MOMBASA in the LAND and SEA EXCHANGES of EAST AFRICA *)2) with 12 Figures and 2 Tables
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16 Erdkunde Band XVII MOMBASA IN THE LAND AND SEA EXCHANGES OF EAST AFRICA *)2) With 12 Figures and 2 Tables Irene S. van Dongen Mombasas Rolle im Land- und See Zusammenfassung: tense Arab-Portuguese rivalry in those parts of handel Ostafrikas. eastern Africa. Subsequently, the Omani sheikhs Dieser Aufsatz untersucht das historische Wachstum und of southeastern Arabia control of Mom die von schon seit ein be gained Ausbreitung Mombasa, langem when deutender Seehafen Ostafrikas. Besonders betont wird die basa and ruled it from Muscat until 1832, was to As a Entwicklung des Hafens wahrend der europaischen Herr their capital removed Zanzibar. his nun zu schaft in Ostafrika, die ihrem Ende geht. Die drei torical seaport of some renown (Fig. 1), Mom wichtigsten Faktoren, die zu dieser bemerkenswerten Ent basa was also at times other Asian and Mombasas sind: die Orts eclipsed by wicklung beigetragen haben, a) on the western of der die sowohl fiir die Hochseeschiffahrt als Portuguese outposts margins lage Stadt, on monsoon auch fiirdie Anlage der Stadt besondereVorteile bot; b) die the Indian Ocean, all living the Art und Weise in welcher schwerere Guter in Ostafrika navigation between Africa and Asia. Chief among wurden und die zur dafi der transportiert Folge hatte, these were Mogadishu, Patta, Lamu, Malindi, Flufi des Handels sich in Mombasa brennpunktartig kon Zanzibar, Kilwa Kisiwani, Island, zentrierte; c) der wirtschaftliche und soziale Fortschritt im Mozambique and the farthest down the eastern Hinterland vom Mombasa im Vergleich zum Hinterland Sofala, point anderer Hafen Ostafrikas. African coast where the influence of the mon Die Tabellen I und II zeigen die Verteilung des ostafri soons could be felt3). kanischen Handels nach Art und nach Giitern zwischen The colonies of the East African sea Dar es Lindi und Mtwara. trading Mombasa, Salaam, Tanga, bord functioned in of their Figur 3 zeigt die Lage der Ursprungsgebiete des Seehandels largely ignorance a of im Hinterland. Ein eigener Abschnitt beschreibt die gegen backcountries, although faint pattern barter wartig zur Verfiigung stehenden Hafeneinrichtungen auf trade was woven across the mainland through a der am Kilindini Terminus der Tiefwasser Mombasa-Insel, chain of willing tribal intermediaries. At the fahrrinne und im Hafen von Alt-Mombasa, der immer noch ocean end of overland trails ivory, gold, some von Segelschiffen und einigen Kiistenschiffen benutzt wird. and slaves were received for Es kann gezeigt werden, dafi sich die Stadt Mombasa spices, Negro ship ment parallel mit der Zunahme des Umschlages des Hafens be overseas while certain products of Asian im zu ihrer deutend ausdehnte, und dafi Vergleich urspriing origin such as cloth, ironware, and beads found lichen einfachen Rolle, das Einfallstor zum ostafrikanischen their to the interior. As a the inhabi Plateau zu eine ihrer Funktionen ein way rule, sein, Differenzierung tants of coastal settlements showed little inclina getreten ist. Im Laufe der Jahrzehnte vollzogen sich auch to viele Veranderungen der iiberseeischen Beziehungen Mom tion penetrate deep inland until the first half basas mit der Aufienwelt, einschliefilich der Kustenbezie of the 19th century when their hunt for slaves Es steht aufier dafi die Kolo hungen. Zweifel, sogenannte reached the region of the great African lakes. nialperiode viel Wohlstand nach Mombasa gebracht hat. that time, theMasai warriors had swept Natiirlich erhebt sich nun die Frage, welche Auswirkungen But, by die bevorstehenden politischen Veranderungen auf Mom This is one of a series on African basa haben und welche der Bau neuer Eisen *) study tropical ports werden, Folgen con prepared under a Columbia University, New York, bahnlinien, der soeben durchgefuhrt wird, auf den Zustrom tract with the U.S. Office of Naval des ostafrikanischen Handels zum Hafen haben wird. Nach Research, Geography D. C. under the direction of W. A. dem die Mombasa-Insel offiziell nicht zum Gebiet von Branch, Washington, Hance, Professor of Economic Geography. As previously Kenya, sondern zu dem Teil des ostafrikanischen Kiisten the drafting of maps and graphs is due to the skilled landes gehort, das nach wie vor dem Sultan von Zanzibar, hand of V. Kotschar, M. A. Reproduction of all or in dem ehemaligen Beherrscher Ostafrikas, untersteht, ist der part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Besitz von Mombasa selbst noch Gegenstand von Verhand Government. Sincere appreciation is expressed here to the zwischen den unabhangigen ostafrikanischen Staaten. lungen Office of Naval Research for continued financial support and to the many officials and private individuals in East Africa and the United for their assistance On the eastern African coast, one of the pro Kingdom during the author's fieldwork in 1960. A debt of thanks minent areas of the ancient and modern special trading is acknowledged to Sir James Farquharson, then the Act as a focus of maritime world, Mombasa has stood ing Commissioner for Transport and General Manager of to his commerce for nearly one thousand years. The the East African Railways and Harbours, and all initial settlement was founded in 975 staff for unfailing courtesy, the travel facilities extended, presumably and the of much information. a of exiled Shirazi In supply intra-departmental by group (Persian) princes. 