Published by


November 2, 1942




Reprinted 1999 by the Molokan Advisory Board Revised 2002 for CD.


This booklet is a brief history of the Russian Religious Sect known as Spiritual Christian Jumpers, "Molokans".

To better acquaint our young Molokan generation in the knowledge of our faith, its struggles, and sufferings for existence. Also to show herein how a true Christian Spiritual Jumper stood firm on the teachings of our Lord God, Jesus Christ, our Savior and the Holy Spirit.

All the facts contained herein have been taken from the book "Spirit and Life".

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Our forefathers, of Russian origin, living in central Russia, were forced to attend the Greek-Orthodox in the early days of the Russian settlement. From all outward appearances they seemed to submit to the Greek-Orthodox faith; yet with the inner man (their souls) our forefathers believed in the one and only Almighty God, and not in the wooden or stone icons or idols. In obeying the commandments of God, Spiritual Christians (Molokans), do not obey man-made laws that contradict the Holy Bible. The following are some of these commandments: There shall be no man-made Gods before me, slavery, taking of oaths, preparation or training for wars. Because of their faith and belief in the Holy Scriptures and in the living God, they were forced to suffer persecutions and tortures, even unto unseen depths. Through the wisdom and Spiritual Guidance of God Almighty, they could no longer keep this Spiritual Light and Wisdom a secret; but had to preach the truth of this living faith of God Almighty. Therefore, they had to free themselves from the Greek-Orthodox Church and all of its religious rites. From the forced eating of pork (taxed by the church), and other unclean foods which are pro- hibited by the Old and the New Testament. Where it also is stated, the icon (idol) is not God; and pork is unclean (not meat). For their refusal to partake of unclean foods, and to participate in the worship of idols and icons, they were brought before priests of the Orthodox Church, and charged with failure to attend the Orthodox Church, and of abiding by the church laws. With disregard for age or sex, they were seized and brutally tortured, horsewhipped, beaten with clubs and stoned. Many were left mutilated or crippled for the rest of their lives. Many died from these horrible punishments. Those that survived had their nose or other features cut off, branded like cattle, half of their heads and beards shaven, shackled and sent off to various prisons, where the wardens were instructed to put them to murderous labors. Some of the elders were banished to far off frozen corners of , where even animals rarely survive. Others were taken into slavery for life, some to be used as stakes in card games or other games of chance. The women were forced to milk swine: some were forced to feed young dogs and bear cubs from their own breasts. Young children that were left were sent to institutions and orphanages, where they were taught against their will the faith of the Orthodox Church. Even these diabolical treatments could not shake our forefathers from their faith in the living Almighty God.

Semeon Matveich Uklein and Mathew Semeonovich Dalmatoff taught our people to coordinate their efforts in fulfilling their scriptural beliefs. They were among the first to come forth in open disagreement against the Orthodox Church. By the gracious mercy of God, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our people were sent in a need for freedom to worship God and to interpret His Scriptures as they should be. They went from village to village teaching the true meanings of the Bible. Through their teachings many people were converted to this new faith, Spiritual Christians. In the Greek-Russian Church there are certain days when eating of meat, or drinking of milk are prohibitory. Our people, refusing to abide by these man-made laws, ate meat and drank milk at all times. It is thereby that the name Molokan or "milk drinkers" was given our people in the year of 1765, which we bear to this very day.

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This Spirit filled the hearts of our elders, namely Peter Zhurovtzoff, Maxim Losev, and Mathew Mote- lev, who personally went to the Tsar with documents for pardon, freedom and religious rights. The Document as follows:

THE PETITION To His Imperial Highness the Tsar of all Russia, Alexander Pavlovich, Your Honor:

