitate follow-on relief effort called ‘‘Texans helping Haitians’’ 150 surgeries and 600 visits. U.S. military support. with city leadership and the Haitian community

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 345 in the aftermath of this horrible disaster. them in this great time of need. The in- It is important to have the federal govern- Groups included in the effort to provide sup- tense challenges of delivering humani- ment participate in the broad, international re- plies and medical assistance to Haiti were: tarian relief are compounded in Haiti lief effort. Action by the federal government Texas Medical Center, Texas Dental Associa- by weak infrastructure and govern- demonstrates leadership from the highest level tion, Search and Rescue Organizations, the ment institutions that cannot provide of government in helping meet the deep need Haitian Multicultural Association, Haitian Carib- the necessary support for relief. for humanitarian aid. bean Organization of Texas, Caribbean Impact I commend the swift response by the Booker T. Washington captured well the im- Foundation, and Haiti Counts. Obama administration, especially portance of assisting people in need when he We also helped coordinate the safe return USAID, the State Department, HHS, said, ‘‘The highest test of the civilization of any of six Houston Rotarians that were stranded in the Department of Defense, as well as race is in its willingness to extend a helping the mountains and we are now working with the international community, to hand to the less fortunate.’’ Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance on the quickly mobilize humanitarian and dis- I am very proud that the American response transport of orphans to awaiting families here aster relief in a complex humanitarian to the Haitian tragedy is not limited to our gov- in the U.S. disaster. ernment. Individuals, businesses, and philan- Throughout my time in Congress, I have I also want to acknowledge the out- thropic organizations have joined with our been highly involved in strengthening the rela- standing work of many, many other global colleague to respond to this tragedy. tionship between the U.S. and Haiti. I have countries; and I want to particularly During this time of extreme difficulty in Haiti, worked to establish positive and productive commend Israel for its immediate re- charities have raised more than $210 million in partnerships with local development officials, sponse with search and rescue teams, donations for Haiti earthquake relief. A cam- non-profit organizations, and the Haitian Dias- fully equipped hospitals and doctors, paign using text messages brought in over pora to establish a strong web of support for Doctors Without Borders, and thou- $21 million for the Red Cross for relief efforts. the nation of Haiti. In collaboration with the sands of NGOs. In Chicago, I know that many churches, es- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Congressional Black Caucus, I have been a pecially the Church of God in Christ, are rising time of the gentlewoman has expired. continual advocate of providing assistance to Ms. LEE of California. I yield the to meet the tremendous needs of the people Haiti to strengthen their fragile democratic gentlewoman an additional 30 seconds. affected by the Haitian tragedy. The inter- processes, continue to improve security, and Mrs. LOWEY. Lastly, in addition to national community has come together to as- promote economic development among other the thousands of NGOs, I want to com- sist Haiti by sending emergency funds, search concerns such the protection of human rights, mend a group started by Danielle Butin and rescue teams, food and water, and med- combating narcotics, arms, and human traf- in my district that has been collecting ical teams. ficking, addressing Haitian migration, and alle- medical supplies and shipping con- I want to emphasize that this resolution rec- viating poverty. tainers daily with the help of many, ognizes that Haiti’s needs will be great, both Last year, I introduced H.R. 264, the ‘‘Save many volunteers. This is a job for all of in the short-term and the long-term. I believe Immigration Comprehensive Act of 2009.’’ us, and I am very, very pleased that that Americans and our government will rise to Among other things, this act authorizes adjust- there are so many governments and in- help meet these immediate and future chal- ment of status for certain nationals or citizens dividuals who are working to relieve lenges. of Haiti as well as amends the Haitian Ref- this terrible, terrible effect of the dis- The people of Haiti and the United States ugee Immigration Fairness Act of 1998 to: (1) aster. have a long and complex relationship dating waive document fraud as a ground of inadmis- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- back to pre-slavery days. Our cultures, and sibility; and (2) address determinations with re- er, I continue to reserve the balance of our respective economic histories and des- spect to children. In the wake of last week’s my time. tinies, are deeply intertwined. It is natural and earthquake, I am happy to see that the Ms. LEE of California. Madam just for our nation to take the lead in extending Obama Administration decided to extend tem- Speaker, before I recognize my next a hand of immediate relief to the people of porary protection status to Haitians facing de- speaker, I yield to my friend, the gen- Haiti in the aftermath of this horrific disaster portation. tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS), for and ultimately a hand in rebuilding their shat- Once again, I am devastated by the im- the purpose of making a unanimous tered nation so that the Haitian people can measurable tragedy that occurred in Haiti. consent request. join with the developed nations of the world in Along with my colleagues, I hope to visit Haiti Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- a 21st century standard of living and security. in the near future to meet with their leaders er, I rise in strong support of H. Res. Ms. LEE of California. Madam and see what the United States can do to re- 1021, expressing condolences to and sol- Speaker, I yield 1 minute to a member build the shattered livelihoods. idarity with the people of Haiti in the of the Committee on Natural Re- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- aftermath of the devastating earth- sources, who is the second vice Chair of er, I continue to reserve the balance of quake of January 12, 2010. the Congressional Black Caucus, the my time. Madam Speaker, Americans are deeply gentlewoman from the Virgin Islands Ms. LEE of California. Madam saddened by the tremendous damage and (Mrs. CHRISTENSEN). Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the Chair loss of life caused by the earthquake that b 1545 of the State and Foreign Operations struck Haiti on January 12th. Subcommittee, the gentlewoman from The earthquake was truly a devastating nat- Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speak- New York (Mrs. LOWEY). ural disaster. There are enormous needs in er, in this time of sadness and tragedy Mrs. LOWEY. Madam Speaker, I rise Haiti. Authorities say that the earthquake may for the people of Haiti and all of us who today in strong support of House Reso- have killed 200,000 people. Three million peo- are their friends, I rise in support of lution 1021, with appreciation for the ple in Haiti need food, water, shelter, and Resolution 1021, expressing our condo- leadership of BARBARA LEE, a member medical assistance, according to an estimate lences and solidarity with the people of of my committee; DONALD PAYNE; and given by the United Nations. Haiti and their families throughout the sincere condolences for the victims of Tens of thousands of people sleep in the diaspora, and the people of the U.S. last Tuesday’s tragic earthquake and streets or under plastic sheets in makeshift Virgin Islands join me on these senti- continuing aftershocks. Yet another camps. The spread of disease has become a ments. natural disaster has devastated this major concern in Haiti. Tens of thousands of On Martin Luther King Day, I joined country and its people. My deep sym- children have been orphaned by the earth- some of our clergy in leading a prayer pathy and prayers are with the people quake. vigil for the people of Haiti, and I am of Haiti and all those who have lost I join with my colleagues in expressing the proud to report on the funding that has loved ones. sympathies of the Congress, recognizing the been sent in, to report that the Haiti As the resolution notes, the U.S. long-term need for American assistance, and community support and teams of doc- Government and the American people urging the President to adopt multiple ap- tors and nurses from my district began stand in solidarity with the Haitian proaches to assisting those affected by this a rotation of medical supplies imme- people and are committed to helping tragedy now and in the future. diately following the quake.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 On Monday, a ship normally sta- The situation on the ground remains forts. Unfortunately, new loans that tioned at HOVENSA, the oil refinery unstable. Lives still hang in the bal- will add to Haiti’s debt burden are not on St. Croix, was commissioned to ance, and a speedy and coordinated ac- what Haiti needs at this critical time. Port-au-Prince, and left, carrying sup- tion is needed to maximize the recov- I was encouraged to learn that IMF plies from several organizations includ- ery effort and to mitigate the loss of managing director, Dominique Strauss- ing Rotary, Hispanos Unidos, and a life. Kahn, expressed support for canceling group led by Haitian American Virgin With this resolution, we are sending all of Haiti’s debt, including the new Islander Andre McBean. We thank a unified message to the Haitian people loan, and I look forward to working them and the Haitian American organi- that we stand with them as they mourn with him to do so. zation in St. Thomas led by Oskar the loss of their loved ones and prepare On behalf of the Black Caucus, I am Lalanne, Hans Oriol, and Gerard Ba- to rebuild their nation. This resolution introducing legislation to require the teau, who have also sent supplies and lets the whole world know that Haiti is United States Secretary of the Treas- provided aid on the ground, including as much a part of us as we are a part ury to use the voice, vote, and influ- the assembling of creole speaking in- of them. ence of the United States within the terpreters who are so needed during Over the last week, the American multilateral financial institutions to this disaster. people have been pouring out their cancel all of Haiti’s remaining debt, Today, with this resolution we signal hearts to the nation. I would like to and I hope all of my colleagues will the commitment of this Congress and commend our people, the U.S. military, support it. Canceling Haiti’s debts will the people of the United States to Coast Guard, search and rescue teams, free up the country’s meager resources, standing with Haiti—— humanitarian NGOs, for all of their allowing it to begin meeting its imme- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The work. I would like to recognize the diate and long-term needs. time of the gentlewoman has expired. swift response from the Obama admin- Again, I would like to thank my good Ms. LEE of California. I yield the istration in providing immediate in- friend and leader, BARBARA LEE, for in- gentlewoman an additional 15 seconds. vestment and thank them. troducing this legislation. Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Not just now, Ms. LEE of California. I now yield 2 Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- during the immediate response, but for minutes to the Chair of the Financial er, I would like to yield 2 minutes to what will be a long and difficult recov- Services Subcommittee on Housing and the gentleman from Texas, Judge POE, ery. Community Opportunity, a leader on a member of our House Foreign Affairs I thank our chairwoman, BARBARA so many issues who has been involved Committee. LEE, for introducing the resolution and with Haiti since I have known her, and Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, I all of the Congressional Black Caucus that has been since the 1970s, who has thank the gentlewoman from Florida and others for their leadership in sup- led the charge for debt relief, Congress- for yielding. port of Haiti, both before and since woman MAXINE WATERS. When this situation occurred in January 12. Ms. WATERS. I would like to thank Haiti, when the earthquake came Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- my good friend, the chairperson of the through and devastated the land, the er, I would like to yield 5 minutes of Congressional Black Caucus and a buildings, and the lives of the people, my time to the gentlewoman from friend of Haiti’s who has been working there were over 30,000 Americans in California (Ms. LEE). on behalf of Haiti for many years, BAR- Haiti at the time. Many of these Amer- Ms. LEE of California. I would like to BARA LEE. icans were there as volunteers to help thank the gentlewoman from Florida I rise to support this resolution, this struggling nation. They were from for yielding and also for her strong sup- which expresses the condolences of the churches throughout the United port and her assistance with this reso- House of Representatives with the peo- States. They were young people, civic lution. ple of Haiti following last week’s dev- organizations already there helping Let me now yield 11⁄2 minutes to the astating earthquake. I especially ap- this struggling nation. gentlewoman from New York, a mem- preciate the fact that this resolution One group particularly, from my ber of the Committee on Small Busi- urges multilateral financial institu- hometown of Houston, a group of Ro- ness, who also serves as an officer of tions to immediately suspend further tarians, had just gotten there to work the whip of the Congressional Black debt payment from Haiti and to de- in two places. They were going to work Caucus, hails from the Caribbean, a velop processes to cancel all of Haiti’s in the hospitals, to make the hospitals leader on so many issues, Congress- remaining debt. better and more convenient and more woman YVETTE CLARKE. Haiti cannot begin to recover from efficient, and they were also there to Ms. CLARKE. Madam Speaker, I the earthquake while continuing to dig water wells for the Haitian people. would like to thank the Chair of the make payments on debts owed to mul- And all of these people that were there Congressional Black Caucus and mem- tilateral financial institutions like the from America, most of them, were vol- ber of the Foreign Affairs Committee, IMF, the World Bank, and the Inter- unteers. the gentlewoman from California (Ms. American Development Bank. Even be- It has been said that government can LEE) for bringing us together, along fore the earthquake occurred, debt pay- never replace a volunteer, and that is with the ranking member, for this res- ments were a tremendous burden that true. Americans are the most giving olution. interfered with the ability of Haiti’s people on Earth, and they were helping Madam Speaker, I rise today to ex- Government to meet the needs of its Haiti. And I suspect Americans will go press my heartfelt condolences and in people. and help Haiti again, to volunteer, all support of the Haitian people, the Hai- Haiti worked very hard over the past of these civic religious organizations. tian American community in the several years to qualify for debt relief. And that is a good thing, because that United States and the Caribbean island In order to qualify, the Government of is what we do in America. We help nation of Haiti, and ask my colleagues Haiti successfully developed and imple- other people. We help our own people, to support Resolution 1021. mented a comprehensive Poverty Re- and we help foreign nations and their As the representative of the second duction Strategy Paper under the di- people as well, because America in the largest Haitian American population in rection of the IMF and the World Bank. time of crisis responds. the United States, this crisis has truly As a result, multilateral financial in- So I commend the Americans that and literally hit home. My office has stitutions provided Haiti $1.2 billion in are working, along with the NGOs and been inundated and overwhelmed with debt relief last June. Nevertheless, the officials of our government and constituents calling, earnestly trying Haiti still owes a total of $664 million other governments, in this struggling to find their loved ones. Many of them in debt to multilateral financial insti- time to help the people of Haiti get are hoping family members are still tutions. their lives back together so that they alive and safe, despite the many images The IMF offered Haiti a new $100 mil- can once again be a productive nation of destruction they see in the media. lion loan for earthquake recovery ef- in the community of countries.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 347

Ms. LEE of California. I yield 11⁄2 I have no further requests for time, human beings to assist those who are less minutes to my colleague and friend and I yield back the balance of my fortunate. from California (Mr. SCHIFF), a member time. In the short term, Haiti’s emergency needs of the Appropriations Committee. Ms. LEE of California. Before I close, are overwhelming. Even with the death and Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I join I yield 11⁄2 minutes to my friend from casualty toll estimates still coming in, we know my colleague from California (Ms. LEE) New Jersey, Chair of the African Glob- that there is an urgent need for food, medi- in expressing my profound sorrow at al Health Subcommittee, Chairman cines, water, emergency shelter, and equip- the tragedy that has been visited upon PAYNE. ment. The immediate response from our citi- the people of Haiti. Mr. PAYNE. Let me, once again, ex- zens has been gratifying. Within 24 hours fol- Even now, a week after the earth- press our deep appreciation for the out- lowing the quake, we saw Americans from a quake that shattered Port-au-Prince cry of Members of this legislative body cross section of society—from elected officials and much of the surrounding area, res- on both sides of the aisle. in Washington to everyday residents all over cuers are still pulling survivors from We have heard of the great work done New York City—reach out and offer assist- the rubble, including a 15-day-old baby by many of the countries mentioned. ance. girl who was pulled from her home, de- We have heard about the heroism and The Obama Administration, for its part, has stroyed, yesterday, after 7 days with- the heroic efforts of many of the peo- pledged its full support for rescue and humani- out food and water. Happily, the baby ple. We have seen isolated shots of tarian assistance. I applaud President has been reunited with her mother, some violence and disorder, but let me Obama’s decision to pledge $100 million in re- who told the Wall Street Journal that say that this is just a very small sliver lief aid. It is clear that there will be an even her daughter’s survival was ‘‘the mercy of what is happening in Haiti. Most of greater need for a long-term commitment to of God.’’ Hours later, 69-year-old Anna the people are waiting patiently. Most rebuild the nation’s infrastructure, and to pro- Zizi was dragged singing from the rub- of the people are orderly. vide educational, security, and economic as- ble of the Roman Catholic cathedral of It is amazing, the resilience of the sistance. As the leader in our hemisphere and Port-au-Prince, while Hotteline Haitian people from these over- Haiti’s most important political partner, the Lozama, age 25, was pulled from the whelming obstacles, that 99 percent of United States should lead the way in sup- ruins of a shopping center. the people are just trying to make it porting these efforts. But, despite these miracles, the hor- through. So we need to engage with the There will come a time when the people of ror is overwhelming. Current estimates government. We need to assist them as Haiti are no longer headlines in the media; place the death toll at 200,000, and they start to recover politically and and yet they will still be in desperate need of more than 1.5 million Haitians have governmentally. help from the international community. It is at been made homeless as a result of the In addition to restoring the city, we this time that we must pull together and unite earthquake. Major aftershocks, includ- need to take a look at perhaps a new to help the citizens of Haiti rebuild their coun- ing a magnitude 6.1 tremor this morn- city outside of Port-au-Prince, a city try. Similar to a national public works program, ing, have hampered rescue efforts and built for 50,000 people that has 2 mil- the building and repairing of roads and kept survivors in a state of near panic. lion people. Can you imagine that? So bridges, schools, hospitals and health care The extent of the damage and total- this may be a way that we can have a clinics, and the undertaking of massive refor- ity of the need have overwhelmed the planned approach. We have great col- estation should create much needed jobs for massive international aid effort that is leges. Columbia University has the Haitians. racing to get food and water to more Earth Institute, and we would hope to I would also like to thank President Obama than 3 million people. Even as U.N. re- try to encourage those groups to come and Secretary Napolitano for granting the inforcements and additional U.S. mili- in. thousands of Haitian nationals in America with tary and civilian assets scramble to the With that, let me commend our Temporary Protective Status. This humani- stricken island, an estimated 20,000 chairperson once again. tarian gesture will allow our Haitian brothers people a day are dying, most from lack Ms. LEE of California. Madam and sisters, neighbors and friends, many of of adequate medical care. Speaker, let me thank all of the Mem- whom have been among us for several years, There is an unfortunate familiarity bers today for coming down to the floor to remain here, work hard, and contribute to to the images that have been broadcast in support of this resolution but, more the efforts of rebuilding their homeland while around the world in the aftermath of importantly, in support of the people of in America. this tragedy: the pleading eyes, the Haiti. Haiti has been a long-time friend and ally of fear, and the sorrow mixed with sto- I end by calling on all my colleagues the United States, and now it is our turn to ex- icism. We have seen them before in to join me in supporting this measure ercise our friendship in their time of need. New Orleans after Katrina, in South- to express our deepest condolences, our Madam Speaker, I invite you and my col- east Asia after the tsunami, in Paki- steadfast solidarity, and our sustained leagues in joining me to dedicate our efforts, stan after the earthquake there, and commitment to the people of Haiti in and commit ourselves to supporting, the long- the aftermath of countless other disas- the wake of this ongoing tragedy. suffering Haitian people, now and into the fu- ters. ture. 1600 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The b Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, I rise time of the gentleman has expired. As we move forward, let us not waiv- today to join my colleagues and extend my Ms. LEE of California. I yield the er in saying to the people of Haiti: deepest sympathies to the people of Haiti, and gentleman 20 additional seconds. Your resilience, your dignity, your to their worried and grieving loved ones Mr. SCHIFF. But even though the courage, even during your darkest around the world, after the tragic earthquake scenes are familiar and unsettling, we hour, continues to inspire us. And dur- that devastated so much of the nation last cannot turn away and we must not ing your darkest hour, the United Tuesday. It is heartbreaking that a country that shirk our obligation to aid our neigh- States, and the American people, will has suffered through so much in its history bor in her hour of need. I urge the not abandon you as you continue to now must endure this unimaginable disaster. President to continue to press for fast- struggle for a brighter tomorrow. My thoughts and prayers also go out to the in- er deployment of aid and reconstruc- I urge my colleagues to support the jured and missing Americans, Haitian-Ameri- tion personnel. resolution. cans with families impacted by this tragedy, I thank my colleague for her leader- Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today and families and colleagues of the United Na- ship and her support of the resolution. to address the struggles of the Haitian people tions personnel who lost their lives. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- in the aftermath of the disastrous earthquake I would also like to applaud President er, I thank my good friend from Cali- that hit the island nation on January 12, 2010. Obama’s quick action in sending civilian and fornia (Ms. LEE) for the bipartisan ap- The images of the aftermath of the earthquake military personnel and humanitarian resources proach to this terrible, terrible situa- are startling and sobering reminders of the to help in rescue and recovery, and am ready tion. power of nature and of our obligation as to work with my colleagues in Congress to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 support the Administration’s efforts. I call on Hemisphere. Although there has been much I urge my colleagues to join me in support all Americans to continue to show their sup- progress with the development of a demo- of continued investment in the people of Haiti. port for the people of Haiti, whether by contrib- cratic parliamentary system, there is still a Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, I rise in soli- uting to the Red Cross or other charitable or- long way to go and this natural disaster is un- darity with my colleagues in the Congressional ganizations operating in Haiti, or offering prod- doubtedly a terrible setback to Haiti’s develop- Black Caucus in support of the people of Haiti. ucts or services that may be needed. ment. Sadly, many casualties of this tragedy Last weekend, in my district, I held a city- In times of terrible suffering, the world com- have been humanitarian workers and peace- wide interfaith prayer service where we sought munity comes together to help those in need, keepers whose work was far from completed. God’s grace and mercy for the lives of those and that is what we have seen in the after- With that in mind, it is imperative that we keep who were lost in last week’s earthquake as math of the Haiti earthquake. Now, we must their mission alive by supporting greater re- well as for the survivors, the rescue workers ensure that our attention and our efforts do sources for further aid workers and peace- and those who, miraculously, continue to be not waver. I thank Congresswoman LEE for keeping forces. pulled alive from the rubble. her leadership in bringing this resolution to the Since the day the earthquake occurred, I I strongly support the swift action, last week, Floor and urge all my colleagues to support it. have been touched by the outpouring of sup- by the Obama Administration to grant tem- Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Madam port from Americans and am pleased that porary protected status for Haitian immigrants Speaker, I rise today in support of H. Res. Congress is able to act so swiftly to pass leg- already living in this country. I urge the Admin- 1021, a resolution expressing condolences to islation that speeds up the tax deduction for istration to continue to bring the full weight and solidarity with the people of Haiti in the charitable contributions for Haiti. It is yet an- and resources of the Federal Government in aftermath of the devastating earthquake there. other way for us to help those who want to support of a nation whose history intersects My sincerest condolences and prayers are help the people of Haiti through this time of with that of the founding of the United States. with the citizens of Haiti, their friends and fam- tragedy. Haiti is a nation to whom our Nation owes ilies on Long Island and throughout the United I urge my colleagues to pass both H. Res. an enormous debt of gratitude. It was the States as well as the many American citizens 1021 and H.R. 4462 and to keep the people brave people of Haiti who tirelessly fought who live and work in Haiti. of Haiti in our thoughts and prayers. French aggressors, in the early 1800s, thereby In times of tragedy, it is essential that we Ms. HIRONO. Madam Speaker, I rise today preventing that nation from advancing to the come to the aid of our neighbors. have been to join my colleagues to express my profound shores of America in the early years after the proud of the response by U.S. Federal, State, condolences to the people of Haiti in the after- founding of our republic. and local agencies that have been centrally in- math of the devastating 7.0-magnitude earth- My commitment to Haiti is to do all I can do, volved with providing emergency response to quake that struck the nation on January 12, in our Nation’s Capitol and at home in Chi- Haiti. Local law enforcement and first respond- 2010. cago, to help restore, rebuild and strengthen I led a congressional delegation to Haiti in ers throughout Long Island and New York Haiti. My hope and prayer is that it will emerge May 2009 to support that country’s efforts to have pledged to lend their expertise to the re- stronger than it was before last week’s tragic promote democracy, stability and prosperity. lief efforts. After the initial emergency has turn of events. During that visit, I saw the many challenges Mr. DELAHUNT. Madam Speaker, I want to passed, it is important that we stay committed Haitians face and how they meet those chal- join with the American people in paying tribute to helping Haiti onto the path towards a full re- lenges with courage and determination. covery. Our delegation met with Haitian President to the Haitian people. Who have suffered so Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Madam Speaker, Rene Preval at the National Palace and we much. But who have proven so strong. While it is difficult to comprehend the depth of trag- also met with members of the Haitian Par- the world does all it can to help, it is the Hai- edy and sorrow that has visited the poor is- liament at the Senate building. To now see tian people, first and foremost, who are saving land of Haiti. It is difficult to convey the depth photos of both of those buildings in ruins and themselves. of our sympathy and shock at the catastrophe to hear stories of members of the Senate I also want to honor those who have rushed that has befallen the Haitian people. being pulled out of the rubble has strength- to Haiti’s aid from across the globe: the dip- Madam Speaker, the extent of the misery, ened my resolve to continue to support Haiti lomats and aid workers, the humanitarians, destruction and death is nearly beyond imagi- and its people. The tragic images and on-the- the volunteers, and the members of the mili- nation. It surely puts our own national trials ground news reports cannot but move us to tary—particularly the United States Coast and tribulations into perspective. action. Guard. I am encouraged by the expression of soli- We also visited two Partners in Health, PIH, Last but certainly not least, I want to pay darity that has sprung up across the United facilities. PIH brings modern medical care to tribute to the men and women of the United States. I hope that expression manifests not poor communities around the world and has Nations peacekeeping mission known as merely in words but in real action, real con- been working in Haiti for over 20 years. MINUSTAH. They came to a foreign land. To tributions, financial and otherwise, to aid our Thankfully, PIH facilities in the central plateau help give a foreign people a better life. Now suffering Haitian brothers and sisters. region of Haiti, while experiencing the strong many of them are dead. Or injured. Or miss- I encourage the Obama Administration to shock of the earthquake, had no major build- ing. continue working closely with the United Na- ing damage or staff or patient injuries. PIH We must ensure that their sacrifice was not tions and the international community to en- was able to mobilize their resources and bring in vain. We must work with the Haitian people sure that the provision of critical assistance to medical assistance and supplies to other and the world to help Haiti recover. Because the most vulnerable, the grievously injured and areas of the island that have been hardest hit. doing so is not just in line with our interests. homeless, is the top priority of aid efforts. None of this has been easy to do in a country It is in keeping with our most basic and cher- I encourage the American people to look where the infrastructure, subpar to begin with, ished values of compassion and common de- with understanding and not with scorn upon was virtually destroyed. I thank PIH as well as cency. the chaos that inevitably accompanies such all the other organizations and individuals for Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. disasters, wherever they occur. the difficult work they are doing in Haiti in the Madam Speaker, I rise today to support the And I pledge, on behalf of my constituents, wake of this devastation. resolution expressing condolences to and soli- the full power and influence of Georgia’s President Barack Obama acted very quickly darity with the people of Haiti in the aftermath Fourth Congressional District to the effort to and decisively to send vital assistance to Haiti. of the devastating earthquake of January 12, relieve Haitian suffering and save Haitian lives The Administration’s coordination of this inter- 2010. as the toll of this disaster continues to rise. national relief effort has been one of the larg- With reports of up to 200,000 deaths and Mrs. CAPPS. Madam Speaker, I rise in est in recent history. more than 1.5 million people left homeless, strong support of passing both H. Res. 1021 Secretary of State has said this is the worst natural disaster incurred by and H.R. 4462. During this time of terrible that our efforts to rebuild Haiti will be a long Haiti in more than 200 years. As the poorest tragedy in Haiti, it is imperative that we stand term investment and I stand by her commit- and least developed country in the Western with the Haitian people as they work to res- ment. Our country has a special responsibility Hemisphere, it is reassuring to see the United cue, recover and eventually rebuild. to help our neighbor move beyond the pov- States and the international community com- Haiti is the poorest, and perhaps most erty, despair, and dysfunction that have ing together in solidarity to help this country in struggling of our neighbors in the Western plagued Haiti for far too long. its hour of need. The 7.0 earthquake has

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 349 caused upheaval for almost one-third of the our condolences, but rather it commits the Haiti and encourage innovative thinking in pro- Haitian population and wrecked the existing in- U.S. Government ‘‘to begin the reconstruction viding long-term assistance to the country. frastructure, making roads impassable, hin- of Haiti’’ and affirms that ‘‘the recovery and I am committed to helping the Haitian peo- dering rescue/aid flights, and tainting water long-term needs of Haiti will require a sus- ple recover from this tragedy and to rebuild supplies. tained commitment by the United States. . . .’’ their homes, communities, and lives in the The earthquake’s destruction spared no na- I do not believe that a resolution expressing days, weeks and years to come. tionality, no class, no age, no religion. Thou- our deep regret and sorrow over this tragedy Again, thank you to Rep. BARBARA LEE for sands of American volunteers and mission- should be used to commit the United States to introducing this resolution and urge all my col- aries were also lost; however, due to the self- a ‘‘long-term’’ occupation of Haiti during which leagues to support H. Res. 1021. lessness and quick action of first-responders, time the U.S. Government will provide for the Ms. LEE of California. I yield back we are able to celebrate each life as survivors reconstruction of that country. the balance of my time. are found. The rescue effort has been led by I am concerned over the possibility of an The SPEAKER pro tempore. The rescue teams from around the world. Teams open-ended U.S. military occupation of Haiti question is on the motion offered by in Texas eagerly await the opportunity to de- and this legislation does nothing to alleviate the gentlewoman from California (Ms. ploy to Port-au-Prince and various organiza- my concerns. On the contrary, when this reso- LEE) that the House suspend the rules tions in my district have been holding fund- lution refers to the need for a long-term U.S. and agree to the resolution, H. Res. raisers to contribute to the effort. Americans plan for Haiti, I see a return to the failed at- 1021. have contributed over $200 million to major re- tempts by the Clinton and Bush Administra- The question was taken. lief groups in just 7 days since this disaster, tions to establish Haiti as an American protec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the and their generosity will be important in the torate. Already we are seeing many argue that opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being coming months as Haiti rebuilds its tangible this kind of humanitarian mission is a perfect in the affirmative, the ayes have it. resources as well as its national conscious- fit for the U.S. military. I do not agree. Ms. LEE of California. Madam ness. Certainly I would support and encourage the Speaker, on that I demand the yeas Haitian recovery from the tragic events in its efforts of the American people to help the peo- and nays. capital city will require continued support from ple of Haiti at this tragic time. I believe that the The yeas and nays were ordered. the international community, and I urge my fel- American people are very generous on their The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- low colleagues to join me in supporting the own and fear that a U.S. Government commit- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the resolution expressing condolences to and soli- ment to reconstruct Haiti may actually discour- Chair’s prior announcement, further darity with the people of Haiti in the aftermath age private contributions. Madam Speaker, al- proceedings on this motion will be of the devastating earthquake of January 12, ready we see private U.S. citizens and cor- postponed. 2010. porations raising millions of dollars for relief f Mr. CARNAHAN. Madam Speaker, as and reconstruction of Haiti. I do not believe Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Sub- the U.S. Government should get in the way of CONDEMNING VIOLENT committee on International Organizations, these laudable efforts. I do express my condo- SUPPRESSION IN GUINEA Human Rights, and Oversight, I wanted to lences but I unfortunately must urge my col- Ms. LEE of California. Madam support the House Resolution which ex- leagues to vote against this resolution commit- Speaker, I move to suspend the rules presses condolences to and solidarity with the ting the United States Government to rebuild and agree to the resolution (H. Res. people of Haiti in the aftermath of the dev- Haiti. 1013) condemning the violent suppres- astating earthquake of January 12th, 2010. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, sion of legitimate political dissent and I would like to praise the work of Meds and I would like to extend my support to H. Res. gross human rights abuses in the Re- Food for Kids (MFK), an internationally re- 1021, which expresses condolences to and public of Guinea, as amended. nowned non-profit program, based in St. solidarity with the people of Haiti in the after- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Louis. MFK was designated by the U.S. Agen- math of the devastating earthquake of January tion. cy for International Development as an official 12, 2010. The text of the resolution is as fol- distributor of food to the malnourished people I would like to thank my colleague, BARBARA lows: of Haiti. LEE, chairwoman of the Congressional Black H. RES. 1013 It is also important to recognize and lever- Caucus, for offering this legislation and ex- Whereas, on December 23, 2008, a military age the work of international organizations press heartfelt condolences and sympathy for junta calling itself the National Council for such as the United Nations and the World the people of Haiti in the wake of this horrific Democracy and Development (CNDD) seized Food Program. This earthquake, which de- natural disaster. power in the Republic of Guinea hours after stroyed the U.N. Headquarters, has caused On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude the death of longtime President Lansana the greatest single loss of life in U.N. history. earthquake struck the country of Haiti. An esti- Conte´, suspended the national legislature The U.N. Security Council voted on January mated 3 million people have been directly af- and the constitution, and committed to hold free and fair national elections as part of a 19 to send 3,500 more peacekeepers to Haiti. fected by the disaster in Haiti, more than 1.5 ‘‘peaceful transition’’ to a civilian-led gov- President Obama announced $100 million in million people left homeless, and severe dam- ernment; additional assistance to help Haiti during this age has been sustained by roads, ports, hos- Whereas delays in electoral preparations time of crisis. I want to help ensure that tax- pitals, and homes. and statements by CNDD leader Captain payer resources, as well as donations given The challenges in helping Haiti are im- Moussa Dadis Camara that he might run for through private charities, are spent efficiently, mense, and the U.S. and partner countries president, in contravention of earlier com- transparently, and effectively, and are used to have made important contributions to the re- mitments that neither he nor any other help those Haitians most in need. covery efforts. I commend the Obama admin- member of the CNDD would run as a can- Rebuilding efforts will take years. It is impor- istration for granting Temporary Protected Sta- didate in the elections, provoked increasing public discontent with the junta; tant that once this story slips from the front tus for Haitian nationals in the United States, Whereas, on September 28, 2009, tens of pages of newspapers that the international many of whom are unable to return home due thousands of unarmed civilians gathered at a community, including the United States, is still to the destruction in Haiti. the national soccer stadium in Conakry to there to lend a lending hand. I applaud the individuals, businesses and protest against the CNDD; Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, I rise in reluc- philanthropic organizations across the United Whereas security forces responded by sur- tant opposition to this resolution. Certainly I States and throughout the international com- rounding the stadium and opening fire with am moved by the horrific destruction in Haiti munity who have responded to the crisis in live ammunition on the crowd, reportedly and would without hesitation express condo- Haiti with an outpouring of generosity and sup- killing over 150 people and injuring over 1,000; lences to those who have suffered and con- port. Whereas prominent opposition leaders tinue to suffer. As a medical doctor, I have It is clear that the people of Haiti are now were then beaten and arrested by soldiers; through my career worked to alleviate the pain facing a humanitarian crisis that is unimagi- demonstrators and opposition party mem- and suffering of others. Unfortunately, how- nable and that will take years to recover from. bers were detained without charge; and at ever, this resolution does not simply express I support a sustained commitment to people of least 60 women were brutally raped, sexually

