The Oxford Democrat
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JQS3B The VOLUME 85. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1918. NUMBER 42. theae the ο rack German of wounded the throit ration regulations. Ke mad· thU an- S. BRIOG8, AMONG FARMERS ΛΙΛ· the MatJoui Drink. of the 103d Among troop· Bangor, through CARL THE ▲ Brief History Infantry. \ the 28th end the 5th Prussian a machine ballet, with ble ear nouncement because of Increase In Joiuu^ New York, la Hoard·· regiment, by gun Dentist Guard·. torn by abrepnel. oontlnued to lead NEW ENGLAND NEWS to the effect that grocers niSÏÏL?· and oomplalnts MAINS. β pud Bel lean Wood vu. taken held· men until foroed to retire MWQMUj ΡΑΚΙ S, τη Flow.·· e,lk khe ®***onal Which Jor are se ling large amounts of wheat 50ΓΤΑ Valiant Accomplishments and Honors Won by Thla Regiment, of and has now been obristened "Bois de la eld. He left with the etal* a. μ. to 5 r. m. S ρ®, KL·***· weeping, than 20 cent ot Hoeri : 9 drink? TliiNmitboQitiidirnanti de Marines". It Is the for all flour with less per 0:9ο· the OM Second Maine Is ■ Part. Brigade fight meal thai hie boya would be up IN TABUMD FORM iirea to children. * m0Tenïenl· I oanaot *o and In some cases with- OmmmMmi oa practical these woods whtoh George Patallo end be would not be there to "Joloaw tof substitutes, .χ âUiBtiJD Teiepîioae 24S-4 aertoaltaral topic Ihlnk ûf oî»I0 It. Snob le wihnWKl. Addrses all wmlMHMi la- «gelnat vividly described in the Saturday Even- them. The 26th Divlalon, unsupported, out substitutes at att. tented tor tkla .'fil w?1ar*ameet * lew department to BUT D breweries Post of Slst in his artioie noshed on to end which Λ PAKK. Binon, Antoaltaxa) BdMor 0*for<i Dea> or nK°t.e?riohkat " ing Aognst Eplede Trugny of State Albert P. L*ng- tRJCK di.trld wonld enrich the a town wu Itmt All Secretary ft oom. Parts. Ms. π»».- The «tory of the 103d U. 3. Infantry, In whloh Maine takM anob entitled "Hellftood". they aleo reduced. The latter efInterest Fran li,e ««sumer, the following returned to Boston from Wash- At Law, direct interest, became the old Seoond Maine il a part of It, bee been pre- During this for Belleaa leken by the Maine boy·, but only after try Attorneys oommnnU tMM,,er' ■Ddthe wor,d personal straggle that the MAIN I. for tbe In tbe Liberty Loan campaign, and baa Wood, two battalions of the Third repeated and costly o the piece ington after being Informed ▼sra^ssî-1^would never be any pared speaker· participating SictiNS of YaokMisHl SfTHXL, C. Park Save Your Seed Beau Now. been naed them. Tbla aa bare waa for nae Amerioan Division were sent in to waa full of machine •ttaok^guns and reeieted to of war will not penult any *lierj federal ^tu on already by given prepared especially sap- secretary I.Htrr'.ct fadZJ osilk—to the oontrary, I on ^KMoc (θ. B. Baauey, Extoastoa In Kennebec bat la of ldtereat to tbe wbole state. Tbe of It port the Seoond Division. It was the death. The division then puebed overseas the of PatholoRUt.) ehould *· ·*®η>·<1 Connty, oompllere their one to go for purpose One of the moat bave acoeaa to anthentlo aoarcea of and while It not be aocnrate first time in bnt the» held the to Fere-enMardenois, where it waa re- Proclaim· Columbus Day. D. ΡΑΛΚ· fundamental princi- it to the ooneamor a m Information, may line, the votes of the soldiers :Si®T »ΆΕΛ*"*get at mini am the Rainbow Dlvialoo. In tble of KftMMhu- obtaining \ ples of good orop production le often in every detail, It la anbatantiaily correct. position through Belleaa Wood and un- lieved by Governor McCall, on be for the November election. Mr. Lang- Auctioneer, overlooked. Tbat In order to til the Marines hsd taken a much needed drlre, ae well ae In the acaone Bette in a on Columbus Lioeûe»ed ie, here a The Second Maine wu one of the beet made for an at· proclamation Gov- THK DAIBTMAW great preparation rest. The marines Toul credit le doe the try with Lewis Sullivan of the stood flret olaee crop of a then went bsck into sector, great dlrécte attention to the anything, yon National Guard regiment· In the United taok oo -the American Hoe·. From Day, special Baxter moat seed olean and ne'ionai it position and held until relieved the artillerymen of the division for the. mag- ernor's council and Modéra*· Jiave good free from beverage State·. It wu to war German officer it waa by observance of the day thia year. In Charleses. „JSI * bronght atrengtb captured later, Yankee nificent and a committee disease to itart with. onr atimulua to the dairy Division. This was accom- ability, courage, had been appointed by Many of two months before any other white learned that the German· planned to hie the governor says ΐ Amu red a market It on when our ness with whlob bandied the» gun·, proclamation as th<> K. Moorhouee wore! plant diseaaea are oarrled over from mdoitry. steady en- for Informa- plished 'July 4tb, New tbey Got. McCall to make the trip Irwin regiment in the oountry, via: 2002 take American prisoners Their In "In view of the striking sig- Dr. rear to or would mean more dairies and better England of the 26th Division took both lleht and heavy. eplendld part: state.