Since early times we upheld in secret the sect of sincere faith of the Spiritual Christians named by the common people, "Molokans". Founded by our ancestors and forefathers from the word of the Holy Bible given by the Lord God to his servant Moses on Mount Sinai, commandments and laws of justification only for the people of Israel; but in the name of Jesus Christ to open the way for the people that are living under the heavenly skies. He came in the later ages of Israel, born of the Virgin Mary, as a person, teaching all that came unto Him the will of the Lord God. Through signs and miracles in raising of the dead and healing people of different types of sickness. In the end bearing the sufferings of the Cross, on which he died for the sins of all mankind. On the third day he rose from the dead, according to the scriptures, appearing among his disciples after a certain time. He rose to the Heaven with the understanding that he will return to judge the living and the dead. His disciples by His instruction were to wait the fulfillment of His promise of the Holy Spirit, by the Holy Father. Upon receiving this gift, the Apostles preached His word to all corners of the universe. Writing the preaching of the New Testament, the Acts of the Holy Apostles, and the Revelation, Apostle John combined the Old and the New Testament together, which we now know as the Bible, which for many years was forgotten, although it was not forbidden to read it, even though it was hard to understand its writings. For the reason that it did not contain any headings, paragraphs or references. Remaining misunderstood for many years, even though it was re-examined and printed. Until the days of Queen Katerina Alekseevna, () who gave orders to print it in Moscow in 1513, it was not available to the common people of Russia. Now you lighted the lights of the hearts of all our people in our dear fatherland. Shining this light of God, through the Holy Scriptures, teachings from it was like the spreading of the waters of the ocean. This treasure being kept a secret for ages, until it appeared in our beloved Russia. For this has been the wish of our Lord God. Your attention is called to the fact that in all of the Holy Bible writings, nowhere does it say there exists a likeness of which one should bow to; or to portray an image of heavenly, earthly or unearthly likeness. Only to the one and only God Almighty, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It does not say in the scriptures that one should bow to man-made images (icons), or to assume upon one's self the sign of the Cross. All of this is strictly forbidden by the Holy Scriptures. So today the time compels us to open up your Royal Highness this secret, withheld by us since early ages. Since the reign of Prince Alexei Mihailovich (1645), and even to this day this secret was withheld from the knowledge of former monarchs and governors, provincial noblemen, district judges, even to the official priests and their parish. Wherever we gathered to read the Holy Bible or give prayer to God, instantly the priests and their parish would notify the police authorities. Who without pity would beat up, chain and handcuff, put in prison, sentenced to rigorous labors and severe punishment. These unbearable conditions forced us to bring to the attention of Your Highness, the cruel treatments of ancient time of Greece and Rome, identical to those of today. Scattering of families and innocent peoples.

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The elders are banished, the youths forced into armed forces and young children arc given to var- ious institutes. Babies are taken away from the breasts of their mothers and sent to orphanages. To weaken one, heavy taxes, with severe penalties and fines are resorted to. For these reasons we ask you, all merciful ruler, to look upon your humiliated servants. Enter into this consideration of our un- fortunate lives, from these evil, abusive and forever scornful people. We are asking you with tears in our eyes, in the name of all our sufferers, let us be with our own convictions. So that we can establish firmly our ceremonies based upon the Holy Bible; and also on the thirty points, which were formally presented by the two Dukhabor delegates, in the times of Queen Katerina. They in place of receiving mercy, bore great punishment being sent to all parts of Siberia. But we, who are Spiritual Christians, hid away from fear of penalties, into the depths of obscurity, even to the days of the rule of Your Highness. During the first year of your rule, the Dukhabors and Molokans, forwarded a petition to your Highness, asking for the freedom of our long imprisoned and tortured brethren. Immediately you gave orders to free them and returned them to Russia, with individual rewards and shares in the state of Tavria. In this manner, we also lower ourselves before your Royal Highness, asking your attention to our pleas, to free us from the bonds of slavery to the Orthodox Faith. From their tortures and slander against us, our preachers and people. We also ask you to forbid them to enter our homes unnecessarily, so that they would not bring to you and your government officials slanderous lies against our people. Lies, such as, we swear against their clergymen, blaspheme their icons and crosses, and dare to use insolence against your Royal Highness. Following these accusations the police jail us, who are innocent people. We ask you to maintain peace in your kingdom. May the Lord give you consideration, of mercy and peace in His eyes. May God bless our Monarch and all of his House.