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 350 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 molested, or killed by security forces, many Whereas, on January 15, 2010, the ‘‘Declara- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there of them in public and in full sight of their tion Conjointe de Ouagadougou’’ to end the objection to the request of the gentle- commanders; political crisis in Guinea, mediated by woman from California? Whereas an investigation by Human Rights Burkina Faso’s President Blaise Compaore´, There was no objection. Watch indicates that ‘‘the [stadium] mas- was signed by opposition parties and junta sacre and widespread rape were organized leaders, and supported by the International GENERAL LEAVE and premeditated’’ and that armed forces Contact Group on Guinea, provides for the Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, I ask had attempted to ‘‘hide evidence of the establishment of a government of national unanimous consent that all Members crimes by seizing bodies from the stadium unity, led by a consensus Prime Minister, may have 5 legislative days to revise and the city’s morgues and burying them in and the holding of presidential elections and extend their remarks and include mass graves’’; within six months in order to reestablish the extraneous materials on the resolution Whereas the security forces responsible for rule of law and bring peace and stability to the violence on September 28, 2009, report- under consideration. the people of Guinea: Now, therefore, be it The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there edly included troops from the Presidential Resolved, That the House of Representa- Guard and gendarmes working with the tives— objection to the request of the gen- State Secretariat for Special Services, both (1) condemns the violent suppression of le- tleman from New Jersey? of which answer directly to the presidency; gitimate political dissent and gross human There was no objection. Whereas, on October 30, 2009, the United rights abuses, including mass murder and ex- Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, I rise Nations Secretary-General announced the treme sexual violence, perpetrated by forces in strong support of this resolution, appointment of an international commission under the command of the National Council and I yield myself such time as I may of inquiry to probe the violence of Sep- for Democracy and Development (CNDD) in consume. tember 28, 2009; Guinea and demands that the perpetrators of I want to begin by thanking the Whereas the Economic Community of West these crimes be brought to justice; ranking member, ILEANA ROS- African States (ECOWAS) has appointed (2) expresses grave concern about the fur- President Blaise Compaore´ of Burkina Faso ther deterioration of security and rule of law LEHTINEN, for introducing this impor- to mediate between the CNDD, opposition in Guinea, particularly with regard to ongo- tant and timely resolution. In Decem- parties, and civil society in an effort to ing reports of— ber 2008, after the death of President break the current political impasse; (A) harassment of opposition figures, mem- Lansana Conte, a military junta seized Whereas the African Union, ECOWAS, the bers of civil society, and journalists; power in the West African country of European Union, and the United States have (B) rising ethnic tensions; Guinea and suspended the national leg- imposed targeted sanctions, variously in- (C) growing cleavages within the CNDD cluding travel restrictions, financial asset islature and the constitution. The coup and the military which raise the potential of interrupted plans for upcoming demo- freezes, and an arms embargo, on CNDD a violent counter coup; members in response to the violent crack- (D) recruitment of militias and other irreg- cratic elections and threatened the down and perceived CNDD resistance to a ular forces from within Guinea and neigh- fragile stability of the entire West Af- democratic transition; boring countries; rican Mano River region, where decade- Whereas while others were imposing sanc- (E) importation of weapons despite an long wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone tions against the CNDD, it was announced in arms embargo on the region; and have displaced thousands of families, October that the China International Fund, (F) uncertainty about the prospects for re- a Hong Kong-registered company with ties to destroying the capacity of their gov- storing civilian rule through free, fair, and Chinese state-owned enterprises and govern- ernments to function. Fortunately, the transparent elections; ment agencies, has signed a $7 billion deal Economic Community of West African (3) calls on China to cease its material sup- with the CNDD to develop Guinea’s vast port for the CNDD by publicly announcing States, the African Union, and the mineral resources; the cancellation of the China International United Nations acted immediately to Whereas the CNDD reportedly has im- Fund’s $7 billion minerals and infrastructure rebuke the coup, demand an immediate ported millions of dollars worth of weapons end to the violence, and a restoration since the September 28, 2009, crackdown and deal in Guinea; junta members reportedly are recruiting mi- (4) urges all Member States of the United of the rule of law. litias, adding a troubling and potentially ex- Nations to join the United States, the Euro- After the horrific killing of 57 peace- plosive ethnic dimension to the crisis; pean Union (EU), the African Union (AU), ful protesters in October, 2009, the U.S. Whereas targeted political killings report- and the Economic Community of West Afri- Government, along with the Africa edly have been carried out in Conakry since can States (ECOWAS) to impose sanctions Union, imposed travel and financial September 2009, opposition members con- against the regime until constitutional order and rule of law has been restored in Guinea; sanctions against the junta. The swift tinue to face the threat of arrest and violent and concerted action by the entire assault, and the junta has banned all public (5) supports the efforts of the ECOWAS and protests; the AU to find a resolution to the current po- international community, including Whereas, on December 3, 2009, Captain litical crisis in Guinea; the United Nations, the European Moussa Dadis Camara was shot in the head (6) urges the leaders of the CNDD, the Union, and individual states, clearly in an apparent assassination attempt by his Force Vives Coalition, and all parties in caught the attention of the coup lead- aide-de-camp Lt. Aboubakar Diakite Guinea to uphold and abide by the provisions er, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara and (Toumba) and flown to Morocco for treat- included in the ‘‘Declaration Conjointe de his junta. Unlike many previous Afri- ment, prompting analysts to warn of a po- Ouagadougou’’ and to facilitate the conduct of free, fair, and transparent elections that can coups that were allowed to seize tential counter coup and a further deteriora- governmental control and consolidate tion of security in Guinea; meet international standards and reflect the Whereas a further deterioration of the po- will of the Guinean people; and military dictatorships, the Guinea litical and security situation in Guinea could (7) expresses solidarity with the people of coup was isolated by African States. have catastrophic consequences not only for Guinea during this time of extreme uncer- And this is a move that—the Africa Guinea, but also for neighboring Liberia and tainty and expresses deep regret for the vic- Union has decided that, in order to end Sierra Leone, both of which only recently tims of the September 28, 2009, crackdown. military coups, they must treat rogue emerged from deadly, protracted conflicts; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- states with isolation. Whereas Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from This past weekend, Guinea’s junta has referred to the September 28, 2009, crack- California (Ms. LEE) and the gentleman down as ‘‘criminality of the greatest de- leaders agreed to relinquish power to gree’’, and stated that Guinea’s military from Texas (Mr. POE) each will control civilian rule, establish an interim gov- leaders must recognize ‘‘that they cannot re- 20 minutes. ernment, and support the restoration main in power, that they must turn back to The Chair recognizes the gentle- of the constitution. The military lead- the people the right to choose their own woman from California. ers also agreed to appoint as prime leaders’’; Ms. LEE of California. Madam minister the opposition leader, Jean- Whereas, on January 6, 2010, interim junta Speaker, I yield the balance of my time Marie Dore, and to prepare for new leader General Sekouba Konate invited the to the Chair of the Africa and Global opposition in Guinea to select a prime min- presidential elections in 6 months. ister in advance of the formation of a transi- Health Subcommittee, the gentleman Madam Speaker, we should commend tional government and offered security guar- from New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE), and I the people of Guinea for standing fast antees to opposition leaders who had fled the ask unanimous consent that he be al- in the face of military violence and de- country; and lowed to control that time. manding a return to the rule of law,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 351 and congratulate the international and was flown to Morocco, where he re- of democratically elected leaders and for the community for uniting so quickly in mained for nearly 6 weeks. In his ab- recovery of Guinea and its people. After the order to restore order in Guinea. sence, the acting junta leader an- death of long-time President Lansana Conte in I urge my colleagues to support the nounced that a transitional govern- late 2008, Moussa Dadis Camara, a captain in resolution. ment would be formed and that the op- the Guinean Army illegitimately took over the I reserve the balance of my time. position had been invited to select a Guinean presidency in a bloodless coup. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I prime minister. Despite a political This action was taken unilaterally by yield myself such time as I may con- agreement between the junta and the Camara without prior consultation or petition sume. First, I want to thank the rank- opposition being signed this past week- from the Guinean people. These undemocratic ing member, the gentlelady from Flor- end, the situation in Guinea remains actions taken by the military junta and Captain ida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for introducing extremely fragile. Details about the Camara are shocking and unacceptable. this resolution, and I rise in strong formation of a transitional government Shortly after taking power, Captain Camara support of H. Res. 1013, which con- and eventual return to civilian rule re- declared his intentions of instituting free and demns the violent suppression of legiti- main unclear. The mere suggestion fair democratic elections under outside pres- mate political dissent and gross human that Dadis would return to Guinea last sures from the international community. Over rights abuses in the Republic of Guin- week prompted the acting junta leader the past several months, however, Captain ea. to threaten his resignation. The junta Camara has consistently delayed and post- Analysts have been warning that leadership and the military remain poned elections. Guinea, an impoverished yet resource- deeply divided. Ethnic militias remain The situation intensified last September as rich country in West Africa, has been well-armed. Guinean security forces opened fire on a teetering on the brink of chaos for The deterioration of security in group of thousands of peaceful protestors years. Throughout the 1990s, Guinea Guinea threatens to undermine our wounding thousands and killing about 150 was flanked by brutal civil wars in massive investment in peace in Libe- people. I condemn in the strongest terms this neighboring countries. This aggravated ria, Sierra Leone, and the Ivory Coast. atrocious violence taken against peacefully existing ethnic tensions within Guinea More importantly, a collapse of Guinea protesting unarmed civilians. and left the entire subregion awash would create yet another pocket of op- My heart goes out to the friends, families with small arms and mercenaries for portunity for extremists and narcotraf- and loved ones of the victims in this brutal at- hire. fickers who already exploit West Afri- tack. This cruel and unwarranted attack Demonstrations throughout the ca’s weak institutions and vast against unarmed and peaceful demonstrators is an attack against humanity as well as the years 2006 and 2007 were brutally put ungoverned areas. To begin to address democratic principles we stand for in the U.S. down by military security forces, leav- these issues, the ranking member, I especially condemn the actions taken by cer- ing hundreds dead and thousands in- ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN from Florida, tain members of the security forces and their jured. The ailing longtime president has introduced H. Res. 1013. And this is commanders who brutally raped, molested was so corrupt and unpopular that the what it does: It expresses grave con- and killed women and children on the streets citizens of Guinea reportedly readily cern over the deterioration of security of Conakry during the violent confrontation. embraced the military junta to replace and the rule of law in Guinea. It calls These are human rights violations of the worst him when he finally died in December on China to cancel its $7 billion in min- kind and I vehemently oppose both the gov- of 2008. Unfortunately, the junta would erals and infrastructure deal with not usher in peace. Despite initial posi- ernment of Guinea in addition to the troops Guinea. It urges member states of the and complacent officers who allowed these tive signals, repeated delays in the United Nations to join the United elections and the timetable provoked actions to take place. States, the African Union, the Eco- I stand behind the people of Guinea in de- increasing public discontent. nomic Community of West African ploring these unjust and undemocratic actions On September 28, 2009, tens of thou- States, and the European Union, in im- and support a full transition of the country’s sands of unarmed civilians gathered at posing sanctions against the ruling leadership through future democratic elections. the national soccer stadium to protest junta in Guinea until constitutional Since the beginning of Camara’s illegitimate against the junta. Security forces re- order is restored. It supports regional presidency over a year ago, the economic, so- sponded by surrounding the stadium, efforts to resolve the conflict. It calls cial and political situation in Guinea has con- blocking the exits, and opening fire on members of the ruling junta to up- tinually declined until this past December with live ammunition on the crowds. In hold their pledges to organize free and when a former aide to Camara, Lt. Aboubakar the chaos that ensued, over 150 people fair and transparent elections to re- Diakite, attempted to assassinate the presi- were killed; more than 1,000 people store civilian rule in Guinea. And it ex- dent and take over the country. After being were injured; at least 60 women were presses solidarity with the people of shot in the head by Diakite, President Camara brutally raped, sexually assaulted, or Guinea during this time of extreme un- was evacuated to Senegal for treatment and killed by security officials in plain certainty in their lives. then to Morocco for surgery. sight of commanding officers; and I want to thank the chairman of the The tense and unstable political situation in prominent opposition leaders were House Foreign Affairs Committee, Mr. Guinea must be reconciled between opposing beaten and arrested while demonstra- BERMAN, for supporting this measure forces with a full and complete return to demo- tors and opposing party members were and enabling it to come to the floor cratic rule through free and fair elections. We detained without any formal charge. today. I urge all of my colleagues to must also provide the people of Guinea with Almost immediately, the United support this bipartisan, the tools and potential for future growth that States, the European Union, and the uncontroversial, and timely resolution. would change this troubled nation. The United Economic Community of West African Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance States can assist Guinea in returning to good States imposed targeted sanctions of my time. governance by increasing transparent and ac- against the junta and called for the re- Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, countable trade with Guinea, by providing fur- turn of a civilian government. The today I rise in support of House Resolution ther humanitarian assistance contingent on junta then reportedly starting import- 1013. This resolution condemns the violent government reform in Guinea, and by pro- ing millions of dollars of weapons and suppression of legitimate political dissent and viding election monitors to the people of Guin- recruiting ethnic militias. This gross human rights abuses in the Republic of ea in future elections. prompted analysts to warn that Guinea Guinea. Over the past year the Republic of I also call on the international community as had become a tinderbox that could Guinea has experienced a complete loss of its a whole to conduct their trade and govern- blow at any time, potentially taking human rights and democratic values that we mental interaction with the Republic of Guinea neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone cherish so dearly as Americans, and it is im- in a strategic manner that would take into ac- with it. portant that we not only condemn some of the count the conditions of the Guinean people On December 3, 2009, junta leader horrific actions of the Guinean government, and the disorder within the Guinean govern- Dadis was shot in the head by an aide but also provide assistance for the reinstitution ment. President Camara remains in exile, and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 is currently recovering in Ouagadougou, sage, American freedom and American transactions of their rulers may be Burkina Faso after a failed assassination at- health will be sacrificed on the altar of concealed from them. Let me repeat tempt on his life last December. Earlier this more government control. Of course that: ‘‘The liberties of a people never month both the president and the interim I’m talking about the universal govern- were, nor ever will be secure when the president reached an agreement which would ment takeover of health care. This is transactions of their rulers may be institute a transitional government and hold the most important piece of legislation concealed from them.’’ And that’s ex- presidential elections within the next six in modern history, and we were prom- actly what’s taking place in this third months. Though Camara and his interim presi- ised—we were promised that we in this health care bill that is supposedly dent Gen. Sekouba Konate have appealed for House, we would have transparency. being written by Members of the Sen- peace and reconciliation and have urged their We would see what is taking place. ate and Members of the House some- countrymen to put aside ethnic differences, The administration promised us that where in this Capitol. there is still a vital need in the country for in- transparency. In fact, the administra- When rulers plot against the people creased economic growth, improved standards tion invited interested parties in in secret, it makes it hard for the peo- of living for all people and a more transparent health care to the White House to dis- ple to fight back because they really and just system of governance. cuss health care. Of course, for some don’t know what’s going on. But, Mr. I urge my colleagues to support this resolu- reason I wasn’t on that invitation list Speaker, the people are fighting back. tion. I also ask my colleagues for their contin- because I’m always willing to discuss They are fighting back with ballots ued support of the Guinean people and ask my position and the position of the and not bullets. That was proven yes- for their continued support of a complete re- people I represent. We were promised terday in Massachusetts. The way turn to democratic rule and respect for human that cameras would film the trans- things are running in Washington, rights in Guinea. parency, cameras like C–SPAN, cam- D.C., these days, the proof is purposely Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I have no eras like the ones here in the House of hidden from the people. And the ques- further requests for time, and I yield Representatives, down the hallway in tion is why. Why can’t the people see back the balance of my time. the U.S. Senate so the American people through C–SPAN what is taking place The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. can see what takes place. I believe in behind closed doors? Because it’s giv- GARAMENDI). The question is on the cameras so that the American public ing power to government and not to motion offered by the gentlewoman can see what happens in our Republic. the people. And that’s why we’re not from California (Ms. LEE) that the When I was a judge back in Texas, I being allowed to see what’s taking House suspend the rules and agree to was one of the first judges to allow place. the resolution, H. Res. 1013, as amend- cameras into the courtroom so the It’s about changing the phrase ‘‘We ed. American people could see what took the People’’ to ‘‘We the Subjects.’’ And The question was taken; and (two- place in a criminal trial. I’ve offered that’s why We, the People, aren’t al- thirds being in the affirmative) the legislation to have cameras in the lowed to see what’s taking place behind rules were suspended and the resolu- United States Supreme Court, in their these closed doors in secret. So much tion, as amended, was agreed to. hearings, so the most important, most for transparency. Spending, taxing, A motion to reconsider was laid on powerful Court in the United States regulating and borrowing, that’s what’s the table. and in the world, the people can see taking place. There is nothing more f what takes place over there. Of course, these days that the taxocrats won’t try that legislation hasn’t gone anywhere. to tax or regulate. b 1615 And C–SPAN, what do they do? Well, once said, ‘‘Freedom SPECIAL ORDERS they’re not a news organization in the is never more than one generation sense that they have commentators. away from extinction. We didn’t pass it The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under They just film what takes place, and to our children in the bloodstream . . . the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- the American public decides. C–SPAN It must be fought for, protected and uary 6, 2009, and under a previous order wants to film what is taking place handed on for them to do the same, or of the House, the following Members somewhere in the dungeons of this Cap- one day we will spend our sunset years will be recognized for 5 minutes each. itol where the trolls are writing yet an- telling our children and our children’s f other health care bill. children what it was like once in the You know, Mr. Speaker, health care United States where men were free.’’ TEAR DOWN THESE WALLS OF is more than about just government SECRECY Legislation, Mr. Speaker, especially control of health care. It’s about gov- the most important in recent years, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ernment control of our lives. It’s more health care, should be done openly, previous order of the House, the gen- about government raising taxes, more openly so we can see what’s taking tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) is recog- government spending, more borrowing place. So I say, open up the steel gates, nized for 5 minutes. from the Chinese and from the Japa- quit hiding the facts from the citizens. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in nese and more oppression. A govern- Mr. President, open the gates of trans- the deep, dark dungeons of this Cap- ment takeover of health care is parency and openness. And, Mr. Presi- itol, the government trolls are writing unhealthy, and it’s not going to make dent, tear down these walls of secrecy. bills behind closed doors. Their aim has the American health better. It’s going And that’s just the way it is. always been to take away our liberty to make the individual health of the f one step at a time. It’s what bureau- American people actually worse, given crats do. They look for ways to grow that the government control over ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER and take over more of our lives to jus- health and health care is not compat- PRO TEMPORE tify their existence. So these elite gov- ible with liberty. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- ernment trolls think they know better Mr. Speaker, if we love the com- bers are reminded to address their re- how to run our lives than we do, and petence of FEMA and the efficiency of marks to the Chair. they keep their bills in secret so we, the post office and the compassion of f the people, won’t know what’s in them the IRS, we’re going to love national- until it’s too late, until the legislation ized health care. Allowing our rulers to WALL STREET POLICE LINEUP is forced upon an unwilling, mis- construct these bills in secret is ex- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a informed people. actly how they will bring about these previous order of the House, the gentle- It has been decades since freedom and liberty-killing laws. woman from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) is rec- liberty faced a full frontal assault from Patrick Henry, one of my heroes, ognized for 5 minutes. a single piece of legislation, a bill that said, ‘‘The liberties of a people never Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, the first is so damaging in scope that by its pas- were, nor ever will be secure when the hearing of the Financial Crisis Inquiry

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 353 Commission was held last week, and ting the economic change they want. try. These four banks plus one more. the four biggest bank chief executive The current approach to the economy Think about that. What’s happening to officers were brought in for ques- here in Washington is failing millions our country? And they’re not being tioning, from Goldman Sachs, and millions of our citizens every day. held responsible. Say, that’s not bad JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and People’s financial futures are ruined. work if you can get it. Morgan Stanley. The American people Their futures aren’t ruined; they’re Wall Street bankers create these un- expect these men to be held account- getting rewarded. Our people are get- savory schemes, reap huge profits from able for what their banks did to our ting hurt by unemployment, home our people and advantage their compa- country. They came away with no foreclosures and personal bankruptcies. nies while driving our economy, home sweat on their brow. They’re not going bankrupt. Their prices, and the Nation’s housing stock The bankers in the photo are, from banks didn’t go bankrupt. We bailed and the American people into the left to right, Lloyd C. Blankfein of them out. I didn’t vote for that, but a ground. Goldman Sachs who says he’s been majority of people in here did. My colleagues, take a look at this doing God’s work. He has been show- RealtyTrac Inc. reported last week lineup. Isn’t it over time for Congress ering himself just since 2006 with $157.3 that in 2009 a record 2.8 million house- to finally hold Wall Street account- million in compensation. I often ask holds were threatened with foreclosure, able? myself, What do they do with all that which is up, not down, more than 20 f money? Jamie Dimon, next to him, of percent since 2008. The more borrowers DEPARTMENT OF NAVY AND JPMorgan Chase last year officially who can’t be helped, the more fore- MARINE CORPS took home $19.7 million on top of $95.7 closed properties will be on the market The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a million he raked in from 2005 to 2007. across this country. Tragically, previous order of the House, the gen- That brings him in at $115.4 million. RealtyTrac expects another record tleman from North Carolina (Mr. John J. Mack of Morgan Stanley paid number of homes to be threatened with JONES) is recognized for 5 minutes. himself $78.9 million over the last 5 foreclosure this year. This is not ac- Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, 8 years ago years, and Brian T. Moynihan of Bank ceptable in America. I introduced a bill that would rename of America is new to his position at The administration’s foreclosure pre- the Department of the Navy to be that bank, but he pocketed $10 million vention plan says it’s going to help known as the Department of the Navy in 2007 when serving as president of the borrowers in financial trouble by mak- and Marine Corps. This bill has passed Global Corporate and Investment ing their payments more affordable and the House for 8 years in what is called Banking at the Bank of America. Can extending the repayment period. How- the armed services bill. It has been sup- you imagine what he’ll make now? ever, out of the millions and millions ported by the former Armed Services As they took America to the clean- of people being affected across this chairman, Duncan Hunter, and is now ers, the average worker in our country country, just 7 percent of those who being supported by the current chair- hasn’t had a real wage increase in over have signed up have completed the man of the Armed Services Committee, a decade, much less a real increase in Treasury Department’s program to try to rework these loans; and more than IKE SKELTON. buying power. Meanwhile, Americans For 8 years, the Senate has said ‘‘no’’ 49,000, or just 5 percent, have dropped are being made to feel like they can’t to the Marine Corps, that you do not out of the program entirely. Thousands enter this debate because lots of fog is deserve this recognition. Mr. Speaker, I more remain in limbo. But the biggest being generated by fancy terms that think that’s very sad. This year I am bank in the program, Bank of America, these bankers use, like basis points or pleased to say to the House that with has completed modifications for fewer collateralized debt obligations or the help of 362 House Members who than 2 percent of the 200,000 borrowers securitization. And I’ll tell you what, have joined me in legislation to re- they claim to enroll. Its big-bank bud- Americans might not know what those name this Department to be known as dies are in the same boat when it words mean, but they can recognize a the Department of Navy and Marine comes to modifying our people’s mort- lineup when they see one. Corps, and with the help of Chairman The average person often is cowered gages. The people paying their bills and IKE SKELTON, we are hoping to send by the world of finance and turns away paying for their salaries aren’t having this bill to the Senate and let the Sen- in fear and confusion. They can’t see a their mortgages reworked. What’s just ate debate and think about the impor- path forward for our country, which about that? In fact, it’s clear, Wall Street bank- tance of honoring one fighting team. they love so very much. And they are Whenever we’ve held hearings on the ers have no interest in modifying mort- very worried. Congress must provide Armed Services Committee, the CNO of gages. They are making millions off the clarity of that path forward to not the Navy, an admiral, and the com- other people’s misery, and that’s just only hold these bankers accountable mandant of the Marine Corps are there fine with them. This Nation needs a na- but to get the administration to act to together saying, We’re one fighting tional foreclosure prevention program save people’s homes and communities. team. Well, if you’re one fighting team, that compels these bankers to act, not The administration’s current plan to why don’t you do what the Navy foot- nicely request their assistance. As they fix the foreclosure crisis has been a ball team does, and that is to say, You conspire to avoid the consequences of dud. It is a dud because it has not ad- both are recognized. dressed the root cause of the collapse. their actions, here are two key findings Mr. Speaker, I want to hold up a jer- It continues. The wrongdoers, they by the Center for Public Integrity. At sey from the Navy football team that I aren’t good at risk at all, but they’re least 21 of the top 25 subprime lenders received, and this is the jersey of this putting economic recovery at risk were financed by these same banks year’s team. I want to congratulate the across this Nation as more people fall that received the bailout money team. They’ve had an excellent season. into foreclosure. through direct ownership, credit agree- They’ve won a bowl, and I am very According to an analysis done by the ments or huge purchases of loans for proud of them. On the left sleeve of the Associated Press, almost a year later, securitization. They’re all tied to- jersey is the Marine emblem, and on only a handful, a fraction, of the 4 mil- gether. the right sleeve of the jersey is an an- And 21 of the top 25 subprime lenders lion Americans and counting, who have chor. been foreclosed, have been able to com- have closed, stopped lending or been plete Treasury’s application process to sold to avoid bankruptcy. Most were b 1630 try to rework their mortgage. Some nonbank lenders. They didn’t go bank- They understand at Annapolis that might call that approach ‘‘doomed to rupt. They’re letting the American they are one fighting team, in this case fail.’’ people go bankrupt. Bailed out, getting a football team. With a national unemployment rate bigger and bigger, they now have over Mr. Speaker, a couple of other points of over 10 percent, people are not get- 40 percent of the deposits in this coun- I would like to make before closing.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 There are many medals that are named Darla was the face of my Washington piece of legislation that will play an Navy and Marine Corps, such as Navy office. important role in the monetary reform and Marine Corps Medal, Navy and Ma- I want to say to her family, her fa- that will be a necessity if we continue rine Corps Commendation Medal, Navy ther who is a police officer here, her to do what we have been doing with our and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, mother and sisters and her loving hus- economy and our financial system. Navy and Marine Corps Good Conduct band, we love her, we can’t replace her, We are in the middle of a financial Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Expedi- and we will deeply, deeply miss her. crisis today. Some people think we tionary Medal, and Navy and Marine As many times as I would have to change have turned a corner, but, quite frank- Corps Recruiting Service Ribbon. my flights, as often as the vote schedule ly, I do not believe that has occurred. And, Mr. Speaker, in 1959, the foot- changed, as frequently as meetings had to be Recently, though, we have just had the ball field at Annapolis went from being coordinated, updated, rearranged, Darla was opening bells of an inquiry into what known as the Navy Memorial Stadium ever dependable, and always cool-headed, the cause of the crisis has been. It is to the Navy and Marine Corps Memo- making everyone feel that the situation was al- the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commis- rial Stadium. ways under control, even as my other staffers sion. It is a take-off of the Pecora Com- Mr. Speaker, on a very serious note nervously buzzed in and out of the room. mission that was established in the why this is so important, it is not only Everyone who came in knew her, and cer- 1930s to figure out why the crash oc- symbolism, but I am showing to my tainly knew not to lean on her desk, touch the curred then. Of course, that commis- left an actual letter that was sent to plants on her desk or worse than anything, in- sion met and talked to people. They the wife of a Marine captain who was terrupt her if she was on a call. I think every- tried to figure out what was the mat- killed in Iraq. This is a duplication of one would agree that Darla was loved, and re- ter. And from my viewpoint, they came the letter. It says: The Secretary of the spected, by everyone who came into contact down with all of the wrong conclusions. Navy, Washington, D.C., Navy flag ex- with her. They said that the Federal Reserve was tends its condolences to the marine’s Her unmistakable smile, witty sense of involved, that the Federal Reserve wife. If this becomes law, Mr. Speaker, humor and love of life blew fresh air and posi- didn’t print enough money fast enough what the condolence letter would then tive energy into the office. and they didn’t have a big enough bail- say, the Secretary of the Navy and Ma- My heart and prayers go out to Darla and to out package and they needed a lot rine Corps, Navy flag and Marine flag her family, in particular her mother and father, more regulation. extends its condolences. her brother, his wife and daughter, sister, and So they did all of those things for the It is time that the Senate follows the her loving husband Channing. first time in our history, under the two House and let’s do what is right for the You are irreplaceable Darla, and you will be administrations, the Hoover and the Marine Corps and give them the proper deeply missed. Roosevelt administrations, and they respect. Let’s make them part of the In addition, I want to say that I am prolonged the Depression. They took a family and part of one fighting team, in support of the Haitian resolution be- 1-year depression/recession and turned the Navy and Marine Corps. fore the House. I have always said to it into a 15-year depression. God bless our men and women in uni- whom God has given much, much is ex- So I believe what we are going form; God bless their families; God pected. My thoughts and prayers go out through right now is the same old song bless the families who have lost loved to the people of the island of Haiti and and dance. We are doing the same thing ones in Afghanistan and Iraq; and may to the Haitian community who live again. We have this new inquiry, and God continue to bless America. here in the United States and around the members of the commission are f the world. The loss of life and destruc- people who didn’t see it coming, didn’t tion of property in Haiti is unthink- explain it, and didn’t anticipate it. And REMEMBERING DARLA able. the people who are coming before the SMALLWOOD-WRAN I want to thank the ministers, the commission, as far as I can see so far, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a business community, the organizations had no anticipation or are acting sur- previous order of the House, the gentle- that have organized in our community, prised that the crisis came and that woman from Florida (Ms. CORRINE the Third Congressional District. We there was a bubble. So I can hardly see BROWN) is recognized for 5 minutes. have seven tractor-trailers that will be any good results coming from this. Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. going to Haiti filled with water, baby My position over the many years has Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the constitu- formula, dry cereal, blankets, tents, been that the Federal Reserve is a dan- ents of the Third Congressional Dis- and sleeping bags. I want to say that gerous organization because it creates trict of Florida and myself, I rise today the Royal Caribbean cruise line is car- the bubble. Our country would be bet- to remember and honor the life of rying those goods over free of cost. I ter off with a strong central bank like someone very dear to me, my congres- am very encouraged how the commu- the Federal Reserve. I argue from a sional office, and so many people here nity is coming together to help the moral, economic, and a constitutional in the Washington, D.C. area, as well as people of Haiti, and I can truly say, if viewpoint that it has no right to exist many, many people of the Third Con- you are interested in being helpful, go and it is very dangerous to us. gressional District of Florida: my to the Web site and see how you can I am very pleased, though, that one scheduler, office manager, and execu- also participate. of the pieces of legislation I intro- tive assistant, Mrs. Darla Smallwood- In closing, I really do believe to duced, H.R. 1207, to audit the Federal Wran, who passed away from breast whom God has given much, much is ex- Reserve, has met with a large amount cancer this morning. pected. of support. We have 316 cosponsors of When I came to Washington and f that bill, and I think that is a major hired the scheduler of my predecessor, step in the right direction, looking to Congressman Charlie Bennett, I FREE COMPETITION IN CURRENCY the Federal Reserve for the cause of thought at the time she was overpaid. ACT our problem: the easy money system, Quickly, however, I began to realize The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the easy credit, the fixing of interest that there was no dollar amount that previous order of the House, the gen- rates too low. could be placed on the value of Darla. tleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recog- Now, the reason I am addressing this A scheduler, office manager, I discov- nized for 5 minutes. is because I believe the correction has ered very quickly is the foundation of Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise at this a long way to run and that eventually an effective congressional office. And time to talk about a piece of legisla- we will have to have monetary reform. Darla, with her strong, persistent per- tion that I have recently introduced. Now, in spite of my position being that sonality, her organizational skills, dot- That legislation is H.R. 4248. It is we don’t need the Federal Reserve, I ting every ‘‘i’’ and crossing every ‘‘t,’’ called the Free Competition in Cur- am not in favor of closing the Federal she never missed a beat. For 17 years, rency Act. I believe long term this is a Reserve down in one day or two. But I

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 355 do believe the monetary system will STUPAK-PITTS AMENDMENT b 1645 close down this government and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a At no time does this Congress offer a monetary system and the Federal Re- previous order of the House, the gen- budget to the American people that serve and a lot of other things if we tleman from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) is would give them hope that we are continue on our profligate ways of recognized for 5 minutes. going to get this problem under con- spending and borrowing and inflating Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, trol. Instead, they have offered health the currency and regulating the cur- last month I wrote Speaker PELOSI and care legislation that costs another, oh, rency, and this will get much worse insisted that the Stupak-Pitts amend- some would say $800 billion. But the re- until we have a total collapse of the ment be preserved in any final version ality is that over 10 years the real cost system. of health care reform legislation. The of this legislation is more like $2 tril- lion-plus when you add in the fact that So my bill, what it does is it intro- Stupak-Pitts amendment would main- the taxes begin on this legislation duces competition, competition in cur- tain the current policy of preventing Federal funds, taxpayer dollars, from sooner than the benefits begin. rencies. The Federal Reserve system And cuts in Medicare are unreal at a and the dollar standard is run by a car- paying for elective abortion. This ques- tion is even more crucial after passage time when we are going to see a dra- tel, a monopoly. They don’t allow com- matic increase in the number of people of H.R. 3590, the Senate health care petition because they know that they in this country who are eligible for bill, which allows Federal funds to sub- can’t compete. Just as we have com- Medicare, as the baby boomers start re- sidize elective abortion. Unfortunately, petition in the post office with FedEx tiring this year, 2010, those born after the Speaker has yet to respond to my and UPS, I think that the Federal Re- World War II start retiring this year, serve deserves a little competition. The inquiry. and the number of people who are on public school system has competition So this week, the same week as the Medicare and eligible for Medicare is with private schools and it has com- annual March for Life in Washington, going to skyrocket. petition with home schooling. There is the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. WAL- With all of this going on, the message no reason in the world that we can’t DEN) and I are again sending a request to this Congress, to the Democratic enforce the Constitution, legalize the to the Speaker: Madam Speaker, please leadership in this Congress is you need respond to our request for information Constitution and say that we can have to change course, change direction, and regarding your intentions on the Stu- competitions in currencies, but there make sure that you are reflecting the pak-Pitts amendment in health care are three major things that we must do will of the American people. But in- reform negotiations. We continue to in- to do that, and the bill does this. We stead, the leadership doesn’t get that sist that you keep the exact language repeal legal tender laws and remove message. Even today, as Senator-elect of that amendment which passed this the monopoly control of the Federal BROWN prepares to come down here to House by a wide, bipartisan margin in Reserve. We legalize private mints so be sworn into the United States Senate any final version of health care legisla- sometime in the next few days, the mints can mint coins, and they will be tion. Please do not ignore the voice of White House and Democratic Congres- controlled by fraud laws and the American people or their Rep- sional leaders have once again re- anticounterfeit laws. resentatives on this very important treated behind closed doors to make Today, our government commits issue. deals and finalize a single version of fraud and counterfeit by printing their government takeover of health money at will. If a private organization f care. That is not what the American did that, they would be imprisoned for people want. the fraud they are causing. DIFFERENT FEDERAL APPROACH Speaker PELOSI said today, in re- sponse to the election results, ‘‘Clearly But the other important reform that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the election results last night spell out would have to occur for money to cir- previous order of the House, the gen- that we have not been as clear about culate and compete against the monop- tleman from Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE) our deficit reduction measures. And oly control of the Federal Reserve is recognized for 5 minutes. that will change.’’ But the American would be to take taxes off money. The Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I people want to know what deficit re- Constitution says only gold and silver would like to begin by offering the con- duction measures is she talking about can be money, only that can be legal gratulations of myself and many others when she continues, along with the tender, so you can’t tax it and allow it to Senator-elect SCOTT BROWN of Mas- other Democratic leaders here in the to be competitive. sachusetts who had a very exciting vic- House and in the Senate and at the So these things could occur, and if tory yesterday. And I know that he White House, to plot the expenditure of nobody wanted to use it they wouldn’t will be a good Senator for the people of $2 trillion or more in additional ex- have to and everybody could be happy that State, but his victory means so penditures over the next 10 years for a much more to so many more people, with the Federal Reserve. But if the health care bill that robs Medicare re- not only the people of Massachusetts conditions get so chaotic and the peo- cipients, that increases taxes, and will who are very excited today, but also ple are looking for an alternative, they cost American jobs, that will do a people all across the country because can go and start operating in another whole host of things to regulate Ameri- they viewed the election of Senator currency. cans’ lives and how they will receive BROWN as an opportunity to send a their health insurance, including man- So this to me could provide a smooth message to this government, to this dating that they have to purchase transition. It would not be chaotic. It Congress, and to say to the Speaker of health insurance whether or not they would be legalized in the Constitution. the House and the majority leader in feel they want to, and telling them It would be good, sound economics; the Senate and others that we need to pretty much what that insurance is and, eventually, the most important take a different approach to health that they are going to have to purchase thing it would do, it would restrain the care reform and to the general direc- because of the fact that this health in- spending of this Congress, because as tion of our Federal Government with surance will be regulated by a Federal long as you have a Federal Reserve regard to the out-of-control spending Government health insurance commis- over there willing to print up the that we are experiencing here in Wash- sioner, one of the more than 140 new money any time we spend more money ington: last year’s Federal deficit of Federal Government agencies and pro- that we don’t have and we can’t bor- $1.4 trillion and another $1.2 trillion grams included under consideration in row, then the Federal Reserve will ac- projected for this year; in fact, for each the bill that they are planning to try commodate us. Therefore, I argue the year as far as the eye can see, deficits to move forward. case for competition in currency and exceeding $600 billion a year as far out That is simply not what the Amer- strictly limit it in government. as we project them, 10 years from now. ican people are looking for. They want

