Ifla Journal
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IFLA IFLA JOURNAL Offi cial Journal of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Volume 35 (2009) No. 2, pp. 89–208. ISSN 0340–0352 SAGE Publications CONTENTS Editorial: Focus on IFLA Stephen Parker . 91 The President’s Page Claudia Lux, President of IFLA, 2007–2009 . 93 Libraries in Italy: a brief overview Mauro Guerrini with the collaboration of Giovanna Frigimelica . 94 Stimulating IFLA’s Ethical Conscience: FAIFE 2003–2009 Paul Sturges . 117 Global Library Statistics Simon Ellis, Michael Heaney, Pierre Meunier and Roswitha Poll . 123 Diffusion of Professional Norms: the impact of IFLA in South Africa Peter G. Underwood . 131 The School Library Development Programme in Pallisa District, Uganda: an impact study Elisam Magara and Charles Batambuze . 141 Information Literacy in Students Entering Higher Education in the French Speaking Community of Belgium: lessons learned from an evaluation Paul Thirion and Bernard Pochet . 152 Effective Mentoring Shin Freedman . 171 REPORTS IFLA and Language Diversity Sofi a Kapnisi . 183 International Conference of Asian Special Libraries (ICoASL 2008): Report Sanjay K. Bihani . 186 NEWS (with separate Table of Contents) . 187 INTERNATIONAL CALENDAR . 195 SOMMAIRES 197 — ZUSAMMENFASSUNGEN 198 — RESÚMENES 201 — Pефераты статей 202 . 197 Notes for Contributors . 205 Visit http://ifl .sagepub.com Free access to tables of contents and abstracts. Site-wide access to the full text for members of subscribing institutions. IFLA Journal Offi cial Journal of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ISSN 0340-0352 [print] 1745-2651 [online] Published 4 times a year in March, June, October and December Editor: Stephen Parker, Apt. 1C, Edifício Rosa dos Ventos, Rua Rosa Parracho 27, Cascais 2750-778, Portugal. E-mail: [email protected] Editorial Committee David Miller (Chair), Levin Library, Curry College, Milton, MA, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Sanjay Kumar Bihani, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi, India. E-mail: [email protected] Galina Kislovskaya, Russian State Children’s Library, Moscow, Russian Federation. Filiberto Felipe Martinez-Arellano, University Center for Library Science Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico. E-mail: [email protected] Ellen Ndeshi Namhila, University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia. E-mail: [email protected] Omnia M. Sadek, Library & Information Science Dept, College of Arts & Social Science, Sultan Quaboos University, Muscat - Oman. E-mail: [email protected] Réjean Savard, École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada. E-mail: [email protected] Christobal Pasadas Ureña, Universidad de Granada Biblioteca, Facultad de Psicología, Granada, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Christine Wellems, Buergerschaftskanzlei, Parlamentarische Informationsdienste, Hamburg, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] Wu Jianzhong, Shanghai Library, Shanghai, China. E-mail: [email protected] Stephen Parker (United Kingdom) (Editor, ex offi cio) Publisher SAGE, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore and Washington DC. Copyright © 2009 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. UK: Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, and only as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Acts 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the Publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency (www.cla.co.uk/). US: Authorization to photocopy journal material may be obtained directly from SAGE Publications or through a licence from the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (www.copyright.com/). Inquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the Publishers at the address below. Annual subscription (4 issues, 2009) Free to IFLA members. Non-members: full rate (includes electronic version) £202/$374. Prices include postage. 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The IFLA Journal is abstracted/indexed in Library and Information Science Abstracts, Multicultural Education Abstracts, PAIS International and Sociological Abstracts. Typeset by Star Compugraphics Private Limited, Delhi, India Printed in Great Britain on acid-free paper by CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham, UK EDITORIAL Focus on IFLA Stephen Parker In the second paper, ‘Stimulating IFLA’s Ethical Conscience: FAIFE 2003–2009’, Paul Sturges, Chair This issue of IFLA Journal is scheduled to appear of the Free Access to Information and Freedom of In June 2009, well before the World Library and Expression (FAIFE) programme of IFLA, reviews Information Congress, to be held this year in three types of FAIFE activity– intervention, educa- Milan, Italy, from 23–27 August. To a greater tion and advocacy – from 2003 to 2009. Noting that, extent than usual, the issue focuses on various while FAIFE is still prepared to intervene in cases of aspects of IFLA and its activities, starting with threats to libraries, the predominant activity during the President’s Page by IFLA President Claudia the period was an education programme consisting Lux, in which she emphasizes that of training of trainers workshops using specially written sets of learning material and dealing with one of the best ways to present new ideas and the IFLA/UNESCO Internet Manifesto, Access develop our profession further is through your to HIV/AIDS Information, Libraries and Trans- participation in the IFLA Congress, where parency, and Public Access to Health Information. many of the active librarians of the world meet FAIFE’s advocacy work has centred on the creation every year to discuss new developments. of the IFLA Manifesto on Transparency, Good Gov- ernance and Freedom from Corruption. Claudia invites those who A different aspect of IFLA’s work is dealt with in the have the possibility to come to Milan, come up paper on ‘Global Library Statistics’, by Simon Ellis, and talk with me about libraries on the agenda Michael Heaney, Pierre Meunier and Roswitha and your new ideas for library development. Poll. The paper describes how the IFLA Section on Statistics and Evaluation, the UNESCO Institute This will be last President’s Page from Claudia Lux, for Statistics and the International Organisation who hands over as President in Milan to President- for Standardisation (ISO) committee TC 46 SC 8 elect Ellen Tise. ‘Quality – statistics and performance evaluation’ have joined forces in order to develop and test a The main article in this issue is specifi cally designed to new set of statistics that might be used by libraries prepare prospective Congress participants for their worldwide. The fi nal goal is that these statistics visit to Italy, and perhaps to compensate those who should be collected regularly on a national basis, so are unable to attend with a glimpse of what they that there will be reliable and internationally com- may be missing. In ‘Libraries in Italy: a brief over- parable data of library services and library use. view’, Mauro Guerrini and Giovanna Frigimelica continue the now established tradition of providing The next paper reports the results of a series of inter- an introduction to the libraries of the host country views and focus group discussions organized by for the current year’s Congress. Mauro Guerrini is Peter G. Underwood, Professor of Librarianship at President of the Italian Library Association (AIB), the University of Cape Town, which aimed to as- of which Giovanna Frigimelica is Secretary Gen- sess the impact of the work of IFLA, including its eral. Although their paper begins with the state- role in the development of information literacy ment that “the Italian library network is complex programmes, on the profession in South Africa. and diffi cult to explain”, the authors do an excel- ‘Diffusion of Professional Norms: the impact of lent job of describing some of the characteristics of IFLA in South Africa’ is based on the views of South this system, in a well-illustrated paper that covers African professionals who had attended the World national, university, special, public, school, and Library and Information Congress, 73rd IFLA Gen- ecclesiastical libraries, providing an overview of eral Conference, held in Durban from 19–23 August the main historical features as well as present-day 2007. The results indicated that IFLA has a strong trends, including professional education, legislation role to play in advice, guidance, and the develop- and new library projects. The