Signed by Zhurovtzoff, Losev, and Motelev, in the year of 1805, the 12th day of July, in the presence of the Monarch and all of his Lord Ministers. This petition forwarded by the Spiritual Christian Sectarians, "Molokans". (End of Petition).

Upon accepting the Petition from them on the 15th day of the same month, His Supreme Highness gave orders to appear before him.

The Lord Ministers committee residing at the Capitol, the prince Kytyzov, War Generals, state advisors and the head dignitary of the [Orthodox] Church, all living in St. Petersburg, in the palace of Imperial Advisors. The assembly took place the 15th day of July at 10 o'clock AM, with the Monarch ascending the throne. His Highness immediately ordered his Secretary Sperianski to read the petition brought by the Molokans to the assembled Committee. After finishing reading of the petition, the Monarch willed that their lordships answer in writing the following question: “Lords, what do you think of the aims of these people who patiently bore these wicked slanders against them? Just for reading the Holy Bible issued by myself for just that purpose only?” The first to answer the above question was Prince Kytyzov who said: "Your Highness and all As- sembled Lords, is it possible to stop the word of God, the Holy Bible, so that no Christian or any other race can read it?" Then continuing this question Secretary Sperianski asked: "Spiritual Father give your answer to the above question by Prince Kytyzov.” The Archbishop answered, “As it is impossible to stop the current of the sun, the shining of the moon or the blinking of the stars, so it is impossible to stop the reading of the Holy Bible. Beyond a doubt through it should be opened a path and to give them a good reliable foundation.” The Secretary continued the questioning. “Tsar Almighty, our

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Monarch, from this gathered evidences can you oblige us with your opinion.” Then the emperor giving his highest opinion said, “I confirm my manifesto declaring mercy alike to the Dukhobors and Molokans.” Continuing his speech the Tsar asked, “Lords, do you read the Bible and the New Testament of Jesus Christ, who first came to the Hebrew people? How did he act with those Israelites? With a rough attitude or with the spirit of gentle love? You can see for yourselves in granting their convictions. Herein are words worthy of remembrance from the sayings of the Savior of all mankind. Come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn off me, for I am meek and lowly in heart. So must we take means of patience. Should we, the Christian race, subject these people to persecution and force them to the bosom of the Orthodox Church through severe tortures and cruel methods, heavy beating and various insults? All these cruel considerations were shown these Dukhobors and Molokans. For thirty years endless persecutions and tortures, prisons and penal institutions were filled with these people because of the word of God. This is how Grandmother Katerina Alekseevna acted with these people. She sentenced them to dark cells in Siberia, Archangel, and Volgograd, where many were tortured to death. Regardless of these cruelties, it did not break the morale of these people. But in turn only increasing their numbers. Furthermore, I, the King, order and proclaim all Imperial and State Governments to refrain from stopping these people, but to let them believe in the faith which is their hearts' desire.” After the Monarch finished his speech, one Sherematiev said, “Only they can receive freedom from religion from your orders, those that believe in this faith since early times. But concerning those that fell away from the faith, these should be brought back to the Orthodox Faith for repentance and not be given any other motive, so as to be lead astray again?” Answer to Sherematiev was given by Count Kochoubey, “Yes, it seems that from your advice that you worry very little about the word of God or these unfortunate people. You are concerned only about yourself, because namely you have many, or countless, people like these.” Following is the opinion of Prince Lopokhin, “Listen, can the River Neva stop flowing? Who can stop its swift flowing current? So it is impossible to stop the doings of God. Glance back to the days of Christ and the Apostles, no matter how hard the Jews tried to cover up the path of the Lord, they failed. Themselves ending in death from the weapons of the Romans. Remember the words of clergyman Gamalian who said: What comes from God will not perish. But we, in the end, will be known as the people against God.” Then began the next speech, Galitzen, “Lords, listen to the words of Jesus Christ, who told the people: Until the termination of the days of Israelites, there was no stopping us from gaining the freedom of God. It will be upheld by the people, the fallen church of David. Likewise, we today must understand not to overlook this day. That God appointed his doings through the lower class of people. Even the Savior himself was astonished by the following phrase: I confess to thee, Father of heaven and earth, that you kept all this from the wise, but showed all to the children. So shall we now show, and try to observe, King of Lords, should we not also today show to the lower class of people, the straight path of Christ and his Apostles, omitting the Ecumenical Council and its administration.”