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.001 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 responsible leadership. They want a bi- from yesterday’s special Senate elec- sion plan I have advocated for includes partisan effort to deal with this chal- tion in Massachusetts. He said all true legitimate public engagement, man- lenge of rising costs of health insur- reform starts with the voice of the peo- dating public town hall-style meetings. ance and health care. And they want ple. The people will not have a choice But under President Obama’s plan the bipartisan, responsible leadership in in a deficit commission established by public voice will be nonexistent. There looking to ways to make health insur- executive order. He also said common will be no input from the hardworking ance and health care available to more sense trumps partisanship. A commis- taxpayers in our communities. This is people. sion through executive order nego- not the right way to form public pol- The legislation they are considering tiated by one party is the height of icy. doesn’t do that. Instead, it busts the partisanship. He also said voters can Perhaps the most glaring sleight of budget of our country. Yesterday’s exercise real independence. Where is hand, one I believe the American peo- election results in Massachusetts calls the voice of the people in a process ple will recognize and refute, is that for a new direction in health care and that will not go beyond the Beltway? the Democratic leadership intends to in that debate. Many believe the elec- Mr. SMITH correctly noted that one- bring the commission recommenda- tion of Senator SCOTT BROWN lessens party control leads to arrogance. We tions up for a vote in Congress, but the likelihood of passage of the current are seeing today an arrogance of power only after the mid-term elections and proposal that has been crafted by on a party that forecloses the minority before the new Congress begins in 2011. Democratic leadership. If this is indeed from a seat at the table. To be fair, the It would be a lame duck vote. the case, Democrats and Republicans Republicans in the majority were arro- Lawmakers who are retiring or get must work together toward health care gant at times. And Mr. SMITH con- defeated could vote on a set of rec- reform that reduces costs and expands cluded that we should be listening to ommendations with regard to entitle- insurance coverage without reducing the people, not defying them. The peo- ment spending and tax policy, but costs or adding to the national debt, ple of Massachusetts spoke yesterday. never be held accountable by the Amer- rationing care, or putting the Federal They proved that when the people get ican people. Is it right for outgoing Government between the patient and mad enough, anything is possible, even Members of Congress to consider pro- their doctor. in Massachusetts. Lawmakers in Con- posals that could affect every single One such bill to consider is H.R. 3970, gress on both sides of the aisle would American knowing that days and the Medical Rights and Reform Act, of be wise to hear that message loud and weeks later they would no longer be which I am a cosponsor. The Medical clear, yet the Obama administration answerable to the voters of the district Rights and Reform Act includes fis- doesn’t seem to be listening. they once represented? cally responsible health care reforms There are a number of serious prob- Between the Democrats and Repub- like medical liability reform, small lems being exposed as details of the ad- licans in both chambers, over 30 Mem- business insurance pooling, and letting ministration’s executive order commis- bers have already announced they are families and businesses buy insurance sion are revealed. Any commission retiring or running for another office, across state lines. These are ideas at should be authentically bipartisan, and this number will grow. During the that have strong bipartisan support, passed by the Congress. Press reports lame duck session, some outgoing but have been absent from the bi- indicate that instead of putting every Members may already be looking for cameral health care negotiations. Most spending program and tax policy on the new jobs, which could well be lobbying important, the Medical Rights and Re- table, discretionary spending would be special interest groups and other form Act is fiscally responsible. This exempt. How can we have an honest stakeholders that have a vested inter- alternative does not raise taxes, cut conversation about the Nation’s finan- est in the outcome of the vote on the Medicare, or add to the deficit. And it cial health without looking at discre- commission’s recommendations. Yet lowers health care costs. tionary funds that accounted for more the Obama administration is setting up This Congress already gave us a $1.8 than 33 percent of Federal spending in a process that would allow these out- trillion debt. America cannot afford to ’09? going lawmakers to vote on the com- spend another trillion dollars or $2 tril- The $447 billion omnibus appropria- mission’s recommendations and run lion as proposed by the majority, and tions bill that was considered by Con- the risk of blurring the lines between our families cannot afford to put life gress and signed into law in December what is best for the American people and death decisions in the hands of bu- corresponded with the Democrats’ and best for their future employer. reaucrats. budget blueprint that increased non- Any recommendation put forward Mr. Speaker, resetting the health defense discretionary spending by 12 should be considered by the newly care debate and working together in an percent over the previous year. When elected Congress, which would have to open and transparent way would help all appropriations spending is com- publicly stand by their vote on the Washington regain the public’s trust. bined, the Democratic majority will commission’s recommendation. This f have increased nondefense, non- Congress has run up the country’s cred- veterans discretionary spending by 85 it card to a point of no return, and now DEFICIT COMMISSION BY percent over the last 2 fiscal years. The the administration wants to be able to EXECUTIVE ORDER American household has certainly not tout a bipartisan solution to spending The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a seen their income rise by 85 percent in for political cover to survive the up- previous order of the House, the gen- recent years. coming elections. tleman from Virginia (Mr. WOLF) is Simply put, discretionary spending, A commission through executive recognized for 5 minutes. with the spending set by annual appro- order is political gamesmanship. It is a Mr. WOLF. Today the press, Mr. priations levels of Congress, matter. A blatant effort by the administration to Speaker, is reporting that a backroom deficit reduction commission that is find political cover after advocating for deal has been cut with Democratic barred from looking at one-third of the the $787 billion economic stimulus, sup- leadership to create a deficit cutting Federal budget is a fig leaf. The bipar- porting health care reform being nego- commission by executive order. I op- tisan commission process I have talked tiated behind closed doors that could pose this effort, and so will the Amer- about for nearly 4 years puts every- cost a trillion, and pushing other budg- ican people. thing, entitlements, tax policy, discre- et breakers that are wildly unpopular In light of this news, the remarks tionary spending, everything on the in the eyes of the American people. that Representative LAMAR SMITH of table for discussion by the commission In closing, the American people un- Texas made on the House floor this members. derstand the depth of our financial morning ring truer and more urgent Moreover, the American people will problems. They recognize the spending than ever. Representative SMITH of- be cut out of the process under the gorge that Congress has embarked on fered a series of lessons to be learned President’s plan. The SAFE Commis- since the Obama administration began,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 357 and they will not be fooled about by a should include the language found our democracy and undermine our form fig leaf commission established by ex- within the Stupak-Pitts amendment, of government. His words deserve—in- ecutive order. Just ask the people of which passed this Chamber by a wide deed, they demand—the contempt and Massachusetts. bipartisan margin of 240–194. condemnation of every American. And f Mr. Speaker, as we take up any they deserve immediate action by health care, let us preserve the Found- those who have accorded him his MARCH FOR LIFE ers’ dedication to the principle of life. broadcast platforms and whose silence The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a f and inaction thus far can only be de- previous order of the House, the gen- scribed as a disgrace. DESECRATING DEMOCRACY tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMP- f SON) is recognized for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. previous order of the House, the gen- HEALTH CARE Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of tleman from California (Mr. MCCLIN- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the March for Life, which will take TOCK) is recognized for 5 minutes. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- place this Friday, January 22nd. It Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I uary 6, 2009, the gentleman from Mis- marks the 37th anniversary of the Su- never thought I would live to see the souri (Mr. AKIN) is recognized for 60 preme Court decision in Roe v. Wade. I day when a commentator entrusted by minutes as the designee of the minor- will head to the march on Friday with a major broadcast network with the ity leader. the knowledge that abortions in this ability to reach millions of listeners Mr. AKIN. Good afternoon. Once country are declining: 1.21 million a would use his influence to incite voter again, we find ourselves here on the year in 2005, the latest reliable figures fraud, but I’m afraid this week we floor of the U.S. Congress and the sub- available show, compared to 1.36 mil- passed that unfortunate milestone. ject before us, in spite of various lion some 10 years ago. On Friday, January 15, MSNBC com- events that have been of great interest But hundreds of thousands of pil- mentator Ed Schultz told his nation- to people yesterday—I’m thinking of grims will be here to deliver one mes- ally syndicated radio audience, I tell the election of Massachusetts—still re- sage: There is a right to life. It is an in- you what, if I lived in Massachusetts mains the question of health care. tegral part of the Declaration of Inde- I’d try to vote 10 times. I don’t know if There is discussion with the new po- pendence so painstakingly penned by they’d let me or not, but I’d try to. litical realignments that it may be our Founding Fathers. Yeah, that’s right. I’d cheat to keep that the House will take up and just Busloads of those marchers of all these bastards out. I would. pass the bill that was passed by the stripes will be from my district in Now, this could be dismissed as an Senate. That is one possibility, which Pennsylvania. They will be leaving unfortunate verbal excess brought on then of course would require the bill home at very early hours that morn- by the passion of the moment, except not to have to go back to the Senate. ing, and actually the night before to for the fact that when given the oppor- And so we come back to this question get here to stand for that cause, to tunity to retract the statement, Mr. of health care in America, something stand for life. And they will be joining Schultz embellished it in a way that that has a lot of people’s attention. It’s the gathering of pro-life Americans to makes it crystal clear that his words not the top priority I think for many march down Constitution until they were deliberate and calculated. He people. I think many people are wor- reach the steps of the Supreme Court. said, I misspoke on Friday. I’m sorry. ried about unemployment, they’re wor- Abortion has been a part of the I’m sorry. I meant to say, if I could ried about the economy, they’re wor- health care debate, and may still keep vote 20 times, that’s what I’d do. ried about excessive government spend- current bills from passing. No taxpayer Later he said, Let me be very clear, ing, they’re worried about terrorism should be forced to pay for abortions in I’m not advocating voter fraud, I’m and national security. But underneath this country. That policy has been re- just telling you what I would do. Now, those, perhaps, there is still some con- affirmed many times by this Congress, Mr. Speaker, exactly how does one not cern about health care, but particu- and should not be changed for the cur- advocate voter fraud when three times larly a fear that in an attempt to try rent circumstances. And I ask my col- on national broadcasts you say that’s to solve a problem we may make a bad leagues to join in this march on Fri- what you would do? situation worse. Indeed, when govern- day, and to help celebrate the gift of Mr. Speaker, this can only be inter- ment does too much, we have found life. preted as an incitement to commit that we sometimes get some very bad On December 2, 2009, I joined 39 of my voter fraud in a pivotal election in the side effects—inferior quality, ineffi- House colleagues in sending Speaker course of our Nation. As such, it cient allocation of goods, bureaucratic PELOSI a letter regarding a prohibition strikes at the very foundation of demo- rationing, and of course excessive ex- on the government funding of abortion cratic traditions and our constitu- penses. in the final version of the health care tional institutions. In every election, Now, if health care is expensive now, legislation. win, lose or draw, it is of utmost im- just wait until it’s free, some have portance that the vote be fair, that it said. We were promised by our Presi- b 1700 be accurate, and that it have the con- dent, Here’s what you need to know: A significant majority of Americans, fidence of every citizen, both those in First, I will not sign a plan that adds both those that identify themselves as the majority as well as those in the mi- one dime to our deficits either now or pro-life and pro-choice, are opposed to nority. If we cannot trust the sanctity in the future. Sounds pretty definitive. the government funding of abortions. of the vote, we destroy the legitimacy It sounds like he says, hey, I under- The Senate-passed health care bill, of that vote—and with it the legit- stand about the deficit, I understand H.R. 1362, would require Federal funds imacy of that government. about the debt, I understand about ex- to subsidize elective abortion. This All of our governing institutions and cessive spending, and I am not going to plan differs greatly from the House all of their acts rest about a single add one dime to our deficit. version that maintains the current pol- foundation—fair and free elections Well, the bill that’s being proposed icy of preventing the Federal funding which guarantee that those who exer- does not add a dime, so I guess tech- of abortion and for funding of health cise authority under our Constitution nically this statement is correct. It care benefit packages that include do so deriving their just powers from adds, rather, either one or several tril- abortion. the consent of the governed. It is this lion dollars. That may be a whole lot Mr. Speaker, any health care reform principle that Mr. Schultz has sought worse than the dime. So this particular proposals that this Chamber agrees to to desecrate and demean. His state- statement, along with some others must always place a high value on pro- ments excusing voter fraud weaken the that we’ve heard, is not really precise tecting innocent life. These provisions single most important mechanism of in terms of what has been proposed,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 particularly the Senate and the House massive government takeover to pass, reasons why, not so much based on po- versions that we have seen. because it has these little loopholes litical party, but just based on good old In order to try to put a package to- like this in it. I don’t think many of American commonsense, there is a con- gether, there have been some com- you would have known that that was in cern for the complexity and of course promises made, as tends to happen the bill, and yet it is. the cost associated with that com- when you’re writing large and complex There are also some other problems. plexity. pieces of legislation. This protects in- We have a bill, when you start to get We don’t like mandates a whole lot. surance companies in kind of an odd thousands of pages of legislation, there Americans tend to be a little bit free- way. The legislation that is being con- is a lot of room for mistakes and an wheeling, and they’re not too much sidered in the Senate preserves the awful lot of creation of bureaucracy. I into following all the dots and tittles legal immunity of large insurance com- don’t know what the latest version of and all the little nuances of laws and panies in the event of negligence or this is because a lot of this is nego- rules. Americans like to have some any other wrongful action even if their tiated behind closed doors, but we’re freedom, a little bit of elbow room, a action results in injury or death of a talking about close to a 2,000-page bill little flexibility. So when we’re talking patient. passed with I don’t know how many about the mandate, we’re saying, here, Now, this is the language that’s in hours of public review—72 hours would there’s mandates in this bill. All those the bill. What does that really mean? be nice, I’m not so sure we’ll have that. ‘‘shalls’’ come into things that restrict What it means is something that I We have not had that on other major your freedom. One of the mandates is think most Americans consider to be pieces of legislation. that employers must offer a qualified very undesirable, and that is, you walk This particular bill creates 118 new health care plan to full- and part-time in and you feel sick and you go see boards—that sounds like some bureauc- employees. your doctor. You trust your doctor, racy, doesn’t it—commissions and pro- So we’re saying to companies, we you’ve known your doctor for some pe- grams full of new mandates. One of the don’t care what you think is good for riod of time, and so you have the doc- things in legislation that people who your employees, and we don’t really tor take a look. He runs some tests and are legislators pay attention to is how care what your employees think is many ‘‘you musts’’ and ‘‘you shalls’’ he says, well, now, Congressman AKIN, good for them; what we’re going to do and ‘‘you’ve got to’s’’ there are in a this is the news: You’ve got this, this, is tell you how it’s got to be. And so we bill. This one contains the word and this, and I recommend we do this. are going to write what your health ‘‘shall’’ 3,425 times. Obviously some- And you check with him, ask a bunch care plan has to look like, and then, body has very strong opinions about of questions and say good, that seems Mr. Employer, you have to offer what what other Americans ought to do, and like a good course of action. we’re writing up for you to your em- they’re going to mandate it. And so Now, here’s where the train comes off ployees. the tracks. Your insurance company you have here quite a large bill, many, says, but we don’t really think that’s many pages, 3,425 ‘‘shalls,’’ 118 new b 1715 necessary, we’re not that concerned boards. That is an interesting approach. We We tried to draw a picture of what about you, Congressman AKIN. And think of it in terms of the idea of a top- that would look like. Now, you know your doctor, well, you know, he’s prob- down, Big Government solution be- they say a picture is worth a thousand ably being pretty cautious, but he’s cause the government is going to tell words. I don’t know if this picture is also being pretty expensive. And so you what you need. Whether you think worth 1,000 or 2,000 pages, but this is an we’re going to say you really don’t you know what you need doesn’t make attempt at drawing a picture of what need to go to the hospital for this, any difference. It’s going to be a top- we’ve got. And the more you look at it, we’re going to recommend you just down status mandate, and you will pay the more you look at all these colored stay home for a while and take some for 65 to 72 percent of the cost of the boxes, which are some of the new agen- plan. aspirin and see what develops. Now, cies and all, it starts to look more and that’s what we call something or some- So we’re going to tell you what kind more like some sort of a maze. And you of plan you’re going to offer. By the body getting in the way of the doctor- kind of wonder whether what’s going way, you’re going to pay for it, and if patient relationship. on is, the consumers or people who are In this country, we have gotten you don’t pay for it, we’re going to pe- sick are somehow trying to get across spoiled. We have enjoyed contact with nalize you, and we’re going to hit you this maze to find their doctor. It’s al- with a tax of up to 8 percent of your our doctors. We have enjoyed the proc- most like something you would be payroll costs. So whoever you are, even ess of getting to know the doctors and given at a restaurant with a Crayon, fairly small businesses, you know, in trusting them and soliciting their opin- and you’re supposed to plot the path, if terms of what the cutoff is in this, ion. At times, we get multiple opinions you’re a patient, to somehow get over you’re going to get hit with 8 percent from different doctors just to make to see the doctor. But this is the kind of your payroll taxes. In fact, if you sure. But we don’t want some insur- of complexity that is being created by ance company coming between the pa- what has been proposed over the last 7 have 100 employees, if 99 of them want tient and the doctor; that’s pretty bad or 8 months by the Democrats. this qualified plan and one does not, when that happens. What’s worse is The reason this is so complicated is the way the bill is written is that when the government comes between because of the overall strategic ap- you’re going to end up paying this 8 you and your doctor. That’s what a proach that health care started, and percent because everybody has to agree full-born socialized medicine bill will that was the idea that we’re going to to what the government has mandated. do. take what we have and pretty much So there are some mandates in here This bill here says that these insur- pitch it, and we’re going to redesign which, from a small business point of ance companies can basically second- the whole thing and put the govern- view, are considered fairly onerous. It’s guess the doctors, and if things go ment in charge of it. So we’re not another thing which makes the bill of- wrong, guess what? They have no li- going to go in and fix this or that fensive and not popular. ability. Is that what we want in health that’s broken; we’re going to basically Now, one of the concerns is, when the care reform? I don’t think so. Doctors scrap it and start over. government takes something over, it can be sued if they make a bad diag- Consequently, the result is a very tends to cost money. The President nosis, but not insurance companies, complicated piece of legislation for the said it’s not going to cost a dime. I sup- even when they get in between the pa- government to try to take over what is pose that’s true. It’s supposed to cost tient and the doctor. Is that something essentially close to one-fifth of the over $1 trillion, but there are a lot of we want in a health care bill? I don’t U.S. economy. hidden costs. You see, you bury the think so. And that’s one of the reasons So that’s one of the things that peo- costs of some things that you don’t why a lot of Americans don’t want this ple are concerned with and one of the want to show. Trying to keep it under

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 359 $1 trillion was a tough thing to do; $1 erage, and they’re going to tell you We have to back up, I think, and look trillion is a fair amount of money. what kind of coverage it is, and you’ve at what the problem was, what problem Even for the U.S. Federal Government, got to buy it. are we trying to solve. $1 trillion is a lot of money. Now, this raises kind of an inter- In this country, I just saw a poll re- We spent about $1.4 trillion last year. esting legal point, which is, if the gov- cently that showed among likely vot- That was about what our level of debt ernment mandates that you have some- ers that approximately 90, 91 percent of was, $1.4 trillion. The highest debt that thing or that you buy something, is the folks had some form of health in- we’d had before that was under Presi- that not really, essentially, a tax in- surance. What we’re getting confused dent Bush in 2008. During the Pelosi crease? When you mandate that some- with is there are people out there who Congress here in 2008, we had just south body has to buy a particular product, is don’t have access to care. There is no of $500 billion in deficit spending that that something that the Federal Gov- question about that, and we need to ad- year. So, if deficit spending of 400 and— ernment should be doing in this par- dress that problem. whatever it is—50 or 60 billion was a ticular area? Is it even constitutional? What we’ve been hearing in this par- lot, $1.4 trillion in deficit spending was When it is a mandate, is it not just es- ticular H.R. 3962, aka H.R. 3200 that we a considerable amount. So our deficit sentially a tax increase? Or pay an ad- began to deal with, is that this is the in ’09 tripled from ’08, and it was a $1 ditional 2.5 of your income in taxes. So only solution, which is this very com- trillion-plus, $1.5 trillion. now you’re going to have a choice. You plex health care bill, which I’ve read— Well, here is $1 trillion for this little can either buy the insurance that we I’ve read all 2,000 pages of it—and you have very adequately stated some of plan. This is not small if you’re wor- know is best for you—Big Brother gov- the problems. What are we trying to ried about Federal spending. The esti- ernment—or you can pay a fine or face mate here is it’s going to raise taxes fix? criminal penalties, including jail time Well, we have 40-plus million people $729 billion. If we got away with that and severe fines if you don’t get in line few in tax increases, we might be doing in America who do not have—not ac- with what we know is best for you. cess to care, because a law was passed well. It increases the long-term cost of Who is ‘‘we’’? Oh, we just saw a pic- medical care by $289 billion. Again, I in 1986 called EMTALA, and that af- ture of the ‘‘we,’’ didn’t we? Here is the forded every American, whether you’re think those are conservative estimates. ‘‘we.’’ We know what’s best for you. All It creates shortages, higher costs, more legal or not—you could be an illegal of this matrix of bureaucracy, this ma- citizen in this country—or whether you regulations, more patients, and a fixed trix run by the Federal Government, supply of medical professionals. could pay or not. If you go to a hos- really knows what’s good for you, and pital with an emergency room, you This is part of the CMS Report. CMS so we’re going to tell you what it is is a group of staffers who are not con- have to be cared for. We have no that you have to buy. You’ve got to choice. When I was on call in the emer- nected with a political party. They buy the insurance we tell you you’ve take a look at legislation, and they try gency room—and believe me—I’m the got to buy. Otherwise, you’ll face one who had to get up at 3 a.m. in the to come up with what the costs are and criminal penalties, including jail time. morning and go see these patients and how it’s going to work. Of course, How do you think that goes over with care for them. So the care was there. there’s a lot of argument about what a lot of freedom-loving Americans? It’s just not the most efficient way to they count and about what they don’t Well, not very good. provide the care. There is no question count; but things like creating short- I think some of the election results about that. ages and also considerable amounts of that we’ve seen in the last number of We have a system in this country unemployment are expected to come months reflect the fact that people are now where costs are out of control, and from this because, if you mandate that not that comfortable with Washington, I think that’s what this bill doesn’t do. businesses spend a lot of money, what D.C.—Big Government—playing God in It doesn’t address the fear that most of happens is it means their employees everybody’s lives. That’s one of the us have and that I know I had as a doc- are going to cost more. If their employ- concerns and why this is not particu- tor and that I have as a consumer of ees are going to cost more, there’s an larly popular. health care, which is the ever-rising incentive for them to get rid of some cost of the care. employees and to run the employees I notice that we have joining us this evening a doctor, somebody who has We can do several things. Let me just they have for longer hours. That re- point out, in the 2,600- or 2,700-page duces their costs, which of course in- spent years in the health care profes- sion and who has really been in the Senate bill, I can cover 20 million peo- creases unemployment. ple on one page. This is just to show So this bill will affect unemploy- middle of it as to providing that doc- tor-patient relationship. He knows the you how simple you can make it. Num- ment, which is another reason people ber one, if you have signed up the peo- are not very pleased with it and are subject far better than this poor, old engineer does, and I would like to yield ple currently who are eligible for the disappointed in the bill. There is an in- State Children’s Health Insurance plan efficiency and an expense here which is some time to my good friend who has just joined me on this health care and they’ve just not signed up for a quite considerable. current plan that’s already there in topic. I was just running through some There is another mandate. This is Medicaid, you would cover 10 to 12 mil- of the reasons why people aren’t that one on individuals. It says that individ- lion people. uals must buy acceptable health insur- excited about this Big Government There’s one thing in this bill that I ance coverage. Now, guess who defines takeover of health care and why you’re do like a lot, and that’s to allow adult what health insurance coverage is ac- seeing a lot of people voting, saying, children, when they graduate from ceptable if you’re an individual citizen I’m not sure we’re on the right track high school or college who don’t have of the United States? with this. health insurance, to stay on their par- Is it the individual citizen? Is it the I yield to the gentleman from Ten- ents’ plans, their parents’ health care 22-year-old who says, I can’t afford nessee. plans. You could cover 7 million young health insurance right now, and I’m Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I thank you people. You could cover almost 20 mil- very healthy and I’m making the deci- for yielding. lion people in this country. I don’t sion not to get health insurance? Is he As Congressman AKIN has said, I’ve think either side, the Democrats or the the one who decides what acceptable spent the last 31 years, until a year Republicans, would mind doing that. health insurance coverage is? ago, practicing medicine in Johnson You’ve covered two-thirds of what the Of course, the answer is ‘‘no.’’ The City, Tennessee, and really in a rural Senate bill is going to do by doing that answer is that the Federal Government area in Appalachia. I’ve also practiced one thing, and you can do that on one knows what you need better than you medicine in Memphis, in the inner- page. do, so the Federal Government is going city, while I was in training and in Mr. AKIN. Could I just reclaim my to mandate that you have this cov- school. time for just a minute, Dr. ROE?

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 The way you’re approaching this small business. They have six, eight, count. Let me explain this to our audi- seems to be a little bit more sane in ten. Twenty would be a lot in our area. ence today, the people who are watch- some ways in that you’re saying, look, Let them all group together across this ing this. we’re going to define our problem pre- Nation, and then you’ll have 500,000 or Before, when you pay a premium in, cisely, and we’re going to tailor a solu- 1 million Realtors who could spread if you don’t use it, who keeps the tion to try to improve what we’ve got their risks, and you wouldn’t have any money? The insurance company does. in order to try to make the system government involvement. You wouldn’t In my case right here, with a health work. have any subsidies involved. You savings account, you put in X dollars. Now, you’re not proposing—I thought wouldn’t have any complications. In our office, it is $3,000. It can be $5,000 it was 2,000 pages. You’re saying it’s You’d simply let the free market sys- that your employer puts in that ac- coming up close to 3,000 now. You’re tem work. count for you. You pay everything first not proposing a 3,000-page or 2,000-page Mr. AKIN. Doctor, reclaiming my dollar, so I am highly motivated to solution. You’re talking about one sim- time again, what you’re saying is take care of myself, because at the end ple thing, and you can take half of the you’re combining a couple of ideas, but of the year, if I don’t spend that people who don’t have health insur- you’re saying it fast. I want to make money, I get to keep that money, not ance, and you can get them insurance. sure people can understand it. the insurance company. And you can Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Yes. The first thing you’re saying is you roll that money over and use it the fol- Mr. AKIN. You can do that on one can buy insurance across State lines. lowing year and the following year. page. Particularly if you live in a place like, In our group, we have 350 employees Mr. ROE of Tennessee. On one page. for instance, Kansas City, Missouri— in our medical group at home, and for Mr. AKIN. Now, I think the American and there’s a Kansas City, Kansas, those who get insurance, over 80 per- public prefers simple and to just fix right across the river—you could be cent of them choose a health savings what’s broken instead of scrapping ev- buying insurance out of two markets account. They manage their own care, erything and starting over, but I yield instead of one or even possibly from so they are motivated not to smoke to my good friend from Tennessee. someplace like all the way up in Mas- and to exercise and to lose weight be- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Another issue sachusetts. So that’s one idea. cause they save their own money. You that we deal with all the time—and as As to your other idea, though, it can use that money later in your life if a physician, I would deal with this—are sounds like what you’re saying is you accumulate many thousands of patients who would develop, let’s say, you’re allowing the individuals, let’s dollars for long-term care or whatever breast cancer and lose their jobs. Then say, who work for some small employer you want. You are the insurance com- they would lose their insurance cov- to pool together to create large pools, pany. erage. Now they have chronic condi- which then gives you the statistical Mr. AKIN. Doctor, again, I would like tions, and they don’t have insurance smoothing so that you could apply for to cut in for a minute here. You are coverage. How do you help those pa- insurance, one, because you have a talking about a medical savings ac- tients? How do you help those folks? whole lot of buyers. You’re a signifi- count. What you are saying makes a Well, this is a very simple problem. cant player, so you can buy at a dis- whole lot of sense. Preexisting conditions are a problem count price. Second of all, if somebody In other words, what you do is you but not in the large group market. In does get ill, you can smooth that load put your money aside, and you have other words, if you’ve worked for a over a big enough base that it doesn’t some tax benefits from setting it aside, large corporation or let’s say—like we affect it. Am I understanding you cor- into not something for your retirement get our insurance here through the rectly? but something to help cover your med- Federal Employees Health Benefit I yield. ical needs. Then, as medical expenses Plan, the so-called FEHBP. You’ve got Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I thank the come up during the year, you can pay 9 million people who get their insur- gentleman for yielding. You’re abso- for those out of this pre-tax money ance through that. If one person has a lutely right, because what you allow it which is in your medical savings ac- chronic condition like breast cancer or to do is you allow a small business to count. diabetes, it really doesn’t affect our become a large business. If you stay healthy and you have a rates because you spread those risks Like I said, the problem with pre- good lifestyle and you didn’t have that over millions of people. If you would existing conditions is, if you have a third helping of french fries, then you simply get rid of State lines and if you small shop of 5, 10, 20 employees, which may not spend as much money as you would allow small groups to become many businesses have—and 70 percent put in there and you would be allowed big groups, you then solve the pre- of our employees in this country work to keep it year in and year out, and it existing condition problem. for small businesses. If you have one could continue to earn interest to The second thing you can do is to very expensive condition that hits, it cover in case of a medical problem. subsidize—— breaks them. They can’t afford insur- Is that right so far? Mr. AKIN. I don’t mean to interrupt ance. That’s why it’s not affordable. Mr. ROE of Tennessee. That is cor- you, and I don’t want to be rude, but I Some other things we could easily do rect. And if something were to happen just want you to develop that point a are preventative care, and you could do catastrophically, let’s say you have an little bit more. that where you have different incen- accident or a heart attack and you In other words, am I understanding, tives to keep yourself well. spend more than that predetermined Doctor, that what you’re saying is you amount, you buy catastrophic coverage could buy insurance across State lines? b 1730 that covers every bit of it. Is that the point you’re making? As a physician, I can tell you all day For instance, in my particular case, Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Reclaiming long how to stay well, but it is up to anything over $5,000 is paid for 100 per- my time, absolutely. you as a patient to carry that out. I cent. And you had the $5,000 to begin Look, you can buy any other kind of can give you all the great ideas in the with, it was your money, so you got to insurance in the world but health in- world, but if you don’t carry them out, keep it. I think that is a very simple surance across a State line. Why in the then it doesn’t do any good. thing that we are currently doing and world should it make any difference? If Mr. AKIN. It is about that third help- we should be encouraging people to do, I’m living near the State line—and ing of french fries, I understand. not discouraging. we’re surrounded by multiple States in Mr. ROE of Tennessee. That is cor- Mr. AKIN. Now, my understanding is Tennessee—I should be able to buy that rect. So you want to have the incen- we put that into law, but there were a insurance across a State line. tives built into our health care system. lot of limitations on it, and I don’t For instance, let’s take Realtors. Al- For instance, a health savings ac- think that is generally available for most every Realtor’s business is a count. I have one, a health savings ac- most people in the public. Is it, Doctor?

