Richard Helms, Who Was the Director of the F?IA During the Period in Question, and Mr
WEDNESDAY, SEP!l’EMBEE 1’7, 1975 U.S. SENATE, SELECT Commmm To S3runy GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS WITH &c&mc~ To kl%LLICJENCE AC-, wa.&ingtolt, D.C. The committee met pursuant to notice at 10 a.m. in room 318, Rus- sell Senate Office Building, Senator Frank Church (chairman) presiding. Present : Senators Church, Tower, Mondale, Huddleston, Morgan, Hart of Colorado, Baker, Mathias, and Schweiker. Also present: William G. Miller, staff director; Frederick A. 0. Schwarz, Jr., chief counsel ; Curtis R. Smothers, counsel to the minorit . The E HAIRMAN. The hearing will please come to order. Our first witnesses ap rmg today are Mr. Richard Helms, who was the Director of the f? IA during the period in question, and Mr. Thomas Karamesaines, who was the Deputy Director for Plans (oper- ations) during that period. They are appearing together at the witness table, and gentlemen, I ask you to stand now to take the oath. Do you solemnly swear that all the testimony you will give in this proceeding will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Ambassador HELMB. I do. Mr. KARAMESSINEB. I do. The CHIN. Before I ask counsel to commence with the ques- tions, since I understand that you do not have an opening state- ment---- TESTIMONY OF AMBASSADOR RICNARD HELMS, FORMER DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIC+ENCE AGENCY, ACCOMPANIED BY THOMAS KARAMESSINES,FORlER DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR PLANS, CEN- TRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Ambassador HUMS. That is correct, Mr. Chairman. The CHAIRMAN. I have a letter I would like to read that came to me this morning from Mr.
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