At the conclusion of the High Council, the Monarch gave orders to his secretary to form an Imperial Council Committee and obtain favorable signatures therefore, to the following resolution: Without any obstacle to open this Sect, Molokans, by their own form this religious faith. On the 17th day of the month orders were issued to the petitioning delegates to enter the Senate room.

Questions being asked by his Majesty were such, “How do you understand the Holy Scripture? And how do you pray to God? Sing Psalms? How do you perform your ceremonies? Show us in what nature you perform these ceremonies.”

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Then Zhuravtzoff stood in the Center of the Council in front of the Emperor and began to talk. “We believe without a doubt in the word of God. That consists of the Holy Bible and the New Testament. By the virtue of this knowledge we learn what is necessary for our salvation. Verily, we uphold the word of God, everywhere we preach only the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. After our interpretation of the faith in the Living God, we conclude with songs and prayers.”

The Emperor then bade them, “Go with peace to your homes.” Granting your wish with it. The chosen instantly bowed to the ground and praised God in heaven, also the King and all his ministers, there in leaving the Senate.

The Emperor bade the secretary to order the chief ministry of Police to inform all of the Russian armed forces, State, county, and Community officials, to open this Sect, Spiritual Christians, called the Molo- kans. Notify also the Cardinals, Bishops, and the Clergyman of the Parish, that it is strictly forbidden to enter the homes of these Molokans with their demands. From now on to assign each generation of people their own churchyard concerning those that read the Bible, protect and give them freedom.

(Signed) ALEXANDER 1, and Minister Kochoubey. July 22, 1805, Moscow.

He also issued orders to put an end to all persecutions against our people. With these rights granted our people lived in peace and contentment.

Then after approximately 20 years of freedom, just at the death of Alexander Pavlovich in 1827, the priests of the Orthodox Church again began to persecute our fathers. With false accusations, of blasphemy against the Orthodox Church, and that they would not bow before the icon. Our fathers knew according to the Bible that they (the icons) were not God. Through these accusations, the priests then brought pressure to bear against these poor and innocent people. They were again brutally and outrageously mistreated. Again the prisons began to fill with our people. Chained hand and foot and forced under the whip to arduous labor; building dikes and digging ditches. Many in this weakened and undernourished condition passed away in these miserable surroundings. Some were sent to monasteries and convents, where they were put to work at menial labor. These new persecutions and brutalities lasted for ten years. The priests then forced Nicholas Pavlovich, brother of Alexander, to order the eviction of the Molokans into the wilds of Trans-Caucasia and Siberia. Because they would not accept the Orthodox Faith or participate in military training, this order of eviction was passed in the year of 1839. With this eviction, Tsar Nicholas Pavlovich granted the Molokans military exemption and the right to worship God in their own manner. Then began the heartbreaking task of leaving their homes, friends and rich fertile soil, which was abundantly fruitful at harvest time. Gathering up as little of one's household belongings as one could get together, to lighten this long and hazardous journey, many valuables were left behind. The journey was made either on horse or ox drawn carts, tied one to the other in one long procession, under the rigid surveillance of the police. Under almost unbearable hardships and trying conditions, this dangerous journey was made. Frequent stops were made so that they could earn a few pennies to restock their supplies of dried bread and foodstuffs. Many of the elders were mercilessly forced to walk, chained to criminals and other law offenders. Some were separated from their families. Under such beastly and ruthless treatment several hundred of our people perished en route to their destination. Those that finally arrived, found a wild desolate

7 8 mountainous country, inhabited by semi-savage nomadic tribes of Croats, Kurds, and Georgians. These tribal people lived principally by plunder, robbery and looting. Beginning anew, some of our forefathers tilled the hard rocky soil industriously, working out a meager existence. Others trudged to far off towns, to work as laborers, receiving as little as three rubles a month. Accepting their new environments our forefathers lived gratefully, praising the Lord for their hard-earned liberties.