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 361 Mr. ROE of Tennessee. It is not, and and what they dislike. And what they per year, $2,100 per family. I thought it should be. dislike I think is properly captured and the idea behind that is to lower costs Mr. AKIN. Is that a problem that the framed in that chart that you have on for everyone, yet we know what is out marketplace hasn’t caught up to what the tripod, the bureaucracy of a gov- there. the law says? Or, are there roadblocks ernment-run, government takeover of My colleagues have talked about al- that make it so that people can’t do health care. lowing the purchase of health insur- that? We need to be approaching health ance across State lines. That is greater Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I think prob- care and we need to be approaching ev- competition. That is a good thing. ably we haven’t educated our public as erything we do in this Chamber, I be- That brings costs down. much as we should have. I was sur- lieve, from a principled leadership per- Certainly the whole issue of tort re- prised in my own practice about how spective, of leading with principles. form; $29 billion a year that is spent in many chose to do that once they un- And I have to tell you, and I suppose this Nation on tort reform premiums, derstood it. my colleagues on the other side of the $29 billion. And we talk about waste When you are faced with paying aisle would agree with that. It is just and fraud, waste within health care $3,000, that is kind of scary to do that their principles are completely 180 de- spending. I think that is the biggest when you normally have a small copay grees from our principles. I have to waste there is. Those dollars could be or deductible. But once you understand imagine, what are the principles behind going into directly caring for patients. how it works, that you get to keep the that health care nightmare that is out- You add on top of that the cost of the money, not the insurance company— lined there? I liken it to a train going practice of defensive medicine, and I and while we are on insurance compa- down a mountain with no brakes—it understand why that occurs. nies, I have got a problem. never ends well. A physician comes out of medical I know one of the things that I did in What they are trying to shove school with a quarter million dollars of practice that really frustrated me to through is just to get anything, get loans, if they are a specialist, maybe no end was to have insurance compa- something. I can imagine how the be- half a million dollars in loans. And at nies deny needed care for patients, and hind-closed-door discussions are going, the risk of even a frivolous lawsuit I think certainly they are culpable. I which happened again today even after they can lose a practice, lose their fam- know I have spent as much time on the the people in Massachusetts spoke. ily’s home. They order extra tests that phone sometimes getting a case ap- Mr. AKIN. All the complaints. may not be necessary to treat the ill- proved for a patient to get needed care Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. It ness at hand but does substantiate they as I did actually doing the procedure I has to be something like this: ‘‘We followed a standard of practice, a was trying to get approved. That is don’t care what it is, let’s just pass standard of care. very frustrating. So the insurance com- something, whatever it might be.’’ The Mr. ROE of Tennessee. If the gen- pany is culpable out there, and we do goal is just to get something through tleman will yield, let me just mention need some reform. to be able to say they did something. a couple of things that my friend from Mr. AKIN. Doctor, we just talked Well, that is wrong. That is not the ap- Pennsylvania is talking about. about that. One of the first slides I proach we do. The American people In 1975, all the malpractice compa- brought up was starting, when you need and deserve better than that. nies left the State of Tennessee. We want to talk about health insurance, They want principles. had nothing. So the physicians there one thing that you want is you want to The health care principles I believe brought together and formed what is have that doctor-patient relationship in and the Republican Party and some called the State Volunteer Mutual In- kept—I don’t know if you would call it of my Democratic colleagues, I think surance Company. It was a mutual sacred, but you want that to be a pri- we can work together. There are four company that anything that wasn’t mary kind of consideration. And if an principles I have always held dear as a paid out in premiums came back to us. insurance company parks itself be- health care professional for almost 30 Since the inception of that company in tween the patient and the doctor, we years, and that is—and my belief is 1975, over half the premium dollars don’t like that idea very well. that we have a health care system that have gone to attorneys. Less than 40 Mr. ROE of Tennessee. No, we don’t. is pretty good. In fact, I would rate it cents on the dollar went to the injured Mr. AKIN. And with this bill that is one of the best in the world, not that it parties, the injured patients, and about being proposed, the insurance company couldn’t be improved upon. And the 10 cents to run the company. can second-guess the doctor, and if principles that we dedicate ourselves to We have a system that is broken ter- there is a bad result, they can’t be are decreasing costs, increasing access, ribly when you can’t even compensate sued. That is one more strike why peo- improving quality, and preserving that injured people. That is the system we ple don’t like this bill. But that is a relationship that Dr. ROE talked about, have in America now, and that is great point. the decisionmaking relationship be- wrong, because there are events that We have been joined by another col- tween the physician and the patient, do occur that need to be compensated. league of mine, Congressman THOMP- not allowing a bureaucrat to insert We don’t have a system that can even SON. G.T. is here, just a stalwart, free- themselves into that relationship. And do that. enterprise guy, and somebody with a this certainly, I think, is regressive, re- Mr. AKIN. Reclaiming my time, gen- whole lot of common sense. I would gressive in terms of all four of those tlemen, what you have been outlining like to yield some time, if you would principles. here today is, I think, what the Amer- like to comment. My colleague from Tennessee talked ican public is eager for. They are eager We are trying to take an overview of about the impact on the relationship of for people to define specifically what a what is happening now, after the elec- decisionmaking between the patient problem is, and to outline a solution tion yesterday, and where we are in and the physician, where the bureauc- that makes common sense, that isn’t this whole thing of health care and are racy, a bureaucrat is inserted between going to be that expensive. In fact, the we still under this model of Big Broth- that relationship. But when you look solution should save money. They are er is going to take it all over. at all of it, when you look at cost, the going to increase the amount of free- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. I cost of the Senate bill, which I be- dom that consumers have and choices, thank my good friend from Missouri lieve—I don’t know, but that is what and improve the quality of health care. and my good friend from Tennessee for will be shoved at the American people That is a way to approach health care. this Special Order tonight that you are and will be shoved at this Chamber to That is to say, we are not going to to- doing. work on. The Congressional Budget Of- tally destroy it all; we are going to fix Yesterday was a landmark day. I fice showed those costs going up sig- the parts of it that are broken. think it established a pretty confident nificantly. I believe the individual That is usually the way we approach trend of what the American people like costs were at least, on the average, $300 most legislative questions. And yet,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 now, for to whatever it is, eight take $500 billion out of a plan that is great State of Massachusetts, which months, we have been running down already underfunded, that goes upside has now become my fond friend. this track trying to reproduce in Amer- down in premiums by 2017—and begin- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mine, too. ica what has never worked in foreign ning next year the baby boomers hit 3 Mr. AKIN. And the second one is Ten- countries very well. million to 3.5 million new recipients nessee. So you’ve had personal first- I think you could say there are a lot every year. You take a half trillion dol- hand of the State government deciding of things we could fix in America. But, lars out and you add 30 to 35 million they’re going to take over health care. on the other hand, if you are the guy people, three things happen: One, you Is that correct? that lives in Dubai and you are worth have decreased access; two, because Mr. ROE of Tennessee. We had the 17- a couple hundred million dollars and you are not going to get in to see the year experiment called TennCare. And you get sick, guess where you want to doctor, number two, you are going to to back up to the beginning of Medi- be treated. You want to come to the have decreased quality; and three, and care, in 1965 that great program that good old USA. seniors get this, their costs are going was passed started as a $3 billion pro- So why do we want to scrap some- to go up to get the care that they need. gram. The congressional estimates thing that has many aspects? In fact, I Mr. AKIN. Doctor, you are so elo- were at that time that by 1990, 25 years would say if you take a look at the quent and you said it so smoothly, but later, it would be a $15 billion program. American health care system, if you I just think we need to underline what The actual number, a $90 billion pro- look at what is being provided in care, you said. gram. It’s gone from $90 billion in 1990 we are doing pretty darned well. If you What you are saying is you are going to over a $400 billion program. And are taking a look at how are we paying to take $500 billion out of Medicare. we’re going to cut this much money for that, we have got some problems. Now, is this a Republican that is going out. As our population ages, there’s So our problems tend to be more in to raid Medicare? going to be more spending involved. the pay for side than in the quality of Mr. ROE of Tennessee. No, sir. Now that’s one plan. the care that is coming out. And each Mr. AKIN. We have always been ac- In Tennessee, we started with a man- of you gentlemen have demonstrated, I cused of raiding Medicare, but we are aged care plan in 1993 to control costs, think very articulately, tonight the not the ones doing this, right? because costs were going up and there fact that there are some certain spe- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. That is cor- wasn’t enough access for our citizens. cific things that could be fixed, yet we rect. Unless you are in Florida, of It was a $2.6 billion program in 1993. In seem to be just on this—you called it a course. 10 budget years it was an $8 billion pro- train wreck—just trying to replace the Mr. AKIN. So we are going to take gram. It took up almost every new dol- whole thing with a Big Government so- $500 billion out of Medicare. And what lar that the State of Tennessee lution. do you think is going to happen? If you And I think it is ironic, almost amus- brought. And let me go on and fast for- take $500 billion out of Medicare, it is ward to this Senate bill for a moment, ing, and a month or two ago would going to be harder to provide services have been unbelievable, to say that because this is very important for for people. States. this whole thing may well have been But you are not just doing that This bill calls for a massive expan- derailed by Massachusetts voting for a alone. You are adding more people and sion, the Senate bill, a massive expan- Republican for the U.S. Senate. If you taking money out. said that 2 months ago, people would sion of Medicaid. In the State of Ten- b 1745 think you needed to be locked up in a nessee we’re looking at three-quarters little white straitjacket. They would So now you’re sort of compounding of a billion dollars of unfunded—un- say there is no chance that something the problem. And so the result is funded—liability. That’s what Ne- like that could happen. you’re going to get poorer quality care braska got off the hook for. What Yet people are starting to pay atten- and you’re going to have to pay more you’re asking us to do in Tennessee is tion to what is being proposed here, money on the side, I suppose. Is that we, this year, Mr. Speaker, this year and this, along with a whole series of right, Doctor? we have 50 less highway patrolmen in other incidents and mismanagement, Mr. ROE of Tennessee. That’s cor- the State of Tennessee than we had in has created a political anomaly. I rect. What you’re going to do is, you’re 1978. And we have 2 million more peo- mean, there wasn’t one Republican going to create waits. There’s no other ple. That’s the kind of shape that the Congressman in the State of Massachu- way around it. And that’s my biggest States are getting in. And we’re get- setts, and yet the State, looking at fear as a physician, is that at the bot- ting now another unfunded mandate this kind of thing, along with the tre- tom line, the end of the day, when you through this health care bill that I mendous spending that this represents, budget so much money for health care don’t know where the money is going said, Time out. We are not solving our and you have more demand for services to come from. problems. than you have money to pay for it, you We have no capital projects for our I appreciate your time. create waits. It happens in England colleges this year in the State of Ten- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I would say, France, and Germany, unless you are nessee. We’re not building a new dor- when you look at this—I am just a wealthy and can buy your way around mitory, a new library, or anything. country doctor from east Tennessee, the system, which is what happens. But And yet we’re going to get crammed but if you look at the health care prob- I’m talking about for the bulk of the down this massive expansion of govern- lem in America, it is this: One is we American people. ment with an unfunded mandate. have had escalating costs. There is no Over 90 percent of the people who That’s why people are angry. question of the costs. And we have got have insurance in this country like it. Mr. AKIN. Doctor, you just made an- people who don’t have health insurance And they like what they have. They other point. What I’m hearing you say coverage. Those are the two problems. understand we pass all of this right is that the estimate that the CBO has How do you solve those problems? here. When a patient comes to me, am put together of this little treasure here Let me explain to you why having I going to be able to provide better care of a trillion dollars, that part of the more government will never work and for that patient? The answer is, No, I deal is it’s a little more than a trillion, will end up costing more money. And can’t. And let’s look at some numbers. because we’re going to do something my good friend from Pennsylvania, Mr. AKIN. One other point, Doctor. that’s going to make the States pay a Congressman THOMPSON, has hit the You said you’re just a country doctor chunk of change, too. So we have nail right on the head. from Tennessee. But if I remember what’s called an unfunded mandate When you take $500 billion—and I right, there were two States that did that’s going to descend on the States. have dealt with Medicare patients for the experiment of essentially govern- The trouble is the States don’t have my entire medical practice. When you ment-run health care. One was the the option we do of just busting the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 363 budget, because a lot of them have bal- with a preexisting condition or during about some basic principles that Amer- anced budget amendments. And that’s the course of your lifetime you experi- icans believe in. going to be tough. ence or develop a disease or disability, I yield to you, Doctor ROE. I’d like to go back over to Congress- say breast cancer or prostate cancer, Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I think one of man THOMPSON from Pennsylvania. that should not mean that you the problems that you’ve seen with Would you like to join us here? shouldn’t be able to afford to pur- this plan is the complexity of it. I Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. chase—I’m not saying anybody give think the bottom line, what you saw in Absolutely. I believe, actually, it was you—but be able to afford to purchase Massachusetts yesterday is that the the Tennessee Governor, a Democrat, reasonably priced health insurance. people there do appreciate their own who coined the term that this Senate The Republican solution does that. personal freedom. They want their bill and the Medicaid, the shoving of And it doesn’t do it with massive tax- freedom to choose. Also, Massachusetts the increased Medicaid rolls and shift- ing. Does it with no taxing, does it was being asked, since they’ve already ing that over to the State was, ‘‘the with no cuts to Medicare, does it with been mandated to pay for their own mother of all unfunded mandates.’’ no shifting of tremendous health care policy, which I might add has added Mr. ROE of Tennessee. That’s what cost to the State. It is a win-win and tremendous cost, and I will also tell he said. brings down the cost of health care for you that half of the primary care doc- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. everybody. tors in that State are not accepting pa- Sounds like a very smart man. Mr. AKIN. So we’ve got some solu- tients. Mr. ROE of Tennessee. He is a very tions. I was just thinking about the This is one of the things that isn’t good Governor. voters in all the different States that understood about a lot of the govern- Mr. AKIN. That’s a Democrat Gov- are frustrated. They may be listening ment-run plans: They don’t pay the ernor. to us even here on the floor of the Con- cost of the care. We haven’t discussed Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. gress, and they’re thinking, Do they that much here, but in our own State, That is correct. guys get it or not? Why are they talk- Medicaid pays less than 60 percent of Mr. AKIN. He says it’s the mother of ing about these huge Big Government the cost to the providers; the hospitals all unfunded mandates. That says that solutions and spending the money that and the doctors. Medicare pays some- trillion may be a pretty conservative we don’t have. I’m not sure some of where between 80 and 90 percent of the number. them aren’t ready to declare independ- costs. The rest of those costs are shift- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. ence again. ed to private health insurers, meaning When we look at the State of Pennsyl- I was just thinking, if you’re going to that people out in private businesses vania, the conservative estimates are write a declaration of independence are actually getting taxed again. What Congressman THOMPSON was that the Senate bill provision with the relative to health care, one of the talking about, another thing that’s left huge expansion of the Medicaid rolls, things you say is, it’s not going to add out of this particular plan that’s really which is truly just shifting it to the a whole lot of money to the big na- unfair is that you’re not even putting States without funding, $2.4 billion to tional debt. That’s one thing you’ve in the so-called ‘‘doctor fix.’’ Let me the State of Pennsylvania. Pennsyl- got to pay attention to. It’s not going explain that to the viewing public out vania went 6 months—at least 6 to impose mandates on States or em- there. In 1997, there was a bill passed months without a budget this past ployers or individuals. And it’s not here called ‘‘The Sustainable Growth year, the State government, because going to use taxpayer dollars to fund Rate: How Medicare Pays the Physi- they couldn’t make it balance. They’re abortions or illegal immigrants. cians.’’ And what happened was, is required to, but they just couldn’t get I think those are all things that have there was supposed to be cuts every it done. The economics, the revenue, been debated and discussed and people year. This year, there was supposed to and the expenses just did not match up. are upset about. It’s going to be nego- be a 21 percent cut to physicians, which I think that there are so many prob- tiated, I think, in a free and open for- if that happens, nobody is going to able lems with the proposals that our mat instead of behind closed doors. to see a Medicare patient. And that’s Democratic colleagues have been pro- We’re going to reserve that doctor-pa- not even here. It’s over a $200 billion posing. And I suspect what we will see tient relationship. And we’re going to pricetag that’s not even listed in this as a bill comes out of the closed, dark allow freedom, which has worked so current trillion-dollar pricetag. room to the House floor, that it will be well in America for a couple of hundred Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. very flawed. But let me just say there years, to reign. To actually have some Will the gentleman yield for a ques- are solutions. There are solutions that freedom to let people make choices and tion? have been defined. There are solutions trust them to make their own choices Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Yes. that have been introduced going back and then do some of these common- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. So to July of this year, 7 months ago, and sense solutions that you’re talking the statistic you talked about, Medi- there are solutions that have received about to not try to reproduce the failed care payments, which it has been my even some support but are largely Re- systems of the Soviet Union or the experience in Pennsylvania, for every public solutions. failed systems of European medicine or dollar of cost, reimbursement of 80 to The Putting Patients First Act, Canadian medicine, which are very in- 90 cents. So for every dollar of cost, the which addresses the issue of tort re- efficient and expensive, but rather physicians are already losing signifi- form and takes that $329 billion-min- build on the model of freedom and peo- cant moneys. That 21 percent cut that imum of waste, and that would allow ple’s free choices and people making you talked about, that’s on top of that. the cost of everybody’s health care to distinctions between what sort of Mr. ROE of Tennessee. That’s cor- come down. The Putting Patients First health care they do or don’t want and, rect. That’s on top of the 80 to 90 per- Act, which allows the bidding of health particularly, allowing doctors to prac- cent. So for patients and what they’re insurance across State lines, which al- tice medicine without feeling threat- concerned with now, I believe what’s lows the formation of association ened from lawyers or insurance compa- happened, and just to simplify in my health plans to give small businesses nies or Big Brother looking over their own terms, is what happened in Massa- the opportunity to join together to shoulder. chusetts, where people saw they were have a larger voice and more negotia- If you go to med school and spend a already paying very high taxes, they tion power. It also addresses key quarter of a million bucks on edu- were already paying for coverage, and issues, and does it in a good market ap- cation, I think I’d rather have your then they were going to have to pay for proach of addressing preexisting condi- opinion as to what you ought to do to States like Nebraska, who were opted tions. me. I don’t mean to rant here, but it out of this deal. They allow the States to create high- seems like we need some sort of state- Congressmen, I was very proud to be risk pools. Just because you’re born ment or declaration or something sworn in to the U.S. Congress on the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 364 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 6th of January, 2009. I woke up on the that the people of Massachusetts kind for this Big Government system. So 23rd—— of came back to their heritage and to what are we going to do? We’re going Mr. AKIN. You didn’t know what you their roots in standing up for the coun- to pose a 2.5 percent excise tax on med- were in for, did you? It’s been a whale try, as they did so many years ago. ical devices, which includes wheel- of a ride, brother. chairs, to try to raise some money. b 1800 Mr. ROE of Tennessee. It has been a Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. If whale of a ride. I woke up on the 23rd When I was a little kid, I lived in the gentleman will yield, my back- of December and told my wife that I Concord and Lexington—actually in ground is rehabilitation services. I was actually embarrassed to be in this Concord, and I saw the place where the have seen where these types of medical House because of the deals that were Minutemen had stood against the big- devices—and it is not just wheelchairs. cut. And who ultimately paid for them gest military power in the world. There That is an understatement. It is insu- are the patients and taxpayers. And is a statue that says: ‘‘By the rude lin. It is crutches. It is canes. It is that’s wrong. It really embarrassed me bridge that arched the flood, their flag prosthetic limbs. I mean, there are just when you saw this deal in Louisiana to April’s breeze unfurled, here once so many different things that this ap- and the different deal in Florida. the embattled farmers stood, and fired plies to. And this 2.5 percent excise tax, Mr. AKIN. We’ve just got about a the shot heard round the world.’’ They that is going to get passed right along minute or two. We’re going to be fol- stood for freedom, and they stood for to the consumers. lowed up by another good friend of the basic principles that America has Most of the consumers who utilize mine. We may stay on this topic a lit- always stood on. And I am sure glad these types of medical devices are older tle bit. I thought it might be appro- they joined us yesterday in making a adults. They’re individuals on very priate tonight in the last minute or statement and a statement that’s fixed incomes. Those who are surviving two to make a tribute to Massachu- going to affect this chart right here. on maybe $800 to $1,200 a month of So- setts. Now who would have thought Hopefully this chart goes in the dust cial Security, and the very things that Congressman AKIN would be making a bin before it ever becomes law. Last maximizes their independence, maxi- tribute to Massachusetts? But if you word, GT? mizes their quality of life, we’re going recall our history, Massachusetts used Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. to tax that? That’s a quality-of-life to be the cradle of freedom and innova- Well, I just couldn’t agree more. I tax, actually, because the people who tion in terms of government. It was think yesterday was a statement that use those medical devices, they are Massachusetts in 1620 that saw the Pil- the American people—what they want medically necessary. They’re not lux- grims come. They put together the idea and what they expect from our leader- uries. Those are devices that make of the first concept of a Republic. A ship is that we do our best to provide their lives possible, that allow them to group of free people, under God, select- safety, prosperity and liberty, the free- be able to live in the communities, to ing their own leadership to preserve doms within this country. And that’s be able to live in their own homes, to their God-given rights. That’s a power- the type of public policy that they’ve not live in an institution. That’s a ful idea that came from Massachusetts. been getting since last January. That quality-of-life tax. A hundred-fifty years later you had the has worked against all three of those. Mr. AKIN. So if it moves, tax it. If it Massachusetts provincial Congress say- Mr. AKIN. Dr. ROE. doesn’t move, tax it anyway. It might ing, Resistance to tyranny is your Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Health care be dead. Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, Christian duty. should not be a partisan issue. In 30- and thank you, gentlemen, for joining For the last 50 or 100 years it seems plus years, I never saw a Republican or me. like Massachusetts has been sending us Democrat heart attack. I never oper- the King’s people, always wanting ated on a Republican or Democrat can- f more taxes, more government, more cer, just a people problem. We need to MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT government spending, bigger govern- get together in this body and not have A message in writing from the Presi- ment, and yesterday the people of Mas- a partisan solution. There needs to be a dent of the United States was commu- sachusetts reverted back to that great bipartisan solution that is simple and nicated to the House by Ms. Wanda heritage of patriotism and freedom and addresses problems that we have laid Evans, one of his secretaries. said, We’re finally tired of Big Govern- out here today so that patients, their f ment. It’s time we start to look at families and doctors can make health solving our problems without thinking care decisions. IMPACT OF MASSACHUSETTS every solution means more taxes and Mr. AKIN. And that’s certainly what ELECTION more Washington, D.C., control. you’ve been talking about tonight, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under I thank you, gentlemen, that your both of you gentlemen. I understand the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- States have stood for freedom and your that my good friend Congressman KING uary 6, 2009, the gentleman from Iowa constituents have elected you to join is going to be here in just a jiff. He is (Mr. KING) is recognized for 60 minutes. us here to stand up for just plain, old going to be continuing along the same Mr. KING of Iowa. Thank you, Mr. basic American principles. I think lines, talking about freedom, talking Speaker. I appreciate being recognized we’re going to get the job done. I think about the principles that made this to address you here on the floor of the that what happened yesterday was country and how those principles can House of Representatives. I have been about, from a political point of view, be applied to solving these very prac- listening to the dialogue that has been quite a stroke of lightning. I think it tical problems with health care. poured before us from the three gentle- should get people’s attention. I think I will check to see how we are doing men here, my colleagues, speaking the public has spoken. And it’s time for on time. Oh, we actually have 2 min- mostly about health care, the National us to move on with the ideas that you, utes. So I don’t want to cheat anybody. Health Care Act, and what this could Doctor ROE, have been making very Are there any last comments? Any- mean. clear here. It’s not like these things thing that we haven’t covered that you I would like to pick this up from the are too complicated. And G.T., same want to catch, Dr. ROE or GT? place where TODD AKIN left off, and thing. You’re from Pennsylvania, rep- Here is one. We didn’t talk about all that would be the importance of the resenting the people with common of the cool features of this policy; but State of Massachusetts. I do not be- sense. These things are not com- this wheelchair tax, it was kind of lieve that it can be overstated, the im- plicated. Define the problem, craft a stuck in my craw. The idea that you pact of the election returns last night. limited solution that fixes it instead of are going to tax a wheelchair, the men- I listened to Carl Cameron on FOX trying to scrap everything and go to tal picture of that just doesn’t seem to News who is, I believe, a very well-in- the Big-Government-fixes-all kind of be what we want to do. So we’re look- formed and probably a deeply re- model. I think it’s really something ing for places to dig for money to pay searched individual. He said that this

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 365 was the most important congressional ting prices, and we let people invest eq- their conscience and their sense of re- race in 50 years. Well, I can remember uity, sweat equity and capital to buy, sponsibility kicked in. that far back, and I would completely sell, trade, make, gain, invent. We pro- So I am very proud of what the citi- agree with him. And I would suspect it tect the intellectual property through zens of Massachusetts have done. They may be the most important congres- patents and trademarks, and we also have mobilized the political effort that sional race in the history of our coun- encourage people to make money. We many of them hadn’t seen ever in their try, Mr. Speaker. know that when you generate that lifetimes. I talked to a lady that said The situation in Massachusetts wealth in the legitimate private sector that she has worked in political cam- where TODD AKIN laid out the poem that everyone prospers, that a rising paigns for 50 years, 50 years; and she that said, ‘‘and fired the shot heard tide does lift all boats. said that when the polls closed, and around the world,’’ well, this in Massa- And that’s what people were think- they counted the ballots, they cried chusetts last night was a shot heard ing, I believe, in Massachusetts yester- their eyes out, and then they got up, around the world. It was the SCOTT day. I spent 3 days there. They were an and they went to work again. Well, this heard around the world. He will be here outstanding 3 days. It was a fantastic time I imagine there were tears among tomorrow, straight down that hallway, experience. I went to polling places. I these groups. They probably did cry swearing into the United States Sen- went to campaign headquarters, both their eyes out, but they were tears of ate. sides of the case. I went to union halls, joy. And a great shout of joy went up So how did we get to this point, and and I talked to as many people across all across America that finally, finally what happened? And what is the sig- the State of Massachusetts as I pos- somebody heard. nificance of what took place in Massa- sibly could. The center line was this: I have asked for reinforcements. I chusetts last night, Mr. Speaker? the Federal Government spent too have prayed for the cavalry to come, Those are the issues that I think are much money. It’s gotten too big. It’s and at the last minute they came important to the American people gotten too intrusive. They’re imposing riding over the hill in the person of here. I will make the point that we’re too many mandates and regulations on SCOTT BROWN. Now we have a chance to a Nation that, let’s say, we have people the American people. They have their save, serve and protect our liberty; and who are studying every day to be na- own universal health care in Massachu- this debate now begins on an entirely tionalized American citizens. We’re a setts, and they aren’t particularly different field, on an entirely different Nation that has skimmed the vigor off happy with it. terrain, and I believe an entirely dif- of every donor civilization that has One of the things they have a con- ferent outcome. I am completely in sent immigrants to the United States. science about is not imposing that awe at how the most improbable some- The Mayflower landed at Plymouth version on the entire United States of times comes along to save us with Rock in 1620, 390 years ago. They dis- America. They understood that for something that appeared to be inevi- embarked from the Mayflower because them to cast a vote wasn’t just, How table. they came over here for religious lib- did their ballot for SCOTT BROWN, how The gentleman from Tennessee has erty, religious freedom. They estab- did it affect the destiny of Massachu- been willing to stick around, and I lished those freedoms and liberties setts? It wasn’t a selfish vote. They un- would like to yield as much time as he right there in the Bay State. Now this derstood they have a national responsi- may consume to the gentleman from Nation was founded on the same prin- bility, Mr. Speaker. Tennessee who happens to be a doctor, ciples and the same liberty that came It was a national responsibility, and who knows what TennCare looks like to us with the Pilgrims and were built I understand this, I think, as well as and knows what America would look upon as the years unfolded. And it’s most in the country because Iowa is like if we adopted TennCare, rooted back, a long ways back. A West- first in the Nation caucus, and we take CanadaCare, United KingdomCare, ern civilization itself, I would trace it our jobs seriously, and we’re all poli- GermanCare, name your country. But back to the Greeks 3,000 years ago and tics all the time. Generally, every 4 this is America, and take care to pro- the Age of Enlightenment, especially years we very, very often have at least tect America. The gentleman from the English-speaking division of the one Presidential candidate from Massa- Tennessee. Age of Enlightenment, which brought chusetts that we host. They go around Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I thank the us free enterprise. through Iowa, sit down, have coffee gentleman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, I And if there is an immigrant in the with us and we talk to them. We look think last night, watching what hap- United States who is studying to take them eye to eye. I have done that more pened in Massachusetts, was really, in the test to become a naturalized Amer- than once. We take our retail politics the many years I have watched poli- ican citizen, there is a whole stack of seriously. tics, was really astounding. The people flashcards that are there that are put But when we go to the first-in-the- there I think—it was more than just out by the United States Citizenship Nation Presidential caucus and cast health care. We have a country now Immigration Services. They are glossy our ballot there, even though it has that’s not in trouble. We’re America, flashcards. The government spent a lot more impact than probably the single and we know how to avoid trouble in of money to make these things real vote of anyone from any other State this country. But we have a lot of our nice. You look on one side, and it will with regard to who is nominated as the citizens who are hurting now. They say, Who is the founder of our country? President, Mr. Speaker, it is still only need jobs, and they need employment. You flip it over to the other side, a recommendation to the rest of the Certainly in our district and around George Washington. Who saved the country. Iowa gets to go first. We take our area where unemployment is over Union? Flip it over, Abraham Lincoln. it seriously. Somebody has to be first. 10 percent, that’s the talk in the barber Who signed the Emancipation Procla- I don’t have confidence in anybody else shops and the restaurants: What’s the mation? Same man. Next question, to do a better job. But it’s still only a economy doing? What business are we What is the economic system of the recommendation. going to lose overseas next? What man- United States of America? What happened in Massachusetts last ufacturing job is going to be gone? You flip the card over, and if you are night was not a recommendation that I think the people there looked at going to pass the test to become an affected the rest of the country like more than just health care. I think American citizen, you have to answer Iowa makes when they do the first-of- they looked at a stimulus package of what it says on the back of that card, the-Nation Presidential caucus. What almost $800 billion that I don’t believe free enterprise capitalism, Mr. Speak- happened in Massachusetts last night has worked. It certainly has provided er. The economic system where we was a decision for the rest of the coun- some one-time jobs. But you know and don’t have the government setting try, a decision that will bind the des- I know as a former mayor that you prices. We have the market setting tiny of America. They understood that, don’t take one-time money and turn prices. We have supply and demand set- and they stepped up to that cause, and that into a long-time job.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 How you do that is you incentivize plus two equals four. But the rationale inject competition into the health in- the people who are creating jobs in this that was presented to us consistently surance industry. So the President country. That is small business. In this and repeatedly by Presidential can- wants one more health insurance com- country, 70 percent of the businesses didate, President-elect, and then Presi- pany in America and then that is going are small business that create the jobs. dent Obama, Mr. Speaker, was health to fix the problems. And how do you help them? You make care costs too much money. I have So I ask a simple question: How the cost of capital, the cost of money, been browbeaten by the Europeans. many companies are there in America? the cost of creating a job less. How do They would say we spend 9.5 percent of The answer comes back, 1,300; 1,300 you do that? Well, you cut capital our GDP. You spend 14.5 percent of health insurance companies, Mr. gains taxes. You can cut individual in- your GDP. That is way to much money. Speaker. And that is a little bit of a come tax rates. You can accelerate de- Well, never mind, we make more round number. So if you have all of preciation for plant equipment that money than they do. And never mind, these companies that are competing, they buy. So we have a country now we have better health care than they 1,300 of them—I have never had that that has put itself in debt that my do. Never mind that we are willing to much competition, and I made my liv- great grandchildren will not be able to spend that. We don’t like to spend it ing on low bid in the construction busi- pay off. when we are looking at it in large, but ness. When I had seven or eight or nine people bidding against me, I already b 1815 when it comes time to save our lives or our health, we are glad to spend that knew somebody was going to make a We looked last year, and it is stag- kind of money. mistake on the bid and lose money and gering to me how much a trillion dol- We don’t know what the threshold is, take the chance for profit away from lars is. I get almost overwhelmed, and but our GDP, about 141⁄2 percent spend- the rest of us. I made it through calculus in college, ing, some say as high as 16 percent, we So if there are 1,300 companies and and I have a tough time getting my spend too much money; so, therefore, they are competing, throwing one more arms around how much money that we should solve the problem by what? in there doesn’t really help that mix. really is. This is this two plus two. What the But it wasn’t the President’s idea to We have a budget that went up 8 per- President proposed to us didn’t spend provide more competition anyway; he cent last year. We added 8 percent. In less money. Anybody in third grade, if just thought we would believe that. His the State of Tennessee where I live, we you say you have a problem with idea was to get government in the busi- had to live on less money than the year spending too much money, what do you ness of providing that which the people before. That is what we had to do in do about that, you could hand them a in the private sector could do very well our State. That is what California is 50-cent allowance, and you spend a themselves. having to do. That is what every State quarter, not all 50 cents, and a kid can And, by the way, these 1,300 compa- in this Union is having to do. understand that at age 6 or 7, maybe nies offer a different variety of policies I don’t know if the people here in even less than that. that individuals could shop and buy, Washington get out, as I have, and talk But we are here listening to, being approximately 100,000 different policy to our Governors and our State legisla- browbeaten and demagogued because varieties, Mr. Speaker. So you can tors, but our States are in trouble. We we have a health care policy that multiply 100,000 policies out there and need our economy to pick up. If our spends too much money. It is 9.5 per- you can look at 1,300 companies that economy was doing well, I don’t think cent in the rest of the industrialized are brokering them, and imagine how that our health care issue would be as world and 14.5 percent here in the is it the Federal Government getting big of an issue as it is. As people lose United States. So what does the Presi- into the business could legitimately their jobs, they lose their health bene- dent propose to do about solving spend- compete with those kinds of entities. fits. ing too much money? Spend more. And if you want more competition, The people of Massachusetts got Spend at least a trillion more. the way you provide that is open up the their arms around the bigger problem, If you look at the real costs involved, trade from State to State so people can and I think they looked at this entire look at Judd Gregg’s numbers, the first buy health insurance in Tennessee in- country and the direction it is going real 10 years, it is $2.5 trillion more. If stead of New Jersey. The gentleman and said, Whoa, wait a minute, we you look at the contingent liabilities from Tennessee knows what that is don’t like the direction that the coun- that go along with this and all of the like. That would make sure that all try is going. They put the brakes on other components, it may be as high as 1,300 companies competed against each this. They said let’s stop and take a $6 trillion more. So the problem of other, and these 100,000 policy varieties slow, measured look at what we are spending too much money is solved would probably get to be less because doing. supposedly in a rational fashion and they wouldn’t have to accommodate Mr. KING of Iowa. I thank the gen- advocated by the President, the Speak- some of the silly mandates that come tleman from Tennessee. He mentioned er of the House, the majority leader of down from the States. that he has taken calculus. I would the United States Senate, and all of So a young man buying health insur- submit that they put me through cal- the people that line up to vote for their ance in New Jersey, a healthy 25-year- culus, too, a couple of years, and they bills, solve the problem of spending too old might pay $6,000 a year for a typ- actually never told me at the begin- much money by spending a lot more ical policy. Or he could go to Kentucky ning, middle, or end that there wasn’t money. where there are fewer mandates, and a much purpose of going through all of Now we have kind of forgotten about similar but not identical policy might those calculations. It was more about all of the browbeating that went on cost that same individual $1,000. Now, how to discipline the mind to think ra- about we need more competition in what kind of a smart, young person tionally, logically, and reasonably. health care insurance. The President usually on a limited budget would That is also why they send people to made that argument over and over write a check for $6,000 if they could law school. Our President went to law again. Well, he has the bully pulpit, write a check for $1,000. Wouldn’t we school and actually taught in law but, you know, they have yet to invent then have more people insured if they school. He taught constitutional law, the saw that will cut off the branch of had more options? That’s the answer. which is a bit of a surprise to me that truth. We can go out and stand on the Furthermore, there are things we he can advocate some of the things branch of truth and we can say, All want to fix. We want to fix lawsuit that he does. right, how many insurance companies abuse. The health insurance under- The basic logic that comes isn’t root- do you need in America, Mr. President, writers produced a number. The one ed in law school and it isn’t rooted nec- to have the extra competition? Funny, that I trust the most—and I have seen essarily in calculus. It isn’t rooted in a guy that doesn’t much believe in the numbers on the cost of lawsuit abuse in geometry or algebra. It might be two free market system thinks we ought to America on health care to go as low as