2) East Africa, as understood in this paper, applies contenders for the were recent the ensuing centuries, posses essentially to the three land units which until sion of the port-city were many and Mombasa ly known as British East Africa. war 3) See L. W. Hollingsworth, A Short History of the was repeatedly laid waste in outbursts of East Coast of Africa, London, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., fare. five hundred of the Shirazi de Thus, years Zenj 1959, 182 p; C. R. Boxer and C. Azevedo, Fort Jesus were seizure of the empire ended by Portuguese and the Portuguese in Mombasa, London, Hollis Carter, port in 1505, which initiated two centuries of in 1960, 144 p. Irene S. van Dongen: Mombasa in the land and sea exchanges of East Africa 17 other Protectorate the various kingdoms of the After the First World " " ~ " " 'r present Uganda. War, ^m0' ? MOM BAZA *'= ^ | r"^T? Great Britain's authority extended by virtue of a mandate of the League of Nations to the for mer German Colony of Tanganyika which be came a United Nations Trustee Territory under British administration after the Second World War. Through various administrative changes, Mombasa Island and the adjoining mainland strip, 10 miles in width and 52 miles in length, have continued to belong nominally to the for mer ruler of East Africa, the Sultan of Zanzibar, but have been leased to the British government against the payment of a yearly rent of ? 10,000. De jure, the coastal belt has been a separate political entity known as the Kenya Protecto rate. De facto, it was absorbed economically within British East Africa, for Mombasa Island had become the only overseas trade gateway both 1: of Mombasa in olden times Illu /*7g. Port-city (From to Kenya and Uganda and also served some parts striorum Italiae Urbium Tabulae cum Appendice Cele of At mid-20th century, all ancient briorum in Maris Mediterranei Insulis Civitatum, Amster Tanganyika. to Mombasa had and the dam, Joannis Janssoni, 1617?). port competitors gone, terminal reigned supreme over the other modern regional points of land-sea transfer: Tanga, Dar from the north into the savanna plateaus of the es Salaam, Lindi and Mtwara (see Table I). present central Kenya, displacing the former Bantu occupants4) and constantly to en seeking What causes have contributed to this pre large the grazing grounds for their herds of cat eminence of Mombasa, what position does the tle. Reports of their fierce attacks on the slave seaport hold at present in relation to other re caravans caused the disruption of the tenuous sys heads and what appears to be its future tem of communications from Mombasa. Arab gional prospects in the light of latest events in East dealers thereafter favored the routes lying Africa? This paper attempts to provide some through central Tanganyika and conveyed answers to these questions. As Kenya, Uganda, groups of captured slaves to the leading regional and Tanganyika are entering the age of indepen emporium at Zanzibar from new embarcation dence, the ownership of Mombasa Island with its points on the East African shore, just opposite precious portuary facilities looms as a highly Zanzibar and Pemba islands. The most impor controversial point on the regional scene. Tan tant were and which again Bagamoyo Pangani, may to let its trade now bid to Mombasa. ganyika actually prefer eclipse Mombasa accrue to domestic sea The fortunes of Mombasa as an ocean head passing through terminals. Landlocked has a certain were when the inte Uganda changed entirely, however, measure of choice between the and Tan rior of East Africa to be the Kenya began opened by coasts, the routes via after the Berlin Conference in ganyika although Kenya European powers and Mombasa are shorter and of 1885 and the in 1890. long-standing Anglo-German Agreement usage. But views with alarm the The area of was Kenya possibi present Kenya occupied by of not free access to the Great Britain in known as the East lity having absolutely 1895, being seaboard it has come to consider its own. The Africa Protectorate until 1920. During the deca forthcoming African government has been in de 1892-1902, the British consolidated into an sistent upon the incorporation of the coastal strip within the confines of the new state. On 4) It is generally assumed that five or six centuries after Kenya the time of Jesus Christ, a wave of Bantu peoples had the other hand, the arabicized coastal populations spilled into East Africa, wresting living space from the strongly oppose this arrangement, claiming a re original Bushmanoid hunters and some Nilotic tribes which of effective rule while the had descended in the era from the sumption by Zanzibar, pre-Christ Ethiopian Bantu tribes near the coast waver in highlands.