In the year 1830 the first appearance of the "Holy Spirit" touched the hearts of Spiritual Christians. This was the same Holy Spirit that was bestowed upon the Apostles after the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The gift of Holy Prophesy was bestowed to our fathers in the year 1833.

Through these appearances of the Holy Spirit came forth many converts, including men, women, and children. Those that abide by this Spirit are guided to all righteousness. With the appearance of the Holy Spirit, in the person, there occurred differences of opinion as to the truth of its existence in a person. This caused a rift among the Spiritual Christians, slowly separating them into two groups, the "Spiritual Jumpers," and the “Constants". (Postoyanni). This separation spread throughout the Caucasus Region in a peaceful manner. Soon there appeared in the "Constants" malicious persons, who informed the police. The police began to persecute and abuse all believers of the Holy Spirit, horsewhipping and clubbing them at their meetings, forcing them to meet in secret, in dark cellars or burial vaults. Scores of these attendants were sentenced to prisons. Many were given lashings of fifty to a hundred-fifty lashes. From these and other tortures of fiery nature, numerous deaths occurred and to this day there are living memorial shrubs over the graves of these martyrs.

Among the better known of these sufferers that were imprisoned are Alexandra Danielovna Volkova with an infant, from the town of Constantinovka; from the village Elenovka, the widow Uliana Feodorovna Karakina, Feodor Koozmich Valoff, and Ivan Gregorovich Agalzoff. They were shackled and hand-cuffed in pairs with criminals, and were forced to trudge to concentration camps. Leaving babies and youngsters to the care of relatives, already burdened with their own large families. The camps, being in the Northern Region of Siberia, making it a trip of one year's journeying on foot. The widow Uliana Feodorevna Karakina died in prison. With their sentences served, the sufferers returned to their homes, finding them overgrown with weeds and dilapidated from disuse and pilfering.

Lukian Petrovich Sokoloff served sixty different sentences of imprisonment for his truthful teachings. While imprisoned he made the prophesy, stating, "Our people will soon leave their homeland to places of freedom and refuge." (This prophesy has been fulfilled). Our noble sufferer Sokoloff was released and spent the last of his days in the Caucasus. Here he lived to the ripe old age of 105 years. He passed away in 1858. During the manifestation of the Holy Spirit at another occasion, eighty of our people were arrested and sent to prisons. It was at this time that David Yesseyevich through false witness and testimony was imprisoned for 780 days. After his return from Rumania, with the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit, he wrote the book, "The Mirror of the Soul". He served the Lord until his death in 1876. Maxim Gavrilovich Rudometkin was born in the Spiritual Christian Faith. He was raised in the belief of the Holy Spirit, and began to serve the Lord at the youthful age of eight. Because of his prophecies and preaching he was arrested in 1858. He was bound in irons and forced to walk to his place of imprisonment. The long and tedious journey lasted for two years. During