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 367 5.5 percent of the overall cost of health tem. We don’t have any way to ade- it is going to come out. Imagine this, care services provided. I have seen it go quately compensate the injured parties Mr. Speaker. If a young couple had en- as high as over 30 percent. The number without the attorneys getting their gaged in health savings accounts when that I trust is 8.5 percent. So 8.5 per- hands on a significant amount of the it was first set up by this Congress in cent of the cost of health care in Amer- settlements. 2003 and they invested $5,150 as the ica is $203 billion a year, and this is in- Mr. KING of Iowa. I had a conversa- maximum amount into their health cluded in the additional tests that have tion with an orthopedic surgeon a cou- savings account, and if they spent to be given because they are done for ple of months ago. He said to me, I $2,000 a year out of that health savings defensive medicine purposes. Also, the have a small practice. He said 95 per- account in legitimate expenses and ac- litigation and settlements that don’t cent of the MRIs that he orders are crued the balance of that account at 4 have a medical reason for them. We completely unnecessary except he has percent per annum and compounded it, want people to be whole. If they have to cover everything because someone they would reach retirement age, the suffered from malpractice, the legiti- might try to hit the jackpot. So he has two of them in reasonably good health mate system is there, but the abuse to order those tests. Everybody in the with $950,000 in their health savings ac- has taken this way out of sight. So $203 business orders all of those tests. count. billion a year going almost all of it to If you cut out that 95 percent, his And what is the interest that CHAR- the trial lawyers, not to the patients number is that it costs patient’s insur- LIE RANGEL has on that: Tax it. They but the trial lawyers. ance companies, taxpayers, a million want to tax it. I want to give an incen- And do you think there is a single dollars a year just to fund the unneces- tive to buy a Medicare replacement Democrat in the House of Representa- sary tests in one that he calls a small policy and let them keep the change. tives or a single Democrat in the Sen- practice. That gives you an implica- That Medicare replacement policy ate who would stand up and say this is tion. You can multiply that $1 million would cost about $72,000 per person completely and totally utterly wrong across the whole country, and what today. That is one of the Republican to be funding trial lawyers on the you come up with is $203 billion in ad- solutions, but it doesn’t fit very well backs of health care patients and act- ditional costs. We can’t get them all with socialized medicine, you know. ing like we are reforming health care out of there. There is a bill that we That is what happens. and protecting the trial lawyers com- have introduced that finds about $54 This is an effort to try to mix. They pletely, not allowing insurance to be billion over 10 years. I think it ought didn’t try to mix, but the reason it sold across State lines, and denying to be tougher than that. I think we doesn’t mix is because it is oil and full deductibility for everybody’s ought to tighten this thing down more. water. It is freedom and liberty. It is health insurance premiums? The argument again that has been market solutions and individual re- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. If the gen- made out of the White House and out of sponsibility and doctor-patient rela- tleman would yield, let me give a prac- the majority party and from the tionships on this side, and over on this tical example of what you are saying Speaker’s office itself, too, is that Re- side it is socialized medicine, one size there. publicans don’t have any solutions. fits all. Big Brother at the top Let’s say years ago if I were working Well, they must have sat up some night draconianly mashes this down on ev- in the emergency room and a patient in one of those formerly smoke-filled erybody else in America, and you have came in with right-sided pain, I might rooms to come up with an idea like to accept the policy that they give you be concerned about whether they had that. It is completely and utterly false, and you have to then get in line. an appendicitis. I would get a blood Mr. Speaker. Republicans have intro- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. If the gen- count. It was at that time probably a duced at least 42 separate bills in this tleman would yield, let’s just talk $15, $20 test. It is probably a $50 test 111th Congress that reform health care. about, for a minute, we have this very now. You do a physical examination, And I can tell you exactly how many of complex, over 2,000-page bill which I take their vital signs, their blood pres- them were incorporated into this docu- have read. The Senate bill is over 2,500 sure, their pulse and temperature and ment that was promised to be a bipar- pages, which I will admit I have not do a physical exam, and you would say, tisan document, and that is a complete read. I have seen the synopsis of it. We I don’t think there is a chance that you double aught goose egg. None. No free have 118 new agencies in this very com- have an appendicitis, but let’s let you market solutions, no patient choice so- plex schematic that you have down go home and if you get worse, start to lutions, no medical malpractice law- there in front of you. We should, on have more pain, come right back and suit abuse reform, no selling insurance both sides of the aisle, be able to agree we will reevaluate you. across State lines, no full deduct- on a few things. One is that we agree That is not going to happen anymore ibility, no real transparency, none of that the cost of care is rising too fast because part of the legal system now, the components that give people op- and we have the uninsured out there you know if you do that and you don’t tions and choices have been considered. that we need to cover. Those are the get a CT scan, a very expensive test on And why? Because if you put free two basic premises that spurred this that patient and you go out and you market solutions in and you give peo- entire debate. How can you best solve happen to have an appendicitis, the one ple the liberty and the freedom to those problems? It is not that com- in 500 times that might happen, you make their own decisions on health plicated. You can do several things. will be held liable. So all 499 people are care, first, they are going to take a fi- One, as you point out, let’s just look going to come out of the emergency nancial responsibility and a personal at five things that we can do on 25 room glowing in the dark, just about, responsibility. If you help out on the pages, not a complicated 2,000 pages. because of all the X-rays that they lawsuit abuse, more people are going to You can let people buy insurance just have had to protect the doctor from a say, I don’t need that test either, Doc- like you do your auto insurance or potential lawsuit of the one in 500. tor, and so let’s save the money and your life insurance. We see advertise- That is the problem that you get into not do that. But the bottom line is Re- ments every night on television with a with the tests that are not needed basi- publicans have always injected free little gecko running around, those cute cally to protect the physician. And market solutions in place; for example, ads they have. Let people buy health why wouldn’t the doctor order those health savings accounts. insurance across State lines. tests? You don’t want to put up every- Health saving accounts are just Let young people who don’t have thing you have earned in your entire starting to grow the way they need to. health insurance stay on their parents’ life for the risk of that one in a thou- That is 2003 legislation, wiped out by plan, if they don’t have a job that pro- sand, that jackpot that somebody this proposal that comes from Speaker vides it, until they are 26 or 27 years might have. PELOSI, the President, and HARRY REID. old. Pick your number. You can cover The thing you also brought up is peo- No more health savings accounts if you 7 million people by doing that at zero ple are genuinely injured in the sys- read the legislation and figure out how cost to the Federal Government.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 You pointed out very eloquently li- originated someplace in a temperate dent Clinton had a heart attack, he ability reform. You save billions of dol- climate instead of down by the equa- was taken to an emergency room to lars doing that. tor. Because there wasn’t an incentive. the hospital, where he had a heart cath You simply sign up the people right You didn’t have to prepare for winter. and discovered that he had blockages now who are eligible for government Where I live, you by golly got to be in his arteries and needed a bypass op- programs without creating another ready for winter, which means in that eration for it to save his heart. He got new one. You cover 19 million people window of time that we have from a bypass operation. It was delayed a by doing that. You are not creating an- around the first of April until about couple, 3 days I am sure because of a other agency and 118 new bureauc- the first of December you got to get all blood thinner they gave him. I don’t racies. the things done you are going to get know that, but I am pretty sure that is Expand the health savings account. I done outside. That means all the food what happened or they would have will give you personal experience. I has got to be put up. That means all done it immediately. have had one for 2 years. I put $5,000 a the staples have to be put in place to Let’s say you are in small town John- year in. Instead of the insurance com- get your work done. We got to get our son City, Tennessee, and you don’t pany keeping my $10,000, I have spent construction work done then, because have any insurance or anything at all, about $2,000. My wife and I are both in the wintertime it gets cold and it and you have a heart attack and you healthy, fortunately. We have $8,000 in gets dark soon. That means you have come to the emergency room, what is our health savings account that we can industrious people. going to happen to you is you are going use how we choose, not the insurance Now, I am not drawing a comparison to get a heart cath and you are going company. between the Mason-Dixon line. I am to get a bypass operation, and then we drawing a comparison between the will figure out how to pay for it. b 1830 equator. And I want to make that point In Canada if you have that heart at- I think for someone who owned an in- clear for my colleagues here. But the tack, what they will tell you is there is dividual policy, you can treat them industriousness of people, that was a list that you get on that you can get like a big corporation. Let them deduct necessary. Squirrels put away for the a catheterization, where they put the their premiums just like General Mo- winter, grasshoppers freeze to death. dye in your heart and see if you have a tors gets to do, like the big unions do, And if you give people the hammock blockage. You will get on a list. And and so forth. instead of the safety net, they are not when your name comes up, you will get And then I think the last thing you going to take care of themselves, and the cath. And then you will get put on have to do is you have to put some in- more than likely they are going to the list to see if you get a bypass oper- dividual responsibility for each of us, have to require us to do that because ation. That is the difference and the so that everybody, no matter what care we are not allowing them to be tested. delay in the care. And I have seen it they get, needs to pay something for There is a value to adversity. When I happen. I know people that that has the care. It shouldn’t be totally free. think of the things that I have gone happened to in Canada. We saw that in Tennessee, when our through, and I don’t wish them upon They have wonderful physicians in costs just skyrocketed because of the anybody, the challenges that are there, Canada, I want to point out also. I very generous plan we had there where but every one of them put a little more know many of them, have worked with there were no costs to the patients and steel in me, a little more mettle in me, some that have moved to our commu- it was overutilized. and caused me to be better organized, nity. Well trained, excellent doctors. So those are five or six things that work harder, be more industrious, pre- So when you get the care, I think, in every one of us in this room, in this au- pare more. And if you take away that Canada, it is good care. I really believe ditorium, ought to be able to agree on reward for planning for your future, that. When it is available, I think it is and take care of. And it wouldn’t be you will have people that don’t plan for excellent care because of the experi- hard to do. It is an easy solution. We their future. ence I have had with Canadian-trained should be able to pass that in no time If you pay young women to have ba- physicians. Some of my colleagues I at all. And the President ought to lis- bies if there is not a man in the house, worked with every day were well- ten to that. He really should. These are they will have babies. If you pay them trained physicians. simple, real-world solutions. as long as they don’t go to work, they That is the rationing of care that we Mr. KING of Iowa. I thank the gen- won’t go to work. These are simple speak of that we don’t want to have tleman from Tennessee. They are sim- things that anybody can understand happen in our country. And we have ple, real-world solutions. They are free that seem to have completely escaped enough of that as it is. People will tell market solutions. They are common- the President of the United States and you that insurance companies ration sense solutions. And there is this other the majority party and the troika of care. And they do. And I think cer- part about human nature. It is helpful leadership we have in this country tainly they are to be held culpable when a country has its leaders that be- called Obama, PELOSI, and REID. also. lieve in the principles that built this as Mr. ROE of Tennessee. If the gen- Mr. KING of Iowa. I thank the gen- a great Nation, and also understand tleman would yield for just a second, tleman from Tennessee. And I just re- the human nature part. there is a great book out by Milton late a very quick story that was pre- There has to be incentives in place. Friedman, Free to Choose. And he sented to us by Dr. David Janda, who And a nanny state can never be enough makes a statement in that book, if you has written a book. He is out of Michi- of a nanny to take care of people’s want more of something, you subsidize gan. He has practiced in Canada. When failings. I think it was Phil Gramm it. If you want less, you tax it. And it he first went up there to work in the that said this first, that I heard it any- is a very simple principle you can emergency room, and he is an ortho- way, and that is you take the safety apply to health care or anything else. pedic surgeon now, he had a patient net out there, that safety net that If you have government programs that come in, a young man who had torn up taught a man to fish, and then you give are subsidized by the taxpayers, you his knee playing softball, torn menis- him the fish instead, and you turn the will create more people who use those cus, ACL, I think, one of the ligaments. safety net into a hammock. programs. We have seen it over and And he looked at him and he said you So here is the safety net down here, over and over again. need surgery. I can schedule you in the and as Congress keeps cranking that I will give you a brief example before morning. And he is in a Canadian emer- safety net up higher and higher and I yield to my colleague from Georgia. gency room. Must have been his first higher, and it becomes more and more In this country we talk about, and I day at work. He found out that he of a cushy hammock. And you know, heard many times about how—and we couldn’t schedule this young man for there is a reason why the most success- do have failings in our health care sys- surgery the next morning. He couldn’t ful civilizations in the world generally tem. It is not perfect. But when Presi- even schedule him for a review to get

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 369 the surgery approved under the Cana- are, as my colleagues have talked They didn’t want to face this during an dian health care plan. about in regard to other systems, there election year. Well, look, the American So he had to back up and put him on is a long queue, there is a long wait. It people are saying to us, and especially crutches. And 6 months later this is very difficult to get a physician to to the majority and to the President, young man was allowed to be examined see you, particularly if you are one of We don’t care about the next election. by the doctor who approves the request those who has a subsidized policy. Get it right. Don’t rush to judgment. for surgery, and 6 months later they And basically, the state is going What is the big hurry? Why not get it actually did the surgery. Almost 1 year broke. And they have had to make a done in 2011 if it takes that long? But to the day, the surgery took place in number of changes. They have had to get it done right. Canada that would have taken place drop dental care as part of the cov- The people of Massachusetts went to the very next morning in the United erage. They have had to drop many the polls, they knew that their bill was States. Meanwhile, this young man thousands of legal immigrants who an abject failure, and that is basically can’t go to work, his leg atrophies, he were not citizens, but had coverage. what they were saying. If the adminis- is running around on crutches. His life They no longer have coverage. And I tration and this majority ignores it, has been altered because different know my colleague especially, Mr. they do it at their own peril. things happen in your life in that fash- Speaker, Dr. ROE from Tennessee has With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield back ion. He didn’t get back in the groove. probably already talked about to the gentleman from Iowa, because I What does that cost when you let peo- TennCare and their experiment 10, 12, know there are others that want to ple come out? That is an example. 15 years ago, and the miserable failure speak tonight. And I know that we have experts here of that. Mr. KING of Iowa. And reclaiming tonight. And so watching that clock So yes indeed, health care had a lot before I yield, I want to pose a question tick, I am very interested to hear what to do with the outcome yesterday in here for consideration. Canadian health the gentleman from Georgia has to say, Massachusetts. But it was not just care plan, the average length of time to whether it be about the Hawkeyes, the health care. I think that people are so wait for a knee replacement is 340 days, Yellow Jackets, or his field of exper- tired, Mr. Speaker, of this Federal Gov- a hip replacement 196 days. Where I tise. ernment ignoring them and dissing come from, we don’t stand in line. I Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Mr. Speak- them, as the expression goes. We had went to Moscow a while back, and I er, I think that I thank the gentleman the August recess that lasted 5 weeks, watched people hunched over in their from Iowa for yielding. And I am not and all of these town hall meetings all shoulders with their big coats and hats going to say one word about the Hawk- across the country, and we come back, walking around looking for a line to eyes and the Yellow Jackets. Maybe we and you would think that the majority stand in. And then when they got to will come back to that another year. party and the administration would the end of the line, then they went and But congratulations, by the way, to the have listened to those people. And in- looked for another line to stand in. I Hawkeyes. They did a great job. stead, what they did is they simply think a lot of times they didn’t even Mr. Speaker, it is an opportunity to changed the number on the House bill. know why they were even standing in come before our colleagues tonight and They took off H.R. 3200, because the line. to join with Representative KING from people had railed against it so loudly And it occurred to me, and it may Iowa and Representative ROE, Dr. ROE over that 5-week period of time, in- not be universally true, but it occurred from Tennessee, and later on you will stead they just changed the number on to me that free people don’t stand in hear from MICHELLE BACHMANN, Rep- the bill. line. And if you are standing in line at resentative BACHMANN from Minnesota, Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Will the gen- Kentucky Fried Chicken, that means talking about the health care bill and tleman yield? that somebody ought to have a free health care reform in general. Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. I gladly market opportunity to set something I think we would be remiss if we yield to my friend from Tennessee. up next door. And people will go over didn’t talk about the election yester- Mr. ROE of Tennessee. You can call a there and get their service. But that is day in the Bay State, Massachusetts. polecat a skunk, but it is still a polecat what the free market principle does. Many of my colleagues have already or a skunk, whatever you name it. I People don’t stand in line when it is a spoken about that. And there is a lot of yield back. free market principle. I would submit political pundits on every channel, Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Abso- also that people die in line. cable, broadcast, network, whatever, lutely, the gentleman is right. And so I yield to the gentlelady from Min- trying to analyze and say, well, what people are sick and tired of being nesota. happened? How did this occur? And, disrespected. They were very dis- you know, we all have our own opinion, appointed of course in the economic b 1845 but quite honestly, I think it is a lot stimulus package, $787 billion that was Mrs. BACHMANN. I thank the gen- about health care. supposed to keep the unemployment tleman from Iowa. It was kind of instructive that when rate at 8 percent, no higher than 8 per- I also have so much esteem for my people were asked, coming out of a vot- cent. It is 10.2 percent now. 16 million colleague from Tennessee, Dr. ROE, and ing booth, what they thought about the Americans out of work, many of them also my colleague from Georgia, Dr. health care reform bill in the Bay in the Bay State. GINGREY. They are just wonderful ex- State that the same percentage that I think it is a message. It is a mes- amples, and they enlighten all of us were opposed to it is the percentage sage to the administration, to Presi- who aren’t medical professionals. But that Senator-elect SCOTT BROWN re- dent Obama, and the Democratic ma- they’ve been there, done that. They ceived in the election. It was the same jority, Speaker PELOSI, Leader HARRY have skin in the game, and they know margin. So clearly, health care was a REID in the Senate. Look, you still what’s at stake. They know what’s at significant issue in that race in my have an opportunity, my colleagues, stake for those who have put so much opinion. you still have an opportunity to come into becoming physicians, who have I think the people in Massachusetts together in a bipartisan way and do put their life on the line to be healers, clearly had about a year-and-a-half, 2 things in an incremental fashion that but also the people they serve. They years to look at the commonwealth truly will lower the cost of health in- see the real cost in human health, in care that was enacted. And they don’t surance for everybody and make it bet- terms of misery that is down the road like it, Mr. Speaker. They don’t like it ter and rein in, yes, the abuses of the if we embrace this system. because it, instead of lowering the cost health insurance industry as well. I come at it a little bit differently. of health care, it has driven it up. Al- And what is this big rush, anyway? My background is that I am a former though more people are insured and The Democratic majority, Mr. Speak- Federal tax lawyer, and I see how egre- have coverage in the Bay State, they er, insisted on getting it done in 2009. gious tax costs can destroy businesses,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 370 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 destroy families, individuals, farms and fold up. A great business in our Mrs. BACHMANN. It would be irrep- and creativity. And also as a business State, Home Value stores, just an- arable harm. It would be very difficult owner. My husband and I have started nounced last week that they were clos- to come back from. two businesses. We’re not a big deal; ing their doors after over 35 years in Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Would the we’ve employed 50 people, but we do business. Why? Because of this job-kill- gentleman yield? know what it is to take and start a ing, bone-crushing debt that’s coming Mr. KING of Iowa. I will yield. business from scratch using our own out of Washington, D.C. Let’s reject Mr. ROE of Tennessee. What the gen- equity, our own capital. We have to be that. tlelady from Minnesota has said is ab- disciplined and make a lot of good deci- The American people last night re- solutely true. Just in our area, at Van- sions. We have to get it right every jected President Obama’s decision be- derbilt University in Nashville, Ten- time so that we can make a profit. cause if there is one headline that nessee, the largest employer in the My husband told me that he spoke to would encapsulate all of 2009 it would county, 14,000 people—these are jobs a number of other small businessmen have to be this: ‘‘The Federal Govern- that don’t go overseas, they’re not ex- that have said to him they will have to ment takeover of private industry.’’ ported, these people are doing great cut jobs with their small businesses if That’s what last year was all about. work—new innovations, new treat- this health care bill goes through. The American people said no way; we ments that may go away with this sys- There are a lot of small business em- believe in America, we believe in job tem—they’re afraid to hire anybody. In ployers that would love to provide creation, we believe in prosperity. And my local town, our medical center, health insurance, but they can’t be- that’s what last night’s poll numbers 9,000 employees in their system. The cause currently health insurance is so reflected. adjoining city has a medical system of expensive. Mr. KING of Iowa. Reclaiming my 6,000. That’s 15,000 people that work in I think one thing that cannot escape time, I would propose that it actually health care in two cities with a little this discussion that we’re having to- goes another step yet, and that is, we over 100,000 combined population bring- night among colleagues, whether we’re talked about the government takeover ing quality care to the people of Appa- health care professionals or tax law- of the private sector, and we talked lachia. What I am worried about is if that’s yers or small business owners, is this; about between 30 percent and 33 per- going to go away. Those jobs will dry President Obama’s Chief Economic Ad- cent of the private-sector profits na- up—and those are great jobs that are visor, , said herself tionalized by mostly this President’s not exported anywhere, they are jobs that if President Obama’s plan would administration. We’ve seen the nation- for Americans with health insurance, go into effect, that America would see alization take place, the government with retirement plans, great benefits, 5.5 million jobs lost if we adopt his takeover, but the most personal and and we may be tanking that also. plan. Not only would it cost us trillions private property we have is our own bodies. This is a government national- I want to just reminisce for a mo- of dollars that we simply don’t have, ment when I graduated from medical but it would cost us 5.5 million Amer- ization, a government takeover of our individual persons and bodies, man- school and think back as the gentle- ican jobs. It isn’t that those jobs lady from Minnesota, Congresswoman wouldn’t be done, but they wouldn’t be aging our health care and seeking to tell us what we can eat and what we BACHMANN, was talking about. When I done in America. It’s another 5.5 mil- can’t, what we can drink and what we graduated from medical school there lion jobs that would go offshore. were five high blood pressure medica- I yield to the gentleman from Tyler, can’t, managing our own personal bod- ies. What could be a more egregious tions, three of them made you sicker Texas, LOU GOHMERT. violation of liberty and freedom than than the high blood pressure did. Now Mr. GOHMERT. So what you’re say- we have over 50 wonderful medications ing is the President’s health care bill that? I would like to pose a question for a to provide for people. Antibiotics, a really is a jobs bill, but instead of cre- response here and maybe go down plethora of antibiotics; we had one or ating them, it eliminates them. through some things in my mind and two at the time I graduated. Mrs. BACHMANN. It eliminates see if there is dissent among the es- Ultrasounds, MRIs, PET scans, sur- them, and I think one can understand teemed Members of Congress that are vival rates of cancer. The research is why. We saw a chart or a graph that here on the floor. just astonishing that’s going on in was recently produced several weeks First I would ask you, if they impose America. We are the leader in the ago. It plotted all of the private-sector a centrally controlled system of gov- world; the world looks to us for med- experience in the Presidents from the ernment-run health care, will it result ical innovation. With this right here last 100 years. It showed that in Presi- in a loss of personal and economic lib- I’m afraid it will stymie that innova- dent Obama’s Cabinet, in his adminis- erties? And is it an indisputable viola- tion. tration he has less private-sector expe- tion of the principle of limited govern- I think back—and we were talking rience in real job creation than any ment established by the Constitution? about this a moment ago—one of my other administration: 7 percent experi- Would you agree with that? good friends and a colleague, a medical ence. No wonder every answer that Mrs. BACHMANN. Absolutely. Yes, I colleague whose wife is English, his sis- comes out of this administration is would. I would agree with that. ter-in-law lived in England. She died of more spending, higher taxes, more gov- Mr. KING of Iowa. I will ask another chronic lymphocytic leukemia. That’s ernment. But the last seven economic question. If they impose a government- a disease that Americans just don’t die recessions, every blooming one of them run health care system, would such of any longer. We live with that dis- we have come out of the recession— system result in increased costs in ease. It’s treatable. She was treated from government? No. From small taxes to individuals, to families, to with a blood transfusion. We could business creation. businesses, as well as to all taxpayers have done that 50 years ago. That’s all We would love, in our small business, at the Federal, State and local levels? the treatment. And she got that treat- to create more jobs, but I will tell you Mrs. BACHMANN. It would. And ment because she was too old to be this, from the other small business job that’s what I am so worried about as a treated. We don’t do that in this coun- creators that I know in Minnesota: tax lawyer, that this will mean dimin- try. And I’m afraid we’re heading down Right now they are scared to death. ished opportunities for Americans be- that path. They don’t want to add more jobs be- cause we will see increased taxes in de- I yield back. cause they know if they add more jobs, fiance of President Obama’s promise to Mr. KING of Iowa. Reclaiming my they’re stuck with more costs that the American people. time, the value of life changes. they may not be able to take. They Mr. KING of Iowa. What kind of harm And another point, a point that I don’t want to hurt the existing people would that do to the American econ- think JOHN SHADEGG made very well, is they have now that they hired. They omy and the businesses and jobs and that this policy here—whatever num- don’t want to have to close their doors productivity and quality of life? ber they attach to it or whatever they

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 371 might try to do—will have mandates in you to do something or purchase a date means you have to purchase some- it. And what it will do is it will require health insurance policy in conformity thing, and in Massachusetts it’s health certain health insurance policies to with what government says must be insurance. It also says that you cannot have those mandates covered in there, the items in that policy, that’s just as be denied because of a preexisting con- and it mandates that people buy them much a tax as if government says you dition. So the Harvard Pilgrim health or employers provide them. And his must pay a percent or an exact care plan, beginning in March of 2008 case is that that’s a tax. I would ask amount. The final result is the same until this year, 2009, 1 year, they found the man who is the judge if he could because the taxpayers’ pockets are this, that almost half the people who explain why it’s a tax when the govern- picked for what government mandates got their health insurance through the ment makes someone buy a policy and it must be picked for. It is a tax, pure Harvard Pilgrim plan kept it for an av- then takes it out of their taxes if they and simple. That’s the point. erage of 5 months. don’t and puts them in debtors prison Mr. GOHMERT. And along those b 1900 if they hold back. If you have to buy lines—I appreciate the gentleman something, why does that make it a yielding—we’ve heard the President You couldn’t turn them down, so tax? say, well, you know, States require you they waited until they got sick, and Mr. GOHMERT. If it’s mandated by to buy insurance for your car, so this is when they got well, they dropped it. If the government, then certainly it’s a nothing new. you were in that 5-month period of tax, because that is all that the gov- Mrs. BACHMANN. It’s not the same. time, that plan spent over $2,000 a ernment is entitled to do. Under our Mr. GOHMERT. It is very new. Of month on those folks. For the other Constitution, you can’t force somebody course we’ve heard the argument that folks, like me, who just bought it for to buy a product. actually, yes, States do require you to the year, they averaged then about $300 And I appreciate your directing that buy insurance if you’re going to drive a a month. So people scammed the sys- question to me because obviously all car. You don’t have to own a car or tem. They paid the tax until they got the prior questions were directed at my drive a car to live in a State, not in sick because it was cheaper than buy- friends from Louisiana and Minnesota any State. ing the health insurance. Then they because you qualified it by saying, This But another thing that’s lost in the bought the health insurance and kept question is for the esteemed Members. equation too is there is no mandate by it until they got well. So I stayed quiet throughout your an- any State in this country to buy insur- It’s the same thing as using Con- swers, but now you have included me ance to protect your own car and your gressman GOHMERT’s example of a car as the unesteemed Member. own person. You are required to buy in- wreck. Well, you have your car wreck, Mr. KING of Iowa. They’re polar op- surance to protect the other person and then you buy the best car insur- posites, Mr. GOHMERT; they’re Ten- whom you may harm while you’re driv- ance policy you can, and when your car nessee and Minnesota. ing. And all of that is based on the is fixed, you drop it. Mr. GOHMERT. Yes, exactly, Ten- privilege of driving, it is not based on Mr. KING of Iowa. I yield to the gen- nessee. Tennessee and Minnesota. just living. tleman from Texas. But that is what has gotten people We are supposed to have, under our Mr. GOHMERT. It is so important upset across the country and is what Constitution, as was mentioned in the also to note that, with all the talk we saw in Massachusetts. They’ve seen Declaration of Independence, this right about our friends across the aisle who what’s going on around here. to life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- are concerned about the working poor There was a promise that C–SPAN piness. Whether you’re an unborn child in America, if you look at the bill that would be covering all the negotiations or whether you’re an old geezer like was passed out of this House, it makes because we’re talking about people’s some of us, you actually have a right it very clear: if you can’t afford the lives, the length of their lives, and to life. And here the Federal Govern- great policy that is mandated and if their loved ones, how long are they ment is saying we’re going to snuff you’re just above the poverty line going to be able to be living in this yours out a little early because we just where the government is going to pay world, whether they will get the medi- don’t find that you’re all that produc- for it, you’ll have an additional 21⁄2 per- cation they need, or are they going to tive. Where is that line drawn once cent income tax on your income. That be told you’re too old? So as the Presi- they’re allowed to say now you buy a is outrageous. Those are the people dent so ably said before he was elected, product or you don’t get to live here? who, if they could afford to buy the in- those negotiations need to be out Mr. KING of Iowa. Reclaiming my surance, they would buy the insurance. there. And all we’ve seen is the nasty, time, I have this other thought. It oc- Now you’re going to pop them with an- sordid deals that were cut after being curs to me, and I believe in H.R. 3200 other 21⁄2 percent tax. That’s not caring behind closed doors so that you have there was an amendment offered that about the working poor, about the peo- insurance companies signing onto the would have required Members of Con- ple who are helping make the engine in President’s bill. And then you go gress to live under the same law. That this country go. through and say, ah, here are the pages offer for that exemption was voted Mr. KING of Iowa. Reclaiming my where they got their deal cut. Ah, here down by Democrats. So if you had a time, it’s quite likely that this fellow is the deal that the plaintiffs lawyers bad policy, wouldn’t you want to ex- right here, the health choices adminis- got. Ah, here’s the deal the pharma- empt yourselves from that? tration, czarissioner, would probably ceutical industry got. And they’re con- I would ask the gentleman from Ten- rule that those high-deductible, high- flicting. And it is such a mass of mess nessee what he thinks of that. copayment, low-premium policies the way they’ve cut these deals and Mr. ROE of Tennessee. I think you’re wouldn’t fit his idea of what health in- they’ve forged them together. And the absolutely right. I mean, it’s the ‘‘do surance is in America. So the low-in- ones that are going to suffer are the unto others, except don’t do it to me.’’ come people who can only buy in, ac- people in this country when there is no Mr. KING of Iowa. Would you support cording to the way this thing was laid reason to. language that would require that Mem- out in negotiations in the Senate, Mr. KING of Iowa. Should they be ne- bers of Congress stand in the same would have about four different tiers of gotiated publicly and free of political shoes as the citizens of America? policies. favoritism, Mr. GOHMERT? Mr. ROE of Tennessee. There is not It’s interesting: those who have the Mr. GOHMERT. Exactly. one of us standing here now that lower premiums pay the least amount. Mrs. BACHMANN. If I could just re- wouldn’t agree with that 100 percent. Those who have the highest premiums spond on the tax portion. Government And Congressman GOHMERT makes a pay the highest amount. The people can directly mandate that you must good point about the mandate. Let’s who can pay the highest premiums are pay a percentage or a fee, which is a di- give some practical experience about the ones who get the best kind of rect tax. But if government requires what’s happening to the mandate. Man- health insurance out of that, and those

