Mind and Matter V3 N30 Jun 18 1881
IFh.ysi.cal Life—Tlie Priisiarjr Department la tlie Scliool of H um an IFrogrress. fMIN» AND MATTER Publishing Honse.l 182.00 PER ANNUM, Payable In Advance;) NTfw QA VOL III. \ No. 718 Sansom Street, Pblla., Pa. j PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, M. S. 34. { Single Copies Five Cents. > ill/. OI/« Written for the Troy Daily Times. the style of speaking adopted by Apollonius,, thus: out the then civilized world, Damis, who accom ground of our own experience, that they who> TWILIGHT VISIONS. “Apollonius used a style of speaking not eleva panied him during much of that time, and who worship the God over all through Jesus ‘Christ, ted, nor swollen in the language of poetry, nor recorded every thing worthy of especial note, and live according to the Gospel, and pray as they bv John c. ni.Ain yet one too refined, nor too Attic; for whatever would have made some mention of such people, ought to do day and night, have no reason to fear exceeded the Attic mediocrity was considered bv either favorably or unfavorably. That he did not anything from magic.’ So origen is led to speak 11 Be trustful; the angels are ever near yon, . Their unseen pinions are rustling nigh: him dissonant and unpleasant. _ He madeusopf do so, is of itself sufficient proof that neither in answer to some things in Celsus: but it does They come and go with their smiles to cheer you. no fastidious nicety in the division of his dis Jesus Christ, his apostles nor the Christian religion, not appear that Celsus had at all mentioned either In saintly groups from the silent Bky.
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