8 9 his imprisonment he secretly wrote the book, "Spirit and Life". This book contains fourteen different manuscripts which were secretly taken out of prison. On one occasion, when visitors were permitted to see him, Maxim Gavrilovich, pretending to have gone insane, grabbed one of our forefathers, and in the scuffle put into his pockets some of the manuscripts. These manuscripts were later assembled and they now compose our book, "Spirit and Life". This is the same book that is taught and read in our homes and churches today. The fate of our great leader, Maxim Gavrilovich, never has been revealed. At the early age of 12 years, Efim Garasimovich Kluhnikin, just as he started his schooling in Nikitino, In the year 1855, received God's revelation, and for seven days and seven nights he was its Holy Spirit, during which time he fulfilled and wrote what the Spirit told him. The Lord makes everything possible; a child that knew no writing, wrote. He drew plans in picture form, wrote revelations and prophecies for songs and prayers. All his writings had a religious background with all thoughts pointing to the immigration to the Promised Land. He mentioned the struggles of the forefathers to evade service in army, prophecies on immigration, and the reward for all righteous and religious people, a thousand years of peaceful life on this earth. In his vision occurred something that only God could make prophecy possible. He gave this young man three events that will happen, and when the third one occurs, that is the given time for his people to go to the Promised Land. As the years went by this prophet watched for these signs to happen. The first sign is: That people will gather for midnight prayers under influence of the Holy Spirit. The second sign is: The appearance of almost daylight at night. The third sign: Will find the people in Holy Spirit gathering together in spirit of a big event to come; like the coming of Christ. When this third sign became a reality, the prophet went from village to village, telling the people that the time has come for the Molokans to leave Russia, to escape all the bloodshed that is to come on all Europe. God has given warning to his people to leave. The believers will be saved, and those who fail to pay heed to the Almighty, will perish or go through unseen sufferings.

After the completion of the migration to TransCaucasia, our people lived in peace and contentment for many years, enjoying the fruits of their hard-earned freedoms. Then in the year 1881, after the death of Alexander II, came a new governmental decree, taking away the right of freedom from military service, which our people possessed. From the time of their eviction from Russia, no Spiritual Christian Molokan had been forced into military service. Immediately our forefathers informed the new government, in the form of petitions, of our basic religious opposition to the training or participation of military nature. These petitions were ignored, the youth of the Molokan faith were forced into compulsory military training. Many of the faithful refused to serve in the armed forces. They were exiled into the wilds of Siberia, where they underwent cruel tortures for their religious belief. This, however, did not deter others to insist for their rights to serve the Lord in the manner in which they had been taught. The government continued to force some of the youth into military training. This caused our elders to look for other avenues of escape. And from here on the elders of churches started campaigning among the people secretly, because of the strict watch of the Greek Orthodox officials - about 1898.

In the year of 1900 a petition was presented to Tsar Nicholas, which read in part as follows:

Your Imperial Highness: In the strength of Spiritual Christian teachings, the existence of compulsory military training is against our religious beliefs. According to our teachings, we cannot accept military training or participation in wars in any way. Our young men are resolved to accept the full penalties for their refusal to submit to

9 10 military training. With this fact in mind, because we do not wish to have our people suffer, yet at the same time, we have no wish to go against the laws of this country. Therefore, we ask Your Imperial Highness to free our people from bearing arms. If this be refused, to grant us the right to leave this, our homeland, to places of our own choosing.

In the spring of the same year, delegates Philip M. Shubin, Ivan G. Samarin, and from the Constants Sect, Buchneff, were sent to the new world, America, to investigate the possibilities of future settlement. On their return the first two delegates, Shubin and Samarin, brought good tidings from their far mission. The government of Canada offered them freedom of religious belief; also freedom from compulsory military training for a limited time of 99 years. The report of the laws of the government of the proved to be more promising. Its constitution guaranteed the freedom of religious beliefs and freedom from compulsory military training for all time. Here was truly the Promised Land for all religious Molokans. In the meantime, Buchneff presented an opposite picture to his followers, stating neither of the governments were very good. This aroused much debate between the Constants and Jumpers. The difference of opinion tended to cool many. But the truly religious only strove that much harder to ful- fill the prophecy of immigrating to the Promised Land. Many chosen delegates were sent to see the Tsar and the Viceroy of Kars, in the period of 1900- 1904, but all of their requests were presented to the Tsar by delegates Philip M. Shubin and Ivan G. Samarin.