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 who can afford the least have to have CONTINUATION OF THE NATIONAL (The following Members (at the re- the highest copayment, but they can’t EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO quest of Mr. PAYNE) to revise and ex- do the high deductible because that TERRORISTS WHO THREATEN TO tend their remarks and include extra- doesn’t fit the socialist model. That’s DISRUPT THE MIDDLE EAST neous material:) part of what’s going on. PEACE PROCESS—MESSAGE Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida, for 5 FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE minutes, today. Mrs. BACHMANN. If I could add to UNITED STATES (H. DOC. NO. 111– Ms. WOOLSEY for 5 minutes, today. that, the one thing that doesn’t get 88) Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. talked about very much here is the Mr. BLUMENAUER, for 5 minutes, iron ceiling on wages that was con- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. today. SCHAUER) laid before the House the fol- tained in this bill. Ms. KAPTUR, for 5 minutes, today. lowing message from the President of Mr. GRAYSON, for 5 minutes, today. If you have a double-income couple the United States; which was read and, (The following Members (at the re- with no kids and if their combined in- together with the accompanying pa- quest of Mr. POE of Texas) to revise and come is $64,000 a year or more, at that pers, referred to the Committee on For- extend their remarks and include ex- point they lose all Federal subsidy. So eign Affairs and ordered to be printed: traneous material:) what they have to do is go out, and if To the Congress of the United States: Mr. POE of Texas, for 5 minutes, Jan- their employers pay the 8 percent fine Section 202(d) of the National Emer- uary 27. to the government and don’t provide gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides Mr. JONES, for 5 minutes, January 27. health insurance, they have to go with for the automatic termination of a na- Mr. MORAN of Kansas, for 5 minutes, after-tax dollars and purchase health tional emergency unless, prior to the January 27. plans, which, in Minnesota, would cost anniversary date of its declaration, the Mr. GOODLATTE, for 5 minutes, today. about $14,000 a year. So you’d have a President publishes in the Federal Reg- Mr. WOLF, for 5 minutes, today. couple making $64,000 a year who has ister and transmits to the Congress a Mr. BURTON of Indiana, for 5 minutes, January 26 and 27. to go and buy a plan out-of-pocket; but notice stating that the emergency is to Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, for 5 if the couple made $63,000 a year, Uncle continue in effect beyond the anniver- sary date. In accordance with this pro- minutes, today. Sam would pay their way. That’s the (The following Member (at his own iron ceiling on wages. There is no in- vision, I have sent to the Federal Reg- ister for publication the enclosed no- request) to revise and extend his re- centive to make a dollar more, because tice stating that the emergency de- marks and include extraneous mate- you would be so heavily penalized by clared with respect to foreign terror- rial:) going out of the subsidy, and that kills ists who threaten to disrupt the Middle Mr. MCCLINTOCK, for 5 minutes, the American Dream. East peace process is to continue in ef- today. Why would we have a couple of peo- fect beyond January 23, 2010. f ple here in this Chamber make a deci- The crisis with respect to the grave BILLS PRESENTED TO THE sion for over 300 million people? Let’s acts of violence committed by foreign PRESIDENT terrorists who threaten to disrupt the free up decision-making for 300 million Lorraine C. Miller, Clerk of the Middle East peace process that led to people to make the cheapest and best House reports that on January 20, 2010 the declaration of a national emer- choices for themselves. she presented to the President of the gency on January 23, 1995, has not been United States, for his approval, the fol- I yield back. resolved. Terrorist groups continue to lowing bills. Mr. KING of Iowa. I thank the gen- engage in activities that have the pur- pose or effect of threatening the Middle H.R. 3788. To designate the facility of the tlelady from Minnesota and the other United States Postal Service located in 3900 participants here tonight from across East peace process and that are hostile Darrow Road in Stow, Ohio, as the ‘‘Corporal the board, from Tennessee and Texas. to United States interests in the re- Joseph A. Tomci Post Office Building’’. gion. Such actions constitute an un- I will just summarize what’s going on H.R. 3767. To designate the facility of the usual and extraordinary threat to the United States Postal Service located at 170 here. national security, foreign policy, and North Main Street in Smithfield, Utah, as I think that a government-run health economy of the United States. For the ‘‘W. Hazen Hillyard Post Office Build- care system takes away our liberty. It these reasons, I have determined that ing’’. H.R. 3667. To designate the facility of the nationalizes our bodies. It will result in it is necessary to continue the national United States Postal Service located at 16555 increased costs and taxes. The taxes emergency declared with respect to Springs Street in White Springs, Florida, as come in the form of mandates as well foreign terrorists who threaten to dis- the ‘‘Clyde L. Hillhouse Post Office Build- as whether we think we’re paying taxes rupt the Middle East peace process and ing’’. or premiums. It should not add to the to maintain in force the economic H.R. 3539. To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 427 crushing national debt or impose man- sanctions against them to respond to this threat. Harrison Avenue in Harrison, New Jersey, as dates. No tax dollars should go for the ‘‘Patricia D. McGinty-Juhl Post Office BARACK OBAMA. abortions or for illegal aliens. It should Building’’. THE WHITE HOUSE, January 20, 2010. be negotiated publicly, out in the day- H.R. 3319. To designate the facility of the light. It should apply to all Members of f United States Postal Service located at 440 South Gulling Street in Portola, California, Congress. It should provide equal pro- LEAVE OF ABSENCE as the ‘‘Army Specialist Jeremiah Paul tection under the law. It should be free By unanimous consent, leave of ab- McCleery Post Office Building’’. market-based, and it should protect sence was granted to: H.R. 3072. To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 9810 the vital doctor-patient relationship. Mr. CULBERSON (at the request of Mr. Halls Ferry Road in St. Louis, Missouri, as That’s the summary of what we want BOEHNER) for today and the balance of the ‘‘Coach Jodie Bailey Post Office Build- to do here, and it’s what we have the the week on account of personal rea- ing’’. opportunity to do because the cavalry sons. H.R. 2877. To designate the facility of the came riding over the hill just in the f United States Postal Service located at 76 Brookside Avenue in Chester, New York, as nick of time in the form of, today, Sen- SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED the ‘‘1st Lieutenant Louis Allen Post Of- ator-elect Scott Brown and, tomorrow, fice’’. Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown. By unanimous consent, permission to H.R. 1817. To designate the facility of the address the House, following the legis- Thank you, Mr. Speaker. United States Postal Service located at 116 lative program and any special orders North West Street in Somerville, Tennessee, I yield back the balance of my time. heretofore entered, was granted to: as the ‘‘John S. Wilder Post Office Building’’.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 373 H.R. 1377. To amend title 38, United States 5615. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, (RIN: 1623-AA00) received January 7, 2010, Code, to expand veteran eligibility for reim- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- bursement by the Secretary of Veterans Af- ting the Department’s final rule — Safety mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- fairs for emergency treatment furnished in a Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker ture. non-Department facility, and for other pur- 121 to Mile Marker 122, Above Head of 5624. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, poses. Passes, in the vicinity of the I-310 Bridge, Department of Homeland Security, transmit- f Luling, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-019] (RIN: ting the Department’s final rule — Safety 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker ADJOURNMENT to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on 87 to Mile Marker 88, Above Head of Passes, Mrs. BACHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I Transportation and Infrastructure. Chalmette, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-010] move that the House do now adjourn. 5616. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, Department of Homeland Security, transmit- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- The motion was agreed to; accord- ting the Department’s final rule — Safety mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ingly (at 7 o’clock and 5 minutes p.m.), Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker ture. the House adjourned until tomorrow, 175 to Mile Marker 176, Above Head of 5625. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Thursday, January 21, 2010, at 10 a.m. Passes, Donaldsonville, LA [COTP New Orle- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- f ans-06-020] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January ting the Department’s final rule — Security 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to Zone; Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, the L EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, the Committee on Transportation and Infra- & N Bridge at mile marker 2.9 to the Indus- ETC. structure. trial Locks at mile marker 0.0, and the Gulf Under clause 2 of Rule XXIV, execu- 5617. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Intracoastal Waterway from Mile Marker tive communications were taken from Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 11.2 to Mile Marker 8.2, East of Harvey Lock, ting the Department’s final rule — Safety New Orleans, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-012] the Speaker’s table and referred as fol- Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker (RIN: 1625-AA87) received January 7, 2010, lows: 229.4 to Mile Marker 230, Above Head of pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- 5606. A letter from the Chairman, Council Passes, Baton Rouge, LA [COTP New Orle- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- of the District of Columbia, transmitting ans-06-021] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January ture. Transmittal of D.C. ACT 18-271, ‘‘Fiscal Year 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to 5626. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, 2010 Income Tax Secured Revenue Bond and the Committee on Transportation and Infra- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- General Obligation Bond Issuance Tem- structure. ting the Department’s final rule — Safety porary Approval Act of 2009’’; to the Com- 5618. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker mittee on Oversight and Government Re- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 95 to Mile Marker 97, Above Head of Passes, form. ting the Department’s final rule — Safety New Orleans, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-013] 5607. A letter from the Chairman, Council Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, of the District of Columbia, transmitting 215 to Mile Marker 217, Above Head of pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Transmittal of D.C. ACT 18-270, ‘‘Retirement Passes, Longwood, LA [COTP New Orleans- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Incentive Temporary Amendment Act of 06-033] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January 7, ture. 2009’’; to the Committee on Oversight and 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the 5627. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Government Reform. Committee on Transportation and Infra- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 5608. A letter from the Chairman, Council structure. ting the Department’s final rule — Safety of the District of Columbia, transmitting 5619. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Maker Transmittal of D.C. ACT 18-269, ‘‘African Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 138.5 to Mile Marker 139.5, Above Head of American Civil War Memorial Freedom ting the Department’s final rule — Safety Passes, Reserve, LA [COTP New Orleans-06- Foundation, Inc. African-American Civil War Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker 014] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January 7, Museum Approval Temporary Act of 2009’’; 160 to Mile Marker 162, Above Head of 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- Passes, Convent, LA [COTP New Orleans-06- Committee on Transportation and Infra- ment Reform. 034] (RIN: 1625-AA00), pursuant to 5 U.S.C. structure. 5609. A letter from the Chairman, Council 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- 5628. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, of the District of Columbia, transmitting tation and Infrastructure. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Transmittal of D.C. ACT 18-267, ‘‘Disclosure 5620. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, ting the Department’s final rule — Safety of Information to the Council Amendment Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker Act of 2009’’; to the Committee on Oversight ting the Department’s final rule — Safety 303.0 to the Entrance of the Southwest Pass and Government Reform. Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker Safety Fairway, LA [COTP New Orleans-06- 5610. A letter from the Chairman, Council 94 to Mile Marker 95.5, Above Head of Passes, 015] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January 7, of the District of Columbia, transmitting New Orleans, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-035] 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Transmittal of D.C. ACT 18-268, ‘‘Fiscal Year (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, Committee on Transportation and Infra- 2010 Limited Grant-Making Authority Clari- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- structure. fication Temporary Act of 2009’’; to the Com- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- 5629. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, mittee on Oversight and Government Re- ture. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- form. 5621. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, ting the Department’s final rule — Safety 5611. A letter from the Chairman, Council Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Zone; Harvey Canal, Mile Marker 4.0 to Mile of the District of Columbia, transmitting ting the Department’s final rule — Safety Marker 5.0, Above Head of Passes, Harvey, Transmittal of D.C. ACT 18-263, ‘‘Public Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker LA [COTP New Orleans-06-016] (RIN: 1625- Land Surplus Standards Amendment Act of 89 to Mile Marker 91, Above Head of Passes, AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 2009’’; to the Committee on Oversight and Algiers, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-037] (RIN: U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Government Reform. 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant Transportation and Infrastructure. 5612. A letter from the Chairman, Council to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on 5630. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, of the District of Columbia, transmitting Transportation and Infrastructure. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Transmittal of D.C. ACT 18-266, ‘‘Prescrip- 5622. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, ting the Department’s final rule — Safety tion Drug Dispensing Practices Reform Act Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker of 2009’’; to the Committee on Oversight and ting the Department’s final rule — Safety 94.3 to Mile Marker 95.3, Above Head of Government Reform. Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker Passes, New Orleans, LA [COTP New Orle- 5613. A letter from the Chairman, Council 87 to Mile Marker 88, Above Head of Passes, ans-06-017] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January of the District of Columbia, transmitting Chalmette, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-008] 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to Transmittal of D.C. ACT 18-265, ‘‘Whistle- (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, the Committee on Transportation and Infra- blower Protection Amendment Act of 2009’’; pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- structure. to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- 5631. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, ment Reform. ture. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 5614. A letter from the Chairman, Council 5623. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, ting the Department’s final rule — Safety of the District of Columbia, transmitting Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker Transmittal of D.C. ACT 18-264, ‘‘Fire Alarm ting the Department’s final rule — Safety 228.8 to Mile Marker 229.8, Above Head of Notice and Tenant Fire Safety Amendment Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker Passes, Baton Rouge, LA [COTP New Orle- Act of 2009’’; to the Committee on Oversight 94 to Mile Marker 97, Above Head of Passes, ans-06-018] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January and Government Reform. New Orleans, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-009] 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 the Committee on Transportation and Infra- 5640. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Zone; Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Inner structure. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Harbor Navigation Canal, 500 yards North 5632. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, ting the Department’s final rule — Safety and South of the Florida Avenue Bridge, New Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker Orleans, LA [COTP New Orleans-05-097] (RIN: ting the Department’s final rule — Security 94.5 to Mile Marker 95.5, Above Head of 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant Zone; Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, L & N Passes, New Orleans, LA [COTP New Orle- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Bridge to the Industrial Locks, and the Gulf ans-06-005] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January Transportation and Infrastructure. Intracoastal Waterway From Mile Marker 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to 5650. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, 11.2 to Mile Marker 8.2, East of the Harvey the Committee on Transportation and Infra- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Lock, New Orleans, LA [COTP New Orleans- structure. ting the Department’s final rule — Safety 06-007] (RIN: 1625-AA87) received January 7, 5641. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Zone; Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Inner 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Harbor Navigation Canal, 500 yards North Committee on Transportation and Infra- ting the Department’s final rule — Safety and South of the Florida Avenue Bridge, New structure. Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker Orleans, LA [COTP New Orleans-05-098] (RIN: 5633. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, 88 to Mile Marker 90, Above Head of Passes, 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Chalmette, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-006] to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on ting the Department’s final rule — Safety (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, Transportation and Infrastructure. Zone; Gulf Intacoastal Waterway, Inner Har- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- 5651. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, bor Navigation Canal, 500 yards North and mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- South of the Florida Avenue Bridge, New Or- ture. ting the Department’s final rule — Safety leans, LA [COTP New Orleans-05-100] (RIN: 5642. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 229.5 to Mile Marker 230.5, Baton Rouge, LA to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on ting the Department’s final rule — Safety [COTP New Orleans-05-099] (RIN: 1625-AA00) Transportation and Infrastructure. Zone; Gulf of Mexico, Posit 29°26.8N 093°25.8W received January 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5634. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, [COTP Port Arthur-06-025] (RIN: 1625-AA00) 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- received January 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tation and Infrastructure. ting the Department’s final rule — Safety 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- Zone; Harvey Canal, Gulf Intracoastal Wa- f tation and Infrastructure. terway, Mile Marker 1.7 to Mile Marker 1.9, 5643. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, TIME LIMITATION OF REFERRED in the vicinity of Houma Industries, New Or- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- BILL leans, LA [COTP New Orleans-05-104] (RIN: ting the Department’s final rule — Safety 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XII the Zone; Gulf of Mexico, Posit 29°26.8N 093°25.8W to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on following action was taken by the [COTP Port Arthur-06-026] (RIN: 1625-AA00) Transportation and Infrastructure. Speaker: 5635. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, received January 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. [Omitted from the Record on January 19, 2010] Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- ting the Department’s final rule — Safety tation and Infrastructure. H.R. 2989. Referral to the Committee on Zone; Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, Mile 5644. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Ways and Means extended for a period ending Marker 2.3 to Mile Marker 2.9, in the vicinity Department of Homeland Security, transmit- not later than February 26, 2010. of the L&N Railroad Bridge, New Orleans, ting the Department’s final rule — Safety f LA [COTP New Orleans-05-105] (RIN: 1625- Zone; Ocean Beach Pier, Ocean Beach, CA AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 [COTP San Diego 07-452] (RIN: 1625-AA00) re- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on ceived January 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Under clause 2 of rule XII, public 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- Transportation and Infrastructure. bills and resolutions of the following 5636. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, tation and Infrastructure. 5645. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, titles were introduced and severally re- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- ferred, as follows: ting the Department’s final rule — Safety Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Zone; Intracoastal Waterway, Mile Marker ting the Department’s final rule — Safety By Mr. SMITH of Texas (for himself 11.9 to Mile Marker 12.1, West of the Harvey Zone; Oceanside Pier, Oceanside, CA [COTP and Mr. HOEKSTRA): Locks, in the vicinity of the Wagner Bridge, San Diego 07-552] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received H.R. 4471. A bill to clarify that revocation New Orleans, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-001] January 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. of an alien’s visa or other documentation is (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- not subject to judicial review; to the Com- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- tation and Infrastructure. mittee on the Judiciary. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- 5646. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, By Mr. CAMP: ture. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- H.R. 4472. A bill to direct the Secretary of 5637. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, ting the Department’s final rule — Safety the Army to take action with respect to the Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Zone; Red River, 500 yards North and South Chicago waterway system to prevent the mi- ting the Department’s final rule — Safety of the Long-Allen Bridge, Shreveport-Bossier gration of bighead and silver carps into Lake Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker City, LA [COTP New Orleans-05-094] (RIN: Michigan, and for other purposes; to the 156.0 to Mile Marker 157.0, extending the en- 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant Committee on Transportation and Infra- tire width of the river, St. James, LA [COTP to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on structure. New Orleans-06-002] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received Transportation and Infrastructure. By Mr. SCHRADER: January 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5647. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, H.R. 4473. A bill to amend title XVIII of the 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Social Security Act to establish an extended tation and Infrastructure. ting the Department’s final rule — Safety special enrollment period for individuals to 5638. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Zone; Quachita River, Mile Marker 168 to enroll in part B of Medicare; to the Com- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Mile Marker 169, in the vicinity of the For- mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- ting the Department’s final rule — Safety sythe Recreational Boat Launch, Monroe, dition to the Committee on Ways and Means, Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Marker LA [COTP New Orleans-05-095] (RIN: 1625- for a period to be subsequently determined 94.0 to Mile Marker 96.0, Above Head of AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 by the Speaker, in each case for consider- Passes, New Orleans, LA [COTP New Orle- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- ans-06-003] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January Transportation and Infrastructure. risdiction of the committee concerned. 7, 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to 5648. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, By Mr. MINNICK (for himself and Mr. the Committee on Transportation and Infra- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- SIMPSON): structure. ting the Department’s final rule — Safety H.R. 4474. A bill to authorize the continued 5639. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Zone; Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Inner use of certain water diversions located on Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Harbor Navigation Canal, 500 yards North National Forest System land in the Frank ting the Department’s final rule — Safety and South of the Florida Avenue Bridge, New Church-River of No Return Wilderness and Zone; Lower Mississippi River, Mile Maker 6 Orleans, LA [COTP New Orleans-05-096] (RIN: the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness in the to Mile Marker 7, Above Head of Passes, 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, pursuant State of Idaho, and for other purposes; to the Pilottown, LA [COTP New Orleans-06-004] to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Committee on Natural Resources. (RIN: 1625-AA00) received January 7, 2010, Transportation and Infrastructure. By Ms. MCCOLLUM (for herself, Mr. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- 5649. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, BONNER, Mr. BACA, Mr. LUJA´ N, Mr. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- GRIJALVA, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. CHAN- ture. ting the Department’s final rule — Safety DLER, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. COLE, Mr.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:43 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H20JA0.002 H20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 375

SHULER, Mr. KILDEE, Ms. HERSETH Forces; to the Committee on Financial Serv- REZ, Mr. MASSA, Mr. AL GREEN of SANDLIN, Mr. OBERSTAR, Mr. KEN- ices. Texas, Ms. NORTON, Mr. CLAY, Mr. NEDY, Mr. WALZ, Mr. BOREN, and Mr. By Mr. CARDOZA: RANGEL, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. RUSH, Mr. PALLONE): H. Con. Res. 229. Concurrent resolution LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. MEEK of Flor- H.R. 4475. A bill to amend sections 14006 supporting the designation of the facility ida, Mr. DAVIS of Alabama, Ms. CHU, and 14007 of the American Recovery and Re- under development by the Stanislaus County Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas, Mr. investment Act of 2009 to reserve funds under Ag Center Foundation, in Stanislaus County, FATTAH, Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. SCOTT of the programs established under such sections California, as the National Ag Science Cen- Georgia, Mr. CLYBURN, Ms. EDDIE for payments to the Bureau of Indian Edu- ter; to the Committee on Agriculture. BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. WATT, cation of the Department of the Interior for By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (for him- Ms. KILPATRICK of Michigan, and Ms. Indian children; to the Committee on Edu- self, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, and Mr. WATERS): cation and Labor. WOLF): H. Res. 1022. A resolution honoring the life By Mr. BACHUS (for himself, Mrs. H. Res. 1019. A resolution recognizing the and sacrifice of Medgar Evers and congratu- BIGGERT, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. GARRETT fifth anniversary of the signing of the Com- lating the United States Navy for naming a of New Jersey, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. prehensive Peace Agreement between the supply ship after Medgar Evers; to the Com- NEUGEBAUER, and Mr. PAUL): Government of the Republic of the Sudan mittee on the Judiciary, and in addition to H.R. 4476. A bill to suspend the current and the Sudan People’s Liberation Move- the Committee on Armed Services, for a pe- compensation packages for the senior execu- ment/Army and calling for urgent and ag- riod to be subsequently determined by the tives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and es- gressive actions to establish peace in all re- Speaker, in each case for consideration of tablish compensation for such positions in gions of Sudan; to the Committee on Foreign such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- accordance with rates of pay for senior em- Affairs. tion of the committee concerned. ployees in the Executive Branch of the Fed- By Ms. MARKEY of Colorado (for her- By Mr. LANCE: eral Government, and for other purposes; to self, Mr. POLIS, Mr. SALAZAR, Ms. H. Res. 1023. A resolution amending the the Committee on Financial Services. DEGETTE, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. LAM- Rules of the House of Representatives to re- By Mr. BISHOP of New York (for him- BORN, and Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado): move the authority of the Committee on self and Ms. SHEA-PORTER): H. Res. 1020. A resolution honoring the 95th Rules to waive clause 5 of rule XVI or clause H.R. 4477. A bill to require the Secretary of anniversary of the signing of the Rocky 9 of rule XXII; to the Committee on Rules. Defense to establish a medical surveillance Mountain National Park Act; to the Com- By Mr. MCDERMOTT: system to identify members of the Armed mittee on Natural Resources. H. Res. 1024. A resolution expressing sup- Forces exposed to chemical hazards resulting By Ms. LEE of California (for herself, port for designation of January as Poverty from the disposal of waste in Iraq and Af- Mr. PAYNE, Mr. BERMAN, Ms. ROS- in America Awareness Month; to the Com- ghanistan, to prohibit the disposal of waste LEHTINEN, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. HOYER, Mr. mittee on Ways and Means. by the Armed Forces in a manner that would CLYBURN, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. RANGEL, f produce dangerous levels of toxins, and for Mr. TOWNS, Ms. WATERS, Mrs. other purposes; to the Committee on Armed CHRISTENSEN, Ms. CLARKE, Mr. HAS- ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Services. TINGS of Florida, Mr. MEEK of Flor- Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors By Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida: ida, Mr. MEEKS of New York, Mr. were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 4478. A bill to amend the Robert T. BISHOP of Georgia, Ms. CORRINE tions as follows: Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency As- BROWN of Florida, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, sistance Act to direct the President to take Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Mr. CLAY, Mr. H.R. 13: Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Flor- actions to address the needs of children and CLEAVER, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. DAVIS of ida. families who are victims of a major disaster, Alabama, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. H.R. 211: Ms. KAPTUR. and for other purposes; to the Committee on EDWARDS of Maryland, Mr. ELLISON, H.R. 213: Mr. BUCHANAN. ´ Transportation and Infrastructure. Mr. FATTAH, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. AL H.R. 235: Mr. LUJAN. H.R. 273: Mr. SCHRADER. By Mr. FORBES: GREEN of Texas, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. H.R. 391: Mr. MILLER of Florida. H.R. 4479. A bill to enforce discretionary JACKSON of Illinois, Ms. JACKSON LEE H.R. 460: Mr. MCGOVERN. spending limits to rein in spending, reduce of Texas, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, H.R. 537: Mr. SHUSTER. the deficit, and regain control of the Federal Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, H.R. 558: Mr. TONKO, Mr. PRICE of North budget process; to the Committee on the Ms. KILPATRICK of Michigan, Mr. Carolina, Mr. PLATTS, Mr. GERLACH, and Mr. Budget. LEWIS of Georgia, Mrs. MCCARTHY of MARSHALL. By Ms. FUDGE: New York, Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin, H.R. 678: Mr. HOLT and Mr. BARROW. H.R. 4480. A bill to amend the Community Ms. NORTON, Ms. RICHARDSON, Mr. H.R. 690: Mr. YARMUTH. Services Block Grant Act to authorize appro- RUSH, Mr. SABLAN, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, H.R. 772: Mr. COHEN. priations for national or regional instruc- Mr. SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. SCOTT of H.R. 847: Mr. WELCH. tional programs for low-income youth; to the Virginia, Mr. SIRES, Mr. THOMPSON of H.R. 1079: Ms. MARKEY of Colorado and Mr. Committee on Education and Labor. Mississippi, Ms. WATSON, and Mr. COHEN. By Mr. LANCE: WATT): H.R. 1132: Mr. MCCAUL. H.R. 4481. A bill to reduce the Federal H. Res. 1021. A resolution expressing condo- H.R. 1351: Mr. PAULSEN. budget deficit in a responsible manner; to lences to and solidarity with the people of H.R. 1378: Mr. MCNERNEY, and Mr. GON- the Committee on the Budget, and in addi- Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating ZALEZ. tion to the Committee on Rules, for a period earthquake of January 12, 2010; to the Com- H.R. 1392: Mr. STUPAK. to be subsequently determined by the Speak- mittee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to H.R. 1469: Mr. SHULER, Mr. QUIGLEY, and er, in each case for consideration of such pro- the Committee on Financial Services, for a Mr. MCNERNEY. visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the period to be subsequently determined by the H.R. 1557: Mr. ROYCE and Mr. BISHOP of committee concerned. Speaker, in each case for consideration of New York. By Mr. LANCE: such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- H.R. 1708: Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- H.R. 4482. A bill to apply recaptured tax- tion of the committee concerned. fornia. payer investments toward reducing the na- By Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia (for him- H.R. 1806: Mr. COSTELLO. tional debt; to the Committee on Financial self, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Ms. H.R. 1816: Ms. SUTTON. Services, and in addition to the Committees BORDALLO, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, H.R. 1826: Ms. MATSUI. on Ways and Means, and Appropriations, for Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Ms. CLARKE, Mr. H.R. 1855: Mr. SCHAUER. a period to be subsequently determined by CLEAVER, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, H.R. 1964: Mr. CLAY and Ms. FUDGE. the Speaker, in each case for consideration Mr. TOWNS, Mr. FILNER, Ms. CORRINE H.R. 2043: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- BROWN of Florida, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. H.R. 2067: Mr. MICHAUD. tion of the committee concerned. MEEKS of New York, Mr. CONYERS, H.R. 2084: Mr. WEINER. By Mr. ROSKAM: Mr. PAYNE, Mr. THOMPSON of Mis- H.R. 2135: Mr. GERLACH, Mr. THOMPSON of H.R. 4483. A bill to prohibit compensation sissippi, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. Pennsylvania, and Mr. TIM MURPHY of Penn- for any officer or employee of the Federal SESTAK, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. sylvania. National Mortgage Association or the Fed- BUTTERFIELD, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, H.R. 2149: Ms. LEE of California. eral Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, dur- Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, Ms. MOORE of H.R. 2243: Mr. ADLER of New Jersey. ing any conservatorship or receivership of Wisconsin, Ms. RICHARDSON, Mr. CUM- H.R. 2254: Mr. LATOURETTE. such enterprise, in an amount exceeding the MINGS, Ms. WATSON, Mr. BRADY of H.R. 2296: Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. compensation provided to the Chairman of Pennsylvania, Mr. COHEN, Ms. H.R. 2305: Mr. GINGREY of Georgia and Mr. the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed EDWARDS of Maryland, Mr. GUTIER- BROUN of Georgia.

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H.R. 2324: Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. SES- H.R. 4186: Mr. BOSWELL and Mr. SESTAK. H. Res. 873: Mr. GOHMERT. TAK, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, and Mr. HAS- H.R. 4188: Mr. LEVIN. H. Res. 888: Mr. MORAN of Virginia. TINGS of Florida. H.R. 4191: Mr. BOSWELL. H. Res. 925: Mr. MURPHY of New York and H.R. 2443: Mr. LANGEVIN. H.R. 4192: Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. MILLER of Florida. H.R. 4196: Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, Mr. BLU- H.R. 2446: Mr. GERLACH, Mr. TONKO, Mrs. H. Res. 947: Ms. RICHARDSON, Mr. OLVER, MENAUER, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. WU, and Ms. BIGGERT, and Mr. PLATTS. and Ms. WOOLSEY. WOOLSEY. H.R. 2455: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, Mr. H. Res. 960: Mr. MANZULLO, Mr. LATTA, H.R. 4198: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. NADLER of New York, Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. KIL- Mrs. SCHMIDT, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. DAVIS of H.R. 4199: Mr. PERRIELLO, Mr. ELLSWORTH, PATRICK of Michigan, Mrs. LOWEY, and Mr. Kentucky, Mr. SCALISE, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. and Mr. TAYLOR. MASSA. ARRETT AMBORN H.R. 4227: Mr. DAVIS of Alabama and Mr. G of New Jersey, Mr. L , Mr. H.R. 2497: Mr. RAHALL. ENSARLING ALLIN INGREY GOODLATTE. H , Ms. F , Mr. G of H.R. 2546: Mr. WOLF. H.R. 4233: Mr. DAVIS of Alabama and Mr. Georgia, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. BISHOP of H.R. 2555: Mr. COSTA. GOODLATTE. Utah, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. CHAFFETZ, H.R. 2565: Mr. PLATTS and Mr. ROSS. H.R. 4239: Mr. MARSHALL. Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. OLSON, Mr. H.R. 2730: Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania H.R. 4255: Mr. ROE of Tennessee, Mrs. BROUN of Georgia, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. PENCE, and and Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida. BACHMANN, Mr. LEE of New York, Mr. WILSON Mr. PITTS. H.R. 2981: Mrs. KIRKPATRICK of Arizona. of South Carolina, and Mr. TIAHRT. H. Res. 967: Mr. FARR. H.R. 3019: Mrs. BLACKBURN. H.R. 4260: Ms. SUTTON. H. Res. 975: Mr. MASSA. H.R. 3092: Ms. FUDGE. H.R. 4269: Ms. LEE of California, Mr. H. Res. 990: Ms. DELAURO, Mr. WU, Mr. H.R. 3101: Mr. FILNER. GEORGE MILLER of California, and Mr. HALL BUCHANAN, Mr. EHLERS, Mr. HARPER, Mr. H.R. 3144: Ms. FUDGE. of New York. SCHIFF, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. GRIJALVA, and Ms. H.R. 3264: Mr. DOGGETT, Mr. QUIGLEY, and H.R. 4278: Mr. GERLACH. BORDALLO. Mr. KUCINICH. H.R. 4295: Mr. BISHOP of New York. H. Res. 997: Mr. FILNER. H.R. 3359: Mr. BUTTERFIELD and Ms. KIL- H.R. 4296: Mr. KAGEN. H. Res. 1003: Ms. FUDGE, Mr. KILDEE, Mrs. PATRICK of Michigan. H.R. 4302: Ms. RICHARDSON and Ms. SPEIER. CHRISTENSEN, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. FILNER, Mr. H.R. 3381: Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- H.R. 4329: Mr. BOUCHER. HARE, Ms. WOOLSEY, Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of fornia. H.R. 4330: Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. AXMAN BEY H.R. 3412: Mr. TIAHRT. H.R. 4332: Mr. SHERMAN. California, Mr. W , Mr. O , Mr. H.R. 3458: Mr. CAPUANO. H.R. 4370: Mr. RANGEL. WATT, Ms. TITUS, Ms. HARMAN, Mr. H.R. 3480: Ms. BALDWIN and Ms. MCCOLLUM. H.R. 4386: Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- MCDERMOTT, Mr. DOGGETT, Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. H.R. 3486: Mr. DELAHUNT and Mr. RUSH. fornia and Ms. TITUS. POMEROY, Mr. BAIRD, Mr. HASTINGS of Flor- H.R. 3491: Mr. PETERSON and Mr. MICHAUD. H.R. 4396: Mr. BOREN and Mrs. EMERSON. ida, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. BECERRA, H.R. 3564: Mr. COSTA, Mr. MORAN of Vir- H.R. 4400: Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. BOUCHER, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. BARROW, Mrs. HALVORSON, ginia, and Mr. COHEN. Mr. PERRIELLO, and Mr. ROONEY. Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. FARR, Mr. ENGEL, H.R. 3577: Mr. MCINTYRE. H.R. 4403: Mr. MCNERNEY and Mr. MILLER Ms. KILROY, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, H.R. 3578: Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsyl- of Florida. Mr. GRAYSON, Mr. FOSTER, Ms. LINDA T. ´ vania, Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, and Mr. H.R. 4415: Mr. WOLF, Mr. BURTON of Indi- SANCHEZ of California, Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida. ana, and Mr. OLSON. MATSUI, Ms. SLAUGHTER, Mr. THOMPSON of H.R. 4462: Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Mrs. DAHL- H.R. 3615: Mr. LUJA´ N. California, Mr. BERRY, Mrs. MCCARTHY of KEMPER, Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida, H.R. 3652: Mrs. BONO MACK. New York, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mrs. Mr. GERLACH, Mr. OLSON, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. H.R. 3695: Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. MALONEY of New York, and Mr. GUTIERREZ. TITUS, and Mr. WAMP. H.R. 3734: Ms. CLARKE, Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, H. Res. 1006: Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Ms. FOXX, H.R. 4463: Mr. OLSON and Mr. BOEHNER. Ms. NORTON, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, and Mr. and Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina. H.R. 4464: Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina, HONDA. H. Res. 1009: Ms. HARMAN, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. ROO- H.R. 3757: Mr. BOUCHER. MANZULLO, and Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. NEY, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. H.R. 3758: Ms. KILPATRICK of Michigan. H. Res. 1010: Mr. SABLAN. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. CONAWAY, Mrs. LUM- H.R. 3764: Mr. BOUCHER. H. Res. 1011: Mr. PIERLUISI, Mr. BURGESS, MIS, Mrs. MYRICK, Mr. LUCAS, Ms. FOXX, Mr. H.R. 3790: Ms. CLARKE, Mr. OLVER, Mr. Mr. BOCCIERI, Ms. CHU, Mrs. LUMMIS, Ms. PITTS, Mr. POE of Texas, Mrs. SCHMIDT, Mr. MEEKS of New York, Mr. DEAL of Georgia, BERKLEY, Ms. SHEA-PORTER, Mr. KISSELL, MARCHANT, Mr. LATTA, Mr. DAVIS of Ken- and Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana. Mr. ADLER of New Jersey, Mr. CARNAHAN, Mr. tucky, Ms. GRANGER, and Ms. FALLIN. H.R. 3885: Mr. ROONEY. SIRES, Mr. WILSON of Ohio, Mr. FILNER, Mr. H.J. Res. 1: Mr. BUCHANAN. H.R. 3888: Mr. SESTAK. PERLMUTTER, Mr. HODES, Mr. MURPHY of H.J. Res. 61: Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Connecticut, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, Mr. TONKO, H.R. 3936: Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. CLEAVER, and H. Con. Res. 110: Mr. MORAN of Virginia. and Mr. WEINER. Mr. CARNAHAN. H. Con. Res. 137: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. H.R. 3995: Mr. INSLEE. H. Con. Res. 169: Mr. TIAHRT. H. Res. 1013: Mr. ENGEL. H.R. 4003: Mr. HALL of New York. H. Con. Res. 170: Mr. ARCURI. H. Res. 1018: Mr. WAXMAN. H.R. 4014: Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. H. Res. 22: Mr. SNYDER. GARAMENDI, and Mr. CAMPBELL. H. Res. 363: Mr. ELLISON. f H.R. 4044: Mrs. MALONEY. H. Res. 704: Mrs. DAHLKEMPER, Mrs. MALO- H.R. 4065: Mr. MORAN of Virginia. NEY, Mr. BOREN, Mr. WAMP, Mr. HOLT, Mr. H.R. 4070: Mr. SCHOCK, Mr. MORAN of Kan- NEAL of Massachusetts, Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM sas, Mr. PLATTS, Mrs. DAHLKEMPER, Mr. BOS- MANZULLO, Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS WELL, and Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Mr. FLEMING, Ms. WATSON, and Mr. GALLE- Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 4099: Mr. ACKERMAN. GLY. were deleted from public bills and reso- H.R. 4128: Mr. HINCHEY and Mr. STARK. H. Res. 847: Mr. GARY G. MILLER of Cali- H.R. 4129: Mr. PETERSON. fornia, Mr. ROSS, Mr. ROHRABACHER, Mrs. lutions as follows: H.R. 4140: Mr. COHEN. CAPITO, and Mr. BILBRAY. H.R. 4191: Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee.