* year by infected badly die. men and 58 offioer·. The tion and then to on boys official representatives of the listed repre- purposes, push over the of the of the OSTEOPATH eased seed. it oow·; aanitary barns and sanitary hand- the line held by the Marine·, work mad® deede Infantrymen nificance the holiday present MAINE Therefore, may readily sentative of the American Railway As- tbrongb Xivray to Tool and Bonco, the number hou»«. NORWAY. be seen tbat tbe 1 ng of milk. The more oowa, the and oconppied a sector about possible and greatly reduoed year I deem it moit fitting to direct Permits were granted by the Gov·· ^ Nathawav very first etep In pre- great- sociation stated that the three divisions their Nine artillery trains extending jo-m er the soil The made objectives. five and a half from on issued to a Tci.'phooe paring for next year's is to make fertility. profit were ieen llnea miles, Torcy the attention to It by a proclam- ernment and the charter orop of tbia regiment unloaded at Westfield to poll Into the German and from especial Sunday· by sore tbat by tbe farmer on milk woold be re- north to Chateau on the sooth. from Maine Ααβ°·* ». 7·8 eTe|7 J*y· yon bare plenty of good bealtby in ten minutes, a world's reoord. on the afternoon preoeding the attaok, Thierry ^Theboy· ation. There are few anniversaries group of Lynn and Waldboro, Me., Bwr»'Mi. seed. tarded him to the oonsnmer In a just The Frenoh were in articula- ta lead the van In the (?reat drive that ippoJatfflcot. by At Westfleld this Maine was and others were beard to arrive that operating in human which make a men for the Medomak Shipbuilding 4« wtl*> have loel faith Id ! regiment on In the.reduction of the history t Tbe one more abaadaot of farm tion the right and left flanks. later resulted .M^ooâtby. 47tf bean, of our valuable orop· supply products men from the 1st New The aaaanlt waa an the cour- be located at Wadboro, coo β lenca. ·* ooat. augmented by night. preoeded by On as Marne and the ereat German re- stronger appeal. It recalls Company, to ?··<* bere in is a low It woold lift the business July 11th, they took op their eallenr, Maine, subject to very de- Regiment, and later from the intense bombardment of the town of river In the old of to a still Hampshire position in the Chateau treat, which Is still under way. They age snd faith of the great admiral on the Medomak structive disease known as Anthraonose, farming higher plane. 8th Mass. and became the 103 Infantry and the baok areas for a distanoe Thierry line, Xivray General as commander of formed the spear bead of the great who could not be deterred by the where the well known Palmer & Parker, often improperly called rust. As it THX 8ELLKB into the 26tb of twelve milea. Following the bom- Edwards, the yards "Bisbee Regiment. Incorporated 26th Issued the thrnst. were for an Impor- nor masters was built and AT LAW tbis disease is oarried over Id followed bardment tbe ^Germans sent forward Division, following order Tbey p'oked ridicule of his associates daunt- fleet of six and wiii.NSELLORS happens the glorious «pec* Division, this regiment a and t tJTOe^YS to hi· troop·: tant service In crlticsl sector, y Governor Ames tbe need, therefore tbe more effective .J?· /oa to the to Prance and this division wan nome aix hundred picked sboôk-troops. ed by the terrors of unknown seas." where the famous op hotel Pershing Headquarter· 26th Division justified the confidence of their·αρβΓ»οτβι. Maine. method of combating it is by seed selec- hSbar Ϊη/Λ.?*0with his wife ■tandi1D<f and ohlidren the first full division to arrive on French Their oame ahead and blew yu launched. The yards have been Bumford, refreshing engineers Amerioan Force Tbey took what tbey went after. tion. tbe themselves soil. is now known as the Yankee tbe barbed wire. Then oame the Expeditionary and Everyone recognises presence with milk? No screens It liquid- wee attained.