Your Imperial Highness: Your refusal to grant us the right of refusing to serve in the military training or immigration from Russia has made us stronger in our beliefs and we are ready to make any sacrifice with the aid of the Holy Spirit to attain our objectives. Looking back at our forefathers and their struggles for religion, we deem it an honor that we also may sacrifice ourselves in order to gain our religious rights. Therefore we ask you, Imperial Highness, let us leave our country in peace and with no more punishment to our people. We implore you to use your power to give the oppressed their longing for freedom of religious beliefs.

On the return of the delegates, they were seized and thrown into jail in the city of Kars. Shortly thereafter all of the Molokans in the vicinity of Kars were summoned by the government officials and questioned about their anti-war activities. The Spiritual Holy Jumpers refused to accept military training or to give up their anti-war beliefs, asking only for the freedom to immigrate to the Promised Land. The Constants were not as firm in their stand, and showed a weakness, by asking favoritism for the chances of militarism for their brothers. This caused the government to favor those that were willing to suffer and struggle for their beliefs. The officials at this time softened and God's will was granted. The Molokans (Spiritual Jumpers) received the fruits of their Spiritual Guidance. The Spiritual Jumpers at this time prayed to the Lord to help them do the right things, not only to save themselves from future evil, but to keep their youth intact and away from the war mongered. The Holy Spirit moved them to make plans for immediate migration. Only the people who lived for the Lord God alone could make the sacrifices that followed. A few that were prosperous had to part with their belongings for almost nothing. Hard earned homes and farm implements were given away to relatives and neighbors, who did not answer the call of the Holy Spirit. The most heartrending moments were when close family ties were broken, parents stayed, only to have their children go. Brothers and sisters and life-long friends were parted.

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Members of the Spiritual Christian Jumpers Sect, who were conscientious religious objectors to war, obtained their passports without any trouble. However, the Constants Sect, who favored military laws, had a different experience. Passports were rarely issued to them. Because of their constant struggles for their beliefs, the majority of our people were very poor. A large contingent wanted to leave immediately, but few were able, lacking the necessary funds. The first few groups bought their own fares. In the fall of 1904 the first group was ready to leave. Their joy was intense, mingled with humble prayer for the guidance of God, through the Holy Spirit. The United States was destined to be their Promised Land. The migrations were made by railway and steamship lines. Groups of one hundred fifty or less traveled together. There were two routes of travel: Tiflis, Hamburg, New York to , or Tiflis, Marseilles, Panama to Los Angeles. The shorter of the two routes took about thirty- five days for the fee of two hundred dollars for each person. The longer route was two to four times as expensive. The migration lasted until 1911 when the gates of the promised land were closed. Upon arriving they started to work for passage of those that were left behind. Their meager and hard earned money was too slow a process of getting the balance of our people to the promised land. Through the efforts of the elders of the sect a credit was established with the steamship and railway companies. This was another blessing and our people started to migrate in full stride. The credit plan was very simple. Each debtor paid for his transportation to the United States after his arrival. No interest was charged. Suffering usually comes to those who struggle for their faith and it did not escape our people. Im- mediately upon reaching their destination they sought employment, with the first objective to clear themselves of debt to the steamship and railway companies. This they succeeded in doing only at the cost of great sacrifices. Wages were very low, the average earnings being about two dollars a day. They lived on almost nothing in order to honor their debts. To further their predicament they were in a strange land, with a different language, new customs and ways of life. Through all of these new phases of life, our people settled down and continued their former ways of living. This new environment did not change their beliefs or sincerity of believing. The Holy Spirit was there to guide and help them meet all of the hardships that were encountered. Approximately three thousand five hundred men, women and children migrated to the United States. In the meantime, or several years later, an ominous war cloud began to cover the civilized world. One malevolent nation, at the expense of others, started to gain its greedy objectives. Before long over ten world powers were entangled in the bloody struggle, which continued its havoc from 1914 to 1918. Hunger and disease followed hand in hand with the war, and suffering was intense throughout the world. Our people were almost penniless, thus they suffered more hardships. Food and clothing were high and their scanty earnings afforded them poor and crowded living quarters. Into this chaotic picture entered the most dreaded of ordeals, the registering of men for war. This, their promised land, was forced into war. On May 18, 1917, all eligible men were ordered to register for the draft. With the aid of the Holy Spirit our people sought the channel to evade this new, but old measure. Thanking the Lord for his help, the elders gave vent to joyous feeling, as their youth began to lead in this new venture. The young men were following the footsteps of their forefathers, to preserve the beliefs that had caused so much suffering. So with clean hearts they continued their crusade in their churches and homes, by preaching the teaching of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. Simultaneous with this movement, elders were sent to Washington, D.C. Philip M. Shubin, Ivan G. Samarin and Mihael P. Pivovaroff were the delegates chosen to present a petition to the President of the United States, also to the Secretary of War, to obtain freedom from military service for their followers.