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RECOGNIZING OFFICER GREG GOR- she left off serving Monroe, LA, as City Coun- HONORING THE BOY SCOUTS OF DON FOR RECEIVING THE GOLD cilman for District 2 since 2000. In this capac- AMERICA ON THEIR 100TH ANNI- MEDAL OF VALOR ity, he was voted by his peers to serve as City VERSARY Council vice-chairman from 2007 to 2009. HON. JEFF MILLER His commitment to the Monroe community HON. J. GRESHAM BARRETT OF FLORIDA did not end here. Among his impressive list of OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES endeavors, Ben was also a member of the I- Wednesday, January 20, 2010 20 Economic Development District Board, Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, I Ouachita Council of Governments and the City Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina. Madam rise today to recognize Officer Greg Gordon of of Monroe Insurance Committee. Speaker, today, I rise to honor the Boy Scouts the Pensacola Police Department upon receiv- of America on their 100th anniversary. Ben was an inspiration to all who knew him. ing the Gold Medal of Valor, the department’s The Boy Scouts of America has been at the highest honor. Officer Gordon is a dedicated I wish to express my deepest condolences to forefront of instilling timeless values in youth public servant, and I am proud to honor his his family, and may God continue to bless the since its founding in 1910. Throughout its 100- heroism and commitment. memory of a man who will truly be missed by year history, it has helped millions of youth On July 3, 2009, Officer Gordon was en his family, his friends and his community. succeed by providing the support, friendship, route to police headquarters when he re- and mentoring necessary to live a happy and sponded to a call regarding a 9-1-1 hang up. Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring the late Ben Katz. fulfilling life. Upon arriving at the scene, he saw smoke Today, the Boy Scouts of America is the coming from the house and was told the resi- f largest youth service organization in America, dent was likely still inside the burning building. with nearly 3 million members. These mem- When he did not receive a response from the bers learn responsible citizenship, character front door, Officer Gordon kicked in the door TESTIMONY ON DR. JAIRY C. HUNTER’S 25 YEARS OF SERVICE development, and self-reliance through partici- and crawled under the smoke to find the pation in a wide range of outdoor activities, home’s occupant. Officer Gordon pulled the AS PRESIDENT OF CHARLESTON SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY educational programs and career-oriented pro- man through the burning house and safely grams in partnership with local community outside. Although Officer Gordon and the resi- groups. dent were treated for injuries, both came out HON. HENRY E. BROWN, JR. The Boy Scouts have always held a special safely. place in my heart because in 1951, my father For this selfless act of heroism, Officer Gor- OF SOUTH CAROLINA started Boy Scout Troup 108—the first Boy don is being awarded the Pensacola Police IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Scout organization in Westminster, South Department’s highest award, the Gold Medal Carolina. As a matter of fact, one of the first of Valor. Officer Gordon is only the 10th police Wednesday, January 20, 2010 service projects of this troop was to raise the officer to receive the medal since the depart- American Flag over the Westminster Post Of- ment was formed in 1821. He was first hired Mr. BROWN of South Carolina. Madam fice. as a cadet in 1996 and was promoted to po- Speaker, I rise today to recognize Dr. Jairy C. On this momentous anniversary, I would like lice officer in 1999. A former SWAT member, Hunter, Jr. for 25 years of service as Presi- to thank all of the Scouts for their service to Officer Gordon is assigned currently to the dent of Charleston Southern University. Dr. their local communities and to our Nation. I Uniform Patrol Division. Part of his patrol juris- Hunter assumed his role as President in 1984 would also like to thank their parents for all of diction includes my Pensacola office, and his during a difficult time in the school’s history, the time and energy they have committed to service to our office has been outstanding. scouting. It is the values of service, character, Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United but through strong leadership and a clear vi- and leadership—the core values of scouting— States Congress, I am privileged to recognize sion, the new President led the school towards that make our country great. Officer Greg Gordon for going above and be- academic greatness. f yond the call of duty. He is a true American 25 years later, Dr. Hunter’s guidance pro- hero and an invaluable member of our com- duced record enrollment numbers, significant H. CON. RES. 226, SUPPORTING THE munity. My wife Vicki and I wish Officer Gor- budget growth, and new degree and athletic ‘‘SPIRIT OF ’45’’ don and his family all the best for the future. programs, to name a few of his many accom- f plishments. Working with her husband, Sissy HON. BOB FILNER HONORING THE LIFE OF BEN KATZ Hunter’s dedication to the school has im- OF CALIFORNIA proved university relationships and made IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER scholarship programs possible. Throughout Wednesday, January 20, 2010 OF LOUISIANA the years, Dr. Hunter never lost sight of the Mr. FILNER. Madam Speaker, I rise in sup- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES school’s Christian background and has kept port of a resolution that I have introduced: H. Wednesday, January, 20, 2010 faith at the forefront of Charleston Southern Con. Res. 226 which supports the Spirit of ’45, Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam Speaker, I rise University’s mission. a yearlong national campaign to raise public awareness of the 65th anniversary of the end today in honor and remembrance of the life Dr. Jairy and Sissy Hunter are respected and achievements of Ben Katz, who passed of World War II, and the Spirit of ’45 Day, to leaders not only within the Charleston South- away on January 13, 2010. be observed each year on the second Sunday Ben was a dedicated public servant, and it ern University community, but throughout the in August. is his connection and involvement in his com- city of Charleston. Dr. Hunter, thank you for 1945 was a defining year in the last century. munity for which he will always be remem- your dedication to Charleston Southern Uni- Even after victory in Europe in World War II, bered. versity and your commitment to academic ex- our Nation still faced many hard fought battles Survived by his wife, Louisiana State Rep- cellence in South Carolina’s First District. in the Pacific and the decision to use the resentative Kay Katz, Ben took over where atomic bomb. In August of that year, Japan

● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 378 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 surrendered, the war was over, and America from my home state of Arizona. Each month, chemical and seed companies in conducting joined the world to begin the work of peace. Scottsdale Healthcare recognizes service research. Aaron and Ashley have even com- The United States started with the job of re- members who perform diligent service to this bined forces with their local press to draft an building allies and former enemies alike, lead- country. Scottsdale Healthcare has recognized informative story about GPS and farming. ing the effort to form the United Nations, and Captain Joseph A. Iannitti for the month of Among other organizations, both Aaron and helping millions of returning veterans begin January. Ashley are members of the American Soybean their civilian lives with the G.I. Bill. I commend Scottsdale Healthcare for paying Association. Aaron is president of the Ken- To raise awareness about this 65th anniver- tribute to such an exceptional service member tucky Soybean Association, a member of the sary, the Spirit of ’45 is encouraging commu- for his bravery and service to our country. county extension council and is a regional offi- nities to hold commemorative events on the Captain Joseph A. Iannitti has served in the cer for the State Young Farmer Association. Spirit of ’45 Day, the second Sunday in Au- Army for nine years and is currently the Exec- He is also currently the vice president and gust, to honor the legacy of the World War II utive Officer for the 286th Signal Company, chairman of the policy development committee generation whose members are rapidly pass- 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade at Fort Bliss, while Ashley is an active member on the wom- ing into history. Everyone is asked to collect Texas. Next month, he will deploy to Kuwait en’s committee. first-hand memories of those who experienced as a communications officer. I want to thank Aaron and Ashley, along August 14, 1945, memories that will be pre- During his service Joseph has received nu- with their children, for serving as a role model served on a Web site and shared with merous awards. He was awarded two com- for all Kentucky families, especially those with- schools, libraries, museums, memorials and mendation medals, an achievement medal, in the rapidly changing farming industry. I the public as a permanent reminder of a time Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Serv- hope their success continues for many years when people came together to face common ice Medal, Reserve Mobilization Medal and a to come. challenges as a united country. Many of the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal. f memories can also be forwarded to the Vet- Madam Speaker, please join me in recog- erans History Project of the Library of Con- nizing this courageous service member for his PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE 1270 gress. outstanding contributions while serving our FIFTH AVENUE RESIDENTS AS The 2010 Spirit of ’45 activities will officially country. THEIR COOPERATIVE MARKS ITS 50TH ANNIVERSARY kick off at a reunion of World War II veterans f on the USS Midway in San Diego, on Monday January 18, 2010. Invited to participate are A TRIBUTE TO AARON AND HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL ASHLEY REDING World War II legends Ernest Borgnine, Tony OF NEW YORK Curtis, Kirk Douglas, and Hugh O’Brien. Also IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES invited is Edith Shain, the nurse who was pho- HON. BRETT GUTHRIE Wednesday, January 20, 2010 tographed being kissed by a joyous sailor in OF KENTUCKY Times Square on August 14, 1945. A presen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1270 Fifth tation will be made to the family of Bob Hope Wednesday, January 20, 2010 in honor of his legacy of support of our men Avenue Cooperative in my Congressional Dis- and women in uniform. Mr. GUTHRIE. Madam Speaker, I rise today trict. 1270 has the distinction of being the first The next major event of the Spirit of ’45 will to honor Aaron and Ashley Reding of middle-income co-op in my and surrounding be right here in Washington, D.C. when hun- Howardstown, Kentucky as the recipients of Congressional Districts and the only residen- dreds of people will gather at the National the 2010 American Farm Bureau Federation’s tial co-op in Manhattan that is a cooperative World War II Memorial and lead the Memorial Young Farmers and Ranchers Achievement nonprofit corporation. Day Parade down Constitution Avenue. Mov- Award. Incorporated on August 8, 1957, under the ing toward the weekend of August 14–15, On January 11, 2010, the couple was an- New York State Cooperative Corporations public events are to be held across the coun- nounced as the winners of the Young Farmers Law, the building was constructed with a try to commemorate the 65th anniversary of & Ranchers (YF&R) Achievement Award at stream of funding from Section 213 of Title II the end of World War II, including a major the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 91st of the National Housing Act. The $4.5 million event already being planned in New York annual meeting in Seattle, Washington. The dollar mortgage held by the Federal Housing City’s Times Square. Later events are being Redings had gone on to win this national title Administration has since matured in November discussed for October, the 65th anniversary of after being named the Kentucky Farm Bu- of 1999. the founding of the United Nations, and on reau’s Outstanding Young Farm Family in De- Despite the neighborhood’s initial negative Veterans Day in November. cember of 2009. reaction to 1270s construction, there was a The events will focus on how to assure that The award recognizes young farmers and tremendous demand for the apartments. At a our ‘‘latest generation’’ of veterans receives ranchers that have excelled with their respec- time when segregated housing in Manhattan the kind of welcome home as did their fore- tive operations and that have demonstrated a was still the norm, 1270, which was unre- fathers of the World War II generation, through sense of commitment to promoting the agri- stricted regardless of race, gender, or creed, education and training under the newly-passed culture industry. This honor is a well-deserved and priced for middle-income residents, was ‘‘Post 9/11 G.I. Bill,’’ employment opportuni- recognition of the rapid growth and financial seen by minorities and liberal-minded folks as ties, and many other ways of helping in their progress of the Reding family’s farm as well a desirable place to live. By November 1959 efforts to reconnect with their communities. I as a testament to years of hard work and when the building first opened for occupancy, urge my colleagues to join in support of these dedication. 194 of the 201 available units had been sold. remembrances of the ending of World War II The Reding family operates a large-scale The remaining seven apartments were sold by co-sponsoring H. Con. Res. 226. row crop operation and this year they grew and occupied by July 1961. f 1,500 acres of both corn and soybeans in ad- Making history for 1270 had its difficult mo- dition to 450 acres of wheat. Aaron bought ments. A board of directors was quickly elect- RECOGNIZING CAPTAIN JOSEPH A. two farms in the early 2000s and was later ed in order to tackle problems as they sur- IANNITTI—SCOTTSDALE granted ownership of his family’s farm in 2003. faced. Throughout the years of struggle to es- HEALTHCARE’S ‘‘SALUTE TO Ashley has also dedicated her life to agri- tablish and maintain a viable middle-income MILITARY’’ HONOREE culture, retiring from teaching to stay home cooperative in East Harlem, the families and and tend to the human resource and techno- individuals at 1270 held together through a HON. HARRY E. MITCHELL logical aspects of the farm, as well as to raise tremendous sense of home and community. OF ARIZONA their three children. Men and women who arrived as young adults IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Redings have assumed a leadership lived and raised their children, and grew old role within their community, promoting not just here. Neighbors became lifelong friends and Wednesday, January 20, 2010 their farm but the agriculture industry as a took care of each other. Mr. MITCHELL. Madam Speaker, I rise whole. They regularly host school tours and There is no better measure of 1270’s suc- today to honor a member of the Armed Forces county leadership groups and often work with cess than the fact that people who move

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 379 there, stay there. Of the 201 shareholders, 69 IN RECOGNITION OF REELTOWN Army Tough! Army Strong! percent have been there for more than 10 HIGH SCHOOL WINNING THE To him, that heart of a hero which so beats on . . . years; 44 percent for more than 20 years; 35 ALABAMA 2A STATE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Belongs, to such a fine young man . . . percent for more than 30 years; and 17 per- Kentucky Strong . . . Bryan’s Life . . . Bry- cent for more than 40 years. The average an’s Song . . . length of residency is 21.6 years. HON. MIKE ROGERS A Thoroughbred . . . OF ALABAMA Finishing first, across that finish line of life 1270 was and continues to be called home . . . let it now be said! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by multiple celebrities and other notables, in- An Army man, who so proudly wears the uni- cluding: Odetta, internationally celebrated folk Wednesday, January 20, 2010 form . . . who so can! singer; James Dumpson, former commissioner Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Madam Speaker, All for God and Country, and Family, he went off to war . . . of the New York City Department of Health I would like to request the House’s attention Into that the darkest face of death, but were and Welfare; Elaine Jones, former executive today to pay recognition to the Reeltown High his great burdens bore . . . director of the NAACP Legal Defense and School football team in Notasulga, Alabama, Leaving all that he so loved . . . Education Fund; Verne Oliver, former head- which recently won the 2009 Alabama 2A Ready to die if necessary, is that but not true love . . . and Heaven is for? master of New Lincoln School; Debbie Allen, State Football Championship. On December 4th, the Reeltown Rebels de- All for us, while into the face of death he television and stage actress; Phylicia Rashad, feated Clay County High School by a score of left! television and stage actress; Charles Henry 16–8 at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, When, on battlefields of honor seen . . . Dashing there so in uniform, such a heroic Alston, internationally acclaimed artist; Ruth Alabama. The Rebels finished the season with Slenczynska, internationally acclaimed concert figure convened . . . a record of 14–1. As the hand of death would so intervene . . . pianist; Gus Trowbridge, founder of Manhattan The Reeltown Rebels are coached by Jack- Reaching down, beckoning him . . . Country School; Lois Small, founder of senior ie O’Neal, and the school’s principal is Tom With one leg gone, somehow he held on . . . dance group, ‘‘The Steppers’’; the family of Cochran. I’d like to congratulate the football All for his fine wife, and future child to be Ralph Bunche, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate; team, coaches and high school students and born . . . As he now must move on, as we so see his the family of Harry Belafonte, singer; and the staff on this outstanding achievement. All of us across Tallapoosa County and East Alabama courage full . . . courage strong . . . family of Johnny Mathis, singer. Within his heart beating so loud, beating are deeply proud of these talented young Ala- 1270 has not only survived, but it has strong . . . bamians. Listen and learn, from this sonnet . . . his thrived through the years. Current neighbor- f Bryan’s Song . . . hood beautification projects have magnificently A song of full hope and courage . . . who transformed the setting of the building’s home. PERSONAL EXPLANATION would not be discouraged . . . 1270 faces the Harlem Meer section of New The words, of a hero . . . all of our souls York City’s Central Park and the Conservatory HON. J. GRESHAM BARRETT words has nourished . . . As day by day, while all of that pain and OF SOUTH CAROLINA Gardens, which have been restored and main- heartache comes his way . . . tained with an endowment. The on-site Mu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As we so glean, what it so takes . . . to be a seum of African Art adds a part of the building Wednesday, January 20, 2010 fine human being . . . to New York’s Museum Mile. Sightseeing As against all odds, in life and death’s . . . in Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina. Madam all his heartbreak left . . . buses now regularly stop in the neighborhood Speaker, unfortunately, I missed the following In death and war . . . he writes his score . . . for tours. recorded votes on the House floor on Tues- To rebuild . . . to so instill . . . trusting In Madam Speaker, on the occasion of 1270’s day, January 19, 2010. God’s Will! As his fine heart will not dismay . . . 50th anniversary, as we look back on the suc- Had I been present I would have voted ‘‘Aye’’ on Rollcall vote No. 6 (on motion to As he so shows us all the way still . . . cesses of the National Housing Act, we can all A Florence of Arabia . . . suspend the rules and agree to H. Res. 1004), feel a sense of pride. For many long-time resi- Who went off to the Mideast . . . ‘‘Aye’’ on Rollcall vote No. 7 (on motion to dents, the soul of this section 213 building can All on his most valiant crusade, to fight for suspend the rules and agree to H. Res. 1015), never be separated from its historic roots. peace . . . ‘‘Aye’’ on Rollcall vote No. 8 (on motion to What, words in our lives have we so written? suspend the rules and agree to H. Res. 991). Heard all here in our living! f f And, if I ever have a son . . . I but hope and pray! OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL A TRIBUTE TO AN AMERICAN What songs have we so sung as to this our DEBT HERO world so given? He could but be like this one, this day . . . As Bryan’s sung! HON. GEOFF DAVIS f HON. MIKE COFFMAN OF KENTUCKY OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO DARRELL CORTEZ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, January 20, 2010 HON. ZOE LOFGREN Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, OF CALIFORNIA today I rise to pay tribute to Army SPC Bryan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Madam Speak- C. Florence of Louisville, Kentucky, who near- Wednesday, January 20, 2010 er, today our national debt is ly lost his life on September 2, 2007 during an $12,319,326,469,724.43. IED explosion in Baghdad. Specialist Florence Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Madam is a true American hero and an exceptional Speaker, today I rise to honor Darrell Cortez, On January 6th, 2009, the start of the 111th Kentuckian who inspires us all with his a 30-year veteran of the San Jose´ Police De- Congress, the national debt was strength and sacrifice. I ask that a poem partment on the occasion of his retirement. $10,638,425,746,293.80. penned by Albert Caswell in honor of Spe- Darrell Cortez began his tenure with the This means the national debt has increased cialist Florence and his family be placed in the SJPD shortly after receiving his degree in Ad- by $1,680,900,723,430.63 so far this Con- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD as follows: ministration of Justice from San Jose´ State gress. BRYAN’S SONG University in 1978. In his capacity as a Peace Officer, Darrell has worked the Field Training This debt and its interest payments we are Bryan’s Song . . . Bryan’s heart, beating loud! Beating long! Officer Unit, Narcotics Covert Investigations passing to our children and all future Ameri- Beating strong! Unit, and Drug Enforcement Administration cans. A hero’s heart, which to him now so belongs! Task Force. Darrell also served on the Sexual

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 380 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 Assaults Unit, Sexual Assault Felony Enforce- HONORING THE 3RD BRIGADE The Lake Okeechobee Muck Rat Nation ment, SAFE, the Red Car Rapist Task Force, COMBAT TEAM Scholarship Fund, named after those people and the School Liaison Unit, and was addition- who make their living working in the fields ally assigned to State Bureau of Narcotics En- HON. WILLIAM L. OWENS within the Everglades Agricultural Area, will forcement. OF NEW YORK enable more Belle Glade students to enroll in Officer Cortez’s commitment to serve and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Palm Beach Community College. Dr. Guzman protect has remained constant throughout his donated $100,000, most of his life savings, to Wednesday, January 20, 2010 career. Just last week he responded to a call establish the fund. Two $500 scholarships will regarding an apparent suicide. With days left Mr. OWENS. Madam Speaker, I rise today be available for students who are accepted by before his retirement, Darrell came upon a to pay homage to the soldiers, family mem- the school, enrolled for at least 12 credits per woman who had stopped breathing as the re- bers, friends, USO supporters and the entire term, live in Palm Beach County, attend the sult of the suicide attempt. Despite her initial North Country community as they welcome Belle Glade campus, and demonstrate finan- unresponsiveness, Darrell was able to resusci- home the 3rd Brigade Combat Team. Tomor- cial need. tate the woman, saving her life. row the Spartans will celebrate their home- Education has always been a priority for Dr. In addition to his official duties, Darrell vol- coming among those who tirelessly supported Victor Guzman, a 95-year-old retired agricul- unteers for a better world. them while in Afghanistan. It is that greater tural research scientist who worked for the community that I tribute today. University of Florida. A native of Peru, the Uni- Darrell Cortez is the California State Chap- No effort by our service men and women is versity of Florida hired him in 1951 to help im- ter president of the National Latino Peace Offi- conducted in a vacuum; behind every soldier prove local farmers’ crop production. He spent cers’ Association having served this organiza- departing U.S. soil stands a dedicated team of his career developing chemicals for weed con- tion, both in the founding Santa Clara County family, friends and civilian volunteers who tire- trol as well as virus-resistant strains of lettuce Chapter and Statewide, in several capacities lessly work behind the scenes. Their efforts that thrive in the rich, organic soil surrounding on the executive board. Either under his lead- are seldom recognized for what they really Lake Okeechobee. These contributions have ership or with his involvement, the NLPOA has are—absolutely vital to the achievements of benefited the health and nutrition of the people raised more than $100,000 to fund their schol- soldiers in harm’s way and essential to ensure in his community and around the world. arship program. These funds support not only a smooth transition when they return home. Madam Speaker, Dr. Victor Guzman is an undergraduate students but also graduate stu- The community surrounding Fort Drum has excellent role model for us all. He has in- dents seeking an advanced degree in profes- shown an amazing capacity to support our sol- vested in the future of his community by mak- sional schools. Scholarship recipients have diers in every possible way. From providing ing higher education accessible to more young gone on to serve this nation in many capac- shipments of care packages to volunteering at people. Generations of students in the Glades ities. In fact, a member of my staff is a grateful USO events and the support of the Fort Drum area will be forever indebted to him for his past beneficiary of one such scholarship. Regional Liaison Organization, the North compassion and concern. When Darrell was assigned to the Commu- Country has provided outstanding assistance f nity Services Division of the San Jose´ Police to the 3rd BCT. Department, he took this opportunity to not One particular event that wouldn’t have hap- PERSONAL EXPLANATION only protect and serve the residents of San pened without the community’s support is the Jose´, but to protect and serve their future by ‘‘Spartan Spectacular.’’ This celebration of the HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY working closely with youth in local schools. Of brigade has been driven by the USO, and OF CALIFORNIA particular focus were the children of Horace funded by generous donations from devotees IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mann Elementary School. He had, all too of the 10th Mountain Division like Mr. Alfred Wednesday, January 20, 2010 often, seen acts of violence or threats in the Weissman. To Mr. Weissman, the soldiers and schools. families of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, and Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, on Janu- Darrell feels strongly that if some kind of the greater Fort Drum community, I express ary 19, 2010, I was unavoidably detained and positive intervention is made at an early age my sincere thank you for all you do in support was unable to record my vote for rollcall No. during the lives of these children, then they of the defense of our country. 6. Had I been present I would have voted: would be able to contribute to the future of our f Rollcall No. 6: ‘‘yes’’—Congratulating the society. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Darrell Cortez’s efforts to bridge the divide RECOGNIZING THE GENEROSITY Medicine for its 150 years of commitment to between law enforcement and communities of OF DR. VICTOR GUZMAN advancing science and improving health. color were a natural result of profound pride in f both his Mexican heritage and in being a HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS HONORING CORPORAL peace officer. He always strives to be the best OF FLORIDA CHRISTOPHER MILITO in both his work and his community service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In recognition of his good work, Darrell Cor- Wednesday, January 20, 2010 tez has received numerous commendations HON. ROBERT A. BRADY Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, and resolutions. But perhaps most importantly, OF PENNSYLVANIA I rise today to honor Dr. Victor Guzman, he has earned the respect and high regard of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES whose great generosity in creating a scholar- a grateful community. ship fund for the Palm Beach Community Col- Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Great acts of service often require great lege Foundation will increase access to higher Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Madam sources of inspiration. Fortunately for Silicon education for young people in the Belle Glade Speaker, I rise to honor one of the finest peo- Valley, Darrell finds such inspiration in his community. ple I have ever known, Christopher Milito. family. His father, Toma´s Cortez, served this Dr. Guzman was motivated to establish the Cpl. Milito was tragically taken from us on Country honorably in the U.S. Armed Forces Lake Okeechobee Muck Rat Nation Scholar- January 16, 2010. He died in the line of duty during World War II. Darrell’s mother, the late ship Fund after reading an article last year in protecting civilians as a member of the Dela- Aurelia Quihuis Cortez, is remembered by the Palm Beach Post. The article reported on ware River Port Authority Police Department. Darrell as a steadfast matriarch and one of the the low graduation rates among black males in He joined the department on January 31, original ‘‘Rosie the Riveters.’’ Belle Glade and detailed the low wages, high 1994, and quickly became one of its most Darrell is devoted to his wife of almost 30 incarceration rates, insufficient job prospects, popular and respected officers. years, Alicia Cortez, and is the proud father of and lack of hope felt by so many young black Christopher grew up in my neighborhood, Ricardo, Emilio, and Lorena. men in the western Palm Beach County com- the Overbrook section of Philadelphia. I’ve It is a great honor to thank Officer Darrell munity. Living in the Glades for almost 60 known him and his family for years. He was Cortez for his service and congratulate him as years, Dr. Guzman realized that there were that rare person that everyone loved. He he begins this new and well deserved chapter too many young people who did not have the never had a bad thing to say about anyone. in his life. I am proud to call him friend. economic means to go to school. He was kind, unselfish, and had a heart as big

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 381 as all outdoors. He loved his community, he Please join me in sending condolences to me to hire you regardless of what you could loved his country, and he loved being a police his family. do or couldn’t do,’ because of all those cus- officer. But more than anything, he loved his tomers I got, and it was a kind of a reward f for that.’’ family. HONORING PAUL BALES Bales might not have been able to plate Cpl. Milito never took anything for granted the press, but he could do other jobs at the and always gave his best at whatever he was newspaper, and did, at the same time attend- doing. Over the course of his career, he re- HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. ing high school and working several other ceived 28 letters of commendation, most nota- OF TENNESSEE jobs. His schedule was school from 8:30 to 11 bly for his participation in crime prevention IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a.m., newspaper from 12 to 5 p.m., Luke’s presentations to youth. Cpl. Milito wasn’t satis- Pool Room from 6 to 12 p.m., bagging gro- Wednesday, January 20, 2010 fied with only doing a great job; he also ceries on Sundays at a local corner store, Mr. DUNCAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today and selling concessions at University of Ten- pushed to educate himself. A 1988 graduate nessee ball games during home games. of Lamberton High School, he attended Com- to honor a newspaper legend in my district LIKES TO DRAW munity College of Philadelphia and earned a and recognize his lifelong commitment to one of the greatest communities in the Nation. Bales said he wanted to be a cartoonist, certificate in police training from Camden and when he saw an advertisement for an art County College in 1994. Paul Bales recently retired as advertising course through Art Instruction of Min- He attended Temple University at night to major accounts executive at The Daily Times nesota, he saved his money and paid the $175 earn his Bachelor’s Degree in criminal justice. in Maryville, Tennessee. For the last 125 to take the mail-in cartoonist course. He was And, he was just a few hours away from earn- years, the people of Maryville and Blount still in high school at that time. ing his Master’s Degree in criminal justice at County have turned to The Daily Times for ‘‘I could draw the bottom of characters West Chester University when he was so trag- news coverage that focuses on their commu- real good, but I could never get the head in ically taken from us. nity. Paul has been a part of this tradition for perspective the way it ought to be,’’ he said. Madam Speaker, I know that my colleagues more than 50 years. ‘‘There was another course in there in adver- tising, so I took that course.’’ will join me in expressing our deepest condo- He began at The Daily Times as a paper When he graduated from that course, the lences to his family, as well as thanking them carrier in the early 1950s, and through his de- publisher of The Daily Times asked Bales to for letting him brighten all of our lives. termination, hard work, and devotion, he create an advertisement using several com- f quickly rose through the ranks. Despite his ponents he would be given. challenging work, Paul devoted many hours to ‘‘I did that and he looked at me and said HONORING RICHARD E. LINDNER charity, including the Empty Pantry Fund ‘Congratulations. You are now a member of the advertising department,’ ’’ Bales said. which he headed. The Daily Times Publisher He has been in the advertising department HON. JEAN SCHMIDT Max Croster said, ‘‘He’s probably the most ever since. OF OHIO wonderful person I’ve ever known.’’ COMPASSION FOR OTHERS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, I urge my Colleagues and Bales is well-known for his compassion for Wednesday, January 20, 2010 other readers of the RECORD to join me in con- others. His parents, Fred and Gladys Bales, Mrs. SCHMIDT. Madam Speaker, I rise to gratulating Paul Bales on his retirement and inspired him, but he always looked to his honor the life of Richard E. Lindner—a Cin- contributions to The Daily Times and Blount Grandmother Bales as the example he want- County, Tennessee, community. I see no bet- ed to follow. cinnati business and philanthropic icon. The ‘‘She lived in Bales ‘Holler’ in Friendsville, youngest son of Carl H. Lindner Sr. and Clara ter way to honor Paul than to bring attention to a tribute that appeared in the The Daily and she was always, always, doing things for Ann Serrer, Richard was born on September people,’’ Bales said. ‘‘She had no money but 14, 1921 in Dayton, Ohio. Times on December 13, 2009, which is re- she could do things for other people. She had Growing up during the Depression, Richard printed below. a heart of gold.’’ learned the value of hard work. Together the BALES TO RETIRE At Christmastime, she would barter chick- Lindner Family created a successful chain of (By Linda Braden Albert) ens and eggs for apples, oranges and nuts from the ‘‘rolling store,’’ which brought sup- dairy stores. They opened their first United Paul Bales, advertising major accounts ex- plies to the neighborhood, and give them to ecutive at The Daily Times, has announced Dairy Farmers in 1940. Richard’s first job was Bales and his siblings for Christmas. hauling milk from the surrounding country that he will retire from the newspaper as of ‘‘To make sure we were all divided equally, farms to the family dairy. Dec. 31. His duties will then be assumed by she would give us for each year of our age Richard left the family business to serve his Quentin Anthony, who has been with the ad- that number of walnuts, and apples and or- country in World War II as a Navy non- vertising department for more than 30 years. anges,’’ Bales recalled. ‘‘We always looked Bales will continue to fill the role of forward to that, and she also had orange commissioned officer in the Pacific Theater, Empty Pantry Fund chairman, however, and where he was decorated for his service to his slices. That was our Christmas.’’ plans to stay actively involved in other com- Bales started his community service at the country. munity projects. age of 6. He lived in the Alnwick community He married Helen Victoria Gill of Lynn, Mas- Bales began his career at The Daily Times of Blount County and would take his dog to sachusetts in 1942. Together they had one as a paper carrier in the early 1950s when he visit the residents of the Blount County Poor son, Richard Jr., and three daughters, was a high school student. Even at that Farm, where William Blount High School Charlene, Suzanne, and Carol. young age, the irrepressible Bales showed his stands today. In 1959, the Lindner family purchased work ethic and expertise in sales. ‘‘I’ve always had compassion for other peo- ‘‘I started out with 17 customers on my Thriftway, a four-store grocery chain. Richard ple,’’ Bales said. ‘‘I wanted them to be able route, and the circulation manager told me to pet the dog but I also wanted little knick- became Chief Executive Officer and Chairman he wanted it to grow,’’ Bales recalled re- of Thriftway Inc. Before selling the company in knacks for them. I’d pick strawberries at cently at his office. ‘‘In no time flat, I had 73 this man’s farm, and what little I got paid, 1995, Thriftway had become the second-larg- customers. I did. I poured it on.’’ I’d take to the little store there at Alnwick est privately owned company in the Greater SEVERAL JOBS and buy cookies and take them over there to Cincinnati region. Soon afterward, Bales was told the news- the Poor Farm. They really loved that.’’ Richard Lindner had an untiring passion for paper wanted to hire someone to roll papers, Unfortunately, the strawberry picking the people of Cincinnati. He is fondly remem- do general tasks and ‘‘plate the press,’’ didn’t last too long. The farmer told Bales he bered for his generosity, charity and for his which involved attaching 30- to 35-pound was eating more than he was picking and let amazing business acumen. His charitable giv- plates to the press and clamping them down him go. ing is most notable around the University of so they wouldn’t come off during the print- MARYVILLE/ALCOA JAYCEES Cincinnati, but the list of those that benefited ing process. The circulation manager asked A turning point in Bales’ life came when he from his generosity reached nearly every cor- Bales to come in and give it a try. was invited to attend a meeting of the Mary- ‘‘At that time, I only weighed about 137 ville/Alcoa Jaycees by one of the members. ner of our community. pounds, and I couldn’t hardly pick it up ‘‘I told him that I didn’t want to join any- Madam Speaker, Cincinnati will dearly miss much less clamp it down on the press,’’ Bales thing,’’ Bales said. ‘‘Then I asked him a Richard Lindner. Fortunately, his legacy will said. ‘‘I started walking out. If I couldn’t do question, and I’m glad I did—I asked him, live on through his children and grandchildren what they wanted me to do, they wouldn’t ‘What do the Jaycees do?’ He said, ‘Well, and the many institutions he endowed. hire me, of course. And he said, ‘They told they help people.’ ’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 382 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 That convinced Bales to attend a meeting, daughter-in-law, Brian and Bridget Bales, (Ayiti), declared Haiti’s independence after and he was soon taken under the wings of the who now live in Scottsdale, Ariz., with their years of war against the French colonizers. older men. They watched over Bales and en- daughters, Brooke and Brittany. Bales will This historical rebellion, in which an army of couraged him. continue to be involved in community ‘‘They gave me an application to fill out, projects, especially the Empty Pantry Fund. former slaves defeated one of the world’s and all of a sudden I was chairman of the ‘‘I’ve always been involved knee-deep and greatest powers, was the only successful Empty Pantry Fund,’’ Bales said with a overhead in doing for others and I’ll continue slave revolt in the New World and a clear ex- laugh. ‘‘That was in 1954. I think they found that forever,’’ Bales said. ‘‘There are always ample of the human race’s universal thirst for out they had a turkey to take over that people to be helped, and I want to be right in freedom. project, and I was the one! Those were a the middle of it.’’ Haiti’s legacy of courage and triumph over bunch of good, nice businesspeople that I f oppression led indirectly to America’s western needed.’’ expansion. The defeat of the French Napoleon COMMUNITY SERVICE JEWISH CEMETERY IN IOANNINA Army by the Haitians, albeit indirectly, helped Max Crotser, publisher of The Daily Times, America expand its territories towards the said words can’t explain Paul Bales. West with the Louisiana Purchase. The loss of He’s probably the most wonderful person HON. SHELLEY BERKLEY I’ve ever known,’’ Crotser said, then related OF NEVADA its most profitable colony forced France to sell a story that happened several years ago in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES others, including what was then called Lou- the dead of winter. ‘‘Paul and I were in the Wednesday, January 20, 2010 isiana, which represents around 23 percent of car going someplace and saw a man walking United States territory today. down the road with no coat. He was cold, and Ms. BERKLEY. Madam Speaker, I rise As we take this time to honor the second Paul stopped and bought him a warm coat. today to call my colleagues’ attention to some free nation in the history of the Western Hemi- He went back and gave the man the coat, extraordinary news from Ioannina, Greece. sphere, second only to the United States, let and the man went on his way. But that’s Last month, a group of citizens called the Citi- us recommit our friendship and support to the Paul. He would do anything for a person in zens Initiative for the Defense of the Jewish need.’’ people of Haiti as it moves toward economic Crotser attributes the wide community Cemetery of Ioannina held a public rally and political stability. Although problems re- support for the Empty Pantry Fund to Bales. against anti-Semitism, bringing Jews and main, Haiti is on target to recapture its legacy ‘‘Because of the trust people have in Paul Christians together to combat racism and ha- of resilience and valor. It is this same valor Bales, the Empty Pantry Fund is one of the tred. that was used when supporting the United most successful charities around,’’ he said. The Jewish cemetery of Ioannina, which States with additional troops during the Amer- Daily Times Editor Dean Stone has known was vandalized four times in 2009, is a cul- ican Revolution and we thank them for their Bales for a long time: Stone has been with tural monument of one of the oldest Jewish The Daily Times for 62 years and Bales for support and sacrifice. about 55, he said. Stone also mentioned how communities in the world—dating back almost This past year, Haiti has received unprece- valuable Bales has been to the Empty Pantry 3,000 years to the time of the Babylonian dented diplomatic attention which has resulted Fund, which began as a project of the Mary- exile. The Jewish community of Ioannina be- in political stability, economic growth, greater ville/Alcoa Jaycees and The Daily Times in lieves the cemetery vandals are members of a access to education, and success in the fight 1952. neo-Nazi group. against the AIDS/HIV epidemic in the country. ‘‘We went from that first year having Therefore, the Citizens Initiative came to- These reports bring a sense of pride to all about 120 homes, and now we have over 1,400 gether—Jews and Christians alike—to create a year,’’ Stone said via telephone from his those who know Haiti’s history and its signifi- room at Blount Memorial Hospital, where he ‘‘a human chain against racism’’ surrounding cance to all freedom-loving people. is recovering from surgery. the cemetery, showing support for the Jewish We call to the attention of my colleagues He said Bales’ reputation is not limited to community and demonstrating their outrage at the outstanding direction of President Rene´ Blount County. A Louisiana couple has sup- the recent desecrations. Additionally, a public Pre´val and Haiti’s diplomatic representatives, ported the project for several years, and this exhibition highlighted the historic Jewish com- Ambassador Raymond Joseph and Consul year, an anonymous donation from a visitor munity there and the cemetery’s significance General Felix Augustin. I thank them for their from California was made to the Empty Pan- in that history. leadership and service to the country of Haiti, try Fund. Madam Speaker, I applaud the good citi- ‘‘He said he had been around town and even during the most challenging of times. asked everybody he saw what was the best, zens of Ioannina who organized and partici- They are champions of democracy, and I sa- most worthwhile charity he could give to, pated in this remarkable event. I hope their lute them for their dedication to fulfilling Haiti’s and every answer he got was ‘Empty Pantry good will and unity will compel the political legacy. I would also like to recognize former Fund’ ’’ Stone said. leaders of Ioannina to act against the vandals President Bill Clinton in his capacity as United ‘PURE DETERMINATION’ in their city. This kind of citizen action should Nations special envoy to Haiti, for rallying new Larry Aldridge, executive editor at The also serve as a beacon to people everywhere international and corporate support. Daily Times, said he is most impressed with who seek to put an end to racism and anti- Madam Speaker, I invite you and our col- Bales’ dedication to the community. Semitism: it proves ’s theory leagues in joining me to celebrate Haiti’s inde- ‘‘Since I’ve been here he’s probably been yet again that ‘‘a small group of thoughtful, pendence and committing ourselves to sup- responsible for more community service committed citizens can change the world. In- projects in Blount County than anyone I porting them in the future. know,’’ Aldridge said. ‘‘I worked with him on deed, it is the only thing that ever has.’’ f f several projects, including the new Blount PERSONAL EXPLANATION County Library. I have always admired his pure determination to find a way whenever HONORING THE REPUBLIC OF there’s a need.’’ HAITI DURING ITS 206TH ANNI- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY VERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE Evelyn Sandlin, advertising director, said OF NEW YORK she had heard of Bales throughout her career and was pleased to work with someone of his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES experience and dedication. HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL Wednesday, January 20, 2010 ‘‘It will be sad and exciting, and I will be OF NEW YORK calling him,’’ she said of Bales’ retirement. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. MALONEY. Madam Speaker, on Janu- ary 19, 2010, I missed rollcall votes Nos. 6, 7, ‘‘We’ll all miss him, not just for his work, Wednesday, January 20, 2010 but his fun.’’ and 8. Crotser described Bales as a great guy and Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today Had I been present, I would have voted a great employee. to recognize the first Black republic in the New ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall votes No. 6, congratulating ‘‘There are very few people in this world World, as it celebrates its 206th anniversary the Northwestern University Feinberg School like Paul Bales,’’ he said. ‘‘I have the utmost as a nation, and for serving as an inspiration of Medicine for its 150 years of commitment to respect for him and wish him all the best in his retirement. We’re going to miss him, but to all who support democracy. advancing science and improving health, No. we won’t let him go away.’’ On January 1, 1804, General Jean-Jacques 7, congratulating the Penn State women’s Bales is planning to spend time traveling Dessalines, leader of the Haitian Revolution volleyball team on winning the 2009 NCAA Di- with his wife, Anita, and visiting his son and and the first ruler of an independent Haiti vision I national championship, and No. 8,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 383 commending the University of Virginia men’s HONORING MR. JAMES REGINALD Pendleton, California; Company Commander soccer team for winning the 2009 Division I LEWIS, JR. Headquarters Support Battalion at Camp Pen- NCAA National Championship. dleton, California; Head of the Programs and f HON. WALTER B. JONES Resources Congressional Branch at Head- quarters Marine Corps Washington, DC; HONORING THE LIFE AND WORK OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Comptroller, Marine Corps University at OF REV. SAMUEL WESLEY Quantico, Virginia; Director, Marine Corps Ap- DIXON, JR. Wednesday, January 20, 2010 propriations Matters at Headquarters Marine Mr. JONES. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Corps Washington, DC. Over his distinguished HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD honor the life of Mr. James Reginald Lewis, career he has been awarded two Meritorious OF NORTH CAROLINA Jr., a U.S. Navy Veteran of World War II. Services Medals, two Navy and Marine Corps IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Born in Clifton Forge, VA, Mr. Lewis served Achievement Medals, the Navy Unit Com- Wednesday, January 20, 2010 on the U.S.S. Canfield in the Pacific theatre. mendation, and various campaign and theatre Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speaker, I rise During his service, Mr. Lewis suffered injuries specific awards. Major Ma’s civilian education today to recognize Rev. Samuel Wesley as a result of a bombing on the U.S.S. Can- includes an undergraduate degree in finance Dixon, Jr., who died tragically last week while field. and Master of Business Administration from on a humanitarian mission in Haiti. Reverend After returning from war, he graduated from the Naval Postgraduate School as a Conrad Dixon was deeply dedicated to improving the Benjamin Franklin University in Washington, Scholar Awardee. lives of the people in the greatest need of as- DC where he worked for an accounting firm. It was during his last assignment that I first sistance, and I am proud to honor his lifetime In 1949, Mr. Lewis suffered a brain hemor- came to know Major Ma. In this capacity, he of commitment and service. rhage related to his injuries from World War II has proved to be an invaluable link between Reverend Dixon grew up in North Carolina, and became paralyzed. Even with his handi- the United States Marine Corps and the Ap- the son of Samuel Wesley Dixon, Sr., and Mil- cap he lived a full life and raised seven chil- propriations Committee. Major Ma has es- dred Dixon. He graduated from Statesville dren. He was active in Holy Family Parish in corted me, other Members of Congress, and High and attended college at the University of Washington, DC and the Knights of Columbus. staff on several occasions as the committee North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He earned a Mr. Lewis moved to Morehead City with his conducted inspection trips to review military doctoral degree in ministry from the Chicago family in 1981, where he continued an active operations and confirm the health and welfare Theological Seminary. life with St. Egbert’s Parish and Knights of Co- of our troops. He began his ministry in 1975, serving as lumbus Operation Lamb. On every occasion, Major Ma performed his pastor of rural, urban, and small town con- In reading of Mr. Lewis’ life, he was a truly duties in an exacting and precise manner. But gregations, including churches in Sneads inspirational man, who even during the last far more important to me was his thorough Ferry, Durham, Swepsonville and Swansboro. few years when he was confined to a wheel- knowledge of the Marine Corps and the appro- In 1996, Rev. Dixon became pastor of the chair, was always cheerful and friendly. Mr. priations and budget process. He could always First United Methodist Church of Roanoke Lewis possessed courage and a strong char- be depended on to know the status of funds Rapids. acter that inspired many in Eastern North and the impact they were having on our Ma- In 1998, he joined the staff of United Meth- Carolina. rines and their families. odist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), a promi- He died on December 23, 2009 at the age Madam Speaker, I also want to recognize nent disaster relief and assistance agency of 84. He is survived by his loving wife, Mrs. the Ma family: his wife Julie Kay, daughter which assists people around the globe. He as- Jean Davis Lewis, six children, twelve grand- Alysson, and his son Andrew. We can ill afford sumed leadership of the organization in 2007. children and two great-grandchildren. to forget that it is the strength of family, and Writing in New World Outlook, Global Min- Mr. Lewis will be missed every day; how- indeed their love and support, that make it istries’ mission magazine, he described ever, the bravery and strength he showed dur- possible to honorably serve in uniform. UMCOR as serving ‘‘God’s creation on behalf ing his service to the U.S. Navy and after- In closing, I want to express my thanks and of The United Methodist Church’’ and ‘‘pro- wards will forever be remembered. appreciation for the special contribution Major viding help and hope to people in serious situ- f Bill Ma has made to the Department of the ations.’’ The work, he said, ‘‘hearts and hands Navy and the United States Marine Corps. I with others in building a sustainable future for RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE AND wish Major Ma and his family continued suc- an amazing multitude of people.’’ ACHIEVEMENTS OF MAJOR WIL- cess. Semper Fidelis. LIAM W. MA, UNITED STATES Reverend Dixon and two colleagues were at f the Hotel Montana to work with other agencies MARINE CORPS in developing plans for improving health serv- TRIBUTE TO OPERATION BLUE ices in Haiti, the poorest country in the west- HON. JOHN P. MURTHA RIDGE THUNDER, SAFE SURFIN’ FOUNDATION, AND MOOSE ern hemisphere. The three were trapped in the OF PENNSYLVANIA INTERNATIONAL rubble of the hotel following the earthquake. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Reverend Clint Rabb and Reverend James Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Gulley were rescued, but Reverend Rabb later HON. BOB GOODLATTE died from his injuries. Reverend Gulley sur- Mr. MURTHA. Madam Speaker, I rise today OF VIRGINIA vived and was able to return to his home in to pay tribute to an outstanding officer who will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shortly be leaving active duty. Major William Denver. Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Reverend Dixon and his wife, Cindy, are the W. Ma will be retiring from the United States parents of four grown children and grand- Marine Corps on March 31, 2010, after more Mr. GOODLATTE. Madam Speaker, I am parents of two children. His mother and three than 21 years of active military service, culmi- delighted today to recognize two organizations sisters also survive him. nating as Director, Marine Corps Appropria- in Virginia’s Sixth District and a major inter- Reverend Dixon was a gifted minister who tions Matters in the Secretary of the Navy’s national organization for a cooperative effort was known for his selflessness and commit- Appropriations Matters office. that is protecting our most innocent citizens— ment to ensuring love and care for the sick, Major Ma enlisted in the Marine Corps in our children. Founded in Bedford County, Vir- hungry and poor around the world. He died 1988 and in 1993 was accepted into the Ma- ginia Operation Blue Ridge Thunder has been doing what he loved, and he will be greatly rine Corps Enlisted Commissioning and Edu- led from its inception by Sheriff Mike Brown. It missed by many people. cation Program. In 1996 he graduated Summa is recognized around the United States and Madam Speaker, Reverend Dixon was a Cum Laude from the University of Arizona and internationally as an Internet Crimes Against tireless and inspirational servant of God, and received his commission in the Marine Corps. Children Task Force. In 1998, Sheriff Brown I ask that you join me in offering our prayers Throughout his career Major Ma has held nu- started the Safe Surfin’ Foundation to focus on and deepest condolences to the community merous high level financial management, lead- Internet safety training for boys and girls and his wife and family during these difficult ership and staff positions, including tours with through schools, law enforcement agencies, times. the Force Service Support Group at Camp and civic groups. From day one, I have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 384 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 watched and supported their efforts closely. IN TRIBUTE TO THE INSPIRED CONGRESSMAN KILDEE SAYS Today, I wish to extend thanks to Moose Inter- LIFE OF PUBLIC SERVANT BUD FAREWELL TO THE HOUSE PAGES national for stepping forward through the HARRISON Moose Lodge in Bedford to offer assistance in HON. DALE E. KILDEE the ongoing battle to protect young people as OF MICHIGAN they use the Internet. Moose International HON. JACKIE SPEIER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES went to its 1.3 million members and explained OF CALIFORNIA the need to support the special work of Sheriff Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Brown and his dedicated assistants. As a re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, as chairman sult, Moose International has generously do- Wednesday, January 20, 2010 of the House Page Board, I would like to take nated $150,000 to enable the Safe Surfin’ this opportunity to express my personal grati- Foundation to continue its outreach. In addi- Ms. SPEIER. Madam Speaker, our Nation, tude to all the pages for all they have done to tion, Moose International has joined in a Safe and specifically, the San Francisco Peninsula, serve so diligently in the House of Represent- Surfin’ ‘‘train the trainers’’ program. This as- lost a true leader and dedicated public servant atives during the 111th Congress. I am joined sistance is permitting even more children and with the passing of A.C. ‘‘Bud’’ Harrison. Bud in this endeavor by my good friend and vice their parents to learn the benefits of Internet served his community in many ways. He was chair of the Board, ROB BISHOP. safety. I highly commend Moose International an appointed member of the San Mateo Coun- We all recognize the important role that con- for recognizing the benefits of the Safe Surfin’ ty Board of Supervisors and served twelve gressional pages play in helping the U.S. Foundation. Their generosity will permit the years on the Burlingame City Council, includ- House of Representatives operate. These battle to continue nationwide against those ing three terms as Mayor. groups of young people, who come from all who would prey on our children through the But Bud’s greatest influence was as an edu- across our Nation, represent what is good use of technology. cator. He was a favorite American Govern- about our country. ment teacher at both Capuchino and Bur- To become a page, Madam Speaker, these f lingame High Schools before moving on to young people have proven themselves to be teach Political Science at the College of San academically qualified. They have ventured HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE away from the security of their homes and OF KENT MUNDELL, DEPUTY Mateo. Over his 33-year career in the class- room, he not only taught government, but en- families to spend time in an unfamiliar city. SHERIFF, PIERCE COUNTY SHER- Through this experience, they have witnessed IFF’S DEPARTMENT couraged his students and fellow faculty to get involved. He even helped run the campaign of a new culture, made new friends, and learned fellow Capuchino teacher Leo J. Ryan when the details of how our government operates. As we all know, the job of a congressional HON. ADAM SMITH he ran for the State Assembly. In fact, I re- page is not an easy one. Along with being OF WASHINGTON member then-Congressman Ryan telling the away from home, the pages must possess the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES story of how he and Bud were responsible for maturity to balance competing demands for getting the Capuchino marching band to per- Wednesday, January 20, 2010 their time and their energy. In addition, they form at John F. Kennedy’s Presidential Inau- must have the dedication to work long hours Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, guration in Washington, DC in 1961. The story and the ability to interact with people at a per- I rise today to honor the memory of Deputy went, the two teachers flipped a coin to see sonal level. At the same time, they face a Walter Kent Mundell of the Pierce County who got to accompany the band and Leo won. challenging academic schedule of classes in Sheriff’s Department, who was shot in the line Madam Speaker, Bud is a native son of San of duty on December 21, 2009 and suc- the House Page School. Francisco, a graduate of the University of San Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join cumbed to his wounds on December 28, Francisco and a 48-year resident of Bur- me and Mr. BISHOP in honoring this group of 2009. Deputy Mundell was a selfless police of- lingame. With his loving wife of 56 years, Do- distinguished young Americans listed below. ficer who dedicated himself to serving his lores, they raised four children—Chuck, Mary, They certainly will be missed. neighbors and community. He will truly be Terry and Cheri. And anyone who knew Bud FALL 2009 SESSION PAGES missed by his colleagues and all who he was well aware of how proud he was of his six served and protected. 1. Adolfo Abreu grandchildren and one great-grandson. The 2. Rachel Aguirre Drawn to law enforcement service as a sec- entire Harrison family deserves our gratitude ond career, Deputy Mundell joined the Pierce 3. Jacquelyn Andrews for graciously sharing their husband, father, 4. Paris Bess County Sheriff’s Department in early 2000. He grandfather and great-grandfather with so 5. Zakariya Binshaieg worked as a patrol deputy in South Hill and many others who benefited from his wisdom, 6. Addison Blair the Mountain detachment, and during his ten- good humor and generous spirit. 7. Martin Boyle ure with the Sheriff’s Department, was a mem- Bud Harrison was no stranger to awards, 8. Alejandro Bunag ber of the Clandestine Lab Team, Air Oper- having been honored by the Burlingame Lions 9. John Cannafax ations, and a Safety Committee Representa- Club as its 1997 Citizen of the Year, awarded 10. Allan Cheng tive. the President’s Award by the Burlingame 11. Sarah Coyle Sheriff’s Deputy Mundell and his partner, Chamber of Commerce, named San Mateo 12. Raquel Cruz Sergeant Nick Hausner, responded to a do- County Citizen of the Year and received the 13. Vanessa Cuppett mestic disturbance call at a home near Outstanding Citizen Award from Shinnyo-en 14. Spencer Davenport Eatonville, Washington on the evening of De- USA. 15. Elizabeth Dixon cember 21, 2009. Shortly after their arrival at 16. Rachel Ferguson But awards and personal acclaim were the scene, Deputy Mundell and Sergeant 17. Jacob Fessler Hausner found themselves ambushed by a never what Bud Harrison was about. First and 18. Andrew Franklin suspect who drew a previously-concealed foremost, he cared about the betterment of his 19. Melissa Goitia handgun and opened fire on the officers. community for his family, his students, and ev- 20. Blair Gremillion Mundell and Hausner, who were wounded, eryone who chose to make the Peninsula their 21. Kristina Griffith were able to return fire, killing the suspect. home. 22. Samantha Guarneros Deputy Kent Mundell is survived by his wife Madam Speaker, not all of us leave an in- 23. Stephanie Henry Lisa, 16-year-old daughter, and 10-year-old delible mark on our community when our time 24. Abigail Herzberg son. I ask my colleagues to join me in affirm- on earth is done. There is no doubt that A.C. 25. Daniel Herzstein ing our support for the law enforcement com- ‘‘Bud’’ Harrison did just that. We are all fortu- 26. Brandon Hill munity at large, and extending our heartfelt nate that Bud Harrison lived here and chose 27. Megan Howe condolences to Deputy Mundell’s family and to give back so much to his community. I was 28. Henry Huang the Pierce County Sherriff’s Department, who privileged to call him a friend and confidant for 29. Dalayna Jackson are grieving this devastating loss. nearly 30 years. 30. Rachel Janik

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 385 31. Alejandro Jimenez-Jaramillo In foreign policy, it’s always crucial that the tragically, every conclusion made and new 32. Jamal Johnson motives of those who would do us harm are policies implemented caused the depression 33. Ryan Lang understood. Denial of the truth and accepting to worsen and legitimized bad economic theo- 34. Mikita Lee more politically palatable excuses will guar- ries that continue to haunt us to this day. 35. Claire Mars antee that threats to our safety will continue The Federal Reserve was not blamed ex- 36. Catherine Martlin as we pursue a seriously flawed involvement cept for not printing enough money fast 37. Emily Matlak overseas. enough. Artificially low interest rates and mal- 38. Junia McKenzie It’s the same in economic policy. If there’s investment, the main source of the grossly dis- 39. Kathleena Morgan denial or ignorance of the real cause of finan- torted economy and bubble of the 1920s were 40. Joshua Nawrocki cial bubbles and the inevitable corrections that exonerated. Not enough regulations were 41. Jake O’Connor must follow, the economy cannot be reener- blamed, thus the Glass-Stiegall Act and the 42. Andrew Olson gized. Securities Act of 1933 were passed and deep- 43. Grace Olson We should have learned the lesson from the ened the depression. Separating commercial 44. Molly Pace Depression of the 1930s that it was a predict- and investment banking and the newly created 45. Stephen Pettyjohn able result from the Federal Reserves orches- SEC were to have solved all future prob- 46. Seth Ratcliff trated excesses of the 1920s. Instead, the lems—as long as the Fed was free from any 47. Abigail Reese new-born Keynesian economists who took restraint in its money creation operation to 48. Claire Rengenstreif charge made certain that the correction would serve big-government spenders and members 49. Nicholas Rudnik not be a one or two year affair as were the 50. Charles Steiner of the banking cartel. 51. Michael Swain previous corrections in our history. The ag- Since the flaws in the monetary and eco- 52. Joseph Tantillo gressive intervention by Hoover and Roo- nomic system were not corrected but made 53. Abbey Thiel sevelt, the Republicans and the Democrats, worse after the Depression, it was to be ex- 54. Elijah Umek turned a short recession into the Great De- pected that periodic booms and busts would 55. Ryan Van Antwerp pression, which lasted until the end of World persist. The longer these cycles could be pa- 56. Jordan Villa War II. pered over with new money and credit, the 57. Kagan S. Walsh The real tragedy was that the interpretation greater would be the distortions and debt that 58. Andrew Warner of the 1930s institutionalized bad economic would one day have to undergo a major cor- 59. Daa’iyah White theories. Unfortunately, and erroneously, the rection. 60. Olivia Wisecup Depression was blamed on the gold standard, That correction is now in its early stages. 61. Bethany Woodley free markets and a lack of regulations. Though Since the dollar was the reserve currency of 62. Jacob Young monetary policy was analyzed, its importance the world and totally fiat since 1971, without 63. Sara Zimmerman was 100 percent misinterpreted. The low inter- any linkage to gold, the financial bubble be- f est rates and excess credit of the 1920s, driv- came worldwide. This bubble that burst in en by Federal Reserve policy, was not consid- 2008 was the largest in history. During the for- IS THAT ALL THERE IS TO A ered a factor in producing the stock market mation of the bubble, the U.S. as the issuer of RECESSION? bubble and the mal-investment. the world currency received undeserved bene- Instead, the 1930s analysts and even later fits. We essentially became the counterfeiter HON. RON PAUL analysis by Milton Freidman and the of the world and no one called us on it. Even OF TEXAS monetarists, along with academic ‘‘scholars’’ today, the trust in the dollar that persists has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES like Bernanke, came to an opposite conclu- buffeted the pain of the correction for us. This sion: the Fed was at fault but only because it unique setup was a prime cause for our bal- Wednesday, January 20, 2010 was too tight, arguing that massive monetary ance of payment deficits and the huge foreign Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, as we start the inflation was the only answer to the slumping debt we owe—the largest in the history of the new year 2010, the establishment politicians, economy. world. The discord in the world financial sys- economists and Wall Street are trying to con- And now we are witnessing a grand experi- tem is telling us that it’s time for us to pay for vince themselves that we have turned the cor- ment by the very person who for years our profligate spending and massive foreign ner and economic growth has once again claimed special knowledge regarding the De- indebtedness. We have lived, as a nation, far begun. The predictions that conditions are get- pression. Chairman Bernanke is in the midst beyond our means and the message is, for ting back to normal come from those who of trying to solve the problem of massive mon- the foreseeable future, that we will be forced never saw the crisis coming and don’t have etary inflation and excessively low interest to live beneath our means as this debt is paid. the vaguest notion what caused it. Some of rates instituted by his predecessor, Alan The inflation optimists are excited about cur- them concede that it could be a jobless recov- Greenspan, by implementing even more infla- rent signs of economic growth and have even ery. That will establish a new definition for a tion at historic rates. The sad part is the an- announced the end of the recession. It is con- recovery. swer to his very risky experiment with the ceivable that a reprieve can be achieved and Official unemployment is at 10 percent but wealth of our country and the health of our the penalty that our economy must endure de- even the government knows that if everyone is economy will take years to analyze. The con- layed. A reprieve must not be confused with a counted, including those individuals that are clusions will be just as flawed as they were in pardon; one is a temporary delay, the other an too discouraged to even be looking for work, the aftermath of the Great Depression by an exemption. The payback for our excesses is the unemployment rate is 17 percent. Free- intellectual and political community that had certain to come. market economists claim the actual unemploy- totally rejected commodity money and the Massively increasing debt and monetary in- ment rate is closer to 22 percent. principle of free market with the current under- flation can slow the crash and change some There’s reason to believe that the correction standing in Washington. government statistics encouraging the opti- is just barely started and has a long way to One hope, though, is that free-market think- mists. But real job growth and return of pros- run. If the financial bubble came from excess ing and Austrian economic theories will have perity will remain elusive. The odds of us once credit created by the Federal Reserve, dou- greater influence in the next decade or two, again becoming an exporter of manufactured bling the money supply can hardly be a solu- since their influence is now on a dramatic up- goods, like steel, cars, and textiles, are re- tion. It wouldn’t make much sense for a doctor swing. But there are a lot of hurdles to over- mote. taking care of a very sick patient from severe come. Ironically, a reprieve may well restore some infection to deliberately give the patient an- In the 1930s, in an effort to find the true confidence and motivate some spending and other infection. Yet that’s what the PhD doc- cause of the crisis, Congress ordered an offi- investment. But instead of restoring long-term tors are doing to our very sick economy. It cial investigation. It became known as the growth, it may well act perversely by precipi- can’t work. It will make the economy much ‘‘Pecora Investigation’’ named after Ferdinand tating price inflation and higher interest rates. sicker. If our leaders don’t wake up soon, the Pecora, the aggressive chief council of the Since today’s interest rates are artificially set, economy will be brought to its knees. Great hearings. It received a lot of public attention much of our investing is unproductively mis- danger lies ahead. and brought about many major changes but, directed.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 386 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 Current enthusiasm in the stock market is have been racked up for future taxpayers to If the Fed tries to reverse the run on the once again a reflection of the message that pay. When it is revealed that the insider dollar, interest rates will also soar, and the low interest rates send. Thus too, the govern- friends of the Fed and Congress get billions of pain on the American citizens will be of such ment’s stimulus package has helped to sustain dollars in bailout at the expense of the middle proportion that political chaos will result. Either the bond bubble, which in time must be de- class, it’s no wonder the people are taking to scenario leads to political and social chaos— flated in order to get back to sound economic the streets and directing their hostilities toward the third event, and the most dangerous. growth. All of this activity poses a threat to the both Republicans and Democrats in Wash- With no ability of the federal government to dollar. ington. Many would agree it’s well-earned fund its commitments, international or domes- Governments are very powerful, and when anger and properly directed. tic, major changes will occur in our system. in partnership with the monetary authorities This anger and frustration will certainly grow The social unrest will elicit cries for govern- that can inflate the currency at will, big gov- as the consequences of the collapse of the fi- ment to exert unusual force to head off a com- ernment thrives. Welfare demands and sense- nancial system become more severe. The plete breakdown of law and order. The ulti- less wars can be financed for long period of concerted effort to prevent the correction the mate trap will be set for a system of govern- time through inflation, as long as trust in the market demands, guarantees a prolonged ag- ment claiming to protect a free society. If more currency lasts. Trust, though ultimately con- onizing crisis. Every effort to reverse the tide power and police authority are not given to the trolled by facts, can be misleading, since cur- will depend on spending, higher deficits, in- federal government, it will be argued that only rency values can gain benefit from a country creased taxes and money creation. This effort anarchy will result. If more government polic- that has a strong military and wealth and a is now providing another grand bubble: the ing power is given, it will mean a lethal threat reasonably healthy economy. Eventually, mar- dollar/bond bubble. to civil liberties. Already we have permitted the kets and reality overwhelm, and illusions about The next event will be a dollar crisis. A full- notion that a single person, the Attorney Gen- a currency’s worth become a reality. blown dollar crisis will be worse than our cur- eral or President, can decide who is an Today, reality is setting in and the first of rent financial crisis. The extent of a dollar cri- ‘‘enemy combatant’’, thus denying that indi- three major events has begun. The worldwide sis depends on whether or not the Washington vidual the right to habeas corpus, permitting financial system, built on a foundation of politicians wake up and change their ways—a indefinite detentions without charges made. paper, has received the shock waves of an dubious hope. This attitude toward civil liberties has changed More likely, the insanity will continue until impending collapse. significantly since the fear built around 9/11. The wild speculation and the derivatives some not yet known event will undermine the Yes, I know declaring one an ‘‘enemy com- confidence of the dollar worldwide. Signs of market, the stock market bubble, the insur- batant’’ is reserved for the radical Muslims en- less desire by foreigners to hold our dollars mountable debt—public and private—and the gaged in terrorism against the United States. are already present. I’m certain our Treasury massive mal-investments have been shat- To be reassured by this reasoning is quite and Federal Reserve are pulling out all stops tered. dangerous and naive. Logic should not lead to prevent a massive run on the dollar. At The only solution so far offered worldwide, us to equate suspects with terrorists, and in- present the ‘‘orderly’’ retreat from the dollar is but led by the United States has been to ‘‘print clude American citizens, and yet this has al- money’’ faster, keep interest rates low at prac- working. But it won’t last. China is quite active in investing in national ready been set by precedent. Under difficult tically zero percent, and remove all stops for resources around the world, and including in circumstances, our political leaders will not be controlling deficits. These are the very policies Iran. While we live in the dark ages and be- hesitant to use these powers to maintain that caused the disequilibrium, and doing lieve only our military presence and military order. Tragically, the people may even de- more of the same, but only faster, can hardly threats can protect our access to oil, China is mand it. help our economy. The addiction to easy cred- actually spending some of their savings invest- We are rapidly moving toward a dangerous it and deficit defies a wise political solution. ing in their future access to energy and other time in our history. Society as we know it is Politicians are incapable of delivering the mes- precious metals and minerals. vulnerable to political and social chaos. sage of frugality, common sense, and sound But the orderly retreat from the dollar won’t This impending crisis comes as a con- money. last forever. Since 1973, shortly after the sequence of our flawed foreign and domestic We can expect that the course we are on to breakdown of the Bretton Woods Agreement, economic policies, a silly notion about money, continue and accelerate, since the first event, the dollar has lost 32 percent of its value ignorance about Central Banking, ignoring the the collapse of the financial system, is still in against a Federal Reserve basket of cur- onerous power and mischief of our out-of-con- its early stage. rencies. But that doesn’t tell the real story, trol intelligence agencies, our unsustainable The housing crisis is far from over; the com- since that is a measurement against all other welfare state, and a willingness to sacrifice pri- mercial property crisis has not yet gotten currencies, and they are fiat currencies as vacy and civil liberties in an attempt to achieve much attention, and the financial obligations of well. This gave the dollar an artificial benefit safety and security from an inept government. the government are growing exponentially. from its position of power in great wealth and Dangerous times indeed! And none of this forces the slightest pause in military prowess. The dollar in relationship to What can be done about it? Must we wait the expanding of welfare growth. The number gold, however, is down 97 percent since 1971, for the inevitable and expect to restore our lib- of regulations, which are indeed a tax, are ex- and 82 percent as measured by the CPI. The erties in a street fight against the over- ploding though the market was already suf- dollar, mismanaged by the Fed, has not been whelming power of the state? Not a good op- fering from regulatory excesses. There’s a a benefit to the savers who sought to respon- tion! consensus in Washington that ‘‘wise’’ regula- sibly take care of themselves. They’ve been The only way that we can prevent blood tions can compensate for all the mistakes cheated by a rotten system and are just begin- from running in the streets is to offer a better made by the Federal Reserve, the Executive ning to understand exactly how the Federal idea of the proper role of government in a so- Branch, and Congress. This fallacy has been Reserve has been responsible for the swindle. ciety that desires first and foremost—liberty. around a long time and will be difficult to over- It is impossible to predict the time when And that is impossible without a firm com- come. confidence will be lost, but it can come quick- mitment by our thought leaders to the ideas of The pessimism of the middle class con- ly. Resorting to buying other paper currencies freedom, the source of all creative energy and tinues to get worse despite the prognostication will not be of much help. When the dollar prosperity. An all-powerful state is the threat to of Wall Street and the Administration. Most crashes, most likely the purchasing power of that ideal. Americans know that the standard of living all currencies—since all countries hold dollars The prevailing attitude of the people—as it and real wages have not gone up for the past as a reserve—will go down as well. once was in early America—must be that of 10 years. If you’re not a shrewd stock trader This means that dollars and other cur- liberty and self reliance, rather than the nanny and instead invested in stocks 10 years ago rencies will go into buying consumer items, state and dependency relying on government and held on, in real terms you would have lost precious metals and other physical properties. force to mold all private choices. 20 percent of your savings. The middle class Consumer prices will soar, as well as interest If this is understood, a smooth—although is poorer also because house prices have rates. The central bank will lose control; and not painless—transition to a free society is crashed and many have lost their homes. On the more they inflate, the worse the con- achievable. Ignoring this option will be very top of this, all we hear about is the trillions of fidence becomes. The interest rates will re- destructive to everything that is dear to the dollars of debt and entitlement obligations that spond to these efforts by rising sharply. hearts of most Americans.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with January 20, 2010 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 387 What is it that we must do? We must imme- This title requires all such committees at 50%, focusing on the need to create diately embark on: to notify the Office of the Senate Daily jobs in Indian Country. Balance the budget by reducing spending; Digest—designated by the Rules Com- SD–628 Change our foreign policy to that of non- mittee—of the time, place, and purpose FEBRUARY 2 intervention; of the meetings, when scheduled, and 10 a.m. A full audit and more supervision of the any cancellations or changes in the Energy and Natural Resources Federal Reserve leading to abolishing the meetings as they occur. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Federal Reserve; As an additional procedure along tions of Larry Persily, of Alaska, to be Legalize competition to the Federal Reserve with the computerization of this infor- Federal Coordinator for Alaska Nat- ural Gas Transportation Projects, and with competing currencies; mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Regain respect for civil liberties and privacy Patricia A. Hoffman, of Virginia, to be Digest will prepare this information for Assistant Secretary of Energy for Elec- while reigning in the CIA; printing in the Extensions of Remarks Wean ourselves off the dependence of tricity Delivery and Energy Reli- section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ability. wealth transfers by government; on Monday and Wednesday of each SD–366 Abolish crony capitalism—no subsidies, no week. bailouts, no regulatory or tax privileges to pro- FEBRUARY 4 tect the powerful elite especially the military in- Meetings scheduled for Thursday, 10 a.m. dustrial complex; and January 21, 2010 may be found in the Energy and Natural Resources Eliminate the income tax, inheritance tax Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. To hold hearings to examine the Presi- and taxes on savings and dividends. dent’s proposed budget request for fis- cal year 2011 for the Department of En- None of this can happen without the res- MEETINGS SCHEDULED toration of Congress to its dominant position of ergy. JANUARY 26 SD–366 the three Branches of Government as was 2:30 p.m. originally intended by the Constitution. The Ex- 10 a.m. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Judiciary ecutive and Judicial must be reined in, and fairs Antitrust, Competition Policy and Con- Congress must assert its prerogatives over all To continue hearings to examine intel- sumer Rights Subcommittee legislation curtailing all unconstitutional ligence reform, focusing on the lessons To hold hearings to examine the agendae through budgetary controls. and implications of the attack on Comcast/NBC Universal Merger, focus- Signs abound that angry Americans are now flight 253 on December 25, 2009. ing on the future of competition and SD–342 consumers. more ready than ever before for a change in SD–226 direction that is indeed real. If this program 2:30 p.m. were improvised—even suddenly and dramati- Commerce, Science, and Transportation To hold hearings to examine the nomina- FEBRUARY 10 cally—the adjustment, though significant and tions of Michael Peter Huerta, of the 9:30 a.m. to a degree somewhat painful, would be much District of Columbia, to be Deputy Ad- Energy and Natural Resources shorter and of minor consequence compared ministrator of the Federal Aviation To hold hearings to examine the Presi- to the chaos and poverty that will result if we Administration, and David T. Matsuda, dent’s proposed budget request for fis- refuse to change our gluttonous appetite for a of the District of Columbia, to be Ad- cal year 2011 for the Department of the free lunch. ministrator of the Maritime Adminis- Interior. tration, both of the Department of SD–366 f Transportation, and Timothy McGee, Veterans’ Affairs PERSONAL EXPLANATION of Louisiana, to be Assistant Secretary To hold hearings to examine the Presi- of the National Oceanic and Atmos- dent’s proposed budget request for fis- pheric Administration, Department of cal year 2011 for the Department of HON. BRIAN HIGGINS Commerce. Veterans Affairs. OF NEW YORK SR–253 SR–418 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JANUARY 27 FEBRUARY 11 Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Time to be announced 11:30 a.m. Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I missed Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Energy and Natural Resources Business meeting to consider any pend- several rollcall votes on January 19, 2010. Business meeting to consider any pend- ing nominations. ing nominations. Had I been present I would have voted: SD–366 On #6, on passage of H. Res. 1004, Con- Room to be announced 2:30 p.m. gratulating the Northwestern University Homeland Security and Governmental Af- FEBRUARY 23 Feinberg School of Medicine for its 150 years fairs 9:30 a.m. of commitment to advancing science and im- Federal Financial Management, Govern- Armed Services proving health, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ ment Information, Federal Services, To hold hearings to examine proposed de- On #7, on passage of H. Res. 1015, Con- and International Security Sub- fense authorization request for fiscal gratulating the Penn State women’s volleyball committee year 2011 for the Future Years Defense To hold hearings to examine cutting the Program. team on winning the 2009 NCAA Division I na- SDG–50 tional championship, I would have voted Federal government’s energy bill, fo- cusing on an examination of the sus- ‘‘yea.’’ tainable Federal government executive MARCH 2 On #8, on passage of H. Res. 991, Com- order. 2 p.m. mending the University of Virginia men’s soc- SD–342 Veterans’ Affairs cer team for winning the 2009 Division I NCAA To hold hearings to examine a legislative National Championship, I would have voted JANUARY 28 presentation from Disabled Veterans of ‘‘yea.’’ 9:30 a.m. America. 345, Cannon Building f Veterans’ Affairs Business meeting to consider the nomi- SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS nation of Raul Perea-Henze, of New MARCH 4 Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, York, to be Assistant Secretary of Vet- 9:30 a.m. agreed to by the Senate on February 4, erans Affairs for Policy and Planning, Veterans’ Affairs 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- and any pending calendar business. To hold hearings to examine legislative SR–418 presentations from the Paralyzed Vet- tem for a computerized schedule of all 2:15 p.m. erans of America, Jewish War Vet- meetings and hearings of Senate com- Indian Affairs erans, Military Order of the Purple mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- To hold an oversight hearing to examine Heart, Ex-Prisoners of War, Blinded tees, and committees of conference. unemployment on Indian reservations Veterans Association, Military Officers

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with 388 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 156, Pt. 1 January 20, 2010 Association of America, Air Force Ser- MARCH 18 America, and Iraq and Afghanistan geants Association, and the Wounded 9:30 a.m. Veterans of America. Warrior Project. Veterans’ Affairs SDG–50 345, Cannon Building To hold hearings to examine legislative presentations from AMVETS, National MARCH 9 Association of State Directors of Vet- 9:30 a.m. erans Affairs, Non Commissioned Offi- Veterans’ Affairs cers Association, Gold Star Wives, The To hold hearings to examine a legislative Retired Enlisted Association, Fleet Re- presentation from Veterans of Foreign serve Association, Vietnam Veterans of Wars. SDG–50

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:44 Jan 03, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\E20JA0.000 E20JA0 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with