The Petition follows:

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To His Excellency, the Hon. Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States. Petition of the Russian Colony of Sectarians, Spiritual Christians-Jumpers - domiciled in Los Angeles, California, and other parts of the United States. We have the honor to herewith report to you that we are Russian farmers, followers of the faith of Spiritual Christians - Jumpers - this faith being opposed to military service and bearing of arms. Our forefathers were persecuted for their faith by the government of the Tsar of Russia, and we suffered much bitter persecution, were tortured, flogged with rods and knout, sometimes with fatal results; were also confined in fortresses, convents, mines, and were banished from the beautiful parts of the interior of Russia to Siberia and dreary Asiatic Trans-Caucasia. Much innocent blood of the members of our sect was shed, and many were put in irons and hand-cuffed. When military conscription was established in the Trans-Caucasia, rather than bear arms and perform military service, we determined to leave our Fatherland, our homes, our cultivated lands, as well as all of our belongings, and come to America, the land of freedom and peace. We arrived in America the first decade of the present century, and we have since been toiling here, performing hard labor in order that we might maintain ourselves and our families and not become a burden to others. The present military conscription laws seem to apply to us as aliens, but registering our names on the rosters of the military recruits is to us to be in violation of the tenets of our faith. Therefore we deem it wise to beg leave to advise you at this early date, that on account of great violence to the doctrines of our faith and to our conscience, we cannot willingly agree to enlist in the Army of the United States, and beg to claim exemption from the military duty and to petition for protection, in future, in case of possible persecution for refusal to bear arms. We further beg leave to transmit to you herewith a copy of a declaration made by the members of our community in Los Angeles, California, on the 28th day of May, 1917. All told, the followers of our sect in America can be estimated at approximately four thousand of both sexes, including children. Asking that our people may be granted exemption from military service on account of their religious faith, this petition is most respectfully submitted to your excellency for consideration.

Signed by the authorized delegates of the Community on this second day of June, A. D. 1917.

The 65th Congress of the United States granted various religious sects a rating of 4F. Thus our people gained their objectives in living up to their forefathers' Bible teachings, not to kill their fellow men. The Spiritual Christian Jumpers, rightful freedom was given to them under the watchful eyes of the war officials. Through the negotiations of Ivan G. Samarin, gave full religious freedom to a small group of Molokans living there. In the meantime in the vicinity of Phoenix, Arizona, a group of Molokan youth, thirty-four to be exact, refused to register on the given date. In due time they were seized and sent to prison. Twenty- eight of the men served ten months and were released The remaining six men continued their strong crusade and went through brutal ordeals, because of their strong stand. They were later released at the conclusion of the war. The Molokans were asked to help the war cause by investing money in war bonds. To do this was impossible, as it was directly against their faith. Through careful study our people came to the conclusion to help the needy and sufferers by supplying money and material needs. To this the officials of the government consented. The Spiritual Christian Jumpers showed their new government that their religion is as strong as life itself. To suffer for their religion was to live their religion. Whatever happens or wherever they may

12 13 go, the same Holy Spirit will persist and will aid the true Molokans in fulfilling the Commandment of God . . . Thou shalt not kill.